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molly muffin
09-04-2013, 03:01 PM
Hi Susan,
Sorry I didn't get around to answering sooner. Since this has never occurred with Bailey before I would be suspecious of the shampoo this new groomer used and maybe just getting too close to the skin on her. (irritation)
How is Bailey since the bath you gave her? I'd use something for sensitive skin and moisturing to see if that helps, maybe even a conditioner. If it looks like dead skin is still there and keeps being dry even after all this time, you could take her to the vet.
Was she itchy prior to going to the groomer to being with? I ask because dry skin will cause itchiness.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
molly muffin
09-04-2013, 09:33 PM
Hi Susan,
Leslie just posted this on one of the other threads and I thought, yea, duh, this could be an option too.
Chamomile tea can help with itchies. Just make the tea as you would to drink it, let it cool, then pour over him after shampooing and rinsing - but leave the Chamomile on to dry; don't rinse it off. You can use it to spot treat as well but keep in mind that water based infusions (no alcohol added), like teas, don't last long - about 24 hours if kept in the fridge.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
09-04-2013, 11:45 PM
Hi Sharlene-
She's much, much better since I shampooed her. I haven't run the flea comb over her since right after her bath, but she has definitely calmed down with the obsessive scratching. I'll try to remember to use the flea comb tomorrow and see what I get and I'll report back.
Mary Beth uses a product from Zymox that helped Ali.
They have shampoo and a conditioner
Sorry I missed you, have a lot going:o:o:o:o:o
I also ordered a product for Zoe's tummy for dry skin called Humilac. I did read it can make their coat a bit greasy so I was only going to dab it on her tummy with a cotton ball. They also make a rinse.
I have to run to work now but will look back at my thread at lunch to see which of the Zymox products Mary Beth suggested.
love ya
am assuming Zoe is bothered by dry skin and that is why you are looking for a moisturizer? I'm looking at the Zymox Enzymatic Shampoo bottle(yellow label) that I use for Alivia. Just now noticed that it says "For Veterinary use Only" on the bottle, but I bought it online - Amazon, I believe. It also says, "Gentle on skin yet tough on bacterial and fungal infections" and also states that it is gentle and non-drying and that you can follow with "Zymox Rinse", which I have not used but looking at it online it is supposed to help with dry skin. Also, good to know, is that neither of these products interfere with "systemic medications". Anyway, I have had good luck with this shampoo for Alivia and it doesn't seem to be at all drying.
from Mary Beth as promised:):):):)
hope Little Miss is feeling better today and you as well!!!
Bailey's Mom
09-05-2013, 08:23 PM
Someone was here today who used to do grooming and she said the red tummy was from overheated shaver. I tried grooming on my own with Peaches, our first dog, and part of what scared me was how hot the shaver got. Well if he kept the shaver on her tummy long enough to keep it red for 24 hours, that could not have felt good. Like I said-they're crossed off the groomer list. I don't really get it because Palmer was groomed there his whole life and we had no problems.
I have not had a chance to try the flea comb today, but will report back when I do. Thanks for the suggestions.
Wednesday we board the plan for Siesta Key. I hope you've started packing!
molly muffin
09-06-2013, 07:06 PM
Packed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are we there yet? Oh too early to say that?:o
How many more miles??????
Bailey's Mom
09-08-2013, 03:16 PM
How many more miles??????
Suggested routes
1,023 mi, 15 hours 33 mins
In current traffic: 15 hours 33 mins
I-95 S
But....we'll (you guys and me) be FLYING which is Two teeny weenie little hours and fifteen minutes......but then it takes two hours of driving to get to the airport first. And another 1/2 hour of driving after we land.
The guys at the bike shop have the bike all packed and are meeting me at UPS Monday @11. I am putting the final taping on the box full of paint supplies today. Then I will close up the #2 suitcase, lock it and weigh it to be sure it is under 50 lbs. Then I'll start the real packing of the clothes, etc. that I will need and whatever else I can fit in. I'm looking forward to getting away on my own. And then I'm sure I'll be looking forward to getting back home. Silly how that works.
Hot here today, but low humidity. Let's not forget to check in @11AM on Tuesday!!!
I'll be up all night waiting to leave, hope it is a direct flight. Dont forget me at home or leave without me because I am all alone now in the non basement since Sister Marie Irene took off to find Carrol.;)
And they have all the sweaters:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I think they ran for the hills or joined the circus:p:p:p:p:p
Joke's on them since we get to spend winter in FLORIDA:D:D:D:D
with no basement:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
09-10-2013, 01:16 AM
I miss sister Irene and I so miss Carrol. You won't be needing any sweaters! And for sure I won't forget you. Yes it is a direct flight. The bike is on its way as is the 50lb.13 oz. box full of paint supplies and various other odds 'n ends. Cost me $148 to send the bike and $53 to send the paint box. Well-I best get to bed. Today is check in day. Let's not forget! I'm going to try right now just to see what happens. Wish me luck. Don't forget to pack your swim suit and suntan lotion!!:D:D:D:):):):)
yipeeeeeeee off to florida
Bailey's Mom
09-10-2013, 09:00 PM
We're all checked in and almost all packed. We're gonna need a skycap. At least check baggage at the curb. Painter called today. He's just about all done. They gave him the wrong paint for the doors, so he'll be back tomorrow to finish the doors and I'll need to steer clear of the doors for 24 hours. He says the colors look great. I'm just anxious to get away. I'm tired of getting ready to go. Now I'm afraid I"m going to be bored down there. There will be no tv and no internet....except for what the iPad can scrounge up. Oh! I forgot suntan lotion!!
Set your alarms for EARLY! Maybe we can all get window seats!:p:p:D:D
molly muffin
09-10-2013, 09:36 PM
I'm setting the alarm!! oh yes, window seats would be nice. Well, you can always get to know the neighborhood and all your neighbors if you get bored. I bet you'll find ways to stay pretty busy. Can't wait to see the new colors. I bet it is going to be gorgeous!
Sharlene and molly muffin
ummmm hello, I seem to be sitting on my suitcase spinning around on the luggage carousel
did you forget me again while you are off to surf and turf???:p:p:p
I'm hungry and getting dizzy and bored and people are starting to look at me funny:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Bailey's Mom
09-11-2013, 10:16 PM
I knew I was missing SOMEthing! I was so intent on getting all the luggage, I didn't realize that was you spinning around Addy! It was a uneventful flight. Very little airport traffic....I guess because it's 9/11. I was glad to land. I had a little boo-boo with the rental car. We'll see if they tag me with it.
Paint colors look good, but place is a mess. Needs another good cleaning, so I've just bought cleaning stuff and will tackle that tomorrow while I wait for my UPS boxes. Really tired. Heading back home-where there's no wi-fi - and going sleepy by. Nite-nite girls!
Little 'ol me:rolleyes:
molly muffin
09-11-2013, 10:19 PM
Nite Susan!! Don't worry I kept Addy company. :)
We're going to miss you not having instant internet! LOL
Glad you arrived safe and sound, uh, minus the little boo boo thing.
Hope the package arrives alright too. You'll be biking around in no time!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I did not think of that, flying on 9/11. Sorry to hear about the boo boo with the rental car, maybe they wont notice.
You have amazing energy and I just know that you will have things ship shape in no time!!!!! Just be carerul with your toes and knees and drink a lot of water:):):):)
And I hope you see awesome sunrises and sunsets. :):):)
Bailey's Mom
09-14-2013, 12:28 AM
Hi gal 'frenz,
The good news is I've located my Coke machines so I can mix my light lemonade & light cherry or light fruit punch. That was getting to be a major worry.
I ate my first time at the clubhouse - had prime rib and it was out of this world. We have to spend $600 in there throughout the year, but it's not a bad deal....the place is gorgeous, the food is excellent and we get a discount. I'm planning on a steak filet tomorrow night.
Cleanup is going slow. Boxes arrived @7pm! I had to stay here all day to be sure not to miss the UPS guy. All went well.....I just got hungry.
I haven't seen any alligators yet, this trip, but there are a gazillion geckos.
I've got a furniture crayon and am fixing scratches and dings in the nice furniture. I get the feeling that most of this years time here is going to be spent just trying to get the changes we want made to happen. It's going to be close quarters until we get the 2nd bedroom transformed.
Did I tell you we overlook the third tee? It is a very pretty view. Herons stop by and pretty white birds....and I caught a glimpse of some yellow bird earlier today. And they washed my windows today! I was thinking earlier how clean they looked.
Who's game for checking out the pool tomorrow? MARCO!!!!
Hugs & love,
molly muffin
09-14-2013, 12:40 AM
Sounds wonderful Susan! Don't forget to take pictures of the new paint colors!! :)
Wow, sounds like a really nice club house. Prime Rib, my husband would be a happy guy. LOL
So, another day down and not going crazy yet?
How cool to see all the birds and to the nice green of a tee.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
09-14-2013, 09:24 AM
Hi Sharlene!
Not going crazy yet. And won't forget the pictures. It's just such a major mess now.
I'm starting to get the hang of the land. I seem to travel mostly in a square for my needs. I'd be lost forever in the development without my Garmin! Don't have the hang of that yet....just know how to get to the club house, out to the main roads and back home.
Off to Kohl's to see if they have a pretty NEW bath rug!
Oh Sus, sounds like great fun, especially to have a nice clubhouse for meals:):):) Pool time sounds perfect, we will not get a last swim in here, it is 54, rainy and Saturday they come to close the pool already.
I had a horrible sinus headache and feeling like I have a sinus infection so spent yesterday on bed for the most part. I guess I need to rest, feel a bit better today.
Take lots of pictures so we can see the view.:):):)
Bailey's Mom
09-18-2013, 02:30 AM
Hi-sad to report I got VERY sick yesterday. Still not feeling up to par. Spent the night hugging a trash can in the bath room. I had not eaten anything since noon and none of that had even started to digest. So-I lost a day and have not accomplished all I hoped to. time for anything fun. Bummer. I did get new bed linens. Looks pretty nice in there. I'll send pictures this weekend. I don't know how to do that via the iPad.
Time to pack. I've missed youse guys.
Missed you too Sus and sorry you are sick. My mom is back in the hopsital, I will be awol for awhile:(:( It is not good this time at all.
molly muffin
09-18-2013, 07:46 PM
Oh no, not sick! :( Hope you are feeling better. I'm sure the bedroom looks wonderful now and soon the whole house will be the way you want it. :)
(we'll confirm of course) LOL
Get better and won't it be great when you an be online when you want from where you want!! LOL We miss you too!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
09-21-2013, 11:00 PM
I'm home! I'm well. I'm catching up on my rest. I will start a little condo album. Addy-I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom. I came back to get a phone call telling me of a funeral today and another friend is in ICU and no one seems to be able to get an update on how she is doing. My hugs and thoughts are with you Addy and, of course, I am right there on your shoulder should you want a hug or a hand to hold.
Sharlene-Fios will be one of the first things to go in, next trip!!
Bailey's Mom
09-22-2013, 12:15 AM
Well, I was able to upload 3 pictures and then the site would not let me upload anymore. I'll try again tomorrow.:(
Bailey's Mom
09-25-2013, 01:56 AM
The rest of the pictures are there now.
I just want to know if I get the bedroom with the sliding glass doors:D
Sus, you picked beautiful colors, really and the views are amazing. It is the perfect winter hideaway.
Will you spend Christmas in Delaware of Florida?
I am so sorry to hear funerals and illnesses. I think it is our age. A friend of mine told me his mom had dementia, has had to have a hip redone and a knee and is still living alone at home and he doesnt know what to do. I think most baby boomers are going through this with their friends and parents. It comes with age.
Hope you have a good weekend!! We closed the pool alst week. I was sad. I like looking at the water.
molly muffin
09-27-2013, 07:22 PM
The pictures are just lovely Susan. I can totally see spending cold winters in a place so beautiful and refreshing. No snow and salt everywhere. I know it's coming, on it's way even, and while cool is nice, I don't want to close the pool, like Addy even if not swimming I just like to see it, to be near the water, even in the fall.
My friends parents spend their Christmas here and then head out after new years sometime to Palm Springs for the winter months. Then the family go down there to join them on spring break. That is like the best of everything because you get the snow for christmas and then get to skip the horrid, january/febuary cold weather.
*sigh* Some day we too might get to do that!
hugs, :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
popping in to say hi and let you know I am thinking of you:)
Bailey's Mom
10-08-2013, 01:32 AM
Well did you gals enjoy the cruise? Did you handle the seas okay on the way to Bermuda? They were kind of bouncy. I like that, myself. It was smooth as ice on the return trip.
The trip was a bit disappointing. The first two sea days were chilly and the first full tour day it poured on us and we got drenched. We did not see much besides some of the beaches, the pastel color houses and a lot of curvy roads. It's a tiny island and I don't know if we missed something or if what we saw is all there is to see.
We're all settled in now and now we can concentrate on gearing up for the holidays and the the first big trip to FL. To answer your question Addy, we will leave right around January 1st. We will be here to celebrate Christmas with Ryan. He usually takes several days off and we will need to pack up from the Christmas decorations before we can get under way.
It'll be interesting to see how Bailey does on that trip.
Hugs and love,
molly muffin
10-09-2013, 08:14 PM
Had a great time on the cruise, bouncing around all over the place. I feel like I didn't even get to see you at all!!!!! :eek:
Bummer about the weather when you are trying to see as much as possible. :(
I'm sure Bailey will just love her new place to "over winter". LOL Hopefully the trip there and back will be fine for her too.
Home just in time for all those lovely fall colors and the briskness to the air. Time to change the color palette! Oranges and reds and browns, yellow, good times!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
10-19-2013, 02:56 AM
Okay Sharlene............pack your bags.......we leave Wednesday for the condo.....and we're taking Bailey, so be sure and pack/bring a towel to cover yourself!!!:eek: We never used the Dramamine for the cruise, so we're all set for the car ride....just need to cut the pills in half.
When we return, the place should have new carpet in the bedrooms, maybe a new refrigerator and maybe shower doors, plus all the kitchen shelves lined and a few pictures hung. Anybody want a dresser or an old bed and a very ugly lamp? They're going out! And I hope to get my bike reassembled. If things go as planned, this is when things start to get exciting and it really starts to shape up. This extra trip down will make January so much more pleasant. With both of us there a lot should get accomplished.
What time is dinner Sharlene? It sounds absolutely to die for!! I'll even help clean the dishes!!:D:D:) Have a great weekend!
molly muffin
10-19-2013, 01:35 PM
Ohhhh yay, a trip, a trip!!! whoo hooo!! bathing suit is packed! Starting to get a bit chilly here, so good timing!
Oh that will be so nice to get things ready before January. Nice! By the time January gets here, you'll be all set. I bet Bailey is going to love it! Hopefully she'll do fine on the car ride down. This is her first long road trip?
My golden retriever use to love long rides. I took her all across the country. She was great. Tipsy (the cat) wasn't quite as impressed, but he tolerated it well as long as he could see me from his car crate. They both did awesome in hotels, not barking or carrying on at all. errrr molly is not a good traveler or good at hotels.
Dinner is whatever time you get here :) LOLOLOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I'm ready for a nice trip to the condo. Packed my bags, ready to go.
I hope there are a couple girlie drinks waiting for us:D:D:D:D:D
How many bottles of beer on the wall? Are we there yet?
Bailey's Mom
10-21-2013, 11:49 PM
Uh-oh....the car's gettin' crowded. Someone may have to ride with Bailey in her crate. Shall I bring the dominoes? We're taking along these glasses we have here but haven't been using. They are tall, cylinders and the insides narrow down to a fine point at the bottom. Pour your oj and/or whatever you fancy down in there and it looks really cool. Top it off with an umbrella, sit on the lanai and watch the golfer's miss their balls.....dressed in your shorts.......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!:):D
Bailey's Mom
10-28-2013, 02:12 AM
Well-we survived the car trip here! No one got sick. Bailey was mostly on Mom's lap/shoulder/chest. She lasted in the back seat for one hour and then decided......I don't THINK so!!! It was really okay. I was chilly and she was warm and comfy.
Once here, she barked at every noise, all the golf carts and the irrigation. She seem un phased by geckos and hasn't figured out what those herons are. She has not seen the alligator sunning himself over on the bank and later sunning with his mouth WIDE OPEN,!!
It's been very productive so far, but no fun....I've got to find a way to change that. The weather has been gorgeous. Looks like we'll be here a full 3 weeks. The guest bathroom is almost completely transformed and cleaned up. New toilet, new shower curtain, new shower curtain rod, new bath mat, new cabinet pulls, old nail polish spill cleaned up off floor, caulking redone, and new light fixture purchased and an attempt will be made to see if we can install that ourselves. New rugs. Looking good. At least there is one room we can walk in, close the door and it looks like "us."
Nighty nite.
That sounds really productive but you need to mix in some fun!!!:D:D
l'm impressed you could put in a new toilet. I'm no good with plumbing except to install faucets.
Maybe dinner at the club house and watch the sunset would add some fun:):):)
How long does it take to drive down? I'm glad to hear Bailey was a good girl.
Enjoy your monday!
marie adams
10-28-2013, 03:47 PM
Hi Mom,
Did you think I was ever going to talk to you again???:p
I read Addy wants girlie drinks--I'm in!!! I have missed a lot since time gets away from me!!! No excuse I know.
We are doing well, Miss Ella is still a wild child sometimes, but over all doing a good job at 2 1/2 yrs. old. We have done 3 trials now and getting better each time or at least one of us does. It is harder than it looks--mentally and physically for me-haha--it's no exercise on my part.
I am so glad you are having fun remodeling. My daughter bought a condo close to us; so we are helping with her remodeling--it takes too long, but it will be nice. Also nice when she can move in; she can't wait.
Hugs and Kisses!!!! I will try to keep in touch more often!!!:)
molly muffin
10-28-2013, 05:10 PM
Oh I bet it is going to be beautiful when it's finally "all" a reflection of you. :)
I agree with Addy, hit that club house up for some nice dinners and sunsets. *sigh*
Marie, glad to see you back! I think the girls have been missing you! Was wondering if you got lost in the
basement or some such.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
10-29-2013, 01:23 PM
Well, lookey there......I hit the trifecta!! Sharlene, it would be the non-basement, remember? Marie....never mind where you've're back!! We missed you on the ride down. Addy was so quiet and she even got to ride shotgun.
Addy-NO, NO, NO- the plumber installed the toilets. I know my limits! Today we're heading out for a nightstand and a refrigerator. We were measured this AM for a shower door. Progress. We took down the cabinet over the fridge....we'll have to paint there. No problem. We may rehang that cabinet above the new refrigerator.....just for storage. It would be really high.
Bailey took a chunk out of my arm this AM. Rough playing.
Keep in touch.
molly muffin
10-29-2013, 05:36 PM
Oops, non-basement. LOL
Wow, sounds like you have been very, very busy. Hope you are finding some time to relax while you are there too.
All work and no play, does not make for a relaxing vacation. :) Might make for a relaxing winter though. hahaha
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Mom can you believe Sister Marie Irene came home from the circus to visit? :D:D:D:D And she was wearing her red sweater too!!!!
I cant believe how old Miss Ella is!!!! Time just goes so fast. Is she the same age as Bailey?
Ok, what's up with turkey day? Are we eating turkey in Delaware? Hubby is trying to talk me into having everyone here. I'm not sure I am up for that, I dont have enought vacation days left and my boss is having surgery so no time off for this kid.
Enjoy the condo!!!
Bailey's Mom
11-01-2013, 04:19 AM
I think that red sweater must need washing by now!
If anyone wants to come to DE, we will be having Thanksgiving dinner but it won't be until Saturday, that week. Long story, but Ellen is coming and has to work Thursday, so she'll be driving down on Friday while the 3 of us will be decorating the tree and the house. Talk about backwards!:). That is also her birthday, so we have to fit a celebration in there, too.:confused::D
Still in FL. Looks like we'll be here through the 13th. We are getting SO MUCH done. Still no fun, but that should change soon.
I better get to bed. I am really up late. I just wanted to shout out to my buds. I hope y'all are doing well. Happy Halloween a tad late!:eek:
molly muffin
11-02-2013, 10:10 PM
You better have some fun before you head back!!! Fun, Fun, fun!!! LOL
Eh, so you do things backwards this year at Thanksgiving, a little variety can be good. Boy, going to be busy though, with birthdays and holiday decorating and Thanksgiving too. Wow. You better get some rest on this trip before heading home!! LOL
Is Bailey loving Florida?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
11-03-2013, 01:46 AM
Hi Sharlene! I was sorry to read of your rough week. I hope the weekend is being more kind to you. By the did all that food turn out???? :rolleyes:Coconut pie scrumptious?:D
Bailey had her first FL bath today. She did really well. :D She doesn't really dig that we just work around the condo :rolleyes:and the walks are somewhat boring to her...but she has met Huck....a 2 year old Shitzu, I think. He is shorter than Bailey so she doesn't feel threatened. :) We've had a couple of visits, so hopefully we have a new friendship forming there. She is still very apprehensive that I am going to "leave.":( But as we come and go, she is getting more used to it. I make sure she gets devoted playtime each day and I brought along her usual treats so she would have that familiarity here. :cool:Thursday night at the clubhouse is prime rib night and they do an outstanding job. I ordered the middle sized piece so I would have some left over to bring home, so Bailey has has prime rib for the last 3 nights. :cool:
The 3 of us went walking after dark one night....there is a lake out front as well as one out back. We don't walk out back-that is the 3rd fairway. So we walked out front around the lake which includes the parking lot, sidewalk, pool, and some grassy area. It's 1/2 moon shaped. As we got 1/2 way around, we heard this very large alligator had been sitting on the edge of the lake and went back into the water as we got near. :eek::eek: We don't walk after dark anymore!!! :p
Looks like we'll be here through the 13th. This has been really productive. Have a relaxing weekend!
Ok no going go for walks near water in the dark anymore:eek::eek:
The time change is always a killer with Zoe:rolleyes: Last year it only took about two week for her to adjust, the year before it was a month:( I'm heading for the store for 3mgs melatonin. Hopefully a week of that wont hurt her eyes too much and will get her back on track.
Do you have trouble with Bailey with the time change? I saw the cutest baby at the vet's yesterday when I stopped for her Azodyl. She reminded me of Bailey only Bailey is way cuter:D:D
After all your hard work, think of how nice it will be when you come back to the condo and it is all perfect for you and you will just be able to sit back and enjoy:):):):):)
Happy Sunday!
Bailey's Mom
11-05-2013, 07:09 PM
Just lost my whole response. No time to do it again.:(
Bailey does not seem to be affected by time changes.
You are right, Addy-the return trip will be very exciting.:D Carpet goes down Monday.:) We get to go home Thursday the 14th.:D BB house will seem like a mansion compared to this! Work will be done here while we are away and it should all be finished when we return.:D Everything. All done.:D:):D
I'm sorry those fools are waking your Mom up at night. How maddening.:mad:
Gotta run.
Has the weather been nice? I hope so. Back to BB just in time for the holidays. Can you believe how late turkey day is this year?
The weather turned pretty cold last night but my wave petunias are still blooming in my window boxes. I dont have the heart to pull the out yet though they look a bit to summery for this time of year.:o
At least with the cold air when I walk the pups my nose runs and relieves all that sinus pressure in the morning:D:D:D:D I just dont want to hear the s word in the forecast:eek::eek:
Have a great day!!!!
Bailey's Mom
11-08-2013, 02:56 AM
The weather has been scrumptious. One rainy day....the rest blue skies, sunny and 81 or 82. :D
At BB the pansies bloom all winter. Would that work up where you are? On one of our many trips to Lowe's I saw a whole bunch of little potted poinsettias outside. It's so weird what you see here which looks so out of place when you're from mid Atlantic or further north. Last Sunday, since we've not had any tv, I went over to the clubhouse to watch the Redskins play football. There I sit in shorts and a teeshirt and the people in the stands are all bundled up in hoodies looking very cold. It seemed so weird.
We got our new refrigerator today. It's really big.:eek: And of course, with all this money we've spent, we can't afford any food to go in it.:confused: But it's sure pretty.
How is hubby doing? Mended yet? Bailey says "woof" to Zoe & Koko. I hope your Mom is doing ok.:)
I couldn't find any pansies:(:(:( I guess I will just have to do with empty boxes until I can fill them with evergreen branches.:):)
82 sound heavenly, wow and sun, double wow just what my light deprived brain needs:D:D:D:D
Sus it is so funny with Koko, since I bought those darn biscuits he cant take his eyes off me on our walks. All of sudden I am the best thing around;);):D I cant get over it, who knew? And they aren't even good biscuits, I bought the same brand the vet had.:rolleyes:
Mom's dementia is so much better off the incontinent drug, I am amazed. She has even participated in some crafts, she painted a picture of a tree. She is so excited about coming home for Thanksgiving, she wants to see Zoe and all of her hair:D:D
I hope we all make it to Thanksgiving. I usually try not to let myself go that far ahead emotionally.
You will have to get Bailey's sweater out when you get back to BB. Remember the winter we ordered sweaters from Etsy? FUN stuff!!
This is the first time since Zoe's ultra sound in 2010 that she will have HAIR on her belly for the snow!!!!! OMG:p:p:p:p
Our local market had a Thanksgiving taste day of foods they are offering for turkey day. They had the most yummy butternut squash and apple puree type soup. I am thinking of ordering some and serving it in expresso cups as an appetizer. What do you think?
Bailey's Mom
11-09-2013, 10:00 PM
I think I'm a picky eater. I don't eat squash often. I can't imagine apple puree soup. It doesn't compute. I like apples. I like apple juice. It would be interesting to try. That would be something that would interest me in espresso cups.
Ryan fortunately did not pick up my eating habits. Both he and Bob are trying to expand my eating repertoire. They're very patient with me. It really is ridiculous. I live in two places and they're both near sea water.....and I don't eat fish. Sheesh!:o:o
Bailey's Mom
11-09-2013, 10:16 PM
I forgot I was on Bailey's thread. has started. There have been complaints about Bailey and her barking....while we are out. :confused::mad:
Our new refrigerator came and some resident came and had to inspect the new one and ask if we had taken out a cabinet so we could fit it in.:eek: She's asking the delivery guy this!!:( She must have asked him six or seven times..:eek:....I finally called out...."YES.....we took out one cabinet!!":p Then another neighbor expressed disappointment that he did not know we were replacing the refrigerator because his ice maker is broken and he would have liked to have swapped it out.:confused::confused::eek::eek: And we've gone from living in a neighborhood with old neighbors to living in a neighborhood with VERY old neighbors. I can see I'll have to get out and make social contacts pronto.
I am a huge Snoopy fan. I found one here that is a Christmas one. He side steps to the Christmas song that Shroeder plays on the piano....back and forth, back and forth. It is SO CUTE!!:D:D:):)
molly muffin
11-10-2013, 09:09 AM
Oh my goodness. You really are in the midst of "inquiring minds want to know" segment. LOL :rolleyes:
Yep, you're going to have to get out and network. Good grief. Of course, you do know that they are all in competition to be the first in the door for a cup of coffee/tea, whatever. Whomever scores that privilege will have the scoop to go back and tell the others of anything you have done to make changes, what your story is, basically, the good gossip. Choose carefully, you will be placing the crown on their head within their social circle. (the club house will be all a twitter). hahahaha :D
I might be tempted to say, that wasn't Bailey. That was me, Bailey is quiet as a mouse. :D
On the other hand, once they "know" you. You'll probably never have to worry about your place again while you are away. Make sure that a couple of them have your cell number or home phone in BB. You'll never have a better alarm system. ;)
Oh Susan, I'm having way too much fun with this. Sorry. hehehehe
Addy, ohhh, I like that idea. How cool. Soup in espresso cups. On Christmas Eve we go to a friends every year and there is always a chowder served in coffee cups. Good way to walk around, talk and eat at the same time.
hugs all
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Wow Susan, you will need to bring them all home baked goodies on your next trip back and do a heavy duty PR campaign.
I would have a hard time dealing with it but that is me, :o:o:o
Good thing you will always have a break from it and go home to BB.
Bailey too, how can they complain about Little Miss barking, how loud can her tiny bark be? She is itsy bitsy.:rolleyes:
Ok, I am done being overprotective of you and Bailey, so have a great trip home.:):):):)
SNOW is on my CAR:eek:
Bailey's Mom
11-11-2013, 10:46 PM
I must confess that Bailey has a very shrill bark. Ear piercing at times. We always hoped her "adult" bark would settle down an octave or so. I think that once she becomes accustomed to the golfers, the golf carts, the geckos, the squirrels, the alligators, the elevator bell, the other people talking, the guy who comes by cutting the grass each week, the birds who have started to land on our screen on the lanai, that the barking will become minimal. It is much less now than it was when we first got here. Besides....pets under 25 lbs are allowed .....and she's nowhere near that.
We got our carpeting today. More importantly we got rid of that nasty old stuff. They did a very nice job but were pricey. Tomorrow afternoon we get our shower door. I've been scrubbing down the shower tiles....hadn't been done in awhile. Meanwhile we're doing a little paint touch up, some caulking, some spackling of holes (not in that order) and gearing up to head home.
Sharlene-there are going to be workers in here while we are gone....putting in some new countertops, a light fixture for the kitchen and tile out on the lanai you have me worried that there will be a parade of people through here inspecting the work. I had a neighbor do that when I lived in Arlington. We were gutting and redoing our kitchen and she wanted a look-see. When both Bob & I were at work, she went over and invited herself in to inspect the job. THE NERVE!!!:mad::mad::mad:
Beddy bye time. Night gals!
Hugs and love,
11-12-2013, 07:04 AM
Oh Susan, the progress you're making sounds fantastic! We're set for our first mid-20s hard freeze tonight, so your tropical paradise sounds REALLY inviting right now (everybody thinks Atlanta is pretty warm all the time, too, but we definitely get "winter" here :o).
As far as Bailey's barking when you are away from home, would it be possible for you to restrain her in a room or a part of the condo where she isn't likely to be disturbed by so many visual/auditory distractions? Plus, any barking might not carry so far if she's in an internal room.
Sadly, I know from experience that uncontrolled barking can really wear down the nerves of neighbors :(. I am wide awake and posting right now because the dogs next door were let out into the yard (right below my bedroom window) at 5:30 a.m. They are BIG dogs with LOUD voices. I no longer need an alarm clock because I never need to worry about oversleeping. They are also left unattended in the yard for hours at a time during the day and evening. When the owners are home and hear them bark, they take them back inside. But when they are not home, it is "out of sight, out of mind" for them and I suffer never knowing when to expect them to come back. We have discussed this with our neighbors many, many times. We think the problem is solved, and then a couple months later we are back to Square One. On the rare occasions when the family vacations and the dogs are boarded, I cannot believe how nice it is to be able to take an uninterrupted afternoon nap or sleep late in the morning. It is like a vacation for me, too.
So if you are truly getting multiple complaints about Bailey's barking when you are away from the condo, I urge you to consider it to be a genuine issue to try to solve as best as is possible. And as I say, just restraining her to one specific internal room while you're gone might hopefully help?
Bailey's Mom
11-12-2013, 01:45 PM
Good point Marianne and nice to hear from you. We actually discussed this yesterday. I think we could confine her to the master bedroom which is at the back of the unit. That would keep the barking confined to an area with cinder-block walls and carpeted floors. We'd have to go through a training period and we'd have to structure it so she didn't dig the heck out of the nice wood door, but it's doable. We'll try that when we return in January and I'll let you know how it works out.
Bob only heard from one of the board of directors that he happened to run into while walking Bailey. It was not a formal complaint. There is another little dog in our building that sounds quite similar to Bailey. I told Ryan about this and his response'll get that with condo living. I'm not worried about it....I would like to get a handle on it and would prefer not to be annoying neighbors.
Are we home?
I miss the non basement:D;)
Bailey's Mom
11-17-2013, 03:42 AM
Well, I'm freezing, so I think we are home!!! You know in FL we don't even have a non-basement. There's nothing under us....not even a crawl space. Although that's probably a good thing......I wouldn't want to worry about alligators walking around under there!!!!:eek::eek::eek:
That is one helluva long drive and one I don't care to make very often, thankyouverymuch!!! I have a very hard time keeping awake driving I-95 ... it is such a long straight stretch of flat roadway down south with no curves, no bumps, no nothing. Bailey got a little restless, but all in all did pretty well.
There is a house at the end of the street, the entrance to our little development, and a couple of years ago they lost one of their two daughters to Hodgkins Lymphoma. She was only 17. The father took it especially hard and had other issues as well. They are both very nice people and their other daughter is great also....and has just spent her first or second year away at college, I think. Well, tonight, the father ended his life. He and his wife went to dinner. She stopped off at a business they own to take care of a few things and when she got home, she found him in the garage having taken his life. I apologize-I know this has nothing to do with Bailey or with Cushings, but it just kind of shook me. On one hand I feel at least he's at peace now.....but what a horrific situation for his wife and the remaining daughter. I understand the wife is being stoic as always....but the daughter is pretty upset. We knew something was going on because we were to meet friends for dinner and we couldn't get out of the neighborhood as the road was all blocked with police cars and emergency vehicles. They finally moved some so we could get out and by the time we returned, all of that had cleared away, but there were lots of other cars here and lots of people standing on the porch. Then I had to go back out and as I drove by some people were just getting out of a car, so I put down my window to ask if everything was all right.....and before I could finish that sentence I could see that the gentleman was a I stopped myself and said.....obviously not. Fortunately the woman with him was willing to give me just a little information and then later we got the rest.
Bailey gets groomed on Wednesday and I will be so glad.....I cannot see her eyeballs!! She's this big fluffball. All three of us are very tired and seem to need a lot of rest. She has taken to sleeping right up next to me with her little head on the edge of my pillow. With the bed that was there in FL, she found she could jump on top of it if she tried really hard. Then we got a new bed and new mattress and it's just as high as the one here and there's no way she can jump on top of it now. Here we have stairs for her. There there is not enough room to put stairs there for her. So I guess because there was no foot-board at first, she stayed away from the bottom of the bed, so she wouldn't fall off. Or maybe she just found it was warmer up at the top. But when she starts out, she plops herself down with her back against mine and it's so nice....she's so warm. :)
Okay Addy-you better get down to the non-basement and organizing your birds. It's going to be time to line them up before you know it! Oh! I wanted to ask you-another way I knew I was back in BB was because the skies were gray and the air is damp.....up your way, in the winter, do you have many sunny days with blue skies? Because we are at the ocean, we draw the moisture off the ocean and it stays damp, so my bones stay chilled and then for some reason it seems more often than not, the skies are gray. Down in FL they had the bluest of skies. It did get pretty chilly before we left, but just hoodie weather.
Oh Sus, what a terrible thing to have happen to your neighbors. I am so sorry. How hard for the wife and surviving daughter.
We get a few sunny days but otherwise it is fairly damp here as well, maybe because of Lake Michigan. Hubby has pretty bad arthritis so he suffers until spring. PT has really helped his neck and back though so I hope he can continue to go. Maybe that is what is bothering Zoe too now. We have tornado watches out today with high wind advisory:rolleyes::rolleyes: Crazy weather thundering like crazy and since Zoe cant hear well anymore, it no longer bothers her.
We were out cleaning out the gutters this morning and now I can't move my neck and my allergies are bad.:eek::(
Was it worse driving or taking the train? Straight and flat does make a boring drive.
I am looking on line for ideas for winterscapes for my window boxes. I found some nice ideas. Will you be decorating outdoors for the holidays? The holiday lights help with all the dark dreary days.
Welcome home!!!! I missed the non basement.:):);)
Bailey's Mom
11-18-2013, 12:27 AM
If you have someone who can prescribe for you, Voltaren gel does WONDERS for arthritis pain. I use it on my knees, my wrists, my shoulders and my thumbs. It comes in a tube and you put it on up to 4 times per day and it really helps. I find in the summer months, I don't use it so much.
In FL, Bailey did not scratch. Now that we're back in BB, she's scratching I guess that tells me what that is all about. I don't know the source but at least I know it's an allergy of some sort.
Train vs. driving. Well....there are trade offs on both. Train does not allow pets yet. They are considering it, but if/when they do, the pets will be in a separate car, be allowed one potty break in South Carolina around midnight for maybe ten minutes and then have to go right back into their cages. You do get there in 15 hours and then it's a 2-3 hour drive after that. You do have your car with you when you get there.
Driving involves two days. You have to find pet friendly motels. Eating has to be done pretty much at fast food places. And for some reason, even though it's 16 hours plus stops, it does take two full days. There is not enough room for Bailey's cage in the car and she won't stay strapped into her seat in the back....which means she's on the lap or the chest of the passenger for the whole trip. (Boy am I glad I didn't get a lab or a great dane!!!!!:eek::eek:)
The answer is to win the lottery, buy a car to leave there so we can just fly down and pay someone kind to drive Bailey down for us.;):o
Decorating outside-we always put lights on the front bushes. One year we put multi colored lights, (even years), odd years we do all white lights. We put a big ol wreath on the front door and a candle in each window that can be seen from the front......I think all in all there are 16. If Bob had his way, it would always be just the white lights. Ryan and I like the multi colored ones. I like the white ones too, but not too many people do the colored ones anymore.
I don't know if we still have it.....I don't remember if it still works, but we had a reindeer that was all outlined in white lights and his head turned back and forth. If he's still around, he'll be out there along the walk way. Oh....and there is a Chinese Maple tree out front on one side of the house/walkway and regardless of whether it is a white or a colored year, it gets covered with red, green and white lights. All the lights are the tiny LED lights. They cost a fortune, but if you live to be 187, they'll save you money in electricity costs.:cool:
On the drive back, we found a radio station that was already broadcasting Christmas music 24/7. I thought Bob would have a fit. I loved it. I'm a Christmas nut. It's my favorite time of year.:D
Ten days 'til turkey day!!! Or for those of us who are going to be unique this year, 12 days 'til turkey day! Ellen is coming and she has to work on Thanksgiving day, so we will have our Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday. I wonder if that will feel weird?:)
molly muffin
11-18-2013, 10:38 PM
Glad you had a safe trip home. That is a long drive with a dog on your lap the whole way!!
Christmas is fun time of year. I love it when the lights are up and the house decorated. Good times.
I'm so sorry about your neighbor and her daughter. That is going to be very hard of them, especially with the holidays coming. You always feel traumas more during the holidays. :( I feel very bad for them.
Have to run! But so glad your home safe and sound!
sharlene and Molly muffin
Hey Sus,
Stopping in to say howdy.:) I have my turkey day menu all set. The college kid is coming home next Tuesday:):):) I miss that girl tons.
Sorry to hear Ellen is working Thursday. Last year we had "left over" day on Friday so we could celebrate with the kids. it was fun.:)
Now the big debate at our house is frozen turkey or fresh?
We did fresh last year, I honestly could not tell the difference and we got a hen, She was a scrawny lass if I do say so:D:D
I always thought hen turkeys had more meat on their bones:D:D
molly muffin
11-19-2013, 11:20 PM
I thought hens always did the most work so the dudes were the fatter to eat?:D:D
Are you doing the soup in the espresso cups? that sounds so good! Did I tell you that right after you wrote that, we were at charity event and they were serving a squash something or other soup in espresso cups and I said, Addy Just had this too. Everyone was like, "huh, who, what?" hahahaha
And what is on your menu Susan?
I have to live vicariously through you guys this coming holiday as we already had our Thanksgiving last month. Now we are in full out Christmas mode and our neighbor came home from Florida last weekend and put his Christmas lights up outside.
With my hubby's frozen shoulder, I don't know that we'll have lights up on the house this year, but I always do a Christmas tree with lights by the outside front door and then a pine spray in a container with lights on it. Maybe I'll do some other lights down low that he won't have to reach up to do himself.
Will you guys be decorating for Christmas the weekend after Thanksgiving?
hugs all,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
11-20-2013, 01:17 AM
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.........Thanksgiving dinner..........turkey........usually just a turkey breast because no one really likes the dark meat or those yucky innards.:eek::p Bob makes his own stuffing, outside the turkey. Bob cooks the whole meal. Succotash. Mashed potatoes. Celery stuffed with a mixture of cream cheese, blue cheese, cheddar cheese and chopped pecans. Green and pitted, jumbo black olives. Cranberry sauce or maybe chutney. Gravy. Sparkling cider. Rolls with butter. And for dessert...........I make pecan pie. Mmmmmmmmmmm good!:D:D:)
What's with all these frozen shoulders up north? Do I need to send my hot tub up there? A masseuse? :rolleyes:
Bailey's hair is SO long. I cannot see her eyes anymore. Tomorrow she gets groomed and we both cannot wait. I so miss her eyes. We're supposed to be high's in the 30's over the weekend so I'll have to get out her sweaters, for sure!:eek: I was so cold in the house today, I just sat in one spot on the sofa and didn't move for a couple of hours watching tv.
Dentist tomorrow AM. It's going to be a new hygienist. I hate breaking in the new hygienists. Back in VA I had the same one for 30 years. Here, this will be probably the 4th one. I don't really care for this dentist. He thinks he's doing you a favor by seeing you.....but he's so close to where we live....and I only have to see him at the end of each visit.
Stay warm kids. Get out those red and navy sweaters!!!
I'm coming to your house for turkey day because that menu sounds yummy good!!!! Thumbs up to Bob for doing all the cooking too:D:D
It all came up so quickly, Sus, the holidays and all. The time is going too fast and can you please make it slow down?;););)
Thanks for posting on my thread, I can feel you on my shoulder, my guardian angel as always:):):):)
I will be fine, everything will work out. I just get so upset when I see Zoe like that. It is too dang hard to handle. So we will fix it:D:D
Happy weekend! We are going to get our turkey tomorrow.
Gobble gobble:D:D:D:D
I think there is a turkey conspiracy going on. I think turkey growers have figured out a way to make these dang birds weigh more but stay small.
We went to get our turkey; I was thinking 18 pounds should be more than enough. Over the years as the family grew, hubby and I started getting pretty big birds since everyone wanted to take home a bag of leftovers for Friday. We were purchasing 24-25 pound turkeys and they looked like a big bird.
So yesterday, we are in the store (hubby said this store had a great selection of frozen turkeys). Well, they all looked like giant chickens.
I mean I picked up a bird that looked like a big chicken and they were trying to tell me it was a 17 pounder:rolleyes:
What the heck is going on? We ended up having to buy a 21 pounder and it looks like the 18 pounders we used to purchase years ago.
Happy Sunday!!!!
Bailey's Mom
11-25-2013, 01:29 AM
What is going on ?????? It is 27 degrees here!!!!!!!!:mad::mad: It's 63 in FL and it's supposed to be 78 tomorrow.:) I think we're supposed to get to thirty something.:( Whoopee.:p Maybe you northerners don't mind this but this is too dang cold!!!!:eek::eek::mad::mad:
We don't have our turkey yet. Our refrigerator here is a side by side so it doesn't hold much. I'll never make that mistake again. Unfortunately, getting something bigger will probably mean custom made, or redoing the cabinets.
Can this really be turkey week already? Bob and I put out the outside lights on Saturday when it was still in the 50s. Boy am I glad he suggested that, now. We aren't turning them on yet, we just got them in place while it was warmer.
Hope everyone has a great Monday!
Well if you are buying a turkey breast you wont have to worry about ending up with a giant chicken:D:D:D:D:D
It is snowing now:(:(:(:(:(
Can we go back to Florida? They are saying 1" and I can tell you from how it looks out there, they have not a clue.:rolleyes:
molly muffin
11-25-2013, 05:29 PM
Pffft, too cold here too. I am not a fan!!!!! I know I live in Canada and am suppose to be what, adaptable to the cold, but I'm not, so there! I'm with Addy, bags are packed, lets go to Florida. Load up the canines, throw the husbands in the car, whatever it takes, I no likee this winter stuff. :( *whiney
We're suppose to get some tonight and then some more tomorrow night, evening, something or other.
I just want to curl up with a book, in front of the fireplace and a cup of something hot. (no preferences, but it's either hot or wine, or combine the two and go for the Swedish grogg, gluugg, something or other. It's good. LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
11-26-2013, 12:59 AM
Shoot....I just lost my whole response. Here's the short version.
37 now.
Cold all day.
Have wood for long fire.
Have hot chocolate.
Have tiny little marshmallows.
Have makings for s'mores.
If you can fill in the blanks, you are better than I!!:D:p;):rolleyes::cool:
I hate to admit this but I have never eaten a s'more:rolleyes:
and I have always wanted to:):):) Sounds like a perfect time. I am on my way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My mom has called our house three times this morning looking for me.:confused: Hubby finally retrieved all the messages and called her back when he got home from pt. She wanted to know where I was as she thought it was Thanksgiving! She is so excited about coming home.:)
I am looking out my office window and it looks so cold with the cloudy weather and snow. I'm thinking Thanksgiving in a warm climate might be a good change of pace.;)
molly muffin
11-26-2013, 07:45 PM
Oh! You must have some s'mores Addy! They are yummy!!
woof to bailey from molly! :)
well, the snow so far has missed us. We've had it come down like crazy the other day, most of that is gone now. Still a tiny bit here and there, but it warmed up and melted it basically and the rest has just been dusting. We are thinking tonights storm that is hitting the eastern coastal areas, will also hit the other side of the city and miss us too. Hope so as I have some running around to do tomorrow and am taking off work to do it. Hair appointment!! I've cancelled 3 so far because work has been so crazy. Tonight I said, that's it, I'm not going into party season (starting this weekend) with roots and greys all over the place, I'd look like a zebra!
Have a good Thanksgiving!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
11-27-2013, 12:31 AM
No snow. We're having a heat wave. It's 59 12:23AM. I got Bob to get the pilot lit on the gas fireplace in the studio up here so at least this room can be warm and dry. I'm actually a tad warm right now.
Had a little chat with hubby over dinner about Christmas spirit and all that. Asked him to keep any crankiness to himself. If there's something he doesn't want to do just tell me and I'll do it. Ho-ho-ho:D:):cool: We'll see how far that goes.:rolleyes:
Turns out he bought a whole turkey. It's been in the freezer and I didn't know it. I need to make my pecan pie. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. Addy-come're the last person I would have thought would have not had a s'more yet. I'll save you one. If you don't pick it up here, I'll take it to FL and you can have it there :D:D:D. It's cute that you're Mom is so excited. How neat is that?!!
Happy turkey day all you turkeys. Does Zoe get to go for a turkey walk on Thursday?
Love, and hugs,
Im having my November insomnia, I have it every year. MY brother lost the transformer power cord to Mom's lift chair, no one can find it and he is out of town. Dumb brothers any way:mad:
I hope we dont get all these storms they are now suggesting. ';m a bit nervous about trying to get mom in and out of the car and it will be hard with snow or ice.
I think the holidays crept up so quickly this year. I'm not ready for winter. Give me sun!!!!!
How did Bailey's hair cut turn out? Is she getting toys for Christmas?
A nice stocking hanging from the fireplace filled with toys and treats with her name on it? I can so picture that.
Happy Thanksgiving dear Susan.
I am so very thankful I have you for a friend:):)
Gobble, Gobble:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
11-28-2013, 01:31 AM
November insomnia, eh? At least you're predictable then. Bummer about the power cord. I concur about dumb brothers.
It is still really windy and cold here. Just rain, though. Tomorrow is supposed to be really cold and then a very slight warming trend.
Bailey's haircut turned out ok. I asked for a ball on the tail and I guess no one knows what a ball looks like. I may start shaping the tail myself. I'm not sure what she'll get for Christmas. I did just order a Kong toy that has no stuffing. It's in the shape of a fox. Bailey always takes toys apart, so it's hard to find successful toys. I have found a few lately, though. She has her own stocking in the shape of a paw. Doesn't have her name on it, though. She'll surely get some treats. The stocking doesn't hold much, which is fine with me. Bailey doesn't really "get" about opening presents, although last year by the time we were nearing the end of the gifts she seemed to be finally getting the hang of it. Palmer loved the unwrapping part. I did get an ornament that looks kind of like her this year.....but it needs a little modification.....but now all my paints are in FL!!:eek: I'll have to go out and buy a little brush and a little tube or two of paint. I need to put her markings on the doggie.
Ryan is here. Ellen will come tonight. Lights are tested and most of the ornaments are unwrapped. Morning will come too soon. Enjoy your day with your family Addy.
I am MOST thankful to have you as a friend and to have you in my life.:):):):D:D:D
Hugs and love,
molly muffin
11-28-2013, 06:02 PM
Happy Thanksgiving Susan, Bailey and family!!
Hope you have a great time putting up the tree and all the celebrations.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
I hope your Thanksgiving was a success:):):)
Now the reality of only 23 shopping days left until Christmas. When my daughter mentioned that I felt panic because I am so not ready for that:rolleyes::o
We had a beautiful sunny, warm day yesterday and we all felt so good but I am afraid it is short lived.
Did you finish your decorations? We bought three more bird ornaments yesterday:):):):) Birds are in again this year, they have some beauties.
How is Little Miss? Koko needs a grooming terribly. Do get a winter cut for Bailey?
Well, off I go for more drops in Zoe's eyes. Have a wonderful Sunday!
Bailey's Mom
12-02-2013, 12:50 AM
Thanksgiving was very nice. I kind of like the reversal. It's more relaxing this way.:) As it turned out, Ellen was able to leave work earlier than expected and got here about 5pm on Thanksgiving day. I was glad she was able to drive here in daylight as she had never driven herself here before.
Friday we finished decorating the tree and Saturday we cooked the turkey and feasted! It was scrumptious. Sunday Ellen and Ryan cooked us buttermilk pancakes from scratch. What a treat that was! :D:)
We didn't put the other decorations out because the cleaning person is coming tomorrow and Bob wanted to leave the place sparse so she can do her thing and then we'll get the other stuff out. So-there is still that to do, but I think that's the most fun part. We did put together a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle which wasn't as much fun as it could have been. The pieces were backed partly by wood and it made it harder to tell which ones went together. Some seemed to fit and it turned out they did not. We finally got it all together, but it's going out in the recycling.
Ellen started us with a new tradition. It's who can find the pickle ornament. She hid a pickle ornament on the tree......yes, a pickle ornament. :eek: Whoever finds it gets a little prize. :D Then that person hides it next year and on and on. I FOUND THE PICKLE!!! :o:) What fun! I won some peppermint patties, some Lindt chocolates and (drum roll, please):rolleyes: a jar of pickles! So the pickle ornament is back on the tree and will be packed away with the other ornaments to be unpacked and hidden next year.
I think someone turned the sun off. It's 34 here. We're not supposed to have this kind of weather until February. Bailey doesn't get a "winter" cut, although I think the groomer thought she'd leave her a little longer.
Gotta get to bed. I have a doc appt in Wilmington tomorrow. That's a 3 hour drive. Happy Monday Addy!
Pickle ornament is fun! My mom had us doing that when the grandkids were younger. The girls loved it until Kayla tried to eat the glass pickle:eek::eek::eek::eek: I think she was two.:rolleyes:
molly muffin
12-02-2013, 05:15 PM
Oh that Does sound like fun! I've never heard of it before. Maybe I will do that this year for Christmas morning. :)
Brrr, I know, it's chilly here too. It's suppose to warm up on Wed or Thursday and then bham! back to below freezing for the highs. ACK. I don't care if I do live in Canada, I am so not into this winter stuff.
I told the hubby, if you want to keep me when we are retired, you're going to have to find some place warmer to spend winters. Makes Florida start to look good even earlier I bet.
Hope you have good weather and traffic for the drive to Wilmington.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
the mail came:D:D:D
you always know how to put a smile on my face:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
12-02-2013, 10:04 PM
The drive to Wilmington went without incident or error....yay! The drive up was skies and sunny. I was waaaayy early so it was very relaxing. I even had time to stop at a specialty store to buy some lingerie. Ride back was gray, but uneventful. I ran a couple of errands. It shot my whole day, but it was a nice deviation.
I have a busy day tomorrow so I'm thinking I'll just head off to bed and get a good night's sleep. Novel idea, don't you think? I straightened out a couple of ankle biters by phone on the way up, so it was kind of productive anyway. I'm feeling like I lost control of my desk and the paperwork. I've only 29 or 30 days until we leave for FL and there is a ton of stuff to clear off before I can get away. And, yes, Sharlene.....with all this February type cold weather, I'm ready to go back already. I just don't want to miss the Christmas fun.
Night, ladies! Stay warm!!
Hugs and love,
Bailey's Mom
12-02-2013, 10:07 PM
PS-pickle is plastic. Wouldn't taste very good!
then I am off to find a plastic pickle:D:D:D:D:D
Well, I guess you need to send me the pink bubble wrap because Sunday night I tripped over a gutter entension bauried in the snow and I was carrying Zoe so could not stop the fall, twisted my body to protect her, lettting her go when I got closer to the ground and subsequently took the full force of the fall on my shoulder. I cant lift my arm now:rolleyes: Hopefully nothing is torn but it is day two and no better after icing it, putting arm in sling, taking advil.
Let me know if you have any good advice;););)
Always something in Addy land.
Hope everything is good in Susan land:):):):):):)
molly muffin
12-10-2013, 06:11 PM
ADDDYYYY!!!! Woman! Susan, get the bubble wrap!! Lots of it!!! We'll need to wrap Addy and Zoe for each trip outside. hmmm, bubble wrap sling too..I am seeing the possibilities. :)
Seriously Addy, do you think you should get a doc to check it out?
Bailey's Mom
12-11-2013, 10:41 PM
Addy!!!!!!:eek::eek::mad::mad::rolleyes::rolleyes: I thought you were going for a pickle!!!:confused::confused::confused:
What to do with you:confused::confused::confused: I am so sorry. That sounds like something I would do!!;)
By the way-Pier 1, in Glendale, which I do believe must be very near you, should have pickle ornaments, along with a little tag that explains the tradition. $3.95. They are glass, I think, and look really nice....if you want a pickle ornament.
Back to you-I think you should get that checked out post haste. If you remember, when I fell last, I did not get my knee checked out for 3 weeks and when I finally did go in the doc didn't even look at it.....he told me right off the bat we'd need to replace it. I thought a little pt and I'd be good as new. Silly me. We tend to minimize what is wrong with us. We think it doesn't hurt that bad, or it can't be that bad, or it'll get better soon. Well, it doesn't hurt to get a professional opinion either. And sooner is always better than later. Be thankful it wasn't worse and that Zoe is okay and get yourself checked out by a medical professional. We need you and your family need you and YOU need you!!
I am well and I'd say I am VERY cold, but I'm talking to people who have it way colder than me, so I'll keep my mouth shut. 20 days til Florida.
I just put in an order for a gigundo size of pink bubble wrap and lots of tape. Pink tape. :D
Bailey's Mom
12-11-2013, 10:45 PM
Here's the pickle link..............,default,pd.html?cgid=christmas-ornaments#start=1,default,pd.html?cgid=christmas-ornaments#start=1
molly muffin
12-11-2013, 11:25 PM
Oh that is so cool Susan. Thanks for sharing the pic. hmmm, think there is a Pier One near me too. I'll have to see if it is still there.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
:D:DI can go right past it on my way home:):) Hurrah, Pickle time Thank you!!
I have consult with PT tomorrow morning which had been cancelled Saturday because of the dang snow. I'll wait to see what she thinks and go from there, I guess. It feels a little better as long as I have the icy hot patch on and 3 Motrin in me every eight hours:rolleyes:
I had a long soak in the tub last night in really hot water and boy that sure did make if feel better. Maybe I need a hot tub:D
molly muffin
12-16-2013, 04:58 PM
I think you do need a hot tub Addy. Yep, absolutely a must! A pickle and a hot tub! :) :) :) :) heheheheheheh oh my god that sounds so funny.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Just stopping in to say howdy:D:D:D
Thinking of you:)
Bailey's Mom
12-20-2013, 12:25 AM
Just stopping in to say howdy:D:D:D
Thinking of you:)
Howdy right back atcha! I just stopped by "your place" and left my footprint there. Definitely....get a hot tub. You don't need to get a big one. Just big enough for two. We had ours professionally closed down this year, since we're going to Florida, and we won't be doing that again. It's just too expensive and not worth the trouble. We'll just let it run and keep it at 40 degrees while we're gone.
Six more sleeps 'til Santa!!!!:):):):)
LOL, our museum is having a poop exhibit and youngest granddaughter wants to go.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I have to say with all of our poop experience here on the forum, we might find ancient dinosaur poop interesting:p:p:p
How many more days till Santa?:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I finally have all my presents purchased and only one more to wrap.
Bailey's Mom
12-22-2013, 02:35 PM
Oooooooooooooo, I'm envious. I'm done shopping but not done wrapping plus I need to bake a pie....two actually. Waiting for Ryan to arrive momentarily. Three more sleeps 'til Santa. I'm trying really hard not to panic about getting ready for FL. I have no idea how much stuff we will take and how much space that will take up. If we just take both cars then it doesn't matter if I'm ready or not. Bob won't do that, though. He doesn't want me doing that drive on my own.
It's 64 degrees here now. It was 71 degrees this AM. Weird, weird weather. What happened with the bird tree, Addy? Did it become a casualty of the torn rotator cuff? Don't overdue it, gal!
WOW!!! I sure wish it was that warm here, it is going to be below zero tomorrow night.
Bird tree is up but no snowflakes or icicles or ribbon made it on. It still looks nice though, a bit simple, the birds stand out a bit more. We added 3 new birds.:):):):):)
I wrapped an ice bag on my shoulder while I wrapped presents. It worked pretty good. I have five storage bins of ribbon, etc. I did not fuss as much as I usually do, it hurt to tie the ribbons.
Did you bake cookies? I only had a few Christmas cookies at work. We will try to go to my brothers Christmas Day for a few hours, depends on the weather. I am hoping my sister-in-law baked cookies.:):):):)
I dont think you should drive all the way to Flroida all alone either. I bet it is hard to figure out what to pack. All of Bailey's toys will take up some room in the trunk:):);)
Bailey's Mom
12-23-2013, 03:33 PM
I have not baked cookies. I am planning on baking two pecan pies is a giveaway. We are trying to eat out the freezer and the pantry. We're doing a pretty good job of it, too.:D
I have mostly caught up with the desk work.:) I have checked my emails and verified that I received everything I ordered.:D I am about 1/2 done with my wrapping and am about to go over to the other room and see if I can put a large dent in what's left of that.
I had a massage this AM and that was sure nice.:cool: I recommend it highly. Just stop the world and get off for 60 minutes. :) Bailey has just stuck by my side like a real trooper. Occasionally we have play time, but she's not complaining. Ryan is here so that helps. She's due for a bath soon.
I did find a spray that seems to help curb her itching. It's a Drs. Foster & Smith product. Just a light spray on whatever area she scratches and it seems to take care of it for awhile.....and she doesn't seem to mind the spray. Whodathunk it?
Rudolph is calling. Gotta run.
Sus/an Ho-Ho-Ho :D
molly muffin
12-23-2013, 06:26 PM
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Susan and Bailey.
I'm making pecan tarts tomorrow, hmm, either really early in the day or late at night. Not sure which yet. Probably very very late though, which means I'll be updating threads on the forum at 1am or something crazy like that. :)
At least the roads are semi clear now so I could get out and get some more errands run. Picked up gifts for the neighbors this year. Madiran wine is suppose to be the red that is good for your heart, so I'll give them all a bottle, then tell the they have to drink it as I found some soft french cheese and crackers and grapes and I'm making up little baggies with a bit of everything for each neighbor. I thought that sounded like more fun than the normal chocoloates/wine that we usually do.
Then off to pick up smoked salmon and cream cheese and artichoke dip and veggies to make up trays for tomorrow night. I'm on a roll, don't stop me now. There is nothing I love more than making up gifts for people.
I have this theory, that okay, if I Just make stuff and give it to other people then I can have like a bite of everything and not be able to have the Whole thing and maybe I'll get through the holidays without an extra 20lbs somewhere on my person that it shouldn't be. :) No? Well, it's a theory. ROFL
Oh my gosh, I can barely pack for two weeks, I'd be a basket case if packing for extended stay anywhere! Kudos to you being mucho organized.
hmmm..massage. Yes please. LOL
Merry Christmas
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
12-23-2013, 11:06 PM
Merry Christmas Sharlene and Molly Muffin! :D
I just finished wrapping the last present. :cool: The pies have been put off until tomorrow. I am just too bushed.
I'll let you know how organized I was once I get down there!!! I just don't think I'll be able to think of everything I'll need to take to be able to do everything I do to run our life without my desktop. Oh well. I made it through 3 weeks okay. I just have to multiply that times 4.....and hope my credit/identity isn't hijacked!! :eek::confused:
Your idea of wine, cheese, crackers and grapes sounds very tasty and very thoughtful. Will Molly help you deliver?
Bailey wants my attention. I better go. She's been very patient.
Big hugs!!
I could not believe it that last night I sat down to devour the most tasty S'mores. Having never had one, I am now addicted to them. I thought of sharing some with Santa and saving a bit for under the tree but decided against it.
It was the perfect suprise after a painful day at work and I could not have had a happier night.
My darling Susan, what would I do without you?
I hope Bailey's itches are better and ear healed up as well. We cant have Little Miss feeling under the weather for her winter retreat.
Have the Merriest of Christmases, dear friend. I dearly hope it is magical for you.
All my love,
Bailey's Mom
12-24-2013, 12:45 PM
Hi Addy -
My apologies for the lack of festive wrap.....I had all I could do to get that off to you so you'd have it by Christmas. I hope the crackers weren't mashed. I was so excited knowing yesterday was the day it was supposed to arrive. :D:cool: It was a fun thing to do for me. :cool:
Bailey is doing well today. :) No scratching yet. She's due for a bath just as soon as I get these pies done. I'm going to make some Mrs. Claus holiday punch-orange juice, cider, cloves, allspice and cinnamon sticks, then bake the pies, give Bailey her bath, then sit down and take a nap!!!
Take care dear friend. My life would be much poorer without you.
All my love,
Nothing was smashed everything was perfect and I was so excited when hubby called me and said there was a package for me, I could not wait to get home. The contents were delightful.
Merry Christmas
no more sleeps :D:D:D
molly muffin
12-25-2013, 05:59 PM
Merry Christmas Susan, Bailey and family :)
I hope you have had a lovely day, with lots of love and warmth. (well, maybe just a few snow flakes too to make it feel right)
We're getting snow here all day long. I'll huff and puff and blow some your way.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
12-25-2013, 06:10 PM
Merry Christmas Addy, Sharlene, Koko, Molly & Zoe (2 foot, then alphabetical order :D)!!!!
No more sleeps!!! Santa even let us sleep late.....that was the best present ever!!
We've had a roaring fire all day and a very relaxing day. Bailey finally figured out it was FUN to unwrap presents. We're going to have our Christmas dinner soon. No snowflakes here, but it's plenty cold. :eek:
Say Addy-Russell Stover now makes s'mores. I haven't tried mine yet, but Santa brought one in my stocking. It's bound to be good. Mmmmmmm. I'll let you know.
I wish we could all gather together with our pups, some cider and have some giggles together. I'd say I'll meet you in the non-basement, but it's too darn cold for that!!! Besides-I've been hearing the sump pump running down there, so it must be very moist down there...............
Sweet dreams everyone!
Hugs & kisses-
Wouldn't that be lovely? Getting together, sitting around gabbing. Great images in my mind of that!!!!!!:D:D
back to work today and tomorrow I finally see the specialist.:)
Bailey's Mom
12-26-2013, 05:53 PM
I hate to tell you this....but the tree is down and put away.:( :eek: This is the ONLY year it will happen this early. Bob and Ryan have gone off to shop the outlets and get dinner out and Bailey and I are left behind to continue trip preparations. :( I didn't sleep much last mind kept going over things I need to do in order to be prepared to go. I was falling asleep in front of the tv and so I thought.....AHA-good time to go to in bed and I was wide awake.:mad: I hate that!!!
We've got sand bags loaded to block the garage doors in case it floods while we're gone. Ryan says he'll come down and check if that happens. He's a good kid................sometimes.:p
Good luck with the specialist tomorrow, Addy. Tell him/her we'll be watching her/him!!
Are we in Florida yet???????
Your Christmas sounds like it was divine:D My daughter puts her tree up the day after Thanksgiving and takes it down the day after Christmas every year, so dont feel bad your tree is done.
Hubby and I are looking at the nine inches f snow on our roof, all the ice in the yard, and we are seriously asking ourselves why are we still here?:rolleyes:
Man o man Sus, enjoy your winter retreat. I will day dream we are sitting watching sunsets together:):):)
Happy Almost New Year!!!
molly muffin
01-02-2014, 09:07 PM
Happy New Year Susan and Bailey and Bob! I hear the car is packed and ready to go. You're riding on top? Seems to be a rather Well packed car.
Addy and I will fly down, not sticking around for flooding with no one there to rescue us I'm sure. :)
You guys be careful on the drive down and check in so we know you arrived safe and sound!
That was so sweet of you to introduce Addy to smores. Now she just needs to do it on the beach, with a campfire!! :) :) :)
Be safe!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
01-03-2014, 12:46 AM
How in the world did you find time to squeeze in good wishes to me and mine as we're about to head out through the snow with all this partying you have going on??!!??!! :)
Sad to say, the last few smores makings did not make the final cut on the car packing.:( Maybe I'll have one right before I go to bed. I'm down to the last few papers and I'm procrastinating. Bob went to bed 1.5 hours ago. If I were smart I'd be sawing logs now too.
I think you should put Molly in a box, punch some air holes in it and overnight her to Florida.;) You can leave her with us until party season is over. She and Bailey would have a blast with the alligators.:rolleyes: I'm going to be on the lookout for an "Alligator Crossing" sign.
Take care, Sharlene.:D
If they've reconnected the internet as they were supposed to, you should hear we're safe and sound, and warmer by Sunday or so.
Big Hugs!!!:D:D
I did not even know it snowed in NC. Such crazy weather. :rolleyes:
Thank goodness Bob did not put you and Bailey on the car roof to make more room.:):):):)
Just think soon you will be in sunny, warm Florida. Just stay clear of the dang alligators, gosh I dont like that at all. Hubby lived in Flroida for awhile in his younger days. He remembers having to watch out for them.
Thanks for being there for me Sus. Love ya.
molly muffin
01-04-2014, 12:35 PM
Always have time for the forum peeps. :)
Things will be calmer the end of February. Our work just really does their holiday parties after the new year, so January is crazy month.
I wish I had someone who could take care of molly when we travel, that would make life so much easier on us and on her. Everyone pretty much has their own lives and dogs and having one with special issues isn't necessarily going to fit into their lives even for a weekend. They think it will but reality is often not what you think it will be. :) Since I like them I won't impose on their generosity. hahahaha
Gosh, hope you are out of the snow and yucky weather and into warm temperatures now. Would be great if the internet has been hooked up for you. This is going to be such fun for you, the start of a new winter escape tradition. I hope that it is all that you want it to be and much more. (all good of course) :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
01-07-2014, 12:47 PM
Hello from sunny but chilly Florida! We made it!! Day #1 was 81 degrees. Today (day #3) is 42. I'm not complaining-it's 11 at home and God know what where you guys are!!! :eek::eek::eek: We're supposed to get back to 80 by Saturday. Part of what I like here is that more often than not, it is sunny. In DE, more often than not, in the winter, it's gray. Just the sunshine makes such a big difference in how I feel.
Well-they are laying tile on the lanai today. That is the final thing to be done until Thursday when they come to install the Murphy bed all youse guys can come and visit!:D
The new counters and sinks look great. The grab bars are installed in both baths. The modified vanity is in the MBath. And we can finally put things where they belong FOR REAL!!! It was a bit of a bummer at first because I realized we had to, one more time, do another cleanup, do paint touch ups and spackle and that kind of bummed me out. But I've already finished one area and will finish the second one we can see progress being made.
Last night we ate dinner at the for real dining table for the first time. It was nice. Bob even gave me the chair with the arms so I'd have those for support to get up. My leg muscles really need some workouts. I've lost a lot of strength.
Bailey is doing her usual barkfest. She's very happy chasing balls and running inside. We haven't seen Pat the alligator yet. That's really odd. I miss him/her.
The guy laying tile is in shorts.....outside.....42 degrees!!!!!
Well-let me go check what I've missed. Just wanted to let you know we arrived safely. Thanks for your posts Sharlene and Addy. It's nice to know we're still connected! :):D
I'll take 42 over -14 any day;);) After this 30 will feel like 80:p
I am so glad you arrived safely, whew!!! The weather has been so crazy everywhere, long distance travel makes nervous.
I don't think you should miss Pat the alligator too much. Scares the beegeebers out of me. I think Pat needs to stay in the designated alligator area only:D:D:D:D:D Like do NOT cross this line, Pat!!!
I am picturing the setting as I read your post, and that makes me smile, especially with Baily doing Barkfest. Yup, all sounds good, Sus.
molly muffin
01-07-2014, 04:12 PM
Glad you guys made it down there alright and are settling in just fine. A little bit of "fix" isn't bad, as you shouldn't have to do it again at least!.
Wow, got to eat at your own table, that's nice isn't it. Feels more like home that way. I bet your leg muscles will be fine after some nice long walks on the beach. :)
40's sound divine to me too!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
01-10-2014, 07:17 PM
Well, we made it to 73 today. The sun peeked out this afternoon. We shipped two boxes here (USPS) on our way out of BB. One finally reached here today. The other is still MIA!! :eek: For that I paid $46??!!:mad: UPS next time.
I let Bob out to go shopping today. He doesn't know we are broke.
One of the nice things about living here is we can order anything that the clubhouse has on their menu as takeout. So if we don't feel like getting all "fixed up", we can order and just run up there and in 15 minutes we have back in our own place a magnificently cooked gourmet prime rib with popover, mashed potatoes, veggies, caesar salad and hot bread. Even Bailey thought that was pretty cool!!
Tonight we will have reruns. Their portions are huge. The Murphy bed/desk/cabinets got installed yesterday. I am busy trying to get stuff organized. I pulled a real boner....I called home to pick up messages and when trying to delete messages, I accidentally turned off the answering machine. Oh well. And there were 2 messages I never got to listen to. And since it won't answer, I can't possibly figure out how to turn it back on. Ain't life grand???:o
I take left over food care packages;););)
Glad things are settling in down in sunny Florida. We are having freezing rain. My boss walked me to my car, galaant man that he is, so I would not fall. I reminded him he was holding my bad arm so if we crahsed down I would be screwed.:p:p No kidding the side walk was worse than a ice scating rink.
Enjoy your weather and soak up some rays for me and Zoe.
molly muffin
01-10-2014, 09:37 PM
Yikes, that sounds pretty bad Addy, glad your boss was a gallant fellow.
*sigh* I'll so take 79F, oh to dream the dream. :)
Yummy, sounds nice to be able to just order and have it.
hmm, any neighbors with the key to the house?
I hate when packages go missing. They do usually show up, just not when you want them necessarily.
We're having a warm up this weekend, which I'll take. I'm sure it will go cold again. LOL
Enjoy the new digs!
Bailey's Mom
01-10-2014, 11:58 PM
Well, the package has found its way to Tampa. That's about an hour away. Maybe they can get their act together in time to deliver it tomorrow.
Going to bed now. Goodwill comes in the AM. Sunday I refuse to get up to see ANYONE!!! :p
Hugs n kisses,
Susan & Bailey
stopping by to say howdy Sus and Bailey.:):):)
I hope thing s are going well in sunny Florida and I hope that warm weather is soaking into your knees.:D:D
Bailey's Mom
01-13-2014, 11:23 PM
Hi Addy-I've had my first computer crisis and my WONderful son, as always, has come through for me and fixed me right up. He didn't do much of a job in getting me ready to go and I didn't push it, but he's coming through like a champ straightening out what I need when stuff isn't working and he now is realizing why I wanted him to sit down with me earlier. So one big area I worried about is all squared away now.
It's coolish-well...78 today. I know that sounds really warm. But it's not the same 78 I am familiar with.....but again....I am NOT complaining!~!:D The knees are talking to me badly. They are telling me to quit putting off starting with the exercise program. Enough already!!:mad: And stop this foolishness of staying up until the wee hours of the AM!!! It's ridiculous.
We're slowly getting pulled together. Still no pictures hung. Tomorrow I think we get to hang the key rack. It's a wire decorative thing that looks like a big heron. We had to hunt to find the right kind of hardware to hang it with. Bob has been visiting with more neighbors and has found some that really like Bailey, next door. That's helpful. They seem very nice....and of course they have very good taste!:D
It's supposed to be kind of rainy and chilly the rest of the week, I think. Good time to finish working on the inside. We have to scrub the tile floors with this special stuff.....get the grout cleaned and looking better. Then we're just about done. (Bob has to scrub, that is......not MY knees!!!)
Thanks for stopping by. Trying to send warmer weather north.
Your not supposed to be cleaning grout. you are supposed to be on a beach chair with a Pina Colada:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
01-14-2014, 11:50 PM
Well, first there needs to be some sunshine. We've been a bit lacking in that regard. I do need to play more. I think I've forgotten how to play....except for playing with Bailey. There is a nice long stretch inside that is all tiled floor and we have all kinds of different balls and some of them bounce funny (on purpose) and we've been having great fun with those. At least one of us is getting exercise.:)
Kind of a lazy day today. Not very productive. We did get one or two things done. Bob did get his first Florida haircut. Boy did he get his hair cut!!!:eek::eek:
I'm next...but I'm not due yet and I'm going to stretch mine out. In Delaware I can get a cut for $12. Here they start at $55. YIKES!!! Of course $12 is not the norm in DE. I just lucked out in finding a gal who has a shop in her home and she caters to mostly long time customers and thinks they should not have to pay those outrageous prices. Bailey will probably get a grooming before I will get a hair cut next. I have a reference for that plus I've seen a place that interests me.
I found a place where I can order a Beware of Alligator sign. Problem is their website lets you choose what you want but has no way to check out. Hmmmmmmmm.
It's foggy tonight. Very humid. Supposed to rain. I still haven't seen Pat the alligator.
Hugs and more hugs.
Bailey's Mom
01-15-2014, 05:47 PM
I think I'm winning the war against the boxes!! :D I think there are fewer of them now....and, what? wait! could it be? is that a light at the end of yonder tunnel??? :D;)
molly muffin
01-15-2014, 06:17 PM
Sure that's a light and not just a cream colored box? ROFL!
Glad to hear that you are finally seeing that tunnel opening.
Maybe one of the other ladies in the complex might have a recommendation for a hair stylist to get a cut from that won't cost an arm and a leg. :)
Gee, wonder what happened to Pat.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I sent a crocodile down to have a long talk with Pat. Wanted to makes sure Pat understood the boundaries for Bailey and Susan. I think we convinced Pat to take an extended vacation for the next few months;):D:p
molly muffin
02-05-2014, 05:33 PM
Hey Susan! :)
How is Florida treating you and Bailey and Bob? Are you having warm weather? I hope so! Can't let California and Arizona have all the good sunshine. :)
Any sign of Pat the alligator yet?
I hope you're having a blast. We're freezing our tails off up here!!
I have to worry about losing the white dog in the snow bank these days. :)
Hope you are having a blast and enjoying everything.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
02-05-2014, 05:45 PM
I see I've not posted on here since 1/ I guess a quick update is in order.
That must have been the day I learned of the death of a very good friend. It was not entirely unexpected. She was 87, had beaten three different types of cancers, had recently had pneumonia and was very frail and weak when I left DE. It still came as a shock. She was very special to me.:(
Then I reestablished contact with a friend from VA with whom I'd not spoken in at least ten years. :)She is now living in FL. Through her I learned about the deaths of two more friends several years ago. :(One had moved back to Australia and we'd lost touch. The other had chosen to remove herself from society....a sad situation. They both had been good friends for probably ten years. :(
Meanwhile, back at the condo almost every day we had someone coming in to do something.:confused: It got old real quick.:mad: I was freakin' out because of all the money we spent and Bob seemed to think I was speaking Chinese when I kept saying....We have NO MORE MONEY!!!! WE CANNOT BUY ANYTHING ELSE!!!!!:mad::confused::eek:
We've been here 5 weeks now and things are beginning to run fairly smoothly. The bills are beginning to get sorted out. The people are through coming in and out.:) All the work is finished.:) We are actually moved and settled in. The boxes are all gone.:) We've even had a couple of 80 degree days.:) And I have begun to check out the local art scene and there are some neat art/craft shows coming up.:D I've even had a workout at the fitness center.:D I'm still getting the "office" set up but that's mostly done and I'm working on getting a routine established to regulate my hours and schedule.
Bailey seems quite content and there are two new pictures from her first grooming here which we think is her best grooming ever.:D The only thing I'd ask them to do differently is to leave the eyebrows a tad longer so we can see more of the tan hair above her eyes. We will be sure to get her groomed the day before we leave to go home.
I'm going to have to meet my brother for lunch:mad: and let him stop by the condo..:mad::mad:..but then that will have been taken care of and be done with.
We have seen Pat the alligator but only a few times. Most of the alligators have been hiding. :confused: I don't know why-I guess they don't like the cooler weather even though they're cold blooded animals. I don't know where they go-because they can't just stay under water.:confused: I don't think I'll go looking for them.:eek:
Oh no the brother visit:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I can send mine down to visit too if you like:p:p:p:p You can even keep him for awhile.;);)
I loved Bailey's new groom, they did a perfect job and I am also glad she is feeling better.
be glad you are there and not here because this has been the worst winter in twenty years. The dogs and I hide in our bedroom every night and I told hubby I am not coming out until April. All I can say is good thing Easter is late this year. Things are so bad the other day 4 degrees felt balmy.:eek::eek::eek:
Gotta run love ya
Hi Sus,
I updated Koko's album cover with a quick pix from today. He needs to go the groomers but we have been waiting for the cold weather to abait. At this rate this winter is going that will be June:mad: He has a thread on Everything else from when he had some emergencies.
But you are right. He should have his own thread now on Everything Else.
Thank you dear friend for all that you do.
love ya
molly muffin
02-23-2014, 06:18 PM
What a handsome fella Koko is. He's looking pretty good in that picture Addy.
Susan, I've been lax in updating to your thread lately. Apologizes. I hope you are enjoying the lovely weather in Florida and getting out and doing fun stuff. I was jealous when my hubby went to California last week and I had to stay in this nasty cold weather. ugh.
See much of Pat the alligator this winter?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
02-24-2014, 12:36 PM
Hi Addy-thanks for the prompt posting of the picture. I went back through all your albums again, just to refresh for myself.
Sharlene-Pat has been mostly missing. We've only seen him/her once recently. Yesterday we had a mini turtle convention.....well, large turtles, mini convention. Plus this HUGE sand crane-these things stand over 4 feet high, walked right in front of our lanai. They are gorgeous birds. Unfortunately I was not quick enough with the camera. The birds around here are magnificent. I'm going to have to go out with my camera and just stroll around trying to get some shots. Bailey thinks she'll take on some of these large birds but we tell her to mind her own business.
The alligators are only now starting to show back up. They don't seem to like it until the weather gets well into the 70s. I don't know where they are when we don't see them....if they just stay in the water or if they migrate somewhere else. I've also been told there is other wild life roaming around here. We saw a dead snake in the parking lot and someone mentioned the word cougar. A number of people have warned us not to go out to walk after dark.
It's been interesting in that Bailey's grooming job-the fluffy one seems to be holding. I don't know why...if she did something different in the trim but it's been a month now and we've even given her a bath ourselves and it's still that fluffy furry look. I'm going to be disappointed when we get back to DE. I'll be taking lots of pictures and maybe we'll run her by the groomers soon after we get back.
Well, gotta run. Brother is coming by tomorrow for lunch and visit. :( Ryan arrives on Thursday for 4 days.:D:D Still lots to do to get ready. Thanks for looking in on us.:D
Bailey's Mom
02-25-2014, 12:42 PM
Well, it's 12:43....still waiting on brother who was to be here @ noon. Very typical. I can't wait for this "lunch" to be over.:(
molly muffin
02-25-2014, 03:47 PM
Hope the time flies by and it's all over with soon.
sending you big hugs,
Sharlene and molly muffin
molly muffin
02-25-2014, 07:33 PM
Well we haven't gotten calls for bail money have we? :) :)
Hope you are hanging in there Susan!
sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
02-26-2014, 04:58 PM
We survived. In fact it was pleasant. He's not interested in anything we have to say, so starting a conversation doesn't work. He's very bigoted and judgmental and it's hard to remain quiet, but you're not going to change him. He did bring me a wonderfully luxurious throw (I am forever cold.) He also brought Bailey a spikey ball that flashes all kinds of different colors, which she loves. We'll be here for another month, so I'm thinking about possibly taking him to lunch or dinner at this restaurant that is nearer where he lives. It's a very unusual place and I know he'd get a kick out of it. We'll see. There is a VERY FINE LINE between where all goes well and where it suddenly explodes and becomes the worst nightmare you ever lived through.
Ryan, #1 son, arrives tomorrow. One more sleep. HOORAY!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
molly muffin
02-26-2014, 05:23 PM
Well I am very glad that it all went well this time.
Maybe you can save the restaurant for your next trip down to Florida. You know, don't Over do it all at once, baby steps.
For now you get to enjoy having Ryan "in the house" and have fun showing him around the new digs and hood. See, I'm getting urban dictionary out for youth speak. hahahahaha
ohh, the new ball seems like it would be fun, can see that baby flashing as it goes rolling around the living room. hahaha
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
02-27-2014, 01:38 AM
Thanks Sharlene. The ball is really cool and it's just the right size for her. It flashes bright red and bright blue. I recently read that dogs can see the color blue. Don't know if that's true or not, but it's fun to think so.
Why is it no matter what, you can always make me laugh?
Gosh I love you for that gift.
Missing you and thinking of you. I hope you are enjoying beautiful sunrises and sunsets and life is good for you and Bob and Bailey.
When will you be heading back north? The rumor is that Spring is soon to arrive. I dont think I am believing it.
Bailey's Mom
03-08-2014, 03:31 AM
Had brother visit. Had son visit. Son got snowed in. Had to stay two extra days due to snow back home. Aw shucks! ;):) We ordered blinds and they started coming so we're putting them up. I like to do things right. Bob likes things done. Haste sometimes makes waste.....or do-overs. We got a package delivered to BB from the cruise line so I had our neighbors mail it down here. I think we're going to leave here about 3/27. We leave for our tulip river cruise on 4/14. I have things here squared away pretty well, but I need to get the taxes done before we go home. I had hoped to get time to play with my camera to get more familiar with it so I'd be better able to take beyouteeful shots of all the tulips, but I don't think that's going to happen. I'd love to get out and get some pictures of all the birds around here. That might happen.
This has been a very productive winter here. We got way more done than we ever planned to do in this first year. The place is looking great and is taking on our personalities. I'm very comfortable here. I thought it would feel really crowded and it doesn't. I do think we'll feel lost in all that space that we have back home. I am ever so grateful we were not there for the winter weather. I am feeling quite smug about that. But this winter was mostly work. Not much play. I never got to paint. I never got to work with my cameras. I never even got to watch much on Netflix. I've been exhausted much of the time. I never got into my exercise routine as I had hoped. The bicycling never got off the ground. But the place is pulled together. The stuff is organized. We won't be coming back to any chores that need doing. Next winter should feel like a vacation. If that is the case, this was all worth it. And a bonus is that during the winter months the alligators don't come around all that much.:D And the birds do come around a LOT. :D And next time I'll have a MUCH better idea of how much of what to pack in the way of clothes. 75% of what I packed has not been touched.
There is a fine arts and fine crafts show tomorrow. We've been to one each of the past three weekends. I'd love to be able to spend time on my painting and then be able to enter one of these shows. For years I've walked through them and have heard a voice in my head say "I can do that.....I know I can." And I just have never taken the time.
Daylight will be here before you know it. Have a peaceful day, Addy. I'll be right beside you.
Bailey's Mom
03-09-2014, 06:59 PM
Go on over to the condo photo album and see who stopped by today.......:D
molly muffin
03-09-2014, 07:37 PM
ohh, wow, that is something isn't it. :) Gorgeous.
What a lovely area that is
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
03-10-2014, 02:17 PM
Trish-I'll get a picture of an alligator before we go back home. We saw a huge one yesterday and a baby one several days ago. I need to have Bob drive me around the various ponds and let me get out to picture the wildlife as we see it. Last week the sand hill cranes were walking down the middle of the street.... two of them, side by side. They didn't care about a car coming up behind them at all. Sharlene, it really is a magnificent place for wildlife viewing.
Beautiful photos Sus. How wonderful to sit out winter in such a lovely location. Maybe you should wait until mid April to go back to BB.
Bailey's Mom
03-11-2014, 04:02 PM
This afternoon I had my first instance of "I've had it" here. Although I'm not wanting to revisit 40 degrees....and that's on a good day. I can't stay until mid-April. I'd miss my flight for the cruise!!:eek:
We are in the process of trying to hang the last set of window verticals. After that I have to finish the taxes. After that we are "free" to go home. That or two weeks from Thursday, whichever comes first.....or last, if we want. I'm getting very excited about the cruise, but the taxes have to get done. A few things need to get done. I'd like to have all my ducks in a row. I've never had all my ducks in a row. Never. Ever. It's very possible. What a wonderful feeling that would be.
Bailey got groomed yesterday. Doesn't look as nice as the first time. Still looks nice....just not quite so nice. It's a strange shop. Three women in there. I have no idea what their names are. They let the dogs run loose in the clipping area. I have no idea if one of them is in charge or if it's run by committee. I need to talk to a neighbor here who goes there with her dog. See what her experience is like. I know she really likes them.
molly muffin
03-11-2014, 06:27 PM
Interesting grooming shop. As long as the dogs get along together I suppose it could work. I really wouldn't know since molly only gets along with her friends she has to be alone in the room to get groomed.
hmm, I always try to get the ducks into a row, but there is always one or two that want to go off and do their own thing, making the row not such a good row, definitely now straight.
Wayward ducks, the bane of the "I wish I could get organized group"
I think the cruise will be very exciting and it's a good thing to be looking forward to. Plus it makes you go home. LOL
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
03-11-2014, 09:49 PM
Oh you silly Sharlene. :D I'm missing home now any way.....but I do wish I had another month here......but that's for next year. I'm already looking forward to next year because that will be the year to play with the photography and the painting.
Bailey's Mom
03-12-2014, 11:28 PM
:DTwo new Bailey pictures.............:D
molly muffin
03-12-2014, 11:40 PM
You said Bailey pictures and here I am!! LOL Those are just way too cute! Her haircut looks wonderful by the way. Not sure how she could be much cuter than she is already!
You been playing around with the camera? Think you're doing an excellent job of it!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
03-13-2014, 12:31 PM
[QUOTE=molly muffin;
You been playing around with the camera? Think you're doing an excellent job of it![/QUOTE]
I looked back and see I neglected to tell you all that I met a woman at last week's art show who does portraits....people, nature paintings (which are pretty good also) and then portraits of pooches. She had one there that looked eerily like Bailey. We spent some time talking with her and I'm considering having her do a painting of Bailey. I didn't think to ask while I was there, but she works from jpg files. I think what she does is takes the jpg file, print it on canvas, then add paint strokes. I think that's cheating, when it comes to painting, but I tend to be a purist. Despite all that, her results are amazing. So that's the long way around to explain I am trying to get a picture of Bailey to send to her for her possibly to use to make a portrait of Bailey. Then way back in the corners of my mind, I'm thinking I might try that on our two previous dogs.....painting their portraits from pictures printed on canvas. It would be a real challenge for me, but something I'd love to try.
It turned chilly again. A good day to work on taxes I guess.:(
Bailey's Mom
03-14-2014, 02:43 PM
I was SOOO excited. Bob told me there were a couple of Sand Hill cranes out back. I went and got my camera and went outside to see if I could get some pictures. People aren't supposed to be on the golf course....only golfers...but they do have a paved path for the golf carts and if you watch yourself, I figure it's pretty safe. So out I went and proceeded to snap away. They were walking away from me so I wasn't getting very good shots. I started talking to them and asking them to face me and let me have some better shots and to talk to me. They did! Boy those birds are loud!! They stood up tall and proud and squawked away. I got some GREAT shots. So long as they weren't blurred, they might even be award winning shots (at least award winning in my eyes.) I got them both in the same frame. I got them talking. I got loads of pictures. Then I walked on back and past the condo was a bird I'd not seen before, so I started snapping shots of it. I even was so lucky as to get a shot of it mid-poop. (YUK!) I was staying out of the way of golfers and they didn't see me, but when they drove by me, I got reprimanded. The bird flew off and I came inside to see my treasures....eager to post a picture online. Popped open the card door only to card inside. NO CARD INSIDE!!!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
molly muffin
03-14-2014, 04:00 PM
Oh No Susan!!! What a bummer. I'm sure they would have been lovely photos too. Okay, put the card in, and get that camera charged up and on stand by for the next photo opportunity!
You're going to have to create one of those photo web pages of all the wonderful photos you are going to get!!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
03-14-2014, 05:36 PM
An alligator got a 10 year young doggie today near the 11th hole of the golf course. I think it's time to go home. :(
Head for the hills, Susan, time to pack it up if it is the start of alligator season. I have not picked up my pains or a canvas in 14 years. Maybe I should think about it again.
I like the idea of a portrait. I have a pix of Zoe and Koko I would love to have turned into a portrait. Let me know if you try this person.
Enjoy your weekend and stay away from the 11 th hole.
Bailey's Mom
03-16-2014, 02:46 AM
Addy-I haven't looked at her site yet, but here's the link..........
Her phone number is 905-735-9043
She is supposed to send me an email. I'll let you know if we start talking specifics.
Bailey's Mom
03-16-2014, 03:38 AM
Bird picture in condo album
molly muffin
03-16-2014, 11:59 AM
They certainly do look regal don't they! And big, those are some big birds!
sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
03-16-2014, 02:19 PM
When they stand up tall, they're about 5 feet tall. You wouldn't want to mess with one of 'em. And LOUD?!! They sound like bull horns! :eek:
molly muffin
03-17-2014, 11:06 PM
Oh gosh, does Bailey have allergies? Is this new for her?
Molly gets periodic unwell days too. Usually associated with some tummy upset.
Have to admit that snow is no way to entice someone home from warm weather, or even warmer wet weather. LOL
I am getting more hopeful for us up here in the great white north. (this year I remembered why it's called That!) We're suppose to have some days above freezing! whooo hooooo
Sharlene and molly muffin
molly muffin
03-17-2014, 11:07 PM
p.s. those birds are something and oh my god 5 Feet Tall :eek::eek:
sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
03-17-2014, 11:48 PM
The vomiting has been an on and off thing-but mostly off for some time now. She's been bugged by her butt for the last day or two and I think maybe that had something to do with her getting sick this AM.
The itching thing is a mostly on thing at home but was something we did not have down here until the last month or so. I think it's an allergy issue but have no clue as to what the source is.
Bailey's Mom
03-18-2014, 05:02 PM
A new bird photo............:)
molly muffin
03-18-2014, 07:46 PM
Whew, after seeing the last birds, I was almost scared to go look, but I did! Not as tall as the last ones. Thank goodness. You have to have a fair running chance with the birds! This one looked like he'd been swimming?!
Sharlene and molly muffin
03-20-2014, 05:29 AM
OMG a alligator got a doggie?? Oh dear, that would be it for me... what say they walk out their rivers and are camped on your lawn when you wake up in the morning??? I would be running screaming out to the airport!!
Your bird photos are so lovely, you must have a great camera and also photography skills as they are really fabulous! Who needs to visit the zoo, we can come visit you instead!
molly muffin
03-20-2014, 06:41 AM
Oh dear I missed that post about the alligator getting the dog. I saw what Trish said and was like huh. What!
That is not good at all. A risk of living in Florida?
Keep bailey safe!!!
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
03-20-2014, 05:31 PM
Yes, apparently so. I don't think you can sit by any pond or lake in FL and consider yourself safe. You know that doggie must have made some horrible sounds and the owner will be hearing those sounds in his head forever, never mind the images that are carved in his brain and the guilt he must feel. I just feel so badly for everybody except the stupid alligator. You can report aggressive alligators and the gaming folks will come and remove them. I don't think I'd want to be here during the warmer months when they're mating and crossing roads.
I'm getting ready to post a couple of new pictures. :)
molly muffin
03-20-2014, 06:01 PM
I left you some comments on the pics Susan.
I like the pictures. LOL
Sharlene and Molly muffin
03-21-2014, 03:35 PM
Yikes, me not like Pat! :p
I think we need to hire a hit man to wipe Pat out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant even go back and read what happened to see what you are all talking about. It is giving me the heebeee geeebees just imagaining it.
I have come to the conclusion, I am a city girl at heart. Wild life is nice once in awhile but I dont like living with all the critters. I have had to stare down and challenge coyotes to protect Koko, we can never allow him out in the yard alone. Now we have some non Wisconsin species owl hanging around the house. At first it was fun to hear him WHOOOO WHOOOO but now he does it all the dang time and then the mean old crows come and squack at him and create such a racket circling him until the owl leaves. We have a half of a dead bunny body under our giant blue spruce. Do owls eat bunnies?
I think I would rather experience all of this at a zoo. I dont know how many critters we have had to fish out of the pool and one time I used bird netting for one of my gardens and almost strangled a small red squirrel to death, I had to cut him free and hope he did not bite in the process. That does not include the giant crane that decided to hang out in our pool for a week or the ducks that thought it was a nice swimming hole for them:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Or the deer with all the deer ticks sleeping in our far back yard.:eek::eek::eek: We dont even go back there anymore.
Uggg- nope, give me the city lights:p:p:p:p
Yup, I would not handle alligators well
molly muffin
03-23-2014, 10:35 AM
Addy, are you making the case for that move to the city you've been talking about? :) :) :)
Remember when you and your hubs were there and had gone walking around looking at places. I could just picture that.
I know there will come a day when we don't want to take care of the house and the pool and all the maintenance that goes along with that. Then we'll probably move to a condo or something, where there is someone else to take care of things and we just show up and enjoy. Well that is the thought anyhow.
Susan would probably tell us there is a lot of work that goes into having a smaller place in a complex area too. Still... yea, it does sound like a dream sometimes.
You seem to have an awful of critters around your place I must say and Susan with the alligators and all. Yikes. The birds aren't too bad, but a 5 ft bird, might not be pleasant if they decided you were in their territory. You know like Geese and Swans can do.
Have a good day gals
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
03-23-2014, 03:39 PM
LOL, Sharlene! And these Sand Hill Cranes practically stand there and put their wings on their hips, as if to say...."Yeah? Where do you think You're goin'?" Add that to the racket they can make when they decide to talk and it's enough to scare the *$#@ out of ya. This is my first experience with condo living and it is nice (so far) having all these people show up to cut the grass and prune the bushes and sweep the sidewalks, etc. We had our first (for us) Homeowners' meeting last week and what made me UNcomfortable was the part when they started talking about the need/or lack of it to raise Homeowner's fees. In a community this large, you're kind of at the mercy of a few people you don't even know. AND, it turns out, one of them we had a run in of sorts at the clubhouse at dinner one night when we sat at the table next to his on a night when he had had way too much to drink and though himself to be very funny and foulmouthed.
On the other hand, today there was a select brunch for people from Delaware, Maryland and Virginia so they could meet one another. They have been having various state groupings throughout the winter. A gentleman sat next to me who lives in the summer at BB. Very nice man who just lost his wife this past December. He lives very near us and I tried to encourage him to call us once he gets back home. There were four tables of 8 of DelMarVans. The clubhouse always has a nice brunch on Sundays.
molly muffin
03-23-2014, 04:18 PM
Well, yes that is a problem with homeowners associations. Do they have to issue a vote to raise fees though?
Oh that is really nice that they are proactive about getting people to meet each other from similiar areas, etc. I think that is nice. Especially for anyone new and then you can branch out from there to closer neighbors, etc.
Do they have an area for the dogs to be off leash and run and play there? Maybe that would be a good place to meet other doggie lovers.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Well, you can do what my dad did, he became a board member of his association.;);) Well, maybe they dont let you do that if you dont live there full time. :confused::confused::confused:
Bailey's Mom
03-24-2014, 10:02 PM
There is no area for doggies to run. That is called going back home for the summer months. You can be a board member if you don't live here full time-they were trying to recruit Bob....but he does not want THAT job. I don't know if that means you have to come here for the quarterly meetings or not. The condos have their own officers and then the whole association has a Board of Governors. All I know is that we are very fiscally sound and run really well, especially comparatively. This is a golf and country club and I'm thinking maybe next year I'll maybe take some golf lessons. I've played before. I even had some clubs that I gave away just last year. A large part of our dues covers the golf facilities. I had quit because I had progressed as far as I could on my own and needed some lessons. I wasn't improving at all. I'd like to get to know more of the people here and that would be a good way. We'll see.
Bailey's Mom
03-25-2014, 11:56 AM
It's so sad. :( We've started the packing up process.:( It's 73 and partly sunny here now. :):D It's 40 and they're calling for rain in BB.:( Tomorrow the high there is supposed to be 31.:eek: YIKES!!!!! I don't want to go back......:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:confused: :confused::confused::confused:
have a safe trip back, it will warm up. It was 18 here today but Sunday they said 54.:):):)
molly muffin
03-25-2014, 08:33 PM
It Will warm up, it will, it will, it will. LOL If I keep saying it.... no really, it will because the doves are on the deck and I tell everyone (as the forum now knows) that when the doves come home, the weather warms up. :)
Safe travels home!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
03-25-2014, 10:18 PM
Thanks guys. It's nice to know we've enjoyed it here so much that we're reluctant to go. I think we're in for temperature shock and for greenery shock-having spent three months where everything is green and the hibiscus are in bloom. I'm gong to be very confused about the seasons for awhile.:confused:Hugs.
Happy Travels to Us:):):)
I brought my pillow for my arm, I only want the back seat and to stop once in awhile for a candy bar. Just dont forget me again at a roadstop. I do have a hankering to see the non basement. Kind of missed the spiders and my red sweater. Vacation is nice but there is no place like home.
(that is your cue Dorothy)
03-27-2014, 06:19 AM
Ohhhh oh oh.... I got my special lucky red shoes out and clicked three times... are we home yet????
Have a safe trip home! :)
molly muffin
03-27-2014, 02:01 PM
Digging through the closet for some red shoes. Where the heck are they?!!!!
That's it, I'm off to see the Wizard! He'll get us home again.
Whew, glad you found yours Trish!! Never fear though, there is a yellow brick road, right over there, if we just follow it.......
hugs and adventures!
Sharlene and molly muffin (munchkin!)
Bailey's Mom
03-27-2014, 09:43 PM
Is everyone present and accounted for? Did everyone remember their red sweater??? was the view from the back seat with all those clothes hangin' from the clothes rod in the car?? My arm and back got sore from holding Bailey....I bet your shoulder hurts. I did something to my left knee....have no idea what or when, but it hurts. Being crammed in a car for ten hours doesn't help!
Well, we're 1/2 way home, in lovely Florence, SC. My Mom's name was Florence. I like staying in the city named after her (not really.). Bailey and I are waiting for Bob to return with dinner. He's back!
molly muffin
03-27-2014, 10:52 PM
Whats for dinner???!!!
oh, I bet that car ride isn't good at all for your knee and with Bailey on your lap too. yowser. :) Next we hear from you, you'll be home!! Then time to get ready for the cruise! LOL
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
03-28-2014, 11:51 PM
Sharlene----you're so smart! WE ARE HOME!!! No problems...other than a few aches and pains. Got in around 6:30 tonight which is darn good. Most everything is unpacked. By the way-dinner was take out from Outback Steakhouse. Might good, but cold. I just pretended it was piping hot.
Bailey was a real trooper once again. She travels so well for such long times in the car in such small places. I even got kisses at surprising times. Gotta go to bed now. The house looks great. Unbelievable that there is hardly any dust. The non-basement is all fine for youse guys. Let me know if you need anything down thee. It's 59 tonight....that;s pretty warm for this late at night. Sleep tight! Sweet dreams.
Love & hugs,
Hope you are all settled in back at BB. I swore I posted something here, thanking you for the card and for you to be carefull so I dont have to send pink bubble wrap if you ovedo the gardening. I must be losing it or else it was when my computer crashed:eek::eek::eek:
molly muffin
04-01-2014, 01:48 PM
I suppose you are getting ready for your cruise now? When is that exactly?
How does it feel to be home? uh oh, Addy's getting out the pink bubble wrap, just in case!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Happy Sailing:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
04-03-2014, 06:38 AM
Glad your home safe and sound, hope your not getting too cold back there? Hmmm I am not even sure where "back there" is!! LOL... but I do know it is home so hope you have settled back in. Bailey was great in the car by the sound of it, what a good little traveller she is! Oh how lovely, a cruise to look forward to!! Bliss, I bet they have real good bellini's on a cruise liner!! x
Bailey's Mom
04-03-2014, 08:35 AM
Hi gals! "Home" is Delaware-on the shore. And it is 52 right now. :( Grass is just starting to grow, trees are showing signs of life (budding.)
We leave Monday 4/14 @5pm from Dulles.:) It's a non-stop flight to Amsterdam. I haven't been able to figure out how many hours long it is.:confused: I just know it's long. We get in @7:15AM. :eek: Oh goody.We can't get to our cabin before 3pm, so we'll be touring Amsterdam, sleep walking.:cool:
Took Bailey to vet yesterday for shot updates and some questions and now I can't afford to go on the trip. YIKES!!!!!:eek::eek: $800 smackers. :eek::eek: It included a years' supply of heartworm and flea and tick medicine but still............:eek::p:p:p
She's on an antibiotic, some ear medicine, upped the dosage of Omega 3. She has skin issues and vet is fighting them from inside and from outside. I'm to bathe her 1 - 2x/week. And we go back in 10 days.
I have 10 days to get myself in order, figure out what to's in the 50's over there....finish up the taxes, etc. I'm very excited about the trip but I'm also excited about the first few days back when I won't have to go anywhere, do anything, etc. and can sleep in and snuggle with Bailey. It's been a very busy year and I'd like the pace to slow down just a bit.
molly muffin
04-03-2014, 05:46 PM
It's true you didn't get much of a break between Florida and the cruise. I am sure you will have fun though.
Maybe you'll be in some seats that will allow for some stretching of legs or lean and get a few winks. I think that flight is pretty long. 7 hours maybe?
Can you leave your bags at the ship somewhere (storage) while you go roam around Amsterdam?
oh my, does sound like the vet has Bailey on a regime to get her fixed up! Hope it works!
The summer should be lovely and relaxing for you once you are home. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
04-04-2014, 08:11 PM
The best laid plans.............I'm down for the count. Went to see the doc. Have a viral infection. Last night, Bob's phone was about to "die" and he had set an alarm, so a different kind of alarm went off around 2AM to warn him his phone was about to die. It made this weird sound and flashed lights and repeated this action about every 3-4 minutes. It freaked Bailey out. Totally. She got on my pillow above my head and would not move. And I had gone to bed sick. She would not budge. When I figured out where this noise was coming from, I awakened Bob and he turned off his phone. Bailey was still freaked out. Bob was mad at Bailey. He wanted her off the pillow. Now she was on the side of the pillow and I told him that was an improvement. He would not let her be. Then in another hour another beep started happening. Our alarm system has been warning us that our backup battery was getting low and we haven't been able to get someone out to replace it before today. It means someone has to get up, push two buttons and that shuts it up for another 24 hours. So Bob does that. Now he's after Bailey again. I told him to leave her alone. She's just spooked. Then another 1/2 hour goes by and he gets up. He can't sleep. I'm awake all this time. I was awake all night long. Doesn't help much regarding "get rest." So this AM went to doc-I told her I HAD to get well by next Monday. She gave me an Rx for an antibiotic but told me to hold off on it for 3-4 days. Rest, lots of fluids and juices. I have a viral infection. I did not have this factored into my trip preparation schedule.:eek::(:mad:Hugs,
molly muffin
04-04-2014, 09:13 PM
Oh my goodness Susan!! What a night you had. Sounds horrid. Poor Bailey she was probably freaking out about the lights and beeping and went into "mommy save me" mode. Nothing to be done for that except to save her. :) Bob was going to lose that one.
You poor thing. This is not how to start out a cruise time. hold off 3 - 4 days and then take the antibiotics? Rest, rest, rest You have to and beat this thing.
Hope you are feeling much better soon.
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-05-2014, 07:19 PM
Dear Lord, what a night. I bet you are still asleep now catching up. Ohhh I hope your virus is a short one, cannot be sick getting on a boat!! Eek, we might hear about a cruise ship quarantined in Europe :eek::D:eek:
Think positive, rest and pump fluids, you can take a canal boat cruise when you get to Amsterdam so you dont have to walk; it is a compact city or just ride the trolley cars round and round or find a bench overlooking one of the canals and just hang out. We did the overnight from Chicago, the time went fast and even if you can't sleep, I never do, you can rest.:):)
Besides, the adrenals will be pumping out cortisol and you wont even notice being tired or under the weather, you will be so excited.:D:D:D:D
Get well soon
Bailey's Mom
04-10-2014, 01:00 PM
TAXES ARE FILED AND PAID FOR!!! I need only to pack and to get well. 4 more sleeps:D:D:D:D
molly muffin
04-10-2014, 05:10 PM
Yay taxes are over with!!!
How are you feeling? Hope you are on the road to recovery! Wow, only 4 more sleeps. Time is flying~
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
04-11-2014, 08:51 PM
I am still sick, eight days later. I am now on an antibiotic. I am armed with cough medicine, antihistamine, Tylenol, Aleve, cough drops and am trying to get as much sleep as I can. I'm counting on Benedryl to help me sleep on the plane. Just PLEASE don't quarantine me to my room!!! :eek::eek::(:(:mad::mad:
04-11-2014, 09:06 PM
Well that's just STINK!! Another couple of days you will be fine... won't you?!?! I hope so! Can't imagine a cruise stuck in your room will be much fun :p
I have the same thing:eek::eek: My boss gave it to me.:mad:
Can you take all your meds with you on the plane? I remember being sick in Italy. I bought cough medicine in Venice and could not read the label- it was all in Italian:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: I had no idea what I was taking.
Keep resting and pumping fluids as much as you can. You will get better, I know you will.:):):)
molly muffin
04-12-2014, 09:42 AM
Oh my goodness Susan, you Have to be on the upswing by now. I have high hopes for the cruise, that you will be better.
Addy,, you tell that boss of yours sharing with employees is Not always encouraged. Leave the sick stuff at home. Hope you get to feeling better soon too!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
04-14-2014, 01:37 AM
How one's here to bid me Bon Voyage! :( You're all probably snuggled up dreaming of spring flowers and warmer days!. It got up to 77 or more here today. AL Riiiiiiiiiiighhhhhhttttt!!!!!!
We are packed. Bailey is freaked out. I am slightly better. I think I'll at least be able to get by any inspectors without causing anyone alarm and getting myself quarantined. Taking all my meds with me. I don't forsee ANY problem with sleeping on the plane. I think I could sleep for 3 days straight. Except for being so tired, I have never been this excited about a trip before. Here's a little preview.....
Please all try to stay well and have fun while I'm gone-
Love & hugs,
Oh Sus, sorry I missed it, saying Happy Travels. I am moving ratehr slowly with this virus myself.:o
I know you will have a wonderful time. Take lots of pixes!!!!
I cant wait to hear a full report when you get back. :):)
molly muffin
04-14-2014, 02:53 PM
Have a safe trip! I confess, I was asleep. I think molly might have woofed a bon voyage to you though. :)
We'll look forward to hearing all about your grand adventures!
Hope you feel better.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
04-15-2014, 03:52 AM
Hello from Amsterdam! WOW!! We already had a show of tulips on the way in on the plane. Endless fields of solid colors of tulips. So cool! Did anyone come with me? Did you bring red sweater? It is COLD here. 42. I had to buy a scarf to cover my throat. Will I ever get well????:(:(:(
Sus, the video was amazing, how wonderul for you to see the tulips, it is beautiul. The museum with all Rembrandts is amazing if you have time.
Keep is posted and make sure to eat a wonderful Dutch full breakfast. You wont need to eat for the rest of the day and try the Hodge Podge:):):):)
04-15-2014, 08:39 AM
Hey Susan, welcome to my country :D And yes, it's a bit on the cold side today, sorry ;) Hope you will enjoy the short stay here and have lots of fun during the cruise. Better leave quickly, it's going to get below zero here tonight :p
Saskia :)
molly muffin
04-15-2014, 03:08 PM
Oh what fun!!!!!
Have a blast!
Sharlene and molly muffin
04-18-2014, 07:10 PM
Woweeee your off on the high seas!! Wish I could have seen the tulips, one of my most favourite flower. I have a whole lot of bulbs in the fridge as Mum said it is best to cool them before planting but they have been in there about 3 weeks already so best I get them in!!
I hope you are having a fantastic time and can't wait for the trip report!! Ohhh girls I bet there are plenty of nice girly drink cocktails on a cruise liner, we will have to get Sus to taste them all and let us know of any worth replicating to add to the bellini!! Have fun and hope you are back to feeling 100% x
Bailey's Mom
04-19-2014, 08:21 AM
Hi gals! Well it's now Saturday. It's still wintery cold. My illness is into day #16. I think I'll go for some kind of record. With the wind and the cold, I just can't seem to shake this, although it is much better.
Tomorrow is the big day for the tulips. It's the day we go to the Keukendorf. So far it has been a lot of walking very fast with little time to snap pictures. Today we are in Ghent and our guide was the absolute best and we learned a lot and got a ton of pictures. The buildings are magnificent. There has been zero time to shop. We've seen some incredible art work. Also some really cute little doggies. Pray for the rain to hold off tomorrow!
Im sorry you are still sick but glad you are having a great time.
Lots of pixes if they ever allow you to stop. I'll go look up Ghent so I can see where you are:)
molly muffin
04-19-2014, 09:59 AM
Oh wow, I hope you get plenty of time to really enjoy the areas you are seeing. It sounds lovely to see all the tulips. Must be a wonder to behold. I really hoped you'd have kicked this virus thing by now. :( Hope each day is a bit better.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
04-21-2014, 05:37 PM's the last night. Today was tulip day. 70 acres of tulips, hyacinths, azaleas, etc. Mind blowing. It has been a very hard trip. The pace was way too ambitious for lots of us. I did not have a chance to buy one souvenir. Some cities-like Ghent-there was not even time to snap pictures. Very disappointing. Ship is great, food is superb, people are very nice, tour planning needs to be rethought.
Tomorrow is several hours getting to and on the plane, then a 9 hour flight, then a 3 hour drive home....and I won't get to see Bailey until Wednesday. :(:(
Hope you gals are all well, as are the pooches.
04-21-2014, 06:50 PM
Wow those tulips fields sound divine, that sucks no pics or souvenirs! Still with you being sick it sounds like resting, eating and happy people would have been good for you! Look forward to getting home and the reunite with Bailey, hope he doesn't nip your nose like Flynn does if I have left him for too long! xx
Did you at least have a nice cabin? It is hard to do traveling when you dont feel well. I looked at pictures of Ghent, it was beautiful. I rather pictured you buying Belgin chocolates.:):) How can it be time to come home alreay? Wow, time goes fast.
Fell better Sus.
Bailey's Mom
04-22-2014, 10:23 PM
I'm home. Plane came in early so I have Bailey back!:D:D:DI am still with cold and cough. Addy-room was very nice. I've been up 24 hours straight now after only 3 hours of sleep. I will see you after many, many hours of sleep with my Bailey!:D:D
sleep tight with Miss Bailey, nighty night, welcome home:):)
molly muffin
04-23-2014, 08:57 PM
Welcome home! Sounds like a good plan to snuggle up and sleep with Bailey.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
04-27-2014, 02:59 PM
Hello! I have survived! It is now Sunday. I have finally gotten well. I went to the doc again on Friday as this sickness was turning worse again. She could not Rx anything but told me to take Mucinex which helped a lot. Lots of rest. Now feel like myself for the first time in four weeks.
Trip was a disappointment except for the last day. I had problems with two cameras. I was sick. It was cold, VERY cold. It was a LOT of walking most of it on cobblestone which meant I spent most of my time looking down to be sure I didn't twist a foot or an ankle or an knee. Zero time to go shopping. Zero time to take pictures except on tulip day. It was a tour every morning, back to the ship for lunch and then a different tour each afternoon. I really liked the ship and the staff and the room and the food. I just didn't like the touring part. It is not how Bob and I like to tour. We prefer to get out among the "natives" and mingle and enjoy their food and their shops and their culture. Now we know river cruises are not our bag.
About 1/2 the pictures I took are disasters. Now I have to figure out if it's the camera or the lenses. Ryan is helping me with this. He's also going to try to salvage some of the pictures. If it can be done, he can do it. It was very frustrating and very unfortunate.
We're home now and life should slow down. My hot tub should be working on Tuesday. The grass is growing. There are signs of spring around. I do think warmer weather may arrive one day. Bailey survived her stay at camp very well. Her skin issues seem to have cleared up. She will get groomed on Tuesday. She looks like a butterball now so she sure needs it!~
I will catch up on all youse guys threads as quickly as I can. Take care of yourselves.
Loved, loved LOVED the videos:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
The mucinex helped me a lot as well, extra strength. So glad you are feeling better. It night get warmer here next week. I have huge spots of dead grass I have to figure out how to fix. Has never happened before, that is how bad our winter was.
How are your hostas? Mine are just peeking out. They said we are 4 weeks behind normal, no leaves on the trees yet.:(:(
Hope Bailey is cuddle bunny with you. She must be so happy mama is home.
Have a great weekend!!
thanks for your words on Zoe's loving memory thread.
maybe I am too sensitive too. :o:o:o
but i dont think so in that case:(
so your words meant a lot:):):)
Bailey's Mom
05-08-2014, 11:34 PM
I was told today of controversy about using Frontline Plus for flea & tick preventative. Does anyone know anything about this?
molly muffin
05-09-2014, 12:33 AM
hmm, I don't know, but some of the others might know Susan. I use Revolution, flea, tick, heartworm preventive that I get from the vet.
How are things going being back home? Enjoying some nice days now?
Sharlene and molly muffin
05-09-2014, 01:17 AM
Hi Susan
I don't know either, but I would also be interested to hear. I have to swap Flynn's flea treatment from the Conformis he is on and it is due now. He has been on Frontline previously and I was considering going back to it. But I really, really want something natural. I am considering keep him off the spot-on-the-neck types. We do not have a problem with ticks so it is just fleas to get rid of. I have been putting citrus leaves and rosemary under his mattress in his bed but this is one thing I really need to research this weekend. With his liver issues I would like to keep him off as many chemicals as I can. xx
me too as I dont want to have ticks with Koko again. I used Frontline on Zoe and I swear it made her neck growth bigger. I purchased some natural tick spray last year. I was using Heartguard with Koko but after the third dose he starts having tummy issues. It has happened consistently the last 3 years.
Maybe I should look at what Sharlene is using.
Good question Sus
05-09-2014, 08:24 AM
Susan, this may be a starting place for you -- it's the EPA's report regarding concerns with all spot-on flea and tick applications:
molly muffin
05-09-2014, 12:50 PM
I'm taking a look at the link Marianne just posted.
Evolution is also a spot on treatment. I use for small dogs and molly has never seemed to have a problem or reaction to it. I also and I know this is not what they want to us to do but I tend to go longer than every 30 days, and end up using no more than 4 during the 6 months supply. Molly has never had a tick or a flea or heartworm problem.
Weight seems to be the main issue, make sure the appropriate dosage for your dogs weight is administered. Looks like the US and Canada will be working together on this issue.
Sharlene and molly muffin
I guess I better read the dang link instead of being lazy. I'm just paranoid of all this stuff after Zoe's journey.
05-10-2014, 04:36 AM
Update on my flea research!! Flynny and I had a visit to the pet store today. I wanted natural flea repellent and think I have found it. It is called "Washbar 100% natural Flea Repellant". You get a bar of soap and wash him in that... ohhh Flynny something to look forward to tomorrow. Then there are drops you put on his cloth collar and it contains Sunflower oil, neem oil, essential oils of cedarwood, rosemary, lemongrass, thyme and peppermint. It said to do this monthly but increase to weekly during flea season and but it is not toxic so can be applied daily. You can put it on the skin but I am doing it on the collar first to make sure he does not react to it.
Plus a powder for his food which has brewers yeast, garlic, vit c. 1 tsp a day.
I will also put the crushed fresh rosemary stems and citrus leaves under his mattress and also just under the couch beside where he lies. Hopefully that should do it and I won't have to give him the chemical drops again. He has been so much perkier the last few days apart from his itching and the scabby bits around his tail. So once I get that under control, with the cooler weather he might get some relief as the fleas die off. I am wondering if he is perkier because those flea chemicals are getting out of his system. Seems to be trembling less.
If anyone has knowledge if any of these things are potentially bad for him do let me know, it looks a lot safer than the alternative. Hope it works! x
molly muffin
05-10-2014, 10:21 AM
Well I'm not the herbal expert, that would be Leslie, who knows more about that sort of thing than anyone else I know.
I do think that Flynn and your home is going to be smelling pretty wonderful with all those herbs! Awesome.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Koko's Furfume has distilled water, lemon grass, eucalyptus, pepermint, cedarwood, rosemary, cloves,coconut oil and porprietary soap- avoid the eyes
Says may use daily or as needed:confused::confused::confused::confused::con fused:
05-10-2014, 04:36 PM
Oh that's interesting Addy, they seem to contain many of the same things. If this does not work I am going to try apple cider vinegar. You can put it in their water and also spray it on them with a mix of water, baking soda and salt.
I sprinkled the brewers yeast/garlic powder on his food this morning and he gobbled it up as usual so at least he likes it. Waiting for it to warm up a bit before giving him his shower.
He does smell nice Sharlene even with just the drops on his collar. Main smell is the lemon grass. He's smells a little like a little fragrant thai curry :D
molly muffin
05-10-2014, 05:08 PM
don't you just love typing on a phone NOT, this Should read
yum and i love a thai curry, so that would work for me, except for making me hunrgy all the time. LOL
05-10-2014, 06:36 PM
hehe, love thai curry too... especially in Thailand. Last holiday there we stayed in this little hotel on the beach and the food was out of this world, I wish I could make the chili squid dish I must have had it every day along with coconut milkshakes!
I just really like the idea of not giving him those chemicals. Hmm I have not talked this through with Mike, but will see what he says next week when we catch up sometime.
Bailey's Mom
05-10-2014, 10:27 PM
Oh it must be blissful not to be a picky eater!! Both Bailey and I are picky eaters, but Bailey is the champ. I used to worry myself about how little she ate, but I always have dry food available within reach for her and I decided when she decides she is hungry enough I guess she will do something about it. She is not a fan of any of the wet foods we have tried and I cannot get her to eat the dry food at a specified time. She does not graze. She just does not eat much at all. So for me to add things to her food to get them into her system is a no-go right from the start. She gets at least one antihistamine a day and in order to do that, it has to be hidden in peanut butter. I put it inside a rolled up piece of turkey meat today and petewie...out it came and down went the turkey.:eek:
Thank you Trish for that "formula." We have never had any ticks or fleas. Nor have I been aware of any reactions to the Frontline on any of our doggies. In my subsequent reading online, what I found seemed to indicate that Frontline is one of the better of the evils when it comes to these medications and that the important thing is to be very careful to use the proper dosing for the size of your pet. Also they warned strongly about using copycat products......not true manufacturer products. The quality of those other products is highly questionable. Not worth trying to save a few bucks.
Thanks for everybody's input! :):D
05-11-2014, 12:49 AM
Well for better for worse I have always used Frontline until we swapped to the Comfortis last year. The Frontline was not holding the fleas back and he was still getting itchy hence the change. Lucky you guys with no ticks or fleas.
Flynn is not a grazer either... he is a scoffer! If I left a bowl of anything down I don't think it would last very long. :D
I hope you had a wonderful Mom's Day!!!!! Did Ryan and his better half come to see you? Was the weather good?
I took a lesson from my sister-in-law's play book: I had the family here but hardly any work- I ordered everything made at the local market, hubby picked it all up and we plopped it all down hot on the dining table.
Ir was better than going out to eat because we got to sit at the dining table and talk and laugh for hours, Mom was here and so was my Koko.
No stress:D:D:D:D:D:D
Happy M day!
molly muffin
05-11-2014, 09:58 PM
That sounds like a wonderful day Addy.
I hope you had a wonderful day too Susan!
Hubs and family made breakfast for me this morning and then we basically relaxed the rest of the day away. This evening we worked on getting started opening the pool. Over all it was a good day. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
05-11-2014, 10:19 PM
Happy Mommy's Day to you, Addy!! I had a very relaxing day. Ryan was down to visit last weekend, as it had been his first chance to come down and visit since Christmas. We sort of celebrated Mother's Day last weekend. He and Ellen are coming down for Memorial Day weekend, which I am looking forward to. We've not seen Ellen since Thanksgiving.
The weather today was absolutely ideal. Totally blue skies, very low 80s and low humidity. Tons of pollen, but other than all that yellow everywhere, I don't seem to be bothered by pollen, ever since I gave birth to Ryan. Weird, huh?
Bob cooked some steaks on the grill, Ryan called twice and he posted a couple of pictures to my Facebook timeline-ones of the two of us when he was a little boy. I'm going over to VA on Tuesday and we'll have dinner together and he promised he has saved a hug for me! (Plus some other gift.) Somebody sure did a good job raising that kid!!:D:D
You asked-my hostas are all mostly up and looking fine. Some of the younger ones are lagging behind, but we're supposed to have a pretty decent week this week, so I think they'll catch up. My irrigation is running and everything has been fed, so I just need some warm weather and some sunshine to move things along. I just planted some French Vanilla marigold seeds which I hope will take so I can put then outside in another month. I can never find them anywhere. I meant to sow the seeds right when we came back from FL, but the illness got in the way. I think I lost 4 of my 5 roses and I don't plan to replace them. Hybrid Ts just don't do well here. I grew 31 of them in Arlington very successfully. Not here.
Have a good Monday, Addy! Woof, woof to Koko.
Finally my hostas are coming up and we may have leaves on our trees by next week. I cant plant my window boxes yet as it was own to 37 the other night so I still have frost worries.
I hope you are having good weather. we have had horrible rain day after day this week but today the sun is shining. It is hard to believe it is almost Memorial Day. Did you open the hot tub? We still have not opened the pool.
I do hope you visit with Ryan is tons of fun. I know you will enjoy it. Sounds like a wonderful weekend plan:):):):)
have to run, love you
Bailey's Mom
05-18-2014, 05:14 PM
My little hostas are still coming up. My established ones are full. We have had a nice day here and of three I think. The hot tub is open and running, after going through replacement of parts that broke through the winter cold. Thank goodness we paid to have it shut down and to have it opened. At least the parts and labor on the repairs were covered.....although it costs an arm and a leg for them to shut it down and to open it. Then it took several filter cycles changes to catch all the goop that was produced during this process, but it's nice and clean now.
You're on my mind every day, Addy. I wish I could help. Wasn't the race exciting yesterday? I thought of you then, too. As they rounded the third "corner" I said to Bob-he's got it, he's gonna win!
molly muffin
05-18-2014, 09:17 PM
My hostas are up and full too, except for the two "blue" hostas the big leaf ones, those are just coming up.
Oh the hot tub sounds like exactly what I need today. Gardening is killing my back. :) The pool isn't heated up all the way yet. Too cold for me anyway.
I know I was telling Addy our pool looked horrible this year when we went to open it. blech!
Sharlene and molly muffin
We pulled out all the plants that decided to grow in the gravel path leading to the bridge. It already looks so much better. I lost quite a few pachysandra- I think from the salt we put down so I would not fall again carrying Zoe.
We spoke to a Realtor yesterday. She feels if we can wait one more year yo sell the house, it would be better.
We still have quite a few trees without leaves and the Emerald Ash borer is hitting our are hard:mad: Do you have problems with that in your area?
Did you decide on a tick medicine? I was going to look into the Advantage Lori is using.
Bailey's Mom
05-19-2014, 10:53 AM
I lost a lot of pachysandra but it was because I had to kill it in order to get rid of a weed that was running rampant. I can't remember the name of it now....but the only way to get rid of it is RoundUp. It looks like I was successful, but now I need to replant pachysandra. I have no idea how the weed got here....I'd never seen it anywhere before.....but it's nasty, nasty, nasty.
I've not heard tales of the Emerald Ash borer. We are almost entirely pines here. There are some deciduous trees, but they are in the minority. Actually-there are about 6 outside the two windows I have right here to look out of. I like that. I love the changing colors.
Regarding tick medicine, I had just purchased a year's supply from the vet. They said nothing about the warning. If you bought one year's worth you got $50 back plus three free doses. From what I was able to read about it, so far I'm sticking with it. The only adverse affect I've noticed from it is that it will remove my nail polish from my nails if I touch the applied area before it has had a chance to dry thoroughly.:eek: Maybe that should scare me enough!! Bob puts it on now.
I did plant a bunch of new astilbe, reds and whites and I had to replace two paniculata hydrangea. Look those up. They are wonderful. They look a little like butterfly bushes but are hydrangeas. Gorgeous. I got Limelight....either lime green or white flowers.....depending on where you read about them. I'll let you know. A neighbor let me take a bunch of her daisies so I could expand my daisy bed into where the roses were. Now I just need to thin out and spread out my black eyed Susan's on the other side. I think for next year I'd like to plant some iris out front. I don't have anything for color like that out there. I do have a bunch of daylillies...they're just not blooming yet. And I do have 4 lantana coming along, but they're so tiny right now.
That's it for the Spengler gardening report!:D
05-20-2014, 05:50 AM
Glad to hear the gardens are coming along ladies!! Eek that tick stuff sounds toxic if it takes off nail polish :eek::eek:
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