View Full Version : Baby...

Squirt's Mom
07-29-2011, 07:53 PM
Hi ya'll,

My sister-in-law bought a mare about 5 years ago who was supposed to be about 13 yrs. old. She was very thin and the man they bought her from said she had sand in her gut was why and that she was under treatment, which they continued when they got her home. The treatment didn't seem to help and she kept losing weight. Their vet who was "treating" her finally said she had a rare parasite, so she was treated for that as well but continued to decline.

About 2 years ago, she collapsed and I thought she was done for but she got back on her feet finally. I called a different vet and had him come out to see her. He looked in her mouth and asked how old she was, and I told him around 15-16. He looked at me and replied, "Try over 35!" She had two back teeth and her front were worn down so she was slowly starving to death. We put her on a senior feed and alfalfa pellets, both of which dissolve into mush with the least bit of moisture.

All last spring and summer I moved her around the property to the greenest grasses, the youngest grasses, and our neighbor allowed her to graze on their land as well. Thru the summer and this past winter, I made sure she has had food she could eat easily - mashes of alfalfa, grain, apples, cooked sweet grain with whole oats....basically anything she liked and could eat. She had gained about 300 lbs back and while not fully filled out, she looked and acted much better.

The last couple of months, she has really slowed down and her weight is falling off again. I checked her mouth yesterday and her back teeth are all gone and the top front are down to the gums. I can tell her legs are hurting, arthritis I'm sure.

So, tonite I told Mark it was time to do something for Baby. :(

Carolyn and the kids are at the lake this weekend and we want to give Carolyn a chance to say goodbye to Baby if she wants to. But we don't want them here when it's done. So, sometime soon, we will be letting Baby go home to that Great Pasture across The Bridge. I know Crys is eagerly awaiting her arrival as she loved the horses so much.

It won't be the same without this sweet old dame around the place. Even in her sad state, I can still see the proud, beautiful creature she once was.

Until her final day, I will continue to take her to the best stands of grasses and feed her special goodies she has come to look forward to each evening.

I will miss her calling to me in the mornings.....Brick will miss kissing her face.

07-29-2011, 08:07 PM
Oh Leslie, I am so sorry and once again, you've got me bawling like a baby. God bless you for taking such good care of all the critters around you. They are so incredibly blessed to have you in their lives....oh and we're blessed to have you in our lives too.

07-29-2011, 08:22 PM
Dear Leslie,

Horses are such special animals. The have grace, power and great intelligence even in their later years. For every beginning there is an end and I am sorry Baby is there now.

You have made Baby's time with you an enjoyable one in her later years and that's as much as us humans can do.


07-29-2011, 10:17 PM
Ohhhhh! I'm bawling right along with Glynda. :(

So sorry Leslie. Every living creature is beautiful and precious in some way, and we dread to no end having to say one last good-bye and not having them physically with us any longer, and because we are humans we always prefer the tangibles, don't we.

My heart goes out to you and your sweet Baby.

Love to you and all the babes...

Xo Jeanette

Harley PoMMom
07-29-2011, 11:56 PM
Oh Leslie, I am so sorry to hear about Baby. You are an incredible and loving person who goes out of their way to make every living soul feel so loved and special.

Sending tons of loving hugs your way.

Love and more hugs,

07-30-2011, 01:06 PM
Oh Leslie, I have always enjoyed your references to Baby, horses are such a passion for me, but I am so sorry to hear this latest news about Baby.

I will forever have an image in my mind of a wonderful mare grazing in green pastures with tiny, wee Brick licking her face. It sounded like heaven to me and I am so happy Baby had that time with all of you.

I admire you so, Leslie, you are a gentle wonder to me, always giving all you have to whomever needs it.

Thank you for Baby, Brick, Squirt, Trinket, thank you for being you.


07-30-2011, 06:14 PM
Oh no...what a sad time for you...I'm so sorry:(