View Full Version : Please advise! Spanky is sick....Cushing and Diabetes

Spanky's Mom
04-17-2011, 09:08 PM
:( Hi. I am Spanky's mom(10 yr old Eskie) who was diagnosed with Cushings 7/10 by a way of the ACHT test. Spanky's weight and appearance as well as an unquenchable thirst, laying on cold surfaces and heavy panting were the first signs. I had the expensive Cushings test after a few month of symptoms. Spanky's levels were elevated ato a 21 (which really did not seem to me to be that out of range as I thought the high range was 20) and the vet decided to start Spanky on trilostane 30 mg once daily with a check and retest after a month to see if levels improved. Well, he seemed to be doing a little better so we kept him on this dose, had another recheck at three months and he seemed to be okay, at least that is what I thought. Never did the vet diagose which kind of Cushings he had and never suggested a blood test for diabetes. With some symptoms appearing worse, he checked his thyroid which also was out of whack and he put Spanks on thyroid med twice a day. All of sudden, Spanky seemed to take a turn for the worst, urinating in the house daily, large outputs, loss of hind legs muscle weakness, increased and crazy thirst,aggiatatec at times, lethargic other times,bad breath, so... I took a urine sample to the doc thinking he had a urinary infection,not expecting his urinalysis to reveal high glucose levels suggesting diabetes. Doc gave little hope of Spanky recovering from this as he said Cushings andDiabestes together are difficult and expensive to control. The doc even mentioned Euthansia in his remarks. I was shocked and floored.... He gave little hope of a good prognosis, honestly,I think he was rushed to get going on his spring vacation to Florida. I suggested the full blood panel to see what else it reveals....glucose of 420,anemia, elevated liver enzymes, but his kidneys and everything else appeared okay. He suggested starting Spanky on insulin shots twice a day.... But really did not explain much, gave me a handout and then I was out the door. He showed me once how to do injection... Tried to give one once.... Not sure it worked or I did it correctly, poor Spanks helped...now too scared to give it to him.
From what I have read on this forum and else where it seems to me that his Cushings was not controlled well in the beginning, thus causing his glucose levels to rise and now be diagnose with diabetes.
Spanky weights almost 50 lbs , about 15 over his max weight for his breed, and according to the weight chart on trilostane page he should be on 30 mg twice a day.... Vet is out of town, don,t know what to do, scared to give insulin with little prep and not convinced he has to have it. What should I do? Gonna get a second opinion tomorrow while I wait to get appt. With intern vet.... husband and I want to do what we can to help our baby,but do not want to deplete savings, or pay for tons of tests and mess that are not going to work. We want Spanky to have a high quality of life and will not allow him to suffer,nor do we want him hospitalized as I think this is cruel for an animal to be subjected to.... please advise. Any good vets or interns in the Hampton Roads...Norfolk, VB area?

04-17-2011, 09:46 PM
Welcome to you and Spanky, although I am so sorry for the reasons that you are needing assistance! I literally only have a moment to post right now, but I do want to give you the link to our "sister" forum that focuses on diabetic dogs. I am thinking that control of Spanky's diabetes is your top priority right at the moment, and so I am hoping that you can get additional support and information from the folks over there. We will be here to help you as well, but I want to make sure that you also have the opportunity to connect with people who are experienced with diabetic treatment.


I will definitely check back in with you tomorrow with some additional Cushing's "thoughts."


04-17-2011, 10:10 PM
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Marianne has already given you the link to our sister forum k9diabetes.com so that's the first order of business. I would also highly recommend that you consult with an internal medicine specialists. I found two in your area and have posted their information below.

It would really help us understand what is going on with Spanky if you would please get copies of all acth stimulation tests done, before and after starting treatment, and post the results here.

I do understand your fear of giving shots but once you get the hang of it, both you and Spanky will be fine. It is apparent that your vet has little experience with treating a dog with cushing's and diabetes or he would know that both conditions can be effectively controlled. It's not always easy but you can get there with help from us and the knowledgable folks at k9diabetes.com.

Hopefully, you can get in to see a specialist asap and they can show you how to give the insulin. Most specialists require a referral from your general practitioner but they may make an exception for you as your vet is not available and Spanky needs insulin. In the meantime, please join k9diabetes and start a thread for Spanky. You will receive excellent information and guidance there.

Name: Dr. Keith A. Kremer
Specialty: SAIM
Species: Small Animal
Areas of interest:
Type of Practice: Specialty Practice
Other Affiliations: AVMA |
School Attended:
Organization: Tidewater Vet. Internal Medicine
Address: 5124 Greenwich Rd.
Virginia Beach
Phone Number: -
Fax Number: (757) 605-1612
Website: www.specialistvet.com

Name: Dr. Paul Berdoulay
Specialty: SAIM
Species: Small Animal
Areas of interest:
Type of Practice: Specialty Practice
Other Affiliations:
School Attended: Michigan State University
Organization: Costal Veterinary Internal Medicine
Address: 1124 Lynhaven Pkwy., Ste. C
Virginia Beach
Phone Number: (757) 468-4900 -
Fax Number: (757) 821-1034

Spanky's Mom
04-18-2011, 06:51 AM
Thank you so much for your quick response and encouragement; it mean so much!:)

I successfully gave Spanky his first dose of insulin this morning and was able to get him to eat a meal of brown rice cooked in chicken broth with a little of his regular wellness canned chicken mixed in.

I had been pondering a consultation with one of the internists mentioned and am going go schedule an appointment right away.

Thank you so much for the support and I will post more info when I obtain Spanky's lab results from current vet.

Spanky's Mom,

04-22-2011, 02:54 PM
Dear April
Welcome. Don't give up on Spanky. We have many members here with older dogs. In my case my Apollo is 12.5 and has had cushing for 3 years and he is still here. We are here for you.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo