View Full Version : Pip is sadly missed but forever in my heart.

06-30-2011, 03:30 PM

Just popping in to let you know I'm doing ok now Pip has been laid to rest and hes at peace with my Honey, The Chapter is now closed with Pip (but i will never ever forget my twinkletoes he was so precious )

Its time move on and i'm ready for another dog , I might be getting a cocker spaniel puppy in te first week in september (orange Roan) they are due to be born on 11th july and i have 1st refusal on the orange roan boys she is going to email as soon the litter is born (mum not sure i think its because we've always had large dogs, )
Or do i hang on and get my yellow labrador puppy? i cant decide .

I'm on crutche's at the moment i've done the ligament damage in my ankle again (back at the hospital next weds morning)

I will be putting some pictures of Pip in the loving memory section shortly and as soon as i get my next puppy i will put a few pictures of him to if you would like to see our new edition to the family,

Squirt's Mom
06-30-2011, 05:17 PM
Dear Julie,

Pip will remain in the hearts of many of us here, too. He was such a special guy and what a trooper he was! No one will ever replace Pip but I am glad to know your heart is ready to love again. I am sure that is what your precious boy would want for you, too.

Whether you choose the Cocker or the Lab, that will be one very, very lucky boy to have you as his mom! I can't wait to hear what you come home with! :D Lately it has been raining puppies around here and sharing in your joy over a new baby will be especially wonderful. :) So excited for you!

Please take care of yourself and let us hear from you. When you make up your mind about the baby you want, please post pics so we can see him and learn all about him with you.

Hugs and love,

06-30-2011, 09:40 PM
Oh Julie, it is so wonderful to hear from you. I am so very glad to know that Pip is now safely at peace alongside Honey. Both of your babies are now together, and will always remain so.

I am also delighted to hear about a puppy-to-be :). Just as Leslie has said, whichever little boy (or girl) ends up in your loving care -- it will be their lucky day!!! And yes indeed, we must have pictures all the way around!

I want you to know that I will never forget Pip, nor Honey either. And I will be so excited when you launch off on a new journey with a new baby.

Julie, take good care of yourself, and please continue to remain in touch.

Sending many hugs your way,

07-01-2011, 06:35 AM
Dearest Julie,

I surely am glad you checked in - I have thought of you often. I know your Pip, along with Honey, are watching over you.

Please post as often as you can - I would love to hear about any new lucky addition.

My continued (((hugs)))

07-05-2011, 09:51 AM
Thank you for your replys ,

About the new addition when he / she arrives there might be a slight change i might be getting a girl (black cocker spaniel ) and a 10 month chocolate lab
i've been asked if i would like them

Squirt's Mom
07-05-2011, 09:53 AM
Oh, what fun! TWO new babies! How exciting for you all!

07-05-2011, 03:57 PM
I've not got them yet .at the moment i'm on cruthes so i unable to walk them . but we've not decide yet but as soon as i know you will all know