View Full Version : Steph and Pallie, atypical, UTI, KIDNEY (Update: Pallie has passed)

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Squirt's Mom
07-14-2009, 12:14 PM
Hi Steph,

Let us know what you learn as soon as you can.


Leslie and the girls

07-14-2009, 12:40 PM
Hoping it is just a blah day and nothing serious Steph.

Quaking here until we hear more.


07-14-2009, 08:14 PM
Well, the bad news Pallie has a bad UTI. Apparently the baytril she's been on hasn't been working or she's resistant to it already. So as of tonight, she got a Clavamox and my vet is doing a culture/sensitivity. We won't know what grows for a few days. But he said to try Clavamox until he hears from the lab.

The good news is that we tested her creatinine and BUN to see if all our hard work went down the toilet and her creatinine is down to 1.9!!!!!! The high end of normal is 1.7!!! He did a double take and thought he was reading it upside down! I was so thrilled an expletive left my mouth and my vet laughed. I asked him how this happens (7.3 to 1.9) and he said it usually doesn't... at all, especially with her history, cushings, being 12, etc. He said technology/modern medicine has something to do with it, but for the most part, the kidneys don't respond like this. He did say that it was more proof that her acute attack was from repeated and repeated infection. I hope the creatinine doesn't go up again while we wait for the culture or whatnot. It still could, technically speaking. But for right now, I'm celebrating a 1.9 and quacking that the Clavamox helps!!

There is proof in the power of the quack! Magic duckie rocks!!

07-14-2009, 09:03 PM

It is good news and I am glad the bug is being cultured so you can administer the most effective antibiotic.

Continuing to Quack:D, as opposed to quake:o

07-20-2009, 03:17 PM
I finally got the culture sensitivity back on Pallie's UTI. She has a pretty resistant strain of e.coli. The sensitivity has come back that we should use Nitrofurantoin. Has anyone used it? I know it has some icky GI side effects and Pallie should get it with food. We will start tonight 100mg of the macrobib version 3x a day.

Thanks and still quacking!!!

Wylie's Mom
07-20-2009, 04:59 PM
Hi Steph,

I've never used Nitrofurantoin... can't really help you there, but please read as much as you can about it and find out if you need to stop or adjust the dosing for any of the side affects.

Have you asked your vet about probiotics for Pallie? The use of antibiotics kill both good & bad bacteria and the probiotics would help re-populate the good bacteria (and can help to fight off e. coli). I would ask your vet if he/she would recommend using a probiotic in conjunction with the Nitrofurantoin or after the UTI is gone.

Still QUACKing,

07-20-2009, 05:01 PM
Hi, Steph! Isn't it frustrating how long it takes to get cultures back! I am not familiar with this drug and a google search didn't come up with much re using it with dogs. I did take a look at side effects for humans and there was one comment that someone said which was interesting -- her doctor told her that, to minimize the GI side effects, she was to take it "mid-meal", i.e., eat some food, take the pill, then eat some more (that taking it right after a meal wouldn't work). Hopefully, Pallie will feel like eating enough to coat her tummy!

Sending lots of QUACKS that this will get rid of that UTI!

07-20-2009, 05:07 PM

Very glad you went to this trouble and now have a specific bug and counter bug.

I have no practical experience to pass on.

Best QUACKING wishes though.


07-20-2009, 05:07 PM
Susy- My vet didn't mention any probiotics per se, except for giving her yogurt. I'll have to see I guess how she does on it and go from there I think.

Judy- That's a great idea about mid-meal. I'll try that. I think I can pull that off with her appetite. She's back on rotisserie chicken and it's going well.

07-20-2009, 07:09 PM
Nitrofurantoin can cause urine to become bright yellow or orange in humans so don't be alarmed if that happens. (Kinda the color of a duck).
The antibiotic has been around for awhile but can only be used for urinary tract infections.
Hope it works!

07-20-2009, 08:21 PM
Oh Virginia! I needed that laugh. I was just going along reading your post and when you mentioned the color of a duck, I just lost it laughing! I guess I just wasn't expecting that at the end of the sentence! hahahaha thank you!!
Yeah, the pharmacist warned me about that. Pallie just got her first dose an hour ago. So far so good. She's sleeping.

07-20-2009, 08:31 PM

Has there been any discussion concerning how Pallie picked up this particular bacteria?


07-20-2009, 08:36 PM
No, Scott. My vet doesn't know and he also doesn't know how long it has been brewing. Since it's a strain of e.coli, it's possible it came from within and got into her urinary tract, but it's impossible to figure out. I wish I knew.

07-20-2009, 09:18 PM
We did a full panel blood work this morning and the results are already back, with thyroid pending.
Here are some of the important numbers:

Alk phos 285 (down from last time)
BUN: 87 (96 last time)
Creatinine 2.2 (1.9 last time but infection brewing since and still great to me!!!!)
Phosphorus: 5.7 (6.1 last time and now in normal range without phosphate binder)
Lipase: 571 (this is now within normal range after 3000+ 10 days ago. Definitely due to eating ground beef which she hasn't had any in 11 days)
Chlolesterol: 208 (normal now, was high last time)
Hemotocrit: 32% (almost to low end of normal of 36%. Was 29% last time. This means her kidneys are doing better and producing the enzyme that makes red blood cells. This is good!)
USG: 1.013
pH: 5.5
Protein 1+

In light of her UTI, the rest looks pretty darn good.

I'm quacking that the Nitroturantoin works!! quackquackquackquackquackquackquackquackquackquack quackquackquackquackquackquackquackquackquackquack quack

Harley PoMMom
07-20-2009, 11:02 PM
Hi Steph,

Found this in The Merck Veterinary Manual:

Nitrofurantoin is used to treat urinary tract infections caused by susceptible bacteria, such as Escherichia coli , Staphylococcus aureus , Streptococcus pyogenes , and Aerobacter aerogenes . Proteus spp , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , and Streptococcus faecalis are usually resistant. After administration PO, nitrofurantoin is rapidly and completely absorbed (the macrocrystal form takes longer) and is swiftly eliminated by the kidneys, mainly by tubular secretion (~40% in the unchanged form). Serum concentrations are low, and little unbound drug is available for diffusion into the tissues. The plasma half-life is only ~20 min. Nitrofurantoin is concentrated in acid urine. When the pH reaches ~5, the drug becomes supersaturated without precipitation and its antibacterial action is maximal. Nitrofurantoin can be administered PO or parenterally. The dosage for dogs and cats is 4.4 mg/kg, PO, tid for 4-10 days. Side effects are not common at usual dosages, but nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea can develop. CNS disorders have been seen, and polyneuropathy is a serious effect that is seen in humans. Animals with decreased renal function have a predisposition for polyneuritis. Various manifestations of hypersensitivity reactions can be seen. Yellow discoloration of teeth occasionally has been reported in very young animals.

Polyneuritis: Inflammation of several nerves at one time.

Hopefully Pallie has no side effects and the Nitrofurantoin does the job.

Still Quacking here in PA.

07-21-2009, 10:25 AM
Hi Steph,

Sounds pretty good on the labs and hoping the med knocks out the infection without a bunch of side effects.


Greyhound mom
07-21-2009, 03:26 PM
Last summer my greyhound, Asia, contracted e-coli. I'm pretty sure she got it from swimming in Lake Michigan. In Chicago, they'll post notices and close the human beaches if the water tests show e-coli present, but they don't do it at the dog beach!! I don't take her to the beach very often and I didn't realize until later that day that the human beaches were all closed.

It was shortly after that we went through a similar experience with the UTI, not responding to the meds, culture, etc. I don't recall the med she was given, but it knocked it outta her.

Asia's mom

07-21-2009, 09:00 PM
Hi Steph,

Hope all went well after Pallie's first dose of Macrobid. The pharmacist probably already told you this but just in case......

Drink several glasses of water a day. This will help to reduce possible kidney damage.

This information was taken from the Costco pharmacy description and although it is for humans, being well hydrated is also something Munch's renal doctor emphasizes, especially with drugs that can be hard on the kidneys.


07-21-2009, 10:23 PM
4 doses so far and no GI problems, knock on a wooden duck.

Louise, thanks for the water info. Pallie's been drinking pretty good, plus she gets here full 1000ml of sub-q fluids every day still. I hope it does the trick keeping her kidneys going. We've worked so hard getting them better that it would break my heart for them to fail again. But they will surely fail without treating the infection. Catch 22s!


Barney's Mom
07-21-2009, 10:28 PM
Quacking here as well Steph!


07-22-2009, 03:56 AM
4 doses so far and no GI problems, knock on a wooden duck.

Louise, thanks for the water info. Pallie's been drinking pretty good, plus she gets here full 1000ml of sub-q fluids every day still. I hope it does the trick keeping her kidneys going. We've worked so hard getting them better that it would break my heart for them to fail again. But they will surely fail without treating the infection. Catch 22s!



Good news that Pallie is handling the antibiotic without any GI problems and that she's getting plenty of fluids. I think it would break everyone's heart if her kidney's failed again!! Hope this does the trick for the UTI!


07-22-2009, 01:01 PM
Good news Steph, you know we are all hoping for a smooth treatment.


07-24-2009, 08:52 AM
So far, antibiotics are going well! She really likes getting the pill in roast beef (a very special $10.50/lbs low sodium roast beef from the grocery store deli).

Her appetite is so strange. She's now refusing rotisserie chicken and ground turkey in exchange for her k/d kibble!!! What dog refuses chicken for kibble? So strange, but I'll take it! :)

And my vet is on vacation for 2.5 weeks! How dare he??? He gave one of the other vets there a crash course in the latest Pallie happenings, so she's ready. I like her to. My vet promised me he'd come back. We have his first appt upon return to reculture the urine anyway. It is Aug 11 yet?

07-24-2009, 02:24 PM
Pallie's update is sounding pretty good and glad she's still doing well on the antibiotics. Be gone, Percy!!!!

Her appetite is so strange. She's now refusing rotisserie chicken and ground turkey in exchange for her k/d kibble!!! What dog refuses chicken for kibble? So strange, but I'll take it!

I'm glad Pallie's taste buds are now preferring her k/d kibble to the straight meat. Guess she is finally coming out of that "catch 22" place. Hooray, Pallie!!!


Wylie's Mom
07-24-2009, 04:18 PM
Hi Steph,

I'm glad Pallie is doing well... WHAT?, refusing chicken for kibble:confused::confused: - hey, whatever floats her duckies:p.

I was just looking at dogaware.com and noticed this section for the first time:
Pre- and Post-Op Care

I thought about Pallie when I read this portion:

If antibiotics are used, you should give Probiotics for up to six months following the antibiotic usage, to help restore the beneficial microorganisms in the gut that the antibiotics kill off (along with the bad ones). You can use Acidophilus, but I think it is better to include multiple strains of bacteria. I use Berte's Ultra Probiotic Powder. Be warned that Fastrack and some probiotics that include lactose have been known to cause diarrhea in some dogs. Yogurt contains some probiotics, but not enough to restore the populations in the intestinal system following antibiotic usage.


07-24-2009, 05:06 PM
I have been giving Moria about a half cup of buttermilk every morning now for about a month. Her stool has improved and it seems to stimulate her appetiete. I do not think it can hurt.


07-31-2009, 10:19 PM
Hey Steph!

I know Pallie doesn't go back for her appointment/testing until Aug. 11 but got to ask.....how's she doing?


07-31-2009, 10:42 PM
Things have been a little rough lately. Pallie is having some arthritis issues that kind of came out of nowhere. She can't take NSAIDs because of her liver, kidney, and stomach so she's on Tramadol, Glucosamine and Fish Oil. She just started the glucosamine and I know it takes a while to start working, if it decides to help. My regular vet is out of town til Aug 11 so right now I'm trying to keep her as pain-free as possible until he gets back so I can talk to him about our resources. She's handling the medication, including her antibiotic ok. We had several days of some bad appetites, but we're doing ok now. Until my vet gets back from vacation, I am very lost how this arthritis is going to affect everything else. At least the Tramadol, if nothing else, is keeping her sedated and off her feet.

I just hope we can get this pain under control. I need Dr. T!!!!!!! :(

Harley PoMMom
07-31-2009, 10:48 PM

Still QUACKING here in York PA. and hoping the magical Quacks will help sweet Pallie.

Love and hugs to you and Pallie.

Truffa's Mom
08-01-2009, 04:33 PM
Hi Steph and Pallie

I am sorry about the artrhitis pain on top of everything, and the doctor on vacations :o !!! Well at least the Tramadol will help with the pain til doctor comes back.

Maybe you can use 8-in-1 Excel Flare-Away (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=18817) tablets or 8 in 1 Excel Flare Away Joint & Muscle Rub for Dogs (http://www.terrificpets.com/pet_supplies/dog/hip-joint-support/108285.asp), Truffa is very sensitive to NSAIDS and I try to avoid them, and I know glucosamine is slow, but the Flare-Away tablets have helped Truffa a lot. When she had pain on her back knees started to "gave up" on her I gave her the Excel Flare Away and the next day the limping or not leaning on her hind would disappear. I have only see them online but maybe Petsmart or Petco, but if you need something without NSAIDS til the doctor sees pallie on August 11, you could try it.


08-01-2009, 10:14 PM
Hi there,

Regarding Pallie's arthritis, we had a beagle who lived to about seventeen and she had pretty severe arthritis. She was on several NSAIDS, but she could not take them, either, and she even had an ulcer from one of them. It was successfully treated with sucralfate, though. She did wonderfully on glucosamine. It was like a miracle for Sally. I hope it'll do the same for Pallie.

Good luck!

Hugs from Gabrielle and Charlie Brown

08-01-2009, 11:23 PM
Thank you all. I am very scared about this arthritis. I know she is in pain and it hurts me like hell. If the Tramadol or glucosamine, etc or whatever Dr. T suggests it's not fair for her to go on like this. I just hope and quack that the glucosamine and everything else helps.

I just spent some time hiding my hardwood floors with mats, rugs, and towels. Pallie has a hard time and slips a lot of the floor, especially while getting up. Of course the silly girl likes to lay on the floors too because they are cooler. But I had to cover them with something that will give her some traction so she doesn't keep slipping. Thank goodness for old towels that are the more rugged, rough terry cloth.

Carol G
08-02-2009, 12:52 AM

A physical therapist (who is on a Cattle Dog List I'm on) highly recommends Myristol. In addition to guclosamine, it has CMO which she believes helps both dogs and humans tremendously. It is available through vets (your vet could order it if it isn't carried now--the office manager at my old vet was going to order it for me). The Cattle Dog list person was so convincing that I ordered a similar product for McGill (Myristin) but I could not get him to take it. I really think it could be worth a shot.

I think the Tramadol will help too. I'm thinking good thoughts.


08-02-2009, 11:33 AM

Have you thought about getting Pallie a mat, something like a yoga or exercise mat? I'm not sure, but I think that would keep her cooler than towels and provide some extra cushioning for her as well without making her hot.

I don't know much about the subject myself, though as I said, our Sally had severe arthritis, but luckily it was controlled with glucosamine as she could not take any NSAIDS. I just noticed when we were at MedVet yesterday, they had mats like exercise mats for the pets.

Wishing you and Pallie a happy Sunday.

Love and Hugs,


08-02-2009, 12:12 PM
Steph -- when you next speak to Pallie's vet, ask him about whether he thinks a series of Adequan shots would be appropriate to treat her arthritis? My Maggie had arthritis in her back knees and also could not handle NSAIDs. She had a series of four Adequan shots (I believe one a week for four weeks) and they helped tremendously and were not outrageously expensive. Some dogs need another booster shot after a period of months but Maggie never did.

It is tough when you are finally getting one (two, three ...) problems under control and another one pops up!
Hang in there!

08-02-2009, 12:33 PM

The Adequan has been a big help for Moria, she now gets a shot once a month.

Moria also has the Ultra-Paws that she wears on occaision and I have just recieved a catalog from inthecompanyofdogs.com which has a self adhesive traction pad I think I am going to try.


08-02-2009, 12:53 PM
Thanks again for all the suggestions. I'll have to ask about Adequan. I'm afraid though that since it's not kidney friendly, it wouldn't be my vet's first choice. I'll have to ask first though.

I ordered Pallie those paw thingies. I found them online this morning after Leslie suggested them. They could help too. In the meantime my towels and rugs are doing a great job. My bathroom mats are in the hall, the front door mat is now inside the house by the door, my kitchen mat is in the hall, I got a cheap area rug from Walmart and cut it up to fit the hallway (cheaper than buying a few runners), and the towels cover the rest. I have definitely noticed a difference in the ease of her standing up either on the rugs or towels. The house is a mess but who cares. I'll try to post some pics.

Pallie has one of those mats that suck in water and they have the gel stuff in it that will stay cool for days. She won't go near it. If she's sleeping sometimes I'll put it up to her tummy but for the most part she wants nothing to do with it. She likes my little floor fan blowing on her and I keep the house pretty cool for her too.

08-02-2009, 05:04 PM
Hi again,
I put all the details of Lady's meds for arthritis or sore joints :confused: on your facebook page.
There's one other thing that is hampering Lady's movements besides the non-carpeted flooring. The hair between her pads grows so long and she doesn't like it to be cut so her feet slip on the floors. Her nails are growing so fast these days and that doesn't help either. She has to go to the groomer every 3-4 weeks to get them cut as that job is too hard for me to manage. :eek: We can manage to cut the hair between the pads a little bit at a time.
Moving all your mats and carpets around is a great idea....I have cut up some little mats and taped them to the steps on the deck to help her get some traction when she comes up them. Her sight isn't good enough for her to go down them as she will miss a step every now and then. We make sure we take her down.
Will check back later,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)

Barney's Mom
08-02-2009, 05:13 PM
Thanks again for all the suggestions. I'll have to ask about Adequan. I'm afraid though that since it's not kidney friendly, it wouldn't be my vet's first choice. I'll have to ask first though.

I ordered Pallie those paw thingies. I found them online this morning after Leslie suggested them. They could help too. In the meantime my towels and rugs are doing a great job. My bathroom mats are in the hall, the front door mat is now inside the house by the door, my kitchen mat is in the hall, I got a cheap area rug from Walmart and cut it up to fit the hallway (cheaper than buying a few runners), and the towels cover the rest. I have definitely noticed a difference in the ease of her standing up either on the rugs or towels. The house is a mess but who cares. I'll try to post some pics.

Pallie has one of those mats that suck in water and they have the gel stuff in it that will stay cool for days. She won't go near it. If she's sleeping sometimes I'll put it up to her tummy but for the most part she wants nothing to do with it. She likes my little floor fan blowing on her and I keep the house pretty cool for her too.

I got Barney the Ultrapaws, and he did wonderfully in them! We used them on his back legs only and it completely eliminated his slipping on the hardwood floors and tile. He stepped like a Clydesdale when we first put them on him, but he quickly became used to them. We just started leaving them on him all the time and would switch pairs out to let the others air out. He got a small sore on one of his paws, from the shoes rubbing in one area so we quit using them for a while and Barney did much better on these floors than we expected so we didn't use them any more. Barney's were a bit too big, so that may be why he got the rub spot. I hope they work out for Pallie.

08-02-2009, 05:33 PM
There's one other thing that is hampering Lady's movements besides the non-carpeted flooring. The hair between her pads grows so long and she doesn't like it to be cut so her feet slip on the floors. Her nails are growing so fast these days and that doesn't help either. She has to go to the groomer every 3-4 weeks to get them cut as that job is too hard for me to manage. We can manage to cut the hair between the pads a little bit at a time.

Great idea! Pallie has very furry paw pads too. I will definitely get that a good shave! Her nails are ok but her furry paw pads could definitely cause some slipage.

It's been rainy and cloudy here the last few days and it's clearing up and warming up too. I understand that rainy weather can aggravate arthritis too so hopefully the improvements in weather will help her too.

I ordered the adhesive doggie paw pad traction things, not boots. Pallie has boots from when we'd hike in Utah years ago. Sandstone is awful on paw pads.
I also found this site yesterday. I'm going to call them tomorrow and get a few bits of more info regarding two of the harnesses I'm looking at that may help Pallie get up. She snaps at me when I try to help her up so if there's a harness we can leave on that will be easy for me to help her get up, I might try that. They're not too expensive. http://handicappedpets.com/www/index.php/pet-products-summary.html

Truffa's Mom
08-02-2009, 11:36 PM
I have used on Truffa the adhesive paw pads, and she loves them, she starts walking faster and make little jumps on my wood floor. For a better application you'll have to shave the hair under their paws, I didn't do it on Truffa, since the one thing she hates the most is someone touching her paws, but now she lets me apply the paw pads if there is not shaving involved.

If you got them at http://handicappedpets.com/www/index.php/component/content/article/227.html
it's a great deal, I got them at www.mojopet.com (http://www.mojopet.com) but I just wanted to try them. I don't apply them to all the fingers though, sometimes the big finger in the middle works. They stayed on her for a week, after a few trials, and they survived walking over a cement exposed to 90 degrees or more the whole day, humidity and wet curbs also. And yes her joints get more sore with humidity and hot weather.

I carry two big cushions everywhere she needs to jump to, I am still looking for a harness that she'll trust, she wants to do everything by herself. Let me know if Pallie like the one that you are getting. I got the expensive ramp for my van, and now is in the attic, maybe Nina will use it when she gets older.....

08-03-2009, 04:39 PM
Me again,
For the past 4 years Lady's food and water dishes have been in one of those stands that keep them off the floor. Recently I have put 2 inch pieces of wood under the legs to raise it up even more. Then there is some of that shelf liner stuff under the whole thing that comes out in front of the stand to give her some traction when she leans down to eat or drink.
I'm planning to move some of my mats around to different parts of the house to help her traction some more. Thanks for the idea,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)

08-03-2009, 08:56 PM
The rugs/towels/etc all over the floor are helping a lot. She knows they help too. I have them secured to the hardwood with that rug tape that keeps area rugs in place without damaging the floor.

Pallie's appetite is still very low. She'll eat things she can't eat, like animal crackers, ground beef, dog treats, etc. but won't eat the food that she needs to eat to keep her kidneys safe. At least I know she's still willing to eat and hasn't stopped altogether, but if she doesn't eat what she needs to keep her kidneys going (low sodium, low phosphorus, etc), then I am at a loss. It's a catch 22.

At least she's handling the meds well. 7.5 more days til the vet appt.

08-05-2009, 11:32 PM
So I'm curious what you all think about my latest brain functions.

Pallie's still hurting from walking. The Tramadol is knocking her out but not doing much for pain. She's not eating really much either. Things she ate a few days ago she won't eat now. And I try everything. The only think that has been consistent, which isn't good for her, is my hedgehog's dry cat food (Wellness Adult Cat).

So I called the vet to bring her in tomorrow to see the other doc since my vet isn't back til Tuesday. I don't know much she can do other than recheck lung and heart function and feel the joints and maybe suggest some more foods or heat/cold therapy.

Ok so here's where my brain comes in. Since all this has happened (the walking/pain problems), Pallie has been drinking more water. She has also urinated in the house a few times and it's been worse since yesterday. Her legs are weak and looks like muscle mass is going away too.

I'm wondering if Pallie's cortisol could be high. Could she be going into regular cushings from atypical? My vet, my old vet, and Dr. O have all said that may atypical dogs will become regular cushings. Perhaps the leg weakness is putting extra strain on already occurring but never yet a problem arthritis. Perhaps her appetite is low from the pain of that even though Cushpups usually have higher appetites. Yet Pallie's never been the case study. And Zoe's appetite goes down with higher cortisol too.

Pallie hasn't had an LDDS test in more than a year. My vet has said that there was never a need unless she showed more symptoms of cushings. Perhaps now these could be some symptoms???

I will ask the vet tomorrow and if she thinks an LDDS test is necessary, our appt is early enough to get it done. If not, we can do it on Tuesday with Dr. T being back.

But what do you guys think of cortisol causing leg weakness that could impair her walking and then cause pain? And urinating in the house?

The bottom line is I'm looking for answers and comfort in what is causing her pain and exhausting all causes and resources before someone suggests I make a decision. But when I thought of her legs, for some reason cortisol came to mind.
My brain could also be completely wrong too.

Steph and Pallie

Harley PoMMom
08-06-2009, 06:16 AM

You have been at this Atypical/Cushing stuff alot longer than me, so you know more than I do...but I'll give you my opinion.

I really think you should go with your gut on this...a dog in pain does not want to eat, you're right there.

Harley has rear hind leg weakness, which now is just improving slightly, and he was having accidents in the house all the time, his last endogenous test was very high. So I think there is a connection. Harley did have a LDDS test done too in the beginning and his numbers pointed to cushings.

Like I said, go with your gut, you know Pallie best and you are such a wonderful and loving mom.


Love and hugs.

08-06-2009, 08:47 AM
Hi Steph,
I'd also ask for her blood glucose to be checked. These symptoms could also be a sign of diabetes....drinking & urinating more and the leg weakness. I never saw lack of appetite with the onset of Lady's diabetes but it came on so fast that we really didn't have time to notice anything but the extra drinking and urinating.
Hoping you get some answers at the vet's,
Still QUACKING here for you two,
Jo-Ann & Lady

08-06-2009, 09:55 AM
Hi Steph,

The increase in water as well as muscle weakness are both symptoms of acute kidney failure and elevated cortisol but given Pallie's lack of appetite, I would be more suspicious of kidney failure. I'm glad that you are getting her in to see the vet.


08-06-2009, 02:52 PM
Well, the good news is Pallie's blood work came back great. Her liver is great. Creatinine is 1.8 and BUN 33. I am thrilled with those numbers after all we've been through.But it still doesn't explain her appetite issues other than blaming it on pain and antibiotics.

Diabetes has never shown its ugly face on any of her tests and still holding true. I asked the vet about Cushings and she said it could be worth ruling out but really didn't suspect it because of the appetite issues. So she's not getting LDDS test today, but if we want to do it, they're open to it. I may wait until I talk to Dr. T on Tuesday.
Since Pallie's BUN is 33 (last time, 2 weeks ago it was 96), the vet said to try the sub-q fluids every other day and see if it does anything to help the pain. Perhaps now her body doesn't need that much fluid and storing too much in joints, muscle tissue, etc and causing pain. So that's the next experiment for the next few days. Pallie also is going to get a B-12 shot every day for 5 days too to see if it helps. My gut says her pain isn't simply from arthritis. I know something else is behind it. Maybe the over-hydration. Maybe a muscle problem. Maybe something I would never guess in a million years.

This afternoon after the vet appt, I reheated some pizza that she wanted nothing to do with last night (fresh from Papa Johns!). She ate some pizza crust, then went onto animal crackers, a few Crispix cereal and a few laps of milk. A good start!

08-06-2009, 04:12 PM
Hey Steph -

Have been following your 'brain functions' in regard to Pallie. Zoe's been having some similar things lately, and so I'm also exercising my 'brain functions'(what's left of them) - trying to figure out what's going on. I've even gone back and 'searched' the latest symptoms in Zoe's 'recovered' thread from the old forum. Don't ya' just wish they could talk in plain English and make it easier for us.

Zoe's had the 'down' appetite, like Pallie, but not quite as severe. She'll skip most of breakfast but do pretty good at dinner. Also, the legs have been really much worse this last month. We already give 1/2 meloxicam in am and 1 tramadol in pm. (The tramadol isn't much for big girl Zoe, but if she gets more, she gets stupified.) Now this last couple of weeks, she's started with the excess panting, nighttime restlessness, drooling, and sloppy water drinking.

Here's my thinking on Zoe (and maybe some of it applies to Pallie as well). Top of my list is dental. Pain makes their cortisol go higher (which would account for more drinking and weak legs.....Zoe's drinking may be slightly up but not much - thanks to the tylan, I believe). Pain is worse at night, so maybe that's the cause of Zoe's late night restlessness, and her almost constant panting of late (and possibly her sloppy drinking and drooling, too ...has Pallie had any of these symptoms?)

BUT > Eating is never much fun if something in their mouth hurts - so lack of appetite, maybe could be dental-related. Does Pallie let you probe around in her mouth at all? Just this morning, I noticed some strange overgrowth of Zoe's gums around her front bottom teeth. We mommies, of course, can't tell much about bad teeth by looking, but gums we can usually get a look at.

I know Pallie's had some other issues lately, too. And some of Zoe's are a little bit different . But we're goin' in tomorrow and getting an acth, a T4 (in the past, Zoe's had some of these problems when that was running too high), a mouth check, heart, and .....I'm guessing probably general labwork. But for Pallie, I think you SHOULD consider getting an LDDS soon. The weak legs might mean her cortisol is going up. Whether that could be from regular cushings or some pain or dental issue which might be raising her cortisol and causing the weak legs. The appetite - hey Zoe can tell you that not all dogs have BIG appetites with higher cortisol. Zoe, as you know, is the opposite. When the numbers rise, the appetite falls off. Pallie might be the same way - who knows.

OK, and this......About two years ago, Zoe had an abscessed tooth that got really bad - I think she had cracked a molar several months earlier (she likes to chew on and crack good sized twigs!)and I think she cracked the tooth in Feb and it just slowly festered until August, when her face swelled up and we realized the problem. During that time, she didn't eat too good and her cortisol refused to stay down in the decent range...even though she was getting increasing doses of trilo over that time period. Once we got the bad tooth out, her cortisol dropped to 6-ish, the appetite got better and the legs improved, too.

I've had a hard time making a correlation between the weak legs and high cortisol, because of Zoe's multiple issues. But i think there definitely is one. REading back thru Zoe's old thread, there've been a couple of times where her legs got so bad, she couldn't get up and was falling down all the time, just walking. But it's always gotten better, to some degree and so I suspect it has to do with where her cortisol levels are.

That's how she is now, again, with the bad legs. In the past, I had to put rugs all over the place, too, and then I concocted some cute little slippers for her. (I made these cheap little booties by using those rubber-type rug liners - the kind that is more open-weave - which I cut into rectangles of about 10 or 12" by 5 or 6 ." I then folded the rectangle in half and laced in and out thru the waffle opening with thin ribbon - like across the top part - to make a bootie that opens on one side. So when the legs get bad, I just slip them on her when she's ready to get up and tie the ribbon loosely around her ankle, and they will give her enough traction so that she can rise. Then she walks right out of them, once she's up, and she goes on her merry way.)

Anyway, my brain function is running out......I haven't rambled on like this for awhile. But maybe our two heads working together are better than one. Here's hoping we can figure out these two puzzle babies (Pallie and Zoe).
:rolleyes::rolleyes:;) Sue/Zo

Harley PoMMom
08-06-2009, 05:01 PM
Hi Steph,

Well, the good news is Pallie's blood work came back great. Her liver is great. Creatinine is 1.8 and BUN 33. I am thrilled with those numbers after all we've been through.
So happy for you and Pallie with regards on them numbers.

FWIW, I agree with Sue on the LDDS test, if you have it done at least you know...

You've probably already thought of this but I'll throw it out there anyways...do you think Pallie might be having some back trouble? Pinched nerve, slipped disc?

Sorry my advice isn't even worth 2 cents.:( But we're still QUACKING! here in PA.


Love and hugs.

08-06-2009, 09:53 PM
Very glad to hear there's no diabetes!! :D :D
Jo-Ann & Lady :)

08-06-2009, 10:38 PM
Hi Steph,

I'm not sure the LDDS will be that useful as with all she has going on she will very likely return a positive result on this test even if she doesn't have Cushing's. Just being in pain or discomfort alone could stress her enough to give a positive or borderline positive, unfortunately.

I hope the B12 helps and I'm still quackin'!


08-06-2009, 11:45 PM
Me again-

Alison makes a good point. But the muscle wasting is what i thought might be the cause of Pallies recent leg issues. And that, I thought, might be from elevated cortisol. I wonder if the ACTH would be a better test to run, in view of Pallie's other problems. I think Marianne knows quite a bit about why the acth is preferred over the LDDS in certain circumstances. I think it is supposed to be more accurate when a dog has other things going on. But I'm not sure about the specifics on when or why it's better.

Pallie's urinary numbers are ok now, right?? And she's on a/b's for a uti? So are her main problems right now just the appetite and the walking, getting up thing?? Or have I missed something else? Maybe Marianne will be by with some thoughts on whether or not the ACTH would be worthwhile at this point. But the drinking and the weak legs sure sound like elevated cortisol. Of course, as Alison said, pain could be causing an elevation. But I would think on an ACTH, that if the numbers came back really high, that might be a sign that it's more than just a result of pain or discomfort. Hmmm, it can be a catch 22 sometimes. :confused: Sue

08-07-2009, 03:17 AM
I have a heavy heart posting tonight.

Pallie went to heaven a little while ago. :(

She was getting ready for bed, but then was acting really restless. She went outside and panted, and back inside and tried to crawl into corners. Then she tried to throw up but nothing came up. And her mouth was open but she couldn't pant. I rushed her to the ER but she passed away in the car on the way there. I think maybe she had a stroke or a heart attack maybe. I really don't know. It was very quick though and I am blessed to have been able to tell her what I had to say while we were driving before she crossed the bridge. And I am so glad I was with her instead of this happening while I was at work. I am sad and relieved at the same time. I have stopped crying for the time being but tomorrow is another day.

My heart hurts but I am so glad she's no longer in pain. The last few weeks have been rough. And I was having weird feelings tonight. I didn't know it was going to be so sudden, but I had very strange feelings tonight. I guess now I know why. It's strange too because just yesterday we were having "the talk" about everything I had to say to her. I had been preparing since she was in the hospital for her kidney failure so I knew exactly what to tell her. It's surreal that we talked yesterday. I'm so glad we did. She did not leave this earth knowing everything I felt for her and what she meant (and will always mean) to me.

I will be ok with time. I am going to miss her like crazy. I don't even know what I feel yet. I feel very much at peace though if that makes any sense. I have absolutely no regrets or what-ifs, and that brings me such a warm feeling of peace and comfort.

Thank you all for all your love. Pallie will always be with us. She is a special girl and even though her body is gone, she is watching over all of us.

Steph and always Pallie the angel-corgi

08-07-2009, 06:15 AM
Oh Steph,

My heart just fell when I read your post and I am writing this through a flood of tears, I am so very very sorry.

The love all these years you had for each other will always be there and you are the most wonderful mom.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Always In Loving Memory of your sweet Pallie
big healing ((((((((((hugs))))))))))

08-07-2009, 07:09 AM
I am so sorry. I have been following along but this isn't what I expected. I am glad you were with Pallie and she wasn't alone. The tears will come and go but you will always have those great memories of your special girl.
Godspeed pallie.

08-07-2009, 07:14 AM
Steph, So sorry to hear this. I am glad that it was swift and she wasn't in pain. Wonderful that you had your last special talk with her so that you can feel good about that. It isn't easy to let go. May all the wonderful memories of good times sustain you. Be well. Hugs, Kim

Barney's Mom
08-07-2009, 08:16 AM
Oh Steph, I am sooo sorry! I am glad that Pallie passed quickly and that you were there with her. You were absolutely the best mom Pallie could have ever have. She completely loved and lived life with you, it is so evident all the pictures you have posted. I have no doubts that you will be with Pallie again.


Harley PoMMom
08-07-2009, 08:35 AM
Dearest Steph,

I just read your post and through tears I am searching for the words that I could say that could bring you some comfort...but mere words seem inadequate at a time like this but along with these mere words comes alot of love and support for you, Steph, We will always be here for you...always.

Sweet Pallie was indeed a special girl, how could she not be with such a wonderful and loving mom as you, and I am so glad you had your "talk" with her, Pallie knew in her heart and soul she was loved dearly by you, Steph. We all loved her and we all will miss her too.

Peace sweet Pallie.

My Heartfelt Sympathies,

08-07-2009, 08:37 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about Pallie Stephanie. I am glad you feel no regrets. It's so hard to have a pup with multiple issues that needs so much care, but theres nothing we won't do for those we love. I am sure Pallie knew how very loved she was.

I know you will be on a roller coaster of emotion for the next few weeks. Unfortunately, such grief is the price we pay for the tremendous love for our babies - and it is worth it. While peace will catch and release you a few times, I'm sure it will ultimately settle into your heart, like it has Pallies.

My best to you...


08-07-2009, 08:48 AM

I am so very sorry to hear about sweet Pallie. I wish there was something I could say to ease the pain and deep sense of loss you are feeling but know there isn't. Pallie knew how much you loved her and I know she returned that love. We are all here for you. Sending prayers and hugs. My deepest sympathy.

Squirt's Mom
08-07-2009, 08:57 AM
Dear Steph,

Oh dear god....this is so hard to accept. I am just crushed for you, sweetie. You have done so very much for Pallie for so long and I know how much she meant to you, to your soul, your life. Words fail me, but my heart is broken and I can't stop crying. Squirt got huge, extra hugs and kisses this morning in honor of Pallie.

Our love and deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Ruby, Goldie, and Crystal

Roxee's Dad
08-07-2009, 09:23 AM
Dear Steph,
I am so, so sorry for your loss. My heart is breaking for you. She certainly knows how much she was and is loved.

08-07-2009, 09:31 AM

When I got up early this morning and read this, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Dogonne it, I am so very sorry.

I'm glad you had your talk with Pallie. She is one of God's creatures and her spirit will live on forever. Heaven is a little better place now with Pallie up there.


08-07-2009, 10:30 AM
Steph, my heart is broken for you. May God give you the grace, strength and comfort you need this day and all the days to come.

With lots of hugs,

Shelba and Suni

Carol G
08-07-2009, 11:22 AM

I am so sorry. My thoughts are with you.

Carol, Atty Cat and always Winnie and McGill

08-07-2009, 11:46 AM

Like everyone else that has read your last post, I am so heartbroken for you. Pallie is an icon here and I will always remember her sweet little face, standing in the water, with the stick in her mouth. I looked at her photos often and could visualize her romping through the water, splashing water everywhere and being as proud as a peacock when she got her teeth around that stick. I'm smiling through the tears at that image as I type.

You are so right, Pallie will always be a part of us, just like her wonderful mom. She was a very lucky girl to have been loved and so incredibly nurtured by you. Godspeed sweet, sweet Pallie.


08-07-2009, 11:53 AM
Oh, Steph -

I am crushed to read about Pallie. She was such a tough little cookie and she fought a good fight. There are no words to make the hurt go away but know that she will always be with you. Sending you lots of hugs. RIP, sweet Pallie. Sue

08-07-2009, 12:28 PM
Dear Steph,

Through these wonderful years that you have shared Pallie with us, I know I did not actually post often (many of her problems along the way have not been ones about which I have been very knowledgeable...:o). But I still followed her every "move," and I cannot believe that this chapter of life has been closed for us all. All of your wonderful experiences together and all of your grand photos have been treasures. Just like Glynda said, all those images come flooding back as soon as I close my eyes. Captain Pallie and Pallie with her doggles and Pallie with her stick and the two of you together at the beach...the list goes on and on and on.

I am so glad, though, that you were with Pallie when her spirit released. After all these weeks of worry, I do hope that the peacefulness that you felt after her passing will remain with you always. I know there will be pain and emptiness when you look around your home and you can no longer physically see or hug her. But her passing is all that any of us can wish for our loved ones or ourselves -- coming quickly and at the end of a life well-lived, and surrounded by the embrace of those we cherish.

Steph, you have been a member of our family long enough to already know this many times over. But please do remain with us for as long as it feels right to you (hopefully for a long, long time!). To share stories of Pallie, and to share your feelings, and to share your support with others who are also struggling. In that way, you allow us all to continue to honor and remember her.

Thank you for telling us what has happened. And I send you many (((hugs))) this day in celebration of the life and spirit of your sweet girl ~
Marianne (forever Barkis' and Peg's and Luna's mom)

08-07-2009, 12:51 PM

I'm so very sorry to hear that Pallie has passed on and am relieved to hear that she was with you and that you had a chance to tell her all you needed to say. Our diabetic dog passed away a year ago the first and it's odd... I didn't cry all that often the first month or two after. Now I cry at every mention of his name. He, like Pallie, had been very ill for a few weeks before and we knew it was only a matter of time.

Sending a hug skyward to Pallie and one earthbound to you,


08-07-2009, 01:46 PM
Hi again Steph,
Marianne has said everything here that I could possibly think to post....especially the part of how the end came so quickly and while you were together. I understand the relief that you've felt so far and hope the peace that Pallie knows now will be with you.
Thank you Glynda for bringing the image to mind of Pallie with the stick in her mouth, standing in the water, having a great time.
But I think it's going to be her eyes that I will always remember, those big, big eyes.
Jo-Ann & Lady

08-07-2009, 02:04 PM
I can't even begin to tell you guys how amazing and supportive you all are. Between phone calls and texts and emails today, this board is where I find the most comfort. You guys "get" me. You get Pallie. You understand our bond and love. I am blessed to have been on this board for the last 2+ years sharing my life with Pallie with you.

And I can't thank you enough for all the nice posts. Everything you have all said is true and very comforting to me. I am going to print everything out and put it in Pallie's baby book.

I had to go back to the emergency hospital this morning to pick her up. I could have left her and had them do all the cremation details, but I wanted her at my vet. The ER is too impersonal. So I picked her up and drove her over to my vet early this morning, crying all the way. Everyone at the vet was wonderful. They all had tears rolling down their faces. I am keeping my appt for Tuesday with Dr. T for some closure. We will have a good heart-to-heart and lots of tears too I assume. In the meantime, I know she is in good hands at my vet and they will see she is treated with respect and a personal touch.

I still don't know exactly what happened, but it doesn't really matter. She passed away with love and that's what counts. But when I described how fast it was (within just a few minutes), the vet did mention a spleemic rupture or some sort of rupture inside due to how fast things happened. I'm glad in a way that is was quick and Pallie didn't even know what was happening and she had no fear. She just had love. She was ready to go and didn't want me to go through making the decision. I know in my heart she knew how much I agonized over that.

I am going to have her cremated because I decided a long time ago that I want my ashes mixed with hers when my time comes. I hope I have a long time to go since I have made all these promises to Pallie to live for the both of us so she can come along on more adventures. But when my time is up, our ashes will be combined and spread somewhere special. I don't have a will, but my sister knows. I hope she doesn't forget when I'm 90 and she's 87 what to do. hee hee

I have cried and cried this morning and it definitely hurts like f'ing hell. But I have so many things to be thankful for and I can't complain about 12 years, the best 12 years of my life (just short of a third of my being). She wasn't supposed to live past 6 months and has had health issues all her life. She is free now and she will live within me forever.

I am a hard-core introvert and have extremely deep emotions. I can't express into words what I feel most of the time, even in simple scenarios. So what I type here is only a fraction of the gratitude and love I feel on this board, and even a smaller fraction of my love for Pallie. She came into my life when I needed her the most, and she saved me. I saved her too. But in the end, I couldn't save her, except to make sure she crossed the bridge knowing how much I love her always.
God or whomever is up there made a mistake when they decided dogs don't live as long as people love them. I also feel very comforted knowing we will see each other again, whenever that may be. I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon, but I am not afraid to leave with her waiting for me in heaven.

With love,
Steph, Angel Pallie, Apollo and Bojangles the hedgehog

08-07-2009, 03:56 PM
Oh, Steph, I am so saddened to read that Pallie has passed on and so touched about your plans for her ashes. I am glad you were able to speak what was in your heart to Pallie before she became an angel. Need to cry myself right now. Pallie was family and will be missed. Sending kisses upward to your little polka dot bikini angel.

Hugs to you, Seph and Peace be with you, sweet Pallie.


08-07-2009, 04:01 PM
Dear Steph -- I have followed Pallie's path as both she and my Maggie were diagnosed with atypical not too far apart from each other. Please know that I am sending gentle hugs your way and take comfort in knowing that Maggie is now showing Pallie "the ropes" of the Rainbow Bridge. Both are pain free and at peace.

Take care!

Judy H.
Riverview, FL

Wylie's Mom
08-07-2009, 05:03 PM
I'm so sorry Steph. It's good that it was quick and I'm so glad you were able to tell her everything before she left. She had a smile that would always make me smile... I will always remember your cutie in the bikini.


08-07-2009, 05:25 PM

You and Pallie both deserve peace. I am sure she is experiencing relief from her poor spent earthly body and waiting patiently to be reunited.

I know in time you will smile in fond memory of your little Corgi-hound.

Mine are all honorary Corgi's tonight in Pallie's memory.


08-07-2009, 07:46 PM
Dear Steph,

I am heartbroken to learn of Pallie's crossing the bridge today. I have followed your posts throughout the past weeks and I have witnessed the undying love and dedication you had and always will have for your sweet Pallie.
You have gone through so much and always come up fighting for her. It is obvious to all of us how remarkable a person you are. Pallie truly knew this.
I'm glad Pallie crossed on her own after you had the chance to tell her what you needed to. I am fighting back the tears streaming down my face right now and praying for the peace that you need and deserve to come your way.

with heartfelt condolences,
Dorothy and Mikey

08-08-2009, 12:09 AM

I am heartbroken to read that Pallie has gone to the bridge. She has been an amazing dog.

We are all at a loss for words to comfort you, but your words have provided comfort for us all. Your expressions of love and devotion to Pallie is without compare. There is never a perfect time, but I think you and Pallie were able to have closure on many things. She will be in your heart forever.

I know that Sachi has probably found Pallie by now and is letting her play with her quacking duckie. Pallie wasn't the only one with an affinity for quacking!

Godspeed Pallie.

Love & Hugs ~ Mary Ann

08-08-2009, 03:09 AM

So sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Pallie. I think you expressed wonderfully how you feel, how we all feel about our dogs.
You loved her unconditionally and she returned that love.

Linda and Spicey

08-08-2009, 01:33 PM
Every tear I shed is a memory. Every tear I shed is a story. And every tear I shed is worth it for having the most amazing friend/sister ever to come into my life ... even if only for a short 12 years.

08-09-2009, 01:18 PM

As you know I was away but able to keep in touch. However, it didn't seem right not to come here, where we met, where this special magical doggie and her special magical duckie entered my life and blessed me in so many many ways.

There are no words about how I feel about you and Pallie, I just can't even try. Every step you inspired me, every battle you shared your strength, every up and every down I felt your joy and your pain.

Pallie, sweet girl, I know you will always be with your mama....and you will forever be in my heart too. Sweet peace, you brave girl...and I know Scoobie met you as I asked him to to show you the way until your mama comes to get you.

Love you, Steph...


and one more round of QUACK QUACK QUACK for healing mama's heart!

08-09-2009, 03:56 PM
I didn't even think about the magic duckie healing my heart. Ok I'm crying again. I know magic duckie has Pallie's magic touch.

08-09-2009, 08:53 PM
Hi Stephanie,

I just went through your album... what a WONDERFUL life Pallie had with you! So many travels and adventures. I know she loved it.


08-10-2009, 08:52 AM
I too have checked through the album and had to grin at the look on Pallie's face in the bikini picture!! :p Those eyes said so much....

08-11-2009, 11:55 AM
I went to see Dr. T. today. It originally was an appt for a urine culture that I had set up a few weeks ago. Then after she started going downhill, I thought I'd be going in today to come back later this afternoon for sleepies. Pallie didn't want to wait that long.

He and I had a good talk today and I have some closure. I picked out an urn too. I told him I really didn't need or want to know what happened medically, but I asked if he had his thoughts anyway based on what I described. He thought the limping, particularly in the front legs was related to something going on in her chest, either a tumor or something else. He said it's not common to have that kind of limping from arthritis (which my gut told me too and I told him that). And then when I described the final moments and how quickly it happened, he was pretty convinced that she had a blood clot in her lungs. He said it doesn't happen a lot but it's a risk factor with dogs with Cushings. So between the limping and the description of what happened, that's his feeling. And it makes total sense now. He said he was glad I was home because it could have happened at any time. And if there is a good thing, it is that there was absolutely positively nothing I could have done about it. It was meant to be when it was meant to be I guess. Of course I'd much prefer her to live to 80, but that's not the way life is for pups, especially ones loved as much as Pallie.

As for me, I'm doing ok. I kept my composure relatively well at the vet. Honestly I have been mourning and grieving for months. It was just waiting for her body to leave. Plus her quality of life had not been good since Memorial Day and that wasn't fair to her.

I'm going back to work tomorrow. I need one more day to myself. Thank goodness for awesome co-workers.

Steph, Apollo and Angel Pallie

08-11-2009, 12:03 PM
Hi Steph...

Just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. Pallie was a beautiful girl, and what a wonderful mother you were to her! I can tell she had an amazing life with you.

Take care, and my thoughts are with you today..


Squirt's Mom
08-11-2009, 01:00 PM
Hi Steph,

You continue to amaze and inspire me, sweetie. I only hope I can have a tiny bit of your strength when Squirt's time comes.

I am glad you were able to talk with Dr T and that you feel some closure from it. He has been such a source of comfort and support for you both for so long and I am glad he was able to ease your mind.

Some day, when you are up to it, I hope you will tell yours and Pallie's story in the In Loving Memory section. That way those us of who have known and loved ya'll can share in remembering her always, and those who never got the pleasure, can learn from your story what love and devotion can accomplish. You are an exceptional mom, Steph, and Pallie could have asked for no better person to share her love and life with.

Hugs and love,
Leslie and the girls

08-11-2009, 01:07 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Pallie. She was a very special dog with a very special owner. I am thankful that it happend fast and Pallie didnt suffer and that you were with her. I agree I wish our pals could live to 80.
hugs to you and your

08-11-2009, 01:50 PM
Hi Steph,
I too am glad that you saw your special vet and have some closure from him.
I certainly understand the "mourning and grieving for months" part. Lady sleeps so much now and that is such a change in the last year. But she's still marching on so I'll keep marching on with her.

08-11-2009, 05:23 PM
Hi Steph,

Along with everyone else, I'm also glad you were able to have a good heart-to-heart talk with your vet and get some closure regarding your sweet Pallie. I, too, understand the morning and grieving for months as I've been there, done that with both people whom I love and beloved pets. Wishing healing and peace to your grieving heart.


P.S. Munchie sends loving sluprs towards the heavens for his favorite bikini Corgi Angel Pallie.

08-11-2009, 06:06 PM
Some day, when you are up to it, I hope you will tell yours and Pallie's story in the In Loving Memory section. That way those us of who have known and loved ya'll can share in remembering her always, and those who never got the pleasure, can learn from your story what love and devotion can accomplish.

I will. I am going to put a video together. I need a little more time because I have to put the pictures to the song she was named after and it's going to be hard. But I am sure it will be therapeutic as well. Just not quite ready yet. I am looking forward to making the video though. It will be very special to me and to all who loved Pallie.

08-11-2009, 06:50 PM

I think the video is an excellent idea...when you are ready. I hope you can include the Pallie-Elvis pic...I shot water or tea out my nose the night I saw that one! That's why she will always be the corgihound to me!

Pallie always did and always will ROCK!!!!!

Love ya! Beth and her forever her hound bros

Truffa's Mom
08-11-2009, 08:06 PM
Our hearts are broken but comforted with the thought of your baby Pallie free from all her aches. There's no words to express the sorrow, I just hope that joyful memories of her, will soon start dropping on to your heart and built a crystal pond from where you can look back without an aching heart.

You and Pallie are a truly inspirational story to my life. It gives me a lot of solace to know how Pallie went to the Bridge knowing her mommy was next to her, loving her, and that you found closure talking with your Vet.

I'll keep praying for your heart to find strength during this new journey, when Pallie will forever live in your heart.

Poem for Dog Lovers

Hello. I've been expecting you for quite some time.
Here, come sit beside us for awhile.
and let me tell you about this old friend of mine.
She might look tattered or maybe old
But I won't say goodbye until you've been told.
She had the brightest eyes I had ever seen,
And wore a beautiful fur coat that would out shine a queen.
She was never prissy but walked with an aire ......
And oh so polite, you could take her most anywhere.
She could run like the wind and could catch anything she chased
But she protected and sat with me when I had problems to face.
You could not find a friend nearly so dear.
Because no matter the trouble she always stayed near...
She has never asked for much from me;
Just to love and respect her and I think you'll agree.
To give her a good meal plus a nice warm bed is not much to ask;
When she has given me all her love and to her this was no task.
Now I understand you have a schedule to keep.
But I have a small favor before she nods off to sleep.
Please fold your wings around her and let her feel young while in no pain;
Dear Guardian Angel of Pets,
please keep her safe and happy until I see her again.

by Ginger Patton

08-11-2009, 08:41 PM
Thanks Marcella, that was beautiful. Tears are rolling down my face. Pallie went to heaven loved more than I can express. I learned something new from her every day, but most especially the power of love and the spirit. She stayed strong for me til the very end. Dr. T even said today that dogs know, and they can try to hold on for their humans as long as they can but it can't last forever, unfortunately. Her little body was so tired from fighting for me. I can't blame her for being ready to cross the bridge. She was and always will be my hero.

08-12-2009, 08:45 AM

I don't come here much any more, so just found out about Pallie.

I'm so very sorry for your loss, but also relieved that Pallie did not have to suffer. She ran forward over the Bridge to become a healthy, young dog again... and will be there waiting for you.

Bonnie and Angel Crissy

08-13-2009, 01:59 PM
Hi Steph,

I lost my sweet Charlie Brown on August 3rd, so I know what you're going through.

I'm so glad you had a chance to have the talk with Pallie, but she knew she was loved more than anything just because she was yours. I think dogs come into our lives because we will love and care for them.

I'm still heartbroken over losing my Charlie, so I know it will take time for you to mend. Take all the time you need, and if you feel peace, cherish it and your wonderful times with Pallie. She was a beautiful, beautiful girl.

I'm so glad you got to be with Pallie at the end. I'm so glad I got to be with my Charlie.

I don't think my words came out right, but I know you know what I mean.

Love, hugs, and prayers to you, Steph.


08-13-2009, 06:32 PM
I am going to be lighting a candle for Pallie tonight. It will be one week ago tonight, just after midnight central, that Pallie became my guardian angel in heaven.

08-13-2009, 10:27 PM
and Bailey will be getting belly rubs as soon as I write this Steph, in honor of Pallie....who inspired me with her love, her courage and her determination....

sending lots of special QUACKS for your heart and to Pallie, who I am sure watches over you and for the thanks I feel for touching my life...

Love ya, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie

08-13-2009, 11:39 PM

08-18-2009, 07:34 PM
I am just now reading that you lost your precious Pallie. I am so sad to hear this. The tears are starting to flow. Pallie is now having ham sandwich biscuits up in Dog Heaven with my gang Friskie, Lucky, Cheri and Snicky. It's hard to believe I lost Cheri in December and Snicky in March. I miss my ZOO. They all leave that special HUGE footprint on our hearts and souls that just will never leave us. They are so special.

Sending hugs and prayers from our house to yours.
Heidi, Marco & Sophie

08-19-2009, 07:32 PM
Pallie is home. Her urn is beautiful. I chose a mahogany wood and had it engraved with some special words. It's beautiful.

08-19-2009, 10:07 PM
Did you post a pic Steph? It is beautiful...so glad Pallie is home...and of course I have to do it here, just one last time, sweet Pallie now that you are finally home....


And a bizillion hugs for your mama's heart!!!!

08-19-2009, 10:18 PM
thanks for the quacks!!!!!
I didn't post a pic. It was hard enough for me to take a picture of so I could email it to my sister and a few close friends. All the pics on here are the happy times with Pallie and me. The good memories live on for all!


Harley PoMMom
08-19-2009, 10:54 PM
Mahogany wood, some of its features: incredibly strong, unique, and beautiful, these same attributes were found in sweet Pallie as well, plus many more...so glad Pallie is home too...and, just one last time too.


Love and tons of hugs to you.

08-24-2009, 10:37 PM
Dearest Steph,

We are camping in Colorado, and I just learned about Pallie's passing. My heart is heavy with grief. The world has lost such a beautiful soul. Heaven has claimed another one of the "best." Like you said, I wish that she could have lived until she was 80. I can't imagine your pain, but I want you to know how much Pallie's story and her crazy pictures always kept my spirits up. You have both been a blessing in my life, and there is a hole in my heart tonight. I will go out tonight and look for a new star in the Colorado sky. I won't have to look very hard, because I know that it will be the brightest one.

Much love,

Jeanne, Kiska, and Sammie

Squirt's Mom
08-25-2009, 02:45 AM

quack quack quack

09-15-2009, 09:26 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this news. My thoughts are ever present with you. :(

Lynne, Clyde & Bailey