View Full Version : Natcho / cruciate ligament

05-09-2011, 02:59 AM
Hi all , been a while since i have posted .. just want to let you know NATCHO has had her other cruciate ligament ( opposite leg ) repaired on 19/42011 all has gone well . Had a full blood work done also to see if any other underlying problems were there ... but all tests came back good .
Vet has explained to me that she may loose muscle waist in back legs now , as she is not a young dog ... We have short walks a few times a day to exercise her , and our weather here in W A ..Is just beautiful, but we desperately need some rain .:rolleyes:..hope all you Mums had a lovely mothers day , :)....yours Catherine & Natcho .

05-09-2011, 04:05 AM
Nice to hear from you again Catherine.

Sorry to hear that Natcho had to have the other leg done but good to hear it all went well.

It's starting to get a bit cold here in Vic. but I suppose we just have to get used to it for a few months.


05-09-2011, 09:32 AM
Have uploaded some pictures ...of Natcho feeling sorry for her self ...;)
Since my Ebonie passed , have looked at other pups , including rescue ..but just cant seem to commit myself yet .
I think when i do it will be another chihuahua ...as we live in a 2 bedroom unit and only have a court yard out back , but have a park next door ..:)
Natchos leg cost us $1450 ...so far , my next baby will have pet insurance for sure. Vet tells me she will have muscle waist in back legs now, we have her on Sasha's blend capsules & injection of cartrophen each quarter .
She is a good patient ..and we love her dearly ,she will be 13 this November.
kind regards to all ;) Catherine & Natcho .

Squirt's Mom
05-09-2011, 11:45 AM
Hi Catherine,

The pics are so cute! Natcho is a doll! When Squirt had her knees done the first time they put red casts on both her legs. When she sat, she would put the red legs splayed out front (of course! :rolleyes:) then placed her front legs to one side or the other. We said she looked like a little model or something posing! LOL

Exercise is very good and will help with the muscle wasting the vet expects. If you have a place where she could swim that might be really good for her.

If I could send you some of our rain, I would gladly do so! If it doesn't stop soon for some time, we are going to be in real trouble with flooding. :eek: We have had a couple of rain-free days here but it is supposed to start raining up north again today and many of those rivers feed our rivers down here....most of which are already at or above flood stage. :( While up in NE ARK a few days ago, the National Guard, Arkansas Dept. of Emergency Management, FEMA, and Arkansas Search and Rescue came into town; they were enforcing a mandatory evacuation of 3 towns just east of where I was the day before I left in preparation for levees that were failing and rivers that were already cresting...and they haven't reached anticipated levels yet. The next week or two will be quite tense as we watch those river levels and levees up there. Yup, Arkansas weather is always interesting to say the least! :D


05-09-2011, 12:51 PM
Hi Catherine,

It's nice to see you back on the forum.

I'm glad that Natcho did so well with her surgery. I love the pics.

05-10-2011, 12:30 AM
Thanks guys ...i get sad when i visit ...the forum , so will keep in touch more often , ;)

05-28-2011, 05:47 AM
Natcho coming along fine ..three walks a day ..and naps in between :)
We went to Paws Central ( RSPCA ) Rescue today ..as we seen a Chihuahua x Fox terrier...4 years old , had been surrendered as owner was placed in home for aged .
We missed out by and hour ...she was lovely .;)..will keep looking , maybe another baby will need a forever home soon .Cheers Catherine .:)

Squirt's Mom
05-28-2011, 09:37 AM
Hi Catherine,

Good to hear that Natcho is coming along nicely. Is she becoming more active as she heals? The walks will be good for her, as you know. ;)

I have no doubt that when the right baby comes along you will be in the right place at the right time - because there is a baby out there that needs your loving care and no other. What a lucky doggy that will be! :)

Have a great weekend!
