View Full Version : Just found site-YEA!
08-02-2011, 05:18 PM
Well I have a 7 year old Chinese Crested Powderpuff that just got diagnosed with early cushings. I felt fairly confident because his GP Vet had worked in an ER for years and actually treated cushings. He was put on Lysodren but after taking only 1/2 of his weeks dosages he went into Addison's. We have been on a bit of a roller coaster ever since. He went on a weeks worth of prednisone to get him out of Addison's. He did pretty well. They ran a follow up test and he was still in Addison's. Now he has been on 7 of 14 days of more prednisone and he has all of his cushing's symptoms back. Anyone else gone through this type of up and down?
I am so glad you found us. Sound like you have had quite a roller coaster ride. We'll try and help sort things out with you. In order to do so we have quite a list of questions. Now don't go running away, it is painless, really.
What symptoms prompted you to take your pup to the vet? How was the diagnosis made? What do you mean "early Cushings?" What tests were done to come to that conclusion? Could you post the results of your tests?
How much does your pup weigh? How much Lysodren and how often was it given? What were the results of the test to determine your pup was Addisons? What are your dog's current symptoms?
Okay, I'll stop now :)
We are here to help you sort it all out so we need details. Others will be along soon.
Hang in there and again, welcome!!!
08-02-2011, 07:55 PM
Wow you have been on a rollercoaster... I used lysodren for almost 5 yrs so I understand it, respect it, but this can happen when doses are too high, there is a misdiagnosis (it happens frequently), etc.. so please share with us the exact tests that were done to diagnose cushing's. The results of those tests. Did you do an ultrasound?
How much does your dog weigh and what dose was your dog on? How long before the vomit and diarrhea started? Did you have prednisone on hand in case of emergency? How much are you currently giving (prednisone) frequency and amount?
OK so you have been doing follow up acth tests to measure cortisol to see if the addisons is permanent or temporary.. if the symptoms reoccur it either means your dog's cortisol levels have risen, you are giving too much prednisone (it mimics cortisol so you can get the peeing from it), to name a few...
The great news is you have found a great support group and it is free:D You just have to be willing to tell us about your dog, situation, and read a bit to get up to speed on the drugs, the tests, the disease in order to help your dog.
So tell us more!!! Welcome... Kim
08-02-2011, 11:18 PM
Well he started at 18lbs. He was lethargic and drinking a lot. We had also battled constant blackhead breakouts on his back. He is a rescue and from what we could gather he was part of a puppy mill raid. Anyway, he has always had VERY thin hair but once we got his health back (he was heartworm positive & in the middle of treatment when we adopted him) his hair improved greatly but it was still very thin. He has always had a very puffy chest area as well. The doctors tested him and ruled out diabetes and thyroid problems so they then did an ACTH & Free T-4 test. Based on those results he was diagnosed with cushings.
Test results, well right now I only have one printed copy even though he has had 3 tests. These are for his initial diagnosis. HIs ALB was 5.2 g/dL, ALP was 709 U/L, CA was 11.9 mg/dL, GLU was 140 mg/dL, TP was 8.3 g/dL & RDW was 19.3%. Not sure if that is enough info. My Aunt would pick him up each day after testing since I work & the vet's office did not give me all the paperwork. I do know that when I spoke to the doctor after he went into Addison's she said one level should be at least 2.0 and his was only 0.2 and after the first week on Prednisone it only went to 0.4. That's why they have extended the Prednisone.
They put him on 200mg of Lysodren, one capsule daily. He took a total of 10 capsules before going into Addisons. He was then prescribed 2mg of Prednisone, two times daily for 1 week. They then retested him. His levels were still low so they put him in 5mg of Prednisone, 2 times daily for 2 to 4 weeks. After one week he started drinking more, having accidents at night again, being very lethargic and unable to jump on the sofa.
So that is where we are. I am going to call the vet's office tomorrow and ask for the rest of the test results. :confused:
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