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Sus- did you purchase the Frontline?
Bailey's Mom
05-20-2014, 07:08 PM
Yes-I purchased Frontline Plus about one month before I ever got wind of any controversy. I'm "banking" on right dosage for right weight and Bailey is right at the top of the weight range for her strength. If she were near the bottom of the range, I would be rethinking this. I agree with Sharlene, it is upsetting to know it removes nail polish. I've been using Frontline for more than 30 years. Sometimes I have to trust.
Bailey's Mom
05-22-2014, 11:45 PM
I planted 10, which became 15 pachysandra today before a tornado ran near here. Home Depot is becoming my go to nursery. The nursery situation around here is really sad. They just don't stock much and they charge an arm and a leg for what they do have. I don't know how much rain we got, but it was in the inches range.
Ellen and Ryan come tomorrow. Really looking forward to that. We're supposed to have a pretty nice weekend, weather wise. I do think spring has finally arrived. HOORAY!!!!!
05-23-2014, 05:48 AM
a tornado ran near here
:eek::eek::eek: You sound so calm saying that, the hairs rose on the back of my neck!! Hmmm was it just a wee one and nothing to be alarmed about?? x
Home Depot has some good buys on plants. Ours is fairly far away so I don't go as often.
Have a great weekend with Ryan and Ellen. Happy Memorial Day!!!!
Bailey's Mom
05-23-2014, 02:57 PM
:eek::eek::eek: You sound so calm saying that, the hairs rose on the back of my neck!! Hmmm was it just a wee one and nothing to be alarmed about?? x
It came and went so fast, I didn't have a chance to get alarmed. We don't usually see them here. It was just a bit to the north of us and it squashed at least one house. We had next to no warning. I don't want ever to experience one of those! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
molly muffin
05-23-2014, 03:07 PM
Dang Susan. That is fast. If they are going to come in, then I would hope to have some warning at least. :( Maybe the midwest has gotten better about that than the east coast, since they have more of them. We don't get them in my area of town that often either, but have had a couple north of us a bit. The sky looks so weird when they come in.
In the summers here the grocery's all have plant areas set up outside. Usually reasonable prices and decent plants too. I get a lot from them. Harder to find specific things I have to go to the nursery for, but then I always love browsing around those kind of places anyway, so it's not a hardship to go. LOL
Have a good long weekend
Sharlene and molly muffin
Happy Memorial Day!!!!
I hope your visit with Ellen and Ryan was great and no more tornado warnings.;) I need a full report on their visit. Any wedding bells ringing??
I am gardened out, my sinus issues are flaring from being outside with all the pollen. It is very warm and sticky today, high humidity with chance of storms.
I hope you have had a great Memorial Day weekend. We took Koko to the cemetery and I think he ate some geese poop:eek::eek::eek:
molly muffin
05-26-2014, 04:54 PM
Rabbit poop, Goose poop, goodness and if you add Flynn to the mix, horse poop!!!
Hope you are having a poop free (no not constipation!!) Memorial Day weekend and having tons of fun!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
05-26-2014, 10:41 PM
Happy Memorial Day!!!!
I hope your visit with Ellen and Ryan was great and no more tornado warnings.;) I need a full report on their visit. Any wedding bells ringing??
Well......since you ask...........Ryan will be proposing. That is no longer a secret. On the other hand it's not public knowledge either. Ryan is the champion of procrastinators. He and Ellen went out looking for rings a couple of weeks ago. Then she decided she did not want to be a part of the process. I have offered Ryan a solitaire that has some family history to it. I think he will be taking that and putting it into a setting. Ellen is working, putting in XX hours to get her certification for her job qualifications. She will have those hours sometime in July or August. While she is working, she is 1.5 hours away from Ryan and is living out there. She is anxious to move back in-it will have been one year. She wants to be engaged before she moves in with him-she does not want to sign a separate lease. This is almost June. Ryan and I went ring setting looking that trip a couple of weeks ago when I went to VA. It was after that trip that Ellen changed her mind about taking part in the process. What Ryan and I learned is that it takes 6-8 weeks to order a setting. Ellen has very tiny fingers.......her whole body is very a ring would need to be ordered. Resizing a ring that is in stock is not an option. It would be taking it down too many sizes. Ryan has said he will not propose without the actual ring. Once Ellen told him she wanted not to participate-she wanted to be surprised-he just dropped the ball. Also-it is important to Ellen that Ryan ask her father for her hand. That has to happen before he proposes. He's put that off as well.
So everybody knows it's going to happen. Everybody is waiting for it to happen. It's just not happening. I told Ryan to let me know if there was anything I could do to help regarding the engagement or the wedding. Other than that, I'm hanging back. I have the solitaire so I figure he has to let me know sooner or later that he wants the stone. I'm not going to take the ring apart until he has something specific in mind.
As for the was very pleasant and laid back. We just hung around the house, played some dominoes and went to the beach today. Ryan and Ellen actually went in the 58 degree water. Bob and I went in up to our calves, brave souls that we are.:D Ellen's Mom is the person who had the knee surgery recently and Ellen made up a double batch of chocolate chip cookies to send some out to her and to give us some and give Ryan some. Ellen is very easy to be around. We put up a hammock, which hasn't been up in a number of years and she really liked that. Bailey threw up all over Ryan. All in all it was a fun visit.:rolleyes:
molly muffin
06-06-2014, 03:02 PM
Ohhh, exciting a craft show this weekend! That sounds awesome. I love walking around things like that. You're right, you never know what you'll find.
We're suppose to have a lovely weekend here too and I am back to gardening. Not sure it will ever be done this year! Feels like it's a lot more work than other years.
We'll be heading out to a movie this weekend I think. Date night! Hubs said we're going to try the new VIP section of the theater. That should be fun.
Got to run!
Have a lovely weekend
Sharlene and molly muffin
I LOVE VIP seating:D We get to reserve seats and they are big and rock and are comfy and have places to put your stuff.
Have you seen Budapest Hotel? I could use a good chick flick if it rains;)
Sus- I have thistles in my pachasandra:eek::eek::(
06-06-2014, 07:42 PM
Sus- I have thistles in my pachasandra:eek::eek::(
:eek::eek: Sounds painful, do you want us to remove them?? :D:D
Have fun at the market Sus! x
ROLF Trish
cant stop laughing but actually yes it is painful cause I get prickers when I pull them out:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::p
Bailey's Mom
06-06-2014, 09:11 PM
[QUOTE Sus- I have thistles in my pachasandra:eek::eek::([/QUOTE]
WHAT??!! I just finished planting the last of the 40 new pachysandra plants. On the first 20, I split most of them and got twice as many out of the pots. By the final 20, Bailey and I just wanted this done and over with. I had to kill off a good chunk of pachysandra last fall in order to get rid of this weed we're fighting.
The only possible chore I have left for spring is to divide my black eyed Susan's. Maybe I'd better wait until fall to do that, now....although the weather is still good for it this weekend.
I want to move my two peony in the fall. They are gorgeous and in a spot where I hardly ever get to see them. I'm fine tuning this year. I did plant 7 or so Astilbe plants. I love those things.
My calla lillies are coming up. I'm glad to see they survived the winter.
Enjoy your weekend gals!
molly muffin
06-06-2014, 09:44 PM
Oh I want to see Budapest Hotel!!! Meant to go see it with a girlfriend but she couldn't go and then I think we've missed it at the theaters now. :( Will have to check some late showing theaters maybe.
I have to look up this thing "pachasandra". Pretty sure I don't have any, since I don't know what they are. But I don't want any thistles to go with them.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
06-07-2014, 01:40 AM
Oh I want to see Budapest Hotel!!! Meant to go see it with a girlfriend but she couldn't go and then I think we've missed it at the theaters now. :( Will have to check some late showing theaters maybe. Yes-it's out on disk.....saw an ad today. Heard it is good.
I have to look up this thing "pachasandra". Pretty sure I don't have any, since I don't know what they are. But I don't want any thistles to go with them. ROFL - if you're going to look it up, better spell's "pachysandra."
Sharlene and molly muffin
Hugs! Sus
I spelled it wrong, my spell check doesn't work and I am always in hurry:p:p:p:p:p
I sure hope I dont have to kill all mine to get rid of the dang thistles. I will really be annoyed.
If you are done with your garden chores, will you come over and help with mine?:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
06-08-2014, 11:17 PM
What exactly are thistles, anyway? I thought those were the sticky, prickly things you got sometimes if you went for a walk in the woods. I didn't think it was actually a plant that grew somewhere....?????? How does one get rid of thistles?
I will come over and help you just as soon as my garden chores are done. Don't hold your breath!!! ;):rolleyes: Actually I'm making pretty good progress on mine. One of these gorgeous days maybe I'll actually get into the hot tub to enjoy free time!
Sorry about California Chrome. That guys owner needs a zipper for his mouth. He was bad mouthing the Ky people when he was at the Preakness and yesterday he was crying foul after that race....saying it should only include horses that race in the prior two races. He may have a point, but I did not like that way he made it....and neither did his wife, from what I saw.:confused:
Got a bad sunburn on my neck today. I'm glad I don't have an appt with the dermatologist any time soon!!:o
Canadian thistles- and I thought all things Canada were good because of Sharlene;):p:D They are a perennial weed that spreads. I pull them out they come back:eek::eek:
last summer I had not much time to weed, between Zoe and my mom, especially running back and forth with mom constant falling, I think it just got into my pachysandra:p:p:p ha, spelled it right I think;)
and took over. I always thought dense ground cover crowded out weeds:confused::confused::confused::confused:
yuck, it is too huge of a bed to kill, it flows around the whole front of my house
I was out there pulling again last night.
it is cold and crappy again, looks like rain. The weed people were to come tomorrow. If it is raining they will cancel.
molly muffin
06-10-2014, 08:32 PM
I no likeee thistles. They hurt!! You have to go into them with a hazmat suit on to escape their wrath. :(
They are Canadian!!!! :eek: *spit* a curse on you thistles!
We do get them here, so, gosh, I'm sorry and apologize for all of Canada and any future Canadians. :D:D
True, you were a tad busy Addy.
Just be so happy that you don't even know what they are Susan. Horrid things
happy gardening all
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
06-10-2014, 11:45 PM
Yeah-I'm with you-dense ground cover is supposed to crowd out weeds. Pachysandra is supposed to be very good at that, from my experience. We still have an odd leaf here and there of whatever it is that I had to eradicate. We're just trying to be super sleuths and tear them out as soon as we can spot them. I don't know if that will do anything to control it or not. I can't afford to replant pachysandra every year. :mad:
I've been getting holes in my irrigation this year. I don't know what is munching on the hose line, but it's beginning to get expensive to have the guy come back to repair the lines. I run it at 3 or 4AM, so I don't see leaks unless I turn it on during the day for some reason.
Very muggy here today. We got some rain though, so maybe tomorrow will be better.
Ha, Plan A on my war on the yard- I am going to allow the thistles to get tall, cut the top off, put a paper plate with a hole in the middle around it and then selectively poison the suckers:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
What do you think? I think it may work without wiping out the pachysandra.
Bailey's Mom
06-12-2014, 09:08 PM
Atta girl! :D
Another way to try that is to take the core from either paper towels or toilet paper, slip it over the top and spray down into the tube. I've done that. Either method, with the size of your yard, that's going to take a lot of patience.:confused:
Bailey and I are sharing a cup of Rita's ice. It's melting faster than I can eat it and it's giving me brain freeze.:(
Ryan is coming down for Father's Day weekend. What are your plans?
We are having an annual charity event at work tonight; my boss gave me two free tickets. I never could go in years past as it was on a week night and Zoe needed her meds and drops. Kate and I are attending tonight and I have to tell you that I have been such a stay at homer at night for so long with Zoe that it feels weird planning to go to a night time party. But i am forcing myself out of the house;)
Tomorrow they open the pool so that is pool day work and Sunday morning we are all taking hubby out for breakfast.
Busy, busy.
I hope you enjoy your time with Ryan. I hope the weather cooperates!!!
Bailey's Mom
06-24-2014, 01:39 AM
Hi-I am having to wipe/clean Bailey's eyes multiple times daily. She has really been manufacturing that eye stuff that collects in the corners. Does anyone know if this is an indication of something wrong and should I run her by the vet?
Koko has the same thing, always has had it. I have changed foods, did not help. Do Bailey's eyes tear a lot or does she squint in the sun?
Bailey's Mom
06-24-2014, 11:48 PM
I've never noticed her squinting. She doesn't really tear's just this goopy stuff that has recently markedly increased. I have to clean her eyes 2-3 times/day or it glops up and obscures her vision and bugs her. (Do you like my medical/technical terminology?) :D
06-25-2014, 06:41 AM
Susan, is Bailey troubled by any other symptoms of allergies? My Peg definitely gets goopy (and red) eyes when her allergies are flaring...
I think that is Koko's problem as well -allergies- contrary to our ophthalmologist's theories.
Bailey's Mom
06-25-2014, 11:14 AM
Marianne, Bailey has itching as a continual problem. We give her an antihistamine for that and it seems to make it bearable for her. I'll work on being more exact for time of day with the antihistamine and see if I can detect a change.
Thanks ladies! :D
06-25-2014, 05:24 PM
Hi Sus
Gawd that continual itching is such a pain in the butt for them, feel for you there. Flynn woke me up at 5am scratching like the Dickens today, have you heard of using Apoquel for that? Might be an option. I have used antihistamines with little effect so far. Dunno what all that goopy eye is about, sounds like it is both eyes? I think if it hard markedly increased I would run it past the vet. Might just be the whole allergy thing, if that is the case then apoquel may help with that too. xx
Bailey's Mom
06-26-2014, 04:28 PM
Hi Trish....and you're ON!! I've not heard of Apoquel but I looked it up and next visit I will ask about it. Yesterday and today the eye goop is less. I'll just keep monitoring it. Next time she's in I'll ask about that as well. She's going to need to go in for a sac-draining soon anyway. xxoo
06-26-2014, 04:39 PM
Hey! Renee put me onto this med. I think a problem is the supply at the moment, it was so popular the supplies they had ran out. My vet only has a small amount. I am meant to give one twice a day and then daily. He said to try and eke it out so it lasts longer. I have read that it can show effect in 4 hrs! My only concern was it has a warning about neoplastic issues, the IMS knew about it and said this, he also told me the numbers of cancers he saw in the trials were quite likely part of the normal population and he found it hard to blame the drug:
"Trish asked about Apoquel. I am just getting to know this drug because as you know the launch has been delayed by Zoetis due to supply issues. I don't know of any reason why it could not be tried in Flynn but Trish would have to be aware that we are stepping into the unknown a little bit. There is no group of dogs that are exactly the same as Flynn that have been tested with Apoquel to ensure safety. However if anything untoward was seen I would estimate that it would quickly resolve once the medication was discontinued. I think on balance the risk of trying the new product is less than the risk of using ongoing steroids which we know are bad for his liver."
Glad the eye goop less... :D
Bailey's Mom
06-26-2014, 04:52 PM
Geez, Trish! I just got new glasses and I had to get one inch from the screen to read that quote. I didn't know they made fonts that small!!:);)
Shouldn't you be in bed sleeping now?
06-26-2014, 05:22 PM
Really? It is the same size as rest of the text on mine.... NOPE time to be up and at em, 9.21am Friday morning as we speak (type) :D
Bailey's Mom
06-26-2014, 05:26 PM
I just went through your Flynn album. He's a cutie. How old is he?
06-26-2014, 05:47 PM
Thanks Sus, he is a lovely boy! Personality plus! Not too sure how old he is really, I found him walking on the road in Dec 2001 and took him home with me!! I did take him to SPCA but no one claimed him, stupid people.... Just so you know I am not a dog napper!!! :D Vet estimated he was 6-9 months old at the time. So he must be just about turning 13. We celebrate his birthday on Dec 16th, which is the day he came home!
07-03-2014, 02:54 AM
Wow! You really totally calculate the exact time you're not on the side of Bailey. I'm sure you always excited to be with him.
molly muffin
07-03-2014, 05:40 PM
Hey Susan, how are things going with you and Bailey and family?
We're back from the holiday trip, icebergs and whales for all. :) :)
I have to get my back yard whipped into shape soon as we have a work party here at the end of August! Man, do not let it rain I don't want all those people inside the house at one time!!! hahahaha
hope to hear from you soon and hoping Baileys' allergies have calmed down. Did you check into that med Trish mentioned?
Sharlene and molly muffin
Happy Fourth of July!!!
The mosquitoes have arrived in Milwaukee:eek::mad: I sure hope they are not bad in your neck of the woods.
I do hope you get to enjoy some fireworks tonight. We are going to sneak away to catch a glimpse of some local show. The big to do was last night over Lake Michigan but I had to work and if you go late there are no spots.
How is Bailey? How is the garden? I hope the hurricane stays far away from your coastline!!! Our yard is so saturated from the daily storms the lawn people can this week to say they could not even mow the grass!!! I noticed since I have kept Koko off our grass, he has not been as itchy. He does walk in the grassy culverts but I try to keep him on the road so I think he has an allergy to grass or a weed in our grass.
Have a wonderful weekend dear Sus!
Love you
Bailey's Mom
07-07-2014, 12:38 AM
Helloooooooooooooo Sharlene & Addy! :)
Bailey has not needed to go to the vets for a reason, so I've not asked about Trish's suggestion for medication for the itch. Bailey is having major itch issues this past 24 hours. I never can tell what it is that stirs this up. I think she may be needing to get her sack drained and judging from a spot on the bedroom carpet, I think she successfully drained it herself when we weren't looking.
Addy, I've not seen mosquitoes yet, but I'm sure they're out there. They hide somewhere during the day, so I just have to be careful at dusk or dark.
The hurricane came by and moved right out. No beach erosion that I can tell. ;) It dropped 3" of rain, but the ground took all that up. We have been bone dry for many weeks. With the rain, things are looking much greener. The winds were up, but nothing to cause any damage.
The gardens look good and I was thinking of you the other day, Addy, as I walked by a little mini hosta garden that I've created. Those are the newest plants and they're still not very big, but they are growing. I do a bit of the maintenance for the entrance gardens for our development and I sprayed for weeds and trimmed up 4 bushes there yesterday. I let someone else do the plantings now and it doesn't look like when I did it.....I planted annuals and regularly watered.....but it looks respectable.
Ryan turned 35 Saturday. How can that BE????? We visited with Ellen and him via Skype and he opened the presents I sent while we talked. Not as good as being there or here, but at least it's something. I think they may both come down later this month for a weekend visit.
I'm having the blahs. I can't seem to motivate myself. I did take a sketching class for two days last weekend. I was amazed at how much I learned and surprised to find out how important sketching skills are to artwork.
I do pop in and read the threads every couple of days, even though I don't often have much to add. Thanks for checking up on me. You're very important to me.:cool:
07-12-2014, 12:08 AM
Hey Sus
I would ask your vet about the apoquel when you get the chance. Nothing more irritating for our furry friends when they are scratching up a storm. When Flynn's was at its worse I would wake up to him itching so none of us were getting much sleep. So nice to have that relief without having to resort to steroids.
Sorry your in a blah mood, I suggest retail therapy... works for me!!! :D Your gardens sound lovely, I do like to potter about out there too. Find it very therapeutic standing with the hose and watering!! I have a citrus wall... there is tangelo, lime, lemons, mandarins all in a row and I trim it back to keep it under control. I espaliered them initially, so they stayed kinda flat and it looks awesome when they are fruiting! Dunno what it is going on but the lime though, it is the best producer of all of them and is just coming to the end but it looks like it is dying??! Leaves all over it have dried up and curling, look like it has not had water for a year. :confused: Which it has and all the other trees are looking fine. My friend and I were just inspecting it and it looks like it is poisoned, hope the people over the fence have not done anything to it, but it does not hang over their fence. My friend suggested taking a clipping to the garden centre to see if they have any thoughts. It's going to leave a big hole if it dies, which it looks like it is trying its best to do!! Hmmm there you go, a boring old lime story LOL... Hope you enjoy the weekend and Bailey gets some itch relief! xxxx
I swear I just killed a mosquito the size of a helicopter:eek::eek::eek::eek:
molly muffin
07-15-2014, 07:29 PM
Holy cow that is a monster mosquito Addy!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
07-15-2014, 09:36 PM
Are you sniffin' stuff again, Addy? ;):D
Still haven't seen my first one yet. I don't know where they're hiding!
molly muffin
07-15-2014, 09:37 PM
Susan. Big ones are over at Addy's house. Small medium ones are hanging at our place. Lol
Bailey's Mom
07-17-2014, 10:14 AM
Windows and screens are being cleaned here, today.
I finally replaced my keyboard, so I have my "x" back.
Bailey is going to be exhausted tonight....between the window cleaners, plus Thursday afternoons a small card playing group meets here. At the rate she's barking, she'll have no voice left.
Anyone want a cute, 3.5 yr. old? :confused::rolleyes:
molly muffin
07-17-2014, 06:35 PM
LOL Sounds like a busy day! Bailey will be pooped for sure!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Sus,no way she is 3.5, how can that be????
I thought Bailey was barely two
Bailey's Mom
07-18-2014, 02:38 AM
Please....don't send us back to 2!!! We only started breathing a bit more relaxed once she arrived @3.:eek:;):D
07-18-2014, 07:49 AM
Hi! I would just like to let you know that today I saw two things that make me think Spring is not far away!
1) Daffodils :D
2) Lambs :D
No doubt about it now, the days are slowly getting longer YAY!!
I will have Bailey, she is too cute for her own good!! She can move in and be Flynny's new girlfriend! Have a good weekend! xxx
Bailey's Mom
07-18-2014, 05:23 PM
Happy Friday and have a good weekend, Trish! Hmmmm -do Lambs go away for the winter? Where do they go? that's a sure sign of spring. Universally.
Now-in prior years, I would be bemoaning your spring, as it would mean a close is coming to my summer. I have already noticed the shorter days. But NOW I am super lucky and get to look forward to returning to the sunny, warm state of Florida for 4 - 5 months.
Bailey and Bob are out for a walk, but I will tell Bailey of Flynn's offer when she returns. Bailey has not had a boyfriend thus far. ;)
It is an absolutely gorgeous day here. 79-ish, blue skies, a light breeze. This is heaven.
Bailey's Mom
07-19-2014, 04:15 PM
I was out killing weeds......the mosquitoes FOUND me!~!! :eek:
I figured they would eventually:D:D:D:D:
Summer is flying by, don't blink, you will miss it. Guess who was looking at condos in Florida on line last night? It was fun though I had no idea what I was looking at it.:rolleyes:
Any wedding bells ringing yet? I hope Ryan and Ellen are doing well.
And little miss. I still cannot believe how quickly time has gone by, Sus and that Bailey is 3 1/2. Does not seem possible.
I sure hope tomorrow is Wednesday!!!
molly muffin
07-22-2014, 09:53 PM
wow, before I know it you'll be down in Florida with Koko for the winters too Addy! You and Susan and Bailey and Koko, having a grand ole time!
It is going to be really tempting when that time comes and we're up here still freezing our butts off, while Susan is talking about green grass, birds on the lawn and how much everyone loves Bailey! :) :)
Run Susan! Those mosquitoes are persistent buggers!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
07-23-2014, 03:26 AM
Addy!! Say it's so!!! Come on DOWN!!!!! I can put you in touch with a very nice real estate agent. He's no pressure and will send you as much or as little info as you'd like. (I know you were probably just cruising the web, but it's fun to think, as Sharlene says, of Koko and Bailey playing and us laughing!) :D:)
Addy-Ryan and Ellen will come here 8/1 for a weekend visit. Ryan tells me it will be an accomplished deed by then. (the proposal.) Ellen has moved back from Winchester and has moved in with Ryan. He has a very small two bedroom condo-apartment to him-so I'm sure combining their stuff is a major challenge. She has already asked me if she can store some books in our attic.:)
Sharlene-you can come visit us in FL. Bring Molly. We'll make it a party!!:):)
07-26-2014, 02:40 AM
Hmmmm -do Lambs go away for the winter? Where do they go?
Our lambs are born at the end of winter, so they are nice and plump for Christmas dinner :eek::eek: So we usually see them skipping about the paddocks for spring!
My tulips are poking up already too, I only planted them a month or so back, love them and hope they flower well. How exciting getting a new DIL!! Hope he is not too nervous doing the proposing! Have a good weekend Sus! x
Bailey's Mom
07-27-2014, 03:01 AM
Ryan & Ellen are engaged (to be married!) :):D:D:):):D:D:):)
What a happy time for your family:):):):):):)
We just started considering looking at condos in FL. Hubby lived in Sanibel for a few years before coming to Wisconsin. He is worried the heat and humidity will not be good for my asthma and allergies. I cant imagine retiring and staying in Wisconsin, especially after last winter. So we are trying to sort things out. From what I may read so far, Sarasota has a lot to offer.
molly muffin
07-27-2014, 09:12 AM
How awesome and exciting! So when will the wedding be? Next year?
This will be such a great time in all your lives
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
07-27-2014, 10:22 PM
[QUOTE From what I may read so far, Sarasota has a lot to offer.[/QUOTE]
Oh yes it does!!! Now I've not spent a summer there, so I can't speak to the summers. I do notice every time I check the weather there it seems to be chance of thunderstorms and a high in the low 90s.
There is a very active community events/theater/arts shows. Bob had to visit the ER while we were there last winter, and it was fine. PLUS.....Bailey and I are there!!!!!!!:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
07-27-2014, 10:29 PM
No details as to wedding plans yet. It will not be very formal. I don't know when, where or how big. They will visit us next weekend and maybe we'll get a glimpse into what they think they'd like. I told Ryan just to tell me when and where to show up and I'd be there!!
We spoke with her mother this evening-we called to introduce ourselves and to share our joy at the announcement. She thinks they should just get married in two months and "get it over with." She thinks Ellen won't want the pressures of a big wedding. Ryan says he thinks he will be the one pushing for some bit of "stuff."
It is indeed very exciting. Ryan and I have been working on a ring for 6 weeks or more now. I gave him a family heirloom diamond to use as the center stone. Ellen had picked out an antique looking setting that she liked, so he went with that. I've seen pictures, but I'm anxious to see the real thing. The ring arrived Thursday one week ago. We've been looking for the phone call since then. They both seem very happy and we feel they are a great match for one another. Ellen is just lovely and very upbeat. I love her laugh.
"More will be revealed........."
Bailey's Mom
07-29-2014, 02:11 PM
We're off to the sac drained and one question about Apoquel. :confused:
molly muffin
07-29-2014, 05:37 PM
Ohhh, can't wait to the hear the details! :)
We're going to be in a similar position soon I think. ;)
What does the vet have to say about the Apoquel? It seems to working for Flynn
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
07-29-2014, 07:05 PM
Sacs drained. They were more so than the other. I asked about Apoquel. I also did some online research about it. I think we should all buy stock in the company that makes it. It works, hands down. The demand has been too great to keep up with. They now say they think by April 2015, it will be available to all. Right now the very limited supply is being given to those who were already on it.....and in some of those cases, there is not enough. Vet office told me there is a 2 year wait list....but I don't know that that is exact.
There is another drug, Atopica, which is being used by many. But if you read about the possible side effects and long term issues involved with it, unless you're in a much worse situation than Bailey, I don't think I'd take the risks.
All in all, with what I read, I've decided that thankfully Bailey has a very mild condition at this time. We have medicated shampoo and an antihistamine prescription which seem to be working pretty well. It's just when you go to scratch Bailey's back, he legs go madly. I can't tell if the scratching feels good or not. She doesn't pull away, but she really goes crazy with one a time.
We got out of there with a $34 dollar bill this time. I would NOT want to drains those sacs, myself, for $34!!!!
molly muffin
08-02-2014, 04:29 PM
This Apoquel really is the dogs bark. (I was gonna say cats meow, but didn't seem as appropriate on a dog forum haha)
I was just reading that the company that makes it had the largest IPO offering since Facebook, which it beat, and a lot of that is due to this drug being such a hot commodity, it works and doesn't have short or long range bad side effects.
Anyway. That was just a little note to throw in there. LOL
So, how does one go about with this meeting of the parents thing. :) We're thinking that we'll be doing this one day soon too. LOL I'll need pointers!!
Hope you're having a good summer
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-02-2014, 06:19 PM
Hey Sus~~ Ohhh congrats you going to be a MIL!! How exciting! We will be wanting to help pick out your dress you know!! Elegant and tasteful, a little hat hmmm and fantastic shoes!! What colour?? A nice pastel or are you a bright person?? I love fancy dress shopping!!
Honestly I am not squeamish at all but it makes me shiver anytime someone mentions anal glands on here. In all of Flynny's 13 years we have not had to go there! They must clear themselves, so a big hallelujah to that one!
Yes shares in apoquel may well be the way to go!! I still have a supply from samples that were given to Flynny's vet so I must check with him how many he has as I do not want to go back to how he was before. He does itch, but only occasionally much like a normal dog not incessantly like before so I am very pleased with it.
I am trying not to give him the flea treatments and according to my spreadsheet he has not had anything since April 14th and so far no fleas. He was on comfortis, but iMS said he does not recommend that due to the amount of dogs he has seen that have had seizures on it. I know Mike wants Flynn on something, but if I can keep them at bay naturally it is all good. So he is getting a weekly shower in anti flea bar and drops on his collar. Mind you, it is winter here so spring might see them return. Hope not. I have not used atopica, not researched it either but have seen a few on here mention it.
Flynny sounds like Bailey in the scratch department, like if you itch his back his legs go to town too... down by his tail on lower back is his sweet spot and if you go to pet his back he repositions himself so that spot is always under your hand.... he likes to make sure I have easy access :D:D
Exciting times in your household! xxx
Bailey's Mom
08-02-2014, 11:48 PM
One meets the i-ls by their coming to VA to visit the kids and also to meet us. They are coming for 4 days, I think. We will have dinner with them on a Friday and do something together all day Saturday. That's all I know for now.
"The kids" are here and I don't know a lot more than I did before, except that their type of planning would drive me NUTS!!! It will not be a church wedding. I did not know my son is an atheist. Ellen has no church ties, either. What seems to be gelling is a ceremony of some sort in Colorado, where her family lives. Later on a gathering in VA for the East Coast guests. Size of group to be less than 100. April, if they can plan it that fast. We would go to CO and she thinks her parents would come here for any party here.
I gave Bailey her Frontline yesterday, early afternoon, and for the first time I noticed a REAL change in her after the medication. She became very subdued, almost depressed. She was sluggish for the rest of the day. She had not been eating much for the past two days and I think I will be sure she has eaten before she gets it next month. I know it doesn't go directly to her stomach, but I want to minimize any effect.
Then, was awful. :( I was sitting in a recliner and unbeknown to me, Bailey had crawled underneath the front of it. I went to get up and felt some resistance and could hear her madly clawing at the carpet. :confused: I had Ryan come very quickly and help me raise the bottom back up. She doesn't seem to be physically hurt in any way, but she sure was traumatized by it. :( She was shaking later and she was depressed. She was very subdued. :( She is just now starting to bounce back just a little. I'm hoping that will cure her of going under there again. I think we will for sure try to keep her out of there. She likes being in enclosed spaces, but not that enclosed! :eek::(
molly muffin
08-03-2014, 09:40 AM
Our oldest got married at the country club and it was a lovely out door wedding. We'll have to see what the youngest and her (to be fiancee, we're in wait mode for that to happen, just like you were with Ryan for a bit) want to do as far as venue goes. I know they have "talked" about wedding and how they want it but we're still waiting for the "proposal". LOL It is now gone from she would like a big wedding to she thinks they would want a smaller wedding, more intimate. What I do know is she would like for this to all start happening soon and get things in gear as she wants to get started on a family. She turned 30 this year and wants to get things rolling. :) So, we'll see how things go, they are currently in Europe on vacation.
Oh my god! That is one of my fears with Molly, that she'll get under the foot of the recliner when it's up and no one will know she is there and squish her. How is Bailey today? Hopefully past the fear and just will not go in there again. You must have been so freaked out when that happened. I would have been.
Hope you are having a good weekend
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
08-03-2014, 01:23 PM
I was badly freaked out, Sharlene. That's my baby and it was just awful when I realized she was under there. I had trouble getting the footrest back up-that's why I had to call for help. I for sure did not want it going down any further than it was most of the way down already.
Today I am very happy to report that she is back to her silly self again. She is currently doing battle with a chew toy and it's taking the longest time on record for her to get the treat out. This is one of those Starmark Bentoballs. I must have really gotten the treat seated well in there. She's been working on this for about an hour.
It's a gray day here, but it seems to be brightening up. I know it's gorgeous in DC so, hopefully, that will get here before the day is over.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
molly muffin
08-03-2014, 05:24 PM
Oh very happy that she is. Back to herself today. Hubs and I had a little chat last night about making sure he checks each time when he gets up.
Weekend has turned a bit rainy
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Hope all is well at BB and Bailey is back to her cute, sweet self.
Cant wait to hear more about the wedding bells and the plans.
Bailey's Mom
08-04-2014, 11:06 PM
Hi Addy-the wedding plans are in the developmental stage. They were here for the weekend and we discussed the wedding some. They leave tomorrow for a day in Chicago and then one week or so in Colorado with her folks. They will query them as well and then perhaps better know what they want to do. At the very least, there will be an east coast reception. No church wedding. Not sure about if to get married in CO plus then have a reception on the east. The CO folks/family she feels will come to an East coast shindig either does it really make sense to have the wedding out there, or should all of it just be here? That's where they are.
It was a delight to have them. Ellen is a very laid back, easy person. Not like "company" at all. We played mini golf on Saturday and had fun.
Belly rubs to Koko and hugs to you!
Happy Weekend Sus!
It is a beautiful Friday here in ole WI:):):):) I hope BB has the same wonderful weather,low humidity,no rain, mid 70's.
Just wanted to stop by and let you know I am thinking of you. Koko and I have been out exploring this week. I hope you and Bailey got some exploring in too:):):):)
08-08-2014, 07:32 PM
Oh CRIKEY, stuck under the chair, must have near given you heart failure. I worry about that too as Mum and Dad have those types of chairs. When Flynn was at his itchiest he used to line up the metal mechanism when the footrest was up as it was at just the right height to scratch his own back! I had Mum and Dad trained to check he was not under there when putting it down but there been a few close calls, he also got a fright once when the garage roller door went down and nearly got him, he keeps a real wide berth around that now!! :eek: Glad no harm done to Bailey.
Hope your weekend is going well Sus, hopefully next weekend my tulips will be blooming and I will share you a pic!! With Flynny starring next to the flowers of course!! xx
Bailey's Mom
08-10-2014, 10:29 PM
Hi Trish & Addy-
TULIPS??!!! It would be so confusing if I moved to New Zealand.
Addy the weekend has been gorgeous. Low 80's, low humidity, lots of sunshine. We even went down to the beach to sun some. I followed that up with some hot tub (94 degrees) time. A perfect day.
We finally agreed on a wallpaper for the master bathroom. Tomorrow we go and pick out a paint color for the trim and I hope to get it painted this week. 2 doors, 2 windows and some floor moulding. Shouldn't take long.
Plan after that tomorrow is to go to the nearby gym and sign up. I've got stuff that needs to be firmed up.....ALL OVER!!!! I figure if I start now then by the time the wedding takes place, I'll be looking slim and divine! ;) They will freeze the gym membership for when we are in FL. Can't beat that.
Boy I would sure love to have a dark chocolate covered caramel. Mmmmm.
I hope youse guys have had a fun weekend.
Feel the burn at the gym:D:D:D I'm sure you will be svelt and beautiful for the wedding. I have put on so much weight since my arm accident and Zoe's death:eek::eek: Walking Koko twice a day has not done anything.:rolleyes:
It is hard to believe summer is winding down already. Sus, hubby says the bugs are really big in Florida, is that true? My neighbor has a heart condition and has a condo in Hollywood (Atlantic side) she said she cannot handle the heat and humitdty after March so now hubby is worried I wont be able to handle the heat and humidty.:(
I hope you enjoy your weekend. It is beautiful this morning though showers are expected this aft.
Bailey's Mom
08-18-2014, 08:38 PM
Hi Addy-great to hear from you. Gym is going well.....but I need to get over there now.
Why don't you plan a week in FL in June or July? Then you can see for yourself how it affects you. As far as bugs go, fortunately, I've not seen any inside and the ones outside only bothered me one day.....and they weren't big, just plentiful. :(
I just ordered a ton of bulbs. I need to get myself off some of these email lists! I have to remember to check the blooming times, since we won't be back until May.
Best get to the gym or they'll close on me! Yes-I feel the burn.....I also felt the "klunk" when I fell off the last piece on Saturday. If I don't quit hitting my head like this, I'll be eligible for the NFL concussion settlement!~ :p:(:eek:
molly muffin
08-18-2014, 10:49 PM
Gym, great idea. I actually have a gym setup at home and really just need to use it.
Might want to try to limit those head knocks though. :) That doesn't sound fun at all.
It does get warm down in Florida in the summers and some nasty storms too at times. The whole tornado and hurricane season, not sure if I'd want to be around for those. Winter however, sounds perfect to be there.
Oh lovely tulips in the spring. I always enjoy seeing them come up as it finally means spring is here and nasty old man winter is going away.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
08-25-2014, 02:14 AM
Hi all-just checking in. I've been busy avoiding my computer....I don't like the time it consumes. Bailey and I are very well.
I went to see my former foot doc last week. I'm considering having a procedure done this fall. The reason would be to better my chances at wearing a nice pair of heels for the wedding next spring.....and not have to change to sneakers after an hour or so. Plus I'd like to be ready and able to DANCE!!!
There are still no concrete plans for the wedding. Going to see the former foot doc meant I was in VA....and I wound up spending an evening with Ellen and Ryan, just visiting. I asked if Ryan had narrowed down his best man choice any.....he said he needed to think more about that. (The KING of procrastination!!) I then asked Ellen if she had chosen her maid of honor....I was pretty sure it would be her sister. She answered that it would be her sister then she realized she had just assumed her sister knew/would be her matron of honor. I suggested she might not want to assume that. She got on the phone and called her sister right then and, of course, she accepted.
In 4 weeks, her parents come for a visit and we go over to meet them. Perhaps by then, more will be revealed!
Sounds exciting and such fun - to plan a wedding!!! I always wanted to have a wedding in our back yard, I thought the bride and groom could recite their vows on the bridge, alas no one left for that, either too young or too old:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Good luck with the foot doctor. Dont't people take off their shoes to dance anymore when their feet start to hurt????:o:o:confused::confused::confused:
Anyway, I hope the procedure is not a big deal for you but I always feel like we have to haul out the pink bubble wrap for you so I get a wee bit worried!!!:o:o:o:o
09-02-2014, 09:19 PM
Hi Sus
Popping in to say Hi and see what you have been up to! When are we off back to Florida?? I like it there, apart from the alligators!! :) Ouch, foot procedures do not sound much fun, apart from pedicures, you will need nice nails if you are taking your shoes off like Addy suggests, we sure heck do that if they pinch when we are dancing!
Hope Bailey is behaving, and all going well in your neck of the woods! xx
Hey Sus,
Tell us what is happening in BB:):):):):)
We need to get caught up on any new wedding plans, upcoming surgeries, do I need to send bubble wrap? Did you plant your bulbs? How's the weather? It was 37 degrees here Saturday morning, no more swims for us:(:(:(:(:(
Inquiring minds want to know what is going on;);):D:D:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
09-16-2014, 02:08 AM
Hi Trish and nice to hear from both of you!! :D
So many questions, Addy!!!
It's past my bedtime so I can't fill you in now, but I will for sure in the next few days.
We're well. It's nice to feel missed.:) Talk to you soon.
molly muffin
09-16-2014, 07:06 AM
Of course you are missed!!!!!
And you know we want details when you have a chance.
Sharlene and Molly muffin.
Bailey's Mom
09-16-2014, 04:29 PM
Geez.....thanks guys!:D
Okay-before I get involved in anything further today, here comes an update.
Ryan and Ellen are engaged. They were here 10 days ago for the weekend. We sat down on Sunday and tried to guide them in some wedding planning. They were both very stressed out. Each of us had been chatting with one other person, when the opportunity arose, so it seemed to make sense to just have a "group conscience" meeting. They seemed somewhat relieved after that.
The problem they are having is contending with how expensive all of this is. They don't want to spend more than a certain amount on the day. They feel it's too much money to spend, in general principles, beyond that. They are finding it very difficult to make that happen. That means cuts have to be made...either in guests or food or dance, etc. They are trying to keep the guests to under 100. Bob has a very big family, his father was one of six and his mother was one of four. And they have long life spans! And they've been "productive!";)
Anyway-that's where we are right now. They have decided to have both ceremony and reception in the Washington area. Now they have to zone in on specific venues. This weekend, her parents and we are going to stay in Arlington 3 - 4 days-so the parents can meet. It's supposed to be mostly a "social" occasion....not wedding planning strategy's.
After that, we leave from DC to go to Sarasota for a week....and we're flying down....and Bailey will have to go to camp. :( It seemed like a relaxing thing to do and it will give us a chance to make sure the place is as we left it. Only bad thing about that is we won't have any TV. It's shut off until the end of December and I can't get it turned on for just a week. The clubhouse, however, has several TVs, so we should at least be able to see our Nat's in their pennant race.:D It's my hope to just spend the days on the beach or in the Gulf and ride bikes and exercise. Hopefully by the time we get back, the guest list should be solidified and the venue selected. I think that will ease a lot of the perceived pressure.
Then the other piece of news is it looks like I will be having foot surgery (.....yes, AGAIN):( on Nov 7th. I have a large bone spur and a very wayward big toe, so I hope to get that corrected in time to be able to participate in the first dance, if there is one, wearing something other than Crocs!!:eek::eek: (Time to check on the pink bubble wrap to make sure we have some if we need it!!;):):D)
Bailey is very well, other than itching. The antihistamines seem to help a lot and more frequent bathing is necessary. I saw Don Sullivan on TV and have purchased his cds and training supplies. When we get back, the priority will be to retry training Bailey. I know how smart she is and I know we can do this, if we just try hard enough, long enough. She's much better than she ever was, but there is still too much barking and some jumping on people going on. :(
I hope everyone is enjoying fall. I think summer bowed out too soon. Several people have told us "It's supposed to be a brutal winter." That's according to the almanac or signs in nature or the fact that it's so cool already. Even though I don't get time to post here, I do regularly read the posts and am trying to keep up with all my friends.:)
See you sooner, and shorter!
09-16-2014, 04:45 PM
I heard that too about winter and hope that they're wrong.
Summer did just fizzle out it seems.
molly muffin
09-16-2014, 07:08 PM
Gads I heard the same thing Susan about the winter and I sure hope not. You'll be basking in some Florida sun at least, so that's a good thing.
What a great idea, escaping the mayhem for Florida for a week. We're escaping to California for a bit, really looking forward to that!!
Our kids are crazy, organized nuts up here. They got engaged what a month ago and I think they have almost the entire thing planned. I'm sure they did some pre planning to be able to wrap this all up so quickly. Wedding cost are in general it seems are expensive though. J found her wedding gown in one trip and I think tried on 7 dresses and ordered it. Done deal, then they found the bridesmaid dresses they liked, then went online and found the same dresses cheaper so ordered them. (that is something for your gang to think about) some of the venues provide dj's for music as a package deal.
I'm sure they are very creative and will think of options once they sit back and not to stress over it too terribly much. I know that is hard though. :(
Foot surgery! Well I hope they get it all figured out and that toe stop being wayward. A toe with a mind of it's own, imagine that!
hmm, Molly is getting very contrary in her old age, she didn't want to stand for the groomer today. Just decided she'd lay down instead. LOL Maybe she needs training refresher courses. or beginner courses. LOL
sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
09-16-2014, 11:29 PM
Thanks Sharlene for the suggestion about dresses. I'll pass that along to Ellen.
I forgot to mention one thing in my catch up piece. I had a blood clot in my leg about 10 days ago. Scared the beejeepers out of me. Went to the hospital at 11PM and returned home around 5AM. I'm seeing my cardiologist on Thursday just to be sure it's not something I need to be concerned about. It just very suddenly popped up on my shin. Wasn't there, then all of a sudden there was sharp leg pain and when I looked down, here was this golf ball size lump. :eek::eek::confused:
Did anyone check on the pink bubble wrap?
Valerie-it looks like Friday may be kind of a summer day. Don't miss it! :D
09-17-2014, 12:00 AM
Sus, that would be AWESOME!
With dad's multiple hospital stays, I've gotten to the beach once this summer.
He's in the hospital again, I called 911 today - he has pneumonia really bad and it literally came in like gangbusters over the weekend. He was perfectly fine on Friday.
Blood clots are nothing to fool with. If your cardiologist wants to put you on a blood thinner, mention Eliquis. Dad takes this twice a day and monitoring is not required like it is with Coumadin (Warfarin). Good thing you saw the lump! Pain is too easy for us to explain away.
Geez Louise, a blood clot in the leg? I better send extra bubble wrap.
Weddings take on their own course somehow and can be stressful. Maybe group massage therapy for the ladies?
EVERYONE is saying that about winter and I am hoping it is a nasty rumor started on Facebook or Twitter;):D
It is 7:05pm and it is almost dark. My body already wants to hibernate and it is only September!!! What is up with that?
We still have the pool open , not to swim, just to look at. Never did get that 'last swim of the year."
love you
molly muffin
09-18-2014, 08:39 PM
We're just looking at our pool too right now, but have high hopes that we'll get another swim day or two in, maybe we'll get a warm up!
So how is that blood clot doing? I got one on my arm out of the blue one day. It wasn't very big, but scared the bejebees out of me I must say. I took aspirn, I think 365mg a day and it went away on it's own finally. I must have checked it a zillion times a day though.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
09-18-2014, 10:56 PM
It is 7:05pm and it is almost dark. My body already wants to hibernate and it is only September!!! What is up with that?
We still have the pool open , not to swim, just to look at. Never did get that 'last swim of the year."
I can't believe how short daylight is already!!:eek::eek:
I think I spent a total of 3 times in the hot tub. It always sounds like a good idea but then it gets pushed back for something and then it's too's time for bed!
(I know........EVERYone should have such problems!!);)
Bailey's Mom
09-18-2014, 11:06 PM
Well....where did my reply go??? I was typing away and all of a sudden it was gone. Weird.
Anyway-Sharlene......when is your trip.....and did you say California? Business or pleasure? Where in CA?
I saw the heart doc today and got okay-ed for the surgery. He sad the blood clot was nothing to worry about. When it's on the lower leg, it's no big deal. The doc in the emergency room said that also. He had an EKG done on me and it was fine. He said my family doc is the one I need to see about the blood clot. Although at this point, I think it's a moot point.
So tomorrow I get to ride to Dover, 75 minutes north of here, just to pick up paperwork I need prior to surgery. Then the day after we return from FL I get to go see my regular doc for a pre-op exam and to make sure she knows of the blood clot incident.
I'm exhausted. I didn't get to sleep in once this week. I'm off to bed.
Hi Trish :).
molly muffin
09-18-2014, 11:14 PM
Oh I hate missing my sleep in mornings (sat and sun) I get all grumpy if they are missed.
Next week to California. Santa Cruz. It's definitely pleasure. I am surprising my sister and brother in law on their 50th anniversary. She is older than me and I was a baby at her wedding. I know she wishes I could come and wanted me to be there. We've been planning this since February and amazing, no one has spilled the beans. :) :) I'm completely and totally thrilled and can't wait to see her face. Last time I saw her was a few years ago when we went out to California for Christmas.
Sounds like you have your plan in place for your surgery. I'm trying to remember how long it took my clot to dissolve. It was quite a long time, but it did just keep getting smaller and smaller.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
09-19-2014, 07:06 PM
Hi Sharlene
I can't see the place where the golf ball sized clot was.......or the golf sized swelling as a result of the blood clot, but it's still tender to the touch.
Have a wonderful trip/visit with your sister. How exciting.:D:cool: Be sure and give us all the details after you return.
molly muffin
09-19-2014, 09:23 PM
Oh it sounds like it is dissolving quickly. That is good. I could feel a small hard pebble size bump for quite a while. Mine didn't bruise, but was a lump.
:) Thanks. I'll be sure and let everyone know how it goes. Cross fingers.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
10-01-2014, 02:01 AM
Hello Friends!!
We have returned from meet/greet the "other" parents and our trip to FL. The other parents are nice-especially the guy. The Mom tends to be a bit overbearing. That's not news to anyone.
Florida-we arrived and had no a/c. It seemed to have a melt down at some point. We got that fixed and that guy told us we should have an electrician check out our breaker box. So that's what we did on day #2. Everything is all fixed now. It poured EVERY afternoon.....but we did get in two days to the pool and one day to the beach and the Gulf. The Gulf was soooooooooooooo nice. Did not take any getting used could just walk on in.
Only saw one alligator, thank goodness.
Bailey went bezerk when we showed up to pick her up. She was SOOOOOOO happy and SOOOOO excited. It was wonderful. I'm so glad she is not a dog that pouts. I've heard tales.
It's late ..... this was my very first chance to get on the internet. I'll look around tomorrow and see what you all have been up to while I've been gone.
Foot surgery is Friday AM. I'm getting a bit apprehensive.
Have a great hump day!
Bailey's Mom
10-01-2014, 02:03 AM
OH! Wedding date has finally been set. It will be May 25th. Memorial day. It will be a sit down luncheon, it looks like. I'm SOOOOOO excited that they finally reserved a place and set a date!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::c ool::cool::cool: :):):):):):):):):):):):)
marie adams
10-01-2014, 12:39 PM
Hi Mom,
You are as busy as ever!!!!:D
Foot surgery?!?! Another recovery coming on I see. :D:D
A wedding, I love weddings especially the dancing! :p;) along with a few drinks....your baby is getting married!
Missed you! I came back to check up on you guys!!! Never a dull moment! Sounds like Miss Bailey is being a good girl. Ella tries, but can't help herself....:o
Take care of yourself!!!
Bailey's Mom
10-02-2014, 05:46 AM
Hello Marie Irene!!! :):):):) How wonderful to hear from you. I've missed you a lot!
Thank you for the update on you and Ella. Sounds like you have your hands full there. I'd love to see you at one of these competitions.....but then I'd just plain ol' love to see you! :D:D
I've been up all night and must try to get some sleep. Come back sooner next time! You are welcome, missed and delighted to have been heard from!
Good luck with your surgery Sus. I will be thinking of you. You are such a trooper, I know things will go just fine.
Sending big hugs!!!!
Squirt's Mom
10-02-2014, 08:42 AM
Best of luck, Susan! You must be getting so very tired of all of this, bless your heart.
10-02-2014, 10:21 AM
Good luck from me, too, Susan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
molly muffin
10-02-2014, 04:20 PM
Popping in to wish you all the best of luck tomorrow Susan! I know you'll just zoom through this surgery fine as can be.
If you're stuck inside and bored though you know where we are!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
marie adams
10-03-2014, 10:15 AM
Thinking of you Mom-all good thoughts!:D:)
molly muffin
10-03-2014, 04:22 PM
Hope the surgery went well!!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
10-03-2014, 05:36 PM
OMG you are having surgery today, I really need to check the forum more often?!?!! I hope it goes really well and you will be dancing at the wedding in no time! :) x
Bailey's Mom
10-04-2014, 09:34 PM
Hello my friends and thank you so very much for your kind thoughts. They worked!! When I was coming back to my senses, afterwards, I thought they were just beginning!!:confused:
I was asked to be there by 8. That was the first good news. It's an hour from here. I was concerned it might be 10 or 11 and I would be on pins and needles all morning waiting. They took me soon after I got there. I had the usual pre-op visits by the docs and they marked the affected foot. It took one hour, not the two I'd been told. They told me it would be about 2 hours afterwards before I could leave but I was on my way home in 1/2 hour. The pain has been comparatively mild and is fully managed by the drugs.:D I am sleeping fine.....just need a lot of it.
Walking with the boot is getting better. It is not throwing me off balance as much. It takes an hour to get a sponge bath/hair-wash/dressed done, but I can allow for that. On Wednesday I see the doc and that will be my first chance to admire his work. So-as far as recent surgeries have gone, this one seems to look very favorable right now. :)
Bailey knows something is amiss. She's been right by my side, as always. She LOVES velcro and this boot has 5 large Velcro pieces to keep the boot on. So far, she is behaving herself.:cool:
That's my update. I didn't want anyone worrying. Thanks again for all the well wishes!
molly muffin
10-08-2014, 05:07 PM
Hi Susan,
How is the foot doing? Are you boogieing around on that boot yet? It sounds like everything went fine with the surgery and they took good care of you. Happy to hear that.
Let us know how you are doing!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Hey Sus,
I too am sending hugs and healing thoughts. Hope you are ok.
marie adams
10-10-2014, 09:45 AM
Good Morning Mom,
How are you feeling? Have you felt like starting to knit our new sweaters? What are they going to look like huh huh tell us tell us????:D:D
I hope you get to enjoy the weekend!:)
Bailey's Mom
10-10-2014, 06:57 PM
More later.
Bailey's Mom
10-21-2014, 04:00 AM
I haven't forgotten y'all, nor have I disappeared off the face of the earth. Life seems to be keeping me very busy. All is well here. Foot recovery is proceeding very nicely. This may be my first surgery least in a LONG, LONG time, with no complications.
Bed time is unreal. If I don't get a handle on it soon, I'm going to find myself sick.
Night and love,
10-24-2014, 12:05 PM
Take care. Get well soon
molly muffin
10-28-2014, 07:41 PM
Hey Susan, how is recuperation going? Are you going to be rocking those dancing shoes soon?
Bailey's Mom
11-01-2014, 02:17 AM
Hi Sharlene-nice to hear from you. I went to the doc on Wednesday for my 4 week checkup and just the day before, the two pins that hold the bones together while they heal are sticking out of my toe -they became loose. Really loose. I pushed them back in but the doc is concerned I may have an infection. He's put me on antibiotics 3x/day and I go back next week. He was a little concerned of the amount of swelling, at this point, also. I'm still wearing the boot and I've had about enough of that!!-but I'm told I'll be wearing it at least 4 more weeks. Sigh. :(
I've started checking off chores that need to be done before we leave for FL. How can this be Nov 1st???? :eek::confused:
Bailey got groomed last week and something is really bugging her. I don't know if it is the shampoo that was used or what, but she is itching like crazy. You can see her skin crawl. I'm going to bathe her again tomorrow and see if that helps. Plus the gal cut her much too short. The next cut will be when we are in FL with the groomer we really like there.
I haven't had a chance to catch up on posts yet, but I'll go look and see how the trip to CA went for you. Well I hope.
I hope the entire family is well. Catch ya later!
molly muffin
11-01-2014, 11:20 AM
Oh no that doesn't sound good Susan! 4 more weeks! Dang you have the worst luck with surgeries.
Gosh is it time to go to Florida already? Welll, it must be, we have snow flurries this morning. :) Nothing that likely stick around or even to the ground, but still Flurries! So not ready for that!
California was wonderful! I do love it and miss it. Not just family but I love outside dining all year long, and ocean sounds and sensations. The landscape and just being there I guess. I have always loved it and always will. We had a wonderful party for my sister and brother in law and she was truly surprised when we showed up at the door. It was just great. Wonderful going to see my nephews son play football and just all the stuff that goes along with being at home with the family. *sigh* I'm ready to go back.
Take care of that foot! I hope it heals up soon
Oh, I wish I were in Florida, hurrah! hurrah!
Id get some sun and have some fun
Oh, FLORIDA here we come:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
11-07-2014, 02:05 AM
Blinking heck Addy, just checked in to see what Sus was up to and your BIG RED MESSAGE freaked me out haha
So where was I, yes how things going Sus? Looks like it is time for Florida again :) Hope that foot is better, don't like the sound of those wires poking out your foot... OWWWwwwwwwwww!! hope its doing well and healing up just fine! x
Bailey's Mom
11-07-2014, 02:50 AM
Hi Trish, Addy & Sharlene! :):):)
I went to the doc on Wednesday and I was freed from the boot. I now have a "shoe" which is more like a cheap sneaker with velcro. :rolleyes: I am finding that is slippery, so when I'm home I just wear a pair of slippers that I have that have firm, thick soles. Swelling has gone down. I go back in two more weeks, get an x-ray and he looks at it again. I'm still taking the antibiotics. :eek: He gave me 17 days worth and told me to finish them off. Wires came out last week. They were pushing themselves out. Swelling is not all gone, but is much less.
Say Addy----did you give any more thought to where you might go once the house sells? Like Sarasota????;);););)
Can you believe thanksgiving is less than 3 weeks away?? Boy I sure did not enjoy the summer as much as I should have. My own fault. :(:(
It's supposed to get very cold here on Saturday so I guess that means Addy and Sharlene will be wearing muffins, caps and mittens!
Trish-I just finished planting my bulbs. It's so weird to think someone is having them come up now. I wish I could go back to Keukenhof gardens. My cameras are all working now. I would love to get more pictures.
Well-take care you gals and stay warm. :)
11-07-2014, 03:12 AM
Oh my bulbs have flowered and died off now lol.... they long gone but all the roses are starting to flower and have some beautiful pansies and the like so lots of colour in the garden right now!!
Glad the wires are out, that's good news and your feeling more comfy!!
Sharlene and I were talking about a road trip and how we want to visit Addy in her lovely house so she is not allowed to go anywhere until we have been, we also want to go to Manhatten and see Barbara amongst many others!!! This might be news to them, talk about inviting ourselves hahaha But I think we will have to add Florida to the list for the lovely weather, now that would be fun :)
Bailey's Mom
11-07-2014, 06:32 PM
.... But I think we will have to add Florida to the list for the lovely weather, now that would be fun :)
Come on down!!! We'll be sure to have a nice sunny day when you come....or two or three.:D
Your tulips are over? That's so weird. I still have some roses blooming on a rose tree that we have, but I think tonight may be the end of that. It's 47 already and this is early evening. I went to the Kurkendorf site after I posted wishing I could go back. I longingly looked at the lovely pictures. One day I'll get back.
Time for dinner.
11-07-2014, 11:24 PM
Hi, I'm new and just reading your post. Baily is adorable, I'm happy for you.
Bailey's Mom
11-08-2014, 01:28 AM
Thanks, Cosmo's mom. She sure is, I humbly say. :D
She's been quite a trip, so to speak. She's a real sweetheart.
Have a safe trip Sus. I will be thinking of you and hope Bailey enjoys her Florida time.
We might have to delay the house sale, a big mess now with city water coming next June. We a re talking to a realtor again next week to see how this mess will affect our plans.
Right now it looks like, Florida, Chicago???? (hubby's idea) or staying here in Wisconsin.
Happy travels:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
11-10-2014, 03:28 AM
Hi Addy-
I don't leave for FL until 1/1 or 1/2. I'm here in freezing Bethany Beach winding up yard chores and desk work. We hang around until then so we can celebrate the holidays with Ryan. If he were to move away (I don't expect this) or go away to visit with Ellen's family, I think we might go earlier.
Sorry you seem to have run into a glitch in selling the house. :( The selling part always makes me nervous. :eek: I've only done it twice, though.
Belly rubs to Koko and hugs to you. :)
Now why did I think you were on your way? It must be the lack of oxygen to my brain from all this coughing:o:o:o:o
I am glad you will be with Ryan and Ellen for the holidays. I am hoping to my Thanksgiving as always and to bring my mom home. Not sure how this will all go, but hoping it works out.
I do hope you are feeling better.
Big hugs
Bailey's Mom
11-18-2014, 08:16 AM
Okay-who has the pink bubble wrap? Does Sharlene's BIL have it? Is there lots leftover? :rolleyes: One week ago I was heading up stairs. Still wearing the boot...I graduated to the little shoe, but I found it a bit unstable. Not that the boot isn't, but it's still better than the little shoe. I made it up 16 steps with a large beverage in each hand. Kind of tricky, but made it to the landing. Then there are 6 more steps to go. I went to step up on #1, boot hit the step, instead of stepping ON it, and I found myself going backwards. :eek::eek: Now I have 64oz. of beverages, total, in 2 cups and this would make a real mess were it to tumble over. :( I tried with all my might to regain my balance, but to no avail. When I came to a stop, I was head first, heading down those first 16 steps having thought to myself, I wonder when I'm going to stop going down? Well, it was down about 4 steps, where there is a curve in the staircase. Bob was not home. :( Bailey had been behind me following me upstairs. When I raised my head, I could see Bailey down at the bottom of the steps, thankfully she was quick to get safely out of the way, and she had the most unusual look on her face. She really looked worried. I assured her I was all right...that everything was fine. Fortunately no major damage. :) I did land on my left knee, the most recent of the replacements, and was concerned about that as it hurt for a couple of days. But it seems to be fine now and no longer hurts. In my attempt to regain my balance, and not spill all the liquid, apparently I landed on my butt first. I'm not exactly sure how I wound up on my side, going down head first.:confused::confused: Well, it's one week today and I am still the proud owner of a HUGE purple bruise that is truly the size of both my hands, if they were side by side. And it still hurts like something awful. Even turning over in bed it hurts. I wonder if the Guinness World Book of Records has one for largest bruise ever?
I go back to foot doc today. We will be discussing how it seems like the big toe has not changed its position much. I think there may still be an issue with it going either over or under the second toe. :mad: All of the swelling is not gone, so I am hoping he's going to tell me that once that subsides there will be that little space between the two toes. I'm also hoping to graduate to regular shoes. I had my sneaks on yesterday and everything felt great.
P.S. ALL of the liquid spilled and it was a REAL mess.:mad:
Bailey's Mom
11-18-2014, 08:18 AM
P.P.S.-I also see the knee doc today. He gave me a shot in the knee to see if it would help with the scar tissue pain and crunching. It's kind of hard to tell with the foot issue/boot going on, but I think it has really helped. :):) I'm going to see about seeing him in May, when we return from FL, to reassess the situation. :cool:
awwww Sus, I am so sorry to read about your accident. I guess holding the record for the largest bruise is better than having broken something.
I made hubby pound in solar lights around the gutter extension I tripped over last year so I would not repeat that episode.:o:o:o:o:o:o:o
As long as Bailey is ok and you have a bruise but nothing broken, I will count our blessings and send more pink bubble wrap asap
We are going to have to give you the nickname Bubble Girl Sus:):);)
What are your plans for turkey day?
Bailey's Mom
11-18-2014, 08:50 AM
Hi Addy-I'll keep an eye out for the bubble wrap.:)
Turkey day is a bit different this year....yet the same. Ryan will come down either Tuesday or Wednesday. We will all get in gear to get the Christmas decorating done, inside and outside. We have to do it when we can get Ryan's help. Thursday, Bob will do most of the cooking and I think we will have our traditional turkey dinner. Saturday we have to make a trip to PA for a luncheon that is being given to celebrate the wedding of one of the sons of Bob's cousin. It will be a round trip in one day. We will all go together in one car and depending on where we are with the decorating Ryan will go home either Sunday, or Monday. Ellen is going to spend a week at her folks. Unfortunately she and her Mom are at odds at the moment, so I'm not sure it will be too great a visit. Her mother is displaying a personality change....and it's not for the better. :( Bailey will get to spend overnight at doggie camp for Saturday > Sunday.
How 'bout you? Do you think your Mom will be able to make it? And how is she doing? I've not seen you write about her for a long time.
molly muffin
11-18-2014, 10:23 AM
Good gawd Susan! So glad you didn't break anything or damage that knee even worse, or well, I don't even like to think of the possibilities. Mailing you pink bubble wrap EXPRESS! You take care of yourself girlie!
Oh my, personality change! How weird is that, wonder what the dealio is on that. I'm sure Ellen will handle it fine, because of course she gets to come back to Ryan and family :) You can survive most things when you know they aren't long term. LOL
Got to run but you take care and no more two glass bobbling on the stairs!
Sounds like a nice holiday Sus. I am hoping my mom will be able to come. Thanks for asking. I have had physical therapy working with her for the last few weeks but she tires more easily and it is hard to get her around. The hardest is getting in and out of the car and we have few options for wheel chair taxi/vans. I remain hopeful though I do admit my mom is fading now.
Next year Kate will be in Spain so happy to have her home this year:D
Sometimes weddings can cause differences of opinions. Hopefully, Ellen's mom will get better. I am glad you will have Ryan. Take pictures and post them of the holiday decorations. I would love to see them. I think you should be the supervisor, though, no physical labor;)
Thinking of you and yours.
Bailey's Mom
11-18-2014, 10:42 PM
I remember you worrying last year about possibly losing both your Mom and Zoe. You Mom has done well, it seems. :) It's hard watching them fade. :(
Foot doc says as long as the bone is healing, I will continue to have swelling and he is confident I will have my little space between my toes when everything settles down. He has a small worry from looking at today's x-ray that there may be some infection in there. :eek: He doesn't think so, but he wants to know for sure, NOT. That means Monday I get to go to a different hospital which is an hour away from here and get a bone scan. I have to be THERE @6:45AM. They will take some of my blood, add something to it and give it back to me....then perform scan #1. An hour later they will perform scan #2. FOUR HOURS after that there will be a third scan. I'm going to take some audio books. He will have my results next Wednesday. He doesn't "expect" to find infection. I asked....what if you do? Then I will need to go on antibiotics for six weeks.....and it will have to be intravenous.....and I think he said daily. :confused::eek::( I told him that for now we would just assume there is nothing to worry about. I told him he was getting close to encroaching on my departure time for FL.
Then I went to knee doc. He was pleased that I am pleased. :) I asked again today and he told me that the shots, if they work, last anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. I told him I'd like to revisit the arthroscopic surgery possibility when I return in May. He wants to see me once before I go away. He's going to be on vacation for the last 3 weeks of December....which means I can't see him before 1/5. So it looks like a later than planned departure. He IS encroaching on my departure. :( And silly me, I had already purchased tickets for some shows, as a surprise for Bob, while we are there and the first one is on the fifth. So now I'm trying to resell those tickets. Maybe I'll make a profit!!! :D;)
It's 28 here and not even 11 yet. What is it in Wisconsin? Brrrrrr.
I think the high yesterday was 11. I bought a new down coat, good to-30. After last winter,I have no intention of freezing outside.
I had a steroid shot in my shoulder years ago and then had PT and my shoulder recovered nicely. I never had another issue with it. Maybe the shot lasts depending on what is wrong. I was going to get one in my arm that had the fracture last year. I sill have limited motion.
I hope the shot helps you a good long time.
That test sounds like no fun. I sure hope there is no infection.We will think positively.;):)
Always something. MY cough is a bit better after 3 months or more and today's newspaper had a report about a link to heart problems and asthma. I told hubby I have been saying that for a year now:rolleyes: I sure did nit need a study to tell me that:(
Have a great day.
Bailey's Mom
11-23-2014, 01:38 AM
I know this is long-but I thought it might help someone(s)-:
"Some of you, particularly those who think they have recently lost a dog to ‘death’, don’t really understand this. I’ve had no desire to explain, but won’t be around forever and must.
Dogs never die. They don’t know how to. They get tired, and very old, and their bones hurt. Of course they don’t die. If they did they would not want to always go for a walk, even long after their old bones say: ‘No, no, not a good idea. Let’s not go for a walk.’ Nope, dogs always want to go for a walk. They might get one step before their aging tendons collapse them into a heap on the floor, but that’s what dogs are. They walk.
It’s not that they dislike your company. On the contrary, a walk with you is all there is. Their boss, and the cacaphonic symphony of odor that the world is. Cat poop, another dog’s mark, a rotting chicken bone (exultation), and you. That’s what makes their world perfect, and in a perfect world death has no place.
However, dogs get very very sleepy. That’s the thing, you see. They don’t teach you that at the fancy university where they explain about quarks, gluons, and Keynesian economics. They know so much they forget that dogs never die. It’s a shame, really. Dogs have so much to offer and people just talk a lot.
When you think your dog has died, it has just fallen asleep in your heart. And by the way, it is wagging its tail madly, you see, and that’s why your chest hurts so much and you cry all the time. Who would not cry with a happy dog wagging its tail in their chest. Ouch! Wap wap wap wap wap, that hurts. But they only wag when they wake up. That’s when they say: ‘Thanks Boss! Thanks for a warm place to sleep and always next to your heart, the best place.’
When they first fall asleep, they wake up all the time, and that’s why, of course, you cry all the time. Wap, wap, wap. After a while they sleep more. (remember, a dog while is not a human while. You take your dog for walk, it’s a day full of adventure in an hour. Then you come home and it’s a week, well one of your days, but a week, really, before the dog gets another walk. No WONDER they love walks.)
Anyway, like I was saying, they fall asleep in your heart, and when they wake up, they wag their tail. After a few dog years, they sleep for longer naps, and you would too. They were a GOOD DOG all their life, and you both know it. It gets tiring being a good dog all the time, particularly when you get old and your bones hurt and you fall on your face and don’t want to go outside to pee when it is raining but do anyway, because you are a good dog. So understand, after they have been sleeping in your heart, they will sleep longer and longer.
But don’t get fooled. They are not ‘dead.’ There’s no such thing, really. They are sleeping in your heart, and they will wake up, usually when you’re not expecting it. It’s just who they are.
I feel sorry for people who don’t have dogs sleeping in their heart. You’ve missed so much. Excuse me, I have to go cry now.”
Oh Susan- thank you for sharing this. It is just a wonderful read and then to reflect on. :):):):):):):):):):):):) I love the thought that the thumping in my chest is Zoe!!!!!
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!! Turkey Day is almost here.
Bailey's Mom
11-28-2014, 02:12 AM
I thought you might like it, Addy.
Happy Thanksgiving. Ours was quiet and nice. Ryan is here through Monday and we're all busy decorating for Christmas. Bailey got some turkey......did Koko? Did it work out that your Mom was there? Enjoy your weekend.
Mom made it and did just fine. She was even reading the Black Friday ads in the paper. :):)
Kate and I bought new iPads and we're having fun setting them up together.
All in all it was a wonderful thanksgiving. I am grateful for having such a nice holiday with all my girls.
I love my new iPad air and may never go back to my old laptop. I was even able to download an app for a word processor. Totally cool stuff I never knew about until now.
Having Kate home was wonderful. We even did lunch Wednesday.
Did you take pixes of your decorations? I hope Bailey liked here turkey as much as Koko!
molly muffin
11-28-2014, 08:01 PM
yep, the ipad is handy dandy indeed. :)
So glad to hear that you had a good holiday and mom and kate where both there. How cool is that. :)
molly muffin
11-28-2014, 08:03 PM
Susan, got those decorations for Christmas up yet? :)
I'm having a hard time getting into the mood for it this year. Haven't decorated at all yet, not sure how much I'll do. Things just seem off for some reason. Hoping the spirit kicks in soon. :)
We're planning for a quiet weekend. Maybe get my hair done.
Hope you are having fun. Is Bailey helping decorate?
11-29-2014, 03:04 PM
Hi Susan
Is that foot coming right, hope the antibiotics do the trick! Sounds like you are having a nice few days of holiday with your boy home to help with the decorating. Mum loves Christmas but we usually put our decorations up on her birthday which is the 16th Dec. But this year it is her big 80th so we are going to go around next weekend and help them so the house is all amazing for her party which we are holding on the 13th! I have ordered a cake to be decorated like a garden and even with a little Elle (her Siamese) and a Flynn playing in the middle of it :):D Exciting, love parties and lots of family coming to town to help her celebrate so we are looking forward to it! :D
Addy, glad your Mom made the party too!! That's awesome, sounds like you had a fun day with Kate home playing with the ipads... sometimes I think I underutilise mine not knowing all the ins and outs of it haha... love it though but still use the lappy when I am posting as typing on the ipad still turns into txt talk for me to try and cut corners :D I do use the forumrunner app on the ipad to check out the forum. It used to have a few glitches with crashing but I think upgrades have sorted those out and I have not had a problem there in months, highly recommend it!
Hope your weekends are going well and Sharlene your getting a chance to chill out in the hairdressers chair!! You need it after all the goings on in your life lately!
Group hugssssssssssssssssssssssssss xxxxx :D
How many more sleeps till Santa !!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
and she had nary a present in sight to wrap, no the wee lass was a tad late with her shopping.:o:o:o:o:o
BIG SIGH;):rolleyes:
don't know what I will do this year Sus- maybe shop Christmas Eve!!!!
yikes I am behind!!!
molly muffin
12-04-2014, 07:24 PM
You won't be alone addy. I'll be out there Christmas Eve this year too the way I am going. Normally I am almost done by now. This year haven't even started. Argh!!!!!
Susan how are you doing with the Christmas shopping?
I don't even have house decorated. I know you are well ahead of me on that front. LOL
Bailey's Mom
12-05-2014, 01:59 AM
Hi gals! Sorry I haven't been more active on here. Once I get to FL I will have more time.
Thanksgiving was very nice. Bob cooked the dinner. It tasted great as it always does. Ryan came up on Tuesday night and stayed through Monday. We got the tree up and decorated. We haven't done the rest of the decorating yet. I think that will happen tomorrow. No pictures yet but when I do take some I will post a couple. A neighbor sent me an email raving about how the front of our house is decorated. That was sure an ego booster. :D:D:)
On Saturday of that weekend, we did a day trip to PA to attend a post wedding celebration lunch. It was Bob's cousin's son and the guests were all Bob's Mom side of the family. It was nice to get to see them. Lots of them were congratulating Ryan on becoming the "next one."
Now the foot-Trish. Well, the foot feels pretty good...although it does seem a tad more tender lately. That may be from over doing it, though. The doc takes X-rays ever time I see him (every two weeks) and the last time I saw him he showed me the X-ray and pointed to a spot which shows up whiter. He feels fairly confident it is just the bone re-knitting itself but he wants to be positively sure there is not an infection going on in there. I do too. I've heard of cases where people got infections from surgeries unrelated to the knees and it made it so that they had do have their knees replaced. YIKES!!!!! So he sent me for a bone scan last week. We had to get there at 6:45AM. That meant getting up at 4AM as it is an hour away. They took some of my blood and sent it out for "spinning." That separated the white cells from the red cells. They returned with my white cells, added something radioactive to them, and gave them back to me. Then we had to wait 3 hours for those little cells to move on down to the foot....or just disperse within my body. White blood cells are the healing blood cells, so they rush to any infection they detect. So @ 2PM we could finally do the bone scan. Really nice people in this hospital, so it made for a pleasant visit. The scan took an hour and we were finally done @3PM.
Doc called me earlier this week and said the scan was inconclusive. Arghhhhh. Now I have to go to another hospital which is even further away and go through the same general thing, including getting there by 6:45AM. It is a more specialized test. That happens on Tuesday. The spoooky thing is that if there IS infection, I then have to have daily intravenous antibiotic shots for 6 weeks. I told the doc he was encroaching on my FL time.:mad: So that's where that sits. I looked this morning and there was a very small little pinkish area. I sure hope the next scan comes back negative.:confused::confused::(
Bailey got some turkey and was very happy. She's going through another itching phase. I wish I could help her more.
Ryan and Ellen come up next weekend (13th) and we're going to celebrate Ellen's birthday and Bob's birthday. Bob is the 11th and Ellen was the 28th.....while she was out in Colorado.
Addy-the pickles are back at Pier 1! :) I picked up one which I'm going to give to Ellen and Ryan to start them off with an ornament collection for whenever they have a tree....if they do.
Oh-shopping and wrapping. Definitely no wrapping done. I'm done shopping for Bob and Ellen. Still need to do Ryan's stuff. The wrapping card table will go up after Ryan and Ellen leave next weekend. We use the smallest bedroom as our wrapping room. That way it's out of sight and all the stuff you need is right there.
Well-that's my latest chapter in my book for you. I hope you're all staying warm. What are the temps where you are now Trish? Balmy? I think maybe one year we will go down to FL earlier and fly back for the holidays. This below freezing stuff and gray skies are why we got that condo! Sure wish I could be there. Soon.
Love & hugs,
12-05-2014, 04:26 AM
Hi!! Always a bit embarrassed to say our temperatures when you are all freezing your butts off, but has been up and and down.. I have had both the air conditioner and heater going at various times this week! Wish it would make its mind up... hopefully warmer as it is now officially summer!!
Certainly party time here too, been out for a few Christmas drinkies with work colleagues tonight, very pleasant it was!! Big birthday next weekend, then will be Christmas before we know it. I have I think 3 small gifts, that I have brought through the year... Hmmmm but need about 20 presents so behind on that as well. One of the streets in town does this big fun shopping night with nibbles and wine in all the stores... it is on the 10th, so think with a wine or two on board the shopping might flow a bit easier haha.. that is the plan anyway.
So frustrating getting ambiguous results from your scan. Hope the next one gives you a definitive answer and that you do not need the extended course of IV ABs, pffft that really will mess with Christmas!!
My office at work is near our fabulous receptionist, she is a real festive kinda girl and spent 6hrs decorating her reception area, it really looks a picture, flashing lights, tinsel, tree, sparkly balls hanging everywhere on the roof... we not allowed to turn the lights on in there as she going for a Santas Cave kinda look!!! She said the music will be going on next week, oh joy!!! She also said I should get into the spirit and decorate my office, so I did my bit and dutifully put up my ONE decoration, a red glass heart on a ribbon and sellotaped it to my door... she told me I was pathetic hahaha :D:D:D :p
Girls, we should have a Christmas Party here one day :D:D:D I will bring the bubbles, Sharlene and Addy always have tasty food so will leave that up to them!!!!
I'm still laughing at the dancing dog video, so is hubby!
Merry Christmas Sus, I want to hear all about it
molly muffin
12-25-2014, 08:14 PM
Merry Christmas Susan! Hope you are having a great time over the holidays.
molly muffin
01-03-2015, 09:43 AM
Are you in Florida yet? how about now? Hope if you aren't you that you'll be heading that way soon.
Bailey's Mom
01-04-2015, 10:11 AM
Happy New Year all my wonderful friends!! I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas and is having a great start to 2015.
Our Christmas was very nice. A bit quiet, but I've come to like that. Ryan was here for a full 5 days which was especially nice. Ellen went to Colorado to be with her folks. Next year they will start going together to one place for Christmas and the other place for Thanksgiving. I put in a request for Christmas, if it makes no difference to them. This year we were appreciating all the wonderful Christmases the three of us have had together....and looking forward to having Ellen join us in the future.
FINALLY got the results of the second bone scan and all looks well. Doc just wants me to come by in May, when we return, to give him a look-see.
Remember my fall? On the stairs? Well, it seems to have bothered that knee. I went a got it checked out last week and they tell me it looks fine. My guy was on vacation, but I went in so they could take an X-Ray and he'd have it to look at when I see him next Tuesday. What the gal told me was that when you injure/bruise knee replacements it can take up to 12 weeks for the swelling and discomfort to subside. I am seeing the doc to discuss having arthroscopic surgery done, after the wedding. I'm pretty sure I want to go ahead with that. I just have too much scar tissue that is grinding around in there.
We are still in DE. We were planning on leaving next Wednesday, but then I got sick. I'm much better but today Bob seems to be coming down with it. We don't have a schedule we need to stick to, so we are just going to get ourselves well, finish getting things taken care of and go when we feel it's right. We are supposed to get an Arctic blast this week. It's already been mostly gray and yucky weather. My bones are talking to me....telling me that they need to be in FL!!:eek:
Bailey is itching like mad. We are trying different antihistamines. She needs grooming, but I'm waiting to do that in FL. They do such a nice job there.
I started growing my hair when R&E announced their engagement. I've had the same hairstyle, mostly, for 40 years. I thought it might be nice to show up in a picture with SOMEthing different. So far so good. It has not been bothering me and it actually seems a tad easier to deal with....but it IS getting to the point I really want to go through with this?? Not shooting for anything specific yet. Just letting it all grow.
Thanks guys for checking in with me even though I've been absent. It's always nice to know you haven't given up on me!! I've just been really busy and busy seeing docs and testing places.
Stay warm ...except for you, Trish. You should stay cool! Once in FL I will be able to once again catch up on all your tales and fun times.
I was about to send out the search and rescue team to find you:)
Did you have the flu? The CDC said it has reached epidemic levels:eek: I hope Bob feels better soon. Im thinking of wearing a bottle of hand sanitizer around my neck.
I am sorry to hear about Bailey still itching. I was hoping it was seasonal. Does she itch in Florida? Maybe the change will help.
The artic blast is aleady here and heading your way. I'm trying not to listen to the forecast. Ignorance can sometimes be bliss and keep a girl warm.
Pictures of the new hairdo requested. Kate and I and my daughter all went yesterday for a spruce up. It was fun. The new stylist puts curls in my hair. I kind of like the look. I sure can't do it myself though.
Big hugs Sus, have to go finish dinner for hubby. Hope no more surgery is required for you.
Bailey's Mom
01-05-2015, 03:31 AM
Howdy Addy!:)
No-not the flu, thank goodness. Just a head cold with bad cough....but it looks like it is going to make a relatively early exit. Boy were my ribs sore from coughing!:eek:
Last year when we went to FL, Bailey's itching stopped.....for two months. Then it started again. Hopefully she'll get a reprieve this year as well.
The hairdo is a problem. The wedding being on Memorial Day, means it's going to be hard to find someone working that day. I do have a friend, who has been invited to the wedding (well.....invited to save the date.......) and she checked with where she gets her hair done back home, which is very near where the wedding will be held, and they say they will be open. Don't know how I'm going to work this all out. The gal in FL is a whizz and does a great job, so I'll have her try some new ideas.....then take pictures of those. I feel like I should go for a "dry run" at the place I think I'll use. Unfortunately I am talentless when it comes to curling irons.....but I'm going to work on that in FL.
This is going to be a very laid back wedding, it sounds like. I'm sure it will all be fine. It's just very different from how ours was and how any have been that we've attended in recent years. I'm just trying my best to be very supportive....and so far it has worked.
Working on paperwork still.....and waiting for Downton Abbey to rerun @4AM. I watch the Good Wife when DA is on.....and we don't have a DVR. We may have to rethink that!
Have a great Monday! I've missed our chats. :(
A dry run for the hairdo is a good idea. A laid back wedding is just fine, it is their day so good you are being supportive. As long as they are happy with their day, that is important.
I hope Bailey stops itching in Florida. Allergies are so darn hard to figure out, even with humans, what works and what does not.
It was minus six degrees this am, poor Koko did not poo until 11:00am! Wednesday is to be really bad, I'm not sure the old Mazda will start after work. It barely did tonight. Yuck, this darn cold. Someone on the radio said they would much rather deal with heat than with cold and I think I agree.
I miss our chats too Sus. I'm not sure what the heck is wrong with me, I can't seem to string more than a few words together since Zoe died. I'm trying though:);)
Stay warm!
Bailey's Mom
01-06-2015, 12:08 PM
Well, Addy-the cold arctic blast has arrived! And a slight dusting of snow, as well. It's kind of pretty-although if it's going to snow I'd rather it REALLY snow. Ot was 20 when I went to bed-not sure if that was the low or not. That's plenty cold. And for the last trip outside, Bailey seemed to want to linger around and "smell the roses." Brrrrr.
Have a great Tuesday!
Ha, the artic blast went to visit your neck of the woods and left some remnants behind. Tomorrow is to be the worst of it, bitter cold below zero here. Move over, I'll ride down to Florida with you:)
If Bailey is like Koko, there won't be much pooing going on in this awful cold, Bailey will save it for Florida.
molly muffin
01-06-2015, 07:53 PM
We have it here too Addy and same thing, tomorrow is suppose to be worse than today, with temps falling ever further. Brrrrrrr
See, this is the stuff you want to miss Susan!!! Go south young lady, go south!
Took molly 3 walks to be able to do a poop yesterday. :( Poor thing was having a horrible time of it out in the cold and the wind and snow and salt. Ugh!
huggers gals
Bailey's Mom
01-08-2015, 06:36 PM
Okay ladies....for your viewing pleasure I have added two pictures. :cool:
It looks like we will be able to get away early Saturday AM for our long drive south. This cold blast has convinced me that I'm crazy to still be here! Bailey is freshly bathed and combed out and eager to go. I'll check back in from sunny, warm FL next week. :D
All aboard who want to tag along!! :):)
molly muffin
01-08-2015, 07:19 PM
I am already in hidden in the corner pocket of the big suitcase! Hhahahaha cannot stand this cold! go south, go south!!
Hmmm let's see, we had -8 this morning, 40 mile an hour wind gusts, 5 inches of snow and counting, yup save me a place in the car, even if it is in the trunk, I'm ready:)
Bailey's Mom
01-16-2015, 12:03 AM
Well, we're here. We left 19 degrees, exactly the same as last year, and arrived with 78 on our first full day here. Unfortunately we had no internet or tv before this afternoon. Just a minor glitch that is now cleared up. Verizon wins the prize on trying my patience!!
Bailey has an appt to get groomed tomorrow. She settled right in once we got here. She traveled well, but day #2 seemed a bit long to everyone.
I hope everyone is well. I'll catch up with your news later.
Ahhhh, sunny, warm days filled with bliss:):):):):)
Just what the doctor ordered. You can practice your dance moves for the wedding at the club.
Glad to hear Bailey was a trooper and traveled well. She will be all spiffy with her new groom. Pictures, please, oh and beach pictures if possible of the sun and surf!!!
molly muffin
01-16-2015, 04:59 PM
Dreams, just dreams for us up here in the cold. bbbbbrrrrrrrr
Huggers, glad you had a safe trip down.
Hi Sus, hope you and Bailey are enjoying sun and fun:D
How are her itches?
Not much new here, trying to touch up all our painted woodwork:(
At least Koko and I got a walk in,
Have you had any nice dinners at the club house, met any new neighbors?
I forgot which complex you are in so I can go look at pictures on line.
Living vicariously through you, he, he he.
Bailey's Mom
01-30-2015, 10:44 AM
Stoneybrook Golf & Country Club
Hi Addy-
I am happy to report we are still in the "grace period" and Bailey is not itching much at all. We just gave her a bath last night. There seems to be a definite plus to bathing her more often.
We have had plentiful sun but it has been a tad chilly. We do get occasional days where it makes it up to mid 70's. (Of course, I know you would rather have my "chilly.") It's fine actually because it has allowed me to take care of odds 'n ends.
We've only been to the clubhouse once-and that was for the prime rib dinner. I'm not sure why we haven't been more often. We're going to have to pick up the pace in February.
We have indeed met new-to-us neighbors. Bailey provides a welcoming invitation to anyone with either two or four feet, except for alligators. We have seen a couple of alligators and the ones we've seen have been huge. No sighting of "Pat" yet-the one we see most often out the back view.
I'm going to try out a new-to-me nail place today. Plus I need to make an appt with the hairdresser.
Ryan & Ellen are coming down for 6 days in mid-February. That's great. I didn't think they'd stay that long. I guess Ryan liked it here last year. :)
I look in on you often. (so to speak) I am delighted that Carrol has rejoined us. She asked if I still had her red sweater and I told her I not only had the red one but that we had added a blue one.
I forgot to let you know that we spent some bucks on the non-basement and it is now drier than ever. They also put a thermometer down there and when it's 30 something outside, it's 65 in the non-basement. I had no idea.:eek: So if we ever lose our heat, we could all go down in the non-basement and be pretty comfortable (compared to 30 something!)
01-30-2015, 04:02 PM
Hi Sus
Have not checked in here for a bit, so pleased to read you are relaxing in the sun and enjoying life down there. Lovely the kids are coming for a visit in Feb.... gosh January gone already, how did that happen!! I think Addy should pack Koko in a little bag and come down for a visit, you two would have a blast and make us all jealous!! Honestly everytime I read about your alligators I shudder, I could not do it would be imaging them breaking into the house at night and would not get a wink of sleep! lol xx
Bailey's Mom
01-31-2015, 01:36 AM
Hi Trish!
Good to hear from you.
I know what you mean about the alligators. I try to just not think about them......and to stay far from any I see.
It's made up for by the birds that are around here. Lots of different kinds....big and small. I stay away from the big ones of those, too!
Hope you have a great weekend!
Bailey's Mom
03-30-2015, 07:01 PM
I've been among the missing, I know. If you look @Bailey's album you'll see a picture showing what I've been up to.
We are heading back to BB on April 27th. The weather here is so absolutely gorgeous, so I have mixed feelings. However in another 30 days I expect I will long to escape the's just that I hear it's still very much winter in BB.
Regarding the picture-the parents had the little baby shortly after we arrived here. They come by our lanai two or three times each day. It has been magnificent watching the baby grow. The baby hangs real close to one of them, usually, and they go digging for food and when they find some, the baby gets it. It's so cute! The baby looks so intently at the one doing the digging to see if it comes up with something to eat or is "empty beaked." Baby does some digging too, but I'm not sure how proficient he/she is at it just yet.
More later.
molly muffin
03-30-2015, 07:28 PM
Great to hear from you Susan.
Not sure what it is doing in BB, but here we have snow flurries tonight. *sigh* The good part is they won't stick around as they will melt tomorrow if they stick. But still it is cold at night.
Hopefully by the end of April, it will be warmer. I think it will be at least not freezing any longer.
Awww, the baby crane is so cute. I can see how you'd just love it when it comes by for a visit so often too.
It does sound like you are having a wonderful time and that is what is important. Getting out, enjoy life to the fullest. Good for you!
Don't be a stranger now!
We're gearing up in full wedding mode here. We have 2 weeks. ACK!!!
Bailey's Mom
04-13-2015, 05:57 PM
Hi Molly-
Well, did the wedding just happen, or is it gong to happen this coming weekend? I did not realize one was in the works. I went back and caught up on your pages. Ryan's wedding is now 6 weeks away.
We head back home in just under 2 weeks. We're not anxious to go, but we're "ready." The baby crane still comes around and his/her feathers have not turned to gray yet. She is up to the shoulders of the parents. We've seen a couple of other cranes around, so hopefully we'll get to enjoy them for years to come. I looked up what cranes do when sleeping and learned they stand on one leg, with their heads tucked under one of the wings. They stand usually in a little bit of water.
Alligators have become a mystery. We saw loads of them for about a 3 week period. Now it's really hard to find one. The Florida everglades is having a serious problem with pythons. They are not native to the area, but are let loose by people who get them and then realize they cannot take care of a 17 foot snake. The deer population is scarce and they are after lots of other wildlife. Bob read of one python that ate an alligator and exploded from eating it. (YAY!)
The weather has been scrumptious. April is running above average, but that's so much better than the 50 degrees they have at BB. I have been told, however, that our grass will need cutting soon. Spring is on the way there! It's going to be a real culture shock going from lush growth to trees budding out.
We still have 3 shows to attend. Roberta Flack, Diana Krall, and Chris Botti. The theater here is amazing. It's been recently redone and is a very pretty structure with an ideal spot for watching the sun go down.
Belly rub to Molly. Bailey is well and the scratching seems to be improved.
molly muffin
04-14-2015, 09:43 PM
Hi Susan,
We just had the wedding this weekend. It was beautiful and exhausting. :)
We were all tired by the end of sunday night. Recovery time I now know is very important to figure into the equation. :)
Sounds like it has been lovely there this winter. Nasty ole pythons. I just saw a program on tv about them in the everglades. grrrrrr
I think I am still in recovery mode actually. Hubby said he needed a 3 week vacation after this past weekend. LOL
Bailey's Mom
04-24-2015, 01:00 AM
Well, we are starting to pack/assemble things to return to BB. I am going to post a couple of pictures of a Sand Hill Crane family that has been visiting us a couple of times every day while we've been here. I will so miss seeing them.
Bailey gets groomed tomorrow...I will try to post a current picture of her then.
Bailey's Mom
04-24-2015, 10:00 AM
Okay....WHERE IS THAT PINK BUBBLE WRAP??!! I had another fall. Trying to get to my seat in a theater, patron did not stand up to let us by, lost my balance.......the rest is history. I have a 2" x 3" gash taken out of my arm-just as if I used a potato peeler. Ow.
molly muffin
04-24-2015, 04:17 PM
oh my gosh Susan!
Fedexing the pink bubble wrap pronto!!!!!
be safe
04-24-2015, 05:45 PM
Golly Susan!!! :( :( :(
Maybe we need to send some plastic peanuts along with the bubble wrap. :o :o
Heal quickly, OK?
I'll send my red sweater to cover up the wound.
I can't believe it is time to head back to be, the winter flew by.
I have been checking in but never have time to sit down and write, a whirlwind of chores and workmen here.
I hope spring is better in bb than here, very cold and wet with a rare sunny, warm day. Though my hostas will most likely be huge!
Lots of love
04-25-2015, 05:57 PM
Honestly Susan, you should have stepped on his toes and fallen all ladylike in his lap!! Serve him right for not being polite. Grrrrrrrr I am going to the movies this arvo, want to see the 2nd marigold hotel one... I will be verrrry careful getting to my seat :D:D
Hope it is healed up in time for the wedding, glad you did do any bony injuries though. Hope you get home ok and the packing is not too onerous! Wow that wedding is coming up so soon, puts for Bailey and more bubble wrap for you!! x
Bailey's Mom
05-03-2015, 01:27 PM
Hi Trish-
Did you see 2nd marigold hotel? We want to see that, we loved the first one... but it has come and gone. Was 2 as good as 1? I'll have to catch it on Netflix.
Made it home fine. Weather was mostly good. It was weird to watch as spring went in reverse the further north we got. Here in BB the pines are just still growing their candles. We were through with all that in FL. Needless to say the temperature has been an adjustment. We were used to it consistently being in the low to mid 80s. Here we're seeing 40s and 50s....I think the warmest it has gotten is very low 70s. I already told Bob I want to come back later into May next year. I found a guy to cut our grass and he did a great job and is super cheap. I may even sign him up for the summer! Grass cutting is the only thing that won't wait for us to return.
Arm is still pretty painful. :( It still has one little dot that continues to bleed. It looks way better today than it did two days ago. Now it seems to want to itch a lot. I guess that's a good sign, but since I can't scratch it, it's going to drive me crazy. I'm going to try to leave it uncovered for just a bit today. I've kept it covered with Neosporin. At least it seems to be healing and is not scabbing.
Bob and I found some really cool sandals-they look like they're covered in diamonds-for the wedding.;) I needed to find some shoes for after the actual service, but I think these may work for the entire gig. They just put a big ol' grin on my face. I tried the dress on again yesterday and it still fits fine.
Hot tub is open for the season. Still need to scoop some gunk out of there that was down in the pipes, but I should get that done today. Then I am IN THERE! :D
Are leaves dropping down your way? I totally missed my hyacinths and just caught some gorgeous new tulips that I planted from last year's trip.
We picked up our annuals, so I must get outside to get them planted. Just 5 pots...that's all we do any more. Big pots, but pots.
molly muffin
05-03-2015, 08:21 PM
Hi Susan,
I am planning to catch the second marigold hotel on netflex too I think. I loved the first one also.
yep, just keep it covered with neosporin so it doesn't get infected and hopefully it will be cleared up soon. Itching is a good sign, even if it does drive you nuts. LOL
That temperature change would be a huge shock to the system. Brrrrr
We have had some really nice weather lately. Have the pool opened up, although not quite ready for swimming yet. Will give that another week or two. We've been getting our deck and other flower baskets set up this weekend. Next weekend we'll do some more in the actual garden. I need to divide a few plants.
Oh the sandals sound lovely Susan. yea, maybe you won't have to change shoes for the reception after all.
Hope you are having a lovely weekend.
Bailey's Mom
05-04-2015, 01:53 AM
Hi Sharlene!
It's so nice to hear from you-as always.
Geez-I finally got used to the keyboard in FL and now that I'm back home, I'm going to have to adjust all over again. Ergonomic keyboard vs. run of the mill keyboard.
We could not pot all our plants. We use self-watering containers and I'm missing the hydro cloth I need to put in the bottom of them. That wicks up the water, so you don't have to water so often. But we got one pot done and our hibiscus is potted. We put alyssum around the base of that each year, to add some interest, then in late fall I just let it go-winter over in the pot -and then come spring I have new little alyssum plants popping up. So we had to sneak the hibiscus in so as not to lose our little alyssum starters.
Looks like hot tub may need a draining and a restart. The water isn't looking too great. I hate having to refill it right after filling it. I am eager to get into it. That's probably tomorrow's's supposed to be warm and sunny the next two days and I need to work on my tan for the wedding!
Must get to bed. I'm not being very good about going to bed on time. I need to correct that!:mad:
Have a great Monday!
Bailey's Mom
05-04-2015, 01:56 AM
Hi Addy and Marianne-
I just wanted to thank you both for your empathy for my arm mess. It is nice to hear from you both. I'd rather not have an injury be the cause for contact, however.:o
I finally could air it out for a short while today. It is much improved over two days ago....I was getting concerned I might have an infection, but I think it's okay.
Hugs and such,
molly muffin
05-05-2015, 09:41 PM
Hi Susan,
I'm not always good about getting to bed when I should either. I pay for the next day as work starts and doesn't wait for me to feel like being there. hahahaha
We have the drip lines for the container plants that comes on once a day. I think it's the only way my container plants survive as I am horrible about taking manually watering them.
Oh that sucks that you just get it filled and then have to drain the hottub, but in the end it is worth it.
We'll probably have the pool ready for swimming in a week or two, so that will be nice as the weather gets warmer and the humidity finds it way up here.
Got to run, molly wants her walk NOW
Did I miss the wedding.:o
Bailey's Mom
05-19-2015, 01:47 AM
No indeedy you did not. It is Monday at noon. It will be held at the National Audubon sanctuary in Chevy Chase, MD. You can get a glimpse of it online. It's called Woodend. They hope to have it outside and it looks like the weather may cooperate-although be a bit hot. :cool:
I am more excited than either of them.:D:) I love my dress. :D Bob and I found some really neat sandals/heels to go with it.:D:D My hair has all grown out and is hanging on my shoulders. ;)
Ryan and I will have "our dance" -a slow one - and that will morph into a second dance-if you check this link out with Ellen and Michelle Obama, you'll see what I hope that will look like.
I still need to do more practicing. It's going to be a surprise to all the guests....and even though I mentioned it to Bob, I don't think he has any idea. It will be so cool if it works out!
Ryan and Ellen seem to be handling the stress very well. They are amazingly on top of things and have gone to great lengths to make this a family affair......a celebration. We go over on Saturday AM. Saturday evening we will spend with Ryan as Ellen's family is planning an anniversary celebration for her parents. I'm glad we'll get some time with him before all the fuss starts. Sunday-her folks are having a "picnic." It's hot dogs and fruit plates. The hot dogs are supposed to be something special. There is not a rehearsal, other than verbal, so there is no rehearsal dinner. I have to be at the site by 9:15AM to get my hair done. I think I'm going to have to get up at 5 or so in order to get myself ready and all put together. It's going to be a LONG day!!
I'll let you know how it all goes.....hopefully one day next week. We're not sure the exact day we are returning. Ellen and Ryan are going to honeymoon in the fall and in two weeks they are moving into a new apartment. If we can help get ready for the move, we will stay Tuesday.
I better go get some beauty sleep!;)
Bailey's Mom
05-19-2015, 01:55 AM
I don't know who has pups with the itchies, but Bailey does. The vet in FL gave me some pills that are really hard to get ahold of.....the demand has been so very high they just can't make enough. They are called Apoquel. I have to be stingy with them, but they work great! My vet here in DE could only offer to put me on a waiting list for the waiting list. The vet in FL sold us 15.....we are to use 1/2 pill per day. He told me he would mail me some more if I found they worked and I was running out.
Just wanted to pass along that info in case anyone has itching issues.
05-22-2015, 05:16 PM
Hi Sus... well the wedding should be over... hope it went fab and you did not trip up during "the dance"!
I have that apoquel for Flynn, it sure appears to be a super drug! But we have the same supply issues even way down here. My vet said it can be easier to get it for dogs that are already on it, so maybe you might be able to get more. I only give it when he gets the itchies, he was off it for about six months before it came back, usually preceded by a flea bite. I also break the pills and give him just a quarter and that also seems to do the trick. My vet advised me to eke them out when we did not have much. Think I am down to my last 10 of so pills, he is having a bit of an itchathon lately so he is on them now. It is good to have an option that has no steroid in them eh!
molly muffin
05-22-2015, 05:43 PM
Oh yes, the wedding! We want details!!! How did it go, how was the dance? I bet it was beautiful!
Yea, I've heard that stuff is wonderful for the doggie itchies. I'd call the vet in Florida and get some more right away. It really is so hard to get that if you find one who can, go for it!
05-22-2015, 06:10 PM
Hey guys, Sus will correct me of course, but I think the wedding is this coming Monday (Memorial Day)? Either way, coming or gone, I'm sending giant celebratory hugs. (And see, it didn't even take an injury to get me to write this time! ;) :) :)).
molly muffin
05-22-2015, 06:29 PM
Ohhhhh Memorial day. Right, that makes sense, long weekend! D'oh!
Bailey's Mom
05-22-2015, 10:53 PM
Trish-the wedding is Monday. I still have time to trip up!!;):D:D
Bailey's Mom
05-22-2015, 10:57 PM
Marianne you have it exactly right. We leave tomorrow morning (Sat) to go over for the festivities.
You're right!! No injury so far. And the area on my arm from the theater fall will look fine, I think, if I put some foundation on it.
Have a great weekend!!
Bailey's Mom
05-22-2015, 10:59 PM
Sharlene-nice to hear from you. I've had no time to check in here, but I will make time next week! I hope Molly is doing well.
Checking in to hear all about the wedding and to let you know I am thinking of you. I hope you danced the night away and I want pixes, especially of your long hair!
Bailey's Mom
05-27-2015, 09:32 PM
Hi gang!-
Well-guess what??!! I did not fall. Not once!!
The wedding was perfect. It was low 80s and took place in a wooded area. There were open spaces, rooms for some games and fun had by all. Ellen looked absolutely gorgeous. She always does. Everything went perfectly. I know of nothing that went wrong. The speeches were very moving. First Ryan's best man. Then Ellen's Dad. Then a friend of Ellen's. Then Bob. Then Ryan. They all did so well and there were several places where tears were evident among the guests.
I will post some pictures as soon as I can.
Bailey's Mom
08-12-2015, 09:00 PM
Hi gals-
I'm just stopping by while I"m on here to say a quick "hello!"
Bailey is still a challenge. She only plays half of fetch.....she brings it back, but not to me.....she goes several feet away and sits with it. She has caught the hang to rope tug toys. That is a good game for a lot of entertainment.
She is still too protective of me and in the past couple of days it has been worse. We have to find a way to correct that. I didn't expect her to be, but she's not Palmer-nor like Palmer. She's 4 1/2 now....hard to believe. She does greet me each time I return as if she has not seen me for months! I may have been gone 1 hour and it's the same as when I go away for days.
We are using the Apoquel very sparingly. It does wonders to stop her itching. And I must say, she is with me no matter where I go here, for as long as I go. She will stay with me all night, if I am up for some reason. She is my "bud."
I hope everyone is well.
08-13-2015, 07:25 AM
Hi Susan! So good to see you and thank you for posting the wedding pics! They are wonderful :) and I meant to write about them clear back in May but better late than never, I guess. :o
Does Bailey seem to have any preference between her summer home and her winter home, or is it just a matter of having her own routines at both? It's funny how quickly they get used to settling in to their own little habits and patterns. Our older girl, Peg, can no longer handle stairs, so I've had to change the potty routine for both her and Luna (it's more involved now rather than just turning them loose to run out the backdoor into the fenced yard). But after just a couple of days, they both knew exactly what the new gameplan involved, and now Luna patiently watches from the window while I leashwalk Peg first at the front of the house before turning Lunie out on her own.
I am so glad to hear that the Apoquel is working so well for Bailey. We are just now starting to head into Peg's itchy season and I may very well ask our vet about using it, too.
Anyway, so glad to hear your update and I hope you all are able to enjoy these remaining weeks of summer. It has been very hot and dry for us, so I am ready for Labor Day to arrive and for autumn to begin!
molly muffin
08-13-2015, 09:48 PM
So great to see you Susan. Those wedding pictures are quite lovely.
So what have you been up to that is keeping you busy this summer?
Our summer has just been hectic it feels like and not even sure where it went really, just passed so quickly. Don't feel like we really enjoyed the summer this year at all.
One of my bestie friends bought a place in Florida this summer. She is really looking forward to getting to spend some time in one of her favorite places.
Don't be a stranger! Pop in every once in a while :)
Hi Susan, I have to check out the wedding photos but first wanted to say hi and give you hugs. I cannot believe Bailey is almost 4 1/2, it seems like only yesterday we were looking at puppy pictures and getting ready to pile in the car for the trip to fetch her and bring her home, where does the time go?
How are things in BB? How is your garden. So far I have not missed my garden, but we have been so busy, perhaps that is why. I do have room to plant some things, my front walk is lined with overgrown hostas and some bushes that are in desperate need of trimming.
We feel like we are in a vacation rental and sometimes wonder when we are going home, now with the new vehicle, it feels like we have a rental car:p
Enjoy your week
I love you and miss you.
Well dear friend, I guess it will be a few more years until we relocate to Fl, we just bought a condo a few blocks from our townhouse.
Well, we have to jump through all the hoops first but our offer was accepted.
I was sorry to hear you had been sick, you are not supposed to get sick in FL;) I have some stomach bug, hubby thinks it is nerves.
How was the cruise?
How is the family? And Bailey?
We are expecting some huge storm Tuesday, I will be regretting not moving to FL:D
Dang, I can't email tonight, not working.
Sorry to read about Little Miss, talk to you tomorrow
Bailey's Mom
02-05-2016, 10:11 AM
Bailey tore her cranial cruciate ligament, or CCL – similar to the ACL in humans. This ligament connects the back of the femur (the bone above the knee) with the front of the tibia (the bone below the knee). The CCL is responsible for keeping the tibia in place beneath the femur and stabilizing the knee joint. It may take two to three weeks before she is able to bear weight on the injured leg, and, in all cases, exercise is usually restricted for at least eight weeks to allow for adequate healing. Our veterinarian will be able to advise us about icing her knee and performing gentle range of motion exercises to help with her rehabilitation. Although this healing period can be a difficult time for Bailey and us, strict adherence to the veterinarian's recommendations will provide the best outcome and will be the quickest way to get her back on all fours.
So! She had surgery on both knees for her knee cap problem before she was one year old. She had to have that surgery repeated on both knees 8 months later. January 23, she turned five years old. As Bob said yesterday-when we were younger, people got dogs and they seemed to go to the vet only for regular vaccinations. How did we get here??!! Surgery is scheduled one week from yesterday. It has been 3 weeks since she injured her leg….while at the groomer. She limps and sometimes walks on 3 legs. She does not indicate that she is in any pain and she has not reacted when the vets have moved her leg around to check it out. We have had to keep her inactive for the past 3 weeks-not even going for walks. She just goes outside to take care of business and then comes right back inside. Needless to say, she doesn’t understand this lack of activity and why we are not playing with her. There is a 50/50 chance, since she injured this one leg, that she will later injure the other leg similarly.
So-we are looking at one week until surgery and then 8 weeks minimum of confined recovery. After she recovers, both Bob and I will check into the nearest mental health facility for the foreseeable future!! ;)
She has an apt for grooming on Monday to get her through the 8-9 weeks. A DIFFERENT groomer!!! :D
Poor girl, at least it is warm and not bitter cold.
Scared me to think playing around could cause the tear though as I watched Koko soaring through the air as he leaped from the middle of our bed to the chaise. :eek:
I think I need to find pink bubble wrap with puppies printed on it for Bailey.
Hi Susan,
How is Bailey doing? I hope you both are safe and well. Did she have the operation?
What's the latest news?
Bailey's Mom
03-03-2016, 04:57 PM
Hi Addy!
Bailey had her surgery on the 11th and is doing very well. She had her stitches taken out one week ago and the incision looks great. She occasionally moves along on 3 legs, but she is able to kind of limp on the sore leg. I misunderstood....I thought when the stitches came out we'd be able to start short walks. We cannot. We have to keep her restricted as we have been doing until the 8 week follow-up check up.
We were able to find this inflatable collar to use instead of the cone. It looks like one of those neck pillows like you might use in the car or on a plane. Her temporary collar is thread threw a couple of loops inside the collar. Then the whole thing slips around her neck and has Velcro for the closing at the front. She almost seems to like it. She never shies away, whereas the cone freaked her out. It seems to act similar to those thunder jackets. Keeps her from getting after either her stitches or the place where they inserted the IV. She and we are very frustrated with no play- no walks, no goofing around. I've begun giving her back scratches and that has become a favorite. I gave her a bath Tuesday night-first one since the surgery. She did very well.
I've been taking oil painting classes and making glass vases and platters. It has been lots of fun and I think it's something I'll do each year.
It sounds like you've found a new I have that right? You have been renting and now you'll go back to ownership? Is it near the one you are in?
I see Koko is adapting well wherever he goes. What a neat little guy. Has he adapted well to smaller surroundings?
Let's stay in touch!! :D
I'm so glad Bailey came through everything well and the inflatable collar sounds incredible, so glad she likes it. No activity for all those weeks must be hard, she will be a pistol when she is finally off restrictions.
How cool that you are taking oil painting classes, you have to show me. I would love that. I used to paint, still have my easel.
We sold our house in one day, freaked out and went out to rent anything that would allow Koko, most places here don't. We did not know what or where or anything. Well, long story short, I can't leave Mom and we don't want to keep paying these high rents so we have been looking for a condo. This one is in another town, further north.
Koko loves the townhouse we rent, I think more than our house, always something going on so he is not bored.
I hope he likes the new condo but it is stair less and he loves running up and down the stairs. The house did not have stairs either, who knew? He also is best friends with the neighbor cat.
It has been a long haul with hubby and ihis back but he is better so I hope that continues, he is still on a low dose of Gabapentin.
When do you return to BB?
Bailey's Mom
04-09-2016, 04:52 AM
Hi friends!
I just wanted to let you know that Bailey has been released from medical care for her torn crucial ligament. The doc is very pleased with how well she's doing. She still cant chase a ball, but we are starting walks, twice daily, for roughly 10 minutes each and it is going well, so far. :D
The faster she walks, the more likely she is to use only 3 legs, but the vet said that is the last thing to return to normal and that it will take awhile. I watched her as she4 walked this afternoon and her gait is different. The left leg doesn't line up with the other legs and is kind of leaning off to the left. I think she needs a wheel alignment (paw alignment?) As she gets stronger hopefully all that stuff will work itself out. :)
We head north in 3 weeks. I so wish we didn't have to go back yet. They have been having hard freezes and we have gotten used to upper 70's with low humidity. Well-spring finally arrived here and I expect it will makes its way up to DE as well.
Just sayin'...........
Go Bailey, you are free:)
I imagine it will take some time to build up those muscles and I hope Bailey's recovery goes smoothly now that she is able to be out and about. Hopefully in 3 weeks, all sleet, snow and ice will be banished from BB. We are to have snow or freezing rain tonight again and that would sure not be good for our little miss or for you. Our weather always seems to end up out east.
Thanks for the congrats. We now have our condo and the keys but we don't actually move for 3 weeks. We closed early so we could have some work done, strip wallpaper, paint and put in new carpet before we moved.
We have taken Koko to the new condo each day and he is settling in and not so nervous even though the place is empty. He sits in front of the patio door waiting for someone to walk down the sidewalk:rolleyes:
I think he will be fine.
Sus, is your condo in FL on the first floor, do you have people above you? We have people above us and sometimes I can hear them walking, it doesn't bother me during the day but I sure hope. I don't hear that when I am trying to sleep:eek:
But we do love our condo and I will post pictures once it is painted , we can do before and after:D
Have a wonderful Sunday!
molly muffin
04-09-2016, 08:21 PM
I am hoping this is the last really cold weekend. Would be great if we can get a bit of spring at least.
(snow tomorrow here)
Hopefully Bailey has a good recovery now that she has been released.
Hope you are doing well too.
Bailey's Mom
04-09-2016, 09:38 PM
Hi Addy-
Well doing that work before you move in sounds like a smart thing to do! Just don't overdo it yourselves.
We are in a first floor unit. The first two winters we stayed, the unit above us was being held in foreclosure by the bank. We really got spoiled. Now it is being used as rental. In this community, rentals are to be for a minimum of 4 weeks.....although I don't know that everyone goes along with that. This trip, we had someone up above in March and now, in April, it's a different "crowd." The folks here now have a son/daughter & kids that come on Fridays and go home later on Sundays. It sounds like the entire place cannot be carpeted. It really hasn't been too bad. The most annoying thing has been that the April gang have washed anything and everything that is washable. I don't know if they're running really small loads or what, and I don't know how when you first get to a place you already need to do laundry. It may be, Bob pointed out, that they did not bring much for clothing and are washing what they have often. I'm thinking they may have washed bedspreads, etc. Anyway-it only bugs me when I'm still up. I don't hear much when I'm asleep. This is solid concrete construction. But when I've stayed up late, I hear every time they go to the bathroom.....which is often. Still-even with the toddler, there isn't much noise that cannot be overlooked.
If you remember, we are located overlooking the 3rd green. Well-the golf folks start coming around in carts nlt 6AM to check the course and the cart path. Just like clockwork. Even with the sliding door open, that doesn't wake me now. The engines are not whisper quiet. I've not really found a downside to condo living-at least here. Plus we can't throw stones-Bailey is still very much a watch/bark dog whenever she sees/hears anything move and/or any noise. We have golfers, all kinds of birds, geckos and the occasional alligator-at a distance. So, while small dogs are allowed, this one can be annoying to both of us, at a we put up with other things on balance. :o
I can't wait to see some pictures!
Lol, I can just picture Bailey coming to visit and watching out the patio doors and then running and barking with Koko, what fun the two of them would have!
We had looked at a high rise condo downtown and I ran into a woman with two small dogs. I asked her how they adjusted to elevators and hi rise living. She said they were fine and actually barked less because they were on the 10th floor and the only thing the dogs could see was an occasional seagull flying by to which they would crook their necks and stare as if to say what the heck is that? I laughed so hard.
It sounds like a relaxing life at your condo, gosh I wish I could retire tomorrow. We were lucky with the townhouse, it is very quiet and we rarely hear anything. We just could not find anything like this to purchase unless we moved far west with an awful commute.
Love you,
Are you back to BB?
I need your pink bubble wrap. I was so excited about street lights and sidewalks, I tripped and fell. I think I hurt my breastbone as it still hurts and it has been five days:rolleyes::o:(
I can't stand my bra on, ugh.
Otherwise, we LOVE our condo.
Bailey's Mom
05-11-2016, 04:15 AM
Yes-we are back @BB. We arrived Saturday the 30th of April.
I'm sorry but I cannot let go of any of the pink bubble wrap-and I'll tell you why.
We got back about 5pm on Saturday. We did a little unpacking, watched some tv for about 45 minutes and Bob went off to brush his teeth. I was thinking that sounded like a good idea.....oh-but before this.....
We always unplug anything we can-so everything but the refrigerator. We also turn off the house water. Well, each and every tv required a conversation with DTV to get it up and running. We had that on vacation suspension. Once I knew for sure what day we'd be back, I called to get the tvs and the internet reactivated. I don't remember having to go through this before with the tvs. Each unit (box) had to be sent a charge by DTV....and I needed to be at each one as we worked on them. Then one of the remotes was not functioning. I reprogrammed it-still not working right. Eventually that all got straightened out-took about an hour.
Now we're up to brushing teeth time. I was in the great room, Bob was in the bathroom and the lights began to flicker. The smoke alarms all went off, the doorbell rang, the lights continued to go up and down. Up higher than I knew was possible. I heard about 4 pops. Bob came out into the great room with toothbrush and toothpaste in hand. I'm going to give you the very condensed version.
We called the fire dept and they ran a heat sensor on all the walls to make sure there were no hot spots behind the walls. They told us to cut off everything we could and to call our electrician. It took 4 calls to get him to respond-all this while we are living in the dark, without heat, or light, etc. Sunday afternoon the electrician finally called back and then came over. He told us there was a problem with one of the electrical lines and that it was outside the house, not inside the house. Still keep stuff off. He called the power co and they were to be by later that same Sunday.
A couple of hours pass and that guy finally shows up. He concurs with the electrician but is surprised that the electrician did not turn off all electric to the house. It seems there are 3 lines that go back and forth between the house and the transformer. One of them handles various-es for electrical demand. It had gone bad so nothing was regulating the electric to the house. 120V, 240V. The line needs to be replaced and he set us up with a temporary performer box. We are operating as usual inside the house.
BUT-we lost the washer, the dryer, four smoke alarms, and had singe marks near the thermostat in the bathroom. We also discovered our two water heaters were leaking and that Bob's car-which had stayed here all winter, the battery was dead and could not be revived. I don't know how this will shake down and who will pay for what.
Meanwhile-and this is why I decided to post this on the board instead of sending you a PM, we have spoken with a neighbor who went through the same thing-in another house, not around here. Plus she knows a woman whose entire house burned to the ground because of this neutral wire issue. That, for her, was 4-5 years ago and she is still living in temporary quarters waiting for her house to be rebuilt. Meanwhile she's had another child. Doesn't this sound like fun??:eek::eek::eek:
We got our new washer and dryer yesterday, thank goodness! We were running out of things to wear that were clean. Then we discovered the hot tub was full of black mold from being shut down. We've never had black mold. It's a real MESS. I've been trying to contact the guy/manager of the company and they have been giving me the run around. Finally yesterday he showed up to see what we had and they are supposed to be here today to get it cleaned out and restarted.
So-things are starting to settle down a bit........EXCEPT........Monday one week ago, I was coming back inside from sitting out on the front porch. I had put Bailey on a wire lead. Coming in, my foot got caught up in the lead and I went down hard on the tile floor at the entrance. Both knees were hit hard. My right leg has been bruised and swollen from the thigh to the foot. My left leg had some bruising and my right elbow got bruised. I have an appt with my knee guy for 2 weeks from now, but since this has been 10 days already, and it is still bothering me greatly, I'm wondering if I should go in earlier.
So-the lesson is.....if ever you see signs of surging electrical power in your house, turn off all electric at the master switch and make an emergency call to your power company. This is not something to fool with and you should be prepared to leave your home.
If my knees get better, if there is any pink bubble wrap left, I will ship it off to you.;)
I am sorry you fell (you KNOW I can empathize with that!), but am happy to hear you like your new place.
That could be the start of a made for TV movie. I cannot believe that happened, thank goodness the house did not burn down and you, Bob and Bailey are ok, well except for your knees.:o
Geez Louise, do you at least like the new washer and dryer? Did you buy a front loader? We have been out shopping for a new set.
Did Bob get his car going?
I wonder what prompted the black mold. Our neighbors had it in their pool and they ended up having to take out the liner, scrub the walls with bleach and then drop a new liner in. I remember thinking, keep that mold on your side of the fence because I sure don't want it in my pool.
It did feel weird not planning to open the pool or going to get our chlorine tablets at the pool park. We have an Aquatic Center in Grafton so I can go swim if I want but it's not the same because I would crank up the heater so the water was 88.
How are your hostas? Everything here is turning dark green. They do a very good job of keeping the grounds looking good. I have not yet had the urge to dig in the dirt but maybe when this pain goes away, I might dig out some of the landscape stones and plant some hygrangas.
Let me know how you are. We still have small boxes to unpack and pictures to hang but it is much calmer now.
So far I haven't met any neighbors, it is very quiet here, though lots of dog walkers.
Not as densely populated as the townhouse, and not as many kids.
A unit like ours just came on the market for $15,000 more than we paid so we feel pretty good:cool:
Love and hugs Sus
molly muffin
05-11-2016, 09:32 PM
Wow, Susan that is incredibly scary. Glad it wasn't worse than it was for you, as hate to think of a fire destroying your home. It does make you think though.
Eeek, not a fall. That is the last thing you need with those knees. Addy you too, stay upright you two!!
Got to run but get to the doctor Susan that doesn't sound good.
05-14-2016, 01:03 AM
Good grief, that is so scary. I got goosebumps reading that Sus :eek::eek: thank goodness nothing more serious than a few bung appliances. OH but your knee again, honestly you and Addy keep the bubble wrap company in business!! :p
So pleased to read that Bailey is on the road to recovery with her leg :):D that is great news, gosh I hope the rest of the summer is more peaceful and with no more drama! Take Care xx
06-10-2016, 04:29 PM
Just catching up after being away from the forum for a couple of months....
Wow! What a terrifying experience you had! I hope that everything's now returned to normal and that everyone's feeling better too.
Bailey's Mom
07-04-2016, 05:48 PM
Hello friends!
Just a quick check-in....all electrical products needing replacement are replaced. The water heater is replaced. We have all new smoke alarms and we just had to replace the CO detectors.
Summer has been very slow to get here. Once we finally got up into the 70s, it wasn't so bad. More than once I was wishing I had not returned from FL as soon as we did.
Anybody watching the Washington Nationals playing bball? Wow! They're doing so well. It's been fun to watch.
Our usual place to have Bailey go "for camp"-the owner's sold the business....all of it. I'm not sure how I feel about the new owner's. Bailey was always so happy to go there and when we picked her up last week from a 4 night stay. they told us she was growling and snapping. That's never happened before. One woman there does not look very friendly. And the grooming is not as good. And the gal who was doing my hair stopped her business. Bailey and I look pretty sorry.
Happy 4th of July to all who are celebrating it. Not sure if the rain will hold off for the fireworks tonight. It's pretty gray out.
I was thinking about making chocolate chi cookies. Anyone interested??
07-04-2016, 08:19 PM
Sound exciting! Good luck on your journey, Can i join?
Me, me, love chocolate chip cookies. Happy 4th, Sus.
Wonder what's up with the new owners of Bailey's camp? It's so hard to find new any thing. The stylist I used closed her business due to health reasons and boy do I need a haircut so I feel your pain.
Glad to not read of any need for bubble wrap, so pleased both you and Bailey are accident free. Hope the summer comes finally to BB.
It's been nice here, lovely weather so far which is odd for WI.
Do you miss FL? Our daughter is there, relaxing on the beach for a bit of r and r.
Send over those cookies
Bailey's Mom
07-06-2016, 09:02 PM
Me, me, love chocolate chip cookies.
Do you miss FL?
Send over those cookies
Didn't get to cookies yet,........but watch your inboxes!
I am kind of missing FL. But if I were there, it would be way too hot to enjoy now. We had rain today and then it cleared off and there was a lovely blue sky plus an pink/orange glowing sunset. Temps just under 80. That's my favorite place for the temp to hang.+
molly muffin
07-08-2016, 10:23 PM
What you and Bailey are both accident free?!!! This is cause to celebrate! Cautiously. :) :)
I couldn't do florida in the summers but definitely wish for it in the winters. It gets bloody cold up here.
But summers in the north I just love. I could lose the humidity we get sometimes but it's still better than the cold.
Yup, Florida is hot, they ended up skipping their day trip to Disneyworld, it was just too hot, they stayed at the beach. Which means it's really hot. Daughter loved Clearwater. Wants to move there.
I can't do heat and humidity unless I am physically IN the water:o:p
How's Ryan and Ellen? Have any summer trips planned?
Hey there Sus,
Found you and Bailey on page two:eek:
Wanted to stop by to say hi and give you hugs. I think a few of us will be having a different kind of Thanksgiving this year but as hubby reminded me, we just have to make lemonade:)
Can you believe I have some crazy snap dragons still blooming? Not sure where they came from growing up through the landscape rocks a bit helter skelter, but blooming away in mid November. When I had them at the house they did not bloom all summer, these have been blooming since June. Who knew?
Was thinking maybe I might retire a bit earlier but then got a raise;)
So guess I may be sticking around lol.
How's Miss Bailey? Seems like only yesterday we all piled in the car to go pick her up. Can you believe Koko turned nine or ten, we are not sure how old he is.
We are spending Thanksgiving with my brother so no cooking for me.
My brother told me to bring Koko's bed in case we spend the night.
Hubby looked at me like I was crazy to suggest it but I think my brother was thinking in case we had bad weather as he is almost an hour drive out into the countryside.
My sil and bil are coming to visit. They live in Manhattan. Hubby is happy to see his twin sister as it has been two years. We are celebrating their joint birthday with dinner at our favorite Spanish restaurant in the city. Should be nice.
Have you any vacations planned? When are you heading to Florida?
How are Ryan and Ellen?
Did I tell you with much trepidation, we purchased a new front loader and guess what? I love it! Though took me awhile to figure the dang thing out:o
Well, I guess I am done babbling, think I will go find my red sweater;)
Happy Thanksgiving,
Love you!
Bailey's Mom
11-26-2016, 04:43 PM
Hi and belated happy Thanksgiving, Addy! My apologies for the slow response....just been busy.
Well-we went out and had our "Thanksgiving dinner." The regular menu was available as well and I chose to order a nice filet. Bob had the turkey and enjoyed it. Not much in the way of leftovers, however.
I took Bailey for a long walk earlier and was noticing all the little plants that are going crazy and starting to bloom, thinking they've already been through winter. I saw some azaleas with some blooms open. Our Japanese maple still has all its leaves. That's never happened this late into fall. We are also down 10" of rain just since September. If we don't get rain soon, I may not need to garden next spring!
Bailey is approaching 6, can you believe it?? Cute as a button still.
I think maybe it's good to work as long as you can, so long as you don't hate your job and are relatively healthy. How is that shoulder of yours'? I miss the social part of work. I don't really miss the work.
How is your Mom doing? Was she there for Thanksgiving? I know you were looking into some sort of care for her.
No vacation plans for now. We leave for FL around 1/6 and we will be back 4/15. It's going to seem very short. I'd like to spend more time there. It has been so dang cold here. We need to plan a vacation. We had a week in St. John at the end of August. Never stayed there before. As luck would have it, the week we were able to go was the slowest week of their year. Restaurants were closing down for two weeks. Nobody on the beach, hardly. That was nice. Enough restaurants stayed open that we still had a nice selection. They kind of close on a rotating basis, so that the tourists don't get totally stranded.
Ryan and Ellen are in Colorado for one week for Thanksgiving. This is our first year without Ryan at Thanksgiving. Was kind of weird. They seem to be having fun out there. They both seem to be very happy together. Right before they left for CO, we went over and surprised Ellen and took them out for her birthday. It was a great success.
WHY do you have a front loader? Aren't you in a town house? Or did I forget you found a house?
The guys who put up the fence for Bailey mauled many of my leylands and now, five years later, they look like they need to be replaced. On the fence side of the leylands, they cut off all the limbs all the way back to the trunk. They were supposed to shape them up. I'm looking at needing to replace at least half a dozen. I stood and "watched" when they started and they were doing a beautiful job. Then I left them alone and at lunch time their supervisor came by to check and was mad at the lack of progress they had made. So for 1/3 of the trees, they lopped off all those branches.......and the plants have been in shock ever since. We replaced on this year but I forgot to move the irrigation and before I knew it the poor thing, which had been beautiful, was all brown. It's been dry all summer-so rains did not help.
Well-we got the outdoor Christmas lights up this weekend. Looks pretty. I'll try to remember to post some pictures. Next is the tree inside. I'm trying to move this along nicely without tearing up the place. Bob doesn't like doing this, so I'm trying to remove any stress I can. Ryan is coming for a visit on 12/9, so I want to have it finished by then.
Oh-I have an address for you in that current? Where are you in relation to where you were? Nearby? I'm not familiar with Mequon.
Thanks for sending hugs. I'm returning some to you.
Bailey's Mom
12-18-2016, 08:51 PM
I stopped by to wish everyone a merry Christmas!!! It will come and go before you know it. Our crazy weather is 19 degrees one day, then 70 degrees the next-for real! :confused: And the wind is hovering around 45 mph. If you don't hang onto something you'll find yourself in the mid-west :eek: somewhere the next day!~
Ryan and Ellen will be here Wednesday evening and will stay for the better part of two weeks. That will be a real treat!
Bailey is doing well. She woke me up last night to let me know I was about to roll off the side of the bed. Amazing! This morning she disappeared then returned with a little bouncie ball in her mouth and a very proud look on her face. And the little gal who once used to growl at every stroke of a comb-out now wags her tail wildly when she sees the comb come out. What tail she has, that is.
Hugs to my many friends. Best wishes for a very happy 2017!
Bailey's Mom
08-14-2017, 01:37 PM
Well, Happy New Year and Happy 4th of July to my Cushing friends! I think of you guys often-really I do. I hope some of you will respond back with mini updates with how you are doing.
I am currently dog sitting for week #2 for a completely torn right rear cruciate ligament. What's that, you say-this sounds familiar? Yes, indeed. Bailey tore the left one 16 months ago when we were in FL. This time they had to insert a steel plate in her leg and the price for the surgery was double what it was then. All she was doing was running figure eights madly around the living room being excited about a visitor who had arrived. It was nothing unusual, to my mind. Dogs are supposed to run, right? Well, she is now "restricted for a total of 6 weeks and I can tell you she does not like it. She can not understand what happened to her walks or tossing of her balls. When she is more active we must keep this inflatable donut around her neck which she will tolerate as opposed to the cone which frightens her.
Bob's surgery went well and his recovery is continuing to go well. I went back into PT and just graduated. The trick now is to keep it going on my own. My past record is not very good at that. I hope to start a walking program.
Ryan & Ellen will be here for Thanksgiving this year, so we are starting to talk about going to FL maybe around Dec 10th or so. I hope everyone is doing well. Please let me know what's going on with you.
molly muffin
08-14-2017, 02:18 PM
Susan! How fabulous to hear from you. Holy cow, poor Bailey. I remember when I had to keep molly restricted for 6 weeks with that back injury, it was NOT easy at all.
We've adjusted to life minus Molly in the house. Can't say I like it but I can't change anything and I'm not ready for another furry member to join us just yet. Maybe some day, maybe not.
Instead, we've traveled a bit and hope to do so more. Hard when we both work bah humbug. I need an early retirement I think. hahahah
My friend bought a place down in Florida, then her brother bought one in the same complex, now her sister is thinking or might have already bought a place. It seems to be the "thing" around here to do. They are on the mainland in Bradenton across from Anna Marie island I think she said.
08-14-2017, 05:36 PM
Hey Susan, so great to see you!!!!! :) :) :) :)
Poor little Bailey, and poor you! But I know it'll be well worth it once she's all healed up and fit as a fiddle again.
It looks like we last spoke at Christmas -- can you believe we're really only six weeks away from putting up the October Halloween decorations and heading straight down the holiday road again. WHERE DOES THE TIME GO????????
Things have remained pretty much status quo around our house. Luna is doing great and will soon be celebrating her 9th birthday. Still to our great surprise and relief, she continues to do very well as an "only dog," so we continue to postpone any concrete thoughts about expanding our fur family. My mom is still living in her own apartment at the retirement community, hubby is still working full-time, and I still putter around the house avoiding the chores I ought to be doing and spending far too much time tapping away on my iPad :rolleyes:. But at this point in our lives, "status quo" is suiting me pretty well. ;)
I miss seeing so many of our old K9C regulars, so it's a delight when we have the chance to catch up again! Thanks so much for your update. I'll soon be opening up our K9C Holiday House once again, so please, please, please be sure to stop back by this fall. In the meantime, it's swell to hear from you!
Hi Susan,
Stopped by and here you are! I'm glad to hear Bob is doing well but poor little Miss Bailey! That's a long time to keep her quiet.
Sorry to hear you have been in PT too! Need to get the pink bubble wrap out.
I'm also glad to hear Ellen and Ryan will be home for Thanksgiving, hard to believe it is right around the corner.
We are all hanging in there. Mom passed away about two months ago. I'm still going through a process but it is improving.
Koko is fine and hubby is too. We still love our condo but we do miss our pool.
Kate is working in Chicago and just found an apartment in an area she is so excited about. We will go to visit next month. She said there are many restaurants that welcome dogs so Koko can go as well.
I'm still working and will retire next year. Can't believe I have been at the same job for 31 years, yikes!
Well, that's about all my news. Give Bailey smooches for me.
Bailey's Mom
10-08-2017, 12:22 AM
Hello Sharlene!
Bradenton is only about 1/2 hour north of our condo in Sarasota. You must let me know if you are in the area!!! We will be going down around the 27th of December and will be there until mid May. I'm really looking forward to getting back there. Fortunately we have not been harmed any by the hurricanes, thus far.
Happy Halloween!!
Bailey's Mom
10-08-2017, 12:29 AM
Hello Marianne and thanks for checking in. I'm sorry I'm taking so long to check back in. Doggie sitting has made a slug out of me. Bailey is still on restrictions.....until October 16th. At least we can now take her for short walks. The doc says she is further along in her healing than he would expect. She has been very good about being restricted. We only caught her twice trying to sneak upstairs instead of being carried upstairs. Bob is really paranoid that she'll tear the ligament and need surgery again. She has these pins in her leg. holding the metal sheet in there that look to be about two inches long. YIKES! I asked to see the x-ray-I think maybe I should not have asked to see that.
I'll try to remember to check back in at holiday time.
Bailey's Mom
10-08-2017, 12:47 AM
Hellloooooooooooooo Addy!!
I am so sorry to hear about your Mom passing, but you sure made her last year's much more pleasant for her. I know how hard this must be for you.
31 years-and you're really retiring? Hooray!!! Maybe you can come down to BBeach or FL for a visit? I won't even make you stay in the "basement." (I wonder how Carol is?)
Bob & I are going to NYC for a short week right before Christmas. We are going to see a couple of shows, do some sightseeing and take in all the decorations. This is a year when Ellen & Ryan will be in Colorado. They invited us to come out there, but the logistics just don't work. When we talked it all through they could understand. We said we'd come out in the summer one year, not during a holiday and we could all visit.
I'm planning on taking art lessons again in FL this winter. I hope to have some sketches started before I get there. I've done some penguins and one of a bird on a railing.
I'm glad you are happy with your condo. I can't remember-has your hubby retired yet?
Happy fall....happy Halloween! Please stay in touch.
molly muffin
10-09-2017, 04:38 PM
Hi Susan!
Awww, poor Bailey still on restriction. Better safe than sorry though.
I've let you know if we get down to Florida. Thank goodness that hurricane missed you. My friends place got a bit of water in at the door, but not too bad, might need to replace some carpet. Ground floor condo woes. Still it could have been worse, so glad it wasn't.
Oh NYC will be lovely around Christmas. We were there in June and had a fabulous time, I imagine that Christmas will be magical!
Bailey's Mom
08-15-2018, 04:50 PM
Hello and is anybody home who still remembers me??????
At least I'm checking back in in less than one year-although maybe I should not point that out.
First things first-I met someone today who has an adorable Westie and I told her I would email her the link to this site. Her name is Jackie. Her Westie is 12 years old and has lost his sight and she has paid boatloads of money in the past year alone for treatments/medicine. I told her of you guys and told her I would not have survived the process without all of you. When I finish here, I will email her the link. I just wanted to give her a personal introduction so you could keep an eye out for her. She's pretty stressed out. [okay-took care of that]
Now for an update. We all are very fine. No falls. No accidents. No torn ligaments. Our next door neighbor almost ran down Bailey yesterday evening but did not, thankfully. We live on a cul-de-sac and she was going WAY too fast. It didn't help that Bailey saw her car and went out into the street. Arghhh.
We are leaving in two weeks for a mini-trip to Colorado. We will stay with Ellen's family for 3 nights-then we will travel 1 hour or so east and stay with my best ever friend/Ryan's Godmother and her husband for 3 nights. We've not seen them since 1992. WAaAAY too long. Ryan and Ellen go out a day before us and return a couple of days after us. Really starting to get excited about going now.
Then at the end of October Bob and I have planned a trip to the Grand Canyon-staying in Sedona for one week. I've seen the Grand Canyon where they have that u-shaped lucite ledge where you can walk out over the canyon. I want to see the southern rim of the canyon. I'm told there is a marked difference, color wise. Then this is one of the years when Ellen and Ryan will be here for Christmas. Very much looking forward to that.
I'll go post a couple of recent pictures. The 4 of us went to a NAts baseball game ten days ago. Ryan gave us tickets for my birthday which included snacks and at the end of the game, a stroll around the bases for seniors. Bob & I definitely qualify so we had great fun strolling the bases, getting our pictures taken with "The Presidents."
Hugs and best wishes to all who are still hangin' around!!
Harley PoMMom
08-15-2018, 07:46 PM
Oh Susan, of course we remember you and we are so glad to hear from you!! Thanks for referring Jackie to us and we'll be keeping an eye out for her.
One of these days I would love to see the Grand Canyon, the pictures I've seen on TV of it are just beautiful, have yourselves a grand time!!
Hugs, Lori
08-17-2018, 07:34 PM
Hi Susan, and thanks for checking in and for posting your new pics!!! I hope you have a great time on all your travels, that’s for sure. I’m afraid it does seem as though we’ve lost track of some of our dear familiar “regulars,” and that’s what makes it doubly special to hear back from you. So many memories and so many experiences we’ve shared. I’m so glad to hear from you. My own little family is holding its own. I can’t believe that our “baby” Luna will be turning ten later this month. Where oh where does the time go??? Please give Bailey a big hug from our K9C family, and of course we send our best wishes to you, Bob, and the kids :-).
Bailey's Mom
08-17-2018, 11:57 PM
Great to hear from you Lori and Marianne! I neglected to mention that Bailey is now 7. Seven!! 7.5 to be more exact. So hard to believe, as you said, Marianne. From time to time I think ahead to what will I do "next time." I turned 70 this year. I think Bob is pretty adamant about this being our last dog. I started thinking maybe a little kitten would be an idea. (I don't really care for cats that much.) Then a few days ago I saw a bunch of videos on Facebook about cats and what they do when they're home alone. YIKES!!!!! That kind of took care of that option for me. So, I'll enjoy what I have while I have it. Maybe I"ll get one of those stuffed cats that breathes in and out......have you seen them? They look surprisingly real. I guess that wouldn't fool me for very long, though. (just kidding.)
08-18-2018, 10:50 AM
I know only too well how much the “aging issue” can enter into things...
Hubby is already advocating for another Lab puppy, but honestly we are probably too old to be envisioning a puppy of any sort, let alone a big sporting dog! Been there, done that three times now, and although I wouldn’t trade the experiences for the world, I just don’t think I have the energy left in me to do it again. Much more reasonable to me is to adopt an adult rescue, and maybe even somebody small enough for me to pick up and carry this time around. But we’ll see what the future holds. Ya just never know!!!
Bailey's Mom
09-11-2018, 04:17 AM
Hi gang-
I'm preparing for hurricane Florence (my Mom's name) and had a picture to share. This is a Monday picture and the storm is not expected to hit here until Thursday or Friday. The tide waters are already creeping up the driveway. Not a good sign. They are talking this could be worse than Hugo was. Flood insurance bill came in for renewal. Better be sure to get that paid on time!:eek:
Harley PoMMom
09-11-2018, 11:56 AM
Oh my, Susan! I am hoping and praying that it won't be as bad as they forecast, I can't imagine how scary this is for you. Keep us updated and holding you and yours in my thoughts and prayers.
Squirt's Mom
09-11-2018, 05:32 PM
Ya'll take extra good care, Susan, and please let us know you are safe when you can!
09-12-2018, 08:30 AM
Yikes, Susan, those pictures sure don’t look good!!! I’m now reading this morning that the storm may take a more southerly turn, though, so perhaps (hopefully!) you’ll be spared. But that also means that we may end up getting some of the remnants clear down here in Atlanta. I just feel sick, though, when I think of all the folks (and animals!) in the Carolinas. Looks like no matter what, they’re going to get hammered :-(((((((((((((((((
09-13-2018, 10:45 PM
It's good to hear that it's been downgraded to a Category 2.
Still treacherous. But hopefully the damage won't be nearly as bad.
The worst part will be its slow movement inland and dropping unfathomable amounts of rain in the area.
Glad you got those insurance payments in! Still let's hope you won't need to call in any claims.
Bailey's Mom
10-31-2018, 12:14 AM
Well-hello and happy Halloween! We have survived all the hurricanes and what flooding there was. We were pretty fortunate. No need to evacuate. We are leaving Saturday for our week in Sedona. We've been to Colorado and I had a very bad case of bronchitis for the whole trip. Real bummer. Still got to have a nice visit with Ellen's folks and a wonderful visit with my very good friend.
Bailey has had a tooth removed-she badly chipped a molar and she also had some little bumps removed. She's doing okay.
A very close friend is fighting cancer and two days after we return the three of us are going to go visit her overnight (staying at a motel). She adores Bailey so while she can still enjoy Bailey and recognize us, we're going to go over to her "other" home. She is our back door neighbor here. It's Gioblastoma. Very rapid moving.
Once we return from that, it will be Thanksgiving. Can you believe it? We went straight from hot summer to cold fall here. No nice transition. I'm already yearning for Florida.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
11-01-2018, 05:56 PM
Hi there, Susan, and Happy Belated Halloween to you guys! So sorry to hear about your friend. I’ve lost dear ones to cancer, too, during these past few years, and it totally sucks! How sweet that Bailey could go visit, though. A special visit to store safely away in the memory bank, that’s for sure.
We had a really mild and beautiful Halloween night, so I was surprised by how few kids showed up. I missed seeing all those cuties, plus we’re stuck now with tons of candy. Of course I bought stuff that I really like myself, so the big bowl is just sitting there on the table, beckoning me. Aaaaargh!
This was our third Halloween without Peg. I can hardly believe that. I always loved strapping that special orange collar on our big black girl. She always looked grand, and loved the attention and all the activity. Luna was so sweet last night, all on her own wearing a purple collar. She’s already ten years old herself, though. Where on earth does the time go??
Hope you have a great trip to Sedona, and when will you be heading down to Florida? Not until after Christmas?
Great to hear from you, as always. Tons of well wishes to you, Bob, and of course Miss Bailey!
Squirt's Mom
11-02-2018, 11:04 AM
Oh I'm glad you are all alright! That was a horrible storm and I can't imagine what it must have been like for you.
Hey Sus,
Stopped by the forum and had to say hello.
Happy Turkey Day!
I will check out the photos of our Bailey.
I am glad you survived the hurricane, how scary.
I hope Bob, Ellen and Ryan are all well.
The other night we were at a restaurant celebrating hubby’s birthday and the restaurant offered S’mores prepared at your table. Of course I thought of you and fancied how great it would be if you ever wandered down to Milwaukee, how fun it would be for the two of us to share that special dessert while catching up on life.
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and give Bailey a tickle from Auntie Addy.
Always your friend;
Bailey's Mom
12-17-2018, 07:22 AM
Hallooooooooo friends! Can't believe Christmas is almost upon us. I don't know if I'll be ready this year. Our trip to the Grand Canyon was great. The weather was wonderful. A tad on the cool side, but better that, than hot.
We did get back and went over to see our friend, with Bailey in tow. Unfortunately she was mostly out of it by then. She hung on for another 2 weeks. She lasted 11 days without water or food. They were concerned she might choke if anything were given to her. Memorial service was ten days ago. Very sad. It seems at least that she did not suffer and did not have any pain.
Ellen & Ryan arrive Thursday night and will be here one week. That will be really nice. We have a couple of things planned to do. Bob's planning on cooking a big whole filet of beef for Christmas dinner.
On the way back home from visiting our friend, I had (another) fall. It's amazing I've never broken a bone. Wound up landing on my butt really hard. I think this was actually Bob's fault. Wound up getting my back xrayed and visiting the orthopedist. Seems I bumped my 4th disc down a bit over my 3rd disc. Back still hurts badly. I use a heating pad whenever I can. I'm going for a massage this afternoon. Anyone have any of that pink bubble wrap left?
It's been VERY cold here in DE. We are planning on leaving for FL on 1/5. Since most of you are north of me, I expect it's been cold where you are as well. Happy holidays to all and a very happy New Year! Thanks for staying in touch. It's always nice hearing from you guys.
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