View Full Version : Nike and Kenai
04-13-2009, 04:32 PM
Hi All, I took Kenais pee in on thursday to confirm that the DDAVp was working and sure nuf, his pee was 1.029. I does not get better than that. SO I now have 2 dogs, remotely related, with the so called uncommon Diabetis Insipidus, so I guess I kiind of belong here sort of. The vet told me he doubted Kenai had when I asked him if I could start the drops on him as it would be almost impossible to have 2 dogs with it. He doesnt know my dogs as good as he thinks he does I guess:D No use me buying lottery tickets anymore my luck is used up with this.
Hope many find us here and that the CC site is up soon so all will be able to find us again.
Thanks again Natalie
Sharon, Nike and Kenai
04-13-2009, 04:42 PM
Hi Sharon,
Nice to see you here. Good job on dx Kenai. I must say "we know our dogs" better than some vets.
04-13-2009, 04:48 PM
Hi Sharon,
Good to hear from you and even better to hear that the pups are doing well. And a hearty second, third whatever to Nat for being our host.
Squirt's Mom
04-13-2009, 05:09 PM
Hi Sharon,
So glad you and the Giants are here!
Leslie and the girls
04-13-2009, 05:24 PM
thanks, have to ask again how to download a pic for the avatar, tried but it must be to big, again, can anyone help?
Wanted to give a quick history on Nike for those who dont know us. Nike is now a 12.5 year old giant Schnauzer who was diagnosed with Cushings over 3 years ago and has been treated for 3 years now and doing very well. She did not clear her PU/PD when her cushings was under control and after further testing and a trip to an internal Med Specialist she was diagnosed with Diabetes Insipidus, and a year later hypothyroid. She is doing wonderful and still wants to play with her toys and any towles on the floor to wipe feet or beards or socks she happens to find in the dirty laundry basket. Her cortisol has dropped low ( 0.2 to 0.7) a few times with very few signs, maybe just slightly weaker back legs. She also had bilat ACL repair when she was 8 so her hind end has some arthritis and she is a very old large breed dog so it can be very slight difference. Anyway I miniloaded her about a year and half ago and it took a long while to get back up again. she was off lysodren for about 3 months or so. At that point I decided to treat her when she looked symptomatic, that has worked excellent for her. I have her stimed now about every 6 months or so. She is again on a lysodren holiday as I gave her 500 mg in January and had her stimed about 4 days later and her cortisol was down below 0.5 again ( if I remember correctly) Plan to get her stimed again in June.
The other member of my family is Kenai he is also a Giant schnauzer. he is Nikes boyfriend. He is now 8.5 years old and doing well. He is not Cushnoid, he has early cardiac changes that appear to be cardiomyopathy and is hypertensive, his BP has been 240s i think at times and even with meds is still high so we are working on that. We think his hypertension is kidney related and are keeping a close eye on his labs, and so far it appears to all be good. He began drinking more and when I mentioned it to the vet he checked his USG it was 1.006 ish a few times. Although my vet said it was extreamly rare for a dog to have DI, and even rarer to have 2 dogs with it, he agreed to trying the DDAVP drops I use for Nike, his first USG on it was 1.018 the second one was 1.028. So rare or not I have 2 dogs with DI.
That is our history in the readers digest version. I have been a member of the site since I found out Nike had Pit cushings and have gotten so much help and support from the members there I cant begin to thank them all. Without them we would not be going on 3 and a half years post diag.
Hope this helps figure out who I, Nike and Kenai are.
Hugs from me and mine to you and yours
Sharon et el
04-13-2009, 05:42 PM
If you cannot cut it down email it to me Sharon, and I will prune it for you.
Wylie's Mom
04-13-2009, 06:00 PM
Hi Sharon,
I don't know much about DI, but from a cushing's standpoint, 1.029 sounds great - yeah:D!
04-13-2009, 06:08 PM
1.029 is excellent for a DI dog as well, it is normal and Nike has only been there once and it took to many eye drops at $120.00 per 5 ccs I chose to decrease her drops and settle for the 1.0teens instead:rolleyes: now 2 on the drops and my money tree froze again with the snow last week. here we go again;)
Man it is wierd to be on pg one again and to be seen as a Jr member again, but just glad to be here
S,N andK
Squirt's Mom
04-13-2009, 06:09 PM
Here are some links on DI for those who don't know about it:
• Diabetes Insipidus
http://www.petplace .com/article- printer-friendly .aspx?id= 3258
• Diabetes insipidus
http://www.provet. diseases/ diabetesinsipidu s.htm
• Diabetes Insipidus
http://www.merckvet mvm/index. jsp?cfile= htm/bc/40507. htm
• Desmopressin acetate (brand name DDAVP®)
A synthetic antidiuretic hormone that is used to treat Central DI
http://petplace. netscape. com/articles/ artShow.asp? artID=1516
Leslie and the girls
04-13-2009, 06:19 PM
thanks fellow jr member Leslie:D
you are all over it, on the ball, thanks for posting the DI stuff
S,N and K
04-14-2009, 04:32 PM
Thanks Scott;
Wylie's Mom
04-14-2009, 05:00 PM
We should replace this smiley face :p with your new avatar.
04-14-2009, 06:04 PM
thanks to whom ever put Nikes pic as my avatar. I tried and could not do it.
S,N and K
04-17-2009, 10:02 PM
Hi there....
I am back...and checking on the Land of Giants! I hope Kenai is feeling better! How is he tolerating the drops? Don't mind me if I missed it bc I am almost blurry-eyed I am so tired right now. I'll have to come back and catch up more but couldn't leave without popping in on my favoritest Giant woman!!:D
I was going to email you but then found you here! Don't you feel so refreshed now being a "junior"? LOL....:D Kinda like when Scott got ID'd trying to buy some alcohol as I recall.....
Love ya, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobers
04-18-2009, 09:53 PM
Thanks Beth;
It was almost the land of GianT this am; It must be something in the air, I read your post about dog bite season. Demon spawn, yes it is back to DS had a temporary lapse in judgement but he claims it was temporary insanity but I give him and Nike a kong with frozen peanut butter and cookies and a marrow bone with cream cheeze and a cookie frozen in it to keep them busy for a while when I work. So he had his and as I walked by him to leave for work at 0530 he lost his stinken mind and he growled at me. Well Ceasar learned me good I tossed my stuff down on the floor. I got on my hands and knees and grabbed his neck in that dog bite thing he does and leaned over him, and switched hands and kept the dog bite thing going on his neck and switched hands and kept the dog bite thing going and going and going finally after 15 minutes ( it never takes Ceasar that long) I had to leave for work and my hands were cramping, every time I would loosen my dog bite grip thing he would do a little growl so after 15 minutes i slightly loosened it and he didnt growl so I took that as success and let him up. At times like this I wish he was a yorkie.
We are going to have a real come to Jesus meeting on Monday when i am not working and can take how long it takes to get him to relax, and give it up. He goes though this about 3 or 4 times a year where he forgets he is not the the King and we do this. I can take food out of his mouth, I can put my hand in his food dish when he is eating and he eats around it and will give me anything he has in his mouth if I ask for it, It just seems like when he is on his bed with his treats and I am leaving for work he gets very possessive of his toys/treats. I am not scared of him when he does that, but I do keep my face back when I am doing things like that. If he thinks I am scared I will never get control of him again, he is 115 lbs and I would be in big trouble then. We usually go through this he and I come to an understanding and all is good for the next few months.
So at work today the doc ordered an MRI on a patient and I told him the pt would to tolerate the MRI vent we have ( it is an antiquated piece of crap) as his vent setting were to high for the vent to handle. He said sounds like you will have to manually ventilate him. ( which for those of you who do not know is like the dog bite thing, 14 times in a minute for about an hr or more) oh yea sounds like a party to me. Good thing he was just bugging me.
I am wondering if Nike isnt addisons. Her legs will get weak, I give her pred for a few days, 2.5 or 5 mg per day for 3 or 4 days then she is good for a week or 10 day and then it happens again, but it hasnt been really nice and warm yet so maybe its the cool, damp weather. She is eating great and drinking a bit more too so dont know. I know the only way to know is stim, I am planning on it the end of May first part of June.
For those of you that dont know, I am treating Nike with the Sharon protocol. I, like Beth, am treating her symptoms. I am treating her for comfort now as she is 12 and a half years old Giant breed and has already outlived her expectancy. For the past year and half I have been giving her lysodren when she looks to me like her levels are getting higher per water uptake, eating, legs weak just that I know her best stuff. It has worked great for us. Her labs have been great her Alk/Phos has been normal for the last year and half, she grabbed the foot wiping, beard wiping rag off the floor this am and had Kenai tugging with her so obviously is feeling good.
Sorry for the book
Hugs to all from me and mine and demon spawn:eek: ( good thing I love him or his hide would be on my wall instead of on his back;))
S,N and K
Barney's Mom
04-18-2009, 10:06 PM
Thanks Beth;
It was almost the land of GianT this am; It must be something in the air, I read your post about dog bite season. Demon spawn, yes it is back to DS had a temporary lapse in judgement but he claims it was temporary insanity but I give him and Nike a kong with frozen peanut butter and cookies and a marrow bone with cream cheeze and a cookie frozen in it to keep them busy for a while when I work. So he had his and as I walked by him to leave for work at 0530 he lost his stinken mind and he growled at me. Well Ceasar learned me good I tossed my stuff down on the floor. I got on my hands and knees and grabbed his neck in that dog bite thing he does and leaned over him, and switched hands and kept the dog bite thing going on his neck and switched hands and kept the dog bite thing going and going and going finally after 15 minutes ( it never takes Ceasar that long) I had to leave for work and my hands were cramping, every time I would loosen my dog bite grip thing he would do a little growl so after 15 minutes i slightly loosened it and he didnt growl so I took that as success and let him up. At times like this I wish he was a yorkie. :D:D:D:D We are going to have a real come to Jesus meeting on Monday when i am not working and can take how long it takes to get him to relax, and give it up. He goes though this about 3 or 4 times a year where he forgets he is not the the King and we do this. I can take food out of his mouth, I can put my hand in his food dish when he is eating and he eats around it and will give me anything he has in his mouth if I ask for it, It just seems like when he is on his bed with his treats and I am leaving for work he gets very possessive of his toys/treats. I am not scared of him when he does that, but I do keep my face back when I am doing things like that. If he thinks I am scared I will never get control of him again, he is 115 lbs and I would be in big trouble then. We usually go through this he and I come to an understanding and all is good for the next few months.
So at work today the doc ordered an MRI on a patient and I told him the pt would to tolerate the MRI vent we have ( it is an antiquated piece of crap) as his vent setting were to high for the vent to handle. He said sounds like you will have to manually ventilate him. ( which for those of you who do not know is like the dog bite thing, 14 times in a minute for about an hr or more) oh yea sounds like a party to me. Good thing he was just bugging me. I am wondering if Nike isnt addisons. Her legs will get weak, I give her pred for a few days, 2.5 or 5 mg per day for 3 or 4 days then she is good for a week or 10 day and then it happens again, but it hasnt been really nice and warm yet so maybe its the cool, damp weather. She is eating great and drinking a bit more too so dont know. I know the only way to know is stim, I am planning on it the end of May first part of June.
For those of you that dont know, I am treating Nike with the Sharon protocol. I, like Beth, am treating her symptoms. I am treating her for comfort now as she is 12 and a half years old Giant breed and has already outlived her expectancy. For the past year and half I have been giving her lysodren when she looks to me like her levels are getting higher per water uptake, eating, legs weak just that I know her best stuff. It has worked great for us. Her labs have been great her Alk/Phos has been normal for the last year and half, she grabbed the foot wiping, beard wiping rag off the floor this am and had Kenai tugging with her so obviously is feeling good.
Sorry for the book
Hugs to all from me and mine and demon spawn:eek: ( good thing I love him or his hide would be on my wall instead of on his back;))
S,N and K
OMG I can so relate!!!!!!!!!!!!! That has been my reality! Once we took a patient to CT scan and the patients sheet got stuck in the table mechanism that moves the table out of the machine. He was a biiig guy and not anywhere near where we could maneuver him back into the bed. It took us an hour to get him out! I thought my hand would break from bagging! Oooh the cramps! Even switching hands! ROFL!!!!!
PS.... I have little dog fantasies all the time, but there is nothing like a huge dog in your lap giving you kisses.
04-21-2009, 11:19 AM
Hi Sharon - I guess it's strength in numbers - I too have been treating Angel by her symptoms since November like you and Beth are doing. Sometimes we just know better! Take care - Joyce & the girlz - Pebbles & Angel
04-22-2009, 05:35 PM
I want to explain the reason I am treating Nike this way is because she is a very geriatric Giant Schnauzer 12 and a half years old and when she had her ultrasound her innerds were all in great shape so if her cortisol does run a bit higher I dont believe she will live long enough for it to do the damage that higher cortisol can do. We, my vet and I, have switched from treating her theraputically to treating her symptomatically for her comfort, not for mine. If her cortisol level has to be higher to keep her comfortable than so be it. I know in my head she will not live forever, although my heart hopes she will be the miricle dog the one in a million that she has proven her self to be and live for 20 years;) so I want her time left with me to be comfortable and pain free. And so far we have seemd to achieve that as she sure cant be hurting at 0500 when she brings me her toy to play with or chases a rabbit across the yard. That is not to say I will not get her stimed in June, and treat the numbers, cautiously so as not to upset the apple cart.
I just wanted to clarify why we are treating this way, I do not want new people to think this is a good way to treat cushings. We are over 3 year survivors of Cushings and I have learned way more than I ever wanted to about this condition and know my dog very well. When my dog was younger we went by the protocol, both in treatment and in the testing to keep her levels within the desired theraputic range, and if I ever have another dog with cushings I will follow the tried and proven protocols as it has gotten Nike and me this far:):D
Wylie's Mom
04-22-2009, 06:00 PM
although my heart hopes she will be the miricle dog the one in a million that she has proven her self to be and live for 20 years;)
We're hoping with you:D!
Geez, I was only hoping for 18years for Wylie.
(I had met someone who said she had a Malamute that lived to 18.)
04-22-2009, 08:59 PM
Thanks, Sharon...bc I worry about that too! These are cases of do as I say and not as I do. I also treat Bailey by symptoms bc he has other issues I am trying to keep controlled. Being almost 10, he is considered geriatric as a basset. And until I felt I had a better handle on him than anyone including my vet, I would never ever have done it this way. But I would never ever recommend someone play with the protocol. It is the way it is for VERY GOOD reasons.
As for the being 20, I have faith! I think HRH is definitely up to the challenge!!! How many times has she surprised us before???
Love ya! Beth and you know the gang
04-23-2009, 09:54 AM
Hi - I posted the following in Angel's thread and need to post here as well that I did not mean to be so flip about the tweaking of the dosing and treating by visual symptoms. I too have been treating Angel for over 2.5 years and have a good relationship with my vet and have tried to read up on everything and see how it all affects my dog. I do not recommend or suggest that anyone do what I am doing! So please forgive me if I sounded too flippant or loosy-goosy about it all! OK...:o:o?
Take care - Joyce & the girrlz - Pebbles & Angel (&we3dogs@Bridge: ED, Zee! & Concho)
04-23-2009, 01:49 PM
Joyce. I didnt take what you wrote as flippant or loosy-goosy:):) at all. Those that know us from the CC site know what we have been doing and why and how we are doing it, But I thought that there are new people here that can not look back through our threads and see what has gone on so I just wanted to clarify why I, we, were treating the way we are and that it is sort of but not quite following the protocols but we have reasons for doing it that way.That we are not normal;););)
04-23-2009, 01:52 PM
oops :eek:I ment we are not the norm. :D:D:D or in my case and Beths ( I know her well enough to say this) a little bit of both.
04-23-2009, 02:02 PM
oops havent double posted in forever sorry
04-23-2009, 05:47 PM
Naaahhh...I'd stick with the not normal! ;) :p :rolleyes: !!!
05-14-2009, 07:55 PM
wanted to post an update for Nike and Kenai; Yes its Kenai again. He growled at me when he was laying on MY bed and I tried to get in MY bed and I guess it desturbed his royal ass, so I did the Cesar thing again, not in anger but was assertive, hung on for about 10 minutes then he really did relax and I let him go and he stayed there for another couple minutes. He growled at me the when I went to cut his nails and had to pull his foot out from under him, I layed him down again, we came to an understanding, he wont growl at me anymore and I will let him live....He has been good ever since even around his treats when I leave for work so I guess it worked. He is doing great medically no issues. Nike is doing great as well, going to get her stimed in June which is coming up very quickly, to quickly. Got the Paw Pads on her hope they stay on, had to cut the hair around her pads as I think she was slipping on her hair. They were pretty sticky so time will tell, not sure how they will stay on in rain, seems like they are working so far. Still giving her some pred every now and then.
My lull is over, have 2 more presentations to do, a poster, and an abstract to do by summer... it was nice while it lasted.
So all continues well in the house of Giants
Sharon, Nike and Kenai
Roxee's Dad
05-14-2009, 09:44 PM
Hi Sharon,
Glad to hear the giants are doing well:)
Sorry about the work thing:(
I once groomed a Giant that had skin problems. Used a prescription shampoo provided by the owner. He was a gentle giant but kicked my ass. Only because he was sooooo big and my tub and bathtub were small. Wanted to sit when I needed him to stand and wanted to stand when I needed him to sit.:D But I loved him, he was great and I would probably do him again:o
John (Roxee's Dad)
PS: Still waiting on our adhesive pads:(
05-14-2009, 10:07 PM
Hey Shar...GOOD NEWS!!! GREAT NEWS!!!:D:D:D (That's a smiley for each of you!!!!) I know work is crazy busy, but I am so glad that the house is NOT! Does this mean they each get a new octopus???:D:cool:
Love ya! Beth and all
Squirt's Mom
05-15-2009, 10:06 AM
Hi Sharon,
Good to hear from you as always! :)
Apparently, the Demon Spawn forgets who he is dealing with from time to time! :p
I am glad your kids are doing ok. They are so beautiful and you take such wonderful care of them.
Good luck with your presentations, posters, etc. I know you will blow them away as always!
Leslie and the girls
05-15-2009, 08:32 PM
well the pads are still on Nikes feet even after going out in the rain last night and this AM. They seem to work as long as they are placed in the right place on the pads, probably not an issue with smaller dogs. Nike seems to slide a bit but then grips. I think they are working, just want to see how long they will stay on for. I used to groom Nike when she was younger I went through 2 or 3 clippers, burn them out with her coat and my inexperience so now just take them to groomers to do what they do best, and it is worth every penny to me. they look so beautiful when they are groomed with their coats the way they are suppose to be.
I have been looking for the octopus, they ordered more so yes octopus for the house.:D
Leslie Yes Kenai does tend to forget who feeds him, and I am not afraid to let him know I am the King. He knows now but I know he will forget again in a couple more months.
hugs to you and yours from me and mine
Barney's Mom
05-17-2009, 02:44 PM
wanted to post an update for Nike and Kenai; Yes its Kenai again. He growled at me when he was laying on MY bed and I tried to get in MY bed and I guess it desturbed his royal ass, so I did the Cesar thing again, not in anger but was assertive, hung on for about 10 minutes then he really did relax and I let him go and he stayed there for another couple minutes. He growled at me the when I went to cut his nails and had to pull his foot out from under him, I layed him down again, we came to an understanding, he wont growl at me anymore and I will let him live....He has been good ever since even around his treats when I leave for work so I guess it worked. He is doing great medically no issues. Nike is doing great as well, going to get her stimed in June which is coming up very quickly, to quickly. Got the Paw Pads on her hope they stay on, had to cut the hair around her pads as I think she was slipping on her hair. They were pretty sticky so time will tell, not sure how they will stay on in rain, seems like they are working so far. Still giving her some pred every now and then.
My lull is over, have 2 more presentations to do, a poster, and an abstract to do by summer... it was nice while it lasted.
So all continues well in the house of Giants
Sharon, Nike and Kenai
I have been wanting to get these for Barney. Does she try to chew them off?
I broke down and bought an area rug for the wood floors in my living room, but there are still a couple of slick areas he has trouble with.
Good for you for standing your ground with Kenai. With a dog that big I can't imagine what it would be like in your house if you didn't have control of him. :eek:
05-18-2009, 09:34 PM
Well the pads work ok, Nike slides a tiny bit before the pads stick. Most of them came off yesterday and last night. I put more on her tonight. I didnt put any on her front paws , just her hind end. She does not try to chew them off, I am surprised too. I bet is it was not raining they would have stayed on better, there were still a few stuck on today. I think I will get some more. You could probably only use 3 on each foot and they would still grip enough and save some $$.
Yes, If I let Kenai get away with that kind of stuff I would be in big trouble, he is just to big for that and he needs to be undercontrol. Every discription I have read on Giants says they have to be obedience trained as they are to big and powerful not to be. When I got Nike I had to sign a contract saying I would take her to obed classes not Kenai as the breeders were good friends and Nikes mom told Kenais mom that I was a responsible owner. Kenai went to remedial obedience for the first 2 years of his life we went every week:D bless him...... actually I took him for the socializing, he picked up the obed very fast.
Sharon and all
05-18-2009, 09:50 PM
She does not try to chew them off, I am surprised too.
Oh my....I AM delirious!!!!!! I read:
She does not try to chew them off, I am SUPPOSED to!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::cool::eek:
Nighty night!!!
Signing off as Anonymous:o
Barney's Mom
05-18-2009, 10:46 PM
Well the pads work ok, Nike slides a tiny bit before the pads stick. Most of them came off yesterday and last night. I put more on her tonight. I didnt put any on her front paws , just her hind end. She does not try to chew them off, I am surprised too. Sharon and all
Thanks! I have been steering clear of them because I was certain he would chew them off, but I think I will give them a try :)
Oh my....I AM delirious!!!!!! I read:
She does not try to chew them off, I am SUPPOSED to!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::cool::eek:
Nighty night!!!
Signing off as Anonymous:o
Well, I think we now know who is in possession of the blender! ;)
06-02-2009, 03:53 PM
Hi Sharon,
Boy am I glad to read Nike and Kenai are doing fine.
I am suprised to read Kenai has DI too...
Keep up the good work. :D
Best wishes,
Karen & Tascha
06-02-2009, 06:19 PM
Hey Sharon,
Just wanted to let you know that now that we have stabilized Jojo on the Lysodren, we are giving the DDAVP (Desmopressin) drops another try. We just started this morning and I am hoping and praying that it works this time.
06-02-2009, 10:39 PM
Hey Karen, nice to hear from you. I as well as my vet were surprised as well. He said it would be almost unheard of to have 2 dogs with DI, as it is so rare but his urines have been dilute for about the past year and the only time it was concentrated was with the DDAVP. If his urine was not concentrated wth the ddavp we were going to send the urine out for a creatine: cortisol level to rule out, hopefully cushings. but he concentrated with the ddavp. He is not quite as bad as Nike, with her if I am a hour late with her ddavp, she starts to drink a gallon again, right away. Kenai is not quite as bad.
Glenda; is it the 0.01% solution? how many drops are you using? I started Nike off with I think 3 but now are down to 1 BID, Kenai is on 1 BID as well, started him off on 2. I am sure they are still some dilute but it is not symptomatic, they drink normal or close to it on the 1 drop and that stuff is expensive so we will stick to 1 drop as long as it keeps working for us. It didnt take very long to see it working especially with the 2 or 3 drops 2 times per day. Good luck, hope it works for JoJo. it is remarkable how well it works if it is going to. I need to buy stocks in the ddavp now.
Beth; read your post; I understand about the money tree, mine didnt bloom this year either;)
Taking Nike in for a stim tomorrow AM. I will be very surprised if she is not low. her legs seem weaker than they had been, I give her pred and it seems to get better, on only 2.5 mg. I may have them check her lytes anyway, since they will have the blood, and if it is low I wont have to take her back in for that.
My TV interview aired last night on the news and again this AM, it turned out OK. if anyone wants to see it if you go to look for ABC features scroll down and click on health alert, then click on the Lung Transplant video, if anyone wants to see what I look like there I am. Here is a link, not sure if it will work but here it is;
Still working on my latest study, and presentations and the abstract I hope to get in by the 15 of June:eek:
will post Nikes stim numbers when I get them, should be thurs.
06-02-2009, 11:11 PM
Hi Sharon,
Yep, the drops are .01% and he gets one drop in both eyes twice a day. As you may recall, we tried the drops for almost two weeks when he was on Trilostane but they did nothing. I'm hoping that it was because the Trilo was driving up the intermediates, particularly the estradiol, which is a huge PU/PD culprit. I'm really hoping that my suspicions were right. We should know in a few days, yes?
Just checked out your video and was really bumbed that you too are much younger than I. :D Congratulations on a job well done and for looking so damn good.
P.S. Can I have your autograph?
06-02-2009, 11:26 PM
Just watched your video and it's nice to be able to put a face and even a voice to a name. It really is a great thing you are doing, I am proud to say I "know" you.
Sabre's Mum
06-02-2009, 11:31 PM
Hi Sharon
I have to agree with Jennny ... it is nice to put a face to a name. What I wonderful thing you are doing for people ...
All the best
Angela and Sabre
Squirt's Mom
06-03-2009, 12:11 PM
Hi Sharon,
LOVE the curls!! Looks good on you! :)
Lung transplants...WOW! As one with COPD/emphysema I am glad to see this advancement! So many folks suffer with one form of pulmonary distress or the other, this is really great and I hope many will benefit from your efforts.
Keep up the good work...medically and with your Giants!
Leslie and the girls
06-03-2009, 01:26 PM
Thanks for posting the link Sharon and like the others I think your hair is very stylish also.
It must make you feel very good to know that you are playing a part in helping people like this woman.
06-03-2009, 05:50 PM
Thanks all, I am very proud of what we are doing, and yes every time we are able to keep a donors ventilation and circulation going long enough for organs to be recovered it is a great feeling. The hair, when I was younger my hair was bone straight, as was my twin sisters, we used to get perms, then after one perm it never went straight again. The older I get the curlier it gets, same for my sis. My brother has curly jet black hair ( what he has left:eek:)and his twin girls get it from him. just uploaded a pic of one of them.
Nikes lytes are normal, got a call from Dr E, I asked them to run them this AM when she was in for her stim, just to be on the safe side. She did well, I gave her pred when we go home as she always seems very low when we get home from stims. The little pig ( I guess at 94 lbs I shouldnt say little anything) has gained 8 lbs since Jan I think she was 86 lbs in Jan she was 94lbs today. :eek: I have been giving her a tad more and with wet food to keep her eating, at 85 lbs she was to thin, I could feel her hip bones, now I just feel fluff, lots of fluff.
Should get her stim numbers back tomorrow, normally I get them back the next day. Am anxious to see what they are.
Hugs to you and yours from me and mine
06-03-2009, 08:06 PM
Hey you...I was soooo excited to see you!!! You did a GREAT job!!! As I expected!!!:D:D:D
Just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you guys all day....I remembered today was "the" day. Fingers, toes, eyes, paws all crossed!!!
I probably won't be on tomorrow (it's one of "those" rough days I am dreading facing) but I will be checking in to see those numbers! I hope you get them!
Hugs to you all! Love ya! Beth, Bailey and alwasy Scoobie
06-04-2009, 10:48 AM
Hi Sharon,
It is great to put a face and voice to the name....and to know that you started life in Canada!!! Congratulations on all your achievements in your career and with Nike and Kenai,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
Roxee's Dad
06-04-2009, 11:10 AM
Hi Sharon,
That is pretty cool, now I understand the user name "Ventilate" :)
Your doing a wonderful job and like the other's, it's nice to put a face to the name.:)
Wylie's Mom
06-04-2009, 05:06 PM
Hi Sharon,
I saw the video... the work you're doing is very impressive! Like, John, I now understand "Ventilate". I like the curls, too - on you and your nieces!
06-04-2009, 09:04 PM
Well I have to say yet again, moms know best. Nikes stim was less than 0.2 ug/dl, the decimal is in the right place, less than 1. I believe she was the same in January and she has not had any lysodren since before her last stim. Dr E said she was flat. I have not seen the results yet just the call from him today. He was glad I had the lytes done and they were fine. He asked me if she was showing any symptoms, I said no, the piggie has gained 8 lbs, is eating like a horse, plays first thing in the AM and T/O the day when Im home. Just her back legs seemed a bit weaker so that is when I would give her pred, maybe every other day 2.5 mg which is a sniff for a big dog like her, I told him it seemed to help her though so that is why I felt she was low. So the plan is to keep on keepen on, give her pred when I think she needs it and test again in 5 or 6 months or before if there is a problem. He said she never ceases to amaze him, he said with cortisol that low she should be sick, not this one.
The questions I have are: I do give her pred when her backlegs look weaker, when she is having a bit more trouble standing up, it is very subtle but I know, and it has been about every other or every 3rd day. I dont want her feeling bad and I know that a low cortisol can make her feel bad. I am wondering if I should be giving her pred even when she appears to be feeling great? Also I know when a dog turns addisons there are meds that are given for that, I wonder if it is just for the symptoms of addisons? With her not having any symptoms of being that low, should she be on the addisons medications anyway?
Thanks all, I appreciate all your support, for me and for my dogs.
hugs to you and yours from me and mine;
06-05-2009, 06:45 AM
It goes to show you each doggie is so different. And the little stinker certainly does not follow the rules at all :)
I saw your video - great work Sharon! I am waiting for the day when science is advanced enough to actually supply organs on demand and not have to wait for a kind donor - :eek:
Big smoochies to your giants
Squirt's Mom
06-05-2009, 10:58 AM
Hi Sharon,
As for when to give Nike her pred, you know her so well and are so intune with her I am sure you will notice the earliest signs of her not feeling well. If you and your docs think she is Addison's, then it might be best to give her some on a regular basis...that seems logical but could be completely off base. :o I'm not sure how hard it would be on her system to bounce from low to ok and back to low again very often. But again that is my brain at work and not from any sound source. :p I do have some links on Addison's that I will give you, just in case.
Hugs to you, HRH, and the Devil Spawn,
Leslie and the girls
06-05-2009, 11:39 AM
Jeepers!!! That's so strange!! But I am not surprised....HRH always keeps things interesting!
I thought about this since I saw the results first thing this morning....this is my thought....with a number that low, I think I would just go ahead and treat it. Like Leslie said, and I can only speak from a diabetic experience here, when my blood sugars are up and down and up and down, I feel worse than when they are either up or down....but the rollercoaster feels like complete crapola! It's hard to describe but it's like your body doesn't know what it's feel somewhat OK and then horrible and then somewhat OK and then horrible....your body doesn't adjust to one or the other.
Like when I first went into the normal range when I first started treatment, I felt like I was low....I got confused and lost and scared and was in my car sitting at a red light. It was bc my brain was used to the high sugar. So when I hit normal, I felt like it was too low. When things leveled off, I was OK.
But the up and down, your body never feels just feels like OMG get me off of this ride!!!! That's why some people don't know when they go low or too high bc they get used to the feeling...but it is a stabilized feeling....
So, I think rather than waiting for her to feel crappy, maybe give her the sniff of pred you have been but maybe every other day, or every day, and wait and see. If she seems too wound up, back off on it. But try to find a consistent thing.
Don't know much about the other Addison's meds but I see Leslie gave some good links...
Either way, you have always figured out what is best for her and I know you will this time too! I'm just throwing my two cents of what I feel like with an endocrine system gone awry...
Keep up posted!!! Love ya back and mean it too!!!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
06-09-2009, 09:20 PM
You guys are right on the money. I just spoke to Dr E he said that because she must have knocked out her something something steroids but stll has her somethingelse somethingelse steroids. how is that for a suppose to be medical professional?:p Anyway it was because her lytes were still normal and have been. He said that if her lytes were off he would start her on the addisons protocol but because she is Asymptomatic he also felt like dont fix if it isnt broken. He agreed with you guys about giving her 2.5 mg each day to be sure she isnt feeling bad, that dose is so small it wont hurt her at all and it may help something I cant see. He said to be sure to give her more if she is stresses at all, like kennel give her 5 mg per day.
He wants to have her lytes run once a month for a while to be sure she doesnt slip over into full addisons, and wants to stim her again in 3 months to be sure she isnt out of it and going back into Cushings.
Man she makes my life interesting. I think I have the only dog I have heard of that is not quite addisons but not quite Cushings, I didnt know there was a grey area, but she managed to find one:p I love that dog.
So that is where we are, she will be getting a whif of pred daily and will see what she has in store for me next.
Hugs to all from me and mine;
HRH Nike, Kenai and me
06-09-2009, 09:26 PM
Hey Sharon....Glad you have a plan! And who else but HRH would march to her own drummer???:p;)
As for that medical description, I almost had my ice cream come out my nose! LOL! Love it!!! Sounds about like something I would write!:p:rolleyes::)
Love ya!!! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie (and Allo who everyday thinks he is more and more canine!)
06-09-2009, 11:30 PM
she must have knocked out her something something steroids but still has her somethingelse somethingelse steroids. how is that for a suppose to be medical professional?:p
Hi Sharon,
Finally some medical terms that I can understand!!!!!! Wouldn't expect any thing less from you.
So happy that the three of you are doing well. You have Kenai in his place and HRH is still running the show.
BTW I am totally in awe of you. Not only with the care of the giants, but the amazing work that you are doing with the lung transplants.
You will definitely have a special place in heaven.
Love & Hugs ~ Mary Ann
06-10-2009, 12:30 AM
Not quite cushings not quite addisons makes Nike normal doesn't it?;)
Buddy was in that "normal" gray area for about 6 months with the post ACTH 1 or 2 and then alternating between 5-7 for the next 18 months. Other than the initial dexone injection when he collapsed he didn't even need any prednisone. We never got an explanation on what was happening and I'm guessing you won't either so just enjoy the break.:)
06-10-2009, 10:10 AM
Now Jenny; You have been here a long time, you know as well as I do that Nike and Normal do not belong in the same sentence. :p
And Yes I am liking the break and she is too, she is doing excellent even though her numbers are low. Ill take it. Thanks Mary Ann and Beth, I appreciate you both, more than you know.
hugs to all
06-10-2009, 01:31 PM
Sharon, so glad you put that explanation in "layman's terms"!!! and very glad to hear that she is doing so well.
Take care,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
Squirt's Mom
06-10-2009, 04:42 PM
Hi Sharon,
Someone said recently that "normal is relative". So I guess Nike is normal....but I'm just not sure about that techno medical jargon..."knocked out her something something steroids but still has her somethingelse somethingelse steroids"...I mean really! Take it easy on us poor old folks here, for crying out loud! :p:p:p
Glad all is normal at your house! Well, relatively normal! :D
Leslie and the girls
06-10-2009, 09:25 PM
Hey!!! it took me 2 years of respiratory school and 15 years of practice to learn that percise medical jargon, it takes a lot of intense medical training to use big words like that you know;);)
love ya guys
PS you can add it to my quotables with
Poop doesnt lie and anything that makes you go Hummm and there was one more, I cant remember now.
06-11-2009, 10:55 AM
Hi Sharon,
I'm glad Nike is doing well and is giving you both a break..
Some dogs just won't read the books..
You are doing a wonderfull job on both the giants.
Enjoy the break and keep up the good work!
Best wishes,
Karen & Tascha
06-11-2009, 02:55 PM
Hi Sharon,
I just wanted to stop by and say hello! I'm glad to hear that things are sort of on an even keel. I enjoyed all of the "medical" jargon! LOL!
Jeanne, Kiska, and Sammie
06-11-2009, 06:33 PM
Hi all;
I ran Kenai to see Dr E today. He was panting and I noticed a growth in his mouth. It was pretty large, dont know how I missed it before this. It is beside his left lower canine, or insisor ( what ever it is called) He has been eating well, infact the big brute gained 3 lbs since his last visit. It is on the inside and kind of goes around to the outside a little bit and is the size of my thumb nail. He was to see Dr E before i went on vacation end of feb when he ate the rag and then he would not eat and I thought he may have some tooth thing.I scalled his teeth to see if I could see something. Anyway it was not there then but it is large now. Dr E said it looked like a Ossifying Epulis I think is what he called it. He said there was one kind that was not as invasive as the other, some invade the bone, and some continue to grow like crazy and can fill the oral cavity, he said it did not look like malenoma but could not be sure. So he is going to take him in as an emergent dental do get xrays and have it removed and biopsied. He had to talk to another vet to find out a date and will let me know, he wants to do it soon, next week if possible. So he will let me know when.
Glad I worked a couple extra days this week:( On the good side he said his heart sounded regular now, no PVCs that he could hear. He discussed the anesthesia and said they will use propofol, morphine and versed because of his heart and BP issues. he said they are very safe but there is always a possibility he may respond badly to that.
I admire you people that have more than 2 dogs, I dont know how you do it. It seems like if it isnt Nike going to see him Kenai is. I can only imagine what more than 2 would be like, just direct deposit my pay cheques to Dr Es account. :D
Will let you know more when I hear more.
thanks for reading.
Sharon, HRHNike and Kenai.
06-11-2009, 06:44 PM
Hi Sharon,
The good news is about the heart, very good.
I hope the mouth issue continues to be minor.
Wylie's Mom
06-11-2009, 07:21 PM
Hi Sharon,
GEEZ, I can't even imagine taking care of more than my one Wylie:eek:!
I hope all goes well with the removal.
Squirt's Mom
06-11-2009, 09:35 PM
Hey Sharon,
Here's hoping Kenai's mouth problem is as minor as possible. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers,
Leslie and the girls
06-11-2009, 09:44 PM
Hi Sharon,
All this joking about Nike being normal has given Kenai ideas. I sure hope Kenai's lump is nothing serious and removal solves the problem.
PS I'm sure it was you.....I am going to see a Cesar Milan show tonight in Melbourne. I hope I can learn something.:cool:
Roxee's Dad
06-11-2009, 10:03 PM
Hi Sharon,
Just dropping by to let you know I am hoping for the best with Kenai.
I can only imagine what more than 2 would be like, just direct deposit my pay cheques to Dr Es account.
Our vet is a co-signer on our account:D
06-12-2009, 08:55 AM
Dear Sharon,
Just wanted you to know that I am also thinking of you guys, and hoping that Kenai's growth is easily removed and turns out to be a total "non-issue!"
Giant ((hugs)) to the giants and their mom,
06-12-2009, 10:17 AM
Hey there....
No no is nothing major, do you hear me??? Is Kenai just trying to get in some big fancy medical jargon too? Seriously, I am sending all of my best that this is nothing....absolutely nothing!!!!! I'll be waiting with you!!!
Love and hugs to you all! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
Sabre's Mum
06-12-2009, 02:58 PM
Hi Sharon
Nike sure does have her own agenda with her cortisol levels. I did some research last year when Sabre was low and if I recall correctly ... generally it is only when the electrolytes are low are the meds for addisons required. If you have a low cortisol level pre and post and low electolytes there is a strong likelihood that the dog will be premanently addisonian. Audrey W ( I think I have remembered her user name correctly) used to post often with regards to this and she is very knowledgable with regards to this. There were a number a threads with info on this but unfortunately no longer around.
Sabre had an epulis a few years ago ( I think three years ago) but the description seems slightly different to what Kenai has. Sabre's was a dangling tumour on the outside of the gum (rear of mouth) and created tooth decay ... they had to remove the tooth and chisel the bone. We never got a biopsy on it but the vet believed that it wan't an issue. The only side effect that we believe happened from it was that the infection caused his heart murmur. We were told at the time there was a possiblilty of it growing back (hence the reason the vet chiseled a little bit of the bone) but this has not been the case for Sabre.
All the best and take care
Angela and Sabre
06-12-2009, 03:15 PM
Hi Sharon,
I'm hoping too that it's only one of those lumps....worrying and annoying but no biggy!!
Take care and will be watching for updates,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
06-12-2009, 09:35 PM
thanks all;
Kenais Xrays and surg sched for Tues AM.
thanks for all the good wishes, will just have to wait and see what comes up, cant change it, can only deal with it.
Hugs from us
06-12-2009, 10:19 PM
We'll be "there" on Tuesday Sharon!!!!
Love ya! Beth and the rest
Squirt's Mom
06-13-2009, 10:07 AM
Hi Sharon,
Just remember that Tues. there will be a whole crowd there with you arguing over who gets to hold your hand next. So if you start to feel a little buffeted, it's just us trying to as close as we can.
Leslie and the girls
06-13-2009, 08:20 PM
I am sure he will be home and growling:eek: at you again in no time Sharon.
I'll be thinking about you both.
06-13-2009, 11:45 PM
Hope the surgery is minor and uneventful. Will be there with you.
Thoughts and prayers are in the works.
~ Mary Ann
06-14-2009, 06:07 AM
Thinking of you and anxiously waiting to hear good news.
Truffa's Mom
06-14-2009, 05:16 PM
We too will be there on Tuesday, lifting your spirit and crossing all our paws
06-14-2009, 05:18 PM
Hi Sharon,
Positive thoughts and prayers being sent your way. Hugs to you, Nike and Kenai.
Lynne and Angle Lady 7/98-3/09
06-14-2009, 09:21 PM
Thanks all, I appreciate your good wishes and hand holding more than you know. I just posted a pic of his tumor under my album. take a look and tell me what you think or if you have ever seen anything like this before? It does not appear to hurt him, he is eating perfect, it is hard when I can get my fingers in that large mouth of his and touch it.He chews bones and it does not appear vascular as it does not seem to bleed.
luv you guys
S,N and K
Sabre's Mum
06-15-2009, 04:30 AM
Hi Sharon
I just had a look at Kenai's pic of his epulis. It does appear slightly different to Sabre's epulis he had removed. After some quick research on the internet I would say that Sabre's was a fibromatous epulis. It was on the upper rear of the gum, located on the outside of the gum and had decayed and infected the tooth adjacent to it. It was more "stalk like" ... in fact looked like another "gum" tooth. As earlier stated, Sabre had the epulis and surrounding tissue removed and bone chiseled to try and ensure that it would not grow back again.
I would say you would pretty much have a similar procedure done on Kenai. From what I read the difference between a fibromatous and an ossifying epulis is that the ossifying form is a fibromatous mass that has developed centers of ossification. My guess hence the appearance on the photo you have posted that is is slightly wider compared to Sabre's stalk like epulis.
Sabre recovered well from the surgery and the gum healed well. All the best for Kenai's surgery.
Take care
Angela and Sabre
06-15-2009, 12:52 PM
Dear Sharon,
Sending positive thoughts your way in advance of Kenai's procedure tomorrow!! The time is probably creeping by today...:( But soon, the surgery will be behind you, and we're all rooting for a speedy and simple recovery for Kenai.
Continuing (((hugs))) to you both (and of course, to Nike, too!)
Roxee's Dad
06-15-2009, 07:07 PM
Hi Sharon,
Keeping positive thoughts for you and Kenai, tonight and all day tomorrow.
Fingers and all 16 paws are crossed. I think the cat just crossed her paws too. That makes 20 paws crossed.
Feel the luv.
Squirt's Mom
06-15-2009, 07:57 PM
Hi Sharon,
Hope all goes well tomorrow for Kenai. Let us know when you can!
Leslie and the girls
06-15-2009, 08:05 PM
Hi.....Just stopping by tonight to let you know I will be thinking of you all day tomorrow and with you in spirit! I am hoping for the least amount of trauma for the both of you...and that everything turns out to be just a nasty old nuisance thingy and nothing more! (How's that for medical jargon???;))
Give the giants some big huge hugs from the boys and I and of course, for you too!!!! I'll be anxiously awaiting some good news!!!
Love ya! Beth, Bailey, and always Scoobie
06-15-2009, 08:10 PM
Heh Sharon, We'll be thinking of you tomorrow and sending warm vibes and thoughts from our home.... hugs, Kim and the girls
06-16-2009, 06:53 AM
I wanted to wish you good luck this morning and let you know I am thinking of you both....sending lots of prayers and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
Harley PoMMom
06-16-2009, 08:03 AM
Hi Sharon,
Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.
Hugs to you, Kenai and Nike.
Lori and Harley
06-16-2009, 10:49 AM
Hi All;
I just dropped Kenai off and spoke to Dr Thompson, he will be doing Kenais biopsy. He also has a growth on his butt they are going to remove while he is out. They are only going to Xray and biopsy it today, he said he will send us to the Canine Dental surgeon if there is anything that needs to be removed. Which it sounds like it will have to be, no matter what it is, it will have to come out. So the biopsy will take 3 or 4 days to get the results back. He will call me if there is anything he has to ask me during the surg, if all looks good will call me when he is done. they are also going to check his BP when he is calm, under sedation to get a good reading. Will know more when he is done.
thanks for all the support, luv ya
06-16-2009, 02:52 PM
I, too, am sending positive thoughts and prayers for Kenai.
06-16-2009, 05:38 PM
Everything is still crossed!!! I hope DS behaved himself and the news is only GREAT!!!!!
Love ya! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
Truffa's Mom
06-16-2009, 07:23 PM
Just checking.... positive cyber-vibes
06-16-2009, 07:37 PM
Sharon - how did I miss this latest on Kenai?? Well, anyway, am sending lots of positive thoughts his way. Guess the biopsy is over now, and you are waiting on results. Will have the fingers, toes, paws, eyes, everything crossed and will be watching for updates. Hugs from us.
06-16-2009, 08:19 PM
Kenai is home, not a lot worse for the ware. Dr Thompson said they took off the growth and sent it for biopsy as well as the one on his bum. He said that we will have to wait for the results which will take 4 days to a week to get back but he said he was pretty sure it was a epulus and we would probably have to have the canine tooth removed and the socket cleaned out inorder for it not to grow back. The xray showed it had not invaded the bone, so that is good. They did some gum surg as he had some mild gum disease, and removed the tumor so I am sure his mouth is sore. He is to eat soft food for 10 days so I am soaking his kibble. Other wise so far he is doing well. Just gave him 125 of tramadol, that kicked Nikes butt so hope it helps him sleep tonight. He is also on antibiotics starting tomorrow.
Thanks guys for all the good wishes sent our way, I know Kenai is not a cush pup and I appreciate you more than I can say. I dont know what I would do If I could not talk/write to people that understand what we do for our pups and dont judge.
So now it is a sit and wait to see what our next step is.
luv you guys
Sharon, HRH Nike and Kenai
06-16-2009, 08:31 PM
Hey Sharon...
I've been checking back and forth on glad Kenai is back at home and it doesn't look like the bone is involved. It sounds like something so unpleasant (I am a "tooth chicken" though!) that I am praying he keeps comfortable. And I know you will be right on that if he isn't! Prayers will continue, as always, that this is "nothing" as far as the biopsy is concerned! Does your doc know we aren't really all that good at the waiting thing???;)
Give some big giant hugs to Kenai for kissies with the sore mouth...and of course, to HRH too lest she feel dethroned! And of course, you too with a side of a blender full of drinks for getting through such a stressful day!!!
Love ya! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
06-16-2009, 08:38 PM
Great news! We don't discriminate - we love 'em all. Nike and Kenai are a packaged deal. We understand. :D Glad you posted an update. Bet you both sleep better tonight.
06-16-2009, 08:52 PM
It was pretty ugly. take a look at the pic in my album if you havent already, the before removal pic. My twin sister is a dental assistant and said it made her teeth hurt. Beth I tried to tell him waiting was not one of my strengths but he didnt want to hear it, I tried, thanks for checking in on me.
I like that" we do not discriminate" thanks Kim.
S,N and K
Harley PoMMom
06-16-2009, 08:57 PM
Hi Sharon,
Glad Kenai is back at home with you and Nike.
Will definitely be sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.
After the day you all had, whew, I bet you are exhausted, so hopefully you all will be able to get a good night sleep tonight.
Hugs to ALL,
06-16-2009, 11:22 PM
So glad Kenai is back home. I bet Nike is glad too.
We will all be waiting right along with you. And saying giant prayers for it to be NOTHING.
So hugs to all in the land of the giants. Well, okay Sharon, you are tiny little thing, but you have a GIANT heart!!!!
Luv ~ Mary Ann
Truffa's Mom
06-16-2009, 11:57 PM
Hope you have a good night sleep. Lets hope Kenai sleeps the whole night with that tramadol, pain in the mouth is so awful!!!! I 'll keep sending healing thoughts and patience for the waiting :o....
Goodnight Sharon, goodnight Nike and goodnight Kenai
06-17-2009, 06:56 AM
I am doing the "Everything's Okay" dance for Kenai.
06-17-2009, 09:08 AM
Glad to hear it hasn't invaded the bone and hope the wait is as short as possible!! Hope he's resting comfortably this morning. Will check back for your updates,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
06-17-2009, 03:34 PM
Hi Sharon,
Sorry he is going to lose the tooth but very glad that it is treatable.
I didn't know that dogs could regenerate adult teeth, thats interesting.
06-17-2009, 03:49 PM
Hi Sharon,
Glad to hear that Kenai is back home. Sending healing thoughts your way.
Lynne and Angel Lady 7/98-3/09
Wylie's Mom
06-17-2009, 04:56 PM
Hi Sharon,
I'm sending healing thoughts to Kenai too... I had seen the picture...WOW:eek:. There are certain parts of the mouth you never notice cuz their tongues are in the way!
Sabre's Mum
06-17-2009, 05:14 PM
Hi Sharon
Great news that the epulis hasn't invaded the bone. I would say that you have a great chance of it never growing back once everything is done.
Take care
Angela and Sabre
Squirt's Mom
06-17-2009, 05:40 PM
Hi Sharon,
Just catching up and glad to see things are going ok. Poor baby's mouth is gonna be sore for a bit....OH! poor Demon Spawn's mouth. ;) Maybe he will not feel the need to such a demon for a few days. Let us know what the results are when you get them. I hope they can save the tooth, tho. Being from a dental family, losing teeth is not something I like to hear.
Now you listen, you are family and that makes your babies family. We love Kenai just as we do Nike....and you. I, for one, love to hear about your giants...BOTH of them! :D
Leslie and the girls
06-17-2009, 08:22 PM
Thanks all;
Kenai had a very restful night other than the dam thunderstorm, thanks to 125 mg of tramadol. He just got another 125 tonight. He is back to his self, barking, yesterday he would not bark. I am wetting his food and letting it get soggy, his kibble, as he is to be on soft food and he is eating the whole thing today, had to limit him yesterday due to the anesthesia, they said to much food would make him sick. I just spent my next paycheque on soft treats for him. I always leave their kongs filled with cookies stuck together with peanut butter and frozen when I leave for work and had nothing soft, now we do.
Now the hard part, wait, wait, wait. Another thunderstorm now, thunder shaking the house. went in to the hospital for a couple hrs today to help move the neuro trauma ICU into our new unit, was just starting to move the ventilated patients and we had a tornado warning and had to take the pts that were not on the vents out of their rooms and into the hallway, and vented ones we had to cover up and close curtains and move them away from the windows, as much as we could. There was a funnel cloud seen by the staff up in the new unit, what is that about, we are in the mountains of Western North Carolina???? anyway move went well once we got started.
S, HN, K
Barney's Mom
06-21-2009, 07:28 PM
Thanks all;
Kenai had a very restful night other than the dam thunderstorm, thanks to 125 mg of tramadol. He just got another 125 tonight. He is back to his self, barking, yesterday he would not bark. I am wetting his food and letting it get soggy, his kibble, as he is to be on soft food and he is eating the whole thing today, had to limit him yesterday due to the anesthesia, they said to much food would make him sick. I just spent my next paycheque on soft treats for him. I always leave their kongs filled with cookies stuck together with peanut butter and frozen when I leave for work and had nothing soft, now we do.
Now the hard part, wait, wait, wait. Another thunderstorm now, thunder shaking the house. went in to the hospital for a couple hrs today to help move the neuro trauma ICU into our new unit, was just starting to move the ventilated patients and we had a tornado warning and had to take the pts that were not on the vents out of their rooms and into the hallway, and vented ones we had to cover up and close curtains and move them away from the windows, as much as we could. There was a funnel cloud seen by the staff up in the new unit, what is that about, we are in the mountains of Western North Carolina???? anyway move went well once we got started.
S, HN, K
The storms have been terrible here too! Yesterday a funnel cloud was spotted about two miles from here. I forget what the sun looks like we have had so much rain in the past two weeks or so. John got the tractor stuck in the yard last week :)
06-22-2009, 05:24 PM
I received a call from Dr E about Kenais biopsies, they came faster then I expected, a pleasent suprise. I missed Dr Es call, he was not in the clinic today but called me anyway and will call me again tomorrow with plan for this oral tumor. From what I read and was told it sounds like he will have to have that camine tooth removed and it says at the end of the result pg the same. They are now emailing all test results as well as calling if you want them too, very handy.
Here is the results;
Microscopic Description: These are sections of tissue derived from
two specimens, each submitted separately in a single container. One
specimen is partially bordered by multiple layers of non-keratinized
stratified squamous epithelium which often extends deeply into the
underlying tissue in irregular projections. The supporting tissue
consists of dense collagenous fibrous tissue containing scattered
irregular aggregates of deeply eosinophilic, compact fibrillar
material resembling osteoid. Mitotic figures are rare.
The second specimen consists of haired skin. In one focus the
epidermis and dermis protrude above the plane of the surface in a
short rounded projection. This projection is covered by multiple
layers of stratified squamous epithelium which extend into the
dermis by short projections. The dermis in this focus is replaced
by densely packed collagen fiber bundles. Adnexa are compressed to
the base and the periphery of this focus.
Microscopic Findings:
Comment: In regard to the oral tissue specimen, these are benign,
non-invasive proliferative lesions derived from periodontal ligament
stroma. Complete excision is usually curative.In the skin specimen, there is no evidence of neoplasia. Excision appears to be complete and should be curative.
The other biopsy was from his bum cheek.
Will let you know the plan;
Sharon, HRH Nike and Kenai
06-22-2009, 05:41 PM
The other biopsy was from his bum cheek.
Will let you know the plan;
Sharon, HRH Nike and Kenai
:eek:No wonder he growls at you:eek:
No kidden, it sounds pretty good.
Looking forward to the update.
06-22-2009, 05:43 PM
Not a bad report at all. How are the incisions healing? Does the bum lump removal cause any problems when he is doing his "business"?
Squirt's Mom
06-22-2009, 07:15 PM
Hi Sharon,
The report sounds much better than it could have for sure! Tho I am sorry Kenai is going to have to lose his tooth. :( We will want pics of the snaggle-toothed Demon Spawn, tho, once he is all healed up! :D
Poor baby! Got 'em coming at him from both ends! He's not gonna know what to do or which way to turn.
Keep us in the loop and know we are with you and Kenai through it all.
Leslie and the girls
06-22-2009, 07:24 PM
No, it isnt to bad, will wait to see if Dr E wants us to go for surg to have the tooth removed and the socket cleaned out. From what I have read, if it is not cleaned out it will grow back and each time becomes more invasive.
the one on his bum is over to the side, kind of half way between his tail and his hip, not close to his business. They just cut that one out and said it will granulate over, it hasnt yet but does look smaller.
S, N and K
Roxee's Dad
06-22-2009, 08:27 PM
Hi Sharon,
Happy for the good report, I hope Kenai will forgive you for messen with his bum??;)
06-23-2009, 07:00 PM
YAY FOR A GOOD REPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been here, Sharon....just not able to post....will explain soon....but I've been watching for your news and quickly had time for a
Love ya! Me and you know the rest, lol
Wylie's Mom
06-23-2009, 07:31 PM
Hi Sharon,
I'm glad the biopsy report was good.
Poor Kenai... gonna have to go back for more work:(!
06-23-2009, 08:20 PM
Glad to hear the report was good....couldn't follow all that medical jargon but understand the word benign :D :D
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
Harley PoMMom
06-23-2009, 08:48 PM
Hi Sharon,
Glad to hear the report was good....couldn't follow all that medical jargon but understand the word benign :D :D
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
I feel exactly the same way. :D
Hugs to all,
Truffa's Mom
06-24-2009, 03:23 AM
Sabre's Mum
06-24-2009, 02:33 PM
Hi Sharon
Sabre had his tooth removed and the bone chiseled slightly due to high probability of the epulis growing back so I believe you are quite correct with your research. Fantastic that it is benign.
Angela and Sabre
06-24-2009, 04:09 PM
Congratulations on the good report!!! That was one gnarly looking tumor in Kenai's mouth and I was worried. I am sure that you fell like a heavy weight has been lifted from your ever so petite frame. Hmmm? I wonder what it's like to be petite? I can't ever remember a time in my life that anybody used that adjective to describe anything about me.
Haven't had a chance to PM you but wanted you to know that the DDAVP have had little effect on Jojo. Thanks for the info on the pills. I'll definitely talk to the vet the next time we are there.
06-24-2009, 09:00 PM
Hey all;
Dr Thompson called me today re; Kenais tumor; he was the vet that did the biopsies. He loves doing dental and it is his speciality but he is still a gp but he owns the vet clinic we go to. He told me what I already knew, that it is the type that can grow back. He said there is not harm in waiting to see if it does, he said occasionally just cutting it off can stop it. So the plan is to wait and see, he wants me to examin it closely every 2 weeks and if I see it begin to grow back he will send us to the surgeon, He said if it is going to grow back it should in the next 6 months. So we will hope it stays away, been working extras to cushion the savings just in case.
Anyway thanks all for your thoughts and prayers, it payed off for us.
Sharon, HRH Nike and Kenai
06-24-2009, 11:27 PM
Hi Sharon,
Just peeking in! That is WONDERFUL news! YIPPY!!! A big smooch to Kenai from all of us (on the snootie for now). We will pray it is the type of tumor that cannot grow back!!!
Hugs to all of you,
Heidi, Marco & Sophie
...and Friskie, Lucky, Cheri and Snicky from Heaven...
06-25-2009, 05:56 PM
Hey Sharon...
Sending anti-growth wishes your way!!!! Poor DS!
How can you work anymore? You exhaust me as it is!:p
Love ya! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
06-27-2009, 09:24 PM
If it is not one thing it is another. I think Nike has slipped into full blown addisons now. Just a gut feeling she just has not been herself the last few days, legs weaker, still eating like a pig, just something isnt right with her, not bringing me her toys to play in the AM, just not quite as spunky. Called Dr E, he said I know her best so are taking her back in for another stim and labs on Tues, gave her 5 mg pred the past few days and 10 this AM, she was a lot perkier when I got home and had a poop accident and it was diah, first time. So will give her 10 tomorrow and hope to only give her 2.5 on Monday AM. At least I will be home with her all day if I have to give her more I can tomorrow I work 12.5 hrs and will be gone from home total 14 hrs so do not want to risk her getting sick. It will be 48 hrs from the 10 mg dose at least.
Did anyones money tree survive the winter???? Am going to ask Dr E about a coupon by 20 stims get one free. People at work comment on how much I have spent on my dogs, I tell them I dont have kids so am spending my nonkids college funds on my dogs. they should be getting close to their masters by now:eek:
Sharon, HRH Nike and Kenai.
06-28-2009, 08:09 AM
All I can think of is WOW! I'll be interested to see what is going on with her cortisol! How interesting after being off the Lysodren so long that she could be too low!
I was just commenting to my boyfriend last night that I don't know what to do with Bailey. I probably should put this under his thread....but I'll just mention it to you briefly. Sometimes, he acts like his cortisol is rising and other times like it could be too low. He is pooping much more frequently and a little loose. No Lysodren in about 2 months. Some weakness but not sure if that is the arthritis. Anyway, he is due for his Wellness check in a few weeks but I may bump that up sooner rather than later. And set him up for a stim. Not worried so much about being too high bc I think to lower him too much would compromise other issues too much, but I am worried he may be too low. I may try a little bit of pred today and see what happens.
HRH never ceases to surprise us!
And you sure it isn't more like PhD??? Should we be calling them Dr. HRH and Dr. DS??????
Will be anxious to see how things turn out! Lots of hugs to you and the Dr. Giants!!!!
Love ya! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
06-28-2009, 12:58 PM
Hi Sharon,
Hoping K's growth is gone for good.
And very much hoping you get a read on Nike very soon.
06-28-2009, 10:16 PM
Well HRH had another diah accident in the house today when I was working, at least she knows to go on her pee pads. But the good news? kind of a double edged sword, she brought her toy to me this AM to tug with her, she didnt wake me last night to help her stand up, she ran out on the deck to go pee when I got home, able to stand up with just a little more trouble than what she had before. I wonder if she didnt hurt herself a little with all the slipping she was doing. All that due, I am certain to 10 mg pred for the past 2 AMs. I will give her 5 mg tomorrow Am and hope that holds her till tues 8 AM tues for her stim. I will also ask Dr E to give her a steroid shot when he is done as she always gets puny after her stims. I will have them do the full stim again this time, pre and post draws as she is having issues, I am very curious to see what her results are since she has been as low as 0.3 and 0.7 and been asymptomatic.
I know that is wild that she could continue to go lower, without the lysodren, she has not had any since end of December or first part of jan But she is sure acting like it, only thing she is not doing is quit eating, she still hoovers her food, which for her is odd since she has been such a diva when it comes to food and you remember how hard it was go get her to eat, anything for a long time. This time her back legs were so weak she could get them under her even on the tile, or the throw rugs I put down for her. So Bailey has not had any lysodren either? I know what you mean about the mixed signals, it makes it hard, its like they have been doing the same thing forever then when you think you finally get it figured out, what certain things mean, you find out they changed the rules in the middle of the game, and you dont know crap anymore. Who had cushings first Scooter or Bailey?
I think moving up Baileys appt is a good idea, if not for him for you so you know what is going on. I leave for Ak soon and need to get HRH squared up before I leave, dont need her getting sick in the kennel. Good luck with Baileys appt, and of coarse will post HRH results when I get them.
hugs to all from me and mine
Sharon broke, HRH Nike MD, and Kenai PhD;)
07-01-2009, 10:41 PM
Dr E called, HRH Nikes stim was lower than last time, her lytes were normal. SO we are going to give her 5 mg of pred daily instead of 2.5 and give her 10 when she is in the kennel, and recheck her lytes again next month. He told me last test her pre was <0.2 and her stim was 1.something will find out for sure when I get copies. He said that she sounds like she is addisonion even though her lytes are fine and she is beginning to get symptomatic, diah, could not stand up, just not herself. I guess if under stress her level can get to 1, (stim) her baseline, where she lives most of the time is addisonion, less than 0.2. He said she must still have her mineralcortocoids as her lytes were still good. She continues to eat very well cleans up her dish, it does not make sense but she never makes any sense.
So that is where we are now. I bought her booties and put the puff paint on the bottom worked pretty good, the puff paint is what they put on the hospital socks to stop slipping. the stickers worked good but they only stayed on for about 3 days at best and were pretty expensive, relatively. Hey maybe I will glue the stickers on to the booties AHHH.
Sharon, HRH Nike and Kenai
PS will use this as an update. Kenai is doing well no epulis growing back yet.
Squirt's Mom
07-02-2009, 11:47 AM
Hi Sharon,
Well, I just don't know what to think about Nike. She really is an unusual gal, ain't she? Maybe she is writing a new chapter in the How Not to Follow the Rules book some of these pups are working on. :p I think Squirt just wanted to see her name in print! :rolleyes::D I hope her chapter goes as well as Squirt's has so far.
Good to hear that Kenai is healing well with no re-growth evident! :) Is he able to eat ok? For some reason, the image of you grabbing his snout and looking in his mouth over and over is kinda funny. :o:p:o This is the Demon Spawn after all! :eek::p
Leslie and the girls
07-02-2009, 08:01 PM
thanks Leslie;
I dont know what to think either. What I dont get is she has been lower with her post, like 0.3 and 0.7 and didnt show any signs or symptoms. I would have to look to see what her pres were. I am guessing that even though she has reserve, at least a little, her baseline is to low and has been for quite a while, maybe that is the difference. I need to quit trying to figure her out, and just work on keeping her feeling good.
She was started on flagyl her poops are worse again today even with pumpkin, rice and hamburger. Hope this helps.
Yes me looking in Kenais mouth is like those circus people putting their heads in a lions mouth:eek: and your are correct he is" the demon spawn"
Sharon HRH Nike and Kenai
07-02-2009, 08:24 PM
WOW. This is so hard to believe. I guess you know that huh? :confused: I'm just glad you are on top of things. Can you imagine if you were a parent that wasn't "Up" on these things? Good thing you ceased the lysodren despite the appetite. Pat yourself on the back for that one. Good job. Nike you are truly a piece of work! :D
08-06-2009, 08:47 PM
Hi All;
Quick update; Nike and Kenai are both doing great. They have spent some time in the Kennel. I went to Alaska for 10 days and to Las Vegas for 5 days to do a presentation and they did great, none worse for the ware at all. Nike was getting 10 mg of pred when she was at the kennel and is on 5 when home. They have one more jail term left this summer when I go home the end of Aug for 10 days. I intend to have her stimed again once things have settled down from that trip.
Nike is eating great, water uptake perfect, her legs look good, a tiny bit weak but not bad at all, she grabbed her toy as soon as we got home last night and wanted to play so that means to me she is feeling pretty dam good. Kenai was not quite himself last night when we got home but is back to his normal today. His Epilus (sp) is not growing back so far, fingers crossed, fingers crossed.
Just back from Vegas found a bit of a money tree, I won $1000.00 on the slot machines. Just got there, my first machine, I did about 3 pulls and then won, could not believe my luck as normally I dont have any. WIll help with the vet bills for at least a few months...
Anyway I am presentationless till October, and that is one I alrealy have the powerpoint for. this one in vegas went very well was offered a job in Vegas with an organ procurement org. if I ever decided to leave Asheville.
So all is well with all 3 of us, hope it continues this way, life is great at this moment.
Hugs to you and yours from me and mine.
Sharon, Nike and Kenai
08-06-2009, 09:57 PM
Hi Sharon,
So glad to hear all is well after your trip and the kennel stay for the giants.
That win is awesome...hope I find that machine whenever I get to Vegas.
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
08-06-2009, 10:24 PM
Hi Sharon,
Haven't posted to your thread in a long time but I've been reading and keeping up on the giant furkids. Glad that Nike and Kenai are both doing well.
$1,000.......WOW! Did you have it wired directly to the vet??? :D
I, too, hope life continues to be great for the 3 of you and that you enjoy your trip home the end of this month.
08-06-2009, 10:31 PM
Sharon, good to hear from you and especially great to read some wonderful news! Congrats to you, Nike and Kenai. Hugs, Kim
Barney's Mom
08-07-2009, 08:19 AM
Congrats on your win! Glad to hear all is with with your family :)
08-07-2009, 08:37 AM
Hi Sharon,
Happy :D:D to hear that everyone is doing well. Congratulations on the win. Hugs to all.
Wylie's Mom
08-07-2009, 05:20 PM
Hi Sharon,
It's good to hear from you and better to hear ya'll are doing well and awesome that you found the elusive money tree:D - congratulations!
08-08-2009, 12:18 AM
It is great to hear ALL your good news.
I figured you would do a direct deposit into the vet's bank account!!!!
Hugs ~ Mary Ann
Squirt's Mom
08-08-2009, 12:41 PM
Hi Sharon,
Glad you are home and that your trip was such a success! Your work is something I find very interesting for personal reasons (which you know about! ;) ) and tho I will more than likely not benefit from it, others will one day. You should be very proud of yourself...I am! And proud to know you!
Glad to hear your big babies are doing well and that their stay in the kennel wasn't traumatic for them or you. Nice to come home to happy, well pups, huh? I am so glad the epilus hasn't shown up again, too! Hope that holds from now on!
$1000 on slots?!?!? That was my money, I just bet!!!! :eek: I deposited it there 3 years ago! :p I'm so glad you got it and not some stranger! :cool::D:p
Leslie and the girls
08-08-2009, 01:17 PM
Hi Sharon,
Very glad to hear that things are going well for you all around and a bit congrats on the winning's:D, hoping it is several times that much next time around.
08-08-2009, 01:24 PM
Dear Sharon,
It is always so good to hear from you, and especially with such a great report! I am so glad that the Giants are behaving themselves. And I'll betcha you would be offered jobs all around the country -- not just in Vegas -- if you ever let out the word that you were interested in moving...;)
Best wishes always,
08-09-2009, 01:22 PM
So THAT'S where the money tree is!!!!!! I won $400 myself!:D Hey we may need to move the Cushing's Convention to a casino!!!!
Glad you are doing so well and had a great time...HURRAY for the great news all the way around!!!!!
Love ya, Beth and the crew.....have to go unpack...since you are the travel expert can you please come help me????:cool:
08-09-2009, 09:25 PM
Expert yes, timely? no, procrastinator (sp)? yes. My bag is still sitting in my bedroom full. I take out what I need, and leave the rest for now, I know lazy lazy lazy. Am off tomorrow so will unpack it. I have discovered if you wait long enough when you unpack it is like Christmas you find stuff you forgot you had:D
I think casino and cushings is an excellent idea, Congrats on your winnings Beth, It sure will come in handy, I know, we all know. Thanks all for the good wishes, they mean a lot to me, especially coming from friends like you all.
Work was nuts so am off to bed so I can tackle my suitcase tomorrow:)
Nike, Kenai and me
08-10-2009, 08:37 AM
If the convention is at a casino I get first dibs on the chair right beside Sharon!!! And Beth!!! :D;)
08-11-2009, 09:24 PM
Hi all;
All continues well at the house of giants. I got my suitcase unpacked:p, have to do the laundry before I leave again. Nike and Kenai are both well, Nike continues to amaze me with her desire to play. I will be getting her stimed when I get back from Canada in Sept. Nice not to have projects for a while.
I wanted to mention to all about what I found out about Walgreens. I have been paying $120.00 for Nike and Kenais eye drops. I called Walgreens and they have the perscription plan. You pay 25$ to sign up and $10.00 per addition of others family members, they allow dogs as other family members. So I paid $45 to sign us all up. They charge me $60.00 for the dDAVp drops so I have gotten one perscription and have already saved money even with the price of the membership. I am looking to change Kenais BP meds over to them as well, and Nikes pain meds. not sure if they have them on their discount program or not, but are going to check before I have to refill. I have to pay full price for her gabapentin and tramadol from the hospital pharm
Just something else to look into to help save a few dollars. every bit helps.
Truffa's Mom
08-12-2009, 04:11 PM
Thank you for the updates and the financial tips, you are becoming the Cushi-financial GURU :D, and with good luck on top of it:).
It is so wonderful when our fury senior kids play!!! I love it too, the paw pads have had great success around this house and I think they have improve Truffa's confidence when walking and she is also playing more's the best treat a mom can witness.
Hope you keep finding old new things on your suit cases.
Most of ours and our pet's medicines are bought in Colombia, that's one advantage of my hubby's constant trips for work. Over there unless you need opiates or very specialized medicines you don't need a prescription and the price is 5 times less than here. But if one day I'll need it. for sure Walgreens would be the place to look for it.
Last time I got BP medication for Truffa refilled at Texas A&M, where she has all her Cushings evaluations, and I thought it would be reasonable as all the services are there, just for being an educational institution, they charged me almost the triple amount for the same quantity that I usually refill at a Walmart pharmacy... and they don't give her treats as they usually do at Walmart when we pick up our medications through their drive-through :(....
Ahh I forgot to tell you, the Flavor duh last 18 days and I am giving Truffa 10 "capsule size" a day wrapped in it, so 180 not so bad; I like better the Pill pocket, they are easy to "handle" and don't stick to your hands/fingers but stick very well to the pill...... but money wise and healthy wise the Flavor duh is a better choice.... but if you don't mind working a little bit more wrapping the pills that's what I'd use and in a hurry or just laziness the pill pockets.
Choco kisses to the big adorable giants
Thank you Sharon and have a nice work trip.
08-12-2009, 10:22 PM
Thanks Marcela;
Where did you get the duh from? Yes I agree the pads seem to work well, I wish they stayed on longer but while on they work great. I have another pack left for Nike. I only use 8 or so each time. There are some rubber socks. they are like balloons but thicker and work well, I puta bunch of holes in them as they dont have any and I am sure they would sweat pretty bad without vents. they are called Pawz dog boots, Also I have taken the puff paint and put it on her boots that she had it drys and is like rubber so is grippy and that works as well.
I have been lucky in that Nikes legs have been excellent since she was in the kennel. I wonder if maybe she pulled something or hurt herself by slipping and after resting in the kennel for 10 days she was better. I also gave her 10 mg pred while in jail so that may have helped too.
I know that some other countries the meds are a ton cheaper. lucky for you you can take advantage of that. These dog meds can be very expensive. I called walgreens and Nikes Gabapentin is $12.00 for 3 months I think I paid 40 or 50 and her tramadol is 20 I think I paid 60. So I had those meds moved as well. I forgot to ask about Kenais meds, I have most at walmart at their discount but will check tomorrow.
Hugs to all from me and mine
08-12-2009, 11:13 PM
First....are you unpacked yet???!!! Get a-crackin' :)
Second, I learned about the Walgreen's program a couple years back....when it was only $20 to join, :rolleyes: but then I forget why I didn't. Oh, I think it was for an antibiotic for Zo and I found it cheaper at Target. But anyways......what is the strength of that tramadol (and how many) that you get at Walgreen's for $20? I'm thinkin' it might be time to join and start getting Zoe's tramadol there. I don't suppose I could get her meloxicam there, too???? Guess I could check.
Zoe's back to the braunschweiger for pill-taking. She started spitting out anything in a bagel or american cheese. The pill pockets give her bad gas. She loves the gooey sausageness of it, but #1 - I worry about the fat content ....and #2, my hands end up smelling like liver - even if I scour them. The things we do for these kids. ;):D:o Sue
08-13-2009, 12:51 PM
Yup, unpacked, for now. the tramadol is 50mg and 180 tabs for $21.97. Cant beat that, I dont think. I checked on Kenais Amlodapine and it is way more expensive there, I dont get it. I was hoping to have all their meds at 2 pharms but cant do it.
Nike loves the pill pockets, i take them and break them up so she does not get a whole one, but her gas does seem worse,ummm.
Cant with hold Miss Zoes braunschweiger She knows what she likes no matter what it does not moms hands.:D
Wylie's Mom
08-13-2009, 01:55 PM
Hey Sue -
I don't know if you have stainless steel kitchen sink, but if my hands smell from vinegar or cooked fish, I just rub my hands real good on the stainless steel sink and then wash my hands with soap. They actually sell stainless steel in the shape of a bar of soap for this purpose, but the shape doesn't matter;).
08-13-2009, 02:25 PM
Will have to get out the last bill for Zo's tramadol, but I'm pretty sure I'm paying more than that 21.97. Thanks for the tip, Sharon. I know somebody here recently was asking about people tramadol vs. pet tramadol . . . is that a consideration, getting it at Walgreen's. Anybody know????
Susy, I have heard of that. Well, for onion smell on hands, they say to hold a stainless steel knife and then hold your hands under cold water with it. And it DOES work. Will have to try it for the liver smell. Thanks for the reminder! Sue
08-13-2009, 02:38 PM
The tramadol Nike uses is the people tramadol, it is/was from the hospital pharm. Her Gabapentin is humans as well. Kenais BP meds are all human. I dont know that there are is a canine tramadol, I would think it would have to be called something different.
I know i was paying at least twice that amount for Nikes tramadol from the hosp pharm, and am saving even more on the gabapentin.
I had never heard of the stainless steel knife for onions or rubbing your hands on a stainless steel sink, my sink is iron so would not work for me but the knife would work. learn something new everyday here:)
Carol G
08-13-2009, 04:45 PM
Sue, you need to ask your vet for an Rx for a regular pharmacy for the tramadol. I got McGill's filled at Costco and it was $11.35 plus tax for 120 of the 50mg (have to pay tax since it is not for a human). I was paying $30+ for 90 at the specialty vet hospital. I think Walmart may be even a little cheaper.
There are two kinds of tramadol -- one with acetaminophen and one without. The dogs are given the one without. I'm so paranoid that each time I got it refilled I would check the pill markings on one of the pill finder sites to be sure they didn't give me the one with acetaminophen.
Carol, Atty Cat & always Winnie & McGill
08-14-2009, 09:33 AM
What an interesting discussion! I get Lady's Tramadol through the vet and it takes a week to come into the clinic. It comes from a veterinary pharmacy in southern Ontario and comes in 50mg tablets that I quarter and give to her in a pill pocket with lettuce. 28 pills cost me $32.50 and last 56 days.
If I get the 12.5mg capsules from the vet I can get them immediately. 28 capsules cost $27.06 and last 14 days so there is quite a saving when I buy the pills. I usually lose a little when a pill won't spilt properly but not enough to worry about.
I'll have to check with our local pharmacy to see about buying it here in town.
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
08-14-2009, 04:28 PM
YIKES, I'm paying $28.+ for just 60 tabs (the 50 mg.) Zoe takes just one a day, unless she's post teeth-pulling or some such. So that's $84 for 180, compared to Sharon's price of $21 for 180. Will have to zoom on over to Walgreens soon. So I need to ask for the 'plain' tramadol then. Good to know. Does anybody know about the meloxicam - if that's available in human form??? And is meloxicam the same as metacam?? Maybe I should get Zo's thyroxine at Walgreen's too? But my husband takes it and the dosages seem way different than the canine version - like his comes in mcg. and converted to mg, it's not even a .1 mg. dose whereas Zoe takes a .5 mg dose. Wonder why the human dosages would be so different? Do dogs really need that much more than humans? (It's really not that pricey anyway, I guess.)
Even the Costco prices are good, Carol - we dropped our membership there along time ago (no kids to feed at home anymore!) But I recall that anybody can use their pharmacy (member or no) - from back when I was first looking into lyosdren prices. Somebody recommended them as having the cheapest price. (As it turned out, we ended up using trilo instead, so never went to Costco.) Sue
08-14-2009, 04:47 PM
There are two kinds of tramadol -- one with acetaminophen and one without. The dogs are given the one without. I'm so paranoid that each time I got it refilled I would check the pill markings on one of the pill finder sites to be sure they didn't give me the one with acetaminophen.
Carol, Atty Cat & always Winnie & McGill
Sharon, hope you get to stay unpacked for a while.
Thanks Carol,
I was suspecting something like this, a good reason for no one to give a human med without assurance from the Dr.
Tramadol 50mg .40 each at
08-14-2009, 05:45 PM
Hi Sue,
I take the human version of meloxicam (mobic,movalis etc.) and it is the same as the canine metacam.
The big difference is in the available dosages, the human one is a tablet (or a capsule) and comes in 7.5 or 15mg. The dosage rate for canines (as written on the metacam bottle) is 0.1mg per kg.
I can't remember exactly what Zoe weighs but with Nelson at 25kg he was on 1/3 of a 7.5mg tablet and it cost about $18aud for 30 tablets so his cost was about 20 cents aud a day. You have to be careful with the dosages and it is hard to cut the tablets into some combos but it did work out much cheaper.
You will need to get a script from the vet anyway so you can double check the dosage.
08-14-2009, 09:31 PM
I didnt even think about the Meloxicam or Mobic; i take that as well for my back when I need it, it works wonderful. my dosage is 7.5 mg. I bet it is on the walgreens program. I went and picked up Nikes tramadol and only got 120 tabs and it cost 16.00 for 120 tabs. The tramadol with acet.... is called ultraset. Tramadol is the generic name for Ultram. Ultram contains 50 mg tramadol. Ultracet contains 37.5 mg tramadol and 325 mg acetaminophen.
I asked my vet about getting nikes thyrotabs from my pharm as well and he said it was the same only the dosage was way different. I called the pharm and she said they didnt come in that dosage.
hey Im all about saving money. I think I tried the tramadol at Sams and it was more expensive then the hospital pharm I dont think it was on their discount program.
I dont understand how these pharms work. I priced out Kenais amlodapine and at walgreens it was going to be 120.oo that is the walgreens discount price was over 200.00 for the same number of pills I pay 40 for at Ingles pharm. I guess it pays to shop around at a bunch of different pharms for all the meds. for Nike and Kenai I use 5 different pharms. the vets, Ingles, Sams, the hospital and walgreens. I hoped I could get it down to 2 or even 3 but cant do it.
Sue let me know how you make out. I used the stainless steel thing today, ate some left over crab legs for lunch at work and of coarse my hands smelled rubbed them in the sink for a minute then rinced them in cold water and no more stink... I love you guys.
Scott; unpacked till the 23rd ( I think tht is a monday) I go home for my yearly family visit to Canada for 10 days. I am kinda getting tired of being a jet setter.....just want to set at home for a while
08-20-2009, 01:45 PM
took Nikes urine in to be checked. She has not been drinking more, but when I am at work she has been soaking her pee pads and I leave for Canada in a few day and sure didnt need her having a UTI for that long in the kennel. Dr E called me and told me it is all clear and her USG is the best he has seen it, 1.030 that is normal, what the heck! Nike is never normal anything, is this world coming to an end? I was happy to hear that. The dDAP drops are doing what they are suppose to. It was the second pee of the morning, I woke up at 0500 and she went out then then again at 0800 again that is the one I retrieved.
Hope all is well with all
08-20-2009, 05:33 PM
Wow - that USG is impressive, Sharon. I kept getting Zoe's urine checked, at times thinking maybe she was toying with a uti. But for a year now - since the tylan - it's been clean!!!!!! So maybe the world IS coming to an end! ;)
How long since Nike's last ACTH? Is it possible that her cortisol is creeping up again and that she's just drinking more because of that??? Sue
08-20-2009, 05:36 PM
Hey Sharon,
All is pretty good here, and it sounds like it is well with you also.
Keep it up you giants!
And hello to Sue and Zoe also.
08-20-2009, 06:08 PM
thanks Scott, always good to hear all is well in your household as well. Sue. I would have thought that possible but she doesnt seem to be drinking more just peeing more, I know I guess I need to measure her water but with a USG of 1.030 when she is normally in the 1.0teens she cant be drinking or peeing to much. maybe she just pees twice on her pads instead of holding one till I get home. She is going to be 13 in Oct so I hear that old bladders cant hold as much or Iam sure as long.
She was last stimed in July with pre of <0.2 and post of 1.5 or so. She has been on 5 mg of pred daily since then, and 10 when at the kennel. Dr E wants to do another on in Sept when I get back and things get settled when I can wean her off the pred and see if she is coming up. that pre and post was lower then her last one which was about a month or 6 weeks earlier I think.
I guess I have been wondering and I would like imput here please. I thought I had a very good understanding on Cushings, guess not. If the pre stim cortisol is <0.2 she is able to draw on 1.something cortisol when stressed. but when she is at home, no stress, just normal circumstances she lives at the <0.2. How can that be OK? unless normally they dont have any cortisol in their blood and only need it when stressed? I know it is for flight or fight but I cant believe there is normally no cortisol in the blood.
Help me here.
09-10-2009, 08:54 PM
Hi All
Back from Canada and only a little worse for the ware. Spent a lot of time with my nephews ages 14 and 15 and 4 and twin nieces age 2. they wore me out. Great to see them.
Nike and Kenai went to the kennel and did great. Nike was on 10 mg of pred when there and they said did excellent. Got them home and they were crazy for the first couple days. I didnt think they could be more clingy but they were.
Nikes legs seem good, not weak, has trouble standing up on the lament floor but on the carpet runners and tile not problem. she eats like a pig, hummmm water uptake normal, seems to pant more than she had before but so is Kenai. Still plays with her toys and will be 13 here shortly. Like Zoe, she has taken a licken but keeps on ticken..
Kenai is doing good, well seems to me doing good. Other than sending telepathic suggestions to Beth to get another dog :p nothing new happening:p
So hope to be staying home for a few months, have 2 presentations but both are here in town and a presentation I have already done so no new powerpoints or preparing yahooo
I just changed over Kenais cardiac meds from Sams to Walgreens 2 of his perscriptions I pd 20.00 each at Sams and I can get them for 12 each at Walgreens and 1 I paid 40 at Sams and it is 26.00 at walgreens. that is for 3 months supply. Has anyone else checked out prices at walgreens?
Hugs to all from me and mine
Sharon, Nike and Kenai
09-10-2009, 09:18 PM
Hey there, Ms. Traveler!
Yes, DS possessed me while you were away...we must remember to get an anti-DS suggestion shield for the next time!:):p
I missed your earlier post but yes, from my understanding there has to be some circulating cortisol even when not stressed. And maybe I am wrong...won't be the first time but don't tell anyone that!:cool: The reason I am saying this is bc I would think you need some cortisol just to maintain body functions. If we didn't have to worry about them having any, then there wouldn't be such a thing as going too low, right? The signs of lethargy and diarrhea and all of that are present bc the cortisol has gone too low....yet we don't just see these symptoms when stress is present but just in everyday living. If you remember that time I came home to Scoobie and he was barely able to move, he hadn't been stressed at all......just sleeping....and yet he could barely move. So, no, I don't think a cortisol level should ever ever hit 0...but I don't know what level is normal at rest either...but I would think <0.2 is too low. I am wondering if she is just used to it.
I can try to relate it to blood glucose maybe....if my glucose is either too high or too low, my body will adapt...or my brain will. So, when people have a lot of lows, they can start to lose the ability to detect those lows and feel no symptoms at all. Conversely, if you function long enough with a high blood glucose level, your body (brain) adapts and you don't feel those symptoms necessarily either. When I first went on insulin, I went to the store...finding myself at an intersection and stopping not knowing where I was, who I was or what the heck I was doing!! I knew something was wrong so I pulled over and took my sugar. I thought WTH??? Because it was normal! They explained to me that your brain gets used to the high sugar and when you lower it, you can feel low, and have the symptoms, when in fact you are normal.
My long point being is that Nike may not feel well at <0.2 but also not show many signs bc that is what she is used to...but you are supplementing with pred so she is OK.
As for your last post, I don't know about Walgreen's but I sure am glad you had such a great trip!!!:D And I am happy that you get to stay home now for a while AND the giants are doing so well!!!
Please give them hugs from me, OK, even DS even though he got me into this....and I hope you get some time to REST!!!!
Speaking of resting, you are used to being up at nights, right???:cool:
Love ya! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie....and soon, very soon, Pallie
09-15-2009, 09:47 PM
Hello! So glad to see things are doing ok at your end!
Lynne, Clyde & Bailey
09-25-2009, 09:39 PM
Had Nike stimmed again, she was baseline less than 0.1 and stimmed to 2.4, these are a tad lower than in June. He said her glucocortocoids were good as her lytes were good so we didnt need the addisons coctail but I did need to supplement her with daily pred. 2.5-5 mg and 10 mg when she is possibly stressed. She has also gained 10 lbs since June, yes 10. she has been at the kennel and eating what ever they feed, next time I will bring theirs. They spend close to a month there off and on. Dr E is concened with the wt gain and her globulin is high, he said that can indicate CA but normally it would be much higher with CA, or an infection but her WBCs were normal. He said normally the globulin in dogs on pred is low as they are not able to mount a resistance to the infection due to being on pred. He was thinking maybe it was something with her tummy so I am to give pepcid for 2 weeks. Her Alk/phos was up to over 400 again after being normal for over a year, he said that may be from being on the pred. her BUN was elevated but her creatinine was fine, the rest of her labs were good. So your plan is to keep on keeping on. He said my 6th sense would pick up anything going on with her and He said he trusts me to call him if I see anything that worries me with her. he wanted to do another globulin in a month or so he said before we begin to search to try to find out why it is high. I told I didnt think I wanted to search if it was high she is going to be a 13 year old Giant schnauzer in a couple weeks and I would not put her through anything that would make her uncomfortable anyway. He agreed.
SO the plan is to give her pred and pepcid, get my fat ass out and walk hers and Kenais fat asses :eek: as much as I can, giving her extra tramadol if needed. She needs to get some wt off, I have cut back on treats as well, back to carrots and apples.
She is doing excellent, other than the wt thing. having more trouble standing up but probably due to the extra 10 lbs she is having to lift. She brings her toys to me still every morning, bites at kenai when he is driving her crazy, eats like a pig, obviously, drinks and pees normal for her. so knock on wood we will see her 13 birthday and start working on #14.
Hugs to you all from me and mine
09-25-2009, 09:54 PM
Hi Sharon,
That's a pretty good report for our grande dame Nike. The change in food has probably caused the weight gain so it would be a good idea to send her normal food next time to the kennel.
Barney's Mom
09-26-2009, 10:24 AM
Had Nike stimmed again, she was baseline less than 0.1 and stimmed to 2.4, these are a tad lower than in June. He said her glucocortocoids were good as her lytes were good so we didnt need the addisons coctail but I did need to supplement her with daily pred. 2.5-5 mg and 10 mg when she is possibly stressed. She has also gained 10 lbs since June, yes 10. she has been at the kennel and eating what ever they feed, next time I will bring theirs. They spend close to a month there off and on. Dr E is concened with the wt gain and her globulin is high, he said that can indicate CA but normally it would be much higher with CA, or an infection but her WBCs were normal. He said normally the globulin in dogs on pred is low as they are not able to mount a resistance to the infection due to being on pred. He was thinking maybe it was something with her tummy so I am to give pepcid for 2 weeks. Her Alk/phos was up to over 400 again after being normal for over a year, he said that may be from being on the pred. her BUN was elevated but her creatinine was fine, the rest of her labs were good. So your plan is to keep on keeping on. He said my 6th sense would pick up anything going on with her and He said he trusts me to call him if I see anything that worries me with her. he wanted to do another globulin in a month or so he said before we begin to search to try to find out why it is high. I told I didnt think I wanted to search if it was high she is going to be a 13 year old Giant schnauzer in a couple weeks and I would not put her through anything that would make her uncomfortable anyway. He agreed.
SO the plan is to give her pred and pepcid, get my fat ass out and walk hers and Kenais fat asses :eek: as much as I can, giving her extra tramadol if needed. She needs to get some wt off, I have cut back on treats as well, back to carrots and apples.
She is doing excellent, other than the wt thing. having more trouble standing up but probably due to the extra 10 lbs she is having to lift. She brings her toys to me still every morning, bites at kenai when he is driving her crazy, eats like a pig, obviously, drinks and pees normal for her. so knock on wood we will see her 13 birthday and start working on #14.
Hugs to you all from me and mine
Sharon things sound great! I had to laugh at the visual I got from the walks! On to 14!!!!!!
10-01-2009, 08:46 PM
Yesterday AM Nike was her normal self, ate her breakfast well played with a rag with Kenai for a few minutes went outside and we walked around the yard a couple times. When i went to feed her dinner she seemed a little harder to stand up but she was slipping, went to her dish sniffed it, ate about 2 bites then went and layed down, I tried to give her her pills in her pill pocket she would turn her head away. So I put them down her throat, I tried to give her chicken she turned her head away from me when i put it in front of her, i put it on the floor with a cookie and she layed beside it and let Kenai eat it. she layed her head on her paws and just layed there. I gave her pred after she would not eat, and she seemed to be a tad better, so I gave her another once I saw how she was stll behaving ( I gave her 5 mg each time. I also gave her an extra tramadol thinking it maybe pain related as her back legs were shaking. after about an hr I put her water in front of her and she drank some. When I was going to bed I had to help her up and her backlegs were very weak but it was not quite a hr since I gave her the pred. I thought for sure I was going to have to take her in this AM. of coarse I signed up to work an extra. But she woke up was standing great, legs great, ate almost all her breakfast. I gave her 5 mg of pred instead of 2.5 this am, and she seemed Ok when I got home. her back legs a bit weak but she was able to stand with mild difficulty, ate most of her dinner. I called Dr E as she had not done this before, we decided to put her on 10 mg per day pred for a couple weeks then see if we can wean it down. I told him my concern was that her cortisol continue to drop and her lytes get messed up and me not know it till she gets dam sick. He agreed and we decided to check her lytes in a couple weeks again just because of this episode, and her cortisol has contined to drop even without lysodren. I dont know that she stressed so I dont know what would have brought on the crisis. He said he would call me tomorrow to check on her. I love him. He said that being on 10 mg of pred is not a big deal and we are working on her comfort now so what ever it takes. if you think she needs extra tramadol by all means give it to her, we dont want her hurting either.
So she is back to doing very well tonight, I gave her 7.5 mg just because I wanted to be sure she had a decent night and will put her on 10 tomorrow AM.
Surprised how fast that happened, 4 oclock she was fine 6 oclock she was not. and not even want chicken or a cookie and like a spoiled child you are trying to feed spinich to kept turning her head when I put it to her nose or even got it close to her face and she would keep it turned till I pulled it away.
well she looks like this crisis is over but as I know the only thing consistant about cushings is change.
Hugs to all
10-01-2009, 09:34 PM
Hi Sharon,
Glad to hear Nike is back to herself tonight....hope this was just a little blip on her radar!! ;)
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
Squirt's Mom
10-02-2009, 09:33 AM
Hi Sharon,
Geez, what a scare! :eek: I am glad Nike recovered and that this doesn't happen again.
Sending hugs, prayers and belly rubs!
Leslie and the girls
10-02-2009, 05:16 PM
Thanks. for some reason she had an addisons crisis, but not bad enough as she recovered and i am sure her lytes are still fine. Dr E called me at work today to check on "our girl"
so all is back to good in the house of giants.
10-02-2009, 05:24 PM
Hi Sharon,
I am lazy so don't want to read back posts but when was the last time Nike had her lyso?
10-02-2009, 06:45 PM
How the heck did I miss all of this! I'm sorry, Sharon!!!:(
I am so glad Nike is back to feeling normal....and of course, you caught have always done right by both of them!
Jenny, I think it was in January although I am sure Sharon can answer better than I :rolleyes:...but I do know it has been a long time....
Does Dr. E have any idea why she keeps dropping like this with no Lysodren? Although I will tell you, with Bailey's last episode the doc mentioned a possible Addison's issue that comes and goes....fluctuating cortisol levels...he said I could try pred the next time (please don't let there be a next time) and see....
Hugs all over your house from here....Beth and you know
10-02-2009, 07:11 PM
Sharon...I can't imagine what would have happened to an unsuspecting "normal" cush parent... you are so on top of things to pick up on this... I am still scratching my head.. after almost 3 yrs Nike goes low and no longer needs lysodren AND after being off of it for (how long?) he has an addisonian episode? What caused this do you think? Nike needs to know how lucky he is!!! Good mom! Glad all is well. Kim
10-02-2009, 08:59 PM
thanks all;
Nike has not had lyso since end of dec. like the 30th or so. for those that have been here a long time may remember she was stable on her 2000 mg per week for a year and half, when her cortisol would start getting close to 5 I would give her a couple extra doses ( miniload) then it would bring it down to the 2's. that sept i mini loaded her and assumed since it had taken her down perfect before that it would again she was very suttley ( is that a word?) weak in her legs only symptom, so I stimed her and she was very low down to 0.7 I think something like that. I kept her off for a couple weeks gave, before it took 1 week for her to come up, started lyso again she again looked like she was to low so we took her off for a couple months, she came up to 2.something. then I started just treating her when I thought she was high ( I am not recommending this to anyone)so she would get a dose maybe once every 2 weeks or so maybe once a month and only 1000 mg or 500 mg. I would have her stimed every 3 months and her levels were always great, so we did that for a year then i dosed her in dec and she seemed Ok, got her stimed in Jan, no other dose given, and she was low pre was o.3 post was in the 1s I think, anyway we held the lyso stimed her in 6 weeks or so, still low, and she has continued to go low. her post is 2 but her baseline has been dropping to this last one <0.1. Dr E said he thought we knocked out the part of her adrenals that secrete the cortocosteroids but retained the part that secretes the glucocorticosteroids or her lytes would be out of wack and they have never been. So this all started when I gave her the miniload about 2 years ago now, even though she was stable as a rock that couple extra doses did something more than what I planned, just goes to show you never know with a cush pup how they will tolerate lyso.
Sorry for the book but that is her history for those that dont know us. So we will be 4 years from our diagnoses and beginning treatment in March.
I am not sure what caused her to dip to low. I had been giving her 2.5 mg of pred daily as well. I wonder if she didnt spit our her pred. when I got home she was laying by Kenais gate. I wonder if she slipped and could not get up and that stressed her out? that is the only thing I can think of. I can only imagine how low she was as in her normal state she had her post cortisol to 0.3 or 0.7 and showed only subtle signs of being to low, this was obvious. what also worried me was thinking how in the hell am I going to get this 106 lb dog that cant stand up into my truck?
Anyway she is back to her normal, ate all her dinner, brought her toy to me when I came home, walking and standing up better than ever. In fact not as restless at night, or I may be just so tired from getting my butt kicked at work that I just dont hear her:eek:
luv from all 3 of us
Sharon, HRH Nike and kenai
10-02-2009, 09:13 PM
They are such a puzzle.
Moria has also given Vandy and myself scare after scare for over two years now.
She is now putting weight back on and going up and down stairs by herself. She acts indignant when we insist she wait for our assistance.
We, as you, just have to deal with it. It is what it is.
I love her every day.
10-02-2009, 09:45 PM
OK, Sharon....I had to giggle when it came to the getting her into the truck part...
I remembered the story of when all three of you were getting in the truck you you got smooshed...
I know, I'm sick :cool:....LOL....But you know I love ya!!!!:D
Do I need to sign my name????
11-17-2009, 04:01 PM
I havent posted in a while or even been on the site. Life has been busy.
I lost Nike Oct 4. She died in her own time in her own way. I would expect nothing else from HRH. She was playing with me that morning, trying to engage Kenai to play with her, barking at him, her tail stub was wagging, she ate all her breakfast. I kissed her, gave her her treats, told her I loved her and left for work. I came home and found her on the piece of rug she napped on, her body still warm. She spared me the pain of being with her when she passed and not being able to do anything for her and of having to eventually make the decision of when to release her, took it out of my hands,, again I would expect nothing different from her. She was truly Her Royal Highness. It appeared she layed down for a nap and didnt wake up.
She was the last of 7 dogs in her litter, her last sister passed away just after they turned 12. Linda, Nikes breeder said that her dogs normally lived into their 10th year so I was very lucky to have Nike for 13, none of her dogs have lived that long and to have her still playing the day she passed was exceptional.
I had her cremated and brought her home on her birthday, I will bury her at home, mom and dads. Dr Earley was heart broken as well, he said it sounded like it was a fatal cardiac arrythmia since she was doing so well that AM.
She was such a gentle soul, a great companion, an excellent co-pilot, and my best friend. I miss her terribly. Kenai is missing her as well, but is starting to do better.
I ask that you please light a candle for Nike and I ask that you please respect my grief and not post anything for us. Reading such will break my heart again. I also ask one of the moderators to please close out my thread. I may be back but I will not post on Nikes thread again.
I thank all of you that have helped us over these past 3.5 years, it is partly because of you that Nike lived to a ripe old age of 13, the last 3.5 with cushings.
Sharon and Kenai
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