View Full Version : Hi, new here 7 yr old husk/shep - our sweet Nika has crossed The Bridge
03-19-2013, 05:45 PM
Hi Lynda,
Quality of life is paramount but when you are dealing with cushing's, backsliding is not unusual. When we see our pups declining, the very first thing we should do is rule out cushing's as the cause. Based on what you've told us, I believe Nika's problems can all be attributed to high cortisol. Can you tell us when you last took her in for an acth stimulation test and can you post the results for us?
With respect to the high ALKP, as Leslie already mentioned, that's not outrageously high. Cushing's does not kill liver cells but rather speeds up the synthesis of glycogen, which is then stored in the liver. It is not dead or injured liver cells that make the liver larger, it is the excess stores of glycogen. Liver support meds don't have any effect on these excess amounts of glycogen so it's perfectly normal to see no improvement in ALKP with liver support treatment; however, it can still do a great deal of good for the over all health and function of the liver.
Are you doing any preventative treatment for Nika's Perivulva Dermatitis?
03-20-2013, 10:25 AM
Leslie, those numbers a guess Nika's arent so bad after all. Yes, we have been givin amazing gifts, thankyou for wording it the way you did.
Hi Patti, nice to meet you...thankyou for your thoughts and support. I agree that about the experience and expertise here..a few months ago they saved my Nika's life :). I will not stop treating my Nika unless it begins to harm her. In a little less then 3 months, it will be Nika's 2nd anniversary year of treatment, and shortly after that her 10th birthday..I look forward to celebrating both. I just need to get past what is happening right now :confused:
Glynda..thankyou for responding. Nika's last stim was
pre 1.74
post 2.90
When I was at work last night, I realized I should have posted this. I am trying to understand what you are saying you believe that maybe she needs a higher dose of Vetoryl? or maybe her possible UTI has caused her cortisol to elevate, or her dermititis? She does have the symptoms of this, minus her urine being dilute, but she does have the eating, drinking and the occasional accident in the house( which she has always had and vet is aware of it) she pants once in a while but nothing bad. As far a the Perivulva Dermititis? I have asked about treatment. In the beginning I was told she needed to lose some weight because of the fat folds. Well NIka's weight is down ( not my doing) and I asked again about treatment. I was told that next to surgery there isn't anything I can do. I was told that Nika was just "made this way"in that area. I asked about creams and was told no that as well. I did buy sterile towels ( disposable) to wipe her after she urinates, but most of the time I don't use them anymore because it really upsets her and I fear it will make her raw...I wish there was something I could do about it. Sorry, didn't mean to go on so much...thankyou again, Hugs Lynda
03-20-2013, 01:17 PM
If Nika has a UTI and perivulvar dermatitis, she has a really good reason for acting out of sorts. She also needs to be on an appropriate antibiotic. The last stim done in early December is quite good but there is no guarantee that cortisol levels stabilized and stayed there in the last 15 weeks, however, I would not recommend having a stim test done until you get all infections under control, as this can skew results.
I had a very dear friend, Nancy, with an English Bulldog with perivulva dermatitis. You have to be very fastidious in keeping skin folds clean and dry; otherwise, you can expect some pretty foul and smelly skin infections and left untreated, it will get worse. She couldn't afford the surgery to correct the problem so she would put Piglet in the bathtub at least once a week and wash her hoo-hoo with diluted chlorhexadine, an antimicrobial/antibacterial wash. My friend was in a wheelchair so her family did the bathing but during my last visit with her, I did the honors. nancy would keep her clean with wipes in between baths and applied powder to keep the area as dry as possible. From your description, it sounds like Nika is already raw, itchy and sore so it is very important that you keep the area as clean and dry as possible. If you can, clip or shave the involved area for ease of cleaning and keeping debris from collecting. If you can't shave her, your vet should be able to do that for you. Yes, surgery is the best option but that's not always possible so your vet should have at least given you some home care instructions. :mad:
Once you get the infection under control, I would definitely have another stim test done. High cortisol suppresses the immune system which increases the risk of infection and impedes healing.
03-20-2013, 01:51 PM
Glynda..I am very grateful for your input. Nika's issue with her vulva has been going on for over a year now..I asked about using wipes on her and was told no. (there is no way I will get her near a bath, although it was never suggested to me:( ) Nika and I had a moment a couple of days ago (my other dog wasnt around) and she exposed her belly to me so I got to take a good look down there. To me it looks the same as it did quite a while back, discolored ( brownish) and moist. I would really like to use some baby wipes on her and now that you have opened up about an experience with your dear friends pup, I am thinking about giving it a try. I was told that pet wipes are too strong, and any other wipe could irritate it..yup..I am a bit upset right now. The way I see it, what can it hurt to use baby wipes a couple of times a, just wow. I can't believe that only dry wiping her, at my suggestion, was all I have been allowed to do. I have Nika on that an appropriate antibiotic? I am shaking my head.
I don't know how to thank you.This problem has been bothering me for so long and I did my best to research it but everything I suggested wasn't allowed?
I found the papers to the exam that first diagnosed Nika with mild is dated January 16, 1012..I had been noticing Nika licking her vulva for a few weeks at that time. I wish I had been givin instruction for care back then. Well, I will start now. It certainly cant hurt, as long as she lets me touch her there.
hug hugs, Lynda and Nika
Stopping by with hugs and checking to see if you need any hand holding:)
They have wipes with vitamin e, no scent. I have some for Zoe which I used prior to her vulva surgery. She had a vulvar growth and clitorial hypertrophey.
Zoe's ALKP is also increasing. Always something to worry about with our Cush pups. You do the best you can and I know that is exactly what you have been doing.:)
We are always here ready with hugs so you dont feel alone.
Squirt's Mom
03-21-2013, 02:11 PM
Hi Lynda,
Something that is soothing and will help with both itching and inflammation is Chamomile tea. You can use it on a cloth to clean as well as hold for a minute if she will allow you to. It can also be poured over the area. If she has allergies, test a small spot on a hairless area first. ;)
Hope you are both feeling better today!
Leslie and the gang
03-21-2013, 02:35 PM
Hi Lynda,
I hadn't really checked the web to see if there was any other non-surgical treatment out there that might help Nika but what I found was that there really aren't any silver bullets. What my friend did for her pup was about it. I've included a url to the ACVC (American College of Veterinary Surgeons). The pictures are kinda graphic so beware and bewarned. They say that palliative treatment is not rewarding which I take to mean as ineffective and disappointing. :( My friend kept Piglet out of trouble for the most part but like I said, she was diligent about it and Piglet was used to it. She loved her hoo-hoo powdered. :D
I've never heard of Clavaseptin but looked it up and discovered it's the equivalent of Clavamox here in the states. It is a broad spectrum a/b which is appropriate for dermatitis and most UTI; however, it may not resolve all urinary infections depending on the bacteria involved. The only way to know that is to do a culture which would require taking a urine specimen by cystocentesis. That means they put a needle through the abdomen directly into the bladder. If Nika hates vet's she'd probably really hate the one who took the specimen. My dogs are probably not happy with it but they appear to be unphased by it. A vet usually only gives you enough Clavamox for 10 to 14 days which in my experience, isn't enough to completely resolve a UTI. I ask for three to four weeks worth which is something you may want to talk to your vet about.
03-22-2013, 10:43 AM
I am sorry I didn't check in sooner, I hurt my back and the stress of it, and everything else, made for a horrible go of it yesterday. Missing a shift of work is something I can not afford right now:( I am a bit better today and my belly is slowly stopping flipping:rolleyes: I have help tonight at work, so I will be able to go.
Addy, thankyou so much for the hugs, I really really need that :)..your poor baby having surgery, that must have been so scary for you. I will look for those wipes, thanks. I was wondering, do you have Zoe on any liver support for her high numbers? if so, what.
Leslie, thanks about the tip of the tea, I do have some here and I am going to try that over the weekend ( still pretty difficult to get down on the ground with my girl, and she isn't liking her back end being touched at all. The noises coming out of her would convince a stranger that I am about to be attacked:o ) I think I will try the cloth first. I really hope it gives her some relief!
Glynda, thankyou for the link. It looks so horribly painful:( I thankyou for your honesty about what you know about this, I have learned so much from here and if keeping it clean will help, well it is better then nothing ( which is what I was doing, pretty much :o )
I did question the vet when she gave me 2 weeks worth of the Clavaseptin..I asked her if she thought it was enough. She said we will see how she is in 2 weeks and go from there. Nika's vet Dr. H is back on Monday, so I will get another 2 weeks worth from her. Nika was on in for a month last time as well. I agree about getting that procedure done to see how NIka is coming along. I had it done once before and it was not a good experience. Taking her in first thing with a full bladder? she piddled in my car when she saw where we were. Then I was told that they kept missing the bladder, so when she piddled again they caught some and tested it. So ya, I am hesitating on this one and Dr. H knows exactly why :mad:
Thankyou again everyone for your help, hugs and advice. I just don't know what I would do. Feeling alone at a time like this is not good for anyone's stress level, which in turn is not good for our pups. I am really hoping that Nika at least gets use to this, a little bit. She is all happy and bouncing around when I am done, but I don't really think I am getting much cleaned. I see stuff on the wipes. I just wish I could get in there and REALLY get her cleaned up:(
gotta go lay down before I shower and get ready for work,
love and hugs, Lynda and Nika
Squirt's Mom
03-22-2013, 11:15 AM
I remembered something else - Tasha's tail was deformed and corkscrewed into her butt so she was always raw in the folds. Doc said it was dermatitis and gave us Panalog. It's a mycin ointment which I don't like but it was also amazing! It's the same thing I use on Brick's peepee when it starts looking red and only one application usually does the trick for him. For Tash, I would smear some in the folds like every other day or so and the area stayed cleared up. The last time I got it filled, for Squirt's back, it has changed to the name of Derma-Vet but still the same ointment and effectiveness. I don't know that it would be beneficial for this with Nika but it's worth asking the vet about for sure. If it helps her, it could be a god-send!
Hope you are feeling better and have a good nite at work!
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
03-22-2013, 06:06 PM
Hi Lynda,
I have Molly on Helppato Suport, which is what they seem to give us here in Canada and I get it from the vet. We'll see how her next liver test results are. On the last one, the numbers for ALT had come down a bit, which is what I'm most concerned about. I'm not overly worried about the ALPH as those numbers have always been higher for my molly since she first started to get crystals.
You can check with your vet for the Heppato Support.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Hi Linda,
I have not started Zoe on any liver support, her ALKP was 787 in January. Not sure if I will give her anything - depends on how it will affect her IBD.
Hi Lynda,
Just checking in to see how Nika is doing. I hope things are going better for her. Years ago my Angel Black Lab had some issues with licking herself raw down there. We never did figure out why she did that, no UTI or anything, but it was really bad. The only thing that healed it was a cream I got from the vet. It sounds like the Derma-vet that Leslie mentioned. It had an antibiotic, anti fungal and a steroid component. I am not sure about using it with Cushings because of the steroid, but the anti fungal is what did the trick I believe. I think the irritation was caused mostly by yeast because it was always moist in the area. I don't know if something like this would help for Nika's problem.
Thank you for posting birthday wishes for Jasper. :) I hope you and Nika are hanging in there.
Tina and Jasper
03-27-2013, 10:54 AM
Thankyou Leslie, Sharlene, Addy and Tina for all of your responses. I will be discussing cream and more treatment with Nika's vet when we touch base again.
Nika's vet is back and I spoke with her this morning. I have 2 more weeks of claveseptine waiting for me to pick up so I can extend Nika's treatment. Her urine looks and smells normal now, and her dermititis seems to be bothering her a bit less..Also, her bum doesnt look as sore :) In 2 weeks we are going to touch base again ( unless I need to sooner) and do some blood work. I told her that I would like to do a stim if things seem to be cleared up.
I am still down and out with my back and start I therepy today..well, not down and out because that just isn't possible with me:rolleyes: and probably why I am in pain to begin with. My hours are cut at work because I had to give in and ask for help in order for me to continue working. My pay is going to be horrible, but I need to get better. Sorry for not updating sooner. I hope these treatments work, I miss walking my dogs. I miss doing anything :o
Thankyou again everyone, you are all the best,
love and hugs, Lynda and Nika
molly muffin
03-27-2013, 07:17 PM
A plan is a good thing.
I do hope the therapy helps and you start to feel better.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-11-2013, 11:02 AM
It has been a long time since I was here with an update about my Nika. First I want to thank Leslie for finding my thread for me :o:) you are the best!
Nika has been doing wonderfully. I will post her last lab results at the end of this post.
Like I was saying, Nika has been great, until Wednesday of this week when she suddenly became lame in her front left leg. The only thing that I could think about was the fact that she and my other dog went down the stairs to be let out that door...I didn't see them go down, but it was right after that that she couldn't walk on her leg very well. I left for work and got permission to come home early ( Nika was not alone, my hubby was here) when I got home she ws still limping and uncomfortable. I gave her her last tramadol (from her bout with Pancriatitis last fall) and she had a bit of a rough night. Her primary vet wasn't in until next Tuesday, and I have an appointment in the morning..I dealt with another vet there ( not the one that I do not like) and with the promise of "if things got worse" I was given another script to get us through until her vet comes back. I know it isn't broke, and I am hoping it is just a strain of some sort, but thinking back I am remembering her having some issues off and on with slight stumbling or misjudging with her front end. I am probably just worrying for nothing, but my gut wont let it go. I am going to get xrays done for sure, and hopefully Leslie (Dr. H) can help me remember better what, and if, this has been off and on for a while now. Nika's paperwork is so unorganized right now so I can seem to put two and two together:o
I have had people visit and praise at how amazing Nika looks and how happy she is. Some cant believe that she is 10 now because she can still play and run like a puppy :)
Of course I am thinking the worse, but I am truly praying the best.
So this is where my girl and I are right now. Today she seems comfortable and we will just lay low for today and tomorrow, and then see what Dr. H has to say. I honestly decided to wait for Dr. H because she has been with us from day one with Nika's cushings. and, if anything is terribly wrong, I wanted to hear it come from Dr. H , not any one else.
Here are her last test results done in June..all came back normal except her ALKP is a bit higher then her last test in Feb.
February 13,2013 results.
ALKP 874 U/L 23-212
June 18th 2013 results,
ALKP 919 U/L 23-212
her last stim results done in June as well, and If am reading it correctly, were
pre 2.03
post 4.53
it is a bit higher then last one. I am not sure exactly what is was, I am still searching for that one :o and when I find it I will post it to compare.
So that is what is up with my Nika. I know I worry too much, but how can I not when it comes to my furkids. Love and hugs to you all, and all of your precious babies,
Lynda and Nika
08-06-2014, 11:22 AM
It has been a long time since I have been here. My heart hurts and I feel so very empty because I sent my Nika to the bridge yesterday. I was in denial for a while about her condition, as I have been trying to accept my oldest daughter's diagnosis, she has stage IV metastatic melanoma. I just didn't want to let go of my Nika, I felt I needed her to be with me. I am relieved that she is pain free but dam this hurts. It is so quiet and empty in my home, even though I have my other furbabies.
I must go now, I just wanted my wonderful family here to know that our Nika is finally pain free. I will be back when I and hugs Lynda and angel Nika
Squirt's Mom
08-06-2014, 11:51 AM
Oh Lynda,
My heart aches with yours and my tears are flowing with yours. Our sweet, sweet Nika. And I am so sad to hear of your daughter's diagnosis. I am just so sorry for all you are asked to bear right now.
You and Nika have fought so hard and overcome so much. I know she is watching over you and your precious child, pouring out her love and gratitude. That decision is one of the hardest we ever face but it is made out of love, and Nika knows that. She is so strong today thanks to you.
Please know we are here for you anytime.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Trinket, Brick, Sophie, Fox and all our Angels
I lost a treasured friend today
The little dog who used to lay
Her gentle head upon my knee
And shared her silent thoughts with me.
She’ll come no longer to my call
Retrieve no more her favourite ball
A voice far greater than my own
Has called her to his golden throne.
Although my eyes are filled with tears
I am thankful for the happy years
She spent down here with me
And for her love and loyalty.
When it is time for me to go
And join her there, this much I know
I shall not fear the transient dark
For she will greet me with a bark.
~Author Unknown
Lynda, I am so very sorry to read this news. I cant express my sorrow for your loss of Nika and the news about your daughter.
It is our last gift of love and it hurts so dang bad.
Please know we are here for you.
Big Hugs
Harley PoMMom
08-06-2014, 03:29 PM
Dearest Lynda,
I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your beloved Nika, and my heart goes out to you at this painful time. I am also so sorry to hear about your daughter's diagnosis, and will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
We are here for you, Lynda, always.
With Heartfelt Sympathy,
molly muffin
08-06-2014, 03:57 PM
Oh Lynda! I'm so sorry to hear both that Nika has passed and about your daughters diagnosis. What a horrible time right now.
Know that we are here for you anytime you need us, just as we have always been
My sincerest condolences on Nika's loss
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-07-2014, 02:15 AM
I am so very sorry and I feel your pain!
As for your daughter's diagnosis, they're finding new treatments for cancer all of the time! My father was diagnosed with stage 3B lung cancer two weeks before my mother suddenly passed away. We were so afraid that he would give up of opt not to try treatment, but he did and had bumps along the way but as of right now they can't detect any trace of the cancer.
I don't know where you're from, but if you are anywhere near CT. Smilow Cancer Hospital is part of Yale New Haven and they are INCREDIBLE! Dad is 82 years old. He had a combination of radiation and chemo for 7 weeks. No surgery was needed.
I wish you and your daughter the best! Hugs.
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