View Full Version : Rusty the 13 1/2 Yr Old Cocker crossed the bridge on April 2, 2009
Rusty's Mom
04-17-2009, 02:52 AM
First I want to say a big thank you to all who have responded to my many posts. It's been really hard for me to come back to the site to update. Thanks to Glynda for letting me know where I could post while we wait for the CC site to come back up.
Rusty passed on April 2, two weeks ago. Some of you knew already, but for those of you who didn't know and who gave so much encouragement, I say a big thank you.
I had taken Rusty to an IM for a second opinion on the trilo treatment, as it seems as though his symptoms were those of over-load or perhaps pancreatitis. After standing up "surfing" in the front seat of my sports car for 40 minutes on the way to the IM, he collapsed in the strange (unknown by him) examining room. Tests showed matasticized biliary cancer.
We picked him up from the IM and took him to his regular vet for his transition. When we placed him on the examining table there, a calm came over him. His eyes no longer showed worry. He knew he was in a place he loved (he loved his vet's office - he was there every Friday for grooming, etc.) and with people he knew and trusted. So many of the employees came in to say their goodbyes to Rusty. There were many hugs and tears all around.
If I have learned anything from this experience, it was that I would have had the CT or US done at the time of the original diagnosis or shortly thereafter. I'm not sure the cancer would have been visible, but if it was, then I probably would have handled his lack of appetite & malaise differently. So if anyone has an older dog and wonders about whether to get a scan of the abdominal cavity, I would definitely say yes. Of course, once I found this site and asked the question, you replied that an US should be done. My reasoning for not getting it was simply the cost of the tests leading up to the diagnosis and the cost of the meds to treat the disease. I knew the results of the US would not have changed my mind on treating the Cushing's. We would have kept Rusty with us as long as he had quality of life.
I will be posting a tribute to him at another time. As I've said before, "He was the cocker from hell, but he was OUR cocker from hell and we loved him dearly." He was both a terror and a lover; his personality was HUGE!
Rusty left a big, fuzzy paw print on our hearts; we miss him dearly!
Blessing to you all,
04-17-2009, 07:31 AM
(((Rusty's Mom)))
I understand your love for the "Cocker from hell" ... my most memorable and beloved dog was my "crazy" Border Terrier. I'll never forget him or stop loving him just like you. Your story is so sad but Rusty was certainly loved.
04-17-2009, 07:52 AM
MJ, I am so grateful that you have made your way to us here. I have thought about you so often, especially during this past week while the site has been down. As hard as it was for you to write about it, thank you so much for posting your sad news about Rusty. We know how much you loved him, and will always love him. And we know what a lucky boy he was to spend his life in your care.
Please do remain with us. With luck, we will soon be back online at But during the interim, we are all so grateful to have this "home" and refuge here.
Many (((hugs))) in loving memory of your precious boy,
04-17-2009, 12:30 PM
Hi MJ,
I'm so sorry to hear that you had to let Rusty go. I was chuckling at your description of him being "our cocker from hell"... I totally understand. You know how it is with these challenging pups... if it weren't for you, who knows what their life would have been like. They need a special family and you obviously were that gift to Rusty.
Bless you for caring so deeply for Rusty and for doing the last hardest thing for him.
04-17-2009, 12:44 PM
Dear MJ,
I was so sorry to hear that you have lost your Rusty. I think he was a very lucky boy to be a part of such a loving family and he sounds like a real character. As a fellow Cocker mom I know how these guys can get under your skin and into your heart.
Bless you for the loving and attentive care you have given him over the years and for having the strength to make that last difficult decision to let him go so gracefully.
{{{hugs}}} from Karen and Joe (Cocker)
Sabre's Mum
04-17-2009, 02:41 PM
I am so sorry to hear that Rusty has passed. I had wondered how anything was and I glad that you made it to this site update us.
Take care
Angela and Sabre
04-17-2009, 03:01 PM
I am so sorry that your precious Rusty is no longer with you. Your description of his transition brought tears to my eyes.
Peace, sweet Rusty.
Squirt's Mom
04-17-2009, 04:40 PM
Dear MJ,
Like Marianne, I have thought of you and Rusty often over the last week or so. Many thoughts have been with you even tho we couldn't share the words.
Rusty was such a lucky fellow to be loved by you. You did all you could to help him feel better and have no need for regrets. The ultrasound wouldn't have changed anything, other than to take away the hope you had for him after the cush diagnosis. Hope is such a powerful emotion, sustaining us during the hardest of times and Rusty needed you to be strong for as long as possible. And you were.
It is nice that he was able to be with so many who cared about him at the end along with his wonderful mom. You did the only thing you could have done for him and I know he is grateful to you.
Rusty will be with you always, watching over you with the same love and devotion you showed him. He has met many of our babies at the Bridge where they are all whole and healthy once again. When our time comes to join them, they will meet us there, tails wagging, grinning from ear to ear, overjoyed to be reunited.
A candle burns for you and Rusty at:
Feel free to light as many for him as you wish as often as you wish.
Our deepest sympathy,
Leslie, Squirt, Ruby, Goldie and Crystal
04-18-2009, 09:48 AM
I am so glad you have come back to let us know and I am so sorry Rusty has passed on. I could not help but cry reading your post and his moments of calm as he knew your love was helping him one more time to ease his pain.
I will make sure your Rusty is honored forever in the section Remembering all who have left us.
Rusty's Mom
04-18-2009, 10:29 AM
Wow, thanks to all for your support and kind words. This site produces new BFFs in an unique way. For those of you who have touched my life in a fleeting way and for those of you who changed me in a meaningful way, your support is immeasurable. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
It would be wonderful if all the vets knew of this website so they can tell their patients. I did searches on the internet, off and on for a few months, and came up with info, etc., but didn't find you. I think when you're overwhelmed, things don't always click clearly. We were in the 3rd month of Rusty's treatment before I found you. You were always there; it just didn't click. I would have loved to have joined in earlier. We were only part of the site for a couple of weeks prior to his passing.
As soon as the site is back up, I am going to inform all the vets in my area of this great support site and ask them to pass the info to their Cush parents. I challenge EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU to do the same. Cush parents need this support!
Rusty has changed my life forever in a different way than my other pets have. What a lovable scamp he was!!
Truffa's Mom
04-20-2009, 12:53 AM
I am very sorry that Rusty is no longer with you. Through your story I can see all the love that he built around your heart, this "dogsend" print will be with you forever.
My deepest sympathies
Marcela & The Choco Labs
04-20-2009, 01:11 AM
I am so sorry for your loss.
04-20-2009, 08:13 PM
Hi MJ,
I don't know if I mentioned this to you already, but there is a gallery available under your profile where you can upload pictures of your angel Rusty directly from your computer. I know we all would like to see more of Rusty's life with you.
Roxee's Dad
04-20-2009, 08:21 PM
Hi MJ,
It's been really hard to post to you as I feel I have traveled thru your trip with him. I have followed you and Rusty very closely and it is obvious how much you loved and cared for him. I am so, so sorry for your great loss. I am so sure he is watching over you from the Rainbow Bridge.
John (roxee's Dad)
04-20-2009, 11:37 PM
MJ - I am just now reading about you and Rusty. I am so sorry for your loss. I know Rusty will watch over you and greet you with an over-abundance of joy when you meet again someday. It always amazes me that so many from our board still have it in their heart to help others on the site in the midst of their sorrow. You are truly amazing. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Joyce, Pebbles & Angel
Miko's Mom
04-23-2009, 09:22 AM
Dear MJ, I am so sorry to hear about Rusty. I couldn't post to you before because I just lost Miko on 4/20. After reading your post as to what happened to Rusty it helped me to understand that there was probably something else with Miko besides the cushings. I always suspected that. I guess I will never know and it doesn't matter because it won't bring him back to me physically. I was thinking about that this morning and realized that in all of my frukids cases I never knew what really got them in the end. I am just thankful that I had them from the beginning until the end. Rusty was very lucky to have you. It is so apparant that you loved him dealy. It is a nice thought to think all our cushing furbabies that are no longer with us are playing together because of our support for one another.
Godspeed Rusty. Christine
Rusty's Mom
04-23-2009, 11:16 PM
Again, thank you so much for your kind posts. It's simply amazing to have such emotional support from a website that I joined about a month ago.
Christine, I guess we don't always know what happens in the end, do we? I know yours, too, came a bit more suddenly than you would have liked. My husband still says, "I just want 2 more days with him." Sometimes we don't get that extra time, then we have to think of all the fun times we have had with them. Thank you for your kind words.
I appreciate all the posts; they are very cathardic.
04-25-2009, 01:42 PM
Dear MJ,
I am so sorry for your loss of Rusty. From reading your story I can see how much you loved Rusty. He was lucky to have had a wonderful mom. My deepest sympathy.
04-25-2009, 02:16 PM
My sincere condolences on the loss of your beloved Rusty.
Jeannie and Zoe in NJ
Rusty's Mom
05-02-2009, 07:12 AM
What a wonderful support group you all are!
Your thoughtful, kind messages mean so much to me. Thank you!
I still check out this site on a regular basis. This site became so important to me - and that was in a 2-week time span. I can only imagine what it is like for those of you who have become friends for years.
Keep up the great work!
Again, thanks and blessings to you all,
Roxee's Dad
05-03-2009, 09:13 PM
Hi MJ,
So glad that you are still around and really good to hear from you. I hope time is helping the healing. Hang in there.
John (Roxee's Dad)
Rusty's Mom
05-03-2009, 11:37 PM
You're so kind! Yes, I'm still around. Folks, like you, on this site have really touched my heart. I cannot help anyone much medically, but from time-to-time I may be able to share a word or two of support.
How're things with you?
Roxee's Dad
05-04-2009, 10:07 AM
Hi MJ,
We are doing fine, thanks for asking.:) I am glad you are here, moral support is so important as you well know. It really helps us all get thru everyday. It helps to share the good days and the bad days with other like people that really do care.
Hang in there girl.
John (Roxee's Dad)
05-04-2009, 10:24 AM
Moral support does indeed mean so much!!!! MJ, I have noticed your kind posts to others, and I am also so glad to have you here with us. You and Rusty will always be members of our family, and your presence on the forum is a gift to us all (and is an ongoing honor to Rusty's memory :o).
Many (((hugs))) to you, today and everyday ~
Truffa's Mom
05-06-2009, 01:38 AM
MJ and angel Rusty,
I love seeing your posts and Rusty's avatar on different threads around this forum. It shows to me how big is your heart. And as Marianne said, your presence here will continue honoring your baby's memory.
Tonight a very special good night kiss to my babies, will fly directly to Rusty's forehead and to your heart.
Take good care of yourself.
Marcela & The Choco Labs
05-06-2009, 12:47 PM
Dear MJ,
So glad to see you're still here and staying in touch- I told Joe all about Angel Rusty and he sends you his love and a big sloppy kiss. I hope that time, the great healer, is bringing comfort and sweet memories to your heart. And thank you for continuing to share your kindness and compassion with us all.
from Karen
{{{butt wiggles}}}
from Joe
Rusty's Mom
05-06-2009, 06:38 PM
Karen, Ah, I hope Joe is giving lots of buttwiggles - I do miss those!!! Enjoy all you get!! How is our dear Joe doing??
Rusty's Mom
05-06-2009, 06:40 PM
Thanks for the sweet reference to "Angel Rusty." However, he might just be shoveling coal! ;^)
Miko's Mom
05-07-2009, 03:07 PM
Hi MJ, No way is Rusty shoveling coal. All dogs go to heaven. Besides it wouldn't be heaven if there wasn't some naughty goof balls there to keep things funny. Christine
05-07-2009, 03:34 PM
Hi MJ,
You know of the famous saying (attributed to Will Rogers, I've heard)?
"If it's true that there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went".
I'm sure wherever is 'the place to be', that's where Rusty is at and the life of the party no doubt!
Thanks for asking about Joe- he is doing well, 2 weeks into Lysodren maintenance (he will get an ACTH stimulation test re-check next week). His water consumption continues to gradually decrease and he just seems happier and perkier and sleeping a lot better now. And a lot more wigglebutt action than I've seen in months. Yay- so far so good!
{{hugs}}} from Karen & Joe
05-10-2009, 04:38 PM
Nobody shovels coal around here. :) All of our angels go to heaven and are going round and round on their very own clouds finding their comfort spots. Remember, they have their very own McDoggies too. They all get their very own Ham Sandwich Biscuits. I have read the book Dog Heaven many times just to make sure.
Rusty is having a Mother's Day reunion today remembering YOU with all of our gang!
Hugs and prayers from our house to yours,
Heidi & Robin
Marco & Sophie
...Friskie, Lucky, Cheri and Snicky from Heaven...
Rusty's Mom
05-26-2009, 11:40 AM
Gosh, I guess I need to read that book! Perhaps in heaven there are no allergies either!!!
Thanks for all your support. It's sad to see others are going to the bridge. I hope Rusty makes friends with all from this great site. I'm sure when they start comparing their miseries, they will have an "ah ha" moment.
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