View Full Version : Newbie!! -- Spike (7 y/o daschund/terrier cross)
07-12-2011, 11:57 AM
Hi guys
New to this and any forum. My little daschund/terrier cross has been diagnosed with Cushings. He has been ill since he was 4 and is now 7. He has seen may vets and most recently a specialist vet and although tested for cushings before, test now indicate high levels of certain hormones. The specialist vet sent samples to the Tessessee Panel. He has also recently been diagnosed with diabetes, though he has tested negatively several times before. Now on a diabetic diet and about to be started on vetoril. Never a better time to say insure your dog! Tests to date have cost nearly £3000 and I don't know where I would have found the money to have them done.:D
Hi and Welcome,
I am glad you found your way here. We also have a sister site, K9Diabetes that you may also wish to join.
It would help if you could list your test results. The moderators have an easier time understanding your pup's situation.
My Zoe has been on Vetoryl for a little over a month. We are just in the process of changing her dose. How much does your pup weigh and what dose of Vetoryl has been prescribed?
Has your dog been prescribed insulin for the diabetes? You did mention a special diet but if you could explain the diabetes diagnosis and treatment as well it also will help.
Yes, it sure does get expensive, doesn't it? But they are worth every penny.
Hang in there. Others will be along soon.
Again, welcome.
Addy, Zoe and Koko
07-12-2011, 03:11 PM
Hi again
Off to the vets tomorrow for blood test and to get medication - will let you know as much info as possible then - thanks:)
Squirt's Mom
07-12-2011, 04:44 PM
Hi and welcome to you and your baby! :)
Before you start giving the Trilostane (Vetoryl) would you please post the test results? If your baby does not have elevated cortisol, you do NOT want to give him Trilo. If only some or all of his intermediates are elevated and the cortisol is normal, then he is considered to be Atypical. This is usually treated with lignans and melatonin. If this is not enough, then a maintenance dose of Lysodren (Mitotane) is used. Lyso will not harm a pup with normal cortisol but Trilostane should not be used in a pup with normal cortisol. They have different modes of action.
I look forward to seeing those results from UTK (Univ. of TN in Knoxville). My Squirt is Atypical and started on the Lyso this year. She was well controlled on the lignans and melatonin for nearly three years, tho, then her signs became very strong.
What prompted you have your baby tested for Cushing's in the first place? You said he had been ill for 3 years - can you tell us what you have been seeing? Cushing's and diabetes share some of the same signs so seeing the test results will help us here, too.
Hang in there!
Leslie and the gang
07-13-2011, 04:34 PM
Hi here, thank you for replying. Spike Was neutured about 4 years ago and also contracted what was diangnosed as leptispirosis at around the same time - however they were not sure but his liver was somewhat enlarged. Sometime after this the compulsive drinking started, and he got rather unwell. A whole battery of tests were done and nothin specific could be found so he was treated for diabetes insipidus and treated with ADHD or something - can't quite remember but it was to concentrate his urine. This helped for a while, then he started having seizures which the new vet ( i wasn't happy with the vague diagnosis from the previouse vet) said may be down to the medication so he came off it. Things settled down for a while, still drinking alot and peesing alot but continent. In April this year ( 2 years on) the drinking and peeing was constant, bucket fulls of water and gallons of pee ( every ten minutes) went back to the vet and he was tested for everyting again. Still no diagnosis, and was referred to a specialist vet. They kept him in for 3 days and dis ultrasound on kidneys, no tumours found and various other tests. Whilst in there they diagnosed diabetes and he was put on a special diet with no treats. Came home still peeing and drinking and rather bald from all the clipping at the vets. I noticed that his hair had not regrown and that he eas becommin pot bellied - I forgot to say that in April he lost all his muscle mass and went from being normal build ( having previously been overweight and on a diet to lose weight) to what I can only call a hairy coathanger and is still the same. Back to the vets who spoke to the specialist vet who decided to send the test of to the Tennessee Panel. Results came back and saw vet today. The results do not concur with a pituartry tumour, and there are no adreanal tumour showing. Vet said that the adreanel lands are made up of layers and that there could be a tiny tumour deep down. His cortisol is normal but the other readings were very high - progesterone I think and something else - apologies for bein vague but I have not seen the results - should I ask for a copy? Came home with vetoril 1 30ml tab once a day. Did a full range of blood and urine tests and I have to go back in a fortnight for re-testing and evaluating the impact of Vetori. I would say that the specialist is one of the most eminent in Europe and liaises with my vet frequently. Neither of them have ever seen anything like this! Also He was put on insulin for a day whilst in the hospital, and it helped the blood sugar/urine aspect of the diabetes,, however they do not feel that he has true diabetes - no one seems to know what he has got! Will let you know how he gets on with the vetoril - it is the only approved UK treatment and vet said he would prefer the one you mentioned earlier but it is not available over here - I think it was banned?
wooniechick and Spike ( the poorly one!)
Squirt's Mom
07-13-2011, 04:41 PM
Hi Rdgs,
His cortisol is normal but the other readings were very high - progesterone I think and something else...
Please, please do not give Spike the Vetoryl. This drug should NEVER be given to a pup with normal cortisol. Since Lyso is not available where you are, your options are limited to lignans and melatonin unless you can have the Lyso shipped to you. That is not always possible, tho.
It would be a BIG help if you could get copies of his actual test results and post them here. ;)
Leslie and the gang
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