View Full Version : Emma diagnosed with Cushings last fall (13 y/o Boston Terrier)

Emma's dad
08-09-2011, 05:41 PM
Hi all:

I stumbled across this forum quite by accident - and greatly appreciate that you're here! My Boston terrier, Emma, was diagnosed with Cushings last fall after a panel of tests done by the vet. Up until recently, she's been doing well, but her arthritis is now in full force and she's taking Tramadol. We discussed the treatment options available, but at 13 years old, didn't want to put her through an ordeal and have decided to give her lots of love and make her as comfortable as possible while we still have her here.

I'm starting here with my story, and I hope that I may ask questions of you as I have them. I'm sure many will be answered as I peruse the past threads. But I wanted to send out a quick note to say hello and thanks for being here.


08-09-2011, 06:21 PM
Hi Charlie,

Corky and I want to welcome you and Emma. You have found a wonderful goup of very caring, supportive and knowledgeable people who have a great deal of experience.

It would be helpful to our members if you could post the result of the tests that were done to confirm that Emma has cushings, along with the test results that were not in the reference range.

We would like to know more about Emma. How much does she weigh? What treatment is being used for her cushings, and how many mg is she taking?

Feel free to ask as many questions as you want. We're here to help in anyway we can.


Emma's dad
08-09-2011, 06:45 PM
Hi Terri:

Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm not sure the exact names of the tests or their specific results, but I do know she had to go to the vet every four hours one day, as well as taking blood and urine samples a couple of times one day. They said that they thought it was of the pituitary variety.

Emma is currently 22 lbs. Her symptoms are somewhat mild, however she has the outward appearances of the disease. Her joint pain is her biggest issue at this point. She's now taking 25 mg of Tramadol, three times daily, and 250 mg of glucosamine daily. As I stated before, we (along with our vet) determined to allow this disease to run its course due to her advanced age and make her as comfortable as possible. Any suggestions in doing so are greatly appreciated!


08-09-2011, 06:46 PM
Welcome Charlie and Emma,

Ask away, whatever questions pop in your head:D:D Someone is usally around to hep answer them if we can.

Have you looked through our Resource Section? Quite a bit of good information there.
