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Bailey's Mom
03-11-2011, 01:02 AM

I can be found here with a thread about Palmer. Palmer crossed over August 5, 2011. He had Cushing's. This forum has been invaluable to me.

I am 14 days, 8 hours, three minutes and 3 seconds :D away from picking up Bailey, a seven week old (as of now) schnoodle. I am excited as I can be and I just wanted to set this up so it's ready to go when I am on my trip for Little Miss Bailey.

Come and join my fun journey!! :)


03-11-2011, 08:41 AM
We will be with you, every step of the way, loving each moment. Susan, I am so very, very happy to see you so very, very happy and excited.:D:):D:D:D:D:D

We can't wait for Little Miss Bailey to come home.


03-11-2011, 11:55 AM
Oh Susan,

I'm so excited to see this thread all set up and ready to go!! For everybody who wants a preview of Miss Bailey, here's a link to her photo album: ;) :)



Bailey's Mom
03-11-2011, 01:03 PM
Marianne-is there a way I can move the album over here? Palmer's thread will remain intact, correct? I know I need to print it out....I have much of it already.
Thank you Marianne and Addy for the welcome!
Now-the question for today. Bob thinks if we are here, in the house, Bailey will not be n the cage, except at night (and I actually don't know if that is what he thinks as well.) The "routine" around here is that more often than not, you can find me upstairs in a very large room, where my desk & computer are. Bob, more times than not is either in the library watching tv or upstairs on the other side of the house, on his laptop and/or watching tv. We got the old crate down and I think that with some cleanup it will serve us nicely on the trip. It is roughly 20" wide by 20" high by 29" deep. It was Palmer's. It seems to me that Bailey and I might be upstairs together for some hours (other than potty trips outside). I was thinking I might need a cage up here, am I wrong? It's been 14 years since we trained a puppy and I don't remember anything about it except for I do remember saying to Bob-(re:house training) I don't remember going through this with Peaches. You know those people who sell puppies don't warn you about this just as they don't warn you about "the end!";) [Not that it would make any difference.:)]
If the past two dogs are any indication, Bailey will want to be with me, and I with her!). If Bob has Bailley, can already see him getting frustrated and asking "Are you coming downstairs soon??!!":(
I guess I need some help with how things are in the first few weeks, besides little sleep!!;) If I should have a crate up here, I need to order it now.
Fourteen days from right now, we will already be heading home with Bailey!!!:D:D:D


03-11-2011, 01:18 PM
Marianne-is there a way I can move the album over here? Palmer's thread will remain intact, correct? I know I need to print it out....I have much of it already.

Hi Susan,

Actually, your photo album is a part of your personal member profile page, so no matter what thread you may be posting on, the links to your albums will always remain the same. And yes, sweet Palmer's thread will remain intact, from beginning to end.

For those folks who want to "catch up" on all your earlier news about Little Miss Bailey, they can start reading at this point on Palmer's original thread where you first posted her "Birth Announcement" :) :D :) :D


That was the beginning of this exciting new journey for us all!! :o ;) :)


Bailey's Mom
03-11-2011, 01:24 PM
Hi Marianne-
I think I would like to leave Palmer's thread just as it is. I just closed out on it, so to speak. I would like to have anything relating to Little Miss, Bailey, on the new thread. I am caught by surprise with how this is upsetting me regarding Palmer. I will definitely finish up his memorial piece this weekend.

Bailey's Mom
03-11-2011, 09:51 PM
Just a quirky little fact that I just realized.....I joined this forum on my birthday in May of 2009. Peaches, Palmer's predecessor, started having seizures in May of 1994 (I think.) She had a seizure on my birthday that year....and that was when we knew we had to think about what we were going to do. Those seizures were so very rough on her. I just found it kind of "odd" that both dogs had come to a significant point on my birthday. :(


03-12-2011, 10:02 AM
I am sorry this is bringing up sad feelings and reflections for you. Maybe it is part of the grieving process and we have to go through it. Try not to be superstitious about Bailey and your birthday. I received the news about Zoe and Cushings on Zoe's birthday last year. I admit I am nervous about next month and will her birthday again bring bad news?

Everything works at its own speed, Susan. If you need to grieve for Palmer before bringing Litlle Miss Bailey home, that is okay. You will work through it.

I'm thinking Palmer's watching over you and approving of Little Miss Bailey coming home. He knows how big your heart is and he is confident of his place in it forever,:)

We are always here for you,


Bailey's Mom
03-12-2011, 11:17 PM
Oh Addy-how sweet of you. I'm touched. This morning (late morning!), before I got up and before I was totally awake, I felt Palmer curled up against my tummy. It was such a nice feeling.

Today I cleaned out Palmer's crate. I don't know if we used that for Peaches as well, but I don't think so. That was kind of nostalgic as well. I thought to myself that Palmer would be happy that we were getting a puppy. He would be pleased that his crate is being used again. Bob said it was clean enough, but I knew Bailey deserved a very clean cage to start out in. It even has 2, 1' pads, in the bottom. The metal is stainless, I guess, and it had what looked like rust on it. I scrubbed and I scrubbed and I finally got it all shiny and new looking. I cleaned up the rest of it and washed the pads. I am hoping Bailey won't smell another dog's presence. :eek:

So we're down to the final week at home! :D:D I still have lots to do to clear away things, but it's all manageable....and it will help to pass the time.

I spoke with my neighbor and gave them two pink flamingos. :) The husband asked me if I wanted balloons, too...I said sure!! :D I told him they were two storks....pink storks. He said "They're pink FLAMINGOS!!" I said - "No. They're not. They're STORKS!!" He wanted to know how Bailey would know that. I said-"Oh, she'll know!" He said "I don't think so." Then I told him that Bob was to know nothing about this. Then he got it! I wouldn't be surprised to see the "storks" with a hanging diaper when we get back.

Sad, sweet and very excited feelings tonight. The sad is okay. I think it is part of the process. I can't believe it's almost here. I told one friend...."I'm going to get Bailey and take her away from them before they can remove any other parts!!!"

Hang on, Bailey!! I'm COMING!!!

Love and hugs to you, Addy.


Bailey's Mom
03-12-2011, 11:47 PM
Earlier this week I wrote......It seems to me that Bailey and I might be upstairs together for some hours (other than potty trips outside). I was thinking I might need a cage up here, am I wrong? (nobody has addressed this so far.) I don't plan to keep her in the cage all the time.....just times when I'm maybe at the computer or something.

03-13-2011, 12:08 AM
Sorry no help on this one. We don't own a cage and never used one with any of our dogs.

I used a baby playpen for Phoebe (old lady poodle) to protect her from walking into things and stop the others playing rough with her. It was usually overnight but occasionally through the day if I needed to do something where I couldn't watch her.


03-13-2011, 01:36 AM
Hi Susan :)

If I were you, I would indeed get a second crate for upstairs :) Crates can be such a wonderful safe place for a dog if they get used to it in the correct way :) I have 2 of everything as well, one in the livingroom and 1 in the bedroom, both places we hang out a lot. So handy and I don't have to drag the things from one room to another all the time ;)

I was thinking, I don't know how you plan to bring Bailey home...if you plan on using a crate during the carride home? But some pups can get very carsick. And if Bailey happens to be one of them, using a crate wouldn't be such a good idea since she might connect the "feeling bad from the carsickness" with being in a crate, that would be a sure way to make her dislike a crate. I think I would use a cartboardbox with some old papers and old towels where you can put her in when she's asleep for example instead of a crate. That way, a crate would be entirely new and not associated with possible bad experiences. And perhaps you have an old stuffed toy that you can put in her "travel bed" (the cartboardbox) because pups like to curl up to one another. The stuffed toy might give her some comfort and something to curl up against :) But make sure you only use it for sleeping or at times where you can watch her thouroughly, you don't want her to chew it up of course..

If you like to get some tips on how to crate train Bailey, let me know and I will give you some tips :)

Saskia and Yunah :)

03-13-2011, 11:59 AM
Susan, I want to "second" everything that Saskia has said above. Even when we only had one dog, we still had a crate both upstairs (in our bedroom) and downstairs (in the family room). We brought each of our three dogs home as puppies, and by introducing them to the crate in a very positive manner, they ended up viewing them as their own little dens or sanctuaries. Now as adults, I seldom ever have the need to actually close either of our girls inside their crate (usually only when I have workers in the house or visitors who may not be comfortable with dogs). But with the doors left standing open, both of the girls frequently go into their crates all on their own just to lay down and nap in a quiet spot away from noise or bustle.

As puppies, the crates were invaluable in order to give us all quiet times during the day even when we were at home, and also to establish a safe haven for the puppy to sleep at night and also when we needed to be away from home. I know Saskia will be able to give you great hints as far as crate training.

And you know, I agree with you that I think it would please Palmer to know that the new baby will be all safe-and-sound in his crate. I think I once wrote about this elsewhere, but we had a big cozy dogbed for our beloved Barkis with his name stitched across the bottom. Oh, how it broke our hearts to see that empty bed after he died. And we thought that maybe we should put it away forever since it was HIS bed with HIS name. But we hadn't ended up moving it before we brought baby Peg home, and as soon as she walked into our bedroom for the first time, she made a beeline for it, sniffed it, and then settled her little tiny self right into the middle of it. It was a very powerful and tender moment for us. Because it felt as though her big brother at The Bridge had welcomed her home and given us permission to welcome her into our hearts.

Oh, only a week to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can hardly wait!


Bailey's Mom
03-13-2011, 10:31 PM
Now, now Marianne...it's a week until we leave. It's12 days until we see Bailey in person. I just didn't want you to get disappointed. :cool:

Saskia-I would love some crate training advice. All wisdom is gratefully accepted! :)

Okay-now I'm starting to feel the pressure of time. I had a productive weekend house wise-but not preparation for Bailey-wise. Ooooh.....I haven't watched the video today..........gotta go!! :D:D


Bailey's Mom
03-13-2011, 10:39 PM
Oh-forgot to say....thanks for the advice on the car trip Saskia. :) I have extra blankets and I even have a new duck like Palmer had. How cute will that picture be??!! The duck is probably five times the size of Bailey....but it might be comforting to her on the trip.
Part of our trip back is a stop at Pearl's. http://pearlfryar.com/ I think what he has done is absolutely fantastic and Bailey should be able to get out and walk around as we walk around. That should be a nice break.
Also-they have a new video on the kennel site and it is one of training for their trainers. :eek::eek: Boy am I REAL GLAD I got talked out of that. :D It made me feel like Bailey would be a project for a newbie and that I'd be PAYING $$$ for that.:mad::(:confused:
Ok-now I gotta go!:D:D

Bailey's Mom
03-15-2011, 12:53 AM
4 days, 8 hours, 5 minutes and 52 seconds!!! :D:D:D:D:):):):):):cool::cool::cool:

Bailey's Mom
03-15-2011, 06:16 AM
Hi Saskia:)
I have ordered the second crate.When the crate is on the side of the bed, is the top on it? If not, how am I going to be able to reach down to let her know I"m right here......just poke my fingers through the door squares?

I also have two cardboard boxes. Their dimensions are pretty similar, but one has a height of 5 1/4" and the other has a side height of 9 1/2". Which one would you suggest. Do I modify the box in any way?

Hi Susan :)

If I were you, I would indeed get a second crate for upstairs :) Crates can be such a wonderful safe place for a dog if they get used to it in the correct way :) I have 2 of everything as well, one in the livingroom and 1 in the bedroom, both places we hang out a lot. So handy and I don't have to drag the things from one room to another all the time ;)

I was thinking, I don't know how you plan to bring Bailey home...if you plan on using a crate during the carride home? But some pups can get very carsick. And if Bailey happens to be one of them, using a crate wouldn't be such a good idea since she might connect the "feeling bad from the carsickness" with being in a crate, that would be a sure way to make her dislike a crate. I think I would use a cartboardbox with some old papers and old towels where you can put her in when she's asleep for example instead of a crate. That way, a crate would be entirely new and not associated with possible bad experiences. And perhaps you have an old stuffed toy that you can put in her "travel bed" (the cartboardbox) because pups like to curl up to one another. The stuffed toy might give her some comfort and something to curl up against :) But make sure you only use it for sleeping or at times where you can watch her thouroughly, you don't want her to chew it up of course..

If you like to get some tips on how to crate train Bailey, let me know and I will give you some tips :)

Saskia and Yunah :)

03-15-2011, 06:57 AM
Hi Susan,

As promised, some info on crate training.

The purpose of a crate is to provide the dog with a safe and comfortable place. And therefore, there are 3 groundrules, you never break. First, whenever the dog is in it’s crate, you never disturb it, nor do you let visitors disturb the dog. It’s his place, his retreat in which he can find peace and comfort. Secondly, you never use the crate as a “punishment”. Never sent a dog to it’s crate when it’s been “bad”. The crate is a “holy, quiet and safe place” and should remain that way forever. And thirdly, you do not use a crate as a temporary measure to lock up a dog. (that is, when a dog is not used to being in a crate)

So, now that you know the “don’ts” it’s time for the do’s

Before you bring your pup home, already have a crate ready (if you use more then one crate, the exact same applies to the other crate in a different room). Put the crate in a place where you think the pup may like to sleep. Preferably in a quiet corner of the room, where there’s not a lot of “traffic” (people walking past) and which allows the pup to overlook the room from the opening. I personally would cover the crate with either an “official” crate cover or with some towels or a blanket. This helps in 2 ways. First of all, it feels safer to a dog since all sides are “protected” and the dog has only the entrance to guard and secondly, it makes the environment calmer. It’s darker inside the crate and it muffles the sounds a bit. This way it simulates the original den more, a hole in the ground with just one entrance/exit.

Now, when the pup arrives home, don’t encourage the pup to go into the crate. With some luck, the pup will find its own way into the crate and will simply adore the place and will return to it again and again. The more you try to convince the pup to go into the crate, the more “pressure” you put on the crate and the less likely the pup is willing to enter and more so, to stay inside and fall asleep. What you should do however, is put a nice tiny treat inside the crate. The pup will pick up on the smell and will associate the crate with something good. So, whenever the pup isn’t paying attention, put another treat inside the crate. (it should be there by surprise, not because of something you did, at least that is what we want the pup to believe) many people will feed their dog inside the crate, to get them to like the crate. (this is a good method with a dog that has precious bad experiences) With a new puppy, who has no experiences yet, I would not do that. I would feed the pup in another place…and keep the crate solely as a calm and quiet sleeping and resting place where the pup can be sure he won’t be disturbed. By feeding inside the crate, you add excitement and expectations, to the concept of the crate. Where my preference would be that the crate is solely connected with “calm, safe and peaceful”. But again, in different situations, feeding inside the crate can be a good thing.

So, have the crate ready in a good spot, some nice blankets or towels (washable) a cuddly toy to curl up against and that will help the pup fall asleep and a treat…those are the first steps to take. And, in this stage, you DO NOT close the door of the crate. That will come later. And remember, when you have people coming over to look at Bailey, and she happens to be asleep in her crate, they are NOT allowed to come near the crate, to bend over, peek inside and such…she needs to be left alone, that’s her private place.

If you have more questions for now…and later on as Bailey will grow up and you may have “situations”, just ask.

Sas and Yunah :)

03-15-2011, 06:58 AM
Ahhhhh, I think we have different meanings about the word "crate"...let me check and I will come back to you :)

Sas and Yunah :)

03-15-2011, 07:24 AM
Okay, I have figured out the difference I think :) What "we" call crate, you would call a wired crate. And what you are using is what we call a "travel kennel". So for me, a crate always means a wired crate. Everything else is a "kennel" or "travel kennel".

Here, the plastic ones, the travel kennels, are used only for travelling by plane. In our homes we only use the wired crates, simply called crates. So when I say crate I mean a wired crate and what you call crate is a plastic travel kennel...am I correct?

Sas and Yunah :)

03-15-2011, 08:40 AM
Hi Sas,

In my experience, I'm used to people using the term "crate" to refer to all kinds of enclosures -- the plastic molded ones as well as the wire ones. The plastic ones (with the wire windows and wire doors) are the kind that we've always used because they are more private without the need for a towel or blanket covering them.

Susan, in answer to your question as to what to do at night -- I am not an expert, but I can tell you what has always worked well for us. And that is to have the puppy enclosed within the crate at night, but nearby so that you can hear if it wakes up and is restless. That way you can immediately respond to a need for a potty break. But this will keep the puppy from wandering around the room at night and going potty (or creating chewing damage) while you are blissfully sleeping.

As Saskia says, you do not want to close a puppy into a crate until you've completed the process of familiarizing it. So to begin with, you may want to find some other way of "corraling" the puppy at night -- perhaps maybe using an exercise pen. Since our bedroom is also upstairs, I've always spent the first nights with a new puppy downstairs. I've been willing just to sleep on the couch with the puppy in a nearby exercise pen. That way, we were very close to the door and it was fast and easy to take the puppy out during the night for at least one scheduled overnight potty break (plus any other needed ones). But once the puppy was comfortable with being closed inside the crate, that became it's "bedroom," both overnight and for daily napping and quiet time. I agree that the crate should never be used as a punishment. Rather as a quiet den when it is naptime or when your attention needs to be elsewhere and the puppy needs to be confined so as not to be wandering around getting into mischief (yes, I have gnawed table legs and even a chunk chewed out of the drywall of my dining room to prove what an unattended Lab puppy can accomplish in a very short amount of time...:eek:).


Bailey's Mom
03-15-2011, 03:13 PM
Okay, I have figured out the difference I think :) What "we" call crate, you would call a wired crate. And what you are using is what we call a "travel kennel". So for me, a crate always means a wired crate. Everything else is a "kennel" or "travel kennel".

Here, the plastic ones, the travel kennels, are used only for travelling by plane. In our homes we only use the wired crates, simply called crates. So when I say crate I mean a wired crate and what you call crate is a plastic travel kennel...am I correct?

Sas and Yunah :)

Yes-you have it, Sas!!:) I hate calling it a crate but that is the only way I have heard them referred to. :eek: This is plastic, with a wire door and they are approved for air travel. I will try to get myself used to calling it a kennel.
Your crate suggestions are greatly appreciated. BUT-if I am to keep Bailey by my side of the bed :cool::cool: , in the beginning, do I have the door very near the bed so I can reach her if she starts to get distressed? For now, I think the door can be removed.
I am anticipating trouble with Bob on this. He already announced that when we are home, Bailey will not be in the crate. (Well-he didn't really announce it, but he stated his opinion.) He didn't understand my wanting (and getting) another one for upstairs.
I told him I was getting suggestions from an animal behaviorist. I think he may be teachable...so long as he doesn't know that's what I'm doing!:cool:
That's all I can do right now. I have found that I do not like not having the duck with me in bed, so he's coming back. I'm having a rough time re:Palmer now and it has kind of sucked the wind out of me.
I'll be back!


Bailey's Mom
03-15-2011, 03:15 PM
(yes, I have gnawed table legs and even a chunk chewed out of the drywall of my dining room to prove what an unattended Lab puppy can accomplish in a very short amount of time...:eek:).

More later. Thanks for what you wrote.


Bailey's Mom
03-15-2011, 03:28 PM
I just added one picture to Palmer's album....if anyone's interested......it shows up first.

03-15-2011, 03:57 PM
Susan, is there a particular reason why Bob is so negative about using a crate? Did any of your other dogs have a bad experience or a bad reaction?

As a result of comments that I have read on the forum, I do understand that using crates can feel like a tougher decision for folks who have rescued dogs from very negative situations in which they have been cruelly caged or confined for lengthy periods. But for little puppies who have never had any adverse experiences with a cage, a crate can truly be introduced and used in a very positive and peaceful way.

Saskia may take exception with things that I say here (and please feel free to do so, Sas!). But all of our puppies came home with us at the 8-9 week mark. And as I've already said, their crates became safe havens and also were really helpful in terms of toilet training. By instinct, a dog does not want to soil its den. And so a puppy will be less likely to choose to relieve itself while in a crate than when it has free rein of a room or the house. No puppy should ever be left alone and locked in a crate for a period of time that exceeds the capacity of its little bladder. And we always gave our puppies the opportunity to relieve themselves both before we put them in the crate and at any time that they came out of their crate. But during naptime, bedtime, and periods during the day when we were not available to be focused on monitoring the puppy's activity, their crates really were safe, clean havens.

I'm saying all this based on the understanding that you and/or Bob are at home quite a bit of the time. For people who are working away from home, other arrangements definitely need to be made. Because it would be very cruel to lock a little puppy (or dog, for that matter) alone in a crate for extended time periods. But what I am talking about are briefer interludes throughout the course of the day.

Also, I have to add that my experience has been with big, energetic, MOUTHY Labs who love to chew. The experience with little dogs may be very different. But their crates really were often the safest places for our dogs when we couldn't be watching them. I remember instead setting up an exercise pen in the kitchen and leaving baby Luna inside -- supposedly to keep her safe and confined while we were away from home for a couple of hours. She managed to push on the side of the ex-pen until she shifted it clear across the kitchen floor and got to the dining room carpet. When we got home, she had chewed up the entire edge of the carpet :(. Although of course I was not happy with the damage to the carpet, we were even more upset about the possible damage to her, should she have swallowed some of the carpet tacks, etc. So some homes may have rooms that are more easily puppy-proofed than others. But our house really does not have a good, safe place to confine a puppy. However, I always knew the puppy was safe in her crate.

And clearly her time in her crate has not damaged her psyche :p. Because as I said earlier, she, Peg, and Barkis all three have loved their crates as adults. Peg and Luna frequently walk in-and-out throughout the day to lay down and sleep. There are occasions now when I do want to confine Luna in her crate while I am attending to Peg. All I have to say is, "Luna, in your box" and she absolutely RACES across the room to hurl herself inside. I always give her a treat once she is safely in there, and it absolutely cracks us up to see how fast she flies into her crate to turn around inside and claim her treat.

As I say, there may be ways in which we have used the crate that others would think are not so great. But even if we have goofed up, our dogs have still ended up loving their personal dens. So they are testimony to the fact that crates do not have to be horror chambers by any stretch of the imagination.


03-15-2011, 06:33 PM
Three days to go:eek: Oh, I can hardly wait!! Go get that baby!!!!!!:D
Love, Carrol & Chloe

Bailey's Mom
03-15-2011, 08:29 PM
Carrol-do you have my countdown clock??;);):D

Bailey's Mom
03-15-2011, 08:49 PM
Susan, is there a particular reason why Bob is so negative about using a crate? Did any of your other dogs have a bad experience or a bad reaction? No-we have not had problems before....we just never really got it to work. I think Bob is figuring....We'll be here so why would you kennel the dog?

As a result of comments that I have read on the forum, I do understand that using crates can feel like a tougher decision for folks who have rescued dogs from very negative situations in which they have been cruelly caged or confined for lengthy periods. But for little puppies who have never had any adverse experiences with a cage, a crate can truly be introduced and used in a very positive and peaceful way.

Saskia may take exception with things that I say here (and please feel free to do so, Sas!). But all of our puppies came home with us at the 8-9 week mark. And as I've already said, their crates became safe havens and also were really helpful in terms of toilet training. By instinct, a dog does not want to soil its den. And so a puppy will be less likely to choose to relieve itself while in a crate than when it has free rein of a room or the house. No puppy should ever be left alone and locked in a crate for a period of time that exceeds the capacity of its little bladder. And we always gave our puppies the opportunity to relieve themselves both before we put them in the crate and at any time that they came out of their crate. But during naptime, bedtime, and periods during the day when we were not available to be focused on monitoring the puppy's activity, their crates really were safe, clean havens.

I'm saying all this based on the understanding that you and/or Bob are at home quite a bit of the time. For people who are working away from home, other arrangements definitely need to be made. Because it would be very cruel to lock a little puppy (or dog, for that matter) alone in a crate for extended time periods. But what I am talking about are briefer interludes throughout the course of the day.

Bob and I are both retired. I really retired early and he retired early I guess too. With our two former doggies, we both worked full time.

Also, I have to add that my experience has been with big, energetic, MOUTHY Labs who love to chew. The experience with little dogs may be very different. But their crates really were often the safest places for our dogs when we couldn't be watching them. I remember instead setting up an exercise pen in the kitchen and leaving baby Luna inside -- supposedly to keep her safe and confined while we were away from home for a couple of hours. She managed to push on the side of the ex-pen until she shifted it clear across the kitchen floor and got to the dining room carpet. When we got home, she had chewed up the entire edge of the carpet :(.

LOL!!!! I know it wasn't funny...but having had Peaches who tore up the kitchen carpet, I know how you felt.
Although of course I was not happy with the damage to the carpet, we were even more upset about the possible damage to her, should she have swallowed some of the carpet tacks, etc. So some homes may have rooms that are more easily puppy-proofed than others. But our house really does not have a good, safe place to confine a puppy. However, I always knew the puppy was safe in her crate.

And clearly her time in her crate has not damaged her psyche :p. Because as I said earlier, she, Peg, and Barkis all three have loved their crates as adults. Peg and Luna frequently walk in-and-out throughout the day to lay down and sleep. There are occasions now when I do want to confine Luna in her crate while I am attending to Peg. All I have to say is, "Luna, in your box" and she absolutely RACES across the room to hurl herself inside. I always give her a treat once she is safely in there, and it absolutely cracks us up to see how fast she flies into her crate to turn around inside and claim her treat.

As I say, there may be ways in which we have used the crate that others would think are not so great. But even if we have goofed up, our dogs have still ended up loving their personal dens. So they are testimony to the fact that crates do not have to be horror chambers by any stretch of the imagination.

Thanks Marianne. I thought it might help to just answer in the body of your message. I need some clarification for when the door is shut and when you leave it open please. I have known dogs who loved their crates and voluntarily went into them.

I am (so I say now) going to try to get this training thing better this time. Since I was working full time for the other doggies, not a whole lot of training was done. They were both very bright and kind of trained themselves with what they knew. We did training, but not structured training.

Also-the table scraps. I'm pretty bad about that and I hope to change that. Palmer never begged....he just sat there very patiently. He knew when I was done I would pick him up while still at the table, or if I had meat scraps or something, I would head toward his bowl with him barely a step behind. And of course, it was not unheard of for me to sneak him a little piece of something while I ate. (I know this is BAD guys. I'm going to try to change!!)

I have gotten way too excited about all this. :eek: I had acid reflux the entire day today and nothing I took helped. :(:( I also have these little red circles which have come and gone on my legs-about the size of a quarter. :eek::eek::( I had hives lots and often after Ryan was born and these little circles do not look like hives to me.

Did I say I am taking the duck back to bed with me? Someone pointed out that I have said how I felt I was closing a door on Palmer. She asked if I was never going to think of him again. Of course that sounded very silly. She suggested I re-frame it knowing I'll always have Palmer and Bailey is just something new.

Thank you for all your help.


03-15-2011, 11:44 PM
OMG, Susan, I am sure our time clocks are in sinc. I am counting down the days, too, as it takes my mind off my problems here for a while and gives me a much needed smile. Believe me, I will even be in the car with you. Please don't sit on me!!!:D

marie adams
03-16-2011, 12:45 AM
Yeah!!! So close to pick up time. I am jealous, I want a new puppy too!!!!

What an adventure you will have and you are so much wiser this time around--haha!!!

Have a great journey to pick up Bailey!!:):)

03-16-2011, 03:48 AM
Awwwww Susan, don't worry too much :) Like for example with the table scraps... If you enjoy feeding some table scraps (and you don't overdo it and watch what it is you feed and watch Bailey's weigth) there's no harm in it. There's no "law" that says pups need to be raised this way or that way. It's about how you and your pup can have the best life togheter :)

It also depends on the pup. If you have a pup that's a bit of a character, it takes some more efforts usually and some more "strict" rules but some pups are naturally very mellow and don't need that much work :)

About the crate, don't think of it as a tool to kennel the pup. It's suposed to be a safe and quiet place with the door always open....For example, my Yunah, I have a crate with the door open at all times. She will use it when there are too many people and she wants to sleep, for example. Or late at night, when I'm in bed but stil "up", working on the pc, reading a book, watching tv and there are still bright lights. Yunah wants to sleep late at night and so she will go into her crate where it is dark and quiet :) So she uses it at her own preference..it's a "bed" to her...calm, dark and peaceful :) My crate is never used to kennel Yunah. But, if there's some sort of emergency (wouldn't know what at this moment) I can put her in her crate and close the door because she is used to it and that's just a reasuring thought. And also, here it's forbidden to have a dog in the car without some safety measures. They either have to be in a crate or they have to wear a safety seatbelt. So for transportation and safety purpuses it can be useful as well when a dog is used to being crated. That's also the main reason people here use wired crates. You can fold them up very flat and once inside the car, it gives the dog the possibility to look outside :)

But in my opinion, using a crate or kennel is not to lock up the dog, it's to provide the dog with his own private space, a safe and quiet environment and in case of emergencies or transportation, it's handy when they are very well used to being in a crate :) (those are the only situations in which you would close the door) And of course, there can also arise other unexpected situations in which it can be handy...but in normal life, day to day, I personally do not believe dogs should be crated and thus that's not my starting point :)

I will write about what to do at night, later today. But I just didn't want you to worry too much...it's not neccesary ;)

Saskia and Yunah :)

03-16-2011, 08:36 AM
I have the utmost respect and admiration for Saskia's thoughts and advice regarding training. For living proof, just look at beautiful Yunah, who is the most remarkable companion I have ever known :o :). And if the notion of never confining Bailey in her crate is appealing to you and also accomplishes your training goals, Susan, then for certain it is the route for you to go.

Before exiting the conversation, however, I do want to clarify that using a crate for confinement during puppyhood is an accepted training method here in the U.S. As an example, here's a link to the crate training suggestions offered by the U.S. Humane Society:


Their instructions are pretty much the same as the ones that we followed at the time that our dogs were puppies. In addition to providing a safe enclosure for the puppy, another significant value that they attach to this type of approach is the manner in which it can assist with toilet training -- which otherwise often becomes one of the biggest stressors for new parents.

But having said that, it may be the case that you'll find Saskia's approach to be the more successful for you. Or you may end up combining elements from different approaches. But I did want to at least provide this link, since the method it describes is one that was very successful for us and it addresses several of the questions that you have asked.


03-16-2011, 08:45 AM
Wednesday, March 16th.

What's the Countdown?

I can't wait to say, ten, nine. eight, seven , six , five, four , three, two, one and they are OFF!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D

It will all be fine. If you don't have to go to work, it will be a piece of cake.

Sometimes guys have problems with crates, my hubby did too. They have trouble sometimes seeing the positive side of one. Maybe until everything gets chewed up. Koko chewed up every pillow in my house, never wood, he liked soft stuff.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Almost time,


03-16-2011, 11:02 AM
Oh Marianne, I think there's a slight miscommunication :) I will write more this evening but for now a quick response. Crate training will involve "locking" the pup up, afterall, it needs to get used to being behind a closed door if only in a case of emergency if nothing else:) And of course, everyone can have differant reasons or moments in which for them it is handy or more safe for the pup if they can put the pup in a closed crate for a while. But, once a dog is familiar with a closed crate, I don't think the crate should be anything but a "bed" to the dog. A place thats always available (meaning, the door should be always open) to retreat in if the pup wants to or feels like it :) But the notion, that crates are for kenneling, should not be the norm. Crates are a safe and private place for a dog, without closed doors. That should be the norm use of a crate. At least, that's how I feel about crates :)

Sas and Yunah :)

03-16-2011, 11:50 AM
Saskia, I am always interested in reading your suggestions and will be looking forward to reading everything that you recommend to Susan. Because even though I don't know whether we will ever again be bringing home a dog in "puppy stage," I want to incorporate all the best suggestions I can find.

But I do think that you and I are talking about a different approach, rather than just a miscommunication. When you have the time to look through the link that I posted above, you'll see that it does talk about actually kenneling the puppy within the closed crate for limited periods of time with the intent of keeping the puppy safe and aiding in toilet training. Once the puppy has matured, then the crate is used most often in the manner you are recommending: with an open door and as an available personal den. But during the first weeks or months, the puppy does spend the night confined in the crate as well as limited times during the day. So I do believe this is a different approach.

But I also believe that there can be many ways to achieve a desired goal. So I will be very interested in learning more about the training methods that you will be suggesting!


Bailey's Mom
03-16-2011, 02:32 PM
Hello Friends of Bailey!! :D

Thank you for the words of encouragement and the guidance/suggestions/personal experience on crating/kenneling. I will print out the link and read it and then probably give it to Bob to read.

This is Wednesday. The countdown clock tells me 2 days, 10 hours, forty five minutes and zero seconds!! I'm writing this at 2-ish pm on Wednesday...so for me, actual departure time is 64 hours!! :D:D:eek::D

I am stopping by just to let you know I will look in here periodically over the next 64 hours, but I'm in countdown crunch now. If you don't here from me before I leave on Saturday,:( I hope to be able to post Saturday evening-and each evening thereafter (for those who have the patience to put up with my ramblings!):)

It sounds like you all are almost as excited as I am! :D And I promise to try not to sit on anyone. :eek: The car will be full, but I will make sure there is room for each one of you. :)

I spent most of last night canceling reservations made and making new ones-due to changes we decided on (like shortening travel time each day.)
I'm hoping I didn't miss one that should be canceled...and then get charged for it.:mad:

I guess I didn't tell you guys (HOW could I have NOT??!!:eek::eek::eek:)-I set up a Shutterfly web page for Bailey.:) If you are not a Shutterfly member already, to gain access you will have to set up an account. -That just means your name, a user name and a password. It may require me to "allow" you after you register. Here's the link-if anyone has any trouble getting in, let me know.

http://littlebailey.shutterfly.com (http://littlebailey.shutterfly.com/pictures/18#%26emid%3dsite_commentnotification%26cid%3dSHAR E3SXXXX)

If you do not wish to share your email address, that's fine. The only difference if you don't get in is that you may get pictures or videos a bit later. Also I won't be putting this kind of dialogue in there. It's more of a general public forum, so to speak.

I will at the very least come back to keep you current on the countdown!!


03-16-2011, 03:13 PM
Okay, here we go. And Susan, you have to do what you are most comfortable with, that’s the number one rule. I checked out the link Marianne gave us (and Marianne, you were right, difference in use, not just miscommunication ;)) and that would work perfectly well, no problem. The difference lies mainly in the fact that in that link, the crate is also used as a “tool” in housetraining and as a mean to, at certain moments, let the dog stay in the crate for it’s safety and the safety of the furniture so to say, when people have to leave the pup alone.

And that’s the difference with here, The Netherlands. Let me explain shortly... When people take a dog (pup or adult) there’s always someone home. It’s quite uncommon actually for a dog to be left home alone for longer periods of time. You cannot even adopt a dog here, when there isn’t at least one person home practically all day. The maximum time a potential new dogowner is allowed to be away from home is 3 times a week, 4 hours. And that’s the absolute max. If you’re gone more often or for longer periods, you don’t get a dog. So in general, people here have more time to raise and train puppies. It’s just due to different circumstances, is all.

So Susan, with you and your husband being home most of the time, it’s up to you. If you want to use the crate for housetraining as well, you can follow the link Marianne gave us, a perfectly fine description of how you could train Bailey. But I will also tell you how it’s done here, separate crate training and separate housetraining.

Let’s start with the crate training. I already gave you an “introduction” of how to place the crate (in a calm area of the living room but with a view at where the people are) I already explained how it would be best if the pup “voluntarily” designates the crate as her private area to sleep. And how you can help this process by tossing (unseen by the pup) a treat in the crate, every now and then.

Now let’s specify it. Pups, are known to play one moment, and fall asleep the very next. If Bailey falls asleep right there and then where she was playing, you gently pick her up and place her in the crate…as far in the back as possible. If this wakes her, you stroke her with some calm, gentle strokes (do not talk to her during this period, we want her to go back to sleep) and this is where you close the door quietly. Now, it’s important that you make sure you are in the same room with her, when she is about to wake up. Because when you hear her waking up, a yawn, some movement coming from the crate, you go to the crate, hand her a treat through the closed door (don’t speak or act excited since we don’t want Bailey to think it’s a big deal) wait a second, then open the door, call her out, and pick her up immediately to bring her to her outside “bathroom area”. If all goes well, she should think of her crate as her “bed” pretty soon and go there all by herself. The duration of the closed crate door, will be longer in the time to come, with slow, small steps...but we get there later :)

At night. I would use some sort of box (like a cardboard box) and put it next to the bed. Proceed as you did during the day. Place a very sleepy Bailey in the box, give her some gentle strokes (don’t speak) and leave her to fall asleep.
If she wakes up and becomes restless, just lower your hand into the box (don’t speak) give a few gentle strokes and take your hand back out. This way she will know you are close and this will hopefully settle her down so she will fall asleep again. (I will discuss the "pee at night" part in the housetraining part :))

Now about the housetraining. In the beginning you need to put her in her outside “bathroom area” every hour. And apart from that, every time after she has played, every time she wakes up from her naps and every time after she ate. Let’s say she will go out for the last time at 11 at night. And let’s say her first morning time will be around 7 in the morning. Well of course, 8 hours is too long for a puppie. You can do 2 things. You can just go to bed and wait for her to wake you up during the night (but then you may not know whether she is just “lonely” or whether she has to pee) or you can set an alarm, 2 times during the night (for example at 2 and 5), and asleep or awake, just pick Bailey up and bring her outside. This way, if she wakes you up in the times in between her peebreaks, you can almost count on it she wakes you up for some comfort. Otherwise you could end up going outside in the middle of the night 6 or 7 times

And after just a few days, you set the alarm just once (around 3 for example)…and once you know she will sleep through the night and she won’t wake you for comfort reasons, you can quit setting the alarm. Because you can be secure she does have to pee and she is not looking for comfort. This will usually happen in less then a week. Well, compared to human babies, it’s nothing, one week of broken nights ;)

But be sure to pick her up and bring her to her bathroom area, right away. Don’t go to the bathroom yourself first or brush your teeth first, she can’t control her bladder muscles to keep it up. And the less accidents, the better. It may sound a bit intensive compared to other forms but it works very well and reduces the risks of accidents to a minimum. And, my personal most valued statement about dogs is, we want to set them up to succeed…and that is what we do using this method, in my opinion.

In case you discover an accident indoors, (probably needless to say but I will still say it) never ever punish the pup, not by voice, not by rubbing it’s nose in it or any other way. Clean it up, preferably when the pup isn’t even there. She’s a baby, she will have accidents. I will often ask people who complain about accidents: “How long did you need to wear diapers? How old were you when you first stayed dry an entire week at night?” :D

Hope I didn’t confuse things even more. And as always, if you have questions, don’t understand something I said, let me know.

Sas and Yunah :)

Bailey's Mom
03-17-2011, 12:03 AM
....countdown = 2 days 8 hours, fifty-six minutes and 30 seconds!!!:):)

Hey-I didn't think to tell you-the owner of the kennel has "reserved" one of Bailey's sisters. How funny!:cool:

Bailey's Mom
03-17-2011, 03:16 AM
I am printing out the discussion about crate training. I have already printed out the Humane Society article. I gave it to Bob and he read it. I asked him what he thought about it and he replied it sounded okay. I think if we figure out when and how we can give it an honest try.
For bedtime-we have one of those high beds...the ones you have to take a running jump to get into. (Well,,,maybe I'm exaggerating a tad.)For the immediate future we have a small table that is very sturdy. I think I'm going to try putting Bailey on there at first. There are a couple of other things I could try to raise her a little higher so it will be possible for me to reach down and comfort her.
I went to bed but never to sleep...:confused:and I was hungry, so I got up fixed myself a little sandwich and am now back up here-I'll probably try going down in about an hour and see if it will work then.
You guys are aware that we will be starting a second countdown when we hit the road?? That will be the countdown to 10AM on Friday.

Good night. Let's all try to get a good nice sleep.


03-17-2011, 03:34 AM

I am getting so excited for you. It is going to be so much fun.

I am really interested in the crate/kennel training as we have never done that. I am sure others in Australia (Alison?) have used it but it has never been something I have had anything to do with. I have always lived on a property with land as I have horses and we always have an outside area securely fenced with an undercover area (veranda) or at the moment it is an unused garage with a doggy door that I can put the dogs outside and they look after themselves when I am at work. Its like another room that has dog beds and food and water bowls.

I wonder if it is something that I could look into considering my dogs are now 3 and 4 years old. Maybe I have left it too late. I can see a benefit of having the boys inside but contained when needed for certain situations.


Bailey's Mom
03-17-2011, 06:08 AM
Hi Jenny-
I am quite certain I will be having things to say/ask about the crate training. I don't know if you could do this now. I don't see why not? It will probably take extra effort.....but it might be worth it.

Countdown = 1 day, 21 hours, 54 minutes and 27 seconds!!!! ;):D:D:D

I still have had no sleep. I'm going to try now. I have to do something in 3 hours...but 3hs is better than none hours. :(:confused::mad::eek:

03-17-2011, 11:00 AM
Oh Susan, the excitement is building!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D Hope you were able to get at least a little bit of sleep...:o :o :o :o

I am going to add just a couple more training thoughts, but you can wait to read them until another time. I wanted to go ahead and write them down, but I know you've got a ton of other stuff on your mind right now.

I endorse Saskia's housetraining tips 100%. And if you do decide to also use the crate as a housetraining tool, I believe this is the theory behind it. Since your goal is to teach the puppy that "outdoors" is the only place for toileting, you can use the crate as a tool to eliminate opportunities to mistakenly potty indoors. Benefiting from the puppy's natural instinct to keep its den clean, you can be more confident that the puppy will not relieve itself during the time that it is inside the crate (assuming, of course, that you are never leaving it in the crate for too long a time). So in addition to the other scheduled potty breaks that Saskia has mentioned, you would also give the puppy the opportunity to relieve itself immediately before and after it is ever confined in the crate. But this way, you are minimizing the opportunity for the puppy to mistakenly relieve itself in the house while you are away, or even when you are at home but your attention is diverted elsewhere -- including taking a well-deserved nap yourself after a few hours of puppy-wrangling ;). Your goal is to increase the opportunities for the puppy to successfully potty outdoors, and decrease the opportunities for "misfires" in the house when your back is turned.

And Jenny, I wouldn't think it's ever too late to introduce a dog to a crate. I would guess that the same positive training tips would work, no matter what the age of the dog -- assuming that the dog has not had a previously damaging experience with being caged. As adults, our girls behave the same way in their crates whether they've voluntarily walked in on their own, or whether we've temporarily confined them -- they curl up and start snoozing. Peg is now rarely confined. Being the excitable baby, Luna still gets some brief time in confinement. Most often when I am giving Peg her eyedrops or eardrops and I want to make sure that there is no way in which Luna will interfere. But I also put Luna in her crate when I am out of the house walking Peg. Up until they were about two years old, for the safety of them and our house, our dogs were always crated whenever we left the house. At this point, though, both girls are reliable enough to have the run of the house together for hours at a time. But somehow I'm still a bit wary about leaving Luna all alone without her big sister around. It was Luna, after all, who decided to eat the chunk out of the drywall...:rolleyes:


03-17-2011, 11:44 AM
Hi Susan,

We're counting down the hours with you in the California desert!

I am cleaning up here, as well, to make things easier for our newly blind (diabetic) little boy, Sparky. Sparky ( in the avatar, he is on the right) just went blind this past week so I go to your thread for a quick smile if I get a little down.

This all so exciting!

Love & hugs and waitin' with ya',

Bailey's Mom
03-17-2011, 05:23 PM
Hi Carrol- I'm so sorry to learn of Sparky's eye issue. How old is Sparky? Peaches had eye issues but she never totally lost her sight. I think things were very cloudy for her most of the time once she was 14 or so.

Marianne - Yes-I got about 2 hours sleep. :mad: But.........my small red circles on my legs seem to be fading once again.:)

When Ryan was 8, we all went to Disney World. He was so excited that he threw up his spaghetti dinner in the night. The trip was paid for and there was no changing of any plans. Bob wanted to cancel the trip. I said-shoot-he can be sick in FL just was well as he can be sick here. It's nicer there now, too. I checked with the pediatrician and he said..."Go!" We did and everything was fine. We had never had Ryan get sick over excitement before....nor since.

I think I am going to eat a very light dinner tomorrow night!;););) (I've never gotten sick because of excitement (before) either!!)

Okay-countdown clock says 1day:D:D:D, 13 hours, thirty seven minutes and 6 seconds!:)

The kennel gave me access to the video of Ana's pups. Now, if they delete off their site, I'll still have it. It was nice of them to do that.


Bailey's Mom
03-17-2011, 05:53 PM
Well.........for each of my dogs, I have always ordered one of those name tags that are shaped like a bone. :) I placed the order for Bailey's on the 12th and they arrived today. The name is "Palmer." :eek::eek: Arggghhhhh. :eek::eek:
I have now reordered tags with the name "Bailey." I am just not all here this week!.

03-17-2011, 08:01 PM
Hi Susan!
Palmer must be laughing himself silly over that one!!!:D
Sparky is 9 years old and the cataracts are secondary to his diabetes. The loss of sight came on quickly but is, and always be, our happy boy.
Hang in there.
OOOO, I'm so excited, I can't stand it!:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Bailey's Mom
03-17-2011, 11:45 PM
Yahoo!! I didn't think to adjust the Countdown clock for daylight savings.:rolleyes: I've had a rough time of having to figure it out..since it only counts to 12:00 AM on the date it is set for. :( I kept thinking it was me!! :confused::confused: I just jumped ahead one hour. Yippee!! :D:D
So...........one day, 9 hours, 19 minutes and 28 seconds.. ... .......orrrrrrrrr........
33 hours!!, 18 minutes (just changed), and 33 seconds!!:D:);):p:rolleyes::eek::cool::cool::cool:
We are officially down to counting just hours!! :cool:
I guess I'll have to take this clock along and reset it for next Friday (pick up day)......otherwise you guys will be lost!! :confused::eek:
Goodnight! Going to sleep.:)


03-18-2011, 08:49 AM
Almost time, it's almost time, that special day is almost here:D


03-18-2011, 11:11 AM
Hugs from us too,

Bailey's Mom
03-18-2011, 01:42 PM
:D:D:D Okay-even the countdown clock says 0 days left.....19 hours, 20 minutes and 44 seconds!!!:D:D I can't believe it's almost here!!
I slept very well last night-Palmer (his duck) and I. Did I tell you I have a new one of those ducks and we're taking it with us to use like a pillow? I'll also feel like Palmer is along....which is nice.:)
I'll check in before "lift off." :D:D:D

Bountiful hugs for all of you who have been so very helpful and kind!!:cool:

Bailey's Mom
03-18-2011, 08:24 PM
:)TWELVE HOURS, 34 minutes and 15 seconds!!!:)

Squirt's Mom
03-18-2011, 08:45 PM

I have been keeping up with the thread here for Miss Bailey and am just so excited for you and Bob - and Little Miss! :D Ya'll are going to have so much fun - when those times come when you ask yourself, "THIS is FUN?" I will be here to tell you, "YES! It is!" LOL :D Remember the most important ingredient in training any pup is love. ;)

Carrol and Addy are just going to have to scrunch up 'cause I'm in there with ya'll for the trip to get her, too! :p

Safe and happy travels!
Leslie and the gang

Bailey's Mom
03-19-2011, 12:00 AM
I have some bad news............I'm not sure there's going to be room in the car for me............never mind anyone else!! ;););) No-please do come! You have added much to my anticipation. I feel like we're family.:)
I just watched one of their videos with two schnoodles in it....WITH tails! I don't get it. (I'll get over this as soon as I see Bailey.):(
I can't believe it. I am all packed and am just making sure I didn't miss paying a bill or something.....plus packing up the laptop so I can keep in touch with you guys.:D:D And it's not even midnight yet. This is a record!
You watch....I'll probably be ready early in the AM and waiting on Bob. (I've NEVER had to wait on Bob. Unfortunately, I can not say the same (at all) for me.)
Well-We'll drive carefully down and back. This is going to be one interesting trip!! I love it! I love it!! I love it!!!
So long for now friends. I'll "talk" to you soon.
Hugs and more hugs....thanks and more thanks.... Susan :):D:):D:cool::D:):D:cool:;);) YAHOO!! Yippee!!

03-19-2011, 06:13 AM
A lttle less then 3 hours :D Have a safe and fun trip and give that little girl some kisses from The Netherlands;)


Sas and Yunah :)

Bailey's Mom
03-19-2011, 07:48 AM
Hi Sas and Yunah!
About one and one half hours now.
Better yet...the countdown clock for the really special day is in operation and it's telling me 6 days, two hours, 16 minutes and 41 seconds!!
I shall deliver the kisses on your behalf!......I don't think that's going to be hard to do.;)

I'm shutting down this computer now......but you guys feel free to post encouraging messages in my absence. I always like knowing I've been thought of.:o

I'll be in touch soon. Take care.

-Little Miss Bailey's Mom :):)

03-19-2011, 08:44 AM
Bon voyage Susan, have a safe trip. We'll be waiting breathlessly for photos and news.

Cant wait for The Coming Home of Little Miss Bailey

Love ya,

03-19-2011, 12:33 PM
Hi Susan!
have a good trip and bring that little girl home safely. I have butterflies in my stomach for you:D
We excitedly await your return.
Love & Hugs,

Bailey's Mom
03-19-2011, 09:50 PM
Addy and Carrol! :):):D

Well-we made it to the Outer Banks in NC. It a bit over 5 hours of travel time and was uneventful, thankfully.
I'm dead tired and hitting the sack very soon. Tomorrow we spend time here and when we're done we head to Raleigh, N.C.
Riding in the car bugged my knees a bit ( a benefit(?) of my knee surgery.) :( We stopped and walked a bit, got back in the car and I adjusted my seat and it was okay the rest of the way. I'm actually in Corolla...which is north of Nags Head (way north!!)-if you know where that is. It was a gorgeous day and a nice start. A little cool, but sweatshirts took care of that.
We had a very nice dinner at a local restaurant and they were extremely accommodating. No matter what customers asked for, the answer was always "Yes! Certainly!"

I am now counting down "sleeps." You know-like you tell kids who are too young to really understand time-it is now five more sleeps until I see/get Bailey.
There is a store here - an ice cream store and it is called "Bailey's." Plus it has a picture of a dog on their sign. Is that a good omen or what?? :cool::cool: I will get a picture of it tomorrow.
I figured out the real basics on the video camera and I'm confident I'll have it down pat by Friday. :D

Love and hugs,

03-19-2011, 11:26 PM
Hi Susan!
How good to hear from you and to know you are well on your way to get our little girl (I'm first in line for godmother:D)
I know what you mean by the knees. I have fibromyalgia and if I sit too long in the car, I can't even straighten up!
I am sure the "Bailey's" sign is a better than good omen. You are going to have such a great life with Bailey.
Hope you get a good night's rest. Constantly thinking of you guys...
Love & hugs,

03-20-2011, 08:44 AM
I LOVE good omens!!!!!

Not that I think you will need them. Its a done deal, giving your heart away, I mean. Bailey, herself, has been the good omen ;):) Oh Susan, you will see her, it will be love at first sight, you will pick her up and not want to put her down.:D:D:D:D:D

How many more miles?:D:D:D:D:D

That is what we kids always used to ask my father when we were traveling somewhere and were so excited we could not contain oursleves.

Almost there, almost there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya,

Squirt's Mom
03-20-2011, 09:32 AM
YEAH! One day closer to sweet Little Miss! Are your arms aching yet, imagining that little thing laying there, snuggled against your heart? ;):D

I LOVE the signage you saw! How cool is that??? I would have to say that, yes, that was an omen for sure! :D

Stay safe and enjoy every second of your trip!

Leslie and the gang

Bailey's Mom
03-20-2011, 09:27 PM
Oh me......I had this wonderful update and went to post it and my whole computer locked up..... so this will be a shorter version.
Did I tell you the flamingos are ready to go? :D Flamingos, balloons, crepe paper and something that will look like a diaper hanging from the beak of one of the flamingos! The "diaper" will have a small rock in the bottom to make it look more realistic.;););)

We had a wonderful bed last night. Sooooo comfortable. :):)
Went back this am and got a picture of Bailey's ice cream store. :DUnfortunately I did not bring my card reader so I can't upload picts.:( The video should be able to upload. It came with a USB connection.

4 hours of driving today. Long enough. Tomorrow is about another 4 hours as well.
NINE HUNDRED AND FIVE MILES TO GO...:eek::eek:.....YIKES.....why did you have to ask? That sounds so far away!:(:(

Five more sleeps!:)

Oh-we got rid of a large bag and now there is room for at least 3 more-4 if you can squish.;);)

We're in Raleigh, NC and will wind up in Asheville, NC tomorrow night. Just under 300 miles.

Keep well....and stay tuned!...and thanks for your humor!!



03-20-2011, 10:33 PM
Hugs back at ya', Susan. We are waiting.........
PS Well, SOMEBODY has got to want me as their godmother :(

marie adams
03-20-2011, 10:56 PM
Oh Susan,

You are on your way, HOW EXCITING!!!! Are we there yet????:D:D

I am jealous--hahaha--not really just so very happy for you!!!:):)

Squirt's Mom
03-21-2011, 09:54 AM
I am so glad you got rid of that big ole bag! Carrol and Addy are so excited they are squirming all over the place, crowding me when I want to squirm! :p

FIVE MORE SLEEPS!!!!! If we all took turns at a sleep, would that make it go faster? :D

Keep safe on the road!


03-21-2011, 01:13 PM
LOL Leslie:D:D:D:D Can't stop laughing.

Are we there yet? What if we can't sleep?


Bailey's Mom
03-21-2011, 10:18 PM

I've GOT to STOP doing things that makes my replies disappear. :mad::mad:
No-we are not there yet. FOUR more sleeps. FOUR!;)
If you can't sleep then you are just as excited as I am....and Miss Bailey will meet some people with very large, dark circles under their eyes.:eek:
You better stop squirming....it is slowing down the aerodynamics of the car.:rolleyes:

I lost my stuff again. I'll be so glad to get back on my regular PC.

Let's see-I typed and lost....you guys are so specical to me that I went and bought a new card reader. I will try to post one or two pictures after Bob checks his email.

Taking turns will NOT make it go faster. But you wouldn't be aware of how cramped you are.....:D;)

Tomorrow will be a very busy day touring, then dinner with a friend.

Keep writing.....I love seeing you tag along!

I'm getting impatient now. I keep counting the days on my fingers and it always comes back with four. I so hate that I am taking Bailey away from her Mom.:(:(

Keep checking for a picture.......


Casey's Mom
03-21-2011, 10:56 PM
I am so excited for you Susan!! :D:D:D

Love and hugs,

03-22-2011, 02:34 PM
OK, OK, Mom, are we there yet?????
Tell Bob to forget about the email. WE NEED PICTURES!!
"I so hate that I am taking Bailey away from her Mom." Well, you'll just have to take the mom too. Oh heck, take the whole dang family!!:D
I can't wait, I can't wait....
Love and tight hugs,

03-22-2011, 07:01 PM
Yup Susan, you will now be her mom and a better mom she could not find.

I still remember when I was seven and Daddy brought home our first family dog, a German Shepard we named Candy. That first night dad made a comfy box with blankets and an alarm clock and put it in the bathroomwith Candy in it. Poor Candy cryed and cryed and I still hear Daddy saying every ten minutes "STAY IN YOUR BOX". It was our very first puppy so we were pretty clueless. Finally I snuck out of bed and slept curled around the box on the floor in the bathroom. Funny, but Candy went to sleep, so did I and Daddy stopped scolding:D:D

I can just about close my eyes and smell Little Miss Bailey, can't you?

Your are a lucky Mom and she is a very lucky little girl.

Can we stop for a soda now ? I'm tired of sitting in the dang middle. Carrol and Leslie have window views:mad:


Bailey's Mom
03-22-2011, 11:30 PM
I can't get a note to post. I am going to try to send this and then send a picture. More tomorrow.
Tight hugs!

Bailey's Mom
03-23-2011, 12:24 AM
Can't get notes to post...can't get picture to post. I'm so sorry.

Bailey's Mom
03-23-2011, 04:25 AM
I finally got picture to upload!!
Going to bed now. will try later for note.

03-23-2011, 08:12 AM
Omigosh, Susan!!!!!!!!!!! The photo is fantastic, and there is NO WAY that it's just a coincidence!!!!!!!!!! ;) :) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Bailey's Mom
03-23-2011, 01:59 PM
Yeah-there was a guy walking across the parking lot watching me with my camera. He said "Hi" and I said "Hi" back. He said something about the design so I told him we were on our way too pick up our new puppy, Bailey. He said----hmmm-that's an omen. It was really cool. He kept watching and smiling...he waa really happy for us.

Let's see if this posts....

Bailey's Mom
03-23-2011, 02:20 PM
"YEAH! One day closer to sweet Little Miss! Are your arms aching yet, imagining that little thing laying there, snuggled against your heart?-Leslie and the gang"
Okay-I think I can answer you this way---copy & paste.
No-no aching arms. Arms from Bailey will never ache! I absolutely cannot wait until we pull away from the kennel and she is in my arms and we're talking.

"I LOVE the signage you saw! How cool is that??? I would have to say that, yes, that was an omen for sure!

Stay safe and enjoy every second of your trip!

Leslie and the gang"
"May you know that absence is full of tender presence and that nothing is ever lost or forgotten." Anne, a Corgi mom
a Definite message from somewhere!!

Hugs back at ya', Susan. We are waiting.........
PS Well, SOMEBODY has got to want me as their godmother :(

http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif Re: Bailey and Friends
Oh Susan,

You are on your way, HOW EXCITING!!!! Are we there yet????:D:D

I am jealous--hahaha--not really just so very happy for you!!!:):)
Marie and My Angel Girl Maddie;)

Squirt's Mom (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/member.php?u=32) http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif

http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif Re: Bailey and Friends
I am so glad you got rid of that big ole bag! Carrol and Addy are so excited they are squirming all over the place, crowding me when I want to squirm! :p

FIVE MORE SLEEPS!!!!! If we all took turns at a sleep, would that make it go faster? :D

Keep safe on the road!


Re: Bailey and Friends
LOL Leslie:D:D:D:D Can't stop laughing.

Are we there yet? What if we can't sleep?


http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif Re: Bailey and Friends
I am so excited for you Susan!! :D:D:D

Love and hugs,
Ellen, Casey and Desi

Bichonluver3 (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/member.php?u=589)
http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif Re: Bailey and Friends
OK, OK, Mom, are we there yet?????
Tell Bob to forget about the email. WE NEED PICTURES!!
"I so hate that I am taking Bailey away from her Mom." Well, you'll just have to take the mom too. Oh heck, take the whole dang family!!:D
I can't wait, I can't wait....
Love and tight hugs,

Re: Bailey and Friends

Yup Susan, you will now be her mom and a better mom she could not find.

I still remember when I was seven and Daddy brought home our first family dog, a German Shepard we named Candy. That first night dad made a comfy box with blankets and an alarm clock and put it in the bathroomwith Candy in it. Poor Candy cryed and cryed and I still hear Daddy saying every ten minutes "STAY IN YOUR BOX". It was our very first puppy so we were pretty clueless. Finally I snuck out of bed and slept curled around the box on the floor in the bathroom. Funny, but Candy went to sleep, so did I and Daddy stopped scolding:D:D

I can just about close my eyes and smell Little Miss Bailey, can't you?

Your are a lucky Mom and she is a very lucky little girl.

Can we stop for a soda now ? I'm tired of sitting in the dang middle. Carrol and Leslie have window views:mad:


I have to go now. I hope this works later. TWO MORE SLEEPS!!!!

03-23-2011, 05:47 PM
No, Addy, you can't have my seat......Mom said I could have a window seat. Try Leslie:p (Love ya' Addy)

Just popping in to see that everything is moving along as scheduled.
Love and hugs, Carrol

Bailey's Mom
03-23-2011, 10:32 PM
It's TWO more sleeps!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
I snoozed all day today. :D Another gorgeous day. I've been playing with the video cam. I've gotten better each time.:)

Now, now kids.....there will be no fighting!! We will stop for sodas and for lunch....but it's an 8 hour drive without stops, so we all need to get along.:);)
When I go to sleep tomorrow night I will be 1/2 hour away from Bailey.:eek::) Do you think she's getting excited? :confused: Think she has any idea? :confused: I bought her two new toys today. One squeaks....the other is a pull toy.:D

Do any of you who might have had puppies remember finding tiny little teeth around the house? I do.

Well-I hope I have a good connection tomorrow night. There will be a roll call to see how many of you have made it thus far.:rolleyes:

I drive the first 1/2 tomorrow, so beddy bye time now.

Take care!

Hug, hug, hug, hug,

03-24-2011, 12:41 PM
OOO, OOO, OOO, I want to be first for roll call! OK? Please, Mom, please?
Waiting impatiently....I mean how much excitement can one heart stand?
Uh, oh, Mom, need to go to the bathroom:D. When we stop, don't let Addy take my seat:p
Love & hugs,

03-24-2011, 01:15 PM
Oh, no, will I be at work when you get there? Oh shooooooot:mad:

What time do you get up in the morning? 5:00?:p:p
Don't laugh, I do.:o

Carrol, you can keep the window seat cause I get first dibs on holding Bailey on the way home:D:D

Love ya,

03-24-2011, 05:03 PM
Ha ha, Addy......Bailey will want a window seat so.....guess what!! And, Mom always liked me best. Hey, where is Leslie? Did we lose her along the road?:eek:

Waiting for Miss Bailey........
Is it one more sleep? Is it? Is it? This taking too long. Next time, Mom, could we just go to the hospital like everybody else to get a baby?

Hugs & hugs,
Carrol (mom's favorite:D)

Bailey's Mom
03-24-2011, 06:30 PM
Carrol-you're a hoot and you're certifiably nuts!! Abby, you're not far behind. I think Leslie stopped by on Tuesday. Maybe she's lost interest......maybe the excitement was too much for her.....and she went out for blood pressure medication.
Guess WHAT??!! I'm in Alabamer, 1/2 hour from Bailey. The drive wasn't too bad after all.
I have a very strong signal and good speed. Maybe I can post a picture....of I dunno what??!!
This is in the central time zone....that means they have tacked on an extra hour until I see Bailey. Boy...this just can't come fast enough!!
I think I can smell her.
Oooooooooooo gawd!! Bob thinks I goofed on the mapping.
Shee! I'll be back. He's flippin' out.

Bailey's Mom
03-25-2011, 12:02 AM
Map crisis is over.:p
11 hours to go! There will not be time for any food stops, changng seats stops nor potty trips. Go now and forever hold your...you know.:rolleyes:
I just looked at the site to see if they had posted any more recent pictures and they have not. I guess I'll have to see for myself.:)
I've checked all three cameras. They are all fully charged with all the room you can get on them thar smart cards.:cool:
As so my friends...I bid you adieu for this part of the trip. The next time I "talk" to you, Bailey will be with me!!
Now everybody go get a good night's sleep. We have a busy and exciting day tomorrow!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D


03-25-2011, 02:46 AM
OH, YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!
I wanna hold her, I wanna hold her!!!!
On we go to Camelot.........
Goodnight my friends:D

03-25-2011, 08:31 AM
I have to go to work now but will check in at lunch time.

Hope by then you are holding Little Miss Bailey and sending photos of the newest member of our "family"


Bailey's Mom
03-25-2011, 09:18 AM
Oh, Addy.....I don't see any way I can send up pictures before this evening.:(:(
BUT....NO MORE SLEEPS!!!!Only 2 hours to go!!!!!!!!
Hop In....here we gooooooooooooooooooo.
Susan :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Squirt's Mom
03-25-2011, 09:28 AM
aHA! I KNEW if I went to sleep and stayed that way we would get there FASTER! :D:D:D:D

PETAL TO THE METAL, BOB!!!!!:p:D:cool::p:D:cool:

marie adams
03-25-2011, 10:17 AM
The anticipation is rising!!! I bet there will be tears of joy running down your face for Bailey to kiss away!!!:):)

Congrats You Made It!!!!!

03-25-2011, 11:38 AM
YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Are we there? Are we there? I am so excited!!!!
Luv, luv, luv,

03-25-2011, 01:34 PM
Whew, I was so thinking I would miss it:(
glad to hear I won't and the pixes will be tonight:D

I can't believe today IS THE DAY.


Can't wait, jumping for joy ADDY

03-25-2011, 08:36 PM
Where's our baby? WHERE'S OUR BABYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!

Squirt's Mom
03-26-2011, 09:49 AM
What's that smell?!!? Is that PUPPY BREATH?????? :D:D:D:D

03-26-2011, 10:26 AM
You smell puppy? I figured we got left at a truck stop or something in all of their excitement.

Susan, Oh Susan, where fore art thou Susan?


03-26-2011, 10:50 AM
Puppy breath? Where? WHERE???? Leslie, move over, you're squashing me! And where the heck have you been, anyway? Addy, you can have my turtles, I want to hold Bailey. Mom, likes me best and guess what? Bailey's sleeping in my room:p


marie adams
03-26-2011, 02:59 PM
I guess we are the last to know what's up!!!! I need the puppy kisses more than the rest of you; so there I said it!!!:D:D:D

Happy, Happy to you Susan!!!

03-26-2011, 05:53 PM
Hey, Mom, now Marie is squishing me!!!!:eek:

Squirt's Mom
03-26-2011, 06:00 PM
Ya know....I think Addy may have been right! They left us at a truck stop! :eek::(

03-26-2011, 07:54 PM
OK, Leslie, you can get back in but you're 3rd in line to hold Bailey and get away from that window:p

Bailey's Mom
03-26-2011, 09:00 PM
Hi! I should be at home tomorrow. I have had no internet connection for two days. Bailey is fine and we're all well and I will contact you as soon as possible.


03-26-2011, 11:46 PM
[QUOTE=Palmer's Mom;51937]Hi! I should be at home tomorrow. I have had no internet connection for two days. Bailey is fine and we're all well and I will contact you as soon as possible.

Ummmm, Mom does that mean we are not going back with you:eek:?

03-27-2011, 11:21 AM
Mom, WHERE R U????????????

03-27-2011, 11:40 AM
now I am having a coughing attack from laughing so hard, Carroll.

Better polish up our thumbs:p:p:p:p

Whata weekend:D:D:D:D


03-27-2011, 12:53 PM
You betcha, Addy!!!! I think we should run away from home:mad:. That will show her;)
Hugs back,

03-27-2011, 01:28 PM
:p;)can't wait for Bailey. Welcome. Ya!:D
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

03-27-2011, 05:48 PM
Hey, Sonja said "Welcome". Does that mean they're home?????:eek:

Bailey's Mom
03-27-2011, 07:30 PM
Oh you guys!!! You have me laughing so hard!!!!:D:)

We ARE home!!:D:D

I did NOT leave you at a truck stop! :eek: You have been here right all along. We had extra windows installed so everyone could have a window seat. No one wanted to look out the window once Bailey was on board.....and I went to all that trouble and expense!! :eek::confused::rolleyes:;) The problem was I could not get the internet from early Friday AM until now. I had my son send you that message, I was so worried about you all!!

OH, what to say, what to say? I know you want pictures, so I will get some into the album today, for sure.
Second-she's half as big (BIG??) as I expected. She's smaller than a minute. But she is so cuddly and loving. :)
She's a little unsure....after all, every day since Friday she has had to take a long ride in the car and awakened in another state every day. :(
She did get car sick. Three times on Friday :(:(:( and once yesterday. :(Today she made it all the way home without getting sick. :) She hasn't eaten much, but this morning she ate well. She is taking water okay. She is all of 3 pounds!! Three tiny little, hairy, lovable pounds.
There's a story to tell about the pickup and a story to tell about the welcome home on the front yard and house. I will get you pictures of that as well.

Thanks to each and everyone of you-I loved seeing so many funny messages!:D
I'm going to post pictures now. I'll fill you in on the rest of the story tomorrow.

Love and HUGS!!!:):)
Susan and Bailey

03-27-2011, 07:46 PM
Wow we all made it home safe and sound.;) Thank goodness for that guy in the big rig.

Susan, we can't wait for the stories and photos. I am sure you are exhausted.

Get a good nights sleep and the real fun starts tomorrow:D:D

Welcome Home Bailey, we love you.Addy, Zoe and koko

Bailey's Mom
03-27-2011, 09:04 PM
I added two pictures. A third one is giving me problems-it turns out looking very pixelated. I need to go see my little girl now. Tomorrow morning will come VERY early! :eek::eek:


PS-better pictures to come....Ryan is coming down in the morning. He's my "official photographer."

BTW--Night #1, I placed Bailey into her little box when it was "lights out" time. She looked at me for a few moments then curled up in her box. Ditto for night #2. And-other than going on a pad the very first night, all of her "business" has been done outside! Oh am I lucky!!! (so far):D:):cool:;)

Night friends!

03-27-2011, 09:43 PM


Goodnight, Mom. We love you. xxxooo

03-27-2011, 09:53 PM
Oh, I messed up the stupid size:o


03-28-2011, 08:21 AM

Actually, I think she has my eyes.:D:D:D:D:D:D:p:p;)

Can't wait for more


Squirt's Mom
03-28-2011, 08:55 AM
You're nuts, Addy! Hogging all the windows, squirming the WHOLE trip and now you think Bailey looks like you?! nah....look at those little ears and perfect mouth not to mention that gorgeous hair! And she is SO SMART! She is just like meeeeee!!!! :D:D

Next thing I know, Carrol will be claiming she had something to do with Bailey's tiny waist. :rolleyes:

Ya'll are both nuts.....and I love ya dearly for it!

Susan, she is a DOLL! I love that she is so teeny! I have become quite taken with teeny tiny babies lately. ;) I am so glad you made it home safely with your precious cargo. Can't wait for all the details!

And, seriously, next trip can we put Addy and Carrol in the trunk? I was so good and so quiet but they were brats! Addy squirmed the whole time and Carrol would breath on me! :eek: :p:p

Hugs to all,

Welcome home, sweet Bailey!!!!!!

Bailey's Mom
03-28-2011, 05:08 PM
:DLol, lol, lol, lol!!!!!:D

"Next" time??????? If there comes a next time I think I will fly down and bring her back via an airplane....seriously.
But!-it was wonderful and very helpful to have all that one-on-one time on the trip back. We both seem to have bonded. She is getting more secure each minute and seems to, at least for now, know to tinkle outside.
The eating isn't where I'd like to see it, but I suppose 3 lbs doesn't need a whole lot. She's doing fine with drinking water.
I'll have to do this is bits and pieces, or I'd be on here forever. I think she has springs in her back feet. She looks like she bounces from point A to point B!:) She walks so proudly. She is beginning to show signs of knowing her name. The only "problem" so far is that she is literally right under our feet. No stepping on so far. Her little legs seems so fragile and I sure don't want to hurt her.....in ANY way.
Still not a sound out of her. I have no idea what her voice sounds like. She has had visitors today and seems to handle company pretty well.
Ryan and I just returned from trying to find a sweater to buy for her, but we had zero luck. I may just order one online. Might be easier and quicker.
When we arrived home, both of my calves and feet were horribly swollen. :eek: Like triple their normal size. :eek::eek: I know it was from post surgery and just sitting in the car for so long. When I went to bed, it started to drain out and I was up every 2 hours to go to the bathroom. Each time I got up, I took her out. She looked at me when I placed her on the grass. I said "tinkle" and she did!:) When I put her in her box last night, she looked up at me for a minute or two, then curled up.

We have pine needles for mulch and she loves to pick up one or two and shake her head madly. :) She is about 1/2 the size I expected her to be. The video was deceiving.
Okay-let's start from the beginning....at the kennel. When we got there, a mom and her son were picking up Bailey's brother. I did not know he had been selected. He is about 25% larger than Bailey. He was mostly black....and VERY lively. They named him "Sport." (I hope no one here has named a dog "Sport." ) What a lame name...........so very unimaginative. I can tell they do not have friends the caliber of mine!!;);)
Then they brought out "Bailey." She had no tan markings. She did not have "her" face. I asked the gal what happened to the tan hair....her answer......"I guess it just fell out." YIKES!!!! WHAT KIND OF AN ANSWER IS THAT???!!!!! I asked if they were sure this was Bailey...the gal said she would check. So I sat down with this really cute little pup for about five minutes. I could have taken her home in a nano-second. If Bob had said...maybe we should get two, I would have been right there! Then I looked over and here came this gal with Bailey in here arms. I KNEW it was Bailey. So we got to know her a bit and they brought her packet of information. I don't remember if I thought something was wrong there....but we learned they brought the wrong packet. (Can this place do anything right???) So we double checked the puppy and the packet to make sure they finally had it all right.
Next-the gal at the desk told me that all the pictures I get for Bailey will be free. (OKAY!!) Not long after that, the owner came out. I knew it was her from the website. She introduced herself. I made sure she knew they brought out the wrong puppy and then the wrong packet. (I wonder how often this happens? If I had not questioned it being Bailey, I would just be going home with Red Dot and never the wiser.)
Anyway-the owner told me to order all the pictures I wanted. Whatever sizes I wanted. I am to let her know what I want and it will all be free to me. I still pay for the sitting fee ($50) but that's okay with me. By the time we got out of there, we had a free extra leash, a free extra collar, a free tube of appetite inducer....and the promise of free pictures! It made me feel much better about the place.
I'm going to stop here for now.:( More to come, very soon.:)


Bailey's Mom
03-28-2011, 05:13 PM
Where's Sas? Did she not go on the trip? Is she mad because she didn't have a window seat on the way down? Did she get car sick and have to stay at the truck stop?

ALSO-Bailey looks just like ME!!! -

03-28-2011, 05:48 PM
Ha! I'm right here ;) I never got on board...don't do well with yelling sibblings on the backseat :p I'm a bit of a recluse, I like my personal space and private time...and no such thing during that trip so I stayed right here ;)

Bailey is just unbelievably cute! And I am truly very happy for you..and her :)

One thing, wich I'm sure you know...but I read they gave you a free collar amongst other things. Just don't use it :eek: Bailey should only be wearing harnesses and never a collar :)

Give her a cuddle from us,

Saskia and Yunah :)

03-28-2011, 07:27 PM
Hey, Addy & Leslie,

Now Mom says Bailey looks like HER!! I think Mom has abandoned us and likes Bailey best:(:(:(. Next thing you know, we will be sleeping in the basement with nothing but bread and water (forget the water - Bailey has the water dish!)
What to do? Oh, what to do?

03-28-2011, 08:38 PM
Carrol, where have you been, girl, we already are living in the basement cause Bailey got our room:eek:

Leslie's looking for the number of that trucker, he was heading north.

I AM NOT babysitting!!!!!! Though I have to admit Bailey sure is a sweetie pie and I still think she has my eyes.

Oh Susan, I hope your foot is better. Puppy breath kisses for all:D

Love ya,

marie adams
03-29-2011, 12:09 AM
Oh Susan,

What an adventure....:p The girls have all been boogers and hogged all the room that's why I got off the bus. Good thing they are in the basement now---hahahaha!!!

She is so cute!! What I would give to have those puppy eyes staring up at me and then curl up and go to sleep----sooooo cute. I will take puppy breath any day!!!!:D:D

I hope you have recovered from the trip and not hurting so much!!!

Bailey's Mom
03-29-2011, 12:40 AM
Oh guys,
The house has NO basement. WHERE ARE YOU??!! Surely not in the crawl space??!!
People talk of puppy breath....I don't know what that is but neighbors have told us she does have it and they love it. I will do some investigating on that.
Feet are much better today, but still puffed up.
Bob just came upstairs with Bailey-they went to bed and Bob could not get Bailey to stay in the box......heh, heh, heh. So she is right here with me and we are going to try online to find a sweater small enough.
More tomorrow,

03-29-2011, 10:33 AM
I CAN"T SEE! I CAN"T SEE! HELP...........Oh, I have my eyes closed:o
OK, guys, we need a plan.
Leslie, where's the trucker?
How come Sas didn't have to go on that trip but showed up for the good stuff. And she still has her own room. Hmmmm..............:rolleyes:
Addy, enough with the baby breath, let's get rollin':cool:

Bailey, we love you and can't wait til you're old enough to join the gang. xxxooo

Bailey's Mom
03-29-2011, 01:54 PM
Can you imagine if someone started following this at about page 9??!! What must they think???
Well-Bob screwed (sorry) up the Bailey/box success. He came back upstairs with her and told me it was 12:20 and that she would not stay in her box. So-we found a sweater online for her and then went downstairs to try going to bed. She is so cold much of the time....we NEED that sweater!! (Bob and Ryan are going out soon to look again.)
So....since she was shivering, I put her next to me in the bed for a few minutes. Bob asked if I was going to keep her there and I told him I was just trying to get her settled. He said she needed to be in the cage.........but she has never even met the cage. We've only been home two days! (not even that quite yet.) So I put her in her box. She did not lie down. She just kept looking around. And then it started,....the crying. So I pulled her up again and just figured for now...she'd stay there. Bob kept insisting she go into the cage, so he put her in there. I thought I heard crying before. This little teacup size pooch can get a real painful sounding cry going. I couldn't take it. I brought her back upstairs and we dozed in the recliner and watched tv (sort of) for the rest of the night. Needless to say, we can't keep doing that.
Today she has met and wowed over more people. Right now she is bushed because she's been on the go since 7AM. I need to read the crate training article and figure out what to do with this. I could get a bigger box...........but I think she'd still cry. Maybe it will work if I go to bed when Bob goes to bed.
She is still the cutest thing in the world. You should see her little tail wag. She can really get it going. Palmer never wagged his tail much.....so it was a special occasion when he did. She is doing it every time she sees me come into a room.
I am now going to try to copy over to the pc, the video pictures and video. Look for more pictures soon........

03-29-2011, 07:01 PM
Well, Susan I got to hold a four month old puppy today, a bichon shih tzu mix and I have to say it was heaven, I could not put him down so I can only imagine how you feel about Bailey as she is Your baby.:D

You must be totally in seventh heaven. (where is seventh heaven anyway?);););););)

I think Sas is going to tell you to start that crate training as Little Miss is going to wrap you around her finger pretty quick:D:D:D

Will you tell the story about the sign in the yard? Please, oh please, we would love a bed time story. We promise to be good.:D

Dang it Carroll, your breathing on everyone again!!!!!! Will you just OPEN YOUR EYES?


Bailey's Mom
03-29-2011, 07:05 PM
Oh you are soooooo demanding!!
Here are pictureS.
Okay-After dinner I will tell you a bedtime story.....but it's going to be out of order of the trip......and I do not have any pictures yet........but, okay.
Seventh heaven is at the top of the ladder....and I am indeed there.
Carrol-are the eyes working yet?


Bailey's Mom
03-29-2011, 11:18 PM
It was a dark and stormy morn'. We got an early start not sure we could make it the rest of the distance in one day. :confused: The GPS was lying to us and telling us it was 2 hours longer than we knew it was. :( The rain continued most of the way home and when it wasn't raining it was very gray.:( We got to about 10 minutes from home and the skies cleared up and the sun came out. :):)
Bob knew nothing about the celebratory plans. I was driving at this point and we turned left to go down to our cul-de-sac. I of course was looking to see what was there. We had agreed (my neighbors and I) not to use crepe paper if it was raining....because it would bleed. I had given them the two flamingos and four rolls of crepe paper right before we left. As we pulled up to the house, Bob said...."Oh...look" - and there it was. Two pink storks, one with a diaper hanging from its beak. A balloon was attached to one of the "storks." There was crepe paper all along the railing that goes up to the front porch, on our lamppost and on our mailbox. The balloon said "Welcome home Bailey (to DE), 3/27/11." Then there was this cloth hanging from the mailbox. I could not tell what that was as the wind had blown it so it had folded. After we got out of the car, the neighbors came out and ooooed and ahhhhhed about Bailey. I then went to the mailbox and pulled out the white cloth. The neighbor had blown up the picture of Bailey with the red bow and had put it on a pillow case. It all just looked magnificent. :D The sun stayed out for the rest of the day and the decorations (minus the crepe paper) are still up. :) I have asked for copies of the pictures and I expect I'll get them tomorrow.

It was very, very special and exciting and seems to lose something in the telling. Bailey has been inspecting the balloon. They took pictures once they were finished and then when we arrived home.

I don't know what will happen with bedding arrangements tonight. I may have to go upstairs to sleep. I just hate to hear Bailey cry so mournfully.:(:(

We go to see our vet in the AM and get the usual checkup and any shots that are needed.

On all of our trip days, except for the last two, we had cloudless skies and gorgeous weather. Most of the rain occurred the last night we stayed at a motel. It has been chilly but sunny ever since it came back out.

Bob and Ryan were able to get a really cute sweater for Bailey. She isn't real keen on it-she is trying to bite it! They also picked up a harness......thank you Sas. I had tried the first day or two to walk her on a slip collar. She does not like that at all and digs her four paws into the ground. I was already uncomfortable with using that leash as she was just being dragged along. We have not tried the harness yet, but it is a brilliant red and will look wonderful with her coat. While Ryan is here we are concentrating on getting pictures and videos.....and on spending time with Bailey.

Now----nitey nite little ones. You've had a busy day with new pictures and a new story. Let's all try to get some sleep tonight!!;);)
Bailey's Mom

03-30-2011, 07:48 AM
I don't know what will happen with bedding arrangements tonight. I may have to go upstairs to sleep. I just hate to hear Bailey cry so mournfully.:(:(

Oh Susan, I love hearing about the "Welcome Home" decorations and all the antics of Baby Bailey!! :) :) Her pics are absolutely adorable -- she looks like such a love bug...;)

The couple of lines that you wrote about the sleeping arrangements caught my eye, however. I don't want to act like Miss-Know-It-All, because I surely don't. But from what you wrote, I am worrying a bit that you might be thinking about leaving Bailey confined in the crate all night, downstairs and away from your hearing. I don't know what schedule you've set up for taking her out during the night to pee. But at her age, I would be very surprised if she can reliably make it throughout the night. And the very last thing that you want to do is set things up so that she relieves herself in her crate. Because in that way, you are forcing her to override her natural instincts and you run the risk of setting up persistent housetraining problems that are very difficult to resolve. At this early age and early stage of adapting to your household, if you are confining her in her crate at night, I really do encourage you to keep her within your hearing so that you can respond to any restlessness that might indicate the need for a potty break. I'm afraid I don't have a solution to the crying, since all of my three always conked out shortly after heading into their crates. If you don't respond to her crying, how long does she keep it up?


03-30-2011, 08:29 AM
what a wonderful homecoming and I could easily picture it in my mind. thank you for telling it. how sweet of your neighbors:):)

the joy and essence of puppy!!!!!! I was so smitten with that puppy yesterday. He is being fostered by my friend but brings her so much joy she is going to keep him. She fostered the mom and watched him be born.

I am sure you will figure out the crate or box thing. I bet Bailey looks beautiful in red, it would be her color.:D

Have a wonderful puppy day!!!!!!!

Love ya,

Squirt's Mom
03-30-2011, 10:06 AM
I brought her back upstairs and we dozed in the recliner and watched tv (sort of) for the rest of the night. Needless to say, we can't keep doing that.

Oh Susan, what wonderful stories! The above line made me throw my head back and howl, however. :p Oh, what sweet memories!

When I got Squirt she was only 5 weeks old and very, very tiny - she fit, head to tip of tail in my hand. I was terrified of sleeping on the bed with her for fear of smothering or crushing her. The floor was out - she could get smashed too easy. And, like you, the crying from her box was more than my heart could stand. Soooooo, we ended up sleeping in a recliner together nite after nite.....for four months! :D It wasn't until then that I felt comfortable enough with her current size to put her in the bed with me at last....and crate training as her bed was, well, much too late to attempt, for both of us. She has never slept anywhere but with me unless she was in the hospital....and then I didn't sleep. ;):rolleyes: In fact, those first four months of her life, she went everywhere I went. She was small enough to drop in the pockets of many of my clothes and I made sure to wear those clothes. When she outgrew the pockets was a sad day for both of us. :( But she still accompanies me every where it is possible for her to go.

Those early days and months in the recliner are such sweet memories and bonded Squirt and I so very deeply. I don't advocate this approach but I wouldn't change a thing for us! Of course, my husband worked nights; Bob may notice you are not in the bed! :p;)


03-30-2011, 01:04 PM
"I bet Bailey looks beautiful in red, it would be her color."
Addy, of course she looks good in red - I HAVE RED HAIR!!!!!
Mom, couldn't you have picked a non-crying baby? We can't sleep!

" I'm afraid I don't have a solution to the crying,"
Forget what Marianne says.........put Bailey in the basement... Oh I forgot we are in the basement... oh, I mean the non-basement:rolleyes:

On second thought, what the heck, let's just have everyone move into your room:D

Thanks for posting the story of the homecoming but any one who has been following this thread knows the REAL story.:)

Love ya' Mom & Bailey xxxooo

PS Keep the pictures and stories coming. We are awaiting the next installment. Sigh, they grow up so quickly...........

03-30-2011, 01:20 PM
Addy, of course she looks good in red - I HAVE RED HAIR!!!!!

for real Carrol cause I do too, for real!!!!!:D:D Though it has faded as I have gotten older:eek:

I bet Susan is having the best puppy day ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Snuggles with Bailey, playing in the yard with Bailey, eating with Bailey, sleeping with Bailey:D:D:D:D:D

I'm getting mighty jealous. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I am going to go look to see if there is a pix of Bailey in her sweater.

Love ya,

Bailey's Mom
03-30-2011, 01:50 PM
The couple of lines that you wrote about the sleeping arrangements caught my eye, however. I don't want to act like Miss-Know-It-All, because I surely don't. But from what you wrote, I am worrying a bit that you might be thinking about leaving Bailey confined in the crate all night, Good golly gosh! I would never do that.downstairs and away from your hearing. I don't know what schedule you've set up for taking her out during the night to pee. She goes out to pee when I have to get up to pee.....and with my swollen feet, that's about every two hours. She has only had one pee that was in the house....and it was a surprise! She's so tiny, you have a hard time telling when/if she has squatted! If you don't respond to her crying, how long does she keep it up?


Last night we all went to bed at the same time. I played a little with Bailey, Bob went to sleep and after another 10 minutes I put her "in her box." She stayed there and I kept my hand on her for about 10 minutes, then all was okey dokey. Two hours later I had to get up to pee and before I closed the bathroom door she was crying. Bob saw she got out of the box and went to get her. One of us (I don't remember which) took her out. Putting her back into her box no longer worked, so I placed her in the cage. Then the crying started. Not as loud and mournful as the night before, but bothersome. The cage was not near the bed, so I brought it to my side very close. I didn't take her out when I did this. I turned out the light and spent 20 minutes hanging over the edge of the bed with my fingers through the holes. For a bit she came up to my hand and I could rub her little head. Then we went to sleep. I know I had to go pee again, but I don't remember how that went. (I am sooooo tired!) Then in another two hours, I had to get up again. By this time it was almost time to get up as we had an early morning visit with the vet to have her check her out. Once I went back to bed I played with her and gave her some of her kibble. (I probably shouldn't do that there, but at the moment, the way she will eat most is if I hand her one kibble at a time.)

On to next note............:)

Bailey's Mom
03-30-2011, 01:53 PM
I am sure you will figure out the crate or box thing. I bet Bailey looks beautiful in red, it would be her color.:D
Love ya,

The sweater Bob and Ryan got is pretty neat. It has multi color stripes and a cut out piece of felt in the shape of a bone on her back. Red one is on its way...but not here yet. I'll get you a picture of this sweater.:)

Bailey's Mom
03-30-2011, 02:03 PM
When I got Squirt she was only 5 weeks old and very, very tiny - she fit, head to tip of tail in my hand. I was terrified of sleeping on the bed with her for fear of smothering or crushing her. Me too! The floor was out - she could get smashed too easy. And, like you, the crying from her box was more than my heart could stand. Soooooo, we ended up sleeping in a recliner together nite after nite.....for four months! :D

Those early days and months in the recliner are such sweet memories and bonded Squirt and I so very deeply.

Thanks for letting me know about the recliner. I'm not sure exactly how this will work out now, but we will figure it out. The recliner works out very well...she falls asleep under my chin and if I leave the tv off I can sleep as well....just not quite as well as in my bed.:)

Bailey's Mom
03-30-2011, 02:06 PM
"On second thought, what the heck, let's just have everyone move into your room:D"
Ooooo...what a cool idea....then one of you can take her outside in the thirty degree weather!!!

Bailey's Mom
03-30-2011, 02:07 PM
"I'm getting mighty jealous. :rolleyes::rolleyes:"
No need to get jealous......there are enough hours in a day that each one of us can take a turn, Addy!

Bailey's Mom
03-30-2011, 02:22 PM
Okay kids. I think I answered all your questions....if not, send 'em on again!
Vet was "taken" with Bailey. She thinks she is so cute and, of course, she is right. :) She weighed in at 2 pounds, six ounces. :eek: A bit of a weight loss, but she's eating better now. Vet was not concerned about the weight loss....just wanted to be sure she was getting fed 3X/day. She gave Bailey two shots in another room after asking me if I wanted to be present when she did it. I did not....not this time. I always have been there with my pets for every shot but I was worried how she might scream and I didn't want to damage my psyche. :) Besides-the last shot I was present for was the last one for Palmer. :(:( I was a little worried, truly, about how this one might bother me. Vet says she did not make a noise for the first one and just yelped a second for the second one. :)
We came home, Bob and Ryan went out, and Bailey and I napped in the downstairs recliner. She went from being bouncy before the vet to "crashing" after the vet. They returned, we all ate lunch and Bailey and I resumed our napping. She doesn't play "around" much yet. She mostly wants to munch on a finger or chew on a stick. I know we have to watch about the "biting" but she seems to know already to be gentle. If it gets a tad "rough" I just yelp. Then she stops.
She likes glasses (the frames), buttons, zippers and my earrings to chew on. Today she did some "digging" while she was on my chest. I'm not sure what that is about...but it was just for a moment.
So here I am....and it's 2:15 already. I could STILL take a nap!!
Thanks to each and every one of you for your suggestions and your humor. I think we need to have Carrol and Addy examined!:rolleyes::rolleyes::D
S'long for now.

Squirt's Mom
03-30-2011, 02:54 PM
I think we need to have Carrol and Addy examined!

That's for sure! :D

03-30-2011, 04:49 PM
Susan, you can try adding a warm water bottle to her "bed". Wrapped up carefully of course. Don't use the rubber ones, they are easy to chew. The warmth and the shape to cuddle up against, reminds her of her mom and should help her ease and sleep through the night (apart from pee breaks) :)

And my personal opinion is that she should be fed 4 times a day for now till she is 3 months old. After that she can be fed 3 times a day till she is six months old. Then you can go to twice daily feeding...

Give the little thing a hug,

Sas and Yunah :)

Bailey's Mom
03-30-2011, 08:18 PM
:) Thanks Sas! I'll try this if she remains unsettled for the next day or two. And I am glad to feed her 4 times a day......but there are only certain times when she'll eat. Sometimes she is just not interested.
She had a little rice and a little chicken mixed in with her kibble tonight. She ate the most I've ever seen her eat!:):):D She may have trouble getting around until some of it gets digested.;);) (just kidding)

Bailey's Mom
03-30-2011, 08:20 PM
Hey Carrol-
How is Sparky doing?


03-30-2011, 09:11 PM
Thanks for asking, Susan!

Spoke to the vet On Monday night. Here is what he said:

He expected BS to be high while liver is regenerating. He explained it as the liver putting out more glucose (apparently the liver does this) in response to its own call for help from the body to help the repair. He is not concerned, right now with the higher numbers (only if they were to fall drastically) and was not worried. He said no increase in insulin right now (although we may do that once we have a chance to see where we are after the new food and the regeneration of the liver.)

I told him the calories are the same per cup in new food as in old food. He said that may be but it is what makes up those calories that can make the difference. He said to get him onto the new food asap as I have been transitioning him over the past few days with no problem. The only thing is he seems to be hungry after his meal, looking into everyone's bowl!

He said we will repeat the liver enzymes in a couple of weeks and then I will do a curve at home. We will then review the whole package and see what revisions may be necessary.

Sparky has come out of the "slump" he was in when he started to lose his vision. The fence is now up around the pool (he is marking all along the fence now!!!) and he actually runs outside. He still sticks his but in Grover's face to show him who is boss. He is very vocal when he wants or disapproves of something. His appetite is very good and he gets up to all his favorite napping places.

A couple of days ago he was peeing and drinking excessively but that has subsided.

The redness in the eyes has subsided since we started using the eye drops.
All in all, I think we will get back to normal whatever "normal" is anymore!

Bailey's Mom
03-30-2011, 10:40 PM
That's great, Carrol!:)
I'm so happy for you. :D
It's hard to watch our furry friends suffer or falter when we can't explain anything to them. It sounds like Sparky is making a nice transition.:(
Let's hope it keeps up!:cool:

Casey's Mom
03-30-2011, 11:06 PM
Susan I have been away from the site for a few days and was just able to catch up on all the news with Bailey. You guys made me laugh so hard and Susan you brought a tear to my eye when you said "First of all - I love her!" That made me so happy because you were so lonely without Palmer and I am glad that Bailey has brought doggie joy back to your life!!

Good luck - and she is too precious for words. Love that puppy breath!

03-31-2011, 01:05 PM
I think we need to have Carrol and Addy examined!


Hi All, Hope you are having a happy Thursday!!!!:D


Bailey's Mom
03-31-2011, 06:41 PM
Addy-you are NUTZ!!! And I LOVE IT!!

Hi to all........I'm working with videos and pictures. Can someone tell me how to link a file....so you can see a video?


Bailey's Mom
03-31-2011, 09:38 PM
There are new pictures............

03-31-2011, 09:58 PM
Cute as a bug. That sweater is a hoot. She seems to like it. :D Not spoiled at all. What joy she must be bringing to your household. Enjoy it all and soak it in. Kim

Bailey's Mom
03-31-2011, 10:03 PM
Thanks Kim.
I don't consider it "spoiling."
I like to think of it as appreciating and loving.:):)

marie adams
04-01-2011, 01:10 PM
Hi Susan,

Happy Times at your home!!1:):) The pictures are wonderful!! I love what your neighbors did for you....nice to know there are still good people in this world--like all of you!!:D:D

Give little Bailey a hug from me--someday we will get that puppy love too!!:)

Have a great day and weekend!!

Bailey's Mom
04-01-2011, 04:32 PM
Little Bailey is down to 2 lbs. 2 ounces. :eek::(:confused: I've sent Bob off for chicken to cook to have on hand for her. We need to beef this little gal up!

Bailey's Mom
04-01-2011, 09:56 PM
I think Bailey has learned "bring it here." :cool:
Bailey sits on the top of my head on the recliner.....just as Palmer did.:)

04-02-2011, 01:38 AM
Mom, I think Bailey isn't eating because we told her she was getting a pony and you haven't ponied up (sorry, I couldn't resist:o)
It's okay, Bailey, ADDY & I will get you a pony if we can just get out of these dang hills! So, eat up, baby girl.
Hugs & smooches!!!!!!

Squirt's Mom
04-02-2011, 09:18 AM
Hey Susan,

Puppy's nutritional needs change so quickly as they grow that is it important to keep them on a good commercial feed for growth - ie. puppy food. ;) Royal Canin makes several breed formulas for those that are known to need stimulation from time to time - like Chihuahuas, Poms, Poodles and Schnauzers, to name a few. You might look into some feed like that for Bailey.

If you are using kibble, you can wet it which will give it a bit more aroma plus make it softer for her. If you are using a canned feed you might talk to your vet about getting a can or two of Mother's Milk, or whatever they call it these days, to add to the canned. This might make the feed more palatable to her. The canned breast milk can also be added to the kibble; it will have all the nutrients Bailey needs.

I strongly encourage you to avoid human foods right now. Her little system is still adjusting to digesting food other than her mom's milk and keeping it as consistent as possible is best for her. Also, by adding human foods now, you can be setting her up to be a finicky eater all her life - which is hard on moms and dads.

I know you are quite concerned about Bailey not eating well right now but try really hard to keep her feed consistent without adding human foods. The first year of a dogs life is nutritionally critical and commercial puppy feeds best meet their needs, giving them the best possible opportunity to develop normally. As far as we know, Bailey is healthy, with no problems that need to be addressed nutritionally and we want to keep her that way. After that first year you can start adding human foods as toppers unless you decide to cook for her. ;) So talk to the vet about other options, reserving chicken, etc. to entice her as the very last, least desirable, option.


PS. I have to leave so I can go hunting but Addy and Carrol will keep you more than busy! :p

Bailey's Mom
04-02-2011, 02:33 PM
What hills?? Where are you guys?? There are no hills here just as there are no basements. It's sea level living. It's flat, mostly. It's very damp much of the time. Did the space ship get you guys???

Bailey's Mom
04-02-2011, 02:43 PM
Oh my....one source says this, another source says something else. :confused: The vet said it was okay to give people food so long as it was low fat. :confused: Bailey ate the most she's eaten ever last night....and I think it was too much. She was whimpering for awhile. She now weighs 2 lbs. and somewhere around 8 ounces. I don't remember exactly what the ounces were. I got the scale instruction book and nowhere does it tell you what the numbers after the period mean. The numbers before the period are the pounds. I finally decided that since one digit could only go from 0-9 it must be in tenths. Anyway-it's headed in the right direction.:)
I have hung her poochie bells at both places. She is a VERY quick learner so I expect her to be ringing bells by tonight (not really.);)
It has just turned sunny, and it's 60 degrees so I think I'll see if we can learn just a little about going for a walk.
Take Care.

Oh-Sas-I finally got it together enough to get that little treat in the cage with Bailey not knowing I did it. It worked wonderfully. The crying was just once or twice and I could hear her eating the biscuit before the crying began. I now have the cage door open and a treat in there (if it's still there).....and she has gone by and looked at least once. She has definitely learned how to chase a ball and bring it back....I could never get Palmer to bring it back to me. He always went "away" with it.

04-03-2011, 08:34 AM
we hitched a ride north with that trucker to head to the hills. Carrol was getting squirrley living in that non basement and we were mightly worked up about being examined:eek::eek::eek:

Problem is its cold in them thar hills, we're eating spam and sharing an old tattered beige sweater with holes in it trying to keep warm.

maybe if we get a red sweater like Bailey, we could come home;);)

Leslie was right and that ole trucker still hadn't taken a bath but looks like he is heading south now so Carrol went to flag him down again. She looks pretty pathetic standing there with her thumb out, she really doesn't have the pose right and then we have that problem of Carroll breathing on the trucker:eek::eek:

FYI-I thought you should know that Carrol told Bailey to ask for a pony


Bailey's Mom
04-03-2011, 09:51 PM
I practically put the recliner on Bailey. She is so fast and so hard to keep track of....and I heard this cry.....I had partially rocked a little forward......Bob ran and got her out and there appears to be no damage. It really upset me.:(:confused::(:(:(

We took Bailey to the hardware store today. She did well. :) She just stayed inside my hoodie.....she fits very nicely in there and I zip it up and that keeps her supported. Once we got back home, we both had some chores to tend to so, for the first time, she went into the cage during the day. I heard nothing out of her before I got outside. I was working down the street at the entrance to our community. Bob was assembling his new lawn mower and then he cut the grass. I kept looking down and never saw him....so I hoped he had given Bailey a break.When I got back and came inside.....I heard nothing. I said "Hello?" and heard nothing. I took two steps toward the bedroom and I heard an emphatic cry!! I got her out and got her outside quickly. It had been at least two hours and Bob had not come back inside. She was a bit upset, :(but she is fine now. We spent the next two or three hours snuggled up on the bed. Napping.....but not really.

She's with Bob now and I plan to go back down shortly.

Did I tell youse guys that there is going to be a puppy shower on Tuesday? :D I have friends who want to meet Bailey....I don't know how many are coming, but it's a bring your own lunch, we'll have drinks and a cake, and , if you want, bring a little something for Bailey. Kinda cool. :) It's a group of women who have kind of kept up with the happenings since the day I picked her out.

Weight went from 2.2 to 2.8 pounds. That's just over 2 1/2 pounds. That was yesterday. Bob thinks she looks bigger. All I know is that I can really feel her ribs.

Bailey told me about the pony. She asked that I wait a few months.....so she won't get squish(ed) again.:(:(

The trucker called me and told me Carrol was buggin' him and asked me to please see that someone came to pick her up. ;) His girlfrien' is real upset. There's only room for two on that thar truck. :eek: We all know how Carrol is about sharing space!!;)

Did I tell you Bailey got car sick four times on the way home?:(:(:( Three times on day 1, one time on day 2 and none on the last day. Did I tell you she peed on me in the car?:( Just once and it was very little pee.

We're working on the bell thing for asking to get outside. Bob thinks that's a bunch a balooey also. He didn't want the bells hung up where guests could see. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!

Take care, all.


04-04-2011, 08:25 AM
Happy Monday Susan!!!!!

How is Little Miss Bailey this morning? I love the idea of a puppy shower, how cute is that? You can play pass the puppy to help continue socializing Bailey. WHAT FUN:D:D:D

I hope you get the food thing sorted out. She does not like the food the breeder was feeding? I was just reading about how few taste buds dogs have compared to humans but they can taste salty, sweet and bitter. The article said their taste buds work with their sense of smell more so than ours. No wonder the smellier the better:p

My two are fruitaholics. Poor Zoe can't eat much fruit anymore with her colitis but Koko gets blueberries for a treat. He will stand next to the frig for an hour waiting for his blueberry and any time someone is eating fruit he comes RUNNING!!!!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Hey, how does Bailey like her ducky?

Have a wonderful puppy filled Monday. It has been storming here for 2 days and our yard is totally flooded:eek: Hope the sun is out at your house. Of course with Bailey home, the sun would always be out;)


Bailey's Mom
04-04-2011, 11:59 PM
Happy Monday to you as well, Carrol! Little Miss Bailey is fine today-as she always is. I don't think we need to pass the puppy to get Bailey socialized. She has had so many "callers"....I think, I KNOW, she has more friends than I do!! :p She loves company. The neighbor across the street (who is going back to Canada until October, later this week) picks up her two grandchildren from school and Mondays and keeps them until their parent(s) pick them up. I took Bailey over there today, while the kids were there, and you've never seen 3 lives be more lively! Bailey really loves kids. Palmer was that way too. I guess they're so used to seeing people who seem to be so tall that once they are in the company of someone closer to their size, they love it!! :D

Did I tell you Bailey is climbing to sit on my head as Palmer did? I just know Palmer had a hand in Bailey coming here. :D:D:):)

The food thing is a little less pressing. Bailey weighed in at 3.2 lbs today. :) Hooray! I can even feel some extra around her ribs. :D Whew! I was really worried there for a day or two. I forget about the fruit/veggie thing. That would be good for me, as well. Other than juice, I don't get around to eating much fruit. I love it, I just don't think about it.:confused:

Bailey had her first bath tonight. She stank!....and with the puppy shower being tomorrow, I wanted her to smell lovely. She is not keen on being brushed or combed out. I find if I lift her up in the air with one hand, I can comb her with the other. That works pretty well. I still need to figure out a way to get her head combed. Needless to say, I probably won't be able to lift her with just one hand forever, but it sure is handy now.

You know, I don't know where that ducky got to. I'll have to check on that. She did seem to enjoy it. I think it's really meant to be a kids toy....although it squeaks. If she starts to tear it apart, we'll have to get it away from her. She hasn't torn anything apart yet.

By the way.....if the puppy pees inside, do I just say "no!" firmly and get her outside? I've been praising her when she goes outside, but I don't think she really knows why. Twice this evening she peed inside. Both times I was right there and I interrupted her process.....but I realized I don't know how I am supposed to correct her.

And would you believe she is already stimulating herself on one of her toys??!! She has this toy that has two parts. Each of the parts is like a corkscrew and one has a dog head and the other has some different kind of head (maybe a lion?) Well, they corkscrew together....so you have one two headed stuffed toy. It's longer than Bailey and twice now I've seen her "humping" it. :eek:

My days have become really short.....I sure don't have the time I once did (not that long ago) to get other things done. This is really going to take some scheduling, of sorts.

I think I'll go check up on Leslie now. I hope there is good news from her.

Happy Tuesday!! I'll let you know all about the puppy shower.


04-05-2011, 08:54 AM
Susan, it must be lovely to watch the storms roll in from the ocean and hear the waves crashing. I have a love affair with the sea:D

I think Palmer indeed had a hand in bringing you Bailey and is right there showing her the ropes:D:D:D

When I first was considering getting a second dog, my friends and family said "why do you want so much work?" I said " I am all ready taking care of one, how much more work can another one be?"

LITTLE DID I KNOW!!:rolleyes::rolleyes:

So I can only imagine what your schedule must be like with a puppy!!!!

Can't wait to hear about the shower.

When I house trained Koko I just did a sharp ""aaaaaup" grabbed him and ran outside and then praised him all the while saying "peeepeees" or you could say "potty" as a chant that I think my neighbors thought I was nuts but he will go potty know when I say the word.

Happy Tuesday to you as well!!!!!!


Bailey's Mom
04-05-2011, 03:11 PM
Happy Tuesday, Addy! (Is it STILL Tuesday?)
The shower was a whirlwind. They descended like a swarm of bees. I'll post a picture of the cake later...it was really cute.:) Everybody wanted to get their hands, and did, on Bailey. Bailey loved it! :D She was in 7th heaven with all the "awwwwwwwwwwwwing" going on. :) I'm not sure....maybe there were 10 of us. 10 for sure....maybe one or two more. The gifts were very unusual. One is a tiny lunch box, like construction workers use, with pictures of doggies all over the outside. When you open it up it is filled with heart shaped treats. The giver told me it was for the car and that she did not ever want to hear that we went anywhere with Bailey and found ourselves without treats!:)

Another is this soft little square-which is folded up to a size of about 4" x 4". It has a cord and a mouse at the end of the cord. You open it up and it's a doggie laptop. It doesn't squeak or anything so I think it's mostly meant to be cute. We got a calves hoof, pull toys, chew bones, Greenies in the petite size, and this felt feeling thing that is supposed to floss her teeth as she works on it. I got two books.....I didn't know Bailey could read!

Two hours later, they all suddenly exited except for 3 of them. Other than the huge mess of toys and such, you'd never know anyone had been here. And Bailey has now crashed!

The cake is a marble cake and it is scrumptious. Feel free to stop by and have a piece before it's all gone.

And yes, Addy-it's wonderful being able to hear the ocean. :):) If things are "just right" when you're outside at night, you can hear the waves crashing on the shore. Plus-not as much now because we've had a population explosion of sorts-but at night, on a clear night, there were never any "city lights" to hit the sky. As a result, it was the blackest sky I've ever seen and a ton more stars are visible than I ever would have imagined. Some city lights seem to be moving this way now. :( We love when Labor Day comes because most of the tourists go home. ;) We hate when Memorial Day comes because traffic backs up and the sirens go off with regularity. :mad: On the weekends we don't even take the car out because traffic is so bad. It's one mile to the ocean, so it is walkable....even with bothersome feet and knees. And there (now) are restaurants nearby and two quickie stores.
When we first started coming down here, if you wanted something to eat after 4 pm (which was when McDonald's closed) you had to go either 8 or 9 miles north or 8 or 9 miles or better south. Now some restaurants stay open year round.

I think I need a nap!:)


04-05-2011, 04:25 PM
Hi Susan,

that sure sounds like a wonderful puppy shower...:)

I just wanted to comment a little on the housebreaking thing. If you see Bailey pee indoors, a simple "no pee" is enough (no loud voice, just calm and decissive), you pick her up and put her in the yard. When she sits down to pee, say calmly "good pee" (or whatever word you want to use for it). When she's finished, make a fuzz about the "good pee", do a happy dance, cuddle her, give a treat....let her know she just did the most amazing thing ever ;) But use the word (pee or another one) often and every chanche you have. She will come to connect the word with the activity :)

And training her to use a bell....that has to wait till she is 100% housetrained. Right now, she doesn't seem to have a clue yet and adding ringing a bell will only confuse her more at this point. She doesn't seem to know yet (not surprising at all) that peeing is an outdoors activity. So she isn't capable yet of connecting a certain behaviour to ringing the bell. First she needs to be fully housetrained, then the bell training can start. She needs to understand wich behaviour she needs to connect to that bell... and as long as she doesn't master the behaviour (peeing outdoors) training with the bell is asking for trouble :)

If at all possible, pick her up as often as possible to carry her outside and stay there (no playing and such since that will distract her) till she pees. The less accidents you will have indoors, the more likely she will pick up fast on what is wanted of her. And then you can play all you want of course. But pups are not supposed to play and run etc for more minutes then the weeks they are old. So a pup that's 9 weeks old, should not play and run around longer then 9 minutes in a row. I know they are adorable and all the visitors will want to hold and cuddle with her, but you have to protect her somewhat :)

Give het a hug,

Saskia and Yunah :)

Bailey's Mom
04-05-2011, 09:22 PM
Hi Sas-
Thank you! I will stop the bell for now. I have been taking her out no less than every two hours. She has been good about waking me up when she needs to go out during the night. The number of accidents inside the house is really very few....but when we had one last night it hit me that I hadn't done anything to let her know that was not what we wanted. I don't want to scare her, but I do want her to get the message....and I have been praising her when she goes outside. She definitely knows "Tinkle now."
I never heard that play/weeks old idea. She wants to play for at least an hour when she gets up in the am. Then, on a general ho-hum kinda day, she'll play for an hour and then crash for an hour or so and repeat that pattern throughout the day. She has boundless energy. It is really funny because she just practically goes limp when she crashed. It's like someone turned an "off" switch. During the "shower" I did pick her up periodically to let things settle down a bit. I think it went well. She crashed right before the last two left.
Thanks for your input. All ideas are welcome!
Hug back at ya!

04-05-2011, 09:27 PM
THEY THREW ME OUT OF THE TRUCK!!!!!! HOW MEAN IS THAT??????:mad: I missed Bailey's party and everything. Hey, how come she gets a computer:eek:????????????????
I was just looking out the window (as I always do:)) and someone rolled down the window and threw me out. So now what am I supposed to do?And that trucker's girlfriend was a dork.

04-06-2011, 08:46 AM
Dang Carroll, I couldn't figure out where you went, I fell asleep and when I woke up you were gone:eek: You were probably breathin' on them again. That trucker and his girlfriend were carrying on like you can't believe with all KINDS of mushy stuff, so I crawled in back cause I couldn't handle that x rated hanky panky. That girl had body parts pierced that I didn't even know existed:eek::eek:

Your not very good at hitchhiking; guess I'll have to send you bus money.:rolleyes: At least you aren't in them thar hills anymore.

Mom bought me a red sweater to match Bailey's;)


04-06-2011, 12:53 PM
I WASN'T breathing on them. That guy smelled so bad, I could hardly breathe in never mind breathe out:p

Right now I'm sitting in a ditch. Had breakfast with a raccoon family - those guys need to get a life - they spend more time washing the darn food than eating it. What's THAT all about:rolleyes:
OOPS! Gotta go......................

Squirt's Mom
04-06-2011, 02:26 PM
Hey Susan,

"Trapping season" is over! :D:D

I have been peeking in to see how our Bailey girl is doing and am still so excited for you and even Bob. LOL The shower is such a sweet thing for your friends to do and the first time I ever heard of such! :cool: I think it should become a standard in the doggy world! :p

Squirt was probably the easiest dog I've ever worked with to housebreak. We went out after every meal, every time she drank, immediately on waking, and every two hours in between...if that much time had passed which seldom did. I carried her out for months but then I carried her every where for months! :p Of course, there were accidents but I did as Sas said and simply said "no", picked her up and carried her out afterward. When she did her business outside, she got massive praise, lovin's, playtime, a bite of kibble, and, once she was a bit older, MILK BONES instead of kibble!! :D Oh, she looooves Milk Bones! ;) I don't think it took 3 weeks and she was going to the back door on her own. :) Such a smart girl!

She never did learn to bark or scratch or anything else, tho. She just sits at the door and stares at you...intently. If you don't pick up the wave length, then she starts to growl real low. If THAT doesn't work, she starts to groan and moan and growl - all rather loudly like, "For cryin' out LOUD! Are you DEAF or what?!?!" :p She is the Queen, after all, and expects her subject to act accordingly. LOL

When you wrote that Bailey curled up on your head like Palmer used to, I got all teary eyed. There is no doubt in my mind that he told her about that little trick to let you know he is happy you have another baby to give your love to.

Keep having fun with our Little Miss. Oh, what adventures you have ahead of you! :)


PS. You think I should try to trap Carrol? She may have gone to the wild side on us...hangin' out with 'coons and gripin' about clean food???? I bet if I put a french fry in there that would work, huh? :p

Bailey's Mom
04-06-2011, 04:45 PM
Hi Leslie-that's more or less how we trained our two previous dogs. Just take them out, take them out, take them out. Palmer taught himself to scratch at the door. I can't remember what Peaches did.
Bailey can now go up the front and the back steps!!! :D:):):cool: She can't do the inside steps yet, they are a higher step, but it won't be long! I found out by surprise. I carried something up the front steps, turned around to go back down and get Bailey and there she was!!! It's like a baby's first steps!!!

She weighs in at 3 lbs today. That's a 50% gain in a week........that's cool. :) It doesn't seem like she eats a whole lot, but she must be getting enough.

Is there an age at which it is easier to try to train the puppy to walk with a leash? A neighbor-the one with the Springer Spanial who is 6? months now says she didn't attempt it until 3 mos.


Bailey's Mom
04-06-2011, 04:51 PM
Addy-you were told not to tell Carrol about the sweater.:mad::mad: Now look what you have done. :(:confused:
Carrol-you must have been on some kind of drug...:p.....windows haven't
"rolled down" in many moons. Bailey gets a computer because Bailey is so dang cute! You should see her work that mouse.
It's a pretty day here, but VERY windy. Addy and Carrol-don't you get whisked away by trying to fly your kites.:rolleyes:
Bailey's Mom (who doesn't have a red sweater either):(

Bailey's Mom
04-06-2011, 07:18 PM
Picture of shower cake is here..............

04-07-2011, 03:22 AM
Hi Susan,

Leash training should start right away. But a common mistake is that people will put on the leash and go walk outside right away, that’s asking for trouble. For some reason people seem to think that dogs should be okay right away with harnesses and leashes and just need to learn how to walk without pulling the leash. But this is not the case. Dogs first need to learn what it is like to wear a harness and then they need to learn what it is like to wear a harness with a leash attached to it. Once those are familiar to the pup, you can start walking outside.

So, you start with getting the dog used to wearing a harness. You do this by putting the harness on inside the house and then go play with the pup so they get distracted from this weird thing around their body. They will usually get adjusted to the feeling pretty quickly. Once you notice the pup is comfortable wearing the harness, you add the leash. You start by clipping the leash to the harness and let the pup run free…so no holding the leash yet. You have to supervise the pup with the leash dragging along so it won’t get stuck behind something or the pup won’t chew on it. So again, the best thing is to play and distract the puppy. After a few minutes, you take the leash of. You repeat this procedure except for the fact that you leave the leash on a little longer each time. A good way to help the pup adjusting to a leash is by putting the leash on right before they get their dinner. This way the leash will be connected to something fun.

Once the pup is used to the leash and it doesn’t bother him, you move to the next step. You put on the leash and you get hold of the leash and you follow the pup around. Make sure there won’t be any pressure on the leash because this might scare the pup. So you follow the pup around instead of the pup having to follow you (what we want in the end) Do this for short periods of time and slowly increase the time the pup s on the leash, with you holding the leash. Make sure you praise the pup enormously while on the leash.

Once the pup is comfortable to be on the leash indoors, you can go into the yard. Place the pup on your left side so she’ll get used to walking on your left side and move towards the area where she always goes potty. If she doesn’t move, don’t drag…just bend your knees and lure her towards you with sweet words, happy voice, clapping your hands and if necessary a treat. Praise her lots and lots when she moves into your direction. Get up, take another step forward and try “talking” her into following you, happy voice, clapping your hands, etc. And this is how you slowly get her adjusted to walking on a leash. Once she knows how to walk on a leash, you can start going out on the street. The distraction level at the street is so much higher, therefore you want to practice and teach the pup walking on a leash before she has to deal with all these distractions. You can imagine, if she is supposed to learn wearing a harness, walking on a leash and having to deal with all the outside distractions, it’s an almost impossible task for a pup to do all that at once. So start indoors, then go to the yard and only then, when she’s fully adjusted to her harness and leash, you can start walking her on a leash in the street. Unfortunately most people skip all the previous steps and start in the street and they wonder why the pup isn’t walking properly… But once they understand that the harness is a new sensation, the leash attached is an even stranger sensation and with everything going on in a street (cars, noises, sounds, smells), they understand that learning a pup walking on a leash in the street, is not the right way.

Another thing I wanted to mention is that young dogs, whatever breed, are not supposed to walk steps or jump…till they are at least one year old. It’s too hard on their joints when you let them walk steps before they are a year old.

Good luck with the leash training!

Saskia and Yunah :)

04-07-2011, 08:45 AM
Hey, Carroll, for some reason Mom hung bells on your bedroom door:confused:


04-07-2011, 10:12 AM
BELLS SHMELLS!!!...I almost drowned...those darn raccoons thought I was lunch and were washing the heck outta me (personally, I think I have never looked so good:o) and they kept dunking me in the water.

Soooooo....I hopped on a passing train but it was a CIRCUS TRAIN. They've got me test driving the high trapeze and those clowns are really nasty little critters.
HEEEEEELLLPPP!!!! MOMEEEEEEEEEEEE:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I love you, Baileyxxxooo

marie adams
04-07-2011, 10:53 AM
Hi Susan,

I think the Addy and Carrol Adventure is hilarious!!!:D:D Makes me smile--who would have ever thought Bailey's thread would have a comedy show on it.....:p

How wonderful to have a puppy shower--Bailey is soooo lucky to have you--as my husband says "Bailey won the lottery!"


Bailey's Mom
04-07-2011, 03:45 PM
Hi Sas-and thank you for the input. :)
Is there a particular reason why the left side? I've always walked my dogs on my right side. :confused:
The stairs------wow....I had no idea and I don't know if she'll wait a year. I will carry her whenever we go stairs, but sometimes she goes stairs before I know what's happened. That's what happened the first time on the front steps. I carried a planter up to the porch, turned around to go get Bailey and there she was at my feet. :eek:
We have already tried the harness in the house....but we've not kept up with it, so I'll get that going again. The leash in the house makes sense and then the next logical step would be the back yard.
Bailey has not been pooping in any specific spot. I know our other dogs have....and I expect with time she will as well....although Palmer kind of went anywhere and everywhere.

Thanks for keeping an eye on what we're doing!:D

Bailey's Mom
04-07-2011, 03:48 PM
Thank you Marie....for your kind words. Some people have said that about our other pets. The lady next door once said "When I die, I want to come back as a Spengler pet." "Spengler" - that's us.
I too am thoroughly enjoying the comedy show and surprised at how it has grown. Just between you and me, there are some wacky people out there.;);)

( I just realized I've skipped part of the show.....I have to go to find out what those kids are up to!!):):)

Bailey's Mom
04-07-2011, 03:55 PM
Carrol-come down off that swing right now!! What is WRONG with your nose??? How could you NOT tell that it was a circus train?? Get outta there and try another train. Maybe you'll run into Red Skelton. Perhaps you'd be more safe if you caught a bus. You know-those long stretched out machines that carry many people? I want you to leave those raccoons and Timbuktu right now. Catch the 7:47 headed east. I can catch you as you go by.....and then you'll be home....with bells on your bedroom door!!
I love Bailey too!!!xoxoxoxo

04-07-2011, 04:13 PM
the left side is used basically because when you do obedience, or show your dog, the handler is always on the right side and thus the dog is to the left, sort of a general "rule". Apart from that, since most people are right handed, it's nice to have your preferred hand free to shake hands, open doors, etc. Eventhough you carry the leash in your right hand, when the dog is walking to your left :) And also, if you have to walk along a road or bicycle path, you are supposed to walk in the opposite direction of the trafic for safety reasons and with the dog on your left side, it's always on the safe side of you and not at the side where the traffic passes directly :)

Unlike human babies, puppies are born with joints that still are partially cartilage instead of bone. And apart from genetic factors and malnutricion, letting puppies play too rough, play too long, walk too long, letting them jump and climb stairs are a major factor in developping hip- and elbow displasia (and other skeletal and soft tissue problems). Your pup's joints are stil "soft" and over a period of approximaltely a year, they will turn slowly into solid bones. But as long as they are still "soft", you should prevent too much excercise and overuse of the tender joints. So no stairs, no jumping, not playing rough, not walking for more then the amount of minutes as they are old in weeks (per walk), no slippery floors, no chasinggames where they make a lot of sudden turns, etc. And endorsing rest time. Pups will want to play and frolic too much for their own good if you let them so you have to give them mandatory rest :)

Oh, and that toy she uses to hump on? I would take it away. Remember, any behaviour you can prevent from happening, is good behaviour :) It's easier to take the toy away so she won't hump it anymore then to end up with a pup that will hump everything and everyone..because she was allowed to and "learned" that is was okay :) Preventing is easier then to have to delearn a certain behaviour.

Sas and Yunah :)

marie adams
04-07-2011, 04:19 PM
I think you need to put bells on the window too!!!! Don't let Carrol out again--she gets into too much mischief!!!!:D:D

04-07-2011, 08:04 PM
My NOSE?? OMG, what IS wrong with my nose??:eek: Hey, you dorky clown down there, what the heck is the matter with my nose and WHO MOVED THE LADDER? HEEELLLPPP!!!

How am I going to find a bus when I'm stuck up here???:mad: They, apparently, have kitty cats here. They keep them in these HUGE cages with LOCKS on them. Well, tomorrow I'm letting them out and I might even bring one home (if I can fit him on the bus):rolleyes:

Gee, I'm getting hungry......should have stayed with the raccoons.......
Hmmmm, I wonder what this cord is for..........:cool:

Bailey's Mom
04-07-2011, 09:24 PM
You see that net below you? The white string that's all in squares?
Hold your nose, jump and hang on to yourself! When you stop boinging and boinging up and down, you can catch the 9:47 bus. If you come home with one of those "cats", you might just as well keep going. :p We don't accept no cats here. We are not a cat friendly residence.:D
If you miss the 9:47, go back to the raccoons for breakfast and a bath.:)
Sweet dreams.


(How did I get to be the Mom??? I want to be a kid!!)
I still love Bailey, xoxoxoxoxoxo

04-08-2011, 05:42 PM
BOO, Hoo, Hoooooooooooooo

04-08-2011, 05:59 PM
Oh, you're not going to believe this.......
yesterday was my birthday and you all forgot :mad: Anyway, I was stuck up on that little platform all by myself and those dorky clowns ate all my birthday cake and I had to watch them. I said "Hey, you stupid clowns, stop eating that cake!" but they just kept on eating it.
So I thought now what? So I closed my eyes and grabbed the pole and SLID ALL THE WAY DOWN YEE HAW!!!:D Then I went to find the kitty cats. Those kitties were so angry to be locked up like that and they just kept roaring and roaring using their outside voices. So I just unlocked those cages and let them out. WELL...........you'll never guess what happened next....one of those kitty cats ATE ONE OF THOSE DORKY CLOWNS!! (He couldn't run very fast because he had eaten most of the cake and I guess he looked nice and pudgy to the kitty:)).
I guess a few of them kinda liked that dorky clown.
Now what am I gonna do??
Mom, how can I take the bus??? You know what they say about an American Express card - never leave home without it. SO WHERE IS MY CARD???? Hmmmm...maybe I'll buy car...yes, that is what I will do - a nice big shiny, red one. Can someone tell me how you start a car:confused: OK, I'm goin' to look for a car.......
HEY, ADDY, MOM SAYS SHE DOESN'T WANT TO BE OUR MOM.....just Bailey's Mom:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Bailey's Mom
04-08-2011, 06:04 PM
Carrollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll....don 't you know red cars get more speeding tickets??!! And isn't your allowance already spent?? Don't you know - especially since you are one of them thar Caly for knee ans.......big cards use the most gas? And don't you know that gas is now over $4 a gallon? And where are you going, to begin with, anyway???!! I'm soooooooooo confused.:confused::confused:.....

Your American Express card is in Las Vegas. What's in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas. You had it taken away from you when your gambling debts hit the 9 figure mark!!


04-08-2011, 08:30 PM
What's in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas. You had it taken away from you when your gambling debts hit the 9 figure mark!!

So if we send Carrol to Vegas, she will stay in Vegas? Hmmmmmm, and then I would have a room to myself? And I could play with Bailey all day long?

I would probably end up missing her a bit. I think Sas could help us train her. Carrol, I mean, not Bailey. We could teach her to walk on the left side and heel and ring those bells on her bedroom door when she has to go potty.:p

She'll probably have to go to the fumigator after living with raccoons and circus animals. And then there is the matter of shots for her. Lord only knows what she has been exposed to:eek:

Bailey's Mom
04-09-2011, 08:34 PM
Hello gang!
News of the day-we have found two of Bailey's teeth-not in her mouth!! Isn't this too soon? She's gonna hafta gum her food. One was really tiny and the other was pretty good sized. They must have come from the uppers....we can't find any empty spaces in the lowers.
Her great record of not peeing in the house is starting to look shoddy. :mad:Three pees on our bed cover,:mad: three pees on Palmer's bed,:( one pee on the carpet.:(
HOWEVER-there was not a whimper last night when it was time to go nite-nite in her cage. (Her room.):)
She definitely knows "No!" Still doesn't seem to have her name down. We're carrying her over the stairs, but she really wants to herself. Some dog barked last night and she looked like she was shot out of a cannon as she headed to the steps to come back in.:p
Today, I placed a turtle in front of her-one that sits in the garden....it's made of plastic or something and is almost as big as her....and she barked, and she barked, and she barked!
Gorgeous day here, even if a little chilly.

04-10-2011, 08:54 AM
Hi Susan,

When we adopted Koko he was about nine minths old and our vet at the time said some dogs can get all their adult teeth in as early as six months.

I hope you enjoy your Sunday. It is going to be 80 in Milwaukee today!!!!! Bad news is we may have severe storms later.

Take a picture of Bailey with the turtle!!!!:D:D:D You have really nice photos of her.

I think Carrol's bus might have been highjacked or it stopped at a Gaming Casino!!!!!!!!! I know, lets tell her Bingo starts at noon!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Bailey's Mom
04-10-2011, 05:17 PM
Yoo hooooooooooooooo....Carrol???
Was Thursday really your birthday? Which one? I'm asking because I need to be sure you are old enough to have a driver's license. If it was your birthday-----Belated, Happy birthday!!:D:):eek::cool:
Slow day at the OK Corral today. Bailey is not feeling well. She has not eaten but 5 or 6 pieces of kibble all day. We even tried rice.
I think, if I can believe the scale, that she weighed in at 3 lbs.....but she seems bony again. Maybe that means she's grown? I can't tell. We got her nails clipped this AM. They were just too long and sharp. They're all black, as were Palmer's and Peaches. I've tried this clipping thing before....I'm not going through THAT again!

Addy..........80? How dare you? We're at 58 and I'm way further south than you............Not Fair!!!:mad::mad::mad:


(Hi Sas!)

04-10-2011, 05:56 PM
[Okay, if you come home Carrol, I will share my new red sweater that matches Bailey's. Since we both have red hair it will look just as good on you as it does on me.;)

Now we can't have people in town talking that you ran away to join the circus, I mean really, think of Mom and Bailey's reputation:eek:
I can take the heat, but Mom is closing the drapes in the living room and it is only NOON:rolleyes::rolleyes:


Bailey's Mom
04-11-2011, 03:02 PM
Hey Sas-or anyone else who has experiences with harnesses..........
I have a nylon strap harness for Bailey. We have had her wear it around the house before with no problems. Yesterday and today she won't leave it alone. I'm wondering about trying one of those vest harnesses. Any better?

Bailey's Mom
04-11-2011, 03:14 PM
Okay-time to put it out there. I am concerned Bailey is going to wind up being teacup size. That's not the 15 - 20 lbs I said I wanted. She is in her cage and crying, crying crying. I'm going to go get her. I may be too old for this new puppy thing. Bummed out.

Bailey's Mom
04-11-2011, 05:06 PM
Rough, rough day..........without Palmer.

04-11-2011, 05:30 PM
Oh Susan, I am sorry you are having a rough day. It is hard being a new Mom. You get stressed and have interrupted sleep. They don't want to eat, they get sick. It is like caring for a human baby. Then you start thinking "what did I do? I can't do this!!" It is the stress talking, that and then exhaustion.

If you need to keep her harness on durring the day, perhaps the vest harness will be more comfortable for her. I have never used one, I use a regular harness but I don't need to keep it on all day. Puppies will be puppies and she just might get at that too eventually.

Would you love her any less if she stays tiny? I know you miss Palmer and Palmer was just the right size too and did not cry and cry or eat harnesses. When I first brought Koko home at one point I sat and cried and cried because I felt like I had no time for Zoe. Koko took all of my time. I wanted things back, the way they were!!! I was tired, stressed out and stuck in the house and was having a hard time with two sick dogs one new, not trained, eating and chewing on everything!!!!! We even had to take him to the vets and have vomiting induced because he chewed metal buttons off my boots:eek: I am living proof there is a wonderful life after puppy!!!

You are just tired and stressed out, dearest friend. Perfectly normal.:)
Anyway hubby can take over so you can go out for some alone time? Something you love to do for a few hours?


Bailey's Mom
04-11-2011, 05:54 PM
Oh Addy-I am so glad to hear from you and for what you have to say.
I know I won't love her any less if she stays tiny. One look in her eyes and you're gone!
I was trying to keep the harness on so she'd get used to it....so we could start working on walking.....so I could get OUT!!!
I think maybe I'll "take Palmer" and go for a walk. Leave Bob and Little Miss to enjoy themselves. I've just had most of the "looking after" both today and yesterday. Plus - it's a Monday. Palmer seems to return full force on Mondays...don't know why.
Thanks friend. One day we'll have to meet. Wanna come over for lunch tomorrow??:D:D

04-11-2011, 09:58 PM
Susan, I, too, am sorry to hear you have the "baby blues". I remember those - what a nightmare. But, remember.. this is the investment you make for a lifetime of love. You are little Bailey's world and i am sure she is hurrying as fast as she can to get out of this baby stage for you:D
Think back to the all the excitement you felt beforehand and see if you can round some of that up again. Addy is right. Take some time for yourself. I'm not sure what there is around you but a trip to the mall with lunch, a few hours at a spa, medicure/pedicure or even an afternoon just visiting a friend. Make plans to do this once or twice a week to get the old Susan back!!;)
Whatever it takes, my dear friend....
Love & hugs,

04-11-2011, 10:10 PM
I, for one, think it great you are having "Palmer time". He was and is a real part of you, perhaps put on "the back burner" during all the excitement about Bailey. Maybe it is a little bit of guilt about Bailey being here and getting your attention now. I think Palmer comes back to tell you it is okay and to let you know he will always be nearby. He knows that nothing is going to take away that part of your heart that is his. He must be so proud of you to honor him by caring for and loving another little soul. What a tribute to memory. That is how you also keep his memory alive. When we hear the tales of Miss Bailey, we cannot help but remember Palmer and the wonderful furbaby his was. We love him and miss him too, all in our own way. It is all part of the grieving process, but you know that Palmer is only a heartbeat away.
Lots of love & hugs,

04-11-2011, 10:36 PM

Let me share a little secret....

Size does not matter, and I know this because for some reason, maybe a medical miracle, regardless of the size of the dog they have limitless love in their hearts.

As two legged animals we can just be amazed at how much love a dog's heart can hold and maybe even ponder how we got to be so lucky be able to be a part of their lives.


Bailey's Mom
04-12-2011, 03:08 PM
Bailey has had loose stools/diarrhea on average about every 45 minutes since 2AM. It's now 3PM. I did not get any sleep. I've called the vet and the "other" vet is supposed to call back. Her spirits are great-she doesn't know she's sick.
Your thoughts are very much appreciated. I kept thinking it was the potty training with Palmer when I can remember saying to Bob-I forgot about this part. (of puppyhood)-I'm now thinking I was referring to just the whole ball of wax. She will stubbornly sit where she is if I say "come." She is too fast to catch. She is in need of so much attention and is almost always on my chest.
Gotta go, here comes Bob.

04-12-2011, 03:19 PM
Susan, if Bailey truly has had a dozen episodes of diarrhea today, I would make sure that she is actually seen by the vet today prior to their office closing. So if he/she does not phone back in time, I would go ahead and take her in. Given her age and tiny size, dehydration is such a serious risk. And since she has not yet completed all of her puppy vaccinations, there is always the risk that she has contracted something that needs immediate attention.


Bailey's Mom
04-12-2011, 04:04 PM
Thank you-just had another episode. I'll head on over now.

04-12-2011, 04:19 PM
Waiting to hear about our Bailey.
Love & Hugs,

Bailey's Mom
04-12-2011, 06:57 PM
I know you miss Palmer and Palmer was just the right size too and did not cry and cry or eat harnesses.


Actually - Palmer chewed through every nylon strap collar.:( We had to put one of those little chain collars on him.:) I have about 7 collars that I never used for Palmer. Little Bailey's neck is so tiny, I don't think any collar would work very well right now!:)

04-12-2011, 07:03 PM
Palmer can join my Koko and Zoe. Zoe's favorite trick was to lie sweetly on the floor, just like an angel and then when I would get busy talking to someone, she would silently chew her leash in half and then escape!!!! I lost her one time at my daughter's-she ran right out the door:(

I hope Bailey is okay. What happened at the vets?


Bailey's Mom
04-12-2011, 07:33 PM
Hi Carrol-and all you (also) wonderful others....
Ooooooooo.....this vets office.:mad: It's mostly new people on the desk and phone....and they don't know me. (I figure I've paid at least for one of the two exam rooms!) :(:mad: They have this market cornered......the next closest vet is a good 1/2 hour away vs. 3 minutes up the street. They are not at all flexible on fitting someone in - ever. I don't really get it.....their lot never has more than one or two cars in it....but they always say how they are "really booked today"...
Today, on first call, the "newbie" asked me if I wanted to bring Bailey in so the doc could look at her. At that time I asked what good that would do....what was she going to look at? That was when she told me the doc would call back. Doc never did call back. When I got the message about dehydration (which I knew.....but she has been taking in a lot of water,) or about some kind of bug.....especially since she does not have all her shots yet.....I then called back and told them I wanted Bailey to be seen TODAY. That bimbo asked....."Do you remember my asking you earlier if you wanted an appointment today?"..:mad::mad:...arghhhhhhhhhh...:mad::mad:.I explained that at that time, it didn't seem to be as urgent. Since I had talked to her, only an hour or so earlier, Bailey had had two more episodes.:eek: I haven't been counting.....but I really do think it has been at least one dozen. I don't see how she has anything left inside to poop out.:confused:
She had asked if the doc had called me back....that she had placed a note on her desk.....COME ON NOW!!!!:mad::eek: When I was insistent about being seen today, she put me on hold for a good five or so minutes. When she came back she told me they would have medication for us to pick up and then we could come in in the AM. I asked Bob if he thought I should push it and he said no....rather dismissively.
So-he went up and we had something in a syringe to shoot in Bailey's mouth, a pill to give her twice daily for 7 days, and some probiotics to put on her food. (and I just put a message on some thread saying I knew nothing about probiotics....:rolleyes::o...)
I am upstairs and the meds are downstairs, so I don't have the names of what we have to tell you.
Bailey has not had another incident since about 4:30. It's 7-ish now. She has been crazy wild....running, playing, chasing, etc. She has now finally gone into "crash" mode and is resting with Bob. We go in tomorrow at 9:40. I don't know which doc we'll see.
Also, she has been constantly sliding on her butt. Anyone have any ideas what that is about? I know with Peaches it meant her sacs were bothering her....and she'd slide until she drained them....what a smell!!. :eek::eek::( But it was only every so often. It was never multiple times every day. We'll ask the vet in the AM.
So that is where we stand for now. I've yet to get any sleep.....so my tummy isn't happy with me.
When we are outside she is constantly picking up leaves to chew on. It's not often I can get to her to get them out of her mouth. So-we need to work more on NO!!! for that one. She does understand "no".
My first reaction to the vet visit question was.......oh great.....here come the expenses again. I forgot how we now have insurance. (I would never not take her in because of the costs.)
Now see.....how things always "work out" somehow? If Palmer had not had Cushings', I'd never have found you folks. Look at all I'd be missing....the resources I would not have, the love I would not feel, the place to come any time any hour of any day to say anything. Some good came out of Palmer's illness.
I'll keep you posted on any news or changes. Hopefully Bailey has run her course with the diarrhea....not having anything left to deposit, plus the meds. I am so very proud of her because she woke me @2AM when she needed to get outside quick. She's one smart puppy.....a quick learner.

PS-Bailey now appears to weigh 2 lbs. She's lost the one pound she had gained. The ribs are more present as is the backbone.
And Jenny-I didn't answer you-but I know Bailey's size won't matter....if indeed she stays teacupish. While I was NOT looking to replace Palmer, I did have this idea in my head of what a new puppy would give me......the hole in me that would be filled. My first two dogs were 15-20 lbs. I know how that feels and how substantive that feels. My head is afraid I won't have that. I know I will in time. Shoot-she's not even 3 months old yet. Her heart and my heart have already bonded....and I am sure that in time, as she grows up, she will fill my every wish and then some.

04-12-2011, 07:51 PM
I am so glad she seems better. Hope it all calms down now.

You can try teaching "leave it" when she is better. For dropping stuff outside, like leaves and sticks, etc. Sas will tell you the best way to train it. There are a ton of variations.

I sure hope you get some sleep tonight. Maybe the medicine will knock her out.

It was my thread you posted about probioitcs:) They are good thing.

I had an idea in my head too, before I found Zoe. I wanted a pup I could carry around and cuddle. Zoe is not exactly a lap dog in size or personality. Koko made up for that though he is alittle big too to be carried around a lot.;) I found myself telling Koko- your sister didnt do this or act like that:rolleyes: Good thing he couldn't understand me. He'd of had a complex:eek:


04-12-2011, 08:09 PM
I hate to have to say it but have you considered WORMS:eek:

I think they must be more prevalent in Australia because I don't hear a lot of you talk about them. Maybe it's our climate.

We are told to worm puppies every two weeks until 6mo and then monthly till 1 year and then it is every three months.

Some of the signs include diarrhea, weight loss, bottom licking and scooting.


Bailey's Mom
04-12-2011, 08:58 PM
Yes Jenny-I have considered worms. Bailey's stool was tested two weeks ago and it was clear of anything not supposed to be there. I expect the vet will want to recheck.
Thanks for the thought.

04-12-2011, 09:05 PM
Some of the signs include diarrhea, weight loss, bottom licking and scooting.

DRAT!!!! You mean I have worms?:eek::eek:

Just pulling your leg, could not resist;)


04-12-2011, 09:17 PM
Ok Addy, if you can actually twist to get to your bottom then you could have a career in the circus.:D
I think Carrol has some contacts there.

I thought it was worth throwing out the "W" word but should have realized that the vet would have checked that.

Anyway glad to hear Bailey is on the mend.


Bailey's Mom
04-12-2011, 09:39 PM
Thank you Addy.:):):).......I needed some relief.;)
Sorry to tell you we just had another round.:(:(:(:(
Addy-can't you be the Mom just for one day?? You're just playing with all those clowns and trapeezing. I need some RELIEF!!~!

I STILL love Bailey xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

marie adams
04-12-2011, 09:54 PM
Hi Susan,

How we forget those puppy days. Maddie was a holy terror and I want to do this again because.....:eek: It is just like we go through the pain of them leaving us--do we want that again. We are all willing to take that chance again because it is such a short amount of time compared to the good times.

Get some sleep if you can it will make life seems better and brighter.

I know what you are going through with Palmer Moments--I have Maddie Moments and wonder why today, why now, what brings it on. Sometimes it is a hug from someone who still hadn't heard she was gone. Palmer Moments are good though--it keeps him still connected to you and your heart!!!:):)

I hope Bailey's feeling better and the vet has some answers for you. I think vet office take courses on how to frustrate us because it doesn't seem to matter what they do we still give them our money!!!:eek::eek: or they will hold our babies hostage....:D

04-12-2011, 10:28 PM
Hey, Mom, it was ME at the circus but they threw me out!!!!!:eek:
Well, now I'm in vegas or, at least I think it is Vegas. Do they have camels in Vegas?????

04-13-2011, 02:12 AM
Hi Susan,

I have been so terribly busy and exhausted that I couldn't respond to you sooner, sorry.

Two things for now. About chewing on her harness, I'm not sure how long you have her wear the harness but the intention is that she doesn't wear it any longer as you can distract her from chewing on it. You put on the harness, play with her and take it off. And you slowly increase the amount of time she wears it, til she is comfortable and used to it ( = not chewing on it)

About the scooting, that could be anal gland related but also worm related. (scooting and diarrea in a young pup is more likely to be worm related) You have her for a little over 2 weeks so she should have been dewormed in the time she is with you. All pups have worms, you don't get rid of them ever, you just make sure the level of investation is low enough to not cause any problems. That's why pups need to be treated at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 weeks. Then at 4, 5 and 6 months old and after that every three months for the rest of their lives. So the fact that her stools were clear 2 weeks ago, doesn't mean a thing today :)

Oh, and another thing I quickly wanted to mention is that I read here and there you saying that you chase bailey (often in vain) in order to take something away from her for example. You should never ever chase a pup since it will make for a wonderful game for the puppie and a "bad habbit" is born. ("Once I get this or that item, my mom will come and chase me, ohhhh what fun!") With puppies, the key thing is to watch them very vigilantly so they cannot get into trouble and at the same time teach them the most essential commands. The more they have learned, the easier you can let them roam free...kind of :) I always advise to start with 'no", "here" and "leave it" as the most important commands for a puppie to learn since these commands can safe their life.

Good luck,

Sas and Yunah :)

04-13-2011, 08:35 AM
Geezeeee Carrol, Here I thought we would have to fumigate you after living at the circus and now I find out I have worms:eek::eek:

Can you come home right away and take me to the doctor? Mom is reverting back to her second childhood. I think she is having some kind of mid life crisis and wants to be a kid again.:rolleyes::rolleyes:


Bailey's Mom
04-13-2011, 12:26 PM
Hi Sas-thank you for the advice on stuff Bailey picks up. She is a wily little one - last night in the house, for the first time when Bob and I called her....she "hung back." She looked at us like -You're gonna grab me and I'm not gonna let ya. You could just see that in her face and in her posture. It was funny.
We have the command of "No" pretty well mastered. I think the problems outside need to be dealt with by keeping her on a leash for now. She is so fast and so cunning and she worries me in that she'll either run off and/or get herself hurt. I just don't know how we get there from here....since she won't walk on a leash and she doesn't like the nylon harness. If she were kept on a leash, I don't know how she'd be about doing "her stuff", but it would definitely help with some of the many things she likes to put in her mouth.

Bailey's Mom
04-13-2011, 12:29 PM
[QUOTE=Bichonluver3;52873]Hey, Mom, it was ME at the circus but they threw me out!!!!!:eek:
Carrol I KNEW it was you....I just hadn't heard from you since you were up on the trapeze and I had to trick you into answering.....so I'd not worry as we mothers do!!:rolleyes:;)
I've never heard of camels in Vegas. :confused: Are you in one of those gambling halls and taking all those free drinks???!!:eek::eek:

Bailey's Mom
04-13-2011, 12:32 PM
Mom is reverting back to her second childhood. I think she is having some kind of mid life crisis and wants to be a kid again.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Addy-NO one has worms.........at least not so far.
The mid life crisis is a tad late......I don't know too many 126 year olds.!!!!:eek::rolleyes:
But YES, I wanna be a kid again.

04-13-2011, 01:21 PM
Hey Susan,

How is our Little Miss Bailey today? I am hoping you got some sleep and have good news.


marie adams
04-13-2011, 01:23 PM
Hi Susan,

I just remembered something the trainer told us when Maddie was a puppy--if you want them to stop running away--turn around and start walking the other way--they look at you and think WHAT they are leaving me--it seemed to work if I remember, but I would try it in a fenced area. Lets see what else do I remember--if there is behavior or they are going a little wild--hold their back against your chest with your other hand holding the gruff of their neck like their mother would carry them. This creates the subservant mode...

Oh another thing we did was take a lead rope/line from using on a horse and let them go out running then call them back with COME & their name and slowly bring the lead line back -- when they are back with you praise and give a treat.

I hope this helps.

Bailey's Mom
04-13-2011, 01:24 PM
Oh man- I just lost a very detailed explanation of where we are today.
Here's the short version. No diarrhea since 9:30 last night. Weighs in at 3.1 lbs. We've been given (or she) 75ml sub-Q fluids/dehydrated, FortiFlora for her food. Purina i/e food....which has been switched today to e/n food. (wet)Metronidazole 25 mg tablet/ 2-xs per day; today upped to 1 and 1/2 of those pills 2Xs a day. Carafate Suspension-2.5 ml by mouth 3 Xs /day. A shot for her tummy, a shot for diarrhea. We went twice to the vets today.....first visit to check her out....second visit when she barfed all over me twice in the car before we got back home. They are keeping her for today. We are to go back @4:30.
Sorry this is so choppy-but I had a nice detailed version and I pushed the wrong key and lost it. I got 3 hours sleep last night....so in the past 48 hours, I've had 3 hours sleep.
Bob has no more patience ("I've had it up to here"). I'm just tired. Bailey is washed out, after vomiting. I need a shower.
I'll update this evening.
OH!-And the vet-the one who did so well with Palmer...up and left for New Hampshire last Friday. She didn't even tell her staff....and of course, not us.HOW RUDE!!!!:mad:
New (to us) guy seems to be great. Really like him.

04-13-2011, 01:44 PM
Hi Susan,

Wow what a time you have had. I hope she is better when she comes home later today. I have used the Fortiflora, it did help Zoe and that strain of probiotic can be used in conjunction with the metronidazole, which of course, we know only to well.

What do they think is going on? Or did I miss that part?

It is so hard when they are sick and when they are just puppies, it is even harder. I am so sorry you have to have this happening:(

Hang in there dear friend. Keep us posted. I will check in through out the day.


marie adams
04-13-2011, 01:49 PM
Keeping good thoughts it is just something she ate and it will only last a little while.

BIG (((((HUG)))) to get through the day.

Another trick I learned when they would eat something we want back--give them hydrogen perioxide--it is based on their weight and I cannot remember what that is now--an emergency vet's office told me this one when Maddie ate a sock--it works really quick.

Take care and gets some sleep while Bailey is at the vets.

I compare vets to car dealership repair departments--cannot understand how they can be so disconnected sometimes.

Bailey's Mom
04-13-2011, 02:21 PM
Hi Addy-no-nothing offered as to a cause.....and there were so many instructions-I forgot to even ask...:o:o:(:(
I just had a call from the vets. They say Bailey is doing well. They offered her food and she would have nothing to do with it. They tried some baby food and she went crazy for it.....so they added some of the food to that. So far...so good. We're still on for pickup @4:30.

Bailey's Mom
04-13-2011, 02:23 PM
I'm not going to get a nap in.......but I will be going to bed EARLY!!!:D:D
The Kid

Cindy Thoman
04-13-2011, 03:07 PM
Hi Susan and Bailey, I just want to let you know we are thinking of you and hope little Bailey is ok. I have been following your post and can so relate to the puppy stage. We have Alex who is nine and last summer got Bear at the same time my daughter was home with her two year old dog. There were some days my husband and I said what were we thinking. We seemed to have forgotten what the puppy stage was like with Alex. Each month of course got easier and Bear is just the joy of our life like Alex. Bailey is so adorable, hope she is ok.

Cindy, Bear and Alex

04-13-2011, 04:08 PM
I'm checking in too. Anxious to know what is going on. Hope they can at least get Bailey to the point today that you can get some sleep tonight. Sleep deprivation is no fun.
We are awaiting Sparky's liver enzymes recheck results. I tell you, with these kids, it's just one thing after another:rolleyes:
Love and hugs,

04-13-2011, 04:15 PM
Hey, MOM what do you mean "gambling" and "free drinks"? All I see is sand, camels and tents. Do you think it is some kind of sleep-over camp? This looks like fun. i knew Vegas has sand but I must have taken a wrong turn.OUCH!!!! One of those dang camels just bit me in the butt!
Addy, what do you mean you have "WORMS"? OH YUCK. Stay out of my bed in the non-basement. Hey, you wanna come to camp?:D

Bailey's Mom
04-13-2011, 06:52 PM
Okay-news first......Bailey is home!!! Right before we picked her up she had a solid stool!! I asked what might have caused this and no one really knows. If we're going to blame anything we'll blame all those dang leaves, etc that she puts in her mouth.
She has been in her "crashed" state since we got home 2 hours ago. I'm going to go back to my earlier "short version" to see if I left anything that matters out.
Be right back! - Susan

Bailey's Mom
04-13-2011, 07:08 PM
Carol-glad to have you back crackin' me up. You were a little quiet (for you) recently and I've missed your humor. Addy has done well to hold her end up.
As it turns out-all of you-I really captured the essence of the day's events with my "short" version. Hmmmmmm.....maybe I"m too long winded?:confused::confused:
Bailey ate food at the vets once the baby food was added. After we eat (soon) we will see if we can get her to eat again and will give her the necessary medications.
I had a hard time getting Bailey back. There was a list and a line of office workers who wanted to hold her. Again, someone said..."Oh nooooo......she's not spoiled!!" I tried to explain that it's not spoiling - it is appreciating and loving. Doesn't everyone feel this way about their furball?
Now Carrol.........I did not sign the permission slip for you to go to camp!!! I want you to find that bus or that train or that car right now!! I want you home by suppertime. Addy is really lonely in the nonbasement..:(:(....although there reportedly is a crowd of worms there with her. We have red sweaters for everyone.....I miss you!!!
Addy-leave those worms alone......they are trying to get sons and/or daughters!!
You're not supposed to STARE!!!:eek:

04-13-2011, 07:52 PM

Bailey is home and she had a good poop!!!!!!!!

Now get some sleep.


Bailey's Mom
04-14-2011, 12:59 AM
Got two hours....going back for more now. I can still get in another 8.
Nitey -nite.
Thanks to all for your concern.

marie adams
04-14-2011, 11:49 AM
If I need a pick me up I just come here--you guys are soooo funny.

I am soooo glad Miss Bailey is on the mend. It is poop patrol again--that never get old does it!!!:D:D

Glad you are getting some sleep!!!

Why do Addy and Carrol get to have adventures and I have to work??? I want to be little again so I have fun working in the sandbox. There aren't worms there are there???

04-14-2011, 07:09 PM
Why do Addy and Carrol get to have adventures and I have to work??? I want to be little again so I have fun working in the sandbox. There aren't worms there are there???

Well Marie, there is plenty of extra space in the non basement, we can easily fit another. We even have red sweaters to share. Sometimes we do have to eat Spam though.

You can come live with us and play all the time,the sandbox is quite large. I do have to warn you though, I may have worms and Carrol breathes on people:eek::rolleyes: Mom is having a mid life crisis and keeps the drapes closed durring the day cause the whole town is talking about Caroll running away to the circus. I heard she had a gig in Vegas but she seems to have taken the wrong bus. No telling where she is now. All I know is she thinks she sees camels:eek:

Hey Susan- how is our little girl today? Did you get some zzzzz's?


Bailey's Mom
04-14-2011, 07:15 PM
Hey Marie..........get in line!!!!! I have been trying to become a kid and get SOMEone to be the mommy since we got back from Alabama.
You'll have to get Addy or Carrol to let you know about the presence or not of worms in the sandbox. I've been trying to find out if last Thursday was really Carrol's birthday and she is IGNORING me! AND she did not make it home in time for dinner yesterday. Once again I have no idea where she is.....and apparently Addy has become among the missing as well.:eek::mad: And after I got everyone red sweaters. Well, Purple Heart is coming by looking for donations, so they will get ALL the RED sweaters. I put Bailey's on her last night so I could get the requested picture.....and it was a snug fit before and now it just doesn't fit.......so THAT was a waste of moola.

I'll post the picture after dinner. A picture was requested of the turtle as well....I will get that one tomorrow, but I showed it to Bailey today and she was greatly unimpressed. It no longer scares her.

Also-Bailey has taken to sitting lengthwise on my legs when I'm in the recliner. Palmer did that.:D:cool: It isn't going to be a whole lot longer that she'll either fit or I will be able to put up with her on my chest....so it's just in time. Ryan comes down tomorrow night and we're real anxious to see if he thinks she's grown any or a lot.
Finally-the going into the cage at bedtime is going very well. Only a few seconds of letting me know she'd rather be on the bed!

Picture will post after we eat.....which is now!

04-14-2011, 07:31 PM
Oh, Addy, I don't think I see camels - I DO see camels. For heaven's sake one bit me in the butt:eek:
And how the heck am I supposed to get out of this place when all the signs have squiggly writing on them. Last night was kind of fun. We all sat around this humungous bowl and ate slimy stuff with our hands. Do you think Mom will let us do that? It would save on the dishwashing. The folks don't seem to mind me being here but when they talk to me they make these weird sounds. OMG you don't think I'm in outer space do you??? And talk about breathing on people, camel's breath just knocks you over. Tell Mom to open those drapes and just moon those neighbors if they give her a hard time. They are fine ones to talk. Remember the story about Mr Greenboro and his pet sheep?
Marie can come live with us if she wants (don't tell Mom!) but SHE DOES NOT GET MY BED OR WINDOW IN THE NON-BASEMENT!
And what do you mean Spam?? Bailey gets steak. I HATE SPAM.
And Marie, Addy DOES have worms. She told me she does. Yes, you did, Addy. Just stay away from her if you see any peeking out from anywhere:eek:
Now, how in tarnation do I get out of here? Has mom got my American Express card yet? Oh, never mind, if I'm in outer space, they won't have a post office.

Bailey's Mom
04-14-2011, 09:47 PM
Okay-two new pictures are there.

04-15-2011, 08:03 AM
I have not had a chance to look at the pictures, will do so later. I bet Bailey is adorable. How is she today?

Package arrived-thank you:D:D:D

Running late for work, talk later


04-15-2011, 10:43 AM
FIRST THEY FORGET MY BIRTHDAY AND NOW THIS. Oh, maybe it's something for Addy's worms:rolleyes:

04-15-2011, 10:48 AM
Saw the pics. There are no words...she is absolutely gorgeous!!!
Love you guys!

04-15-2011, 01:10 PM
Carrol you have me laughing so hard and I am at work sitting in my office and I think everyone can hear me:rolleyes: They must think I am nutzo:eek::eek: (They already think I am just one tick away------)

I have to go check out the sweater pixes. I don't have much time today.

Do we know if Bailey is okay?



Bailey's Mom
04-15-2011, 04:08 PM
Hi guys and gals.......and fur babies.....
Bailey is TOO well. ;) Ryan is on his way and I'm eager to find out how he thinks she has changed.
She got secure enough to stretch out on the floor, not on my chest. Chest is still the preferred perch. She goes to the door, kinda, when she needs to get out. I took her out on her leash today. A neighbor who is only here part time has come down and I wanted to see her. WOW! Still erratic, but tolerates both the harness and the leash. And for a pup on her first walk, she did very well. It sure makes it easier to be sure she doesn't pick up leaves .....although we just got in from playing out back and she got a hold of a piece of rabbit poop and ate it. ARghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.:mad:
Her health seems to be fine. We still are giving her meds, but the stool has been firm ever since we got her back from the vet. Her appetite with this new food, with a tad bit of baby food added in is very well. AT this rate, she will soon show weight gains and I won't need to worry so much. Another neighbor says she thinks Bailey definitely has grown....maybe by 1/3rd.
I got a LOT of sleep last night. And this AM, Bailey stayed with me after she went outside. She comes and cuddles up and even puts her neck on top of my neck.....and we snooze. She likes curling up in whatever angle she can find on my body. And her little heart must have 200 beats per min or more! It just goes and goes....almost to where you can't tell one beat stopped and another began.
So now I have to find that bill I know I received but cannot locate!

Bailey's Mom
04-15-2011, 04:10 PM
Did we lose Marie?

04-15-2011, 07:12 PM
I think so. I was going to ask her if she wanted to come over but I think we lost Marie.:confused:

I am so glad Bailey is better and by the way, she looks so nice in her red sweater.:)

I think we lost Carrol too. I thought I heard something about camel
races and a big prize for the winner:rolleyes: What the heck kind of camp is she at anyway and how come I didn't get to go to camp?
All I got was some darn ole' Panacur:eek::eek:

And you know I think all that butt scooting might of been a dream I had anyway and that I don't really have worms after all.:cool::cool:

Don't even start talking about "examining" anything or I'll have to head for the hills again!!!!!


Bailey's Mom
04-15-2011, 09:57 PM
Hey Addy......
Since it's just you and me......let's go shopping! We can buy all the red sweaters we want! And red shoes to match!! I have Carrol's American Express card and we won't leave home without it. :cool:
Bath #2 this evening. She does clean up quite nicely. Getting her combed out can be a real challenge.:(
I got out from having been put away.......a snuggle bed of Palmer's. One of those round balls that's covered with some white fluffy fabric. It looks like a big cloud. Well....Bailey saw it and took right to it. It's takes some mountain climbing for her, but she gets on top of it! Now that's a picture..:D..and I'll be sure to get one this weekend. The bed just swallows up Bailey.:)
Ryan doesn't think she's grown much......but two of our neighbors do.
Bailey loves eating rabbit poo. You'd think I don't feed this little puppy.

"Mr. Greenboro and his pet sheep???" Is he a neighbor of Mrs. Bluestone and her hyena??

Well....I still haven't located that bill and if I don't find it and pay it we will all be in the nonbasement eating Spam....and keeping an eye out for worms. You know-it can get wet in the nonbasement if we get tidal flooding......you be sure you know where your galoshes are.

04-16-2011, 07:59 AM

Can we get a red purse top match?

Nothing beats a good shopping adventure. I found the cutest dog bed for Zoe last week. :D

We could shop till we drop on Carrol's dime;) Too bad SHE left home without it:D and YOU have it!!!!!!!

Hey Carrol, are you itching to come along? You can if you want but stop by and pick up Marie, we'll make a day of it!!!!!!!

Glad to hear our munchkin is better. Zoe loves bunny poops. She thinks they are cocktail peanuts!!!! They make her colitis worse so I have to watch her:eek::eek:

Love ya,

04-16-2011, 12:51 PM
I'm stuck in some G-dforsaken place and you're going SHOPPING:mad:
Now, Addy, how can i come along, if I don't even know where the heck I am? All I know is there is a lot of sand blowing around (phew, phew, gag), a lot of camels (spit, spit, ugh), and a lot of people I think may be ghosts because they are dressed all in white and talk funny. Yesterday we went for a camel ride through the sand and came to this nice place with palm trees, grass and water. We all had a bath, a drink and then back we went to the tents. Mom, I'm really getting used to this eating with the hands thing........I think we should do this at home.:D
That is strictly for emergencies. LIKE GETTING ME HOME!!!!
Now, I'm catching the next camel outta here............
Now, what's this about water in the non-basement:eek:
And what's with Marie? I don't see her making any effort to help me out here so she better pony up (or camel up) or she's not sharing MY room:mad:

04-16-2011, 02:16 PM

She took the BAIT!!!!!! She fell for the old "shop til you drop" trick!!!!:p

Now we know where she really is;)

You better catch that last camel out of there because there is a dust storm a brewing and it might just blow you ALL THE WAY HOME!!!

We knew it was your birthday and we were just pretending we didn't know so we could get you home for that suprise party the whole town was gonna throw for you BUT you could not showup could you?

SO-- that paaarty will be fashionably LATE:eek:

Bailey's Mom
04-16-2011, 05:06 PM
I wanna know how you get from Las Vegas to the place that has camels and folks dressed all in white without using either a boat or a plane? I think someone has been using other substances!!:confused:

Bailey's Mom
04-16-2011, 05:07 PM
I'm closing the drapes.....I don't want anyone to know Bailey and I are home. There are some strange characters out there!!!

04-16-2011, 06:35 PM
SHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Those aren't strange characters, they are here for Carrol's suprise birthday party SHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Now wait, everyone get behind the sofa or in the kitchen, calm down, be quiet already!!!!!!!!

Bailey stop barking she will here you!!!!!!!

Ready, one two three EVERYBODY SING!!!!!!






marie adams
04-17-2011, 01:44 AM
Did I miss the PARTEE!!!!???? I was trying to find you Carrol, but you took off just as I was about to surprise you, DARN!!! Happy Belated B-Day!! This is number.......:D

I am pretty scared to share a room with you unless you wash off all the camel smell and whatever you picked up out there is the sandy place with the people who wear white robes!!:eek:

I think I would have rather gone shopping with Addy and Susan--I too look really good in RED. I really love red shoes and purses and even wallets.:D:D Not so much into hats--the curly hair tends to look a little clown like, but then doesn't Carrol like clowns???

Yes, Miss Bailey is adorable in her red sweater--she doesn't even need the sweater to be adorable!!!:) So glad she is feeling all better!!