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Squirt's Mom
12-17-2018, 09:33 AM
Good to hear from you as always, Susan! I send you and yours a wish for a most Merry Christmas (and a fall-free one to boot! :D )
Bailey's Mom
12-29-2019, 11:08 PM
Hallllloooo dear friends! I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. We are leaving in the early hours for WARM Sarasota. I am ready for that. Time for roll call, now. Who's still around that can remember me? Can you believe Bailey will turn 9 years old on the 23rd of January? She needs to lose 2 pounds but basically she's healthy. She seems to like to sprout skin tags. I wish she'd cut that out!! She's very independent, very Schnauzer like, VERY protective of me.
Ryan & Ellen are coming up to their 5th anniversary...still very happy, I'm pleased to say. They were in Denver for Christmas this year. I guess I'll never get used to the years when Ryan is not here. It just really sucks.
Did you see "My" Nats won the world series???? What a very exciting fall.
I'd better get to bed. I hope all of you have a wonderful, happy new year and that 2020 brings you health, happiness and world peace!
12-30-2019, 08:40 AM
Hello right back atcha, Susan!! ;):D:D:D
Hoping you’re having a very safe and uneventful drive this morning; I know you’ll love being back at your condo once again. It’s so good to hear from you and to read your update. Nope, I cannot believe that Little Miss Bailey is turning nine — seems like only yesterday she was just a baby. Where does the time go??? Thankfully, my little Luna is also hanging in there. She turned 11 last August, so is now a very senior Lab. But as our vet says, “She’s old, but she’s healthy,” and that is a gift for which we are very grateful.
Otherwise, it’s been a rough year for me — my mom passed away last January after falling ill right before Christmas, and this first holiday season without her has been really bittersweet as a result. But it is what it is, and hubby and I are trying to forge some new traditions. Kathy (“Budster’s Mom”) lost her mother just last week, so she is going through a very tough time right now, too.
Another hardship is that our family here at K9C keeps shrinking over time. The “pull” of the Facebook groups seems to outweigh the attractiveness of message boards such as ours. So that’s why it’s a special joy to see dear familiar faces — like yours — stopping back by here. We’ve all been through so much together, and it’s wonderful to welcome you back for a holiday chat! I hope that you and Bob and Bailey have a great winter down in Florida, and please do continue to keep in touch.
Best wishes always,
Harley PoMMom
12-30-2019, 10:57 AM
Hi Susan!!
So glad to see your post and please do check back whenever you can, many hugs to you and sweet Bailey!!!!
Bailey's Mom
01-11-2020, 02:49 AM
Happy New Year to Marianne and Lori!
I'm sorry to learn of the passing of relatives. It's now been 35 years since we lost all four of our parents. I still really miss my Mom.
I don't post much on Facebook. The support I got from this site while I worked through Palmer's illness-I never could have gotten that off of Facebook. I could not have been as open.
I don't tweet either.
Well-it's hitting record highs here in Sarasota. Low 80's. My bones love it! We had an uneventful trip down - that's the way we like it.
Take care and I'll check in in the fall.
Squirt's Mom
01-11-2020, 09:37 AM
Hey, Susan!
Sorry to miss your earlier post so a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours! It is hard to think of Bailey being 9 already...seems like just yesterday you were telling us about adding her to your home and heart. I'm glad she is doing well!
As always, it is good to hear from you and I wish you much joy in the coming year!
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