View Full Version : Snakebite vaccinations?
08-10-2011, 01:06 PM
Has anyone used the snakebite vaccination for their dog? It's produced by redrockbiologics (?). Our nearest emergency vet clinic has had a sign out front that they have this available. It supposedly protects against several venomous snake bites. In our area, it is the timber rattlers and copperheads that are a concern, and it offers some protection against those, apparently.
I picked up the info sheet on it and it seems that it can reduce the severity of the bite and shorten the recovery time, but if there is a bite, it is still a vet emergency. The more venom that is injected in the bite, the greater the chance that they'll still react and need anti-venom. But this vaccine is said to save owners a lot of $$ because it reduces the overall vet care needed if a dog is bit. I'm thinking I might get this for Cooky as she's so curious and won't leave anything on the ground alone. Plus, I think I saw a young timber rattler in our driveway a few weeks ago. Makes me nervous as we have lots of woods all around us and we walk in a woodsy campground all the time. My concern is the side-effects. Literature claims it is pretty safe but just wondering if anybody has first-hand experience with it???? Thanks.
Sue and Cooky and Friskee (and my angel Zoe)
Squirt's Mom
08-10-2011, 01:28 PM
Hi Sue,
Good to hear from you! :):)
I have never heard of a snakebite vaccine before! This is worth looking into for us, too, as we live in a rural area with woods, swamps (now dry), and tall grasses all around. I've seen several cotton mouths in the roads and a few rattlers, but none in the yard, thank goodness! With it as dry as it is around here, we are seeing much more wildlife in residential areas looking for water and food sources.
My babies aren't prone to wandering off exploring very far other than Squirt when the temps are nice .....and she knows better. :rolleyes: The areas we walk in are clear for at least 6 ft on each side but I still keep her close. We don't even venture out onto some of our paths during the spring or fall. :eek: We have almost 2 acres that are kept mowed so that is plenty of room for us to exercise. ;)
How are Cookie and Friskee doing?
Good question and I hope you get some good input...I'm curious, too! :D
08-10-2011, 02:30 PM
Hi Sue!
In all my years in the metro area, I've only seen a couple of rattlers. But I guess I'm not surprised that it's more of an issue for you mountain folks :( :eek:.
I have no first-hand knowledge of the vaccine, but here's what UC Davis had to say about it back when they last revised their vaccination protocol in 2009 (scroll down the page and you'll find it listed towards the bottom):
It's always so good to see you here, no matter what the reason is (and thanks to both you and Leslie so much for your sweet notes today about Barkis...:o :o).
08-10-2011, 03:54 PM
I guess this vaccine has been around since about 2004. UCDavis issued the recommendation in 2009. I've been looking online and found these other links, with comments on what the vet clinics are reporting.
Again, it seems to hinge on how much venom the dog gets when bit but even with the vaccine, a snakebite should always be considered an emergency:
From what I can find, the shots can cost anywhere from $15-25, depending on the vet. Two required - an initial one followed by a booster. and then boosters every 6 months, but no longer than a year in between. Anti-venom shots can cost $600 upwards to $1000, not to mention the costs of any other vet care/hospitilization needed.
Apparently the vaccine has a conditional approval with the Dept. of Agric. at this point . . . . whatever that means. For the cost, I’m thinking it’s probably better to get it than to not. Yes, we do have some bad snakes up here in north GA Mountains, Marianne. When we lived in Marietta, all I ever saw was garters. But this clinic that is posting the sign out front had a big dog brought in for a rattlesnake bite recently. Sadly, the owner turned the dog over to the clinic, saying she couldn’t afford the treatment cost. I forget where I saw that story but they went ahead and treataed the dog, which I think has since recovered and is now up for adoption. Probably saw it on a website for one of the local shelters. I'm always perusing them, since Cooky needs and is still going to get a playmate one of these days. I keep saying that but now I'm sidetracked again with my manuscript because apparently the publisher is going to offer me a book contract, come late September. And some minor tweaks to the book will have to be completed in the next few months.
Did I mention . . . . I HATE SNAKES - all snakes! That one that I saw in the driveway was small and it was nighttime so I couldn't see it too well.....but it was 'sidewinding' along about 4 feet from us when I spotted it. Do snakes other than rattlers ever do that - sidewind? Ho-hum - something else to research! Sue
Squirt's Mom
08-10-2011, 04:16 PM
I have a good friend who has a phobia about snakes. We pulled up at a Sonic for lunch one day (for those perhaps unfamiliar - Sonics are burger joints that you pull up to a speaker and order your food which is brought to your car by a carhop). My friend was in the passenger seat and I had no more turned off the motor when I heard this little strained whisper...."can we please move..." "please...." "now....". I said sure but why, and she informed me there was a snake in the next slot which she could see. Ok....So I start the truck and move down a few slots then get out and walk back to see the snake. I was an earthworm! :p:D:p:D
Not long after she was hypnotized for this phobia. A few months later we were driving down the road when I happened to see a frightening change come over her face. She slammed on the brakes and started backing up in the middle of the road, then slammed the brakes and shot forward, then slammed the brakes and shot backwards....several times all the while with this twisted, insane expression on her face. After she finally pulled forward and kept going, I asked WTH that was all about and she informed there was a snake in the road but she took care of it! :rolleyes::p
marie adams
08-11-2011, 12:29 PM
LOL--the story of your friend and the snake (earthworm) how you described the car ride with her--hilarious!!!!:D:D
I live near the beach wetlands and we have snakes here. I will be getting Ella the shots--it is suppose to give you more time to get tp the vet for the anti venom is what I heard. My neighbor has also taken Snake Avoidance classes for his dog--we might do that also.
We do not have many snakes, but there are some rattlers--who would think a mile from the beach in So Cal and we have snakes, coyotes, raccoons, opossoms, skunks, hawks, etc. just a wilderness here--very wonderful though...
08-12-2011, 12:02 PM
Funny story, Leslie. I'm not that paranoid . . . I don't think? Marie, where do you live in So Cal. We lived in south OC - about 3 miles inland from Laguna Beach where it's dry and hilly and there were rattlers there. I think we had one under our deck in Aliso Viejo when Zoe was alive. She was very spooked about something when she would go out on the deck and we thought we heard rattling. It was one of those decks that was barely elevated off the ground. We eventually took out that deck and put in pavers 'cause other things were living under that deck too. (i.e. rodents Some of you may remember the episode of the mouse that got in the dog food bag when Dave set it outside onetime. And then he brought it back inside, mouse and all!)
I take it back about never seeing a rattler when we lived in Marietta, GA though. That's where Zoe got some personal snake avoidance training . . . . from a timber rattler. I totally forgot about that. But we were walking on our country lane one day and she was off-leash. I was a ways back and saw her approach something lying in the road to sniff it. All of sudden she jumped straight up and backwards about two feet with all four feet leaving the ground simultaneously. I laughed until I caught up to her and saw what it was. I thought it was dead because it was lying perfectly still so we walked on, thinking all was ok. Bt when we came back down the lane, the thing had moved, and was off towards the side of the road - so NOT dead at all! Anyway, that's how she got her snake avoidance training. She never wanted anything to do with snakes after that. Luckily, it didn't bite her. But Cooky won't be so cautious. She's uber-curious and is always in our woods, rooting around in the forest floor, poking her head in brush piles, etc. I think I've convinced myself. Gonna get her the vaccine. Sue
marie adams
08-14-2011, 06:06 PM
I live in Huntington Beach by the Bolsa Chica Wetlands--they are right across the street from my house.
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