View Full Version : Missy (11 year old Westie)

05-15-2011, 01:36 PM
I got the probable Cushing's diagnosis yesterday for my Missy, who is an 11 year old Westie. I can't stop crying because I want what's best for my dog but I don't know what the best treatment would be for her. I talked to one of the vets yesterday. They explained that one of the treatments could make her 'Addisonian' and several of the side effects I've read for other drugs seem pretty severe. Any suggestions out there? Has anyone heard of Retinoic Acid as a possible medication. I know I will not be able to cure this disease but I would just like to manage it with the least amount of discomfort for Missy.

05-15-2011, 04:09 PM
Other's will be along to welcome you. First take a breath. Below you will get information on cushings. We will be asking to post the tests done on Missy. What symptoms does Missy have?-hair loose, pot belly, increased thirst and appetite. You don't have to make a decision on the medication right now. We will be asking which cushing Missy has. This will determine which treatment is best for her.
this site names the three types of cushing.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

05-15-2011, 05:43 PM
Hi and Welcome from me as well.

This is a wonderful forum full of caring people and our moderators and members are very knowledgeable so you have come to the right place.

We all panic and do alot of crying when we first hear the news, It all sounds pretty scary. The important thing is that you do not have to decide this minute. You can try to breathe, let it all out, and take the first steps in learning as much as you can.

Our moderators tend to ask a lot of questions but don't get put off by that. The more they know, the easier it is for them to decipher it all. Cushings is a very hard disease to diagnose, so they tend to want to be sure you have the right diagnosis and they give you tools to help you determine that.

We have all been exactly where you are today so we understand:)
You are not alone any more. We will all be here for you.


05-15-2011, 07:20 PM
Corky and I also want to welcome you and Missy.

I'm glad you found us. Our members are very caring, supportive, and very knowledgeable. They have alot of experience in dealing with cushings.

If the medications are monitored carefully, there usually aren't any problems. Some fur babies do better with one of the treatments. Whether the cushings is pituitary or adrenal, both Trilostane/Vetoryl and Lysodren are the drugs that are used to treat them. They both have been found to be very effective in controlling the cortisol level.

If there is an adrenal tumor, surgery is the best option, if a fur baby is a good candidate for the surgery. In most cases, this does cure cushings.

We'll be looking forward to learning more about Missy.


05-15-2011, 07:57 PM
Many of us have successfully treated our dogs with the drugs you mentioned and please don't be afraid... like any drug, you need a vet that knows what they are doing and you have to use the drug properly. If you do, your dog should be just fine.

When you can, tell us more about Missy and the testing you have had done so far. The more info the better we can help. Hang in there! Kim

Squirt's Mom
05-16-2011, 12:14 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Missy! :)

When I read your statement about not being able to stop crying since getting the diagnosis, I knew exactly what you meant as that was my reaction, too. For weeks and weeks after, all I could think of was that my Sweet Bebe was dying and I felt so incredibly helpless to do anything for her. I researched and talked til my brain was totally fuzzed - it got to the point I couldn't understand the simplest things! :eek: Someone could say what a pretty, sunny day it was and I would run for my umbrella! :eek::rolleyes: That organ upstairs had just shorted out. :o

By the time I found these wonderful folks, I was a real basket case. But they took me by my hand and gently led me along until I could breath again. Then they began to teach me and share their experiences with me. As I settled down a bit and started to learn about Cushing's, my fear became much less and I could start to work for Squirt. Before that, I was certifiable! :p Of course, some will say I STILL am! LOL

One thing you need to know is that Cushing's is a slowly progressing condition, which allows you time to learn a bit about it and the treatments available before making any decisions as to which path to take for Missy. First, it is absolutely vital the the diagnosis be correct. No one test can diagnose Cushing's as many other conditions mimic it and can cause false-positives on the tests. So it is always best to be thorough in the testing phase if possible. Can you tell us what tests Missy has had to arrive at the diagnosis and what the actual results of those tests are? That will help us give you more meaningful feedback. In fact, the more you can tell us about her health history the better - any other problems, medication she is on, herbs or supplements she is taking? We love details so don't worry about writing a novel. ;)

Intentionally causing Addisons is common in some European countries, but not so much here in the US. To me, this is not a viable solution but this is only MHO. Treatment with either Trilo (Trilostane/Vetoryl) or Lyso (Lysodren/Mitotane) is the method most often used here with much success. As you approach the time to decide which one to use, we will be glad to help you by giving you info on both and sharing our experiences with both.

You asked about Retinoic Acid as a treatment option. Here is a link I found a couple of years ago on that topic but don't know if it was ever seriously pursued. I think the cost is prohibitive. Retinoic Acid is a metabolite of Vitamin A.

Retinoic Acid as a Novel Medical Therapy for Cushing’s Disease in Dogs

You and Missy are no longer alone on this journey. We will be with you every step of the way. Please ask any questions you may have and we will do our best to help you understand. Read, read, read and ask more questions. ;)

I am glad you found us and hope to learn more as time passes.

Keep your chin up!
Leslie and the gang

marie adams
05-16-2011, 01:06 PM
Hi Kim and Missy,


As Addy said we have all cried over Cushings. :(

I want to let you know that I treated my Maddie Girl with Lysodren with no side effects. With the help of this group I went through a few loadings with success and NO ADDISONS. We monitored it together because my vet in the beginning really didn't know what they were doing. You are in touch with how Missy acts and responds so you will have no problems--You now have this group to help!!!:)

Give as much info as you can to the group and read as much as you can (you will do this any ways because we all have been there and done it--you will spend hours researching). :D

My Maddie died from cancer that was unrelated to the Cushings; we had the Cushings under control.

You will do fine in this adventure. :)