View Full Version : Hello All!
04-16-2009, 10:25 PM
Thanks, Nat for making space!!!!
I am just getting back from my more tired than ever, LOL!
I am off to bed and will be back bc I am just getting in...but I do have a favor!
Bailey is doing well so far...but I am off tomorrow morning first thing to hopefully deal with a matter regarding my human boy. I am feeling totally overwhelmed with just getting home and having to go do this and with all that has been happening could use all the prayers and thoughts and support I can tomorrow morning...
sooo....if you have a moment to spare, could you please help me ask for a little help from up above that this gets resolved in the best possible way and I can move on past this additional stressor...
you have all helped me get through some really bad spots and this is a really bad spot....I know with your help, everything will be all right...
Love ya! And will be back to catch up soon as soon as I can see straight!!
Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
John II
04-16-2009, 10:35 PM
Beth, Bailey and Scoobie,
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I hope whatever this extra stresser may be disappears quickly and as you say "in the best possible way".
John II
04-17-2009, 12:49 AM
Everything here... three pairs of whiskers, five pairs of ears, three tails, twenty toes, twenty fingers, three sets of paws, five sets of eyes, and most of our brain cells are crossed for a good outcome for the two of you!!! >^..^< >^..^< ^..^ :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
04-17-2009, 01:06 AM
Beth, so glad to see you. Prayers and good vibes for you and your son, my can count on em!
Thinking positive thoughts this very second....
04-17-2009, 01:09 AM
I am so glad you are here. You can count on tons of prayers and well wishing thoughts are with you as you complete this next task in life.
Enough is enough and you definitely deserve a break.
May the outcome be what you want.
Tons of Love & Prayers
~ Mary Ann
04-17-2009, 05:50 AM
Count me in too girl. I sure am glad you posted.
Love you
04-17-2009, 06:21 AM
Hey Beth,
Sending those positive vibes across the waves.
04-17-2009, 06:34 AM
I am with you too! Hope all goes well.
04-17-2009, 07:54 AM
Beth, I'm so grateful to see you here, and I'm mustering every positive vibe that is in me and shooting all that energy directly to you!!!!!!!!!
04-17-2009, 08:40 AM
Hi Beth,
I'm going to pray that everything works out very smoothly for your human boy and that everyone who is looking after him will do just exactly what is needed for him to have a positive, constructive life!!!
I still need to send a personal email....
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
04-17-2009, 08:55 AM
Heh crazy girl - more prayers coming from me and mine. Hang tough and know we care. Kim and girls
04-17-2009, 01:56 PM
Geez, I miss you all!!! I do hope to get back on here a little just keeps rolling!!!
Thank you thank you thank you!!! I was soooo anxious this morning and I kept telling myself I have a whole bunch of people with me...I got through it. Not to get into all the gory details (that's a change, huh? ;)) but my son is having problems with his father who is forcing us back to court to resolve it. This all started when my mom died, when he came and upset my father in the nastiest way....and has been continuing since then...I barely have had any time to grieve dealing with all of this.
Things did not get resolved but I think we are getting closer. I just really hate dealing with the man who was so mentally abusive and a complete liar the whole time I was with him....I almost lost myself and my sanity. Although I am much stronger now, I still reel when I have to deal with him at all. And now he is doing to my son what he did to me...and I have to have the courage to see this or lose.
Allo is such a bright spot, in other news. Although he is clamoring to get outside, which I don't want bc of things like cars, he is such a complete joy...
Bailey is being our Bailey...although I am noticing more stiffness of late and the eye cyst keeps bleeding on and off. He is doing that jerking thing more pronounced lately too. The vet said it's the falling asleep jerk, but it isn't. I know my boy and I know the difference. He sleeps much more now but seems content otherwise. I am doing the Lyso depending on how he seems that week. All I can ask for is contentment and joy for him. Now with the warmer weather, as slowly as it is coming, I hope to get his legs moving a bit more.
I enjoyed my time away...although I fess up I missed my furry boys in the worst way. I also got a rash all over my legs, LOL....why not??? But it's manageable.
I am planning on coming back tonight to catch up with everyone else...I just had to come and THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!! My friends and family have rallied around me....and you are all a part of that...
I hope everyone is doing VERY WELL and I will be back later to read up. Right now, I need a nap in the worst way! Last day of vacation technically and we got in late last night.
Thanks so much love and best to you all and our pups and I'll see you hopefully tonight!!!!
Beth and the crew
04-17-2009, 02:28 PM
Glad you're back but I'm sure you could have used a lot more R & R.
I know with your help, everything will be all right...
Love ya! And will be back to catch up soon as soon as I can see straight!!
Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
This, too, shall pass. I know it's rough....the whole court thing. My son seems to be waiting - continually - for one or another court date with his ex. Just keep reminding yourself that it will be ok. Is your son getting anywhere close to legal adulthood? Sorry, I forget his age other than teen-age!
Sending a truckload of positive thoughts and prayers for both you and your human boy (and Bailey and Allo too, of course!) Sue
Squirt's Mom
04-17-2009, 04:26 PM
Hi sweetie,
So glad to see you here and glad you enjoyed your vacation....but Sue could have used a lot longer with all you have been through this last year.
That so called "man" and "father" isn't anywhere close to me is he? I could do with kicking some butt right about now and he sure sounds like a good candidate! :mad: Mean to you? your son? your poor dad? grrrrrrrrrrrrr :mad: I firmly believe, tho, that a special hell is set up just for those type folks where one much meaner than they will give as to them as they gave to others.
How is the foot doing? I accidentally touched Ruby the other nite with my foot and she had it in her mouth in 2 sec flat but didnt' apply any pressure once she knew. I couldn't help but think of you. :o
Hope you get some rest today and know we are all with you....well not napping per se, but you know....:p
Hugs and prayers,
Leslie and the girls
04-17-2009, 08:01 PM
Hope you got that nap. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Virginia and Maggie
04-17-2009, 09:21 PM
Oh it is sooooo good to see you all! Never got the nap...too wound up! The house is clean though!
Sue, we have 2.5 years left....Leslie, yes at my mom's viewing no less. And then he sat and laughed about it until he got asked for the second time to please LEAVE.
The foot is s-l-o-w-l-y healing. Scar tissue is the main problem now so going to PT twice a week now. They think he hit bone too so that's probably contused. It is feeling better except for that one spot where the scar tissue is all balled up. I think PTs are really sadists in disguise (no offense, some of my bestest friends are PTs!:)).
My sister-in-law got 9 stitches in her hand from her rottie over Easter though. She was trying to break up a fight between her two dogs and chomp. It's all infected now. It must be dog bite season!
Virgina, how are you???? I am so glad you found it here!
Thanks for hanging with me!! And all the support! I am one step away from complete lunacy!!! For real this time....OK, Scott, I've always been this way...
Love ya! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
04-17-2009, 10:38 PM
I'm with Leslie....that man sounds like a good candidate for my frustrations and anger right now. How do some people face themselves in the mirror?
Hope you can rest up some more on the weekend and I'll keep praying for your son,
Jo-Ann & Lady
04-17-2009, 10:50 PM
Oh it is sooooo good to see you all! Never got the nap...too wound up! The house is clean though!
It is soooooooo good to see you too! If you continue to be wound up and need to work off some excess house could use a good cleaning, along with my yard, my garage, etc. Hey, as a special treat I'd let you clean my blender and then I could mix up a batch of "special" margaritas! (ahhha-ha-ha-ha) :D
Hope you get a good night's sleep. Sending scritchies for Bailey and Allo.
Louise & Munchmeister
Barney's Mom
04-17-2009, 11:03 PM
BethyPoo! It is so nice to see you!
04-18-2009, 06:27 PM
Hi Beth,
I am just getting to this forum after a couple of crazy days.
I am glad you are home and very sorry that you had to deal with unpleasantness first thing.
My prayers and support for you with the others.
04-18-2009, 08:57 PM
glad to see you back, sorry about the court thing, but you have delt with a lot worse than that POS, he has no idea who he is dealing with now.
Keep well
missed ya
S,N and DS( see my thread)
Truffa's Mom
04-20-2009, 01:13 AM
Hello Beth!!!!
I am very glad to see you here!!!!. Everything will be OK, Everything will be OK, Everything will be OK, Everything will be OK, I know there is justice.
I don't know who Allo is but it sounds adorable!!!!
I'll keep praying for you and your family. Choco kisses to you, Bailey and Allo.
Marcela & The Choco labs
04-21-2009, 07:00 AM
Thank you all for your kindness and support! It was a bad weekend...had to call the police bc he sent a vague threat through my son Saturday morning to me. Spent yesterday talking to my lawyer and there is nothing we can do but proceed with the next step. He suffers no consequence as usual. So, I've just been reeling. Do I need this right now???? No....
But I wanted to come and say thank you and let you know how much your support all means to me....I swear I am going to lose my mind soon...
Love ya! Beth and all the boys
04-21-2009, 05:24 PM
I need to run out to a quick meeting - just wanted to chime in quickly. This is sssooooo not right. I love Sharon's reference to the POS - it took me a fewn seconds then I got it! Aaarrrggghhhh!
04-23-2009, 12:20 PM
I am so sorry to hear about the POS. If only you could divorce every connection to someone like that...
Glad you called the police and I hope that they took the initiative to have an intense talk with him. He may not be the type for that to work but I have seen it work a half a dozen times. Sometimes the police putting the fear of god into them will make them behave better as they don't want to suffer any consequences.
I don't know what the laws are like there. Here if the threat is credible and without conditions, it is a crime - that is if he says he's going to hurt you without saying "if you don't... whatever" and he's in a geographic and physical condition to actually carry it out.
Not that mind games are better, but I hope it's "only" mind games, that you are not physically in danger.
I would give a lot to be able to ease your burdens right now... I'm pretty sure I would completely crack under the pressure you are under. They'd be taking me away in a special truck...
Roxee's Dad
04-23-2009, 10:03 PM
Hi Beth,
Stay strong girl, never let him see you sweat, be stronger than him. Keeping good thoughts and prayers for you and yours.
John (Roxee's Dad)
Wylie's Mom
04-24-2009, 04:37 PM
Okay, I'm clueless...what does POS stand for:confused:?
04-24-2009, 04:44 PM
what does POS stand for?
You've got mail. :D
Wylie's Mom
04-24-2009, 04:54 PM it doesn't mean Point-of-Sale:p
Barney's Mom
04-24-2009, 07:14 PM
You've got mail. :D
:D Good work Glynda!
Barney's Mom
04-24-2009, 07:19 PM
Ya know Beth, there are many other uses for that blender, including the disposal of all those extra body parts and useless appendages that he may be afflicted with. :eek:
just saying.....
Oh......and could it wait till fall maybe? Margaritas are in season now :)
04-24-2009, 09:29 PM
And you know what? You all are about the only ones who can make me laugh over all this crap!!!!:D
See, it's your own fault! This is why you have to listen to "As Beth Days Turn" bc I love you all for making even the worst situation more tolerable!!!
Susy, I almost peed myself laughing! Nice save Glynda! :D And fire up the blender! You have noooooo idea how much I would looooove to do that!
Nat, I don't think he would do anything physical....but therein lies the problem. He is sick...and he loves to torture I really don't know what he is capable of and I don't trust him at all. This isn't about his great love for our son....this is all about power and control and trying to keep me in line and in his life and in his twisted mind, still a part of his life...and he's mad as he** bc I told him off after he laughed at my father at my mom's viewing! This has been going on since that time believe it or not.
Then Bailey bites furnace broke...and I really think Steph should get me on CMT bc my life is like even the saddest country song gone really really bad....
Next step is an eval with a psych who will finally let my son tell his story...and then hopefully he or she will see through my ex (who is very charming when he wants to be...think Ted Bundy and how many people did he fool?)...I am just praying so hard right now that we can get some distance! Mostly for my son bc I do have an order that he can only email me now and is not allowed to call me. So I do have a cushion but I need some space for my son bc he really is going through some "stuff" right now with all of this.
And tonight Bailey did the jumping out of his skin thing three times just now...I wish I knew when it was coming so I could tape it....
Love you all tons!!! Thanks for making me laugh!!!! I can't tell you how much I needed that! Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie and Allo (the catdog)
Barney's Mom
04-25-2009, 11:58 AM
And you know what? You all are about the only ones who can make me laugh over all this crap!!!!:D
Then Bailey bites furnace broke...and I really think Steph should get me on CMT bc my life is like even the saddest country song gone really really bad....
Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie and Allo (the catdog)
Nah Beth....David Allen Coe says that the perfect country and western song has to include trains, you are safe for now.......... :D
04-26-2009, 06:35 PM
Well look at this....another David Allan Coe fan!!! And that is one of my favorites!.
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
Barney's Mom
04-26-2009, 10:07 PM
Well look at this....another David Allan Coe fan!!! And that is one of my favorites!.
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
"before I could get to the station in my pickup truck............" :D
My favorite is "just to prove my love to you."
04-27-2009, 08:53 AM
I sent a PM to Susy asking what POS stands for and she hasn't responded. Does someone else want to enlighten me? :p Even my hubby doesn't know what it stands for!!
Roxee's Dad
04-27-2009, 08:57 AM
Politely put:
Piece of (poop):):o:rolleyes::D;)
The S doesn't stand for Spam ;)
04-27-2009, 10:39 AM
Thank you...Susy PM'd the translation. It's almost lady-like compared to what I would call people who mentally torture partners and children. :mad:
Jo-Ann & Lady
04-27-2009, 08:02 PM
Ha ha! I'll see what I can do! That's a great show pitch! hahahahaha!
"My Life Is a Sad Country Song."
Seriously though, I am hoping that POS stays far away. You're too good for him.
04-27-2009, 08:19 PM
I think this may be our big money-maker, Steph! Pay off all those vet bills everywhere!!!! AND pay for the Cushing's convention!
OK, I know what a POS is but what is a David Allan Coe??:confused::confused: Is he the country version of Poe???
And Cheryl, you have already proven your love for me!;):D
Bailey is barely eating these days....seems fine otherwise. But no food, no Lysodren. I think he's a bit upset bc I pulled the table food from being mixed with his food. But he needs to get svelte for summer so we are at a stalemate, it isn't like him not to eat we wait....we all know what a good "waiter" I am!:mad:
Love ya! Beth, Bailey, always my Scoobie, and Allo too!
04-28-2009, 07:31 AM
Hi Beth,
Just getting caught up. Sorry you and your son have to deal with this. Sending prayers and positive thoughts that everythings works out for you and your son.
Bailey is barely eating these days Could it be from the crazy hot weather we're having now? Hugs to you.
Squirt's Mom
04-28-2009, 11:05 AM
Hey! Can I use my sword in this new show?! :D I'd be a swash-buckling fool til I landed on the floor, then it would become a country-comedy 'cuz I'd keep on swooshing...swoosh!!! swoosh!!! trying my best to chop that POS into bite sized pieces to be donated to the local zoo! :eek::eek::p:D:p
I don't like hearing that Bailey isn't eating, Beth. That just bothers me. I guess because when Squirt won't eat, something is bad wrong with her. She just doesn't turn down food! :rolleyes: ;) I want all our babies to have healthy appetites and enjoy their meals and when one isn't, that is worrisome. Has anything changed for him that might be effecting his appetite? Is this new for him or something he does from time to time? If he is just being a horse's patoot because he isn't getting his people food, you might try sprinkling a little stinky cheese (Parmesan) on his regular food. I have to do that with Goldie at times because she is so picky about her food; the stinky cheese makes her think it's new I guess. :rolleyes:
You are in my prayers and thoughts (plus I keep my sword close at hand! :p ),
Leslie and the girls
04-28-2009, 08:11 PM
Thanks, Lynne! I am thinking of you all the time!! How are you doing???
And Leslie, put down that sword (unless you are coming up here with it!:p)
And sure enough, a bit after I posted last night, Bailey gobbled up his food and about an hour later, right after I gave the Lysodren....up it alllllll came! :( He did this choking noise, not the "usual" pre-vomiting noise he usually makes (which the whole neighborhood can this TMI???) Anyway, he did not look well but not low so I rubbed his belly and tucked him in for the night. Seems a little better today. But no more Lysodren until I know for sure that whatever it is is over.
I'm not sure if it is my pessimistic attitude I seemed to have developed over the course of the last 18 months, or there is something amiss with him. He is just having periods of "weird".
I forgot to mention the other day, I took him for a walk. Usually, he loves people...any people...and will try to sniff and drool all over them. Not this weekend. He saw them, and then does his thing like he does when he sees another dog.....hides behind ME! He started pulling back, wanting to turn around, he was scared. I was shocked. I coaxed him along and he walked by them very fast without looking at them at all.
Then, a few weeks ago, he got in the part of the yard with the pool equipment and he knows darn well that he can't get out the way he was trying. Twice I had to walk around and talk him out of the spot he was in.
His elbows are getting swollen again, his eye is all goopy and I HAVE to call the vet tomorrow and make an appointment to get him in to get all this checked and his nails cut. Oh, and he is starting to get a tiny area of white nose crust. Scoobie had that but worse a few weeks before he died. What is that anyway? Does anyone know?:confused:
I don't know what to think. Most of the time he seems fine, just tired and old and lazy...but then this weird stuff happens and I think, UH OH....a touch of dementia? Is the tumor enlarging? Is the Cushing's progressing in other ways? And that jerking thing....that's why I am wondering if it isn't neuro somehow...:confused:
I can't even think about it too much bc I am not going "THERE" anytime soon again that's for sure!!! I think I will lose my mind completely! Speaking of which, I can't seem to remember where I left it!
Love ya! Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie and I can't forget Allo (he gets upset about stuff like that!)
04-28-2009, 08:35 PM
Ahhhhhhhhh (that's a big sigh), sorry to hear there's "more stuff" going on in your life again. I know you don't need or want this....but it looks like Bailey is gonna give it to ya' anyway! Poor guy sounds like he's just not doing so well at the moment. Hope your vet will be able to sort all this out.
Yes, you must not forget Allo....he may get his paws on your blender and make himself a Betharita!!! :eek: :eek:
Take care, my friend!
04-28-2009, 08:58 PM
Hi Beth,
I'm sorry to hear of these new things with Bailey. Lady is now afraid of the vacuum cleaner which she used to attack. She tried to catch the mop yesterday so that is still normal.
She usually wags her tail and jumps up on people but she is more leery of people now to the point where she growled very, very low at one woman who was approaching us. There was another woman who she wouldn't have anything to do with....just after she had welcomed a woman she'd never met.
These little things certainly can be stressful as I never quite know what to expect.
Take care,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
04-29-2009, 05:48 PM
Hi there,
Well, I called the vet today and we went. His eye is infected from that cysts on his eyelid. Options are surgery, which is a "no" for me and I'll explain why in a sec. Ointment won't work bc he'd probably bite my hand off trying to give it to him. So, we are going to do warm compresses just trying to keep it as clean as possible and hope we can clear out the gunk.
His knees are also infected with the clogged little tiny sebaceous cysts. So, he is going on a round of antibiotics for 10 days. It will flare-up again eventually and we'll just have to keep hitting it with antibiotics. Surgery would be a short-term solution...maybe. So, that's a "no" too.
Heart sounds good. We talked about the jerking, taser-like activity I have been seeing with more frequency. As we know, without a CT scan or MRI it is impossible to tell what is going on exactly. But I talked to two vets and both agreed it seems like a neuro issue.It's possible the pituitary tumor could be growing slowly (or one knows really)...or it could be something else entirely going on inside his head. I'm not going to scan him just to find out. And I have phenobarb on hand in case of emergency from Scoobie.
My reasoning for all my "nos" is bc he will be 10 at the end of July. He abhors the vet. If there is something, which seems likely, brewing in his head, I don't know how long he has. And as I did with Scoobie, I will do with Bailey....try and keep him happy. Poking and prodding and cutting and all of that would be for me. And that isn't what I want. I want him comfortable and happy and spending his days on the couch or out in the sun....eating cookies and playing with a bone...eating what he wants, sleeping when he wants, playing when he wants...going for another surgery, going for scans, going to be poked and prodded....well, no thanks. At least not now in this stage of the game.
So....right now he is begging for pizza crust (and getting it) and seems content to be back home. He can still enjoy his life, he is still happy...and so I am going to focus on that. I learned we don't know about tomorrow and they only way I am keeping my sanity through these past few months is to focus on today. And that's what I am going to do as much as I can.
Tonight will be belly rubs and kisses....and whatever tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or the day after that, etc. brings, it brings.
That's our update for to all of you!!!
Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie and Allo too!
04-29-2009, 07:51 PM
Hi Beth,
Sounds like you're on the right track for Bailey...that's what we're doing here.... keeping Lady comfortable and enjoying whatever life is left to her. She still enjoys her food and us and her yard! She's also getting a few more pieces of lettuce in a day than she used to get!!
Have a peaceful night,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
04-29-2009, 08:03 PM
You know I totally agree with what you are doing and not doing with your pup, I think Jo-Ann, you and I are on the same wavelength with comfort at this stage of our dogs lives being the most important, what is best for them and not necessarily best for us;)
I also wanted to comment on your choice of comparing your POS Ted Bundy to funny:D My only saving grace is my exhubbie cant cross the US/Canada border as he has to many felonies against him:eek:
Hope your interviews go well and I am sure the Doc will see right through him, that is their job and I am sure they have seen the crap he will try to dish out before.
Good luck and know my heart is with you
luv ya
Sharon. Nike and DS ( still Demon spawn hasnt proven himself long enough yet to go back to Kenai)
04-29-2009, 08:05 PM
Hi Beth,
I agree with your game plan 100%. Be completely thankful for every precious day with Bailey and just enjoy him. I feel the same way about Shiloh. If she needs a little Proin for incontinence or a round of antibiotics, fine. But if it came to something major, another surgery or something, I'm pretty sure we would pass. Take good care of yourself.
Ken and Shi
Barney's Mom
04-30-2009, 12:33 AM
I whole heartedly agree with how you are treating Bailey.
Belly rubs, kisses, pizza crust and naps on the couch really sound appealling.
PM your addy, I am loading the dogs in the car!
Barney and Cheryl
Truffa's Mom
04-30-2009, 01:59 AM
Hello pretty woman, I am with you 100%.
There is no better medicine than belly rubs and kisses, and if antibiotics and other meds can be hidden into succulent pizzas, that's perfect too.
Enjoy your Bailey. We will be praying for more wonderful days.
Luv ya.
Marcela & The Choco Labs
05-10-2009, 05:04 PM
Hi Beth,
Long time no see! I'm glad you were able to get away for a bit though! Okay, who is Allo? Is this a trick question? I've seen it asked a few times now. "IT" has paws, so that is a good thing. lol NO offense guys, but I see more and more women my age staying single these days. All the good guys are taken.
Sorry to hear that Bailey Boy has lost his appetite. Marco has as well and he normally licks his bowl clean! He was always the healthy one.
I'll keep checking back in as I'm getting used to the new format (right before we go back to cc net). lol I'm so confused.
I miss everybody!
Heidi and the lonely two bichons
05-12-2009, 10:20 PM
Hi all....
I need help/advice/thoughts....not sure if anyone can help me bc it was another weird one but I thought I'd throw it out there....
Bailey was giving kisses tonight, just a bit ago. He is not a kisser. Anyway, he licked my hand twice....after each time, his teeth started to chatter and his lips were quivering. He got this look on his face, hard to describe, I don't know if he was just freaked out. Anyway, I grabbed his face in my hands and gently cradled his mouth and it stopped. Then the whole thing repeated the second time.
I don't think I have anything weird on my hands....I wash and all....
it has me a bit freaked out bc I don't know if it could be a neuro he was doing something repetitive and so it triggered something...or what the heck that was...but he eats and drinks and that's repetitive motion so???:confused::confused::confused:
I'm sorry I've been so scarce...the past holiday was particularly hard and I am entering a time of a run of dates that is just triggering some sadness and am trying to cope with that...
I'm terrified something really serious is going on with Bailey and although I don't want to go to extreme measures to treat him, I'm also terrified of something happening to him now...we just made our two year Cushing's mark...
Any thoughts? Am I being paranoid? Overly sensitive? Ridiculous?
Sigh.....Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
05-12-2009, 10:47 PM
Just had a think about this and it rang a little bell with me - and I did some Googling and I think you can relax!
Smell - Pheromones
* Dogs use pheromones (chemical substances secreted in urine, feces, & glandular secretions) as part of their communications system.
* Reception of pheromones appears to take place in an accessory olfactory organ called the Vermonasal Organ (or Organ of Jacobson).
* The Flehmen Response or Tonguing (where dog salivates & teeth chatters) may facilitate this. This response is common after a male “investigates” a female's urine.
It is from here (just under 1/2 the way down):
I think you must have had a trace of something "interesting" on your hand - maybe a perfume even as these do sometimes contain pheromones or something chemically close enough to a pheromone to trigger this response. It could well be something that you would be completely unable to detect.
Carol G
05-12-2009, 11:02 PM
* The Flehmen Response or Tonguing (where dog salivates & teeth chatters) may facilitate this. This response is common after a male “investigates” a female's urine.
That is exactly what I thought of when I read about Bailey's "weird one" -- many years ago I asked my vet about it because I thought the dog was having seizures or something. I think the vet said another dog's urine (not even specifying a female's urine). I don't think I've ever seen a female dog do the teeth chattering though. It might even have something to do with your cat.
Carol, Winnie (always), McGill & Atty Cat
05-12-2009, 11:20 PM
Beth I think he's just telling you he loves you.:D I haven't seen dogs do the lip quiver/teeth chattering thing but my male horse does it every time he smelt the lady horses rear end.
05-13-2009, 06:21 AM
WOW! Really? OMG, I hope you all know I do wash after I use the bathroom, :D!
I've never heard of that but it does sound like that....and I thought of Allo first too (after I thought, Hey, I wash my hands! LOL!).
Allo is constantly rubbing my hands, my legs, my face....I guess he needs to make sure I am thoroughly marked as his! Or, I maybe missed a spot on my hands :eek::eek:....but OMG, you just made me feel a WHOLE LOT BETTER!!!! Or yes, maybe it came from one of the packages I opened or who knows where....and he is alllllll nose. And if it's bc he loves me that much, I'll let him chatter away.....:D
See, I can always count on you all! Thanks so much!!! I thought "seizure" too...I am just so super-sensitive anymore! :o
THANKS A WHOLE BIG HUGE BUNCH!!!!!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
Squirt's Mom
05-13-2009, 10:45 AM
Hey Beth,
Squirt does that chattering thing sometimes, too, and it is after licking or smelling something every time. The first time I saw it, I freaked out and called the vet. This was years before the cush diagnosis, too. He told me what others have said here; smells affect them differently and to get a real good scent they use not only their nose but their mouths as well, sort of tasting the smell if you will. The lip quivering and mouth movements are their way of truly assimilating that interesting smell. So, I choose to believe that is what Bailey is doing....just taking in all your interesting smells so he can hold them close in his heart and mind. :)
Leslie and the girls
05-14-2009, 07:53 PM
Interesting, Hi Beth; I am still wondering why you didnt comment on Jenny calling you a horses rear end:p:p
male horse does it every time he smelt the lady horses rear end.
Ahh I can always count on you guys for a laugh. Beth I know this past weekend was tough for you, just know we are here for you.
luv ya
05-14-2009, 10:14 PM mean I smell so much, one can taste it???:(:o:eek::cool:
And Sharon, I think Jenny got me confused with the ex when she called me a horse's a**!!! At least I hope that's what she was thinking!:eek: And thank was very hard...we closed on the house today so it's been a hard week...with more dates to I've been a bit scarce wrapped up in my head...but I know you understand...
So, I think I will slink off to bed now trying to see if I can taste my smell and say my prayers that my prince will turn me into something other than an a**! And not a frog either...:cool:
Love ya! I don't know how to sign my name now...does all this make me Bailey's B(you know the name for a female dog I can't type here)????:confused:
Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
05-15-2009, 02:49 AM
Hey B,
When I typed my post I wondered who would be the first to comment on the horses rear....I should have known it would be you.:D
I would love your prince charming to find you and cart you off on his steed (both ends attached) but I still don't want you going around kissing hear me.;)
Squirt's Mom
05-15-2009, 10:19 AM
Hey Stinky B! :p
Please don't go around kissing no frogs!! :eek: Some of them have been turned into frogs for a very good reason and if you kiss the wrong one awake, you may find that frog was an a$$h01@ in his former form and now you're stuck with an a$$y ex-frog! :eek::eek::D:D
Hugs and love to you, Bailey and Allo,
Leslie and the girls
05-15-2009, 04:55 PM
Hmmmm, think I like that! Oh, how I've wanted to join in on all this frivolity but I've been behaving - yeah, I know...hard to believe!
Either Bailey's got good taste...or you're mighty tasty, one of the two...and maybe both! Awwwww, geezzzzz. I must either smell boring or like a T-bone steak as Munchie has never chattered at me, only chomped me! :eek:
Squirt's Mom
05-15-2009, 05:05 PM
Hmmmm, think I like that! Oh, how I've wanted to join in on all this frivolity but I've been behaving - yeah, I know...hard to believe!
I, for one, have missed your particular brand of "frivolity", Louise! :D
Awwwww, geezzzzz. I must either smell boring or like a T-bone steak as Munchie has never chattered at me, only chomped me! :eek:
That's because you are soooo sweet!
Hugs to you both, pups-n-kitties included
Leslie and the girls
05-15-2009, 08:44 PM
OK, let's not forget that Bailey did take a chunk of me!!! Bad boy! The chattering must be his idea of foreplay! LMAO!!
No, no frog kissin' going on over here! I already have my prince actually....and I love him just fine! He is taking me on a cruise in August and treats me very well...I'll have to ask him why he has never chattered his teeth at me...:rolleyes:
And no, Sharon gets the credit for the horse's behind, LOL! She caught it before I did this time...I am a bit s-l-o-w these where is HER mind I want to know???:D
Louise, please don't behave! It isn't like we don't know you aren't crazy like the rest of us! It's too late for that!
I just realized something today....with the old board gone, I can't double check an exact date but I do know it was right around now that Bailey got diagnosed and started treatment so I want to give a shout out to my Big Boy Handsome and say....WE MADE IT!!!!
I am sooooo blessed to still have you!!! Chattering, biting teeth and all!!!!:D:D
Love ya!!! BB and Bailey and Allo and always always our Scoobie
Roxee's Dad
05-15-2009, 08:54 PM
Happy Anniversary Bailey:D:D:D:D
Wishing you many more.:D:D:D:D
John (Roxee's Dad)
05-15-2009, 08:59 PM
Happy Anniversary Bailey....and mom too!! :D Congratulations to you both!! :D
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
05-15-2009, 09:06 PM
Thank you! Thank you!:D
Jo-Ann, I owe you an email!!! It's coming SOON!!!
05-15-2009, 10:16 PM
we love you!!!
Pallie and steph
Harley PoMMom
05-15-2009, 10:33 PM
:D Happy Anniversary Bailey :D
05-15-2009, 11:48 PM
Happy 2 Year Anniversary Bailey!!!
Sending lots of scritchies your way.
Auntie Louise
05-15-2009, 11:52 PM
Congratulations!!! Very inspiring!
Squirt's Mom
05-16-2009, 10:45 AM
Happy 2 Year Anniversary, Bailey Boy!!!
05-16-2009, 11:50 AM
Wow! Two years! Way to go Bailey!
Truffa's Mom
05-19-2009, 05:35 PM
Love is :
I am sooooo blessed to still have you!!! Chattering, biting teeth and all!!!!:D:D
Love ya!!! BB and Bailey and Allo and always always our Scoobie
Happy 2 years anniversary Bailey!!!
Marcela & The Choco Labs
Wylie's Mom
05-19-2009, 06:46 PM
Oh, and good job, Beth!!!:p:D
05-19-2009, 08:22 PM
Thank you! Thank you!!
And a big THANK ARROOOOO from Bailey!!!:D
Great big hugs! Beth and Bailey
Barney's Mom
05-19-2009, 09:55 PM
Wow, 2 years! Congrats Bailey and Mom!
05-20-2009, 11:13 AM
Hey Bethy,
I can't believe I didn't see Bailey's anniversary announcement before right this minute!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
So here are my very belated but very sincere CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :p :p :p to add to the list. And during your journies with Bailey and Scoobie, you have been such a loyal and devoted friend to so many here. So in a big way, this is also OUR two-year anniversary celebration with YOU, too!!!!!!! :) :D :) :D :) :D
Many thanks, and Love ya!
05-20-2009, 08:11 PM
Congrats from me too, this is a great mile stone, shows them vets that say 2 years at most, HUH. Bailey would not have gotten this far without a excellent mom like you. Congrats to both of you and hugs from me and mine.
Sharon, Nike and Kenai (yes, kenai still)
05-20-2009, 08:17 PM
Beth, so sorry I missed this and to Bailey and you both a very happy anniversary.
05-20-2009, 09:06 PM
AM I FIRST??? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beth, Bailey, and Scoobie follows me here too!!
05-20-2009, 09:08 PM
It is only fair you would be first Beth. Welcome to your new home. Good to see a smiling face! :D Kim
05-20-2009, 09:12 PM
It's a beautiful wonderful new home! I am so excited! You guys did such a GREAT job! I found Scoobie and posted a comment there already too! means so much to me to have him safe right here where he belongs! You guys caught me by surprise tonight!
And now to christen the new site....MARGARITAS ALL AROUND!!!:D
And I am so glad you are back to us, Kim! I missed you!
Beth and all my boys
05-20-2009, 09:27 PM
Greetings, Beth, Bailey, & Scoobie! I'm glad you guys are the first to break us in.
Roxee's Dad
05-20-2009, 09:47 PM
Hi Beth, (and the boys of course)
Wanted to add my hello too:D So glad you are here already:D
05-20-2009, 09:48 PM
Glad to see you!! Me thinks I heard a request for margaritas (bwahahaha). Time to take my blender out of storage and create some new recipes. :eek: :D :eek: :D
Love ya'
05-20-2009, 10:00 PM
LOL Figures... Beth already has the longest thread. Social hour? :D
Barney's Mom
05-20-2009, 10:02 PM
Glad to see you!! Me thinks I heard a request for margaritas (bwahahaha). Time to take my blender out of storage and create some new recipes. :eek: :D :eek: :D
Love ya'
Beth, I am not sure how to break this to you gently, but.......sigh, Beth has had the blender out and in use. Check out some of her posts over at our temporary home!
Welcome Beth, Bailey, and Allo!
05-20-2009, 10:06 PM
LOL Figures... Beth already has the longest thread. Social hour? :D
And the one with the highest (virtual) alcohol content too!:eek:
Welcome Beth! Cheers!!!:D:p:rolleyes: And the sun isn't even over the yardarm in my part of the world.........
05-20-2009, 10:16 PM
I have a reputation to uphold, you know! LOL! :p
And we all need a good cheering...we have earned it!
Yes, LMAO, the longest thread...and the first, had to be the first! LOL! I saw the post and thought, I better get on over there! God only knows what havoc could be wreaking and I am missing it!
Special big huge thanks to Natalie (since I got locked out before I could post it ;)) for giving us a temporary home...and a special huge thanks for all of you who got this together....
Now I better quiet down before "The Hammer" finds this thread!:p
Now Cheryl, I think you had the blender our a long time ago...did you read what you wrote???? Hahahaha...
and Alison, virtual alcohol can be consumed at anytime...
oh wait...I was going to quiet down, wasn't I???
Love, Louise
05-20-2009, 10:19 PM
and Alison, virtual alcohol can be consumed at anytime...
Yep that would be right - what was I thinking???!!!!! The virtual sun is always well over the virtual yardarm anyways!!!
05-20-2009, 11:20 PM
Why am I not surprised that Bethy has two pages on her thread already...and I bet that was within the first five minutes of going live.
Welcome, girlfriend. Glad to see you were the first at our grand opening. Woohoo!!!
05-21-2009, 08:44 AM
AAAhhhhh!! Blenders, margaritas, Beth's thread on the Cushings is good!! :D :D Hello to I need to update Lady's journey...something I tried to do on April 10th but....
HUGS & more HUGS from
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
05-22-2009, 12:10 AM
Hello All!
Well, let's see. Hmmm I really have to think hard about this one. My sister just came back from the good ole' Caribbean and she heard rumours about a beautiful young lady named Beth with a BLENDER! I have to wonder if I might know this lady. They do have a fantastic vet school on the Island of St. Kitts. Just a thought. ;)
There is a JOB waiting for us.................and so much to rescue.
Glad you could get away. :p
05-25-2009, 01:29 PM
Sorry to be late to the party Beth, I hope all the virtual drinks are not gone:D
Barney's Mom
05-25-2009, 07:51 PM
I have a reputation to uphold, you know! LOL! :p
And we all need a good cheering...we have earned it!
Yes, LMAO, the longest thread...and the first, had to be the first! LOL! I saw the post and thought, I better get on over there! God only knows what havoc could be wreaking and I am missing it!
Special big huge thanks to Natalie (since I got locked out before I could post it ;)) for giving us a temporary home...and a special huge thanks for all of you who got this together....
Now I better quiet down before "The Hammer" finds this thread!:p
Now Cheryl, I think you had the blender our a long time ago...did you read what you wrote???? Hahahaha...
and Alison, virtual alcohol can be consumed at anytime...
oh wait...I was going to quiet down, wasn't I???
Love, Louise
LOL! You are too funny! Hope you are having a happy Memorial day.
Barney, Beth and Cheryl
05-25-2009, 08:21 PM
Aaaaahhhhh...the drinks here are never gone!!!
Just hanging today....tomorrow the POS is getting called back to court for not complying with the judge's order. He decided he could ignore it. I hope, just once, he will get what's coming to him and get this thing resolved! I have done everything asked, he has not followed through on quite a few things, and never seems to get in any trouble. So, we'll see....
Bailey is having a time of it this weekend. It was warm, not hot, kind of humid the other day....but he just can't seem to take any heat at all. He panted soooo much yesterday and today, I was wiping him down on his belly and under his arms and his chin and eyes and feet with a cool cloth. It wasn't hot enough for the a/c yet for him, he was struggling. I had every fan on in the house. Any more days like this I'll have no choice but to do the a/c I suppose. He insists on going outside, lays mostly in the shade, but he just can't seem to take any heat whatsoever. :( I know his cortisol is probably on the higher side but I just can't see lowering it bc his arthritis is just that bad too...he is having a hard enough time getting around with that. He'll be 10 the end of July, and I just can't see putting him through anymore at this point and considering how bad his hips are. The dysplasia won't ever be fixed and the arthritis has been in every joint since he was 4 yo. So, we are doing the best that we can.
Today, my dad would have been 80 yo. I am wearing his favorite shirt in his honor as promised. And my mind keeps drifting back to Scoobie too....I have to visit his thread too.
So the drinks are ready....and flowing freely....(just someone keep you-know-who away from the blender please!:))
Love and hugs! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
oh and Allo who is learning the fine art of the use of a leash! I wish I could take a video and post it!
05-25-2009, 08:51 PM
So the drinks are ready....and flowing freely....(just someone keep you-know-who away from the blender please!)
Huh! Haven't the slightest as to who you're referring to (snicker, chortle, etc.) Now who would you want to keep away from a blender????
Anonymous :D
05-26-2009, 05:55 PM
Just had to share.....court today....
the POS gave up his visitation rights unless my son wants to see him...he got himself tangled in soooo many lies....
POS= Worthless
Bethie's WIN= PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're celebrating with some good old fashioned ribs!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
Now, "Anonymous", you know I know who you are.....
Love and hugs and lots of margaritas!!!!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie....and the human boy too!:D
05-26-2009, 06:25 PM
Alrrrrrrrrrrright!!!!!!!!!!!!!It's about time.
Fire up that blender, BB.....I'm on my way. :D
05-26-2009, 07:29 PM
I'm having a gin and tonic!
05-26-2009, 07:32 PM
I'm having a gin and tonic!
Next to scotch neat, one of my favorites:D
Roxee's Dad
05-26-2009, 09:42 PM
Okay you guys, I really need to know the story behind the infamous blender. When I hear break out the blender, I imagine some really nice margarita's but then I remember some stories about fish and potatoes or is it potato's :p. Either way....Yuck.
BTW _ Beth - good for you :D:D:D
05-26-2009, 09:56 PM
Congratulations Beth...I know your parents would be very pleased.
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
05-26-2009, 10:15 PM
Congrats Beth! :D:D This is something to have a real drink to celebrate - but later for me.
So the POS but himself in an imPOSsible POSition with his prePOSterous lies, eh? These POS types do have a way of doing that - they shouldn't try being nastier than they are smart:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:.
I knew - I just knew - it would end well, but I had my fingers crossed for you anyway.:) Hope it didn't cost you an arm and a leg, that's all.
05-26-2009, 10:34 PM
Okay you guys, I really need to know the story behind the infamous blender. When I hear break out the blender, I imagine some really nice margarita's but then I remember some stories about fish and potatoes or is it potato's :p. Either way....Yuck.
BTW _ Beth - good for you :D:D:D
It goes WAAAAAYYYYYY back. Either Louise or Beth have to tell you the story cuzz they started it. Hysterical.
05-27-2009, 06:13 AM
Thanks all!!! I just had this feeling all night that my parents were beaming their smiles down on my house all night last night! It was like they were here....they would have loved this ruling for sure!!!
Alison, you got it EXACTLY right! LOL!! I really do believe this was a control issue and not bc he thought he was doing the right thing by my son, so when he got on his slippery slope of messy lies, he really found himself unable to get himself out any other way.
John, Louise has a reputation for using blenders for which they were NOT made!!! Yes, fish are involved.....and she had a habit of using the words "salmon" and "margarita" joined together....a complete and utter sin! At that point, she had to be banned from the got so bad that "The Hammer" aka Scott, had to step in and remove Louise from any blender detail....
so Louise is allowed to use the blender but ONLY if she behaves!!! So, we have to keep an eye on her lest she reverts back to her old ways!;):cool:;):p
I posted something in the "Everything Else" section about the value of margaritas and will be making sure Louise keeps it "clean"!:p
Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
05-27-2009, 01:44 PM
Hi Beth,
Thanks all!!! I just had this feeling all night that my parents were beaming their smiles down on my house all night last night! It was like they were here....they would have loved this ruling for sure!!!
I'm sure they were smiling and Scoobie too.
CONGRATULATIONS:D:D:D:D - I know what a big relief this is for you and your son. Bigs hugs to you and your son.
Lynne and Angel Lady 7/98-3/09
05-27-2009, 03:55 PM
I posted something in the "Everything Else" section about the value of margaritas and will be making sure Louise keeps it "clean"!
Ooo-ooo-ooo...."BB", I'm just reading your post this very moment....must make a beeline straight for "Everything Else" and see what I've missed and more importantly.....what I can do (ahhhh-ha-ha-ha-ha!) :D :D
05-27-2009, 09:38 PM
Ching ching! Big toast of margaritas
05-31-2009, 09:46 PM
OK, I don't think anyone will have an answer for this but I just need to vent...
but you know the "twitching" thing Bailey does? It's getting worse. I do notice that the more active/awake he is during the day, the worse it is at night. It seems to be worse at night either way too, but is much more pronounced if it's the weekend and he has been up following me around.
Now, he flops like a fish out of water. He just did it again a few minutes ago. His head comes up, it travels down his body and then his rear comes up almost like he is being bent in half. It happens in a flash. But it's so hard sometimes his poor head bangs on the floor. :(
So, I am wondering if my thoughts of this being a neuro issue is right? Being worse when he is tired, looking like someone hit him with a live electrical wire, the increase in severity, etc...
I also noticed this weekend he has a larger, harder lump on his side along his rib cage behind his left shoulder. He won't let me take a good feel of it to tell how hard it is and if I can squish it at all. Sigh...
I don't I said, I needed to just vent. Because this thing he is doing makes my stomach turn and it doesn't seem to fit with a growing pituitary tumor from everything I read....unless I missed something which is highly possible with my scrambled head!
I just wish I could make it stop...he seems so uncomfortable and frightened when it happens.
Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
Roxee's Dad
05-31-2009, 09:53 PM
Hi Beth,
Is he trying to get up when he flops or is just a sudden jerk reaction?
05-31-2009, 10:00 PM
Hi Beth...If it makes you feel any better, that doesn't sound like anything Lucy ever had/has. She does this thing now, after surgery, where she lifts her head up like she's being pulled up by strings and looks around confused, but no flopping. Maybe he's just tired, and it's sort of like a muscle twitching from all the activity?
05-31-2009, 10:04 PM
Hi John,
No, he is just lying there...sometimes sleeping and sometimes not. The vet at first told me it was just the jerking we do when we sleep....I said no, not this. Then the last visit I had with him, I explained it was worse, and I explained what it was like...and another vet that knows he came in...they both agreed it was probably a neuro issue but could be due to a number of things and not necessarily the pit tumor.
It just seems like it is getting worse and worse...and I know I am shooting myself in my own foot here bc I don't want to put him through a MRI bc I don't know that there would be any treatment I would pursue at his age and overall condition...
but it freaks me out bc I just cannot lose him any time in the next ten years after this past year I have had! I just wish there was someway to know what the heck was going on so it would make some sense to me...
It used to be just his mouth snapping open, then it went to the bending in half thing, but tonight it was like a huge wave because his butt literally came off the floor by about 6 inches and then his head came up and then bam! And he jumped up and took off!
It looked like someone lifted him off the floor and dropped him...
Hugs, Beth
06-01-2009, 01:34 AM
Have you ever been able to video it?
Have they discussed plain old seizures as the source? Some seizure disorders in dogs don't even look like a seizure... so just a thought.
Truffa's Mom
06-01-2009, 05:22 AM
Hi Beth, recently I learned about a movement disorder called Paroxysmal Dyskinesia. There are several types as you can read at:
and there is one type very specific
There is another form of Paroxysmal Dyskinesia
They all can be misdiagnose as a seizure.
Maybe you'll have to video tape (yeah no fun) and look for a neurologist.
In the meantime, choco kisses to Bailey and paw-hugs to you
06-01-2009, 05:53 AM
There is another vague possibility and that's hypocalcemia. When I was a child our next door neighbor's cocker, Paddy, used to have seizures in the car after hard day on the farm chasing rabbits and at the time it was diagnosed as temporary low calcium because of all the exercise. I believe it was successfully treated/managed and he lived to a very advanced age. Your comment that it seems to be worse after a busy day that rang a bit of a bell about this.
It doesn't sound like it's very likely but here's a link:
06-01-2009, 06:45 AM
Hi all...
Just some more background on Bailey first. A few years back, pre-Cushing's, maybe 4-5 years ago, I gave Bailey Rimadyl for his arthritis. One night, he started to have what looked very much like a seizure. Lips pulled back, way back, his head and neck came up off the floor and was very stiff, his eyes were closed, his ears also got pulled back and his front legs stretched out in front of him and he was very rigid. He did not respond to my voice or touch. After it stopped, he was completely out of it. His eyes just looked like blanks. It happened a few more times.
I stopped the Rimadyl swearing it was giving him seizures and the vet diagnosed him with them but thought it was not due to the Rimadyl. He had quite a few days, and this time not getting Rimadyl, where I would come home from work and he would look weird...his eyes were blank, he'd respond but very slowly, and he'd seem "gorky". We thought maybe he was seizing while I was at work.
I had meds on hand in the house should this go on too long. All of the sudden, it all stopped.
About 6 months later, he was hurting again and I gave him more Rimadyl. The same thing started happening all over again. My friend witnessed and it and I stopped the Rimadyl. I read up on it. Discussed the issue with my vet and we agreed it could be the culprit. The seizures stopped once I swore of Rimadyl forever. Never touched it since. And he's been OK.
Then, Scoobie passed away...and I started noticing little twitches...the mouth snapping, sometimes more like a lightening bolt running through comes and goes. I thought maybe at the time is was just all the stress bc he had a awful time adjusting without Scoobie.
Now, I am noticing it getting worse as I said last night. If he had been up on the couch, he would have fallen to the floor. He had another episode of it after I went to bed.
The only reason I was thinking neuro or neuro-like is bc of the quick, almost violent twitch and it does resemble like he got hit with a shock of electricity.
Thank you, Gina...I appreciate your support :)...but this is more than twitching when he's sleeping. I have seen him do the same thing when he's been wide awake just not this bad.
Natalie, I wish so much I could get it on video but it happens so fast and is over within a minute, I just haven't had the chance to get him. But yes, maybe I need to put the camera on him every night (when it is usually worse) and see if I can get something that way...just let it roll?
Marcela, thank you so much for the links! I think Scooter had the focal seizures bc of his "psychotic" episodes he used to have....the head bopping thing doesn't fit for Bails bc he doesn't bob his's like a quick snap of the mouth and the head snaps back towards his rear....very fast, and it will do that anywhere from 1-3 times and then stop....I can't seem to find anything that exactly fits either though. I also don't think I could take him to a neuro bc he is so aggressive at the vet, only two vets where I go know how to handle him and they break out into a sweat when we come in. :o
Alison, this is very interesting to me and I need to research further....what struck me was the kidney issue. Bailey was in the earliest stages of kindey failure a while back and we seemed to have stabilized that last blood checks. But he is due next month for his wellness panel and I may need to move that up. I am going to ask for this to be checked as well. Now I am wondering if his kidneys are in fact working OK or is this a calcium issue of some sort??
You have all given me much to think about! I will try and get a tape of it, and I think I'll see if I can get him in early for some bloodwork. I'll be doing lots and lots of reading!
I just don't want to leave something untreated if it is something we can take care of relatively easily. It can't be much fun for him when it happens and it scares the you-know-what out of me!!!
Thanks a whole big ton!!!!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
06-01-2009, 08:34 AM
Hi Beth,
Unfortunately I have no clue about what is happening with Bailey, but I hope your vet can help. I'm here for you.
06-01-2009, 09:43 AM
Sorry Beth, It looks like you have some good suggestions here but I am unable to add to the list.
Hope you find out soon.
Squirt's Mom
06-01-2009, 10:36 AM
Hey Beth,
Hanging with you and Bailey all the way!
Hugs and love,
Leslie and the girls
06-01-2009, 03:03 PM
I'm here too, Beth, although I don't have a clue. Hope you and your vet will be able to get to the bottom of these episodes and there is a simple solution.
06-01-2009, 03:11 PM
What would I do without you guys???:confused:
I decided that when I get home, I am going to charge the video camera. The sit and wait...and probably wait....and maybe wait some more. But I am just going to aim the camera at him the next several nights and see if I can capture this on tape first...then call the vet. The more I thought about it, the more it made more sense to try to get it on tape bc I'm not sure you can describe it better than you can see it...
He will be due for his regular labwork next month which I am going to bump up....I just want to give it a few days to see about the tape. If I can't get it, I'll just make the appt. anyway.
Or if he gets any worse....he seemed OK this morning....just very we'll see if I can be on twitch patrol tonight!
Love and hugs! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
06-01-2009, 03:53 PM
Could be he has had for a long time a low simmering seizure disorder that gets pushed over to a more serious level from something like the pain meds or stress.
They could try treating it as a seizure disorder...
Kathy, my forum's moderator, has a dog who seemed to have behavior problems but much of it turned out actually to be a seizure disorder and medication has helped tremendously.
Seems like you're talking neurologist regardless and if you describe it to a neurologist, s/he might go "Oh yeah, I know exactly what that is!"
Truffa's Mom
06-01-2009, 06:01 PM
Hi Beh, what you describe
One night, he started to have what looked very much like a seizure. Lips pulled back, way back, his head and neck came up off the floor and was very stiff, his eyes were closed, his ears also got pulled back and his front legs stretched out in front of him and he was very rigid sounds like a Paroxysmal dyskinesia (movement disorder).
If you read at you will see
The paroxysmal dyskinesias are currently classified into four types:
Paroxysmal kinesigenic (action-induced) dyskinesia (PKD)
Paroxysmal non kinesigenic dyskinesia (PNKD)
Paroxysmal exertion-induced dyskinesia (PED)
Paroxysmal hypnogenic (nocturnal) dyskinesia (PHD).
Paroxysmal Hypnogenic Dyskinesia (PHD) is characterized by attacks of dystonia, chorea, or ballism during non-REM sleep. These attacks may occur between five times a night to five times a year and usually last between thirty to forty-five seconds. The attacks may also sometimes occur during the day. PHD is probably a broad condition consisting of a several different types of episodes and symptoms.
the web site is for humans but... here is what I found about dogs
Check their web site, they have video and pics about it.
Another rare syndrome (also movement related, and seizure like episodes)is called Canine Epileptoid Cramping Syndrome ( CECS or formerly known as "Spike's Disease" ) (, although they are prevalent in certain breed, I have read that other dogs have also been dx with it (as well as the Paroxysmal Dyskinesia).
The low calcium - hypocalcemia - that Alison mentioned is part of the deficiencies found in both Paroxysmal dyskinesia and CECS, and it's by itself another illness.
So grab your camera and see what you can catch.
Wylie's Mom
06-01-2009, 06:31 PM
I don't have anything to add... I just hope you & your vet can get it figured out. Good luck getting the video.
06-01-2009, 08:17 PM
Marcela, the paroxysmal dyskinesia sure does sound like it...and I am very curious about the calcium level now too the more I read and thought about it today. Especially with the kidney issue. The "Spike's disease" (oh boy my heart broke watching the videos!!!) doesn't look like the same thing from the pictures...
I have the camera locked and loaded....just waiting for later when it seems at its peak. And it may not happen tonight bc he doesn't do it every night so I'll wait in my camo and try to get this on tape..
Natalie, I do understand about the neurologist it's just soooooo incredibly difficult to get him to the vet period. If you came over, he's wag his tail, go belly up for some rubs, sniff you all over....very sweet. But at the vet's, even the regular vet, he turns completely viscious. You can't muzzle him bc he will bite you as soon as he sees it. I have learned a headlock with a very heavy blanket over his head with my vet...and then it takes two people at a minimum in addition to hold him. For his stims, it takes 5 people. He gets totally completely amazingly stressed out. When things are really bad, we have even had to knock him out temporarily just to cut his nails. And to get the injection in for that, you have to open the door, trap his head gently while they shoot him in his butt. Coming home from the vet, he is exhausted, I am exhausted, and covered in a thick layer of drool and more hair than what is left on him!:eek: I get nervous putting him under so much stress just to get a check-up or nail trim. It's very very very very bad.
If I can get this narrowed down, I am hoping my vet may know a neuro who would look at a tape though...sometimes he can pull some strings that way. Just as he has consulted with an endocrinologist on a few things for both boys.
Susy, thank you so much too! I really hope I can get it on tape so I can do this with the vet all in one swoop....and if I do, I'll have to figure out how to post it somehow so you guys can see what I mean..
but yes, it may take me a few nights bc he can go a few days without doing it at all...
Patience, I keep telling myself....patience....
which we all know I have absolutely NONE!:eek:
So many heartfelt thanks to you all!!!! Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Doobie
06-01-2009, 08:34 PM
I can relate to the getting-the-animal-to-the-vet thing. Never had this extreme stress thing with a dog but the other week one of my aviary birds was showing signs of an infection after some absolutely foul, wet weather and to get the "best" anti-b I needed to get a prescription but to do that I needed to catch up the poor little guy and take him to the vet! The last thing any aviary bird needs and certainly when they are sick!:eek::rolleyes: So I went for the "2nd best" (but quite adequate) anti-B which I could get OTC. On balance the vet exam was just not in the animal's best interest. He's doing well now with a combo of fine weather and the "2nd-best" anti-B, BTW.
Do you think that any neuro vets do house calls? (Without you having to take out a second mortgage on the house:eek::D). Hopefully a neuro specialist can view a video and advise your vet.
Roxee's Dad
06-01-2009, 08:57 PM
Hi Beth,
Just sending you and Bailey moral support, good thoughts and some prayers too.
BTW - I haven't met a dog that I couldn't do his nails. They want to kill me, chew my face off, but I manage and only been bitten slightly once.
06-01-2009, 09:01 PM
Oh Alison! I can somewhat relate...I had a few parakeets in my life and trying to catch those buggers when they are feeling OK is beyond hard!:eek: I can't even imagine....well, I can...even though I don't know what you look like I have a vision of you running around chasing this bird....
and I wish they would do house calls! I have told my vet numerous times, come to my house, he is not the same dog!!! Although, I can say that I have had a friend who was a vet tech come once to trim his nails....that was an ugly scene too!:(
And yes, I am trying to balance this in what is his best interest v. not getting treatment if it is something relatively simple we can manage. Always that balance...
He's starting to sleep and the camera is rolling.....sshhhhhhhh....:)
Fingers crossed!!!! Oh geez, now I feel like I am wishing it on him!
Love and hugs! Beth, Bailey and the always-ever-lovable Scoobie
06-01-2009, 09:09 PM
Although, I can say that I have had a friend who was a vet tech come once to trim his nails....that was an ugly scene too!
There is a theory that nail trimming actually hurts - or is at least uncomfortable - which is why so many dogs hate it. I can imagine that the nail could get quite severely twisted in the nail bed and THAT HURTS! Has anyone tried a dremmel (sp?) with him?
If you were ever to get a vet to do a house call it would probably help if they didn't come smelling like a vet. And I bet that there basset nose can pick up less than one part per million of the dreaded "vet smell"!
And yes, I am trying to balance this in what is his best interest v. not getting treatment if it is something relatively simple we can manage. Always that balance...
One of those crystal ball thingies would sure help with this one, wouldn't it?:p:p:p
Roxee's Dad
06-01-2009, 09:27 PM
Hi Beth,
Sorry for the hijack.
Allison, this is so true.
There is a theory that nail trimming actually hurts - or is at least uncomfortable - which is why so many dogs hate it. I can imagine that the nail could get quite severely twisted in the nail bed and THAT HURTS! Has anyone tried a dremmel (sp?) with him?
This is so true! I usually use a grinding tool, I have 4 of them in the grooming van. Occasionally I have to use trimmers but more often than not, many groomers (and possibly vet techs) buy a set of trimmers and use them for years. A dull set of trimmers will crush the nail:eek: before actually cutting thru. A cood sharp set of trimmers will slice right thru. I have 3 pairs with replacable blades. Not your run of the mill Wally world brand.
I use the trimmers for pups with really long nails so I don't have to grind so long and heat up the pups nails. That can really be painfull too.
Once a pup has been hurt during a nail trim, they don't forget, they only learn to trust again if the person doing the nail trim has not hurt them in the last few visits.
06-01-2009, 09:32 PM
More hijacking in progress....
John - do you make grooming/nail trimming appointments in CA by chance??? :D
Roxee's Dad
06-01-2009, 09:40 PM
do you make grooming/nail trimming appointments in CA by chance???
Yeah, but the trip charge would be outrageous.:D Let's see, about 2500 miles at 8 miles to the gallon although sometimes it feels like 8 gallons to the mile.;) Although if my house sells, I may be about 2000 miles closer.:D
06-01-2009, 09:55 PM
Yes, a crystal ball and a money tree! That's what I want this year!!!
The nails....I have heard it can hurt them. I never did try the dremel/grinding thing bc Bailey's nails are attached to his toes which are attached to his big warm feet. The problem is, hold the feet, especially the front ones and you may lose a hand or a face!:eek: Sometimes, I can get away with!
I used to trim his nails as a pup. He never minded much. Until that fateful day when he started walking on 3 legs...the left front one was up. Took him for x-rays and they found his bones weren't growing the right way....I can't remember now what they called it but it was too fast. Ever since then, you cannot touch the feet.....maaaaybeeee the back.....if he is in a good mood that day....
And I love basset feet!!!!:D I held Scoobie's all the time while we slept. But this one, no way, no how, no sireee, not happening.
Something tells me although I am no model, my face must be worth, John, were you offering to come here and do a house call in NJ????:D:D:D
The taping has stopped for son called with a problem and I had to go fetch him....and now I am too pooped to pop so I am going to try try again tomorrow....I will succeed at this bc I am determined once and for all! :)
Hope you all have a good night...Beth and the bad bad boy...and of course, the other Bad Boy who now has angel wings
Wylie's Mom
06-02-2009, 06:39 PM
Beth, your vet visits... OH, MY:eek:! I guess Wylie's not so bright when it comes to the vet... he walks in, smiling & wagging his rat tail... then he has that "oh, crap" look and heads toward the door. When it's time to take him to a room, he firmly plants his butt on the floor.
Good luck on the catching Bailey "in the act" tonight. Is the video camera really tape (or were you saying 'tape', as in 'record')? If it is digital, I've put some videos on YouTube and it was pretty easy to do.
And John - thanks, you reminded me that I need to change the blade (and order refills).
06-03-2009, 08:12 PM
Thanks, Susy! I have a video camera that still uses tapes....but I do have a converter to put them on the computer so I can try that.
Of course, dogs are like cars.....they act weird until you take them in or try to do something about a "problem". I have seen the minor twitching but not the kind I want or think will be more useful. So I wait.
And right now, Bailey is pushing the envelope tonight. He is barking and growling at anyone who tries to cross his path except me! But I am not happy about it! I go up to him and he cries like a girl....he is being plain nasty to my son and Allo. I don't know if he doesn't feel well or what, but after the foot incident I am having PTSD flashbacks!!! My nerves are gone!
So, I have an attitude here that needs adjusting to tend to...and see if I can figure out what his issue is....
I'll probably try the taping again Sunday night after a weekend of activity....
Thanks a bunch!!! Beth, Grumpy Bailey and always, Scoobie
06-04-2009, 04:55 PM
happy birthday beth!!!
06-04-2009, 05:00 PM
Hmm, So Bethy is having a Bday and has not put such in the calendar?:rolleyes:
And then Steph comes along and springs it on us:eek:
Happy Happy, Beth:D
Harley PoMMom
06-04-2009, 05:06 PM
:D Happy Birthday Beth :D
Hoping your day is going well.
Lori and Harley
Roxee's Dad
06-04-2009, 05:45 PM
So the secret is out:eek:
:D:D:D Happy Birthday Beth :D:D:D
I think I heard something about Louise and the blender????
Wylie's Mom
06-04-2009, 05:51 PM
Happy Birthday, Beth!!
Wishing you that money tree for your b-day:D.
06-04-2009, 08:16 PM
I know Scott. I'm stirrin' up trouble. ;)
06-04-2009, 08:44 PM
Happy 29th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06-04-2009, 08:47 PM
:):p;)Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday "BB" ;):p:)
Roxee's Dad
I think I heard something about Louise and the blender????
Uhh-huh! You rang???? For this special occasion something " extra special" could be created in your honor, Oh Majestic Birthday BB. Just say the word....a-a-ahh, but watch the word you say!!!
Lots 'o Love,
Louise & the Munchman
06-04-2009, 09:11 PM
Happy Birthday Beth;
about that money tree, with all the sh#@ your ex hubby has been throwing your way, you should have enough to fertilize it for the rest of its life:p
Hope things have settled down to a dull roar.
luv ya mean it
S,N and K
06-04-2009, 11:13 PM
Happy Birthday! Hope you had the best day possible...take care, Beth.
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
06-04-2009, 11:16 PM
Still time for me to get in a very Happy Birthday wish.
That this coming year will be the best yet.
(That includes a money tree)
Love & Hugs ~ Mary Ann
06-05-2009, 11:22 AM
Oh my....i don't even know where to start! Especially with a cat tail trying to go up my nose at the moment! :eek:
I see Steph was busy posting yesterday, hhhmmmm??? :rolleyes:
Yes, I AM 29! After a certain point, you get to start counting in reverse, find a good age and stick's the rule!
How about a blended drink with tequila, Louise? Um, no fish, no poop, no grease, no worms/bugs/or anything that doesn't look and smell pretty??? And a little umbrella too?
I have you all covered with the money tree as soon as Scott ships me the seedling...I really have more fertilizer than I know what to do with!:p I can send one to all of you with an extra bag of fertilizer!
Thank you all soooo very much!! It was a bittersweet day yesterday....started off more bitter as I woke up and my heart was struck that the two people who were responsible for this and who have always been right by my side, weren't....but....after a few hours of bathing in my sorrow, I tried to reframe my thoughts as I try to do, and thought about all the blessings in my life....all the positives and people I still have here right with me....and that includes every single one of you!!! And it got better....
Still haven't found the chance to video....but I will on Sunday so I am hoping that will be the day....
Love and many hugs!!!! BB and Bailey and always Scoobie and Allo too!
06-05-2009, 05:40 PM
How about a blended drink with tequila, Louise? Um, no fish, :eek: :eek: no poop, no grease, no worms/bugs/ :eek: :eek: or anything that doesn't look and smell pretty??? And a little umbrella too?
Arghhhhhhhh....ackkkkkkkkk.....eeeowwwwwww....I would never (except maybe for the "S" word!!) So tequilla with some exotic type of fruit and sugar on the glass rim, some dark chocolate on the side and a teeny-tiny baby umbrella....just for you!!!!
P.S. I'll partake of one also and then we can both "misplace" our meters this evening...and maybe tomorrow morning too. :eek: :eek:
06-05-2009, 05:40 PM
Yes, I AM 29!
Hey me too:D
Who whouldda thought:rolleyes:
06-05-2009, 08:01 PM
Now, Louise, it is ME you are talking to! You don't think I don't remember all the things you threatened to whip up? LOL! You would too....OK, maybe not poop...just making sure you behave yourself...:cool:
And Scott, I think Sue is too, isn't she??? It's the "29 Club"....LOL...
I am pretty sure Kim is only 28 though...;)
06-05-2009, 08:06 PM
Ok, I cannot tell a lie.:rolleyes:
It's really 32:cool:
06-05-2009, 08:06 PM
Am I too young to be 29 again?
06-05-2009, 08:15 PM
I'll hoist an untainted margarita in your honor and pass out the puppy treats.
Happy belated birthday and many happy returns of the day!
Virginia and Maggie
06-05-2009, 08:16 PM
I'm sticking to 29! If Kim said it, it MUST be true!:D
And Steph, not at all, counting backwards is allowed in the Cushing's parent's Rulebook....Article 115, paragraph 3, Line you made it just in time! LOL!
And we all know that Rulebook speaks only the hard, trusted truth!;)
06-05-2009, 08:17 PM
Hey Virginia! Thank you very much!!! Your margaritas we know we can always trust! Puppy treats all around!!!!:D
29 birthday hugs of thanks coming at ya! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
06-05-2009, 08:20 PM
I'll hoist an untainted margarita in your honor and pass out the puppy treats.
Happy belated birthday and many happy returns of the day!
Virginia and Maggie
I will gladly accept Virginia's margarita but there are others that I will not accept without suspicion.:eek:
06-05-2009, 08:21 PM
Salmon-acious suspicion????:cool:
06-05-2009, 08:24 PM
If I'm 29, then Pallie is 9 again. And no cushings! I really like that!!
06-05-2009, 08:57 PM
I will gladly accept Virginia's margarita but there are others that I will not accept without suspicion. :D
Salmon-acious suspicion????
Scott and're picking on some poor soul. Glad it's not me - I'm above suspicion!!
06-05-2009, 11:28 PM
Now, Louise, it is ME you are talking to! You don't think I don't remember all the things you threatened to whip up? LOL! You would too....OK, maybe not poop...just making sure you behave yourself...:cool:
And Scott, I think Sue is too, isn't she??? It's the "29 Club"....LOL...
I am pretty sure Kim is only 28 though...;)
How did you know?!!! :o You are brilliant.
06-06-2009, 06:44 PM
Scott and're picking on some poor soul. Glad it's not me - I'm above suspicion!!
Louise, let's just say I will 'consider' drinking your concoction if you will drink it first:rolleyes:
06-06-2009, 10:16 PM
Louise, let's just say I will 'consider' drinking your concoction if you will drink it first:rolleyes:
Hmmmm.......sure Scott, just to build your confidence level, I'll take a sip or two first....(as long as there is a large potted plant close by or I have one of those super absorbent Sham Wow things in hand) :D
06-07-2009, 07:59 AM
Are you kidding???? A Sham Wow won't even begin to cover'll need Cheryl with her super stomach suction thingy!!!!:cool:
Scott, I'll let you go after Louise!
And thank you Kim! I kept trying to tell my ex that! LOL! :p;)
Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
06-08-2009, 10:33 AM
Hi Beth,
Sorry:(:( I missed your birthday.
HAPPY 29TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!;);) Hope you had a good day. Hugs to you and the gang.
Lynne and Angel Lady 7/98-3/09
06-17-2009, 01:29 AM
Hello Beth!
So you are 29, too! How wonderful! Just a word of warning, beware of margarita's coming from Louise's evil blender! Even though you listed all the horrible ingredients imaginable, we are talking about Louise! I have a feeling that she hasn't scratched the surface of her recipe book! (You know we love you, Louise!)
Big hugs,
Jeanne, Kiska, and Sammie
07-13-2009, 09:07 AM
Hey Girl!!!
It's been far too long since we've gotten an update from you! Please check in with us, OK? I miss you!!!!
07-13-2009, 05:30 PM
Hey there....
I'm still "here".....just had a rough spell with my hit me out of nowhere and just kind of has knocked the wind out of my sails. I don't know why completely but I've just been having a rough go of it lately. I'm OK, just haven't made it here to post in some time. With it, comes Scoobie and still wondering wth happened.
Of course, my other bathroom fell apart so I am also in the process of fixing that! After the last fiasco, I swore I would never do another bathroom again....but Mother Nature has to be answered and saws and hammers have to come out...
Bailey is hanging in there. Had a scare which Steph and Leslie were a big help through. I thought his kidneys were going on him but he just had labs done last week and all is OK. Alk Phos is elevated, don't recall the numbers bc I was so focused on the kidney thing. The vet and I think it is more a sensitive stomach/GI thing so he is on Pepcid and being switched back to sensitive stomach food. He was vomiting for a few days a few hours after he ate and all coming up undigested. Thyroid was good...everything was good but the Alk Phos so we'll see how this goes....he is still twitching away but with the bathroom project I haven't had time to try and film him again. He seems otherwise happy and content so that is going to be good for me...he was a very good boy at the vet, unlike his usual "charming" self!
Allo is very settled in now.....sneezing the past few days so that is concerning me. But eating OK and up in my face every night between 1am and 3am for a cuddle and a chin rub....
I've been trying to follow along on the threads....just not posting so much....but I do hope to be back soon!!!!
Thanks soooo much for checking on us!!!! I'll be ready for the blender ASAP!!!!
Love ya! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
07-13-2009, 05:42 PM
He girl,
I missed seeing you around but glad you are back.:D The what if's and whys come at you sometimes out of the blue and I am sorry you are dealing with them at the moment. I hate renovations being done but once finished it's great.
07-13-2009, 08:03 PM
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((blenderhugs))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
07-23-2009, 07:10 AM
Hi all!
Finally tried the melatonin last night for Bailey's twitching. It was really getting worse, and I really (as does the vet) not want to add an anti-seizure drug on board unless we absolutely have to.....anyway, it seemed to help (at least last night anyway). Just worried a little bc it seemed almost too sedating....but I may have given it a bit too ealry in the evening. I'm really afraid he will get hurt if this gets worse or we can't find something to control it a little better. I wish I knew what the heck it was.....but I am sure it is neuro-related.
Also, switched to the sensitive tunny food but his loose poops are I am going to have to try and see if I can add something for that too.
And while I am here....does anyone want to join me for a bathroom project?????:rolleyes:
Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
07-23-2009, 09:50 AM
I wondered what was going on with you....glad Leslie and Steph were there to help you through.
Guess you know by now that the grieving process is long and awful and very lonely. :(
How much melatonin did you give Bailey and what form is it? All I can find here is pill form or chocolate strips.
Hugs for Bailey and you,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
Harley PoMMom
07-23-2009, 09:55 AM
Hi Beth,
Are you giving Bailey 3mg of Melatonin? The reason I am asking is bc I've seen it sold in 1mg capsules, so if the 3mg seems too much, then him less? Just a thought.
And while I am here....does anyone want to join me for a bathroom project?????
So what are we talking about...I am a plumber at work...have my own tools...I know Cheryl can solder copper pipes too. We're here to help. :eek::D
Hugs from your PA. friends.
Lori and Harley
07-23-2009, 10:13 AM
Thanks Jo-Ann and Lori!
I gave him 3mg in tablet form stuffed in his favorite....marshmallow! I didn't know they made a 1mg dose so that is great to know. I thought maybe I would try another dose, but later in the evening tonight, and see. If not, I'll look for some 1mg tablets. I don't want him zonkers just comfortable...and not slamming his poor big head into the floor!
It has been really rough with the grieving....I don't know why it is so bad right now. Maybe missing the summer stuff...or just time is now letting the pain through in bits...but I get so overwhelmed, almost doubled-over with it. I am trying to keep on keepin' on though....getting on with my life as I promised. I tend to keep things buried deep down too bc it just hurts way too much.
Lori, the bathroom consists of new tub walls which went over the old tile. I did everything the manufacturer said. Problem is my walls are so out of square that there are places you can see old tile. And then above that, you have wall. So I have noooo idea now how to make the transition between the 3 surfaces and keep it all so it is watertight. I should have just knocked down the walls and started over! : ( Then my drain was leaking on my new sink but I "think" I fixed that....sigh....I hate house projects!!!
Thanks a bunch and hugs to you all!!!
Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
07-23-2009, 10:30 AM
We're all so glad that you PROMISED to get on with your life.
Harley PoMMom
07-23-2009, 01:59 PM
Hi Beth,
I am so sorry you are going thru such a rough time...I was 16 when my Mother passed away, and 21 when cancer took my Father...grieving is something I am familiar with. I am 48 years old now and I still miss them everyday. Some things you never get "over," but you get "thru" and this does not happen overnight, everyone has their own way of dealing with their grief and there is no time limit to it. Please know we are here and we understand.
As for the tile: Is the new tub walls already adhered to the tile? Bc if not, you could take the tiles off where they are sticking out, cut them down to size, and reattach and regrout them. If this doesn't help, I'll ask around the plumbing shop and see what the guys say.
Hugs from your PA. friends.
Lori and Harley
Squirt's Mom
07-23-2009, 03:01 PM
And while I am here....does anyone want to join me for a bathroom project?????
take a hammer to it!!!!
07-23-2009, 06:24 PM
As in, "THE HAMMER" you think he will come and help???
Actually, I would loooooove to take a hammer to the whole darn thing!!
Lori, the tiles are on, the walls are adhered firmly :( and here I thought it would be easier to stick these stupid system on then do the screw in walls like I did in the other bathroom! Beth the Plumber I am NOT!!! So unless I rip the whole thing out and start over...I am stumped! I have bought more tile pieces, etc then I care to count. The walls are fiberglass things...stupid things!
I am off to feed Bailey....and wait until about 9 before the melatonin....and then hope he isn't as dopey. If he is, I'll be heading back to the store in the morning...
Thanks for understanding about my mom and dad and Doobie...I know I was so very blessed to have had them as long as I did, my boyfriend lost his mom when he was 11, and I feel guilty sometimes whining...but I was so used to always having them with me through think and thin, good and bad, and just missing that something awful...and Doobie is always so close in my heart...I just wish I could hold him just one more time....
Love and hugs! Off to feed the beasts! (That includes me!)
Beth, Bailey and always sweet Scoobie-Doobie
07-23-2009, 06:39 PM
Hi B,
Home renovations are something hubby and I made a pact never to do ourselves. We have tried and all were a disaster, now we pay someone else to have the headaches but it also means a lot more expense so we don't do everything we would like. It's a trade off I suppose. I am hoping you get a solution to your bathroom problem and will await the next report, hopefully a good one!
Harley PoMMom
07-23-2009, 07:16 PM
Actually, I would loooooove to take a hammer to the whole darn thing!!
Lori, the tiles are on, the walls are adhered firmly :( and here I thought it would be easier to stick these stupid system on then do the screw in walls like I did in the other bathroom! Beth the Plumber I am NOT!!! So unless I rip the whole thing out and start over...I am stumped! I have bought more tile pieces, etc then I care to count. The walls are fiberglass things...stupid things!
I promise, I will talk to the guys tomorrow!, no hammer yet. :eek::D
I am off to feed Bailey....and wait until about 9 before the melatonin....and then hope he isn't as dopey. If he is, I'll be heading back to the store in the morning...
Thanks for understanding about my mom and dad and Doobie...I know I was so very blessed to have had them as long as I did, my boyfriend lost his mom when he was 11, and I feel guilty sometimes whining
Beth, Honey, do not ever feel guilty about showing or telling someone how you feel...this is not whining, this is how YOU FEEL, IT IS IMPORTANT...You need to get these feelings can't keep them bottled up.
...but I was so used to always having them with me through think and thin, good and bad, and just missing that something awful...and Doobie is always so close in my heart...I just wish I could hold him just one more time....
It sounds like you had a wonderful and loving mom and dad, and I believe you know you will miss them always, but I promise you Beth, this heart-wrenching pain you feel, it lessens in time. If you ever want to talk...I am usually always here. :D
Love and hugs! Off to feed the beasts! (That includes me!)
Beth, Bailey and always sweet Scoobie-Doobie
07-23-2009, 07:48 PM
Thanks, Nat for making space!!!!
I am just getting back from my more tired than ever, LOL!
I am off to bed and will be back bc I am just getting in...but I do have a favor!
Bailey is doing well so far...but I am off tomorrow morning first thing to hopefully deal with a matter regarding my human boy. I am feeling totally overwhelmed with just getting home and having to go do this and with all that has been happening could use all the prayers and thoughts and support I can tomorrow morning...
sooo....if you have a moment to spare, could you please help me ask for a little help from up above that this gets resolved in the best possible way and I can move on past this additional stressor...
you have all helped me get through some really bad spots and this is a really bad spot....I know with your help, everything will be all right...
Love ya! And will be back to catch up soon as soon as I can see straight!!
Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
I will be flying tomorrow night so I will be really close to Her/Him at 46,000 feet. I will have her/him send you a loving hug to take all your worries away :o.
07-23-2009, 08:08 PM
Hi Beth,
Sorry I have not been much help.
I really like bathroom do overs but they can be a real pain. The last one I did here I had to take up a piece of the floor under the toilet and reinforce.
My least favorite is the tile.
I have found it is best to take it all out and start new.
07-24-2009, 06:30 AM
Good morning....
Jenny, I agree! I just had some pool work done and I could have done part of that myself but I hired someone to do it. I had a guy look at the bathroom but he never called back....I guess I should have taken that as a hint! lol
Thanks Lori! I also emailed the wall manufacturer to see if they could think/have something. If they sell fiberglass trim pieces that are flexible anywhere, that's almost what I need I think.
Dottie, thank you so much! Plus I hope you had a safe trip!!
Scott, yes I should have just torn it out like I did in the other one....I just reallllllllly did not even have my heart in doing this and though this would be fast. Ha!
Well, I thought I would give an update....I waited last night until Bailey was settling in. He started to twitch and so I popped him with a 3mg tablet. It seemed to work better. He just kind of settled down after a while and I sat with him until it did. So maybe just giving it later will work OK. I'll see again tonight.
Did you ever feel like the mad chemist???:eek::o:rolleyes:
Love and hugs!!!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
Harley PoMMom
07-24-2009, 08:35 AM
Hi Beth,
What the guys said that you might be able to do is score the tiles. You'll need a glasscutter, chisel, old hand lever type can opener, hammer and safety glasses to do this.
1) Put safety glasses on!, remove or scrape the grout away using the pointed end hand can opener.
2) Score the tile. (Using the glasscutter). These are easy to use, they come with directions, you just have to press firmly and repeatedly.
3) Place the chisel in the middle of where you have scored and hit it with the hammer. Do that for for both ends of the tile, the tile should fall out.
Best of luck to you Beth.
07-24-2009, 08:50 AM
happy birthday bailey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love ya buddy!!!!!!!!!
Barney's Mom
07-24-2009, 09:35 AM
Awww, Happy Birthday Bailey!!!!!!!!!
I am of NO help whatsoever for your bathroom project. But I did help a friend one time makeover her bathroom, and I DID successfully solder in new faucets in her shower, but she did the tub surrounds, so it was a lot easier.
Glad Lori is here! I think it's so cool that we have a plumber in the house :D
07-24-2009, 09:37 AM
Happy, Happy to Bailey:D
Wylie's Mom
07-24-2009, 04:44 PM
Happy Birthday Bailey!! Wishing you a wonderful day and a twitchless night:p.
-Susy & Wylie
07-24-2009, 07:49 PM
Bailey and I thank you for the birthday wishes so much!!! I am going to post a pic of his cake in the album and then him having a piece after we get to that....waiting for his favorite friend to stop by and share...
Lori, thanks so much for the bathroom info!! The lady at the manufacturer's office asked me why I didn't take down the first few rows of tiles...I said I would have had your instructions told me to!!!! She had no suggestions so that was helpful....always count on people anymore to stand behind and support their product!:confused: But I will see if I can do what you were told....if I cut my arm off, I'll type with my nose! :eek::rolleyes::D (I have a reputation and not a good one with not accidentally cutting myself and am only allowed sharp utensils when my son isn't looking....)
Thank you all soooooo much again!!!
Love ya! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie (who I am sure is going to be singing along his favorite song tonight with us....)
Harley PoMMom
07-25-2009, 10:07 PM
Bailey and I thank you for the birthday wishes so much!!! I am going to post a pic of his cake in the album and then him having a piece after we get to that....waiting for his favorite friend to stop by and share...The pictures were adorable.
Lori, thanks so much for the bathroom info!! You're very welcome, I only hope it works.
The lady at the manufacturer's office asked me why I didn't take down the first few rows of tiles...I said I would have had your instructions told me to!!!! She had no suggestions so that was helpful....always count on people anymore to stand behind and support their product!:confused: But I will see if I can do what you were told....if I cut my arm off, I'll type with my nose! :eek::rolleyes::D (I have a reputation and not a good one with not accidentally cutting myself and am only allowed sharp utensils when my son isn't looking....) Severing of any limbs is NOT allowed, you may, however, break a nail, I do that all the time. :p:)
Thank you all soooooo much again!!!
Love ya! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie (who I am sure is going to be singing along his favorite song tonight with us....)
Hugs back to you all and I hope Bailey had a wonderful birthday, which I'm sure his Mom made sure he did, well I know he did...that cake!!!...Lori
Harley PoMMom
08-20-2009, 08:14 AM
Hi Beth,
I was just wondering how Bailey and his twitching was going, I know you were trying melatonin for him and did you find a dose that helped?
Love and hugs.
08-20-2009, 09:10 AM
Hi Beth,
I too have been wondering how things are going with Bailey and his issues. We continue to march on long as the food goes in and comes out right ;)
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
08-20-2009, 10:53 AM
Thanks for checking on us!!! :D
I am using the 1mg melatonin every here and there. He is still twitching and actually jumped off the couch the other night (luckily he didn't get hurt, I think he woke up just in time!). The melatonin seems to help some and isn't quite as sedating. I think this is the best we are going to find for him.
His elbows are all infected again so he is back on another round of antibiotic. Still off the Lysodren because he is eating well but not pig-like and his drinking in well within the norm. Actually, I have to encourage him to drink more bc he cowers down to Allo although Allo is more than willing to share.....leftover Scoobie memories I guess.
There was a day last week I thought I was losing him. His face was all drawn (if that can happen in a dog), just very sunken and hollow and his eyes were all "off". I couldn't see what was wrong so I gave him Metacam for three days and he perked right back up. The poor thing must have been in pain but he just never outwardly shows it until he is really bad off.
Leaving for work this morning, I noticed he has a cut on his back has my stomach in a knot bc I was so rushed for time and he will bite my face off sometimes literally so I couldn't get a good look. It is on the side of his paw and the bleeding stopped although I saw a line of blood on the blanket where it was bleeding. I am sitting here worried sick and I can't remember if there is supposed to be a nail there????? I can't wait to get home so I can check it out and clean it and decide if we need the vet. I have soooooo much guilt leaving him like that...he seemed not bothered by it but still.....
still running on full steam....went on a cruise which was LOVELY!!! But came home with some type of lung plague that I can't get over....didn't sleep for 4 nights...and last night I was in the ER with the human boy bc he sprained his ankle and is on home after that and my A/C broke and it was getting ready to T-storm INSIDE my house from the humidity...
You know, my keeps rollin' rollin' rollin'....and the bathroom is ALMOST done...
I'll try and check back on you all later....thanks again for checking on us!!!!!
Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie-doobs
08-20-2009, 05:46 PM
Awww Beth, I'm here for ya my friend!
08-20-2009, 09:02 PM
Hi Beth,
Thanks for the update....hope the cut on the foot is nothing to worry about and glad the melatonin is helping him.
Guess I should update Lady's thread, seeing as how I expect others to do that! :rolleyes:
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
08-20-2009, 09:10 PM
Thank you! The cut was a little love bump coming out on his foot now, like the ones sprouting out all over him.....I think he must have caught it on something. It looked so little when I got home...
but the elbow is bleeding....
and yes, Jo-Ann, I think we are overdue for an update!!!:D:D
Harley PoMMom
08-20-2009, 09:10 PM
Awww Beth, I'm here for ya my friend!Me too! :)
Love and hugs.
09-03-2009, 08:17 AM
ok "BB" it's September now and curious minds want to know if you have fully recovered from your lung the bathroom completed??
And, how are Bailey's elbows and (as you call him) the human boy's sprained ankle?
Chanting: update - update - update........
Hugs to you, Bailey and Allo,
Louise, Munchie & the furballs
09-03-2009, 06:07 PM
LOL, Louise, the lung plague has left me with a reminder cough that won't go away....worse at night and in the mornings. Otherwise, I think it's gone...yipppeeeeeeee!!!! That was awful! Leslie sent it to me from Tennessee as part of good ole' southern sharing.....kinda like percy!
The bathroom is finally complete!!! After some minor bruising and bleeding and major sweating and swearing, LOL....
Bailey's elbows have healed up fairly well. The antibiotics kicked right in and cleared things up. Unless I do surgery, which I am not going to do, this will be a recurrent problem. And if I do surgery, it could be a recurrent problem anyway. I just feel so bad for him when it happens bc they bleed and get so sore.
I have been drifting back and forth on the Cush treatment. His appetite, while not huge, is picking back up. As his water sporadically. I feel guilty not stimming him, but then I think would I want to lower his cortisol anyway? The problem I am grappling with is that his arthritis is acting up on most days and I have had to use the pain meds more frequently. If I lower the cortisol, I will unmask more of the arthritis.
My other issue with him is the twitching thing. The other night, I actually saw the whole thing in progress. It started in the tip of his tail, you could see almost one continuous contraction that ran up from there until it reached his head and bang, slams on the floor and up he runs scared to death!! Most of the time, it isn't quite that bad, but almost every night now he has this to some degree. Always when he is starting to relax. I can't help but think it is for sure neuro in nature and this leads to my other concern.....if there is any inflammation bc of whatever is in his head and I lower the cortisol, will it aggravate the twitching thing?
My main goal is for quality bc he really is just showing so many old age signs....I know Cushing's can create an almost rapid aging process for lack of better words, and I don't want to disrupt any quality he has left for however long he has just to keep him with me for however much longer treating him would give me. Does this make sense? I am feeling as though I should let Mother Nature do her thing and let things be.....yet I feel guilty bc I feel like I am neglecting him. But my decision isn't out of not caring, it is because I want him to enjoy his days and not be able to get himself around and about....or worse yet, start seizing or something bc of his head...
The human boy, LOL, is all better, thank you! Off crutches and back to his own steam. Still wrapping the ankle when he is active and resting it here and there. He towers over me now at 6'5" and when we had the x-rays done the doc said his growth plates are still open so he isn't done yet! My next home improvement project will be to put in cathedral ceilings!!!! Or move....he hugs me and I get lost....LOL.
Allo, just so all of you who encouraged me to get a cat, and you know who you are, pushed out my front window screen the other night and took himself on a nice middle of the night spree while leaving us in the house with an open window and any critter able to come in. I found him sitting outside my back door, crying and soaking wet (it poured that night). Found the screen in the bushes. Found the liquor I brought from the cruise and poured myself a drink that night when I got home, LOL. Just one though.
So we are keeping on...marching forward...and missing all of you.
Thank you for checking in on us!!! I hope the Munchman and his kitties are all doing well! And our hearts are still with all our Cushpups and the people here!!! I keep saying I am going to be better about being back here....maybe now that my head is out of the toilet I can be....
Love and hugs!!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
09-25-2009, 06:49 AM
Hi Beth,
I just found this:
Barney's Mom
09-25-2009, 07:55 AM
LOL, Louise, the lung plague has left me with a reminder cough that won't go away....worse at night and in the mornings. Otherwise, I think it's gone...yipppeeeeeeee!!!! That was awful! Leslie sent it to me from Tennessee as part of good ole' southern sharing.....kinda like percy!
The bathroom is finally complete!!! After some minor bruising and bleeding and major sweating and swearing, LOL....
Bailey's elbows have healed up fairly well. The antibiotics kicked right in and cleared things up. Unless I do surgery, which I am not going to do, this will be a recurrent problem. And if I do surgery, it could be a recurrent problem anyway. I just feel so bad for him when it happens bc they bleed and get so sore.
I have been drifting back and forth on the Cush treatment. His appetite, while not huge, is picking back up. As his water sporadically. I feel guilty not stimming him, but then I think would I want to lower his cortisol anyway? The problem I am grappling with is that his arthritis is acting up on most days and I have had to use the pain meds more frequently. If I lower the cortisol, I will unmask more of the arthritis.
My other issue with him is the twitching thing. The other night, I actually saw the whole thing in progress. It started in the tip of his tail, you could see almost one continuous contraction that ran up from there until it reached his head and bang, slams on the floor and up he runs scared to death!! Most of the time, it isn't quite that bad, but almost every night now he has this to some degree. Always when he is starting to relax. I can't help but think it is for sure neuro in nature and this leads to my other concern.....if there is any inflammation bc of whatever is in his head and I lower the cortisol, will it aggravate the twitching thing?
My main goal is for quality bc he really is just showing so many old age signs....I know Cushing's can create an almost rapid aging process for lack of better words, and I don't want to disrupt any quality he has left for however long he has just to keep him with me for however much longer treating him would give me. Does this make sense? I am feeling as though I should let Mother Nature do her thing and let things be.....yet I feel guilty bc I feel like I am neglecting him. But my decision isn't out of not caring, it is because I want him to enjoy his days and not be able to get himself around and about....or worse yet, start seizing or something bc of his head...
The human boy, LOL, is all better, thank you! Off crutches and back to his own steam. Still wrapping the ankle when he is active and resting it here and there. He towers over me now at 6'5" and when we had the x-rays done the doc said his growth plates are still open so he isn't done yet! My next home improvement project will be to put in cathedral ceilings!!!! Or move....he hugs me and I get lost....LOL.
Allo, just so all of you who encouraged me to get a cat, and you know who you are, pushed out my front window screen the other night and took himself on a nice middle of the night spree while leaving us in the house with an open window and any critter able to come in. I found him sitting outside my back door, crying and soaking wet (it poured that night). Found the screen in the bushes. Found the liquor I brought from the cruise and poured myself a drink that night when I got home, LOL. Just one though.
So we are keeping on...marching forward...and missing all of you.
Thank you for checking in on us!!! I hope the Munchman and his kitties are all doing well! And our hearts are still with all our Cushpups and the people here!!! I keep saying I am going to be better about being back here....maybe now that my head is out of the toilet I can be....
Love and hugs!!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
I don't know why this struck me as so funny but it did! Poor Beth, lol.
Barney's Mom
09-25-2009, 08:38 AM
I don't know why this struck me as so funny but it did! Poor Beth, lol.
An hour later I still find myself laughing! Sorry Beth, I shouldn't find humor at your expense, but this morning I just can't help myself.
09-25-2009, 08:27 PM
Wow, Alison! Thank you! I am going to print this out for the vet the next time we go...which should be within the next week or two bc he needs his nails done. This is very interesting and especially as it applies to his breed. Especially the hynic myoclonus...if I am spelling that right...I have puppy brain right now! I'll have to do some more research and reading so I can have a better grasp before I talk to him but this sounds right on. Thank you so much!!!
Go ahead, can laugh! All my friends did....and I did....later....after the drink...I realized he paid the price for that little stunt...wet cat! All I could think of was I would have killed him had a raccoon crawled in bed with me that night!:D
Actually, come to think of it....I need some more of that drink right now!!!
When do puppies calm down???? Four months old???????????????????????????????????????????? Lie to me, PLEASE!!!!!
Love ya!!! Batty Beth
09-25-2009, 09:38 PM
Hey B,
Puppies usually calm down when they reach 4 months old......that was the lie you wanted to hear right!
Now for the truth, Luke is around 2yo and we are still waiting for his brain to grow. He is getting better and we are getting more good Luke than evil Luke so that has to be a good thing.
09-25-2009, 11:09 PM
When do puppies calm down???? Four months old???????????????????????????????????????????? Lie to me, PLEASE!!!!!
Love ya!!! Batty Beth
A puppy calm down at 4 months old.....ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!....:D :D :D
Barney's Mom
09-25-2009, 11:46 PM
A puppy calm down at 4 months old.....ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!....:D :D :D
This is gettin good ;)
09-25-2009, 11:54 PM
Four months? Isn't that where they go seamlessly from toddlerhood into adolescence....?
Zac grew a brain (such as it is) at about the age of 3 (years). :D
09-25-2009, 11:57 PM
Ha! Ha! is right! Our little doxie, Nixie is four months old and she tears around the house like a maniac! She jumps straight up in the air like a cat does. She has certainly helped to heal my broken heart after loosing my beloved, sweet Katrina.
09-26-2009, 09:53 AM
I am sticking with the four MONTH plan! :D I love my delusions!!!:D They keep me sane!!
And....Cheryl!! YOU are in soo much trouble bringing up the Allo thing!!! Last night as I was sitting typing and having one tiny drink for the first time in I don't know how long, Allo was climbing out my bedroom window!!!!!! :( My son climbed in it bc he forgot his keys, left the screen up not to my knowledge and I went in and opened it not noticing bc it was dark.
I got the pups ready for bed, no easy task, everyone settled, and went to give Allo some hugs and kisses....NO ALLO!!!! So, there I was, exhausted, outside yelling ALLOOOOOOO....PPSSSSSS...PPPSSSSSS...PSSSS...with my flashlight looking in the neighbors yards, under their bushes, etc....nothing...
A while later, screaming at the back door.....ALLO!!!!
Comes strutting in cleaning himself!
And all the while Pallie is screaming bc I am not in bed!
Now, who has that extra room????
Love ya!!! Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie, the ever elusive Allo and almost grown-up Pallie:D
Barney's Mom
09-26-2009, 10:20 AM
Beth, I am dying here!!!!!! You live in a zoo!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I love you dearly and there is always and extra room for you and your entourage! Things sound just as crazy and perfect as they should be at your house and I am very happy for that!
Roxee's Dad
09-26-2009, 10:44 AM
I think NBC is looking for a good new comedy show:D
The Batty Beth Show? or how about..
Basset hounds are like potato chips, you can't have just one show?
Louise can loan you her blender, Jenny can donate the Bristol Stool Chart and Cheryl can loan you her poop stick (twig) and let's not forget the visiting worms and that wonderful picture in your album:D:D:D
I think you can give Jay Leno a run for his money!:D
Harley PoMMom
09-26-2009, 11:18 PM
Welll......Pallie had her first vet visit. I'll start by saying Bailey's urine is all clear!!!! But....I discussed some other issues he is having and we are concerned about as possibilities but decided to leave it alone for now. I'll post that later if I can or tomorrow on his thread. You never did post??? Me worried :(
Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie and Pallie (scratch scratch)
I've got a whole week off of work, frig is stocked, cabinets full of groceries and a bottle sitting beside me...if you need to talk...I'm here for ya. :D
Love and hugs.
09-27-2009, 12:29 AM
went to give Allo some hugs and kisses....NO ALLO!!!! So, there I was, exhausted, outside yelling ALLOOOOOOO....PPSSSSSS...PPPSSSSSS...PSSSS...with my flashlight looking in the neighbors yards, under their bushes, etc....nothing...
You're supposed to be saying "Allooooo.....kitty, kitty, kitty - no wonder he ignored you!" :D :D
09-27-2009, 10:43 AM
My life is a mess, John! LOL! It's the only way I stay insane!
Cheryl, I am on my way!!!
Lori, the concern was the possibility of cancer. Bailey is also having trouble with his bowels. Along with the neuro stuff....along with weight loss...and then the blood...which yes, was most likely a UTI. The problem with bladder cancer, and I did do some reading after that conversation, is that it will appear to mimic a UTI, even clear with antibiotics, which can delay diagnosis. However, if he did/does have cancer, I would not put him through any kind of treatment. So we are going with the UTI. The bowel issue is that he either goes 100 times a day or struggles to go at all. It isn't loose or anything like that. It isn't too hard either. This is all just bc of looking at his whole clinical picture and that came up as a possibility.
Now, he just vomited for two mornings in a row. Mostly, froth. But he is also vomiting whole undigested food here and there. This morning, it was a combo of undigested food and froth. He is already on a special diet for his tummy.
I am, however, going to make his nail appt so the vet can look at him. I'll call tomorrow and see if we can get in this week. Take another urine sample just to see.
Louise, I would have called kitty kitty kitty except Allo is pretty set in thinking he is a DOG! LOL! He was screaming all night long at that window, his escape hatch, wanting to get out! I am very tired.....I wish Pallie was, LOL.
As for Bailey, I will keep you posted....I think this is going to be a wait and see thing and time will tell...I can't and won't put him through very much that isn't simple. It's too traumatizing for him and whatever nature brings, or hopefully doesn't bring, I will try and cope with the best I can. All he wants is his couch, some food, and belly rubs....that much I will always always do! Oh, and he is playing with Pallie....which is quite the sight especially given the size difference!!
Love and hugs, Beth and the rest of 'em
Harley PoMMom
09-27-2009, 11:50 AM
Oh Beth...I am praying like a mad blonde-haired woman that the "C" word does not creep up in Bailey's health issues.
Re: his tummy; I've been reading about slippery elm, maybe you already heard of it? If not:
When taken, slippery elm is easy on the digestive system. Slippery elm is said to be good for both diarrhea and constipation, as it softens and adds smooth bulk to the stool. Slippery elm also calms irritation as it gently coats the lining of the intestinal system.
Don't know if this applies to Bailey's situation, but I thought/needed/wanted to do something for you and Bailey. :o:)
Give Bailey, Pallie, and Houdini Allo gentle belly rubs from Harley and me.
Love and many, many hugs.
Barney's Mom
09-27-2009, 04:54 PM
You're supposed to be saying "Allooooo.....kitty, kitty, kitty - no wonder he ignored you!" :D :D
I think the neighbors are planning an intervention! One night soon they will be out in Beth's back yard with flashlights saying BETHHHHH!!!!! PSSSSSS...PPPSSSSSS...PSSSS...with their flashlights, looking under bushes.....
It's OOO KKKKK Beth, maybe one day we'll share a padded cell ;)
09-27-2009, 05:08 PM
Hi B,
I hear you!
I really believe that the ones who pretend everything is normal are the ones who need the padded cell.
So as long as you know things are crazy you are ok.:D
09-27-2009, 05:35 PM
It's OOO KKKKK Beth, maybe one day we'll share a padded cell ;)
We can make it a trio.....and I'll supply the blender!! :D
09-27-2009, 06:23 PM
We can make it a trio.....and I'll supply the blender!! :D
There's a picture I can't get out of my mind, the three of you and a blender in singsing:D
What of poor Allo, who will let him in?
09-28-2009, 08:00 AM
Bailey will let him in I am sure! ;)
The reason I say this is bc I suspect Bailey has been eating too many of Allo's excrements!!!!:eek::eek::eek: I found telltale signs this morning and he won't eat breakfast...he has that look like, "ooooohhh....maybe that wasn't such a good thing!!!!!"
Thanks, Lori for the slippery elm idea! I am going to look into it and try that too! I remember Alison bringing it up some time ago but forgot all about it....hope it works on aiding digestion of cat poop!!!:o
Would you all like a pic of that too????:D
One padded cell....a blender....and NO POOP!!!!!
Love ya! Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie, Allo and Pallie
Barney's Mom
09-28-2009, 03:37 PM
Bailey will let him in I am sure! ;)
The reason I say this is bc I suspect Bailey has been eating too many of Allo's excrements!!!!:eek::eek::eek: I found telltale signs this morning and he won't eat breakfast...he has that look like, "ooooohhh....maybe that wasn't such a good thing!!!!!"
Thanks, Lori for the slippery elm idea! I am going to look into it and try that too! I remember Alison bringing it up some time ago but forgot all about it....hope it works on aiding digestion of cat poop!!!:o
Would you all like a pic of that too????:D
One padded cell....a blender....and NO POOP!!!!!
Love ya! Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie, Allo and Pallie
What will Louise and I do with our firm twigs?
Oh! I know! BETHHHHH.......PSSS......PSSS.......PSSS!
09-28-2009, 08:49 PM
Well, we made an emergency visit to the vet tonight. I walked over to Bailey and his tail was wagging (he usually only wags when I first come in or if he is up and about) but he appeared to be sleeping. I sat down next to him and started talking and he lifted his head, but his eyes were rolled back into his head. I grabbed his face in my hands and it was so heavy. I kept talking to him, calling softly, "Bailey.....Bailey...are you ok, Big Boy?" eyes. I started to get a bit freaked so I had my former roommate stop to see if she could get a response. A little...and the decision was made something was very wrong.
Of course, by the time we got to the vet, he was more alert, both eyes showing. They did a snap test for any tickborne disease which was negative. Blood work to check organ function (kidneys, thyroid, etc...) should be back tomorrow.
Possibilities include uremia from kidneys, thyroid, but most likely it looks right now like some type of small focal point seizures where he is somewhat responsive but not completely. We re-discussed the twitching thing too. The vet said something about forebrain disease and tumors there (I was too upset and wound up to remember now but will ask tomorrow)...but I think he thinks it is not forebrain. He did say we may have to treat with a low dose steroid......mentioned potassium bromide...can't really remember it all now. I think he knew I was on overload bc he said we would talk tomorrow bc we can't do anything until the tests come back that he did tonight.
He gave him a pain injection and anti-nausea injection bc of the on and off vomiting...I got him to eat a little bit pf peanut butter and english muffin tonight with me. He is drinking up a storm.
So....we wait...and we all know how I love to wait. I am terrified this is the beginning of the end for him but am trying to take it one moment at a time. It's all I know how to do right now.
Alison, I did mention the Lafore's disease and he was very familiar with it and said it could be that too....we just don't know. If the tests come back OK, we will probably start some type of seizure treatment.
And of course we wound up in what I call Scoobie's room....where I laid on the floor and sent him to the, I really wasn't in my right head...and my right head isn't that sharp anymore...:(
I feel so sick right now I don't know what to do with myself. Pallie is overly wound up from the stress so she is in her pen bc I can't deal with her right now...I'm just going to give Bailey his belly rubs and hope St. Francis helps us...
Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie and Allo and Pallie
Roxee's Dad
09-28-2009, 09:02 PM
Oh Beth,
I am so sorry you and Bailey are going through this. I hope and pray it turns out to be something easy to manage.
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
09-28-2009, 09:20 PM
Hey Beth;
Sorry to hear about the issues with Bailey. Sounds like those twitching issues may be related. I wish with all my wishing ability that all turns out well. I can't eve imagine how freaked you were when you found him like that. I am sure your vet with get to the bottom of this.
Maybe pitchen that tent in the parking lot of your vets would not be such a bad idea. Gotta get that bill passed...
let me know how things go, will be thinking about you
Harley PoMMom
09-28-2009, 10:40 PM
Oh Beth,
I am so sorry too, that you and Bailey are going through these issues. Please know that you and Bailey are in my thoughts and prayers also.
Love and (((hugs)))
John II
09-29-2009, 05:52 AM
Dear Beth,
I'm so sorry to hear about Bailey's problem - my thoughts and prayers are with you.
09-29-2009, 09:05 AM
Beth -- Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and Bailey. For me, the "not knowing the cause" is one of the hardest things to deal with and many times we just have to treat the symptoms. I did read up a bit on Lafora's Disease since I had never heard of it. Our beagles and bassets seem prone to so many things but, once they grab onto our hearts, we just can't seem to move onto another breed. Take a deep breath and please give Bailey a hug from me!
Barney's Mom
09-29-2009, 11:35 AM
Oh Beth, what a terrible thing to go through! Praying you'll find out what was going on with Bailey soon.
Squirt's Mom
09-29-2009, 11:53 AM
Hey Bethy,
You know I am here for you and am hoping for the very best with our Bailey Boy. Let us know as soon as you can what those results say and what the plan is.
Many prayers, hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie and the girls
09-29-2009, 01:46 PM
Thank you alll so very much!! What would I do without you all???
The labs are back....the vet said, "His bloodwork is the best it has been in years!"...even the AlkPhos is was over 1700 in July 2008, down to over 800 when he just had this UTI, and now 642. And I am not treating that or the Cushing's...soo...????
He wants me to wait and watch and keep a log of when, duration, etc of these seizures should it happen again. If they interfere with his daily life, then he wants him to see a neurologist for medication.
Which would be fine except when I took Scooter to the neurologist, she wouldn't begin any treatment without a MRI. I am not about to put Bailey through all that stress of a visit when he nearly has a breakdown at the regular vet's just to be turned away after forking over my money.
So, I am very happy about the labs although a simple solution would have been my preference....but I really think this is all tied together with the twitching thing and there is no answer without a bunch of tests that won't change the course of nature.
I'm sorry...I am just terribly frustrated....seeing him like that and it brings back Scoobie's issues and no easy answer there either...
I think the other vet I see will medicate him if need be should they continue....I'll talk to him if things continue.
Bailey had another episode before bed last night but seems OK today. He drank gallons of water, which is not like him, even with the Cushing's last night...and today ate his breakfast and just seems quiet but OK.
So, I guess all I can do right now it sit and watch and wait some more....
Love and lots of hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
09-29-2009, 03:12 PM
Hi Beth,
I just saw this now and know what you're going through with Bailey. Quality of life is everything, especially when vet visits are so traumatic.
I read about the Lafore's disease that was mentioned earlier and that may have been the "neurological thing" that Lady had going on for the last 20 months of her life....some of the things listed there were familiar...the shudders, disliking being in the sunshine, undigested rice in her stool are the ones that come to mind right now.
The frustration is enormous and it's so hard to take it one day at a time.
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel
09-29-2009, 03:47 PM
Oh, Beth....I am just catching up and am so sorry about what you and Bailey are currently going through. Back in the 80's my Scottish Terrier suffered from seizures and it was upsetting for both of us. I can understand not wanting to put Bailey through another bunch of tests or an MRI. He's your boy and you need to listen to your gut about this.
As far as Bailey's newly acquired taste for Allo snacks :eek: any dog I've ever owned loves them. I've had to put up a gate to the room that houses the litter box or Munchie would be having himself some extra snacks (and they're definitely not included in his fish & potato diet!) The cats can jump over the gate just fine but Munchie is curtailed from "snacking".
Luv Ya',
09-30-2009, 06:20 AM
Thank you Jo-Ann and Louise!:)
We had an uneventful night for a change. I am hoping that was the end of that although I hardly think so.....the twitching was in full force even if the other didn't occur. But if I can see eyeballs, I feel better anyway. :o
Louise, thank you for the gate idea. I feel so stupid for not thinking of that! I just took Pallie out of the litterbox bc she likes to sit and dig in there like some kind of sandbox! Bailey is the poop eater but I did catch her once too. GROSSSS!!! My house is small so I don't have an extra room like a laundry room....everything is in full use...and the garage is out bc Allo can get out from there...there is an opening to the crawlspace and then he goes from there. But I do have the bathroom off the family room I can use. Now if only he would use the toilet!!!
So, Pallie likes to be in the "sandbox", Allo likes to sleep in Pallie's bed and she rips the blankets out from underneath him and Bailey just wants to eat "treats"....and I am in almost constant motion...
with your blender drinks and my tasty treats, it is time for the party...
Love ya, Beth and the others
09-30-2009, 06:21 AM
BTW who put that stupid saying under my name??????????:cool:
09-30-2009, 08:50 AM
LOL LOL OH, I'm still chuckling over that last post!!!:D
Harley PoMMom
09-30-2009, 09:13 AM
Hi Beth,
The only thing I can suggest about the "poop eating" is those automatic cleaning litter boxes...but they are pricey.
Oh Beth, I wish I had more words of wisdom for you and Bailey but my experience and knowledge fall short here. Please know my dear friend that you and Bailey are in my thoughts and prayers today and always.
Love and (((hugs)))
09-30-2009, 01:54 PM
Beth -- thank goodness for the uneventful night! Having experienced dealing with seizures with my Maggie, I know that horrible feeling of always waiting for the next one. When she started having cluster seizures, that almost pushed me over the edge. I read the info on the Epi Angels website over and over again and stocked my house with Rescue Remedy and Haagen Das vanilla ice cream. In case you don't already have it, here is the link: .
I am so glad that Bailey's lab test results were so good -- you definitely have enough to deal with.
Please don't doubt that you are a wonderful Mom to all your loved ones. Hang in there!
09-30-2009, 06:23 PM
The only thing I can suggest about the "poop eating" is those automatic cleaning litter boxes...but they are pricey.
Love and (((hugs)))
Beth, I am sorry about the issue with Bailey, it is nice the labs look good and I hope this turns out to be no big deal.
In our case I use a spare bedroom for the cat room and put a cat door in the bedroom door so the cats have free acces and the dogs cannot get in, might not work in your case for Pallie until she grows up a bit.
If you do find yourself in the market for an auto litterbox the one we have is the 'Litter Robot' and it works very well.
10-23-2009, 12:43 PM
Thank you all for your input with the litter box. I put it in the bathtub for now. But I am looking at the auto ones...
Just have an update on both pups....
The good news is Pallie. She gained 8 pounds this past month and is growing like a weed. I swear I wake up some days and just think, "Oh! You got bigger!!!"....We did not repeat the blood work bc she is running laps and laps and more laps around the backyard. He does want to re-check her in 6 months and see how she is doing at that point. I also, for the first time ever, ordered her a doggie coat bc she has such fine, sparse fur yet. But he said she is doing great!!!
Now Bailey, you know, can't not get in on the act. And actually it was pretty unsettling this morning. As I was leaving, I went to feed him his usual cookie. I couldn't wake him up for anything for about 30 seconds...which seemed like a lifetime...he didn't move at all. I had to keep calling to him and rubbing his head and he woke up. He refused his breakfast this morning and any cookies and just looked "out of it". No nothing. Sooo....I remembered my vet wondering if that last episode wasn't some sort of addisonian thing going on....and I gave him a small dose of pred.
I had to come to work but my friend is there and she said he perked up, ate, drank, peed, played, and ate some more. I am realllly suspicious now of his cortisol levels fluctuating.
But I don't "get it"...bc he hasn't had Lysodren since why would his levels rise and fall? But is was the closest I have seen him act like Scoobie when he would go low and the positive reaction to the pred has me even more suspicious....but why the ups and downs????
As for my deworming, the vet said I am fine and not to worry. He said it would be very very rare for me to get worms and really is only a concern if I am playing in the dirt where they go and then licking my fingers. I told him I only play with poop with a verrrry long stick!!!!
So, that's where we are.....I'm just worried about Bailey but will take him in if it happens again....
Lots of love and hugs, Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie, Allo and Baby Pallie
10-25-2009, 10:51 AM
OK, this morning hit the 48 hour mark since the last episode. Bailey is not too alert this morning and refusing everything including peanut butter. I forced another 2.5mg of pred in him. This was an hour ago and not much response so I am going for another dose.
I think he also has another UTI on top of it bc he was up the night before last crying and panting and needing out every hour. Luckily, I had started him already on an antibiotic for his legs.
I don't know why this is happening and I know I can't stim him if I wanted to be of the pred. I'll be calling the vet first thing tomorrow.
What I am wondering is if a UTI could be putting stress on his system and this is causing the low? Has anyone ever seen or heard of this?
I know in diabetics any stress, whether it be physical or mental, can cause blood sugar levels to rise or fall without rhyme or reason so I am wondering about the cortisol doing the same??:confused:
I have to run to take care of this but wanted to ask....
Love and hugs, Beth and you know the rest
And can someone please remind me how long pred stays in their system?? It's been so long since I needed it!!! THANK YOU!!!!!
10-25-2009, 11:06 AM
Beth, I can't remember exactly about pred, either, because we never had occasion to use it. And I also don't know exactly what to expect as far as the impact of a UTI on cortisol levels. :( :(
So I'm striking out on both those issues. But I'm sure thinking of you guys and SO sorry that Bailey is feeling so poorly! Hopefully some other folks will be by shortly with more info for you.
Healing (((hugs))) :o :o
Harley PoMMom
10-25-2009, 01:13 PM
And can someone please remind me how long pred stays in their system??
Prednisone and prednisolone are considered to be intermediate acting steroids, meaning that a dose lasts about a day or a day and a half. After two weeks or more of use, it is important to taper the dose to an every other day schedule so as to keep the body's own cortisone sources able and healthy.
Hi Beth,
Hope this helps...You and Bailey are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs.
10-25-2009, 03:04 PM
When we were still in the diagnosis phase with Maggie, the vet didn't want to do any testing while she had a UTI because it would skew the results. I know that a really bad UTI can make people feel nauseated and generally crummy so maybe that's what is going on.
Hope you get some answers tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you!
Squirt's Mom
10-25-2009, 03:52 PM
Hey Beth,
No answers or suggestions, just lots of love, hugs, well wishes and prayers.
me and the girls :D
10-25-2009, 06:13 PM
Thank you all for your support and information!!! I really appreciate it very very much!!
I did have another thought....what if it isn't cortisol at all? What if whatever is causing this neuro thing is getting worse and the pred is reducing any inflammation in his brain? What if that's what I am seeing? I will never know without a scan, which I decided a long time ago not to do....but it was a thought....
the UTI I know he would go off food....but he has never been to this extreme. It took a long while this time but he did finally eat and bounce back about two hours post-pred.....
I am just getting in bc I had to go to a function with my son so I have to run....and my friend stayed with Bailey....but I did want to pop in quickly and will be back later....
Thanks so very very much!!!!!
Love and hugs!!! Beth
Barney's Mom
10-25-2009, 07:39 PM
Thank you all for your support and information!!! I really appreciate it very very much!!
I did have another thought....what if it isn't cortisol at all? What if whatever is causing this neuro thing is getting worse and the pred is reducing any inflammation in his brain? What if that's what I am seeing? I will never know without a scan, which I decided a long time ago not to do....but it was a thought....
the UTI I know he would go off food....but he has never been to this extreme. It took a long while this time but he did finally eat and bounce back about two hours post-pred.....
I am just getting in bc I had to go to a function with my son so I have to run....and my friend stayed with Bailey....but I did want to pop in quickly and will be back later....
Thanks so very very much!!!!!
Love and hugs!!! Beth
Hey Beth! 8 pounds in a month? Wow, you practically grew another small dog! Sounds like Pallie is healthy and happy. I don't think I would do an MRI either. Nice to see his blood work came back so well. What a weirdly great thing that his Alk Phos came down while off the Lysodren. Hope that Bailey continues to stay perky.
10-25-2009, 08:27 PM
I think it's most unlikely that his cortisol is fluctuating but his need for cortisol could well be. When a normal dog (or person or whatever) is stressed their hypothamus/pituitary automatically signals the adrenals to dump some of their reserve cortisol to raise the cortisol level rapidly.
When a dog is treated for Cushing's the cortisol-producing capacity of the adrenals is artificially curbed to the point that enough cortisol is produced for day-to-day purposes but not that little bit extra that is needed to cope with illness, injury or stress. When the body is stressed and the cortisol cannot automatically rise then you can get symptoms of low cortisol which respond rapidly to a dose of pred just like "real" low cortisol.
It seems anything that ups the metabolic rate can mean that more cortisol (or pred) could be needed - things I've seen listed include cold weather, exercise, anxiety, excitement, illness, injury etc. etc.
To give an idea of how much the need for cortisol can increase, I read somewhere that children with a congenital condition which means they are more or less born in an addisonian state can need up to 4 times their regular cortisone/pred dose if they get a simple vomiting virus especially if they have a fever.
PS: The other thing is that he may have just had a seizure in his sleep and been very out of it because of that too. It is just possible that the improvement you saw after the pred was a coincidence. A seizure could well increase the need for cortisol too I'd think. I always think that if in doubt you give the pred though.
10-25-2009, 09:01 PM
I guess what is confusing me is that he has had no Lysodren since January. So, theoretically, the cortisol should be in the high end not low...and there is nothing keeping the adrenal glands from over-producing at this point.
Just sitting here with him tonight next to me on the couch, he has had that darn twitching/startle thing about 7 times this half hour. Once he almost went off the couch. It always happens when he is going to sleep and is not just sleep twitching. This is different. This is the mouth snapping open thing. Today, I was napping with him with my arms around him, and I could feel something start in the mid-area of his back....a muscle contraction that very very quickly ran up to his head and then the mouth snap.
This is the second time he has responded to the my thoughts are either a cortisol issue or a neuro issue that is responding to the pred but presents like low cortisol....:confused:
But he was doing really well and no Lysodren as I said in months and months...and actually just a short time ago I was toying with a re-load and start of the Lysodren after a stim bc his symptoms were returning...the huge appetite mainly.
On the other hand, if his cortisol has been dropping, I am also wondering in this is why the Alk Phos has been dropping as well....
I do plan on just giving him a small dose of pred in the morning until I can get the vet but this is really puzzling...and tonight he is definitely more actively doing the mouth snap/twitch thing :(
Thanks so very much!!! Love and hugs, Me
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