View Full Version : Miss Ella Has Arrived
marie adams
01-27-2012, 12:24 PM
Happy Friday!!!
So now I am glassless (except for the 99 cent store ones that I can read with, but the distance makes me sick)--Ella chewed up my last pair (and these were old ones from 2 sets back) the only good thing is they were not a new pair because I haven't gotten around to ordering them yet. :eek: The funny thing is I didn't see her take them out in the backyard this morning at 5:30am. I told my daughter as she was leaving to workout that Ella must have found something good to chew on because she hasn't moved from her spot on the lawn. I finally went out to see what she had (I was getting my husband lunch ready so I was business--calmly without Ella into everything) and saw it was my glasses. She knew I was mad and gave them only after a short chase me game. The rest of the morning she was a calm pup--she must have sensed I was miffed at her.
I am hoping she will be effected by the word "BAD" like Maddie was--you just had to say it and she knew. Sometimes a look was all it took--hopefully we will get there--my husband keeps saying she is doing really good for only 10 months old almost. I do forget, she is really well behaved for her age. She just has sooooo much energy!! :eek:
Susan, Ella will be a year old on April 1st. Do you think she is an April Fool's baby???? :eek: Never thought about that before--hehe!!! :D
Enjoy the day!!! It is suppose to be beautiful here today 81 degrees and all weekend. Sorry!!! ;)
Bailey's Mom
01-27-2012, 11:08 PM
Bummer about the glasses. Ella really can be a handful, huh?
You know, I realized I wasn't saying "BAD" much. I've started using it sparingly....and it does seem to make a difference. Even without that, Bailey can look at me and tell if she's misbehaving.....then she tries to sneak away.
Have a great weekend!
Oh our Miss Ella, I can just see her happily chomping outside on your glasses.:D:D;);) That's our girl.
I know the terrible teens are sometimes more of a challenge but Ella is doing pretty darn good, I think.
Dancing has slowed down a bit, getting a cough. I called my doctor and I have to pick a new doctor AGAIN!!!!! She is leaving. LOL it is Zoe's clinic revisited:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::mad::mad:
Will you do me a favor and send some of that warm sunny weather to Wisconsin? Just put a box outside for an hour, then quickly close it and tape it up and post.:D:D:D:D:p:p:p:p
Have a wonderful weekend dear host with the most!!!!!!
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D:D:D
love ya,
tiny dancer addy
marie adams
01-30-2012, 01:40 PM
I tried boxing up the warm weather, but it escaped out of the box. I think it would be better to just head West and enjoy the warm weather again this weekend!!! Drinks on me!!! Ella would love to play with Zoe, Koko, and Miss Bailey.
Happy Monday!!!
Well, Sister Marie Irene, thank you for at least trying. The sunset was pretty tonight, all pinks and blues, just beautiful. For a moment I felt like I had received the box of sunshine and warmth after all.
Well, I have my yellow quilt on my bed and my red pjs out. It is hard to not feel good when you are surrounded with yellow and red. I just need a bit of blue and I would have sweet dreams for sure:D:D:D
Have a wonderful week. I hear you about the customers. Ours went awol too:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
love ya,
Bailey's Mom
01-31-2012, 10:12 PM
64 and sunny here today. Same except for the sun part tomorrow.
Ring, ring, ring
Time to get up. I am your personal wake up call, Susan's too.:D:D
It is FRIDAY!!!!!!! No work tomorrow!!!!!!! Can't waste time sleeping:D:D:D:D:D Zoe got me up at 4:00:eek::eek::rolleyes:
EVERYBODY UP!!:D:D:D:D Let's get our groove on, whatever the heck that means:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
marie adams
02-03-2012, 01:11 PM
I was up at 5am so there wasn't that about the time you were ringing?????:p
Ella always wakes us up with toooo many kisses. She is so silly.:)
One of the neighbors walking by told my husband they saw Ella watching them and barking--which means she had her head as high as the top of the fence. I think what it was, she was standing on the picnic table watching people walk by on the walking path across the street. I sure hope she isn't jumping up looking over the fence :eek:! She does have the ability to jump pretty high--she is very agile so it wouldn't surprise me, but I sure hope it doesn't happen or I do not know what I will do--Condo time when we are not home. :p
Warm weather is heading your way!!!! 77 here this weekend.
HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!! :):D:p;)
Bailey's Mom
02-06-2012, 01:48 AM
Hi Marie Irene-
Just stopping by to wish you a good start to the week. I hope Miss. Ella has been behaving.
Susan :D
Warm weather arrived for the weekend, thank you Marie!!!! It was wonderful even with a headache. I do the wet hair thing too, sometimes it helps but does not take it away completely.:(:(
Does it really take 21 days to break a habit? I was wondering about that so I was so glad you told me. Once it stays light out when I get home from work, I can keep her busier outside. Counting the days.
I don't blame you for being worried about Ella possibly jumping the fence. She seems to be quite good at problem solving.;):) When we went to the pet store to get the Comy Cone, two Aussies were walking around the store. They were so pretty.:D:D:D Not sure how the mom and dad keep up with a pair, they are so darn smart, the Aussies, I mean, but they were really good in the store. My two are a lot of work and they are not as high energy. Of course, I am not high energy either. ;):rolleyes: I was picturing you with 2 Ellas:D:D:D:D:D Of course she is a puppy and full of fun and curiosity as she should be. Anyway, they were really pretty.
Enjoy your week. Kisses to our girl.
marie adams
02-07-2012, 01:39 PM
Two Ellas at one TIME!!!! :eek::eek::eek:
It is raining here right now, but not much--it is suppose to be 77 on Thursday.
This morning I would have like to give Ella to anyone who would take her :mad:! I decided to let her off leash and if she could have she would have cleaned up all the poop on the trail. I now wish everyone would clean up after their dog--it is usually on the sides of this berm in the weeds, but still. I was so mad I was going to put her back on the leash, but the catch me if you can started. I just started walking away, but someone came by with their dog (I didn't know this person) a very nice vizela (sp.). Ella and this dog ran around together, but the owner wanted to continue on with her run--Kill Ella Time:eek: I was able to distract her with greeting our Mr. Asian Man who rides a bike every morning. I still couldn't get her to stand still so I decided I am heading home--she followed but at a distance making stops along the way--:eek::eek:POOP Yuck!!!!
I figured she ate enough poop so I didn't give her anything else to eat--maybe when I leave the house.
And just when I thought she was getting calmer in ways!!! :o:confused: I am looking at more training classes, but I don't think she needs any puppy type classes but a polish class on what she knows and how to improve it--of course I am not a dog trainer just yet--:D.
Happy Tuesday!!!
marie adams
02-08-2012, 12:30 PM
I think I will keep the little booger today!!!
She was better off leash today--too interested in all the smells from the tiny bit of rain we had yesterday. She did come to me and let me hook her up to the leash. I feed her before we went out, but she still had to eat some poop!!!:eek:
The classes I am looking at cost $295 for five lessons an hour each. I find that a little outragous, but in turn if it makes her and us the best together it would be worth it. I also am checking into a beginner agility class, but I am not sure if she is still too young to be doing all that jumping. Of course you should see her play with other dogs or the running and jumping she does when she is off leash.
Have a great day!!! Sunshine today with the high tomorrow to be 79.:)
Agility class would be so great. I wanted to do that with Koko but with his partial collapsing trachea, we could not.
I know Ella would love it, you too!!!!!!!!
We have the same problem with people not cleaning up after their dogs. I get upset too cause given the chance, Koko thinks it is like liver pate:D:D:D:D
Is it Friday yet? I fell like I am stuck on ground hog day!!!!
marie adams
02-09-2012, 03:09 PM
Miss Ella was better today on the walk--Freedom--she loves it. She was still eating liver pate even after I feed her before we went. I was guilty of leaving poop out there with Maddie, but now I see that wasn't a good idea. I took some Natural Balance Log goodies with me--I call them Cake so she knows they are better than cookies. It worked better she came a lot more and sat to get the treat. I think she pretty much cleaned up the one side of the berm so she stayed with me more on the way home. This might work!!!! I still do not have the control I want, but it is a process--RIGHT!!! :eek:
Happy Thursday and Staying light till 6pm sort of!!!! Just think Daylight Savings Time is almost here!!!:D
Bailey's Mom
02-17-2012, 12:23 AM
Hey Marie Irene???!!!!
Nothing to say in 18 days? (the last post on here.):rolleyes:
Miss Ella got your tongue???????;)
Send sunshine!!!
marie adams
02-17-2012, 11:33 AM
Helllloooo!!! :D I have posted in the last 18 days--it was 2/9 on Ella's thread. :p
I am trying to send the sunshine. It has been sunny here the last 2 days. We finally got rain on Wednesday and it wasn't a teaser rain this time. Nothing heavy, but it was nice--that is probably what is headed your way if it hasn't already gotten there. :o
Ella was soooo good today on our walk in the wetlands--she stayed with me and the other person I was walking with and her dog. Ella even came up to me to let me touch her and even put the leash on a few times. I think Miss Ella has matured. :)
I have to go, but I will be back in a while--have to work and go to the chiropractor.
Happy Friday!!!!
Happy Friday to you too Marie Irene!!!!!!
and happy chiropractor visit as well. I can hearing the crackin' all the way here in Beer town!!!!!!!
I think Sunday is the Acadamy Awards show and I only saw one movie:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: I hope you fared better.
I got some warm weather and sunshine. Wasn't sure if it came from you or Sus:):):):)
Thank you either way;);)
addy scarlett
Bailey's Mom
02-23-2012, 01:37 AM
Helloooooo Marie Irene!!!!!! :D:D
How the heck are you? How is that crazy Ella? When is her first birthday? Bailey would like to bake a cake for you. A red one. Red velvet. It will match your sweater.:D
It's late and I'm having to constantly correct my typing,:( so I'll be on my way. Take care of yourself and Zoe.
marie adams
02-23-2012, 01:41 PM
Hellloooo Back Susan!!!!! :D
We are doing just fine--just busy with work, home, life, and of course Miss Ella.
She will have a Birthday on April 1st--my April Fool's Furbaby!!! :p
I am hoping the calming down this last month is because she is getting older and not because she is sick or not feeling well. It is the Nuggets (as someone put it this morning) she eats on the trail that make me nervous....:o She is selective and doesn't touch her own.
I love red velvet cake, cookies, cupcakes, etc. :D I know Ella loves pretty much everything--even POOP!!! YUCK!!!! We have been working on the Leave It--so my husband started throwing popcorn on the floor in the kitchen (partly because he doesn't want her eating a kernal if it gets loose when it is hot). She does so good, but the leave it command on the trail doesn't work so much.....:eek:
Otherwise we are A Okay!!!! :)
Marie Irene, I think Ella and Koko are related. He used to eat everything he could find in the street when we would take a walk!!!!
I just realized he has been with us for 3 1/2 years so it only took me 3 years to stop his habit:eek::eek::eek::eek:
We had 7 inches of snow and I have to drive to work:eek::eek::eek:
Wish I had a jet plane:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Have a wonderful weekend. I will be picturing you and Ella in the warm California sun!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
Trying to dance the friday dance, cha, cha, cha
marie adams
02-24-2012, 01:06 PM
If you had a jet plane you could fly out says it is suppose to get to 75, but I think not!!! Of course 55 would be warm for you and no snow. I want snow for Mammoth--where we go to ski and snowboard--I gave it all up a while back---I like staying in the condo with Maddie. Now it will be Ella's turn to romp in the snow--I am sure it will be a funny site. :D
Oh and thanks for the
so it only took me 3 years to stop his habit She has to stop it or I am afraid she is going to get sick and she has so much fun off the leash....she is getting better everyday. I even started to run little bits to get her to chase me to re-focus her thought process and I hate to run!! :p
I am ready to Cha Cha Cha...I posted on Susan's thread that I missed National Margarita day on Wednesday so for Happy Friday I think we need to have one. Then you can make you cake pops for Sunday....:D
marie adams
03-03-2012, 09:06 PM
It is suppose to be 84 here tomorrow; I guess we didn't need a winter.
We keep hoping for more snow in Mammoth, but we will just have to make do with what is there when we go. It will be later than usual, but my daughter said she is going without us if we don't go because she has not missed a year ever in her life so far.
It is heart breaking for her because she was up for a promotion, but didn't get it and they laid her off--doesn't make a lot of sense because it was a job she had pretty much been doing. We think it is because she was the tail end of her old manager's hirelings and the company wanted to start fresh. Her manager now or should I say no longer couldn't believe it and was so sad to have to be the one to tell her. We just told her that God works in mysterious ways and this might be a blessing--there is a brighter future with another company that will appreciate all her talents and dedication. :o
Miss Ella turned 11 months on Thursday. She continues to improve in seeming like she is trained. I have to call the place I think will be a good fit for training further in manners and then onto agility. The owner is very familiar with Aussies so that will be a blessing. :D
Happy Rest of the Weekend!!! :)
Oh Marie, that is a tough one for your daughter but you are right, a better job may be just down the road. My oldest granddaughter was over last night filing out an application for the National Honor Society. She is worried because they will interview her and she gets so nervous. I told her, if you are accepted that is great and if you are not accepted, it does not make you a lesser person, in fact you are more of a person because you tried.:):):) But the younger ones take these things to heart. It is understandable.
The little one always chimes in "colllege, college, it is all we talk about":rolleyes: I need to giver her a special day all for her. Maybe take her to a pottery studio. She likes art.
I am so excited you and Ella are considering agility. I think it would be so much fun for both of you. You will have to talk your daughter into going along and taking a movie for us.
84 degress, wow, we have had a few snow storms so the world is dressed in winter white.:):):):):):)
love ya, have a great Sunday!!!!
Bailey's Mom
03-07-2012, 01:06 PM
Hi Marie Irene----
I'm sorry bout your daugter. Somehow things always work out for the best.
Love you,
OMG Marie Irene, there are strange looking monkey birds flying over the house and munchkins singing upstairs. I woke up to find the prettiest red shoes on my feet yesterday but I am getting really worried somehow the non basement is in OZ.
Are you coming home soon? Please tell me a scrarecrow is not waiting on the steps:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Mom is still on her second honeymoon but it seems the wind has picked up Bob, He has been flying past the window a few times.
I sure hope this is a bad dream!!!!!!!
marie adams
03-11-2012, 01:01 PM
It's not a bad dream because you have the prettiest red sparkling shoes--the party is now a Wizard of Oz party because of your shoes--that is what your were dreaming all the different costumes the Surfer Dudes are going to wear. I wanted to be Dorothy--I am always Dorothy, but you have the shoes on your feet. I can't be the good witch because someone hates witches good or bad....I know I will be Toto!!!
Typing this in the car so the curser is all over the place--my husband thinks he is a race car driver on the freeway curves...We are on our way to his aunt and uncle's 60th wedding annivery party--a brunch at a micro brewery at 10 am in the morning. :p I hope they have mimosas....:D:D
Miss Ella freaked out a guy running this morning. She wanted to run with him and his friend, but the guy got spastic so Ella started barking at him. I told him to calm down, but then they started yelling about putting her on her leash and why was it his fault this was going on....people who are afraid of dogs should take classes on how not to be afraid:rolleyes:--they weren't from our neighborhood, but even if they do run on the wetlands they know they will come across other people with dogs off leash. I should have said she is just a puppy so she won't hurt you....maybe that should be our new business--"Are You Afraid of Dogs?--Let Us Show You How to Act and Not Freakout :eek: So You Don't Get Bit" We could become millionaires--Right??? :D HaHa!!!
Ella was really good today off leash and I think she is getting it to stay with me. She is doing really good in the front yard too!!! I think I will keep her....:D:D
I hope everyone has had a Great Weekend!!!
Bailey's Mom
03-11-2012, 06:43 PM
"She is doing really good in the front yard too!!! I think I will keep her....:D:D"
Oh Marie Irene----you should see the beaming smile on my face!!
We have had a regression on the play biting. I figured that would happen. Bailey seems none the worse for having been to camp. She's not real clingy. Shes not really different in any way other than the biting problem. That's great-no ill side effects.
Well.....back to bill paying.
marie adams
03-16-2012, 01:42 PM
We still have good and sort of bad days. This morning she is buggy, but cute. She will lay back down on the bed in the morning while it is still dark as soon as it gets light she is bugging me to get back up--TIME to EAT and Let's Go On A Walk!!! She just keeps laying near my head and looking at me or giving kisses. Then she will move to the other side of my head and lay on my pillow with her head on my head---she is so silly. She even decided I wasn't moving fast enough to get out of bed and she went to where my feet were and started digging away to make the covers come off--tooo smart this one!!! :eek::D:p
I am tired of working and being stressed out!!!!:eek::eek::eek:
Happy Friday!!!
I'm tired of working and being stressed out too, where the heck is our doggie ice cream truck:D:D:D:D:D:D
Anniversaries are so dang hard ((((((hugs)))))))) ((((more hugs)))))).
I bought my mom a lift chair for her birthday (end of March) so she
could come to my house and spend the day on weekends.:(:(:(
March must be a bad month.
Sister Marie Irene you are always there for me even if you do not post on my thread.;);););)
Now, pony up an ice cream sundae for the pups. Can you believe I can't remember the name?
I think insomnia may be good for me after all:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: This way , I have not a clue:D:D:D
love you
addy scarlett
marie adams
03-26-2012, 01:27 PM
Where oh where have I been....????
I have been trying to concentrate on work, but still behind. I thought I was going to not get there, but.....
I have officially signed Ella up for a beginning agility class starting on April 10th. The place we will be taking the classes has one day classes for obedience type instruction, so I think I will take one this Friday. I wanted to take one last Friday, but work got in the way.
On to working today....Happy Monday!!!:)
Yes Sister Marie Irene, I MISSED you!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
I am so excited Ella is going to agility. Promise your daughter will take videos of her first class. I so wanted to do that with Koko but could not with his trachia.
IMS is having her nurse schedule a telephone appointment with me tomorrow. Thanks goodness!!!!! She has been sick. I guess I will buy that excuse.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Kate wrote a lovely essay about THE POOL!!! She used lots of metaphors and I think it is pretty good considering she only had 500 words.
Now, make sure you don't stress out all week or you will be a mess for agility!!!!
marie adams
03-27-2012, 01:56 PM
The agility class is during work time--I considered taking each Tuesday off, but the hubby said why not just work early and then late on that day--I guess that will work for me, but I know myself and the early and late won't happen. :D
I guess you will have to give the IMS the benefit of doubt, but still why couldn't they call to tell you this--HELLLOOO!!!
I sure hope MOM gets better--I don't like her getting sick again!!! Maybe it is payback for going on vacation without us!!! :p
I spent all day Thursday thinking it was Friday, wishful thinking!!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
We are having a monsoon today, wish I were a duck, quack, quack!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Miss Zoe is crashed out on the bed, laying on her back with her feet on hubby's arm, snoring away.
Have a wonderful weekend with Miss Ella. I hope you have destressed a bit;););););););););););)
This post looks like a twitter account:D:D:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
03-30-2012, 04:20 PM
Hey!!! Marie Irene!!!?? You still hangin' in there?
How's that gal Ella doin'?
Let's get Addy a cake for her of those with the sexy dude popping out of it!!
Have a wonderful weekend.
marie adams
04-02-2012, 04:06 PM
Yesterday was Miss Ella's 1st Birthday!!! See what she got for her birthday--new pics posted.
She went to a class on Friday for "Focus" training--see pics of facility. Boy it doesn't take much to distract her, but she did do pretty good for a new place. It was clicker training also. She is doing really good with figuring it out. Walking on the trail is somewhat better--I think we have the "nugget" problem to almost no eating it and she listen to the "leave it" with the clicker and the best treats. We also play a game with "where is the rock". I think I am really going to like this facility for training--it really didn't take that long to get too; so now I wish I would have gone sooner--oh well!!!
Last week was like she became untrained with going out front--off she would go on her own. She was also back to the biting tugging game with the leash.:eek: This is when you really wonder "why did I get her?":p
It doesn't seem like it has been a year since she was born--part of me is glad she is one, but the other part is she isn't a cute puppy any longer. She is sleeping at my feet right now--so innocent. :D
Enjoy your Monday!!!
Bailey's Mom
04-03-2012, 12:29 AM
I guess my note to myself was about Ella's birthday......not yours'. Well......3 months of gifts and cake sounds good to me!!!!:D:)
marie adams
04-03-2012, 01:14 PM
Yes it is hard to be mad at something that looks so cute. She is always playing the cute card, but the devil emerges once in a while and mostly it is with me. My hubby thinks she thinks of me as her sister and wants to beat the crap out of me to play--of course I don't take kindly to that!!!!:eek:
She does wrap her paw and leg around your leg or arm or whatever, but from what I understand that is a dominant thing so not really that fond of it, but it is cute.:p;)
She just loves that beer bottle. She was out in the backyard around 8:30 this morning squeaking and play growling at it--she was having such a good time, but then I thought it might be a tad early and annoy the neighbors.:D:p:D
The clicker training is going good--she associates the click with goodies. The focus--watching me is so much better and now coming that much more when called. Its not perfect, but we are working on it.:D
Something I am noticing more these last two weeks is she wants to chew more on items in the backyard. Today for instance--the rake handle has a new look--she ate off the rubber coating--why!!!!!:eek::mad: We call this redesigning by Ella. You would think it was because she didn't get any exercise, but she got a lot this morning--so....I guess it wasn't enough--she is going to be a lot of work even older--she needs a job, but haven't found the right one yet. I hope the agility will be the ticket.
I think agility will be great for Ella, I really think it is her ticket.:)
You can start a website for Ella called "Redesigns by Ella" and show before and after pictures!!!!!!!:)
Ella- the designer dog:D:D:D:D:D
have a great week
marie adams
04-03-2012, 02:01 PM
The problem with the before pictures is--you never know what she will redesign--kind of a toss up. Maybe that is the exciting part--you just have to take pictures of everything in anticipation of the redesign.:D:eek::D
I wish I had all that energy and then could just take a nap!!!:):)
04-04-2012, 10:06 PM
Love the new pic:D
Enjoyed the pics of her with her beer!:D:D:D
Hugs and love
Cindy and Penny
marie adams
04-05-2012, 04:47 PM
Thanks Cindy!!!
It was a hard decision to make taking Maddie's picture off and putting Ella's up, but I thought it was time. She just plays the cute card all the time and you could take a million pictures.:)
I couldn't resist getting her the beer bottle toy. She really loves it and it's a lot of fun watching her play with it. The only draw back is it gets a little annoying with all the squeaking going on.:D
04-05-2012, 09:27 PM
I am actually showing my husband her pics right now....he's in love:D. We love the pic on her back and the one sleeping on the pillw after her birthday and the rest of them:D. The beer bottle was the best!! Looks like she had a good day!
Hugs xoxo
marie adams
04-05-2012, 10:29 PM
Cindy, I love the comment on her picture - Adogable.:)
She actually has her back legs up to her front paws so she is curled up tight. It is the most adogable site. Usually she is out like a light and you can lift her paws and she kind of looks at you with half opened eyes -- like why are you bugging me!!:rolleyes:
There is never a dull moment with her. She is already too smart!!:eek:
I love all the pixes, each one is cuter than the next.
Happy Friday!!!!!! I hope the Easter Bunny leaves Ella a basket of bones and lots of chocolate for you!!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
04-08-2012, 01:15 AM
Happy Easter Marie Irene and Ella. Don't eat too much candy. Save some for me. And don't forget to roll the eggs. ;)
marie adams
04-08-2012, 08:52 PM
Are you kidding--roll the eggs--we ate them--deviled--hehehe!!!:)
This is the a quite Easter--no relatives to celebrate or go to church with this year.
We took Ella to an agility trial and saw my sister and her dog compete. It was refreshing to see a lot of dogs are having a great time, but are still learning. I think we are in for a lot of work...:D
Happy Easter!!!:)
Bailey's Mom
04-08-2012, 10:07 PM
Hallo Marie Irene!!!
Happy Monday and a beginning of a NEW work week!
marie adams
04-09-2012, 01:33 PM
Just rub it in the "WORK WEEK"--yuck!!:D
It is too beautiful to want to work!!! Yesterday was beautiful too!!!:)
I have to get motivated!!!!!:D:p:eek:
Motivated? I am motivated to garden:):)
go to my job- not so much:D
Our family was pretty much split up for the holiday too.
Lunch is over, need to go back to work, don't want to:(:(:(
Have a great week!!!!!!
sister addy scarlett
marie adams
04-09-2012, 02:21 PM
Oh Sister Addy Scarlett,
How the heck are we going to get motivated?????:eek: Work just isn't cutting it any longer. :D I like the paycheck, but the actually work part not so much.....:p
Tomorrow I am playing "hookey" Agility class here we come. I hope my daughter will come with us. She said she will have to keep from laughing at me if I have to run. I hate running--oh well, what we do for the kids!!!! :D
Enjoy your week also!!!! ((((HUGS))))
Bailey's Mom
04-10-2012, 01:48 PM
Say, Addy Scarlett.....I thought you said lunch was over...........??????????
I seeeeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..:D:D;):)
LOL Sus, dont tell my boss:):):):)
We want videos of Marie with Ella at agility, dont forget!!!!!!!
A camera phone will do the job just fine:D:D:D
marie adams
04-12-2012, 12:27 PM
I don't think I want to be in the pictures; I am not a star....:D
Today Miss Ella starts a class called Control Unleashed. I am hoping this class will help with freaking out over the tortoises (they are out and about) when I pick them up to move them. Yesterday she just got upset and started barking sounding like I was beating her (I wanted to) when I was trying to put the one tortoise in their house. She was so hyped up she was biting at the tortoise and me. So unacceptable!!!!
The class is also to help reactive dogs be calm with other dogs--not pulling on the leash, and so forth. There is a book called the same and it is suppose to be a great book for training--we will see. I still have to order it on Amazon. I got so confused yesterday because I have a $10 credit, but when I went to buy it was down to $7.05--we think it is because the book comes from an outside vendor--so confusing--just give me the whole $10--there wasn't going to be shipping so I don't get it!!!!:eek:
Who says it is hard to find a job when you are laid daughter was offered one job last week and turned it down--wasn't what she wanted after talking to the owner. She was also taking a chance because she wanted another job she was interviewing for...and yesterday that job came through--more money, full benefits, and a title of Director of Marketing. It goes to show when God closes one door he opens another. We told her there was a reason she got laid off or let was for her to look for another job and she wouldn't have been doing that if she was working at the last job. YAY!!!! I am so happy for her!!!!
Well, just today and tomorrow and it will be the WEEKEND!!!!!:):D:p;)
Tell me all about it. How did things go, how was the class, I need details to take my mind off Zoe's eye:o:o:o:o:o:o
Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!
Run Ella, jump and run, agility sounds sooooooo fun!!!!!!!!!
marie adams
04-13-2012, 12:46 PM
Agility class was mostly talking this week. She wants to take it slow in a way so the dogs do not become afraid. We will be doing a lot of flat work. Of course Miss Ella couldn't stand the talking without any movement so she started to bark like "Let's do something". The instructor said "is she bored" and just got her a big bone and let her chew on it. There were only four people in this class so that is nice. She taught us to make them face us and get them to heal by your right side. Ella had no problem. When I was leaving I told the instructor sorry for the Ella distractions--she said what distractions I didn't hear anything.
Yesterday's class was very interesting. Of course again Ella cannot help herself to be quiet, but then she had to be in a crate so she wasn't real trilled about that. She also wasn't the only one not being able to be quiet. All six dogs were in crates. This class is a lot about how dogs are stressed, to see the trigger signs, and help them get over it. She had us walk each dog in a fence area and she pointed out the different signals. She said Ella was a perimeter checker and would necessarily trust her off leash just yet (I didn't say I am already letting her off). The exercise was to walk in an oval to calm them down. As we were going back to our specially enclosed area (Ella wouldn't get in the crate right away so they fenced us off and draped sheets over it so the dogs couldn't see each other) the instructor asked if I noticed her walking a little funny with her back right hind leg. Of course I haven't noticed since she is usually by my side or off running--now I have to make sure nothing is wrong :eek:. They have to wear harnesses in this class so the one I have rubbed underneath her left front leg and took off some fur leaving a few sores--I don't want to have worry. I ordered a new harness Precision Easy Walk is what it is called--so we will see.
I always wondered why Ella would look a certain way and then go in for the attack--now I realize it is stress, but I don't know why. The hubby's reply is she isn't getting enough exercise. Maybe that's it or maybe not. She gave us a list of signs of stress--one of them was the vocalizing (whining) and Ella does this a lot. What I cannot figure out is why she is like this from the beginning. Did you know excessive shedding is a sign of stress. She commented that dogs with high stress levels tend to have liver problems and die earlier than non stressed dogs. Oh brother something else to worry about.
I am definitely getting the book Control Unleashed because I am realizing Ella needs to relax in certain situations. She gets all worked up about people coming to the front door even if we have it open, of course a knock starts the whining/barking. She will bark at people when they come in the house, but will settle down. Some of this I know is protecting her house and people--Maddie kind of did this, but didn't do the whining part.
Wow, I think my head is full of stuff to ponder over.:eek:
Now we have homework to do. Ella has to be in her condo for an hour each evening in the same room as us. She has to work on go in and out of it easily. We have to practice the going to the mat--she does this already, and the heal on the right. I think the condo thing will be a challenge for her--not staying in it, but getting in it.
I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend...I hope Zoe gets better everyday!!!:)
I am totally intrigued, Marie. I have to look up the book you are talking about. At first I thought it was a Jean Donaldson book but I googled it and it was a different author so I want to check it out.
Go to your mat is a great command for them. When people come to the door, Ella could go to her mat for a few minutes. Maybe she would calm down then because she had a job and place and new you were taking care of things.
Koko freaked at the vet today. I had Zoe with me in the ladies room and hubby had Koko and a dog came in the door and went right up to Koko. Hubby did not know what to do and Koko got so riled up he nipped hubby's leg in 5 places.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Hubby was not a happy camper so I promised I would not leave him at the check in vet desk alone with Koko anymore. :p:p:p:p:p
You sound happy and excited and I am so glad about that. Iam glad you and Ella have something to do together. Fun times that you so deserve.:D:D:D:D
Your report was perfect with details, thank you!!!!!!!:D:D:D I could not wait to sit down and read it.
Bailey's Mom
04-14-2012, 09:44 PM
... the instructor asked if I noticed her walking a little funny with her back right hind leg. Of course I haven't noticed since she is usually by my side or off running--now I have to make sure nothing is wrong :eek:.
be the fluxation of the knee cap-like Bailey has.
.... the vocalizing (whining) and Ella does this a lot. What I cannot figure out is why she is like this from the beginning. I feel exactly the same way about Bailey. Why is she afraid of plastic trash bags....even the ones from the grocery store? Why is she not willing to come to me when called.
Oh brother something else to worry about.:D LOL
.She gets all worked up about people coming to the front door even if we have it open, of course a knock starts the whining/barking. She will bark at people when they come in the house, but will settle down.
Hellooooo again...........just like Bailey. Some of this I know is protecting her house and people--Bailey went visiting at neighbors a few nights ago and never did settle down. Once she seemed to settle down and be lying by my feet, I looked down and she was chewing the edge of their throw rug.:eek::eek:
Wow, I think my head is full of stuff to ponder over.:eek:
We have to practice the going to the mat--What mat and where please? Inside the condo? .....she does this already, and the heal on the right. I think the condo thing will be a challenge for her--not staying in it, but getting in it. I failed at this......getting or staying.
Please continue to tell us the details. Maybe I can try some of the things this lady is showing you. Kudos to you, kid, for taking this on!:):)
marie adams
04-15-2012, 12:04 AM
I said Ella will go to the mat--that doesn't mean she will stay there for a long time and especially if something is happening somewhere else in the house.
She will go in the condo if I throw cookies in, she will sit and stay, but not for long. I haven't even done the stay in there for an hour. Hubby thinks we need to just work on staying in there with the door open. I am really not a fan of crates, but I know if we do pursue agility she will have to stay in one while she waits. Oh this will be fun...:eek: sure!!!:D
We watched her today in the backyard to see if she walked or ran funny. At first we thought she was doing something with the left leg. She tends to hop a little with her back legs as she runs--you begin to start seeing things that really aren't there:eek:.
I am feeling stressed out and just want to enjoy my morning walks again without drama. I started to have a melt down missing Maddie on the walks--they were so peaceful enjoying all the sites and sounds with a cup of coffee. :(
I know I will enjoy the classes more once Miss Ella quiets down. I am not good with drama and I know she senses the tension with me. That is probably why we butt heads--sounds like a mother/child problem. We all made it through the kids' childhood dramas so we can certainly make it through only a few toddler years with the fur kids, but still, I am tired this time around.:o;)
Next week will be better not so much stuff other than wonderful work and trying to nail down customers to resign for the coming year--they so disrespect my time and the bad thing is I let them.:eek::mad: I just wished I could yell at a few of them.:D
Well so much for letting off a little steam!!!:p
Happy Sunday!!!
I am feeling stressed out and just want to enjoy my morning walks again without drama. I started to have a melt down missing Maddie on the walks--they were so peaceful enjoying all the sites and sounds with a cup of coffee.
That is like my meltdown, just wanting Zoe to be Zoe again with happy times in the garden, no drama, no drops every hour, no what the heck dose of Trilostane should I do next. No looking over my shoulder for the next problem.
I understand.:):):):)
Teenagers are a drama!!!!!!! Ella will calm down. Did I tell you I missed our oldest grandaughter so much while she was gone on Spring break? And she is always a drama:D:D:D
No, she is a good girl and Miss Ella is a good girl too, just high spirited.
Work is stressing you out too, just like mine is.:(:(:(:(
We need a case of Chocovino. Lets go get Mary Beth!!!!!! Hey Sus, party in the non basement!!!!!! Bring the surfer dudes
Bailey's Mom
04-15-2012, 11:18 PM
ALL RIGHT!!!!!!!!!! Pah-tay, pah-tay......!!!
The non basement is VERY dry.....which is good for you girls. Do you have fresh water down there? It was very hot today and you need to keep hydrated. I haven't seen the surfer dudes, but they probably are around with all this sunny, hot weather.
Hey Marie Irene.....Can you bring dessert? I won't have time to bake the brownies. I have to go to Annapolis tomorrow, with Bailey in tow for the knee exam. They told us she could not eat anything after midnight? For a consultation? Really? Makes me wonder if they think they will keep her.
marie adams
04-16-2012, 01:13 PM
After being a B---- yesterday and I went to bed around 8:30 and didn't get up till 5:30am. I just was not in a mood to be told what to do, how to do it, and wait on anyone. :mad:
My daughter and I took Ella to the Doggie Spa to give her a bath. We were not sure just how she would react since the last time she cut my face with the terror of the blow dryer. We just took our own thick towels and shampoo. With the two of us it was record time and she was done. We both combed and brushed her first and then lathered on the shampoo--her Green Tea mixture because of allergies. We thought let's see how she reacts with the blower low--not good! :eek: She looked so good until this morning when she was running through the weeds and such on our walk--oh well, she was having such a good time running!!!:D
We have been working on the crate training--going in staying until I releash her and then back in--so good I got to the point I didn't have to throw anything in to get her to go in. Then I have been shutting her in for 30 minutes to work up to the hour by Thursday when we go back to class.
She is a good girl, but I don't like the spurts of the devil emerging with the run by biting---it hurts and leaves bruises. :eek:
Then there is the panicky barking when the tortoises fight. It is barking with the whining. This is when she gets worked up and starts the biting--this would be stress....both her and ME!!!!:eek:
I am all for a party in the non-basement. I will bring Cinnamon Bread--it is sooooo good!!! Get Mary Beth to join us with the Chocovino!!!:D:):p And a whole case of it!!!!:D:D I guess we better have some beer on hand for the surfer dudes.:cool:
Happy Monday!!!!
marie adams
04-18-2012, 03:14 PM
I am having thoughts of selling Ella:eek: Any takers???? Selling---I might just give her away or as my friend said yesterday as I was losing it with Ella--just leave her on the trail, as cute as she is someone will want her--they will probably take her back to the trail and leave her after a day with Ella....:o;)
She made me so MAD :mad: yesterday on the afternoon walk (I was already stressed out with work/printers/taxes/just about everything). She kept wanting to bite the leash and when I correct her she gets mad starts jumping and nipping--just mean. I lose it and doesn't that go right down the leash :eek:. I have to make her lay down by stepping on the leash--this gets it dirty--she starts chewing on my shoes laces (good shoe laces they don't just sell anywhere). I was yelling--losing it out on the dirt trail; good thing no one was really out there. I bet the people in the house might have heard me. I didn't know how I was going to get home without killing her or she me. :eek::mad: Finally she snapped out of it and we made it home. She just gets this look--you know it is going to happen, but I have not figured out how to change her though process fast enough.
We we got home I worked on the going in and out of the condo and then I left her in there for 45 minutes. I needed the peace and quiet of no Ella bugging me while I got dinner ready. It was peace for both of us. We are almost up to an hour, but I need to find a wire crate for her to get use to. Always something to do....:p
I sent the trainer an email about the behaviors I want to change or work around--I guess we will see what happens....
Best to all and ((((HUGS))))
hmmmmmmmm, well, I'm looking at that avator and I'm thinkinghow can a little look so innocent and sweet;):rolleyes:
I can relate to the frustration, been there myself with both my pups a few times:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I hope the trainer can come up with some good moves for you both.
It will get easier. You both just had a bad day. It happens.
Tomorrow will be a great day for both you and Ella!!!!!
Guaranteed!!!!! I promise.
Bailey's Mom
04-18-2012, 10:10 PM
She kept wanting to bite the leash and when I correct her she gets mad starts jumping and nipping--just mean. I lose it and doesn't that go right down the leash :eek:.
Hi Marie-
This is probably against every rule in every book, but when Bailey and I start to walk, she grabs at the leash also. I just kind of swing it around, kind of like in jump rope, being all silly and within a minute or so we are walking without playing with the leash.
You NEED A VACATION!!!! :D:):)
marie adams
04-19-2012, 02:21 AM
Oh how I know it!!!!:D
I will try your method with the leash. I had put her new halter on and it was in perfect position to start chewing because the ring to attach a leash is in front.
The trainer suggested she use a gentle leader--I never thought I would be using one of those with my dog. We will see--we do not have this problem when I let her run free and put her back on the leash, but then she has gotten quite a bit of exercise by this time.
She had suggestions on the tortoise situation, but says we will learn some new stuff in class tomorrow.
She said also said some Aussies have less natural self control than other aussies.:eek: Oh no I am never going to have peaceful walks again....but then she said all my concerns can be dealt with--we have to come up with a plan. A plan--that is what work always says.:eek:
I know I will get through this I just don't want to be mad at her all the time and wish I didn't have to take care of her:o
I am starting to change her food over to fish and a different brand--Taste of the Wild. She is having sort soft poop so I will take it a little slower. The reason for the change is I read it is good to change proteins every 3-4 months just to help with allergies and so forth. I started thinking maybe the venison is too rich because she had soft poop at least once a day, but she goes about 5 or 6 times a day. I am thinking of taking a sample to the vet just to make sure she doesn't have parasites like she did when she was a puppy. I am tired of wiping her butt or hosing it off.:eek:
I am such a complainer...:o
You will be reading this and it is Thursday!!!! Almost to the weekend!!!
04-19-2012, 05:44 AM
Awwwww Marie, I know it can be just soooo hard to stay patient and focus on the good stuff :) Does Ella like to carry stuff in her mouth? If so, you could try and give her a toy, an old piece of cloth, a carry while walking. Hard to chew on the leash and have something in your mouth at the same time :D
And other than this I have just one thing to say, clicker, clicker, clicker :D Well, that were actually three things :p "Punishing" or getting mad isn't working, if it was Ella would have stopped chewing that leash by now, right? :) If she doesn't like to carry things in her mouth, start clickering. This will only focus on the good moments and it will give Ella something to do, something to keep her mind busy....concentrating on that sooooo wanted "click" (or rather treat) instead of that leash:D
Ask your trainer if she will teach you the clicker training method, it's easy and will work wonders with all behaviours...I promise you :)
Saskia and Mhina :)
Its a new day!!!!! Cha, cha, cha!!!!!!!! AND it is FRIDAY!!!!!!!
Morning stretches, roll the head, stretch side to side, shake it out:p:p:p
We need a weekend away!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Time in our favorite place.
If you could take a year off and pick up the family and move for a year with no worries about cost or when you get back, where would you move to? What is you favorite place? What do you love about it?
I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I hope Mom and Bailey are okay.
Give that minx Ella a kiss for me!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D The clicker training worked wonders for my two juvenile delinquents. Sometimes it was hard for me because you want it to be fun so if I was stressed out from work, it wasn't always fun.
I know!!!!!!! DOGA!!!!!!!!!! We need to do DOGA. Yoga with our dogs:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D;););););););););)
Okay, maybe not so much!!!!!!!!!!:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
LOVE YOU (((hugs))))) for your bad week!!!!!!!!!!!! Its that darn work. Can't we win the lottery?
marie adams
04-20-2012, 12:32 PM
Saskia - we are working on the clicker training in both classes and it does work wonders--she does so love to get the treats. She is not much of a carrier, sometimes, but most of the time it is digging in the gofer holes on the trail, but she does come and she gets a click and treat.
The leash problem is not all the time, but you can see when it starts and then I know I have the reaction of "Oh Know it is going to happen, how can I change her thoughts to focus on something else" This morning I made her lay down on her own and waited a bit. It seemed to help both of us.
Thank you for the advice it so always appreciated!!!!
Miss Addy - Yes we have to do the training classes with the clicker so it is helping a lot. I know you always told me to do it---:eek::D
I know is is hard to look at her picture and think how could something so cute be the devil, but looks are deceiving---:D:D
Class last night told us how to help our dog be okay with something that makes them nervous or reactive--it was called "It is okay to look at that" when they look at the something-you click and when they look back at you-you click & treat. We will see how this works with the tortoises. I need to separate them this morning so they don't fight and freak her out while I am gone today. We also worked on the go to the mat--we call it blanket. Ooops I was too late and the freaking out started. She did come to get a treat and we stayed in the house, but I had to put her in the garage so she couldn't see me move one tortoise to a fenced in area so they won't fight.
I am disappointed like my child is failing class, but I have to remember they are not as use to the training facility as they are with home. We are working on staying in the condo at home because she will not do it in class--they have to fence off her area so the other dogs (who are in their crates don't see each other too much. If she is in the crate she barks and disrupts the class (so embarassing).:eek:
Boy do I have a lot to practice this weekend and next week.
I think I would like to go to a place where there is warm water to swim and snorkel. The last time we were in Hawaii I learned to snorkel and almost every morning we would find a spot and go before a lot of people would get there. It was so relaxing and for the first time in a long time I didn't want to come home--which is weird since I am a home body. Do you think it is because of work?--haha!!! I didn't want to come back to it and I haven't taken a good vacation since because work is always behind and I get the "do you think it is a good idea? What is your plan so you don't get behind?" :eek: So I vote for Hawaii-Maui or Kauai, St. John Island, or Morea (Tahiti). Somewhere I don't have much work to do other than gardening, baking, maybe sewing, and spending time with family and a calm dog.:D:)
I know I think the stress of work, my two are on an adventure this weekend (getting it all together for them), the stress of Ella isn't where I think she should be (this is where I really miss Maddie--she was pretty much a calm dog); so I am not enjoying the moments like I should with her. I am much more involved with her at this age than I was with Maddie. Maddie took to running as her job with my husband. He ended up not working for a couple of years (when his parents died close together) and they would ride and run miles twice a day--this calmed her down. Ella doesn't seem to enjoy the running as much--she will do it but sometimes he has problems with her and the leash--they come back and she has chewed through another leash--we have a grave yard of clips from the leashes.:eek: We even fix them and they get shorter and shorter....:D:rolleyes:
Have a great weekend---Cha Cha Cha!!!:):p:D
Dang, someone was spreading a rumor that it was FRIDAY!!!:D:D
It is only THURSDAY!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:
And it is going to rain on my rummage sale!!!:(:(:(:(:(
Oh well, think I will dance my way out of it all:D:D:D:D:D
CHa, cha, cha Marie Hope you are having a good week!!!!
road trip??????? where are you and ella off to????:D:D:D:D
sounds like so much fun, how's she doing?:D:D:D:D:D:D
OMG are you going to an agility event? Even MORE fun:D:D
have a wonderful time and a safe trip!!!!
marie adams
04-29-2012, 02:37 PM
The road trip was to Mammoth for our annual skiing trip. We haven't missed a year in over 30 years. Our daughter made sure we went even though it was late in the season--she hasn't missed since I was pregnant with her. They had a big running race the weekend before and have been in training so my hubby wouldn't interrupt training to go in March.
Ella was a little active on the way up (5.5-7 hours drive depending on traffic and how fast my husband is driving). We are on our way back as I type this--Ella is doing a lot more sleeping this time around--YAY!!! Since I am sitting in the back seat with her. My car is furred over--Ella fur flys all over the place :D!!
She loves the snow--it will be so nice next year when she can just be off the leash to run and play in it. We would throw up a snow ball and she would try to catch it in her mouth. There wasn't even any snow at the condo we stayed in. When I would go pick up my husband and daughter after skiing & snowboarding, she could play in the snow where I picked them up since there wasn't a lot of people and the people there were cool with dogs.
We had class Thursday before we left--I was so stressed from work and it showed when I got to class--I forgot to put on my goody apron and have the clicker ready. Ella went into the soft crate they had for her, but they left the top open so she wouldn't feel so confined--well that meant she could jump up to look out. I get more stressed because I don't want her to make noise so I feel like a failure when it is time for us to demonstrate her walking with me walking backwards. I am suppose to treat her as I talk a step, but instead it seemed like I was luring her along, which I really don't have to do. For some reason I am not sure the instructor really cares for Ella or me (might be the barking). I wanted to cry when I got in my car because I felt like my child just threw me under the bus by the way they were acting.
Ella just seems so more nervous in class than she normally is and I think they think she is a little out of control--she is better trained than it looks like. Well, I just feel so defeated like I don't have a clue how to train a dog either. I tried to talk to the trainer after class saying she doesn't act like this at home--she just said of course she wouldn't home is different. The one thing I don't like about the class is there is no time to really talk after or before. They are very strict--which is a good thing--I would just like a little humor. Tuesday class is a little different and we didn't have it last week.
Everything will work out -- just give it time -- right????:o
I know it is the stress I am letting go down the leash and it doesn't help.
Heres the thing, if you are stuck in a class that you are not happy about and dont feel good about, Ella will know your stress and uncomfortable feelings and she will most likely get stressed as well.
I went through that with Koko and "boot camp". I was miserable there, I did not like the class and Koko did not learn much because of it. He would bark at the other dogs and carry on and then she would spray bitter apple in his mouth and I would get upset, it was a mess.
Hang in there. I'm glad you were able to going "snowing" and Ella loved it.
Bailey's Mom
05-02-2012, 04:05 PM
Marie Irene???????:confused:
Mom?????????????.........oh that's me.:D
By the way-there are No windows in the non basement. But there are openings big enough for you to crawl through, as you no doubt know. And it must be wet down there, because I've been hearing the sump pump running.
When we first had the sump pump installed, it ran and ran and ran. One of the pumps is under our bed, approximately. Once Bob and I realized what that noise was I told him if we decide to sell this house we need to be sure to turn the switch off that runs that. Now that it has been in over a year, it must have gotten all the excess water outofthere. Now it runs for about 3 or 4 seconds....hardly seems like enough time to push water much less frequent running.
I've been running around....over to Virginia and tomorrow to THE BIG CITY-Wilmington. I keep checking in here and it sure seems kinda quiet.....our little "family" that is. Addy-you ALWAYS used to post something around 7:30----or was it 8: 30?....before you went to work. Then you came back in around lunch time. I MISS YOU;):(;):D (I do know you are busier than a one armed paper hanger.)
And you, Marie I., you are just working too hard for anybody's good!!!
Just wanted to tell you both that I hope your week is going well. Bailey got her staples out this AM. There's one little 3/8" or section that is not completely healed, but the doc was very pleased.....and I was surprised as we were to only see a technician. That Bailey-her looks get everyone!!;):D
So-4 weeks until her final post op back at Annapolis. Someone told Bob dog's should remain contained for SIX MONTHS after this kind of surgery. And two people have told us we did it too early. Funny-two vets, and one specialist surgeon all said it was time to do it or we'd be causing more damage. Anyway-Bailey still comes up with me to the studio and has "walking rights." Bob won't let her feet touch the ground when he has "custody." He was here by himself with her for two days and now tomorrow, I'll be gone most of the day as well. He is not a happy camper when I get back.:confused::confused:
Love and HUGS,
Susan, Sus
calling all snow bunnies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:D:D:D:D
it is FRIDAY, girlfriend, have a great weekend!!!!!
we have been having huge storms rolling in and out, no outside activites for me and the pups so I am going shopping on line for my mom's day presents!!!!!;););););)
zoe and koko are buying me sweaters for them:D:D:D:D:D
can't think of a better present!!!!!!!!
how is miss ella? I hope you are having an easier time at work. we have been busy, hope it lasts.
Fun time for the weekend, enjoy dear sister marie irene
marie adams
05-05-2012, 12:19 PM
Well, the week from hell is finally over. We closed out our book for the year---so on to another one and selling internet stuff to the businesses to meet the quota. Sales jobs!!!!:eek: So tired of people running you around and saying "Sorry" at the end after you put in so much effort for them!!!:mad:
Thursday was our last class in the Control Unleashed class. Ella just couldn't be still that long and in a crate--so of course she wants to bark--I end up feeding her treats to keep her quiet which doesn't really make sense to reinforce that behavior. I was a lot calmer so it went better than the week before. I think the instructor finally got it that Ella is just bored and wants to move as to why she behaves so differently in the class than she does in real life. We had a walking exercise and Ella did what she was suppose to--watch me as I walked backwards. This is when the trainer said I think why--there are 3 herding dogs in the class act the way they do. You would think she knew this from having at least 4 herding dogs of her own and she rescues Aussies. She isn't a bad trainer I think I just was getting stressed out and it caused Ella to be stressed more in that situation.
As far as Tuesday class - Agility - I would say she got an A. She loved it and the instructor in the class has more interaction with the dogs--she greeted Ella and Ella wasn't in a crate. Ella also got to play with her squeaker beer bottle in class. I think we have 3 or 4 more classes for this one--I have to check out more classes to see what is next. I think she gets to try the tunnel next week. :D:eek:
((((HUGS TO ALL!!!))))
Bailey's Mom
05-07-2012, 09:16 PM
Hi Marie Irene-
Cool! The tunnel! I always love seeing that. Gold star being sent for Ella. I think the first instructor was just a mismatch. I think that is what happened with us. I don't know how you can figure all this out before you give them money.
If you kept on walking backwards, around a block, would Ella still be sitting there when you got back around? :confused:
Tunnel!!!!!!! She will ace tunnel, our Ella:D:D:D:D
This report sound pretty positive. I think you need to be a snow bird more often:D:D:D Ella too.
marie adams
05-12-2012, 11:07 AM
I wish we had a tunnel to practice with.
I think the harness we got is causing a rash under her front legs.:confused: She, I hope only has a scratch on her belly and not a rash, but I did take a sample of (you know what) to the vets to make sure she doesn't have any parasites from eating the crunchy treats on the trail. :eek::mad: They did tell me some dogs are prone to having softer poops because they have more sensitive digestive tracts---oh great!!! just what I wanted to hear. :eek:
I was told I was doing the right thing by giving her pumpkin and changing up the protein source every so often. They also said the reason why a lot of dogs have problems with chicken and beef is that it can be a low grade of the meat where as venison, duck, fish usually they take care of better before they are turned into food. I guess this makes sense.
Happy Moms Day!!!!!
You are ok changing protein sources just dont use all of them up.;)
If you back down on the pumpkin, give a bit less, what happens to her stool? Pumpkin was tricky for Zoe, sometimes the amount she needed would change:eek::eek::eek: I read all this stuff on my IBD group. They said chicken is very common to be an allergic protein for dogs.
I think you can get a children's tunnel at Walmart. That is what we use when we play tunnel which is not very often any more because of Zoe's back legs. They have agility sets you can purchase for the back yard too. They have jump, tunnel and the poles. I always wanted to get one for Koko but the ground around the fenced in back yard with the pool is hilly and not enought flat space.:mad:
Sister Marie Irene have a wonderful moms day and a super weekend!!!
I am planting window boxes:D:D:D Feels good!!!!
love ya,
marie adams
05-14-2012, 10:40 PM
On the pumpkin amount--I ran out the other day and without it we had some pretty soft poop. The vet called today and left a message saying she doesn't have any parasites so it could be her food causing the softer stools. With Ella it is hit and miss like today everything is good and then one day she will have really soft ones--it drives me crazy. It seems like she is shedding a lot and that might just be the time of year and I have started brushing her a little more than usual.
Can we just have a calm moment where the universe treats us wonderful without the what ifs and wondering this or that..... please!!!! :D
Mother's Day was great. My daughter and I went to see my father. He seems to be doing just fine so far this being the 2nd Mother's Day without my Mom.
We went out to dinner with my husband's sister and her family. They choose a quaint Italian Restaurant near the beach. It was a little too quaint--couldn't hear the person talk across from you only the person next to you. The food was okay.
Happy Monday!!!
Where is my stressed out Marie Irene????????
Happy Friday, you can come out of the basement, no more work!!!!
Quaint Italian restaurant near the beach? I can just picture it. Who cares about the food, the location sounds divine:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
You have inspired me- I think we will go out for dinner tomorrow night. It is the only nice day we are to have, rain on Sunday!!!!
Did you plant any flowers? My window boxes look pretty good today. I hope they keep growing. Where's the Miracle Grow!!!!
Parrttteee in the non basement- Mom is home alone for the weekend!!!!!!! SHHHHHHH dont tell any one:D:D:rolleyes::rolleyes:;)
love ya,
marie adams
05-18-2012, 12:56 PM
Miss Ella has now done the Shoot and had no problems. She is doing pretty darn good in agility class. We signed up for another 6 weeks. She seems to be able to do all that is asked. We still have the I am bored bark so pay attention and give me goodies...:eek::rolleyes:
Happy Friday All!!!:)
Bailey's Mom
05-20-2012, 09:36 PM
Hi Marie Irene!
Did you have fun at the parteeee? Did you like the hors d'ouevres? Did you get enough cake and ice cream? :D
Hooray for Ella!! I'd love to see her agility work. :)
Believe it or not, with Bob gone, Bailey started showing me she does understand some of the commands.:eek: I'll have to send Bob somewhere for a month....then she will be all trained!!:D:D
Have a great Monday!!!
marie adams
05-23-2012, 02:35 PM
Of course I had a great time at the PARTEEE!!! I ate too much though...:D:p
Ella's last class day was yesterday and we will not start up till the 12th and we might have to miss it because of work all day meeting---darn!!!!:mad:
There isn't much to see on agility equipment because it is all pre training leading up to work the equipment--next class gets more involved.
She definitely is getting better at obeying, but still on her own agenda. :D
Take care All!!!
marie adams
05-24-2012, 04:35 PM
Tomorrow is our first "Family Day" !!!:D:):p It will be a year ago we brought Miss Ella home to her forever home.
It has been a journey--having an angel and a devil all wrapped into one. It is hard to be mad at her when she plays the cute card.
We think back at when Maddie was this age and realize Ella is far ahead of the way she is learning--of course we know a lot more from having Maddie. It doesn't seem like we know more at times, but we are hanging in there keeping up the adventures with Ella--we have to stop and realize not to expect so much of her at this age--isn't it a process???? :D
It is almost the weekend---one more day of stress after today!!!! Partee Time--hopefully!!!!
Happy Family Day:D:D:D:D:D and you have 3 days to celebrate, even better.
Our garden store has a coupon for pots of zinnias. I am off to buy some and can only think of Maddie Girl and smile.
I hope you have a relaxing 3 days with family and Ella. Cant believe it has been a year. Marie, time goes too fast. I am taking oldest grandkid shopping later. She is going to Univeristy Indiana Summer business program for a week for high school seniors and needs proper "business attire" lol, she is so into fashion, my daughter pawned this one off on me so she doesnt fight with her about it, I think:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Should be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marie adams
05-26-2012, 05:18 PM
That is wonderful to go shopping with a grandchild!!! As it stands now I will never be doing that. And if the time ever comes to go shopping with them as a high school senior--well I think I will be too old by then and my opinion would really stink!! haha!!!:D You are a hip grandmother!!!:D;)
Nothing big on celebrating Miss Ella--we did finally decide on her full name--of course we had a long time ago I just never got around to filling out the paperwork and now it is costing me a little more. Her name is Sundowns Miss Ella Blue. The breeder had filled in his name in the beginning so we couldn't go with Miss Ella Blue at Sundown--no big deal. I suppose if I really had wanted it I could have had him sign a letter and have it go with the paperwork since you couldn't cross out or white out anything. You would think these were government documents....
We are not doing anything special for the weekend. It is beautiful today, but the winds are really strong. I cannot complain the morning was beautiful for a change--it has been gloomy this past week and a little rain yesterday morning.
I have been looking for zinnas that are shorter this year--I guess I should have ordered them from Burpee. We will see if I plant some in the backyard I am sure one cute doggy will eat them.
Happy Memorial Day!!!
Bailey's Mom
05-26-2012, 10:43 PM
"You would think these were government documents...."
Hey Marie!! I went to renew my driver's license yesterday. They have changed their process. They now want 1)your current license.....had that 2)your passport.....had that 3) two pieces of mail addressed to you at home.....I had one addressed to me and one addressed to Bob and me (not good enough) 4) your actual Social Security card......I had not brought that. I now have a Federally Non-Compliant license. I cannot enter any government building. WHAT IS THIS?????????
I'll go back next week with the rest of the paperwork and I will then be compliant. My license expires next Thursday (birthday) and with the holiday and all I figured non-compliant was better than expired.
HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY OF BEING AT HOME, MISS ELLA!!! So now you think she's further along than Maddie was. Do you remember that just two or so months ago you were thinking it might not work?
Happy holiday weekend!
marie adams
05-27-2012, 01:43 PM
Wow!!!! That is a lot of documents to have to bring to renew your license. All I have to do is mail in a check and I am good to go--at least I think that is it--better check the renewal paperwork again. I guess you are closer to DC than I am--haha!!!:D
Bailey's Mom
05-27-2012, 03:19 PM
HA, HA!! You better believe it!! :) You probably have not even seen those huge electronic signs that tell you to report any suspicious activity you see. :eek: Makes you feel real secure....., right.......:p
marie adams
05-31-2012, 09:52 PM
We have the huge electronic signs on the freeways that can be changed to anything they want. Usually it is telling you that it is 20 mins to the airport LAX--which means the traffic is moving like it should 65 mph. You hate to see it will take 2 hours to get there (a little exaggeration--You have to forgive me my spelling has gone down the tube this week--I couldn't even remember how to spell excuses...):eek: I actually live about 45 minutes away from LAX in good traffic. It is funny how we gage how long it will take to get someplace and in other places it is by mileage. :rolleyes: I think I see them say the same thing about "anything suspicious" now that I think of it--I guess because we are close to LA and the harbor also.
Miss Ella shows signs of maturing--I did say signs. My husband keeps saying 1 more year and she will be the wonder dog like Maddie was--I hate I cannot completely trust her off leash in the neighborhood or out in front of the house. She does great in the wetlands area we walk in, but it is kinda fenced off. On occassion we get the "your dog should be on a leash--most of my buddies have their dogs off leash. If this is the only thing I rebell against then I think I am doing pretty darn good in life. My feeling is I have to be able to have control off leash just in case there is a need. I also think this is one of the best ways to help with issues of socializing dogs. They are so much better off the leash and rarely have issues.
I took Ella to the pet store to buy food today--not the best doggy on the block when it came to going in--you would think she had to training what so ever--pulled most of the time in the store. I really wanted her to go so I could weigh her--she is 46 lbs down from the 51 lbs last time I weighed her. This is good since she is suppose to be in the 45-47 lb range according to the breeder.
It is almost Friday!!!!! As Addy puts it --- Cha Cha Cha time!!!:D
marie adams
06-04-2012, 12:27 PM
I know I am always saying how can one little being be so cute....she likes to go into my closet and get a sock; then she has to make sure we are watching her for Game On play. Well, Saturday I wasn't paying a lot of attention to her and she layed down at my feet under the tablet. I had not noticed she had a sock. She was fast asleep with the sock right by her mouth--my daughter came downstairs and said I had ignored Ella because look what she has next to her.
There are so many days I wished we had not let her get up on the couch, but when you see the look on her face and those eyes--you just cannot resist letting her do it.
She has been taking long runs in the evening with my husband on the bike so she is pretty tired when she gets back. Of course you wouldn't believe she was that tired the next morning--it is "let's go".
She was chasing a little sparrow this morning--I am not sure she hurt it or not--I think it was a young one because it couldn't fly very good. She just wanted to make sure it was rounded up. She was with a buddy of hers who was helping in the chase--I think the 2 adults looked funnier than the dogs--"noooo, stop that, come" as we were bent over trying to catch the dogs. :eek:
I am still seeing changes in her that are good. She really likes to chew on her antler--I read it is healthy for them and they should only eat 1/2" to 1" a day--Ella has no problem reaching that limit. She is such a strong chewer. She got a new toy on Friday--some hairy eyeball ball--it only has embroidered eyes on this black hairy ball. She was giving it a haircut--kinda of like when my daughter thought it was a good idea to give Barbie a haircut--short cropped hair. :eek:
Happy Monday!!!:):D Do we really have to work????:eek::mad:
I can just picture her, laying there at your feet with the sock. She's a big girl now with doggie friends and runs with bikes. Where has the time gone?
Yes, it is the dreaded M word (monday):eek::eek::eek::eek:
I can never manage a cha cha on a Monday, can you? Zoe is snoring at my feet and I cant write because I keep stopping to listen to her snore and shut my eyes and smile because my heart feels so happy to hear her snore. Happy and content. And that is how you sound, sister Marie Irene, when I read your post, happy and content with Ella.
Now lets go find Mom and have that cruise party!!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
06-07-2012, 10:54 PM
Hey there a way you can record Zoe's snoring? It may sound silly, but you might find it peaceful to listen to later on. Portable recorders/pocket recorders aren't too expensive.
That is a great idea Susan!!!!:):):):):) I am going to do that!!!
How is Sister Marie Irene and Miss Ella?
I am sitting here finally enjoying a cool breeze this am after all the heat. I picture you strolling down your path, sipping a coffee while Miss Ella romps up and down. What a great way to start the day:D:D
Are you having a hard time working? I am dragging and so need a week off. It has been a year and I am thinking it has been a long time for you as well. One day off here and there for appointments does not make a happy camper, does it?
Have a wonderful week!!!!! Im waiting for Koko's test results, he finally had a physical Saturday. You should have heard the drama when they gave him the rabies shot. He howled like they were killing him. My heart stopped.:eek::eek::eek::eek:Now hubby calls him Cry Baby Koko. I told hubby he was mean but then he pointed out that Cry Baby was Johnny Depp's name in some old movie.:rolleyes:
Love ya girlfriend
marie adams
06-12-2012, 01:18 PM
I did it!!! I have finally got up the nerve to go on a Leave of Absence from work. It probably means I will not go back too much stress and my heart is just not in it anymore. When your oldest customers poop on you it is time. Last Thursday I called in sick for the first time in 7 years. Since my heart wasn't in it any longer I just wasn't performing the way I know I should. So get out while you still don't have such a bad record. I feel bad leaving, but tired of being yelled at, fighting to take a vacation--I must have at least 5 weeks saved up maybe more and so many personal days it is sickening. There I did it!!!! :D
Miss Ella and I start our next round of agility classes today. They will start working more on the equipment, but still working a lot on flat work as they call it.
Ella is a booger--too much energy. You should see her when she gets back from a 2 hour + run with hubby--she ends up on the couch and is dead to the world--so much you can hold up her paw and let it drop and she doesn't move--hardly even opens her eyes. Too cute!!!
I still cannot get her to stop with the nuggets on the trail. Even is her buddies are out there she still stops for a treat--YUKE!!!!:eek: She knows the leave it and drop commands except for POOP!!! Sometimes she will give over the tortoise ones, but not always. I think it is an attention getter, but a lot of the time I don't even watch on the trail--so tell me what that means.....:o
I read seameal might help so off I go to do more research. :p
Have a great day!!!! :)
Congrats Sister Marie Irene- YOU DID IT-
here comes summer, work is done, oh happy Day!!!!
Way to go girl. Proud of you.
Bailey's Mom
06-12-2012, 04:59 PM
WooHoo!!!!Yahoo and yippee!!! Pahty is on in the non-basement!!! :D:D:):):cool::cool::cool:
What brought you back to sanity??? I am soooooo glad you are taking care of yourself. You do NOT own the business and the business does NOT OWN YOU!!!:mad::cool::cool::cool:
So.............when are you going to pop over with Miss Ella so we can go walking and talking together? I just don't want Ella showing Bailey how to eat poop!!:eek::eek::eek:
I'm glad for you gal. Now don't overdo it with chores or something silly like that. Put yourself on the top of your list. That's what they tell me. I haven't quite managed to make that happen yet, but notice I said "yet'" I'm trying to get there.:)
I am so pleased for you.
06-13-2012, 11:14 AM
How can I find the photos? As a newbie, I am not familiar yet with this site. I don't want to miss adorable Aussie Miss Ella. Kathy
marie adams
06-14-2012, 12:31 PM
Hi Kathy,
Click on the person's name or Thread user name--mine is Marie Adams, View Profile, and you will see pictures or albums.:)
Hi Addy and Susan,
Still trying to get use to being off--still not unstressed yet--had to send back the laptop and all that stuff yesterday because I didn't want to see or talk to my manager. I still have paperwork to fill out so I get paid while I am on leave--so weird to be considered on disability.:o
Ella got to start learning the weave poles and the trainer used those bosui balls to help strengthen their hind legs and even their front one if you think about it.(they are those half balls you can stand on and try to balance yourself and you can turn them over an try the same thing) She said it is also good for strengthen their stomach muscles--I should definitely get one so I can use it--gotten a little rounder in the middle with eating stress food.:eek::D
The trainer said Ella is the perfect weight for agility. She said she really likes Ella even if she is a booger. I asked if she had any remedy to help with the poop eating and she said bananas or Missing Link. I asked her why Ella hated the crate so much as a puppy and she thought it could be separation was not done really good when she left her mom--who knows it's Ella!!!:eek:
Hey Sister, how is the leave of absence going? Weave poles are totally cool, I am a bit pea green with envy over that one. I so wanted to do that with Koko.;););)
Next time around except i will have to look for agility for seniors!!!
You go girl:D:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
06-27-2012, 10:59 AM
Yoooooooo hOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........ it's time to come out of the basement and prove you are still alive and well.
We heard a really loud bang yesterday morning. I have absolutely no idea what it could have been. It's not like anything I've heard in my life.
Was THAT YOU??????
marie adams
07-06-2012, 01:52 PM
It could have been me banging my head against the wall!!!:mad::eek:
I am sorry for being gone--just so hard to get time to play on the computer. And when I am on it to do some serious things like sue my contractor for not getting my deck coating repaired after 2 years of waiting.:mad::mad: I don't want to go this direction, but when he is now stating we need to share in the blame--hello I wasn't the one who chose the subcontractor who was a flake and didn't install the system according to the specs of the manufacturer. I have a report from the rep who took a sample of the deck coating system and said it was basically installed incorrectly and that is why we have cracking with has lead to water leaking/damage. We have never been really able to use the deck and no furniture as of yet.:mad::(:eek: All this since late fall of 2009--about the same time I found out Maddie had Cushing's--add both of these stress' together and what do you get????
The 4th of July was great--drank a few too many Mimosas.:eek: The good thing is Ella is not affected by the fireworks--just people... :D
We did not take her to the parade because I would have had to be attached to her from 8 am to after 2 while we were at our friends house on the parade route. It is a lot of fun. Last year I stayed home with her since she was so young.
Love you all!!! (((HUGS))))
Hi Sister Marie Irene,
Dont work about being MIA :D:D:D:D That can be a good thing.
I hope the deck thing works out, sounds like the Fourth was great!!!! It is so dry here quite a few communities cancelled their fireworks.
My ground cover looks terminally ill:eek::eek::eek: dispite watering it. Just been too hot for it, I think.
love ya
Bailey's Mom
07-16-2012, 02:28 PM
Hi Marie Irene..........
Just poppin' in to say hello. We are starting another heatwave. Yuk!
Bailey gets her new fence this week. FREEDOM!!
How is it on your side of the country?
marie adams
07-17-2012, 02:21 PM
My side of the country is overcast in the morning and the sun decides it will come out when it feels like it--of course I live near the beach and I am sure inland its a little different and hotter. Kind of humid, we had a little rain on Thursday last week. I feel so bad everyone is experiencing such hot weather.
We are off to class today, been off for two weeks. Ella is really comfortable in her new crate, but we will see how she is in class. :D
That is so great for Bailey to have freedom.:):) Ella kinds of abuses it on our walks. I hate having to keep her on the leash so much but she is scratching and biting her nails and feet every day--not sure if it is from what she eats out there or something at the house.
I hope it is nothing serious, but we have an appt with the vet on Friday. I have her on a fish diet with the pumpkin. I brought the yogurt back in thinking it would help with her skin--no. I have tried coconut oil, but still no change. I hate this.....:eek:
Hi Sister, I have returned from the deep north woods:):)
Actually, just my backyard!!!!!
I hope you can find out what the scratching is for Miss Ella. Zoe doesnt scratch but she will still munch on her pads and dew claw for a bit, especially when her feet are WET:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Dont feel bad about MIA, I have been too. So much going on.
Still love ya
marie adams
07-23-2012, 01:11 PM
The vet said she has allergies but that it seems to be enviornmental--something to do with her age. He said there is a blood test that can be done to see what she is allergic to and then I would have to give her a series of shots to make her not be allergic to those things. I am seriously thinking I am going to do this. It costs $150 for the test and if I remember right another $75 for the series of shots I would have to give her. The vet gave her a cortisone shot that he said should last 3 to 4 months. Talk about being a little afraid of this shot, but the alternatives were prednisone which I will never do because of the long term effects--I told him I already had a natural Cushing's dog so I won't go there again. He mentioned some other ideas, but I thought this was the less problematic way to go. She seems to be chewing and scratching less, but on occasion she is chewing on her nails. I started to give her her antler when she starts this and it seems to help.
He said to give her fish oil or flax seed oil and it is good to give her the pumpkin and yogurt--so we have this mixture to give her. Wow did I ever think I would have to do this with a brand new dog....:eek: We have just gotten to the realization of "It's Ella..." when things do not make a lot of sense or she does stuff that is silly of out of controll.:D
She did great in her crate in class. She will go into it at home if you ask her to--she ever opens up the door to get in. ;) She doesn't fight it--maybe this is what we should of done in the beginning...?
Happy Monday to All!!!! :D:p;)
Wow did I ever think I would have to do this with a band new dog....
you are so funny, I know I should not chuckle, but this line just has me grinning from ear to ear, Sister Marie Irene:D:D:D:D
maybe the shots will help Miss Ella. Did the vet think she may outgrow the allergies?
Otherwise I can haul out my pages of foot baths- iodine soak when she comes in from outside, etc.
If she is chewing her nails- sometimes they get a nail bed infection which causes more chewing.
Miss Zoe is a foot/nail chomper:D:D:D
marie adams
07-26-2012, 01:54 PM
Foot soaks!!!!:eek: I am tired of wiping her butt!!!
She ended up with the runs after class this week I am pretty sure it was the bully stick the trainer gave her. I was worried she swallowed a larger chunk and it got stuck--why the heck do we worry so much???!!!!:eek:
I finally broke down and gave her some rice yesterday and it seems to have helped. I always give her pumpkin--just increased the amount. On top of it she has gone into heat again so maybe that has contributed to the situation.
Supposedly if I give her the shots once we know what she is allergic to then she shouldn't be allergic to those things any longer. He didn't really say that she would grow out of it, but I didn't ask. It doesn't look like she has any infections with her nails. She isn't chewing as much or scratching so that shot helped.
She is maturing, but still the devil. Our walk was pleasant today not so much poop eating--she maybe growing out it. PLEASE!!!!!:D
I hope all is well with you!!!!:)
marie adams
08-02-2012, 02:33 PM
Ella continues to do well in her agility classes--it is I who needs a lot of practice--learning which way to turn for this jump and that jump.:eek::eek: I look like the village idiot.:p:D
Yesterday Miss Ella got the insides of a chicken out of the sink and eat it all--fat, liver, neck, etc. So I decided I would make her throw it up. I prayed the neck bones were chewed up enough and not cause problems. I got her to throw it up, but still paying for runny poop. Will pooping problems ever stop????? Will Ella stop trying to eat everything???!!!
Our walks are getting better and better. She still likes a few nuggets along the way, but I do see a change there also.:eek::D
OMG, she can get in the sink? Wow, that is one smart cookie pup. I'll never forget when Zoe ate a dozen hamburger buns and swelled up like a balloon.:eek::eek: Always something wiht our babies. I would have been bawling and in panic city.
I hope the allergy shots work for Ella. It does sound hopeful. I think it is worth a try.
I love watching agility on Tv when they show the competitions. It is alot for the handler to remember so I am sure it takes awhile to learn. I bet you are doing a great job.
I'm home for 2 days vacation. Hubby left for Boston. I am a single mom for 4 days:D:D:D
Enjoy your weekend!!!!!
love you lots
Bailey's Mom
08-02-2012, 11:21 PM
Marie Irene- Have you tried feeding Miss Ella? :confused::o:rolleyes::eek: Like ya know, doggie food?:eek::eek: I dunno, you're giving her poop and now chicken innards, you sure you don't live in Alabama or Mississippi or Looooweeeeeeeeeeeeziana? (NO OFFENSE INTENDED TO ANYONE FROM THE SOUTH) I guess Bailey is having sympathy pains. She hasn't eaten hardly anything today and about an hour ago she threw up. I wish this heat would go away.
Addy-enjoy that vacation! I love "my time"s. :D
Susan, Sus
Hey there sister,
I hope this Sunday finds you at an agility course having fun with Miss Ella.
I also am hoping the allergy shots are going well and the butt wiping has been kept to a minimum:D:D:D:D:D:D
We had drama all week with Miss Zoe but there is a silver lining - her ulcer is healed and her growth cant bother her anymore:):):)
I am thinking you, me and Sus need to go on a cruise:D:D
love ya, gotta run, Miss Zoe just woke up, YIKES!!! I am not good with blood
marie adams
08-27-2012, 08:00 PM
Ella is always wanting attention--so much so that every time I am in the backyard with the tortoises she wants to bite at them--even draws blood sometimes on their heads--today it was close to an eye!!!!:eek::eek: It seems like she reacts this way mostly with me and the tortoises. My husband usually doesn't have a problem. He says she owns me!!!!:mad::mad:
Allergies--went to the vet a week ago Saturday because of hot spots she pulled the fur out of....he strongly suggested I get the blood test done for the allergies--we did that last Tuesday and it will take 7 -10 days for results. He said it might be possible it is the down feathers from our comforter and pillows. She drives me crazy with all this....I know how you feel Addy. She is wearing the cone of shame as we call it.
I think all the heat the last two weeks has been a little hard on her and she ate 3 or 4 tomatoes a few days before the hot spots started. Her mouth/lips was a little agitated too.
I had to stop putting anything other than her dry dog food in her bowl to eat. She eats it at night, but doesn't like it in the morning--:eek::o
Do you think we got a lemon?????:D:eek::D:p
Going to small claims court on Thursday for our patio deck coating--just a big hassle to get it fixed properly--it all has to be ripped off and recoated with a several layer system. Our contractor just doesn't get it that he is responsible for his sub-contractor and has to PAY for it ALL--not us footing part of the bill. It has taken 2 years since the cracks started showing after being finished just a few months prior. It has bubbles you can feel where it is lifting---just a mess!!!:mad::mad:
((((HUGS))))) to all!!!!
Bailey's Mom
08-28-2012, 03:39 PM
Those dang subcontractors. I hope you win big time. I'm usually pretty good about weeding out the jerks, but one guy got me. Fortunately it was not for more than several hundred dollars. Sometimes it is so hard to tell.
We had 6" of rain Saturday night. You'd never know it to look now. Everybody got their yards cleaned up. We had fertilized right before we left for LV, so the timing could not have been better. Grow you leylands, GROW!! We have a little foot bridge that crosses "The Ditch" that is now askew. We need to bring in the askew straighteners. It floated a bit out of place. Wood floats, but have you ever tried to lift it??!!
Bailey has been scratching. Groomer suggested we try oatmeal shampoo. Seems to have helped a lot.
((((((HUGS right back atcha!!!)))))))
marie adams
08-31-2012, 12:36 PM
Court went very well yesterday--we ended up with a mediator in the beginning, but chose to go before the judge--just the gut talking that I didn't trust our contractor would do a good job of painting since he isn't a painter. It was a friendly mediation, but when we got to court he lied big time and of course I could counter with the truth. My husband said I pulled a Perry Mason at the end with a question I asked the contractor which I knew he didn't really go after the bond of the sub-contractor.
When we were telling the story of Perry Mason trick--our daughter goes--who the heck is Perry Mason???? :D:eek::D We laughed and I told her it was a tv show about going to court and Perry Mason was an attorney.
We still don't have the test results back for Ella. I hope she doesn't have a lot things she is allergic to and it will be a simple fix. She continues to chew on certain spots on her legs--always scratching and chewing other places, but not to the point the fur is gone and it's reddish. She really doesn't mind the "cone of shame" but you just have to mention it and you get that look like really do I have to....:rolleyes: We tell her "no chewing" and she knows what that means, but continues to chew.
I keep thinking something else is wrong--she pants all the time and has started to not eat all her food right away like she use to. My husband says it just because its hotter than she is use to and its humid. I hope that is all it is--I said could the tomatoes have caused some problems since they weren't completely red and still a little green--leaves and stems are very toxic and this is still in the greenish tomatoes, but not as high of concentration, but if you eat 3 or 4 of them in a day it might not be a good thing. The vet didn't seem all to worried other than it being a little acid to cause the reddish around her mouth.
Why am I like this with her--always thinking something is wrong??? Is it from having a Cushing's dog and learning so much about a lot of illnesses here??? Just a worry wort!:eek::eek::confused:
Happy Friday and a happy weekend!!!
I remember Perry Mason:D:D:D:D:D And Stella, his secretary, wasn't her name Stella?:confused::confused:
Dang Marie, I hope Ella is okay. Zoe pants when she has gas pains in her tummy. Maybe the green tomatoes just gave Ella bit of discomfort for a bit. Remember when I freaked out because Koko ate a mushroom? The vet wasnt worried and she was right, so maybe you vet is right too.:):):):):):) Maybe she has acid ruflux from the acid in the tomatoes.
I dont think you are paranoid, you just are more in tune to Ella having had to be so in tune with Maddie Girl. The is not necesarily a bad thing and is a learned pratice that may come in handy.
Have a wonderful Labor Day!!!!!!!
Cha, cha, cha
Bailey's Mom
08-31-2012, 08:59 PM
Not Stella.................Della...............I think. Stella was the character's name yelled by some big actor is some big old time movie.
Have a GREAT weekend!!!
yup, Marlon Brando,was it Streetcar Named Desire?;););););)
Della Street
ding, ding, ding
Susan wins the first round of final Jeopardy:D:D:D:D:D
Cha, cha, cha Sister Marie Irene, hoping you have mulitple "chas" included in your holiday weekend:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I hope Miss Ella is feeling better. Are you still doing the agility with her? Let us know what happens with her allergy tests. Hoping everything goes well for Ella.
Party on the beach at Mom's.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Surfer dudes are already there:p:p:p:p
Conga, Conga, Conga:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
09-07-2012, 12:13 AM
YOO HOOOOOOOOOO??????????????????
It has been an entire week since you poked your head out of the nonbasement and I'm beginning to get worried about you. With all the constant rain we have had, even though the sump pumps are running to keep the wet out down there, I don't know if your clothes and toys have gotten wet. I haven't seen surf boards, so I don't think you have the surfer dudes down there with you..........AT LEAST YOU BETTER NOT HAVE!!!!!!
What about Miss Ella? Isn't she way overdue for a nice walk? Have you been feeding her? How are her allergies? Is she keeping warm?....not getting too hot?.....have enough water?
marie adams
09-08-2012, 08:14 PM
I am poking my head up out of the non-basement. Why can't I have the surfer dudes down there??? Sister Addy has friends down there when you aren't home--hehe!!!!:D:p
Yes we are still doing agility, but had this week off. We really need to get some stuff for home to practice--that means more stuff in the backyard.:eek::eek: She really has no fear of anything so far so that's good.
Allergy test results are back and they rate them from 1 to 6--6 being the worst. Fleas got a big 5, but I never see any on her it is possible.
Dust Mites, some trees, rye and orchard grass?, flies, black ants and some more stuff I will have to post. The vet wants me to take off the down comforter and pillows to see if that makes a difference before any shots. She isn't so bad with the scratching and biting/chewing, but it is still there. What a dog!!!!!:eek::confused::rolleyes::p
I still haven't gotten the results from small claims court. I think I will call my paralegal Monday to ask just how long it takes.
Happy Weekend to All!!!
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))) ))))
right back at ya!
hey- those are not smile faces?????????????????????????? whats up with THAT? :)
Bailey's Mom
09-12-2012, 11:15 PM
Hi girls!
Marie Irene, I wondered what those bumps were that appeared under my sweater. We'll have to figure a way to sneak you gals into the operating room!! :):)
No surfer dudes in the nonbasement. Not now....not ever. Addy has friends over to visit, but she ALWAYS okays it with me first. ;) BESIDES...there is a BIG DIFFERENCE between surfer DUDES and FRIENDS!! :p..
I found today that Bailey can have a lot of fun gardening. Of course almost all of it goes into her mouth. Then when she is having TOO MUCH fun, I have to pack her off to go inside. She's still trying to sneak in some nipping, silly bear.
2.5 weeks and the countdown moves along pretty nicely. There are only 4 outside chores remaining.....none of them very big, except for hand painting some weeds. These nasty new weeds showed up a few years ago. I've never seen them before. They like to wind their way around my plantings so the only way to get rid of them, without killing my plantings, is to hand paint each one.
Stomach has settled down.......except if I eat something that is not bland. At least I am feeling better. Cardiologist found that I have a heart in there. He okayed me for the surgery but wants me to come back in January for a stress test. I have some factors which make me a higher risk for a heart attack. (raising a puppy is one of those risks!!:rolleyes: )
Bailey seems to have an ear infection and has a rash like spot under her chin. The usual vet could "fit us in" next Monday. :mad: They would see us today as an "emergency" and that would cost $105.00 just to be seen....never mind any additional costs. :eek: I went by and reminded them of how I've practically funded that office. Still no give. There is a second office (same vet) about 15 miles away. We go there tomorrow. :mad:
Oh-Addy-something good (I didn't get on yesterday)-........ It has been a gorgeous week, weather wise in coastal Delaware. That is always welcome and particularly awesome this week. I was looking at my Leylands today-the ones that had to be severely trimmed in order to get the fence in. A Master Gardener told me I might as well cut them down now, as they would never survive this. I have often said that my plants survive despite my gardening talents....and that they must know I mean well and love them all because most seem to hang in there and do really well. Today, as I looked over the Leylands I could see new little shoots coming out of the sides and the tops of even the most "butchered" trimmed ones. (The tree trimmers started to rush some on the afternoon of day #2.) Well, those cute little sprouts, signs of new life and hope, are laughing in the face of the Master Gardener. I WOULD NOT ever butcher a tree I wanted to keep. They got trimmed, they got a lot of rain water, we fertilized them and I've talked to them and now they are standing 4" taller than they were a month or so ago. Life goes on. There is hope. There is today and hopefully there will be a tomorrow. I will do what I can today and I will be grateful for all I have (even this bum knee.) Life is good (now.)
Sus & Susan
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))) ))))
;)Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
I dont want to miss it:D:D:D:D:o:o;););)
Bailey's Mom
09-19-2012, 10:06 PM
Happy Anniversary to you both!
Bailey's Mom
09-22-2012, 12:53 AM
Marie Irene???!! Are you still in the non-basement? You are missing some mighty nice weather and I understand the surf is "up" and you know what that means!!...surfer dudes back in action.
How is that Ella girl? Is she smack dab in the middle of pre-teenager-dom?
I just wanted to wish you a wonderful weekend. Come out from down under there and enjoy this weather!!!:D:)
Can you believe it?????
Mom forgot me at the ball park
marie adams
09-28-2012, 02:18 PM
If Mom forgot you then how are you telling me you got left????:D:D:D
I stayed home so I could have the surfer dudes :cool: over in the backyard so Mom couldn't say I couldn't have them in the non basement.:D:D
I have been missing in action as usual. Some news - we won our small claims court case for the full $10,075.00--now we have to collect it.
The other part is I used up all my disability leave time with the company and since my doctor wouldn't release me I was terminated.:mad::):p Part of me is sad, but the other part is happy the decision has been made. I keep putting off looking for a job--just can't get into it.
Miss Ella is doing fine. She had a sleep over at one of her friends house on Saturday so we could go to a wedding and not have to drive home--PARTEEE Time!!! She did very well and it will be our turn this Saturday. Now we have a place for her to go when we travel and the same for them.
She has started to not want to eat in the morning. She will eat treats but not her food; even if I put pumpkin in it. I tried coconut oil, vegetable broth--she just eats a little at a time and has started to let it drop out of her mouth around the bowl. I worry it might be a tooth or gum problem, but cannot see anything wrong. I hate to have to go again to the vet. I keep thinking it might be her food she is tired of it; so now I am mixing new in with the old. It could be the heat and humidity, but who knows. There have been a few days she wouldn't go out in the backyard so I could go to the store--it is like she is anxious.
It is always something!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Have the most wonderful weekend!!!! Stay cool--it is suppose to be in the 90's around where I live which is way too hot--it might be in the high 80's really, but here we go again--dripping wet!!!!:eek::eek:
Bailey's Mom
10-06-2012, 09:15 PM
Yoooooooooo Whoooooooooooooooooo..............ANYbody home? How come you did not come by the hospital, Marie Irene? :eek::confused:Were you out with those surfer dudes? I thought you were going to bring me a Coke....??? :confused:
How is Miss Ella doing and how are you doing?:)
Methinks it's a bit too quiet over your way!
sick is no fun and this virus is nasty so I hope I did not give it to you.
feel better. I am bringing hot chicken soup, yummmmmmm, can you smell it?
Chicken Soup cures everything. I hope Miss Ella is fine.
Good news on the settlement!!!!
(((((((((((((((((((Hugs back at ya))))))))))))))))))))))))
marie adams
10-08-2012, 08:09 PM
I would have loved to have come by the hospital, but I don't think they would have let me in with my coughing and runny nose. I also don't think I could have let you have a coke, but I could have tried to sneak it in in my purse and disguised it in a red cup like we do at the beach with the beer or rum punch.:D
I have been sick since the Wednesday before last. I also had to sew a pirate outfit for my daughter who was going to Buccaneer's Days on Catalina Island. It is an annual event and she wanted something new to wear this year. Funny thing is this year she ran into her old boyfriend, my brother/her uncle and her cousins she didn't spend a lot of time with growing up, but had a great time with them!!! Maybe the one friend that goes with her most of the time got the hint they look like a couple and who knows.....:D Mom and Dad really like the guy too!!! They have only known each other for 4 years--hello, but he has had a girlfriend from college days who lives in another state and now he is single. I am so bad!!!!!
Miss Ella--well my hubby has finally figured out she is a lot of work and drama because she doesn't let him just relax--haha!!! Now he has experienced a little of what I go through.
She is actually doing really good--she is a year and half and I see progress. If I could just get her nervousness/anxiety to calm down would help so much. She barks at people when she is in the car or the UPS guy--all she has to do is hear the truck--so crazy. I don't help because I get anxious also. I really have to start reading the book I got to help with this. She did do really good yesterday when we were walking the path on the beach while my husband had his running workout. She didn't bark at anyone and even went up to people and gave them kisses--so as usual she has me baffled.
Love you all!!! ((((HUGS))))
Bailey's Mom
10-08-2012, 11:29 PM
Oh Marie Irene.............our two pups are just non-conventionalist! I'm right there with you about the barking.
With my being home and recovering from surgery, she has become extra protective of me. I had thought I'd try a different training group but then this knee issue popped up. Now I am hoping that by January I will be recovered enough to try training again. It does help when I restrain her by leash indoors, but come on now, she's 20 mos old now. Lucky for her that she's so cute.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. It's usually either 14 days or two weeks to get over a cold (get it? they're the same!)
Arf, arf from Bailey!
marie adams
10-15-2012, 06:01 PM
Feeling so much better--just a little tickle in the throat and cough.
Posted some pictures of Ella at the beach and with her new blanket on the couch. She isn't a Princess!!!!:eek:;):rolleyes:
She hates the sound of a big diesel truck--like the UPS one. A rental truck came into the neighborhood last night and the barking began. Then this morning it started up at least 3 times--she is driving me nuts--she cannot let it go. She gets herself into a frenzy--I think I need the Dog Whisper. :eek::eek: HELP!!!!:D
Happy Monday!!!!:):):)
OMG, Ella is beautiful at the beach. The photos are so good, marie.
She is a looker, your Ella :D:D:D:D
Are you still doing agility? What happened with the leave of absense thing? Are we going to have to look at our doggie sundaes?
Take care girlfriend. yes, i am feeling much better. Off the awful meds and feeling human again because I can actually sleep with no drugs. One hour of sleep a night is not a good thing:eek::eek:
marie adams
10-29-2012, 08:52 PM
Wow!!! One hour of sleep a night--not a good thing!!!! I am so glad you are feeling better!!!
Yes we are still doing agility. We went to a trial a couple of weeks back to watch our trainer and some of the others go through the courses. I even got to see my sister and her dog go through a course. Her dog is really fast--a border collie. I realized Ella doesn't act any different than most of the these trained dogs act on a leash. She was so distracted it was funny, but the hubby was getting a little impatient--wow!!! Now he sees what I go through--haha!!!
My leave of absence is still on, but I ran out of days with work and they terminated or separated employment because my doctor would not release me and I didn't want to be because I would lose disability payments. So right now I am unemployed, but cannot collect unemployment while I collect disability insurance. Oh darn the decision was made for me, but I haven't looked seriously for work.
Bailey's Mom
10-30-2012, 01:34 AM
Ha, ha! Best decision you've never made!
Bailey's Mom
11-13-2012, 03:43 PM
Yoo hoo???? Marie Irene, this is your mother speaking.....I taught you better about keeping in touch with your Mom so I don't worry about you or Ella so much. WHERE ARE YOU???!!!
marie adams
11-14-2012, 12:52 PM
Sorry Mom!!!! I have been trying to YELL at people (and Ella) and thought it best not to stress you out!!! Off my meds!!!:eek::eek:
Miss Ella has been causing a lot of anxiety--just tired of her going after me. I am all bruised up again on my arms and legs. Will this stop when she turns two---please say yes!!!!:eek::eek:
She acted up in class again this week and the trainer said to not let her dictate to me that I dictate to her--don't let her get away with not sitting when asked, etc.
Ella has started to get in attack mode during class when we are trying to do a run on the equipment. I think I am getting anxious because I am doing it wrong and she picks up on it. I have to be calmer when I reprimand her--the trainer said she knows how hard that is, but....
It hurts when she nips you and not being in the best place right now doesn't help either.
Well, we got the invite from the niece in law for Thanksgiving. I am waiting for the request to make pies at the last minute. Last year I was so mad about what she did at the last moment about the pies I don't really want to take any this year; which is bad I like making them, but I don't want to be "dictated" to.:D:D It's a long story about why this all makes me mad--it is more than the dessert thing. Breath in breath out.....
How can Ella be so cute laying at my feet right now and then..... :D:p:eek:
Love You All!!! ((((HUGS))))
lol at mom's post:D:D:D i cant stop laughing:D:D:D
now dear sister, ella does not want to be dictated to during agility and you dont want to be dictaed to about pies:):):):)hmmmmmmm
they do say we pick dogs that mirror us.:p:p:p:p:p I think I did with Zoe.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
the other day i was trying to figure out a situation involving a certain party at a certain place i have to go to everyday in order to pay my bills. i thought "what would happen if this person were a dog, how would I handle the behavior problem" so we could coexist.
i'm still trying to figure that one out:eek::mad::(:D;):p:D:):o:cool::rolleyes:
WE'RE HERE!!!!!!
Which way to the beach? We brought dinner. Where's the basement????????
Do they grow turkeys in California???????????
marie adams
12-04-2012, 01:05 PM
Of course they grow turkeys in California---hahaha!!!
I am so sorry for abandoning you--Miss Ella had a house guest the week of Thanksgiving and they are both high energy dogs!!! (He has Cattle dog and shepherd in him) The hubby was home for 2 WHOLE WEEKS :eek::eek::eek:; and I just couldn't make the time to get to the computer without him having to use it.
After Kenya left Miss Ella decided she was going to have the runs again; and I thought things were getting better. So took her to the vet last Friday and he feels it is colitis (I thought it might be also)--now we have medicine to fix this. Then the stool stamp came back with she also has giardia--medicine for that too!! So we have to change food again to kangaroo or rabbit--I choose kangaroo with rabbit treats. Will this never stop......
Miss Ella got to hike up to the top of Mt. Baldy on Saturday with my husband, daughter, 3 other workout friends and their dog. They hiked over 13 miles over rocks and so forth. They said she did great!!! I had the whole day to not have to worry about her. We even bought a PINK raincoat for her--I think the hubby was going to freak, but he had suggested she have one just in case it rained. She never got to wear it--:( We have never bought a coat before not even for Maddie.
There are a lot of things we never did before with Maddie that Ella gets to have or do---it must be that cute face and expression.:D:D
Take care and ((((HUGS)))) to all!!!
I knew you were busy, I did not feel left out;):D
Koko had giardia this past summer. The vet gave him panacur. I went through that with Zoe's colitis, two years of trying to find a food she could eat:eek::eek: The only way it stopped for her was to put her on a permanent dose of metronidazole which I have weaned way down.
What fun for Ella, hiking and a playmate for two weeks!!!!! She's a BIG GIRL:D:D:D:D You have to take a pix of her in her pink raincoat.
I started putting lights outside for the holidays and now I cant seem to stop, I want more and MORE!!!! I dont know what is up with me and that. I bought blue LED lights and am thinking of purple next!!!!! LOL, hubby is just shaking his head and the pups just cant figure out why I keep running in and out and walkingup an down the driveway all excited!!!
So far we are having a California holiday season but I am sure that is short lived!!! You are not having any of the storms that northern CA have had, are you?
Did you see Sonja brought a rescue pup home? I am praying Alfie stays with her!!!!!!!
What are we going to do with Mom? She lost her pink bubble wrap!!
missed ya girlfriend!!!!:):):)
Bailey's Mom
12-15-2012, 05:51 PM
Yoo hoo???? Marie Irene, this is your mother speaking.....I taught you better about keeping in touch with your Mom so I don't worry about you or Ella so much. WHERE ARE YOU???!!! once a month will NOT suffice!!! Where did I place that paddle?
;)Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, we searched and searched for Marie Irene. :D:D
I hope you are busy doing fun, holiday stuff!!!!!!
Merry, Merry CHristmas
marie adams
12-18-2012, 02:12 PM
I am alive and kicking. Been busy sort of, kind of been lazy, and ....wandering in circles---:D:D
I hope all is well with the families!!!
Trying to get ready for a party tomorrow night at our house for mostly my daughter's friends and a lot of them seem to think of us as friends and not just the parents--haha!!! We call this the Pre-Party, but this year the family isn't coming to our house on Christmas Eve we are going to their house on Christmas--so that makes life a little calmer.
Today is the last class for Ella till after the holidays. She seems to wander around in class when we are suppose to be performing so have to really work on the attention to me. I think I have figured out the wording to make her pay attention - the ready set go we do when we play with a ball. She really paid attention last week when I did that--why didn't I use that before--hello!!!!
It's been raining on and off for the past few days--good that we need it, bad it makes it messy out in the backyard and trying to go for walks and rides on the bike.
I hope everyone has a beautiful Tuesday!!!:)
Bailey's Mom
12-24-2012, 08:15 AM
Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years!!!!!!!
May all of your Christmas wishes come true...
May we all stay away from any and all cliffs,
Peace and Joy to all!
marie adams
12-24-2012, 08:48 PM
Merry Christmas to Mom and Sister Addy from Marie!!!
Miss Ella wishes Miss Bailey, Miss Zoe, and Mr. Koko a very Merry Christmas!!!
Many (((((HUGS TO ALL!!!!)))))
marie adams
01-01-2013, 12:59 AM
I got an iPad for Christmas so I should be better at posting again.
May 2013 be a year of happiness and joy. So cool you got an Ipad. I got an Iphone. LOL my 10 year old cell phone was never charged or used. Now, I LOVE MY PHONE:D:D:D. I purchased my very first Itunes last night.
You will love your Ipad, I'm sure!!!!!!! Very cool indeed.
Hugs and belly rubs to you and Ella. Enjoy the day
molly muffin
01-01-2013, 09:52 AM
Happy New Year Marie! Ipad posting and fun coming our way! whoo hooo
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Are you ipadding????????????:D:D:D:D:D:D:D;););)
Hey, I actually bought some itunes, first time in my life, totally cool. I am loving this techie stuff;)
Better watch out or pretty soon they will come out with some "i" thing for dogggies;););););) and then Ella will want one.
Happy weekend!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
01-12-2013, 04:27 PM
Oh Marie Irene????????????????? It's your mother again.............. I thought the iPad I gave you was to make you more responsible to your sister and myself. This is the TWELFTH of January. Have you fallen down a hole? Did you lose your iPad and you're afraid to admit it? And remember Miss Ella???????? What has she been up to? Are you feeding her regularly?
Bailey and I are sitting here on the east coast while she gets drugged and I get myself undrugged. Not fun. At least there is football to watch.
We miss you, didnt you learn how to use that dang ipad yet?
insert a whole bunch of smiley faces here
marie adams
02-11-2013, 04:17 PM
We are baccckkk!!!!
Miss Ella and I are just fine.....:)
Still doing agility--she is doing so well now that I figured out how to keep her attention in class. We built some jumps in the back yard (3) and she is a pro- jumping 22" which is good. We just have to get her weaving poles and then I think we will be ready to start competing a little I hope.
I made it through the anniversary of Maddie's passing with little heart ache so I think I am on the road to being better. I realize what an easy dog she was compared to Miss Ella.:D
I know Ella doesn't have colitis or at least full blown. Eating kangaroo has made a BIG DIFFERENCE in poop so I am a happy camper not having to wipe her bottom every time. She is in heat again and thinking we might spay her before the next one. I think she has too many issues with her diet and allergies to pass that on to the next generation. Hubby thinks a little differently so we will see.:rolleyes:
I will catch up on all the going ons with everyone!!!:):p;)
Missed you All and you have always been in my thoughts!!!!!
If our girl is doing well on kangaroo ( I cant even believe Im saying that;);)) you'll love the diet discussion on Trish and Naomi's threads:D aka Flynn and Fraser pups. We have quite a few novel proteins covered there and had great fun doing it!!!!
I'm thrilled agility is going so well. I can see her now flying over jumps, pole weaving, you go Ella.
I know you had some hard anniversaries, I'm glad they were easier this year. Time heals they say.
It is so good to hear you:):):):):):) or should I say read you?:p
Bailey's Mom
02-14-2013, 12:48 AM
Harumph! It's about time you reported in to your mother and sister!!! At least tell us you've been doing something exciting and/or illegal. (No-wait-strike that "illegal" part.)
I'm glad you're back,'ve been missed!:(
Happy Valentine's day to you and Ella!:)
As soon as as I saw your post this week, I knew Zoe was going to do just fine with her surgery. It was one more good luck sign:D:D
marie adams
02-16-2013, 11:58 PM
Sister Addy I am so glad it seemed like a good luck sign for Zoe. I know you are feeling better about all of it now, but before--wow I would have been a mess too!!!!
Darn Mom why couldn't I have been doing something illegal---I never get to have fun!!!;)
Miss Ella is becoming so much better behaved, but still a crazy and wild girl. Her 2nd birthday is coming soon--April 1st it has gone by so fast!!!
I am in kinda of a physical therapy to fix my right leg--maybe a torn mynisca (spelling). I have a mri on Tuesday to have a look--first time for one of those. I am sure Ella caused it by either jerking me on the leash or tripping me at some point in the last year. I also have been having problems with my left hand--some nerves. It is funny because my shoulder had been causing me some problems, but I took a bad fall in agility class before Christmas and it doesn't hurt anymore so I think it moved down the arm to the hand and my thumb. It stinks to get older!!!:D:D
Have a great weekend!!!!:p:);):D
Gosh, I almost started thinking agility is hazerdous to your health;)
Didn't someone once say "it takes a really couragous person to get old?" Or something like that!!!! I hope everything turns out ok.
Bailey was just two and now Ella. Such big girls we have now.:):):):):):) It seems like only yesterday we were looking at puppy pictures for both of them. I remember Ella and the tortoise pictures.
Your weather sounds delightful, I'm sitting her freezing to death and more show is coming at the end of the week:rolleyes::rolleyes: Hubby keeps saying we are getting to old to live here. A view of Catalina Island would be fantastic!!!!!:):):)
Get well soon, Marie
Bailey's Mom
02-18-2013, 11:33 PM
Bring out the bubble wrap for Marie Irene....and warn all the spectators!
Getting old is not for sissies!
Bailey's Mom
05-01-2013, 11:16 PM
Yoooooo hooooooo..???????? Marie?????? Where are youuuuuuuuuu?????
You missed the train to FL. You didn't throw the birthday party for Miss Ella. What's with that?!!!! Do you need some of my pink bubble wrap?? Are you and Carrol off somewhere misbehaving???
marie adams
05-03-2013, 03:09 PM
I know I have been misbehaving again!!!:p:D I wish it was with Carrol.
I wish I could say I have been soooo busy that I have no time, but the days go by and I get little down that I want to. I think it is because I have tomorrow everyday.....since I am still not working. I think I am good to go and then there are days I don't want to talk or be around anyone. :confused::(
The one thing I am constant with is taking Miss Ella to agility class. We have progressed so well we can start competing in June hopefully. My husband and I have built jumps and weave poles for her. She is not afraid of any of the equipment.
I think since she turned 2 it has made a big difference and she has to really pay attention more in class. I think I have become better at not letting her get away with more. I can even move one of the tortoises while she lays down and stays. Miracles do happen, but there is still the devilish side to her at times. She really doesn't like to be lost on the course when we do a run in class--she will bark and nip at me if I confuse her--that is because I am the one lost thinking now where are we suppose to go next....:confused::D:)
I hope Miss Bailey and Miss Zoe are doing well. I am sorry being lost and missing the train to Florida--that would have been fun!!!:)
We are just happy that you and Ella are well and happy:D:D:D
Post some pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My internet is on and off again at home so sneaking in from work to say hi, so cant talk right now:rolleyes::rolleyes:
hugs and love Marie
marie adams
06-03-2013, 12:41 PM
Finally posted some pictures.
Hubby is home this week so this is short and sweet!!
Miss you all !
I thought I saw your green light on as I took a quick break from work!
So I went to find Ella's thread as I am sure others would love an update on our spunky girl with her agility awards :):):):):)
Also, an update on you as well for all of us.
You know, we are always family and we all have such good memories of you, Maddie girl and Ella.
So Sister Marie Irene- whats news??????
marie adams
10-01-2014, 01:18 PM
Yes my green light is on.....
Miss Ella is doing well with agility. Yesterday was our first day back to class after two weeks off for her spay surgery. She only got to jump 8" vs. the normal 20-22" and no A frame. She really likes it and when I'm confused as to where to go on the course she gets mad at me and tries to nip at me-typical Ella! :eek:
We've done mostly AKC Agility trials and she finally after a year titled in jumpers and standard (standard is all the obstacles). Sometimes I'm not sure which Ella goes into the ring because most of the time she works as a team and then there are other times she is off wandering looking for goodies or something. It is fun, but hard to remember how I'm suppose to turn (front cross, rear cross, blind cross:eek::(:eek:). It's practice on both sides of the team.
My sister competes so she has been a BIG help and sometimes the trainer competes with her dogs at the same trials. I have only been by myself at a trial and that was at a ASCA (Australian shepherd) trial. We didn't do so well because there was a lot of tension between us from working on my daughters condo (whole family had tension going on:D). Her breeder was the judge so that added to the tension too. I've never been eliminated so many times at a trial as I was there. Ella was in rare form with the nipping-I was so embarrassed. We took off quite a few months from competing to settle down and work as a team.
I will try to post some pics.
Talk to you soon Sister Addy!
marie adams
10-03-2014, 10:17 AM
I finally posted pics of my little never sits still furbaby!:D:rolleyes:
Marie she is beautiful. Ella is a big girl now. How she has matured into such a lovely lass is just a sight to see though she always was good looking.
That beautiful coat must mean no more allergy stuff going on and no bad poos. Glad to see that is all solved.
She looks so happy, Marie and you must be as well.
How are things going for you? I was thinking of you the other day because we stopped at a dog event in town. It was a mob scene, so many people and dogs, I was amazed at the turn out. The one thing I noticed was no doggie ice cream treat truck!!!
and I thought of you and now here you are:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
marie adams
10-03-2014, 07:55 PM
Thank you for all the wonderful comments on how beautiful Ella looks. We still have allergy problems or maybe it's just OCD with her about her front paws and chewing in general. She had to have a hot spot shaved on her right side earlier this year-it seemed like it took forever to grow back. I think it took longer because it was so visible. The one thing she liked from having the hot spot was I took one of my old t-shirts that had a lacy look to it and she just loved wearing it--silly dog. :p
She does have a beautiful, oh so soft coat-always has since she was a puppy. Maddie's was a lot coarser.
Since I switched to the kangaroo maybe two years ago her poop has been great. It's when she gets into food she isn't suppose to have that we have problems. Once she had treats from my sister on a Sunday and I gave her something different on a Thursday of that week (not sure what did it to her) and she ended up with bloody stools-trip to vet and a cortisone shot :eek: and antibiotics. Who knows sometimes what causes issues; pretty much she's good to go because I have to watch her.
She is an opportunist and strikes when you don't expect it. At one trial she got into a friends stash of chicken and cheese in a ziplock bag and downed everything bag and all.:eek::eek: I had to go to the store before we ran our turn and get hydrogen peroxide and vegetable broth to get her to throw up. Of course she wouldn't drink it so between my sister giving her treats in the bowl of stuff I would scoop it up with the liquid. She finally threw up and poop at the same time- what a mess to clean up. I guess it all worked out because she got two blue ribbons and qualified in both her runs. Everyone said I should make her throw up everytime she's suppose to run. :D:D
The next day before we ran (it was a two day event) she decided she was going to lunge at a guy with a hat on--ended up lunging at two more people so I got talked to by the head trial person to be careful of her because I don't want her labelled a reactive dog at trials or even be band from AKC trials. So now I have to be very careful with her at trials so she doesn't react to people. I knew she has that tendency, but thought she had grown out of it mostly--guess not. My sister's dog is reactive so she tells me how to handle her differently at trials. I'm also reading a book on reactive dogs.
Let's just go with Ella is a chore to be with-never a dull moment:eek:. I want the pleasure part I use to have with Maddie. I see moments of pleasure as Ella matures and I suspect I need a couple more years till it's mostly pleasure and some small parts that are chores. I've been told Ella makes me a better trainer because she puts me through the ropes of all kinds of situations. Even my husband said Ella's a lot of work when he takes her on runs. Ella beats to her own drummer :rolleyes: and comes when she is finished with her checking things out on the trail.
Oh the stories I could tell.....:D:D
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