View Full Version : 9 yr old Schnoodle (Cody) - Diabetic/Trilostane

Cody's Mom
03-21-2011, 01:01 AM
Hi All,
My 9 yr old Schnoodle Cody, has been going through the whole "Cushing's / Diabetes" yo-yo situation. Trying to find the magic number with the Trilostane that would finally bring down her ACTH levels. We are on our 3 ACTH test. Last two levels went from 4 to 11.8 then 7 to 16.2. ARGH! The vet does not understand, esp since her last glucose test this past Wed. FINALLY went down from 469 to 162, this has been from Dec. 31st.

Cody's mom

03-22-2011, 02:10 PM
Hello and welcome to you and Cody!

I'm sorry that Cody is having to adjust to both diabetes and Cushing's treatment, but hang in there -- we have other members who have triumphed over the dual diagnosis! I'd recommend that you also consider joining the forum at our sister site of k9diabetes.com (http://www.k9diabetes.com/). You will receive a lot of great support and information there, too. And we have several members who are enrolled in both forums -- here and there.

It would be great if you'd like to tell us more about Cody's diagnostic and treatment journey. Also, any specifics about all testing results and his trilostane dosing will be very helpful.

Thanks in advance for this additional info. And once again, I'm really glad you've found us!

03-23-2011, 08:17 AM
Oh, I love your avatar of Cody chewing his bone and I've just seen your new photo albums -- they are WONDERFUL! The holiday cards are SOOOOOO cute!!! :) :)
