View Full Version : Spreadsheet for Logging Your Dog's Water Intake

08-05-2011, 12:06 PM
Hi Everyone! I know I don't post here much anymore, but I still try to check in and keep tabs on some of you. :)

I recently came across the spreadsheet I had done in Excel, to track Niko's water intake. I thought it might be useful for some of you, that still have your babies. I blanked out all of Niko's info, so you can fill out your own dog's weight, and consumption.

You can download it from google docs HERE (https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuUXbyXwXsKmdEw5cTVxaWpyM3ZzWGh4YXoxUVl0T Gc&hl=en_US). (I'm new to google docs, so if the link doesn't work, let me know please.) Please feel free to PM me your email address if you want me to just send you the excel sheet.

Wishing you all the best. :)

Squirt's Mom
08-22-2011, 08:14 AM
Hi Bettina,

I have tried to access the spreadsheet but can't. Your link takes me to a page for Sas.com where it wants my email for Sas.com. I don't have one, don't want one....so how can we access this without having to give someone our info? Or am I missing something? Entirely possible! :p:o

Thanks for doing this and I really hope we can get access easier. ;)


08-22-2011, 09:01 AM
Hi Leslie! It's not you, it's me! :p

I think it's fixed now. Please give it a try. Like I said... new to google docs. :o

Squirt's Mom
08-22-2011, 09:32 AM
BEAUTIFUL!!! Works perfectly now! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! You are an angel...but I already knew that. ;)


PS. We love sharing in happy news. ;) I know there's another thread available here in EE. ;););););););):p

08-23-2011, 06:31 AM
Good job Bettina - great worksheet!


09-24-2014, 02:47 PM
Oh sweet I could have used this last week we had to do a strict intake of water for our black lab Toby. Not sure what's happening but we are sure he pees out more then he takes in. I'm going to print off the log sheet 😊and thank you for another great tool. I love this group so much someone always has something that is exactly what is needed to help our fur babes.

01-03-2015, 06:51 AM
Hi, from the UK :thanks for this. Just back from the vet and Harry needs careful monitoring so this will help so much!

04-01-2015, 11:11 AM
Thanks for this :)