View Full Version : dog people and chain events

03-13-2011, 02:58 PM
I had to share this with you:

You may remember I could not find a sweater to cover Zoe's bare tummy from her ultra sound. The hair never grew back. Our Glynda told me about a shop on Etsy and I ordered Zoe and Koko sweaters this past November. They arrived and were beautifully made and fit perfectly and Zoe's tummy has been toasty warm in the snow all winter.

Well, I needed a lighter weight sweater for Spring for her so I ordered another sweater from the same Etsy shop. I have emailed back and forth a few times to the owner, she is warm and delightful and has a Peke named Mingsi.

On Friday my package finally arrived from Turkey (yes Turkey is where her shop is located) and I pulled out the most beautiful sweater, made so perfectly. It was just like the photo I saw. Well, then I noticed another bundle in the package and when I unwrapped it, there was another beautiful sweater, more exquisite than the one I ordered. I thought it was a mistake but it was made to the exact specifications as the first.

I checked my receipt and I only ordered and paid for one sweater so I immediately emailed the shop about what I thought was an error.

The owner responded with, "It is not an error but a present. We love what we do and we do it for the dogs".

So in a land, far away from me, in a different culture from my own, a dog person smiled and bestowed a kind, generous gift to another dog person.

And if Zoe did not have Cushings, I would never have met Glynda or any of you, would not be a part of this family and I would not have met Chantel in Turkey and have the honor of knowing her as well.

So when I question, some times at night, when I can't sleep, what was God's purpose in this, what lesson am I to learn from Zoe's illness, perhaps it was to learn how to reach out to others and also how to give back.

Thanks for listening.


03-13-2011, 04:49 PM
Addy, thanks for being such a loving member of our family, and for sharing your beautiful lesson that is a teaching for us all.

Many hugs back to you!!

Harley PoMMom
03-13-2011, 04:49 PM
Oh Addy,

Thanks so much for sharing this! While reading your lovely story I had both tears and a smile on my face!

Dear Addy, I do too, feel so blessed to have found all of you.

Love and big hugs,