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07-06-2014, 10:45 AM
Hello, everyone! Thanks for the good wishes. Trish, never heard the saying "box of birds", but I LOVE it! Of course, I am assuming that it is a good thing! I actually have 3 birds, but they are in a CAGE! :D

As per usual, nothing with me is ever simple or easy. I had my knee replaced on 6/26. I had a lot of nausea following the surgery and they had an extremely difficult time getting my pain under control. I developed some pneumonia and they couldn't get my oxygen levels to remain up in the normal ranges. They sent me home on Monday on oxygen 24/7!!! Tuesday, I was back in the hospital being tested for blood clots, due to pain, swelling and discoloration. That was negative. Saw the ortho on Wednesday. He said it was a very difficult surgery (due to prior injuries and surgeries) and that he was glad he didn't have to do it in his first decade of practice! But, on the plus side, he expects that I will have a very good result. I have a lot of swelling and still a lot of pain (taking Dilaudid and Oxycontin so I remain somewhat in la-la land), graduated from a walker to a cane. I have home health nurses twice a week, home PT 3x week, OT once a week. I see the ortho again on Tuesday and will probably have the million staples removed

Max has been an absolute angel. He was good for my sister and brother-in-law but they said they could tell he was really confused and worried. I thought he would sleep with them, but they said he slept under the covers in my bed every night. He has been the best snuggle buddy ever, since I've been home! He is always right by me.

Well, back to the couch and my ice pack. Thanks again for keeping me in your thoughts. Love you all!

07-07-2014, 08:17 AM
Thank you for coming to tell us you are ok, you know what worry warts we are!!!:o:o:o

Hopefully everything will improve and the worst is over. So glad Maxwell is being supportive:):):):) Ahhh the healing power of a snuggle bunny pup:D:D:D:D:D

Mary Beth, you so deserve a break now. I am rooting for your PT to go well!!!!

molly muffin
07-07-2014, 04:52 PM
Yay! Glad the surgery is over and you are on the road to recovery land vs la la land :) :) That's great news. I hope this one does the trick and no more surgeries needed. Ever! LOL

Thanks for updating us worry warts.

Sharlene and molly muffin

07-09-2014, 05:50 AM
Oh my gosh, that does sound a bit of a rocky recovery. Hope your breathing has come right Mary Beth! Great you have all that support at home. Awww isn't that Max just a sweet pea, snuggling up with you. I bet he is the best medicine of all! Look after yourself, take your pain meds and keep getting better!! xx

Bailey's Mom
07-11-2014, 03:10 AM
I am so glad to read you are on "the other side" of your knee surgery. I've never heard about anyone being allergic to nickel knee implants. I am SO glad you straightened that out beforehand. I am glad recovery is settling down a little bit and know you are happy to get staples out, as that puts you that much closer to being able to shower. I always feel so much better when I'm freshened up.

Hugs to you and Max. ( my "x " on my keyboard has gone AWOL and I have to count on spell check to be able to get an "x" to print out. Fortunately "x" isn't one key that is used real often!!) :p

07-11-2014, 03:49 AM
Mary Beth,
I cringed reading your post. Having seen my father through both knees, rotator cuff, several back surgeries - I remember the pain and how badly I felt for him.

Good boy Max!!!! They do know when something is wrong. Both cats watched me like a hawk after Daisy passed and Gracie still does. Our babies are more comfort than other humans because they are truly selfless.

Now that you're body isn't fighting other infections, hoping that the recovery process will get easier.

07-19-2014, 11:37 AM
I am having a much harder time recovering from this than I'd hoped. I can't even tell you how many times my pain meds have been adjusted/increased/changed and still do not have a handle on the pain. After over 3 weeks, I am finally just starting to be able to sleep for more than an hour or two at a time. My pain level is pretty high - much higher than I anticipated. I still have a home nurse that comes and in-home PT 3 times per week. The PT is grueling, but they say I am doing well.

Maxwell has been an absolute angel. He has never liked strangers (especially men) coming into the house, but he has been a perfect gentleman with all of the healthcare people coming in and out. It is like he knows they are there to help. He is always right by me and as has been such a tremendous comfort throughout this ordeal. Love my little old man dog so much!

molly muffin
07-19-2014, 12:13 PM
Oh Mary Beth, I do hope this healing recovery starts to get much easier for you.

Maxwell is a dear. He is so good and brave with all the people coming in and out.

Sending you tons of hugs and support,
Sharlene and molly muffin

07-19-2014, 02:19 PM
Oh Mary Beth, I hope things improve and your pain can be managed well. It is so important to have your pain under control before you have to do PT. I am so sorry it has been so hard for you. You need a break!!!

Maxwell is one smart boy. He knows when mama needs help. I am so happy you have him. Our boys are so dear to us both. I think they both are coming out of their shells, in a way,coming into their own.

Please keep us updated. I wait for your updates so I know you are ok.:)

Soon this will all be a memory and you and Maxwell will be strolling around the block!!!

Much love and many, many hugs!!

07-19-2014, 02:23 PM
Praying for your recovery. Maxwell what an Angel.
Sonja and Angel Apollo

07-19-2014, 05:14 PM
Mary Beth,
Max must sense that these people are there to help you. Daisy was the same way once she learned that mom's home healthcare aids were there for good reason. Sometimes the PT makes things hurt more but it's necessary. Feel better soon!

Bailey's Mom
07-20-2014, 02:46 AM
Hi Mary Beth-

Looks like you're right on schedule....sorry to say.:(:mad:
I have had too many surgeries to count in my lifetime, but knee surgery pain takes the cake. Most people cannot understand the level of pain, unless they've been through it themselves. The doctor cut through some important muscles in order to get the prosthetic in there. Those muscles are very unhappy right now. :eek:

I see you're trying different pain meds. They do work differently. I used Oxycodone every 4 hours...which was how it was prescribed. And I did not wait until 4 hours plus 1 minute! I do think that after two weeks, you will notice a positive change. The PT is very important, but I remember how maddening it was to be made to do those exercises so soon after the surgery and while experiencing so much pain. Be sure you medicate just prior to PT. And pt will exhaust you, so don't expect to do much but recover from pt afterwards. Icing is very important to keep the swelling down. I acquired a case of those packs that go in the freezer. I think that was 12 of them. That way I could keep 4 or 5 in there and one would always be frozen ready to go.

I remember the not sleeping bit. That is most annoying. I can remember sitting in a recliner and just saying to Bob, this pain is incredible. And that was with my Oxy. If you keep your leg elevated so that the knee is above your heart, it helps. Your whole life becomes all about recovery and once you understand and accept that.....that that is what your job is for now......for me it got easier.

Try to keep in mind that the worst is behind you. You still feel lousy, but the worst is behind you. :)

I'm sorry this is so hard.

Squirt's Mom
07-20-2014, 08:02 AM
Hey Mary Beth,

I am so sorry this is such a rough time for you. I can't imagine the pain you are dealing with. And I pray this is the last time you have to face this ordeal.

It seems a tad bit as if your body is doing what mine is - reacting to the years of devotion to our baby girls instead of it. We hold so much at bay for them without even being aware that when the need to hold our ills in is gone, the body rebels with a vengeance. Now it's time for us to learn to give ourselves a little bit of that TLC we so freely gave our baby girls.

Please take care of yourself, Mary Beth.
Leslie and the gang

07-21-2014, 08:42 AM
Thanks, everyone. I truly appreciate the encouraging words. Susan, thank you for sharing your experience with me. I am a little over 3 weeks post surgery and cannot believe the amount of pain I am still in. I have a high threshold for pain, so I was not expecting this to be so difficult, for so long. I am in constant pain and have gotten no relief. After the surgery in December, I kept saying something was wrong and it turned out I was right (that surgery did not work). I am terrified that maybe something is not right, although the doctor has said the x-rays look perfect.

I hope I just need to be patient. Thank goodness for Maxwell. He has kept me sane through this and I don't know what I'd do without him. He never leaves my side.

My torture treatment, I mean PT, is coming in a few minutes. Yay.

07-21-2014, 01:36 PM
I sure hope nothing else is wrong, MB. I hate to hear that you are in so much pain. Maybe try like Susan did with the ice and keeping your leg elevated. I remember Sus was in a recliner for a long time.

And don't be afraid to take the pain meds, you need them. Take them faithfully, don't wait an extra minute!!

Kisses to Maxwell- Maxwell take care of Mama just like you have been doing, such a good boy!!!!


07-22-2014, 05:55 AM
Gosh knee surgery takes it out of you, poor thing Mary Beth. Hopefully you turn the corner soon and it feels better. I hope there is nothing else going on with it. What a sweet boy your Maxwell is, such a comfort when you are feeling poorly when you can reach out and have a cute fluffy boy to pet... good for recovery I say!! You take care and yes I agree, those meds to be taken right on time so the pain does not blow out! xx

molly muffin
08-02-2014, 10:55 AM
Hi Mary Beth, checking in to see how recovery is going.
I do hope the pain has lessen somewhat for you and is reaching more tolerable levels.

I'm sure Maxwell is being an angel with you.

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-02-2014, 12:35 PM
Thanks for thinking of me!

I am still having more pain and swelling than I anticipated. Burst into tears at PT the other day, as I convinced myself that there was something not right. They tried to reassure me that I was making progress and that I needed to be patient. I saw my surgeon on Thursday and he said he is not surprised by the pain and swelling at this point. He said it is a "cumulative effect" from the prior surgeries and that it will take time and patience. He was very impressed that I have been walking without a cane or assistance for almost 3 weeks. Not perfectly and still can't do steps normally, but I can walk. I can't drive, yet, so I feel pretty confined. The hospital has a shuttle that takes me to and from PT.

Max continues to be an absolute sweetheart. He used to be "iffy" around my grandkids. He was afraid of them and they of him. Now he is totally fine with EVERYONE. My daughter says he is a changed dog. Anyway, he has been a real joy and has kept me sane these past few weeks. He is always right by my side and has done wonders with keeping my spirits up.

Just for fun, I did a DNA test on Max and am waiting for the results. He is a JRT, but groomers and vets always say his teeth are the size of a German Shepherds! Coincidentally, the breeder I got him from also bred German Shepherds. He is also a bit stockier than most JRTs. Anyway, I just thought it would be fun to read the report.

Hope everyone is well and enjoying their summer!

08-02-2014, 04:38 PM
Hi Mary Beth

So hard to see the small improvements but sounds to me you are coming along, walking unaided is a huge positive step so GO YOU!! I hope that swelling keeps coming down and you feel better. I guess when you had such a hard time of it for the last surgery your kind of expecting that again but reassuring the surgeon was kind of expecting it.

Wondering what Maxwell will turn out to be too, that will be fun to hear the results!! Have a good week you two, you boy is doing you proud being such a supportive wee man! Pats for Max and big hugs for you! xx :)

molly muffin
08-02-2014, 05:01 PM
I remember Susan, Bailey's mom, had some tough PT sessions. I think those are pretty tough to get through sometimes. You're being a real trooper yourself though, walking on your own and going to the PT and doing the things that you have to do to make things better and it will get better, so patience grasshopper. :) :)

Awww, Maxwell is a real love isn't he. Isn't that amazing how his personality has changed so much and he's become more socialized. I think maybe he has had to adapt since Allie is gone and he has likely taken his cue's from you on how to do that. That is a good thing, he is adapting and well it seems.

Now just concentrate on getting better yourself.

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-02-2014, 06:09 PM
I think it sounds encouraging, I know it can be discouraging but it really all sounds positive, Mary Beth and I think we can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Susan did have some hard PT so I think it comes with the territory and the past problems you had.

I cant wait to find out Maxwell's DNA. We did Koko's and we all wrote down our guesses and put them in a jar and had a special ceremony with the grandkids when the results came in. We were all wrong:):rolleyes: He is a SHIPEKOK- Shih Tzsu, Pekingese and Cocker Spaniel. Hubby tells everyone Koko is a one of a kind, very rare breed and there are only a few Shipekoks in existance:rolleyes:

Anyway it is fun to wait and guess and then get the actual results. So our guess is JRT and German Shepard? Cant wait to find out!!!

Hang in there, sweetie, I just know it will get better for you and I am so happy Maxwell has come into his own just like Koko. They both have stepped up to the plate as Alivia and Zoe trained them very well.

Big Hugs

08-11-2014, 04:56 AM
Hi Mary Beth

Hope this finds you feeling a bit better and in less pain!! What breed did Max turn out to be?? Hope the PT is going well and the knee is loosening up! x

08-12-2014, 10:52 AM
me too, did you get the DNA report?

how are you both doing?

08-17-2014, 03:46 PM
Happy 14th birthday to Maxwell Jake!!
Time goes by so fast! And now, the long awaited DNA test results...hint...Max is NOT the purebred Jack Russell Terrier I was told he was. :confused::
Drum roll, please. He is 1/2 Russell Terrier (Not Parson Russell Terrier, which is the name JRT was changed to when they were accepted into the AKC) and he is 1/2 Border Terrier, DALMATION and mixed breed. The breeds in the "mixed portion" in the order of most likely are: Sealyham Terrier, Pekingese, Norwich Terrier, Catahoula Leopard Dog (Huh?!) and Miniature Bull Terrier. He may contain one or more of these, but not all.

The funny thing is every time I get Max a summer haircut, his black dots show and I call him my little Dalmatian! So funny that he actually is! :D That may also explain his BIG teeth! Anyway, I would not change a thing about him! Love that little guy!!

As for me, I am still not doing as well as I should be at this point. I can't drive, walking is hard and I still have a lot of pain and swelling. I saw my ortho on Thursday. He said the x-rays "look" good and he still expects a good result but he can't explain why I am having so much pain at this point. I had several surgeries on this knee 20+ years ago and that makes this surgery more complicated. He wants me to see another ortho on Wednesday for a second opinion and to make sure he is not missing anything. PT is on hold, for now, until I see the second doctor. Fingers crossed that this is NOT as good as it gets because if it is, I am in big, BIG trouble.

Squirt's Mom
08-17-2014, 04:03 PM
Happy 14th Birthday, Max!

molly muffin
08-17-2014, 05:09 PM
Happy birthday maxwell!!!

Well isn't that something. It always seems to hold a bit of surprise when those DNA results come in. Interesting combo that makes your maxwell truly a unique little guy.

I hope this isn't as good as it gets either. It shouldn't be so hopefully they will figure this out and get you back on track

Sharlene and Molly muffin

Budsters Mom
08-17-2014, 05:49 PM
happy birthday maxwell!!! :D:D:D

08-17-2014, 07:01 PM

Dalmatian!!!! Who would of thought that one? Lots of terriers in those genes too!!!:):):):):) What fun to get the results!!!!!

Maxwell, you are truly a one of a kind!!!

Phooey that you are not doing better, Mary Beth.:(:(:( I sure don't like to hear that. I am glad you are going for a second opinion. Do you think it could be the therapist for PT? Not all are created equal. I seem to remember Susan having one that hurt her and she switched.

08-17-2014, 08:15 PM
Hmmm, Addy, a Shipekok? I guess that would make Max a Russebordamatian. Definitely one of a kind!! :p

He was sold as a purebred JRT (now known as Parson Russell Terrier), but he has no JRT in him! He is half "Russell Terrier", which is a similar breed, but shorter. Oh, well. It just makes him more special! :D

Alivia, on the other hand was definitely a purebred JRT/Parson Russell Terrier. The man that bred her mother was super picky about who she bred with. There was no doubt in my mind about her.

I am hoping the second doctor has some ideas, or at least can say with confidence I will improve in time. If I knew that for sure, I could deal with the issues now.

09-02-2014, 06:58 PM
Hmmmm, I think we need an update:):):):):)

How are you and Maxwell?

09-02-2014, 07:47 PM
Oh No... I missed Max's birthday.... YES we do need an update Mary Beth, I so hope you have seen improvement and your leg is healing! xxx


09-03-2014, 08:27 PM
Thanks for thinking of me, Addy! The last 2 months have been rough, REALLY rough. Finally this past week I feel like I have turned a corner and I am finally improving!! Conventional PT was making my knee worse - both with pain and swelling. So, my ortho had me stop. I started going to acupuncture and researching other options (Hmmm....where do you think that comes from?). I found a therapist that does aqua therapy and "hands on" therapy. My first visit was today and there has been some improvement already! He said I have a ton of scar tissue from 5-6 surgeries over the past 20+ years. He is doing deep tissue massage that hurts like &%$* to break up the scar tissue, but the range of motion has improved already so I am soooooo optimistic that I will finally be better than I have been in a very long time! The water exercises feel great. So happy right now! :D

Maxwell has been an absolute sweetheart throughout all of this. He is an amazing little snuggler. Love that little old guy so much. Of course, I miss Alivia tremendously. I know that will never change. It helps to know that she is no longer in pain, but I still can't help when the tears come. I know you understand. Hope her and Zoe are soaking up the sunshine and keeping everyone in line.

Think of all of you often and hope everyone is doing well.

09-03-2014, 08:28 PM
Thank you, Trish!!! Max was 14 and still doing GREAT!!! He just got a shave and a haircut yesterday and is looking quite handsome! I will post a picture!!

09-03-2014, 08:47 PM
I just posted a picture of Maxwell. He looks quite handsome for being 14 years old, if I do say so myself! :D

09-04-2014, 10:23 AM
Mary Beth, Maxwell is a good looking boy and does not look his age at all!!!

I am so pleased to read your update. I hope the water therapy helps along with the new therapist and acupuncture. I just know you are now on the road to recovery!!!

Did I tell you I found my exercise sheets and instructions from when my arm was frozen about ten years ago? Most of the exercises were the same as I was doing for my fracture. The problem was, the last time they had me doing the exercises less frequently, not twice a day or daily. This last time, PT had me doing so many exercises so often it was causing me more and more pain. So sometimes PT helps, sometimes I think it can hurt as well. So good for you for looking for a change to help yourself get better:):):):):)

Keep us updated ok?

molly muffin
09-04-2014, 10:31 PM
Yay. So glad you have found something that is helpful! It isn't always that what works for one works for everyone. This sounds much more helpful.
Aww maxwell is a darling

Sharlene and Molly muffin

09-13-2014, 04:12 PM
A new addition to the family! Max has been lonely since losing Alivia and I have been worrying that after having me home for 3 months, he'd have a really hard time when I go back to work. But, I was not ready for another dog. I took Max to Petco to see the cats. I wasn't sure how he'd be cause he has never been close to a cat...he paid no attention to them and the volunteer said it was the best reaction he could have as he was "non-reactive". So, I started a search for the right fit and found a sweet, little kitten at the Humane Society. Her name is now Opal and she fits right in! She is less than 3 pounds and completely fearless. Max is doing REALLY well with her. He was even a good sport the first night when Opal walked right under him and started looking for nummies. :p Max follows her around and is very curious about her antics. They were even snuggling on the first day! I am amazed at how well it is going! I think her and Max are well on their way to becoming besties and, of course, I adore her already! We needed something good around here!! I posted a couple of pictures.

Squirt's Mom
09-13-2014, 04:53 PM
awww, Mary Beth, Opal is a doll! I had an all white cat named Baby who was born deaf. Baby lived to be 21 years old! I wish you, Max and Opal many, many happy years together!

Welcome Home, Opal!

molly muffin
09-13-2014, 09:42 PM
Opal and Maxwell are so cute together. I do hope they become besties and I know she will be company for him when you go back to work.

I hope your therapy has continued to go well and that you are making great progress with your knee.

sharlene and molly muffin

09-14-2014, 09:01 AM
I was so excited to read your post MB. I think Opal is the perfect tonic for Maxwell and I am soooooo happy for your family.

I do hope things are improving physically for you and love to picture the three of you getting in cuddle time.

I am off to check out the pictures of Opal Cat and Maxwell.

Big Hugs

09-14-2014, 04:57 PM
Hi Mary Beth

Love the pics, she looks very comfortable with Max already!! That's fantastic, funny how sometimes they just adapt immediately so it was meant to be :D:D so pleased Max has a little buddy to be with him when you return to work... you must be feeling better if you are thinking about that! xx
Big welcome to the family to OPAL!!

09-14-2014, 07:52 PM
Thanks, everyone! I cannot believe how well the transition of adding Opal has gone. The first 2 nights I put her in the bathroom with a bed, food, etc. The 3rd night I couldn't find her when Max and I were going upstairs to bed. Got upstairs and she was all comfy in my bed like she owned the place! So, that is where she has slept since! She has to have some part of her body touching Max and he is totally okay with it. She is absolutely fearless and has even stuck her head in Max's food bowl while he was eating! Lucky for her he has been VERY patient. I just got her on Wednesday and already I am able to leave them home alone and not separated. I was out for a few hours today and came home to find them sleeping side by side. I think this will be really good for Max. He is already a little more active.

Addy, what do you mean Koko cannot even have a goldfish???? :eek:

My new therapy is painful (they do a very deep massage to break scar tissue), but it is helping a lot. I have much less pain overall and my ROM is increasing. Definitely making progress in the right direction!! Such a relief!

molly muffin
09-14-2014, 07:55 PM
My friend was just telling me yesterday that the PT to break down the scar tissue for him was one of the most painful things he remembers going through. He said however, that once you get through it and the ROM starts to come back that it isn't nearly as bad as the breaking down part.

You can do this Mary Beth!

That is so cute about how Opal and Max are with each other. She doesn't know there is anything to be scared of, and so just has a new bestie and Max obviously is going with the flow and must think this little creature isn't half bad. :) :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

09-21-2014, 12:37 AM
Thanks, everyone!

I continue to be absolutely amazed at how well Max and Opal are doing together! Max is 14 years old and has never even seen a cat up close. He is being incredibly gentle and very patient. Opal will stick her tiny head right in Max's food dish and she still has her head!! Max will just back up and let her eat! She is good for Max. He is more active and sleeping less. :) I added some more pictures of the two of them.

This is very strange....Max was at the vet for dry eyes awhile ago. The vet prescribed Restasis, but Max acted like it burned and wouldn't let me use it. I used artificial tears several times a day which seemed to help for awhile, but then the green gunkies were coming back so I took him to the vet 2 weeks ago. His eyes were also very cloudy. The vet said he was not surprised about that, given his age. He prescribed a different eye drop. After using these drops for 2 weeks the green gunkies are gone and the strange thing is Max's eyes are noticeably clearer - almost like a young dog's eyes! Even a friend commented on it. Even stranger is at least some of his hearing has returned!!! Several people have commented on that. So weird, but definitely a good thing!

On another topic, has anyone ever tried using essential oils to help with Cushing's symptoms? I have recently started using them myself and love them. In fact, I became an independent doTerra consultant. There are four oils that are supposedly helpful with Cushing's when applied topically (Elevation, Lemon, Basil, OnGuard). Wish I'd known about them long ago, cause I'd certainly have tried them on Alivia! They are completely natural and pure, so definitely worth consideration.

Squirt's Mom
09-21-2014, 07:26 AM
ooooo please be careful with EOs and animals. I know you are taught by your dealer they are safe for them, but they are not. There is a liver enzyme that is required in order to break down the highly concentrated EOs - cats do NOT have this enzyme period and dogs have a very small amount of that enzyme (whose name I cannot think of right now!). Because of the lack of or minute amount of this enzyme for cats and dogs, the EOs build up in their bodies, often resulting in organ failure. Do a bit of outside research - outside the EO industry - and use them sparingly even on yourself...and not at all on your pets.

One thing beside this toxicity probability with EOs that really, really bothers me personally is the astounding amount of Life taken for one single drop of EO. It takes 100's of pounds of plant life for a very tiny bit of oil. Many, many, many times using the whole herb as a tea, tincture, infusion or decoction will provide deeper healing throughout the body as opposed to the EOs....and 1-3 tbls of herb is all that is needed to achieve maximum benefit VS acres and acres of plant life. ;)

09-21-2014, 10:19 AM
Hi, Leslie!

Thanks for the info! That is scary. I know there are recommendations that the EOs be diluted. I will check into it further. I should have known everything has already been tried and/or researched here!

As far as the large amounts of plants harvested, I disagree. As long as they are farmed and harvested responsibly, it is like any other crop in my mind. EOs have been used for 100's of years. Most treatments do not survive that length of time unless there are benefits (think bloodletting). My physical therapist introduced me to them and he uses them in his clinic. I have had a lot more success there than any of the MANY other places I have tried. Alternative treatments are not always bad. I have also been having acupuncture (done by an MD). Essential oils cannot be patented by themselves. Hence, they are not nearly as big of a moneymaker as chemical mixtures contained in mainstream medications. Sometimes it really is all about the money.

Squirt's Mom
09-21-2014, 10:23 AM
The amount of plants used cannot be disputed. No matter whether they are farmed or wildcrafted, many, many, many more are sacrificed for one single drop of EO vs other herbal preps...that often work better than the EOs. ;)

I created a doc about EOs for one of my herbal groups on FB but that group was disbanded and I'm not sure I saved that doc on my system but I will check and if I still have it I'll post the links here for you to look into.

Don't get me wrong - EOs have their place in the herbal world but they do not live up to the hype and the toxicity of them is often denied by those who produce and sell them. I use EOs in all my herbal salves....but I use no more than 10 drops to 10 oz of salve. ;)

Squirt's Mom
09-21-2014, 10:26 AM
ooooo I'm better than I thought! :D I actually save that doc! :p:p:p

Here ya go!

EO info













09-21-2014, 10:51 AM
Thanks, Leslie. I will check out these links later...don't have time right now.

I know it takes a lot of plant life to make EOs, but again, if it harvested responsibly and replanted (and grown organically), what difference does it make? Plants are renewal resources.

A lot of problems associated with EOs stem from "EOs" that have been mixed with other chemicals or synthetics to reduce production costs. They are not pure EOs. When all of a company's EOs are the same price, there is definitely a problem with the purity. And, yes, even without further research I know there are absolutely some EOs that should never be used on pets. Also, most pure EOs when used on humans are best diluted in a carrier oil as you indicated. You won't convince me that (for example) a "lavender" chemically scented product, whether for skin care or cleaning, is safer than one that contains actual lavender.

As with most things in life, common sense and much research should be done before making any decisions on things to use on humans and pets.

11-19-2014, 08:23 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

I am hoping you stop in and say hi and give us an update on you and Maxwell. I hope your recovery is going well and Maxwell is enjoying his new best friend.

We want pictures!!!!:):):):):)

11-19-2014, 02:22 PM
Animals can sense when other animals are friendly and dogs somehow know to be careful around kittens. Daisy was the same way when we brought Gracie home. Daisy hadn't lived with a cat before.

The Humane Society tested Bella with a cat and she was fine and has been great with them since we brought her home. Somehow those that don't consider cats prey just know to be careful :)

I've had deep tissue massage and it is agonizing but oh do you feel so much better afterward! I'm so glad that it's working for you!

12-28-2014, 12:53 PM
Happy New Year Mary Beth!

I hope you, Maxwell and Opal are fine. How are things going with your recovery? I'm hoping you are walking just fine now.

We are fine and Koko continues to be my sweetheart just like Maxwell is yours. Unless Opal is his new bff :)

Koko has to remain an only child. I may allow him to get a goldfish:D

Love ya

02-14-2015, 11:57 PM
My Dear Cushing's Friends,

It has been awhile since I have been here; sometimes it is just too hard. On this, the first anniversary of my sweet Alivia's death, with tears streaming down my face, I needed to be here. I miss her so much.

I was sorting through some stuff today and quite by accident I came across the two tiny envelopes the funeral home gave me with tufts of Ali's fur. One is a piece of the longer fur that always grew on her neck and the other is the tiny black dot she had on her back that I always called her beauty mark. The envelopes are taped shut and I have never been able to bring myself to open them. It seemed so strange to come across them today of all days. Maybe it was Ali's way of saying hello to me. Unfortunately, all the memories of that final day came back. That little dog has a part of my heart and always will. She will always be my special Valentine.

Max is doing good. Showing his age a bit, but overall very healthy. He will be 15 in a few months. He is too nice to Opal and lets her get away with anything. She will eat his food and he sits back and lets her. She is company for him, though. My daughter said he needed another bossy female. It is very strange that Opal seems to have some of Ali's characteristics. Maybe that is why I was drawn to her and why Max is so tolerant of her.

I am still going to PT for my knee but I am doing really good. Pain has DRAMATICALLY improved. They are still breaking up scar tissue, but it isn't nearly as painful now. I am walking well and the range of motion continues to improve.

I hope everyone here is well and staying warm! It is BITTER cold in Pittsburgh this weekend. Currently the wind chill is -10 and we've had snow off and on all day.

02-15-2015, 08:44 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

Firsts are hard, I too keep finding reminders of Zoe throughout our house, one year later.

My thoughts are with you on this hard anniversary. I'm so glad darling Maxwell is doing just fine and that Opal is well too.

Thank goodness your pain has improved. With all the horrible weather this winter, I am relieved your knee is better. Think Spring, it has to come soon.

I iimagine our girls are flashing their beautiful eyes all over heaven.
They both had such lovely, big black rimmed eyes, I can clearly see my favorite photo of Alivia in my mind's eye.

With much love, special memories and always a place in my heart, Mary Beth. I am so glad you came back to check in as hard as it was to do.

Squirt's Mom
02-15-2015, 08:59 AM
Thinking of you, MaryBeth. I know so well what you mean about those little surprises we find. Bittersweet treasures for sure.

I am so glad the knee is better and pray it continues to improve steadily.
Take care of yourself!

02-15-2015, 09:38 AM
Hey Mary Beth, I hope the sadness somehow changes to happy memories of Alivia.
Take care.

molly muffin
02-15-2015, 10:52 AM
Mary Beth so good to hear from you. Gads. It is already a year. :(. The anniversary so seem to be so hard. Just devastating really. It was one year after losing my Tasha that I finally found our Molly. I don't know why that particular anniversary became the right time. Maybe it just took that long to say good bye. Strange how the anniversaries can mean so. Much to our hearts.

Awww so glad max is doing well. I can totally see little miss opal ruling the house.

Wonderful that the pain has finally decreased and you have gotten so a lot of your mobility back. Knees and hips. They are a rule bugger as we get older. Sigh.

Take care of yourself.

02-15-2015, 12:52 PM
Thank you all.

I know that here is a place that everyone understands the loss all too well.

Most of the time I am okay. So happy that I had nearly 16 years with such an amazing little dog that came into my life quite by accident. I learned a lot from her and she changed me in many ways. I'd like to think I am a better person, in part, because of the love of Alivia. I was lucky we had that time together.

Opal has been good company for Max. He looks at her like she is crazy and does not understand her antics. But, she is good company and I love that when I come home from work they are laying together. She seems to be his ears now that he is almost deaf. She mothers him, like Ali did, by cleaning his ears and licking his face. I think that comforts him...and has kept him from eating her when she is being a brat and eating his food or jumping on his back. :)

It has been a rough year emotionally and physically. I am getting better, though. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Jeez...how much stronger can one get?!