View Full Version : Dad of Lulu - sweet Lulu has crossed The Bridge

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02-06-2013, 05:02 PM
Thanks Sharon, and Lulu finally ate some cooked chicken breasts from Sams. My wife said she almost never refuses. Then a second small helping mixed with white rice she also ate. She doesn't want to go out much, though she sat up. She peed a couple times today, and we are hoping she will pooh too. I got her upstairs once but she really wanted to stay downstairs. I think she has a phobia of steps. When I take in upstairs I have carried her up the stairs, but she does manage to go down them. Boy, dogs sure can remember things.

She will I'm sure sleep downstairs as will me. So I cleaned up the living room area. I need to work on the rest but at least I have that room cleared out, with a tv to watch in the evening so it isn't too bad and I slept well last night.

Trying to get ready for Friday meeting with an acquaintance for an informal interview. This guy isn't the one to hire for the position, but he can tell me the details and I'm sure the school will listen to his recommendations. :)

02-06-2013, 05:50 PM
I'm glad we have cats. Our cats are on a special diet, one of the cats needs, but I also had some Friskies cat food, which I believe I got for some strays. So Lulu seems to like this. Her cough I think is a bit better, but still there. What concerns me is the out of breath she gets. Now she is upstairs now, but I think she gets anxious because she knows it takes 3 or 4 steps to get inside or out. So next time out I'm sure she will make for the basement which is fine for me, and I think she is less anxious. I sure hope this is her cough and respiratory congestion that is causing this. Dr. Booth didn't seem to think she had pneumonia especially since her temperature was normal.

molly muffin
02-06-2013, 07:24 PM
I hope this all clears up and Lulu will start to feel better. The informal interview sounds promising, so good luck with that!
Good that she is eating.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-07-2013, 11:05 AM
Hi all, the interview I am hoping goes well tomorrow, though they are predicting 7 inches of snow :eek: . But I would try to meet maybe Monday. I will go if the guy is in on Friday, though.

Lulu slept very quietly last night. I have continued with the antibiotic, but did not give any cough suppressant last night or this morning. I haven't given her a Tramadol, though I think I will shortly. I gave her a Duramax yesterday, so will avoid that if possible.

Lulu ate her rice, chicken and some sausage. I will have to get more today, especially if it is going to snow. Moo (my wife) got her to pee, so I going to call her the 'dogette whisperer'. I tried to get her to pooh, but no luck, she didn't pooh at all yesterday. I have kept up her metamucil with her food.

I am concerned about this, but she doesn't appear bloated or anxious to go. She does not want to leave the security perimeter near the basement door. I am thinking of bringing one of her bedding out next time we take her out, so she sees that she has a place to lie down, and then let her sit there a while before bringing her back in.

I plan on calling Dr. Booth this morning to, to update him.

Will probably get on the treadmill myself. Lulu seems to want to go outside when I do, and usually heads to the kitchen and family room, so maybe this is way to get two birds with one stone ...

02-07-2013, 09:21 PM
Hi all, well I had to go to Sam's and do shopping today what I was going to do for the informal lunch tomorrow for one of the possible jobs I am hoping for. We are supposed to get clobbered, so I will have to make sure Mark is in tomorrow. If they close the school, chances are not!

Lulu is holding her own. She still hasn't poohed and it's been a while since she peed. Talked to Dr. Booth and he did suggest an electrocardiograph of her heart. I made appointment with a Dr. Hawkins for a week from tomorrow, and said if they can get Lulu in earlier the better.

Moo noticed that Lulu seems to have a bit or rasping or gurgle when she breathes sometimes, so I am of the hope that maybe it's a bit of phlegm. That makes me wonder about cough suppressant. So maybe I will skip does at 1 am, since we gave at 1 pm. I better get her antibiotic and Tramadol though.

I am heating some water on a hotplate, so have to be in the basement and watch. My laptop usually lives in the basement anyway.

02-07-2013, 10:34 PM
I was reading an article the other day about collapsing trachea; my daughter's dog has been having problems. It mentioned a cough medicine that helped that condition and then also mentioned that Tramadol could also work as a cough sup present, not as well as the actual cough medicine but that it can help suppress a cough. I had always thought of it as a medicine for pain.

Hope you both have a good Friday.

02-07-2013, 10:43 PM
mentioned that Tramadol could also work as a cough sup present, not as well as the actual cough medicine but that it can help suppress a cough. I
Hope you both have a good Friday.

I should check this out. I am thinking not to give her cough suppressant tonight as to see if her cough is productive. I am adding some humidity to the air, keeping the doors shut in the basement.

Lulu hasn't peed in a while and no pooh. When I get her out, she gets anxious and just wants to come back in.

I did put her in the truck for a short ride around the pond and the road a bit. She looked up and I knew she was enjoying this. Then I brought her upstairs for a while. Moo walked her down to the basement door.

I am wondering if I can stimulate her to pee or pooh. Maybe use a disposable glove with a slight bit of petroleum jelly?

02-07-2013, 11:27 PM
My Haley had an episode once where she didn't poo for days and the vet told me to feed her green beans - that they'd make her go quickly. It took a few cups but it worked. Just a thought! Kim

02-07-2013, 11:36 PM
Kim, I will mention that to the cook (Moo). Don't know if we have any, but worth a try. She might not eat them, though she has always been a vegetable and fruit eater.

I have put some plastic garbage bags underneath some protective cloths we have, just in case she has an accident.

We are expecting snow, I hope that doesn't scare her. But she has been licking the snow that is still there. I brought a shovel and broom into the basement, so I will have to hunt out some boots too.

02-08-2013, 08:19 AM
What the weatherman said was a heavy wet snow. What we have in Eastern Michigan is a light (little water) snow, and it's just 3 to 5 inches. Lulu slept so peacefully the latter half the night, that I was wondering about her. She had her head and upper part on the rug and the latter part on her bed. So I left it. I have plastic and protection near her rear end to catch any accidents.

Lulu got up as I petted her and bright-eyed. She wanted out. She even walked to the door without stop, with my help of course.

BUT she didn't want to venture in the snow. After Moo is up and I'm having coffee and breakfast, I will get my tractor out and clear away the snow so she has an ample path. Maybe I can make it so she feels secure on it. The rest of the driveway will just have to wait.

I can get out, but I see the school system is closed today. So I will have to wait to see if Mark will be in to have lunch. He may not have to go to work, but he does live near the school so maybe he will still meet.

More later ... I turned on the hot plate to add more humidity.

02-08-2013, 09:00 AM
I apologize for not having posted very often lately. And I'm afraid I don't have any great suggestions for you right now. :o

But I do want to tell you how incredibly lucky I think Lulu was on that day that she walked into your family. Wherever she came from, whatever journey she had made -- somehow she knew she was finally headed home. You are such an incredibly caring, loving dad. My heart is touched by all the things you do, large and small, to bring her comfort. I think you are her hero!!! And I'm sure that Lulu does, too. :) ;)

Sending you my very warmest thoughts on this cold, snowy morning,

02-08-2013, 09:13 AM
Other actions/effects:

Tramadol suppresses the cough reflex by binding to the mu-opioid receptor binding sites {10}. Due to the high affinity binding of the M1 metabolite to the mu receptor, the metabolite has been found to have more cough suppressant activity than the parent compound {10}.

Unlike morphine, tramadol has not been shown to cause histamine release {01} {08}

But it also has this issue which would explain perhaps why my Zoe kept falling when on it every 8 hours.

The (-) enantiomer is five- to tenfold more potent in NE uptake inhibition and has less affinity for mu receptor binding than for 5-HT uptake {05}. Electrophysiological studies show that tramadol, like morphine, depresses motor and sensory responses of the spinal nociceptive system by a spinal and a supraspinal action {18}. Some opioid activity is derived from low-affinity binding of the parent compound and higher-affinity binding of the mono- O-desmethyltramadol (M1) metabolite to the opioid receptors {01}. The analgesic potency of M1 is about six times greater than that of tramadol in animal models and 200 times more potent in mu-opioid receptor binding {01}.

02-08-2013, 11:23 AM
But it also has this issue which would explain perhaps why my Zoe kept falling when on it every 8 hours.

I have stopped the Tramadol temporally. I am thinking that Lulu got a bit of sensitivity in her left front paw and even affected her right front pa too. That might explain her reluctance to extend the boundary line she was willing to go. You could actually see the snow line yesterday.

Now I plowed quite a bit of snow from the basement area and hand shoveled up the hill to the back porch, and then I decided to shovel the porch by both the back kitchen door and the sliding dining room door. So if Lulu is upstairs maybe she can do her business on the deck, we don't mind.

Now when I took Lulu out after I plowed, she with a bit of prodding went off the beaten path into 3 inches of snow and walked a bit, I knew she was going to do something, I hoped it would be pooh, but she peed and that was good. I brought her and praised her. So at least she has done something!

I haven't heard from Mark, I sent him an email. I know the school is closed, but I also know the administration number by heart, having called it dozens of time years ago. I will see if they came in. In any event will shower so I can get ready to go, because it will take about 45 minutes to get to the school area in this weather.

02-08-2013, 02:25 PM
Good luck at the school:D:D:D:D

So happy Lulu peed. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

02-08-2013, 05:47 PM
Thank you Addy, the informal interview with Mark went well, and I think he will be part of the deciding committee. I really need this job.

On a sad note, I think Lulu may have felt that I would get it, she has always been good luck to us!

She passed away peacefully after I got home. I feel bad because I tried to get her to pee outside and her heart and/or lungs just weren't to it. I had bought her some ham for her pills and also got some boots at Pet Smart, they didn't fit really good, but I thought the cold was bothering her feet especially her front feet.

I feel like we have lost our reason for our happiness, she gave us such joy. We have had such a financial mess the last couple of years, and have been thankful for the help here, and help from a friend for her vet bills.

It must have been her time to go, she had been more tired the last couple of weeks, and she did live fully even as much as Monday, when she made an attempt to say hi (or good bye to her 2 1/2 year old buddy Jack Russell Terrior Bella). She did, though she didn't want to get too close.

Lots of memories, and we always took her with us on our anniversary which we did in West Branch, Michigan on Valentine's Day. We weren't going this year because of our finances. Well I better take care of my wife.

Again thank you, and though the rest of her journey has just begun ours will be in happy memories. I like the lady that died with her three children on 'Little House on the Prairie' stating to remember me with happy memories as well as sad!

Squirt's Mom
02-08-2013, 06:06 PM
Dear Bob and Moo,

My heart is breaking with yours this afternoon. Lulu has fought the good fight and flown from this old Earth on the wings of your love and devotion. I have no doubt that she carries that love with her into Eternity.

Lulu is now strong and agile once again, running in the Rainbow Fields with the wind in her ears, the sweet grasses caressing her feet, surrounded by many of our own as well as those who loved her who have gone before. She will be watching over the both of you until you are freed from this place to rejoin her.

Lulu's name has been added to the In Loving Memory thread for 2013 where she will always be remembered as an honored member of our family here at K9C.


Our deepest sympathies to you both,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Sophie, and our Angels Ruby, Crystal, and Tasha


I lost a treasured friend today
The little dog who used to lay
Her gentle head upon my knee
And shared her silent thoughts with me.

She’ll come no longer to my call
Retrieve no more her favourite ball
A Voice far greater than my own
Has called her to His golden throne.

Although my eyes are filled with tears
I am thankful for the happy years
She spent down here with me
And for her love and loyalty.

When it is time for me to go
And join her there, this much I know
I shall not fear the transient dark
For she will greet me with a bark.

~Author Unknown

02-08-2013, 06:17 PM
I peeked in while at work to see how things were going and was so stunned to see your post.

I am so very sorry. You were such a good dad and Lulu was so lucky to have found you.

I'm so sorry.

02-08-2013, 06:28 PM
Oh no, I have been following along and did not expect to read this news today. My sincere condolensces to you and your wife. What you two did for Lulu was so sweet and tender, she could not have had better parents to care for her. I bet she went real happy after her long life with you. I am glad she waited to have you with her. Lots of hugs for you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-08-2013, 06:31 PM
Oh my goodness, my heart aches to read this news. But I am so grateful to hear that Lulu passed peacefully, cradled in love. What a life well-lived. What a sweet and beautiful girl. I know you will miss her dearly.

Please know we will never forget her, and you will always be part of our family here.

Fare thee well on your new journey home, Lulu. We send our love right along with you, today and always.


02-08-2013, 07:13 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of Lulu's passing. My thoughts are with you.

Julie & Hannah

Boriss McCall
02-08-2013, 07:14 PM
I am so sorry to read about Lulu. You were such great parents to your sweet girl.


molly muffin
02-08-2013, 07:24 PM
HUGS!!! I am stunned to hear of Lulu's passing. I know that we all thought she would beat this as she beat everything else that came her way.

She loved you and she knew that you loved her. That is a bond that will never go away and you will hold in your hearts forever.

My heart goes out to you and Moo. You did so much, you gave so much and she returned it with her unlimited capacity to love and be happy.


02-08-2013, 07:34 PM
I am so sorry for the lost of your beautiful Lulu. I send you all my love prayers strenght support and hugs. I know its one the hardest things.

Godspeed to you Lulu - hope you meet up with my Penny

Hugs xoxo

Jenny & Judi in MN
02-08-2013, 07:35 PM
I am so sorry to see this but glad she went peacefully at home. Judi

Harley PoMMom
02-08-2013, 07:58 PM
I am so sorry for the loss of Lulu and my heart goes out to you and your family. We are here for you and do understand the pain you are feeling.

Godspeed sweet Lulu

With Heartfelt Sympathy,

Roxee's Dad
02-08-2013, 08:04 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss, Lulu knows she was loved.

Rest in peace sweet Lulu, tonight you will be our newest and brightest star in the sky......

02-08-2013, 08:20 PM
Oh my this is a surprise. I am so saddened. Dear Lulu is now free to run wild and free from all pain. May memories of all the good times sustain you and your wife as you heal. I am so sorry. Kim

02-08-2013, 09:49 PM
Thank you all, and I want to share a post I put on the forum my wife and I run on weight loss.

Yes, our Lulu was a treasure. She learned from me, picked berries, and I remember I would take the snow off of our little pines some 11 or so years ago, and she would mimic me, and I would thank her and tell her to be careful. Now I know the snow is a protection for the little ones. She will be remembered this Valentine's Day. We had her with us in 2005 in Holland, Michigan for our anniversary. I had thought that she had hip displasia then and would need some surgery to strengthen her hind quarters. It turned out it was Anterior cruciate ligament injury (ACL tear) and our Port Huron vet recommended Dr. Wilson in Romeo, who learned the precision method of turning the bones in the hind quarters. So in 2005 Lulu would have the first of two operations to correct. We hoped for 1 operation, but she and a squirrel had another idea. She chased it and pulled the other one. Dr. Wilson had said there was a 60% chance the other would go. So in 2006 she had the other operation, and thankfully healed up before our big trip, first time off the mainland of North America and headed to for our friend Pia's wedding. Lulu would spend three long weeks at our favorite kennel. That would be the LAST time she spent time there. We took everywhere. And if we went out of state we got Judi or our neighbors to watch her. We never took a long vacation after the three weeks in Australia, though she did in 2010. I was home with Lulu, and our two cats, Molly & Nellie. (Nellie watched over her Lulu every night I was with her in the basement.) So in 2006 we started a tradition on our anniversary and went to West Branch, Michigan. Why there? Well in 2003 we decided to take a fall color tour and stopped in West Branch, with our Lulu and had G's Pizza. G's is a chain of now about 7 pizarras in the state. We liked the small town atmosphere and while shopped the quaint shoppes I walked Lulu down the street from G's across the railroad tracks. Then in 2004 our Australian Pia, then unmarried, came with her Australian mom, my wife (calls herself) is her American mom LOL. We took another fall color tour, because Pia's mom Pamela wanted to see the color, and they just don't do justice to fall in Southern Australia, Adelaide where they are. So we stopped again for pizza in West Branch.

So that is how the tradition has been and every Valentine's Day since 2005 we have spent the night in West Branch, had pizza at G's Pizzeria and then stayed at the scenic Tri-Terrace Motel.

We won't be staying there this year because Lulu had been ill and we just can't afford it. We had great memories and could wander in the courtyard and in the snow. She was a great traveler and now travels with our other dogs and our parents, like my dad, who Lulu visited his last days at the nursing home he was at.

IN CONCLUSION: I must say my luncheon with Mark from the schools went wonderfully. We were there for almost and hour and a half. Mark will be on the deciding committee. I am hoping I made a good impression. I remember telling him about our Lulu and that she was seriously ill, and I told him I don't know if she will make it. I will send him a thank you and hope that I get this position. This is a position that is a very responsible one for the district. I really believe I could do well in it, and it is very challenging I know Lulu would be thrilled. I had bought her some Tim Bits donuts from Tim Horton's and she would love them. She smelled it when I got home but wouldn't eat, though our Nellie ate part of one. I did too with her about an hour ago.

I am going to leave a quotation from a 'Little House on the Prairie' episode of the 1970-80s "Remember me with smiles and laughter, for that is how I will remember you ... "

molly muffin
02-08-2013, 10:10 PM
Lulu was very special. I think she knew that she was yours forever and ever. Even more special is the bond that you, moo and lulu had together and of course the cats too. Can't forget that it is one big family. :)
Your Valentine tradition sounds just lovely and I am sure that Lulu will want you to go back whenever you can and continue to celebrate in a place that means so much to all of you. She is indeed now running again and hanging out with all of those who have gone before. I know though that she is keeping a doggy eye on your and moo.

We'll all be waiting to hear the news and hope that you get the job. Fingers crossed! Prayers said!

Sharlene and Molly muffin

02-08-2013, 10:12 PM
What a wonderful story and tradition. I gotta tell you if you were here I'd hire you! :D I seriously hope you get the job. And I know without a doubt in my mind that dear sweet Lulu is looking down from above and smiling.

We don't accept goodbyes around here... see we get attached. We understand if it's hard to come back but we hope you will check in when you are up to it and let us know how you are doing.

Bless you. Kim

02-08-2013, 10:29 PM
My heart is with you and your wife. My deepest condolences. The bonds we have with them are never broken and Lulu is in good hands right now as she meets all the pups at the bridge. She will always be with you.


02-08-2013, 10:41 PM
Thanks. Here is a link to a picture my wife took during Christmas time.

molly muffin
02-08-2013, 11:35 PM
Awww what a pretty girl she is :)


02-08-2013, 11:41 PM
Thanks all again. We are going to save Lulu's ashes and take her to Dr. Booth's more rural workplace, the one that Lulu felt comfortable with, it's a satellite of Dr. Wilson's place and one Dr. Booth is at on Monday and Friday's. Lulu wasn't shaking here. We want to be able to visit Lulu when we want to, though we will plant a tree for her and also add a few of her ashes at what we call the Berry tree. Our English Setter that died just a few months after we moved into our 20 acre homestead is at, as well as our cat Krummcakes (named after my late grandmother whose cat had kitten when she died) and Joey our West Highland Terrier. We also have two parakeets there.

And I will be around, we are a believer in paying forward, and we have been getting a lot of paying forward for us, including our home taxes this year. I am hoping to be able to stay on here and improve the place. I want to add a trail path that Lulu herself created. You know I followed the path she and I took for over 10 years and up onto two weeks ago she still took. I will travel the Lulu path tomorrow morning as it was the path she liked to take to see her neighbor dog Bella, the Jack Russell Terrier who I am sure will miss her. Her mate and older dog Daisey, maybe not so much, as she would mostly bark. Lulu was the boss she wasn't intimidated by Daisy the Great Dane, though I was.

Simba's Mom
02-09-2013, 01:19 AM
So sorry to hear about your precious LuLu, she's a beauty, I love your trail idea, what a cool memory to have and to give your new angel. Sending prayers your way!

02-09-2013, 01:54 AM
I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your sweet Lulu. My thoughts and prayers are with you. What a beautiful, sweet girl.

Sabre's Mum
02-09-2013, 03:17 AM
I am so sorry to hear that dearest Lulu has passed. My thoughts are with you and your wife.

Angela and Flynn

02-09-2013, 05:20 AM
So sorry LuLu has passed. Fly free sweet LuLu. No more pain. Hugs, JoAnne

Bo's Mom
02-09-2013, 07:09 AM
I am so sorry to read about Lulu. I too lost my little guy yesterday in what was most heart-wrenching day ever. Maybe Bo and Lulu have found each other and are mingling amongst their fur friends playing like they used to play before. Bo was never intimidated by size either. Prayers of strength are sent to you.

02-09-2013, 08:46 AM
Thank you all on our sweet Lulu. And Bo, I wrote on your thread about your Bo, who went at the same time our Lulu did. They are in orientation together, and I bet will be great friends.

02-09-2013, 09:05 AM
I am so touched to read about your plans for Lulu's tree and her path. For those of us who are lucky enough to share our lives with retrievers, I think there is no place where we feel any closer to their shining spirits than when we are outdoors walking the trails where they loved to run and sniff and explore. In my heart of hearts, I do believe they return to join us in those spots. Here is one of my favorite poems. It helped me a great deal during those first walks after we released our boy. And to this day, I still call my Barkis to walk alongside me on those mornings that dawn especially fine. I will be thinking of you and Lulu as you walk her trail today.

We have a secret, you and I
that no one else shall know,
for who but I can see you lie
each night in fire glow?
And who but I can reach my hand
before we go to bed
and feel the living warmth of you
and touch your silken head?
And only I walk woodland paths
and see ahead of me,
your small form racing with the wind
so young again, and free.
And only I can see you swim
in every brook I pass
and when I call, no one but I
can see the bending grass.

Author Unknown


02-09-2013, 12:36 PM
So sorry to hear of your heartache.....
Hugs, Leah

02-09-2013, 04:55 PM
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry to read that you have lost your beautiful girl. She had a wonderful life with you. Hugs and prayers to you and your wife. My deepest sympathy.

Tina and Jasper

02-09-2013, 08:48 PM
Thanks Marianne for your thoughts on my Lulu path or trail, I especially want to note the shortcut she had from our old hay field to between one of three tall Douglas Firs we had planted when we moved here in 1999. I would tell Lulu to follow the Lulu path and she usually would.

My wife and I love the poem. It was very fitting. It will be one of our favorites from now on!

02-09-2013, 10:28 PM
I love all your ideas for tributes to your Lulu and I am sure hoping you hear good news about the position you interviewed for.

Lulu had another path, one here on K9 Cushings and we all followed her along that path. Thank you for sharing her with us and thank you for being such a great dad to her.

02-09-2013, 11:10 PM
Thanks Addy and I think Lulu knew I had an important day, as she saw me get dressed that morning. I think she knew her time was nigh and waited till I came back that afternoon. My wife said she was having a hard time getting comfortable wanting to switch from foam bed to foam bed, as we had two on the floor and she would go for the closest one when she came in from outside.

02-09-2013, 11:35 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of your heartbreaking loss. My thoughts are with you. Hold the memories of Lulu close. Hugs to you and your family.

02-10-2013, 09:37 AM
I was very shocked and saddened to hear of Lulu's passing. I was out with friends last night and checked here quickly, the news bought tears to my eyes. She seemed like such a graceful old girl, approaching the world with her quiet ways, and your support of her was truly inspiring. I am truly sorry for your loss, please know that we are all here for you. I do hope that you and your wife will be able to treasure the memories you have of Lulu's wonderful spirit. Take care.

02-10-2013, 12:27 PM
So very sorry to hear of your loss. I really like the pic from Christmas - she looks so regal.
Thinking of you and your family

02-10-2013, 12:37 PM
Thanks all. I did my treadmill exercises. The last time I did them on Thursday I did them with Lulu in the basement, though she usually likes to go outside. So I put one or beds outside, before we got the snow and let her sit on her mat for 10 minutes, and I could see her there. She seemed very much at peace out in the sunny cold weather.

It wasn't as hard physically as I have continued to lose a bit more weight, as I had gained 10 at Christmas time and now down 7 lb. Mentally it wasn't too bad, but emotionally I was a wreck. I thought of her, spot on her basement mat and outside. But I think it is part of the healing.

I found this book available on Amazon, but also available as an E-Book, though it costs 17 dollars, I think it might be what I need I can read on my KindleFire. Here is the EBook link, I wonder what others think. I think I am more of a wreck then I was on Friday. http://petlossguide.com/

But I really believe in the afterlife and someway we will see our past pets. You know they are at peace and still love us, and we love them, so I don't know what the problem is, but it is!

On the job front I wrote a thank you letter to Mark yesterday and got this back from him. So maybe this will happen, I don't know.

************************************************** **


I’m so sorry to hear about your yellow Labrador’s passing. We had a black lab who died at only 11 years of age about 6 years ago, and he is still missed to this day. My dad hasn’t had a dog to replace him since. I forgot to ask: is it just you and your wife who live in your house, or do you have kids? My wife and I only have two cats and no kids.

I can’t speak for the entire school district or Superintendent/Asst. Superintendent who are both close with Mark W., but I think your programming skills and flexibility would be well worth an interview – to see who else is applying. I don’t know if we have any administrators or people with past tech director experience applying. So I can only vouch for what I know about you. You seem to be a perfectionist and would have the time to devote to the position, and seeing things through – instead of not returning phone calls and being the type who is all talk and no action. I’ve seen that in the past, and we need someone whose actions speak louder than words. Just my opinion.

Please let me know how the application process works. I have never applied for a job as an outside applicant, using our web-based system. Let me know how the experience is, and when your interview date is as a result, assuming you get one. I’d like to know. I will hopefully be on the committee to hire to the Tech Director. I was never on the previous committees.

Good luck to you,


02-10-2013, 08:00 PM
I was saddened for your deep loss of Lulu. She sounded like a beautiful and sweet girl and will always remain in your hear and soul.

Tight hugs to you and your loved ones.

Jeanette and Princess

02-10-2013, 09:30 PM
I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. You were great parents to Lulu and it is very touching to read how attentively you and your wife cared for her during her last days. You are in my thoughts.

Bo's Mom
02-10-2013, 11:44 PM
Just picturing Bo and Lulu finishing their orientation and now romping through the endless fields.
I looked to the stars tonight and know they are making their pawprints on the Heavens.
Continued peace and strength to you and your family.

02-11-2013, 12:17 AM
I am just getting caugt up on the site. I am very sorry to hear of Lulu's passing. May God suround you, your wife and other puppy, with comfort peace and mercy.
Lord, when sorrow grips our hearts as we think about
the death of one close to us, remind us of the joy You are
experiencing as our loved one enjoys the pleasures of
heaven. Please allow that to give us hope and comfort.
A sunset in one land is a sunrise in another.

With Peace and Love,

Sharon and Norman <3 and (((hugs)))

02-11-2013, 07:46 AM
Thanks Sharon and Belinda, and I know Lulu & Bo will be running around and playing and looking down at us. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a sign from our loved ones at times! I have noticed things that happen at times that seem to show that we are being looked after!

02-13-2013, 12:00 AM
I gave Lulu's dog biscuits to our local bank. They all loved vocal Lulu, and I wanted to 'pay it forward' . They gave lots of treats to her. They were sad, two of them when I brought in the big box. I also printed up the picture of Lulu with her Christmas wreath on, the one lady Sharon was appreciative of this.

Today I went to the humane society 10 miles toward Port Huron. I stopped to see, only what dogs they had and if they allowed people to walk the dogs. They only allow you to volunteer and walk on their property. I told them I would once I got that job I've been trying to get. The three they had were a cute but overweight 6 year old girl, who was as friendly as could be, a couple year old cattle dog, but it needs 24/7 activity, too much and a very cute one year old getting neutered shortly, a pug beagle mix, and very cute. It did not look anything like a beagle, but had some wrinkles like a pug and weighed about 50 lb at most.

So on the job in Port Huron, I am almost done applying. I have a tentative cover letter, but I want to proof it all tomorrow and then call in to make sure they have everything they need. This has been one of my best shots, and though I may be a bit lacking on the managerial part, I will go to school and do whatever it takes to make this work. I know I can do this, and I know it's going to be tough.

And I know it's going to take a new family member to help. It's going to be a new chapter, but I will never forget Lulu.

P.S. I have been reading and doing some exercises in my grieving book, if others are interested I will post some exercises that may help. There are tons of them in the book, probably too many, but I think that perhaps a few of them are good to do, and it is all about doing and relaxing the brain a bit. My brain has been intertwined for 12 years of Lulu memories, and I would never have it any other way. But new memories will be made with new members, so that when my fateful day comes, and my wife's does too, those neurons will be added to the neurons of others that have passed before us, in a life that is more connected then our 'connected social world is today'.

02-13-2013, 08:58 AM
Absolutely, please tell us about the grieving exercises you've found to be helpful!! This seems like an especially hard time for our family with a lot of losses, and we welcome any and all suggestions that can help with the healing. :o

I am hoping so much you will get this job! If I had any say at all, you'd be at the top of my list! Nobody could ask for a more conscientious and dedicated worker, that's for sure. We saw that in every detail of your kind and loving care for Lulu. Those doggies at the shelter will be SOOO lucky when you are able to brighten their days with visits and walks.

Sending my warmest thoughts your way,

02-13-2013, 09:29 AM
Im praying so hard you get this job. I think you are amazing:):):)
I would love to read the exercises to see if they can also help anticipatory grief which I think we all suffer to some degree.

We all support you 150%:):):):)

02-13-2013, 06:04 PM
Thanks Addy and Marianne,

I have finished the application and turned in and called. They immediately indicated that I am all set, maybe that's a good sign, plus the fact the school system has looked at my website.

Now on the grieving book, I will give the website again, too. www.petlossguide.com and you can also for the same price get the book on Amazon.com just put in the title. But it is a hard copy only there.

Robin Jean Brown, author uses the acrostic R.O.A.R. meaning.
R = Respect your loss and grief
O = Own your reality
A = Affirm yourself
R = Reclaim your life

The first exercise asks you who you are. Then there is a spot for a drawing or photo of yourself, your pet or anything that makes you smile.

Then the next exercise asks how your life has been made better by animals?

Then the last exercise I will mention for now is: to compile a list of all the pets you've ever had a relationship with, include pix and age you were.

02-14-2013, 12:06 AM
One more exercise to do and then calling it a night. Though first, a neighbor whose sister works for a large vet clinic said she said Lulu sounded like she may have had pericardial effusion. Not being familiar with this I have been checking this out. Not sure, but it is possible. And if so, not sure if the prognosis would have been good in Lulu's case based on her age. Anyway, let me try one more exercise to add to what I posted earlier.

Based on your pet timeline, how does it define your life and how does it make you feel? I used to have a vet, who retired, though he is younger than me, that said when he lost a dog of his, it added age to him. He thought that an era was older. I mean if you assume that a dog lives 10 years or more then you are a decade older, and that much closer to your own demise or in my vet's case an early retirement. So you see, he has defined it already he is ready to end his career and his outlook I tell you is different than mine. BECAUSE I am hoping to get this new job for me, and I'm not about to retire, and not because I can't, which is true, but because this new position would have much meaning to me.

Now to the point my old vet told me, Lulu is gone, physically from my wife's life and mine. So by all rights, I am a decade older, actually 12 years older and now I have entered a new era, one that is leading me closer to my own end. Okay that is true, we are finite. But this is where I differ. I will have another dog, maybe two, but I will continue to be me. When I turn 50 or 60 I am not an older person, because I have entered a new decade, but rather I am a continually growing person who is getting wiser and more knowledgeable in life. I will reach a point where I will no longer be able to function by myself, and thus require assistance be it nursing care, assisted care, family care, or maybe I will just go on to the next adventure in life, reunited with Lulu, Joey, Barry, Susie, Spike, Lenny, Snappy & Browsie. (I have just named all my dogs I have had starting with Browsie when I was in the 7th grade.

And finally discuss your best times and then discuss your most challenging moments with your pet(s).

Wow, that's enough to keep you busy a while, me too. These exercises are keeping me busy, and maybe that's what is important.

See you later. AND did anyone see Natilie Morales' rescue dog she got a year and a half ago, Zara? She is adorable. Go to http://allday.today.com/_news/2013/02/13/16939187-natalies-best-friend-spills-her-secrets-on-pet-adoption?lite

02-14-2013, 07:35 AM
I wake up refreshed, mind blank (slate cleaned) at peace. I have fewer things to do when I get up, even though Nellie (one of our cats) follows me down, and I usually slice some ham for her.

But I am sad but not unhappy! I am happy that Lulu is at peace and happy for the great times we have had.

Squirt's Mom
02-14-2013, 10:41 AM
That extra time that we no longer need to devote to activities that had become such a part of our daily routines is difficult to deal with at times. The actions become ingrained to such a degree we find ourselves starting the routines even after they are not required. After Tasha was gone, I was stunned by all the things I didn't have to do and at loose ends with all that extra time on my hands. It's been 2 1/2 months and I continue to fall into the routines established with Tash but it is getting easier. I hope your days bring many happy memories and with those memories, healing for your Heart and Soul.

Leslie and the gang

02-14-2013, 02:19 PM
Thanks Leslie,

I tried to get my wife to go down the road 10 miles, to Mom's Kitchen, in small town Memphis, MI a quaint little restaurant. Mom is from Yugoslavia and has had the place for at least 10 or 15 years too. Very nice lady, and has down the town well with this place. I also suggested Mancino's of Port Huron, as we have a gift certificate for grinders.

I told her at least we should go up to West Branch later this spring to celebrate me getting this job, I hope to get. I really want to do that, with or without a new girl. But to much depression right now. Not really good, but I hope it gets better. It's hard.

Lot's of good memories we have too. I could put them together for her in a 15 minute memorial presentation too, but it's too early for me to do this yet, though I think I will start to sort out the images and videos I have. It all depends on this job, and it's certainly not a sure thing.

Squirt's Mom
02-14-2013, 02:37 PM
She, and you, have lost a child. Nothing can begin to describe that depth of pain. Please let your wife know that we are here for her as well; should she ever want to talk, we would be honored to listen.

Leslie and the gang

02-14-2013, 03:06 PM
Thank you Leslie, I told Moo that and said she could even create her own logon if she wanted.

02-14-2013, 09:13 PM
It's our anniversary, but we have a quiet one at home, the first time in seven years. We weren't going out anyway, and I feel good that we are at home, less vulnerable to aches of being away where are girl would be. Just watching some tv and have laptop in the dining room, tv two rooms straight to my right side, so I can hear and see when I need to. We both are okay with this tonight.

One thing I read I believe in the grieving book is if you normally get up and do what I do and walk in the morning, and that included your dog, like I did with Lulu, is to do something else. I think anyway that is what I read.

Robin asks you to define your relationship to your pet. What did Lulu mean to me she asks? How did I show my love for her? I can tell you that I rewarded her with treats often, not always good for weight control. But I used to just give her a hug and just hold her.

Then Robin asks you to describe how your pet (Lulu for me) love you back? I know partly when I went to the living room, my favorite room to read, that she would come in and lie down at my feet. I could lay my feet on her at times as a foot warmer, which I sometimes did.

Then finally 'what did we provide for each other'?

02-15-2013, 09:24 AM
I know your anniversary evening was spent differently than you might have wished or expected, but it is still a milestone to be celebrated if even in a quieter way. So I send you and Moo my belated best wishes!

Thank you so much for all the grieving tips. I have been thinking about them myself, and the memories and feelings that they bring up for me. The suggestion about changing your routine is an interesting one. There are definitely some ways in which that would be helpful to me, since I am a person who can be easily caught up and almost paralyzed in my own thoughts and worries. So changing some routines after a loss would be a help, I think. But sticking to some routines actually turned out to be a release for me. Especially going for walks. :o

When I wrote to you earlier with the poem, it brought back memories of so many walks taken both when my Barkis was physically beside me and also times when he was not. Walking the dogs is probably one of the very best parts of the day for me, because it gets me going, it gets me out in nature, and it allows me to see the world through their eyes (and noses!). I have two girls now, but at the time we had Barkis, he was our only child. So after he was gone, I had nobody to walk with (physically). And those were among the times of day when I missed him the most. But somehow that seemed like a routine I needed to keep. It hurt me so badly to walk without him, but I also felt closest to him then. On those first mornings, I actually took his collar in my hand and walked around the lake, tears pouring down my face. I must have looked like a crazy woman. But it felt really important to me to honor our routine, and I would call his spirit to join me. And after many days, slowly the walking got easier and it was at those times that I still felt the closest to Barkis. Long story short, we unexpectedly ended up getting our Peg after only a couple of months, so I did not have many solo walks after all. But as I say, that was a routine that I needed to keep up, regardless.

I apologize for making this reply about "me, me, me!" But the things you are writing are very helpful to me, too, and so it is a privilege (and a comfort) for me to have a chance to share some of my thoughts, too.

Once again, sending my best wishes to you and Moo today,

02-15-2013, 09:30 AM
I am oscillating through the grieving book. But that's okay. I did a couple of exercises spending about five minutes on these two.

What is the most important quality in a pet? Why? I mentioned compansionship, because a dog may be loyal or fickle but to me when my dog enjoys being around me and I enjoy being around my dog, that is just as important as loyality.

What are the benefits of having an animal companion? I mentioned not ever being lonely, walking companion, traveling as we did, and of course they can be great watch dogs, and even protectors.

02-15-2013, 10:43 AM
But sticking to some routines actually turned out to be a release for me. Especially going for walks. :o

When I wrote to you earlier with the poem, it brought back memories of so many walks taken both when my Barkis was physically beside me and also times when he was not. Walking the dogs is probably one of the very best parts of the day for me, because it gets me going, it gets me out in nature, and it allows me to see the world through their eyes (and noses!). I have two girls now, but at the time we had Barkis, he was our only child. So after he was gone, I had nobody to walk with (physically). And those were among the times of day when I missed him the most. But somehow that seemed like a routine I needed to keep. It hurt me so badly to walk without him, but I also felt closest to him then. On those first mornings, I actually took his collar in my hand and walked around the lake, tears pouring down my face.

Once again, sending my best wishes to you and Moo today,

I am definitely going to continue to walk. And I like the collar idea. One place we used to walk though 20 minutes away was around a river, park the county bought, now a bit more built up, but the route about 3 miles took about an hour to do. I think we may have done part of this last year, but not sure, but for sure in 2011. So I think I will do that walk once myself. I don't know if the snow has melted enough off the trails, but I think it is doable with boots right now. I know it will make me sad, but I think that it would be therapeutic. I might even take my step-dad's cannon he gave me, as it takes excellent professional shots. I have pictures of Lulu walking it.

Marianne, don't worry about writing on my thread, there will be lots of text on it anyway from this grieving book, plus I plan to supplement it from another website, as I think it needs some refinement. :)

02-15-2013, 02:13 PM
I am behind in my grieving reading and writing. So I will continue on, haven't answered these myself.

What are the challenges involved with having an animal companion?

How do you know which animal is right for you?

Who was your first pet. Describe this pet. Well my first pet was our cat Sandy, born when my sister was born, and was four when I was born. Sandy was a male neutered cat. We lived in Detroit, the cat came from my grandmother and uncle's home 30 miles north in Romeo. We would move closer to the country just south of Romeo. Our mostly outdoor cat Sandy came with us. She was sandy colored, I have some B & W photos of Sandy. (Maybe I will post some of our pets later.) He was soft. We never had another pet with Sandy unless it was our parakeet. Sandy lived a good long life, about 15 years old when she developed a bloating and we left him with our vet in Romeo but mom told me after we came back from a short vacation, that the vet had put him to sleep.

02-15-2013, 10:35 PM
Well, watched a movie 'The Champ', though I missed parts, so Moo DVRed it. This is the 1931 with Jacky Cooper, what a great boy actor he was!

Well, I have to tell all here the card I got from my step-dad, my late mom's second husband, and 97, remarried in Palm Harbor, Florida. I had told my new step-mom Marian, Bill married soon after my mom passed, that I had lost Lulu, they had driven up here in 2007 when my mom passed away in Spring Hill, Florida and saw Lulu.

"Hi, Bill said for you to name a dog after him." and sent 20 dollars. That was sweet. I don't how we will incorporate that, since Moo has already decided she wants to name a new dog Stella, she picked out Lulu's name, before Lulu showed up at our pond at 5 or so months of age. :)

02-15-2013, 11:14 PM
Happy Anniversary to you and Moo. Bittersweet I would think with the recent loss of beautiful Lulu. Your posts are so thoughtful and I really think will be of help not only to yourself in writing them down but also to others who go through the same. So I do hope you stick around as you contribute so much with your writings. Lots of hugs to you and Moo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-15-2013, 11:19 PM
Hi everyone, my name is Moo. I am Married to Bob. I was privileged to be Lulu's Mommy.
I just wanted to come on for a minute and tell you all, just how greatful I am for each and everyone of you. You all have been so helpful to Bob while we were dealing with Lulu's Cushings. No doubt, you all made Lulu's last couple of years better than it would have been with out your advice. The support here is top notch. We began to put more credence in what you all said about Lulu's health, than we did the VETS. Thank you all so much.

I also wanted to thank you all for the support you have given Bob since Lulu got her wings. I can not tell you how hard we have taken her passing. She was our child. We did everything with her in mind. She was so woven into the fabric of our lives, and now we feel she has been ripped away, and our lives are left in shambles. I know it will get better, because it could not get any worse. I so look forward to the day when we can get another baby. If Bob finds employment, we will be able to do that. We can not afford another dog, without a job.
Until that day, we will have to find away to get by without a dog in our lives. The night Lulu Left us, was the first time I have not had a dog in my home in over 41 years, so it is really tough. Please keep us in your prayers, as we will keep you in ours. Once again, thank you for all of your kindness.
Lulu's loving Mommy,

02-16-2013, 12:06 AM
Hi Moo and welcome to the family, although you have always been part of it through Bob and Lulu :D:D I am so sorry for what you are going through right now, such sorrow and stress for you both. You both seem like such nice people so I am sure you are holding each other up as you get through each day. Please come in and post anytime you like, someone is usually here at most hours of the day and night if you want a chat or a vent or a howl at the moon! Your girl was so special, I just spent a bit of time going through her photo album, she is beautiful, she sure loved the snow and her cat buddies!

Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-16-2013, 08:46 AM
Thanks Trish, I also added an easier link to get to her photos here too. More later.

02-16-2013, 12:15 PM
thank you so much for your love and support. Bob and I are so grateful. It is times like these when we all need to stick together.

That which does not kill me, will make me stronger....I hope. :)


alan h
02-16-2013, 01:43 PM
I haven't been on the site in a while....so sad to hear that Lulu has crossed over the bridge. Just keep thinking of all the happy moments she left you all with and that she will be watching down over you & your wife.

Our thoughts are with you & your wife.

Jeanne, Al & Mini-Me

Squirt's Mom
02-16-2013, 01:58 PM
Dear Moo,

You are as much a part of our family here as Bob and Lulu....you are Lulu's Mom therefore a sister to us all. I am so glad you feel comfortable enough to talk with us about your pain - a pain many of us know only too well.

They say time cures all wounds but that isn't quite true. Rose Kennedy said, "...The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.” I have found this to be true in my life. Some wounds scar over quite solidly but the scar is still evident. Other wounds heal but remain ever so sensitive, easily reopened to weep again. The key is not to avoid the pain but to embrace it as proof of our love, our enduring love. Our tears wash our Souls, refreshing it, strengthening it, giving us the power to take the next steps in front of us. Our tears are a badge of honor for our babies.

When the time is right for a new baby in your lives, you will know it. One day some little soul will look into your eyes and you will simply know that this baby has been waiting just for you. In the meantime, you could foster for a rescue or shelter in your area. They are always desperate for foster homes. Most rescues will pay for all expenses other than feed and, of course, the love and training you would supply. And who knows....one of those babies in need of a furever home just might turn out to be that baby who has been waiting for you. Sharing the tremendous love you and Bob have to give might help your wounds heal a tiny bit.

Please know we are here any time you wish to talk.
Leslie and the gang

02-16-2013, 07:27 PM
i just went through all of the pictures of your lulu and the rest of the furry family.she shared a wonderful,loving,fun filled life with all of you here on this earth.take comfort you gave her all, as she gave you her all always.she will be forever missed and near and dear to your hearts...sending you love,light and peace...patty(milo)meka xoxox

02-16-2013, 07:29 PM
Thank yoy Leslie.
I am so grateful for all the support and good advise that comes from here. Rose Kennedy was soooo right.I will never get over the loss of our Lulu, but ( know in time the pain will be less.

Ya know I have given some thought to fostering. The only thing that worries me is. I don't know if I could give them up when the time comes. I am such a sap for a sweet face.

I think the best thing to do for now, is just live with the pain and Pray that Bob gets full time work, so we can afford a dog, if we do find one that we want to share our lives with. Ya know, Lulu was a gift from God. I told Bob, the next dog we get, I want it to be a yellow female Lab, and I want to name her lulu, within the Month, Lulu just showed up on our property. I named her Lulu and the rest is history. I thanked God for her everyday. And I still do. Ya never know, another one may show up, and if she does, I'll name her Stella and she'll be ours, for as long as God see's fit.

Thank you again Leslie, for making me feel so at home here.

02-16-2013, 07:53 PM
That is so weird that she turned up like that. Almost like a gift!

Flynn came into my life unexpectedly too, I had never had a dog in my life till he arrived. I found him as a 6 month old pup running in traffic on a busy road. I rescued him and took him to the shopping centre nearby, but noone came to get him so I took him home :D:D My family called me a dognapper!!! But the next day I did take him to the SPCA to try and find his owner, but no-one appeared over the next week so mine he became and I have loved him ever since :D:D Some of our fur babies come into our lives in mysterious ways and they leave such an imprint on our hearts. There must be a reason they just appeared like Lulu and Flynn, I think they are looking for their soul family and by crikey they are lucky they found us and we are even more lucky they picked us to stay with. Smart girl your Lulu :D

02-16-2013, 08:15 PM
Oh Trish, I am so glad you got Flynn almost the same way we got Lulu. I think the ones we get, just out of the blue like that, are truly meant to be, don't you? I think Lulu was looking for us, and thank God she found us. I truly believe we were meant to be together, just like you and Flynn. I just pray that Flynn gives you as much love and pleasure as Lulu gave us.

02-16-2013, 09:31 PM
Oh he does give me lots of fun, pleasure and love in his own little terrier way :D He is not a smoochy dog, won't sleep in my bed or cuddle much on the couch, hates being kissed, but will happily kiss me when he feels the time is right haha usually just after he has eaten something stinky like fish! I have had him 11 years now so know all his funny ways he is such a great companion and I worry so when he is sick, as we all do. He is at his most happiest up the beach, eating, running, going on walks, digging holes in my lawn, absolutely destroying his toys, visitors, his Nan and Grandad. What did Lulu like to do?

Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxx

ps I was just playing with him on my bed with his very sorry looking chewed up toy collection, I just took a photo for you and will pop it in my album

02-16-2013, 10:08 PM
Oh Trish I just went over to your album and looked at your little guy. He is adorable. A real gift from God. He sounds like a real character. I love Terriers. I have had 2 westies, and they were so much fun, both rescues, one lived 16 years the other 14. I was so blessed to have them both.

Lulu was a real character in her youth too. She also loved to roll in smelly things. We have a good sized pond and she loved to go out there and roll in a dead fish if she could find one. We fed the fish every night,and she had to have some of the fish food. I think she loved to eat more than anything. Of course the cushings may have played a big part in that. We had to watch her or she would run her tounge up over the kitchen table and steal biscuits off the table before we knew what happened. She was not a real kisser either, but I always told her...it must be done,so she would let me kiss her all I wanted.
She was funny she had a real crotch fettish too. Lol. Any man that knew her, would knock on our door and then protect the family jewels before I opened the door. They knew she would be right there, as soon as she could get to them.

Of course she lost a lot of those things as she got older and more frail. But ya know, it was good to remember these things. Thanks for making me recall those things, Trish.

02-17-2013, 08:05 AM
Oh Moo, it is such a treat to "talk" with you, too! As you can already see, we love your husband to death (and Bob, if you are logging on first this morning, don't let that comment go to your head!! :cool: :)). We are all hoping and praying SOOOOOO MUCH that this job comes through for you guys, for so many reasons. But especially so Stella will know the time is right for her to enter your lives. ;)

I love it that you already know her name! My hubby and I have "prenamed" our three dogs, too, but we didn't know anybody else who did the same thing. Our next little boy will be Chester. We don't know when and how he'll join us, but that's who he is. Our first baby (our Cushpup who is my avatar) was a yellow Lab named Barkis (named after Mr. Barkis who's a character in David Copperfield). We talked and dreamed about Barkis for years before he actually was born. We lived in little apartments and weren't allowed to own a big dog. But we would sit and share stories about what all we'd do with him. The stories would always start out with "When we get baby Barkis..." and then go on from there. The year we finally moved into a house was the year he was born. I'll never forget our joy the day we brought him home.

Anyway, it's wonderful to have you both here. I know how empty and lonely your house must feel right now. But I have hope and faith that the emptiness will once again be filled one day -- when the time is right -- when Stella comes home.


02-17-2013, 11:31 AM
Thank you Sooo much Marianne. The picture of your Barkis is beautiful. To me there is nothing more beautiful than a lab, of any color, but I am partial to the yellow ones.

That is so funny that you have pre named your babies. I pre named Lulu and of course "Stella". Don't ask me why, but about a year and a half ago, I got a bug up my bottom and I had to find a name for our next little girl. I studied names for 2 days before I came up with what I thought was the perfect name. Once I found the name, I settled down. I thought maybe the Lord was gonna send us another baby. Evidently, he had other plans. But I do believe when the time is right, we will meet our beloved Stella. No other pup will ever take Lulu's place in my heart, but I have a very big heart. There is lots of room in there for plenty of loves.
thank you so much for your prayers for Bob's job. We are praying soo hard. That is the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do at night. We are desperate.
good talking to you, honey.

02-17-2013, 03:06 PM
Here's a grieving activity I thought of. Actually an exercise for keeping on tract, probably good if you have ADHD. Anyway half the exercise I learned 40 years ago was to think of something, I used to use dog or cat, so in this case it would be Lulu.

But instead of thinking of Lulu, do something that you did with the pet, such as a walk. It would be sort of the opposite where everything you do reminds you of your pet. But it would be the good times mostly.

The point is that your thoughts always go back to the main topic, (dog, cat or in my case our dog Lulu), it's just reverse. The things occur but we can almost always relate it back to Lulu was with us. I think the neurons in our brains get wired like this and it's not that we want to rewire them but they will in time with new experiences.

I used to take a walk with Lulu in a county park, about three miles, took about an hour. She loved it and would often pull me along. So the next time I do this, it will probably be by myself, and I'm sure I will be reminded of her often. I would bring my camera as I had taken my camera before and have pictures of her and the trail. But this time of course it would just be the scenery and any animals I might see along the way.

Don't know if this is good, but it is just an hour and I thought much better to do something short like this first before doing something that took more time, like an overnight trip we took.

And if we get a new dog, it certainly would be something I would try to do with the new pet. Because Lulu would want us to be happy.

I have mentioned my step-dad Bill in Florida, and I remember when my mom passed away, I was there with her in Spring Hill Florida when she did. One man at the funeral said, that Bill really needed my mom, and he said I don't expect that he will last the year.

When I left Florida I was calling Bill every day to see how he was doing and even set-up with a local agency, to call him once a day to make sure he was okay.

I think he got tired of this, and he was lonely, because about a month later he mentioned a new woman, Marion. He got married about three months later. This was six years ago and he is still around, and sent 20 dollars to go for a new dog.

Hope I haven't confused too many, if so then just skip this exercise. I think it is helpful to me, because I have used this sort of activity to keep on tract for quite some time. Let me know if you want to know both activities to keep on tract and I will send you a post I made on another forum on this.

02-18-2013, 06:53 AM
Hi Bob and Moo - just checking in to see how you are both doing. Hope something has made you smile today to remind you that happier times are ahead as much as that seems hard to imagine at the moment. Hugs for you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-18-2013, 07:53 AM
Hi Trish, we are hanging in there. We went to Woodsong park ten miles away and walked in the snow. I used to take Lulu to a few parks and places and I remember taking her to this one just after Labor Day. I let her walk it mostly off the leash as she wasn't going to run away, and this park has usually been quiet. I always carry the leash with me. I will put a couple of pictures up. Woodsong Park (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=620)

02-18-2013, 11:35 AM
Thanks Trish, for checking in on us. It is so funny....I think I am doing ok and all of a sudden out of no where I start bawling. Grief is so unpredictable. I. Never know when It is going to hit. I do feel better. Bob and I hhave spend enormous amounts of time talking abiut her and looking at pictures of her. Now when I see the pictures I smile more than I cry.

It was very good to go to the park and walk, in honor of our departed, girl. Somehow the snow and the cold, kept me from crying. If I had cried, the tears would have froze to my face. I wore 2 pairs of jeans, 2 shirts. And a sweater under my coat. Lulu would have loved it. She loved to root around in deep snow.

Thanks again, honey for your kindness.

molly muffin
02-18-2013, 12:41 PM
Hi Moo, I haven't had a chance to welcome you to posting on the forum. We're so glad to meet you finally. :)

Hugs and sincere condolences on the loss of your Lulu. What a beautiful girl. I think it grief is like that, when you least expect it some little thing will trigger an emotion and the tears just start falling. That's okay you know. Grief can also be very healing and really you are honoring a love that has been in your life for many years. A love that will always be there and will come through in so many ways, some even unexpected. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-18-2013, 01:40 PM
Thank you so much Sharlene. Everyone here has made me feel so at home here.
I am just sorry that I waited until our girl was gone to. Get on. I always left the medical side of Lulu up to Bob, because he understood it more than I, since he was a med tech, when he was young.

Thank you for the condolences on our little girl. You are so right, sometimes the tears just come out of no where, and I do feel like it is honoring her memory. I also feel that getting another dog at some point, will be honoring her memory. I know she would want us to give our love to another needy baby.
Your Molly Muffin is adorable. I am sure she is the apple of your eye. Give her a kiss for me. I really miss the wonderful puppy kisses I use to get.

molly muffin
02-18-2013, 06:11 PM
Thanks Moo. We think Molly is adorable too. Molly is our rescue baby that we got after my golden retriever Tasha and her constant companion my cat Tipsy passed away within months of each other. That was a tough time. It took me about a year to be ready for Molly. Lots of grieving and some days of not even wanting to get out of bed. Many of us have walked the path that you now walk. It's not a journey that you have to take by yourself. :)
Well, Bob was very good with the medical and I probably would have let him do it too. :) Family is family though and you are and always have been welcome to jump right in too. My husband lets me deal with Molly's issues but I'll notice sometimes him reading up on something I've mentioned, he just does it in a quieter manner than myself. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-18-2013, 08:16 PM
Sharlene, I know all too well what it is like, to not want to get out of bed. Before I open my eyes in the morning, it hits me,that our little girl is gone. I just want to crawl in a hole and pull the hole in on myself.

The last 6 months of Lulu's life, she was not able to get up and down off the bed, so we took our bed frame down and just layed the mattress on the floor so she could still sleep with us, then that became too high for her and she started sleeping on her bed, laying on the floor next to my side of the bed. I would take my foot and rub her in the middle of the night. I can't tell you how many time I try to rub her belly in the middle of the night, before I realize, she is not there.

But ya know what? I am so glad that we are that kind of person, instead of the kind that says...it was just a dog, and then move on with their lives. If you can't love a dog, you can't love anyone or anything.
I'm glad you got through your loss. I wish I had been here to comfort you.

Bo's Mom
02-18-2013, 10:50 PM
Hi Moo,
Thanks for your kind words you said about my little guy, Bo. Yes, as your husband said, "they were going through orientation together" as they met at the Rainbow Bridge. They found their peace at exactly the same time and were carried by Angel's wings.
I told your husband that Bo was a toy poodle but was never intimidated by size. He would play with the biggest of dogs and just knew that they were dogs all wanting the same thing.
I miss him terribly and the house will never be the same without him but I do know that I was the best Mama for him and I know he knew that too....just as Lulu knew. I do imagine all our fur babies meeting and comparing stories of how we used to make them dress up or how we would share pictures of their not so finest moments. Bo would have a lot to share. : )
They sure did leave their paw prints in our hearts.

02-19-2013, 11:31 AM
Oh Belinda....I know what you mean when you say the house will never be the same. Everywhere I look, I think I should see Lulu.
aren't we the lucky ones though? You and I were the only 2 women in the world that were chosen to be the special Mommy to Bo and Lulu. If someone else had been chosen, we would have never know how special these 2 were. We would have lived that 10+ years completely different. I thank God everyday for bringing her into our lives. I know that Lulu and Bo are waiting for us to cross over, along with all of the other animals we have had in the past. What a day of rejoycing that will be.
god Bless ya honey.

02-19-2013, 07:29 PM
I got a call today from The Hollow Corners Vet. They said that Lulu's remains are ready to be picked up. I have been dreading this call, but it will be good to bring our baby call, one last time.

02-19-2013, 07:37 PM
Oh Moo, I so hope that bringing Lulu home will turn out to be a bit of a comfort, rather than not. It is another milestone, that's for sure. To have Lulu's essence in your hands again, in that little box or bag. But back with you again, regardless. (And of course, her spirit always returns to you, whenever you call. :o).

Sending tons of hugs to you and Bob,

02-19-2013, 07:43 PM
Thanks Marianne,
I think having her essence here again will be comforting. I know the initial meeting will be very emotional, but in the long run, the house, and everyone in it, miss her being here so much.Maybe once she is home, we can start to heal.

02-19-2013, 07:51 PM
Lulu is coming home and that is how it should be. May her return bring you peace and comfort. She was such a brave girl.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))) )))))))))

02-19-2013, 08:17 PM
Thank you so much Addy. She was a brave girl. :(

molly muffin
02-19-2013, 11:09 PM
Hugs to you and Bob. Will be thinking of you both.
LuLu will like being home I'm sure.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-19-2013, 11:12 PM
Thank you Sharlene. I'll be glad to have her here too.

Bo's Mom
02-19-2013, 11:54 PM
Welcome Back, Lulu!!! Your mom and dad miss you so much.
I now have Bo's ashes also. I had picked a music box to keep them in but after I opened the bag up to put some of his ashes in my locket, I could not fit his ashes back into the music box. But, the music box holds his collar and some of his fur. I will get another special urn to hold his remains.

02-20-2013, 01:08 AM
Thanks Belinda.
I think your locket idea is a great one. That way you can keep sweet Bo with you all the time. I bet Bo would have love that.
I hope your pain is less everyday, honey.

02-20-2013, 09:14 AM
Hi all, and I haven't been to my grieving book lately. It just seems there are too many exercises in it, and too little reading material. But I will continue with it and do the exercises I think are pertinent. I have been reading, "Embraced by the Light", I chance picked up at a library book sale, it's a short book about have a near death experience, by a lady back in the 1970s. Now whether one believes in an afterlife or not, and I am one that believes that there is something, otherwise we would be nothing today!

Okay, an uncle of mine once said to me a study was done showing that when a person dies, that a very small amount of weight is gone from their body. (I don't know who volunteered for this and I have NEVER been able to verify that this was ever done.) But when an animal died, no weight was observed to be gone. Well knowing my uncle, I believe he read something, in many of the books he would gather and read, that he just accepted point blank. So I am throwing this experiment away, because you can't ethically have a person die for you to do this type of experiment.

Now in the book I am reading, the author Betty states while in this death like state, "I became aware of other people as well as animals traveling with me, but at a distance. I could not see them , but I sensed that their experience was the same as mine." Okay, that sounds plausible and if this is really what happens it is reassuring to me, if there is life after our life here, then the same is true for our pets.

One other thing I did this morning, as my routine has centered more with our cats and their relationships with us, because I know they both miss Lulu too. There was a light layer of snow on Lulu's ramp. So I went outside and threw some bird seed outside as I do on cold mornings, and then I grabbed the small snow shovel on the deck and cleared the ramp, so that Lulu could use it. You see according to the book Betty says that she could go through an open window to get outside but she also said you don't need to. I just did this because I knew it gave reassurance to her that the ramp was safe for her.

Final note, on the job front, I haven't heard from the school, Monday they were closed. I did hear from a former technical director and he told me things that he thought still needed doing. I have also been contacted by a guy Tim, in Chicago and his partner in Lansing, two hours to our west that wants me to call the Lansing guy, Jeff. They want a programmer with CNC experience, (and that I got doing IT for a tool & die shop last year). I think what they want is a program and if it's me to program, and I assume it would be around here, maybe at home and 10% or maybe more travel. Colorado is probably where the travel would be. So I can't turn this opportunity down if it should materialize too. And it sounds like they want to get running as soon as possible. Will keep all informed.

02-20-2013, 09:18 AM
Wow, I just had to add this. Yahoo has just redone their website, it's only taken them 10 or more years. But this story I saw, first one I read on their new site, will amaze!


02-20-2013, 09:41 AM
That is a great story. So happy for them.

molly muffin
02-20-2013, 09:07 PM
This all sounds really promising and even exciting on the job front. I'm glad you have several prospects going at the same time. :) Keep thinking positive.

Have you hooked up on LinkedIn? Several people I know have used it to network and find job prospects and one guy that is a head hunter uses it regularly to find people for jobs.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-20-2013, 11:54 PM
Thanks Sharlene, though I am trying to stay away from the recruiters and just contact the company's directly now and yes, LinkedIn is abou the best. The recruiters seem not to be able to connect me directly whereas the connections with the ones at the company's work best. The CNC job wants more machining experience says they will see maybe in 3 months. I'll be a gray old man than! LOL

The school job, which I have been wondering about, I see kept the job listed till Friday, so that is good. I am going to do more pursuing on this one tomorrow.

Well finishing up on watching "Meet John Doe" an old 1941 movie.

02-21-2013, 04:00 AM
Hi Bob and Moo - so pleased to read you have your girl home with you where she belongs :) I so have my fingers crossed for you on the job front Bob, because that means little darling Stella wherever she comes from....... will be making her big entrance into your lives!

Thinking of you lots
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-21-2013, 07:35 AM
Well I had my first dream with Lulu running around, and though in the past I would be a bit confused, I remember just before I woke up, thinking that this was a dream, Lulu has crossed the Rainbow Bridge! I wonder why it is we dream often of people we have known and pets after they are gone. I used to have dreams of my Susie, before.

As a surprise treat, here is a picture of Susie when she was a new puppy! Susie (http://bdtcomp.com/thomasfamilytree/susie.html)

02-21-2013, 02:02 PM
You are so lucky, honey, to have dreamed about our girl. I wish I would dream about her. I am so happy that we finally got her remains home with us. It is comforting some how, to know she is home with us, once again where she belongs. The cats are glad to have her back too. They both went over to the box and rubbed on it. Then they sat there and meowed at it. I moved it from the living room to the family room, and Molly noticed it gone, right away. She started meowing and went and sat right where it had been sitting....and they call them dumb animals. I don't think so.

02-21-2013, 06:03 PM
I firmly believe they come to us in our dreams when we need them.
I used to dream of my father for many years after his death. I alway woke up feeling very happy and calm. I would tell my husband "Dad came to visit last night". I could not force myself to meet him in my dreams by talking about him before bed or looking at pictures; nope he would not show up then. Dad would just pay a visit when I least expected it but when it seemed I really needed him and did not even know it.

Enjoy the visits.:)

02-21-2013, 06:06 PM
Hi Lulu's mom and dad. I've been out of touch for a few weeks so am getting this news kind of late, but I am so sorry for your loss. I feel your pain and sort of feel like those of us who have lost our little ones this year are sort of in the same club. Each step we take on the path since the loss is a milestone. The first walk alone, the bringing the ashes home, the first time on the treadmill without her watching.

I'm at the 7 week mark and I still have those moments. I live alone and I don't cook, and I was forever ordering too much food so I could bring things home to Baxter. Eating at the places with his favorite treats gives me a pang every time. There is this gourmet hamburger place that I brought two burgers from the week that he passed away. I was so thrilled when he ate his hamburger and mine too! I actually got some beef out of the freezer and cooked four more patties and he ate those too! That was a happy day. And now I haven't been able to bring myself to eat at that hamburger place. Yesterday I went through the chick filet drive through, I always brought home extra nuggets for Baxter, and I found myself buying them yesterday too. I dumped them on a plate for him and left it out overnight.

I haven't been back to the pond where I took him on walks yet. I want to, to walk there and think of him, but it will be so painful. You know after the first couple of weeks I worried because I felt that I wasn't grieving enough, that I was bouncing back too fast. What I've found is, though we get back into the routine of living our lives, the grief is still quite painful and lingering. I still cry hard sometimes, missing him. I think this is normal. I think this will lessen over time, but that the memories and love will remain as strong as ever. I worried about that too, that the memory would fade, but I still have bright vivid moments of remembering things about Baxter, as plain as if the events happened just yesterday. So I don't worry about losing the memories now. I envy you your dreaming of Lulu - you are very lucky =) I hope that happens for me too.

PS Addy posted as I was writing my own little note. But I agree 1000%, Addy you are so wise!

02-22-2013, 07:47 AM
Thanks Addy & Gummysmurf, I am going to read more from 'Embraced by the Light', it's a short read, so then will work on more grieving exercises. I did go to a local dog rescue place after trying to find more about the job in Port Huron yesterday. They introduced me to about 5 or there 15 or dogs they have taken in. They sure are doing a great job and have a spacious place for them.

02-22-2013, 11:39 AM
I took a walk this morning and could feel the presence of Lulu around me. I did my own grieving exercise or started it. I start it with this question: What does it take to be a human? (Now what will lead after this is replace human with dog or whatever kind of pet you have).

But to answer, and I have only partly done so: To be a human is to have a physical presence which includes different systems. You have lungs to breathe, you have a stomach to take in food and water. You have to have a nervous system and humans also have a brain that is in charge of this system. You have other organs in your body needed for life processes. Now when you leave this world you will stop using your stomach and lungs and your brain. So then what is left? (Well this is as far as I got on this question, because it is also where people may differ. Some say that is it, we are all physical and others will say that is not true, there is something else we have and our physical body is just a vehicle to our 'soul' or whatever you want to call what is us or what is human?

Well, we will leave it at that for now, I will go on with this later.

02-24-2013, 08:32 PM
Saturday morning I woke having dreamed again of Lulu and another one of my dogs, Lenny. Lenny was a small dog I had for a few years until one day, un-neutered Lenny disappeared. Though I would check the humane and pound places, I heard through the grapevine that a chicken farmer may have been responsible for me never finding him. Well Lulu did and they ran along areas I was familiar with and I had to run pretty good to keep up with them.

I have finished 'Embraced by the Light' and I feel good that when we go, we will see our pets.

Now today I was able to treadmill and listen to music. But after the first mile, I kept looking in spots for Lulu, on a rug, outside, chewing a nylabone ... I had to stop and go upstairs and I brought down a framed picture of Lulu from four years ago on the lawn standing proud.

I was able to treadmill 2.7 more miles for my goal of 3.7 miles that I usually try to do.

I did visit a dog rescue place on Thursday after checking on the tech. director position. They showed me five dogs, from nine years to just over two years all lovable.

I had another nibble on a job prospect today, with a LinkedIn message from someone that read my profile and is thinking that she can use my skills. So I keep looking as I wait for that hopeful interview this week.

Well Moo has the Oscar Previews on, I will try to watch some of it. There are probably a couple of movies I would love to see, maybe 'Argo' & Moo read 'Life of Pi' and liked it.

02-25-2013, 12:55 AM
Hi Dad,

You know, every time you write something I think that you and your wife sound like such lovely people. I know that any dog would be lucky to find his/her forever home with you. Good for you for seeking to adopt. (and I have my fingers crossed for your job search).

02-26-2013, 04:57 PM
Well afternoon and back to Grieving for pets. One chapter of the book talks of the benefits of pets, such as lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, certainly increased physical exercise, stress relief, social interaction ... Pets teach us responsibility as we teach pets, our Lulu was great at the nursing home. She would bring a toy in her mouth and several residents asked to pet her, and even see them in their rooms as I brought her to visit my dad who spent the last part of 2011 in a home. One exercise I liked in the chapter was: What is your favorite non-fiction animal story? What makes it your favorite? I chose 'The Littlest Hobo' and the original series. Below is an episode from 1963 for nostalgia. I think they redid the program in the 1970s or 1980s. The German Shepherd int he series travels the country and stops for a short time to help people. Each episode has her walking down the highway and for a short time a person or family is helped by this dog. When the people around the littlest hobo are helped and they thank the dog, he leaves to go on to another town and to help someone else.


02-26-2013, 05:06 PM
I forgot to update on job looking. I have an email to Mark about the interviews with the school. I haven't heard anything. So I don't stand still. I have a guy that suggested lunch in Port Huron on Saturday. I went to look at his website and he has updated it last year. So if he is serious about hiring soon, I would be interested, if the school job doesn't materialize. Also another lady is interested in the work I was doing last year that ended a month and a half ago. So that is good news. I do get these through LinkedIn though I met these people before I LinkedIn with them.

We have a guest in our spare bedroom. Our neighbors are in the air right now having left Phoenix for Oahu right now. Must be nice. The guest is their cat Kitty Boy. Our two cats are very curious. Moo opened the door a crack, though Kitty Boy is staying under the bed.

This may just help the moral of all of us for the next two weeks. I still have to go over there every other day to take care of their hermit crabs.

Oh, well have to get the mail, and it is sleet raining, ugh, so I will drive out to the mailboxes.

molly muffin
02-26-2013, 07:48 PM
Glad you are standing still and are actively pursuing all possibilities. That's what you have to do unfortunately.
Also have you looked at larger companies who usually will have a web department? That might be a possiblity. Telecom, Manufacturing, etc. Just ideas to throw into the wind.
I think pets are awesome for ones health and stability.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-27-2013, 05:40 AM
Hi Bob and Moo

Just checking in to see how you are all doing, keeping busy on the job hunt I see. You are right, no good standing still and waiting! Good things come to those who go looking :D:D I am in your cheer squad willing the right job to land in your lap soon. I love reading about your walks too, it sounds so peaceful and we can all do with a bit of that. I hope Kitty Boo is out from under the bed soon!!

Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-27-2013, 02:09 PM
Hi Trish,

Yes, the schools are closed today with a snow day, but unless they have put the director position on hold, which is possible with this sequester thing in Washington D.C. then I haven't had an interview scheduled and they need to get those going by the end of this week for sure.

But I am meeting in the same town a guy I met with three years ago about a software job in security, so I am looking forward to meeting him. I hope he is serious.

At the same time, I wish the school district was serious, as they have some problems I was told about that are easy to fix, but the present director has not fixed them. There is that thing called politics, so what else is new.

02-28-2013, 12:10 AM
I do know the name of the human resource director. I am thinking of sending him an email tomorrow. May not do any good, but I can't think that it would do any harm, because if I'm not going to be interviewed no harm done. The h.r. person is new, only been there a year.

Well will try more grieving exercises. The hardest part getting by is the quiet in the home and car. She was with us (Lulu) a lot. We haven't had a long vacation since 2006. And that was the last time she even spent time in a kennel. We were lucky to be able to either have someone stay at home or a neighbor come over when we were gone, and it was never more than four nights.

02-28-2013, 03:00 AM
Maybe when the pay checks start rolling in you and Moo can start to plan a wee trip away, or a nice long holiday :D Having something to look forward to would help I think. Where would you like to go?

02-28-2013, 07:55 AM
Hi Trish,

A trip might help. I sure could use one. I can't believe how a dog can have such an effect, but as Moo said she wasn't a dog, she was a people! And I have to laugh, she was!

02-28-2013, 03:48 PM
Trish...that is a great idea. I don't know where Bob would like to go, but ( would like to go to West Branch Michigan. We have gone there for the last 6 or so years for our Anniversary. We always took Lulu with us. She loved to stay in a Motel. We could not aford to go this year, and we had just lost Lulu. So I would like to go there and remember our baby jumping from Bed to bed and walking in the woods...just one more time.

But you can rest assured, if the checks start to roll in, we will have a new baby in no time. I can not live with out a dog...it is too hard. Maybe the pain would be less, with a new baby....Stella, is waiting for us to find her :)

03-03-2013, 07:13 AM
Haven't read much more in the Grieving book, I know the section I want to read next. Late breakfast meeting with another potential employer went good. He doesn't have anything full at the moment, though he said he may be able to start me with something soon. I don't know whether to be relieved, but I do keep looking. The techie stuff he does is good. There are some issues. He did ask if I would be interested in going to Las Vegas to a trade show in April that he goes to? I said I don't thin that would be a problem. But my dilemma is I am thinking he won't be able to pay enough, and that is the criteria for me 'Enough' .

Well I will return later with more on the grieving book.

molly muffin
03-03-2013, 10:00 AM
Enough is kind of important. Enough to get by, enough to find Stella or allow her to find you, enough to not worry, etc, etc, etc. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-04-2013, 08:08 PM
Thanks Sharlene, so I will have two posts now. This one on the job front. I am not going to dwell on the Saturday lunch meeting. I will occasionally send out an email to Joe, the guy I saw. The reason being he has led me on for three years about a possible job, and I think the statue of belief is a bit long in this case. You can't expect someone to wait on you that long. That plus the first thing Joe said was how much he was paying his Indian programmer, it was $2/hour.

On the school job, all I can say is that it is re-listed as they didn't care for the four they interviewed. I am going to re-apply and try to convince them that I am managerial and can improve and I would by taking college courses in the evening to be better. I will have to work on this to at least get an interview. I'm not sure how to proceed, but will think on it. The new deadline is in two weeks. And that is all I should say as I probably found out more than I should have about this from my sources.

03-04-2013, 08:17 PM
I had to wait a bit, the post enforcer doesn't like me to be too quick. On grieving now. I thought as I walked this morning thinking of Lulu, how it would have been for Lulu had I passed and left her. She would have been devastated I'm sure as well as our cats Nellie and Molly. Nellie has become like my interim dog now, as she brings her snake everywhere. She has adopted our last cat's cloth snake toy and she brings it to us at night and downstairs during the day. She brings it close to where I am, if that be the living room or the family room or even the basement.

Now what I read on grieving the first part of guilt. I will report on the second part perhaps tomorrow. Some irrational thoughts on guilt are I should have done this or could have, and of course that doesn't matter now. But I have thoughts that better preventive care or more aggressive and attentive therapy may have prolonged Lulu's life. But it's easy to analyze 9-11 after it happened and say what we could have done before hand. I am happy that Lulu had over two years of quality life after she was officially diagnosed with Cushing's Disease.

I am happy that I got to document her life here and provide a written history and fortunate that this site has that as a record. This is useful information for future dog owners and hopefully as treatment gets better for all animals and people will benefit tomorrow as we have benefited today.

I could say that our economic situation may have been a hindrance but we did have help with the vet bills and a friend paid the testing and expenses at the vet the last year. So Lulu had the best of care and I feel the quality of life was good.

Not only that she was happy in spirit if not body right to the end, with a ride in her favorite truck and went fairly peacefully with the people she love.

Will continue with part II of grief tomorrow.

Have a great night! I might watch a movie or tv show tonight. I do feel a bit better on the job fight, and though I still might not get the director job I am going to give it the old college try.

03-04-2013, 09:13 PM
I meant to post this too, but we got a card from my step-dad adn step-mom today and they sent us 100 dollars for another dog. That was nice of them. They said they would try to send more too. They didn't have to do that, but I guess we will have to get Stella soon. I hope Lulu will approve. I know my Susie, Barry and Joey approved of Lulu so I believe she would.

molly muffin
03-04-2013, 09:29 PM
$2. an hour, that isn't worth the work you'd have to put in. I'm sure there has to be something else out there.
Drat on that Director job. :( I can see where they might Want mangerial experience, but if you're willing to take night courses, then maybe they would be willing to give you a chance.

That is sweet of your stepdad and stepmom. I'm sure they know how much Lulu meant to you and Moo and just want you to be happy. Stella will come, when Stella comes, you know how it is. :)

Hang in there!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-04-2013, 09:41 PM
Well he is willing to pay more, but he does say he has to pay less now though he could pay more or bonuses. But when someone mentions outsourced programmers, I remember trying to help someone who got his software from overseas, it was a disaster. I wouldn't touch it, because it was scattered everywhere on his hard drive. But I don't hold much luck for his lawsuit he has on a patent. He told me about it, and it had to do with using MAC addresses for his cameras, but I don't see how that can be patented. That is a logical way to identify computer components other than using the local IP addresses of a device. My dad got involved with lawsuits and it was a very tough battle, and I had another boss that had litigation. They both lost, whether they were right or wrong. I didn't tell Joe about those cases, I just know enough to be realistic.

03-07-2013, 09:32 AM
On guilt (Part II). It's normal to think what if I had done this, or I should have done this. Guilt is a big part of grieving for a pet. You know I think back to times walking and when Lulu was with me, which was 95% of the time I walked. I always would say I am older now when I last thought that I was also older, but I still felt very alive as did Lulu. Though as she was slowing down she didn't run as fast. I missed that, but accepted it. You know we are never ready to let go. We would lover our pets to live to be 30 years old. But to what if; we could do that to no end. Perhaps our pets would live another six months, maybe longer, but we don't know and I know I gave our Lulu the longest life 99% of us could. And in the case we did make a mistake or an accident happened to a pet of ours, we know that we are human and we aren't perfect. That has to go a long ways in the grieving process.

Well I have one more part to this part, so stay tuned ...

03-07-2013, 07:49 PM
Part III (Guilt) Remember Me

Remember me with smiles and laughter,
For that's the way I'll remember you all.
If you can only remember me with tears,
Then don't remember me at all.
~ Michael Landon

That says it all. And with Lulu, I remember her on a trip with the family, Moo & me, she grabs her green stuffed bone toy, or her blue cow toy or a handful of other toys. The truck had a minimum of three dog toys at all times. All it took was me cleaning my glasses, putting my ring on and she knew we were on a road trip. I remember her yellow pig, purchased in Menomee, Wisconsin and there is a picture in her album at the motel that evening. We bought it at Walmart.

The time I walked behind the house in the neighbor's woods, and I waited a few minutes, she came in that woods, she knew where I was, even though she hadn't seen me, and they say animals aren't smart!

Up until a year ago, Lulu would gallop to catch up to me on a walk, but as soon as she came within three feet she always sped up so as to pass me before slowing down.

The walks we had at our motel room in West Branch, Michigan that she enjoyed being at with us.

Those evenings I filled in at Adult Education in Port Huron in the evening, Moo said that Lulu would go upstairs get on the bed and look out the window down the driveway and look for me.

Moo talk Lulu to kiss. Ask Lulu to give you a kiss and she would give you a quick nip at you nose.
Many other days of happiness, some 3500 days plus of pure happiness with our Lulu!

03-08-2013, 12:14 PM
At dawn this morning I started to dream. In my dream I walked over to the upstairs office window, that over looks the pond. I pulled back the curtain, and there running with all of her might was a beautiful, healthy, strong Lulu.I have not dreamed about her since she got her wings. It shocked me awake, then I heard her bark. I started to cry because I realized that she had chosen to enter my dreams on the 1 month anniversary of her passing. We lost her 4 weeks ago today. It has been the longest month of my life. I feel so blessed to have seen her one more time and to hear her strong bark. What a blessing. I miss her as much today, as I did on the day she left. But now, I know she is happy and healthy and strong once again. Running around God's pond and waithing for me.
Love, Moo

molly muffin
03-08-2013, 03:48 PM
That's great. It seems that time has in some ways passed by at an amazing rate and in other ways has just dragged on and on. I can never decide. :(
Dreams are a good thing. I know that!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-08-2013, 03:56 PM
Oh Bob and Moo, thanks for sharing these precious memories and your dream. They warm my heart and bring tears to my eyes, too. No king nor queen could be richer than are you two, spending those wonderful moments of life-well-lived with your princess.

Many, many, many hugs coming your way,

03-09-2013, 05:02 AM
HI you two!! Yes, I am reading along too, I love your stories and the way you write, it often leaves a tear in my eye. Ohhhh Moo, it must have been bittersweet to wake up after your girl visited you!! What a sweetie that Lulu is! Hope she comes calling again soon :):)


03-14-2013, 10:57 AM
Still hanging in there, will add more to grieving book too. I got a bit of laryngitis the last couple of days, better today, but after being up a couple of hours my voice still struggles to talk. I need to make a phone call or two but will be sure the voice is okay first, and keep it short. I am avoiding dairy products, even drinking my coffee black.

I have a new job possibility and that is the reason for the one call, it is also in Port Huron, and I haven't heard and I should soon. I want to keep some pressure on them so that they want to hire me. It's a small outfit, and right up my alley.

molly muffin
03-14-2013, 06:47 PM
crossing fingers! Hope you get the job

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-20-2013, 10:43 PM
Howdy all, and still job looking, though doing a bit on web design at home, keeping up with some old clients. A phone interview tomorrow, though I the place the job is at may be a company I have tried at before. But at least it won't cost any gas money. You have to stay optimistic.

On grieving, this is short, and has to do with children. When your child is real young they may not understand death, but let them be part of the process. Don't hide it. Now when Lulu was ill, our cats, especially Nellie was nearby most of the time. And both cats were aware of Lulu's passing. And I could tell they have both been affected. That is why, the time is right for a new dog for us, but will have to wait until 1.) we got the right dog for us & 2) we can take care of the dog, financially as well as emotionally.

One final point, if you do have a ceremony and bury a pet, let your children and other pets, (that is if they do go outside be part of the ceremony).

Well that is it on this part, of the grieving. I sort of put this into my own words. And really you know your children and other pets. You do have to be cognizance of their reactions and feelings. Have a great evening and night!

03-24-2013, 02:23 AM
Hi Bob and Moo - fingers still crossed on the job front, especially now we know that will bring Stella into the family :) Hope you two and the kitties are doing well :)

04-07-2013, 09:23 AM
Just a quick note, still think of Lulu on my walks. We are going to Lewiston, Michigan this morning a 3 1/2 hour drive, though weather is good, a bit windy so will probalby take 4 hours. We sold my late dad's Mercury to a friend, so she needs it and finished chemo. So Moo is driving the Mercury up while I drive the truck. We will have lunch with Judi, who we haven't seen since we were up there two years ago, with Lulu of course.

Oh, we are dog sitting for our son's girlfriend's mom's dog. She is a small, but overweight 14 year old. Wow! Well I am hoping that she brings a bit of sparkle to our two cats.

More later, but wanted to get on and chat. Still job hunting, but I am volunteering for Romeo, Michigan 175th anniversary, they loved my pictures on Facebook, and I met yesterday, took more pictures and showed them a couple of video slide shows I did for a class reunion and my dad's memorial. So they are gung ho for a few short video slide presentations. So I will be busy, and I am thinking very good networking. I am sure there will be lots of people there, and it can and often brings in the local tv (Detroit) media people. ;-)

molly muffin
04-07-2013, 10:11 AM
Have a good trip. Sounds like a good way to spend a day to me. :) The volunteer project sounds exciting. Hopefully it can lead to something else. :)

Hugs to you and Moo,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-08-2013, 12:12 AM
Thanks Molly, we had a great, but if short time. But visiting, having lunch and then the drive back together was worth it. We stopped in West Branch, Michigan where we spent our last few anniversaries at with our beloved Lulu, and I think that was therapeutic. We can return, knowing that we have visited with Lulu with us in spirit. The next time it will be with our new dog when we get her, Stella of course!

Well, tired and retiring for the evening.

04-08-2013, 12:58 AM
as kids, we took it upon ourselves to have a "fun-funeral" even for hamsters etc. My parents weren't involved that I can remember.

I just assumed that all kids did this :)

Good luck with the job hunt! I'm in the same boat.

04-09-2013, 10:15 PM
Our house guest has arrive. Click on the 2013 album. Daisy is a 14 year old miniature dog, staying with us until Sunday.

molly muffin
04-10-2013, 02:09 PM
Love the pictures!
Daisy looks adorable!

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-26-2013, 09:12 PM
We miss Daisy, but we are again cat sitting at our neighbors. Been busy, no job yet, though selling some things, and getting a couple of roof estimates to patch our roof, so making progress. Right now I am working on a project for Romeo, Michigan, their 175th anniversary and though it is all volunteer, but I think will lead to some great net-working.

BUT, I wanted to leave you with this story, of what happened to me yesterday going to Washington, Michigan, just past and south of Romeo for me, to their historical club meeting, at the museum that I attended 5th & 6th grades in this old 1917 school. So it is long, but it has a link, to a story, sad about an abused pit-bull dog, with a link to Lulu's last vet, Dr. Booth.

************************************************** *

One story I am going to end with, and if I can find the link I will post it. This is a true story and you will see Lulu's Dr. Booth too
Possible bait dog found badly hurt expected to survive - Fox 2 News Headlines

Anyway, on my way to Washington, Michigan (named after America's first president, George Washington) I went through Romeo, my usual way to get there. I took my pictures, and told me about an abused dog, pitbull, but a gentle dog, that was being used to train more aggessvie dogs for 'dog fights' (illegal in Michigan). Now the dog was in very bad shape, and it was rushed to Wilson's Veterinary Clinic in Romeo, where our precious was going for her treatment and testing of her Cushing's Disease.

Moo called and said that it was Dr. Booth (Lulu's last vet doctor) that was treating this dog, and that she had recorded the news item on . So when I came home I could watch it.

I had told that I wanted to give a couple of dollars (and I would have done more, but we really couldn't afford to do more) for his treatment, since they were taking donations for this. Well, we had thought maybe five dollars, and I was going to not buy any new milk for my cereal, cut back on soda pop and such. I waited five minutes or more as they were very busy, and ended up giving them five dollars instead. I know I shouldn't have, but I just felt that Dr. Booth had treated us well and had done his best for Lulu and it was just her time to go, after having lived such a great life. Now, get this, when I got back in my truck it was 6:53 pm and I was about 10 minutes away from my meeting at 7 pm at the school. Well I got up to the road, and a clear sound of music 'Sherry' from Frankie Valli and the 'Four Seasons' came out of my radio and it is one of my favorite oldies. Then I thought this was too clear to be from the station I had on.

I then realized that it was coming from CD #4, which I had put into that slot for the 'Four Seasons' Greatest Hits. The ONLY problem was my CD player had not worked in over three years. I had two to three CDs stuck in the radio carousel and it would not play, and I couldn't pull them out, bang them out and I just left them in there.

So I don't know how this happened, but I decided to listen to them all the way there and then back home, because I thought that is a good sign, I donated five dollars to a good cause, and I got rewarded by having something that I used to listen to a lot, and as I recall, I used to play that CD often when I would have Lulu in my truck.

************************************************** *

molly muffin
04-27-2013, 12:01 AM
They say what goes around comes around and Karma is a powerful thing. You did a good thing, at a cost to yourself, it wasn't a freebee, you paid for it by going without something you would have liked to have, to do something good and helpful for another creature in this world.
I'm proud to know you and moo through this forum, that in so many various ways, has brought us all together. As my mom would have said, "you're good people". That too is a precious gift to this world.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

04-27-2013, 06:15 AM
Bi g HI to you and Moo! :) So pleased to hear from you. What a nice person you are donating to the injured doggy! But I must say I was reading the story getting more and more excited that it was going to end with you getting your new dog Stella! :p But I guess the CD suddenly springing into life is a sign life is going in the right direction. :)

You sure are keeping yourself busy, sorry to hear you are still looking on the job front but I am sure with all these positive signs it is not far away.

Hugs to you both
Trish xx

04-27-2013, 08:19 AM
Thanks. I pasted the line text, but forgot the link to the story. Here it is.


Squirt's Mom
04-27-2013, 09:14 AM
What a great story! Yep, I think Lulu touched that CD player just for you because she is so proud.

04-27-2013, 03:21 PM
It's a sign that she's proud of you dad <3

05-06-2013, 11:02 PM
Well the CDs lasted until yesterday, Sunday evening. I was moving things back to the house from the barn for summer, deck table, chairs, small paddle boat for the pond, and then I had the Four Seasons on again at the pond, as I took out the boat, then I parked the truck by the basement, left the radio on, still playing Frankie Valli and then I came back and I had a Flint, Michigan FM radio station playing oldies on. I tried to get CD #4 to work or CD #2 to work the two that were working for me the last 10 days, but no luck, couldn't get them to play, nor eject. Well do I have to donate more? Well Moo showed me a picture of the pitbull dog Dr. Booth was treating and he is doing wonderful and he looks very upbeat! Yeah!

Now today I walked the trails Moo mowed, and I fed the fish in the pond including the catfish, our pets, and I remember how Lulu used to love and eat the fish food I would throw on the ground for her, so I put a few bites there for her! You know that is how she came to our home in November 2000, as Moo had thrown away our old dog food after we had lost Barry, our English Setter and the next day, Lulu showed up, eating the food Moo threw out, then a young 4 months old.

05-07-2013, 06:14 AM
Awww you have catfish for pets eeeek!! Hmmm I wonder if Stella will like the fish food smell, I am still waiting for her to appear in your stories!!

You are patient with the CD player, if it was me I would have the screwdriver in their trying to pry them out, but then I have never been known for my DIY skills. Lovely to hear from you... big HI to Moo!! xx

05-11-2013, 12:11 AM
Thanks Trish, and yes I have tried everything to get those CDs out. They are copies, I have the original Four Seasons and CD#2 was a CD I put together of songs. I may try again.

Hey, on Toledo, the abused and used PitBull I donated my five dollars too. He's doing very well now. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=579913155376055&set=a.192118277488880.44758.191562210877820&type=1&theater

molly muffin
05-11-2013, 12:21 AM
Awww, Toledo looks to be doing really well. What a sweetie. I'm glad that things are working out for him.

Great to hear from you and hope you and Moo are doing well.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-27-2013, 07:31 AM
Toledo is doing very well, and is in a home. Moo keeps track of her better than I do.

On the CD front, you won't believe it, as Moo dog sat two weeks ago in Cleveland for a friend's dog, they flew her there, though it is just 220 miles from us. When I drove to the airport to pick her up, as soon as I turned right from our driveway to make the 1 hour 20 minute trip to the airport, The Four Seasons began immediately from the start. It played the whole album with the last song starting as I entered Detroit International Airport!

I could go on, as I did myself go to Cleveland one week ago today for a job interview, and it looked promising. And it still could be, with some remote from home. But they have lots of questions. Anyway we keep looking.

Well on the way back, it was after 9 pm, and an old ice cream stand, we hadn't been to in years was open, so I stopped for ice-cream. Now I have a problem on my car with a 'door ajar' warning, which I can fix by lubing the doors, well it had been telling me one was ajar, but it wasn't. When I got back to my car, a very broken up CD had been ejected from the radio carousel. I tried to play the two good CDs in the car and they played, still do.

Stay tuned! BUT that isn't the reason for this news. So I will just put it in the next post, right now!

06-27-2013, 07:37 AM
Linda has a friend, also named Linda, that has a daughter that is moving into a condominium, but they don't allow pit-bull dogs. She has Papi, a lovable, five year old, good with her kids, and good with her cats. So LInda asked Moo if she could take it in., because otherwise her daughter will have to take him to the shelter, and I tell you that isn't going to happen! She said that she couldn't because I was not for taking in a pit-bull. I had one back in the 70s-90, and she (Susie) also was lovable. But in this day and age we probably would not be able to take her into Canada, like we did Lulu, and maybe some other towns.

But I have to agree this boy is cute, and he loves to watch television. So he is coming for a visit at 2 pm today, to see if he will get along with our cats. I know he will get along with us, and Moo & our Nellie and Molly just need a dog. It is only temporary to start with, but I would not be against keeping Papi, if things work out. I don't go to Canada that often, and I guess when we do, Papi will stay home!

Here's his picture.


06-27-2013, 08:19 AM
What a heartwarming story to start off my morning. God Bless you for helping this baby out, you will get it back a million times over in return for opening your hearts. Blessings

06-27-2013, 10:30 AM
Hi Bob,

It's great to get this update! I was just thinking of you guys yesterday and wondering how things were going. So crazy about the CD player! And wow, Papi looks like a such a sweet boy. I sure hope things work out so that he can stay with you. That way, Stella will have a built-in playmate when she arrives. ;)

Please tell Moo hi, and definitely let us know how things go with Papi. :)


06-27-2013, 10:38 AM
Thanks Marianne & Patti. Will keep you updated.

On my CD post, I hope I wasn't too confusing. Two different trips to Cleveland, Moo's was the first part of June for 10 days, and she came back on the plane, on a Sunday. My interview was in Cleveland, just 20 minutes from our friends that have Mookie Joe, Moo dog-sat at. And I drove the 220 mile, one-way trip to Cleveland the following Thursday.

Squirt's Mom
06-27-2013, 10:56 AM
Papi is so handsome! You are both angels to help him out of a tough situation and I so hope it works out for you all. Do keep us updated on how things go.

Leslie and the gang

Simba's Mom
06-27-2013, 03:51 PM
So glad to hear that things are going well for you, take care!!

06-27-2013, 05:01 PM
The dog front is doing well. Papi, who we may rename, maybe Stanley not sure yet. He is fast. He seems good natured. He found a painted turtle, and I. Showed him to be respectful. He has been a city boy, so he may not have seen one. I got him to come back easily. Will keep us busy, he is relaxing on cooo kitchen floor right now.

molly muffin
06-27-2013, 06:15 PM
So glad to hear that things are going well on the dog front. Papi seems to have fit right in. :) He sure is a handsome guy.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

06-29-2013, 05:22 AM
Awwww so it's a new doggie to welcome?? Is Papi staying?? So cute in the photo!! Hugs to you and Moo and it is so nice to hear from you as always xxxxx

06-29-2013, 09:53 AM
I think this new baby has found an empty spot in your heart, and wants to fill it. I hope he stays with you, and he will have the most wonderful life. Blessings

06-29-2013, 12:05 PM
Papi has been renamed to Stanley, so if we do get a female yellow lab, she will be Stella, from, 'Streetcar Named Desire'. Well, Stanley is very lovable, is cute, and loves hiking our property. He does get aggressive or protective when someone comes to the door. We don't like that. I am hoping we can change that. He is gentle, but the initial stranger coming isn't setting well. I am going to seek professional help on that front. One of our cats has come around and nosed Stanley, the other is getting a bit better.

Budsters Mom
06-29-2013, 01:53 PM
Stanley and Stella. You got a love that!:) Well, you have half of the duo and he sounds terrific! :D

07-28-2013, 10:59 PM
Bob and Moo,
Glad things are going well with Stanley.
Thank you for checking in on me at times.
It's been very hard and I appreciate all the love from everyone.

08-15-2013, 10:33 PM
Well made it through six months without Lulu :( . Stanley has helped :) . He is just such a man. He tries hard, I do have to be firm with him, but he responds and comes. He was trained to do that before and that is so refreshing. Now Lulu had a mind of her own, she was as Moo says our material girl! And we loved her for that. Stanley is another personality and he really is a keeper. We are going to get professional training for him, maybe next month.

On the job front I have been doing more with the web design business, and the owner I do most of my work for, says he can pay me to help the lady that is doing SEO. But he says he can't pay me as much as I get on the web design. But I can probably do this all at home, so that is great. I still will keep looking, but I don't mind the lower pay if it's full-time and I can still work with other clients for more.

We aren't out of the woods by any means, but there is always hope.

I think I am going to change my quote, to Never, never, never give up. Still by Churchill, but it has been my inspiration for the last couple of months!

08-15-2013, 10:59 PM
Papi is handsome! I hope that it works out for him and all of you :)

molly muffin
08-15-2013, 11:15 PM
Good to hear from you. It does sound like things are looking up. Maybe not to the top, but you're on the way and that is a good thing.
I like the Never, Never Give up. I think we all have to have that in our lives.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

08-15-2013, 11:21 PM
Valerie we did change the name form Papi to Stanley. The family that had him is Mexican, so the name was Mexican. The boy Jaron came over about a month ago and Stanley and him were very happy. Jaron was very happy that Stanley was adjusting to the home. He was so worried that Stanley would have to go the pound!

08-15-2013, 11:27 PM
Awww, that's great that the child understood the circumstances and that he is happy for Stanley.

08-16-2013, 01:20 PM
That is so sweet that the child was worried about Stanley. I hope Stanley continues to love his new found home, and that he continues to heal your hearts. Blessings

10-30-2013, 09:08 AM
Hi Bob, I've been thinking about you guys this week and wondering how you are doing. It's been far too long since we've gotten an update!

Sending my best wishes to you, Moo, and Stanley ~ :)

10-30-2013, 10:28 AM
Hi Marinanne,

I have been busy, I do see some updates, Tipper for example and the reticulocyte count. I remember doing those in Florida as a hematologist, so I hope well for her.

We are doing okay here. Stanley is such a joy. He has bonded with me, and my wife, though he had growled a bit when he was tired but not with me. Now this is different than a playful growl. So I called The Pet Show on Saturday and talked with Warren Eckstein. He suggested that Moo take Stanley for more walks and me be the doctor more, switch roles. Children like candy better than the doctor. Will try.

Tomorrow another interview, this one very promising. The good is medical, dental, vision, flex-pay, 401K and probably a very decent salary. But the bad, is the distance, which I had hoped would be remote. Well he changed his mind and maybe he would allow me remote once I have proved myself. In the meantime, I thought maybe a motel or apartment, it's 75 miles away. A decent motel I found at 55 dollars a night. Cheaper was available but reviews were not as good. Apartment, I found at 610 a month, and a very nice two story building I believe, in a nice area, not too far from work.

So will let you know more, and I promise to be here more. I have been like I said, keeping up a bit, with the email alerts.

10-30-2013, 10:40 AM
Glad I looked in at your post. Do you have any information about my posting of Tipper's dilemma since you worked with this? It would be helpful if you have any suggestions. I am glad Stanley has proven to be such a joy to you both, and I hope you are both well. Blessings

10-30-2013, 11:13 AM
Glad I looked in at your post. Do you have any information about my posting of Tipper's dilemma since you worked with this? It would be helpful if you have any suggestions. I am glad Stanley has proven to be such a joy to you both, and I hope you are both well. Blessings

I guess I would have to look at the first posts of this, I know it's been at least a couple weeks or more.

When we did Retic. Counts in the lab, this was 30 years ago, we did these manually. We made slides and then a purplish stain. Then two or more technologists would count 100 red blood cells and take the percentage. What I just read in humans normal is I think 1 or 2 percent. Now I am glad I worked at a teaching hospital, and I do remember using our automated Coulter Counter to run CBCs for red and white blood counts, hemoglobin and red blood cell volume measurements. But occasionally we would run an animals blood through the machine, of course followed by ample human blood so as to not skew the patient values.

One thing about dogs I remember is that they have more, what is called nucleated red blood cells than humans, who usually you don't see any. Dogs you always see them, I believe.

Well, I would have to refresh myself more so: Here are two articles I glanced at that I think are valuable and I will look at in more detail too.



So you can see they do look quite pretty under the scope, either that or I'm just a nutty former medical technologist.

Again, we didn't have any equipment

10-30-2013, 11:40 AM
thank you so much. I read the one article on my own but not the one from Cornell. Blessings

10-30-2013, 12:07 PM
I see to it was new methyline blue, so I guess they were blue, maybe it was purplish-blue. We used to set them on the counter, and then you just picked one up to count. So I would always make sure the test is repeated just in case. Maybe your vet uses an automated type of equipment, but wouldn't hurt to double check. Again, I haven't read all your posts.

molly muffin
10-30-2013, 02:56 PM
Great to hear about the job possibility, but yea, wish it was closer to home. The benefits sound good though.

So the thought is that Stanley is growling at Moo because she is the one that does the not fun stuff?

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

10-30-2013, 03:18 PM
Congrats on the job!
Working away from home is hard, but I prefer that to the traveling back and forth once or twice a week.

Your absence will help Stanley become closer to your wife too.

10-30-2013, 04:04 PM
Also congrats from me on your job too!! Good Luck!

12-19-2013, 07:48 AM
Haven't been on here much, but just a quick Merry Christmas to everyone. Will try to pop in here. Been busy, no word yet on the job, it's been a long time, the guy did say HR was giving him a bit of a hard time, but he said he would keep me informed. So after a short note, I decided to just wait it out, and still look! Stanley is doing fine. :)

Bo's Mom
12-19-2013, 08:22 AM
Merry Christmas to you and your family. I remember that dreadful day that sweet Bo and sweet Lulu crossed the Rainbow Bridge together and then got their angel wings. That memory surely is a painful one but hopefully soon those memories will be outnumbered by all the ones of joy that they brought us.
Be safe this holiday season and wishing for a joyous 2014.

molly muffin
12-19-2013, 08:28 AM
Merry Christmas to you and Moe and Stanley.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

12-23-2013, 09:08 AM
Merry Christmas to you all and have a safe and warm holiday season. Blessings

molly muffin
01-01-2014, 01:53 PM
Happy New Year to you and Moe and Stanley

I hope this year brings lots of good things your way.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-01-2014, 04:14 PM
Thanks Sharlene, and I have been following a few posts! Happy New Year!

01-29-2014, 11:16 AM
Still here, just a quick note. My main laptop crashed, not unexpected as it was my workhorse. I am getting back up to speed with my older desktop. All data was safe, just have to get it all organized again. Will have to get a new laptop, as the Vista isn't going to get fixed by me this time, it would cost me 300 dollars, plus time, and I could find a cheaper replacement at less cost.

More later, it's been cold and busy. :)

02-08-2014, 09:35 PM
It was one year ago today we lost our sweet Lulu. And it's been a glorious seven months plus since we got our Stanley, who had to get a new home. He has been a joy, and has turned into a more lovable dog than we would ever had believed.

But I said I wasn't going to do a memorial for Lulu, until I got a job, and then I would do this, as the job hunt would be most pertinent. Well since Lulu had passed away at 4pm one year ago, I spent the last three or four days, concentrating on getting her memorial. That must mean I have a job, too. Yes, though nervous, starting Monday and just 20 hours, though more hours may come. It pays really well and even a 10 dollar commute rate, whether I commute or not. Since the job is 75 miles away, I will go there on Monday, stay overnight coming back on Tuesday. When they figure I can work remotely I may do most work at home. I can also keep doing my web work other days, so I think I can possibly start working on my debt & my taxes. Taxes first as they are critical. This is what I have dreamed of, and I stayed with my: "Never, never, never give up."

Well here is the link to the 20 minute video of Lulu, it's a big file, so if you want to listen and watch her 12 years of life with us, be our guest. And if you can't listen to all, at least scroll toward the last five or so minutes for the dog's talk with his master as he/she passes into heaven.

More later, but for now here is the link.


molly muffin
02-08-2014, 10:01 PM
I am so happy to hear that you have a found a job. Interesting timing with Lulu's passing a year ago.
I'm downloading Lulu's file, and will watch it at a time when I can shed some tears for a wonderful girl.
So glad to hear that Stanley continues to do so well and has become an important member of your family. He is a handsome lad.

Congrats again on the job and hugs,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-08-2014, 11:24 PM
Congratulations on the job! Awesome news!
Time goes by so fast, I wonder if Lulu told Stanley to behave? :)

02-09-2014, 09:04 AM
God Bless you I am thrilled for you that you have a job that is wonderful. I am also happy you will have a memorial for Lulu. I wish you nothing but the best at you new work. My Tipper is still with me and for that I am truly blessed.
God Bless you all

Bo's Mom
02-09-2014, 09:19 AM
I thought of Lulu yesterday as it was a year ago for Bo too. I truly believe that they shared all their stories of love and fun that they had in the short while they were with us.
Missing them all always!!

02-09-2014, 10:13 AM
I like to think Lulu had a hand in sending that job your way. I could not be more thrilled for you.

I know you will do great. Great job on Lulu's memorial as well.

02-10-2014, 08:42 AM
Dear Bob,

I am so happy for you and Moo and Stanley!!! I've got all my fingers crossed for you today in hopes that this job will will work out just as well as you are hoping. (And if so, does this mean that Stanley may get a little sister Stella at some point, or will he stay top dog for the time being? ;))...:) :) :)

I am saving Lulu's memorial for later on when I have a chance to watch it all at once. But knowing you, I am sure it is wonderful.

Sending you all my best wishes, as always.

02-11-2014, 08:57 AM
Thanks all, just got off the treadmill at motel, going to shower and get motel breakfast and run to the job. First day went well, busy and lots to learn. I'm glad I have the language they need to do the work, it would be hard to have to learn it as well as the job. Hope some were able to watch the video of Lulu. Stanley is missing me, he even took over my side of the bed. lol

02-11-2014, 09:04 AM
Yeah!!!!! Glad you had a really good day. Hope you have another one! Blessings

03-08-2014, 08:10 AM
Just a quick note. I am doing fine, as are Stanley, Linda (aka. Moo) & Nellie & Molly our two cats. It's been a lot of snow and cold. I have my first check from work, and have earned my second already. Now need a new laptop as mine is broke and I am not going to spend the money again to repair. I need a Windows 7 Professional Laptop, and 4Gig minimum 320 Gigs Minimum hard drive. So I am looking on Craigslist. The network people told me they can't hook up a VPN to Windows 8. So that is the scoop. They use Linux on the server, but I have a program that works for that.

Still would like to get Stella, but I have bills to get at. We spent a lot of money on groceries yesterday :eek: & I need to get a handle on taxes and credit bills. But one step at a time. I think we are going to be okay. Once I go remote, I will get a few more hours. And I am thinking of doing some web design for a few extra hours. Ideally 24 at the new job and at least 8 hours of web design would be perfect, for now.

03-08-2014, 12:44 PM
This is great news that things are finally getting on track, Bob. :)

Thanks so much for checking in, and please keep the updates coming!


molly muffin
03-08-2014, 02:07 PM
Wonderful news Bob! It's been awhile coming but finally seems to be on the right foot!

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-09-2014, 09:52 AM
Great news that things are going well. So sorry that youneed a new computer though as that is an expense you did not need right off the bat. Wishing you oodles of good luck. Blessings

04-14-2014, 06:27 AM
Hi all, I am still here, still working, going in this morning. Stanley is doing fine. We had a rough winter, lost all the fish in our pond. But our son, his kids and another friend said they would be glad to go fishing to restock. They are pets.

I got a pretty good computer on Craigslist, so I am okay for a while. Haven't loaded it up with programs, but I will slowly.

I hear Stanley get out of bed, so will let him out. Nellie, one of our two sister cats is right by my side at the computer. :)

04-14-2014, 11:30 AM
Glad to hear your job is going well. That is too bad about the fish in the pond. Great job a on getting a computer from Craig's list. Hope Stanley is doing well. Blessings

molly muffin
04-14-2014, 04:04 PM
Glad to hear that things are going well. I hope you like the new job.

Bummer about the fish, but nice that you'll be able to restock. That should make for a fun summer project! :) It was a wicked winter this year for sure.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-16-2014, 06:54 AM
Hi Bob, nice to hear from you! Pleased to hear work is going well and the pay checks are coming back in!! Stanley has fitted in well with the pusses, I still check in to see if Stella has arrived as I am sure she will when the time is right! I loved that story :) Sending a big HI to Moo as well x

02-06-2015, 06:29 PM
Hello Everyone, haven't been on in a while, but wanted to let people know things have been going, it's been rough, but full of hope. It will be two years on Sunday that we lost Lulu, and my wife Linda (a.k.a. Moo) & I hardly go a day that we don't think of her.

We have our Stanley & he has been a Godsend. (I believe I have pictures of him, will try to add more). He has mellowed a bit, but we still have to introduce him to people at the door. We have a couple of muzzles & his cage. This works pretty well, in the cage first & then out with the muzzle on him. So when he comes out of the cage we put the muzzle on him. That way he can get used to people. And he has, within 10 minutes, and he is all over everyone.

We haven't got a Stella yet, I would love to. I am going on a new interview Monday & Tuesday, so at the moment it might be a bit much. This job if I get will be in Florida, for the time being. I would be there each month, and then home for a long weekend (I am trying for four or even five days) home, as they will pay me to fly back each month.

It will be quite a change, and I will miss everyone, Moo, Stanley & our two sister cats, Nellie & Molly, but it will save our home if I get the job.

So that is the news, and the company is putting me up in a five-star hotel Monday night, (the pictures show palm trees, lake in front, water cascading down falls...). They gave me an assignment I will do there. I did one already. The second looks very doable, but I will have to show them there. Then if after spending the morning, lunch... with them, they want me, I will start as soon as they want me, so I can bills, bills, bills, bills... paid. Maybe a few extra toys for Stanley & the cats each time I come home. And maybe after a while I might try to see if I can do more at home in Michigan, though everyone is saying MOVE there. I don't know I lived in Gainesville, years ago, and have probably old acquaintances, and my late step-dad's wife there, so it won't feel as strange to me. ;)

02-06-2015, 10:07 PM
Hi Bob, it is so good to hear from you! I can barely believe that two years have passed since sweet Lulu made her passage. I will hold you all in my thoughts on Sunday.

I'm so glad to hear about Stanley, and to know that Moo and the kitty girls are doing well. I wish you the greatest good luck with the job, although I do hate to think of you being away from home for such long stretches. Hopefully things will end up resolving before long so that you all will be able to be together for good.

I am really glad you stopped by today. Please let us know how things work out with the job, OK?

Sending my best wishes and warm thoughts your way!

Bo's Mom
02-07-2015, 04:08 AM
Hi Bob,
I still remember so very vividly how we lost our loved ones that day, February 8th. Pain still digs deep as not a day goes by that I don't think of my sweet Angel Bo.
I know all our angels are sweet souls making their pawprints all over the Heavens.
Good luck on everything and keep us posted. I will light a candle in memory of sweet Lulu.

02-08-2015, 12:32 PM
Bob and Belinda, thinking of you both today and also your two angels.

In loving memory of Lulu and Bo, precious spirits forever missed and forever honored.

02-08-2015, 02:04 PM
I'm am thinking of you both as well. Our hearts forever bonded together I think, through our beloved dogs.

Squirt's Mom
02-08-2015, 02:09 PM
It's good to hear from you, Bob, and you too, Belinda. So many precious babies now across the Bridge watching over us. Time marches on, we heal in bits and pieces, but we never forget.

molly muffin
02-10-2015, 09:10 PM
Good to hear from you. I hope you get the job. Florida in the winter wouldn't be such a bad deal. :) :)