View Full Version : Newly Diagnosed

07-13-2011, 06:49 PM
Greetings to all. We are beginning our new journey with the diagnosis of Cushings (I believe it is adrenal based), diabetes, low thyroid, enlarged liver, spleen and right side of the heart. We have already undergone treatment for a UTI! How a dog can go from a healthy check-up and four months later have all of this is beyond my comprehension but, nevertheless here we are. So, any information and advise anyone can offer will be most appreciated. I can say we have wonderful vets and so far have not had to seek out the expensive care of "specialists". I pray we never have to!

We have the thyroid in the normal range now, blood glucose is at 256, fructosamine was 771 after 2 weeks at 15 units 2x/day of Human NPH N-100 insulin and we have not even addressed the Cushings as of yet. Our vet says that for our dogs size treatment will run about $200/month. I have asked if there was a human equivalent to the recommended Trilostan and have only discovered Modrenal (Vetoryl for dogs) and have no idea of the cost to date. If anyone has any information regarding the pros and cons of using a human equivalent, if possible, I would greatly appreciate the information. We want to do right by our loyal and much loved pet and would like to avoid any painful mistakes. Thank you for your response/s and support. G

07-13-2011, 08:17 PM
Hi and Welcome,

I am glad you found your way here but sorry for the reason. It sounds like you have had quite a journey already. Have you been to our sister site K9 Diabetes?

We usually ask alot of questions and hope new members post their test results. It helps.

i cannot answer your question about using the human equivalent of Trilostane. My Zoe just started treatment with 10 mgs of the brand name Vetoryl and we have added 5 mgs of compounded Trilostane for her new dose. We could also have used 15 mgs of compounded Trilostane. Diamondback is a compounding pharmacy in AZ quite a few of our members use and the prices seem reasonable.

Others will be along soon with comments and suggestions and lots of questions:):)

Addy, Zoe and Koko