View Full Version : Saskia - need input
Squirt's Mom
03-28-2011, 06:45 PM
Hi Saskia (and all!)
My brother let their three inside dogs out 2 weeks ago Fri. nite to pee - and, no, no one stays out with them. When he called them back in, only two came. The pug, Sophie, didn't show that nite or Sat. when we started looking for her. We had no sign and none of the neighbors in the area had seen a pug, no pugs turned in to any of the shelters, animal controls, rescues contacted. Then this past Fri. nite I got two calls that she had been seen one street over walking down the road. My brother drove up and down for several hours calling her while I walked yards and woods calling - nothing. Again, none of the other folks we talked to had seen her.
The next day, I was out driving and calling when I saw her in a gravel pit not far from the house. I went into the pits calling, thinking she would come. Instead, she acted terrified and ran into the woods bordering the pits. I spent most of the day in the woods, pits and surrounding area looking for her. That nite, I took her bowl and some food and left it for her - the food was gone the next morning. And again, I saw her but she ran. I called Mark and he came to the pits both us thinking if she heard his voice (she is more familiar with him having lived with him her whole life) she would come. No sight of her.
All this week we have been going and looking for her, leaving food. I have taken Lucy, her buddy, with me most of the time hoping if Sophie saw/smelled/heard Lucy, she would feel more comfortable but she hasn't appeared when Lucy was with me. Carolyn and the kids got home Sat., they went calling thinking she might come to them. She has been sighted several times this week but always runs - from all of us.
When Soph had her first heat, she flipped out. She became very frightened of everything and everyone. If you moved toward her or tried to touch her, she would scream as if it caused her physical pain just to think of the contact. She was hyper-aware at all times of where everyone was, including the other dogs and wanted to keep her distance from all. She stayed hidden most of the time until her second heat. After the second heat, she reverted back to her former goofy, loving self as if nothing had been different in the months between the two heats. She was fixed soon after. During those months that she was so scared, she never ran off, however, and no one noticed her behavior changing prior to her running away now. Sophie is the one who stayed close to the place, seldom following the others off on a hunt. She didn't go visit the neighbors or walk with us around the place - she preferred to be in the house or close to it. So her running off that night came as surprise - we really figured she had either been stolen or an animal had gotten her.
Mark and I have both spent hours sitting quietly in the wood and pits hoping she would approach us with no luck...not even with bacon as a lure. Mark has given up but I keep thinking there has got to be something we can try short of trapping or darting her. There are dog packs and coyotes roaming our area, even rumors of black bear close by, so I don't know how much longer she can survive on her own.
Do you have any ideas we could try? Any thoughts on why she flipped out again...if that is what has happened to her? Any thoughts would be appreciated!
03-28-2011, 07:10 PM
Ohhhh Leslie, I am so sorry, what an awful thing to have happen :(
Thoughts of why she flipped...I'll leave to another time, catching her is much more urgent. From what I read, you tried everything one would normally try. One question though... Whenever you or Mark were sitting in the woods, was Sophie ever near, as far as you know, or wasn't she even around?
I think I woud use a trapping cage at this point, you might be able to work with a local RSPCA hopefully. Darting or giving her a sedative in her food holds a risk. If you aren't able to follow her till she "collapses" she will be an easy prey for any kind of predator, being unconscious. And of course, no way to reverse her situation... So a trapping cage would be my best bet at this time. But, in a forrest, there's a lot of chanche you might trap another animal all together. But if Sophie isn't responding to her canine friends, nor to familiar people...I think she will be difficult to catch any other way.
If she was hanging around, when you are Mark are there, I would first try some Valium for example, to make her more calm and somewhat sleepy but not knocking her out totally. I would lay lots of treats in the immediate area, the best treats, some steak for example, could hide the Valium and then hopefully she would stay around and calm down enough to get her. But when she won't even stay anywhere close to you, that's not a good option.
See if you can contact a RSPCA or even a vet and see what they can tell you that might help...
Poor Sophie, will keep her close to my heart, hoping she will eventually be found and return home safely,
Saskia and Yunah.
Squirt's Mom
03-28-2011, 07:42 PM
Thanks, Sas,
When Mark sat the first time, he followed her in the woods until she went under some brush where couldn't follow - or see into. If she was there, she never showed herself or let him know. Since then he has sat in the same spot even tho he hasn't seen her go in there again.
I found a place in a pine thicket where a toy I had taken over to the pits had been dropped so I started camping there hoping she would appear but I haven't seen her at all when I was sitting. So I guess a trap is the next thing to try. I wish I could figure out a way to rig her own crate for that...perhaps she would respond more positively to it than to a strange smelling box. Something to talk to Mark about anyway.
Thank you so much. I have been at my wits end and thought of you this afternoon while walking the pits so I reached out. ;)
Do keep her in your thoughts. I'll let you know how things turn out.
03-28-2011, 08:29 PM
I think contacting the ASPCA is a very good idea. They probably have quite a bit of collective experience in capturing animals in this sort of situation. I've heard of this happening before - dogs flipping out and going into "wild animal" mode.
Oh Leslie, Poor Sophie, I have nothing to add except my prayers you are able to find her and bring her home.
Squirt's Mom
03-29-2011, 11:31 AM
Hi ya'll,
I have spent the morning in the pits and on the phone trying to get some help trapping Soph. Where we live is not inside any city limits so the city facilities will not help us. :( :mad: We are in a corner of three different counties and I will be contacting these county shelters to see if they can help once they open (none open before noon).
Her little bowl I took out to the pits is moved every day over by the woods where we see her disappear. Her food is gone every time so I hope she is the one eating it. :( I think today I will take one of her blankets out of her crate and put it by the spot near the woods. Maybe the scent will trigger a response. :( It has been cold and rainy here lately and I am sure Soph is miserable.
Sophie is my nieces baby and this is her first year in college. Brianna got her when she was a baby from some folks giving puppies away in front of WalMart 6 years ago. Bri is heart-broken as am I. Bri was home for spring break last week and left Fri for a ski trip - that nite is when Soph disappeared and Bri feels sorta responsible. She keeps saying if she had stayed home last week Soph wouldn't have run off. I try to make her understand that something is wrong with Soph for her to act this way and nothing Brianna did or didn't do caused this but she is still guilt ridden. She calls or writes every day asking if Sophie is home yet. :(
If none of the counties can or will help, I will call some wildlife folks and see if we can work something out to catch her. Mark said he will not pay for this service so I don't know how to make this work, but I am going to try. I have to...for Sophie's sake and for Brianna's.
I will let ya'll know how things progress. Please keep Brianna and Sophie in your thoughts and prayers.
03-29-2011, 11:44 AM
Praying hard for you and Sophie, my dear friend. I hope with all my heart that this will be resolved soon. what about your police or fire department. Will they help or know someone who will?
Tight hugs,
03-29-2011, 11:50 AM
I can only imagine how desperate you must all feel. Hoping and praying for some good news soon.
Linda x
03-29-2011, 01:04 PM
Oh Leslie,
I sort of understand the horror of such a situation. A very close friend of mine, just last week, lost her 14 year old and deaf dog, in a forrest. I didn't sleep for 3 nights, till the dog was finally found and unharmed. I will hope for the same outcome for Sophie.
You can use her own crate, but only if she is willing to be near you...and she doesn't seem to be anywhere close right now, so it's not an option for now I'm afraid.
Another option would be a real scenthound that could track Sophie down, but again, if she isn't willing to come close...
Keeping you all close,
Sas and Yunah.
03-29-2011, 09:19 PM
Oh Leslie....I feel so bad for all of you, especially Sophie. Is there any way that Brianna can come home for the weekend and join the hunt?
Keeping you all close and in my prayers....
03-30-2011, 12:48 PM
Leslie, I have been thinking about this night and day.
I may be grasping at straws but are there any groups (scouts, 4H, community groups etc that you can call on). if only i could get my son, the Navy helicopter pilot who does search and rescue to where you are. I will continue to to try and think of any way to try and bring Sophie home.
Tight hugs and lots of love, my dear friend,
Squirt's Mom
03-30-2011, 02:55 PM
No sign of little paw prints in the mud yesterday or today. :(:(:(:(
03-30-2011, 04:23 PM
I'm so sorry, Leslie....don't really know what to say. Am keeping little Sophie close and would go sit in the forrest myself day or night, if I were any closer.
Sas and Yunah.
Bailey's Mom
03-30-2011, 08:37 PM
Hi Leslie-
I'm really sorry to read about your distressful situation. I hope you will have good news soon.
03-30-2011, 08:44 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Sophie. I hope she will come home soon. I'm keeping everything crossed that she will soon be back home.
Casey's Mom
03-30-2011, 10:47 PM
Oh how very heartbreaking Leslie. I lost Casey for three days years ago when I lived on a farm and it was pure torture, I still remember the sick feeling in my stomach like it was yesterday. I hope and pray you get some good news soon.
She found a lovely family miles away from the farm and was quite content to live with them and eat cookies all day every day but boy were we happy to find each other. I am praying that you and Sophie have a happy ending.
03-30-2011, 10:51 PM
Leslie, I just wanted you to know I am following along and sending you and yours my best and lots of prayers... believe in miracles. Hoping for one soon for you. Kim
03-30-2011, 11:05 PM
Leslie, I'm following along too. Adding tons of prayers and have everything crossed for a miracle.
Luv and Big Hugs ~Mary Ann
Harley PoMMom
03-31-2011, 05:01 AM
Leslie, I am here too, and will definitely be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and big hugs,
I think we are all here for you Leslie, hoping and praying you find her.
marie adams
03-31-2011, 10:24 AM
Here is a ((((Hug)))) to help a little!! I so hope there is a happy ending for you and Sophie decides she has had enough of this freedom and being scared:o
03-31-2011, 10:28 AM
Another big, tight hug from me, Leslie.
Cindy Thoman
03-31-2011, 11:30 AM
Thoughts and prayers continue for you and your family that Sophie will be found.
Thanks so much for all the input you have given me about Alex.
Cindy and Alex
Squirt's Mom
03-31-2011, 11:46 AM
Thanks, ya'll. I appreciate it and I know Brianna does as well.
Unfortunately, there is still no sign of Sophie. Her bowl hasn't been moved but the food is gone. I only hope she is eating it and still out there somewhere. The blanket I took out there hasn't moved either.
I have wondered if our persistence in coming to the pits, tracking her, sitting by spots we have seen her go into has pushed her further away causing her to leave the pits.
No one was willing to loan us a trap and the only wildlife guy that was willing to try wanted $100/day - we can't afford that. Mark is trying to find a trap we can use; he really doesn't want to buy one but we may have to. I had thought of getting a bunch of folks together and kind of circle the area then hopefully herd her toward the center, but decided that would really terrify her even if we did manage to get her in the circle to start with. The logistics are unreal for this approach but it has certainly crossed my mind more than once.
I'll keep sitting, feeding and checking as much as I can and hope Sophie will revert once again and want to come home.
Thanks, again, ya'll. You are always here for us and you cannot know how much that means to me.
03-31-2011, 01:16 PM
You, your family, and Sophie are in my thoughs and prayers, Leslie. I'm sending positive thoughts that Sophie is okay and that she will return home.
You are always here for us and you cannot know how much that means to me.
That's what familys do. :) :) :)
Still praying for little Sophie and all of you.
03-31-2011, 08:52 PM
Love, hugs and prayers for you, Bri and Mark and a bucket of tears for little Sophie. I pray she is safe and comes to you very soon. Wish I was close enough to help in some way. Can your vet offer any advice or help?
Lots of ((((HUGS)))) and love,
Squirt's Mom
04-01-2011, 12:09 PM
I got to talk with a lady in animal search-n-rescue last nite who instructed me on how to use a live trap. So I am off to get one today and try to catch Sophie.
Thanks for all your support, prayers, suggestions and positive thoughts for Soph. I will let ya'll know what transpires. I may need recipes for removing skunk spray! :eek:;)
04-01-2011, 01:06 PM
Oh dear Leslie,
I am just reading up on your awful situation over Sophie. As all the others I am getting those prayers going for all of you, specially Sophie so she can return home very soon and safe.
Love you. Xo Jeanette
Bailey's Mom
04-01-2011, 04:21 PM
Thanks for all your support, prayers, suggestions and positive thoughts for Soph. I will let ya'll know what transpires. I may need recipes for removing skunk spray! :eek:;)
Tomato juice!! Tomato juice for skunk spray. I hope you don't need this information....and I suspect you were kidding.:);) Is there any way you can tell that Sophie is the one eating the food?
I'm sorry for your distress and will be thinking of you as well. Good luck with the trap.
04-01-2011, 11:34 PM
Everything is crossed. Good thoughts are going. Prayers are being said.
So now the trap has to do its thing and bring little Sophie home.
I would camp out with you if I could.
Luv & Hugs ~ Mary Ann
04-02-2011, 01:30 AM
As, always, Leslie, my prayers are with you and your family. I wish with all my heart I had an answer or could be there to help. I know Sophie must eventually come home. You deserve no less nor does she. Please keep us posted. I are sending you all my love, energy and strength.
Love and very tight hugs,
Squirt's Mom
04-02-2011, 09:39 AM
Friends can be so wonderful...even when thing would have been better had they stayed out of the picture. :rolleyes::)
I ran into a friend while looking for a trap and explained what was going on. She said her dad trapped a lot and had all kinds of live traps - she was sure he would be glad to help. She would get in touch with him, explain the situation and then call me. Sure enough, she called and he was willing to help. :) I told her where the pits were and said I would meet them there. (I went ahead a got a trap myself just in case things didn't work out with friend's dad.)
When I got to the pits, there were 3 trucks already there along with 4 men and my friend. They were setting up traps in the pits - they had 6 traps to set out so mine stayed in the box. As the men finished setting the traps and started coming back to the vehicles, I realized they had been drinking...quite a bit. :eek::rolleyes: They were excited as all get out to be trapping, noisy and rambunctious like a bunch of high school kids so I finally convinced them to follow me home. My friend and I would walk back to the pits and check the traps while they continued to drink and have a good time. My friend was so embarrassed. :(
With the rain we have had, the pits are quite muddy which is what the four-wheelers and dirt-bikers like so the pits were rather busy yesterday afternoon which didn't help either. But they either didn't see the traps or weren't interested in them so they remained undisturbed and un-stolen.
By dark, we had caught 2 cats, a squirrel and a 'possum - but no Sophie. :(
After they all left, I set my trap up and left it over-nite. This morning it is just as it was when I left it - nothing has tripped it. I will continue to check and reset as needed until hope leaves me.
Thanks again, ya'll. You mean the world to me.
04-02-2011, 01:46 PM
Dearest Leslie,
I check in all the time waiting to hear some good news. My heart is breaking for you but I am sure this will be resolved. It just has to be. I am praying the traps will work and I will continue to pop by.
I know it is hard but try to relax a bit. I worry about you, my dear friend, and do not want to see you get sick. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers every second of every day. I only wish I could help you now as you have helped me so many times in the past.
How is the little family at your house doing?
Love & hugs,
Bailey's Mom
04-02-2011, 02:30 PM
Leslie-I too had hoped to find some good news. There is good news in that SIX traps are set. For me, it would be the not knowing that would get to me. I can deal with the worst news, but if the news is unfinished, incomplete or still processing, I go bananas.
You remain in my thoughts as well.
Take care.
-Hugs, Susan
Squirt's Mom
04-03-2011, 10:31 AM
:(:( No Sophie in the trap. :(:(
I have caught the same fat, gray cat 3 times, 2 more possums, and this morning the trap was sprung but empty. It looked disturbed, the cover mostly off and moved to the side of where I had placed it, so I think someone must have released whatever was in it early this morning - probably that gray cat. Fat Kitty seems to have figured out the game - it eats the food, takes a nap in the strange room, then someone lets it out. :rolleyes:
There have been no fresh tracks that I can even pretend belong to a dog Sophie's size for 3 full days now. The pits are drying up but there are still many depressions that hold water. Most of them have areas that would take imprints if an animal walked up to drink - no prints at any of them this morning that might belong to her. Lots of deer track and large canine tracks along with smaller critters like 'possums. I don't know the difference between dog and coyote tracks but with most of the larger prints I can see where the nails were so I have convinced myself they ARE dog - not coyote. Why that seems better, I'm not sure, but it does.
Every time I find the trap sprung, my heart sores with hope. Then the hope is dashed when it isn't her. This morning when I found the empty sprung trap, I just sat down in the dirt and cried. Sophie is just a little Pug, out in the wilds on her own. How long can she survive, how can she face all the challenges handed her out there, how can she protect herself? :( My heart is breaking for her.
After my crying jag, I again left the trap set by one of the trails we have seen her following into the woods. Tonite I will set it by the area where I leave food in the evenings again. She's got to come, right?
Keep the prayers going.
Many hugs,
04-03-2011, 12:21 PM
Sending positive thoughts and prayers, Leslie.
Bailey's Mom
04-03-2011, 10:26 PM
Oh Leslie.....How hard this is.......and the not knowing. I'm glad you released the tears. It's one of the healthier things we can do. I don't know how populated this area you are in is, but is it possible someone took her in? Have you tried posting her picture with your phone no?
Did you see on the news a day or two ago how they found a dog on the roof of a house, floating in the water, in Japan? He had been lost like that for three weeks. Rescuers got to him, fed him and I hear he is fine. He didn't even look malnourished to me.
You are doing everything you can. Perhaps that can give you a tiny bit of peace.
Hugs and love,
That is a good thought Susan, is it possible she ran further and someone has her? They can stray pretty far, especially if they are hungry.
Oh Leslie, I too check this thread throughout the day hoping for good news. I wish I could come and give you huge hugs and tell you it will all be okay and help you look. I can't even imagine how it feels to not know where she is.
We will keep praying and hoping you find Sophie.
04-04-2011, 09:22 AM
Hi Leslie....I'm wondering too if someone has found her and taken her home. (I can't remember if you guys put up LOST posters.)
With all the noise on the weekend she may not have wanted to venture too far may have more luck this week when it's quieter.
About 10 years ago we found a cat on our street....don't remember all the details....but it belonged to a woman who lived approximately 100 miles away. It had be gone for a month or two and we think it had travelled here in the back of a transport truck. What a thrill it was to see that woman's face when she got her cat back!! :D
Will keep praying for the safe return of Sophie....please take care of yourself in the meantime....
Squirt's Mom
04-04-2011, 09:55 AM
Thanks, ya'll,
Posters are up, shelters and animal controls have notices on her plus get regular calls from me just to check.
There are houses around, areas that are developed. Between the houses are miles and miles of undeveloped land, tho - woods, swamps, and barren areas like the pits close to us. Folks in the area of the house and the pits have all been given our numbers to call should they see her. That is how we found her in the pits last week - two folks called me. Folks on the back side of the pits - a mobile home area - have gotten used to seeing and hearing me. I either pop up out of the pits into one of their yards or am creeping along the roads in my truck. Anyone outside is subject to being accosted by the baggy-eyed old broad in frumpy clothes. :o Before I started setting the trap, I tried to let folks know so 1) they would watch their babies a bit closer so I don't trap them and 2) maybe it wouldn't get stolen as most folks have been sympathetic and helpful. Unless someone's baby got trapped and released yesterday, the only domestic animal I've caught is Fat Kitty.
This morning I had a raccoon. Fully grown coon that I, at first, thought was Fat Kitty again when I peeked under the cover. Standing perfectly still, I reached optimal heart-rate and respiration levels. A stationary aerobic workout. He/she was released without incident and I brought the trap home.
It is storming here today but is supposed to be clear tomorrow - which means tracks will be clear in the pits tomorrow so I will walk them looking for sign of Sophie.
I hope she has found a new home, maybe followed another dog home and was able to take up residence with her new buddy. Whatever causes her to flip like this will hopefully come to an end again, allowing her to have human contact with someone.
Thanks again, ya'll,
04-04-2011, 11:23 AM
I'm hoping you get some good news soon. Hopefully, someone knows where Sophie is. I'm keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
Harley PoMMom
04-04-2011, 02:26 PM
Sending positive energy your way and keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
Bailey's Mom
04-05-2011, 12:06 AM
"Fully grown coon that I, at first, thought was Fat Kitty again when I peeked under the cover. Standing perfectly still, I reached optimal heart-rate and respiration levels. A stationary aerobic workout."
What a hoot! I think I would have had a heart attack! Around here there have been seen a gray wolf, a red wolf and some hawks. I'm told there is a hawk's baby's nest very near by. I would never let Bailey go out unsupervised.
Keeping you in my thoughts and wishing for good news soon.
Squirt's Mom
04-05-2011, 11:08 AM
Hi Ya'll,
I went ahead and set the trap last nite back close to where I've been leaving food and again this morning it was sprung but empty. Surely someone has to be releasing whatever is in there. I just don't see how something could spring the trap and not be caught in it or how it could get out once it was sprung without a human releasing it. But I guess anything is possible.
A trek through the pits followed checking the trap but no small canine prints whatsoever. :(
I am choosing to think Sophie has found someone else to love her, who is keeping her warm and safe from harm. Thinking anything else is just too sad.
Thanks for all the continued support. Ya'll are simply amazing and I am so blessed to have each and every one of you in my life.
Thanks for all the continued support. Ya'll are simply amazing and I am so blessed to have each and every one of you in my life.
As we are blessed to have you dear Leslie, we are truly blessed too.
I am so sorry you could not find little Sophie yet. I will hang on with you to the thought she has a new home and maybe some how she will find her way back to all of you.
04-05-2011, 04:27 PM
Just a few very big hugs for you, Leslie...
Sas and Yunah.
Squirt's Mom
04-05-2011, 04:59 PM
Sophie is HOME!!!!!
I was sitting here talking to Brick and looked out the camper door in time to see a dirty yellow butt saunter past. When I called her name, she came bounding to the door, wiggling from side to side! She jumped right into my arms and started kissing my face all over! :p
She is dirty, has lost about 10 lbs (which didn't hurt her at all!), but I didn't find any injuries other than some wear and tear on her pads. I carried her into the Big House and she started checking everything out like she was so glad to be back home. As we went up the front steps to the door, her little pig tail started wagging. :)
She drank quite a bit of water but wasn't interested in eating. I let Lucy and Sammy out for a meet and greet then Soph went into her crate and curled up. :D:D
I called Carolyn and she started crying, too; she is getting hold of Brianna now.
WOOHOO!! Sophie is back home!!!
The power of collective calling! Thank you all! From me, Brianna, our family and, most of all, Sophie herself.
Harley PoMMom
04-05-2011, 04:59 PM
Sending huge hugs, love and keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and more hugs,
Harley PoMMom
04-05-2011, 05:01 PM
So glad to hear that SOPHIE is HOME!!!!!!
04-05-2011, 05:03 PM
OMIGOSH Leslie, this is the best possible news!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Although I haven't been posting, I've been reading every single reply and hoping against hope that Sophie would find her way back to you all.
With love and hugs all around,
04-05-2011, 05:21 PM
Great news. I have been following along and I knew your heart was breaking but now Sophie is home....hip hip hooray.
04-05-2011, 05:22 PM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Leslie, this is the best news ever! :) I'm incredably happy that Sophie is home, safe and sound. You can be so proud of yourself and everything you tried, all your efforts and for not giving up... I'm pretty sure you will finally have a good night sleep since long now that Sophie is back home and so will I :)
Give Sophie a hug and sweet dreams to you, for later,
Sas and Yunah :)
Cindy Thoman
04-05-2011, 06:53 PM
Leslie, I am sooooo happy for you and your family. It is nice to get some good news. Give Sophie a big hug from us. I think she had a very special group of people and fur babies praying for her!
Cindy, Alex and Bear
Sophie is home I have to admit I am bawling like a baby I am soooo happy.
Oh, SHE IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
04-05-2011, 08:06 PM
Leslie, this is such wonderful news. I'm also sitting here crying tears of joy. I'm extremely happy for you and your family, and I'm so glad that Sophie didn't have any injuries. Give her lots of hugs from me. She is so blessed to have such a loving family that did everything they could possibly do to find her.
Get a good night's sleep.
Casey's Mom
04-05-2011, 08:33 PM
Okay I am crying real tears of joy for you and for Sophie.
But don't you just wish you knew what happened, gosh I wish they could talk. I am so very happy right now!!!
Love and many hugs,
04-05-2011, 09:14 PM
OH MY GOD!!!:D:D:D:D:D:DI KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! IKNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to tell you, Leslie, I have always had really good intuition - so much so that it scares my husband and my kids:eek: I told my husband the other day "I don't feel upset anymore. Sophie is okay." my husband wanted me to tell you but I was afraid to JUST in case I was wrong (fat chance, ha, ha!)
Snuggle that baby for me and give her lots of kisses.
Now stop playing around with the traps and get back on track. Addy and I are lost in the hills and Mom hasn't even tried to find us:eek:
Love, Love and more love,
04-05-2011, 10:56 PM
That's just awesome news Leslie....wonder where she was!! Hope you get to know sometime.
04-05-2011, 11:47 PM
Oh Leslie,
Tears of joy are flowing here too.
I was following along, and some days I was so scared to check in for fear that there was bad news. Should have had more faith!
Your patience and dedication paid off, again.
Bless you for all you do.
Luv & Hugs - Mary Ann
Roxee's Dad
04-06-2011, 12:54 AM
Woo Hoo
Great news :D:D:D Happy Dancing :):):) and Sophie is probably wondering what all the fuss is about.
04-06-2011, 02:32 AM
That is the best news ever, I love a happy ending!
04-06-2011, 06:57 AM
:D Leslie!!!!!!
Squirt's Mom
04-06-2011, 09:01 AM
Oh, thanks, ya'll! :D
Sophie has been SO GLAD to be back home! She has covered every area, every space - the whole time with her little piggy tail wagging away like, "Oh, yes! I remember! It's still here!" She would pick up one toy and carry it with her til she saw another then she'd swap toys to wag around. :)
I am surprised at how good she looks! Other than being covered in ticks and some ragged paw pads we haven't found a thing. She was a bit dirty but a brushing took care of most of that and a bath took care of the rest. The weight she has lost needed to be lost and she is moving more easily as a result. She has a waist again! :p Carolyn, my SIL, thinks a happy pet is a fat pet! :eek::rolleyes::o:) But she even noticed how much better Soph is looking and moving. However, she is also convinced someone has had Sophie in their house and that was another Pug Mark and I saw in the pits because she isn't torn up or looking really bad. Mark and I know it was Soph, tho, and, based on her behavior, she had flipped again. Why? Dunno. Personally I think it is hormonal.
Gosh! I am just so happy she came home and that she is alright! Brick has been my early morning alarm - he needs to go out around 3 or 4 in the mornings and that was when I would go trapping first in the day. This morning I started getting dressed and remembered SOPHIE IS HOME!!!! :D:D:D Just to be sure, I went into the Big House and checked her crate. :o Then we went back to bed! :D The dirt-bikes and four-wheelers, 'possums and 'coons, cats and squirrels can have the pits back without a frumpy crazy old lady disturbing them day in and nite! :p
I will tell Sophie about all the sweet things ya'll have said and that joyful tears were flowing for her safe return.
Thank you all so much! I don't know what I would do without the knowledge that so many folks out there care, really care.
Bailey's Mom
04-06-2011, 04:32 PM
Oh Leslie-I am soooooo relieved and so happy for you. I was getting apprehensive about checking in for fear of not good news. How wonderful, how wonderful!! I don't have anything to offer (I had even planned to do a "Yee haaa" but was beat to it!) but I echo everyone else's sentiments. I bet you have been hugging her and hugging her and hugging her!!
I'm gonna do it anyway.......................
Yippeeeeeeeeeee :D:D:D
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