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marie adams
05-25-2011, 05:46 PM
Well, she is officially in her forever home - Little Miss Ella. :):p

I posted some pictures of her, but I know there will be many more...:D

She ended up being the biggest of the 7 puppies, which is okay with us. She was a little timid at first when we arrived just wanted to cuddle. Didn't get car sick or anything on the 2 hour ride home. The breeder said he took them all to the vet yesterday and the only one that got sick was the other blue merle and she got sick again on her way home yesterday. Boy did we luck out.

She was a little lost when we got home, but as soon as we got out her first new toy she was chasing it. Sooooo cute......:D:D

She doesn't seem to be afraid of anything so far - she met one of the tortoises and that was about it. Wanted to pick up pieces of wood on the grass so had to pick those up. Did I mention how cute she is......:p

Right now she is napping on my husband on the couch - not really a place I want her to get comfortable being. Maddie never got up on the couch. But when they are so cute does it really matter?????

What a wonderful adventure - our home is a home again!!!

Squirt's Mom
05-25-2011, 06:14 PM
Oh, Marie....I just looked at the new pics! Miss Ella is a DOLL! :) She is much bigger than I was expecting and she got that way fast it seems like...of course, since you've been waiting for this day it probably seems like it took a long time, huh? :p

You are going to be having so much fun in the coming weeks you won't know which end is up! Starting with that couch, it sounds like! :p I am so happy for you and can't wait to see more pics soon.


Cindy Thoman
05-25-2011, 06:18 PM
Marie, congratulations on Miss Ella. I just saw the pictures and she is so cute. Enjoy the puppy stage as it goes by so fast. Our Bear just turned one and everyday we say how fast this past year went. A new puppy brings so much joy ( most days!), enjoy!

Cindy, Alex and Bear

05-25-2011, 06:35 PM
Miss Ella is such a little cutie. I know she will love her new forever home.

05-25-2011, 06:44 PM
Oh Marie, I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!!! There is nothing else quite like "PUPPY DAY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :p :p

May the memories of this day enrich your heart and spirit forever. And may the memories of your dear, sweet Maddie bring you comfort and peace as the cycles of life and love continue on and on.

For all who wish to read about Maddie's life and journey, and also our anticipation of Ella's homecoming, here's a link to Marie's original thread:


Hugs, hugs, and EVEN MORE hugs!!!!! ;) ;) :D

marie adams
05-25-2011, 07:15 PM
Oh Thank You!!! :)

Marianne - Thank you for saying so many thoughtful words about Maddie and the "cycle of Life and Love continue on and on." I have been having so many mixed thoughts of the two. Ella is such joy how can you not be spilling over with joy. Maddie because I miss her so...but I know she is here to guide us on this new adventure. We already are saying "I remember when Maddie use to....", but it tells us it is an Aussie thing too.:o

Leslie, Terri, and Cindy - it is so exciting and she is soooo cute....My daughter and I have curly hair and she is already trying to chew on it. I see the holy terror starting, but a little running around in the backyard will help with that.

Thank you so much for sharing in my joy and memories!!!:D:D

05-25-2011, 08:02 PM
Miss Ella, she is a beauty, Marie. I can't wait for pictures and stories and FUN and hugs and cuddles, oh it is just the most wonderful of times when puppies come to their forever home.

AND she looks very smart too. And brave. What a little girl, who's our little girl?????



Casey's Mom
05-25-2011, 10:32 PM
I am so happy for you Marie!! Love Miss Ella - welcome home.

Love and hugs,

05-26-2011, 12:46 AM
So happy for your little new bundle of joy. I am sure Miss Ella will have lots of stores to tell. :D
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

05-26-2011, 01:27 AM
Congratulation on your new little bundle of joy. Are you getting any sleep tonight? :D

05-26-2011, 06:01 PM
Where is the puppy update?

Now, just because you were up all night (maybe you did sleep)

does not mean you can slack off on MISS ELLA's thread:p:p:p

Ella, Ella, WE WANT ELLA:D:D:D:D


marie adams
05-26-2011, 06:11 PM
Thank you so much everyone!!! Your comments on her pictures and just everything--thank you. Sleep is overrated as it was with having a baby--haha!! She is so good so far. I am constantly taking her out side to go potty and poop. So far we have a good record. We even went out at 3am and she took care of business on both fronts--what a good little one. She certainly feels comfortable now--the biting of the pants has started. She will chew on her bone and little stuffed turtle so hopefully we are off to a good start but still on day one.:D

She does look big doesn't she, but she only weighs 8 lbs so far. She should get to 45-50 lbs when she is full grown. She was the biggest puppy but he said they will all catch up.:)

I took her on my walk this morning only holding her just so I could show her to one of my good neighbors--the one who gave me flowers and a card when Maddie died. I didn't have to go far when I saw her walking her dog Riley. The first words she said was "you lied to me" because I didn't tell her we were getting Ella. I didn't tell anyone in the neighborhood. My response was "I wanted to surprise you" she accepted that with a smile. She said she could stand on the corner all day long looking at Ella. So many people ended up coming by and this was 6 am in the morning.:p

Well, I better get back to trying to work, but she is soooo cute and all I want to do is spend time with her.:D

05-26-2011, 07:13 PM
She is the perfect size. And she is so fluffy. And her markings are beautiful. And I want to cuddle and coo with her. And, and and I can't say enough:D:D:p:p:D:D



marie adams
05-26-2011, 08:53 PM
I think she looks like an Ella also. I know you just want to hold them all the time. Right now she is out in the backyard getting some zzzz's--so cute.:p She has this giant backyard along with the 2 tortoises. She doesn't seem afraid of much, but she did not really like the broom and started barking at it--so far the only time she has barked. She was playing tug with my husbands shoelaces and letting out the little growling sound they make--again so cute.:p

I like what Mary Beth said on Maddie's thread about you grow another heart when you have more than one child....so having only one child never thought about that one, but it makes perfect sense with Maddie and Ella!!:)

I took a picture and will post later.:)

05-27-2011, 08:37 AM
Happy Friday!!!!!

Not only is it Friday it is a three day holiday weekend!!!!!


You know what that means- three days of playing with ELLA


I got to cuddle all night with Miss Zoe on the bed. Hubby usually won't let her sleep with us because she hogs the middle and he wakes up with a back ache but he knew I needed cuddles so did not complain. She slept with her hind feet on my butt, so cute :) and I would wake up and pet her and think of you, wondering if you were cuddling your new little bundle of joy.;););)

The rain has stopped I still have my winter coat on but the sun is out.
Everything always is better when the sun shines:D:D:D:D:D:D


Addy, Zoe and Koko

P.S. Koko says Miss Ella is a looker;););) I think he has a crush.

marie adams
05-27-2011, 10:48 AM

I love to cuddle in bed with the dog. Maddie wasn't a cuddler, but Miss Ella doesn't seem to mind.:) She did pretty good last night. At first she kept moving all over the bed, then settled up between the hubby and I by our heads--what a lovely place to be, but she was quiet. I kept checking to make sure she was breathing. It is funny how you look at them a little different for any sign something is wrong--what the heck am I doing......:eek:

When she woke up about 5am and went out to take care of business--the devil returned. I have nyla bones for her - one upstairs and one down, but that only helps a little. Those sharp teeth and nails.:eek::eek::eek:

It was so cute she was barking at the shovel this morning.

Happy Friday!!! Happy 3 Day Weekend!!! Just Happy because we all get to spend 3 whole days not working and spending time with all the loved ones furred or not.:D:D

Big ((((HUGS)))) to you and Zoe & Koko. Could it be a long distance relationship??????:p

Bailey's Mom
05-27-2011, 05:50 PM
Hallooooooooooo Marie and Miss Ella. Have you grilled hot dogs for Memorial Day yet? How about burgers? Would Miss Ella like pickles on her burger?
How's the sleeping going? When you get up for the middle night run, does she go back to bed? I can't remember-are you caging her?
How wonderful that you have a 3 day weekend to start off with!
I am sure Palmer had a hand in sending Bailey to us and I am getting much more comfortable thinking about both of them. The joy with Bailey (when she's behaving) is so fulfilling. And connecting Palmer with Bailey helps keep Palmer here as well.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

05-27-2011, 07:27 PM
Oh, Miss Ella is a real pretty girl! She is going to be a big one, huh? I'm so used to the little ones at this stage...LOL

Congrats! I am sure she will bring you lots of joy.

And, what is it about puppies wanting to sleep by your head? My Mandy did that when she was little; now, baby Pebbles (my chihuahua) likes to sleep in the space between my neck and my head...all curled up! Too cute, but then you hate to even move! LOL.

Enjoy, enjoy and enjoy. Puppy days are the best!

Jeff & Angel Mandy

05-30-2011, 08:18 AM
Are we having tons of puppy fun!??????!!!!

Happy Memorial Day!!!!

Enjoy Miss Ella and you better be taking lots of pictures!!!!


05-30-2011, 06:51 PM
Hi, Marie.

Ella is so cute!!! New puppies are so much fun...most of the time! Chocovine will help with the other times! :p

What a wonderful tribute to Maddie that you loved her and the breed so much that you needed another to make your house a home.


05-31-2011, 07:22 PM
Ummmmm, did I miss the pictures of Ella you took over the weekend?

I have a feeling you were too busy cuddling that little bundle and playing with her:D:D:D

Are you getting any sleep?

Where did our 3 day weekend go?

How come I can only talk in short sentences?:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Love ya,

Bailey's Mom
06-01-2011, 09:08 PM

marie adams
06-02-2011, 12:53 PM

I do have pictures, but it is hard to get to the desktop computer to download the pictures.

Miss Ella keeps you on your toes. Sleep when you get it is good. She does sleep from about 11pm to 5am so that is really good. Doesn't have to get up during that time period so holding the potty is darn good for a little one. Boy can she poop....and eat I do not see how something this little can put away the groceries.

Potty training going pretty good. Only a few times we go on the tile and that is our fault for not getting her outside--so no big stress over that since she is doing so well outside.

I think she is asleep so I will sneak up stairs and get them downloaded.

It has been a week of hell, oh I mean JOY!!!! It really is so fun to watch her antics. You can look in her eyes and see all the thinking going on. I think she might be a good scent dog--she can find tortoise poop hidden in the ferns, I do not know how she does it.

She weighed 8 lbs last week and today a big 10.5 lbs roughly. :rolleyes:

06-02-2011, 01:37 PM
Hey Marie,

I love the new pictures!!!!! Gosh she sure is a pretty girl and she looks so happy. She grew;)

Cherish every moment, it will go by fast.

Love ya,

marie adams
06-02-2011, 01:45 PM
Thanks Addy!!! :) I posted some more. I cannot figure out how to get the videos to work from my iphone, but I will figure it out--who says we are too old to be techies. :D:D

Yep she grew now she can get up in the planter in the backyard. It is so cute to watch her figure out how to get those back legs to climb up.

She can look soooo sweet one minute and the next the evil eye and the devil appears--haha!!!:eek: She does have a beautiful face. She should look like this when she is full grown. I read that what they look like right now portion wise is how she will look. She will start to go through a leggy look stage. I was so worried I would get a puppy that wasn't has good looking as Maddie, but I think we did good.

She is sooo much fun--I know it will go by fast--at one moment (the evil moments) I wish she was grown, but during the sweet moments I don't want her to get bigger. :)

I have a feeling this one might be even smarter than Maddie and that will be dangerous--haha!!!, but good...:p

I have to go read your thread to see more of Miss Zoe's adventures with the IMS. I saw you will start on Saturday--yeah!!! You will get through it just fine, but I know the worry when you first start with the meds.

06-02-2011, 04:03 PM
Love the new pix! the one with the tortoise is just too much!

Bailey's Mom
06-03-2011, 01:20 AM
Hi Marie!
FINALLY.......some news and new pictures of Miss Ella.
My Fav is the one from behind.....searching for tortoise poop. I didn't ever stop to think about tortoises pooping.
The one on the blue blanket..........do I detect a bit of a devilish eye there?
NOW TELL ELLA to slow down!! She's ahead of Bailey already!!:D:D


06-03-2011, 08:45 AM

I am so glad you posted the pictures of your little bundle of joy. I can't get enough and they are very good at lowering by stress levels because you can't be stressed when your grinning from ear to ear;)

Love ya

marie adams
06-04-2011, 10:10 PM
Well lets see about the stress level when the little devil has punctured your hands for the....time--haha!!!:eek:

She is a lot of fun to watch. She has no problem running and jumping into the planter. I read if you use Chinese or Mexican pepper sauce on things you don't want them to chew will help. It does so far--I won't tell you what I put it on---haha!!! Lets just says she didn't want to eat them---haha!!!:D

She goes wild then out like a light. She has figured out that "Cookie" means she gets something to eat. And she does like to eat.....

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!!! :) The zinnias are just about to bloom; when it is colorful I will take a picture and post. Of course little miss wants to eat them also---everything is attacked with the mouth--so silly....:p

06-05-2011, 08:17 AM
Oh what fun!!!! Puppy hell and joy at the same time:D:D:D Makes for crazy, fun times:D:D:D:D

Marie, it almost seems that the zinnias are a gift from Maddie to Ella.
At least I think of it that way. And that is how it should be.:):):)

Enjoy Sunday with Miss Ella.


Bailey's Mom
06-05-2011, 03:53 PM
Hi Marie-
It's kind of nice not being the newbie on the block, thank you.
I did get some good hope yesterday. I was talking with a guy from a local animal shelter........kidding that maybe I would drop Bailey off. He said he's in the same situation but that by 14 months of age everything is much better. Whew! There is an end in sight!!

marie adams
06-05-2011, 05:45 PM

Does that mean you have 10 months to go???? A perfect Miss Bailey:D I know now I get to go through all of the terrible puppy stages.

Hubby put Ella's collar and a leash on today. The collar presents no problem, but all she wanted to do with the leash is eat it--duh!!! I knew that would happen.

We put water in a pool we had for Maddie. Of course it was a blow up one so now it has a slow leak, but she did get in it to get her ball. :D I wouldn't say she was over joyed with it but tolerated it. I took pictures and a video, but still have not figured out how to transfer it from the iphone to the computer and it works....:confused:

Yes Addy, I thought about the zinnias starting to bloom at the time we got Ella--Maddie's gift. :)

Keep enjoying the weekend--off to the grocery store and maybe the pet store to look at ear cleaner--not sure if she has mites....:eek::eek:

Bailey's Mom
06-06-2011, 08:22 PM
Yes....actually a tad less than 10 months. More like 9 - 1/2. :D
I have a little blow up pool waiting for Bailey. :) Soon. A neighbor gave it to me-she didn't need it anymore. I had planned to try it with Palmer, but we never got around to it. He wasn't real keen on water anyway....not that Bailey is, but she is more tolerant.

Both Palmer and Bailey were/are leash chewers. Palmer was also a collar chewer. The only thing that would work with Palmer was one of those little choke chain things. I hope to move Bailey to one of those when she gets bigger. I just don't care for how the ribbon like ones mess their hair so. :rolleyes:

Long, long day today. I hope to get to go to bed soon. Dinner may not fit in.


marie adams
06-08-2011, 04:21 PM
Hi There,

The collars I like are out of the same material as the ribbon type but they are round so the fur doesn't get caught or make flat spots. I used this type with Maddie and will evenually get one for Miss Ella. The walking is going great so far, but only going a short distance because won't get her second shots till Friday. She plays a lot in the backyard which is huge.

Today she got scared for the first time so that she ran back in the house. It was the neighbor using a electric miter saw--she better get use to it because we use one all the time.

Well the pool is flatter than a pancake now so I will get an all plastic one. Those sharp teeth....:eek::eek:

Does Bailey sleep a lot or did she at 10 weeks? Ella seems to sleep a lot more these past few days...


06-08-2011, 04:43 PM
Well the pool is flatter than a pancake now so I will get an all plastic one. Those sharp teeth....

This totally made me grin from ear to ear:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I could just picture her and the pool. So very cute.

Love ya,

06-09-2011, 11:41 AM
Hi, Marie -

The puppy pictures are adorable! Her coloring is so beautiful. She seems to be growing really quickly! I love how puppies can be flying around one second and then in an instant drop in their tracks for a long nap! My neighbors just got a new puppy and they also commneted on how much she sleeps. But, they are babies and that is entirely normal. Just think of the energy it takes to play that hard and still grow!

Reading your posts, you can tell that you still miss Maddie, but you have grown a new heart for little Ella. They are each special in their own right and that is so nice to hear. :)

marie adams
06-09-2011, 02:57 PM
Thanks Mary Beth, how could you now love that face of Miss Ella. She has helped a lot with the missing of Maddie. :)

I did have a moment this morning thinking of Maddie just because I have to take Ella tomorrow for her shots and I am debating whether to take her to the same vet where Maddie was put down. I really like the vet just cannot stand the waiting even when you have an appt. and there were some other reasons. It makes me stress because I do not have time in my life to wait. Another reason is the knowing this is the last place I was with Maddie and didn't leave with her. Part of me feels guilty for not staying with her, but I knew I couldn't see her eyes looking at me for the last time--so confusing and whimpy...:(

It is so cute to see how Ella reacts to my daughter--she came home last night from a business trip and Ella was all over her whimpering and giving kisses. She also does that to her in the morning when she sees her for the first time. My daughter really enjoys this because Maddie and her had this love hate relationship just because Maddie was always trying to get up the ladder higher than her. They enjoyed each other just not a lot of cuddling kisses from Miss Maddie.:rolleyes:

New pictures....

06-13-2011, 02:30 PM
another weekend bites the dust:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

I'm getting too used to this part time schedule:cool::cool::cool:

I hope you had a Ella fun weekend. I made sure for extra pup time with my two. Amazing how good it makes you feel. Koko cracks me up, my perpetual puppy.:p:p:p

Did you see the video about the german shepard? They spliced together all the videos of their pup growing up so you could see him go from puppy to adult in 45 seconds. It was totally cool and you should do that with Ella:D:D:D:D


marie adams
06-13-2011, 05:14 PM
It a great Ella weekend. It goes by too fast!!! I am so tired and I don't remember being tired like this with Maddie--oh I was young then and didn't have the guilt not working like I should be....:p

I am so glad you got to spend a lot of time with the furballs. They are soooo precious. I just wish mine could be precious all the time :D:eek: I love it when she is gentle and not biting.

I am adding pictures of the zinnias and Ella.....

She weighs a big 13 lbs. The vet visit went great on Friday--she was as calm as can be. My anxiety of going back to the vet where Maddie's last hours were wasn't so bad. I think the vet didn't remember or didn't want to bring it up--not sure which. My daughter and I were out of there within an hour, would have been quicker, but the staff is a little unorganized. She didn't have any reaction to the shot. She does have parasites in her poop which could be caused by the tortoise poop she gets a hold of....:eek: So now I have to go pick up worming medicine. I think I will ask if I can get some for the tortoises. When I need poop from them they won't poop. I need from each of them so it can be tested. I will probably have to weigh them to find out what dose of whatever they might need--$$$$--doesn't it grow on trees.....:D

The vet said Aussies do tend to grow faster so that is why she always looks bigger. I can tell her legs are longer. The easier to jump and grab things better:D:D

06-14-2011, 07:47 PM
I am glad the vet visit did not churn up sad feeling for you. Happy to hear your daughter went with you. Daughters are good to have around in case you need them.:):):)

2 1/2 hours sleep? LOL girl, I'm laughing and I'm glad that is not me!!!!:p:p:p Koko got me up at 4:50, throwing up a wood piece from the potty spot at the vet clinic. Hubby took him out to pee and he helped himself to a small wood chip again. What is it with him and wood?:eek::eek::eek::eek:

I saw your new pictures, they are wonderful, Marie. Maddie's zinnias are beautiful.


Bailey's Mom
06-14-2011, 09:20 PM
Hi Marie-
Looks like I'm delinquent in checking in here.
In the beginning, there was Adam and there was Eve. Oh!-wrong story.;););)
In the beginning, Bailey would play hard for two hours and then totally crash for at least two hours and then start the cycle all over again. In the past 4 or 5 days, she seems to be able to nap a little more.....but I have to be sure and stop about an hour before I want to go to bed, so I can throw the ball for her and tire her out some. Otherwise she becomes a wild thing at bed time. We do get mostly a full nights sleep now....and for sure she has learned how to roll over with Mom and go back to sleep! :D

Bailey's Mom
06-14-2011, 09:26 PM
I just looked at the new pictures of Miss Ella and she is absolutely beautiful! HOWEVER-I told you to tell her to stop growing so fast.... we just can't keep up with you.
Funny pictures of the pool.
Does she not nip at the tortoise?
Does the tortoise nip at her?

06-17-2011, 08:41 AM

Happy Ella time:):):):):):):):):):):):):)

I hope your weather is better than ours. We have hardly seen the sun all week and it is to rain again all weekend.

I am late for work so am sorry for the short post but wanted to stop and say hi.

Love ya,

marie adams
06-17-2011, 08:50 PM
Miss Ella seems to get to spent a lot of time in "Time Out" - Condo time. She hates it, but is getting a little better about trying to be quiet in the condo. She knows she has to wait to come out when I open the door. She has learned many things already. Sit, down, wait, no biting-but pretends to not know this one. Off she knows, but will not cooperate. If I tell her to sit she seems to clam down a little. She definitely associates Good Girl with Cookie time.

Those legs of hers keep growing and she can now jump up on a picnic bench--help!!!!:eek:

I think I lose control emotionally when she is being naughty and that makes it worse--just eggs her on; so I am practicing calm thoughts, words, and motions. Seems to have worked today even though I was up at 4am with her and she thinks biting is good around that time. Now when do those sharp teeth come out?????:D:D

She is bunches of fun and has the best time. She just adores the daughter who loves the attention since Maddie didn't pay a lot of attention to her. My husband said they (daughter and Ella) are both princesses and have a connection....:p

Have a great weekend!!!!

Weather is June Gloom it was heavy mist yesterday morning almost raining--temps in the high 60's for the weekend and down to 65 on Monday; so nothing to write home about.

Ella usually doesn't nip at the tortoises and they don't tend to nip unless you have red toenails they think are fruit to eat; Ella is always checking for poop even checks their house each morning--what an awful habit. Hopefully she will grow out of it, but I am kinda thinking NOT...:eek::eek:

marie adams
06-22-2011, 02:09 PM
Did I ever mention how much I "HATE" the neighbors????:mad:

I knew it was coming because they did the same thing with Maddie and more....even called animal control on her. I fixed them though--got all of the other neighbors to sign a form letter that they did not hear her barking continually or anything to the sort. :eek::mad:

We got a note how Ella barks and wakes them up--She cries and barks all day long since we have gotten her. I find this so funny since we all try to be here so she doesn't have to go in the "Condo/kennel" when we are gone. This is in the house so not like she is on the patio or in the garage so others can hear her. She does settle down for a little bit then starts up again so it is off and on whining....

Ella barked one morning a little before 7am because she thought she would be scared of the large rolling trash can I needed for Poop Patrol--how can such a small dog poop so much!!:D Well got the "Shut up and the window slamming shut" so dramatic these people are....They are just miserable people and want everyone else to be like them. I could go on and on about them--you know the type.:rolleyes:

I just didn't need this when no sleep has set in--you really do not want to mess with me in this state or any state that deals with family accusations that are not true!!! Of course they are too weak to talk face to face, they always have to do it in a letter or voice mail. I love the challenge of the face to face contact, but this time around I will let the hubby confront them on this one--I would probably say something I would regret!!! :D:eek:

Miss Ella is growing. She is taller and longer. Still has that innocent look on her face you cannot resist, but then that look of I am going in for the kill of biting you takes over--still too cute. She just loves life and who wouldn't when you are a princess....:D:p

Happy Wednesday It is Summer!!!! Now where is the sun????:cool:

06-23-2011, 08:45 AM
Ohhhhh, sorry to hear about your icky neighbors. :mad::mad:

When we first moved in to our house my neighbor would call me and apologize for her dog barking.:confused::rolleyes: I would always tell her, that if I did not hear him barking I would be worried:D:D and stop calling to apologize, he is my surrogate dog:p I like his barking:D

Could you take a "honey" approach and drop off some chocolates or something with a note from Ella saying " I am just a baby and don't know the rules yet. Thank you for being patient while I learn them. Or do guilt trips not work for them?:p:p:p:p:p:p

It is almost FRIDAY!!!!!!!


marie adams
06-23-2011, 03:24 PM
They already said they know she is a puppy and have been tolerant--lets see we have only had her 4 weeks and got the letter last week--they are just awful people who try to tell everyone around them what they can and can't do just because it bugs them, but it is okay for them to do it of course.

This happens to be another time they were just ridiculous--my daughter was a freshman in high school and had a friend come over on a Friday night for pizza. They were in the backyard playing with Maddie laughing and just having a great time (we had high powered lights to light up the yard--do you think that might have bothered them, but then we let the trees grown tall between the houses so they couldn't see in it and oh yeah, blocked their view of sunsets at the beach--there is more to this story also :p); they turned on a radio between stations real loud to annoy us--when the pizza guy got to the house he asked what the heck that noise was...:rolleyes: They have done this numerous times even on a Father's Day when we had the family over during the daylight hours--just plain awful people!!!! So I am going with the "Honey" part won't work!!! Even though killing them with kindness would be great and confusing to them--I just cannot stand them and their daughter very rarely comes to see them if that answers a lot of questions. She use to be great friends with our daughter and we experienced her pain on many occasions when she went out to dinner with us, etc.

Okay that was letting off a little steam.

I had a meeting this morning and my daughter had to work. I thought I had put Miss Ella in her kennel, but when I arrived home because I was worried she barked the whole time--she met me at the door with a guilty look like busted!!!:eek: Maddie use to have that look when she knew she did something she wasn't suppose to. :p

Yep it is almost Friday :p and I do not have any new sales for the week...just cannot seem to want to do anything lately!!

06-24-2011, 08:39 AM
just cannot seem to want to do anything lately!!

Me either, work is just so hard right now:(:(:(:(

But there is something I can do:

The Happy Friday Dance

Doing, the dance, doing the dance, go Addy, go Marie, DANCE, DANCE, DANCE


marie adams
06-25-2011, 03:32 PM
Addy I love your Friday Dance!!! :D:):p

Bailey's Mom
06-26-2011, 11:37 PM
You know.............there is a gremlin in here somewhere who keeps stealing my posts. I KNOW I answered about the neighbors.
When we lived in VA we had a neighbor like that. He was a bit off, if you know what I mean. He used to walk his dog up onto our property to have it do its business. I caught him one evening, told him to get off our property and he went back home, got his hose, and started spraying our house. We finally just got to where we ignored him. It was a very sad situation. He chose to end his own life, in the end. At least he's at peace now.
Maybe you should put up a "For sale by neighbors" sign on their front yard? (heh, heh)
I want in on the Friday dance.... Go Addy, go Marie, go Susan, dance, dance , dance.
Happy Monday to all!

marie adams
06-28-2011, 02:45 AM
Hi Susan,

I think I saw the post on your sight or was it Addy's about the neighbors.

I think the unbalanced ones might have a tendancy to do something crazy so we have to be a little careful. Sometimes I think the wife could be pushed a little too far and take it out on her husband or even one of us neighbors. The people who live behind them have had similar run ins and letters from them. They cut down a tree to keep peace and the crazies complained about bits of the tree getting into their pool--that pushed the good neighbors over the edge and she let loose all the things the daughter of the crazies had done that none of us ever complained about. It was a big shock to them to know about the little private parties the daughter had in the pool with her boyfriend if you know what I mean. The good neighbor could look out her second story kids room and see the reflection in the sliding glass windows by the pool--not a vision you would want your young daughters to see.:eek::eek::eek: Let's just say the crazy neighbor couldn't believe her daughter would do something like that--go figure...we all lie and her daughter never did any of these awful things--sure!!!:rolleyes:

Well, Miss Ella has some kind of rash on her belly and gential area. Some have turned into round looking dark spots. Around her gential area it looks almost like a yeast infection, but I fed her yogurt???? I was reading about natural apple cider vinegar might be good to give dogs. How you heard of this???? I will be going to the vet Friday for her shots so will ask her to take a look. I feel like a bad mom. I try to keep it clean, but all the running around in the dirt and being on the grass might cause this. We haven't put anything on the grass or in the dirt so not sure what. I hope she doesn't have sensitve skin or allergies. Just what I need a medical problem to have to live with the rest of her life....

Happy Tuesday!!! Dance Dance Dance!!! It is almost the 4th.

06-28-2011, 08:06 AM

I changed Zoe's probiotics to Gentle Digest it said helps guard against yeast. She gets one capsule every day. Sometimes the probiotics have more good bacteria than yogurt. Don't jump the gun to sensitive skin or allergies yet:)

You might need an antibiotic to kill the yeast if it is yeast.

I bottle a bottle of apple cider vinegar over a year ago for Zoe and I can't remember why I bought it and I never opened it:rolleyes::rolleyes:


Love ya,


Bailey's Mom
06-28-2011, 08:04 PM
Hi Miss Ella-
I just thought I would stop by to say hello. We are both part of the newer kids on the block. How is your training going? Do you hate it? I heard you live in a condo. I only have a crate and I'm only in there at night or when Mom and Dad are both out. Mom keeps saying she's going to put me in there during the day so she can get things done. I have this woe-some cry that just melts her heart and she can't stand to listen to it.
I don't know any of the "tricks" you know. I know what "No bites!" means, but I pretend I don't. My parents are taking me back to puppy school starting Thursday. I may be in trouble now. I think I've pushed this "I'm too young to be trained yet" thing as far as it will go.
Well-I need to go get my funny ball with the face on it and get Mom to throw it for me. I do pretty well at fetch and return. I LOVE to run. I've figured there are at least 6 figure eights I can run in the house. Boy I'm fast!
Hope you get a biscuit soon.
Your Pal,

06-29-2011, 08:16 AM
Hey Marie,

How is Little Ella today? I hope you are still not feeling like a "bad mom":eek::eek:

You know dogs, always something:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: and you are the best mom ever;);););)

Almost time for fireworks and barbeques and parades and nice weather and family and friends and, and, and



Did I tell you I am on VACATION all next week:D:D:D:D?

I CAN"T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you know how to use a carpet cleaner? I bought one and I can't figure what they mean when they say don't get your carpet too wet.
How do you not get it too wet??????:confused::confused::o:o:o

Cha, Cha, Cha

Bailey's Mom
06-29-2011, 08:49 AM
Ahhhhhhhhhhh carpet cleaning. You're supposed to go over the area in front of you once then suck that stuff out. Then you go over it a second time and suck that out. Then move to the right (or left) and repeat. As long as you don't stand there and push the button for spots continually, you won't get it too wet. For the spots/spots button.....use it like you would with a spray bottle of carpet cleaner.
I thought you were OFF next week. That doesn't sound like "off" to me!;)

Bailey's Mom
06-29-2011, 08:52 AM
Good morning Marie!
How are you and Miss Ella getting along? If you decide to return her, maybe we can work out a two for one deal.:rolleyes:;)
Bailey peed on the bed and then threw up on it on Monday. Thanks a lot, Bailey!:mad::mad::(
I'm doin' the dance....just to get some exercise.....
Cha, Cha, Cha, Dance Ella, Dance Marie, Dance Addy, Dance Susan, Cha, Cha, Cha!

07-01-2011, 08:15 AM

Did you get to go to the vet? What happened with Miss Ella's rash?
Hope everything is okay.

A long, holiday weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG CONTENTED SIGH OF RELIEF

Zoe goes for ACTH next Wednesday. Not going to think about what to change her dose to until I have to.:rolleyes::p:p:p IMS said we don't have to change right away.

I like fireworks, barbeque, reading by the pool, reading in the pool, the pool, sunshine and soft breezes. I LOVE SUMMER:D:D:D

Cha, Cha, Cha , Cha, doing the dance with Susan, join us


marie adams
07-01-2011, 01:01 PM
Hi Gals,

Wow, where has the time gone. I have been really tired an irritable, I had a birthday, but just seemed sad. The meeting on Monday kept referencing March 10th "We all became new employees" of the company (what that really meant was a new pay structure...:rolleyes: I I kept thinking was it was the day my mom died. To top it off my Dad who never calls me I always call him--left me a message to wish me a happy birthday. It was a day early but he was at the airport going to see his sister for her 85th birthday in Florida. It was such a surprise that it made me cry because of built up emotions all around.

I am jealous of the week off--it has been a year and a half since I had like a week off. I had a few days this year, but it was when my mom died so the mini vacation had a cloud over it. I wanted to ask for next week off, but that is stress in itself because I have to have a plan how I am going to get to my numbers. I REALLY DON'T CARE ABOUT THE FREAKING NUMBERS!!!!

I have pretty much shut down on work--it is just frustrating when the computer system has major problems and tech support goes sorry cannot make it work any better at this point. Of course they do not have to be in front of customers---duh!!!:eek::mad: There are other things that cause problems. I just don't feel like dealing with it. The lack of sleep and other things play into my mood. I know Susan I still owe you a message--I think of doing it then I either has so much other stuff to do or just plain tired...excuses excuses.:(

Yes it is a beautiful weekend, maybe I could use Ella's pool to sit in and read--novel idea and sounds relaxing, of course Ella would be all over the place.

Susan, LOL on the two for one--who would take the little devils???:eek::D Oh I mean angels......:D I agree they know what no biting command and no jumping, but wish to ignore that they know it. More fun to bite and jump on you--my husband has gotten the leather gloves out for working with tools. They are a handful. We are still looking for a puppy class--one lady seems to have bailed on getting back to me.

Ella got her 3rd set of shots this morning--it is such an event going to the vet because the front desk just seems so disconnected. I think I am going to change vets--got a good recommendation from another neighbor so what do I have to lose... Miss Ella weighs about 18.5 lbs now--she is growing so fast. She can be so loving and the next moment those sharp teeth attach. We will get though this--think calm thoughts :D:D:o:o

As soon as I get 2 customers squared away today--DANCE DANCE DANCE. The weather is beautiful here for the weekend. I decided I will stay home on the 4th to take care of Ella. What is one year missing out on the best fun. We have a parade every year and we spend it at a friend's house--they are the parents of my daughter's good friend from high school. The mom and I spend a week in NY as chaperone when they were seniors at a Model UN conference--we had more fun than the kids!! The best cosmo I have ever had was in Manhattan....:D:D Well, this day usually starts off with mimosas and then moves onto beer. We decorate bikes and ride down Main street before the parade starts...why the heck am I missing out on this fun--oh yes, I wanted a new member of the family--sacrifices.....:)


07-01-2011, 01:43 PM
Sounds like you need some major cheering up, sweetie. I did not know it was your birthday. I would have sent Happy Birthday greeting all day long.:D:D:D I am sorry, it sounds like it was kind of a bad day for you. So you need to toot your own horn so we can all be there for you and make you feel better on those special days. You have to post "IT IS MY BIRTHDAY:p HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME";)
and then you would get a gazillion happy birthday wishes from all of us who love you so.:):):):)

We are staying home on the Fourth too but hope to get out to see some fireworks.

Is Ella's rash gone?

I am going to have to put my thinking hat on and figure out just how to cheer you up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


marie adams
07-01-2011, 02:18 PM
Thanks for the cheering up--you always help!!!:)

Birthdays I don't tend to usually announce it--just because...My daughter and husband made it nice, but I think I was just tired and maybe knowing my mom wouldn't be wishing me happy b-day and my dad taking over hit me more than I thought it would. I wasn't as close to my mom as I am with my daughter so that plays into the dynamics.

The rash--no it is not gone, but I have been washing it twice a day with antibacterial soap and then putting Bag Balm on it in the evening and another product I found that should help in the morning. It looks like it is better. I wanted the vet to look at it, but I could only get an 11:30 am appt and decided didn't want the day messed up in the middle. I thought a vet tech would have some answers, but I think that was pushing the "work a little harder" button for the younger crowd working at the vet. My daughter thought the person helping check in and out looked like he was still asleep.:rolleyes: If it doesn't clear up by next week I will have it checked out--it doesn't seem to bother her--she isn't licking it except normally like she would to clean herself; so.... I still need to get that vinegar, but haven't had time to look and kind of forgot about it, so thanks for the reminder.

Enjoy time with the family--give Zoe and Koko hugs.:):)


marie adams
07-01-2011, 02:30 PM

Miss Ella liked hearing from Bailey and so relates.

Hi Bailey,

I like my condo when I can come and go, but when the gate is locked I hate it and have the same heart wrenching cry and high pitch bark so my people cannot stand it and let me out so the neighbors won't complain--hehe! do I know how to control them or what...

I am very good at only pretending to know what "no bite and off" means; it is so fun to watch them dance around me jerking their hands aways--sooo funny looking:eek:

I can still get away with the I am too young, but the bigger I get it gets a little harder. They figure since I can shake my paw with them I should know a lot more. We will see.... Have fun at puppy class playing with the other puppies--I love meeting other dogs. :D

Bailey's Mom
07-02-2011, 06:15 PM
Hi Marie-
I'm sorry you've been bummed out. The first year after losing your mom, if you were close, is always rough. Mine died 25 years ago and I find myself thinking.....Mom would just love Bailey. I wish she could be here to see her and to see how well we all are doing.
What kind of work do you do? It sounds a tad stressful.

Bailey and I just returned from visiting with a neighbor, "Aunt Joyce." Aunt Joyce is going to watch Bailey while we take a little cruise down the ocean to see fireworks. Aunt Joyce is not good for puppies in that she just keeps feeding them junk so long as they will eat it. At least Bailey will be all tired out and ready to go to sleep when we return home.

We had three doggies at puppy training. One was a brown lab who is more than a handful. He bit his owner twice while he was there. The dog is large....when he stands on his hind legs he is as tall as his owner. At various times throughout the class the instructor got him under control. I got an email yesterday saying he would not be in our class any longer....that he's going to have private lessons. Bob and I both thought that was what needed to happen. The guy is on the verge of turning the lab in at the shelter. On the other hand, it made me really appreciate Bailey.

Chin up gal. This too will pass. By the end of the year neither of us will remember how hard this puppy business is. Besides Miss Ella is sooooooooooooo cute.:D


marie adams
07-04-2011, 04:26 PM
Thanks for the pep talk Susan!! :)

I work in sales and marketing--print and internet. Of course the company really doesn't care what has happened in your life all they want is numbers especially new sales.

I took some pictures of Ella with her 4th of July headband--of course she thought this was a stupid thing to do, but she did it.:D

Have a Happy 4th and enjoy your cruise watching fireworks!!

07-06-2011, 01:23 PM
LOVE the pictures from the Fourth:D:D:D:D:D:D

She is just so pretty, Marie. Miss Ella has the looks. How could you not just want to hug her death? Does she like hugs? I remember you said Maddie did not.

Happy Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


marie adams
07-06-2011, 04:45 PM
Thanks Addy,

She is a cutee!!! She does like hugs when you first see her--she is whining and waging her tag--giving kisses--then the devil can come out to bite the hand that feeds her...:eek: She is a lot of fun and a lot of work at the same time. Just loves to be into everything if possible.

So glad you got to go see fireworks and that the kids weren't too stressed out. How we manage our lives around them. A neighbor I do not talk to all that much because not really fond of how her grown son behaves; nor how she treats her dogs--made the comment yesterday when she saw Ella for the first time "you all spend a lot of time with her"--I wanted to say that is how you make a great dog---HELLOOOO!!! She has a border collie her son brought home and they spend no time with it; so when it has the chance--it bolts from the house. One time it came over and laid down next to Maddie like they were the best of buddies. It really is a good dog it is just who it has to live with.:rolleyes:

Have a great rest of the week vacation!!!!

07-08-2011, 09:40 AM

Sometimes the pups end up an after thought. Which amazes me, really, they are so funny and I love watching them. If I had it to do all over again, I would study animal behavior. I love free shaping with Zoe. It is so fun to watch her figure things out. I do it with Lucy (one of our work dogs) as well. She is smart as they come and free shaping with her is so great.:D:D:D:D:D:D

Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend with Miss Ella.

We are celebrating our granddaughter's birthday today. She is sweet sixteen. :):):):):) She is my girl;););););)


marie adams
07-09-2011, 01:08 PM
How special to be able to celebrate your granddaughter's 16th birthday!! You must have been a child bride...:D

Miss Ella got a bath this morning and hated getting blown dry--she finally calmed down and let me do it slowly--even turned over for her cute belly to get blown. And then the devil came back to attack the blower--she is so funny and cute at the same time.:p

I am going to take her to the vet to look at the rash--it seems to be spreading to her legs; so I hope it isn't anything terrible. Her eyes now seem to have goop in them so....I am going to a new vet to see how they work their magic--a referral from a neighbor who I don't even know their name. :o

marie adams
07-15-2011, 01:47 PM
The rash turned out to be a bacterial skin infection so she is taking Cephalanix. The side effect she has is very very soft poop. I am now down to rice, canned pumkin, and can food. I will see how this goes then I might breakdown and cook chicken and take away the canned food---I thought I was done for a while with the guessing game of problems with a dog. I thought a shiny new one only had behavioral problem.....:o

She also drinks a ton of water and pees a lot :eek: what does this sound like....but it is only another side effect of the medicine. She also seems more exciteable if that is possible...:eek: I cannot wait till the pills are all gone--it seems like so many--more than usually, but maybe because of the weight issue you have to take it slowly.

Oh she also got a steriod shot because it looked like she was stung by a bee...never got Maddie a shot but then we didn't go to the vet for something else. I feel like a beginner and yet I know more than the vet thinks I do. The new vet seems good, but we will see after I was told he was cheaper I still paid almost $100. I thought he was letting me try Comfortis (sp) for fleas but one pill cost me $14. Oh the things we do for them....:p

I did see a gentleman walk out of the office with boxes of Vetryol (spelling -Trilo) and told the person at the desk--oh I know what that is for...:(

So Addy I am now on poop patrol all this week and I am sure next--cannot wait till these darn pills are gone (I really wanted to say DAMNED) :D

We start classes tomorrow so we will see if she is the star of the class or the clown...:p;)

Happy Weekend!!!

07-15-2011, 07:19 PM
Oh Marie, she will not be the class clown, she is too pretty and too smart:p:p:p:p:p

Wow, poop patrol for Ella. Dang those antibiotics. I wonder if a puppy can have probiotics? I think Bailey had bad poops. It is probably on her thread back a few months. I am thinking Susan gave her probiotics to help with the poos and antibiotics.

You know dogs, always something, even puppies:rolleyes::rolleyes:

We will say extra prayers for a speedy recovery for little Ella;););)

Hugs and Smiles and kisses,

Addy, Zoe and Koko

Hey, I forgot to tell you,my boss went to his friends house for dinner and they have two small dogs. Guess what their names are????

Zoey and Coco (spelled differently) HOW WEIRD IS THAT????????

Bailey's Mom
07-16-2011, 04:42 PM
Hey Marie (and Addy)!
Marie, Bailey seems to be "worse"/more stubborn since starting class. It is really getting frustrating. There was a brown lab (huge one) in our first class and she had to go into private training. She was totally out of control. I don't think she'll make it in the long/short run.
Hey Addy-what is "free shaping?"
Marie, I bet we will look back, in another 6 months, and find it hard to remember how these puppies were. (at least I HOPE so!) Too bad our pups aren't closer so they could have play dates. Oh well.
Enjoy your weekend!

07-18-2011, 08:08 AM
Happy Monday Susan!!!!!!!!

We finally have heat. It was in the 90's and will continue all week. My allergies are flaring up from it:eek::eek::eek:

I hope the heat wave does not come your way or you will have to go sit in the ocean;););) Maybe catch a ride on Wally:p:p:p I sat in the pool yesterday for a while but then head got really stuffed up:rolleyes:

Don't you love salads when it is hot? I saw a great recipe I want to make;watercress, arugula, mixed greens, radishes, orange slices, blue cheese with scallops and pistachios and a pistachio vinaigrette dressing.

Dogs are going stir crazy with the heat. Poor puppies.


07-18-2011, 08:13 AM
How is Miss Ella this Monday morning? I hope her poos are better and the rash is improving. Poor Ella, puppies should not have to be sick:(:(

I hope the pumpkin is working for her. It helped Zoe with her colitis in the beginning.

We are all fine, hanging out in the house because we have record heat and dew points. It is down right tropical out there. I usually love the heat but because of all the rain we had earlier, the mold and pollen is really bad and now the heat has my allergies going big time.:rolleyes:

Happy Monday. Friday can't come soon enough:p:p:p:p:p


marie adams
07-18-2011, 03:27 PM
Helllloooo!!!! Happy Monday! Did I just put Happy & Monday together?????:eek:

What I am liking about Monday is it is quiet and peaceful sort of--noone home but Ella and me. If you call an Ella attack peaceful:eek:!!!! But the weather is beautiful and it is sunny. I do not have to work on a project today with my hubby for someone else---all 3 of us built boxes they use for their workout--but for someone else who may be leaving my husband & daughter's group. It took alllll day--these are boxes they jump up on it is called Box Jumps--we made 2 boxes and they can use them for 20, 24, and 30 inches to jump up on by just turning the box over to the right height--of course I do not do this type of workout--in fact I do not workout and it shows.

Anyways, first day of class for Ella was interesting. My husband kept making comments like where did you find this class/instructor...:mad: I get so mad when it is left up to me to find a class with certain criteria--fenced in outside yard, puppies to socialize with, and not be at Petsmart or Petco. We do know a lot about training, but I figured you can always learn a thing or two. We did get a different perspective on a few things. Of course Miss Ella was on her best behavior (I didn't realize my daughter had run her a lot in the backyard before we left) so she was so calm almost fell asleep. Since we work with her almost all the time she knew how to do the sit, watch me, wait for food in a dish, etc for the first day. We too have a huge lab puppy only a few weeks older that is out of control (do people not read up on how to socialize, train on a dog????:eek:). It did learn so we will see what next class will be like. Ella is a lot like Maddie was and kind of stays back from all the play fighting of the puppies, checks out the area, and watches. Then she decides she wants in on the fun. The big lab and a smaller one (this one is a week older and 10lbs heavier than Ella) played together most of the time. Ella decided the small cocker spaniel was more her size. The instructor has a lab and is taking care of a 17 week old lab so they joined in the fun. It really wasn't a bad class just not what we had the first time with Maddie.

I am thinking Susan might of had a good idea now with send them off to be trained. I might have clothing that doesn't have holes in them from the jumping, fly by mouth of puppy teeth. I lost it this morning and I know I shouldn't, but my patience isn't so good right now in my life so it doesn't take much....:( They know how to behave, but think everything is a game. We think Ella is more head strong than Maddie, but who knows that was 12 years ago. Maddie too was behaved in class, so we just have to wait and see---who am I kidding, I hope I survive the attack of Miss Ella....:D

Addy, Susan wanted to know what "free shaping" is and so do I???

So glad your weather is hot, but not glad about your allergies...I do not have allergies so I am lucky there.

The rash is gone, but we still have 7 more days of pills twice a day. The poop is sort of good one time bad the next, but she eats other things like wood pieces, tape, tortoise poop and I think that doesn't help. I have her on brown rice, pumpkin, and canned food. I think the yogurt is not good and have only been giving occassionally because I want to keep the yeast infection away. I think I will get the probotics see if that helps. I cannot believe there are still so many pills left, but we have only been on them for a week Saturday--seems like longer.

Wow, this was a long one--don't want to work, but that isn't new. We have lost 3 people in 2 months. I think my manager is going to go nuts. I feel like taking a leave to get my head on straight and deal with Miss Ella without the stress of the job. Since I won't be taking maternity leave I should get puppy leave or family leave. I somehow don't think they would give family leave for a puppy/dog....:confused:

Here's to Friday!!!! It can't come soon enough!!!:p

marie adams
07-18-2011, 03:43 PM
I should have read Bailey's site and then I would have known what free shaping was. We have a clicker from a class my husband took with Maddie so we will work with it--already had it out along with the stick.

07-18-2011, 07:04 PM
Lol Marie, jumping and biting, Koko was the master circus dog when he first came to live with us at twelve months. Now he is a BIG BOY and will soon be four and guess what?:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Tonight I came home and made eye contact with him and smiled and he was jumping and biting:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Usually, I have to quietly ignore him the first five minutes I am home and then when I see he is calm I say hi and he keeps all fours on the floor and does not nip. I made everyone coming into the house do that for a long time before he finally got the message. It was hard to get everyone to be consistent, especially the littlest granddaughter, whom koko thought was his litter mate:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

She will get there, Little Ella, she's a smart one, you can see it in her pictures, those looks on her face. She probably needs more mental stimulation then others.;););) Get out the clicker and let her show you what she's got:D:D:D:D

Hey, why doesn't family leave include puppies? That is just discrimination:p:p:p

Bailey's Mom
07-19-2011, 09:08 PM
Hi Marie-
I just wanted to tell you that I am glad I did not opt for that beginning training. On their blog site there are all kinds of comments....and some like....my puppy doesn't even know his name. The price was horrendous and when I really looked into it, it was just some stay at home folks who would have Bailey at their home. There was no guarantee of time for training etc.
Bob just got back from trying to walk Bailey. He announced she should get away and that he was sick of her. She really has been a handful today.
Hi to Ella.

Bailey's Mom
07-21-2011, 10:56 PM
Where did you go???????????:confused::confused:
You seem to be missing............:(

07-22-2011, 11:41 AM
Love the recent Ella pix...she looks really cute!

I'm sure she'll come around for you in terms of training...puppies can be headstrong and when you have not had one in awhile, you do forget:D


07-22-2011, 01:15 PM

so the picture in my mind is you standing in the back yard with a 20 foot long line wrapped around your legs up to your knees from Miss Ella's training session :p:D;)

Enjoy your little sweetie, she will be a big girl soon.


marie adams
07-28-2011, 03:11 PM
Yep I have been missing--that darn work has gotten in the way and Miss Ella. No sleep hasn't helped. Home projects, etc....

Ella seems to have gone backwards in training--do you think it is she is 4 mos old---duh---she wants to be ruler of the roost now. She still likes the cookies so that helps keep her calm.

We are working on the walking on a leash. Our trainer said try the stop and wait when they pull. The puppy should get the idea not to pull even though it takes twice as long to even walk around the block. The things we do for our pups--we are crazy:eek::eek::D

She is a smart one...we got in trouble in class for teaching her tricks before she has the main commands down. I think we need a trainer who really knows Aussies because to ignore Ella during her barking, nipping, jumping sessions means you will look like you have been in battle---holes in your clothing and scraps and bruise to your body.

Life's traumas, work, and puppiness are wearing me down so I think it might be time to get some tests down at the doctor's just to make sure it isn't something else that makes me so tired. I don't think I should take up drinking--:p:p haha!!!

07-29-2011, 08:10 AM
I think you need a change of scenery. Have you ever visited Milwaukee? All you would need is a plane ticket and a Friday off. Hubby could manage Ella for 3 days.

I f you don't mind sleeping on a twin bed, sometimes getting away for a few days is just the right tonic a person needs:D And we make a pretty good steak on the grill or grilled veggies if you don't like meat:D I'm a pretty good tour guide and the pool is 88 degrees.:D:D:D:D:D:D

You have been through so many changes the last eight months. It is understandable your tired. And Little Ella is like having a new born and then a toddler only instead of taking 2 years, she does it all in a few months:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


marie adams
07-29-2011, 03:10 PM
Ah Addy,

Thank you so much for the invite. I do like steak and especially grilled!!!

I know it has been a weird year, I seem to keep holding on to the sadness, but not so much of Maddie, but when you put all of it together there are moments, I know there will always be moments just as there were when we lost my in-laws almost 12 years ago. Time does heal and I have to give it time, but at the same time my body has done some changing and I should get it checked out to rule out if it is all because of the change in hormones and also letting myself get out of shape/putting on lbs. I know better but just haven't cared--those cookies and pies, etc seem like they help, but I know it just makes it a roller coaster ride with the sugar highs. More water intake would help--I am so bad on this when I use to make sure I had more than I needed.

So much for that....

Have a wonderful weekend!!!! And Happy Friday!!! :):p:D

Squirt's Mom
07-29-2011, 03:52 PM
Marie? You have a new puppy AND you're trying to stay healthy???!!!!??? :p

Bailey's Mom
07-30-2011, 02:46 AM
Hi Marie-
I happen to have lost a few lbs but I too am struggling with trying to get exercise, drink water, plenty of rest......plus a puppy. Somehow we always seem to be at the bottom of the list.....and the list of things done never gets down that far. At least that is the way it is with me. With my knee and foot surgeries, my leg muscles (and all the others) are not anywhere near where they used to be. When it is this hot it kind of makes the idea of walking outrageous. We have been doing more of Bailey's exercise/play time indoors. We have areas where she can run......and then she also has found every figure eight in the house to run around.
I'll let you know if I ever figure out how to do it!

07-31-2011, 08:51 AM
Hey Marie and Baby Girl Ella,

Okay, I have not had any Bunny Track Ice Cream for three days.

Let me know which sugar you gave up:p:p:p:p

If I make it for 2 weeks without caving, I'll give up the orange soda next. Mountain Dew will be hard 'cause I need the caffeine:p:p:p

When I took Koko to boot camp, the trainer had me abruptly turn and walk the other way whenever Koko pulled and then abruptly turn and go forward again. It took us awhile to walk 10 feet:D:D:D

Our babies, how we love them;););)

Love ya,

Bailey's Mom
08-01-2011, 01:17 AM
[QUOTE=addy;59281] turn and walk the other way whenever Koko pulled and then abruptly turn and go forward again. It took us awhile to walk 10 feet:D:D:D]

marie adams
08-01-2011, 01:11 PM
Well, I haven't given up any of the sugars yet!!:eek::eek: My husband said no sugar even in my coffee--well then there is no need to drink the stuff--cannot stand it plain!!! Maybe I will not buy any cookies at the store, but Trader Joe's has these most wonderful chocolate chip dunker cookies you dip in milk--YUM!!!:p

Walking with a dog--who thought up this idea???? I was so use to Maddie walking herself and I could have my sugar and flavoring in my coffee--it was soooo relaxing. Now I am lucky to make it back within an hour. Between the training to walk, people stopping me to say how soft her fur is and how cute she is, it is exhausting. I have no patience at times. Don't get me wrong I love the attention she gets, but....;)

We are suppose to walk with left turns. Ella starts out good pays attention to the cookie in my hand then the smells take over or something catches her eye. They are so distracted and I really want her to smell and explore. I give up and figure they eventually learn the walk and the talk--haha!!! She wasn't #1 in class on Saturday, but boy did she have fun with the the chocolate lab--he is just so cute!!!

One of her top canine teeth is just barely hanging in there--now for the rest of those darn sharp teeth to fall out and we will only be mouthed instead of chewed up. I have a couple of good long cuts on my arm--should still be wearing long sleeves--what was I thinking--look like it is summer I guess. Most of the front little teeth are coming in so we have that to look forward to a little reprieve on the chewing---NOT!!!:eek::eek:

Leslie, If I don't get back in shape she will completely exhaust me and I will be no good on walks or not take them at all!!!:eek::D haha!!! :p

Happy Monday!!! Here's to a wonderful week ahead!!!

08-05-2011, 01:34 PM
It is the weekend, cha, cha , cha!!!!!!!!

The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day.

I am sending it your way.


marie adams
08-06-2011, 05:57 PM
Addy, I caught the beautiful day!!! Thanks for sending it!!!! :)

Well, Ella and I had an adventure yesterday--NOT!!! I decided I would try out the small crate someone gave me so I could take Ella by myself. I have called it the Mini Coop--she got in it in the backyard when I put little cookies in it so......well on the way to the pet store she did okay-a little whining. She pulled constantly in the pet store--I guess I would too with all the smells. We finally got out with food, the Natural Balance food log, and some samples. I put her back in the mini coop and she started whining and of course it was a little warm. So many people want to talk to you when you have a puppy especially ones who have an Aussie. So now to the yucky part of the trip--she kept whining and scratching at the sides and she threw up on the towel. I stopped to fill up gas and cleaned up the mess and took out the towel. Well, she then threw up again and not sure if she did something else, but I can tell you it stunk :eek:....and she continued to scratch at the sides and whine--she was a mess and had splashed the yuck out of the wire door onto my car door. I couldn't get home fast enough. I pulled out the mini coop with her in it and got her out and hosed her off. I let her in the backyard thinking she was good to go, but it almost looked like her left leg hurt her--the worry started in in my head:confused::o. I toweled her off and a little later I thought she smells; so now I have to wash her off with shampoo--poor thing--she just seemed defeated and sad--okay more worry I have ruined her pyschie :eek:(sp). She slowly recovered her sense of humor and of course the biting was back.

She did very well in class today, but on the way she threw up again in the car--I sure hope this doesn't become a habit. She hasn't thrown up in a long time. She drools (sp.) a lot in the car so when I sit in the back with her I have to have towels all over. She was fine on the way home except for the drools--slept from all the activity in class.

She got an A at graduation today. :) She also was voted best walker (who would think she would do so well on that one).:rolleyes: The Natural Balance logs did the trick--she would pay attention to those treats in my hand.

She is dead to the world right now--always checking to make sure she is still breathing--haha!!!:D

I think since her teeth are going and coming might have added to all the anxiety; at least I hope so. I sure don't remember all this drama with Maddie, but I think she just was good about the car and it didn't bother her. Maddie just loved going in the car--you could ask her if she wanted to go in the "car" and she would be waiting at the door. I think we will get there with Ella or I hope so!!:o

Happy Rest of the Weekend!!

08-07-2011, 08:23 AM
That was indeed an adventure:D She sure is a smart girl, getting an "A" at class.:):):):)

We learned with Koko that he cannot go in the car for at least an hour after eating, even just a small snack, otherwise he throws up in the car.

I ended up with those seat belt straps. They clip on to the bar under the back seat and then I attach the other end to their harnesses. Some of them already come with a harness. If being in the crate bothers her, maybe you could try the seat belt - harness thing in the back seat.

My neighbor had the same problem with her shepard and the crate in the car. I'll ask her if it ever resolved.

Happy it is not Monday;););););););););)

Love ya,
Addy, Zoe and the Koko
P.S. He got to ride on Mama's lap in the car, went to the dog store and got to visit people (his favorite thing) got new salmon treats and a new duckie, and then got to help me garden. And I found a Nina Ottosson puzzle on sale on line to order for him:):):) He loves puzzles.

Bailey's Mom
08-08-2011, 12:44 AM
Hi Marie-
As you've heard me say....Bailey gets car sick even for short distances. We give her children's Dramamine. We try to see that she gets it an hour before we leave....but I'd use it at the last minute if we had to leave without warning.
We have one of those harness seat-belts....we used it with Palmer. Palmer did not like it and would twist and turn until it was cinched up around his neck. My experience regarding good car rides came as a result of a lot of rides for hours at a time. We were going back and forth from Arlington to the beach. Palmer would settle down in the passenger seat and put his little head on the console. :) It looked so uncomfortable! I tried using a little pillow to prop his chin up, but it never worked. He was a good traveler as was our first dog. Bailey loves to go, but always gets sick.:eek: It's a bummer. I've been told they grow out of this.....I'll let you know if it happens!!

marie adams
08-08-2011, 12:44 PM
Hello to you!!

Ella is usually sort of good riding in the car, but when she gets really anxious that is when we have the problem--Saturday I was with her in the backseat and she wasn't in the crate; so not sure why other than maybe she felt the tension in the car--we were a little late to class--hubby doesn't like being late.:rolleyes: She also seems to drools a lot when she is in the car. I do not think it is car sickness...
Maddie loved riding in the car so much and she would just lay down in her spot in the backseat. If the window was down she would barely put her head out when she sat up or just her nose when she layed down. I don't think she ever threw up even towards the end.

I know we will get thru this and I agree doing it more often will help.
I think the crate idea might work, but this was going to be a temporary idea until she could ride in the back without someone being there to make sure she wasn't all over the place and scratching up the interior on the doors, etc.

Ella ate around 7am and we didn't get in the car until 10:30am; so how was there so much to throw up (sorry to be graphic)??? Maybe there is something else I am not thinking is the problem...I hate always thinking something is wrong now. I never thought about Maddie being sick usually...:o

I think it is a curse having a great dog first--:confused::( Just kidding in a way, but time will tell. It is the time thing that is getting in the way.

Do I really have to work today????:eek:

Here is to a GREAT WEEK ahead!!!!

08-08-2011, 07:02 PM
Have a wonderful week Marie and don't worry, it will all work out.:D

You will figure out what the car issues are. We did with koko, just took a bit.

Pretty soon she will be begging to go bye bye:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


08-09-2011, 11:38 AM
I think there is something you can buy them for car-sickness over the counter; check Petco or petsmart. It may be ginger based. I would not fret, every dog is different when it comes to the car. My first Aussie puked a few times in the car, then she was fine after that. Maybe it will take Ella some time to get used it. My Mandy was a complete nut in the car, even in old age...just not well behaved and had to be in Dad's lap all the time:o A complete road hazard. My newbies, Pebbles and Pepper are excellent passengers...they cuddle down in the travel bag (or blanket) and keep an eye on me until they fall asleep :)

Jeff, Angel Mandy, Pebbles & Pepper

marie adams
08-11-2011, 12:15 PM
Thank you all for your advice!!

I thought about the ginger idea because I know it helps with seasickness. We just have to do it more often and for short trips.

This time around it just seems like we have more things going on than when Maddie was young--how do you figure that when our daughter had so many things going on--oh yah -- we didn't have a life back then and we do now since she is all grown up and out of college.

Ella is doing so well on the walks - I let her off leash in a fenced on both sides path we walk. She just loves it--jumps in the brush (of course that scares me a little, but it is pretty cool still at 6am). She comes back to me, but sometimes it is on her schedule and not mine:eek:. She gets better walking on the leash everyday, I used the pinch collar we had for Maddie and that made a difference--haven't used it again, but I might tonight when I walk on the sidewalk in the neighborhood instead of on the dirt trail.

She weighed in at a big 30 lbs today--just doesn't seem right, but then she had grown a lot in 2 weeks. She is almost 5 months old on the 1st of Sept. Where did the time go; that means summer is almost done and over :(. Most of her teeth are coming in and I haven't seen any blood or teeth. It is good for them to swallow them--good nutrients I guess. I could have saved one of the big ones, but thought just go with nature. :D

It is Thursday and almost Friday!!! YAY!!!!

08-15-2011, 08:30 AM
We're on the road again:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p

Happy it is not the weekend day. I won't say the "m" word 'cause we know we hate it:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D'

How is Miss Ella? Did her skin infection clear all up?

My nephew lost his cairn terrier (CHF) a few months ago and they just brought home another Cairn Terrier, a one year old they found from a rescue group. She is very, very cute. I am so happy for them.

Zoe is better today, YES!!!!!! must have been her stomach cramps again. I found more gray hair on my head, there out to be a law:p

Have a wonderful week dearest Marie!!!!!!


marie adams
08-15-2011, 03:16 PM
Hi Addy,

Her skin infection went away, but when I gave her a bath or should I say a shower in the backyard this morning (she had gotten herself dirt for I stop counting the times) I saw a few dark I think scabs, but not totally sure. Why is it this one has issues with her skin.

I started her on the raw diet meat I had left over from Maddie and I mix it with the puppy dry--nice poops!!!:eek:

Did I mention she is already 30 lbs. only 15 to go until she is at her weight size--I guess we will see how tall she gets then she could weigh a little more. She is suppose to be 19 inches--she doesn't stand still long enough to measure, but will have to have help to get it done. Now I worry if I am feeding her too much, but she still seems skinny to me and I have no idea where she keeps the extra pounds. I think I will be calling the breeder just to ask a few questions.

She is a character--keeps jumping up on the couch and just gives you a sweet look like I am so relaxed don't make me get off. It is too cute and we all have a hard making her get off, but rules are rules...;)
I will post a picture...

I am going to go with have a wonderful week!!!!

08-15-2011, 08:15 PM
She is growing by leaps and bounds!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D

I can't wait to see new pictures. I can't wait to see what a big girl Miss Ella is. 19" is a nice size:):):)

I know the look. When they give you that look, man it is so hard to not cave in!!!!!!! I always start laughing and tell them how cute they are. I'm a soft touch.:rolleyes::rolleyes:;)

Have the best week.


marie adams
08-17-2011, 01:53 PM
I did post pictures of Miss Ella becoming a young lady--if you had only seen her this morning all covered in dirt--I should take a picture of that--haha!! She loves to dig and this morning she has been on little critter patrol--seems there are rats now--ugh!!!:eek:

08-21-2011, 08:23 AM
LOVE the pixes:):):)

I hope you spent a wonderful weekend with Miss Ella and had some good times.

Hard to believe it is almost the end of August. It is dark now in the morning when Zoe gets me up. Here in Wisconsin, I don't want to think about that being a reminder of what is ahead-----WINTER:eek:

Hugs and love and a few cha, cha, chas!!!!!

marie adams
08-22-2011, 11:15 AM
Oh Addy,

I know the days seem to be getting shorter--gets dark earlier--YUCK!!! I love the long days even if you eat later because of it. I haven't noticed so much in the mornings--this morning it was so beautiful with the pink & blue sky with the sun coming up.

This weekend was an adventure with Ella--she had watery diarreha. Makes me nervous, but to add to it she threw up a few times also. I just started cooking the rice and I have stocked up on pumpkin since it is hard to find this time of year--who would have thought Target would carry it and the grocery store didn't :rolleyes:! Well, the chicken, rice and pumpkin helped--I have a feeling she ate something I didn't know she did or it was that darn cat poop out on the trail when I let her off leash. Guess what Ella hasn't gotten to do all weekend.....be off leash and not on the dirt trail in the wetlands. We walk the streets meeting and greeting.

We finally got to meet the AussiePoo pup. I think they are not feeding her enough...from what the son was telling me. I think he is afraid of the dog getting to roundish--I tried telling him they should eat at least 2 cups a day+++ as a puppy. This pup should get to be around 60 lbs when it is full grown. It is a cross between an Australian Shepherd and a standard Poodle. Will they cross everything with a poodle and why....??? Our other neighbor friends just got a Golden Doodle pup--his name is Louie.

Ella is a handful--just thinks eveything is a game--the biting/barking game is getting old. Now she runs around playing the catch me if you can and do a run by bite--hate this game sooooo much!!:eek::mad:

I seem to lose my patience tooooo much this time around--I hate the feeling and I can feel it coming on and then I just unleash--hate it hate it--I want patience back....:eek::o

Other than that she is so smart and knows the difference, but.....:p

I hope you had a great weekend and everyone is getting better in your family!!

Bailey's Mom
08-22-2011, 12:43 PM
Hi Marie!
We seem to be having a race between us about which pup will keep annoying us the most!:rolleyes:

Bailey has regressed pretty badly on the biting bit and has added in that nipping on the run.

I saw the newer pictures and they are great! I didn't realize Ella has so much variation in her coat. Do you keep them long haired? How often do you need to comb her?

Have a GREAT week!:D


marie adams
08-22-2011, 01:45 PM
Sometimes I hate computers--I had a couple of paragraphs written and one disappeared so I tried to use the redo and undo arrows then everything was gone!!!:mad:

Again Hi Susan,

Ella is doing great except for a few issues--the barking/biting games which is an Aussie thing, but very annoying and hopefully we will make thru the months until she grows out of it or we might just kill her--just kidding--NOT!!!:eek::eek: This is the worst issue though...

The other one is she will not sleep in our room--cannot figure out other than it might be too warm upstairs, but I don't think that is it. So I get to sleep downstairs with her just in case she needs to go out and I can hear her at the sliding window. She seems to have the house situation under control--YAY!!! Of course do I trust her completely--sort of. I have been leaving her in the house we have blocked off (outside of her condo) when I have to be gone for work and so does my daughter. We usually only leave her a couple of hours at the most. She sleeps so nothing has been destroyed yet--keeping my fingers crossed. I still do not trust the miserable neighbors since I found some blue stuff in the backyard and candy out front where we start our walk each day. I cannot prove they put the stuff there, but who else would--duh!!:mad:

Overall she knows right from wrong, but cannot help herself to being naughty--it is all a game. If cookies are involved she is the model dog. She is almost 5 months so I have to take that into consideration--of course it now seems like forever with the biting.:eek:

You will get Bailey back on tract. Be the boss like Sas said with the boundaries and you first thru the doors, etc. I make Ella sit at the doors and gate and look at me before I release her to start thru the door and gate. Sometimes I make her sit once we are out the door so I can close and lock it. I also put Maddie's pincher choke collar on and what a difference it makes on the walks. If these are done right they do not hurt them. The choker can only go so far because there is a ring in the middle that is a stop mechanism. This one was made in Germany if that makes a difference--supposedly when we bought it from the trainer with Maddie there is a difference in quality and the way they work.

Welcome Back!!!:)

08-26-2011, 07:39 PM
Hey Marie,

Maybe Mom will get us sweatshirts that say "Good Night Irene, I survived the Hurricane"

Evacuate, can you believe it? I was like you, totally in the dark, thinking it was not that bad of storm:rolleyes:


Don't you wish everyday was Friday?

Give Miss Ella a big tummy rub for me and enjoy your night with her. We are just hanging out tonight. Koko is bored and Zoe is sleeping at my feet.

I think Congress should pass a new law and change the days of the week we should have two Fridays two Saturdays and two Sundays each week. One Monday:D:D:D:D:D Is work getting any easier? So hard to concentrate when it is nice out. I refuse to even admit next week will usher in September.:eek::eek::eek:

LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ME (Addy)

Bailey's Mom
08-27-2011, 03:37 PM
Hey Marie,

Maybe Mom will get us sweatshirts that say "Good Night Irene, I survived the Hurricane"

Evacuate, can you believe it? I was like you, totally in the dark, thinking it was not that bad of storm:rolleyes:

No IDEA????!! We've been watching this sucker all week!
I DO NOT like not being there with all this going on. I'd much rather stay on the second floor. I only left because it is certain we will lose power and I don't know how quickly we will get it back. With all the stores and restaurants closed, I'd be hurting for something to eat.
Only one neighbor was trying to stay and it seems they've left as well. I just want to know how high the water is!!!:confused::confused::confused::eek::eek::eek:
This is not very restful. I did bring some light reading.
Those sweatshirts? I love the saying,......and they will definitely have some that say "I survived Irene, 2011."

Whoever gets them out there first will make a ton of money.

Bailey is doing remarkably well. :D It's more restful here than it would be at home. :) She is not demanding so much attention. :) She can't get traction on the wood floors and is sliding around like mad. We have to be careful because this is a condo and there is someone underneath us. We can't be having too many clangs or thuds on the wood floor.
Woe is me.:(:(


marie adams
08-27-2011, 05:39 PM
Hi Guys,

Wow!!! Hurricanes that far north just doesn't seem right!!! I will not say don't worry, but your lives are more important than things!!

How fitting the saying on the sweatshirts!! It is sunny and warm here--just perfect weather--sorry to say that!!! :D

Miss Ella is snoozing away downstairs with the hubby. She is a holy terror one moment with the run by nips and barking and then a total angel.:eek::) She knows what "no biting" means and chooses to ignore the command. Hubby doesn't let her get away with much so she is learning. It is so hard to be mad at her until she nips you good--OUCH!!!! :eek: Another bruise to the arm or leg--battle scars....:p

We are planning a little car drive to keep her use to it. Went for a drive to see how our daughter decorated her new warehouse for her team. Ella did fine--no drooling, but she was a little nervous at the shop and then just as we were almost home...up it came!!:eek: So I got out of the car before she did it again and she was fine walking home the rest of the way. Such a silly one. I hope she grows out of this. Don't really want to give her anything for it, but....

I hope the rest of the weekend is good for you guys!!

08-28-2011, 08:45 AM
Poor Sus, I don't blame you for being a nervous wreck. It is better you left and not stay home although I know that is hard.

I had not watched the news heading into Friday so I had no idea the storm was supposed to be so bad.

I bet Miss Ella grows out of the car sickness, Marie. Keep positive thoughts going!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, record heat, floods, earthquakes and now a hurricane out East. I feel like Chicken Little yelling "The Sky is Falling"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We went from record rain fall and flooding all Spring to no rain to speak of. Mother Nature is in a bit of snit these days:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Enjoy your Sundays dear friends, love you both and sending


marie adams
08-29-2011, 01:55 PM
Well, we didn't end up doing the little bit of driving around with Miss Ella. The hubby got invited to attend the Mission Viejo Rodeo on Sunday--he so enjoys going--who wouldn't if you had VIP passes.

Miss Ella got a little spooked yesterday--my hubby tried tying her up to a large hinged handle on a large tool box in the garage so she could watch him wash his truck--when he went in to the house to get something, she moved the handle and it squeaked and scared her almost to death. She was so nervous after that even taking her away from it. Later when he left I tried to show her the handle meant no harm and she freaked out again; so much so that she voluntarily went into her condo and layed down. Then it was a flying leap onto the couch and back and forth. She just looked to forlorn with her ears kind of droopy. She was even shaking when she was in the garage next to the tool box. I got her to at least bark at it today and sit next to it offering cookies. I think we have weathered this storm, but never saw her look so defeated by something--does this mean there is hope of calming down.....:o

She is snoozing in the backyard so I think we will finally get her so she can stay out there when we are gone. We have been very trusting of her in the house for a couple of hours at a time--no damage so far and she just sleeps.:p

She is 5 months old now, but it seems like forever that we have had her. All her baby teeth are gone as of last evening and you can see all of her teeth coming in--the teething time is almost over---YAYYYYY!!! She hasn't been redesigning my clothing as much with the holes ripped in them.:eek:

Enjoy every moment is what I keep telling myself...you will wish they were a puppy again--NOT!!!! :D I just love the look of a puppy and the playfulness...

08-29-2011, 07:06 PM
She is 5 months old now,

Oh Marie, five months old, wow!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

Time goes so fast. It seems like yesterday when Koko was nine month old Dennis the Menance. I really need to replace all my throw pillows now.;);););););)

I think it is really good you can trust her alone in the house for a few hours. That is amazing. What a big girl now.:D:D:D:D

Have a wonderful week.

I think Mom decided to go on a cruise and leave us chomping on pine cones:eek::eek::eek::eek:


Bailey's Mom
08-30-2011, 05:20 PM
Mom is on a cruise. How are the pine cones? I love the Caribbean waters. So pretty.

Hey Marie-I left Bailey in the house....only for 10 - 15 minutes. I was working outside, took a break and came in. When I was ready to go out, I didn't want her coming along. I told her I would be "right back". When I left she was curled up on the sofa and she was curled up on the sofa when I came back in!! SUCH A BIG GIRL! Maybe there is hope.

I walked her earlier today and she was really doing well. I am hoping she is getting used to this now.

She knows not to do her business indoors, but she still does not know how to tell us she needs to go out....unless we are in the room with the door to the outside.

The morning moments-I LOVE the morning moments. Curled up next to me with her neck against my neck. Curled up back to back. Patient enough to wait until I'm ready to get up. I don't see another puppy in my future either, but time will tell. I will try to take the time to enjoy all the special moments.

Abby-my vet told us to give Bailey her AM meds as usual on test day....for what that's worth.
Take care gals. Painting is actually in progress....and the weather is perfect for it and is supposed to stay that way all week.

Love, Sus an

08-30-2011, 06:12 PM
Hi Susan,

first of all, I am very happy to hear you had no damage after Irene...and that the painters have started :)

Secondly, and don't be upset with me, I wanted to comment on Bailey "still does not know how to tell us she needs to go out." You might be focussing too much on Bailey knowing how to let you know she has to go out... For as long as she doesn't understand what's expected of her, it's your job to take her outside often enough so she can do her business without having to do it indoors. I read in another post of yours she had 2 accidents in the house. But you also say she knows not to do her business indoors. So when she really knows this, fully understands that she is not supposed to pee indoors, she shouldn't have 2 accidents unless she wasn't taken out in time. I really want to plea with you to forget about Bailey needing to learn to let you know when it's time but instead to just take her outside plenty of times for her to pee and poo outside without her having to resort to doing it indoors. A dog that is fully aware that she is not supposed to pee indoors, but still does it, either has something going on like a bladder infection and if that is not the case, they simply aren't taken out enough. And that can be very traumatic for a housebroken dog, to still have to pee inside because she has no alternative. And I know it's a difference between the usa and over here... I read quite often of dogs that use doggydoors and can reach the backyard that way to do their business...but in my (perhaps old fashioned) mind, dogs should be taken on 3 walks daily, at least. They are dogs and they need the walks, the time away from their garden, the interactions, the change of scenery and smells, etc. And also, it's sooo good for the human-dog bonding. Whenever I see dogs that get their excercise by using tredmills, my heart breakes for that dog, truly. I suppose it's better then not excercising at all...but it's so sad. I wonder at times when people got the notion that dogs can be kept as pets without having to walk them? If a person is not willing to walk his/her dog several times a day, they should not get a dog. And if anyone asks me what I like best about having a dog, my reply is; the walks! I so enjoy them, seeing Yunah having fun, jumping through the grass, smelling all kinds of interesting scents (reading the "doggy daily" through all the scents), watching Yunah interact with dogs we meet, simply watching her enjoy being a dog :) We are their care-givers, we should provide them with what they need and not make them responsable to let us know in time when they need to go out. It is our responsability to take them out way before that. And trust me, I know you are not the only one trying to teach the dog this same thing, I know it's kind of a "trend"... But in all honesty, it's my personal belief it's a trend based on people's convenience not on the needs of the dog. I am convinced that if asked, many dogs would trade in more then happily their "designer" collars, leashes and clothes, for 3 simple walks a day...and from the dogs point of view, rightously so.

Sas and Yunah :)

marie adams
09-01-2011, 02:24 PM
Sas, I so agree with I enjoy the walks. Right now with Ella being a puppy it is a little more challenging, but she does enjoy the daily's and playing with other dogs--I like the playing because it tires her out somewhat for when we get home.:p She is doing so good with staying by my side most of the time and not tugging.

With Maddie I enjoyed our time together on walks because she didn't have to be on a leash, I could drink my coffee, and we both enjoyed being outdoors with the ocean breeze and noises. Oh and the people we met through the dogs....:)

Susan, I love the cuddle time, too. Ella still will not sleep in the bed--not sure what it is about the room or even the crate/condo thing. I think in time she will settle down and sleep with us. I miss that time so much--Maddie always slept with us from a small puppy until she couldn't jump up on the bed, but she did lay by the bed until she just wanted to sleep downstairs on the tile.

Ella does give lots of kisses in the morning and wants to get in your lap if you end up on the floor with her.

It is almost Friday!!!! And.....it is a 3 day weekend and I am taking next week off to do NOTHING!!!!!:D

09-01-2011, 06:59 PM
You have HOW many days off out of a 3 day weekend:D:D:D:D:D

I am pea green with envy:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p

Good for you dearest friend, I am so glad you will have a nice chunk of time to just relax and hang out if you want to. Long walks along the beach, staring at the ocean.

You will be doing the CHA, CHA, CHA HAPPY DANCE for days:D:D:D

Go girl, go;););)


Bailey's Mom
09-03-2011, 06:49 PM
So Marie......what are you doing with all these days off?

Bailey's Mom
09-03-2011, 06:52 PM
Hi Susan,

Secondly, and don't be upset with me, I wanted to comment on Bailey "still does not know how to tell us she needs to go out."
Sas and Yunah :)

Hi Sas-
I was surprised to find you on Ella's thread with this long note for me. I would not ever be upset with you because I know how much you love animals. I know that you are trying to help us get through all the training.
I appreciate your concern and your help.


marie adams
09-03-2011, 09:42 PM
Let's see what will I do with the days off--my manager wants me to get organized (he wasn't happy I was taking time off and didn't plan out my plan of attack to get to my numbers/make my target--whatever). I told him I haven't had any weeks of time off this year or last and if I wasn't making my numbers it is because I haven't been given the chance to rejuvenate--HELLO!!!!! :eek:

I think I will take longer walks with Ella, clean up a little around the house that I haven't been able to do since we got Ella. I might have lunch with one of my buddies who left my company. Who knows what....it will go by faster than I want, but it is still time I hope I won't think about work. :p

Enjoy the rest of this wonderful weekend!!! The weather is beautiful here!!!:D:D

09-04-2011, 01:45 AM
Oops, I hadn't realised it was Marie's thread, sorry :) With all of you, going back from one thread to another, sitting in non-basements and and all of you wearing those matching coloured sweaters, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference ;)

I do feel, reading back, that I should appologize for going on about dogs needing excercise... I had just seen an episode of the Dog Whisperer where a large breed dog, that never got outside, was put on a tredmill to get some excercise. If I had been Ceasar Milan, I would have told the owners that they really had no business owning a dog if they did not have the time to take the dog for some decent walks... I can't grasp that concept, at all. Really, one can sincerely want to have a dog, I don't doubt that desire, but if your life isn't such that you can give the dog the most basic of needs, one should be so honest and fair to understand that now is not the time to own a dog. On the other hand, with so many dogs in shelters and being euthanized in the USA, I also can understand the feeling that a dog is better of in a home, even when there is little time. And I don't doubt at all that these dogs are very much loved, love isn't the issue here. But dogs should not only be loved, dogs should be allowed to be dogs...that to me, is true love :) Not the tredmills, not the designer collars and all other fancy stuff.

Oh dear me, here I go again, just when I was appologizing for ranting about it :D You all have a wonderful weekend and forget this silly old woman :p

Sas and Yunah :)

09-04-2011, 08:39 AM
LOL Sas, you must think the Americans are loony tunes;):D:)



Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I hope the knots in your shoulders are disapearing, your pulse is slowing down and your breathing is slow and deep AND YOUR MIND IS TURNING TO MUSH:p:p:p:p:p:p

Mushy minds are great for a week off;););););););) Here's a toast to MUSHY MINDS, CHA, CHA ,CHA;););););)

Love you bunches,

Bailey's Mom
09-04-2011, 10:27 PM
Marie-No time off in two years????:confused::confused::confused: Are you out of your mind???!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek: If you don't take care of yourself, you won't be good for anything or anybody.:eek:
I think a cha-cha needs to happen,:D a steak needs to be eaten :D and Miss Ella should be given an extra biscuit.....plus some mush.:):)


marie adams
09-08-2011, 12:08 PM
You Guys are Wonderful!!!!

Sas, You can join us crazies anytime--maybe Mom will get you a colored sweater just like ours. We got two sweatshirts each recently and I am willing to share one with you--navy or brown???? Addy doesn't always share--it has something to do with how she rides in the car and always wants the window seat or something......:D:D I do agree with you on the owning a dog is a privilege and we should respect them as a dog to enjoy being a dog. That is what we first said about getting Maddie---we do not have time for a dog and that is why we have never had one, but what a difference a dog makes in your life--makes you healthier and happier because of the walks, runs, and just being together outside. Walks bring you friendships with other dog people you would have never met or talked too---DOGS are SPECIAL!!!

Susan and Addy, Thanks for the cha cha cha.....:p

I really haven't been doing a whole lot. Finally got Ella to the vets yesterday all by myself--was she a nervous wreck having to go in the mini condo in the car, oh yes--She was a big ball of drool--no barf though so I am thankful. Then she decided she had to poop on a lawn next door to the vet--who didn't bring poop bags--me!!!! I found a bag in the car and then no where to throw it away so I had to bring it in with me---I handed it to a tech and I indicated he knew where to throw it away, but I think they all thought I wanted a fecal test done, so when I got home I looked at the receipt and sure enough I got charged for a fecal test:eek: Oh well I can see how that happened....

Ella got her Rabies shot, her yeast rash can be treated with a mixture of apple cider vinegar/water or sometime like Lotramin--no antibotics or steriods--YEAH!!!! She weighed in at 35 lbs with harness and leash; so I will go with about 32 lbs. That is better than the 37 lbs we though she weighed over a week ago. He said she is doing great weight wise. I put her on regular food with no grain and the rest of Maddie's raw frozen food--poops are good so I am doing a good job. I had wanted a Lyme shot, but he said he didn't think there was a problem with ticks in the wetlands so no shot (he could have done it and made money--I think this guy might be a keeper as a vet). He did suggest I get her the shot for rattle snakes--which I want to do, just need to make sure she is old enough and then we will take a snake avoidance class also. So now all I need is a calmer dog:eek::eek:--that will take time. Oh, he did mention the drooling in the car is the first stage of car sickness--great!!! He just said what we said, we need to practice, but if it doesn't stop he has something to help. I like that he wasn't into making me use something he had to give me and that I could use old methods and over the counter stuff. :)

Well, how do I get back into working next week????? I should be looking for a new job--MAYBE????:D:D

09-08-2011, 07:41 PM
I was going to wish you Happy Friday but you have had a Friday all week:D:D:D:D

And I am glad you did because I don't know anyone who deserved a vacation more than you;););)

It does sound like this vet is a keeper and that is truly hard to find. Zoe's IMS is on a 3 month leave. I called today to get her Vetoryl refilled and someone was supposed to call me back today. TRY NO ONE CALLED:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

What if I needed the medicine right away? I figured as much so started my calling a week early.;);););););) But they don't know that;););)

It sounds like a page out of a book, you sitting in your home office, typing away with the faithful, trustful pup sleeping at your feet, a fan running in the background, blowing a gentle cool breeze on you both. I can see it all perfectly and it is a wonderful picture.:D:D:D

Enjoy the rest of your vacation. A new job? Think doggie sundaes:p:p

Love ya girl,

Bailey's Mom
09-10-2011, 12:37 AM
Now wait a minute here. I don't own a retail store where I can snatch things.....I think you should check with me first before you start giving sweaters and sweatshirts away. If Sas would like a sweater, I can give her a green one. BUT THAT IS ALL I HAVE now.;)
Addy has her own seat in the back of the SUV. She has two teeny windows she can look out of. She is very happy back there. :) We bought some caramel popcorn with peanuts today and she has made a real dent in the tub.:eek: Addy-be sure to floss your teeth when you are done. You know how those kernals (and lieutenants and generals) can get stuck in your gums.:D
YES-you should get a new job. From what you've said about it, I think it's way overdue for you to find a new job. How about being a pooper scooper for all of us? We could pay you by the poo.
I do hope you enjoyed your week off. I had this week off, too.;);) (tee hee)

09-11-2011, 04:07 PM
You are only having a bad dream. You really do not have to go to work tomorrow.

I hope you had a wonderful week off and that you feel relaxed. It always goes so fast. How come we don't have six weeks vacation anyway????? Or the whole month of August off????

Have a good week inspite of going back to work.

Hugs and love,

marie adams
09-12-2011, 01:56 AM
Thanks Addy for those words of encouragement to go back to work. I do not feel any more relaxed and dread the thought of going back.:eek::eek: It did go by fast since Monday had been a holiday that day didn't count because everyone was home. Tuesday I still got on a conference call for work--my manager asked if I would and the sucker I am I said yes!!!!!:rolleyes: I also was waiting for my new computer for work to arrive, but the intelligent people in the IT dept. sent it to the main office out here instead of to my house.:rolleyes: I had numerous customers calling me because I do not like to change my voice message on my phone--hello did I mention how stupid I am--I didn't even do an email alert to say I was on vacation.

I am now sitting in the dark with candles because the power went out at 6:37pm and it still isn't back on at 10:39 pm; it is suppose to come back according to the online report at 6:30 tmo evening. I had to scramble to find some dry ice for the freezer and refrig. I bagged up some ice in ice chests for the milk products and to make room for the dry ice and other ice in the refrig. I have 2 refrigerators of course the one in the garage is filled mostly with beer and wine--you would think we were alcoholics, but my daughter's favorite beer is Samuel Adams Winter Lager and she stocked up on it this year since she had to ration it last year - it only comes out in Oct thru Dec.

Ella loved the big ice bags coming into the house--she loves ice. Of course the hubby was a lot of help--NOT!!!! He didn't see why I was going to all this trouble to keep everything cold--if you don't open the doors to the frig or freezer it should stay cold--I don't want to take the chance because you never know how long it will be out. The last time it was 18 hours and that was a couple of months ago. I think we should invest in a generator. I spent $50 on ice and dry ice tonight.:eek::eek:

So am I ready to go back to work--NOOOOOO!!!

We gave Ella the run of the house downstairs :eek: she has done pretty good. We have to close most of the doors upstairs--she just loves to go into where the cat's food and poop house is--makes us so mad when she eats all the food out for the cat:mad: She can go into my room only for the time being. She actually slept in there last night on and off so it is a start to sleeping there all night. I got to sleep in my bed for a few hours at a time. :D

She is now taking runs with the hubby (he is on his bike) so hopefully she will calm down somewhat, but she still gets that too wround up crazies and then off to sleep.

I am going to go with tomorrow will be a better day.....

Bailey's Mom
09-12-2011, 03:51 PM
Awwwwwwwww....Marie-that's such a sad story! It makes me feel like I need a vacation!

(You do know I was kidding about not having a retail store? In rereading it, it kind of sounds like I was huffy. NO WAY!!!!!!!)

Bailey went bonkers yesterday. I played and played with her and Bob took her on a couple of really long walks......and she was still wound up all day.
Maybe we should send our pups away to military school.....for training.:rolleyes: We have not been able to stop the nipping she picked back up while in the kennel. I think she met a shady doggie at the kennel who taught her bad tricks. :rolleyes:

Pop the bubbly-Bailey scratched on a door!!!!!:D:D:D:D

I hope your day has gone well. If you lived on the east coast, your day would almost be over!


marie adams
09-12-2011, 07:56 PM
Susan, You were not huffy at all. I was in a weird mood as usual and was just letting it all out. Of course, I thought you got us our sweaters and sweatshirts as coming home gifts while you were on vacation and I was just sharing like you taught us to be good people ... :D

Today started out okay even though the power had not come back on until 10am. Ella got all wound up after her walk and eating. Of course the walk took over an hour because she would stop and watch other dogs. I kept her on the leash the whole time so she wouldn't eat her favorite delicacy Cat Poop. I put her in the Condo for a little down time and then let her out while I was on my conference call this morning. She layed at my feet and then moved over to her blanket on the rug in the family room part of the open kitchen family room area. Then I went out to empty some of the ice out of the frig in the street--talked to the Edison guys who worked all night to get power back. When I came back in I saw my neighbor on his little deck looking out to the wetlands. Ella came out and was barking a little strange, then I noticed she wasn't walking real great. She just acted weird. I got a little nervous so I called my husband; I checked outside to see if I could see if the mesirible neighbors had thrown anything over the fence just in case--nothing I could see. I checked her legs and whole body to see if anything hurt--no yelps. She just seemed drunk-weaving, real slow, couldn't keep her eyes, open, head seemed to wobble--just darn scary. She would get up, but whine and bark like she hurt, then weave and wobble to lay down.
I could ask her about where her kitty was and she was alert about that. I called the vet's office and they weren't sure what, but by the time I actual talked to the vet she went upstairs with me and jumped up on the bed a couple of times. He said to keep an eye on her and if I needed to, to bring her in. He said it went on too long to be an epliptic seizure, but maybe something with the liver and he would want to do a blood test to be sure...:confused:

It has been a few hours since I wrote the above and she seems back to normal except her breath :eek: BAD... What the Heck!!! is she doing to me. I will call the vet a little later to let him know and see what he thinks. If I wasn't home I would have never saw this; is that why I never saw much with Maddie--I wasn't home as much when she was a pup.

I guess I will see how she does when she eats later. :o

Happy Monday to All!!! I sure got a lot done for my first day back to work--of course I really didn't want to work--hehehe!!!:p

Bailey's Mom
09-12-2011, 11:24 PM
Wow Marie-I am so sorry. I was feeling how scarey that was. And how awful to have someone living next to you whom you feel might do such a thing. I wish I could help. I think I'd be taking Ella to the vet, just in case. It's like us taking Bailey.....and I still don't think she really ingested a pill......but boy we put her through the ringer.

I think we need to go on a trip.:D Maybe something that would call for elephant rides (since we've already done camel rides.) We could fill up our snouts with creek water or something, then go find your boss and all let go at the same time.:eek::cool::cool: Wouldn't that be cool? :cool::cool:If that wasn't totally satisfying, we could deposit our elephants' poos.......or put the poo in a bag, light the bag as we place it on his door step and then ring the bell. He would come out and try to stomp out the fire and voila!...shoes of poo.:D:D

Hmmmmmm...........I think I need a nap. All this poo talk.....and it doesn't sound really nice......but might n it be fun??:confused:

Back to Ella....I think I would not let Ella out back on her own if you think the neighbors might do such a thing. I know it's your yard, it's not right and it's not fair....but you've got to protect Ella.....even if she is a pain in the butt like Bailey!!:rolleyes:;):D

Redskins won, Giants lost, Dallas lost..:D...if only Philly had lost.:mad: And tonight the Nats won again. :D Super cool!! :cool: We've needed a team to root for.....we've had some pretty sorry baseball and football games in the last ? years.

I hope things settle down for you. I really think you need a break. Any chance of going away somewhere any time soon?

Sending a ton of hugs and warm feelings.

Bailey's Mom
09-12-2011, 11:25 PM
We could even take the cute surfer dudes on the trip!

09-13-2011, 08:28 AM
I think you should demand a refund:D:D:D That was not a vacation, it was a workcation!!!!! Workcations should be against the law!!!!!

I wondered if you were affected by the power outages they were discussing on the news. Our power used to go out very summer for 1-2days when we would have a bad storm. The electric company always said, oh it was tree problems. Finally we all complained loudly to the village and the power company finally upgraded the sub station for our subdivision and so far so good this year. We had to buy a small generator to run to keep the basement from flooding a few years after moving here.

I was not going to admit this but I broke down last week and had Blue Bunny ice cream:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Oh what stess will do to us:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I have a new song to sing to make us feel better, the chorus goes like this:

We're at work and we don't care, we're at work and we dont care, we're at work AND WE DONT CARE, it ain't gonna ruin our day!!!!

think Jimmy crack corn tune as we sing it:p:p:p:p:p

Love ya girlfriend!!!


marie adams
09-13-2011, 03:58 PM
You two are sooooo silly!!! Thanks for the smile on my face...:D:D Susan, good idea, but his house is in a gated community so might be a little hard to get to the front door--recon mission--I can see the 3 of us now in our camo duds hiding behind bushes......

Ella is just fine, back to being the little devil she is, but soooo cute at the same time. I am thinking maybe she got bit by a bug or spider--MAYBE!!! Or she could have had a reaction to the little bit of food someone gave her on our walk. I just cannot believe the neighbors could be so blanten (sp.) to make her sick like that...but I am still not comfortable leaving by herself in the yeard--so what if she gets the run of the house....:eek::eek: so she is protected. She did sleep all night in our room on the bed--there is hope yet she will be a calm aussie--hoping...:o

I am going to institute the "no feeding by anyone other than my family" that way I know exactly what she is eating if there is a weird reaction going on with her.

Did I tell you what happened one day when my daughter and I went shopping????? We are in Macy's and she suddenly turns me around to walk the opposite way and says you don't want to even think about going into that section--I asked why she said it was the mesirable neighbors. I couldn't resist texting my husband who was at home "B----- (their last name) sighting. Bomb the house now!!!" I attached 2 bomb icons to the text. Oh how that made me feel good, but I do wish their house wasn't there so they would move....

Yes I would like another week off--maybe this week will be a slow working week--haha--so far it is....:p

The power outage was due to a cable going bad, not the big outage from last week. Most of the houses in my tract do not have air conditioning so there shouldn't have been a big draw on the power grid. Of course, this was the second one in a couple of months...:mad:

Happy rest of the day!!! :)

09-22-2011, 08:31 AM
Happy Anniversary to you (one day late):

Happy Anniversary to you.

Happy Anniversary dearest Marie, Happy Anniversary to YOU:D:D

I hope yours fared better than ours; we will try to celebrate this weekend!!!! Though our present was bringing Zoe home late last night.

Tell me all about it:D:D:D:D


marie adams
09-23-2011, 02:20 PM
Happy Friday!!!!:p:):D

We didn't do much in fact we stayed home. I got a Rib Roast and made all of ours favorite meal (Christmas Meal). Mashed potatoes, green bean cassorole (made our way), salad, and a little horserasdish sauce. We will probably go to our favorite restaurant this weekend.;)

Yes, the best gift was Zoe coming home--I would have thought the same thing. :)

Miss Ella, is lucky she is still alive....she has decided chewing holes in my duvet cover and pillow cases is great fun!!!!:eek: I hate to say this, but sometimes we think there might be something wrong with her that she continues to all of a sudden decide to bite when we play with her. I cannot believe she is that starved for attention...:eek::rolleyes::o:confused: She is so independent, the little booger!!! Nothing seems to make her think we are the boss; even showing her discipline....the adventures of Ella continues:eek::rolleyes:

09-24-2011, 09:05 AM
Well, Marie, look at it this way, the other day, vet tech told me Zoe was doing just fine and that she would breeze through the procedure because she knows what she wants and is stubborn about it. She said that will take her far.

SO, Miss Ella, knows what she wants and is a feisty little pup and will probably grow up with Zoe's attitude. Zoe thinks she is in charge of every one's behavior. If she thinks someone or some pup is behaving inappropriately, she will try to correct it. Me thinks Miss Ella will be the same:D:D:D:D:D:D

Clicker training!!!!!!!!! Free shaping !!!!! It becomes your best friend!!! Maybe she needs some doggies puzzles. The plastic ones are not as expensive as the Swedish wooden ones.

Happy Weekend!!!! Cha, cha, cha!!!!!

We are closing the pool:(:(:( I hope your days are filled with sunshine:( I can't believe summer is over:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Wow random thoughts in this paragraph.

I feel like I need to make soup. Do you have a good receipe?

Love ya,

marie adams
09-24-2011, 12:58 PM
Good Morning or it is afternoon there!!!
Oh I definitely think Miss Ella will have her own little attitude for sure...:o she already does--haha!!! Sas said Ella would be a good candidate for clicker training so I have downloaded some lessons (can't find our little booklet from Maddie) and that is what we will start today. She just loves to play and then goes in for the bite--a little crazy pup.:D We think some of the time she get over stimulated and that is her reaction. She is sleeping :) at my feet while I type away and turn in my numbers for the week--which are nothing to write home about...:(

I know I hate all the changes that Fall brings. So sad about closing up the pool. :( I do not like it getting dark earlier and in the morning it is too dark to go on the trail so I loop around the homes and then get on the trail. There are good smells no matter where you travel. It is kinda over cast/foggy right now, but it has still been warm.

Soup--I make an ox tail bone soup at Christmas time. We make the beef broth ahead of time with beef bones-like short ribs or even big beef ribs and vegetables. When it comes time for the final beef broth we brown the ox tails in a very hot oven then put in with more vegetables and cook until the meat almost falls off the bones. I take off the meat and put in the refrig until I make it for the meal, but we keep cooking the bones in with the vegetables. At some point we take everything out of the broth and add fresh vegies in to cook a little and then add the meat back in. Use any kind of vegies you want for the end product--spinach, corn, peas, carrots, onions, celery, mushrooms, etc. Everyone seems to like it so I guess it is good.

Enjoy your weekend and have fun with Zoe and Koko!!! :D:D

09-24-2011, 01:50 PM
Hi Marie,

you hit the nail on the head :D
We think some of the time she get over stimulated and that is her reaction

If you have little children and you take them to DisneyLand (for example) and in the evening you return home after a long exhausting day...all you want is to sit down and rest. But those darn children, after a day of running around, nerv wrecking rides and such, are in no mood to relax and are even more exited then before :) They are all wound up by a thrilling day and it results i them being even more wound up. That's what happens with Miss Ella as well...just she doesn't need an entire day of DisneyLand to reach that stage... And certainly being a Border Colie makes her much more prone to become overly excited.

By the time she bites, she is already in "that stage" and you are too late :p The trick is to stop her before she gets in that stage. Not many BC's of her age anyway are "self-limiting" so you have to do it for her. She won't hit the brakes, you have to do it. And you have to do it before she reaches that overly excited stage. Once in that stage, it's useless to try and stop it. She won't learn anything when she is in that stage. She's what...5 months old now? That means no more then 25 minutes of activity per time. She can walk, play etc...7 times a day, 10 times a day, no problem, as long as it don't last more then 25 minutes per time.

For example, you have just taken her for a 25 minute walk. You return home, tell her to go lay on her place (where ever that is), you give her a small snack (not a bone or something because with a bone she will be "busy" and not relax) and she needs to sleep (at least stay there) for 1/1.5 hour. Also, make sure there are no toys for her at that time, this will trigger her to go want play. It may sound strange but you have to actively teach her to relax :) If she gets up, send her back. She needs to learn that she has to rest.

Concerning games: try and figure out when she gets overly excited when you (or your husband) are playing with her. And with what games? I probably wouldn't advise you to play tug of war with a dog like Miss Ella...this will trigger her excitement. Throwing a ball? When she can retrieve the ball 3 times before she gets too excited..then stop after 2 times. Preventing the behaviour is, as usual, always the best method :)

Mandatory rest, the right games and playing them the right way and preventing the excitement are your best bets right now ;)

Sas and Yunah :)

marie adams
09-24-2011, 09:30 PM
Thanks Sas,

Good to know the amount of time to exercise or play. Oh how she loves the tug a war time--so we will only try to play once in a great while. I like how you said put the toys away because we were just talking about that also. She will retrieve multiple times so we will slow down that game also.

Ella will be 6 month old on the first...can the time be increased or is there certain age spans for time spans??? Aussies fall into the same category as Border Collies since Ella is an Aussie--it would be all herding breeds right?

You always have such good advice!!! Thank You so Much!!!

Enjoy your weekend!!!

09-25-2011, 12:54 AM
Oops, of course she's an Aussie! :rolleyes: I just had been posting on a service dog forum..about BC's :D

The thumb of rule is 5 minutes per month...so at 6 months that would be 30 minutes :) You can play tug of war but I suspect it is one of the games that excites her. So in that case it will be wise not to play it too often or for too long at the time. And a thourough reminder of "who's the boss" is to NOT let her win the game ;) And once you're done tugging...put the tug toy away (You own the resources ;) )

Sas and Yunah :)

09-25-2011, 11:32 AM
Your soup sounds delicious, Marie. Thank you for giving me the recipe. I think I have ADD though, because I reread it then decided it sounded like I would be in the kitchen all day so I cheated and bought some chicken vegetable at the deli:o

LOL, I used to be a good cook and now I am SOOOOO lazy.:rolleyes:

Enjoy your Sunday!!!!!!!!! The weekends go too fast, don't they?


marie adams
09-26-2011, 12:14 PM
Hi Sas, Thanks for the the additional info--I like the "own the resources". I do put that toy away for that reason (getting excited and swinging it around in the house). I like the idea of us winning and not her--great idea.

Oh Addy, You are not lazy--it really doesn't take all day because we do it in a week's time, but if you want it the same day it just doesn't have multiple steps with the different browning bones--only do the ox tails.

Happy Monday!!!! I am typing this during my Monday morning conference call!!! :):)

10-07-2011, 08:37 AM
It is FRIDAY!!!!!!!!

Finally!!!! Marie, furlough Fridays are looking good again:):) I never thought I would hope for them to come back:rolleyes::rolleyes:

How is our Miss Ella? I need to go check out your albums for any new photos. I hope she is keeping you busy and happy. I also hope work has been better.

I hope Sus is okay, she must really still be out of it, no word from her but I thought it would be awhile. Poor Sus:(:(:(

The leaves are changing color here and the world is a blaze of yellows, golds and reds. I wrote a poem once about fall. I love the colors.

Have the best weekend ever:D:D:D

love ya,

marie adams
10-07-2011, 01:09 PM
Thanks Addy for thinking of Me!!!

I have pictures, but haven't posted any for a while--a must do!!! Ella is driving me crazy and happy at the same time. She just will not stop jumping up on the kitchen counter with her front paws--I would definitely kill her if it was all the way. Right now she is sleeping in her condo, quiet--she seems to not mind it now :confused:. I call it her timeout place when she needs to calm down and rethink what part of the ladder step she in on--hehe!!! She thinks it is above me of course. She is just so independent--smart knows everything you teach her, but chooses when she wants to obey--everything is a game. We really need to give her a job--which we try with the naming of toys, running, walking, etc.

The leaves do not change colors here :( It's green or dead brown. I was hoping you were posting the poem. :D

I know I looked last night to see if Sus posted, but nothing. I know it hurts my foot when I step on a small stone, cannot image having things moved around, cut off, etc. :eek: and then not to be able to walk on it for a while. I guess we should look at the bright side and once it is healed it is good to go forever without pain. :)

Work, let's see, I went to the doctor this week to have a physical (haven't been there since 2009), I broke down explained everything going on in my life--she said seems like you are stressed out and maybe a little depressed. :( I am so close to taking a leave of absence from this job. I am tired of cleaning up messes made by back office mistakes, delays, etc.:mad: But of course I still need to keep my numbers up. I wish I had furlough Fridays:p

I just don't feel like working it doesn't take much to bring me down and not do any work--that is why I am here writing this.....:eek:

Happy Friday!!!! Wish we could just go hang out under one of those beautiful trees with the dogs!!!!

10-07-2011, 01:30 PM
Me too, under a red tree, staring at the sky, you and me while the pups play, we get to hang out and gab with some chocovino or a good margarita. Can't think of anything better than that:D:D:D

FYI-I can't find the dang poem:rolleyes::rolleyes:Yikes, Addy!!!!

I think my doc would say I am MAJOR stressed and anxious:rolleyes:
Hubby and I will try to do something fun this weekend if it kills us:D:D
You and I need a career change, my hubby does too.

I missed you, sorry I haven't posted to you much lately. Think about you and ella all the time.

Hugs and love,

10-07-2011, 03:19 PM
Marie I was reading your post and had to tell you that when my Penny was younger she use to jump up on my counter all the way - and stand on counter and look out the window as we were leaving!:eek: She had separation anixety so bad - and the counter is high its like she had springs in her legs - probably why she had knee issues and lumbars issues now! lol Hope you feel better and if you need time off take it!!! Sometimes we all need time to just chill and get some nice R and R!! HAVE A NICE WEEDKEND

Bailey's Mom
10-08-2011, 06:51 PM
I think there's something "in the air" because I am bummed out as well. Maybe we should have a convention?

marie adams
10-11-2011, 04:01 PM
Thanks Cindy for the moral support!!!! Ella just wants to get into any and everything!!! It is worst than having a toddler.:eek:

Susan, You have an excuse for being bummed--foot surgery...:p:p

Addy, Oh how the drinking sounds good!!!:p:p But then all of it sounds good, especially a career change!!! :D

10-11-2011, 07:55 PM
hi girlfriend,

how is it in sunny ca?

I read Sus's post on my thread and the time in the corner said 2:00am:D Wow, I did not know Sus is a night owl:D:D:D:D Unless the surfer dudes stopped by;) I am asleep so early, I can barely make it through the ten o'clock news.;);) Just call me parteee pooper:p:p

Our beautiful weather is about to end, BIG SIGH. It helps so much when you have a ton of emotional stuff going on to see the warm sun. Oh well, all good thing must come to an end. Can't let it stop the cha, cha, cha:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Dancing with Dogs,

10-11-2011, 08:41 PM
Marie Sorry for the bad moral support!:D But on the bright side she did get over it !!:) You have a spunky one for sure!! I did to now my girl is at that age of just let me sleep!!!

10-18-2011, 07:39 AM
It takes about 30 minutes for breakfast for the pups and 30 minutes for dinner:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I had to write out instructions for hubby in case I get hit by a bus;););)

Oh my complicated life:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

How is Miss Ella, still growing my leaps and bounds?

Tell me about your week so far, I hope it is going well.

Love ya girl,

marie adams
10-18-2011, 11:47 AM
Wow Addy!! 30 minutes a meal--do you always feel there isn't enough time in a day???? :D

That wouldn't be so bad if Zoe and Koko are pretty calm during the 30 minutes. Ella does pretty good--a lot better than when she was younger (as if 6.5 months is old). She is patient, but then the hubby says hurry she's hungery and it just makes me a little ticked off and why the heck isn't he doing it then...:eek: I have anger issues lately.

Ella just won't think of me as the leader, but my daughter has really good control of her. :(:mad::confused: I know she can feel how tense I am all the time. With the stress of Ella, work, and just things I am in a bad mood most of the time or it doesn't take much to set me off. Do you ever just feel like a hole would be a nice place to be sometimes--of course with a cover so noone can find you????:eek::D

So far the week is fine and yours? I hope you have gotten some decisions made about your mom. I think you are on the right track with Zoe, but just want her to be well or as close as possible other than the Cushings. Keep up the good work!!!

I need to post some pictures of Ella--I think she is close to being full grown, maybe another month or two, but not much more. She is definitely smaller than Maddie in weight and height--a petite one. She is so limber and agile.

Take care All!!!:):p:D

10-18-2011, 01:18 PM
Well, the 30 minutes includes prep the meal, get the meds, they eat and clean up.:rolleyes::rolleyes::eek:

Hubby does not appreciate I have made meals so darn complicated but hey, if it works for Zoe, so be it;);););)

I would be more than happy to climb in the hole with you. Could we sing how many ants on the wall in a hole? (Kind of a take on how many bottles of beer?)

I would resort to bribery with Ella if you have to:D:D A little chicken goes a long way:rolleyes:;):) Seriously, it is amazing isn't it how they can be so in tune to our moods? Last week I was so stressed and down I asked my daughter to bring over the little grand kid. Koko thinks she is his litter mate and I was worried he was depressed. Good daughter that she is, they both came over and played a rousing game of fetch with him and he perked right up:D

I did too:D:o

love ya,

marie adams
10-19-2011, 11:20 AM
Happy Wednesday!!

Counting ants on the wall could be nice, but counting the bottles on the wall would be more fun--especially if we were drinking them first.:D:eek:

I wish I had a grandchild to bright up the day!!! She says I am never getting one. If she relents it will only be one--which I would take. Of course she needs to find someone to settle down with first and nothing in sight right now. It only takes one though so she has time, but do I....:D

I guess I better start working on orders and such--oh what a joy!!:o

Bailey's Mom
10-20-2011, 04:24 PM
Ants on the wall??? :confused: Bottles of beer on the wall????????????? :confused::confused:
How about surfer dudes on the non-basement walls?????????????:D:D:eek:

Man I'm having some pain..:mad::mad: I've upped the meds. Good night Irene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Later dudes....

10-21-2011, 01:23 PM
Poor mom, she thinks your name is Irene:p:p:p:p:p:p:p

hey girl, Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thinking of you and Miss Ella.


marie adams
10-22-2011, 12:04 PM
I guess I could be called a lot of other names so Irene isn't so bad.....

I have been nervous about buying toys made in China; so I found this link that shows what I have been nervous about. Who knows if this is why our dogs get Cushings or cancer--I always wondered with Maddie.:o


Since Ella is now chewing through most of the stuff animals and even plastic toys it really makes me wonder....:confused:

Ella thought it was still the work week and was awake at 5am. She likes to lay down on our pillows almost on our heads--such a silly dog.

Enjoy your weekend!!!:)

10-22-2011, 01:29 PM
We've been worried too and try to only buy toys made in the US but sometimes they fool you about that as well, it is really hard.
Koko will carry the toys in his mouth for the most part but Zoe likes hard toys to chew. Kongs used to be made in America but they change all the time.

Have a nice weekend,

Bailey's Mom
10-23-2011, 02:36 AM
Has anyone seen Irene? Last I saw her she had on a blue sweater and was headed to the nonbasement to change into her red sweater. Perhaps she's out back playing with Ella.

marie adams
10-24-2011, 12:16 PM
Irene Checking In....red sweater and all!!! :D

I know the original Kongs are made in USA, but the stuff animal type ones are made in China--you really have to check.

Some of the brands I know are made in USA - Dura Doggie, Ruff Dawg, so far, but check www.toysmadeinusa.com Ella is just chewing through most everything; so I have been looking for sturdy ones, but most of those are made in China (these are stuffed one), my friends said their lab has done well with the Fat Cat Cat Burglar ones. She loves to chew holes in sheets and pillowcases then rip them.:eek::mad:

Have a Happy Monday!!! Go Red Sweaters!!!! Aren't we getting Green Ones????;):p

marie adams
10-24-2011, 01:11 PM
New Pics of Ella - she is so big now - how did that happen??:D:eek:

10-24-2011, 02:35 PM
This is quite funny :D I buy my toys in the USA (over the internet) since they have eco-friendly toys that I can't find here. It so happens they also make their toys in the USA (most of them anyway). Their Orbee Tuff tennisball saved Yunahs teeth :D

So check Planet Dog (http://www.planetdog.com/category.aspx?categoryID=63) if you want some USA made, eco friendly and wonderful toys (no, I don't have shares in the company :p)

Sas and Yunah :)

10-24-2011, 05:28 PM
Marie - Ella is beautiful!!!!! That face is to die for!!!!! What breed is Ella? So good just sits there with the USA hat on and is so good with the tortises!! :)

marie adams
10-26-2011, 12:25 PM
Hi Sas,

I have read about the Orbee products and looked at them at a small pet store near me. I think I will get a ball for her.

I think West Paw is another brand made in the USA. One of theirs is called Hurley.

Hi Cindy,

Ella is an Australian Shepherd - Blue Merle coloring. Maddie was also an Aussie, but a black tri color. You can tell her to go check on Max & Faye (tortises names) and out the door she goes to see if they are fighting--so funny, but she knows what I am talking about. She knows everything, but chooses to do everything her own way--Miss Independent. :eek:

Well, I do not seem as stressed; so handling Ella is better--she still has to get ito everything and put it in her mouth. This morning she attacked the package of T paper and ate a little plastic--tried giving her the hydrogren peroxide to make her throw up:eek:--that was useless this time around---she fought me--and nothing much came up. I guess I will be checking poop...:eek:

We have added an H to Ella's name Hella:eek::D She is getting better everyday running next to the bike with my husband. Going slow on this until she has grown into her body. It doesn't seem to cut down on all the energy, but helps give her a job. Work on naming her toys job, but she has eaten a lot of the toys.:p

Happy Wednesday to All!!!!

Bailey's Mom
10-27-2011, 01:40 AM
Just checked out the new pictures. Just wonderful!:):cool:
Green sweaters? Do you have no clothes of your own???!!!:confused::rolleyes:

10-27-2011, 08:55 AM
Ella Hella is beautiful, just beautiful. She is a big girl now for sure.

Her personality is so apparent on her face. Too smart for her own good:D:D:D Like my Lucy Goose at the office. They can drive you to distraction, they need so many jobs.:rolleyes::rolleyes: I taught Lucy to target my hand and now she runs into my office, takes her nose, smashes my key board under the desk and targets my hand, wriggling her whole body from head to toe saying " Did I do it good enough for a reward?" It is driving me nuts but I laugh every time, just can;t get any work done:eek::eek:

Happy Thursday Marie Irene!!!!!

marie adams
10-27-2011, 12:11 PM
Thank you for the wonderful comments on her pictures.

I think she has turned out very nice looking--you never know if the cuteness is only because they are a puppy!!!:D She weighs about 40 lbs now just a little more growing, but not much left.

She is snoozing on the couch right now--too cute to get off, but....she got up on the livingroom couch with dirty paws :mad:; so now I have to clean it off--getting a new white colored couch soon--am I nuts!!!! :eek: It will have to be covered unless people come over or I finally get it through her head not to get up on furniture or counters. I think that is the sit/stay or down/stay command which she knows, but chooses to obey on her terms. :o:rolleyes: There is alway time out in the condo which she doesn't seem to mind so much now!!!:D YAY!!!

I have been leaving her in the backyard when I leave for work--the first day my stomach was so nervous because I just pictured her barking and whining driving the miserible neighbors to who knows what. I even thought of calling my wonderful neighbors to ask if they could hear her--thought it better to not to have her see him and start barking. My husband said she was quiet when he got home.

She has this ball I put food in (it is like a maze inside-it was Maddie's favorite) that she has to get it out by rolling it around. This keeps her occupied & distracted for awhile.

I guess I don't need the green sweater :(--maybe for Christmas?? :o;) :D

marie adams
10-28-2011, 12:02 PM
YAY!!!! It's FRIDAY!!!!:):p;):D

I should be working right now, but wanted to check in....

I talked with a dog trainer yesterday when I went into Petco just to check this one stuffed toy my friend talked about---still made in China and I thought what if this one would cause something wrong down the line with Ella (do I seem panicked). The trainer understood my frustration of all the toys there other than original Kongs are made in China.

Any way, I mentioned Ella jumps at me to bite, even though I feed her and take care of her mostly, she said it is a power struggle not that she thinks I am a puppy to play with--makes you think....:eek: She also mentioned that between 6 mos and a year the teenage years and what the dogs knew before they tend to forget (rebellion years/months) that makes sense to me since Ella seems like she doesn't wish to obey at times--I chalked it up to being independent which she is--so I guess we have moved from toddler to teenager.:eek::eek:

She did have the best time yesterday in the wetlands running and playing with an 8 month old ridgeback mix--she was a mess when we got home. I think she was so exhausted on the rest of the walk home she didn't pay attention to the 4 coyotes :eek: running on the other side of the fence. Maddie would have known they were coming a long way off. I am sure Ella will figure them out also.

Enjoy your weekend!!!

10-28-2011, 01:09 PM
I remember when my daughter was a teenager:eek::eek::rolleyes:

Koko was a hand full at that age, like Ella, chewed every pillow corner in the house:D:D:D I can laugh now, I did not then:(:(:(

can't wait till 5 o clock to come:p:p:p

love ya,

10-29-2011, 07:45 PM
Okay we can't call you Marie Irene Debbie:D:D:D:D

Besides, you are not a Debbie downer and anyway isn't that some kind of snack cake?

Love ya,

Bailey's Mom
10-29-2011, 11:44 PM

marie adams
10-31-2011, 10:50 AM
Did I call myself Debbie Downer???:D Sometimes I feel that way...

Ella likes to eat holes in pillow cases and sheets. :eek: She does like to eat the corners also. What the heck??!!!

She can find things to eat that I don't even know were there--she is too fast!!!

I started this on Sunday.....where is my head--all over the place.:eek::D:p

So have a HAPPY MONDAY!!!

It should be around 77 here today, but fogged in this morning--so damp Ella's fur and my hair were dripping wet. I hope it isn't getting too cold were you all are....

The tortoises still haven't gone into hibernation so a little too warm for them. Ella will probably wonder where they went--hahaha!!!! It will be nice not having her barking and biting at them for a while :eek:--hopefully she will be calmer when they come out in early spring--she will almost be a year by that time.

11-02-2011, 01:11 PM
So how is Miss Ella doing? I wish it was 77 here!! awwww she is going to miss the tortoises this winter for sure:D

Bailey's Mom
11-03-2011, 02:25 PM
Hey Marie!
How's it going?
Do you have a purple sweater?

marie adams
11-04-2011, 11:03 AM
Well I had written quite a lot last night and didn't send it; so it timed out--tried to copy and paste, but the computer froze up on me--typical for this laptop (work's laptop).

Hi Susan,

Purple Sweater--not a chance--purple is on the do not like list of colors. It has to be just the right shade to even THINK I might wear it even if it is a small spot of coloring. It drives my daughter nuts especially when she asks me if something looks good and I have a hard time getting past the purple--haha!!!:eek::D

Oh Ella, will she ever understand that what goes in the mouth doesn't always come out easily. Plastic bags have been a fun thing to get a hold of this week. I don't think she got much of anything down, but it sure made me worry the other night when she was having poop issues:eek:!!!! Probably everything else she ate....

I really hate this computer!!!!!!:mad::mad: It is my work's laptop and it causes problems all the time especially when you are in front of a customer--you just pray you complete the order or presentation before something goes wrong. I have retyped so much of this post just this morning. So looking forward to what it will be doing the rest of the day!!!!:eek::mad::eek: Have I mentioned today how much I hate my job!!!! The company's T-Sales department took one of my sales yesterday--so frustrating!!!! So many issues just adds to how I feel giving me a short temper a lot.:mad::confused::eek::(

It is raining here now. Ella and I went for a short walk before it really started in, but it was definitely not long enough to take away the Ella energy. To get her really tired out you have to run her a few miles along side of the bike by my husband, then play with a few dogs and finish a walk--all with in a couple of hours. This will take the edge off for the rest of the evening. She will be going on vacation to the condo when I leave for work later this morning.:eek::eek:

Here's to a Wonderful Weekend for All!!!!

Bailey's Mom
11-04-2011, 01:43 PM
Marie!.....deep breath.....in.....slowly.....hold and now out.....slowly.
(I did purple because it's your favorite color!)
How far out is retirement?
Any chance of changing jobs?
How about putting Ella on a treadmill!!!!???
It's Friday, sweetie. Soon you will be off from another week. You're in TURKEY month!
I totally understand your frustration with the laptop. I hate those dang things with their teeny, tiny little square places for you to work from. And I don't type well at at all on a laptop. I have to plug in a regular keyboard.
Can we cha,cha,cha??!! or better yet, group hug!!!

marie adams
11-04-2011, 05:52 PM
Oh how I would love to change jobs!!!! I have to start looking though...Retirement sounds nice but I doubt I will ever truly retire...I need a job that is flexible, so I still have freedom from an office--do I want too much--haha!! I have pretty much worked in outside sales for the past 16 years--WOW I just realized that. Of course, not for the same company--about 3 different ones.

Thanks for reminding me I need to breathe...anger tends to make you forget.:eek::D

I am sitting in my car waiting to hear from a customer if they are going to renew or not--this is the last day--deadline day. They have put me off and off--their loss. I do not understand how people can be so disrespectful not to get back to you. I need to be stronger at the are you in or out, but there is much more to it than that.

I am a big complainer today--I think I have just had it and need to move on--why not take a leave and look for a job--get paid while you look is a good idea!!!!:D

Ella was definitely like kids in school on a rainy day--too much energy and time on her paws....:D My daughter is home now and Ella is her problem---hehe!!!!:p

Later Tater!!! And Thanks!!!

11-06-2011, 05:04 PM
I'm late, i'm late.. for a very important date
it seems I missed the party.......:D:D:D:D

or we could sing its a quarter to three no one is up but you and me

Zoe wants to get up, lick, chew, pee and eat and her internal alarm clock needs to be RESET:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I wonder when we change to twice day dosing if that will help.

Otherwise, I am hauling out the melatonin. I have feed them later today so, instead of snack at 11:00 (which they thought was 12) I feed snack at 1:00 (which was 12) Dinner is usually 5:30 which will be 6:30 so will feed them at 6:00 which will be 7:eek::eek::eek:
OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the scary part is I understand what I just wrote.

I can manage a CHA and a half;););););)


marie adams
11-09-2011, 04:32 PM
I took Ella to the vet today because her rash came back--so it is back to antibiotics:eek:--which means it will be runny poop time:eek::eek:. We think it might be chicken that is causing her biting of her skin, breaking out and yeast--maybe...:o:confused:

I just bought a new box of frozen raw chicken so will have to see if they will exchange it for salmon or something other than chicken. I will try to switch to venison and see how it works. The vet said it might take a few months to see a difference.

She weighed in at 36 lbs and even with her pincher collar and leash. We are not done growing. He said she will probably fill out more than get taller. She should weigh in between 40 and 45 lbs according to the breeder.

She is definitely high maintenance--ugh!!! It only cost me a little under $100 for this visit and I only got one flea pill because she hasn't reached the 40 lb mark yet. I think I will look into pet insurance.

She seems to act like she is hungry all the time, but he said not unusual for a puppy.

Happy Wednesday!!!!

11-09-2011, 07:04 PM
Oh, sorry to hear about Ella, dear friend. That is no fun. Word of caution don't use up all your novel proteins. Have you tried beef or lamb? Maybe hold off on venison in case you need it down the road.

Funny thing, I thought Zoe broke a tooth and had the vet tec look in her mouth today. None broken as far as she could see but then she commented on how good Zoe's teeth look because Lhasa's don't usually have good teeth. I told she had a dental 3 years ago and she was amazed. She thought she had just had one recently. I thought about that for awhile and then realized it must be her high fat sled dog raw diet.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: So then I checked her blook work from September when she had the procedure, it was fasting test. Everything looks pretty good except the mild elevation of platlets, ALK (IBD probably) and cholesteral. I don't get it. The diet is bad yet everything is good:confused::confused: We;ll see what her urine test shows.

Just telling you cause you feed raw too.:):):):):):) Didn't mean to write a book about Zoe on your thread;)

love ya,

11-09-2011, 07:16 PM
Marie - sorry the rash is back -- it never ends!!! that is interesting about the chicken - you think that makes her itchy and get the rash? my bros dog eats chicken too and gets itchy - have to pass that on - oh yes pet insurance - if only I did that years ago- next time I am looking into it for sure!!!!! Hugsssssssssssssss Hope Ella gets throught the antibiotics without many problems

marie adams
11-10-2011, 12:35 PM
I went with Lamb both raw and dry--thought about the venison and then thought don't mix two just in case so I know if the lamb works.

She has had 2 pills so far, but I will only count the one from last night and I feed a lamb chicken mix just to introduce the lamb--so far so good. The antibiotic is a different one than last time so this one might work better with her, but we just started so we will see....:o

I think I should have asked at the vet about the insurance and which one works the best....

((((Hugs to All!!!!))))

Addy, no problem with talking about Zoe on Ella's thread--I do the same thing all the time.:)

Cindy, I had heard from someone just yesterday morning about it might be the chicken and then the vet asked what she ate. The people at the pet supply were not surprised when I asked to exchange the raw. Of course it helps that I know the owner....

Did we catch any shrimp while we were on the coffee table shaped surf board????? Was Mom with us....or just Mrs. Calabash????:D

Bailey's Mom
11-10-2011, 09:20 PM
You can't catch any shrimp while this &#&^ boat is stuck in the sand!!
Everybody OUT and PUSH!!!!!!

11-11-2011, 08:59 AM
Ahoy Matie, thar she blows!!!!!!!! That ain't no shrimp boat- its a whaler, Mom's looking for Wally:p:p:p:p:p

I think the lamb was a good choice:D:D:D:D:D I hope Miss Ella gets better right away!!!! I would like at pet insurance while she is young. Wish I would have thought of that for Zoe and Koko. Maybe we should be to the Netherlands!!!!!!;););)

Have a Happy Friday!!!!!! I think I might get hubby to go out for dinner. I need a break from life, dinner would be a good start!!!!!!!

Now don't go walking the plank for fun!!!!!!

love ya,

Bailey's Mom
11-11-2011, 11:11 PM
I would like to "be to the Netherlands!";)

I did get pet insurance...after my experience with Palmer. There is some information somewhere on this forum about the companies that offer it. I went with PetPlan. I already submitted claims (remember the ER & the pill?) and got paid some. You pick your deductible and your coverage. I went with the $200 deductible.....but what that means is per incident. I have had to spend a good sum on Bailey for this and that, but when you take it per issue, you often don't meet the deductible. I got it for unexpected health issues so I'm okay with it for now. I did read somewhere, after I got it, that it's not often that someone makes out with this. But isn't that the case with any kind of insurance, other than life insurance? You're paying them for stuff you don't expect.

Addy caught me............I'm looking for Wally. Have you seen him?:confused::confused: I'm still stuck on the sand and that thar wind surely is a blowin'!:D:D
It's 39 degrees here..........YIKES!!
Cha, cha, cha......enjoy your Saturday!!
Sus, Susan

marie adams
11-14-2011, 02:07 PM
39 Degrees!!!!:eek::eek:

The register says 68 in the house, but I think it is colder than that. It is suppose to be 70 somewhere in this city.

Saturday was my niece's bridal shower and it rained. My daughter is one of the bride's maids--there are 9 of them and 1 bride's man. My niece in law decided she didn't want it at her house so she rented a place--all in all this shower cost $600 or so--I think that is a little high since everyone still brought food, but what do I know...:eek: It was nice, but....

I am thinking a scat mat might be a good investment to keep Ella out of the kitchen and putting her front paws up on the counter. It might come in handy with the Christmas tree and presents--she loves to chew on boxes. Do you think she keeps us on our toes!!!! We are setting the boundary on the kitchen so we will see how that goes--a line in the grout!!!:D

We got some sand and gravel on Friday; she will not keep out of it--it is in a pile in the backyard. She digs and eats the sand; digs in the gravel and chews on the board separating the two. If there is wood in the backyard she finds it and chews on it--I think she is part beaver. The good thing is she doesn't chew on the furniture so far--just sheets and pillowcases.

It is funny to see her worn out--late Friday she played with dogs in a park near us. She does pretty good off leash with them and for some reason she decided to come to me at times--I think the great dane might have been a little intimidating.:eek: She came home ate and was pretty much dead to the world the rest of the night. Yay!!! Calm Ella!!!:p:D:)

Food is agreeing with her especially since I kind of went right into it without much change over time. She is doing good on the antibiotics--no poop issues at all with all of this change!!! Yay!!!:D

Mom please becareful on the sand bar looking for Wally!!! I thought I would make it sound a little more dangerous than just the sand...:p

Addy, did you make it out for dinner??? I hope so you need a little fun vegging out time!!:)

Happy Monday to All!!!!

11-15-2011, 01:34 PM
Hi Marie,

39?????? Wow that is colder than Wisconsin; we have 50's still this week but the bubble will burst soon:(:(:(

Never did do dinner, did lunch Sunday.;) Not quite as much fun but good to get out at any rate.

Koko always chewed fabric stuff too, never furniture legs, thank goodness:rolleyes: I still have all the pillows with chewed off corners. My neighbor's pup ate her wood banister:eek::eek: Now that is serious chewing:):)

Good news that the antibiotics are not bothering our Ella. I hope her rash is improving.

Zoe is finally moving off daylight savings time YES!!!!!!!

love ya,

Bailey's Mom
11-15-2011, 03:51 PM
Hi Marie Irene and Addy- :)

The only non-dog thing that Bailey chews on in the house is paperwork. :( That's my fault for leaving some of it around (on the floor.) :( Well-the only non-dog thing IN the house. She is part beaver as well. I finally am getting her to listen and drop that stuff. Sticks, pebbles.....and oh those glorious leaves! Let's play tag with the leaves!!!

MI-someone told me Bailey is probably mostly out of the puppy stage, and fully grown. :(:) There has been a BIG change in her settling down and not much finger munching.:eek:

Someone clued Zoe in on the clocks change., YAY Zoe!!:D

Ella wiped out? I wish we had a park around here that was enclosed.:(

Susan, Sus

11-15-2011, 04:13 PM
Where the heck is my red sweater??? What is this????? Out of sight, out of sweater?????

Bailey's Mom
11-16-2011, 06:00 PM
It's coming by FedEX!!!!!!!! Keep an eye out for it!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are absolutely NUTS, and I love it!!

11-16-2011, 06:47 PM

marie adams
11-17-2011, 02:26 AM

I have my red sweater, Addy has hers, but I think Mom said yours is being FedExed so be patient Carroll--you go off to the circus come back and think you are the boss of everything---sure!!!

With Bailey settling down there is hope for Ella when she gets older, but she is almost 8 months. I don't want to put the new sheets on for fear she will eat them and I will be do mad. I really need to make the duvet cover, but that will definitely make me mad if she chews holes in that.

Just like your children--they are so peaceful when they are sleeping how could I ever say she was the devil....:eek:

It will be Thursday soon--and that means Friday is almost here.

Oh, it wasn't 39 degrees here that was at Susan's--are you kidding we hardly ever have 39 degrees here. There would have been a little frost on the lawn and then killed a lot of the flowers--like impatients that usually survive the winter most of the time.


Bailey's Mom
11-17-2011, 03:32 PM
FedEx has come back and said there is nothing but an empty lot at Carrol's address. I think that's also like-"I was talking to her and there was no one home.":rolleyes:

Bailey's Mom
11-17-2011, 03:34 PM
Marie Irene-if I didn't say so.....the improved changes in Bailey are very recent. 9+ months seems to be our settling down point. You're almost there!

11-17-2011, 06:19 PM
What "address"?? I'm in the freakin desert, for heaven's sake! What ARE you people talking about????:eek:

Bailey's Mom
11-17-2011, 09:30 PM
This is sooooooooooooooo confusing...............multiple threads............how am I supposed to keep straight what I told to whom?????????????

11-17-2011, 10:01 PM
HA! You think YOU are confused! I'm sittin' in a pile of sand, who knows where, waiting for a ride outta here! It's not like I can go to the mall, have a white chocolate latte and people-watch while I'm waiting. Where the heck are you guys, anyway. Forget the whale...how about a cab...or a skateboard.....or roller blades.........? Hey, I think I see something moving..............

11-18-2011, 08:42 AM

go to the first pyramid and turn left, take twenty camel size steps and then turn left again. Continue due north until you find the oasis. Sit under the largest palm tree and wait two days. The water is safe to drink.

When the sun is highest in the sky on the third day, a prop plane should appear and hopefully land 100 paces west of the oasis.

Now it might be Humphrey Bogart piloting the plane but I was hoping it might be someone from the French Lieutenant's Women or possible Paul Newman in Out of Africa. It depends on my dream.:D:D:D

I should have you home for TURKEY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your twin,

Bailey's Mom
11-18-2011, 11:48 AM
Goshhh..........I hope the pilot is not Howard Hughes!!:eek:

If you see Wally, tell him to refill at that oasis.:)

11-18-2011, 10:52 PM
OMG...the thing I saw moving was WALLY.!!
OK, joke's over you guys. What the heck do I do with a WHALE in the freakin' desert???

Addy...how do I get him in the prop plane? BTW, who was the wise guy who dropped him off??

11-19-2011, 07:22 AM
Marie, (about the scatmat I read earlier) did you try aluminiumfoil? Some dogs really don't like it and will keep of off counters and tables if you cover them with aluminiumfoil :D But this method doesn't really teach Miss Ella anything, just like the scatmat. And with a smart dog like Ella, changes are she will figure out pretty quick that when the schatmat is not there, it's safe to put her frontpaws on the counter :)

So, you really should teach Miss Ella not to "up" everything :p You should start to train her "up" by using an atribute where she can put her frontpaws up. (up = put your frontpaws on the object) Then, the next step is to teach her to get off of the object. Once she knows this, you can tell her to "get off" of the counter or where ever she has her frontpaws ;)

In general, if a dog shows behaviour you don't want, then teach the dog a command for that unwanted behaviour and then teach them a command to stop that behaviour. Like barking..if a dog barks exessively, you first teach them to "speak". Once they master that command (e.g. bark when you say "speak") then you teach them "quiet" (to stop barking). Same with your countertops and tables, etc :D

Have fun :D

Sas and Yunah :)

Bailey's Mom
11-19-2011, 03:19 PM
Ooooooooooooooo-thanks Sas. I wondered how to get them to not speak. I've been putting my finger to my mouth as in "shush," and it is working somewhat. It would be great to get control of speak and no speak.

-Susan :)

marie adams
11-19-2011, 11:46 PM
Thanks Sas--I know, I thought she would figure out the mat wasn't there very quickly. The speak and quiet I know because we did that with Maddie. I know she knows what "OFF" means because we can tell her off and she gets down. She thinks pretty much everything is a game and wants the attention. I see improvement, but you have to be on your toes all the time.

Carrol--how the heck did you end up in the desert again??? You never left and all this time you have been silent you have been trapped on a sandy hill and now you found Wally??? You think you are confused I have no idea what to think....:D:)

Addy--your imagination is so wonderful...what will you think of next!!!

Susan--I haven't even checked your thread yet....:eek: Carrol is all over the place--but I like it!!!!

11-23-2011, 10:41 AM
Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day

To you and yours- Miss Ella too:


love, addy, zeo and oko

marie adams
11-23-2011, 06:08 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!:)

Bailey's Mom
11-29-2011, 11:56 PM
Hey, Marie Irene!!!

Did you fall into the cavity of the turkey? Are you in the desert with your sister, Carol? Did you wear your red sweater?? It has turned very cold here and you will need at least a sweater for the rest of the winter, I think. We had 10 days in a row of 60 or above......and I have just been LOVING it! :D:D:D My arthritis doesn't seem to understand that..........and I may be in for a very long winter. :(:(

I think you were the one who told me you had seen Punkin' Chunkin' before on TV. Well, we did not get to go as I had planned, but I did catch the Science Channel late Sunday night and they had a 2 hour show of this year's festivities. I really enjoyed watching the show....but having seen it, I'm not sure I want to go there with those huge crowds. It's a 3 day deal and the Science Channel very kindly showed me all the highlights up to who won. Those contraptions are something else. One just kind of blew up. Several others broke parts. I'd want to be way far away from those machines....especially since they are ALL homemade.:eek::eek: When we lived in Northern Virginia, just 5 minutes from DC, I felt we needed to see all the sights the visitors come to see. We mostly did. I felt similarly about the Punkin' Chunkin'......it's a regional specialty and I've been aware of it since the 1990s but just never took the time to go check it out. Now I don't have to hide if the subject comes up!;)

How was your Thanksgiving? Did you cook? Bob did all the cookiing here, except the pecan pie.(s) One is all gone and the second one is for a card playing group that is starting here this coming Thursday. The second one got frozen and I will take it out tomorrow evening. It will be just right!:D

We have our tree up and decorated. We need to do that while we have Ryan here to help. It went very well this year. Now Bob and I are putting out the house decorations. Down here, the first of the month that has a holiday-Easter, Halloween, Christmas, etc......that is when people decorate. That is....the ones who liver here year round do that. The rest of the folks don't usually decorate. I always have to take a ride somewhere to get my Christmas cheer "fix."

Well-it's late and I need to get some sleep. Take care.


11-30-2011, 01:29 PM
Sister, Sister- Happy Wednesday!!!!!!!!!

Can you believe it? Wisconsin had almost 60 degress for Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!

Now don't even tell me I have to start thinking about Christmas shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and that you enjoyed your mini work break. I'm thinking those frozen doggie treats arfe looking good right about now, thought I can't remember our name for them:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: LOL, it is harder and harder to go in to the office.

How did Miss Ella survive turkey day? I hope she was a good girl!!!!

love ya,

marie adams
12-05-2011, 02:14 AM
Whoa have I been awol....been sooo busy!

We are getting the house painted and then decided to have the painter paint the stair walls and living room walls--first time hiring a painter to paint inside the house--we usually to it ourselves. It was so nice having it done so quickly. :D We also got new furniture delivered and sold my antique dining table and chairs. This all has made Ella pretty nervous...:eek:

Ella continues to be a handful--eats everything she can get her mouth on, so nervous around the vacuum cleaners, and everything is a catch me if you can game. She is so silly and so much energy.:eek:

We finally got the Christmas boxes down from the attic and started decorating. Ella wants to be so helpful :eek: We cannot decorate outside until the house is finished being painted so maybe another week. I am happy the house is finally getting painted, but miss the annual tradition of decorating on Thanksgiving weekend. We did keep the tradition of getting the Christmas tree on the first--the daughter's half birthday--haha!! Ella got to go pick out the tree, Maddie never got to do that. :(:D

Oh how I know the feeling of it getting harder and harder to work...:confused:

Happy Monday!!!

12-05-2011, 09:32 PM
Sister Marie Irene=

Oh Happy Days!!!!!!!:


pooped out addy

Bailey's Mom
12-07-2011, 12:11 AM
I found the answer to getting tired of going to work was to retire. :D:D

Marie Irene....I'm jealous. We could not have the painter paint the inside when he did the outside. It will be awhile before we can swing that.:(

Hope your week is going well.:)

marie adams
12-08-2011, 01:41 PM
Just a quick note that I am alive and well. Surviving the Christmas spirit with Miss Ella. Only a few mishaps with the tree and everything else. No poinsettias for this house this year; not with the drive by mouth of Ella--she would surely take a bite!!:eek: I don't think I want to chance any poison control issues.

I know retiring would be the best and most wonderful thing in the world, but I just need to find new blood somewhere else so we will see what the new year brings....:)!

Happy Wednesday to All!!!:D

12-08-2011, 06:11 PM
Just stopping by on my way to Iraq....with the stupid whale:cool:

marie adams
12-11-2011, 12:57 AM
Just so much going on and just never enough time to get it all done. I think we have most of the decorating done except painting our annual picture on the sliding glass door.

My daughter is gone on a bachelorette weekend in Santa Barbara for her cousin who is getting married on New Year's Eve. Party time!!! That is another thing taking up time looking for that perfect dress--I thought about making one, but no time and couldn't find fabric I was happy with. I did make it to the Macy's sale--hehehe!!! I must have 5 or 6 dresses to try on for the hubby to see what he likes.

We have to find a place for Ella since we are spending the night at a hotel near the reception. Of course not sure what we will do since I do not want to release the rath of Ella on an unsuspecting neighbor. I tried a place where a friend takes their dog, but since Ella is not spayed they will not take her (it is also a doggie daycare facility).

Wow Carrol Iraq???? Really or just kidding....?? Is your son there?

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!!

12-11-2011, 09:01 AM
The wedding sounds like so much fun and how exciting to try on many dresses. I was just telling hubby yesterday that I am in the mood for something pretty to wear.

If Miss Ella is behaving around the tree, I think she is doing very well, a few sniffs of interest is not too bad. Koko has done that too. And with the house being painted and all that excitment for her, it sounds like she is doing well for a pup. Koko had to help me with the boxes too, Zoe ignores it all.

I can't see any yeast on Zoe but maybe it is there and I can't see it. She just wanted her chicken walk and run and jump outside. She is so funny because she likes to do her run and jump the low step onto the porch. I allow her four times and she will turn around and take off to go do it again on her own:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I think your Ella is like Zoe and Lucy at work. Too smart for their own good:D:D:D:D:D:D


Bailey's Mom
12-11-2011, 09:05 PM
Happy Sunday! Bailey says "ARF, arf" to Ella. Bob's birthday today, so Ryan was here for the weekend. He fixed my scanner....it stopped scanning. It would print, but not scan. He's my hero for my computer. I don't know what I'd do without him. I sure could not afford to pay for all the stuff he fixes.

I hope everyone is getting the spirit!


marie adams
12-15-2011, 01:08 PM
Ella says Arf, Arf to Bailey, Zoe and Koko!!!!:D:)

Will the world slow down a little bit....!!!:eek: Yesterday was my husband's B-day and it would have been Maddie's 13th:(...work was all over the place and again customer's disrespect your time line. It made me miss picking up my husband's new bike I bought him--new dog, new bike--haha!!! The other one is worn out from all the miles he rode with Maddie.

I was sad yesterday because of remembering last year on Maddie's B-day she had a hard time getting up and it was the week I found out she had cancer--all down hill from there, but I have to remember all the good times we had. Yeah, I can say that with the tears in my eyes as I type this. She is so missed!!!!! :(

Well, Ella just can't help herself with the tree--there is one bunch of flowers she wants to take off the tree because it is low and so easy to get to. She did destroy an ornament--a paper cut out gingerbread man--it was so cute and now it is in pieces in the trash. Do you think she got into trouble---YES!!!!

She still wants to be afraid of the vacuum--silly girl. We put her food bowl on it, I turn it on when she eats, but it in another room, and then she was in the condo and I did some vacuuming without a peep. When she got out of the condo and went over to it--big drama--biting it and doing an attack type barking--so silly and annoying.:eek:

Next Tuesday evening we are having our annual pre party before the family party on Christmas--this way everything is done ahead of time. This is the 3rd year for doing this--it is mostly friends of my daughter, but most of them are friends from high school or the people where my husband and daughter workout.

Sorry I have been awol so much--just a lot going on and the time slips away.

Happy Thursday!!!! Yay!!! It is almost Friday!!!!

Bailey's Mom
12-16-2011, 11:37 AM
Marie Irene.................it IS Friday!!!!

I just dropped Bailey off at the groomers. This is the groomer who took care of Palmer.....groomed him and boarded him. Bailey's hair is kind of weird :confused: and I don't know that scissor cutting really has an advantage for her. I thought maybe there would be more pluses getting her to the same place for grooming and for boarding. Palmer loved these people. :):) He was always so happy to go there..:D...and then so happy to come home. :D:D

I know how you feel about the one year thing. I don't like thinking of Palmer in his last 2 -3 weeks. It makes me really sad. :( I don't feel the connection with Bailey that I felt and still feel with Palmer. Maybe that just takes time.

Would you like me to drop the "Irene" part?


12-16-2011, 01:17 PM
Would you like me to drop the "Irene" part?

Why goodness, how can we do that?:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Koko has taken a few looks at the tree. The only thing he has eye level is ribbon:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: He is older than your two but still very much a puppy. I think he will be a puppy forever. I read once that whatever age you neuter a male, that is the age they kind of stay frozen in time with- mentally. Not sure how true that is but in Koko's case I do think he will always be nine months old.:):)

Marie, your party sounds like a lot of fun. Hope the festivities are awesome!!!!!!

This time of year can be bittersweet as we remember times gone by, loved one no longer with us.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))

love you,

marie adams
12-19-2011, 01:38 AM
Ella is an ornament robber--she dashes into the tree and grabs a snowflake ornament and off she runs. It is either the flowers or the snowflakes how does she know--too smart for me...:D:eek:

My husband got to experience trying to work around the house with Ella's help--he has figured out it takes longer to get things done--duh!! :eek::eek: She is always so helpful...sure!! hahaha!!!

I was trying on the dresses I brought home for the wedding and Ella was intrigued by me being in a dress--kept wanting to jump up and just be with me--I remember the day I put on a skirt--she had to try to run through my legs except the skirt was long.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!

12-20-2011, 01:15 PM
Puppy Love, its so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):)

Yesterday I was home sick in bed. Koko kept coming in to the room, jumping on the bed and giving me snuggles. Zoe cuddled for the morning and then just wanted to go chew!!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Almost time for the BIG DAY!!!!. :D:D:D:D:D:D

Merry Christmas Marie Irene!!!!!!


Bailey's Mom
12-20-2011, 01:49 PM
Hey Addy-

I'm so sorry you're sick. This is not the time (whenever is it the time?) to have that interfere with all you have to do. Bailey has sniffles.....and has been sneezing in doubles for 3 days.

YAHOO!!!!!! 5 days!!!

Love, Susan

12-23-2011, 01:46 PM
MERRY CHRISTMAS MARIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love and hugs,
addy, zoe and koko

12-24-2011, 02:30 PM
Thinking of you Merry Christmas to all of you xo

Bailey's Mom
12-24-2011, 09:35 PM
Marie Irene - MERRYCHRISTMAS!!!!!
I hope you and all your loved ones have a wonderful Christmas. Bailey says "Arff. Arff!" Hugs and kisses to Ella.


marie adams
12-27-2011, 03:23 PM
Merry Christmas late to all of you!!!

The past week was so busy with the pre-party on Tuesday, a warm-up party on Saturday during the day. My daugther's really good friend comes over for beer tasting and snacks. She brings home-made cookies. The beer is the Trader Joe's holiday blend. They taste last year's and then this year's for the taste test. I thought this year without aging was better than last year's.

We stayed home for Christmas Eve this year with no family. On to the Happy Birthday Jesus party at my daughter's friend family home. Such a great time. Then we come home to open the annual pj's for Christmas morning pictures. We are so silly, but traditions are traditions at this house....:) Christmas Dinner was at our house this year with home-made ox tail soup and prime rib.

I took Ella to the doggy spa for the first time the Monday before Christmas. She did okay with the bathing, but the blowing off well that is another story....she started biting at the air hose, then the barking started. I should have stopped at that, but one of the girls there said she could blow her off fast--all I had to do was hold her head and lead--sure that was easy--let's just say I love my new battle scar right under my left eye. Ella is so strong that she turned around with her mouth open and one of her canine teeth scraped my face--it left an inch long superfical cut. I went to the doctor and they glued it closed. Now it itches so bad--good thing it is healing fast because my niece's wedding is Saturday.

Ella was so nervous with all the people coming to her house. With having the painters here most of the last 2 weeks and then all the parties I think she was exhausted with trying to protect her house. I know we have a lot of work on greeting people at the front door. Christmas morning she did pretty good. We gave her a stuffed elephant and it didn't take long before we had the tail ripped off and part of one of the ears.

We didn't know where we were going to put Ella for the wedding, but found out we can take her with us to the hotel where we will be staying for the evening. The Marriott is dog friendly so we will be taking the condo with us for her in the room. I wouldn't wish Ella on any unsuspecting person if I want to keep them as friends--hahaha!!!:eek:

Since she isn't spayed she couldn't go to a doggie play group to stay. She still hasn't gone into heat and she will be 9 months old on the first. Maddie was 14 months old before she went into heat.

Happy New Year!!!!!

12-28-2011, 08:28 PM
Happy New Year!!!!!!!

I am wishing you this tonight in case I don't get to before you leave for the wedding. I hope you have a wonderful time.:):):):)

Will you have someone take a pix of you and your pretty dress? I sure would so like to see it and you too, of course:D:D

I also hope you find a place for Miss Ella. I wish I was not across the country, I would take her.

Hugs and Love,

marie adams
12-29-2011, 12:24 PM
Thanks for the offer of taking Ella!!!:D I am scared to let someone take care of her for fear she will be a wholy terror and chew up someone's nice scarf or pillow if she is unhappy and not given enough exercise.:o

I haven't heard back yet for the Sleepover Rover people who house dogs in people's homes. I have a reservation at the back up vet's, but it is only a run and she cannot be picked up until Monday.:( I found another place that she could play with other dogs, but again cannot pick her up until Monday--this one I don't understand since I believe it is at her house. :confused: So we will see...we are not venturing far from home for this wedding just decided better to be safe than sorry on New Year's Eve and not driving much!!!

Pictures of me in a dress---scary!!!! :eek: Still looking for shoes!!

12-29-2011, 07:09 PM
Pictures of me in a dress---scary!!!!

we want pictures, we want pictures

oh, come on now,

we want pictures

i'm just razing ya:D:D:D:D


marie adams
01-03-2012, 03:27 PM
I totally forgot about pictures. There were pictures taken by the photographer, but none by any of us---sorry!!! The wedding was beautiful and the reception was great--a lot of dancing (my legs were so tired and hurt the next day).

Ella Bear went on a sleepover for Saturday night. We decided it wasn't such a good idea to let her stay in our hotel room for so many hours by herself in her condo--unfamiliar diggs would have freaked her out even more. We were rushed also between driving to the hotel, checking in, getting ready, and then onto the church. We drove back from the church to the hotel and hopped on a shuttle to the reception. Ella would have been in her condo for over 7 hours.

The sleepover was through a group called Sleepover Rover, Inc. 2 women started it because they felt it better to have your furball in someone's home than in a kennel. I had 3 different places by Thursday evening where Ella could go. I took her over to this person's home Friday morning to see if Ella and her dogs got along. It was party on as soon as Ella got in their house. One of the beagles loves to play so Ella and Barney started chasing each other through the house right away. I figured it was a good fit, but was still worried how well Ella would behave. My other 2 options wanted to keep her until Monday and I wasn't keen on that idea--especially since one of the places was a care facility at someone's home. The other was the backup vet's boarding at their facility--a run where Ella would have to stay for 2 days--the only thought here was she would really appreciate us after that stay--hehe!!!

I guess she was fine other than she will not go potty on cement--it has to be grass and they had to almost lay on her to calm her down to sleep that night.

Happy New Year!!! Sorry I missed the Non-basement Party.

01-03-2012, 09:24 PM
Happy New Year!!!

It sounds like you had a good time and Miss Ella was just fine:D Dancing till your legs hurt is a GOOD thing!

Maybe my baby Kujo, oops, I mean Zoe, could go on a sleep over. Something tells me, probably not;):D:rolleyes:

Now you get to recover from the big party. Relax, take a hot bath, cuddle Miss Ella.

Oh, January!!!!!! Hey, 18 more days and it will be light at 5:00pm:D

love ya,

marie adams
01-04-2012, 01:41 AM
Light after 5pm--I am all for it!! And a holiday falls in there--oh happy day another day off work!!

Ella is still sleeping off the weekend. She is so silly--all wround up one minute and then snoozing the next. She so loves the couch and hubby doesn't even care--he said as long as she doesn't act like she owns it then it isn't such a bad thing, but still.....

marie adams
01-04-2012, 04:16 PM
Ella hit the 9 month old mark on Sunday and Susan I think I am seeing progress. She walks wonderfully most of the time on the leash--I am so looking forward to the day she can walk with me off leash and not make me chase her. She is getting better about giving back what she stoled--loves the chase me game, but sometimes time doesn't allow it. We still counter surf for food--that still needs more work. She can spend more time in the backyard while we are gone or even at home and not bark hardly at all. :D

All in all I think get are getting there--less moments of frustration and more joy. :) Maturity who would think you want that when a puppy is so cute....,;)

Bailey's Mom
01-04-2012, 05:44 PM
Maturity who would think you want that when a puppy is so cute....,;)Isn't THAT the truth??!!!!!
Counter surf.. that's funny....from my perspective, of course. Our counters are higher than average....there's no way Bailey's gonna get on top of those.
I'm eager for the let off leash and not have to chase phase as well. If no one is outside, I can do it for the last 100ft. before home.
That just reminded me.....I opened the door the other night @1AM to let Bailey out right before we went to bed.....as we usually do. I didn't even get through the door and my neighbor, who is 80-something and can't hear worth a darn-called over......"Bob?" Maybe he needs new glasses as well. Well, that got to Bailey barking and barking and barking. Then she saw him and everything ratcheted up another notch. After we got inside I said to Bob, Boy-I'll hear about THAT tomorrow from our next door neighbor. He said...I don't see why....she is ALWAYS telling everyone she never sleeps. (maybe you need to know the people involved) What a hoot! ( Did not hear from her.):D

marie adams
01-08-2012, 12:29 PM
Have you ever gotten into a yelling match with someone at a park over your dogs?????:mad:

Well, Ella got into trouble with a Sheltie who does weigh less than she does, but always wants to chase Ella at this park by my house where we go sometimes. There are usually quite a few dogs there mostly average size, but also some small ones. This Sheltie always wants to chase Ella who never passes up a chance to run and play. The owner a few weeks backs suggested in a flippant tone that I should reprimand Ella for making her dog roll when they are playing. Now Ella who is usually very vocal never says a peep when she is playing with all the dogs. Ella is not mean in any manner, but seems to roll on the grass with this particular dog. This past Friday evening this person just went off yelling and wouldn't leave it alone. I should have just said thank you for bringing that to my attention, but I couldn't leave it alone. I asked her how I was going to reprimand Ella when the moment was over. She just went off and started yelling about how she told me 2 weeks ago to control my dog--let's see all the dogs are off leash and this is the only dog Ella has an issue with in this owner's eyes. There were two other people with us and I could see how embrassed they were. Finally after about 10 minutes of this person going on and on she pedaled off on her bike with her dog in the basket. I did suggest she keep her dog from chasing Ella and we wouldn't have a problem...yeah, that didn't go over real well. :rolleyes:

One of the other people said she didn't know that person very well, but if she went off like that and if Ella did hurt her dog--she would own my house and everything else. I agreed....:mad:

When I told my husband what had happened he said he learned with Maddie to just tell people who went into a rage about her being off leash to just say thank you.

I told the other 2 people I just wouldn't come to the park any longer, but then later that night I thought why should I have to ruin Ella's fun for that one person. This is why a lot of people I know don't come to this little park, because of her I bet.

The other thing I thought is why does Ella only roll with this dog. After talking to another person I know with a dog they related a story about their dog who weighs about 60 lbs and a Boston Terrier. What happended was they were playing and the Boston Terrier stopped in its tracks but the other dog couldn't stop fast enough and rolled the terrier. The couple who owned the terrier reacted differently--the women freaked out and the husband knew just exactly what happened. If I think back this is what is happening with Ella and the Sheltie. The Sheltie slows up and Ella cannot stop and then makes the Sheltie roll.:confused:

Believe me I do not want Ella hurting another dog, but I do not want to be around this women again--reminds me of my next door neighor who always plays the victim....:rolleyes:

That was a long one......:o I need to post some pictures---soon!!!

Happy Sunday!!!!

Bailey's Mom
01-08-2012, 08:58 PM
Awwwwwwwwww-Marie Irene. Aren't some people just sometimes stinky? I don't think you should go to the park with this lady there....but I don't think it should keep you away. What about asking her what time she is usually there and offering to time your visits so that your paths won't cross? There are no dog parks around here, nor were there when I lived in VA. It was just coming on the scene then. Then too some people just need to be avoided. It isn't worth the "cost."
Now....this is the sweet, loving Ella that still bites you sometimes right?;);)
Happy Sunday and then Monday!:)

01-09-2012, 01:32 PM
Oh Marie,

Sorry you had such a bad experience. Sus has a good idea about going at different times.

It could be Ella just can't stop in time. Some of our dog parks have areas for larger dogs and areas for smaller dogs. I don't take my two to the dog park. I am not sure Koko could handle it. One time I took Zoe to a doggie day care and they told me they would not just throw her in with all the dogs but let her adjust slowly, a few dogs at a time. well, they threw her in will all the dogs and she went to hide in the corner and would not come out. Then snapped at the handler who tried to force her out of the corner. They said I had to pick her up and she could not come back she was too fearful. She had passed her test just fine. I was always mad that they did not follow threw with how they told me they would adjust her.

Point is, sometimes some people are just jerks:D;) I know it is hard to let go. I'm still mad and that happened over 4 years ago.:rolleyes:


marie adams
01-09-2012, 02:39 PM
Yes, this is our dear sweet loving Ella who STILL bites at times--like yesterday she freaked out at the air compressor hose when my husband released it. He was so MAD at her. She just freaks at things you wouldn't even think about her doing. :eek:

This park isn't a Dog Park it is just a little park in the neighborhood where people gather. I am pretty sure this person would cooperate--I think she thinks she owns the park since her backyard backs up to it (no gate from her yard, but...) and she has been coming longer than I have. This is why we didn't do any gatherings at this park with Maddie. :mad:

Yes, there are just odd strange people out there--not good caring people like all of us here....:p Do you think it is the Full Moon effect???? :D

Happy Monday!!! And thanks for the moral support!!!!

Bailey's Mom
01-09-2012, 07:09 PM
This reminds me of a woman around here. There is a group of townhouses behind our neighborhood. The neighbor...Debbie-two doors up, has a big black dog. Lovely thing. She told us of how she took the dog out one night....to the back. If you walk straight out her backyard, you wind up on one of the streets for the townhouses. Well, this woman...not in the first row, but in the SECOND row of houses away from Debbie came out and gave her a real hassle. She told Debbie she was on private property...which she wasn't...and if she didn't get off, this woman would call the police. She had a very large flashlight in her hand and Debbie became very uncomfortable about this woman. She told her,...you go ahead and call the police, because if you don't I will. Police came, not much happened. The guy who lives with this woman was at some function that the neighbor next to Debbie was also attending. He was asking where she lived and when she told him, he said-"I know you......I've seen you undress in your bedroom at night." Well......Nancy's bedroom is not in the back of the house. There's no way this guy saw her. My next door neighbor ran into her one day.....behind us and my next door neighbor, there is an open area. A place between two groups of townhouses. Well this woman gave the same run around to Suzy....to get off that property. This woman has a dog and I'm pretty sure she was the same one who came over to where I had Palmer and let her dog get its whole mouth around Palmer's head.....and said nothing....not I"m sorry, not whoops, not anything. Unfortunately I thought she was another neighbor's dog....they have the same kind....and when my neighbor said something, I told her her daughter had not kept her dog under control. She didn't say anything, but checked it out, got back to me and assured me it was not her dog and not her daughter. (That may be confusing.)
Anyway-and keeping resentments.....I try not to, but boy if I do, they last a LONG time. Only hurts me, though. No one should live rent free in your head.:)

marie adams
01-10-2012, 01:27 PM
Oh how I know that feeling of resentment. I ponder it over and over in my head.

Last night when I walked Ella I ran into the two nice ladies that were there during the yellfest. They talked to another couple at the park who saw the crazy lady--who tried to inform them of how bad Ella was and all the drama. The crazy lady I guess kept asking them if she was right--so she has a little doubt :eek: about her actions....my friends said this couple was pretty much on my side (I don't want there to be sides, but I will take it) and they think the crazed one might be in early menopause. :eek: I apologized for getting involved in the whole situation and making them uncomfortable.

While walking Miss Ella this morning she went into one of her biting the leash moments--our neighbor who has trained dogs before and helped with the "Heal method of walking" one day said Ella should never growl and snap at me since I am the one who feeds her. She needs a quick whack on the snout and a MEAN "NO" at the same time. Talk about being embarrassed with my dog skills. I had put Ella in a down position and held the leash with my foot--she didn't like it much so that was her reaction. Another area we need to work on...

I see such good improvements and then she gets herself into trouble...like chewing up a good casual shoe of mine. :eek::eek::mad: I thought she was sleeping and she got into my closet. See I said you have to watch her all the time if she is in the house.

Have a great Tuesday!!!!

Bailey's Mom
01-10-2012, 03:20 PM
I only have a sec, but can you explain what the "Heal method of walking" is? Do you carry band-aids along with you?;):rolleyes: Perhaps a thermometer.;):rolleyes: I have tried to get Bailey to "heel", but we're still workin' on it!~

(I just could not resist teasing you. No harm meant!)

marie adams
01-11-2012, 12:51 AM
I don't mind the teasing...if you didn't I would be nervous that maybe you didn't love me anymore!!!:D
My spelling just isn't what it use to be--I sit there pondering how the heck do you spell that word--do you think I am losing it???:eek:

My method of walking is using a pincher chain collar that isn't really a choker chain because it has a ring so it only goes so far. My neighbor is in charge and does a quick jerk and says heal/heel :D. Ella is good until we get near the park or she sees something she cannot resist. Tonight she yanked my left arm and somewhere during the walk my right hip is now out of wack...I am falling apart. I cannot go to the chiropractor because I will just get out of wack again. ;)

Ella is a good walker most of the time even the people she stayed with said she was good on the leash--so there is hope...

Thanks for the teasing! :p

01-11-2012, 09:04 PM
gee for a minute I thought I was reading a script for a new TV pilot:D:D

could be a good show:D:D

now, who saw someone naked? A dog trainer? With a heel problem? IS that some kind of fetish? What the heck is a fetish anyway? Why do I even know that word? Why was a dog trainer looking through the window? OMG a Peeping Dog Trainer??????:eek::eek::eek::eek:

MOM run for the hills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

marie adams
01-12-2012, 01:03 PM
LOL I need silly posts!!!

Mom has to find her crystals before she can run for the hills!!!! Let's send out a search party to find them and then we will all head for the hills. While we are searching for the crystals can we find my spelling brain cells??????

Addy my fingers go faster than the brain too!!!!:eek::eek:

It is almost Friday and I am still not very motivated to work!!!:eek:

Bailey's Mom
01-12-2012, 04:11 PM
Oh come now..... ALL of us make the typos.:) It's just that some of them strike me as very funny and I can't resist making a joke.:D

I still cannot find the crystals. Perhaps Bailey ate them.....she eats everything else!!:rolleyes:


marie adams
01-14-2012, 01:38 PM
Maybe Bailey did eat the crystals--if so how will you ever get better????:eek:

I let Ella run free yesterday morning--she was as happy as a lark--whatever that means....:D Of course couldn't resist a few poop eating sessions along the way. She didn't come everytime I called her, but did enough to train more with cookies and a sit. I didn't have to chase her to hook her back up to the leash so that was good. :p

She officially has gone into heat--does this mean she is all grown up--a lady....:D If we breed her when she is 2 yrs old then I will first have to make sure we have takers for her pups and learn the cost involved so we can at least break even or make a little money for the effort. If we take her back to the breeder who said he has 2 males perfect for her then he may want one. This is still a year and a half down the road....

I hope everyone has a great HAPPY WEEKEND!!!!

01-14-2012, 07:02 PM
Off leash is pretty darn good for Miss Ella, I would say. You should be very proud.:D:D:D

Especially now that she is a young lady;):D:D

Gosh Marie, how fast the time is flying. I can't keep up with it.

Enjoy your weekend!!!!!!!!

love ya,

01-20-2012, 08:51 AM

can Marie come out to play???????

I can muster up a Friday dance, I'm dancing, its Friday, still dancing!!!

I'm feeling better this am and wanted to report in to Doctor Marie. I think I turned the corner thanks to you and Mom, HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you have good plans for the weekend?? I'm sure they won't include snow shoveling like mine:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Have a wonderful weekend, have fun with Miss Ella.

love ya and thank you again for all the caring and love.

dance, dance dance
dancing addy

Bailey's Mom
01-21-2012, 05:53 PM
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuHoooooooooooooooooooooo why is Marie Irene not coming out to play??? :(
Is she stuck down in that non basement? It must be pretty wet down there. We have had a lot of rain. I hope she has her bright, yellow slicker on along with her fisherman's hat and knee high boots......with spiked heels of course. :D

And while we are looking for her...........where the heck is Carrol?

01-22-2012, 02:11 PM
hope she has her bright, yellow slicker on along with her fisherman's hat and knee high boots......with spiked heels of course.

ummm, MOM, ummmm when did you and sister Marie Irene go shopping? Cause, like, I was just wondering


AND just exactly what weekend did you guys go to buy a fisherman's hat let alone boots?????????

Was that the weekend you told me I had to babysit Bailey and you and Marie had a doctors appointment and I was supposed to get a burger from Three Guys or Five Brothers but you forgot and all I got was some cold fries?

Bailey's Mom
01-22-2012, 11:41 PM
LOL!!! ROBL and LMAO!!!!
Well-Addy you found us out. We did go shopping and it WAS that time you watched Bailey and we WERE supposed to bring back a burger from Five Guys.......but we got soooooooooo hungry............and we could not find your size in a slicker, boots and hat...all very yellow. All of the pieces were so large and you would have looked really funny with your sleeves hanging on the floor-like Tom Hanks in Big....not to mention, the hat would have been covering your ears and eyes!! And well......forget the boots. I could just see you tripping over your feet. You were supposed to go out the next weekend with Carrol....but she is again among the missing. :mad::confused::(

Next time it snows several inches or feet, just put some slats on your feet and slide on down here. We will go shopping and we will get something to eat at Six Guys!! Then we can go to the popcorn store and get whatever flavor you want.....cheese, plain, caramel or caramel with peanuts. The following week we will go to see the dentist.
And don't forget to bring Zoe!! :D:)


marie adams
01-24-2012, 11:32 AM
I look pretty darn or should I say DAMN good in my spiked fishing boots--one of a kind--too bad my phone is wet from being in the non-basement or I would have taken a picture to post.

Does ROBL mean Rolling on back laughing or bed laughing--it could mean something else???

Addy you are lucky you got some fries because I usually eat those first before the burger--I was pretty darn hungery after shopping. As my husband says there is no bad weather for shopping....:eek: I still have never been to our 5 Guys out here--we are In & Out fans...

I have been awol again, but I did get stuff done around here that needed to be done. There has been a little rain. We had to fix the refrigerator water line so we would have ice cubes to make drinks with :eek::D It seems like we had just done this not to long ago. We had to fix the downstairs closet shelves--had to much heavy stuff on them (hubby's tools, workout medicine ball--forgot how heavy that was) and the screws pulled out. It feels to nice to have the closet and refrigerator cleaned out--I like to be organized, but it just seems to not be top priority. It does make it less stressful. Finally put the Christmas stuff up in the attic--my daughter was helping and she missed a step on the attic ladder and swung around and fell on the floor hitting a few things on the way down--didn't really hurt herself too bad--a bruised foot--good thing she works out and has muscles to protect herself.

We have soooo much fun on our threads!!!

Miss Ella is doing great for her condition--I don't think she has a clue what it is all about. She keeps herself very clean. We have to keep her on the leash and watch out for the boy dogs, but other than that all is good. Two more weeks of this comfinement and we will be working on the off leash again.

I see changes for the better in her, but still have the boundary lessons to improve upon. She is very independent still and I want that, but I want to be one of the head lead dogs in this household. She knows how to whisper, speak, and the quiet commands. Maddie knew how to whisper also.

Happy Tuesday!!! Thanks for keeping tabs on me!!!

Bailey's Mom
01-24-2012, 04:02 PM
Does ROBL mean Rolling on back laughing or bed laughing--it could mean something else???
I guess it's up to you. I thought it was rolling on my belly laughing.
There is also ROFL.....(floor).
We have soooo much fun on our threads!!!
Isn't THAT the truth!!

I'm glad you're back Marie Irene. You bet the nonbasement has been wet. I've been hearing the sump pumps run. I don't hear that very often....since the initial start up when it seemed to run all the time. I told Bob when we go to sell the house, we will need to shut off the pumps. In the bedroom you are right over one of them and you can hear it. Not bad....but not something I'd want to bring up to need to explain.

I need to get back to the doc.:( The room has really been spinning today. I almost fell down when Bob tried to get me to look at something on the ceiling. I caught myself on the nearest wall.:eek:

Happy Tuesday, guys.
BTW....Bailey turned one yesterday. WooHoo!!! :D:D:):)

marie adams
01-25-2012, 01:05 PM

So hard to believe Bailey is already a year old--time flies, but sometimes not fast enough when you have a puppy...:eek::D There are so many days I wish Ella is a year old and many when I wish she was just a sweet little puppy (was there ever a time she was sweet--let me think :rolleyes:) She is sweet, but then the little devil appears and you just want to give her away.

She does so well on our walks and then she turns and looks at you and you just know what is going on in her head--"I am going to chew on the leash and she will get mad at me; so then I will jump up on her and chew on her coat sleeves getting her all dirty with dirty paw prints" :eek::mad:

I love her to death, but.....she wears me out trying to think ahead what she will do next. I will look back on these times and laugh I am sure.

I know we will have to send out a search party to find Carrol--do you think Wally will help???