View Full Version : Pebbles Corenlius Rags

07-01-2011, 05:58 AM
Hi all!
I"ve not been here for a long long time; not since Angel went to the bridge in November. I've had more, worse loss since then but that is a tale for another thread.
When I met Pebbles in the fall of 2005 she had just lost 20 pounds at the shelter and was finally at a svelte 40 lbs - great for a hound/beagle mix. She was originally diagnosed with Cushings so nobody would adopt her (but me!) but I didn't think she had Cushings, and after the weight loss the results were negative.
She went for her yearly physical last week and there was some blood in her urine and higher than normal protein levels. Has anyone heard of blood in the urine related to Cushings? Pebs has also been exhibiting the classic signs - increased drinking, increased and low concentrated urine, more ravenous than a "normal" beagle mix. The vet wants to do an abdominal ultrasound and get a sterile uring sample but I think she has Cushings and dont' want to bother with all the other tests if we are just going to find out soon that it is Cushings.
And the urine test that states either a definite negative or a maybe needs furhter testing" was not negative. I'm adding it all up and getting Cushings (for the 3rd dog!)

Thoughts re:blood in urine? Thank you!

(Yes, Pebs has "Rags" as part of her name. You may or may not remember that I met her in Sept 2005 and brought her home the same week we all lost Rags then Patrick)

-Joyce & "we2dogs" Pebbles and Oreo
(Bridge boys Concho, Edd, Zee! and sweet girl Angel)

07-01-2011, 06:29 AM
Oh Joyce,

I am so very sorry to read Pebbles is having these troubles. I only have a moment, but has a UTI been ruled out?

So you are saying the UC:CR test was positive?

I am glad to hear from you again, but certainly not under these circumstances. And yes, I remember clearly that day - Rags - I think of the both of them often.

Keep us posted!!!!!

07-01-2011, 08:36 AM
Dear Joyce,

I am ALMOST always so glad to see you here :):), but not when it's due to a problem...:o I'm so sorry that a problem has resurfaced with Pebbles, and also for the other losses in your life.

In addition to the blood and protein in Pebbles' urine, did her blood testing results indicate abnormalities in her kidney function (the relevant blood test results would be the creatinine and the BUN)? Blood and protein in the urine can signal kidney problems, as can excessive thirst and urination. Most dogs with serious kidney problems lose their appetite rather than being more hungry. But aside from the appetite issue, the problems that you've described could all be accounted for by kidney problems rather than Cushing's. So at this stage, I would be very interested in knowing whether there were any abnormalities in Pebbles' bloodwork in addition to her urine.

It could certainly be the case that she could have kidney issues as a result of Cushing's, but depending upon the severity of the blood/protein in her urine (and any associated bloodwork abnormalities), potential kidney problems may need to be your first focus. But as Terry said, a less threatening explanation for blood in the urine could simply be a UTI, and that is probably why your vet is suggesting the sterile urine sample. That test would not be a big deal at all in terms of either effort or expense, and I would definitely opt to have that done ASAP.


P.S. And I will always remember the day your sweet son decided to expand Pebbles' name...:o :o :o