View Full Version : Overwhelmed by the possibilities...

Ginger's Mom
05-09-2011, 05:19 PM
I don't know where to start, but I have a lot of questions before I have an appointment with a dermatological vet and they're supposed to call today to schedule me.

I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but I want to give you as much information as I can. I'm very worried about our dog and freaking out about this a bit.

Our dog, Ginger, is a 10 year old-mixed breed 47 pound dog. She has a history of liver problems of unknown origin, and is on prescription hepatic diet food. She had an abrupt rise in one of her liver numbers a number of years ago with no known reason. Treatment with several prescription medications and Milk Thistle brought her numbers back into the higher ranges of "normal" within a couple of months. As it edged up a bit, we added Milk Thistle back in once a day as maintenance and her numbers have maintained high normal.

Last August or September, we noticed that she had tiny tufts of hair coming out in a few places that had bits of dry skin attached. There was a small area of hairless skin with dark pigmentation. We took her to the other vet in our office, since our regular vet was out and she did a skin scraping and thought it was a bacterial infection and gave her antibiotics. We had a dog years ago who had that happen and it turned out to be a food allergy, so we weren't terribly concerned. The spots we noticed seemed to disappear and we didn't think about it again until we noticed several more spots. At that point, our regular vet decided to send blood out for an allergy test, which would take four weeks. He told us that if it wasn't an allergy, it could be something like a particular type of skin cancer. He felt that it was most likely an allergy. Our mistake at that time was that we didn't search through her coat to see how much there was. I feel like an idiot now. But between our previous allergy experience with another dog, and not wanting to freak ourselves out about skin cancer, we just didn't do it.

The allergy tests came back negative, and he doctor called us in and said that he wanted to do a ringworm test just to eliminate the possibility. It was supposed to take up to two weeks to turn positive but turned within two days. It turns out that underneath her fur, she was just covered in these dark areas with hair coming out. We started topical treatment, but it would take us two hours with a flash light and q-tip with ointment to do her, and we just couldn't possibly keep that up -- either for us or for her. And we couldn't put the ointment in any place she could lick. So, our vet consulted with a dermatological vet to find which of the anti-fungals was the least hard on the liver. By then she was so covered that we were warned that it would take months to clear. She's been on Fluconazole for almost 5 months.

She's also being treated with anati-fungal shampoo, and now just once a new topical which is supposed to kill both the spores and the fungus in a single application for less severe cases. The ringworm seems to be going away, the skin healing and starting to return to its normal color in some places and getting much worse in others. We have been cleaning clothes, bedding (ours and all the pets), and carpets with anti-fungal additive. The disruption of all the excessive cleaning has caused stress-related (the vet suspects) UTIs in a couple of our other pets. This ringworm just won't go away and we can't have people with pets visit us, can't have our parents over because we've been advised that people who are older or have weakened immune systems are very susceptible. It just isn't going away and it's taking a toll on us.

Finally, we asked for a referral to the dermatological vet, which we also should have done before this. I didn't even realize that the derm vet was local, and again I feel dumb for not doing this sooner. Our regular vet also ran a panel of blood tests to send to the derm vet for us. This is when we found out we may have another problem.

Blood tests after 6 weeks or so showed no change in liver tests. Blood tests this week DID. Her Alk Phosphatase is now 718, when it had been 67. Her ALT which should be between 10 - 100 is at 101. I believe the ALT is the number that was bad several years ago, but I can't find that info offhand. The other thing ithat has changed is that her Thyroid number which was 1.8 in November is now only 0.8. This is when our vet called us back and told us that it could be Cushings Disease. The medication side effects I've read about here scare the heck out of me.

He told us that the derm vet will probably want to run a ACTH stim test and do further thyroid blood tests as well.

Ginger doesn't have many of the symptoms of Cushings and some she does have seem likely to have a different explanation as follows:

1) Low thyroid numbers.
2) Black patches on skin, hairless areas. Was presumed to all be caused by the ringworm.
3) Food guarding. She has ALWAYS done this, but it seems to have increased slightly in the last couple months.
4) Paper eating. I honestly don't think this one is related. She has done this most of her life, and though it has increased lately, it is not a hunger thing. She will do this when she has food available, but only when we leave the house. She's had separation anxiety issues before, and we think that the issues surrounding the ringworm -- excessive house cleaning, less petting so we don't spread it, etc... are making the separation anxiety worse. She has gone through phases on this before.
5) Hind leg weakness -- she has always been a dog that has no sense of self-preservation and will continue jumping on an injured leg (We absolutely try not to let her do that!). She has a partially torn ligament in a back knee and arthritis, so that could be responsible for most or all of this problem.
6) Increased panting. My husband and I differ on how different we think this is from her norm. She is definitely not panting all the time or at night.
7) Food stealing. She will steal our other dog's food if we leave it down when we're gone. But again, this is something that she has always tried to do. We have only had a second dog for a little over a year, but when she was young, she used to do that with the cat's food if we didn't put it in an inaccessible place. I really believe this one is solely personality. She's not hungry so much as wants something other than her prescription food which may be in her own bowl untouched.

She doesn't have the sagging belly, excessive thirst or urination, or excessive hunger.

Sorry this has been so long, but I'm trying to figure out before we go to the dermatologist what we should ask to have tested? And what other questions we should ask. We've got four pets, three of whom have medical issues (the other two are an 18 year old cat who has a variety of things going on that we almost lost last summer and a dog whose eyes don't produce tears). Between the three of them, we haven't had a week since August or September that we haven't had 1-3 vet appointments. And this ringworm just won't go away and is taking a toll on us all. We want what is best for all our pets, and our goal is to get Ginger treated for whatever it is that is wrong with her and to get her off this medication that may be responsible for the rise in her liver numbers if that can be done and still deal with the ringworm. I would rather pay more for additional tests up front if you think that is wise and wouldn't be hard on her, rather than go through iterations of inconclusive tests.

So... Besides the ACTH stim test and additional thyroid testing, what tests do you recommend I ask for? What other questions would be pertinent for me to ask that I haven't covered here?

05-09-2011, 05:58 PM
Hi and welcome from Corky and me.

You have found a wonderful group of very caring, supportive, and knowledgeable people.

I'm sorry that Ginger is experiencing so many issues. Before going through testing for cushings, you might want to consider having a UC/CR test, which is a urine test, that could either rule out cushings, or could give you a basis for having additional tests done.

Others will be along that will have additional information.


Harley PoMMom
05-09-2011, 07:47 PM
Hi and welcome from me as well. I am so sorry your sweet Ginger is having these issues.

I have never dealt with ringworm so my advice on that problem is very limited.

From what I have read, treating ringworm should not take 5 months to clear. :confused:

The drug with which you are treating, Fluconazole, can cause elevations in the ALT.

Until Ginger's ringworm is cleared up, I believe, I would hold off on doing any Cushing diagnostic tests. Stress and any non-adrenal illnesses will cause an elevation in cortisol so you may get a false positive on any Cushing's diagnostic test. Also, strong symptoms such as excessive urination, drinking and/or hunger are a huge part of making the diagnosis, and a Cushing's savvy vet will not initiate any treatment without strong symptoms and a proper diagnosis.

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions and know we are here for you and Ginger.

Love and hugs,

Ginger's Mom
05-09-2011, 11:28 PM
Hi Terri and Lori,

Thank you so much for replying!

The problem with waiting to test for Cushings may be that I gather from what my vet said that if Ginger has Cusing's disease, that could be an explanation for why her ringworm isn't going away. And from what I've read, my husband and I are wondering how much of this is really ringworm and how much is the skin discoloration and hair loss issues that Cushing's can cause.

We do know that she tested positive very quickly for ringworm, and our 18 year old cat got two or three spots of ringworm (that we successfully treated topically), and since she's an indoor cat that seems to confirm that Ginger had it as well. But now I wonder if the skin issues are really still ringworm at all or if they are, if there's any possibility of recovery with Cushings. I don't think we'll be able to leave her on the anti-fungal because of her liver.

As my title said, I just feel overwhelmed by all the possibilities of what is and isn't going to happen.

05-10-2011, 05:05 AM
Hi Ginger's mom,

welcome from me as well :)

Having had to battle ringworm twice, I know all about how difficult and demanding it is to get it under control :eek: Especially in a multi-pet household. Ringworm is so extremely contageous that once 1 animal has it, all animals need to be treated. And the fight to stop the spores is a real battle :( Spores can survive for one to several years in the environment so that needs a very thouroug and strict cleaning routine that must be kept up a long time after the ringworm has gone (visiually) Also, from what you wrote, it seems that Ginger might have a long(er) coat? In that case it is advised to shave the entire coat off.

Here the treatment is bathing every 3 till 4 days (with a shaven off coat) with usually Imaverol. Just treating the affected spot will not cut it. The ringworm may already be busy settling at other areas but you just don't see it yet so therefore the dog should always be washed completely.

The cleaning regimen is horrible but absolutely neccesary. It means vacuuming every day and getting rid of the bag when you're done vacuuming. It means cleaning all surfaces with a chloride solution (1 : 10) floors, walls, kennel/crate etc. It also means that everything that can't be cleaned with the chloride solution like for ecxample couches, rugs, clothing, bedding, inside of the car etc. should be washed and cleaned with a solution of the Imaverol or with Incidin perfect spray. It has to be added/sprayed to your laundry, bottom of all shoes, etc. Food/waterbowls need to be sterilized, collars/harnesses, leashes, brushes everything should be treated. Not once but constantly. All this to prevent re-infection through the spores.

I know, it's not easy and wish I had some "easier" news for you, but if it is indeed ringworm, this is what it takes to get rid of it unfortunately.

Hope the dermatologist will have some answers for you and Ginger,

Best of luck,

Saskia and Yunah,
The Netherlands :)

Ginger's Mom
05-10-2011, 05:10 PM
We spent quite a while at the dermatological vet. She thinks that there is a reasonably high chance that this is one of two types of lymphoma of the skin. :( We're heartbroken. There may or may not have ever been ringworm involved, and she thinks that Cushings is unlikely.

They took skin scrapings to check under the microscope and took cores of skin for biopsy from three sites. It will take up to 14 days to get the results back. There is a slight chance that it's a non-cancerous skin condition that can present the same, but that condition is very rare. And testing for Cushings has been back-burnered until we get these results back, because she feels that the lymphoma is far more likely.

Thank you all for your help and kind thoughts. I will come back to let you know what the results are, and I'll remember your site for anyone I come across who has a dog with Cushings.

Squirt's Mom
05-10-2011, 05:38 PM

No matter what these test results show, you and Ginger are family now and we will be here for you. Please, do not feel as if you no longer belong simply because she may not have Cushing's after all. There are forums devoted to canine cancers and if needed we will help you find some good ones. Some of our members here have dealt with lymphomas themselves and I am sure will have some experiences to share.

I am glad the Cushing's has been put on the back burner for now. With all that she has been dealing with to start with, the results could easily have been inaccurate anyway. BUT, no matter where else you may need to seek info and support, you will always be part of our family and we will want to know how things are going.

Please know we are here anytime. Sending many prayers, positive thoughts and healing white light.

Leslie and the gang

Ginger's Mom
05-10-2011, 05:43 PM

No matter what these test results show, you and Ginger are family now and we will be here for you. Please, do not feel as if you no longer belong simply because she may not have Cushing's after all. There are forums devoted to canine cancers and if needed we will help you find some good ones. Some of our members here have dealt with lymphomas themselves and I am sure will have some experiences to share.

I am glad the Cushing's has been put on the back burner for now. With all that she has been dealing with to start with, the results could easily have been inaccurate anyway. BUT, no matter where else you may need to seek info and support, you will always be part of our family and we will want to know how things are going.

Please know we are here anytime. Sending many prayers, positive thoughts and healing white light.

Leslie and the gang

Thank you. That really means a lot to me!

05-10-2011, 08:38 PM
I have been reading what's going on with Ginger & am saddened to learn that you may be facing a lymphoma diagnosis. If it is, indeed lymphoma, I can offer you some hope, I think. Please keep us posted or you can PM me anytime through the forum.


05-11-2011, 02:06 PM
I'll cross my fingers for you and Ginger :o

Jeff & Angel Mandy

05-13-2011, 08:11 PM
My name is Bev and I have a 12 and a half year old maltese that I have had similar problems with. When I began reading your post I was thinking you needed to get a biopsy done but then saw you had one done.
Max's problem started about a year ago. I began seeing white spots on his skin, first time I saw it I thought he had gotten into toothpaste. It then was kinda looking like scally skin. I took him to vet and they gave him medicated shampoo. A month later he saw his vet cardiologist because of heart murmur. I showed to her and a vet dermatologist briefly looked at him and thought he should be tested for Cushings. 4 tests later (and 3 months) he was diagnoised with Cushings and started on Trilostane. At this point scabs had formed under white places and looked like scabs that were getting bigger and bigger. After treating for 3 months and his cortisol levels were in normal range, spots on his skin continued to get worse. At that point I requested a biopsy and found out Max had a type of lymphoma, skin cancer. I cried for a few days and then got myself together and started asking questions. That was 5 months ago. Please look at my pictures. I have pictures of his skin and then more pictures after he received chemo.
Just wanted you to know that there is hope and treatment out there. Sadly, Max has stopped treatment, my baby weights 6 and a half pounds which made treatment hard. But at the moment he is doing real good, we are getting ready to go on walk as soon as I finish this.
I will pray for you, I understand where you are. Would be greatful for it to be Cushings causing skin problems.
The thing that helped me the most through all this is educating myself with the help from the kind people on this site. When tests are done and results given it has helped ask the right questions.

Keep your chin up,

Ginger's Mom
06-02-2011, 11:16 PM
So, an update on Ginger's situation...

The biopsy came back and much to our surprise and the vet's it was NOT skin cancer. They cannot make a difinitive diagnosis, but it appears to be Vasculitis -- which in itself is an immuns system reaction that is a symptom of something else. Vasculitis is a constricting of blood vessels and the blood isn't flowing well enough to her skin which is what is causing the patchy hair loss and dark and sometimes thick spots all over her.

They're trying to find the cause, because it's better to treat the cause than just the symptoms, but in the mean time we're treating the symptom. She's on a blood flow ehnahcer, and they may add a steroid, which is a usual treatment for it but not as good for her kidneys if they can get the blood flow enhancer to help enough on its own. They've tested her for the set of tick-borne diseases and those have come back negative. Sometimes vaccinations can cause this in older dogs, but usually a month or so before symptoms start, and hers were about 8 months earlier, so that is not in the running.

So far we're not seeing any changes in her visible symptoms, but she has been more playful in the last two weeks. That may or may not be coincidence, hard to say with the weather changes, AC use and all...

Thanks for your support and kind thoughts!

06-03-2011, 12:05 AM
Dear Ginger
First , welcome, you have come to the right place.
I went through similar experience with my Apollo. Before we come to any conclusions , I am giving two sites to read about what cushing is and what the symptoms are. It took me over a year to realize something was not right with my little boy. So before you jump the gun, read the sites and let us know what your vet says.
We are hear to help and support you. You are not alone.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

06-03-2011, 11:37 AM
I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers to you and Ginger. I'm hoping things will improve for Ginger.


06-20-2011, 01:58 AM
What wonderful news that it is not skin cancer!! :) Hope you get a diagnosis soon.

Good luck from Bev & Max