View Full Version : Weimaraner, 11 - diagnosed last month..

08-03-2011, 04:32 AM
..and I have so many questions. Diagnosed last month.

I am wondering if I should see a specialist. We did the testing with our vet and after being on Vetoryl for two weeks (120mg/day) the doc said my boy's blood levels were exactly where we wanted them to be. Does this sound like a lot of meds? The doc didn't seem extremely well-versed in Cushing's, but was trying to be helpful and nice. Should I keep having him tested?

My boys seems to be doing much better with his symptoms. Still pants, and never had any hair loss at all. Weakness in back area is better but not great.

I'll put him on anything he needs to be on--the sky is the limit when it comes to keeping my boy comfortable and as healthy as possible.

PS-Also, when you give your dog milk thistle and other vits/herbs, do you just give them the kind for humans? Sorry--I feel so ignorant.

08-03-2011, 09:20 AM
Hi and Welcome,

Our new member ritual is to ask quite a few questions:) We ask them only to have a better idea of how to help you in whatever matters you need.

So, first off:

How much does your pup weigh?

What tests were given to come to the diagnosis and what were the results?

Could you post the results of all tests and especially of his two week ACTH stim which is how the doctor decided he was "right where he needs to be?"

My Zoe has been on Trilostane for seven weeks. We started very low with her and have been going slowly as she has other health issues. All and all she is doing well.

I am glad you found us and others will be along soon to welcome you and probably ask more questions;)


08-04-2011, 01:56 AM
I just posted a long post and lost it.
I will attach links to explain the three types of cushing. Determining the type of cushing's is very important as to what form of treatment.
Also on the milk thistle. There is one for dogs. You would need to know what the correct dosage for a dog would be based on his or her weight. I would check with your vet. We will ask what tests you did and post the results for us if you can. eg. blood panel, ACHT STIM, if you had an ultrasound.
You would normally go to an internal medical specialist knowledgeable in cushings.
I have also posted a site you can look up specialist in your area if you are in the United States.
This is a very tricky disease which can mask other problems. But there is always hope.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo