View Full Version : new member (Dobie) 12 y/o male neutered Pug (Diabetic & Atypical)

05-24-2011, 06:30 PM
Hello my name is Joanne and I have a 12 yr old neutered male pug that has been diabetic since Feb. 2009. He was well regulated until 7 months ago. After 3 vets telling me he just needs more insulin, I decided to find the real problem. Yesterday got the blood work results showing increase aldosterone pre and post ACTH and increased 17 hydroxyl pre and post Acth test. Was told to start 3mg melatonin and lignans.Any info or comments you may have would be appreciated.
Thank you Joanne and pug Dobie

Squirt's Mom
05-24-2011, 08:16 PM
Hi Joanne and welcome to you and Dobie! :)

My Squirt is also Atypical, which is what you are describing with elevated aldosterone and OH-17 progesterone (17 Hydroxyl) and normal cortisol levels. To be classed as Atypical, a pup's cortisol must be normal while one or more of the intermediate hormones are elevated. Melatonin and lignans are the usual first approach to treatment with the addition of a maintenance dose of Lysodren if needed. Lysodren would also address the hormones that are elevated in Dobie without the use of the lignans and melatonin.

I cannot address the effect elevated aldosterone and OH-17 progesterone can have on DM, but have read that elevated aldosterone can cause DI (diabetes insipidus). If you are not a member of our sister group, k9diabetes, please go over there and register. They are the experts in the area of canine diabetes! The link is:


We have several members here who know about both conditions and I am sure you will hear from them soon.

Leslie and the gang

05-24-2011, 08:19 PM
Hi Joanne and Welcome from me and my two pups,

Pugs are just so darn cute!!!!!

Did you have the adrenal panel done at the University of Tennessee?
Is it diagnosing Aytpical Cushings?

We have a sister site K9 Diabetes that has a wealth of information on it. Have you checked it out?

Gosh, sorry I am asking so many questions:o:o

My Zoe is on melatonin and lignans currently but she has high cortisol and four other intermediate hormones are elevated. I buy plain melatonin at Walgreens and she is now on Heartland powder SDG lignans. I purchase that on line.SDG lignans can sometimes cause loose stool from the extra fiber. If that happens you can switch to HML lignans.

Other members more knowledgeable than I will be along soon if they are not already simultaneously typing as I type:rolleyes::rolleyes:
They will probably have even more questions but that is a good thing.

Hang in there,


05-25-2011, 11:36 AM
Hi Joanne,

Corky and I also want to welcome you and Dobie to a wonderful group of very caring, supportive and knowledgeable people.

You got some good information. I don't have anything to add, as I've never treated Atypical cushings.
