View Full Version : RE: Darcy . Has arrived

07-22-2011, 05:21 AM

I would like to let you all know that i have a 6 week old puppy (a chocolate Cocker Spaniel) He arrived on tuesday afternoon.
Ive had no problems at all with him settling in to him new home . when we collected and brought him home he was introduce to the family went to the toilet and got straight in his dog basket where he slept until 5pm. then he let us kno his was hungry, had his food and scrambled on the sofa when know body was looking . he didin't whimper at all nothing just as though he been with since he was born. (no mess no pee's at all in the house he looks at you and runs to the door. does what he has to do that plays up he's ready for a sleep. i got him a cage (which is a 1st as we've never had our dogs in a cage but he settled in was happy playing than was a sleep . i was more upset than Darcy, i was crying not him at didn't mess in there either.
Everybody that has meet him has fallen under the Darcy spell ,

i will gets some picture's and post them so you can see my newest Boy Darcy,

07-22-2011, 08:29 AM
Oh Julie, congratulations on your new bundle of joy. I am really excited for you and can hardly wait to the see pictures. He sounds absolutely adorable....Cocker puppies are one of the cutest things on earth.


Squirt's Mom
07-22-2011, 09:37 AM
:D Welcome Home, Darcy!!!! :D

Oh Julie,

I am so happy to see this post and to hear the joy in your voice once again! :) You and Darcy are going to have such fun together. I just know that he is already helping to heal your spirit AND that Pip and Honey are just as happy for you and Darcy as we are. ;):)

This is one lucky little guy to have you as his mum...he has no idea yet just what a wonderful life is in store for him.

I hope you and your Mum are doing alright and that your new bundle of joy will brighten the days ahead for both of you.

Hugs and much love and belly rubs,


Harley PoMMom
07-22-2011, 10:01 AM
Congratulations Julie!!!! I, too, am so very happy for you and Darcy and I can't wait to see pictures of your new puppy.

Love and hugs,

07-22-2011, 11:35 AM
That's great news.....funny how the pups can make themselves so comfortable in a new home SO quickly! I'm still in week one and my newbie has taken over the house :)

The puppy stage is just so much fun.....

Enjoy your little one!

Jeff, Angel Mandy, Pebbles & Pepper

07-24-2011, 03:58 PM

I'm very, very happy for you. Darcy sounds like a sweetheart! Look forward to seeing some pictures.


07-24-2011, 04:02 PM

Darcy, is doing fine it turns out the he is actually 4 weeks old not 6 weeks ,
He is a bundle of Joy playing spends alot of time asleep in his cage with the door open as you would expect with him being for weeks old i'm bottle feeding him and he has he a little puppy food. He weighs 2.2kilos

the only problem i have is the biting i've got toys to chew a teething blanket i ve done all the ouch and walk away ' but this is getting quite bad and i don't know what to do now he just doesn't seem to be le
arning that it hurts and each time the biting is getting worse

I would be very greatful if you have have any advice as what i'm doing is not working

Julie Darcy

Squirt's Mom
07-24-2011, 04:14 PM
Hi Julie,

Wish I could help but I am the world's worst at encouraging such behavior since I tend to use my hands as toys. :rolleyes: But I bet Saskia has some ideas for you!

It is so nice to see you writing about puppy issues! :cool::):cool::) Four weeks is awfully young! Squirt was five weeks when I got her but she had enough teeth to start eating. Darcy is going to do a lot of sleeping, eating and "business" over the next few weeks ...then the fun really begins! :p Squirt was able to start learning things right away, tho, like house training and to respond to her name.

Hang in there, Mom!


07-24-2011, 04:59 PM
Hi Julie and Darcy...I love the name :D Jane Austen fan, heh? ;)

Four weeks! Whatever was the reason he came to live with you this young? No reputable breeder would let their pups leave so young, no shelter either unless it is to foster...

At 4 weeks of age, Darcy, under normal circumstances would be learning bite inhibition from his littersmates and mom. I know you wrote that you already tried the "ouch" and walk away approach and that it doesn't seem to help. I'm not sure how exactly you used this but you have to really be very vocal and loud with your "ouch"...as loud as a yelping puppy :D And the walking away? Does that mean you actually leave the room? Or just go to a different place in the same room? And then what? When he comes up to you? What do you do? Pick him up? Cuddle? It would be best that after a really LOUD ouch (very high pitched voice too!) you would stand up (in case you're down on the floor) and leave the actual room Darcy is in. Leave him all by himself for a bit (that's what a sibbling would do if Darcy nipped too hard, the sibbling would yelp, yelp and yelp and then"hide"... So you can imitate that by leaving the room.

Saskia and Yunah :)

07-24-2011, 05:07 PM
Julie, how did you determine that Darcy is only four weeks old? Any breeder that would let a puppy go at this young age is irresponsible and is not acting in the best interest of the puppy nor the adoptive parents.

Here is an excerpt from Milford Animal Hospital website that explains the probable reason why you are having a problem with biting:

Acquiring a puppy prior to eight weeks of age can also create problems. They will miss out on important interactions that take place with other puppies in the litter. A puppy selected too young may miss out on the consequences of biting a littermate too hard. This puppy’s new owners will then pay the price when it bites them too hard while playing.

I am hoping that Saskia can offer advice on how to deal with the biting.


P.S. I see that Sas was posting while I was typing. Yay!

Puppies are a hand full huh?

07-26-2011, 07:56 AM
Hi Glynda,

It was somebody that said Darcy was 4 weeks out as he worked out as he has 1 from the same litter, But everything is ok Darcy is 7 weeks old today he was born on the 7th June i spoke with the breeder and asked why he was taken away from his mum at 4 weeks thats when i found his actually birthday is so the person that told me was wrong.

Darcy has now discovered a puppy treat (we watched him careful) anyway he was running round in a circle and throwing in the air then pouncing on i think he thinks its a toy as hes toy mad we play and play he tires himself out and tries to fight that hes tied but he does give in eventually.
Darcy is booked in for his 1st lot of innoculations on the 16th august,
kind regards
Julie Darcy,

07-29-2011, 05:40 PM
Just to let you Darcy went for a health check today he is a very heathly puppy, we found out he was born on 7 june 2011 so he's 7 weeks old the vet is very happy with him we've had stronghold flea treament (although he doesn't have them) a wormer they weighed him and he's 3.2 kilos , he has his 1st set of jabs on the 16th august.

It has been a srain with Darcy as he was always pounces on me and biting all the time , but i think thats my fault as i expected him to be perfect in everyway like pip and i do realise he's not pip and i should compare them but after the last bite (which he only does to me ) i said to mum there s nothing there no bond nothing but i can tell you how and what he wants from the expressions on his face, i think i became fright of Darcy always biting me and would flinch and just wanted to be away from him , as my Pip never would hurt me but he wants to i got a good talk to from mum and this morning i put a very firm and strong voice on now he does what i want him to ,

Kind regards
Julie Darcy

Squirt's Mom
07-29-2011, 06:28 PM
Aw, Julie, it would be almost impossible not to compare Pip to any other pup in your life. The connection the two of you had was beyond comparison, tho. Pip was one of a kind - but so is Darcy and as he grows and matures I just know you will start to see him for himself. I am POSITIVE that you will develop a relationship with Darcy that is as unique as the one you had with Pip, just different because they are different little guys.

You are such a loving, gentle person, Julie. I know you will be able to reach Darcy and let him know what his boundaries are without being frightened of him. Just remember, YOU are the boss...not little Darcy! ;)

I just imagine Pip is watching the two of you and is so proud of his mom.


marie adams
08-03-2011, 11:59 AM
Hi Julie,

Congrats on Darcy becoming one of the family.

I told the challenge of getting a puppy after Maddie died in January and when I say challenge it is. They are so cute and loveable and then....as we say, the devil appears and starts the biting. Ella is a little over 4 mos old now and starting to get her regular teeth, but since she is an Australian Shepherd she likes to nip bite and jump along with the high pitch bark they use for herding--instinct. :eek:

So hang in there; we see that so many of the things we thought were Maddie things are really Aussie things--mannerisms, etc. I can honestly say I know at the end of the tunnel we will have a dog that will be similar and a great dog, but there are those times when I think--"What the heck were we thinking....!!!"

Enjoy, Enjoy, Enjoy and be patient. :p:)

09-01-2011, 07:27 AM
Hi i thought i would give you the latest on Darcy , He's now 12 weeks old he's a little gem most of the time . he walks very well on the lead I think he's now teething ,Although he's not in a good mood today . If Darcy is at my house he round a freinds playing with there dogs he's not frighten of them at all. he a very friendly little chap , think he may have been to much for Pip though as he does not stop every morning up at 4.45am this starts his play time for him then he has something to eat and goes for a 50 minute walk. gets home plays has 5 mins peace then he's on the go non stop / early next year i'll be getting another dog for company,
I have some pictures of him as soon as i have the time i will put them on i will try and get it done over the weekend.
Julie Darcy

09-01-2011, 05:13 PM
Julie, I apologize for being so late to welcome young Master Darcy to the family!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I am so happy for him and I am so happy for you! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I know that these young ones can be quite the challenge as far as their energy and their antics and their sharp little teeth and all their little tricks :eek:. But the love and the life with which they fill our hearts and our homes -- it is all worth it in the end, isn't it? I feel sure that Spirit Pip is so glad to know that you've now been joined by another VERY lucky little boy :o ;).

I can hardly wait to see photos, so I will keep checking to see when you are able to post them.

Sending my warmest wishes to you both,

Squirt's Mom
09-03-2011, 09:07 AM
Hi Sweetie!

I had no doubt that with your loving hand, Darcy would start to come around. ;) It sounds like he is settling nicely. It also sounds like he has enlivened your life and is bringing joy to your heart. And I know this makes Pip very happy.

I'm glad he has friends to play with and enjoys that activity with you. He's gonna keep you young! :)

I hope you and your Mum are doing well. You are in my thoughts often and prayers daily. We need to catch-up soon!

Hugs and love,

09-25-2011, 04:50 PM

This is the first picture of Darcy for you to see , He is 15 weeks old and a right character so different to Pip in every way , although he is 15weeks old he walk's next to me on his lead sits at the kerb before we cross the road , He's a very friendly puppy with everyone he who see's him . Darcy is very good of lead also i decided to just go for it and see what happened, he runs in front then turns and sits and waits for me to tell he can carry , then i stood where i could see him but he couldn't see me he turned round and noticed i wasn't there then he's nose went down until he found me and he sat at the side of me . his recall is a 100 per cent. there nothing he won't do for you he seems to of followed in Pip's show's he opens the wash door puts the washing in close's the door open where the detergent goes and i put in he shuts open the kitchen draws and shuts . i started his training when i got him at 6 weeks old, (altough i didn't show him with the washer he did that by himself) heres me thinking he's not taken it in as he forgets things until he's 16 weeks old .but he remembers everything i taught him, he has most of his teeth now
the rest from his litter have only just starting socializing and I carried Darcy round until he had his all his injections and was able to put his paws on the ground.
i will put some more on later,
Julie Darcy

Squirt's Mom
09-25-2011, 05:07 PM
Oh, Julie,

What a wonderful update on Darcy! :):):):) He is such a good looking guy, too! You sound so happy! And I KNOW Darcy is! How could he not be with such great, loving attention as he gets from his mom?

I bet Pip taught him the dryer trick. ;)

Love ya,

10-31-2011, 04:22 PM

I've tried all the normal training with Darcy he was doing ok but now he just won't listen at all anymore, he started to wee on everything that belongs to me he challenges all his training we do . and if he doesn't get his own way he will lunge at my face . I've been told cocker spaniels are difficult to train the normalway but can not get answers to how or what i should be doing differently
I would be very greatful for any help and advice if you've got a cocker spaniel (darcy is from a working background so he is taller than the show cockers,)

Squirt's Mom
10-31-2011, 04:56 PM
Hi Julie,

Wish I could help but I would probably just muck up the waters so I will contact Saskia and make sure she knows about your request for HELP! :)

Love ya,

Jenny & Judi in MN
10-31-2011, 05:57 PM
I'm a horrible dog trainer myself but when I had a male shar pei, I was told in puppy class not to let him sit on my lap as he would think he was my pack leader. I did anyway.

As an adult when we went back to school for obedience training, I told him down and he growled and pitched a fit. The instructor made me practice the down command at least 10 times a night so he would learn who was the boss.

Can you try bossing him around and not let him snuggle up with you?

This is why I'm rotten, my dogs are my babies, they sit in my lap. Judi

10-31-2011, 07:48 PM
Hi Julie...(and Judi too),

I really would like to share something with Judi first, if I may :) It wil also apply to Darcy as well...

Judi, it is not the sitting in the lap that makes a dog believe he is in charge. It's the sitting in your lap at their demand :) All my dogs have always sat on my lap, slept on the bed with me and I never had pack order problems. But they would only sit on my lap or sleep on the bed...at my request. They would not think to jump on the bed without "permission"...and that is the clue. You can cuddle and "baby" with a dog as much as you like...as long as you are the one deciding when that is :)

In Julie's case, with Darcy, it also boils down to leadership. Young pups will be pretty obedient at first, follow their owner around and not let the owner out of sight, which leads people to believe the pup is very easy and good. But, then they become 4 months, 5 months and they have become more confident, they have already "learned" through experience they are higher in rank then their owner and they will go and check out the world, the boundaries...and this oh so cute puppy will turn into a little devil :D

That's why I always advise people to be clear about the rules and boundaries from day one, even if the pup is only 7 weeks old. And being clear about the rules and boundaries means several things. It means the dog has to sit before dinner. It has to sit and stay seated when you prepare dinner, has to sit and stay seated when you put down the bowl in front of the dog and it has to sit and stay seated untill you say it's "okay" to eat (the release command) If the dog moves, even so much as to blink an eye (as a figure of speach), you stop preparing the meal and walk away. Do not speak, make sure the food is out of the dogs reach, don't look at the dog, walk away. Once the dogs is seated again (by his own doing, you are not supposed to say anything, remember?) you start over again. Anytime in the process, the dog moves, stop and walk away. I have not met a dog yet that didn't catch on pretty quickly what was expected of him ;) But you have to keep this up, for the rest of the dogs life, so twice a day you will confirm that you are in control. And be consistent and consequent. Do not make excuses like for example...'Ohhhh poor thing, he's so hungry and he moved just a little bit" and give him the food. Today he will move just a bit, tomorrow he will move a lot more and the day after tomorrow it's jumping up at you to "force" you to hurry up with his dinner.

Same with doors...do not let the dog go through any door before you or any other human. Every time the dog is allowed to walk through a door before you do, you are telling him he is in charge. So make the dog sit and wait, walk through the door and the dog can come when he is called to come.

Beds, couches and seats are off limits...at least, free access is off limits. You can call the dog over and have him sit on the couch with you as much and as often as you want, but the dog is not allowed to jump on the couch at his desire. You should give him permission. And it should get off whenever you tell it to. You decide when and how long he can be on the couch, bed, etc.

Toys, same thing. no free access to toys. You "own" the toys and therefore you decide when he can play and when he should stop.

Walking, never let the dog walk in front of you, you are following him (in the dogs mind) making him the leader. So practise leash walking extensively, do some excercises during walks...these things will reinforce your leadership position. Given Darcy's age (and breed) I would urge you to forget everything else for now like training how to use the dryer (and frankly, he is too young for such tasks right now) and focus only on onbedience and making your and his position in the pack clear. The more you invest in it now, the more you will benefit from it down the road, and Darcy too :)

Good luck,

Saskia and Yunah :)

Jenny & Judi in MN
10-31-2011, 08:19 PM
Hi Saskia, thank you! that makes so much more sense. I really enjoyed reading some of your tips.

Since Jenny lost her eyesight she comes and taps me on the leg constantly to be held. Guess I need to quit caving in. :)

marie adams
11-01-2011, 12:50 AM
Hi Julie,

Have you tried Cocker Spaniel Rescue--they might have suggestions on where you could go for specialized training....:o

My Ella is 7 months old and it seems like she has regressed since she turned 6 months. I was told by a trainer that they become teenagers between 6 months and a year; so what they knew before they tend to forget or choose to forget. Ella is constantly trying to be the top dog. This trainer told me that the reason Ella jumps and nips at me is because it is a power struggle since I do most of the care giving for her.

I hope this might help so you are not so discouraged. I know it is frustrating, but I think if we can get through this first year--we will be good to go.:o:p Sas has such good advice--she has been so helpful to us also.

11-03-2011, 03:48 PM
Thank you for your advice i've started what Saskia suggested and it seem to be working ( well until my sister comes home and everything i do with him all goes out of the window as she just lets him do things i do not want him to do but instead of putting him in his time out place and if he moves just put him back she dosen't she picks him up and makes a fuss of him)
Now i have problems with his cage as i wanted this to be his bedroom and some where he can go if he just wants to be on his own (we all need time to ourselves ) she goes up to him while he's in there i tell her to leave but she only does what she wants. I'VE TOLD HER HE NEEDS ROUTINE STRUCTURE AND CONSISTINCEY BUT SHE JUST NOT HELPING .
I going to speak with my vet and a pet behaviourist to sort this to see what else can be done.

Squirt's Mom
11-03-2011, 03:54 PM
Might I suggest putting your sister in the crate until she learns some manners? :p:D:p:D

11-03-2011, 04:11 PM
Leslie - I love reading your posts - they always make me laugh:D

Julie - I hope things get better soon - I love all the tips and information Sas gave you!!:) She is the expert!! I am going to copy her post and give it to my friend who is having trouble with her dog too! xo

Squirt's Mom
11-09-2011, 09:15 AM
Mornin' sweetie,

Tho I guess it's "Good evening" where you are, huh? :D

How are things going?


Squirt's Mom
12-09-2011, 02:34 PM
Hey Julie,

Just checking in to see how things are going with Darcy these days. Hope all is well with you and your mum as well.


12-11-2011, 03:49 PM
Hi Lesile,

Things were going on smoothly until the other day i left the room for a few minutes and Darcy he had really bad diarrhoea and was just squirting out like a hose pipe. as it turns Darcy had chewed some plastic do know were he got from anyway after a day half of diarrheoa these shaarp jaggered really thick plastic came out . so we are back to normally now .training is going on brilliant although he has his moments and just does what he wants. Mum they told her to use her wheelchair all the time but she as she is very indepant
Julie Darcy.

01-01-2012, 04:47 PM
I'm just letting you knew that Darcy's 1st christmas was a nice time he was so excited and overwhelmed he didn't know what to play with 1st and he was ripping the wrapping paper of his and everyone else (helping them out) Darcy is 7 months old this week and i've got him booked in for him to be neutered i'm getting him a furry friend Dog as he get lonely even though he's had hugs he needs a companion of the furry type.
Well 1 yr has passed since my faithful friend went to Rainbow Bridge ,how quick it has gone by .
happy new year

01-01-2012, 10:02 PM
Glad Darcy had a nice Christmas!!!!

Happy New Year !!! xo

01-02-2012, 06:54 AM
Oh, Julie, Happy New Year to you, too!!!! :) :) :)

Thank you so much for this update on Darcy. And does this mean you are actually planning to get another doggie to join the family? If so, how exciting!!!

Sending you tons of well wishes, and always remembering our dear Pip --

Squirt's Mom
01-02-2012, 09:41 AM
Hi Julie,

Sounds like everyone had a good time for Christmas at your house! :) I can just see Darcy tearing into packages even tho they weren't his! :D What fun!

And another new baby for you! How exciting! Have you chosen one already or still in the looking phase?

Your sweet Twinkletoes is often on my mind, as are you darlin'. Pip will never be forgotten. His life will always be celebrated here and in the hearts of many.


06-16-2012, 03:36 AM
tHE NEW PICTURE WAS TAKEN WHEN Darcy was 10 month's old in feb at the field,
I thought i would let you know how Darcy is getting on , Darcy is now 1yrs old , He is very obedient , He has four walk's aday also goes running in the field twice , He does aglilty 2 aweek and have just started flyball, Although i'm also going to try and do dancing with him, And he still has to go round to my friend's house and play with there dog's then he copy's what my friend's dog do, he become the one of the 3 stooges rip's the roses bushes like Barney and ROXY DO, i tell darcy of and he has to stay quite for time out so he know's he been naughty.
Darcy now weigh's 18.4 kilo's one vet we saw said Darcy was obese. saw my vet yesterday .she said he is perfect happy and healthy , although she would prefer if Darcy was 17.5 kilo's as that would suit Darcy better, He is not fat just solid muscle, , Darcy father and grandfather weigh nearly 20kilos and his breed say's because he's a field (working) cocker spaniel he can weigh up to 25kilos Darcy only eat's a between 90g and 130g of Dry food and still leaves some food he doesn't eat for the weight he is .
But that's a good thing . I'm so strict with Darcy, he has a cage that he sleep's in at night , which he prefers as when he want's to be on his own he goes of for quite time in his cage , he doesn't have our food , only has raw hide treat's he has decide to have some of Pip's thing's because he can smell Pip on them, , I'm now looking for a playmate for him as although we are he we are not enough for him he needs a furry friend,
My vet and people we met on our walks say that Darcy is very well behaved for a spaniel so young, because they know people that have springer's , cocker spaniels that or 5years old and are still as crazy when they were puppy's ,
I was told that i would never be able to train a spaniel, I said i'm going to prove you all wrong and he is very well behaved trained 100% I saw people who have had Darcy brothers and sisters and they are having alot of trouble training there them they are very destructive , and won't behave . they chew and destroy the kitchen , mess in the house , and they are now seeking professional help they said Darcy will be the same as his brothers and sisters , I said very proudly , that we've not had that trouble with Darcy he's never soiled the in the house, never chewed a thing i said that i had all the right toy's for him to chew while he was teething, and he was collar and lead trained by the time he was 10 weeks old,

Julie Darcy

Squirt's Mom
06-16-2012, 08:47 AM
Hi Julie! :)

So goood to hear from you again! And what a great update on Darcy! WOW! Can't believe he's a year old! It sounds like you have proven all those folks wrong about how Darcy would act. He's had a good mom, anyone could see that easily. ;)

I could just see the rose bushes and dirt flying in the air when you told about him getting in them, Darcy happy as a lark. :D I am so glad that you and Darcy have settled in and I know our sweet Twinkletoes is so very proud of his mom.

Many hugs,

08-22-2012, 02:44 AM

Have a problem with Darcy does anyone have any advise please .
Darcy won't eat anything i put down for him , He has never been a big eater anyway , but i'm at a loss what esle to do with him , He doesn't drink enough water to have dried food, Wet food he just refuse, end of story, I've tried scrambled egg which he was eating when i got him as a puppy, which he is also refusing , I not sure about the BARF DIET , as that has its pros and cons
My vets are against the BARF DIET , Darcy had is booster last week and the vet checked him over also so and said that he is a very happy healthy dog, he is still running about playing sometimes causing mischevious very alert walking .doiing his fly ball dog dancing and agility just won't eat,
As a puppy Darcy eat every 3 day's . but was very healthy . like now , is it possiable for a dog to just vegs ,
Kind regards

08-22-2012, 07:05 AM
Hi Julie,

so nice to hear from you and Darcy :) And apart from the eating, it seems he's doing more then wonderful, congrats! :D

About the eating? Doesn't he eat at all? Or just not as much as you would like him to? If you prefere to give him dry food you can add the dry food to his bowl and pour some really hot water over it to make the smell much stronger and thus more appetizing to dogs...let it cool off (or add some cold water) and most dogs will then eat and drink :)

If Darcy isn't ill or not seriously underweigth, I wouldn't mess around with food too much. Some dogs are just like that and the more you fuss over it, the more an issue it becomes. I have 3 (seperate) friends and they each have a Welsh Springer Spaniel and they too are not that much interested in food either. Some dogs are like that...and as long as it doesn't jeopardize Darcy's health, it's really not a problem. And, a leaner dog is actually a whole lot better then one that's even the slightest bit overweigth :) (and especially such a young dog like Darcy that is so active and particiating in all kinds op sports and fun)

If Darcy isn't making an issue of it, then you shouldn't either :) I know that can be difficult since we tend to measure wellbeing, health and things like that to the amount of food we, or our pets eat. But again, as long as Darcy has no medical problems causing him to be unable to eat, and his weigth isn't dropping too low, I wouldn't worry.

All our best,

Saskia and Mhina :)

Squirt's Mom
08-22-2012, 07:27 AM
Hi Julie!

It sounds like you and Darcy are having a great time together! :)

I agree with Sas - unless there are health concerns due to the low food consumption, I wouldn't worry about it. His docs say he is healthy, you say he is happy - that is a good combination! ;) Are there any changes you have noticed lately other than being off his feed?

I would love to see some pics of Darcy. I bet he has really grown into a handsome boy! How are you and your mum doing? I hope life is treating you well.

Hugs and love,

08-23-2012, 03:48 PM
Thank you for your help and advice regarding my problem with Darcy.
Sorry i didn't explian myself very well regarding Darcy eating habits as a puppy ,Darcy only eat every 3 days he has never been a big eater and if he had a raw hide chew he wouldn't eat any dog food at all.
I've put some pictures of Darcy in an album i will explain the photos a little later

08-23-2012, 08:25 PM
AWWWWWW...Julie, I've just been to your album and am so touched to see your photos of Pip. What a dear, sweet, golden boy -- we shall never, ever forget him!! :o :o :o

And Darcy is such a handsome guy. :) :) ;)

Thank you so much for posting your pictures. It is always so good to hear from you, and so special to see your boys.

Sending many hugs your way,

09-04-2012, 03:57 PM

I thought i would just let you know Darcy was attacked this morning by either An Amercian bulldog , or Amercian bulldog x staffie he has some horrfic wounds
Darcy was on the lead the other dog wasn't it came from no where and the dog wasn't listening to the owner, so to get it of Darcy he was punching his dog in the face , which was of course making his dog ripped at Darcy even more,
Took Darcy to the vets he's had them flushed out had pain relief and ant biotic injections, has anti boitic and pain relief tablets to start tomorrow, has to go back on friday and they will stitch it up ,
i will let you know how things go,

09-04-2012, 04:49 PM
Oh Julie, I am horrified to read your post!!! :( :( :( :(

Poor, poor Darcy! And what a nightmare for you to see him attacked right in front of your eyes!

I'm thinking that Pip was also attacked in the past, too. How awful for you. Where are Darcy's wounds? Do the vets think they will be able to close them up alright?

I hope the other dog's owner will be paying the bills!! :mad: :mad: :mad: It is really all that other owner's fault. That dog should never have been put in a situation where it could run free and attack. I get so mad at people sometimes that I can hardly bear it!! :mad: :( :(


Squirt's Mom
09-04-2012, 06:23 PM
Oh, Julie, I am so sorry, and horrified, to read this! I so hope Darcy will be just fine. And I am ever so grateful you weren't hurt as well. How are you doing? That had to be a terrible thing to witness. :(

Marianne is exactly right - the owner should be paying any and all bills that result from this, as well as a hefty fine. Please do stay in touch and let us know how Darcy is doing?

Leslie and the gang

09-04-2012, 06:45 PM
Julie, How horrible! Sending love and lot of healing to both you and Darcy. Yes - please make them pay the bills for you... how awful. Prayers, Kim

Squirt's Mom
09-05-2012, 07:40 AM
Hi sweetie,

It's morning here and I wanted to see how you and Darcy are feeling? I hope you both have been able to calm down a bit and that you aren't too sore today.

Leslie and the gang

09-05-2012, 11:46 AM
Oh Julie, what a nightmare to have your dog attacked right in front of you! I am so, so sorry this had to happen to you and Darcy... I sure hope Darcy will come out of this ordeal with not too much mental "injuries" and that all his physical injuries will cure without too many problems.
Did you file charges at the police against the owner? I know I would...to protect all other dogs and my own from other attacks in the future. And to make him pay for Darcy's medical bills.

Wishing the both of you all our best,

Saskia and Mhina.

molly muffin
09-05-2012, 02:25 PM
That is absolutely horrible! I hope Darcy is going to be alright. I dread seeing dogs off leash. It just scares the bejeebes out of me. They can either end up going after another dog or child, or they could see something, get excited and run into the street. Either way it's not good.

Sending all the positive vibes I can Darcy's way.


09-06-2012, 06:42 AM
Thank you for your repliesit's very kind of you to post a reply,
Darcy has had a couple of restless night's but he's ok, it's not frighten him at all of other dog's i walk him round the block and he wag's his tail and want's to play, when other dogs go near his back and side he curls his tail so he's protecting it from being hurt anymore, he fell this morning trying to get to the water bowl which he has opened more then it was , we think he needs stitches but i'm not sure if they will just have to wait and see ,
Darcy was on the lead , the other dog was not, i have reported it to the police but our laws are very different from your's , They just class as a fight because that's what dogs do, even though Darcy did not touch him the other dog,
Yes you are right that Pip had attacked before 6 or 7 times.
Darcy and myself had only just crossed the carpark on our street and there was nobody around and then it appeared from nowhere,
I went to the pet shop to get the Knog Cloud ,( infatable collar) because he had learnt like Pip did that banging the Lampshade collar on the floor would move the collar lower down his neck so he could get to the injuries, i could do that one up anymore as it would of been to tight.
I fine just have a massive bruise on my hand and top of my shoulder were i was trying to get Darcy away from that other dog, i got Darcy lead as short as possible and the force of the dog pulling Darcy has bruised my hand,
I'll let you know how thing's go tomoorow at the vets

09-07-2012, 05:27 AM
Just to let you know Darcy in the vets for the day for stitches because his wound's are very very deep, The vet said that it may work or may not, because they are so deep, but for Darcy it's to stitch them up s he is getting stressed with them

Bo's Mom
09-07-2012, 05:35 AM
Sending healing thoughts for Darcy. That is absolutely horrible what you and Darcy had to face. If your laws are too lenient on having dogs under control when they are out, then maybe someone needs to step up and have that changed. We too have been a victim of dog attacks. 2 times with my poodle and once with my daughter when she was 5 and we have tough leash laws.
I hope Darcy feels better soon and once again able to go on those special walks without the fear of another dog attacking.

09-07-2012, 11:01 AM
Just to give the latest on Darcy.
The vet has not long called and said i can collect to say i can collect Darcy after 5pm , She said that she has put alot of stitches deep in the wound aand also stitched the outer skin , the vet also said she thought the stitches would break up because when Darcy walks it keep's tearing it even more, she said that she's done all she can for now, But has to go back and see her on monday, When i came home from the vets i said to mum that i have a feeling there are going to be alot of trips to the vets with injuries

09-10-2012, 01:32 PM
Darcy has been back to the vets today

My vet is very happy with the way thing's are going she said that it looks better than she thought it was going to do.
Although some of the stitches have breaken down on the outer side all the stitches on the inside are holding very well,
He has to go back to the vets on friday for a recheck and to have the remaining stitches taken out ,
It has stopped Darcy playing with other dogs he can't wait to play with other dogs, And it really takes his mind of the wounds


Squirt's Mom
09-10-2012, 04:06 PM
Hi Julie,

I am glad the wounds are healing tho I wish the stitch problem wasn't happening. Sometimes the location of the wounds makes it hard for the stitches to hold well. I hope he continues to heal just fine and is soon back to his usual self.


09-21-2012, 04:05 PM

I'm just letting you know the latest with Darcy ,He's doing extremely well Darcy has been back to the vets 3 times since he had the stitches put in , Today Darcy had the stitches out, My vet is very happy with the way it is healing , Darcy is to go back to the vets next friday and this should be his last visit,
I'm now changing Darcy food to Royal Canin Cocker Spaniel, as this has everything he needs for his breed,
On a sad note there have there have been quite a few more dog attacks , since Darcy was Attacked ,
Darcy is not frighten of other dogs at all mainly because heis a friendly chap and he didn't see the dog that attacked him , but if he knows theres is a dog walking behind he doesn't like that at all and becomes very agitated and nervous but i don't make it problem we just carry on with some reassurance, but when dog has overtaken us he's happy and greets the other dog,

Squirt's Mom
09-21-2012, 04:37 PM
Hi Julie,

Glad to hear that Darcy is healing good and the vet is pleased with his progress! If I were Darcy, I would be a bit nervous with another pup coming up behind me after that attack, too. Bless his heart. It's good that he doesn't seem to have become overly anxious about it and is still greeting them in a friendly manner once they are in view.

Is it the same dog that attacked Darcy that has attacked the others recently? If so, surely something could be done about the situation if all the owners got together. I hope no children are hurt by whoever is doing this and that it stops SOON.

Thanks for letting us know how he is coming along and I hope he gets the all clear from his vet on his next visit!
Leslie and the gang

11-16-2012, 03:15 PM
Darcy is doing alot better now , although there is NO hair growing on the actual scar of his dog bites But is fur is growing long and over if that makes sense . He can be a little tender round there scar but it was quite deep and Nasty .
I'm the only person that still has Darcy from leaving his breeder as the rest of his Littermate's have been rehomed twice since they were 8weeks old. Darcy is now 17month's old. When we are out walking there is another Chocolate Cocker Spaniel (working type) that looks like Darcy and When they see each other they look as though they know each other but i never seen this person or the Dog before, (AS MY SISTER GOT ME DARCY AS A LATE BIRTHDAY PRESENT.) But i think they are Brothers , Because this othe dog doesn't normally go to other dog's but he is really eager to get to Darcy.
Does anyone know if you are allowed to give GARLIC to a Dog' because Darcy keeps running of with a Clove , Some has said it's a nautral flea repellant but i do not because Pip never eat Garlic.

11-16-2012, 03:27 PM
Hi Julie,

I'm glad Darcy is healing up well. It very well may be that Darcy's look alike is Darcy's sibling. I have noticed that some breeds seem to identify with and are more likely to readily socialize with a dog of the same breeding so if he isn't related to Darby, they may still feel a connection.

With respect to your question about garlic, Mike Richards, DVM of vetinfo.com advises that garlic is a member of the onion family, high in sulfur, and given in long term can cause anemic reaction and severe bleeding in dogs, especially small dogs and cats. However, small amounts used in cooking and flea medications do not seem to cause a problem. There has been one study done on dogs given garlic and those that received a measured amount for seven days did have changes in bloodwork commonly seen in anemia but none of the dogs developed it. This study was only done for seven days so long term feeding may have yielded worse resullts. If I were you, I would be careful about letting Darcy find loose cloves of garlic on the floor.


11-20-2012, 02:39 PM
Hi Glynda,
Thank you very much for replying about the Garlic. I have done a lot of Research and agre with you about the garlic it is very toxic to dog's although i did pet's shop's sell Garlic tablets for dog's it really depend's on your view's and i would never give Darcy anything that would harm him .
Thank you again

12-07-2012, 02:27 PM
Need some advice regarding Darcy , I had to rush him to vets 2 weeks ago because we thought he twisted his stomach , Which sorted it self out before we got to the vet's he's also had a stomach bug that is going round in dog at the moment , The vet we saw said that i had to feed Darcy a tablespoon of his dog food 4 times aday until the the tuesday and gradually increase his food over the next few day, (Darcy eats Royal Canin Cocker Spaniel 25 ) but when i try to increase his food a little Darcy become's very sick , (I MEAN VOMITING , ) So i reduce the food again and his fine, Darcy has never been a big eater , Wet food no matter what brand of food gives Darcy reallly Bad Diarrhoea and He has change his evening Meal for vegatbles he doesn't eat alot of veg , But that is what he want's Although i don't have a problem with that i'm worried he's not getting enough of his normal food , Darcy refuses to eat the veg with his normal food, The vet also said Darcy was getting fat but his tummy was very swollen and the Day we saw him ,
Does any one have any advice on how i can help Darcy go back to his normally food AGAIN ,

12-08-2012, 11:41 AM
Hi Julie,

When did Darcy have the stomach bug and did your vet do a full blood panel when you took him in to rule out things like pancreatitis? Has Darcy had diarrhea or just the vomiting after eating? How long ago did Darcy have the stomach virus and did your vet prescribe any medications for it? Cockers aren't a breed that is predisposed to bloat but it can happen with any breed. What makes you think Darcy had bloat? Sorry for asking so many questions but there are a lot of possibilities that could cause problems with Darcy's digestive system and your vet really is the proper person to guide you. Has the vet mentioned the possibility of putting Darcy on a very bland diet, like boiled skinless chicken breast and rice, for a few days and then gradually introduce his regular food?


12-08-2012, 03:30 PM
Hi Glynda
Because Darcy was showing all the syptoms of Bloat , and Darcy is from the working group of Cocker Spaniels, not the show type , and Darcy is extremelt DEEP CHESTED , the vet did say it was not in possible , my Working cocker spaniel guidebook does say it is rare but can happen ,
No blood's it was 2 weeks today, Darcy only eat's veg and Fruit of our food, The vet was very arrogant male who was pulling Darcy by his tale and making him scream , just said to give him a tablespoon of Royal Canin Cocker , for 4 day's then slowly increase his food.
Gave Darcy an inject and that was it .
Sorry nothing than what i've already said ,

12-08-2012, 04:07 PM
Oh my, the vet was pulling Darcy's tail and making him scream? I would be hard pressed not to punch him in the face if he did that to one of my dogs. If Darcy was in so much distress as to prompt you to take him to the vet, I am very surprised that the vet did not do any testing. Blood values can change in a matter of days so just because blood tests were normal two weeks ago doesn't mean its normal now.

If arrogant vets have something to be arrogant about, then I might give them a pass but it sounds like your vet has an unmerited ego. If I were as awesome as some of these vets think they are, I could walk on water and turn water into wine. :D

If Darcy continues to have problems and you have a choice of other vets in your area, I would definitely book him an appointment with someone else and have appropriate tests done.

Hugs to you, mom and Darcy


molly muffin
12-08-2012, 04:13 PM
I would be throwing a fit about someone pulling my dogs tail hard enough to make them uncomfortable, little lone screaming. Definitely a no no and after all that Darcy has been through. No way. Don't want him to become fearful of going to the vets. :(


12-09-2012, 06:17 AM
I second what the others hava said already, I would take Darcy to a different vet. If his vommiting is still not over after 2 weeks, he needs to be examend again by a more compassionate vet.

Sas and Mhina.

12-11-2012, 07:30 AM
Thank you for your replys
Took Darcy to vet everything is fine with him , Darcy has never been a big eater even when i got him as a puppy,
The vet said to try to encourage Darcy to little and often , just so that he gets some of Canin Cocker 25 as that has everything he needs in he can have as much veg and fruit . BUT HE CAN'T HAVE GRAPES RAISINS AND ONIONS .
Someone has told me that you can not give them Broccoli only the stalk , and tomatos , because of the seed , I thought it was just the leaves of the tomatos the couldn't have . i did check with the vets and they say they can have Broccoli and tomato's .

I do know what they can eat and can not , But this person is saying that i'm being cruel to give Darcy and tomato's although they give there Dog's 2 cloves of Garlic daily,
Have another problem , Darcy keeps getting Cat Fleas. We do not own a cat , but have lots of cats that come in out garden , defleaed him 3 times now , thrown all of his bedding away. Petbomb the house and used frontline combi, I've spoke about this with the vet yesterday , who told to use STRONGHOLD, then go back to using Frontline combi , We do not have fleas in our house at all , I combed Darcy throw last night before i put the stronghold on and he was CLEAR NOTHING THERE , i let him out this morning and after coming in he was covered with them on his stomach . Does anyone know what else i can do with Darcy as i'm getting very stressed and as i've never had a dog that has fleas , I suffered very badly with O.C.D and my home is spotless ,

12-11-2012, 03:42 PM
Hi Julie,

It is really difficult to control fleas when you have feral or neighborhood cats in your yard. I had the same problem several years ago and I had a quarterly maintenance contract with an exterminator who treated my house and my yards for fleas and ticks. I have brought rescue dogs home who are infested with fleas. I use a product called Capstar which I believe you can buy in the UK through a vet. It is only effective for 24 hours which is why it is used in conjunction with the monthly treatment. Capstar is amazing and you will start to see the fleas drop from Darcy within minutes and he will be flea free within hours. It's an amazing product but unfortunately, it is short lived.

12-11-2012, 07:04 PM
from one ocd to another i was told this past summer to apply lime all over,which i did at our place up the mountains.....i have to say my dogs did not get any fleas this year....not sure if this was the magic trick but can't hurt to explore the option...good luck !!! patty and milo :)

molly muffin
12-24-2012, 11:45 PM
Merry Christmas Julie and Darcy.
Have a safe and wonderful Holiday

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-13-2013, 03:12 PM
Hi Hope you all had a nice christmas and a happy new year.
Darcy got spoiled just a little well a lot really, He really enjoyed playing in the snow,
I have always had dog's So has my Aunt but she now lives in a flat so has had a cat for company now as she lives on her own after a few good beating's from her partner,
Soph is 7 or 8 now my Aunt has had her from from 8weeks old she is a house cat and has always used a litter tray .But over the last 4 onths Soph will not use her litter tray and will do a poo all over the bathroom floor and she will pull the towel down to cover it up,
Does anyone have any ideas how my Aunt can stop her Cat from pooing all over the bathroom floor,


02-13-2013, 05:48 PM
Hi Julie,

Check out this site which has handy tips on how to get the cat back in the box.


Squirt's Mom
02-14-2013, 09:04 AM
Hi Julie,

Good to hear from you and to know that Darcy got good and spoiled over the holidays! I know he enjoyed that a great deal! :D

I had one cat, Molly, who flat refused to use a litter box of any kind after a litter of kittens, her first. She would go the bathroom behind the TV - no matter where the TV was! But not in a box behind the TV. She would ignore that box and use the floor every time. She would use paper or use a cover to protect the carpet behind the TV but would not use litter period. When I took her in for her shots I mentioned this behavior to the vet. He checked her out and discovered she had some litter up in her urethra that was irritating her. He cleaned her out, put her on anti-biotics, and she went back to using her litter box - with shaved wood chips and newspaper in it instead of litter.

She was one of my stranger kitties and her litter of kittens all had six toes on both front feet. They were adorable! I was concerned no one would want them because of the deformities but boy was I wrong! Folks were clamoring to have a 6-toed kitty! :p One was born with a huge wild streak in him and I kept that one. He became a barn cat and was the best mouser I have ever seen!

02-17-2013, 02:56 PM
Thank you for you help i will let my aunt know , Darcy is fast aslept at the moment, he had a busy a day. I will be getting a new pup soon, I hoping to get a Shetland sheep dog if not i'm not sure . Maybe another Cocker spaniel .but have to wait and see if i need an operation first or they can do deal with it throw Medication .

02-17-2013, 05:31 PM
Another puppy?????? :) :) :)

Gosh, Julie, that is so exciting!!!! But I'm sorry to hear that you may need some surgery yourself. Please keep us updated re: all this news, OK?

It's always so good to hear from you!

05-20-2013, 03:49 PM
Just thought i would update you i maybe having a new family member joining us , Darcy spent a few hours with her on sunday, And she is coming to our house on weds morning for a few hours to see how they get on , Everything went smoothly but we just have to wait until wed's to see how thing pan out, She is 3/4 springer spaniel and 1/4 Labrador, she is 2 half years old. If thing's work she will be with us by next week . I've put a picture in the album for you to see .She is with Darcy they dissappeared together.

molly muffin
05-20-2013, 05:24 PM
Awww, she is a pretty girl. I hope it all works out!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

05-23-2013, 02:50 PM
Just a quick update ,
Darcy and Cherry got on very well togther at my house she is coming to her new home a week tomorrow.

05-23-2013, 03:28 PM
Oh Julie, this is such wonderful news!!! :) :p :D

I'll bet Pip is smiling from ear-to-ear at Rainbow Bridge, knowing that your home will be filled with so much doggie love. :o ;)

Sending many hugs your way!

molly muffin
05-23-2013, 05:35 PM
This is great!!! It's going to be an active house :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-17-2013, 12:57 PM
Just a quick update to let you know that Darcy and Lady are getting on fine. Lady has settled in nicely.
She went for health Check this morning and has got the all clear.
She a very healthy dog like like Darcy.
Darcy was castered at 6 month's old , and Lady's previous owner had her Spayed at 6 month's old ,But my vet notice this morning that Lady was bleeding, She said that Lady has a scar on her muscle and it looks like she has been spayed but we will know for sure in 6 month's or not .My vet thinks that Darcy has tried getting a little excited with her , although they are both neutered Darcy still gets they urge and after all he is a man . I've not heard of anything like this before .
Mum say's when we go out i have to spilt them up as Darcy has tried once he will again .
Where ever Darcy goes Lady follow's and the same goes with Lady Darcy follow's her . I took her to the vet's this morning and when i got back he was sniffing her to what she had got up been up to.
I took Darcy out when i got back and again she did the same thing . I took him to the field and Darcy did is wee every where Lady had been, Which Mum say's this isquite normal.


Squirt's Mom
06-17-2013, 01:33 PM
Hi Julie,

Great to hear that Lady and Darcy are getting along...tho maybe a bit too well, huh? :D I had a gelding once who never got it in his head his equipment had been altered rendering him ineffective. We would be riding along so nice and peaceful when suddenly that head would shoot up, ears pricked, nostrils flared, and he'd start nickering then tossing his head and we were OFF! He had scented a mare in heat and there was no stopping him. Such adventures we had! :rolleyes: I also had a female spayed cat once who kept acting as if she were in heat. The vet found that some gland had been missed and left in that made her feel, smell, and act as if even tho she wasn't. She had to have DepoVera shots every month.

How are you feeling? And your Mum? I hope you both are doing better.

Squirt's Mom
07-29-2013, 12:36 PM
Hi Julie,

How are ya'll doing? Hope you are all doing well and are as happy as can be!


12-16-2013, 04:48 AM
Hi Everyone,

Just want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year .
And not forgetting all the of a Furry Friends that are in Running Free and playing at Rainbow Bridge.

Have added at few more pictures.

Julie Darcy and Lady.

12-16-2013, 06:39 AM
Oh Julie, it is great to hear from you and I love the new photos! :) :) :)

Darcy is so handsome, and Lady is just lovely. They both have such beautiful eyes.

We return the Christmas greetings to you a hundred-fold, and we take this moment to honor Pip, Honey, and all our precious babies who are gathered together at Rainbow Bridge.

Sending many hugs and warm holiday wishes to you from across the miles. :)

Squirt's Mom
12-16-2013, 07:53 AM
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Julie! I hope you all have a blessed season and a wonderful year in 2014! Your babies are looking so good and very happy. They know they got the best mom they could have ever hoped for! I know Pip and Honey are so very proud of you.

molly muffin
12-16-2013, 04:33 PM
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. :)

Love the pictures. Soulful eyes, that's it! :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-02-2014, 04:07 PM

Hope you've all had a nice Christmas .
Darcy and Lady were very spoilt but i guess that just me being .

Darcy Darcy . has been suffering with Diarrheoa very badly for most of his 2 half years since i had him. He was Tested and it came back the he had Campylobacter for nearly 7 months Darcy was on Anti Biotics . Which finally came back as all clear . But Darcy still had very bad Diarrhoea with Blood and sickness . My vet decide to do an ALLERGY TEST a few weeks before Christmas . I had a phone call as my vet said Darcy results were back and it would be best if i made an appointment to see her which Darcy and myself went on Monday for the Result . Darcy is ALLERGIC TO ALL MEAT AND CORN , My vet said that it was unusually for a dog to be allergic to all meat .. Darcy is now on a strict diet of Fish and Brown Rice . . . I really know how to pick these dog's . But i have had Darcy since he was 6 WEEKS OLD AND LIKE Pip i will be there for my boy regardless . But having said that Darcy has always preferred fish to meat although he eat meat because Lady had meat .

Have a lovely NEW YEAR

molly muffin
01-02-2014, 05:37 PM
Well isn't that something. All meat! Who would have thought. So are you adding in supplements then and home cooking or what? Maybe a nutritionist can make up a meal plan for you that includes all the nutrients that would be needed?

Wow, well the things we do for our furbabies. eh. :) Got to do what we got to do. I bet Darcy will do so much better now that this has been figured out.

Happy new Year!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-03-2014, 03:02 AM
Don't know if you are having to make the fish and brown rice yourself but if you want to try a commercial diet then I have found Wafcol Salmon and Potato to be very good for Brin. He has been on it for over 2 years with no problem and he is allergic to meat and grains. He was having to take steroids for his allergies but they caused internal bleeding so I had to find something quick and within a week of being on this food he stopped scratching himself to death and he hasn't had to be treated for it since. It is also half the price of the very expensive well known commercial food he was on before!

01-04-2014, 02:02 PM
My vet showed me a list of foods that Darcy could he as if they food Company is on the AVACTA SENSITEST Allergy Company that did Darcy test then they declared what is what is ther food and Nothing else otherwise they would not be on the Allergy company's list if that makes sense .
My vet said for Darcy James Wellbeloved Ocean Fish and Rice would be better for Darcy the only Treats he is aloud are Fish4Dogs fish skins, and James Wellbeloved Fish Mini Jacks and James Wellbeloved Fish Rice and Tomato Cracker Jacks and Carrots he is not aloud anything else at.
Poor Lady is having the same as Darcy because it is not fair on Darcy to see Lady having meat Treats when he can have them .
Although we were at a friends house on Thursday and Darcy ,Lady , Barney and Roxy were playing in the garden and and the dogs were going Crazy when we looked there was an old Lady throwing Meat in the garden And we just go to Darcy in time and took him indoors . She always gives Darcy Meat although i have asked her not . So now we will be avoiding her . She never ever gives Lady anything .. Only Barney Roxy and Darcy if she can get to him .
Darcy was on Taste of the Wild Smoked Salmon and Salmon but my vet said we could not use because she had not seen any information about the food . And it was not on the Companys list that do the Allergy testing .
I did take her some information for her and she said Yesterday that we could use it that as there was nothing in there would hurt Darcy .

03-16-2014, 04:25 PM
Sorry not logged in for a while things have been awful my end.

Darcy is doing a lot better since he is on his strict diet of fish and brown rice . As he is allergic to everything except fish and Brown .
Lady is a the BIMBO of the dog world as you give her a task to do and you can see when she looking at you there she just does not have a clue and after about 10mins looking round she thinks its a good idea to give her paw as that will solve everything . sHE IS VERY FUNNY ,.
I always find different mental task for Darcy to do every day just to keep his brain active . And Darcy is very clever and it does not take him long to work things out .

My Mum die at home 2 weeks ago, We have now had her funeral which was a nice service . I knew my mum had bone cancer but i found out 2 weeks ago that she knew 3 years ago that she had womb cancer and was riddled with cancer , she refused all treatment which was her right , But it was P E that killed her .
I wished my Mum would of told my sister and i , I know she was protecting us and she was such a strong Lady to know that refuse treatment . She was a really lovely lady and so brave but never moaned once she just got on with it . I really miss my Mum .

Darcy is taking it very badly as he has never away from Mum since he was 7 weeks old . He will howl and whine hoping that Mum while hear his cries and come home he does not understand that she is not coming home .

Lady is ok . I think she must of picked up on the sense she had before we got her as her previous owner was sent home to die nearly a year ago. She did go to Mum but not like Darcy did.

I think she knows she is staying here with Darcy now .


molly muffin
03-16-2014, 05:48 PM
Oh Julie, you have had a real time of it lately. :(
I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your mother. That is a huge loss. Darcy and lady will be missing her too and grieving her once they know she won't be coming back to them.
I'm just very sorry about all of this. :( My sincerest condolences.

Sharlene and molly muffin

Harley PoMMom
03-16-2014, 06:55 PM
Oh Julie,

I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your dear Mum, and my heart goes out to you. Please know we are here for you.

With Heartfelt Sympathy,

03-16-2014, 09:34 PM
Julie, I am so sorry to hear about your mother's passing. You are part of our extended family here and because we came to know your mum through you, she was part of our family too. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister.

((((Huge Consoling Hugs))))

03-17-2014, 04:51 AM
So sorry to hear that your Mum has passed away.
I am sure you, Darcy and Lady will all take care of each other.

Squirt's Mom
03-17-2014, 07:48 AM
Continuing to hold you, Darcy, Lady and your sisters in my thoughts and prayers, sweetie. I am glad you shared this with your family here so we can all stand by your side during this tough time. You are as brave as your Mum, ya know? Don't forget that when those dark times come and you feel all alone. Your Mum's strong genes run in your veins and I know she is so very proud of you.


03-25-2014, 04:34 AM
Thank you all for your kind messages . I just wish i could get Darcy to stop howling and whining , He really does not understand that Mum is not coming back .

My sister and i have another a funeral next week as our Uncle Die on Wednesday . . We have also been told that a cousin will be lucky if he makes it to the end o April . And a great uncle is not looking good for him either. So looks like that we are going to busy for awhile . .

Thank you again Julie

Squirt's Mom
12-06-2014, 10:50 AM
How is Darcy doing now? How is Lady doing? How are you doing? I miss you!