View Full Version : Zoe's Story- In honor of your coming birthday

04-12-2011, 01:37 PM
In honor of my Zoe- I will have to tell your story a little bit each day, darling. Sunday is your special day. I love you.

Life Before Zoe:

The family dog along with an array of cats accompanied me throughout my childhood. Candy, our German Shepherd mix, enjoyed sharing my bed. My brother would haul her into his room at night holding her close, wanting her to sleep with him. Patient as she was, she would lay very still. As soon as he drifted off to sleep, his hold loosening, she would escape, run to my room then jump up on my bed. Looking back on it, I had the bigger bed so she had much more room to stretch out. But as a child, I thought it was because she was my Lassie, my loyal, best friend. I can still close my eyes and have a vivid picture of the day my father brought her home. She was a tiny, furry thing, curled up in his left arm. My mother, in her apron, hands on her hips, was having no part of it. My brother and I rushed from the dinner table to grab her from my dad, all the while he was explaining, “But Betty, she’s a SMALL German Shepherd.” There was the month of “Stay in your box!” at night as my father tried to accustom her to our household. He kept her in a box in the bathroom with a blanket and an alarm clock. The ticking was supposed to calm her mimicking her mother’s heartbeat. I loved to crawl into the bathroom and lay next to the box.

Once I started my own family, the cats and the family dog tradition continued. Sassy was a pure bred Golden Retriever, as sweet as could be, loyal to all of us. I took her to obedience training, walked her and fed her, the usual duties that end up falling to the mom. I had no illusions of her being another “Lassie,” she was our family dog. When my husband and I divorced, Sassy stayed with me, my daughter and her cat, a birthday present from her father. Sassy started to sleep in my bed which was fine with me. I liked the warmth. But I did not turn to her for nurturing during my divorce.

After I remarried, an aging Sassy developed health problems so we eventually had to put her down. My family then consisted of me, my new husband and Tinker, my daughter’s tiny, black and white cat. Chris, my rebellious daughter, moved out on her own giving Tinker to my husband. We were happy the tiny cat was not going to room with Chris and a passel of other girls and cats. Tinker seemed to like remaining at home with me and was really attached to Jerry. She became our baby. I rocked her in the rocking chair and sang to her when she was ill. We brought her Christmas presents, birthday presents and went off the deep end. Tinker loved being an only child. We lived happily for many years.

To be continued-----------

04-13-2011, 01:17 PM
Princess was a yellow and white short hair we found wandering around my employer’s yard. He took her to the humane society, sure that someone would be looking for her. She was the kindest, most loving cat we had ever met. When no one claimed her, we adopted her bringing her back to the factory. The cat was not allowed inside our offices, so she stayed outside in the courtyard with access to the basement through an exterior door in the yard. Since it was summer, she did not seem to mind. Princess hung out in the courtyard during the day, going down the stairs to the basement at night. I rushed to work every morning, my heart in my throat, terrified she would be gone. I would stand at the top of the basement stairs, calling her. There would be a flash of yellow and white as Princess bounded up the stairs jumping into my arms, purring like crazy. I would hold her close, so grateful she had not wandered off. I eventually talked my boss into allowing her to live inside. She became the office cat. Princess loved to sleep on my desk and share my lunch. It was a perfect life, one loving cat waiting for me at work, another loving cat waiting for me when I got home. I adored them both.

The perfect life had to end. I lost both of my girls. They each died in November, one year apart. I knew it was coming. Tinker was 21 years old. I had lived with her longer than any human, which was such an odd thought to me. There was so much history with her. She was an extension of me, really. She was a constant in my life, had always been there no matter what for twenty-one years.

Our veterinarian liked to say Tinker lasted so long because she was so mean. But she was never mean to me or to my husband. Besides, she was the runt of the litter and needed some spunk. It was that spunk that endeared her to Jerry. He loved a feisty girl. She went first. It broke my heart. I could not look at pictures of her, so I found a photo in a magazine of a little black and white cat with a pink nose, slinking through the grass. The picture was the spitting image of Tinker. I still have it hanging in my office today.

To be continued...............

marie adams
04-14-2011, 12:11 PM
I love this story telling---more, more

I too had a black and white cat, his name was Thurman and lived with us until the skin cancer got him (his little pink nose) at 14 1/2 yrs. That was a hard one since the daughter preceded to tell us we KILLED*him the day we had to put him down--what do you expect from a 9 yr old.:(

04-14-2011, 01:23 PM
Not even the new kitten my boss presented to me one morning as I walked into to work could ease the hurt in my heart. She was a cute little kitten, but I couldn’t allow her to get close. He urged me to take her home to give her a chance. I refused, in tears. Little Luna became by boss’s cat, not mine. I dreaded going home and started spending longer and longer hours at the office. My husband worked most evenings so it seemed there was really no point to go home, home to an empty, quiet, dark house. At least Princess did not haunt me at work. Her picture brought me comfort so I glanced at it many times throughout the day. It was just easier to stay at work. I didn’t wonder why.

This brings me to the start of my story and my life with Zoë, the mutt with the butt, the hoofer with the woofer, the best little thing on four legs I could have ever imagined. But then, I am getting ahead of myself. For I really must start at the beginning; the beginning that finally brought me to an end.

Wanted: one loving fur ball to become a forever friend to sad, anxious human.

My current antidepressant, anti anxiety drug is a small, furry, twenty pound Lhasa Apso named Zoe. I like to tell people how I rescued Zoe from Animal Control. The truth is we rescued each other. I spent a year searching for a dog. Having never lived without a pet, the house seemed so empty and still. I figured I needed a different kind of pet, one that would not be a constant reminder of Tinker and Princess. A dog seemed to be the perfect solution. But was I really ready? Do we ever really know for sure? The only time I am ever really sure about anything is when I making a decision at work. For some reason I cannot adapt that skill to my personal life. It took me 3 months to pick out hardware for my kitchen cabinets and they weren’t REALLY what I wanted. I made do.

A lot of time was spent on my wish list. No puppies, only a female, preferably 2-3 years old, a small dog I could carry around and cuddle; housebroken, spayed, has to like kids and other animals. My husband figured my long list was a sub conscious way of never having to find a dog because I really did not want one. After all, wasn’t I asking for the perfect dog? Who would give up the perfect dog? Apparently, not too many people. Wow, the list of dogs on Petfinder was very, very long. Most of the dogs had issues. I never could make up my mind about any of them and I sure was being cautious, not wanting to pick the wrong dog. After all, she would be my buddy, my friend, my companion. I would tell myself I was not going to act like the people on TV, thinking she was my baby. I wouldn’t go that far. She would be my DOG. Yeah, right, little do we know? We can be so smug and so sure until the little package arrives into our lives. Funny how everything changes, little by little, as your dog looks adoringly at you. My sister in law remarked ”Nobody loves you like your dog.” Well for some of us that ends up working both ways.

To be continued----------------

Casey's Mom
04-15-2011, 07:56 AM
Love your stories Addy - can't wait for the next installment!! Now I have to go to work :((:eek:

04-15-2011, 09:28 AM
There she was, the cutest little Shih Tzu with her head held in such an attitude. Her name was Rosalyn and she was at the local animal control. A rescue group had stepped in to find her a home. I filled out the application, held my breath then hit the send button, leaning back in my chair. I DID IT! I FOUND MY DOG!

Anxiety suddenly flooded through me. What if this was a mistake? What if it didn’t work out? No, no. I thought, don’t go there. Wait and see. I spent two days waiting to see while they checked my references. I was really getting excited and kept looking at Roz’s picture. She was so cute and she was the perfect size. Not really tiny but definitely a lap dog. Then the call came. I was at work so my husband took the call. Roz was adopted; I was second in line so the rescue group was calling to tell me about another dog needing a home. Amy assured my husband that the new orphan, Mokey, was really sweet and she was sure I would adore her. When would we come to meet her? Jerry told me the news and I was devastated. My dog was gone? The one I actually got up enough nerve to call about, try to adopt, was GONE? New dog? What new dog? But I wanted ROZ. “I don’t know about this” I told my husband. “I think I’ll wait and see.”

I remember the conversation with the rescue group.” Well, how old is she?” I asked.
The response was “She’s five and she’s really sweet.”
“Ha, I bet she is five going on nine!” I thought to myself. “Well, I really was hoping for a dog about two, maybe three years old”.
“But she’s really sweet”.
Hesitantly, I asked “Well then, what can you tell me about her?” I wasn’t sold yet. And so the story goes: Mokey came in to animal control because her second owner was arrested. Animal control would not give her back. She was raised from a puppy by a previous owner. They had her medical records, her original address, even the name of her vet. The rescue group was not sure how she came to the second owner but it was a few months previously. All attempts to contact her original owner had failed. I did not ask why the second owner was arrested. I did not want to know. “I’ll come tomorrow morning to see her.” I made the arrangements all the while thinking “She’s probably five going on nine.” My husband, Jerry, lobbied hard for Mokey. “Give her a chance, just give her a chance, you might be surprised. Amy said she is really a nice dog and you will love her. And did I tell you she’s really sweet?”

To be continued-------

04-15-2011, 10:39 AM
And did I tell you you're really sweet? you have me hooked! carry on.................

04-15-2011, 08:54 PM
The next day I was a wreck. We drove across town to Animal Control. I was close to tears when I saw the building. Just the thought of what goes on inside was a bit too much for me. I’m just way too emotional. We walked through the doors, and had a seat to wait for Amy. The smell of urine was overpowering. I didn’t want to think of what was behind the door at the end of the hall. But then there she was, leading Amy down the hall. They went into an empty room. We joined them and I watched Amy let Mokey off leash. Mokey was panting anxiously, walking the perimeter of the room, smelling. She would not come to me or to Jerry. She would pant then go stand at the door looking back to us. Why didn’t I think to bring treats? I called to her but she just circled the room again. She was scruffy, dirty and needing a good grooming but there was something in that face, in those eyes. Her eyes were large and dark, rimmed with black. It looked like she had black eyeliner on. My husband saw more than I did. “She’s beautiful! She’s perfect. Oh, Addy, look how cute she is. What a nice dog.” He didn’t stop gushing. Jerry bent down and she actually approached him, sniffing. He reached to pet her head but then she quickly retreated.

“Well, she is cute, but she’s bigger than I thought she would be. What kind of dog is she? She sure doesn’t look like I could easily carry her around. Mokey must be about 20 pounds and about 17” tall, don’t you think? What, a Lhasa Apso mix? Okay, well then, hmmmm.” I wasn’t ready to commit but Amy was seeing it another way, taking her cue from Jerry. She took out her cell phone and made a call, arranging a free grooming for the little dog. “You can pick her up tomorrow afternoon. You’ll love her and she really is very, very sweet.”

On the drive home, I began feeling overwhelmed. What had I done? What if the little dog did not like me? Did I really want a dog? Again the insecurity flooded through me. But then my heart took a leap and the train of thought changed. What do I need? What kind of food should I buy? Does she need a bed? My mind raced on. I have to change her name. I thought I was getting a King Charles Cavalier. At least that had been my hope and I was going to name her Chloe. Mokey did not look like a Chloe. But I had my heart set on that name. I waited more than a year for my Chloe. Chloe. My Chloe. Is that finally you? I started crying and could not stop and I could not tell you why.

To be continued--------------

04-16-2011, 06:48 PM
We waited for Amy and Mokey the following morning, casually speaking to a rescue volunteer. I cried during most of the drive to the meeting site. Had I logged in about three hours of sleep the night before? Doubtful. My emotions were raw and unchecked. But there we were, Jerry and I, waiting for my new dog. She pranced in ahead of Amy, utterly transformed, so white and fluffy with her honey colored ears and spots, the most beautiful ears and tail I had ever seen. Her eyes were bright as she looked at me. Amy handed me the leash. At that moment it was all over for me. My heart beat hard, love swelling up, catching in my throat. Love at second sight? Yes, definitely. I was head over heels in love with my dog and there would be no going back. MY DOG. My, wait a minute, not my Chloe, she was so not a Chloe. Zoe? Yes, Zoe, impish, a bit naughty, MY ZOE and the love affair began.

Amy and I sat down on the floor with Zoe between us. I looked at her beautiful long tail. She flipped it up over her back, carrying it high. The silky white hairs reached to the floor. “I was worried you might have her tail cut” I whispered to Amy. She ran her fingers through the beautiful honey colored strands hanging from her ears. “No, I would never do that. You know, her ears are really small under all this hair.” I felt her ears. They were small beneath the long hair. “Thank you for my dog, Amy” I said softly, barely able to get the words out. Amy’s eyes were suspiciously misty. “Addy, when I brought her out of animal control and opened up the door to my car, she jumped up onto the front seat. I had put a towel down for her. She turned in a circle, lied down, licked my hand, then sighed and went to sleep. I think she just wanted out of that place so badly.”
“That’s why she kept panting and going to the door.” I guessed.
“I normally am not a small dog person” Amy continued, “but she’s special and I think misunderstood.”

Amy had a bittersweet look on her face as we said our goodbyes. I think she was going to miss her little friend. Jerry paused for a moment then decided to make an extra contribution to the rescue group. I held the leash tightly as we left the building. Our new family, Zoe, Jerry and I, headed for home. During the ride, Zoe sat quietly on my lap in the car looking out the front window. It was a long drive but she sat still, very keen on watching the world go by. Her new world I thought. We watched the cars go zipping past us, the city in the distance. We passed the mall, driving through the suburbs toward Bayside and our wooded two acres. Then a funny thing happened. Jerry finally slowed the car down, exiting the freeway. We made the turn onto the tree lined, winding lane which led to our home. Suddenly, Zoe got very excited. She jumped up, putting her paws on the dashboard, making little crying sounds. Did it remind her of another place? Jerry and I looked at each other. What was she thinking we wondered? Where did she think she was going? As we turned into our driveway, passing the tall pines, her excitement grew; the whimpering getting louder. Jerry parked the car and came around to open my car door. As soon as the door opened, Zoe leaped out of the car down onto the cement. She sniffed the pavement, and then pulled to the grass, wagging her tail. Her black eyes shone with joy as she looked at us, her mouth parted almost in a smile. “We’re home Zoe, it’s your new home.” Jerry told her as he walked to the front door. He opened the door, smiled and waited. Zoe sniffed the ground again then looked at me expectantly. Heading for the door, I called” Come on Zoe let’s go, let’s go in”. I did not think to allow her to explore her new yard, sniff out all the trees, nor to relieve herself. But as I lead her into the house, I made her a promise. “I will take care of you for as long as you live and I will never allow anything bad to happen to you again.' Together we walked through the door of her forever home.

marie adams
04-16-2011, 07:44 PM
Oh Addy,

Such a wonderful story!!!! I love it, the eyes are misty because...It is your Zoe's story of how you met and your promise...so sweet and so touching!:):):)

A Pre-Happy Birthday Zoe!!!

marie adams
04-17-2011, 01:47 AM
Now it is your Birthday Miss Zoe...

Happy Birthday to You!!!:):D:p;) I tried to get balloon colors going here with the faces...

Casey's Mom
04-17-2011, 07:43 AM
What a beautiful story - thank you Addy.
Happy Birthday Zoe!!!

04-17-2011, 07:51 AM
Today is your birthday. Well, we really are not sure when your birthday is or even positive exactly how old you are but we celebrate your birthday on April 17th for that is the day you came to live with us. The first day in your forever home. I remember that day very well. You were the most beautiful dog I ever saw. I changed the words to “Maria” and sang it to you every day. I still do. “The most beautiful dog I ever saw, Zoleah, the most beautiful sound in a single word, I just met a dog named Zoleah. “ That first year you slept under my bed each night and I would awake and listen for your snore. When I heard it, I knew it was okay to fall back asleep. Oh, I loved how you smelled. I loved the essence of Zoleah; my Zoe. Everyone thought I was crazy. I was crazy and still am. Crazy about you. My Zoe. Zoleah.

Our first summer together was just like another song: “You spent a summer by my side and filled my days with endless wonder.” We gardened together, walked together, rode together. We even played “Beauty Parlor”. Every Sunday was Zoe Day. We would go somewhere special, a special ride, a special place, a special walk just for you.

Later that year when the love of your life, Izzy, moved away and your other play dates got too busy with their lives, I adopted a brother for you. I wanted to make sure you had one of your own kind to play with. I read every dog book in every library twice trying to understand you. “And suddenly that name can never sound the same to me.. Zoleah.”

We are four years older today, my beloved, hopefully four years wiser. The last year has been a hard road to travel but we traveled it together, you and I. Me and a dog, A dog named Zoleah The most beautiful dog I ever saw. I love you Zoe and my days are still filled with endless wonder. Wonder of how it all came to be and why; how I found you; why I found you. Or did you find me?

Happy Birthday Darling and I will try as hard as I can to give you many more.


Thanks to all of you for allowing me to share my story and thank you for your well wishes and kind words.

04-17-2011, 08:01 AM
Oh Addy, I have read every chapter of your story, anxiously awaiting the arrival of this special day. Your love for Zoe shines through every line, as does her beautiful spirit. I cannot tell you how happy I am to be able to share in wishing your entire family a huge "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Because it feels as though this is a day of celebration for us all, including all your family here.

Wishing you a golden day filled with joy. And sending many special hugs for our special little girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :) :D :p :) :D

All best wishes, today and always!

Harley PoMMom
04-17-2011, 09:19 AM
Oh Addy, I have been following along too and just loved reading your story about beautiful Zoe!

Happy Birthday, sweet Zoe!!

Wishing you both a very wonderful day and sending lots of love and hugs.

Love and hugs,

Cindy Thoman
04-17-2011, 11:28 AM
Addy, I just loved your story. I was excited to get up everyday and see what was going to happen next. I can't say it enough of how thankful I am to have found this forum. It is part of my day to read all the new posts. The posts make me laugh, cry, hope, and feel a special bond with people and fur babies that I have never met. Thanks again to you and other's for such a warm welcome.
Happy Birthday beautiful Zoe!!!
Cindy, Alex and Bear

04-17-2011, 12:24 PM

I hope you're having a wonderful day. I know your mom will make sure that it is a very special day. I hope you've been getting lots of presents and special treats. I'm sending you lots of belly rubs, and Corky is sending you lots of kisses.

04-18-2011, 08:57 AM
Oh, thank you all so very much for wishing Zoe a happy birthday. She had a wonderful birthday filled with visits from well wishers, a special car ride and walk to her favorite place, a new chew toy and lots of hugs and kisses along with a round of Beauty Parlor.:) She loves having her hair put in bows and she loves being brushed.

I am glad you enjoyed my story. I did feel a bit vulnerable at first, posting it but then realized, I was sharing it with family, so it would be okay.

Love to you all,

Addy, Zoe the Birthday Girl and Koko

Squirt's Mom
04-18-2011, 11:54 AM
Happy Birthday, sweet Zoe!!!!

We love you and your mom a whole bunch!

Hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket and Brick

Casey's Mom
04-18-2011, 09:05 PM
I loved your story Addy. Zoeleah, love it!!!!! Thank you - you made me smile on a sad day.

04-19-2011, 08:22 AM
Thank you Ellen and Leslie for your well wishes.

I can't even think of more to say, I am so sad to see the news of Harley.

I know you understand if I can't write more right now. Lump in my throat is too big.


04-20-2011, 03:11 PM
Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To You. Happy Birthday Dear Zoe, Happy Birthday To You!!!!!Happy dance here............

Hey, Zoe, Mom told everyone your birthday was on the 17th. Can you believe it?? But we know it is TODAY!! Great, Addy. Oh, well, you forgot mine altogether!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya' Addy,
Your story was INCREDIBLE. Thanks so much for sharing. xxoo[/COLOR]

04-17-2012, 07:54 PM
Dearest Zoe,

I want to wish you a happy birthday today and it seemed fitting that I find this thread from last year and wish it to you here. I never did finish your story and I doubt I ever will. I can't put it in words, our life together.

I am sorry Mom is so goofy and superstitious. I was going to wait until after your stim and then realized I would not have the results for a week. Well, now, that just would not do.

So, my darling, I will cast away my fears and wish you the most happiest birthday. We made it another year. We are still together, sweetie and you are still the beautiful dog I have ever seen.

Mommy and Daddy and Koko love you so. But I am pretty sure you know that.

My once in a lifetime dog. I love you.

all my love,

04-17-2012, 10:10 PM

Today is a very special day for you...and your mom.....hope it was a good one...knowing your mom it was!!:D

Love and hugs
Penny and Cindy xoxo

04-17-2012, 10:47 PM
Happy Birthday Sweetness. Zoe, we have all grown to love you. Have fun and eat lots of treats. Kim

04-17-2012, 11:01 PM
Happy Birthday, Zoe! You are a fighter, a survivor and much calmer than your mom. :D

Harley PoMMom
04-18-2012, 12:14 AM
Happy Birthday, sweet Zoe!!!!

Roxee's Dad
04-18-2012, 12:43 AM
:D:D:D Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday Zoe :D:D:D

04-18-2012, 06:49 AM
ME TOO (or I should say, WE THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) :) :D :) :D :) :D

All best wishes for a joyful birthday celebration from
Marianne, Peg and Luna :p :p :p

04-18-2012, 07:33 AM
What a beautiful story about a beautiful dog, written by a beautiful woman...:)

Happy, happy "coming to your forever home" day (aka birthday) Zoe :D A bit belated but not less sincere... :)

Sas and Mhina :)

04-18-2012, 08:41 AM
Thank you so much. Two years ago on her birthday, I was told she most likely had Cushings. The call came to me while I was at work.

So now, I am always a bit worried, I know it is silly, when her birthday comes along and she has doctor appointments. Her birthday should be a joyful day and we made it that inspite of me:o:rolleyes:

love you all,

marie adams
04-19-2012, 02:33 AM
Dearest Addy and Zoe,

The stories are always so precious; please continue with some more.

Why does it take so long for your test to come back? Mine use to be back the next day

Happy Birthday Zoe!!! Keep celebrating into the weekend!!:D

04-19-2012, 12:01 PM
Happy Birthday Zoe. Every year is a blessing. Hugs! JoAnne

04-19-2012, 01:27 PM
Dear Addy,
Wishing our Zoe a
Happy Birthday dear Zoe!
Hugs from Sonja and your secret admirer Apollo