View Full Version : New girl will be joining us soon .
06-06-2011, 05:29 AM
I have finally committed to a new little 1.5 kg chihuahua , very tiny and needs lots of love ..and tender care .
Natcho Ken and i welcome her with open arms ...we will pick her up on Saturday 11/6/11 ..she is six months old ...and her name is Lara ..Tan with grey black markings .
Will post pictures when i can ...Lara is a apple-head smooth coat chi / to small for breeding and showing , so she is our little girl give her a forever home ...:)...has been micro chipped and vaccinated..also will be sterilized at later date .
We did not pick her name ...but i like it already.:) so excited , we have every thing ready for her ....when we went to see her she was jumping up and down like popcorn ...all over the place , she took instant liking to us ..such a beautiful little soul ....may god bless you all Catherine & Ken .
Harley PoMMom
06-06-2011, 09:44 AM
Oh Catherine!!
Bless you and Ken for giving Lara a forever home!!! I am so happy for you all! Can't wait to see pics!
Love and hugs,
Squirt's Mom
06-06-2011, 10:36 AM
How wonderful, Catherine! I am so excited for you and Ken....AND Lara! What lucky little girl she is. She's an itty bitty baby like Trink and Brick. :D I can't wait to see the pics of her. And I love the description of her looking like "popcorn" jumping around! That is just precious! :)
Hugs to all! and a huge thank you for giving her a loving, safe home!
06-06-2011, 11:32 AM
There we go posted the only picture i have to my album could you not love this little girl :).. I wanted my cush / friends to see her first before i put her on my face book page ..
Because you were all there for me when i had sadness , and now i would like to share my happiness ...;)
I have never stopped loving my girl Ebonie . .. and not a day goes by that i don't think of her , but this little girl needs special care to now as she is only 1.5 kg and probably wont get much bigger ..they tell me .
As a matter of interest Leslie ..just how much do Trink & Brick weigh ;) ?
Night all... Catherine 11.31 pm :eek:
Squirt's Mom
06-06-2011, 11:41 AM
Oh Catherine! She is a doll! :D So pretty!
Trinket weighs 4.8 lbs which is 2.19 kg, and Brick weighs 4.1 lbs, or 1.86 kg. Brick has gained from 3.8 lbs and has leveled out at this weight of 4.1 lbs. My Itty Bitty Girl and my Itty Bitty Man! :p I think part of Trink's weight is her hair! LOL
06-06-2011, 11:46 AM
She's precious Catherine. I could just give her a big hug.
marie adams
06-06-2011, 03:56 PM
Oh Catherine,
Welcome to the puppy club...:D
I am so happy for you!!! :):)
They are soooo fun and soooo mischievious too!!!:p
06-06-2011, 05:41 PM
Aw, she is very cute! As a new member of the chihuahua club, I've been enjoying my pup enormously :)
My Pebbles just went thru her first was a bit daunting, to say the least! [anyone ever see a 4 lb chihuahua try to mate with a 7lb rat terrier, both females?] :D
I hope your Natcho is coming along well from the cruciate Mandy had both legs repaired when she was 6 and 7yrs of's some operation. But, they usually surprise you and bounce right back!
Jeff, Pebbles and Angel Mandy
Cindy Thoman
06-06-2011, 07:06 PM
Congratulations, she is adorable. I am sure she will bring you a great deal of joy. Hope Nacho is doing well.
Cindy, Alex and Bear
Roxee's Dad
06-06-2011, 07:09 PM
Hi Catherine,
So very happy for you and your new little girl. She is absolutely precious :)
06-06-2011, 09:58 PM
Thank you all ...cant wait till Saturday .. Natcho is a gentle giant ...:)
She is coming along slowly .. this was her second operation opposite leg though, she has a beautiful nature , one of a kind !
People use to stop us and ask just where we got her from ?
She was born in the country a farmer .
And so easy to train , almost over night success :D...Lara is paper trained but we have been through that before , not a problem with the size of her ;)
Cheers Catherine ...
06-13-2011, 03:13 AM
Have posted more pictures of Lara.. in my album.
Lara and Natcho are getting along just fine .. considering the size difference between them ...she is so much smaller than my Ebonie..:) we have set a new record with potty training , two days here and already eager to follow Natcho out the back ... she is paper trained , so have to remind Ken not to put his news paper beside the lounge :eek:
Its getting very cold here now ..and both girls have their own beds with cuddle blankets in them ;) will keep in touch , all my best wishes to all and their pups ...may god bless them all ... Catherine ..Lara ..Natcho..
06-13-2011, 11:18 PM
We are on day three ..and all is well only two ( pee/ potty ) mistakes :)
Lara is so active for her size...eats well ...and no wimpers last night ;) think she misses her kennel friends ..Natcho likes to sleep on her own :D...she is content to watch Lara play with her fury animals and skittle accross the floor ...thinking of calling her Joey.. she reminds me of one :) posted another pic / sorry about red eyes ..still using kens computer and i cant work it out to all and your fur babies..Catherine .
06-23-2011, 09:41 AM
Hi all big girl Natcho has developed a lump just under her belly vet is on holidays for 2 weeks and i just don't have faith in the others .
Two years ago she had a lump in the underneath part of back leg , we had it removed and they said it was not a dangerous one . Paws crossed that its another one .
Lara has a unusual itch marks , no fleas, but is driving her crazy..:eek:
Cant see any skin irritation either .. she loves running through my sweat potato patch ;)..did a search but cant find any thing that is not dog friendly in my garden . :rolleyes:..the previous owner said it might be her diet ..will have to change to hills science diet for sensitive pups .But i think that would be strange for it to be the problem now , as i am feeding her the same food she has been rared on for the last 7 months .:confused: any ideas as to what it might be ? Vet said to just keep an eye on her and i use a special shampoo ...May god bless you all and your pups Catherine .:)
06-23-2011, 01:10 PM
Hi all big girl Natcho has developed a lump just under her belly vet is on holidays for 2 weeks and i just don't have faith in the others .
Two years ago she had a lump in the underneath part of back leg , we had it removed and they said it was not a dangerous one . Paws crossed that its another one .
Lara has a unusual itch marks , no fleas, but is driving her crazy..:eek:
Cant see any skin irritation either .. she loves running through my sweat potato patch ;)..did a search but cant find any thing that is not dog friendly in my garden . :rolleyes:..the previous owner said it might be her diet ..will have to change to hills science diet for sensitive pups .But i think that would be strange for it to be the problem now , as i am feeding her the same food she has been rared on for the last 7 months .:confused: any ideas as to what it might be ? Vet said to just keep an eye on her and i use a special shampoo ...May god bless you all and your pups Catherine .:)
Probably just a fatty tumor; your vet can do a needle biopsy to be certain. Re: the itch, can you check for dry skin? sometimes it is very subtle. Adding a bit of olive oil to her food might help; I used to use wheat germ oil, but not sure you can get it anymore.
06-24-2011, 09:31 AM
Thank you will give it a try ...Catherine ;)
07-10-2011, 11:30 AM
Lara is settling in very well we have had our c5 vacations..and we have pet ins ...this time around ;)... she will be 8 months on 20th July .:)..she has a lovely personality and all the vets fall in love with her each time we go .
Natcho tried to play with her ...but wasn't able to crouch down like she use to , since having both cruciate ligament s done . ( poor girl ) but they get on well except for when Lara decides to box her in a playful manner .:eek:..potty training is going well also ..tends to like my sweat potato patch :rolleyes:
Cheers for now , and may god bless all your fur babies...Catherine & Ken .
marie adams
07-11-2011, 04:51 PM
She does look like a sweetie. At 8 months old you must be getting more sleep than we are at almost 4 months.
Miss Ella is a sweetie and then the little vampire shows her baby teeth and draws blood. :eek: She knows all her commands, but picks and chooses which one she wants to obey at a given time.:D
Have fun!!
07-12-2011, 09:26 PM
We must be lucky sleep lost with this one ...Lara...;)..just likes to bring garden mulch into our unit , as she is teething ..:eek:..has plenty of chews around the floor ...but sticks taste better .
We go to bed about 11 pm ...she curls up about 10 pm in her bed and i don't hear her till about 7 am ..Your fur baby looks adorable , :D
Lara does not like being left alone ..when we go out , whimpers a lot as she is use to having a mate in the breeders kennels where she came from . The previous owner shows her dogs ...and only has a few for sale now and again .
As in Lara's case , to small to show and to small for they look for a couple like us to re-home them :)..Cheers ..Catherine .
Hi Catherine,
I am late to the party but want to welcome Lara. She sure is adorable:D:D:D:D How lucky you are to have her and she sure has a confident look. Must be all that special love and caring from you;)
All these cute puppies. Hearing about them is so much fun. Next best thing to having one of my own:D:D:D:D
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