View Full Version : Alivia was recently diagnosed with Cushing's - Alivia has passed

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06-07-2011, 02:53 PM
Mary Beth,

Im so sorry about Patches. I completely understand about your concerns with her being Alivia's sister. Between the loss of Patches, Alivia's crisis last month and Maxwell's "incident" you have really been put through the wringer. Take some special Mary Beth time if you can...you deserve it!

Loving Hugs Patches,
Rene & Snoopie

06-07-2011, 04:33 PM
Thanks, Rene.

You've been through quite a lot yourself! I think we could all use some GOOD news for a change! I've even begun to appreciate 'uneventful" as good enough!

06-09-2011, 07:11 AM
Just a quick update. I posted this on Addy's link, but wanted to mention it here, as well:

Alivia has a long history of licking her paws and butt area. She's had many vet visits because of it, including seeing a dermatologist, with little to no improvement. I tried everything under the sun (both prescription and supplements) with no luck. At times she's had her skin red, seepy and swollen. I took her off grain and there was a little improvement. I added a supplement called The Missing Link Canine Formula about a month ago and no more licking! No more stained fur and red skin! Maxwell gets it, too, and it has made his coat softer and shinier.

I am not sure why, but Alivia's cushing's symptoms are MUCH improved, too. She is not panting. Her appetitie is normal. Her thirst is normal and it's in the 90's here. Her fur from where she was shaved in the hospital is still growing VERY slowly, but as I already said, she's not licking! At this point, I don't think I want to rock the boat by starting any treatment. I hope I am not just in denial over all this, but I have suspected all along that whatever is causing Alivia's cushing's fluctuates. Her last blood tests were pretty good, too. Much improved. Right now I think I just want to continue doing what were doing and maybe get things tested in a few weeks and/or re-visit have the consultation with Dr. Peterson.

At least that is today's plan. ;)

06-09-2011, 08:42 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

I know about the Missing Link, it is good stuff!!!! I don't know if Zoe could tolerate molasses if I remember right. We gave it to the pup at work for a while, he has allergies, it helped him too.

If Alivia has no symptoms that are of concern to you, if she were mine, I would let it be for now.

I knew treating Zoe would be problems, I avoided it for a year. Her colitis bothered me more than her Cushing symptoms and worried me more until recently.

Enjoy her for now. You both deserve that:):)


Harley PoMMom
06-09-2011, 09:54 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

I believe your plan makes perfect sense. I truly believe if a furbaby is not showing strong Cushing symptoms than treatment should not be initiated.

Love and hugs,

Squirt's Mom
06-09-2011, 10:34 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

You got a good plan there, honey. The signs are an integral part of diagnosing and treating Cushing's so if Ali isn't displaying some strong signs and her cortisol isn't sky high, I wouldn't treat right now either. I have no doubt whatsoever that you will continue to watch her like a hawk and that you will notice any changes immediately. ;) Ali is in great hands!

Leslie and the gang

06-09-2011, 11:22 AM
Thanks, Addy, Lori and Leslie -

I greatly value your opinions as you all have more experience with this than I do, but my instincts are telling me to let things go - for now (even though I have a bottle of Lysodren sitting in my kitchen). I think everyone here knows things can change quickly. Leslie, you're right - I do watch her like a hawk. Probably too much at times! :o Lori, I don't think her symptoms right now are even strong enough to properly manage dosing with anything, let alone Lysodren.

Anyway, I am really hoping that Alivia gets some time off from vet's for awhile and she can just enjoy life as a dog! And, I can enjoy her, too! Right now she continues with her Amlodopine for high blood pressure and compounded low dose aspirin (she's been on those for several years). I added The Missing Link, with great results, and I recently started giving her Milk Thistle. That's it. Oh, I am also keeping her diet low fat. So far, so good. :D:D

Keeping my fingers crossed...

06-09-2011, 02:01 PM
Hi Mary Beth,

I agree with the others. I wouldn't start treating Alivia if the symptoms aren't there. I still have the Lysodren that Corky was originally going to start on, but his clinical signs went away and were in remission for 7 months. His IMS didn't want to start any treatment if the clinical signs weren't there. When Corky started showing symptoms again, that's when we started the Trilostane.

06-09-2011, 03:20 PM

Im soooo glad you found something that works for Ali! Are you using the Missing Link Plus (the ones with the omegas)? Sure is worth looking into.
Addy...Snoop can't tolerate molasses either...she had red yeast infection...but I couldnt find the label...do you know how much it has?

Mary Beth...If you are going foward with the milk thistle check out Biochem/Country "Liver Support Factors". It has both milk thistle and L-Methionine (ingredient in Sam-E) and other good things. The serving size is for 2 tablets so when you look at label cut the mg dosage by half if you are giving just one...perfect for small dogs! I get it at Henry's market and some supermarkets here but you can also get it online.



WOW...how the heck did I do that? That was suppose to be a link!

marie adams
06-09-2011, 03:57 PM
Hi Mary Beth,

Wow, how I know thinking about what happen with one dog makes you think all sorts of thing with another. I keep checking Ella all over for just things just in case.

You are the best at knowing when for Alivia.

Here is a (((Hug))) for both of you!!!

Squirt's Mom
06-09-2011, 04:03 PM
Oh, Mary Beth......honey, I went and got a bottle of Chocovine. My, my, my! Oh, that is some good stuff! :D I plan to curl up in bed about 6pm with a glass. :p

06-09-2011, 05:08 PM
It will be crowded in that bed cause we are all coming to have a glass:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Squirt's Mom
06-09-2011, 05:20 PM
I'll have 'em chilled and ready! :p

06-10-2011, 09:33 AM
Rene - I will check out that Milk Thistle - sounds good! I've seen others mention Sam-e here, but I am not familiar with it, so I will read up. What I am using now is a non-alcohol based tincture and her IMS calculated the dosage for me. I will finish this bottle and get her blood tested to see if it is helping any.

Marie - Hopefully, Ella will have a long, HEALTHY life and you can eventually just enjoy her without all the concerns that we all have here!

Leslie - See!!! I told you!!! I would have never expected ChocoVine to be so good, since it sounds a bit strange (and is so inexpensive). It is like dessert in a glass - very rich!! Glad to hear that you like it, too! I think we should all "get together" and have a glass! :cool:


06-10-2011, 11:26 AM
Now that I know my Maxwell is fine, and after reading Rene's hysterical Snoop story, I can now kind of laugh at what happened to us. There was a birds nest built on top of one the posts under my deck. Of course my dogs found it first and were sniffing it through the floor boards. I put a carpet on the floor over it so they would not traumatize mama bird and I delayed cleaning the deck so as not to disturb the nest. Saturday morning I let the dogs out and there were so many birds squaking that it reminded me of that old Hitchcock movie, "The Birds". Then Alivia barked her, "I'm telling on Max" bark and I suddenly remembered the... BIRD'S NEST! Ran out to find Max with a baby bird in his mouth, running up the deck steps towards me, probably trying to make a break from all the birds threatening to attack him! I'm screaming, "Drop it!" and he's completely ignoring me (and, Rene, he is NOT deaf!). So, I start trying to pry his mouth open and the poor baby bird is still moving but obviously injured. In my mind I'm thinking I am going to have to somehow humanely put the poor thing out its suffering. Max is holding on tightly, intent on bringing it in the house and also eliminating my worry of having to humanely euthanize the bird. So, I shut the gate at the top of the steps to keep him on the deck to save the two other baby birds frantically hopping around the yard terrified. Max is still refusing to give up his prize, so I grab the broom and point it at him and shake it. This scares Max and he drops the baby and runs for the door. I got Max when he was 8 weeks old and for all of his 10+ years he has been absolutely terrified of brooms and I have always tried unsuccessfully to reassure him there was nothing to be afraid of...well, so much for the past 10 years! I am sure he now thinks he has been right all along and there is a really good reason to fear the broom!

LOL...great story! That's a terrier for you...I've had to deal with "presents" like rats and birds on more than one occassion.....they are always so happy when they bring one back to you! I too, found the broom to be the best way to get them to "drop it"!

Jeff & Angel Mandy

06-10-2011, 03:54 PM
Yes, Jeff, that is definitely a terrier! A month or so ago, Maxwell, after trying unsuccessfully for NINE years, finally caught a squirrell. He deposited that one on the deck about two feet from the door, without the broom threat. I swear he came in the house with a smile on his face and a swagger in his step.

06-10-2011, 04:11 PM
Question for you guys. Since Cush pups seem to be so heat sensitive, has anyone tried those cooling banadanas and, if so, do they work? It has been so unusually hot and humid here that I thought it might make it more comfortable for Alivia when we go out. There are a lot of places that have them, but I meant something like this: http://www.cooldoggs.com/cool_doggs.htm

I'd appreciate hearing about any experiences with these and/or suggestions of which to get.


06-10-2011, 04:28 PM
P.S. - Same questions for the cooling pet beds that are available.

06-11-2011, 02:00 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

My dogs have always loved the coolaroo beds. The air can circulate from up underneath them and the heat from their body does not get trapped. You can put them inside or even in a play pool if your dog likes water. They are cheapest online if you shop the different vendors.

http://www.coolaroousa.com/view-products.do?category_id=Pet Products&nav=all

Also, my vet was the one that told me to put Snoop on the Sam-e when her liver enzymes were so high.

Sorry about spaming your thread with the picture, it was suppose to be a link!

Enjoy your weekend,
Rene & Snoopie

06-11-2011, 06:50 AM
Thanks, Rene. I have serious doubts if mine would ever get up on something like that. They are both very suspicious of anything new! :o

No worries! There were no pictures anywhere - just a link. (I would not have minded if there was a picture!)

I'm still thinking one of those bandanas may be worth a shot.

Thanks for the info.

06-11-2011, 07:24 AM
The cool beds work but only if your dog will actually get on it.

I have one that is mostly unused because the dogs all seem to think it is something evil and won't go near it. The only time I get to use it is in the car because I can place it on the seat before putting the dogs in their harnesses on top of it. The are attached and cannot get off it.;)

It does stay cool but it only works if your dog will use it.:D


06-11-2011, 09:12 AM
Thanks, Jenny. That is kind of my concern. Both my dogs are VERY suspicious of anything new. I put a low upoholstered bench by one of my windows thinking they would love to be able to look out the window...it's been nine years and neither of them have used it yet! I replaced the sofa in my living room and it was over a week before they would get on the new one!

I think I may try the bandanas.

06-11-2011, 11:41 AM
Too funny...our little cush pups are sooo suspicious. Snoop did the same thing at first. It was really hot when we got it. I put her "binkie" and some bedding from inside her her bed on it and hid her other beds that day. She got in and figured it out then pushed out the bedding! She now likes to lay all stretched out on it on her side when it is really hot.

Rene and Snoop

06-11-2011, 04:52 PM
Rene -

Maxwell is just as suspicious as Alivia and he has no excuse! :rolleyes: What kind did you get and what size? Your Snoop is about the same size as my Alivia, I think. Alivia is 18 lbs. and Maxwell is 22 lbs. (I always get two of everything!).

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and things are uneventful for all!

06-13-2011, 02:20 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

As far as I know they are all the same. Just a square elevated frame with the nylon mesh suspended over the frame. I got a large only because Snoopie likes to share her beds. The actual sizes are on the website so you can measure. Once they figure it out they lay on them to get cool. So, they lay on their side all stretched out. Just make sure your pups will have room or its a moot point.

Our belgian malinois was funny. He would'nt lay on the ground after having that bed. I think because it was "giving" and probably felt good on his old bones. He was a working dog and not much of a house dog so he slept outside. He even prefered it to the regular doggie bed in his dog house. When he got up there in years I noticed he was sleeping outside on the coolaroo instead of his dog house when it was cold. So I bought one of those plastic tupperware garden tool sheds and put it in there with is regular bed on top in the winter. That became his new dog house. I even put one in a childs plastic pool with water and he would sleep on it when it was hot! We have three and we put them in different locations.

Good luck...I hope the suspicious little buggers don't make you waste your money!

Rene & Snoop

06-13-2011, 07:48 PM
Hi Mary Beth,

Stopping by to check on Alivia and Maxwell. I hope the 3 of you are doing just fine!!!!:D

I'm dreaming of a Choooocoooovine, just like the ones I used to drink. Where the bottle glistens, and everyone listens, to that YUMMMMM sound that we all make:D:D:D:D:p;);)

Addy, Zoe and Koko

06-13-2011, 08:08 PM
Hi, Addy!

Love your song!!! :D

Well, I am a bit embarrassed to post my latest scare. Alivia was a bit "off" on Saturday. Then she had a green bowel movement, not runny, but definitely bright green. So, like any good cush pup mom, I bagged it up and started searching the internet for a cause. YIKES!!! Found a picture that looked EXACTLY like it - caused by a dog ingesting rat poison!! A million thoughts started going through my mind. How did rat poison get in my fenced yard? How did Ali get it without me seeing anything? How much did she eat? How much time do we have? Which emergency hospital would be best to take her to? Then it occurred to me that I had given her a new kind of bright green dental treat the night before....so, maybe it wasn't rat poison after all. :o But, just to be sure I am keeping a very close watch on her and at the first sign of blood coming out of anywhere we'll be on our way to a hospital. Oh, I did a thorough search of the yard, too, looking for any signs of anything out of the ordinary! You just can't be too careful. :rolleyes:

06-14-2011, 08:08 AM
Hey Girl,

My pups can get green poo of they eat anything green other than the Embark and Zeal (which is green)or Zoe will get green poo if she eats something outside (not rat poison) that is hard on her system.

Any change in stool color can indicate a bit of their system being out of wack. It should change back to normal color within 24 hours.

Was it soft or did it have mucus coating?

Always something;)


06-14-2011, 06:33 PM
Addy, you are going to get the reputation here soon as the "Queen of Poo"! :D To answer your question. it was a tad softer than usual, but not mucusy. Her digestive system is probably still off from the pancreatitis episode. I am usually much more cautious about what I give them and I should have known that treat was more than her system could tolerate. Happy to report no more green poo! But, aside from that, she just doesn't seem like she should. Her energy level seems very low and she doesn't have an interest in things she usually enjoys. She's not panting and not drinking or eating any more than a non-cushing's dog. Quite the opposite in fact. I think my worrying about cushing's has been completely replaced with worrying about pancreatitis. Is there a website for that???

06-14-2011, 07:30 PM
Addy, you are going to get the reputation here soon as the "Queen of Poo"!

How will that look on my resume?:confused::confused::confused:

How would I even explain that?:p:p:p:p:p

Maybe Lori will stop by or Leslie and give you some insight as to how long it may take Alivia to regain her strength. She was a pretty sick little girl.

Hang in there,
Love ya,

06-14-2011, 08:39 PM
I don't think you'd be able to explain that one! :rolleyes:

Today I had a very stressful conversation with the office manager of the hospital that completely missed the pancreatitis dx, and instead said it was arthritic changes in Alivia's back. I paid almost $700 that day and they basically did nothing for Alivia. After her being there all day, they didn't do an u/s like they told me they were going to and when they released her she was in so much pain she could barely walk. The vet wouldn't even come out to the front to answer my questions! She was too busy and said she would call me the next day with the radiograph final report. I NEVER heard from her. Alivia's fever was 104.9 and her amylase that day was more than two times as high as it was one month before. They tried to tell me her lipase level was normal that day, but obviously she didn't know I had copies of everything and they did not even check the lipase level in a dog at risk for pancreatitis and having severe abdominal pain!!! I withheld payment on a $500+ bill for the following day until there is a resolution. They offered to reduce that bill by $50 "as a courtesy"! Their lack of treatment could have killed Alivia and probably resulted in her being hospitalized longer. It's all too long of a story to tell here but one of the two vets that day is lying - one says she consulted Ali's specialist, Ali's specialist says she was not asked to consult. I had to pay another $1000 the following day to her regular vet because of them and that doesn't include the 5 days in the hospital! I have paid thousands upon thousands of dollars for medical care for Alivia without a complaint and would gladly do so again. However, the suffering they put Ali through that day is inexcusable. :mad: And to charge $700 when they did absolutely nothing right?! After I went through my whole list of things that they did wrong or not at all that day, the woman said she will check into it further and get back to me. I then sent a 4-page letter documenting it all. It just never ends. Stay tuned...

06-14-2011, 09:06 PM
Who owns the clinic? If the office manager comes back with nada, ask who owns the clinic and how to reach that person and then only deal with the owner, whether it be a vet or whomever. The office manager has to have a boss.

Go to the top, be calm, be polite, be persistent and don't give up. Document everything.


Squirt's Mom
06-15-2011, 08:24 AM
There is also the Better Business Bureau. ;) Document everything, including conversations about this with the vets, like yesterday. There is probably a veterinary governing board you could report to as well. Find out what actions are available to you and let them know you know what steps to take. ;)

06-15-2011, 09:08 AM
Addy and Leslie,

Those are great suggestions!! I may have to use them because I am not backing down on this. Thanks. Yesterday, I told the woman that I work with attorneys (I am a Registered Paralegal) and that I was hoping we could resolve this without their involvement. She quickly changed her tune and said she was going to talk to the vets involved again. I truly hope it doesn't come down to that, but I just cannot justify paying them $700 when they were so blatantly negligent. I KNEW what she had and I basically told them, yet they did not even fully persue that possibility?! They didn't check her lipase or do an ultrasound when I specifically left Alivia there for that reason?? They could have killed Ali and I really want them to be more careful in the future. If I can do something that at least makes them think twice about this, I'm going to. I sent them a 4 page letter (with attachments), detailing all the errors that were made and what THREE other vets told me the next day. I will give them a chance to respond to that and then determine my next step. I'll keep you updated.

06-15-2011, 01:40 PM
Just got a sweet as pie call from the Office Manager I fought with by phone yesterday. What an about face! She received my letter today and complimented me on putting everything so clearly in writing. She wanted to let me know that she will speak to both vets about the details outlined in my letter, but that one of them is on vacation this week. I thanked her for letting me know that and said I would wait to hear back from her. I think the point of her call was to keep me from suing them because their negligence cost me a lot of extra money. I am not settling for anything less than them refunding the entire amount.

06-15-2011, 07:29 PM
Go Mary Beth, GO

You are absolutely right!!!!!!!!

Love ya,

06-15-2011, 08:06 PM
Thanks, Addy -

She REALLY must have been worried because she called my cell phone and I talked to her from work. Then we I got home, she had left a similar sweet message earlier about how "helpful" my letter was on my answering machine. Funny how when they are calling with test results or returning my calls, they NEVER try more than one number - something that always annoys me. Her last sentence on the message was that she was going to discuss everything with the vets next week and she would get back to me ASAP and she hoped I'd "wait". I think she meant wait and not sue them yet, because I am pretty sure I would not have to pay that bill and I think they would probably end up paying some of my costs in addition to dropping the bill.

Nothing is ever easy, is it? It is bad enough worrying about Alivia's health, without this additional stress! It truly breaks my heart all the additional suffering they caused Ali that day and I am not paying them for doing it!

Off to relax with my babies (and maybe a bit of ChocoVine).

Love to you and Zoe,

Mary Beth, Alivia and the hunter (aka Maxwell)

06-17-2011, 03:15 PM
Small victory!

I just received a call from the office manager at the hospital. She said she spoke to the director of the hospital and they are refunding the full amount of the emergency room charges for the day they blew it - nearly $700.

I am not happy about any of this; it doesn't fix what happened, but at least I am not paying anything for the day they misdiagnosed Alivia and put her through so much additional pain.

06-17-2011, 03:28 PM
Hi Mary Beth,

I can understand how you feel. I'm glad that they at least are refunding your money for that day. I know it doesn't make up for the pain and suffering that Alivia and you went through. This definitely shows that they were totally in the wrong.

06-17-2011, 03:56 PM
Good job, Mary Beth! We have had members who refused to question their vet about what appeared to be blatant ineptitude for fear they would offend him/her. Nothing, and especially not a vet's ego, is more important than our dogs' well being so I admire you a great deal for not only being an excellent advocate for Alivia but for caring enough to teach this facility a lesson in the hopes that they won't repeat such an awful mistake. Considering the gut wrenching experience you went through and worst yet, you almost lost Alivia, $700 may fall way short of being punitive for this clinic but the results of your actions could save lives. How do you put a price tag on that?


06-17-2011, 07:22 PM
Thanks, Terri. I know the delay in treatment caused Alivia to get worse and I really believe it resulted in a longer recovery for her. I also learned that I will trust my instincts the next time (except I hope there is never a next time for this!!).

That truly is my hope - that the next time an animal is taken there in pain, they make certain that they do everything possible to figure out the cause. Being busy is no excuse to cut corners when it could mean life or death or even just unnecessary suffering. Quality care should always be the first priority. The thought of Alivia lying in that crate in the hospital all day, scared, in agony and suffering, while they did NOTHING, still breaks my heart.

Thanks for listening.


Mary Beth and Alivia

06-18-2011, 11:13 AM
Happy weekend everyone!

A couple of small victories to post today.

1) Alivia went in the car last night and we took a ride. Although she was a bit nervous at first, she seemed to relax and actually enjoyed it after awhile! I am making a point to take her out for more trips that do not involve vets.
2) Alivia wanted to play ball. I just threw it a few feet so she could catch it and only a couple times because it was tiring her out. But, she WANTED to play. ;)
3) This morning I was playing tug with Maxwell and Alivia brought a toy to join in!! She still tires very quickly, so I go easy with her, but at least she seems to be getting her interest in playing back. :D

Weird thing. Alivia's belly was shaved a couple MONTHS ago for an ultrasound. The fur never grew back so they didn't even have to reshave it when she had pancreatitis. An almost perfect circle of fur has finally grown back!! It is about 2 inches in diameter. I call it her crop circle. ;) I tried to take a picture of it, but she was very suspicious and thought I was going to do something awful to her. Anyway, I posted the picture so if anyone wants they can see what a canine crop circle looks like. Oh, and if anyone can think of an explanation for this, let me know! I'd love to do it to the rest of her belly and the three legs that were shaved for IVs!!!

06-18-2011, 12:39 PM
Mary Beth, this is good news. I am so happy Alivia wanted to play ball. I think we feel better when we see them playful, even for a few minutes. And the fact her hair is growing back in is very positive. Zoe's never grew back from her ultra sound, it has been a year.

I am so glad you got resolution from the emergency vet. I hope they think twice now and pay more attention to sick dogs coming their way. I am so proud of you.;)

Have a wonderful weekend enjoying your puppies and I hope your days are filled with many ball tosses:D:D



06-18-2011, 06:08 PM
Thanks, Addy.

But does a crop circle count as fur growing back? :p

06-19-2011, 03:02 PM
Yesterday, I ordered Alivia a cooling bed. It's a mat you fill with water and it is supposed to be cool to lay on. Remember how you could never sleep on an unheated water bed? Same principle. She was panting last night in bed and I couldn't tell whether she was just hot, it was cushing's related or she was in pain from pancreatitis. :confused::( Hopefully she'll use the bed and I will be able to differentiate when she pants in the future!

I also ordered both her and Maxwell cooling bandanas, too. Pink for Ali and Blue for Max! :cool: Hopefully they help.

Roxee's Dad
06-19-2011, 07:02 PM
Hi Mary Beth,

Saw your post on Addy's thread about vaccinations and grooming salons. Try contacting a Mobile Groomer in your area and explain the situation.

I am a mobile groomer and make many exceptions. The grooming salons do have liability issues to be concerned with because of other dogs that may come into contact. As a Mobile groomer, I / we do one dog at a time, no assembly line, cages or cage drying.

Note it will probably cost more that taking Alivia to a grooming salon... But the one on one experience for your pup is worth it ;););) LOL

06-19-2011, 08:09 PM
Mary Beth, I will vouch for John 100%, too bad he's not in your area. I switched to a mobile groomer after Harley's eye was hurt by the groomer at my vet's. She denied it, of course. By that time, Harley had become a real terror when it came to grooming as I think he was mortally afraid because he could no longer see well. I had one lady coming initially who seemed to be doing a good job, but in hindsight I really wonder. I can't remember exactly what happened but on her last visit she made the comment about Harley, "perhaps you should consider euthanasia". I was astounded, & thought, "lady, this is the last time you will be touching my dogs". I turned to John. John has loads of experience with what I like to call special needs & senior pups. If you want to try to switch to a mobile, I would explain the situation to them, & tell them you are looking for someone with plenty of experience. I basically interviewed several mobile services before I found the first lady, & when I told them that Harley was difficult, & might bite, they turned me down flat. Harley was even getting 1/2 tab of valium prior to grooming which helped slightly. When John took over, he didn't want him sedated, really didn't have a problem with him, & I threw the valium away. I offer the above so you know what to look for if you want to switch.


Sorry, Mary Beth, didn't mean to threadjack Ali's thread.

06-19-2011, 10:34 PM
Thanks for the info, John. What an awesome job you have! :)

Don't apologize, Debbie. I like hearing everyone's stories. Wow!!! I can't believe a groomer would say that! I'd never use her again either. Glad you found John.

Actually, since Alivia is a Jack Russell, she really doesn't require any special grooming. I used to take her once or twice during warm weather for a summer trim to a groomer who has been taking care of her and Max since they were puppies. She knows Alivia's health issues and she hasn't required me to bring a rabies certificate. She also will get her in and out so that Ali is as least stressed as possible. I only tried going to a pet store once when she wasn't available. Now, though, Alivia's fur grows so slow than I don't take her anywhere. :( I just bathe her myself.

06-21-2011, 01:21 PM
Oh John, this is good to know. If Zoe's groomer keeps giving me grief, I could try a mobile groomer. I didn't think about that. And she would not have to be there for four hours. Her groomer works well with Zoe but the office manager of the salon is forever pestering me about her rabies shot. Koko's place never asks for anything but I don't think it is a good fit for Zoe. She has her kids there.

Sorry, Mary Beth, don't mean to barge in and take over.;);););)

How are Alivia and Maxwell today? I think of your two often. Was Ali first to come to your family? Zoe was, then came Koko. Is Ali the boss of Maxwell? Zoe bosses Koko but when they are both waiting to go out the door, he squeezes right past her and always goes first.


06-21-2011, 01:44 PM
Hi, Addy ! No need to apologize! I like hearing from everyone and I have no problem sharing!!

Alivia actually has had a bit more pep in her step lately! :D I am so hoping this continues! Alivia came first and she was so perfect that I got another JRT two years later. :p (Ali is 13; Max will be 11) Ali spoiled Max rotten. She cleaned his ears everyday and always let him take things off of her when he was a baby. To see them, you would guess that Maxwell is the boss. Alivia is just very patient with him, but if he really annoys her, she'll put him in his place. Funny you mentioned KoKo being first out the door - that is ALWAYS Maxwell's goal. He pushes in front of Ali all the time! I love the differences in their personalities. Max is definitely a boy! He can be an annoying little pain in the butt and tries to act tough. But, he is actually a little sweetheart and afraid of a lot of things.

marie adams
06-22-2011, 02:25 PM
Hi Mary Beth,

So glad Alivia is feeling better. Good idea with the groomer info. Maddie didn't do well at the groomers so I found a place I could bath her myself--good bonding time even though it wasn't her favorite thing to do, but she felt better afterwards.

You asked about the desert tortoises--we have two that are 26 yrs old.--same age as our daughter. We got them when they were 3 yrs old. Both turned out to be males and they fight all the time. Maddie use to separate them and come get us to tell us they were fighting. We will see what Ella does--so far she likes to give them kisses and look for their poop--not sure what could taste so good about it, but Maddie like it too. :eek: They do not bite so that is good. They are very social and like to be petted. Ella started barking at them a little yesterday--just play barking like to get their attention--what a herding dog would do...:p

Have a great day!!!

06-23-2011, 12:51 PM
Hi, Marie! Interesting about the tortoises...so Ella will be herding tortoises?! I have a feeling they will not move fast enough to suit her. :)

Looking at the picture I posted on 6/18, I realized that Alivia has a bare belly from being shaved for an ultrasound, but Maxwell has a bare neck for some unknown reason! Initially, I thought his collar was rubbing the fur off because he jumps up a tree in my yard trying to catch squirrels. So I have been taking his collar off in the house for months and even most of the time when he is in my yard because it is very securely fenced. The fur still has not grown back! :eek: I also use harnesses instead of regular collars when I walk them. Maxwell has only been sick enough to go to the vet's twice in his entire life (He'll be 11 in August). He is extremely active and has no other symptoms other than the fur loss under his neck. Any ideas?

06-23-2011, 07:03 PM
Hi Mary Beth,

Does he scratch at his neck, does the skin look normal or is it red or flaky? Could be a flea bite, skin infection, allergic reaction to his collar, the start of hypothyroidism, a million things. Maybe his hair was getting caught in the collar?:confused::confused:

Probably best to see a vet about it if it is not growing back and you stopped using the collar, though hair follicles do have a cycle they have to go through.

Sorry to hear about Maxwell. Always something.


06-24-2011, 07:43 PM
Hi, Addy. No he does not scratch at his neck and the skin looks perfectly fine, not at all red or flaky. I don't think it's an allergy or an infection. The fur is only missing under his neck. It's a nylon collar, so pretty smooth and soft. I'll give it some more time and if the fur doesn't grow back, I'll ask the vet. I should have asked when he was there because he was sick a couple weeks ago, but forgot.

You're right! It's always something!!

Have a good weekend!!!

06-26-2011, 01:30 PM
Hi Mary Beth,

Just stopping by to say hello and see how Alivia and Maxwell are doing. You too;);)

I hope you had a restful weekend!!!!!

Have a great Sunday. The sun is actually out here. At least I think it is the sun. I seem to remember that is how it looked:p:p:p


06-28-2011, 08:47 PM
Hi, Addy and all. Just checking in. Shhhhh...I don't want to say this too loudly...Alivia is doing good. ;) Not really any significant cushing's symptoms at the moment - appetite is normal, thirst normal, no panting. There's even been a visible improvement in the cushing's pot belly! Her fur is still not growing much, though. I bought her a cooling bed, which is actually a waterbed mattress! She seems to like laying on it when it's hot. I even put it on my bed and she has a cool spot to lay on during the night when she wants to. I ordered her and Maxwell cute cooling bandanas, too. Thought those would be nice when we are outside.

At Rene's suggestion and after researching it, I started Alivia on L-Glutamine, 500 mg per day, about a week ago. Everything I've read says it is helpful for colitis, too - Addy, have you tried it for Zoe? You probably have, but thought I'd ask anyway!

Hoping everyone is doing well (and hoping I haven't jinxed myself! :o).

07-05-2011, 07:02 PM
Hi MB...Just making sure no news is good news....shhhhhh......;)

marie adams
07-06-2011, 11:32 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

Maddie took quite a few months to start growing back her fur once she got on a good maintenance program. It was different than her regular fur in color and texture, but I didn't care it was fur. She had evenly lost on her belly, under her front legs, the feathers on the back legs, and of course her under fur. It came back it just takes time. ;)

You are going a great job!!! :):)

07-16-2011, 09:38 PM
Hi, everyone! I am still around....just have taken a break from things for awhile. Alivia continues to confuse me. She has some symptoms of cushing's - her fur does not grow and she has a pot belly. She sometimes has rear leg weakness, but she can go up and down steps pretty easily. She is panting MUCH less and her appetite and thirst seem normal. She defintely doesn't have the stamina she used to have and seems to tire easily. She occasionally has a day (or just a few hours) that she doesn't want to eat anything. I still worry about pancreatitis or maybe the possibility that she has chronic pancreatitis. A month or so ago, I switched her canned food to Holistic Select. She seems to really like it and doesn't seem to be as finiky about eating it as she had been with some others. I still have doubts that she has just an adrenal tumor. When she had the LDDST she suppressed at 4 hours and 8 hours and according to Dr. Peterson, that is not possible for a dog with an adrenal tumor. :confused: I have been reading Kim's post about "pheochromocytoma" and I wonder... Anyway, I have been trying unsuccessfully to forget all this stuff. There is never a day that I don't worry and wonder what is going on with Alivia. Fortunately, she has not been bothered by anything enough that she's had to go to the vet's since her hospitalization in May - KNOCK ON WOOD. In fact, her regular vet called yesterday and left a message. He was wondering how she was doing, since it's been awhile since he's seen her and he thinks that we probably should consider running an ACTH test again to see where things stand. We are fortunate to have such a caring vet. The fact that he is one block from my house is an added bonus! So, I guess the ACTH will be soon - maybe next week.

So, not much has changed...I am as confused as ever! :eek:

07-17-2011, 12:45 AM
I just read your entire thread and there are some similarities to our stories though not identical.

Things they have in common: HBP, appetite changes, elevated sex hormones, rear leg weakness (intermittent), panting, shaking, spine pain, fever, licking of paws/butt, a HIGH baseline number on the ldds test

I have some questions -

1. Does or did Alivia drink abnormal amounts of water and pee alot? I mean buckets not 'alot' of water. IF she weighs 18 lbs then normal would be 18 oz of water a day

2. You mentioned cush appetite - did she breath between bites? Did she headbutt the trashcan or walk around looking for food like she was starved? What % of the time has her appetite been normal vs abnormal?

3. Is her hair thinning or just slow to grow back?

4. Did you ever have an acth test done? I never saw results for one, only the LDDS test. I would LOVE to know what her results were for it if you did have one (or more) done.

5. Have you ever noticed that her skin turns pink when she is feverish? Have you seen a correlation between fever and the panting and shakes? Have you seen a correlation between these episodes and appetite?

6. Can you feel her tummy gurgling? Annie's is coming from the lower stomach where her leg meets it.

I was so focused on cushings that it took me a long time to realize that Annie has cushings like symptoms because her body is producing cortisol to fight other issues. Her sex hormones are elevated I am sure (I never did the UTK panel and glad i didn't because it would have just been more confusing and irrelevant). I give her melatonin.

Annie's tumor is not always 'active' but when it is I know it. She shivers, sometimes is sweaty, her skin is red/bright pink. Right before the episode she stops eating. She sleeps alot/lays around because the episodes are exhausting. Her body emits adrenaline.

One night her breathing was so heavy I thought she was in cardiac arrest. She was panting and breathing faster than I thought possible and her whole chest was going in and out with each breath. The episode lasted about 5 mins.

Oh - Tell Dr Pedersen that a dog CAN have an LDDS test with suppression! I had TWO of them. Both times Annie's came back with a perfect curve diagnosing her with pituitary cushings. We did a catscan to verify - no pituitary tumor. Bottom line is that if a dog has other illnesses the tests for cushings can result in false positives. It happened to me SEVEN times.

Sorry for the long post but I had alot of questions. :p Give Alivia a big hug for me. She truly is a miracle dog. Kim

07-17-2011, 07:33 AM
Kim, thanks so much for taking the time to read all about Alivia. In answer to your questions:

1. Years ago when Alivia had IMHA and was on megadoses of Prednisone she drank and peed like a fiend - just as you describe. So, I do know what that is like. I would leave at least 8 puppy pads out for her when I went to work and come home to ALL of them being used multiple times. Now Alivia drinks a lot more than my other JRT but no where near what she did then. She (usually) gets up once during the night to use a pee pad. Most days when I am at work, although I leave one out for her, she does not need to use it. Initially, I attributed the night time pee to the fact that she is 13 years old.

2. I'd say her appetite has increased for Alivia, but not to the extent where she would get into the garbage or anything like that. She would eat her canned food faster than her normal. But, I always leave dry kibble out and she never finishes that, so obviously she doesn't think she is starving! Normal appetite - 60%, Increased - 30%, Decreased 10%

3. Her fur is extremely slow to grow back, but not thinned all over. Her belly was shaved for an ultrasound in March and is still bare. This happened before - her fur did not grow for a long time after having her groomed shorter for the summer last year. Then it suddenly started to grow and was just about back to normal. Now this. So, this too, seems to fluctuate.

4. She had an ACTH done with a full UTK panel in April. Everything was elevated before and after, except for Estradiol, which was always in the normal range. Cortisol was baseline 115.8 (2.1-58.8) and post ACTH was 249.0 (65.0-174.6); Androstenedione 3.90 (0.05-0.57) and post 7.85 (0.27-3.97); Estradiol 68.8 (30.8-69.9) and post 65.4 (27.9-69.2); Progesterone 1.09 (0.03-0.49) and post 2.55 (0.10-1.50); 17 OH Progesterone 0.91 (0.08-0.77) and post 3.25 (0.40-1.62); Aldosterone 222.1 (11-139.9) and post 414.5 (72.9-398.5). Her regular vet wants to do an ACTH now so she will probably have it done in the next week or so.

5. The only time I knew of her being feverish was during her pancreatitis. She stopped eating entirely (on her own) when that began. Her belly, since it is shaved, sometimes seems more pink to me than other times.

6. Yes, at times! When she loses her appetitie, I can HEAR it gurgling from 6 feet away.

The only time she has had scary panting breathing, as you describe, was during her acute pancreatitis and that was obviously from severe pain. Her symptoms have never been consistent. That was my biggest concern about putting her on Lysodren - I have no idea how or if I could know when she was loaded.

Alivia really is my miracle dog. When she had IMHA and I was taking her to Ohio State, they said she did things they could not explain and that they had actually thought were impossible. All of Ali's vets will say she does not have typical reactions/symptoms to anything. Even her pancreatitis results were not completely "typical".

Any thoughts? Anyone?

07-17-2011, 09:47 AM
Hi Mary Beth,I can only go back to what Dr. Allen at Dechra told me when I voiced concern about starting treatment for Zoe. "Cushings progresses slowly. The symptoms Zoe has will worsen and she will develop new ones."

Zoe never panted unless her colitis was bothering her, Zoe never drank buckets, she never asked to go out in the middle of the night. Her main symtpoms were hair/skin issues, the colitis (which always tested normal everything so IMS thought could be repeat bacterial infections and stress from Cushings) hind leg weakness and huge appetite. Even the appetite was not as bad as some.

I waited a year to treat her, trying to improve the colitis and watching for stronger symptoms.

Alivia has been through a lot. Could it be her pancreatitis was starting to act up when you tested her and skewed the tests? What are all her health issues then and now other than Cushings?

Can you afford more tests, other opinions? Can you afford another ultra sound? What will it take to convince you she needs to be treated so you are comfortable with your decision?

These are questions I asked myself and you may need to ask yourself.

Sometimes there is not a clear cut answer when you have other health problems going on with the pup. If we all had a pup drinking buckets of water and peeing all night it would be an easier decision:):)


07-19-2011, 03:58 PM
Addy, I wish I had answers to your questions. The problem is nothing has given us a straightforward diagnosis. And, Alivia has other symptoms/problems that are defintitrely not cushing's. She is not well again. She had no appetite last night and was in obvious discomfort - panting and trembling. I gave her Dramadol and it seemed to help some, for awhile. She had diarhea during the night and again this morning and was still in pain. It seems like it may be the beginning of another bout of pancreatitis. She has an appointment with her regular vet tomorrow (he wasn't in today). I really don't want her to end up back in the hospital because all they will do is restrict her food, give her pain medication and fluids. I think with her regular vet's help (he is one block from my house) I can do that at home, with less stress on her, as long as she isn't too bad. I would happily treat her for cushing's at this point, IF I knew that was what she had and if anyone could tell me it would help the possible adrenal tumor/hyperplasia/who-knows-what. And, if someone could explain why her symptoms are so intermittent. So far no one has any answers. :confused: I am really worried about her. :(

07-19-2011, 07:46 PM
DRAT Mary Beth,

I sure hope it is not her pancreatitis again. It seems like Cushings is going to take a back burner again. Maybe that is the way it is supposed to be.

Sending healing prayers for little Alivia.


07-19-2011, 08:10 PM
Did you mean Tramadol vs Dramadol? If so I can explain the diarrhea!!!! My worst nightmare was the night my Haley was given her first dose of tramadol... vet went with the normal dosage recommended and that drug will kick your butt... opiate... my dog was walking around all night into walls and standing and staring at walls, couldn't quit walking... i went to bed and just let her walk and woke up at 2 am to a house full of diarrhea.

Long story but we compared notes here and learned that every one of us that had used it had a nightmare story and had to cut the recommended dosage in half... so you might try that.


07-19-2011, 08:43 PM
Yes, I meant Tramadol. She's taken it before and never had a problem. We are at the emergency hospital now. Alivia is back getting blood work and xrays. May be pancreatitis again. :(

07-19-2011, 09:54 PM
Sending love and hugs Alivia will be okay, Mary Beth,

Lots of love and hugs.

Addy, Zoe and Koko

07-19-2011, 10:19 PM
Thanks, Addy. They just said they think it is early pancreatitis. Amylase is 2200 and WBC are elevated. They wanted to admit her, but I don't want to put her through that again since there is nothing they can do for her that I can't do at home. They are currently giving her an IV with pain meds and antibiotic. Then I will take her home with sub q fluids as needed and she will have nothing by mouth for 24 hours. She has an appointment with her regular vet tomorrow evening anyway. I don't think they are happy with my decision. She is really aging me!

07-19-2011, 11:43 PM
Home with Alivia...already second guessing my decision of not letting them admit her. She gets so stressed at the vet's that I know she can't rest and I worry that additional stress is too hard on her. I had never seen this ER vet before and she was really nice ...up until I said I didn't want to admit her. Then she became a bit abrupt. I don't think she was happy about that. Except, if I would have let them admit her they could have done an ultrasound tomorrow because she would have been "transferred" to internal medicine. Now I have to schedule it and it will take about a week. I didn't know that part until I checked her out. But, I am looking at her now sleeping soundly and peacefully and I know she would not be getting that rest in the hospital. On the plus side of this, all of her blood work looks good except for Amylase 2235 (200-1200) and WBC 23.1 (6.0-17.0). She also will see her regular vet tomorrow evening.

Addy - You're right. It does seem that cushing's is again on the backburner.

I'm tired.....good night all.

Squirt's Mom
07-20-2011, 09:44 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

You are much braver than I! No way I would have taken Squirt home with pancreatitis! :eek: When she had her acute attack, the things I read about the enzymes and the damage they can do to surrounding organs, etc. scared the crap out of me! I wanted her in the hospital so if anything else started going bad, they would be right there! I missed her terribly and was afraid the whole time but knew she was in the best place. You are brave!

How is Ali this morning? It's too bad the U/S has to wait. I guess I don't understand the delay when they could have done it sooner if she was there...if they could work her in then, why not now? :confused:

Continue to withhold all food and water by mouth - taking things by mouth triggers the pancreas to go to work and right now it needs to rest. That's why meds and fluids are given via IV...to help keep the pancreas from releasing those enzymes. ;)

Let us know how things are going, 'k?

Stay strong!

Leslie and the gang

07-20-2011, 11:12 AM
Of course I second guessed myself all night. Called the hospital back this morning at 7:00 and asked if I brought her back to the ER (and paid another ER visit) if they would refer her for an u/s today. No. They make the referrals to internal medicine at 6:00 A.M. so if I brought her back she would have to be admitted and referred TOMORROW morning! However, once again, and as always with Alivia, things are not so clear cut. She slept soundly but when she stood up this morning she yelped in pain. She is walking like the pain is from walking and will not even attempt to jump or go up or down a step. I was going to put her on my bed and barely touched her back and she yelped. Now I am seiously wondering if it is her spine causing this pain. I got the radiologist reports from May and last night - both say "spondylosis deformans" which is basically old age arthritis that causes the bones to fuse together and NORMALLY is not a problem in dogs and does not cause much pain or require treatment....BUT, sometimes it can cause a pinched nerve or spinal compression resulting in pain and neurological deficits INCLUDING rear leg weakness. So now she needs an exam from an orthopedic vet, too. :eek: She sees her regular vet later today...hopefully he can figure something out. Poor Alivia keeps having problem after problem and I can't get any answers for her.

07-20-2011, 11:22 AM
PS - Leslie, I have sub q fluids to give her if needed but they said she will be alright without them today. They gave her all the meds they would have last night before we left the hospital. I wouldn't have risked anything with her. She has had no food since Sunday and no water or anything at all for almost 24 hours and won't until given the okay. After the last bout, I have learned more than I ever wanted to about pancreatitis! Now I am learning more about spondylosis deformas than I care to know, as well!

Squirt's Mom
07-20-2011, 12:08 PM
I know what you mean, Mary Beth! It seems we stay in the "classroom" sometimes, huh? :eek::D

Spondylosis could certainly cause some nerve damage and pain so I think you are wise to have an xray/US of her spine done again. Her yelping when you touched her back sure sounds like some sort of issue there.

I hope you get some answers today at the vet's office and some sort of plan to help her feel better soon.

Leslie and the gang

07-20-2011, 01:31 PM
Let us know, we are here, hoping for good news.


07-20-2011, 03:33 PM
Hi Mary Beth,

Im so sorry you and Ali are hurting again. ((((((MaryBethAli)))))))

When Ali went through this the last time one of the things you were questioning was the back pain before you got the diagnosis of the pancreatitus.

Our working Shepherds and Malinois had a tendancy to develop Spondylosis after retirement...sometimes severe. They formed spurs or bridges on the underneath side of the spine. Sometimes this can fuse parts of the spine and/or cause narrowing of the spinal and nerve column. When it was minor to moderate narrowing (spinal stenosis) ours boys functioned just fine unless something else (inflammatory) came up.

As we both know when our babies are having a pancreatic episode a classic symptom is the arching or rounding up of the back.

I can't help but wonder if when Ali is having an pancreatic episiode the holding herself up or "rounding up" is applying additional pressure to the already sensitive nerves and cronic inflamation along the under side of the spine, as this would be a closing action around that diseased area.

Also, by chance did the x-rays show that the Spondylosis was located at the thoracic lumbar junction as there is a notion that damage at that area can relate to increased stomach and pancreatic issues. If so it may be that Ali's condition is circular.

Just a thought.

Big HUGS...Rene & Snoopie

PS...which Hollistic Select r u feeding?

07-20-2011, 07:26 PM
:( So sorry it has been a rough day. Annie has spondylosis also. Give Alivia a big hug for us tonight. Kim

07-20-2011, 07:41 PM
Okay, I didn't see this one coming. I was giving Alivia a bath on Sunday and she was losing clumps of fur. I assumed it was cushing's related and thought I better try to get an accurate diagnosis. Last night in the hospital I pointed out her belly, where she had been shaved for u/s and the fur never grew back, was pink and scaly (this was new). The ER doctor said it was probably a bacterial infection and to just use a medicated shampoo on it.

So today I took Ali to her regular vet and he takes a closer look. Separates her fur and her skin actually breaks open and bleeds and Ali snaps at him in pain! Looking through her fur the worst of it is over the area of her spine where the spondylosis changes are. He said he really can't tell if she is having spine pain because the "intermediate pyloderma" is causing her so much pain and obviously you can't feel the spine without touching her skin!! Looking through her fur, all of her skin is really pink. He thinks currently that is her most pressing issue.

He thought I did the right thing taking her home from the hospital last night and he agreed the stress on her outweighed anything beneficial they would have done. He gave her an injection for pain and started her on antibiotics. She may have a touch of chronic pancreatitis, but that doesn't seem to be her current problem. We discussed what's next. I asked about getting a third u/s with an IMS at the hospital where I took her last night and he brought up a good point - which of the three would I then believe? He thinks I should go ahead with the consultation with Dr. Peterson and hopefully based on his recommendations we can start treatment. I think he feels at this point Ali needs an expert in endocronology to figure things out and he is willing to work with him and follow his recommendations. On the plus side, he thinks Ali is really holding her own under the circumstances and that her blood work looked good. I am just so thankful Alivia has such a caring and knowledgeable regular vet to oversee all this. I had put the Dr. Peterson consultaion on hold when Alivia developed pancreatitis in May, so I guess it is time to move forward with that.

07-20-2011, 08:09 PM
Sending you and Alivia hugs and prayers.....

07-20-2011, 09:45 PM
Thanks, Laurie. I really appreciate that. Alivia has definitely hit another bump in the road this week. Her vet reminded me tonight what a fighter she is, though. I just wish we could get some relief for her. It is so hard to see her suffering like this. :(

07-20-2011, 10:36 PM
Just wanted to tell you I'm sorry to hear Alivia is having such a tough time. I've been reading your posts and just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and hoping she is feeling better soon. She sure is a fighter, and you are lucky to have such a wonderful, caring vet.

Julie & Hannah

07-21-2011, 06:50 AM
Thank you, Julie (and Hannah). It really does help to know people are pulling for her. She slept comfortably and seems a little bit better this morning. So, I am hopeful we are moving in the right direction!

07-21-2011, 10:40 AM
Hope you are getting some rest, too!

07-22-2011, 01:24 PM
Dear Mary Beth
So sorry to hear about your sweet Alivia. I hope she will feel better soon. It just seems to be one thing after another. Will be praying for you both.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

Squirt's Mom
07-22-2011, 02:28 PM
Hi Mary Beth,

How is Ali today? I hope you both had a good nite's rest and are feeling stronger today!

Leslie and the gang

07-26-2011, 01:51 AM
Hi Mary Beth and Ali,

Thinking about you guys and hoping you are doing well.

Rene & Snoopie

07-26-2011, 10:30 AM
Hi, everyone!

I actually took a break from all this yesterday and celebrated my birthday. Since they continue to happen every year, might as well make the best of it! :p

Looking back at my post, I realized I mis-typed. Alivia has "Intermediate Pyoderma" (not Pyloderma!), but I am sure most of you already knew that. Originally, it seemed extremely painful for her. After two days on the antibiotics, she started to look much better but, it became intensely itchy. I did some research and found several things recommended to ease the itching and found a shampoo that contained 2 of those ingredients. I have been bathing her with that every other day and she has significantly improved! She's shedding like crazy and now has some patchy looking fur, but she's an old girl and I love her even if her looks have faded a bit! Happens to us all. ;)

Thinking about all of this I am starting to wonder if I am focused too much on the two differing ultrasounds and trying to determine if Alivia has a adrenal tumor ("suspect mass") or not (since she suppressed on her LDDS, "possible hyperplasia"). She also does not have an atrophied left adrenal which seems common with a right adrenal tumor. Maybe, she actually just has pituitary based cushing's?? My primary concern about starting her on either med has been would the risks be greater than the limited results obtained with an adrenal tumor? Maybe that's not the issue at all. :confused:

Her food and water consumption do not seem excessive and she is not urinating excessively, either. But, her fur does not grow, she had acute pancreatitis (possibly mildly chronic now) and now Pyoderma. I think I need to make a treatment decision soon.

Comments anyone???

07-26-2011, 01:33 PM
Hi Mary Beth,

I really want to wish you a belated Happy Birthday!!!!!!
I also am glad Alivia is recovering. Poor little girl has been through so much and I hope she gets a break from it. You take such good care of her.:):)

I can't comment on starting treatment. I can tell you I appreciate your dilemma as it was mine as well. You will reach a decision and whatever that may be it will be the right one for Alivia and for you.

Sending love and hugs,

Harley PoMMom
07-26-2011, 11:53 PM
Happy Belated Birthday to You, Mary Beth!!!!

If Alivia is not displaying strong Cushing symptoms then IMO, I would not treat her with the Cushing meds. Dr. Feldman, who is one of the top Cushing's expert says:
No dog should be treated unless it has obvious and worrisome clinical signs seen by the owner.

So glad to hear that Alivia is improving, You are such a loving and wonderful mom.

Love and hugs,

07-27-2011, 05:49 AM
Yes, I meant Tramadol. She's taken it before and never had a problem. We are at the emergency hospital now. Alivia is back getting blood work and xrays. May be pancreatitis again. :(
Ohhh I'm really sorry to hear that! I hope everything goes well and you manage to get Alivia's condition sorted out.....:(
Hugs, Leah and Maya

07-27-2011, 10:30 AM
Thank you for the birthday wishes, Lori!

Although Alivia does not seem to have the day to day "symptoms" of Cushing's, she definitely has indications that something is going on. She's had pancreatitis, pyoderma (which is usually secondary to something - often cushing's) and her fur does not grow. So, I worry that the cushing's is negatively effecting her internally. I usually seem to have many more questions than answers. :confused:

Thanks, Leah. I think we dodged pancreatitis this time as her pain seemed to be related to the acute pyoderma, which came on suddenly and was quite severe. Fortunately, that is resolving very well and she seems to be feeling MUCH better. She even has some pep in her step, which is SO good to see! Such a roller coaster this all is that it is especially nice when there is a period when things are going well!

07-27-2011, 03:37 PM
Cool news!:)

07-27-2011, 04:40 PM
Hi Mary Beth-

I agree with two things: it sure is nice when there is a little break and things are going well! And, it is definitely a roller coaster!

I'm glad to hear Alivia is doing a little better, and even has pep in her step!

Hang in there!
Julie & Hannah

07-29-2011, 10:33 PM
I just read it was your birthday. Happy Belated Birthday! Hope you had a good one. Mine sneak up too quickly each year, lol.
Glad to hear Alivia is feeling better, too. :)

07-30-2011, 12:17 AM
Thanks, Lauri! I had a wonderful day and my birthdays seem to come faster and faster, too!! :eek:

Alivia continues to do well! She was peppier today than she's been in quite awhile. I am thrilled to see her doing so well, but almost afraid to type this out loud! I don't want to jinx things!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

07-30-2011, 02:30 AM
Oh my, Mary Beth, I am so sorry that I missed your birthday.

Happy belated birthday!

07-30-2011, 07:56 AM
I missed it too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dang, I hate it when I do that!!!!!:o:o:o:o


I am glad Alivia is feeling better.


07-30-2011, 10:14 AM
Happy belated birthday! Glad to hear it was a wonderful day and that Alivia had a good day too!

Julie & Hannah

Squirt's Mom
07-30-2011, 11:36 AM
Wow, Mary Beth! You snuck that one in on us! :D

Happy Birthday a few days late!

Leslie and the gang

marie adams
08-01-2011, 02:55 PM
Hi Mary Beth,

I too missed your Birthday!!! Happy Birthday!!!:p:D:)

Just trying to get some stuff done with Ella always around is exhausting, but not really complaining. :p

If I was reading right you are holding off any meds to treat just yet--I would do the same. It was too far into the game of Cushings with Maddie so I had to do something. I would have started back in July '10 if I had know what it was....of course she didn't have anything else sickness wise going on to deal with. You are the best one to make the judgement call because you are always with her...;)

Happy Rest of the Week!!

08-06-2011, 12:34 AM
Hi, everyone!!!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes - so nice of you all! I haven't been here for awhile so that was a nice surprise to see. Wish you could all join me in a glass of Chocovine! :)

Alivia is still on her antibiotics for the Pyoderma. It seems to be clearing up, but she lost patches of fur where it was most severe and she has little black discolorations - they aren't pimply-like, they are flat. Anyone know anything about that? Other than the residuals from the Pyoderma, she seems to be doing VERY well. She seems stronger and has more energy.

Her primary vet and I were talking about sceduling a LDDS test and deciding on a treatment course, when she got Pyoderma. So, that's delaying any testing and treatment decisions for now. I'm starting to wonder if someone is trying to tell me something....we were all set to begin treatment and I had even bought the Lysodren back in May, when she developed pancreatitis, delaying treatment then. :confused:

08-06-2011, 01:24 AM
Welcome Back Mary Beth,

Snoop had that big black bald spot on her nose. Not pimpley, but flat and shiney black and not a bit of hair. It has almost all grown back in now. Pictures on her "Food Change Progress" album. I also have been giving her Vetri-Science Oli-Vet 250mg. It is Olive Leaf Extract and is a natural antibiotic which supports immune response function and the L-Glutamine I told you about. Maybe the two have helped her with her pancreatitus and infections but she has not had any bouts and she is doing well.

Happy Belated B-day!

Rene & Snoop

08-09-2011, 07:27 PM
I am a mess again. Alivia is still on antibiotics twice a day for what we thought was Pyoderma. The sores have improved but there are LOTS of black freckly patches where she has lost fur. She is VERY itchy. Leslie suggested I read about calcinosis cutis and after reading about it and looking at pictures, I am fairly certain that is what Alivia has. Her regular vet was not in today. I am waiting to hear back from her dermatologist's office - they were going to try to fit her in sometime soon. I took some pictures of Alivia's skin and posted them in an album here if anyone wants to take a look and comment.

I have Lysodren here and I am so tempted to start her on it now, but I guess I should wait until at least one of her vets sees her. Especially since my mind is not working properly at the moment and I can't even remember how to start the dosing! In some ways she seems better, but I am so worried about her and this latest issue.

08-09-2011, 09:08 PM
Mary Beth, if you have read up on it and feel it is calcinosis cutis then get her into that dermatologist asap. I am no expert on it but from what I have read here the sooner you are on it the better the outcome. It can be very tough to get rid of. Hopefully someone with experience or greater knowledge will reply soon. Hugs, kim

08-10-2011, 12:25 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

Im sorry your in this place right now. I hear what you are saying...Are the illnesses presenting as signs that she should be treated?...or...Are the illnesses preventing me from treating for a reason as a sign? Very tough place to be. Only you know what is best for Ali and you have trusted your gut before.

However, Don't do anything on your own. If you choose treatment for Ali you should be well informed and under the guidance of your vet. He or she should be aware you are loading so you can call with questions and concerns. This process will make you more knowledgable and comfortable during Ali's load.

Wether its Calcinosis Cutis or Pyoderma they both usually indicate underlying illnesses often adrenal in nature.

You can sort this out with a clear head tomorrow when hopefully you will hear back from the dermatologist's office and your vet will be avaiable.

I am certian I have not told you anything you already do not know. Relax and cuddle with Ali tonite and enjoy your girl. Get some rest, you have been a wonderful mom to her.

With much love,
Rene & Snoopie

08-10-2011, 07:53 AM
Hi Mary Beth,
I went to look at the photos as I first thought it sounded like Zoe's skin but it is not the same. Sonja's Apollo just went throught some black spots, etc, and a skin infection. Check on her thread or PM her. I believe he got some time of shot. It may not be the same but ask her about it and have her look at the photos.

Please do not start any drug without working with a vet.

Hugs and love,

08-10-2011, 10:06 AM
Well, I am actually feeling MUCH less panicked today. I have been bathing Alivia with Sulphadene every 2-3 days - it seems to help a lot with her itching and she is still on the antibiotic 2x a day. Last night I bathed her again and checked her skin very closely. There are no more crusty or bleedy areas and other than the black freckles it seems to be healing very well. I e-mailed her regular vet pictures of it (he's on vacation) and she has an appointment with her dermatologist on Wednesday, to be safe. But overall, she seems to be doing REALLY well. Her pot belly is completely gone and her belly fur is all of sudden growing back!! Her energy is much better. It is actually like she doesn't even have cushing's! Very strange!!! Anyway, I definitely would not start her on any treatment without further testing.

Squirt's Mom
08-10-2011, 10:40 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

I am so glad to hear that Ali is doing better and that her skin is looking a bit better. Hopefully, the derm doc will have a definitive answer and plan of action for you. Please keep in touch and let us know what you learn.

I had another thought - Squirt has sebaceus adenomas which look like very teeny volcanoes which will erupt with black crusty stuff and sometimes bleed. Once the eruption is past, they go back to pick volcanoes. Periodically they will burst with the crusty stuff but she doesn't itch and they don't seem to hurt. They do not look like freckles, tho. They are raised up from the surface of the skin. Once she started the Lyso maintenance, they have completely disappeared for the most part and the few that remain, don't erupt anymore that I have seen. I haven't heard nor read anything that says these are connected to Cushing's but this is how it has worked for Squirt. ;)

Leslie and the gang

08-10-2011, 02:56 PM
Thanks, Leslie.

No, that definitely does not sound at all like Alivia's. Her skin was really red under her fur, she had a few sores and she was definitiely in pain. She lost fur where the worst lesions were. Her regular vet said it was intermediate Pyoderma. Now where the sores have healed, she just has black freckle-like marks that are not at all raised up or seepy in any way. I posted pictures. I trust her regular vet, but having her dermatologist look at it and maybe biopsy it will make me feel much better (and hopefully Alivia, too!). ;) Other than being itchy, which may just be seasonal allergies that she tends to get, she seems REALLY good. Bathing her in the Sulphadene seems to help immensely - I just don't want to do it too often and cause problems drying her skin out! It's always something! At least I have it under control until I can talk to the dermatologist! I swear she is aging ME!:p

08-10-2011, 10:03 PM
Hey Mary Beth and Alivia,
Just wanted to say hi and I am glad to hear Alivia's skin is doing better. You are a very strong woman and Alivia is so fortunate to have you as her mom. Her photos are so adorable - she must be the sweetest girl ever.
I haven't been on here, either lately. I had to give my poor brain a break from all this information. It's been overwhelming trying to take it all in.
Sassy is starting her 3rd week of Ketoconazole and so far, I don't think it has done one bit of good, but will wait to hear what the vet says when we go back next week.
Hope you have a good rest of the week/weekend :)

08-10-2011, 11:34 PM
Thanks, Lauri. Good to hear from you! I do understand the need for a break. I have to do it myself sometimes. All the information about Cushing's can be really overwhelming to those of us newer to this. Good thing there are some really knowledgeable people here that are always available to help or just listen!

A few years ago - way before I ever heard of cushing's - Alivia was on Ketoconazole, with another med for skin problems that they thought was an allergy to something. She was on it for quite awhile and I didn't think it helped with that, either. I'm sorry it's not helping Sassy. I know you always hope the least scary things will work. Let me know what her vet says.

Thanks again for checking in!

08-11-2011, 07:59 PM
Today was a BEAUTIFUL day in Pittsburgh. Sunny, warm but not nearly as hot and humid as it has been....and, even better, I came home from work to find Alivia happy and full of energy! She did a few of her "Jack attacks", where she runs a lap around the house and then stops at my feet for me to pet her and make a fuss, then she takes off and does it again. It was good to see her so happy and with so much energy. :)

08-11-2011, 08:11 PM
CELEBRATE ALI...And I hope (excuse me for saying) You Broke Wind While Doing It!

08-11-2011, 08:16 PM
Oh Mary Beth,

That is a wonderful welcome home from Alivia. Those are the moments to treasure, aren' they?

I am so glad:D:D:D

Love ya,

08-12-2011, 02:09 PM
No, Rene...can't say that I did that! ;) But, it sure made my day!!!

Thanks, Addy! She has me scratching my head....no pot belly and no signs of Cushing's at all! They told me at Ohio State when she had IMHA, she did things that were medically impossible and that they had absolutely no explanation for them. It would be so wonderful if she was again doing the medically impossible!

It's another perfectly beautiful day in Pittsburgh! I'm going to take off work early and take my dogs to the park!

Happy weekend everyone!!!

08-12-2011, 06:14 PM
Just wanted to drop in and say how great it is that Alivia is doing well-and hopefully doing the medically impossible. Doesn't it feel wonderful when things are good?! Enjoy the beautiful day and your time at the dog park!

Julie & Hannah

08-13-2011, 10:12 AM
Thanks, Julie! I really appreciate your post! Yes, it is wonderful when they are doing well. Those are the times we all have to treasure and take full advantage of. I am not sure how or why Alivia seems to have gone from full blown Cushing's symptoms to absolutley no sign of it whatsoever, but I am going to enjoy it for now! :) I am curious to have her cortisol tested again, but truthfully, afraid to rock the boat! I am kind of feeling I should leave well enough alone for the moment and just enjoy this break.

08-16-2011, 10:48 PM
Just baked a birthday cake for Maxwell. Tomorrow, he and Alivia will have cake to celebrate Maxwell's 11th birthday! It is truly frightening how quickly time goes by. I posted a picture of his cake and will add some tomorrow of his "party".

Alivia sees the dermatologist tomorrow afternoon. She is doing great and I am now pretty sure I over reacted with thinking she had calcinosis cutis. :o I still want to know why she has hundreds of black freckles now, though, and will feel better having her checked out by a specialist. Fortunately, she continues to be doing very well! Even her energy level is up. She's been playing with a treat ball, rolling it around the house and eating the treats as they fall out. Max follows behind hoping to get any leftovers she misses! :p For being 11 and 13 they both still have a lot of spunk!

08-16-2011, 10:52 PM
MB, I would bet money those black freckles/splotches are age spots. I had a silver schnauzer and a white one... both of them got them when they got old. Freaked me out as well but you get used to them. :) Enjoy the cake! Kim

08-16-2011, 11:32 PM
Kim -

That is what I am now thinking. What freaked me out was that the first time I saw them was when she had the Pyoderma and lost some fur - so there were sores mixed with black freckles and it very much resembled pictures of calcinosis cutis! Then as the Pyoderma resolved, I realized the freckles are everywhere so most likely are not related to the Pyoderma. :o Alivia's dermatologist is going to think I'm a nut case because I asked them to get her in ASAP because of what I thought it was. Anyway, I am hoping to hear that they are just age spots!

08-17-2011, 08:16 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAXWELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you and sister Ali have a great time at your party!!!!!

Mary Beth- don't worry about freaking out, we all do it. The other day I had diagnosed Zoe with a macro tumor:eek::eek::eek::eek:

After I read Dr. Allen's email to me, I realized he blew a hole in my theory and I felt much better:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Cushing parents are paranoid parents, at least that is the conclusion I have come to:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D



BARK, WOOF, BARK-that is Zoe and Koko sending birthday wishes;););)

08-17-2011, 06:14 PM
Thanks, Addy! They both enjoyed the birthday cake. I tried to get them to just dig in, but neither would touch it until I cut them pieces! They are so polite sometimes! ;) I posted pictures.

Alivia saw the dermatologist today!!!!! :D:D:D:D
ALL GOOD NEWS! The pyoderma is resolved. The black freckles are age spots. :o Her fur is growing back. Her blood work is just about.....NORMAL!! Her liver enzymes are NORMAL, NORMAL, NORMAL! The vet said Cushing's doesn't get better (we all know that) but that she could not see any sign of it. She wondered out loud if there was something like a UTI that screwed up her previous cortisol test results. She said Alivia looks great! She has her itchy butt seasonal allergies that she seems to get every August, but that is all! She even thinks that they Pyoderma was related to the seasonal allergies and nothing else! I was going to have a consultation with Dr. Peterson and she felt that would be a waste of money because she is doing so well!

Alivia HAD Cushing's. She had all of the symptoms, including the pot belly and the blood test results that supported it, too. Now she has NONE of the symptoms, no pot belly and her blood work is close to perfect. Any explanations, anyone??? It seems like Alivia has once again done the medically impossible!!!


08-17-2011, 06:53 PM
Mary Beth, you and Ali so deserve a break and you certainly got one today!!!!!!!


I am jumping for joy with you:D:D:D:D:D

going to looks at pictures,


08-17-2011, 07:53 PM
Thanks, Addy!

I am THRILLED! I knew she seemed better and looks better, but it is wonderful that her blood work is so good and to hear a vet say it! And, to say that she looks "great". It is the wierdest thing - she had the cushing's pot belly for quite awhile and now it's GONE! My little miracle dog!

Squirt's Mom
08-18-2011, 10:03 AM
:D:D Woohoo!!!

Way to go, Alivia and Mary Beth!!! :D:D

08-18-2011, 01:01 PM
Hallelujah...Go Ali!!!

08-18-2011, 09:42 PM
Yay! That is GREAT news! I'm so happy for you!

Julie & Hannah

08-18-2011, 10:26 PM
Thanks, Julie. There's no explanation for it but I'm not complaining!!!!:D

08-20-2011, 02:27 PM
Wow!! Awesome news!! She is one heck of a fighter that Alivia. I am thrilled to hear of another miracle. :D
The birthday cake looked amazing - I think I would have eaten a piece myself! I bet Maxwell and Alivia were wanting to eat the whole thing.
Enjoy and celebrate all weekend long!


08-21-2011, 08:16 PM
Hi Mary Beth, Alivia and Maxwell,

Just checking in with you as I watched the news yesterday and they were showing film about the floods in your neck of the woods.

Hope you are all okay.


Squirt's Mom
08-22-2011, 08:26 AM
I saw that, too, Mary Beth. On the news here last nite they showed a car being paddled down what I assume was a road!

Please let us know you and yours are alright.

Leslie and the gang

08-25-2011, 11:07 PM
Hi, everyone.

Sorry, I've been out of touch. Just haven't been feeling well, so I haven't had energy to do much in the evening. Alivia is still doing great, though! Thanks for your concern.

There was some flash flooding here. We are fine, but unfortunately 4 people drowned. Then we felt the earthquake here on Tuesday. My building shook pretty much, but no damage. Strange weather!

I hope everyone is doing well. I'll try to catch up on your threads.

Squirt's Mom
08-26-2011, 09:36 AM
Good to hear from you, Mary Beth. On the news here, I saw a car being paddled with oars in Pittsburgh! :eek: Glad you and yours are safe from the floods and the quake!

Leslie and the gang

08-26-2011, 07:19 PM
Sorry to hear you are sick but glad to know Ali is fine.:)

I have had sinusitis, so I know being sick and working is no fun!!!

Feel better soon MB:D:D


09-01-2011, 11:46 PM
Hi Mary Beth just checking back in on you guys. Hope your are feeling better. Has Ali been keeping you entertained with any of her "Jack Attacks?"

Rene & Snoop

09-02-2011, 06:56 AM
Thanks Leslie, Addy and Rene!

I am hanging in there - still not feeling great, but I keep doing what I have to.

Alivia continues to do very well! No cushing's symptoms whatsoever! Even her fur has grown back!! Her belly was bare from being shaved for an ultrasound in March and it has finally grown back! The spot she lost from the pyoderma is not even visible and that's only been a few weeks! Most amazing to me is the pot belly I had gotten used to seeing her with is gone! Her energy is better than it's been for ages. She has occasional mini jack attacks but she's 13 1/2 years old, so I think that is normal. She still wants to play. Life is good right now and I am enjoying her!!! :D

09-02-2011, 07:52 AM
Mary Beth, I cannot express how happy I am to read how well Alivia is doing. Sorry you are still feeling a bit under the weather, though. I am hoping you get to enjoy a 3 day weekend and perhaps that will be enough to knock the bug out of you.

Enjoy Maxwell and Ali and just take it one day at a time.

Love and hugs,

09-02-2011, 06:07 PM
Thanks, Addy!!!

I am THRILLED that Alivia is doing so well! When I came home from work today she wanted to play her old "Faster, faster" game. She runs up to me and does a play bow then turns around and runs in a circle and comes back to me and I am supposed to pet her and make a fuss...then she takes off and does it again! She goes "faster and faster" and circles the whole first floor. :D Anyway, it is soooo good to see her feeling so well!

Yes, I have a three day weekend! Woo hoo! Wish it was just a bug I needed to get over - I have Crohn's and RA and am in the midst of a medication change that is not going so well. I can really sympathize with our poor pups changing meds and dosages all the time!

Alivia just barked to go outside. Her and Max FLEW down the steps of the deck into the backyard. I have no explanation, but right now, today, there is NOTHING wrong with my little dog! :D:D:D

Wishing everyone a GREAT holiday weekend!!!!

09-03-2011, 10:06 AM
I've been so busy getting ready for a new school year with my 24 third graders that I haven't been able to check in for a while. I am so glad to hear Alivia is doing so well-not showing symptoms AND feeling so happy and playful. Isn't it wonderful?!

I hope she continues to feel great!

Julie & Hannah

09-03-2011, 11:01 AM
Thanks, Julie!


Sounds like you will be really busy this school year!!! Good luck!

09-08-2011, 12:42 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

Just wanted to check in on you and Ali. I am so glad that your girl is on a high and making you smile. I too understand issues when not feeling well and hope by now they have figured out for you and you are feeling better. That is no fun and a big drain. Little Ali knows and is trying to be a comic for you, im sure . Snoop is the same way.

With Love,
Rene & Snoop

09-08-2011, 06:40 PM
Hi, Rene -

Thanks for checking in when you have so much going on with your little one. I appreciate it.

Alivia is doing unbelievably well. She is happy - playing, eating and drinking normally and has lost her pot belly. Even her fur has grown back! I will post some pictures soon - maybe later tonight. The vets cannot explain it, but I am THRILLED! Her last blood work was NORMAL. Once again Alivia has them all scratching their heads!

09-08-2011, 06:57 PM
Just Enjoy It!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

We can never figure any of it out so don't even try, just run with it for as long as it lasts:):):):):):):):):)

I am thrilled for you and Alivia. You know, Terri's Corkey went in to remission for awhile after he was treated with antibiotics I think for a UTI.

Hugs and love,

09-08-2011, 09:10 PM
Really??? You know I suspected the antibiotics had something to do with it! She was on them twice a day for about a month for the Pyoderma. My attention was focused on her skin and then I realized she no longer had a pot belly or any other signs of cushing's. That nasty skin infection may have been a blessing in disguise!

09-18-2011, 05:58 PM
Alivia continues to be doing amazingly well! It was a beautiful day in Pittsburgh, so we went for a walk in the park. Alivia did really well and her and maxwell had a ball. I added some pictures today, so you can see how well Alivia is doing. Her pot belly is gone and her fur has grown back!

09-19-2011, 09:12 AM
Mary Beth,

Aliva looks so good! She has gotten a little belly to :D it seems. Im sooo glad things are going so well for her.

Give her a squeeeeze.

Rene & Angel Snoop

Squirt's Mom
09-19-2011, 09:34 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

Ali looks great! :) It is so good to hear how well she is doing.

Leslie and the gang

09-20-2011, 10:55 PM
Thanks Rene and Leslie!

I'm actually wondering why Alivia does seem to be getting a bit of a belly. Her pot belly had gone away completely and she was looking really trim. I hope it is just because of a few too many treats and not anything more! She still seems to be doing well and has no symptoms of cushing's and her fur is grown back.

09-30-2011, 08:26 PM
Happy Friday to you! Thanks for checking on Sassy - so far so good, she hasn't gotten sick from the Trilo & today was her 8th day.
Hope you and the puppies have a great weekend! :)

10-22-2011, 12:14 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

Any Ali updates?

Rene & Angel Snoopie

10-22-2011, 10:04 AM
Hi, Rene!

Thanks for checking in on Ali. I have not been on here in almost a month, as I have been having internet connection issues for weeks. After multiple service visits and calls, it appears that this morning they finally corrected the problem.

Anyway, Alivia continues to do well! No sign of cushings! Her fur has all grown back and it is soft again - for awhile it seemed very dry. Her doctors have no explaination! That's my Ali!! :)

And you? How are you doing? How's your husband?

10-22-2011, 10:15 AM
Hi Mary Beth-

I'm so glad to hear Alivia is doing so well! That's great! What a relief for you, huh? Hope she continues to do well!

Julie & Hannah

10-23-2011, 09:12 PM
Oh Mary Beth such wonderful news! :p

Maxwell and Ali look so good. She is even looking at the camera again! So content.

We are also doing well. Every day is a blessing!

Rene & Angel Snoopie

10-23-2011, 11:23 PM
Dear Susan
It is always great to hear good news.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

10-24-2011, 07:07 PM
Hi Mary Beth,

So glad to hear good news about Alivia, you so deserve it.:D:D

Don't wonder why, just enjoy it.

Hugs and love,

10-24-2011, 09:26 PM
Good News!!!!!! How wonderful!!!! You must be so happy Alivia is doing good!:) Give Alivia a kiss and hug for us:D

11-07-2011, 02:07 PM
Thanks, everyone!

I have been having computer issues at home for well over a month, so I haven't been checking here regularly.

I am so fortunate to report that my precious Alivia continues to do great!! She has no symptoms of cushing's at all and has not been to the vet's in MONTHS! (Knock on wood!) Her last blood work was completely NORMAL. Her fur is thick and soft and has grown back completely. No more pot belly. She has a 6 MONTH regular check up scheduled with her internist on November 22nd. She probably will want to do blood work, but I almost don't want to do anything! I'm still nervous about doing anything that will rock the boat. I'm continuing her on the same food that I switched her to about 7 months ago and just keeping everything the same since it is working for her! I'll have to try to post some more pictures.

I do think of you all often.

11-09-2011, 08:41 AM
Mary Beth I am beyond happy to hear sweet Alivia continues to be Cushing free.

I hope she and Maxwell continue to enjoy life to the fullest with their loving mom.

I have not yet tried the Chocovino. My doctor perscribed a week on the beach in Hawaii:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Not like that will happen anytime soon;);););)

love ya girlfriend,

11-09-2011, 12:39 PM
Mary Beth would love to see some pics!!! Glad everything is still going well --- Hugssssssss to you and Alivia

12-13-2011, 09:20 PM
Alivia had her 6 month routine check up with her IMS on November 22nd. Her vet said, "Alivia had a miracle before and it seems as though she's had another." :D Ali's blood pressure was normal. She is only on maintennance Amlodopine and compounded low dose aspirin.

The IMS had no explanation for how well she is doing. She actually wanted to do an ultrasound just to "take a look at the adremal gland" because she was "really curious". I refused. I just saw no point in putting Ali through the stress of that for no good reason. She's been through more than enough. She has no cushings symptoms at all, so there is nothing to treat, regardless of what an u/s would show. Even her fur is completely grown back and soft (it had been dry, brittle and not growing for about a year). She finally has belly fur! Her blood tests were mostly normal, too, and the ones that weren't were not to far off and pretty much what has been Ali's "normal" for quite awhile. She is almost 14 years old and survived Immune Mediated Hemalytic Anemia.

Albumin 2.4 (2.7-4.4 g/dL)
Albumin/Globulin Ratio 0.7 (0.8-2.0)
Bun/Creatinine Ration 30 (4-27)
Amylase 1143 (290-1125 U/L)
Platelet Count 654 (170-400 10^3/uL)
Neutrophils 78 (60-77%)

Everything else was wonderfully, gloriously NORMAL!!! The vet was very pleased and agreed there was no medical reason to do an u/s. Ali was pretty nervous because this vet is where she was hospitalized for 5 days with pancreatitis so that might have contributed to the platelets being elevated. The vet was not concerned about that and Ali doesn't go back for 6 more months! So nice for her to get a break from vets!!


Hope you are all are enjoying the holidays!!! Hugs and love to all your fur babies!

12-14-2011, 08:05 AM
Mary Beth this is wonderful news. I am totally with you, no ultra sound, why go there?

Keep up the good work and just enjoy precious Alivia. What ever the reason for the miracle, lets just be thankful it happened.


love and hugs and warmest wishes for the happiest of holidays and a wonderful New Year

addy and the pups

Squirt's Mom
12-14-2011, 08:44 AM
Wonderful update, Mary Beth! Thanks so much for sharing! I am so glad Ali is doing so well and hope she continues to confound the vets with her miracles.

Leslie and the gang

12-14-2011, 12:57 PM
Thanks, Addy! The IMS was NOT curious enough to offer to do the ultrasound at no cost, either. Although to be perfectly honest, that would not have changed my mind at all - I still would have refused it! Ali has been through more than enough. I won't put her through any unnecessary stress. Besides, it took her a year to grow that belly fur back from the last ultrasounds!! ;)

Thank you, Leslie. Alivia is proof that miracles can happen! (How about those blood values?!) She is a reminder for all of us that we should always give our babies the best chance we can. Although, everyone here already does that!

Happy holidays to all of you, my dear friends. I am wishing for miracles for each of you!

12-22-2011, 11:51 AM
Dear Mary Beth,

I just wanted to thank you so much for mentioning the Benadryl anti-itch spray on Addy and Zoe's thread!! My older Labrador girl, Peg, has horrible winter allergies and yesterday morning when we got up, I saw that she had developed a hot spot on her flank overnight :(. I thought, oh no, here we go with yet another holiday weekend issue...:( :( I know how quickly little hot spots can turn into BIG NASTY hot spots.

I started out by putting on some cortisone cream yesterday morning, but the spot was still pink and oozy last night. I remembered you had recommended something to Addy, so I went back and looked it up and then ran out to the drugstore last night. I've given her three doses now, and the spot already looks better -- it is dry now and no longer pink :) :). So I'm hoping that this is going to do the trick. And if so, what a miracle!!

So thank you SOOOO much for Peg's early Christmas present. I think I'm gonna tie a red ribbon around the top of the bottle in honor of NOT having to go to the vet over the holiday weekend...;) :p


12-22-2011, 01:14 PM
That is wonderful to hear. I am going to try it on Zoe's paws. My IMS said I can't spray it near her vulva.

Good to hear it works .


12-22-2011, 07:18 PM
So thrilled to hear that, Marianne! And, thanks for letting me know. I just recently discovered that, really by accident. I've had a book for a long time called The Dog's Drug Store. I was looking in it for the Benedryl dosage (which has never helped Ali all that much) and saw the Benedryl spray was also okay to use, so I thought I'd give it a try. It has helped her dramatically and I am still surprised no vet has ever mentioned it to me since it seems so simple and is also inexpensive. I'm so happy to hear it is also helping your Peg! I hope it continues to help and you can avoid a trip to the vet!! Keep me posted and I'll keep my fingers crossed!!

Merry Christmas!!

01-01-2012, 05:53 PM
Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2012 brings good things for all of you.

01-03-2012, 09:08 PM
Happy New Year, MB, Ali and Maxwell:D:D:D:D

I hope all your dreams come true!


01-04-2012, 12:14 AM
do you think that spray would help with toe cysts?

01-05-2012, 09:50 PM
Hi, Skye.
I don't know if the Benedryl Anti Itch spray would help with cysts, but if they are itching it certainly wouldn't hurt to try. It's safe for dogs and inexpensive. For Ali's itches it seems to work better than oral Benedryl.

Good luck!!

01-05-2012, 09:52 PM
Hi, Addy!! Same to you, Zoe and Koko.

02-24-2012, 11:25 AM
I have to share a bit of good news with all of you. Today is Alivia's 14th birthday!!! There were many times when I thought she would not make it, especially given her sister and mother both passed away at the age of 13. But, Alivia truly is my miracle dog. She was the last of 4 puppies born. Her mother, Winnie, was small and had a difficult birth and one puppy was lost. Her 2 remaining siblings were born on February 23rd, but Ali waited until after midnight to make her appearance so she has a birth date of her own. She came into the world not breathing, but Winnie's human put his mouth over her tiny mouth and nose and gently breathed for her until she was able to breathe on her own. He said he was terrified she wouldn't make it and so relieved when she was breathing on her own. Six and a half weeks later, I met and fell in love with tiny, sweet Alivia Rose.

I think destiny brought her into my life. I had never had a dog and had never even given any thought to getting a dog. I thought I was strictly a "cat person". I also was not looking for a house, but saw an ad for a house about 2 miles away that really intrigued me. It had a super large dining room and kitchen. I had just bought my house 4 years before and was happy there. But, for some inexplicable reason I was drawn to see that house. My best friend tried to talk me out of it, using reason and logic, but when that didn't work, he gave in and went with me (it was actually just about midway between my house and his). The house was being sold by the owner and we were greeted by a little white dog named Winnie who followed us around the outside of the house with her stick, dropping it our feet and waiting for someone, anyone, to throw it for her. I didn't even know what breed she was. She was so full of life and had such a sparkle in her eyes. I don't remember a whole lot about the house, as we were so focused on the adorable white dog and when that became obvious, Winnie's owner told us she had recently had puppies and that they were in ...the kitchen!

Fate was with us that day, because there were three puppies - a male that was promised to the owner's nephew and 2 adorable females. My friend, Jeff, was immediately interested in one of them with a patch of brown and black fur over one eye (she became his beloved Patches), but I thought the other one was PERFECT! There was something about her eyes that made me start imagining if, having no experience, being a single parent and working full time, I could actually raise a puppy. The owner was also very picky about where the puppies would go to live. He was especially attached to Alivia (who he had named Olivia for vet purposes) since he had literally breathed life into her. He was also adament that they could not leave their mother until they were at least 8 weeks old and not a day sooner. So, for the next week and a half we visited "our" puppies. I took my daughter and her boyfriend (now husband) to see Ali and she fell in love, too. Ray was very accomadating in letting us visit multiple times. I know he was checking us out to see if we were "worthy" before agreeing he would sell them to us. During that time I purchased all the basic supplies and, well, the rest is history! Ali has had my heart from the first day I saw her.

I actually sometimes tell Alivia the story of how she came into my life. She listens intently and tilts her head as if she is taking it all in. ;)

I almost lost her when she was 7 years old due to immune mediated hemalytic anemia, but she fought through that and, after many trips to Ohio, we had her second miracle . The vet specialist there said she did things medically that he could not explain. He used the word "miracle".

Then about a year ago she was diagnosed with cushing's due to a right adrenal tumor. I was devestated. For a few months it was one thing after another and a few times I was sure I'd lose her - severe pancreatitis, a serious skin condition, etc. It was during that time that I "met" all of you. You helped me through it all and once again my little miracle dog rallied. Her most recent blood work was completely normal. She has a local specialist now and she said her only explanation was that she had another "miracle".

I don't take for granted how fortunate I am to still have Alivia in my life. I am thankful for each day with her. My funny, little girl who would run circles around the house at full speed when you told her to go "Faster, faster" now occasionally still gets the glint in her eyes and the pep in her step and goes "Faster, faster". Now, it is limited to circles only around the kitchen, but she does it with gusto and boy does it ever make my heart happy! :D

Time to go frost Alivia's homemade grain free apple carrot birthday cake and celebrate her life!

Squirt's Mom
02-24-2012, 11:39 AM
Oh, Mary Beth,

What a delightful update on our sweet Alivia! I love her story. One would have to be made of stone not to see that the two of you were meant to be together. I think the both of you are miracles - she couldn't have done what she had without you by her side.

Happy 14th Birthday, Alivia!
And many more!

Leslie and the gang

02-24-2012, 12:14 PM
Oh Mary Beth, thank you so much for sharing this story of your sweet Alivia Rose. It brings tears to my eyes to think of Winnie's human bending over her tiny form and breathing life into her newborn lungs. I was in need of hearing about a miracle today, and with Alivia -- we are gifted with a lifetime of miracles. :) :)

I send all my best wishes to you and your baby girl. Even at 14, I know she is your precious baby, and will remain so forever.

Happy, Happy Birthday to our dear Alivia Rose!!!!!!!!!

02-24-2012, 12:55 PM
Thank you Leslie and Marianne! Alivia was fortunate to have arrived in the world completely loved. I am forever grateful to Winnie's dad, Ray, for breathing for her until she was able to do it on her own. That takes a special animal lover. He moved away soon after, but continued to keep in touch and sent a Christmas card to Ali with love from her mother, Winnie, every year. The cards stopped when Winnie would have been around 13. I assume she passed away and it became too hard for Ray to continue.

On a happier note, I posted a couple pictures of Alivia with her birthday cake! And, yes, she will ALWAYS be my baby! :D

02-24-2012, 01:06 PM
MB, I hope Alivia has the happiest of birthdays !!!!!

I am so glad you shared your sweet miracle pup with us. I love the story and thank you for telling it to us.

Give many hugs to sweet Ali with the most beautiful eyes and don't forget to give Maxwell a special hug today as well!!:D:D

all my love,
Zoe and Koko send woofs for a happy brithday greeting too:D:D:D

marie adams
02-24-2012, 01:13 PM
Oh Mary Beth, I am so happy you get to celebrate Alivia's 14th birthday!!! :)


Miss Ella is sending her wished also!!! :p

Harley PoMMom
02-24-2012, 03:30 PM
Happy Birthday, sweet Alivia!!!!

02-24-2012, 03:44 PM
Hi Mary Beth and thank you so much for sharing your heart warming story of how you and Alivia came into each others' lives. I must admit that she most definitely seems to be a walking miracle, several times over. :D Happy birthday, dear Alivia, and many, many more.


02-24-2012, 05:08 PM
Happy birthday, Alivia! Have fun celebrating!

02-24-2012, 11:44 PM
Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Ali! I gave her extra hugs from each of you. Your thoughts truly are appreciated. I hope all of you are doing well and get a little bit of good news, too. Miracles certainly do happen! :D

I posted a couple of pictures of Ali with her birthday cake!

03-31-2012, 07:43 PM
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Alivia continues to do fantastic! No symptoms of cushing's...KNOCK ON WOOD! I have been in search of a high protein, low fat, grain free food made in the USA. A couple weeks ago I started giving Ali and Max Evanger's - they both LOVE it. There's one flavor that is actually whole chicken thighs, cooked in a way that the bones are soft and edible. The all meat varieties are not nutritionally complete, but they also have a vegetarian flavor that is, so I add that to their meat. They have a lot of varieties of "complete" dinners, too. You can actually see and recognize the ingredients in this food! It's good to see them get so excited for their dinner now and they have liked all the varieties. I think it is helping Ali some with her itching, but that is still not resolved completely. Wish I would have found this food years ago! Also, I have been giving them unsweetened organic coconut flakes for a treat. They love, love, LOVE it and it is supposed to be good for skin and fur. Alivia's fur is so thick and long now that I had to schedule her for a haircut - first one in about two years!

Happy Spring, everyone!

Harley PoMMom
03-31-2012, 08:34 PM
What a fabulous update! So happy to hear that Alivia is doing so well.

I, too, use Evanger's from time to time...there is a pet store close to me that carries high quality pet food.

Please do keep us posted...sending hugs to you both, Lori

04-01-2012, 09:03 AM
Hi MB,

I am so happy to hear Ali is still doing well and I hope she continues for a long time.

Maxwell and Alli sound like they love their new food!!!!

Kepp up the good work.


Squirt's Mom
04-01-2012, 10:23 AM
Good to hear from you, Mary Beth, especially with such a great update! :D I hope things stay the same or get even better for you all.

Leslie and the gang

04-01-2012, 11:49 AM
Thanks, Lori, Addy and Leslie! 14+ years and I am stilll learning about what's best for them! A new store opened near me called "Healthy Pets". It was opened by a woman who worked with pets and kept seeing the same illnesses over and over so she started doing a lot of nutritional research and believes it has a lot to do with poor quality diets. They have all the highest quality products in one place and she is very selective on what she carries. Anyway, it makes things a lot easier for me!

Even though Ali is doing well, I still can't completely relax and probably never will. I worry that something could set things off again. I try to keep things as stress-free as possible for her. I still watch her like a hawk for any changes. But, mostly, I try to appreciate every day I have with her and I make sure that she knows she is loved.

04-14-2012, 02:27 PM
I am sitting in a coffee shop waiting for Alivia and Maxwell to finish at the groomers! Wow...it has been so long since I've done this. Alivia's fur did not grow at all for nearly 2 years, so there was no reason for haircuts. She had a bald belly from being shaved for ultrasounds for so long. But, she has gotten so shaggy in the last few months!

I'm thrilled that she is doing so well, but I never take it for granted. On one hand, I'm thrilled she needs a good haircut, but on the other, nervous that the stress of the groomer visit could "trigger" something. That fear stays. Which is why I am sitting here waiting to pick her up as soon as possible! I'll have to post a picture of Ali with her new 'do!

Even though I am not here very much, I think of all you and your babies often.

04-14-2012, 05:55 PM
Well, girlfriend, I want to see a picture of Ali with a new do!!!!!!!!

Happy beyond words she is doing so well. Just enjoy.


05-22-2012, 09:31 PM
Well, Alivia has been doing so well but unfortunately there has been a bit of a change in her in the past week or so. She uses puppy pads if she gets up during the night or has to go before I get home from work - I noticed bright red blood on the pad about week ago. Not a lot but definitely noticeable. That only happened once, but her appetite was off for a couple of days, too. She seems to be walking a little differently - subtle and hard to explain but I see a change. And she is panting more. She is just not herself. I worry that her kidneys are failing. She saw her internist today. She lost one pound since she was last there 6 months ago. She did blood work and a urine culture. Said it could be a UTI and some symptoms could be her showing her age. Won't know much until we get test results. 6 months ago she amazed everyone when her blood tests were normal...I'm afraid we won' t be that lucky again but, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is just a little blip that a round of antibiotics will take care of.

Harley PoMMom
05-22-2012, 11:59 PM
So sorry to hear that Alivia is not feeling well, an UTI can make a dog not want to eat and feel lousy. An urine culture will show what antibiotic to use and will be hoping that this issue will clear real soon. Please keep us updated.

Love and hugs,

05-23-2012, 08:07 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

I am sorry to hear Ali is not feeling well. Hopefully it is an UTI and a dose of antibiotics will set her right.

She is our miracle dog:):):) So give her lots of love from Addy.

Try not to worry, I know, easier said then done and let us know the results of the urine test.


Squirt's Mom
05-23-2012, 09:13 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

You and Ali were on my mind this morning and then here you are! I hope this is simply a UTI and a round of ABs will take care of it.

Please keep in touch and let us know how things are going.

Leslie and the gang

marie adams
05-24-2012, 04:43 PM
Hi Mary Beth,

So good to read your thread. I try to be here as much as possible, but life tends to get in the way.

I am hoping for the best for Miss Alivia. I remember when Maddie got all her fur back--a little different kind of fur, but it was fur!!!

You always do a wonderful job with her and I know you enjoy each day!!!

Is it Chocovino time????:D

05-24-2012, 08:20 PM
Hi Addy, Lori, Leslie and Marie,

Always nice to hear from you guys! Ali does have her fur back, Marie, and it's beautiful and shiny! All things considered we have been very lucky, so hopefully this is just a little blip. I haven't gotten any results back from the culture and blood work done Tuesday evening. Hopefully, I'll hear tomorrow otherwise with the holiday weekend it may not be until Tuesday. I hate waiting. She does seem better, though. Her appetitie has been great for the past 2 days!

Ali's internist has a new tech and she told her when she first met Alivia and heard her history she did not expect to be treating her for very long, but that was 6 years ago. She told the tech that Alivia has defied the odds and has had several miracles that really can't be explained. Alivia is one tough little 16 pound cookie! :D

Thanks for checking on us and I'll let you know when I get the results.

Chocovine sounds pretty good to me RIGHT now!

05-25-2012, 08:42 AM
Alivia is one tough little 16 pound cookie

and oh how we love that cookie!!!!!

Waiting stinks, especially over a holiday weekend!!!

I truly hope it is just a UTI, MB, saying many prayers for Alivia and you.


05-27-2012, 06:21 PM
Alivia had the blood work and a urine culture Tuesday evening. I hadn't heard any results so I called them Friday and they faxed me her blood test results. Urine does show bacteria, but they were isolating the type and the internist did not want to prescribe an antibiotic until she had the specific results...so we are still waiting and now I doubt I will here anything until after the holiday. :(

Unfortunately a lot of her blood results were not in the normal range, although some just slightly outside normal. I haven't talked to her specialist since getting the results, but it seems like some of the abnormal results could be related to the UTI and some I'm sure could be age related (Alivia is 14 years 3 months old). I'll post the test results and maybe Glynda or another expert can weigh in.

Albumin 2.6 (2.7-4.4)
Albumin/Globulin Ratio 0.7 (0.8-2.0)
Alk Phosphatase 192 (5-131)
Urea Nitrogen 50 (6-31)
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 50 (4-27)
Amylase 1233 (290-1125)
Comment: Hemolysis 1+ No significant interference
Platelet Count 610 (170-400)
Neutrophils 80 (60-77)
Lymphocytes 11 (12-30)
Absolute Neutrophils 11360 (2060-10600)

T4 0.6 (0.8-3.5) Note new canine reference range.
The total T4 result is less than 1.0 mcg/dl. A Free-T4 by equilibrium dialysis may be helpful in supporting the diagnosis of hypothyroidism in patients demonstrating clinical signs compatible with hypothyroidism.

Urine MIC Culture
Preliminary: Bacteria isolated. Identification and sensitivity to follow.

Alivia seems to be drinking a little more (but not like a cush dog) and peeing more. Her urine has color and seems to have more odor than usual. I think that is probably consistent with a UTI. She had visible blood in her urine one time about 2 weeks ago. She seems a bit more tired recently but really has no other symptoms of hypothyroidism or cushings, either. Her fur is thick and soft. She lost one pound since her last vet visit (6 months ago!!). Her appetite was decreased for a few days, but now is normal (not excessive). She is still licking/biting at her rear end and has it red and irritated. I have her on a grain free diet and I've used tons of prescription and OTC shampoos, sprays, etc. but can't get that under control. Her specialist says a round of antibiotics may also help with that, but wants to wait for the urine culture result before determining which antibiotic to prescribe.

Sorry this is so long but I was trying to be thorough. Any thoughts and opinions would be appreciated.

Hope everyone is having a good holiday weekend!

05-29-2012, 11:17 PM
Update: Alivia is taking Clavamox 2 x a day for 2 weeks for a UTI. I hope that is what caused some of her abnormal blood results I posted the other day.

05-30-2012, 08:00 AM
I hope so too, MB, crossing fingers and paws!!!!

05-31-2012, 09:04 PM
Day 3 of Alivia's antibiotic. Over the years Ali has become an expert at detecting pills in anything. She will not even eat an empty Pill Pocket if it were the last treat in the house. I crush her blood pressure pill and sprinkle that along with her compounded aspirin into her food. She has been on both of those for so many years that I think the taste of them is probably normal to her. But, it is not easy to introduce ANY new medication. In the past I've made her homemade meatballs, tried peanut butter, cheese, pretty much every trick. This time I made her roast beef au jus and start by giving her a little piece plain, possibly a second one plain...then around the third time when she is happily snatching it, I wrap a piece around her pill. That worked GREAT...for a whole day and a half. She caught on and started taking the plain ones and spitting the pill out on the floor. So, I have to force the pill into her mouth, hold her mouth shut while dangling a piece of roast beef in front of her. Eventually she swallows so she can have another piece of beef. Only 11 more days and 22 more pills to go... :p

06-01-2012, 01:14 PM
Awww, it is harder when they dont like pills. My hoover vacum, Zoe, will eat the pills with nothing on them if you tell her it is chicken:D:D

Alivia is the resident expert pill finder outer:D:D:D:D:D

I hope her UTI is gone soon.

I heartily agree with your comments on my thread. Zoe is not ready to go anywhere except to nap or play with Koko or have a chicken walk. Ali is our miracle girl for sure. And I hope her miracles keep on coming.

Thanks, MB, for being there.

06-01-2012, 11:11 PM
Oh, I didn't mention that after I shove a pill in her mouth and hold her mouth shut till she swallows I still have to pry her mouth open and make sure it's gone. She can somehow appear to swallow and then I would step on a pill in another room and have no idea what day it was from! I've even dipped pills in olive oil hoping they would slide down her throat! I think I have tried every trick and she continues to outsmart me. She is a master at finding ways to not take her pills! 10 days, 20 pills to go.

Addy, you are so lucky that Zoe doesn't mind "chicken" pills! I hope Koko is feeling better!

06-02-2012, 09:24 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

My Izzy is like that. I have no idea how she knows there is a pill in there because I try all the same tricks you have, but she knows!!! I have found them in the other room as well, and then have to play detective and figure out which pill it is, which dog it belongs to, etc. because there are so many pills being taken around here. Usually it is Izzy because like Addy, I also have a Hoover named Hannah who would probably eat a pill plain as well. She only needs the tiniest dab of anything to be happy with her pill! And she thinks her Denamarin liver pills are treats and begs for them in the morning! She sure makes it easy on me.

Good luck for the next 11 days! If you are able to figure out enough tricks during that time, you're my hero! :)

Julie & Hannah

06-02-2012, 09:58 AM
Hi, Julie!

I even bought two flavors of "Flavor-Doh" online. It looks like Play Doh and you pinch a piece off and wrap it around the pill. It sounded like a great idea, but no luck. She found it! I dread pill time.

I wish Ali was more like Hanna and Zoe when it comes to pills. She will not even take a meat flavored supplement of any kind. What's really strange is years ago when she had IMHA, I had to give her injections twice a day for awhile. She was fine with those! I would just tell her it was time for her shot and she'd come sit in front of me with her head down and looking a little sad, but she'd be perfectly cooperative. Any kind of pill or supplement, though, and she acts like I am trying to murder her. :eek:

9 1/2 days and 19 pills to go. If I come up with anything creative I'll let you know...

07-04-2012, 11:40 AM
I found this poem and it makes me cry every time I read it. I wanted to share it with everyone here:

Before humans die they write their last Will & Testament, give their home and all they have,
To those they leave behind. If with my paws, I could do the same; this is what I’d ask…

To a poor and lonely stray I’d give:
- My happy home.
- My bowl and cozy bed, soft pillows and all my toys.
- The lap, which I loved so much.
- The hand that stroked my fur and the sweet voice that spoke my name.

I’d Will to the sad, scared shelter dog, the place I had in my human’s loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds.

So, when I die, please do not say, “I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand.”

Instead, go find an unloved dog, one whose life has held no joy or hope and give MY place to HIM.

This is the only thing I can give…the love I left behind.

-Author Unknown

Squirt's Mom
07-04-2012, 11:44 AM
That is beautiful, Mary Beth. Thanks so much for sharing.

How is Ali doing?

07-04-2012, 12:54 PM
Thanks for sharing that, Mary Beth. It brought tears to my eyes. It is so true. It is so hard to say good bye to a pet you've shared such a close, special bond with, but there are so many homeless pets out there waiting for a chance to be loved. We were a one dog family when I was growing up, and ever since my parents adopted the first dog when I was in high school, they (and now I have not stopped). My parents have had four rescue dogs at all times for the past 10 years (because that's the limit before you need a kennel permit in our city). I have had two for the past 10 years.

It is so hard to lose one, and it will be incredibly, incredibly hard to lose my Hannah, as she will forever be that special "once in a lifetime" dog for me, but in time, I know there will be another. It is so good to be able to provide a good home, good care, a lap, and lots of love to a pet who needs it so much.

I recently told my husband that I wasn't sure I would be able to get more dogs after Hannah and Izzy are gone because the thought of losing Hannah is almost more than I can bear; however, I know that won't be the case forever, and this poem was a good reminder.

Thanks again for sharing. I hope Alivia is doing well!

Julie & Hannah

07-06-2012, 10:11 AM
Hi MB,

lovely thoughts, thank you. Hope Ali and Maxwell are well. I hope Zoe can be a miracle dog like Ali.

Thinking of you all.

07-11-2012, 06:08 PM
Well, Ali had been doing amazingly well until the week of the 4th. She was going out the door and it looked like there was a spot of something on her back. When I checked it out a 2 inch diameter circle of fur was crusted at the roots and came out completely in my hand! Pyoderma, again. And, checking back here it was exactly one year since she had it before. Of course it was a holiday, but fortunately I had a refill of the antibiotic she had for it before and started it right away. Maxwell had just started itching, too....just like last year at this time. I had gotten flea stuff for them but hadn't put it on either of them, yet (I kept procrastinating thinking I would bathe them both first). I remember her vet saying the Pyoderma could be a reaction to flea bites, so I am thinking that's what it was! I felt so bad since I probably could have easily prevented this!! Anyway, the antibiotic has kicked in, the flea stuff is on and her bald patch is growing back in already. Which, actually makes me feel good because when she was having cushing's issues her fur would NEVER have grown in like that! She still continues to have the itchy butt problems that I can never quite get cleared up. That was really bad for awhile, but has also improved recently. Always something! But, overall, I shouldn't complain...Alivia is 14 1/2 and she's doing well. Max is 12 and looks and acts like a puppy!

07-11-2012, 08:50 PM
Oh MB, I am glad you are able to nip it in the "butt" oh, I mean bud:p

What the heck does that expression mean anyway?

Have three glasses of Chocovino!!!! One for Zoe, one for Maxwell, one for Ali.

Squirt's Mom
07-12-2012, 07:37 AM
Good catch, Mary Beth! It does sound as if the fleas could be the culprit, huh? So glad the treatment went to work so quickly. Trinket got into a seed tick bed last summer that did a number on her skin just above the tail. For quite a while, it was raised up and felt like a hard welt, red for a bit, too. You are so good to watch Ali close and take action quickly. Our miracle girl has a super mom! :)

Addy, my understanding of that saying - nip it in the bud - means if you nip a plant at the bud it won't flower; if it won't flower, it won't seed; if it won't seed, it won't spread/come back; so nipping the bud prevents growth in areas you don't want. But I have been known to be waaaayyy off base. ;) I love sayings like this and learning what different areas of the country/world think they mean and I love how different areas will have different slang for the same thing. I just find linguistics interesting. Yeah, I'm weird - SURPRISE! :p

Keep in touch and let us know how Ali does. I hope it is a bit cooler in your area than it has been in ours. I really think our ticks and fleas have been charbroiled. :p

Leslie and the gang

08-11-2012, 12:04 AM
Hi Leslie, Addy and all,

Checking in while I seem to have internet access. Alivia continues to do very well. The skin issue has resolved and the fur grew back VERY quickly - good sign. Her itchy butt issue is also MUCH improved. It seems like after much trial and error, many prescriptions and a ton of OTC things, the best thing is a combination of hydrocortisone spray, and human grades of hydrocortisone cream and antibacterial cream. I rotate between the three and it has cleared up dramatically. Not completely, but much better than it's been in months. We have had NO trips to the vet since Alivia's last regularly scheduled six month check up a few months ago. :D

Me, on the other hand, is a different story...I am finally starting to get better after being sick for two months. Long story, but the short story is I have a compromised immune system (RA and Crohn's) and the injections for that lower my resistance to infection. I had severe flu like symptoms that turned into an antibiotic resistent ear infection - had to get a tube put in my ear to drain the infection, which took weeks - along with multiple meds. And, it's been a Catch 22 - had to stop the injections because of the infection which has caused the RA and Crohn's to flare up...that was a long short version!

So, since I'm a mess, it's been doubly good that Ali has been doing so well!

08-11-2012, 06:33 AM
Oh MB I am so excited to hear from you. I just was asking where you were with the chocovino:D:D:D I need about a case and a half:p:p

I am so glad Ali is doing well but sad to hear you have been sick.

I hope your ear gets better. Please take care of yourself. Two months is a long time to be sick.

BIGGEST hugs and also belly rubs to Maxwell. Please give Alivia a big kiss from me too. Whenever I think of Ali, I think of her beautiful eyes.

love and hugs

Squirt's Mom
08-11-2012, 07:54 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

So good to hear from you but not good to hear that you have been so ill! :( I so hope you are on the road to full strength again. Tell Miss Ali that we all thank her for behaving while you were down ill yourself....but now that you are feeling a bit better, that is no reason for her to start acting up again. :D I am so happy the treatments you are using on her itchy butt are working so well!

Are you by any chance on AT&T UVerse? I am, and lose connections every time it rains! I can open my Yahoo home page, a Google search, and Facebook but that is all that will open - none of the links on any of those pages will open but the pages will. :rolleyes: I spent about 2 hours on the phone with them last week and most of that time was listening to one after the other tell me what I was saying was impossible and since it couldn't happen, they couldn't fix it. :mad: Fixed it myself - again! gggrrrrrrr

Hang in there and please take care of yourself. Let us hear from you when you can and know you and Ali are often in our thoughts!
Leslie and the gang

08-12-2012, 11:12 AM
Thanks, Addy! From what I have been reading, you deserve a case or two of Chocovine! Wish I could share some with you! I feel like I have missed out on most of the summer. And, if I do say so myself, Ali does have incredible soulful eyes.

Leslie, I think there is a lot of truth in what you've said. Alivia and Maxwell seem to sense when I am not feeling well and are both on their very best behavior. They are both great snugglers! She better not act up now! :eek:

I have Verizon internet. It goes out constantly - like every few minutes sometimes! Usually, I can get it back on if I go upstairs and shut the modem off for a while and then wait till it restarts. That is always after I have already lost whatever I was working on. Verizon has been to my house 3 times without correcting the problem. Since I haven't been feeling well, the last thing I've wanted to do is deal with service appointments. I also have Verizon phone service and there is a ton of static in the line. I am sure it is related but guess what? You have to have TWO separate service techs! After being so sick for so long, I am really behind on everything, so dealing with that has kind of been on the bottom of the list...did I mention my cable TV box blew up, my furnace died (good thing it is summer) and the plaster on my third floor is falling?! When it rains, it pours.

08-26-2012, 04:31 PM
Well, I think Alivia is having a bit of a setback. She had been doing amazingly well for so long that I think I have been in denial for a few weeks. She seems to be showing signs of cushings again - increased thirst, hunger and a bit of a pot belly. She had an area of pyoderma a few weeks ago that cleared up and even grew fur back over it. However, she now has three more areas of pyoderma - each about two inches in diameter, red and the fur has completely fallen out. The strange thing is besides these areas, her fur is thicker and shinier than it has ever been. Her butt is swollen and red and she's been itching like crazy, again, too. I had her off Cosequin for awhile, but re-started it several weeks ago and I am now wondering if the itchy skin issues could be an allergic reaction to something in the Cosequin - Brewer's yeast, maybe? Whether it is only a coincidence, she was better when she was not taking the Cosequin. So, stopping the Cosequin and calling the vet...I'm sure he's missed seeing her!

I just posted a picture of her skin issue.

08-27-2012, 08:03 AM
I looked at the photos but not sure what to make of them. I am so sorry to hear Alivia is having issues. It seems we go along and something always pops up with our pups.:(:( Maybe it is the Brewers yeast.:confused::confused: Here in Wisconsin they said we are having the worst allergy year in history with no let up in sight. I wondered if that contributed to Zoe's allergy eyes.

I hope Ali gets better soon. You are so good at helping her get well, I know you will figure this out too:):):)

I thought my hubby was cute but a bit over the top. I have to remind him Zoe is a dog not a child as much as we tend to treat her like one. He is worse than me about that:):):):) She is his little girl and he really loves to cuddle with her.

Have a good week, MB.

Squirt's Mom
08-27-2012, 08:40 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

Sorry to hear that Ali is having some problems. :( Please let us know what the vet says...other than, "Well, where have you been, Miss Alivia?" :D

How have you been feeling?

Leslie and the gang

08-27-2012, 08:04 PM
Hi, Addy and Leslie.

Only the first picture I posted is her skin issue this time around (the other ones were from last year!). Ali's vet is booked pretty solid until the 5th. He is always great about fitting her in but I emailed him pictures of her skin and he is calling in the same antibiotic she had last time. I am actually happy about that because it was right after she was on that the last time that all her Cushing's symptoms disappeared. So, she can get started on the medication right away and she will see the vet on the 5th...along with Maxwell who is due for his annual exam. Hopefully, by then she will be much improved.

Leslie, you are right - I've been pretty lucky about not having many vet visits recently! And, Miss Alivia DID wait until I was feeling better, at least! My ear infection is gone, they removed the tube and I have started back on my injections so I should be getting better each day. Thanks for asking!

molly muffin
08-27-2012, 09:48 PM
yay, glad to hear you are feeling better. Now just have to get the little miss all fixed up to. Hopefully the meds will do that!


08-30-2012, 07:29 PM
Some of you are aware of the difficulty I have getting pills into Alivia. She is so smart she can detect them in ANYTHING - we've been through Pill Pockets, cheese, homemade meatballs and anything else you can stick a pill in. She finds them in ANYTHING and will absolutely refuse it. I have resorted to prying her mouth open and getting the pill in, then holding it shut till she swallows and then checking to make sure it's gone...only to step on it later in another room and then having no clue what day that pill was from. :confused:

So, this time in an effort to outsmart Alivia, I asked the vet to call in her antibiotic in a liquid suspension and then had the pharmacist add a flavor. They gave me a syringe to squirt the tasty liquid into Ali's mouth - problem solved! Or, so I thought. I told Ali it was a "treat" and I squirted a teaspoon in. It was no sooner in her mouth when she BLEW it right back out!! :eek: You cannot believe how far and wide one teaspoon of pink berry flavored liquid can fly! :D

Boriss McCall
08-30-2012, 07:38 PM
I hate to laugh.. but, I am imagining a toddler stomping their feet & turning up their nose. Except in the doggie version.
Good luck.. I know that has to be so difficult.

08-30-2012, 08:02 PM
Laugh away! I did! A temper tantrum throwing toddler has nothing on my Alivia! :D:D:D

Boriss McCall
08-30-2012, 08:11 PM
I had to go check out her photos. What a sweet little rascal. She looks like she would be fun & entertaining to have around. :)

molly muffin
08-30-2012, 11:38 PM
I sympathize completely with the medication problem. Molly started on that hepto supplement and I tried a dozen different ways and didn't get one pill down her. Finally I broke it open and sprinkled it on some can food, on top of her dry food. (just a tiny bit of the can stuff, maybe a teaspoon worth total) That she loves.

I just can see pink berry spews coming out. No problems. They are smart and they are stubborn as all get out. Adorable and bratty. Who could possibly resist.


Squirt's Mom
08-31-2012, 08:39 AM
HA! :p:D:p Ali and Squirt have something in common! Squirt can spew liquid meds for MILES! :p:D:p She will also sit there with her mouth wide open until all the liquid has drooled down her chest! :rolleyes: She became a pro at dissing meds a couple of years ago and hasn't let up one iota since. :D And she can twist and slither away like an eel! :D Now I always try to get capsule form or liquids that I can put in her food or I grind the pills then put them in her food. Not the best solution at times for the tummy but when it's the only way to get things in her, I do it. I am waiting for the day when she refuses to eat food with meds in it! :p

Just look at how dull our lives would be without such challenges to keep us on our toes! :p

Leslie and the gang

08-31-2012, 06:26 PM
I'm glad to hear I am not the only one with the medication problem! But, unfortunately, I think Alivia has both Squirt and Molly beat. Alivia has been taking two maintenance meds (one for high blood pressure and a compounded aspirin) for years. One is a pill that I grind, the other a capsule. I can put both of those in her canned food and get away with it, but if I even attempt to add one extra med she turns up her nose and walks away from the whole thing! Aspirin deteriorates quickly in liquid, so when she refuses to eat it instantly I have to throw it all away.

Leslie, Ali is now alternating between spewing the liquid med across the room or doing Squirt's trick of not shutting her mouth until it runs out all over her, me and the floor! I still cannot get over how far one teaspoon of pink liquid can be spread out! I tasted the medication and it is not bad at all. Max happily licked some up, too! Alivia acts like I am attempting to poison her. :rolleyes:

08-31-2012, 06:31 PM
That's our girl:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I could picture Koko doing that. Zoe is a hoover vacum even when it comes to medicine.

I dont have any suggestions though. Unless there is something really yummy she likes, like human meat or babyfood and you could mix into that?:confused::confused::confused:

They sure keep us on our toes. Think how bored we would be though:rolleyes:

marie adams
08-31-2012, 07:56 PM
Bored indeed!!!:D:D:D:rolleyes:

Maddie would just eat pills if I put them in her food. Ella--well--Ella is a different animal.:eek: I can get away with peanut butter when I give her benedryl. I tried in the food, but since there ins't any yogurt and pumpkin in the dry she will leave them. Forget a eye dropper type (whatever it's called) she thinks that is poison because I have used that to give her hydrogen peroxide to make her throw up. Now I have to be very inventive to get hp down her--can't give beef or chicken broth--allergic--so I water down the pumpkin with it.:eek:

So far I think Ali and Squirt have her beat!!!:D:D

Happy Weekend!!!!

09-02-2012, 11:29 AM
Oh, how I envy those of you that can simply pop a pill in a bit of peanut butter or cheese! That would so simplify things!! Right now I am giving Ali her morning dose with the syringe...then estimating how much spews out or runs down and giving her a bit more afterwards (then mopping the kitchen floor!). Not the most accurate dosing, I know, but it's really the best I can do. She did eat her evening meal last night with it mixed in - fingers crossed that continues. Ali has never been one of those cush dogs that will eat anything she sees. She's had an increased appetite at times, but will walk away from kibble, treats or anything else that she doesn't care for.

09-03-2012, 08:40 AM
Hugs to you and Ali and Maxwell,

I hope Alivia's skin is getting better from her antibiotics (if you are managing to get any into her yet:)) Our cat became so talented at hiding pills in her mouth, she would even swallow multiple times so we would think the pill went down her throat and then she would jump off the bed, look at us, and spit the pill out:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I hope you are feeling better, MB and that you had a peaceful, restful holiday weekend.

Big hugs,

09-05-2012, 09:43 PM
Alivia and Maxwell both went to the regular vet today. Maxwell had his routine annual exam. He is healthy as always. Alivia's pyoderma is improving, so the antibiotic is working. Overall, she's doing very well. She has lost a few pounds - she's down to 13 pounds. Hopefully that's because her food now is lower in fat. We'll wait for her regular check up with IMS for blood work. So for now, all's good.

09-06-2012, 07:55 AM
Great news!!! I switched Zoe to 1/2 lower fat food and she has dropped some weight as well. Hopefully that will help her arthritis.

I hope you are feeling good as well, Mary Beth.

Take care of yourself and the pups!!!!


09-06-2012, 05:29 PM
Just as long as she doesn't lose any more weight! Max is a healthy weight per the vet and he is 23 pounds! Ali is much smaller boned than Max, but this is the most their weight has ever varied.

09-12-2012, 09:54 PM
We are having a week long fundraising event at my job to benefit the 3 biggest animal shelters in the area. We're collecting supplies the shelters need and, of course, cash. My company is going to match all the money we raise. Representatives from the 3 shelters are bringing animals in on Friday and my company is going to underwrite any adoptions that day! Cross your fingers that at least a few animals find new forever homes (and, NOT with me!). :rolleyes: Today and tomorrow we had a bake sale to raise more money. My contribution was home made, wheat free dog treats - I even grind my own rice and oat flour, since I don't give Max and Ali wheat anymore! I posted a picture of them. They sold out.

Squirt's Mom
09-13-2012, 08:29 AM
Best of luck to you all, Mary Beth! What a wonderful event! I, too, hope at least a few babies find their forever home.

Leslie and the gang

Steph n' Ella
09-13-2012, 10:37 AM
Sounds awesome! :):D Good luck on the fund raising!

09-13-2012, 04:24 PM
You are amazing:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

What a wonderful project, MB, how exciting and worthwhile. You could package the treats and call them:Ali Bites";);)

Speaking of our beautiful Alivia, how is her skin doing?

09-13-2012, 06:18 PM
Thanks, everyone! The bake sales raised $600, so that will double with the company match. We also have a ton of cash donations that haven't been added up. When it's all over there should be a couple thousand dollars for the shelters, plus TONS of supplies from their wish lists. And, I hope, a few animals in new homes!

Addy, the treats are packaged and named after both Maxwell and Alivia (of course!). I posted a picture of them.

Ali's pyoderma is clearing up. The fur is starting to grow back on the bare spots. Unfortunately, her Cushing's symptoms seem to be reoccurring. She is drinking and peeing a lot and just doesn't seem to be herself. She gets VERY clingy when she doesn't feel good and wants to be right beside me all the time (and I mean RIGHT beside me), so that is worrying me. I was hoping she'd have the amazing result of her symptoms going away after the antibiotics, like she did before, but no such luck this time. We may have to see the IMS sooner than scheduled and re-visit treatment options. :(

09-14-2012, 09:07 PM
The adoption event today was a HUGE success!! 14 dogs and cats and 1 bunny found homes (and NONE of them with me!)!! The shelter said it was their best offsite event ever! I am so happy!!

Boriss McCall
09-14-2012, 09:08 PM
That is amazing!! good job on finding all those babies forever homes. :)

09-15-2012, 07:58 AM
It was the Alivia and Maxwell treats. I saw the picture. They looked awesome!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

09-15-2012, 10:00 AM
Thanks, Addy. You can probably see one in the picture, every package of bones has one heart in it because they are "Packaged with love". :)

09-20-2012, 07:48 PM
Ali is beginning to seem very old. She walks very stiffly, especially in the morning. This morning while I was in the bathroom I heard her fall down the steps. It sounded like she fell about half way. It broke my heart. :(

09-21-2012, 08:28 AM
I hope Ali is okay. Did she get hurt? It is very hard to watch our little ones age. They are our perpetual children, it isn't supposed to happen.

Mary Beth, what antibiotic is Alivia on? I just wondered because after Zoe's surgery, she has so much trouble walking, front legs gave out, then the back legs. A friend of mine had a similar problem with her Lhasa mix after a growth removal. Her Pup had been on the same antibiotic as Zoe- cefaloxin I think, it is a skin antibiotic most vets use. Anyway, we were comparing notes and she always thought her pups problems stemmed from the antibiotic so when Zoe had similar issues we wondered about. Maybe just a coincidence.:confused:

I can surely sympathize with how you are feeling, I am there myself.

I hope she is okay and that you have a wonderful weekend. Think about seeling your dog treats on line!!!!!! Or if you have some dog friendly restuarants in town, maybe you could sell them to them;).
What fun to have a dog treat on the menu!!!!!!

love ya

molly muffin
09-21-2012, 09:31 AM
Oh poor Ali. I hope she is okay.

The stairs is one of my biggest fears with molly. She runs down them like a little she-devil or a bat outta hell as the saying goes. It scares me to death that she is going to miss a step and fall and hurt herself. There doesn't seem to be any way though to stop her. :(

Anyway, I do hope Ali is okay. It's so hard to see changes occurring in our little ones as they get older or as diseases take their toll.


Squirt's Mom
09-21-2012, 10:19 AM
Hi Mary Beth,

oooo, I know how scary that was! :( And if you're like me, self-recrimination beat you over the head for hours after. When Squirt had her knees done at an early age, they told me she was never to do steps or stairs again, especially going down. Well, the Queen set out to prove them wrong right off the bat! She wouldn't attempt going up but would fly down before I could grab her and I could see the "neener neener neener" in her eyes with every step. :rolleyes: She stumbled and tumbled a couple of times before I managed to make her understand that those things were a part of her past. I have carried her up and down for years now and tho she occasionally will still try to take them herself, she typically stands there waiting in all her Royal impatience for a lift. :D

I hope Ali is ok this morning and that you are done beating yourself up. It happens, and we all learn so don't let this get you down, 'k?

Leslie and the gang

Steph n' Ella
09-21-2012, 10:24 AM
Ella is the worst with steps...since she had been in a kennel all her life she'd never learned how to do the steps! She loves the carpeted steps to the basement but the wood steps upstairs are hard! She bunny hops all the way down and kinda lets gravity take over. She's fallen a couple times but shakes it off! She has a nervous habit of circling since being in the kennel and sometimes she tries to circle in the middle of the steps!!!! That never works out well :/

09-22-2012, 06:51 PM
Thanks, everyone. Ali seemed okay after her fall. The steps are hardwood and had never been a problem before. I immediately ordered carpet stair treads for them. I hope they arrive quickly and that they help. Alivia loves to snuggle with you but she doesn't like to be carried. :(

Yes, Addy, she was on Cephalexin for the pyoderma. That's improved but her hind end is so swollen and red. We just can't seem to get that cleared up. I can't imagine what she could be allergic to - she's on a grain free diet. I wonder now if her licking and chewing has become a nervous habit and if I should attempt one of those soft cones? Or, would not being able to scratch an itch be torture for her??

09-23-2012, 08:31 AM
I understand your thoughts as the derm vet thought Zoe was more OCD with the chewing yet the eye doctor thinks she has allergies.

My thoughts would be if you use the soft cone, a topical would be needed as well, to treat the area and hopefully relieve some of the itchiness and soreness. DO you think she may need a repeat antibiotic dose?

Since the heat wave broke here in WI, the grass is very wet in the early am and later pm and Zoe is chewing at her paws more and more. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Wet paws seem to really bug her.:confused:

I know it is so hard, MB, allergies can drive us bonkers. It is so hard to watch them be so miserable.

09-23-2012, 09:02 AM
Mary Beth and Alivia:
Tipper has been chewing her feet, the underside of one paw, and scratching her mouth area until it bleeds. She had allergies as a puppy which the Vets then used steroids to correct when they were uncontrollable. That is what brought us to this bad place we are in. It seems like the allergies are kicking in again after all these years of not having any problems with them. I hate to put a "cone" on her as she is dealing with enough already. I did notice her stomach etc. looking real pink, and that is how the allergies would start as a puppy.The thing I am most worried about are these episodes that seem to be tumor related, so much so that I cannot sleep. Also it seems the worst symptoms, labored breathing, tremors, waking up not knowing where she is, are the worst at night, even though she gets a split dose. How long has Alivia had cushings? Also I noticed Tipper being reluctant to jump up in the last few days. She had rock hard leg muscles like springs being a Jack Russell. I thought they experienced the weakness before treatment?? She has been on treatment since August 23rd. Doesn't this stop the muscle wasting?? Thank you so much for all your kindness and help.

09-25-2012, 11:36 PM
Ali is not on Cushing's medication, but she can't jump like she used to. I have steps for her to get on the bed and couch.

It seems like there are a lot of Jack Russells with Cushing's! Seems like the percentage here is higher than other breeds. Anyone else notice?