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Bailey's Mom
11-13-2012, 03:15 PM
Hi Addy!
We had that same glorious weekend and I worked outside for 5 hours and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I am able to get by without a cane most times, now. Working outside meant I needed to use a chair to move around from spot to spot, but it worked well. :)
For turkey day, for the first time in my entire life, we are going out to eat.:eek: Ruth's Chris restaurant sent an email about their Thanksgiving special meal and it sounded good, reasonably priced and that it would be a way to get around Bob thinking he has to do it all himself. He prepares a wonderful meal with all the fixin's but he's not always happy about it.:confused: Kind of makes for a tense day. I am hopeful this will work out very well. I still plan to make most of the stuff, but for use over the weekend as this is when Ryan is here and can help us decorate the tree and house. That way we can have the leftovers we so enjoy when we want to.:cool:
What plans do you have for Turkey Day? Will your Mom be able to come over like last year?
How are Zoe and Koko doing? You seem to have landed on a relatively smooth spot. Gives one time to take a breather, catch your breath and be ready to begin anew with the next challenge which we all know is out there waiting for us.
molly muffin
11-13-2012, 06:59 PM
Omg susan! I can't believe you said it... decorate the tree! It's almost that time of year. No No No I'm not Ready!!!
*sigh* It's not fair I need another month. : )
That sounds like an excellent plan to me. Some years when we haven't had the kids around on our Thanksgiving, we've actually made a turkey, sat around in our pj's watching movies all day and then just munched on turkey sandwiches as we feel like it. Over all a darn good day and plan to go with!
I think going out to eat would work for me, I think you will end up enjoying it.:):):):):)
Our new neighbors decorated their house and put up their tree last weekend! At the office, the radio station we usually listen to changed their programing and was playing only Christmas songs:rolleyes:
It was a bit too early for all of us, after an hour we had to change the station:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I hope you keep feeling better.
love ya
Bailey's Mom
11-13-2012, 10:41 PM
Yeah-too soon for Christmas music..........or maybe one ever couple of hours. Black Friday is when I get in the mood and love to hear the music. I just picked up 4 new Christmas cds. Can't wait to hear them!!
I defrosted our stand alone freezer last night. I seem to have one day with lots of energy and then the following day I'm wiped out. It has always amazed me how much energy the body needs to heal itself......and that I'd better respect those needs!!:D
marie adams
11-14-2012, 12:23 PM
You really do know how to have fun!!!! The adventures of scaling the stairs.....:eek:;):p Definitely need to find the pink bubble wrap....
I seem to be having a lot of falling or should I say tripping due to Miss Ella. I have learned to roll pretty good so not too much damage. I tend to bruise very easy also.
I couldn't believe you were getting another storm so soon. I think it is trying to get to be winter here finally, but today it is suppose to be in the 70's here by the beach and in the 80's inland. Maybe some rain on Saturday but that always changes.
I want to have lemonade (pink) on the porch in the afternoon. Can I come too, pleaseeee????!!!! :D:D Miss Ella will keep everyone busy and wear them out.:eek:
Those PT people really know how to dig in---OUCH!!!! I am getting closer to going to the ART guy my husband and daughter go to--his name is DR. T, but I said Dr. Torcher--haha!!!! He said he would be more gentle with me since I am not a Crossfitter.
Here's to a better weekend coming!!!! What about Punkin Cunkin???
Bailey's Mom
11-14-2012, 07:21 PM
I missed punkin' chunkin'. I never saw anything about it-but I've not been reading the local papers. I thought about it myself about one week ago and thought..........well I guess it's over by now. IT's always the first weekend after Halloween.
I recommend the raspberry lemonade. Try it. You'll love it! Of course you can come. Now that the back yard is fenced in, we can accommodate several visitors.
They now seem to think that this weekend's storm will stay out at sea. My neighbor tells me the Farmer's Almanac is calling for several snow storms and two big nor'easters during December. I'll take the snow........I've had enough of the flooding. We have even had a very short conversation about would we ever consider moving if the flooding keeps up at this pace. The answer is yes.
OH, how could we forget that?????
LOL, where the heck did the year go?
I sure hope that bad storm I'm reading about misses you Sus.
There is a real nice house down the block for sale:D:D:D:D:D
Not sure if Marie and I would like the basement though. We are kind of attached to the non basement. I would miss singing "99 ants on the wall" and what about old Mr. whatever the heck his name is always trying to oogle mom when she goes in the hot tub and he thinks Bob isnt lookin':p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
ahhhhh, memories all alone in the moonlight...........
Wally, Wally, is that you hangin out with the surfer dudes?
marie adams
11-15-2012, 01:10 PM
Sister Addy, what are you talking about 99 ants.....I'm thinking more on the lines of 99 Wally back??? Washed in with Sandy????:p;):D:)
I think the "family" should move to this side of the US--usually nice weather--no shoveling snow; sometimes a little mud. We have had some big storms, but.... We could have that lemonade spiced with.... on my deck looking out to the Pacific at sundown--on a clear day you can see the lights on Hawaii (oops, that would be Catalina!!!) :D:D:D Plenty of surfer dudes and dudettes!!!!:D:D:cool:;) Wally would have a great time too!!! One of the best dog beaches around too!!!!
I'm packing my bags, count me in:D:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
11-17-2012, 01:54 AM
I'm packing my bags, count me in:D:D:D:D:D
It sounds fantastic!
I think the storm is supposed to stay out at sea.
Did I tell you we had a pillow conversation the other night? Would we consider moving if the flooding kept up at this rate? (Mind you we designed and had this house built.)
Oooooooooo.........maybe I could have a basement!! No-that's just more room to store more stuff.
Have a great weekend Kids! I'm planning on sleeping in late so please keep the noise down until noon...............
it is noon
you are going to miss the punkin chukin, better get up!!!
Happy Weekend before Turkey Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She was a determined soul and was not about to allow her bad knee to stop her. Those Christmas decorations were going up no matter what. Sneaking in to the garage, she dragged the ladder to the front of the house where she had the inflatable Santa ready for the roof. One rung at a time, she climbed the ladder, dragging Santa below.
Once at the top, she gingerly placed Santa near the chimney, a slow grin spreading from ear to ear. She did it! Throwing caution to the wind, she started her journey down when suddenly, her foot slipped. Trying with all her might to stop the fall, she grabbed the ladder tightly. It was then the ladder tilted left and started falling away from the house. Spotting the cover on the hot tub, she threw her weight in that direction and the ladder came with her. She let go, bounced off the spa cover and rolled onto the grass while old Mr. Macintosh cheered her on, watching the entire spectacle through his binoculars.
It was a job well done. She shook off the leaves and dirt and headed for the box of lights..........................
No Sus, stop dont do it!!!!!!! Ryan!!!!! Stop your mother!!!!!
Gobble, gobble, Happy Turkey Day!!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
11-21-2012, 03:22 AM
What a nightmarish story!!:eek::eek::(:confused::o:o
The front lights are up and ready to be turned on Friday. No accidents.
Bob and Ryan setup and decorate the tree. I unpack lights, test them, unwrap ornaments and cheer them on.
Now 'tis time to finish up the stained glass repair job for the lady. I HATE doing repair work. I want to do something fun! Something new.
Bailey and I want to wish you, Addy, and all our other followers a very happy Thanksgiving Day!!:D:) Try this, if you want to hear some interesting responses.....before dinner instead of grace as usual, go around the table one by one with each person saying want they are most thankful for. Just one or two things. Keep it short.
Must go make my pecan pies!:)
that aint no nightmare:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
I thought I likened you to a Christmas decoration hero with the athletic capabilities akin to Batwoman:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
What, did you read it at 2 in the morning???:D:D:D:D:D
LOL Sus, you crack me up:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
11-22-2012, 02:21 AM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............with the warning to Ryan, ...........maybe this is like the Five Guys discussion. Remember that one??;)
Well-made spaghetti tonight. Must say it turned out really well. I haven't made it in eons.
Ryan is here. Bailey is behaving badly. It is way too late for me to be up.
Happy gobble day, Addy. Are you having family over?
I've been having some major issues with a couple of my computer programs and it has sopped up my time.....and they're still not fixed. I keep thinking about the old days........pencil and paper. Maybe it's time to return to those simpler days!
Don't overeat but be sure to have at least a taste of everything you want.,......and root for the Redskins!!
Bailey's Mom
11-25-2012, 11:31 PM
Hi to all and I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday. We did.
I just wanted to post an update on Bailey. Bailey never succeeded, or I failed, at basics training. It has caused frustrations to us more so than problems to others but all in all she seemed to be settling down. We have had a series of incidents, all with out son who loves her dearly.....and this one particular toy. Long story short, she has nipped at me........whenever I get close to someone for a hug. She growls at Bob whenever he wants to pick her up to go for a walk....or any other pick up reason. When guests arrive I have to keep her on a leash until she settles down. She is always so excited to have visitors and jumps up, etc. She is sure everyone comes to see her. And even holding her via leash or just in my arms can be a real challenge. I have reached a level of frustration and concern and tomorrow a trainer will be coming by to psychoanalyze her. (just kidding) The trainer will be coming by to assess her and to suggest our next steps.
I seem never to be able to get enough rest, always feel exhausted and am having more trouble with pain from the surgery. I'm now starting to have problems if I miss taking a dose....which means addiction issues. Bailey has been standing on my last nerve and I think we need an intervention.
Just wanted to let you guys in on what's going on here at Bailey's house.
Squirt's Mom
11-26-2012, 08:07 AM
Hi Susan,
I went through a trainer with Crys and I was surprised when he told me he wasn't coming to watch her, he was coming to watch US. :D It didn't work out for us because his great idea was to put her on a 2' chain and keep her on it all the time until WE learned. nonononoNO! Crys wasn't nippy or growly or aggressive in any way but she was a handful - full of energy 24/7 and bullheaded. :p
Crys did end up on a lead for a long time teaching her, and us, how to help her. Saskia did more for us than anything in guiding us on how to handle her. She and Turid Rugaas' teachings did wonders for us. I always turn to them first anytime there is a issue now with behaviors.
I hope you have luck with the trainer and ya'll learn some good lessons for the coming years together. ;)
Sus, I am sorry to hear you are having so much pain. Maybe a trip to a nice warm place where you can relax and read a book and feel the warmth bake into you might help.:):):):):)
I think a trainer is a wonderful idea for Little Miss. Her growling and nipping at people when they come near you is her way of guarding her most valuable resource..... YOU:):):)
I hope the trainer can give you positive ideas.
Enjoy your week and try to rest. Pain can take its toll on a person and tire you out quickly.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((mucho hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
molly muffin
11-26-2012, 05:59 PM
Hi Susan. I hope you get to feeling better. Pain meds, a double edge sword I swear, they are good and they are bad, all rolled up into one. I'm going with Addy's suggestion, warmth, warmth and more warmth! oh yea and drinks with little umbrellas in them. Then trainer for Bailey! Hope that goes well!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hey Susan,
Happy the week after Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
11-28-2012, 01:21 AM
Hey Addy!
I'm sitting up while the liquids do their job and I then go for a 2 for 1 special....colonoscopy and endoscopy. I can drink clear liquids for another hour and then an hour after that, I have to take the second dose of this stuff. :( I have to keep up with the pain meds too. Life is just sooooooooooooooooo much fun.............:(:(:(:(:(
Boy would I like a snack!!!!!!!
colonoscopy and endoscopy.
What the hey?????? Why are you needing a double whammy?
Sus, are you okay? I am getting plenty worried. If you dont start behaving yourself and get well I may have to get on a plane headed for your house!!!!!!!!
marie adams
12-04-2012, 12:59 PM
Dear Mom,
Do you want us to come visit so bad you have to have multiple tests???
Oh how I know being so frustrated with the little one you want a vacation from them....:eek::D Miss Ella has her good days and bad ones still. I noticed when we were taking care of one of her buddies, that they both got the jealous bug when I paid attention to one or the other. I still see it when we all meet at the park to play. I think it will be a good thing to see what the trainer has to say. I know I get heated up when I am mad at Ella so that transfers to her becoming more anxious with me.
PLEASE PLEASE try to get more rest so you heal up--how can you make the trip out here to enjoy the sunset with our spiked lemonade...:D:D:D
Love you bunches!!!! ((((HUGS))))
Bailey's Mom
12-05-2012, 01:39 AM
REST?? WHAT is REST??!! I am so tired my eyes are crossed!
I went to bed early to try to get more rest, then I started getting shooting pains in my someone was sending an electrical charge through.
It's just been super busy here and I have not had a single opportunity to chill out in the AMs.
I've planned a surprise (well not any more) birthday party for Bob for next week. We are going to go to the Biltmore Inn for a couple of days. Ryan's going to come along under his own power. One of the days we will all have lunch together along with some friends.
Then there is a surprise for Ryan for to the Redskins - Dallas game! We had season tickets for 10 yrs. I sure hope he doesn't surprise ME with tickets to the Dallas game for Christmas!! Although we could sell them and make a nice little profit.
Tomorrow we have to take Bailey back to Annapolis as it seems her knee surgeries were unsuccessful. I hope there's a 12 month warranty or some such thing.
I'm staying current with all of you-I just have no time to participate right now.
I did learn I have 3 small ulcers. I don't know when I get the final report......add back another medicine to the daily regime.
Enjoy the season ladies!
Bailey's Mom
12-06-2012, 09:29 PM
We had a day trip to the orthopedic surgeon/vet today. Bailey is scheduled to have he knee operations repeated on 1/8. It won't be as extensive as the first time, but it will still mean another 6 weeks of no paws on the floor. Carry her everywhere. Keep her confined.
It's very I can TRULY empathize.
molly muffin
12-06-2012, 10:10 PM
Oh gee..that is going to be rough isn't it. How frustrating to have to redo it :(
Hope you are doing okay though. Sounds like you have a lot of stuff going on and some big plans too. :)
Kind of like the "surprise" though. You can surprise me any time! LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
aww, poor little Miss. I will have to send care packages to both of you for recouperation.;);)
Awesome Redksin tickets and I think I am hiding in the car so I can go along for Bob's birthday suprise. Great gift giving!!!!;)
Hubby is off to NYC tomorrow to visit his sister so I am a single mom for the weekend:):cool: Tomorrow is cleaning day and then I am free bird.
Today we received a box from Harry and David filled with goodies but no note as to who it is from:confused::confused: Tomorrow I am going to have the tea and crumpets. :D I have not had crumpets since our trip to Cornwall. Now I just need some Devonshire cream:D
Happy weekend Sus
Have fun on your trip and en oy the holiday preperations.
Dang Sus, I am so far behind with the holidays, it is starting reach crisis mode:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Having meant to stop by but something always interrupts.
Bailey's Mom
12-13-2012, 10:41 PM
Hiya Miss Addy!
We just returned from North Carolina and the surprise birthday festivities. It was a very nice trip. Very cold (26 at night), but we didn't have to be outside too much.
I'm done with my shopping, I think, but I need to get wrapping. If I don't get my brother's gift in the mail tomorrow, it may be late.
The work with the trainer is going very well, but we'll hit a bump in the road when we have to stop for 6 weeks after the surgery. The trainer was telling me today of some things I could do while we're on the bed. I'm not sure about that-she is supposed to be totally confined, as if in a crate.
Gotta go to bed. Sleep is hard to come by for some reason. I try but it just isn't happening. :confused::(
Take care of yourself. I'll be glad when things slow down a little and are more like "normal" whatever normal is.:D
Ho, Ho, Ho Girlfriend!!!!!:):):):):)
I am so glad the trip was great!!!!! It is always good to get away. I am still not done with shopping, let alone wrapping so you are way ahead of me and you even went away!!!!.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Hubby and I had to get new cell phones so that ate up a big amount of time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness that confusing research is over. Still checking on the rugs, stopped at BBAB and found a few on clearance.:) We have a store five minutes away. Good tip:):):)
I hope the trainer gets Little Miss in shape thought she is such a sweety, how can that cute little fluffball do anything wrong?:D:D:D
You have to fill us in on his tips.
Are you to have snow for Christmas? We might have some. I wish we wouldn't. I am loving this no snow winter so far.
Happy Monday!!!!
marie adams
12-21-2012, 06:12 PM
I wanted to make sure I wished you the Merriest Christmas. Believe in the magic of Christmas!
It won't be as hectic this Christmas as long as I get our presents all wrapped. I still have the weekend!!! I will not have the family over on Christmas Eve just go to their house for Christmas Dinner.:):)
molly muffin
12-21-2012, 06:23 PM
Merry Christmas and Happy Happy New Year!!
I'll be wrapping this weekend too! Hoping for a quiet, productive weekend in fact.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
12-24-2012, 08:52 AM
Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years!!!!!!!
May all of your Christmas wishes come true...
May we all stay away from any and all cliffs,
Peace and Joy to all!
Hi Sus,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are not at the mall returning things;););) Did Bailey enjoy her presents from Santa? Did her sweater finally arrive?
I keep seeing bad weather out East and hope it is not in your neck of the woods. It seems it may be further north. We are to have snow tomorrow. I wont complain though, it is only the second storm we have had this winter. How has your winter been so far?
I was hoping to take in a movie today. I so wanted to see Anna Karenina but it is no longer playing at the nearby theaters. I guess I waited too long and will end up seeing it on cable.
Count down for 2013 now begins.........................
Bailey's Mom
12-28-2012, 10:58 PM
Hi Sus,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are not at the mall returning things;););) Nope-only need to return a desk calendar. I'll do that tomorrow. Did Bailey enjoy her presents from Santa? Yes-Bailey got into the spirit of Christmas this year. She finally "got" opening presents. Did her sweater finally arrive? Her sweater did not arrive.........I sent them an email last week telling them (this is a Puppia Holidays sweater.....not Chantal.) ...telling them if it did not arrive by Monday (it was ordered 11/17!!!!), I was going to contest the charge. I tried last weekend to contest the charge, but it was too soon according to their stated order date. Today I see a credit coming through. Except that we didn't have the sweater for Christmas, it worked out better. I got one for less money and they included a 20% off coupon when they sent it to today I ordered a second one. Next year she will be very spiffy!! Chantals have not arrived yet, either, but they're coming from Turkey and they were not meant to be Christmas sweaters.
I keep seeing bad weather out East and hope it is not in your neck of the woods. We had a couple of inches of rain and tomorrow there is a rumor of some snow. I will be in VA and I have a better chance of seeing the snow than Bob will have, here. It seems it may be further north. We are to have snow tomorrow. I wont complain though, it is only the second storm we have had this winter. How has your winter been so far? The winter only got winter-ish in the past two weeks. We were relatively mild before that. I think we might set a record for warmest December ever.
I was hoping to take in a movie today. I so wanted to see Anna Karenina but it is no longer playing at the nearby theaters. I guess I waited too long and will end up seeing it on cable.
Count down for 2013 now begins.........................
Ryan and I are going to see the Dallas/Washington football game Sunday night. I am going over tomorrow.....if you remember that was a big part of my Christmas present to him. The tickets are the hottest ever for an NFL regular season game and the highest priced ones. Fortunately I got ours in very early September (much less $$) before those other fools were willing to risk whether the 'skins would be good enough to be interesting this late in the year. HOWEVER...I could sell these tickets and make about a 400% profit. Worth thinking about. Make a bunch of money and watch the game at home in front of the fireplace with no line for "rest rooms," or go to the game, sit in 20 degree weather for 5 hours and not see nearly as well nor be able to see the many replays they put on tv. Hmmmmm.
No-we'll go. We should BE there.....we are really large Redskin fans...loyal to the core! We must support these guys.
I come back on Monday, turn around and go back on Wednesday for Kennedy Center Christmas present to Bob. We come back on Friday and I turn around on Monday to go to Wilmington for a doc appt. Once I get home from there we both go to take Bailey to Annapolis for her surgery. :(:( We'll alll (hopefully) come back home on Wednesday. Then I get to puppy sit for 6 weeks, keeping her little paws from reaching the floor. YIKES!!!!!!!!!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and did not need to make returns! Best wishes for a happy, very healthy New Year to you and yours.
More hugs,
Sus :D
molly muffin
12-29-2012, 01:03 AM
I need a nap!! Just reading your schedule sounds both exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time.
Have safe trips and a good time at the game and Kennedy Center. I'm sure Bailey will be fine, but boy, no paws down! Yikes indeed.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Awww the beauty of the East Coast, proximety to all good things:D:D:D
Have a wonderful time and soak it all in so the glow lasts throught Bailey's recuperation. I am sure she will do just fine.
I think I will hide in your suitcase!!!!!!!!!!
marie adams
01-01-2013, 12:56 AM
I think I will be too tired to hide in the suitcase with Sister Addy, that's too much for me!!! :D
It does sound like fun!!!! I know that is what makes me jealous of the east coast everything is pretty close where as California doesn't have that kind of excitement. Maybe it has its own kind but I am use to it so doesn't seem as exciting.
Have a Happy New Year!!!! Enjoy yourself before you have keep Miss Bailey off her legs for a while--just not fair she has to go through this again.
molly muffin
01-01-2013, 09:59 AM
Happy New Year!
Hoping for a happy, safe, healthy new year
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
How was the Kennedy Center show? Tell me all the details cause I did not get to see or hear much from the suitcase:p:p:p:p:p:p
Bailey's Mom
01-07-2013, 02:13 AM
I AM back!
We went to see White Christmas and also to see Shear Madness. For WC we were too close, if you can believe there was this dude sitting right in front of me whose head was as wide as his shoulders!!! So at intermission, we moved back, only 1/2 the theater was filled-this was a matinee. The show was great, the singing was great and the production was fabulous. What was NOT great was the $22 fee for parking at the Kennedy Center PLUS a $20 fee for parking at the hotel. YIKES! Bethany Beach living has spoiled me/us!!!!
Shear Madness was fun as well. This was our 3rd time to see it. It is starting its 25th year and it's a murder mystery that depends on audience participation. It is always changing in that they include current events (usually politics) and the outcome is based on audience vote. They finish out the play based on the actor most voted for by the audience as the murderer.
We had a nice dinner on day 1 with out son and his girlfriend. She has been in his life for 6 months or so and this was the first time we met her. We both liked her very much. It was a relaxed dinner and everyone seemed to have a good time. Ryan is not sure where this will go. Ellen is studying to become a speech therapist and finishes up her masters in May. Her family wants her to move back to CO. She has been in DC for 3 years now. He has lived here all his life and is not interested in moving so far away. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. She just hadn't better hurt him, my baby!!!!:mad::mad:
Tomorrow is the day for Bailey's knee surgeries. :(:eek: (Or would that be knees surgery?) I so hate for her to have to go through this again:eek:...if ever there was someone who could empathize with her, it's me!!:(
My pt is still ongoing and seems to be so very slow. I'm hanging in there, though. It's just taking so long to get strength back.
Ryan and I thoroughly enjoyed the Redskins game last week. As usual, they had to take it down to the last 15 seconds to win it, but it was sure fun. I returned home the next day and Bob & I had a quiet, happy New Year. Unfortunately, I did not so enjoy yesterday's Redskins loss. It started out great with two quick touchdowns, but then it fell apart. Still, they had a great season, finishing top of their division. It's a HUGE improvement from how it has been for the last ten years.
Well-as usual, I should be in bed. HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my Cush friends.
Sus, Susan, Bailey's mom
molly muffin
01-07-2013, 09:47 PM
Your trip sounds very exciting! Well, except for the dratted pay parking. Ugh. I hate how expensive that is.
Good luck tomorrow with Bailey! 5am! Rise and shine! bright eyed, bushy tailed
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
It's 5 am, wheres the car? I have my coffee, do you have Miss Basiley?
Ok off we go:)
Everything will be just fine, Sus. Bailey will come through her knee surgery just fine.
Dang, it is cold this morning!!!!!!! Wait, let me grab the newspaper and my iphone. Okay, we are OOOOOFFFFFFFFFF:D:D:D:D:D
Can we stop for muffins?
Bailey's Mom
01-08-2013, 11:49 AM
Can we stop for muffins?[/QUOTE]
Well, we DID stop for doughnuts. Did you get yours or has Marie Irene eaten all the rest? I had TWO twists! MMMMMMMMnnnnnnnnnnummy!
Where the vet surgeon is is right around the corner from where we got Bob's car, so we went by there after leaving Miss. B, and exchanged our car for a loaner (nice service that they have.) So, it's the same model car, but newer.........and I think a bit more basic........I'm not sure. It took FOREVER to warm my seat and thus my butt!!! That was a 5 hour round trip and my knees were NOT happy.
Silly Bailey was playing with her rubber doggie bone that is the size of her head, at 4AM! :eek: She thought this was great fun. Bob chose not to give her 1/2 a Dramamine and had I realized that earlier, that would have changed. BUT!!!! She did NOT get car sick. :D Her little nose was wet and cold all the way there. For about 1/2 the ride, she dozed on my chest. ;);) I started humming to a song that was on the radio at one point and she raised her head, as my throat was next to her ear, and she looked at me like....".do you think you could stop doing that??! I'm trying to sleep here.":rolleyes:
I am still waiting to hear how it went. I think it was going to start around 10:30..........and you are right was indeed very cold this AM. BUT!!! ......... We are supposed to have two days this weekend of sunny and mid 60's. I LOVE IT!!!!!
Keep thinking positive thoughts!
Bailey's Mom
01-08-2013, 11:50 AM
Hi Sharlene.....thanks for stopping by!
thinking positive thoughts as i peek while at work to see if all is okay
Bailey's Mom
01-08-2013, 04:17 PM
The surgeon called around 12:30. The surgery went well, Bailey is doing fine and we can probably take her home tomorrow afternoon. He said one of the pins he put in last time, in one leg, had started to move around and it was starting to collect fluid. He removed it as she no longer needs it. The other pin in the other leg was left alone because it is behaving itself. He explained how the scar tissue had caused the knee cap to go to the outside now. Originally it was sliding to the inside. He thinks as the scar tissue settled in that it became tighter and thus the problem developed. He is expecting a positive outcome. What he had told us he was going to do was to tighten the ligaments up basically by stitching in a figure eight. That would prevent the knee cap from slipping either way. He did not reference this in the phone call, but I am sure we will get more details when we go get her.
So-relief that it is over. Sorrow that I am not there. Sorrow for her pain. She in no way understood why she could not have bedtime treats last night (no food after 8). She was very perplexed and insistent.:mad: By 4AM, when I got up, she had cuddled up closer than close to me and then put her head on my neck and gave me kisses. She then played with her rubber bone while we got dressed to go, tail wagging all the time. On the way over, the two hour trip, she watched outside for a good while, then as I put my seat way back (Hope I didn't crowd you Addy)-she stretched out and played at napping. ;) Her face was about two inches from my face and every time I opened my eye(s) to look, she was looking back at me! :D
Her trainer just called to see how she was doing. She said she is sending Bailey a little "something."
Are people great, or what?
awwww Sus, what a lover and sweetie Little Miss is:D:D:D:D
I know it is so hard when we cant explain things to them. I even read the book "How To Speak Dog" but it didnt help:D:D:D Though I did learn how to ask Koko and Zoe to play with me in dogese;):rolleyes: and it worked too:D:D:D
I know you are anxious to have her back home and she will soon be snuggling around your neck.
Wow, that was a long drive today!!!! YIKES!!! Good thing I had a window seat and those doughnuts:D:D:D:D:D:D
love ya very much girlfriend
molly muffin
01-08-2013, 08:12 PM
Yay, so glad that the surgery went well and the prognosis is good. Bet you can't wait to have little miss back home with you!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
01-09-2013, 12:48 AM
I just called and spoke with Bailey's technician. They have had her outside and (really?) she does not like standing on those legs, but they did get her to pee. She had not eaten-she is a very light eater anyway-but they did recently get her to eat some turkey sandwich meat. They tell me she is propped up with pillows and they have her covered, because "she seems to like it." (really?")
So-looks good so far. Yes, Sharlene, I can hardly wait to have her back. The house is so very quiet. The doorbell was rung and there was no resulting noise. So strange.
I'm trying to take care of desk/paper chores so I can just veg out with her once she's back home. It's amazing how much I miss her. People say she's spoiled. I think I am the one that is spoiled!:D
When can you go get her? I am so glad things went well, you must be so relieved. I have not been away overnight from Zoe in six years. I cant imagine sleeping without hearing her breathe. Your house must feel empty and quiet indeed.
It was 42 degrees today. Beautiful Day but snow is heading our way this weekend. I hope you enjoy your warm weather too. Just think Sus, in 2 more weeks, it will be light out at 5pm:D:D:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
01-09-2013, 10:09 PM
Hi Addy-I only have a second---I got a one hour reprieve from Bailey sitting from Bob...and my time is up!
She is back home. She would not give me a kiss for five hours. I assured her that was okay and it was okay if she was really mad at me. Finally got a kiss!
She is pretty much of a zombie. She wants to be left alone.....but don't leave her!!:D I have a Dr appt @11 tomorrow so I'll be gone for maybe two hours. Bob will be here. I will give her ladyship my undivided attention the rest of the day.
Good thing is she came home, Bob took her right out back and she pooped. She won't need to do that again probably before Friday now. What a trooper!:):)
Hi Sus,
How is Little Miss and how did your doctor appointment go?
Everything ok?
Our snow melted and I have day lilies peaking through the ground;)
Of course tomorrow the temps will drop and snow is on its way for Sunday but hey, it was a great day today!!! Hope this nice weather is enroute to your house.
Bailey's Mom
01-11-2013, 09:21 PM
Hi Addy-
The weather is supposed to reach in the high sixties this weekend. :) Next week we are in for a big drop in temps. I think any living plant is going to be seriously confused come spring.:confused::confused:
My doc appt went well....except my BP was high when I got there.:( I have to monitor it myself for two weeks and go back and have it rechecked and an Echocardiogram. He did an EKG yesterday which turned out "perfect." I expect my BP was high because I had a couple of scary incidents of closing my eyes too long while driving. For 3 days I got very little sleep. I made up for that last night.
The first night when Bailey got home was rough....she kept wanting to lick the incisions. I put the collar on her and she got that off. Then I found myself with about 1 foot of bed space. I was about to take her and move elsewhere when Bob finally moved himself and Bailey giving me more space. After that she slept well and I slept pretty well.
Her incisions look great. One has no redness at all. :D The other one I've not really had an opportunity to see.........or I have and they both look the same. :confused: She's been very good about licking less and this evening, after she ate a big bowl of chicken/turkey meat, she sneaked off and made it all by herself over to her water bowl without my knowing about it until I heard the slurping! That's a good twenty feet. Just now, without my knowing it, she made it half way down the steps to the first floor....needing to get out to pee. She is soooooooo quiet. Ten seconds earlier I had reprimanded her about licking...........and then she's off and GONE!!
Did you know when dogs drink water, they lap it up by curling their tongues under? I saw a slo-mo of that one day. While I watched her slurp this evening I could see that indeed that is the case. Whodathunkit?
I only need to get more strengthening in PT. The rest is fine. I am getting the idea this is just going to be one slow process back. I think PT will probably have to end soon. I'll just need to make it better on my own.:( I think I am officially off pain medication.:) That stuff is a two edged sword. (now there's a strange phrase.)
Happy weekend.
Bailey's Mom
01-11-2013, 10:16 PM
:) ATTENTION!!!!!! A new picture of Bailey's new sweaters.........not exactly in time for Christmas, but worth the wait..........:)
molly muffin
01-12-2013, 05:55 PM
Very cute sweaters! quite spiffy!
That Bailey is a scamp isn't she. Off as soon as you aren't paying attention. You'll have to get a bell to put on her. (oh That would drive you nuts I'm sure! ding, ding, ding, ding) never mind, I take it back, no bell.
Really glad that she seems to be in a good recovery mode.
Now, you just have to remember to take it easy and do those exercises and then maybe even if not doing PT full time, sneak a session in every once in awhile. You'll do awesome too. You and Bailey, a Team! (and Bob too of course!!) LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
sweaters, new sweaters from Etsy? I have to go look, one of my favorite things.
Bailey's Mom
01-15-2013, 05:11 AM
Okay-need some suggestions here. First.....I HAVE TO have a dog. That's all there is to that. Second, Bob tolerates dogs. Bob does not spend a lot of time building a relationship with a pet. The pets have always been "mine." He helps out and all that but he just............well I suggested he..............
Back up here........the problem is that Bailey is growling very seriously if Bob goes to pick her up. He thinks it is because she is "my dog" and that anyone coming near me is responded to that way. That''s not entirely accurate. It has gotten much worse since her surgery, which is understandable. Her legs hurt. She isn't real keen on being picked up right now. Sometimes I get a little low growl but I have found if I talk to her, tell her I'm picking her up and everything is okay. I suggested he try some of that. He again came back about her being "my dog." So I said-and how do you think that happened? And he said he didn't know. I explained it happened because I play with her, I give her treats, we play fetch with the balls and I've even begun taking her on short errands. She does very well. He poo-pooed that saying he was not the Dog Whisperer. She has always growled a bit but now it is getting to be a very angry growl when he goes to pick her up. And for the time being, she is supposed to be carried everywhere. The trainer was just told about this right when we had to stop due to Bailey's surgery and the trainer had to have some surgery as well. We won't resume for another 5-6 weeks. I have started picking her up myself and then transferring her over to his arms. He usually takes her out, what with me and my knees.
Suggestions are welcome.
01-15-2013, 06:28 AM
Hey Susan: That is funny about Palmer's duckie. I have seen CoCo hump his dog for 10 years and then bite it and throw it to me and I put it back in his bed and cover him up. It is a game he plays. CoCo growls if he is picked up also, very disconcerting and makes me mad sometimes, but we just go ahead and pick him up, he never offers to bite, just telling us he does not like to be picked up I guess. We just call CoCo the Alpha dog and we are his subjects and if he was a shepherd he would be herding us around I guess. I guess Bailey is the same, just telling you "don't pick up". They used to put a muzzle on him at the vet's office and call him the biter, but I don't think he ever bit anyone, just a 10 pound growler. Hope you and Bailey improve quickly. Hugs, JoAnne
Hey Sus,
crazy day today, not much time but a couple thoughts:
does Bob pick Bailey up the same way you do or does he approach from a different anlge, side, etc?
We taught Zoe to like being picked up with a clicker and lots of, you know, what else right, chicken of course.
fast action treats (think jackpot) to prime her up and to short circuit her brain while she is on the floor, Bob picks her up the same way you do and you click and shove more chicken in her mouth while loudly praising, he holds her only for a few seconds then puts her down, watch her body language and only practice a few pick ups at a time then wait until later. Try to increase the amount of time he holds her bit by bit.
Not sure if I explained all correctly but it did work for us, but we had to reinforece it often.
talk to you tonight:):)
Bailey's Mom
01-15-2013, 03:30 PM
Thanks JoAnne & Addy. Addy he picks her up as I do. I try to get him to talk to her as he starts and continues, but I am only mildly successful.
I'll keep you updated.
molly muffin
01-15-2013, 06:01 PM
Hi Susan,
Well, Bailey is being very alpha towards Bob. I hope that others have some ideas on how to get that behavior to stop.
Treats is a biggee of course, dogs usually are good with the ones who give them treats, take care of them, etc.
Also, you can't let her continue that behavior, but you need positive reinforcement. I think your ideas are really good.
I'd probably do something like, talk to her, rub her belly or something, pick up, give a treat. Maybe Bob should take her on some walkies when she is back to able to do that. Have him feed her too. Sort of the scenario of "look me big alpha, go kill game, give you food" ROFL
What a pain in the keister though.
Sharlene and molly muffin
look me big alpha, go kill game, give you food"
I think they must have something in the water in Canada, dont you Sus? Yup for sure it they must, Carrol was from Canada too, of course she later moved but she grew up drinking the stuff:D:D:D:D:D
LOL, Sharlene
molly muffin
01-15-2013, 09:26 PM
keyboard alert!!!!!!
water all over the desk and keyboard when I read that Addy!!!! ROFL!
My husband thumped his chest a couple times at Molly while saying he was Alpha dog in the house. I was literally on the floor rolling around laughing while ticking Molly (she's ticklish under her front leg pits) while he was doing it too. We both decided he only Thought he was alpha but everyone knew us girls ruled the world!!!
Course that is Not going to help Bailey, who already Knows she rules the world! (shhhhh, we're trying to convince her that it is bob who is king kabob!)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I dont think she's buying that Bob is King Kabob:D:D:D;);)
Wait, are we talking about Sus or Bailey??:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Hey Sus, where the heck are ya?
Bailey's Mom
01-16-2013, 11:06 PM
Oh Addy-----and the others........I'm here. I'm just not feeling good. :( PT is rough. The guy keeps telling me I've aged since the last time I went through it's going to take longer. Boy, if I hadn't been already depressed when I got there, he sure put the cherry on the top! :mad:
I stopped the Rx pain meds and it has messed up my sleeping. Go to bed and I find myself wide awake. Get up and do stuff. Body clock must think springs have sprung!! :eek::confused::(:mad:
Bob does 99% of the Bailey walking already. know....attitude? Giving back what you send out? That's the problem. Today she even growled just a little at me when I went to take her. I think some days she doesn't feel too hot either. She has been on 3 meds and is now down to 2. Another day or so and she'll be down to one. Staples come out on Monday. She looks like a poorly groomed poodle with her little cold butt hanging out all shaved and her tiny little tail with a tiny little ball at the end.
We like to let Bob think he's the King Kabob. Keeps him happy. of many are with me to go away for 4 days and nights to someplace sunny and warm where they speak English with an know, some place in the Caribbean...?????
I'm achy tonight. Hopefully I sleep. Hugs and more hugs to all.
Little Sus, Susan, woe is me................
molly muffin
01-16-2013, 11:31 PM
*waving hand madly, me, me, me!! Lets go! Warm, sunshine, water, drinks on the beach, brought to us by wonderful people who smile and ask if there is anything else you'd like! Absolutely!
No PT for awhile, you can get in the pool and call it PT. Everyone will comment on how well you are looking and so youthful and full of energy!
Okay, who is now checking out the all inclusive vacation web sites? No not yet?!! Shocking! Lets try again, Sunshine, warm, beach, surf, drinks, beach, warm, repeat endlessly.
Ugh, I just turned to look at the tv to see what that cool music was about. It was some skinny woman in a bathing suit looking about 18 years old and all tanned and toned. grrrrrrrr
Well yes of course, that is the key, that he Thinks him be King Kabob!
Maybe Bailey is having sympathy pains with you and you with her. You can both growl at bob and feel better about the whole situation.
Hugs Susan, I hope you are feeling better soon.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
01-17-2013, 04:51 AM
Thanks gave me a giggle. I'm up again tonight. Fortunately I have nothing scheduled for tomorrow which involves the outside world. We were supposed to have 6" of snow and Bob says not looking like that so much anymore.
I took pain meds. I'm beginning to think I'm stopping too early. I think I need to skip a pt on Friday. Give the ol body a little break.
YES!! All inclusive! For sure!! How come I don't see more hands????
My hand is up, Me! me ! me!
We're to get BELOW ZERO next week:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
anything but that:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I'm in the food for a little salsa, Margareta, mariachi band, sun, surf, wind in my hair, grilled fish, yummy good:D:D:D:D:D
shoot, have to run to work, no time because of my nursing duties:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
molly muffin
01-17-2013, 11:02 AM
My friend just told me she isn't going to this party we have coming up because she is off to the Bahamas. I was momentarily envious till she said she was going on a kayaking adventure tour thing to which I immediately lost all envious thoughts. Instead I told her I thought she was missing the whole point of going to some place like the Bahamas, which is (repeat the mantra) beach, sun, water, drinks, food There is nothing about strenuous exercise and kayaking adventure in that mantra my dear. (I'm going to the party!) LOL
I was only mildly joking about the pool therapy, have you looked into that? It's suppose to be very good.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt as much but would still do the trick.
Glad you aren't getting that 6" of snow. brrrrrr nothing like having to clear driveways to make a person adopt the winter hibernation lifestyle. You know the one where you just wave and say, see ya in the spring my good folks.
You're turning into a night owl! Hope today is a good day for you!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
01-17-2013, 04:33 PM
Good "morning"!! I'm adjusting to this new lifestyle of mine. It's not so bad. Go to bed @7AM. Get up around 2. Clean up after Bailey throws up. I wonder, since I started taking two Rxs for pain at bedtime, if that is keeping me awake. I've never noticed that before, but since that is the only time I am taking them..............
I just wish we were going to get some snow. I really miss snow. Because of being so close to the ocean, it's always around 40 degrees in the winter......the temp of the ocean. If we do get snow, it's usually really wet and doesn't hang around. We went on a cruise one winter not long after we moved here and it snowed 18" while we were rowing around the Caribbean. When we got back, nary a trace could be found. I was always sad to have missed that. Back in N. VA, we almost always got one "good" snow each winter. At least 12", dry. The fun stuff. Just enough to give me a taste and be satisfied for another year.
Thinking of kayaking makes my knees hurt! I told Bob my next car was going to be the new Stingray. He chuckled, told me that was fine, but he could not see me being able to get either in or out of it!!!! The NERVE!!!
Really gloomy here today. I don't get why in the winter the skies are gray so much. In the summer it doesn't look gray like this. Ooooooo.....a red cardinal out my window. Wow...beautiful.
Well....back to thinking about warm seas, no work, lots of sun, a drink with a flower and an umbrella in it..................a pink one! :D
Its like you have a third shift job:D:D:D:D:D:D
Why is Bailey throwing up? Her pain meds too? Awww poor girl.
Im totally with Sharlene, fun, sun eat, drink, swim, read a book, listen to the ocean. We have not had much white stuff either but ice I have plenty of:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I am counting down the days until I dont need to take a flashlight with me when I take the dogs out after work:D:D:D I know it sounds weird, but I live for that day.;););););););)
I wonder why the pills are keeping you up, Sus. Did you ask your pharmacist? I'm forever bothering ours and she is always very gracious about answering my gazillion questions.
I finally caved and am allowing hubby back in our room to sleep. I feel sorry for him; here he is sick and so far I made him sleep on the couch, the old sleeper sofa with the bad matress and I am all stretched out in the middle of our bed, loving it;);););)
When we said "in sickness and in health" did that mean we have to be breathed on by a germy mouth while we sleep? I thought I would check in with you on that.:p:p:p:p:p
Bailey's Mom
01-17-2013, 10:32 PM
You're asking the wrong person about "in sickness and in health".....I owe Bob back more times than I have fingers and toes for all of the times he has had to show his wonderful nursing capabilities. :) On the other hand, I don't think Bob ever gave me germs that made me sick.:eek:
I checked in with a friend who is one of many with extensive surgery recovery experience and she was told by a mutual friend that Oxycodone has a side effect of insomnia. I mean this happened so fast it wasn't funny. I cut back, no problem. I cut back more, no problem. I went a day without any, no problem.....but pain at night that kept waking me up. Next night I took 2 Oxy and was WIDE awake. Same last night. She told me to try Tylenol PM. I sent Bob out for some and he just returned. He says a lot of the Tylenol products are under recall....hence no Tylenol PM. He picked up CVS brand which states it is comparable to TPM. I'll let you know. I'm feeling pretty sleepy and think I'll go risk it.
Bailey got sick right after her last Tramadol. Had not had a problem with any before that. She has eaten since then and is fine. This is a brand new chair she threw up on. Bob not happy camper. Fortunately it hit the arm cover. Fortunately we had those made when the chair arrived and didn't have them. I rinsed it all out and we're letting it dry. We'll survey the damage when it's all dry. Meanwhile we are going to Scotch-guard all the arm covers. That's for another day. I have a 9AM eye exam. :(
Nightie nite!!!:)
Hope you got some rest and your eye exam went well AND no more throwing up from Little Miss.
Our ice finally melted today but Sunday we are going into the deep freeze. Seems like a perfect day to stay indoors and vegetate or make a pot of soup.;););)
I think we should tell Marie Irene that Santa's stopping by her house to pick up the ipad;););):D:D:D Just kidding, I miss her, dont you? Maybe she ran into Carroll, they both live in CA.;););)
Have a nice weekend and stay out of trouble. I have to go help granddaughter with a few essays.:D:D:D:rolleyes::rolleyes: I guess I'll be going with her to college next year:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Bailey's Mom
01-19-2013, 09:52 PM
I SLEPT!!!!!!!!
My knee feels MUCH better (I cancelled pt yesterday.)
I SLEPT!!!!!!!
molly muffin
01-19-2013, 11:35 PM
Happy Dancing all around! Sleep oh wonderful Sleep!!!!! yay!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
ch, cha, cha, dance, dance, dance, DANCE:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
joy, oh wonderful sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
molly muffin
01-20-2013, 10:33 AM
Hope you had another wonderful sleep Susan.
Ohhhhh Fun! Cha Cha Cha !!!
Sharlene and the Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
01-20-2013, 02:46 PM
Sharlene I had another sleep...but too short....but not because of any issues. It feels as if I am headed in the right direction. I am fairly certain I will discontinue pt until my next doc visit in 2 weeks. I'm just not entirely sure that it is only helping. This has gone so very well and I will not risk doing anything which might compromise that. I'll just be going up and down stairs here at home a lot. I can also do the other exercises that I do in pt. There is no special equipment required.
Man!! It is SUNNY, SUNNY, SUNNY, and it is now 66 degrees!!! Tuesday night it's supposed to get down to 16. I sat outside with Bailey and we soaked in all the sun we could. :):):):D:D:D:D:D.
I hope you and Addy are enjoying Sunday. Football games start in a little over an hour...they should be good. Hugs and belly rubs to all!
Addy is spending Sunday freezing:eek::eek::eek::eek: And it is to get even colder tomorrow and Tuesday:eek::eek::eek::eek:
I have 3 shirts on and I am in the living room:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I am so glad you are sleeping, I remember only to well sleeping for an hour or two and going to work. We need out sleep;);)
Happy Football night!!!!
Cha, cha, cha some more:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
molly muffin
01-20-2013, 06:19 PM
Freezing here too *shiver* *shiver*
Not bad in the house, we keep it pretty comfy inside, but once you walk out that door...holy cow!
Dog walkies have been on the shorter side today. Molly doesn't want to be out there and I'm still waiting for poop to happen, just hope it doesn't happen inside!!! She no likee cold, snow and ice. We've had it all in one form or another since this morning. :(
Sounds like you are heading in the right direction alright! Sleep is a wonderful restorative and if you can get plenty of exercise with stairs and your pt exercises at home, then that sounds good.
I just know I have no discipline to exercise at home as much as I say I will. LOL Yea, that elliptical machine in the basement while wonderful and all just doesn't get the work out I swore it would when I got it. I'll try to do better week!!! yep, that's it, next week.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Am I an orphan now? I'm all alone in the non basment since Marie Irene seems to have moved out or possibly ran away with one of those surfer dudes she was smitten with. Could be she decided to visit Carrol. But like, yesterday, well, I went upstairs because I was bored with counting ants and like, no one was around. I couldnt even find Bob:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I checked the front yard and I did not see a FOR SALE sign. Did you guys go on vacation and leave me home alone again? Becuase, well, there wasmt much to eat in the fridge either:eek::(
Bailey's Mom
01-24-2013, 03:37 AM
Oh Addy, dear sweet's 3AM and I'm up again and feeling discouraged. And here you are! And you sound so lonely and pitiful and abandoned.
There is no For Sale sign, nor will there be this year. You don't really want to find Bob, he's got the grumps. Now, Marie Irene Arlene is another thing all together. It seems she has taken off. Her cell phone is not on. She left her iPad behind.
I have been dreaming about how nice it would be to go to Florida for Jan, Feb, and March. The Gulf coast. Then tonight there was a news report about how they are having a huge problem with piranha snakes. The state is even paying if you catch one and bring its carcass in. I don't know about Bailey and piranhas. Doesn't sound like a good idea.
But for now, it gives me something to dream about. Maybe I can get in on the tail end of the real estate mess. Maybe a foreclosure or something cheap. I know it won't be like it is in April and May, but it sure beats the heck out of 25 degrees. (I know, I'm preaching to the's really rough where you are.) I was doing reasonably well with regard to my arthritis until we got in this below freezing week or two that we're in. I may spend the rest of the winter in the hot tub.
Addy, there's plenty of food, it's just that I have to hide it from Bob or there never would be anything to snack on. Come on up out of the basement. We'll build a fire in the fireplace, pop some popcorn and play some games. Bring along Zoe and Koko of course.....but leave the guy with the flu behind. I understand one can be infectious 6 days after it's over.
I have 3 friends coming over this afternoon to play can join our little group!:D You'd probably beat the socks off all of us and then I would really be cold!! I'll leave a trail of M&Ms for you to follow. You should have no problem, unless Bailey finds them first!!:eek:
Stay warm. Try to enjoy those furlough days. That must be a bummer. Just think.......soon we'll start seeing signs of our hostas!
Big, WARM hug headed your way................
Bailey's Mom
01-24-2013, 03:53 AM
HEAR YE!! HEAR YE!! Little Miss Bailey attained the age of two Wednesday!!!:D:D Now we go through the teen years!!! :eek::eek:
molly muffin
01-24-2013, 07:32 AM
Happy birthday bailey!!!!!!!
Watch out for those teen years!! LOL
I hear ye alright. Any place warmer right now works for me. We're off this weekend to Ottawa and it's Colder there than here. We're -15C Ottawa is -26C. brrrrrr
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Happy Birthday Bailey
I cant believe you are two years old. It seems like only yesterday we all were looking at pictures of you and your siblings, waiting for that special day to bring you home. We all piled in Mom's car and off we went to the breeders. It was a bit crowded in the car, as I remember and Leslie hogged the window seat the whole way!!! Mom had to stop overnight on the way home and you were such a good girl. And once you were in your forever home, you were such a wee little one. I remember your picture by a planter, I think. And your first trip to the groomer, how pretty you looked when you came home.
Have the nicest birthday ever:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
auntie addy
sus- glad you are okay, sorry you are still not sleeping.
Bailey's Mom
02-01-2013, 01:05 AM
Bailey is back @camp. We had to travel to PA for a funeral. Did anyone know hotels have special rates for attendees of funeral services? They do!
Bailey has been limping a bit. Hopefully 2 days of being confined @ camp will help her healing process.
Have a Good Friday.....and then it's THE WEEKEND!!!!!
molly muffin
02-01-2013, 07:50 AM
Susan, so sorry you had to go to a funeral. When my mom passed in Illinois, I remember the hotel gave us a discount for those who attended. Airlines will sometimes do discounts too for a family member death.
Bailey seems to be getting better already. The road to recovery for these surgeries sure is long.
How are You doing? Hope you have been having some good days and better sleep at night now.
Dang, I posted to you yesterday morning while having breakfast and it is not here:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Hi Sus,
Sorry to hear about the funeral. I did not know hotels would give a price break, I knew the airlines did.
Hope Little Miss is not limping anymore and you are doing well with your in home PT and I am hoping that insominia is better. I have been having sympathy insominia with you the last week. This morning I thought I had to go go to work and then my brain stupor lifted and I realized I had spent 30 minutes worrying about going to work instead of sleeping and it was Saturday!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::eek:
Just think, pretty soon we'll be gardening and admiring our hostas!!!!
Enjoy your weekend!!!
Bailey's Mom
02-03-2013, 08:16 PM
Hi Addy-
Home pt is going good. I started using my exer-bike today. Bailey did not know what to make of it, so I picked her up and we both went for a ride (without going anywhere!) I'm going to start something additional each least that is the plan.
I got some new stained glass supplies and am starting back in it. My first project is going to be about 11" round and will have beveled sandals in the middle. I'll take a picture when it's done. I'm hoping I'll keep at it and might have a number finished so I can go over and fill up my friends' restaurant window for spring.
If I go upstairs with nothing in my hands and can use my hands to help with the handrail, I get pretty good results. I just need to keep doing it, I hope and think. In time it will come back together.
The sleeping is going well also. I started using a NSAID gel on my knee twice a day. Right before bed and when I get dressed. I have had this gel for my arthritis and I just never remember to use it. Well, someone said maybe if I got regular with it, I wouldn't be bothered in my sleep......and, dang! That's working!! The meds are at 6 hours apart and that seems to take care of any pain plus keep me out of the withdrawal zone.
We had some pretty snows this week. Only about 2" each, but still pretty. I'd like a good 8 " before the winter is over.
I hope the grandpup has had a good day. Keep us posted.
Home pt is going good. I started using my exer-bike today. Bailey did not know what to make of it, so I picked her up and we both went for a ride (without going anywhere!) I'm going to start something additional each least that is the plan.
I love that you did this, I can so picture it and I am also glad you are doing a new stained glass project. Make sure you take a pix when it is completed.:)
Spring is right around the corner, I can make it home and get the pups out to piddle before it is completely dark, I get to hang up the flashlight!!!!:D:D:D:D
We are to have 4-7" tommorrow. We are getting all the snow we missed earlier this year I think. Pups cant go on the road because all the salt burns their little paws, even Koko was limping this morning.:(
Love ya
marie adams
02-11-2013, 04:06 PM
Did you miss me????!!!!
I told Sister Addy I have no excuses for being gone and I don't really. The iPad works just fine because I really like shopping online--too much.
It sounds like you are on the road to recovery. I will catch up on everything later, but wanted to make sure you knew I was still alive and so is Miss Ella.
So sorry to have been MIA for so long!!!!!
awww- Mom, Marie Irene came home for a visit. Good thing we didnt sell the house;);););):):):):):):)
Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!!! We never did find Zoe a sweater for Valentine's Day:(
Bailey's Mom
02-12-2013, 09:52 PM
Awwwwwwww............I bet you could have found one with Etsy.
But we DID sell the house.
You don't remember?
We couldn't keep it up with one less person.
We are moving when the weather warms up to Annapolis. Less flooding there. You and Marie Irene will be able to get rid of your galloshes!!
marie adams
02-16-2013, 11:49 PM
Hi Mom!!!
Did you really sell the house????:confused: You can move from the beach area for real???? I wouldn't blame you, but still.....
I hope the weekend is great for you!!! It's been beautiful here these last 2 days, but the cold weather is coming back tmo and rain Tuesday and Wednesday which we need.
Love and miss you!!!:):p;)
Hey Sus,
Happy Sunday! I hope this day finds you and Bailey well and happy. How are you both doing? Sorry to hear about your tendonitis. I think I found some more pink bubble wrap to send you so Bob can wrap you up :):):) We need to do something to protect you!!!:):)
Sounds like Marie Irene may need some bubble wrap as well.;);)
Thanks for all your support with Zoe. I loved having you come along with me Thursday. I knew you were on my shoulder the whole time.:):):)
molly muffin
02-18-2013, 12:22 AM
Ohhhh, Annapolis. How exciting. It's suppose to be really beautiful there. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
02-18-2013, 11:19 PM
No......not selling yet. But we are going to check Annapolis out. Very preliminary.
I went to Wilmington today, then moved on to Va. Had a really nice dinner & chat with Ryan. He's so handsome and so nice. WHO IS his mother, anyway???
I went to Apple store for my iPod. It has been going on strike in the car. Had the car checked out for 3 days and could not find an issue.....but still have the problem. Talked with Apple, then went by today after their suggested fix did nothing. They switched me to a NEW iPod at cost. I can't program it until I get home, but I thought what they did was more than fair. They were VERY pleasant as well.
Tomorrow after appts here, I'll head to Baltimore for a guild craft show on Wednesday. I'm leaving my credit cards in the car!!! Meanwhile Bob and Bailey get to know each other better.:):)
Bailey has her 13week post op checkup next Monday ....then we run and jump and PLAY!!!!:D:D
molly muffin
02-19-2013, 07:36 AM
Wow 13 weeks already! Running and jumping and playing, sounds like such good times. I want to go throw a ball just thinking of it. Molly is still in bed and would probably ignore me though.
You are certainly a busy lady, out and about all over the place. I love it! I'm still hibernating after coming back from Dominican Republic to snow and ice and YUCK. Not a fan. It has to start getting warmer soon don't you think. I mean we're moving towards the end of February now. sheezzz. I'm ready for some nice spring weather.
Oh a guild craft show. Those are such fun to go to. Yep, better lock the credit cards up, the car would be way to close for me. LOL
Have a fun time,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-19-2013, 08:35 AM
Hey Susan, is it the American Craft Council show in Baltimore?? It'll be here in Atlanta in a couple of weeks and I've got the date circled in red on my calendar. WE LOVE THAT SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've got my birthday money all folded up in my pocketbook ready to go. :o
So much of the stuff is so expensive that all we can do is look and drool. But we've been going for years now, and the craftsmanship of the stuff still knocks me out. It's so neat to just look at. Amazing!!!!! :)
Wow, I'm dizzy from trying to keep up with the traveling Sus:D
The craft fair sounds fun, lots of stained glass supplies to bring home. Yup,keep the wallet in the car!!!!
Why are we moving to Annapolis? Marie and I love the ocean and the non basement. We dont want to move.
I cant belive it has been 13 weeks. It just cant be. Hip horrah for Little Miss !!! Go Bailey, run around that beautiful fenced in yard just as soon as you can!!!!
Bailey's Mom
02-20-2013, 03:36 AM
Yes-it is The American Guild Craft Show and yes it is in Baltimore. Addy, it's not supplies, it is finished works of art, crafts and jewelry.
The prompt to consider moving is the floods. We've now been in the house 10 years and have had 4 "hundred year" floods. It's a totally helpless feeling watching water rise and not knowing until after it peaks how bad it will be. The incoming water is brackish, which means it's salt water. If plants are needing water and wind up taking up salt water, it can be deadly.....and expensive. It's really discouraging seeing 10 years of growth wiped out with a flood.
Now.......WHO said 13 weeks???? It will be 7 weeks. I don't know what I was thinking of when I picked that number. :confused:;):confused:;):confused:
Tonight's room overlooks the Baltimore Harbor. Can't wait for daylight!
Finished works? WOW, for sure leave the credit card in the car. I love those shows and fairs:):):) You meet the most interesting people. Last year at a local show, we met a couple from Scotland with the coolest jewelry. I stocked up for Christmas and birthday presents for daughter and kids.
The flooding is a serious concern. I dont blame you for considering a move. It was like the other night when our power went out AGAIN:rolleyes: I told the energy company, I have never lived in a house where the power goes out so often we had to buy a generator:mad: This is old already. Hubby want to move.
Seven weeks sounds better, I was starting to feel old:p:p:p
molly muffin
02-20-2013, 08:17 PM
whew, I was thinking that time was really passing me by! 13 Weeks. ROFL!
*sigh* Baltimore Harbor. *drool
I'd be thinking of moving too with that much flooding. :( I think it would still be hard to do though.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
02-20-2013, 11:57 PM
Like I said....this is really preliminary. Nothing may come of it. And.....we designed and had this house built. Leaving it would be very tough.
Since I'm currently unable to walk (see Addy's thread), I won't be looking at many houses soon. Although we will be in Annapolis on Monday for Bailey's postoperative check up. Maybe we can at least check out neighborhood possibilities.:confused:
molly muffin
02-21-2013, 07:23 AM
Well fooey Susan.. What were you doing, jumping hurdles in Baltimore?!!
Hopefully the knee gets better soon.
Nothing like doing a drive through the neighborhoods to get a feel for the place. See what areas you really like. I'm know Annapolis has some of those great character neighborhoods, but maybe something in more of a ranch style with less stairs would be good for you? Sprawled out with a big garden. A lovely view of the ocean (you know, looking over it, not wading through it, would be good too) All sorts of possibilities.
I know what you mean though, I'd hate leaving my home too. I hate all the stairs here but just love the house itself.
Now take care of yourself!! Sorry that you had to see snow. That's always a shocker after being out working in the garden last weekend.
I sure hope you knee is better this morning. Sorry that had to happen.
How was Baltimore and the show? I hope you were able to enjoy it even if you knee went out.
Maybe a car tour of Annapolis:):):):) no walking!!!;);)
It is always fun to plan things and say what if even if it doesnt happen.
Consider the possibilities:D:D:D:D:D:D:D I remember a few winters ago I was trying to figure out if I could relocate to Nice for a few years. (they dont put dogs in quarantine in France). It was fun just to consider the possibility. Of course I came to the conclusion, was never going to happen, but dreaming and investigating was fun!!!
Happy Friday!
molly muffin
02-22-2013, 10:56 AM
Addy! We must be soul mates! A couple years ago I was in Nice and was trying to decide if it was doable to be able to be there and back here, especially in the winters months. We even looked at condo/apartment listings, since hubs thought it would be nice too. Well, not going to happen unless we are both retired and have the funds for that kind of a back and forth. (the carribean is much cheaper to live on retirement funds than Nice, France) but hey a girl can dream right! :)
I agree, it is fun to wonder, can we, should we, hmmm..lets go look.
My Brother in law and his fiancee, now live in Budapest and have been there for a couple years. He is doing book translations from Russian to English and going to university. Says it is a pain to take Russian while trying to speak Hungarian (Hungarian is suppose to be one of those very difficult languages) He already speaks Russian but needed certain classes to add to his degree I guess. Still it shows that things are possible to happen. :) You never know. :)
Annapolis, here we come! Driving tour!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
02-25-2013, 08:47 PM
Well-Bailey passed her six week (really 7 week) checkup with flying colors but since we had the recurrence, the doc wants us to be really careful this time so we are on another 6 week reduced movement plan. We can walk her now but still no jumping up and down from furniture. I'm tellin' you this kid is ready to rip and tear!!
We spent 5-6 hours today riding around Annapolis. It was encouraging. Now we have to find out what our home is worth. (Not nearly enough I can assure you!!! :D:D;)) Bailey was just a dream. Not a problem at all with all the riding around.
Knee is better. Doc visit indicated a need for more pt. She also drained some fluid off of it. Saturday it was bad again. There is no predicting it. Sunday I spent a good 4 hours tending to gardens and had no real problems. I followed that up with the hot tub. I had a little trouble sleeping, but it all worked out. I've had two solid nights of sleep in a row. That is promising.
Everyone got through Monday...........onward to Tuesday!!
Bailey's Mom
02-25-2013, 08:50 PM
PS-if I am in Annapolis and have an ocean view, I have really big problems..:eek::eek::eek:....Annapolis is on the Chesapeake Bay....but they have LOTS of housing on hills, with water views. There are a couple of rivers there as well.
molly muffin
02-26-2013, 07:12 AM
Hi Susan,
LOL, Okay no ocean views, but maybe water views would be acceptable. LOL But nothing near flooding zones!!!
Bailey is going to go nuts the first time she is allowed to run and jump off couches and chairs. Clear a path!
Take care of that knee. Sounds like you have to baby it some more. Hot tubs always make me sleep good, just like taking a late night swim and heading to bed. Sort of a tired snuggly feeling.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I hope the sleeping continues and the knee improves. I'm glad you got to do some gardening. My gardens are covered in snow with 4-6more inches due tonight and tomorrow:rolleyes: The wet sloppy snow:mad:
Annapolis sounds wonderful. A nice house on a hill that you dont have to walk up, with a water view, dog friendly yard, shopping near by. Sounds dreamy.:):):):) You are in such a great area with so many great cities near by. Great thing about the East Coast, proximity to everything.
Slow and steady for Little Miss sounds like a good plan to me!!!!
Bailey's Mom
02-28-2013, 01:33 PM
Back on walker. Bummed out. Pt guy says I may never get where I'd like to be since I've had three reconstruction surgeries and numerous arthroscopic surgeries on left knee.
Ugly day. 44 degrees. Where is spring?
molly muffin
02-28-2013, 07:41 PM
Hang in there Susan! Spring has to be around here somewhere. Did you check the dirty clothes hamper?
Awww, well, never say never. You can do the best you can do and see what happens. Some days just might be more achy than others. As long as you know to expect that, then maybe it won't be so bad and you can have more good than bad with your knee.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Ok, I want you to get in the car and drive on up to the home of that famous ground hog, who really probably is a skunk masquarading as a ground hog and when you find him ask him who the heck has been slipping him moon shine because he was waaayyyyy wrong in his prediction and WHERE THE HECK IS SPRING????????? We cant seem to find it anywhere!!!!!!!!
Awww Sus, sorry to hear about your knee. Would acupuncture help? I'm thinking about it for my neck.
Bailey's Mom
03-03-2013, 11:37 PM
Sharlene you tickle my funny bone. Addy-did Punksatawny Phil cause all this mess? went from weird to weirder. When I went to pt Friday, feeling lousy and full of discomfort, I went through the exercises then the guy wanted to look at the knee. Sometimes he moves it around. Well, when I uncovered it there was a HUGE black/blue oval about 5" by 3"....and it was still swollen. He wanted to know what I did and I said I had no idea and he said well....WE did not do that!! So weird. (I knew they did not do that.) By Sat AM it was turning yellow which usually takes 3 days to reach that point.......which would mean it wold have been there on Wednesday, but the pt guy looked at my knee on Wednesday and on Wed. it was just hugely swollen. No bruise. Weird. I've beenresting all weekend, mostly and it is feeling better. He showed me how to get up from a chair and not have it grind, and that is working.
I haven't been on the computer so I'm not current on anyone's thread. I'm headed to bed now. I've turned old. Nite,nite.
Sus, Susan
Bailey's Mom
03-03-2013, 11:39 PM
where is that pink bubble wrap????????????????
It is on its way. I know Marie sent it special delivery;)
get well soon,
molly muffin
03-12-2013, 06:50 PM
Hey Susan, I do hope your knee is doing better! What is with that, no bruise, bruise, no bruise, like it can't make up it's mind. (much like our winter) LOL
How is Bailey doing?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hey Sus,
I hope the knee is not giving you trouble and Bailey is feeling chipper. The bubble wrap surely must have arrived by now:D;)
What happened with flood alert? I can understand why you would be tired of that whole mess. I look out at a flooded yard and am thankful it is not the basement. Though I did think of getting some ice skates when it was all frozen.:D:D
Bailey's Mom
03-19-2013, 08:55 PM
Hi Addy-
The flood only made it half-way to the house. There are a LOT of folks who are now considering selling because they are fed up with the flooding. The town came through yesterday and washed out all the "sewer system pipes." They've never done that before. They got a lot of gunk out. That should help. There were no evacuation instructions this time.
We have pretty much nixed the idea of the move to Annapolis. Apparently we too lost a chunk of change along with everyone else when the housing slumped. It just would not be a smart move financially to leave now. We will be checking out the condos in FL when we are there in May as a place we could have for the winter months and maybe rent out for the rest of the time.....or just leave empty. This winter has just been one to forget and I don't want to go through another one if I can help it. Not here.
Bailey is feeling very chipper. She has been running figure eights. It's still very wet outside and I'm anxious for the ground to dry out so she can play outside more. Legs seem to be doing very well.
How about taking a recent picture of Zoe? And posting it?
Sus I am so relieved to hear no blood clots. I just know things will get better for you soon. The nicer weather is right around the corner. Hubby is having terrible knee problems too and we are so hoping the warmer weather brings him relief.
Glad to hear Bailey is back to feeling good and has recovered. I think she told Zoe she was not keen on moving anyway, Bailey loves her yard:D;)
We cant have our annual East egg hunt because of all the snow in the yard. It is still pretty deep with large areas of ice. I am sad for our youngest granddaughter as she loves that and even the older one still wants to look for eggs though she claims to be "helping" Kayla.:D
Easter should not be so early, how do you wear Easter bonnets and white shoes in snow? Wow, I'm probably stuck in a time warp, huh?
love ya
molly muffin
03-24-2013, 10:01 AM
Hey Susan! No blood clots is a good thing. Now just to get past all the other doctors. :) It's like an agility course or something. Just go around the obstacles and no hopping over them!
We'll be looking forward to updates.
We have sunshine here today and hopefully every day this week. Need to get rid of that snow outside.
Take care and hugs,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
03-24-2013, 03:52 PM
Hi Sharlene and Addy and thanks for stopping by. I need the support, it has been a very rough week. I have been able to get a lot of good sleep for three nights now. HOO-ray! The swelling is way down and the black/blue is yellow and mostly gone. I see the heart doc on Thursday. I start at a new pt place on Tuesday. I have stayed in bed a lot with a heating pad and pillows propped a certain way and get comfort that way. Bailey, while bored, has stayed right with me. I am hoping to be able to take some walks once that is okayed. Start off slow and build up. Bob is my hero. He has been there for my every need....and cheerful about it.
The grass seed I put down in January is about one inch high and that pretty, bright green.:) I found a place that will deliver a special fertilizer that I want and that will come in a week. Once that goes down I figure it will be like flipping a switch. Give me a few 60 - 70 degree days, a rain shower or two and the nasty winter of 2012-13 will be history!!:D:D
Addy, Bailey likes to run along the edges of the garden, on the mulch, next to the grass. She doesn't like getting her feet wet on the grass. The outline of the backyard is kind of like a clover. I can just imagine/see Zoe and her having such fun romping around back there. When did you say you'd be by?
Oh, how I wish, dear friend - what a visit that would be indeed.:):)
I can see it all quite clearly and a wonderful site to be hold, you and me and some girlie drinks, or perhaps some tea cups, the pups running through the yard, hostas peeking their heads above the earth. I love the green of spring, that early green, it is a beautiful color.
molly muffin
03-24-2013, 05:24 PM
Hi Susan,
Any time you want a chat and/or a laugh we're right here.
I think Addy is planning on throwing the Queens own tea party in your back yard. I'm looking for an appropriate hat!!
Your leg is just a mystery and I hope that it isn't going to be cardiac in nature. Sort of thinking, that usually cardiac involves several bruises up and down the leg in nature. Yours is just around the knee area right? I'm wondering if there wasn't a broken blood vessel that popped. That would cause an instant bruise, I think roundish and discolor really fast, but takes a bloody long time to clear up. It doesn't do any damage though if that is what it is. Just makes it look horrible for a long time. I've had it happen to me a couple times (the bruise both times was HUGE) and once I even got a bruise from the garbage can that didn't completely go away for a year. ACK!
I know you have all this other stuff going on with your knee, but I'm hoping that This is not going anything scary for you.
okay that is my positive, go getter idea of the day :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
03-25-2013, 11:14 AM
Sharlene, this mysterious leg bruising of mine started off right at the knee, ran across the knee and was about 2" deep. Two days after discovery of it, it was mostly gone. It was definitely in the yellow range. Two days later, blue and black were back. Two days later that faded. So on and so forth for 32-34 days now. It has progressed to below my knee and on around to the sides of the leg. The total area it has covered, at one time or another is about 5" down the leg and about 1/2 way around the leg. In addition to that fun, I have been plagued with a charley horse at the top of my calf and pain just behind my knee cap. Oh! And just for good measure, there is pain at the side of the knee.
Now-I did get three good nights of sleep in a row. Last nights wasn't so hot, but I did get some rest. And if I stay in bed with the heat on the calf, propped up on a pillow, the swelling stays down and it seems to help with the pain. I didn't think I was going to be able to stay in bed last night, but it finally settled down.
So.......anything fun going on at your house?????
I feel like some 89 year old bag. I feel so weak from so little activity.
I saw a picture of a maltese/poodle yesterday. Talk about CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to post some recent pictures of Bailey. I looked yesterday and there is nothing current of her there. Gotta get the taxes done first!
Bailey's Mom
03-25-2013, 03:06 PM
"March 25, 2013; 1:20 PM ET
A storm will affect much of the mid-Atlantic through Monday with snow, slush, rain, coastal flooding and travel delays."
UNCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: :mad::mad:
double uncle
molly muffin
03-25-2013, 08:18 PM
A storm! What the heck is that about. Addy, that is it, we have to go after that groundhog! Road trip!!
maybe we can just pull the ocvers over our head and pretend it isn't happening. hehehehe
My house, well, hmm..cold today. They said it was above freezing, but still coldddddddd!
I went to pick up my new (to me) car. Rather like it, spiffy looking even. It only took 17 years to get around to getting a different vehicle. LOL
Molly is either is sleep mode or trouble mode. Not sure if she has an in between stage right now.
Work is getting ready to be pretty hectic starting Wed. I'm just hoping everything goes smoothly and I can get rid of all the special project stuff by mid April or maybe the end of April. (they keep popping up grrrrr)
When are you going to Florida again? Is that right after the doctors appointments or what?
Well, dang that is just weird bruising. That doesn't even sound like bruising, more like hmmm..not sure what, like something is bleeding in that area. Do you have pins in the knee? something that could be rubbing and causing a "recurring" damage.
Well, bloody be pop if some radio station didn't mention possibility of snow flurries tonight. I think not!
Hang in there and post Baily pictures!!
Sharlene and Molly muffin
I just heard from good authority the dang ground hog is being charged with misrepresenting spring and I am pretty sure he is going to the big house
HA, serves him right, messing around with folks who take their spring pretty seriously -HA:D:D:D:D;)
molly muffin
03-25-2013, 09:58 PM
ahahahahhahaahahah, he's so done for!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Happy Easter Sus:):):):)
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and are looking forward to a visit from Ryan as well as the Easter Bunny:D:D:D
We are enjoying a mild day with sunshine and the snow continues to melt. It feels soooooooo goooooood:D:D;)
I had spent most of the week nights trying to clean after work and just found a hole in my vacumn hose which explains why I kept vacumning and the dirt was just blowing around the house:rolleyes:
LOL I'm glad I finally wised up:):):)
I guess my company wont mind the dirt:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Bailey's Mom
03-29-2013, 11:19 PM
Happy Easter Addy!:)
Ryan is not coming down.
It's still cold here, but tomorrow is supposed to be much better and the upcoming week except for one afternoon looks quite promising.:D
I saw the cardiologist and he says I have the heart of a 25 year old. I think he had beans for lunch, but regardless, he's sure there's nothing wrong with my ticker and the leg issue has nothing to do with my heart.:cool:
PT at the new place is going very well except for I have PT burnout, but they are giving me new things to do which are using muscles that obviously have not been used in quite some time. Part of what they plan to do will be "on sea" (aqua therapy) and that will make it more interesting as well. Bob and I went for the first of what I hope will be many daily walks this evening, without Bailey. These walks are for both of us. Bailey will still get her walks separately. I was amazed today at PT at how weak my hip muscles are.:eek::eek: Even though I've been in PT for 6 months, I've obviously needed additional exercises for the hips. That's where the instability comes in. I felt like a drunk person at 10 AM!!:eek::eek::(
Bailey has been throwing up a lot lately.:(:confused: We've changed her food. I mentioned it to the vet, but he never said anything....merely asked if it was mostly liquid or solid.
Give Zoe and Koko a kiss on the nose from us! Enjoy those Easter eggs!
Such great news that there are no heart problems:D:D:D:D You surely must have PT burn out but the aqua therapy sounds promising, espcially with the nicer weather coming, warm weather has to show up pretty soon, dont you think?;););)
I wonder what is up with Bailey? Koko used to do that when he would go out and eat wood chips or twigs. :eek::eek: Is there anything in the yard Bailey could be chomping on?
We had company last night until late and I am totally wiped out today. Nothing registers with my brain.
Love ya
molly muffin
03-30-2013, 11:41 AM
Happy Easter Susan.
Yippeee, glad to hear that you have a wonderful, strong heart. 25 years uh. Boy, just think of all the trouble you can get into now. hahahahah
Aqua therapy is Wonderful! Love it, love it, You sure do feel it afterwards but at the time you don't even notice how much you are working, plus you're in water, what could be better. :) If you have to do PT, this is the way to go.
Have a good weekend. Hope this coming week is going to be sunny and lovely.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Bailey's Mom
03-30-2013, 09:16 PM
Happy Easter Sharlene!:)
Hi to you too, Addy!!:D
It was sunny today, but it never got very warm.:mad: They lied to me, again. :( Tomorrow is supposed to bring rain.:( NOW it's looking like 4/6 - 4/12 before there will be any decent weather.:( WHAT DID THEY DO WITH MY 60 DEGREE DAYS???? They are now talking highs of 42 again. GAWD!!! Well 26 days and we'll be in FL. It's consistently been 79 there.
Even though I've been sedentary, very sedentary, I've lost 20 lbs. :D:D:D That's a nice surprise. That will help how I feel once I get to warm Florida!!:D
Bob cleaned up the yard today of poop and pine cones and did the mower vacuuming bit. There is some grass seed that is starting to grow from my January planting.....the birds did not eat it all, after all.
I got some pansies today. I'll try to get them in the ground soon. They're pretty good size. With the cold weather, they should get off to a great start and at least add color to the front yard. I wintered over a rose tree on our back porch and it seems to have done fine so I trimmed it up and it's back out front in the sun (what sun?) now. I need to cut back the regular roses. I'm late on that chore. And it's time to feed everything.
The knee is starting to act a bit more normal, for a recovering knee. I'm hopeful that the worst is over. There has been no new bruising for 4 days now. That's a record.
Happy, hoppy Easter!
Have a bad, bad cold, but saw your post on my thread. I have no good photos of Zoe, she looks a mess since she cant go to the groomers anymore. I did post a pix of me and Kate in Chicago and two pixes of Zoe right before her last surgery. They are in her 2012 surgery album, she looks a mess.:o:o:o
Bailey's Mom
04-06-2013, 01:16 AM
Did you guys send that pink bubble wrap by pony express or by snail mail???:mad:
Bob and I went out yesterday to retrieve some driftwood that I had spotted near a nearby bridge that was recently constructed. It's a gorgeous bridge. This bridge goes over the Indian River Inlet which is where the Indian River meets the Atlantic Ocean. The water there can be pretty rough where the two meet one another even on a very peaceful day. Add in stormy weather and it really gets kickin' up!
Well, we've had this piece of driftwood out by our front lamppost ever since we had the house built, ten years ago. It's pretty rotted out now and we need something new and exciting. I've had my eyes out for something that would do for over a year now. Driftwood is pretty hard to find, at least around here. Several weeks ago I spotted some pieces that I thought would do. I finally talked Bob into going up with me to see if we could move them and bring them home. They were pretty large and I thought we'd have to saw off a piece. (This was not Bob's idea of a fun project.)
So yesterday we went up there. Yesterday. Yesterday was the first day I can remember ever responding to those who asked "How are you today?"............and I said "GREAT!" and I meant it! I felt good. The knee felt good. I felt like I was making progress in pt. It seemed like I had rounded a corner. I had seen my surgeon and he told me what was going on was what my internist had guessed........that their was either a tiny piece (very tiny piece of bone chip or some scar tissue that was rubbing against a vein causing the bleeding and therefore the bruising and subsequent swelling. It was a normal part of the healing process. It was possible to go in and cauterize the blood vessel, but sometimes they'd get in there and would not be able to find it, it would be so small. He said to give it some time. I like that answer!
So off we go on our driftwood hunt. Bob starts sawing. We start to switch sides to he can saw from the opposite side and wouldn't ya know........kerPLOP!!!! Down I go. My hips are so weak and my balance is so bad and this was an area where cars drove through but it was by no means paved. It had sand and gravel. Lots of gravel. And once I'm down, I'm down. Bob had a sheet in the car which I could put under my knees, but that wasn't much help. I remembered we had one of those head rests so he got that for my knees, but then there was nothing for me to use as leverage to pull myself up. Bob got down on all fours in front of me but I was afraid I was going to put too much pressure on his back. On top of all of this, my charley horse was bugging me. I just don't have enough strength in my legs to be lifted up under my arms. He wound up carefully backing the car up until the passenger door was within a foot of where I was. I used the seat, the door, anything I could get a hold of and finally got up.
Fortunately there appears to be just a bad bruise on one hand. The knees were not hit. I was well insulated with my winter coat and clothes. I still have the charley horse, but the pt guy today explained how to work to relieve that. We must have made one strange looking sight. Fortunately I don't think anyone saw us.....or if they did, they ignored us.:o
It's supposed to be warm and sunny for the next 5 days. I'll be in VA for 3 of those days and I think I'll spend some time taking pictures of the cherry blossoms. I'll have the time and I miss not having them around.
Could you put a tracer on that pink bubble wrap?:rolleyes:
I think we may need to send more than bubble wrap, I think maybe just one giant pink bubble;):)
I bet the driftwood looks nice though:):):):):)
Sus, I sure hope everything is okay and nothing else is injured. I am still hoping the warmer weather, if it ever gets here, makes you feel better.
Bailey's Mom
04-06-2013, 01:01 PM
The driftwood still looks nice.....still up by the really nice looking new bridge.......:o:(
molly muffin
04-06-2013, 04:43 PM
Susan! Goodness girl, I turn my back for one minute and you get up to all kinds of adventures.
In all seriousness though, I hope you are okay and didn't do any damage.
That driftwood has to end up by your mailbox after everything you went through to try and get it already.
I bet Bailey is just a doll looking out her door at you. How funny about when she was small and had to stand on her hind legs to just see out.
Our molly sits in the window seat and looks out. Everyone in the neighborhood knows her and looks for her in the window. I am often singing, who is that doggy in the window to her when I come in. She thinks that is funny and bounces up and down. (okay that might be for the treat) :) :)
Take care, no more big adventures this week!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
for sure somehow you need to get the driftwood home.Maybe the next time Ryan comes over.
We were supposed to have 60 today too,not even close. Lake Michigan keeps us warmer in winter and cooler in spring and summer. :(:(:(
We went prom shopping today,what fun:D:D:D Kate picked out 4inch sparkle heels, I dont know how she will walk in them. I cant even walk in 2" heels any more. My feet scream "DONT MAKE ME DO THIS":rolleyes::rolleyes::o
I feel the same way, melted heart with Zoe at the door. We all have such a common bond. We all think and feel the same way. Totally cool:D:D:D Good idea about the picture, thanks:):):):)
Bailey's Mom
04-06-2013, 05:47 PM
Bailey and I sat out front on the porch in the sun this afternoon for awhile. I had on a long sleeve tshirt, a sweatshirt, an extra-heavy weight hoodie-navy(dark) and just barely felt warm. This is April 6th. Doesn't April 6th bring to mind bunnies hopping around, tulips blooming, short sleeves and perhaps a light weight cardigan??????
WHERE IS SPRING?????????? ???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!
We did see the return of our three mallards-one female and two males, who return to our neighborhood each spring to stroll around. How long do mallards live? This trio has been coming around for 6 or 7 years. They try to have kids, but the wildlife around here seem to get to the eggs before they hatch.:mad::mad::mad: Boo Hiss!!!
I think Spring decided to go to Florida. She is fickle ya know?
We finally had 59 degrees at 8 pm last night. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
DC is supposed to have 80 degrees today, maybe it will head your way.
Bailey's Mom
04-07-2013, 02:43 PM
Well..........we've managed to get to 63 degrees. But it's windy, so it doesn't even feel like 60. That's okay. This is taxes day for me. This is the last chance I have to get them done. I've never been this late. At least it's more sunny than cloudy...but not by much. When I'm in VA/DC the next 3 days it's supposed to be near 80 each day and the Cherry Blossoms are supposed to peak. NOW That's worth the wait!!!
molly muffin
04-07-2013, 06:06 PM
Ohhhh Cerry Blossoms! Love how beautiful and spring feeling they are. Make the world seem all better to seem them in bloom. Do enjoy them for us too.
Ick, taxes. We got to do them here too. :) joy joy! LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I hope VA/DC were beautiful with the cherrry blossoms. I have always wanted to go to our northern Door County as they are supposed to have beautiful cherry blossoms in May. It is only a 4 hour ride but we never get there.
Are you recovering from the fall? Time is going by so quickly it is hard to believe it is mid April. Will you open your hot tub soon?
I wonder if that would help you. Warm water therapy may be a good thing:):)
We are waiting to head toward the clinic, Zoe has her stim this morning and UA. It is raining terribly and the freeway has construction. I sure hope it doesnt take us an hour to get there:eek:
At least I dont have to work today:D:D Can you believe it, daughter and little grandkid have whopping cough:eek::eek:
I know one day we will see the sun again. I sure hope all the terrible rain does not head your way. We have flood warnings out again since yesterday.
love ya Sus
Bailey's Mom
04-18-2013, 09:55 PM
VA/DC and MD were incredibly gorgeous with the cherry blossoms and the flowering trees. My 2nd and 3rd day in VA were the peak days for the cherry blossoms. I actually went down both days.
I am all recovered from the fall. The hot tub is open and has been open. Actually we never shut it down this year because last year, the first year we did shut it down, it cost more than it did just to keep it running, so we just cut the temp back to 40. It's been warm enough for a month or more now and I've been in it two or three times. However, the engine sounds grumbly-so a serviceman will come tomorrow to check it out. I can't complain. It's the second service call in ten years. Warm water therapy is especially good.
I am going to try some water therapy at PT on Monday. He's going to try to show me some things I can do in the pool while we're in FL. We were supposed to do this earlier and I guess he just forgot. I mentioned it today.
It's starting to get tolerable here. Bob cut the grass for the second time. That's encouraging. It's greening up but still has holes that need to fill in. Looks like we have lost quite a few bushes due to the flooding. I'll wait until after our trip before I pronounce anything officially dead. Who knows? A little warmer weather and some sunshine might kick some of these guys back to life!
This summer is supposed to be a major hurricane season. COME ON!!! We deserve some breaks here!! I see Bailey is munching on my papers. Better go see of they're important.
molly muffin
04-18-2013, 11:09 PM
The cherry blossoms sound lovely. I'd like to see that sometime too.
Oh dear, a nasty hurricane season. I hope not!!
I can't even imagine trying to have the yard mowed yet. We've had rain, rain and more rain for the last week.
When do you leave for Florida? Hopefully it will be awesome warm weather for you.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
04-21-2013, 01:10 AM
Hi Sharlene and thanks for the hugs. We leave for FL on Friday. We drop Bailey off at "camp" between 8 & 9 and then head for the auto-train in VA. We have a sleeper room on the way down. If I survive that, I'll ride back-but we won't have a sleeper car. They were all booked. If I don't survive that, I'll be flying back by myself. Not entirely sure how that will work, but I'll cross that bridge if it shows up.
Weird thing is my brother, with whom it's like oil and water, is moving on May 3rd from the East coast of FL to Fort Myers, FL which will be within a couple hours of where we are staying. He does not know we are coming down. I think that the last Tuesday we are there I'll give him a call and invite him to go out to dinner the next night or so.
We return home Mother's Day evening-having left on Saturday. It's a two week vacation. Average temp is supposed to be 84 degrees. Yes, that's right.....EIGHTY FOUR degrees!!!! None of this fifty degree stuff.
I've been working like a mad woman trying to get paper work done and packing lined up and gardening chores taken care of. I basically only have 3 days that are left to get stuff done....the rest are all tied up with other stuff. Good news is the leg has been great for about six days straight now. Still gets swelling, but the bleeding has not been returning and thus the bruising is not returning. The swelling still is coming and going but that will go on for quite some time. I am making progress in being able to do the stairs like a "normal" person and this week, in PT, they are going to show me pool exercises that I'll be able to do while I am away.
Better go get some sleep. I hope you're enjoying your weekend.
molly muffin
04-21-2013, 09:42 AM
84F!!! sounds divine! I'm in jealous mode. hahaha
I'm sure the vacation will be wonderful. Warmth and water is like my happy place. hehehe
I like the sleeper cars. How long is the trip by train down to FL? Maybe it wouldn't be too bad coming back, how are you with sitting for long periods of time?
Hope you have a good trip. Sounds like you are going to be super busy getting ready to go.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
a train to Florida? Wow, I am strealing away in your suitcase for sure.
i love trains.
Have the time of your life, you deserve it:):):):):):)
we will miss you Sus.
Bailey's Mom
04-30-2013, 11:49 AM
PLEASE don't make me ever ride the auto train again!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::mad::mad::mad::mad: :mad:
No sleep. Knee/leg hurt. Teeny, tiny room. My sweet car got scratched. Saving grace was the room attendant and the dinner.
Spent all of Monday condo shopping. Spent all of Sunday vegging on the beach and in the pool and getting somewhat settled in.
It is SO NICE being warm!!!!
The train was bad? Awww, Sus, sorry to hear that. I was so excited for you about the train ride.
Did you find a condo? My neighbor's mom passed away about a year after the recession hit and she could not sell her Florida condo so she just kept it. I wondered how the market is now. We have friends in Jacksonville and they picked up a condo very reasonably priced further south, near Miami. They always want us to come down for a weekend but now with the dogs, it isnt going to happen.
I am so glad you had warm weather, I bet it felt sooo good. It is 60 degress today and we are all going crazy.
My laptop was giving me issues last night and this morning, not sure what is wrong with it. I saw your post on my I phone but cant answer from my phone. I need to download an app.:rolleyes:
love you bunches and am so happy you are back but so bummed the train ride was bad news.
love you
molly muffin
04-30-2013, 06:32 PM
Oh bummer, not a fun train ride :(
Ohhh, condo shopping. I love to house/condo shop, even if I don't end up buying. Which I don't. hahahaha, Still it's fun to look. My friend is looking now in Sarasota area, she loves st. annes island and the whole area. She thinks she can get a place in a good condo for around $80,000.
Warm weather *sigh* I love just the sound of it, pool, sunshine. OH man! Wanna adopt?
So, you are flying back home????
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
05-01-2013, 01:45 AM
No-I can't bring myself to make Bob go by himself. We'll be auto training it back but this time in coach. The roomettes are all sold out as the snow birds are all going back north. That actually may be more comfortable. I'll let you know. Can't be any worse, can it?
I'm not familiar with St Anne's Island. We're looking near Siesta Key. We've seen 3 good possibilities and will be with our agent again on Thursday. I expect something will be wrapped up (under contract) before we leave, at the end of next week.
I wonder how Bailey will do with all this traveling? We kind of figure on being in FL from Jan through April, but next April we've already booked a cruise for the Netherlands for 8 days. That means we'll have to come back early April to get ready for the cruise and then Bailey will need to go to "camp" for that week that we're gone. I guess I might as well find her a therapist now!!!:eek:
molly muffin
05-01-2013, 07:13 PM
I just checked with my friend and it's not St. Anne it's Anna Maria, so same neck of the woods, but she is looking in Sarasota I think. Not really sure and I know if she can find anything in either area, like Anna Maria or Siesta Key that is where she will be.
Hope you find something awesome to enjoy rather than those cold winter months. It certainly is beautiful there.
Yes hopefully coach will be better. At least you'll get to experience both and see what you like better for traveling.
Rainy day = blanket and a good book :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
OMG you are still in FL, I thought you were home.
I am super excited you may purchase a condo. You have to send us photos. Bailey will love being a two state dog;);)
And a trip to the Netherlands, I loved Amsterdam and the little towns with cute houses with brightly painted doors and lace curtains. You will LOVE IT:D:D We took my mother along that trip, she loved it too. Fields of tulips just beautiful
Bailey's Mom
05-01-2013, 11:44 PM
Hello Sharlene and Addy and how nice to hear from both of you this evening! I'm homesick today. Missing Bailey. Nervous about committing to buying a condo. Worried about all the details. Stock market went down today.:mad::( I need a vacation from my vacation!!:eek::eek:
Weather is so-so until the weekend. Good chance of showers each day. Next week is looking promising.
Do you guys have Five Guys Burger & Fries near you? Or even Burger King? They both have the new Coke machines where you can mix your own favors.....and there are over 100 combinations. Well, I like to get light cherry lemonade and light lemonade mixed. Last time I had one was on Saturday after we left the train. Since then we've hit both places, but they don't have the new I can only get straight lemonade. I'm about to die here. I don't drink Coke anymore....which has resulted in a 20 lb loss. ...and diet root beer is about the only other thing I like. I not a coffee or tea drinker so that leaves me with water. I may have to rethink this condo thing!!!:D
Beddy bye time. Have a great Thursday.:)
marie adams
05-03-2013, 03:23 PM
I guess I should have gone with you then you wouldn't be so home sick.
How mad are you at me for being gone and wishing I was misbehaving with Carrol? :D;)
You have such wonderful adventures and I would like to be doing that myself and of course with the hubby. I am still not working and it seems like everyday has a tomorrow so I get nothing done...:(:confused:
I did post on Ella's thread and will need to post some pictures.
Miss you lots!!! XOXOXO ((((HUGS))))
did we buy a condo yet?:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
05-03-2013, 09:32 PM
Well.......we did sign some papers today.....but no one has asked for any $$$$ yet. I think by Monday there will be no backing out. Today was gorgeous and I'm beginning to resent missing all the gorgeous weather!!!!
Did I tell you there are lots of crocodiles here? We must have seen 5-7 yesterday. That's the only scary thing. I don't want Bailey becoming lunch!
The condo is a 2 bed, 2 bath with lanai screened in, and we will get that enclosed so that we can sit out there in the winter. It faces WSW, so I can get my vitamin D out there! It is fully furnished and I will post pictures once I get home. We will be upgrading some appliances and doing some painting. We are having an inspection next Wednesday.
The realtor and the loan officer have been so very helpful. This has really been easy. A 2.75 0/0 interest rate is hard to beat!!
Tomorrow sunshine and swimming!
molly muffin
05-03-2013, 10:47 PM
Ohhhh, you did it!!!!! Yay, yay, yay congratulations. That is going to be so much fun, and no more freeze your tush off winters! yay some more!! Baily is gong to love it. Oh and with the lanai enclosed it'll be great.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Did I ever tell you hubby lived in Florida for a few years?:):):) He loved it.
Now, Bailey wont become lunch and she will love the lanai as will you.
And you can probably get those girlie drinks with the edible flowers we all love.:D:D:D
And you can throw away your bottle of vitamin D as you will be able to get the real deal:D:D:D
clink clink, toast time!!!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
05-05-2013, 01:42 AM
Well...I just got an email telling me the contract is signed. Now they just want some moola. How come I feel sick to my stomach? Where's Bailey when I need her?
We are going to meet my brother for lunch on Tuesday. That will be a 2 hour drive one way. I'm not telling him about the condo.
This time next week I'll be wide awake on the train, in a chair. Oh boy. The forecast is improving for the coming week. I may pick up some sun after all.
I'm kind of limited to computer use, so my postings are limited. I'll post to other threads once I return home.
hurrah we are moving to Florida, cant wait to tell sister Marie Irene.:):)
It will be fine, dont throw up;););)
I think I'll go look at pixes of Siesta Key:D:D
molly muffin
05-06-2013, 06:17 PM
Hmmm, if you are going to be traveling down to Florida for the winters, then you're going to need a faster laptop than the one you took this time. Computers, I want them fast and now! LOL Patience, not my thing obviously.
You'll have time to play catch up when you get home. For now, just soak up the rays and enjoy a wonderful getaway. When do you close on the condo? Then you're going to be really busy with getting everything you want done to it. Oh shopping!!! Yay for the shopping! LOL What is it about shopping for home stuff. Such Fun!
Talk to you soon!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
05-10-2013, 10:35 AM
Hi you silly Sharlene!
New, supersonic fast laptop is already tops on the list. Then comes enclosing the porch....we have to find out the condo requirements for that. At BB, we have the porch enclosed with vinyl window panels that slide up and down. You can open them any which way you want. You actually could pop them out altogether, but then you'd have all these windows sitting around.:confused::rolleyes:
After that comes new toilets...the taller ones with the elongated seats, for my knee comforts.:cool:
Settlement is 6/20.
It's Friday!!! :D:) It's sunny and very warm. :D:) One last chance to toast myself and one more sleep then on toward Bailey. :D:D I'm coming Bailey!! :D:cool::D Just two more sleeps!!! :) I can hardly wait. :D If I get too much sun today, I'll have to reschedule my annual check up with my dermatologist!! :eek::eek: It's set for Wednesday.
Okay-everyone who wants a ride, report to Sanford and the train at 10:30AM SHARP!!! If there are any seats with extra leg room, we want to try to get them. Don't leave anything behind when you pack and don't forget snacks!
Bailey's Mom:D:):cool:
molly muffin
05-10-2013, 01:49 PM
I'm up for a train ride! You bet! Party!!
Oh gee, for a moment in time my brain put together supersonic toilet seat. I was wondering if you can get that at Home Depot.
Did you see if the other condos have their lani's enclosed and how they did them? That should give you and idea on what is allowed at least.
I agree, windows, windows everywhere is not the IN look this year. The swing I hear is much in demand though, making a real come back. hehehe
Have a good trip home if I don't talk to you before and scritches to Bailey who I bet will have doing happy dances all over the place. (a video moment I bet, hint, hint)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
05-10-2013, 05:09 PM
I will talk to you when we're both are on the train! Don't be late! Free wine, cheese and veggies from 3-4!! They have WiFi too.
Can't hug and kiss my sweetie PLUS take video.:p But I'll take a video when we get home. She doesn't have a current picture in her album.:( She is getting bathed tomorrow or Sunday. :)
I'm on board :D:D:D
Yippeee- love trains
molly muffin
05-10-2013, 06:56 PM
I'm here!!!!!!!
Sharlene :) :) and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
05-11-2013, 07:30 PM
Now where's that Marie Irene?!
Well, we coasted through Jacksonville a while back. I don't know if my butt can handle this seat for another 9 hours. I've been watching episodes of Bones, and I've used up most of my data time.:eek:
I guess I'll be stuck playing solitaire. I meant to load some movies before we left, but ran out of time.:(
I am more than ready for my own bed! Dinner isn't until 9. At least we got a little lunch.
Wanna tell scary stories when it gets dark? At least there are no kids on this car, so the night should be quiet.
molly muffin
05-11-2013, 10:06 PM
Hope you don't end up with a bummed rear end from the trip. (hehehehe, yea, pun intended, you know me!)
Oh good, quiet, I'll just load up a book on the tablet in case and take a few cat naps. Let me know when it's time for scary stories.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
05-11-2013, 11:18 PM
Dinner in coach cannot begin to compare to dinner in the sleeper class. I got chicken nuggets but they didn't call them that. Now we're back to our seats and it's real dark but people keep traipsing through our car. We didn't have that on the way down. It's hot in here, too. Last time it was too cold. I'd rather be too cold...I came prepared for that.:rolleyes:
We had the nicest couple at our table for dinner. :). (Chee....Bob's snoring already!). Her name is Suzanne.....and she cannot stand being called "Sue" either. They are snowbirds going back to Vermont for the summer. Really pleasant. The waiter had to kick us out.
Well...I guess I'll give this sleep thing a try. Maybe if I put on my iPod.
Thanks for check in' in.:D
Bailey's Mom
05-12-2013, 04:31 AM
Well....@4:21 people have finally settled down. I just finished a marathon of Spider Solitaire. Every time some goes through the doors between train compartments, this big whoosh happens and you hear the train on the tracks, plus a bright light comes on. Maybe there is something to those sleeper cars. Here comes another dude now. Why isn't he sleeping???
We're almost to Virginia. It's nice being to check where we are on the iPad map. There goes another dude. Holy moly!!
Time for me to visit the lovely ladies room. What? No scary stories?
Are we there yet??????
Bailey......I'm really getting close now. Rest up so we can play!!
Bailey's Mom
05-12-2013, 04:37 AM
Happy Mother's Day to all!
This is for the mothers who have sat up all night with sick
toddlers in their arms, wiping up barf laced with Oscar
Mayer wieners and cherry Kool-Aid saying, "It's okay, honey,
Mommy's here."
Who have sat in rocking chairs for hours on end soothing
crying babies who can't be comforted.
This is for all the mothers who show up at work with spit-up
in their hair and milk stains on their blouses and diapers
in their purses.
For all the mothers who run carpools and make cookies and
sew Halloween costumes. And all the mothers who DON'T.
This is for the mothers who gave birth to babies they'll
never see. And the mothers who took those babies and gave
them homes.
This is for the mothers whose priceless art collections are
hanging on their refrigerator doors.
And for all the mothers who froze their buns on metal
bleachers at football or soccer games instead of watching
from the warmth of their cars.
And that when their kids asked, "Did you see me, Mom?" they
could say, "Of course, I wouldn't have missed it for the
world," and meant it.
This is for all the mothers who yell at their kids in the
grocery store and swat them in despair when they stomp their
feet and scream for ice cream before dinner. And for all the
mothers who count to ten instead, but realize how child
abuse happens.
This is for all the mothers who sat down with their children
and explained all about making babies. And for all the
(grand)mothers who wanted to, but just couldn't find the
This is for all the mothers who go hungry, so their children
can eat.
For all the mothers who read "Goodnight, Moon" twice a night
for a year. And then read it again. "Just one more time."
This is for all the mothers who taught their children to tie
their shoelaces before they started school. And for all the
mothers who opted for Velcro instead.
This is for all the mothers who teach their sons to cook and
their daughters to sink a jump shot.
This is for every mother whose head turns automatically when
a little voice calls "Mom?" in a crowd, even though they
know their own offspring are at home -- or even away at
college or have their own families.
This is for all the mothers who sent their kids to school
with stomach aches, assuring them they'd be just FINE once
they got there, only to get calls from the school nurse an
hour later asking them to please pick them up. Right away.
This is for mothers whose children have gone astray, who
can't find the words to reach them.
For all the mothers who bite their lips until they bleed
when their 14-year-olds dye their hair green.
For all the mothers of the victims of recent school
shootings, and the mothers of those who did the shootings.
For the mothers of the survivors, and the mothers who sat in
front of their TVs in horror, hugging their children who
just came home from school safely.
This is for all the mothers who taught their children to be
peaceful, and now pray they come home safely from a war.
What makes a good mother anyway? Is it patience? Compassion?
Broad hips? The ability to nurse a baby, cook dinner, and
sew a button on a shirt, all at the same time?
Or is it in her heart?
Is it the ache you feel when you watch your son or daughter
disappear down the street, walking to school alone for the
very first time?
The jolt that takes you from sleep to dread, from bed to
crib at 2 A.M. to put your hand on the back of a sleeping
The panic, years later, that comes again at 2 A.M. when you
just want to hear their key in the door and know they are
safe again in your home?
Or the need to flee from wherever you are and hug your child
when you hear news of a fire, a car accident, a child dying?
The emotions of motherhood are universal and so our thoughts
are for young mothers stumbling through diaper changes and
sleep deprivation... And mature mothers learning to let go.
For working mothers and stay-at-home mothers.
Single mothers and married mothers.
Mothers with money, mothers without.
This is for you all. For all of us...
Hang in there. In the end we can only do the best we can.
Tell them every day that we love them. And pray and never
stop being a mom.
Please pass along to all the moms in your life.
"Home is what catches you when you fall - and we all fall."
Please pass this to a wonderful mother you know.
Bailey's Mom
05-12-2013, 07:18 AM
7:12 and we've had a delightful, haha, breakfast and are arriving about an hour ahead of schedule. I'm wondering about the condition of the cars. No sleep. Stinky bathrooms. Someone got sick in one. I think flying is sounding better....but then there's Bailey. I guess it will mean 2 day drives. Maybe I could FedEx Bailey?
See ya!
Bailey's Mommy:D
Happy Mom's Day Sus!
I loved your mom tribute. I was lucky to have my brood here yesterday and last night as well as my own mom. It was a beautiful day indeed and made me realize how blessed I am.
So maybe flying will be better than the train. Will Bailey fit in a carrier under the seat? The train sounds not so good. I remember one year we flew to London which meant we had to take a bus to Chicago Ohare airport, then fly all night, arrive in London, then take a train down to Falmouth. We traveled for hours and hours. Hubby kept snoring and I was wide awake. How come men can fall asleep sitting up?
Have a super gloriousMom Day!!!!:D:D:D:D
love and hugs
molly muffin
05-12-2013, 08:37 AM
Happy Mothers Day Susan. I bet Bailey is one happy little girl today. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
05-13-2013, 10:14 PM
Well, we did get in an hour early, but then we had to wait one and one half hours to get our car. Oh well-we all slept very well last night.
When we picked Bailey up, she was super excited and the entire way home she wagged her tail. That has never happened. Her little tail wags until we're in the car maybe and then she's busy sniffing and looking around. I tell you she is one happy pup! Went for her toys. Went for her bed (our bed.) Ran in circles. We played with the ball. Later she stomped her feet and barked for food. She hasn't done that since she was weeks old. Lots and lots of kisses. I had to go away today for much of the day and she was fine with that. She's getting lots of hugs and kisses and praise and playing.
Good night!
molly muffin
05-13-2013, 10:22 PM
Awwww, what a wonderful Welcome Home mom. That is so sweet. She loves you and is always happiest when she is with you. *sigh* It's Bailey's very home, love my mommy novel. *sniff
Nothing like you're own bed. I miss mine when we are away.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hello, anybody home or did you forget me in the non basement or maybe at the ball bark or I know, you left me in Florida at the new condo:p:p:p
Bailey's Mom
05-23-2013, 12:45 AM
Oh dear, sweet little Addy......I would NEVER forget you..:)............not ANYwhere!!!:D I've just been busier than a one armed paper hanger.:eek: PT did a "job" on me Monday and I should have spoken up then. It was too hard and too much..:(...and I have paid the price.:( There's one guy, Jeff who really likes to push it. Today I had a gal who seems to really understand that we'll get there, if you don't push it.:cool: Nadine. I need to work more with Nadine.
I've been trying to catch up on paperwork from when we were away and to finish up the paperwork the lady in FL wants re the condo. We're trying to check out Home Owners' Warranty Insurance companies and stuff like that. It's just a lot of stuff that needs to be done in a short period of time.:confused: Plus spring finally showed up so we have our little pots to plant and pollen to wash off.
The hot tub motor had to be replaced which happened right before we left for FL and we found out once we returned that he did something that made all the lights not work.....and since I use it mostly at night, that's not a cool thing to not be working.:confused: So-I tried what I could to fix it, and I failed, so now they have to come back. Then we have been visited by little ants......we've had a fair amount of rain which usually brings in the that means we have to get the pest people in here.
Bob just cleaned sections of the carpet so wouldn't you know, Bailey threw up on it tonight.....then proceeded to eat it.:eek: YUK!!! :eek: She needs a good grooming, I think, but I can't get ahold of the groomer.
I still haven't had time to figure out if we can even afford this condo.:eek::o I need to clone myself. Has anyone figured out how to do that?:p
Hey-I have a question for you.......are you in that hurricane alley area?:confused: I know parts of Wisconsin are. I hope I don't have to add that to my list of worries.:confused:
PT again in 9 hours. Better get to bed.
Sus :D
molly muffin
05-23-2013, 04:59 PM
Good lord Susan!! I'm exhausted just reading about all the stuff you are doing. I can't imagine living it!!!!!
I think I need a margarita to recover with.
We got our pool open and the temperature up, so life is good. LOL Put in a new pavillion and seating area by the pool this year too, you know in case there aren't really enough areas to lay around by already. LOL
Molly thinks it's great, more cushions for her to lay on and put on her regal pose for us. (we know the truth though!!!)
Well, now I'm going to have that margarita and then a nap to recover from all Your activity!!
Addy better not be in that tornado alley! We have to worry about Tina and Kim and Amy and Skye, whew.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
No, we are not in tornado alley at all, thank you for worrying about it though.;);)
We are in Fridgidville. I wore a winter coat to work Friday and needed gloves to walk Zoe:D:D:D They are coming next week to open the pool and I wish I could tell them to wait until the 4th of July because it is really cold at night and it just keeps raining.:(:(
Can you request only Nadine? It would be great if you could only work with her but maybe they dont do appointments like that for PT these days.
Could you send Bob to my house to clean my carpets? You are sooooo lucky he does that;):):):):) My hubby looks at the carpet cleaner and walks in the other direction:eek::eek::eek:
Happy M Day Sus!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
05-27-2013, 12:07 AM
Hey! Everybody has a pool but me. Where did I miss the boat?
No-I can't request a particular PT person and Nadine is only around one or two days each week, anyway. I'd be happy just staying away from Jeff. He seems to be in charge of my file, though. I just need to be more vocal. It's my own fault if I don't speak up.
Bailey has new neighbors, did I mention that? One new puppy, a lab named Bowie-9 weeks and just as sweet as can be and two pekingese that are around 8 I think that bark/yip a lot. They are only weekend residents. Of course Bailey has to let them all know she was here first!:p
Then there's this metal stand that I got for Mother's Day that came from Pier 1. It's cut out in the shape of a male dog. He's got a cap on his head, floppy ears and a Hawaiian type shirt on with shorts. He has a ball in one hand and a ring in his other in which you can place a potted plant. I placed him out on the front porch today and Bailey did not see me do this. Later "B" and I went out to sit out there and after we'd been out there a few minutes she spotted this doggie standing off in the corner. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. I plan to put chives in the pot. Bob will have fresh chives all summer long.:D
molly muffin
05-27-2013, 10:52 PM
We got the pool, you got the beach and Florida. hehehe I'm thinking gee, maybe you got the better deal there.
Well, drat that you can't pick Nadine to work on you all the time. That Jeff is like the torture master. ugh
Oh that is so hilarious about the metal stand and Bailey growling at it. ROFL!! So Bailey rules the block eh. That's it Bailey make sure they know who was there first! (our little rock star) hehehe
oh yum chives. I'd so be for that. I grew some in the greenhouse window one year. I wonder why I didn't do that after the one year...hmmm.. I'm sure it had something to do with being too lazy to plant them. LOL
Did you get the hottub lights fixed? Oh there, you get Florida And the hot tub. That's it. Envy strikes!
Hope you had a good weekend.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Wer stopped at the pool store to pick up chlorine tabs and I admit I stood there drooling over the most delightful looking hot tub.:):)
And I'm with Sharelene, I think you did get the better deal because I would trade in my pool in a minute to spend winter in Florida:D:D:D
Glad to hear our girl has a new playmate next door, it is so nice for them to have friends in the neighborhood. Zoe still looks for her old friend next door and he has been gone, I think 4 or 5 years now.
I wanted to get hubby a patio tomato plant, he loves tomatos. Bob will have chives all summer and hubby will have tomatos for a bit.:)
Summer=heaven If only summer would come to Milwaukee.:rolleyes:
molly muffin
05-28-2013, 11:35 AM
I am with you Addy. We had wonderful weather 2 weeks ago them cold this past weekend and today is raining. :(
I think tomorrow it starts getting warm and super humid though.
Molly still looks for the guy across the street who passed several years ago. She used to go see him anytime he would be sitting out in his lawn chair. It's really kind of sad.
Hmmmm. Hot tub. Lol
Bailey's Mom
05-30-2013, 02:32 AM
Yes! Hot tub lights are working. And yes-I'll take the winters in Florida too.
Floppy ear doggy guy got blown over in heavy winds and the nice chives in the really nice looking pot took a beating. I had to go find a new pot and that got me into power washing the front deck (my how I can get diverted and into trouble.) So the new pot is all set and the chives are re-potted but we found out that the power washer has a bad oil leak and needs to be replaced and I didn't get finished......oh dear!:eek::( Bob was really pissed as I continued on into the dark. He's so sensible and I just am not, some of the time. I was so excited with how nice the teak furniture was turning out. So I've ordered a new p. washer and I guess I'll finish when it gets here. :confused:
Bailey gets groomed tomorrow. New pictures soon to follow. I need to get Ryan to show me how to post a video to utube so I can put a link on for anyone who wants to see to look at the condo. I did a walk through video. I also did a drive up to the place video. Once there I have my choice of 5 pools. I'll just become a little prune!:rolleyes:
Happy Thursday. It's almost Friday. That means the weekend is just around the proverbial corner!
A little bird whispered in my ear-----
Susan has a birthday, Susan has a birthday
molly muffin
05-30-2013, 09:39 PM
OMG, is it your Birthday???!!!!
Hope Bailey had a nice spa day today :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
05-31-2013, 12:16 PM
Bailey got tuckered out with spa day, but she looks great. Pictures today, promise. There is one new picture posted from yesterday. Today is the actual birthday and I thank you for your good wishes. I had friends here to play cards and they showed up with flowers, cake, ice cream and lots of laughs. We had a roaring good time.
I need to go get ready to go play mini golf. PT is after that, then the movie Gatsby. Busy, busy day. It's 90 here, so maybe I won't need my hoodie!:D
molly muffin
05-31-2013, 04:47 PM
Wow, what a day and then some you are having. This sounds like a perfect agenda to me. Do let us know what you think of the new Gatsby. I don't know if I can get pass not having Robert Redford in the role.;)
Super big hugs on your perfect B-Day
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
06-01-2013, 10:57 PM
Well, God has a sense of humor and wanted to be sure I knew I was turning 65.....and gave me a horrendous sharp pain in the lower back. I wound up lying on a heating pad for about 6 hours trying to get some relief. It did nothing. Finally, right before bed I thought about using some of my knee Rx gel on the spot on my back, and it's much better today.
So-mini golf and the movie got postponed as did our planned lunch out. But we'll get them in during this coming week, once the weekenders go back home.
I started my mini turf farm today. I have seven trays of dirt with grass seed planted in them. Now it's a challenge between me and the birdies. I don't know what's gotten into Bob, but boy he's been super helpful for quite some time now. It's great. He carries all the heavy stuff and goes up the stairs for me. He even walked with me an extra block today because I wanted to go pick up a lemonade/punch drink mix after we were finished checking out the arts & crafts show downtown. If I even kind of jerk in my movement when I'm walking he's already preparing to catch me if I fall. :)
We went out this AM and had a fancy pancake breakfast. He had cinnamon pancakes with pecans and I had cinnamon pancakes with baked apples. Mmmmmm good.
Well-the back pain prevented getting the picture of Bailey-but the camera is out and is poised to do the job tomorrow. She looks sooooooo cute.
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
Hugs and more hugs.
molly muffin
06-02-2013, 09:30 AM
Well dang, back pain is no fun. So, glad the Rx gel helped some. Sounds like you guys are getting out and about quite a bit though and how cool, you still have plans for the week now. That's good, because I'm still waiting for your report on Gatsby. :)
Wow, that Bob, he's a keeper. hehehehe You might have already know that though, seeing as you've had him for quite awhile already. ROFL (yea, I amuse myself sometimes too)
We'll be patient for the Bailey pictures. Really. Uh huh.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
06-02-2013, 12:09 PM
Sharlene, you're just a hoot. How do you find the time to post on every single person's thread and to be funny on top of all that?
I have GOT to get organized. Bailey is just back from a walk and I always have a camera handy up here, but I don't. But we're going to head outside because gardening chores are screaming ME, Me, ME and the camera is ready downstairs to go along. It's a hot, but gorgeous day. Pictures to follow. I hope I'm not lying again.:o
molly muffin
06-02-2013, 10:41 PM
Well, lets see, I picked door number one, and that was laundry. You picked door number two and got yard work, someone else I'm sure picked door number three and got house work, so I decided what the heck, trade it all in on the mystery door and wala, I got to play on the forum this morning!!! Motto of the day, trade it all in for the forum!!!!!
:) Did Bailey hide the camera???
hugs and giggles,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
06-03-2013, 12:36 PM
Good Morning!!! And for your viewing pleasure this fine Monday morning, I can offer you not one, not two, no! THREE hot off the presses pictures of Miss Bailey. Finally!! She "shows off" much better outside, I think.
She doesn't really "get" playing outside or playing with the Frisbee or playing with the ball outside. Weird dog.:rolleyes: She loves going for walks, but getting her vest on her is a challenge. Getting her to go out back is a challenge. She doesn't like putting her paws in the grass. Weird dog. :rolleyes: She's afraid of the hose or any of those big gardening tools. Weird dog. :rolleyes:But she was finally content to sunbathe while I worked on my mini turf project on Saturday.....but on the deck. Not on the cool grass. Weird dog. :rolleyes::)
I got door number four today. Paper work.:( All day long and long into the night I'm sure. Ryan is bringing his girlfriend down for a visit in 2.5 weeks and boy this room I do everything in looks like a tornado went through it.:eek: THAT's not a very good first impression!
Happy Monday everyone. Only four days until Friday!!:D
Bailey's Mom
06-04-2013, 10:16 PM
Hi all.....I've been giving this some thought for awhile and I think the time has come to give myself an alias. My "name" will be changing very soon to "Bailey's Mom." Bailey is almost 2.5 years old and newer members will have no idea who "Palmer" refers to. Those who have been with me when Palmer was here, well, I hope you'll understand. Palmer is still my special buddy and the dog that seems to have been my soul mate. I still miss him horribly and I always will. I expect I'll change the picture soon as well. One of the more recent ones of Bailey perhaps. The albums will stay as they are. Palmer deserves his rightful place! I hope you understand.
molly muffin
06-04-2013, 10:29 PM
Of course we understand Susan!!! super big hugs, I know it is kind of a tough thing to do, but your right, Bailey's thread, Bailey's Mom :) I'm surprised she let you get away with it for so long. She must have known exactly how you feel about Palmer and just gave you the time. What a sweetheart she is, with her little masked face (I'm betting there is a super hero hiding in there somewhere)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Sorry I am MIA.:(:(
Foot soak- five minutes Betadine Iodine- add water until the color of ice tea, no problem to wash off and she can lick her paws after, no worries.:):)
Bailey's Mom
06-21-2013, 04:01 PM
Is anybody home here anymore? We own the condo but I think I've lost my stomach. Ryan and Ellen come tonight for a weekend visit and to tell us all about their France, Belgium, Normandy trip, plus go to the beach.
Our 500 gallon propane tank rusted through and must be dug up and replaced. All the nice hostas, forsythia, etc I had planted around it had to find new homes pronto. That was 10 days ago. We're still waiting on the replacement tank.
Every time I start to tell Bailey Ryan is coming for a visit she goes ballistic, so I've stopped telling her. It is absolutely gorgeous here. 76 degrees, low humidity, blue skies, slight breeze. I've been able to pop in and read a couple of threads but that's all I could manage to do with all the condo stuff going on.
By the way-in case you have forgotten......I am Bailey's Mom and my name is Susan.
molly muffin
06-21-2013, 05:29 PM
:) Hi Susan!! waving! Still here, although just got back.
Addy has been having some computer issues and of course graduation. Just crazy during the summer months isn't it.
Wow, nice European trip. I bet they had a great time.
Ugh, don't you hate it when things start having to be replaced. Especially when it requires plant moving. I'll put things off just so as to not have to dig all those plants up. Course there comes a time, when the procrastination doesn't work, guess that is what got you this time.
Oh nice, you have a condo. You'll be happy about that come winter and brrrrr temperatures. Heck, you'll need a ton of rooms since we'll all be heading down to join you and escape the icky winter stuff.
Awww that is so cute . Bailey likes Ryan. LOL Molly gets pretty darn excited when I say, Daddy's coming home. Although I actually try not to say that any more, because she'll just sit at the front door and wait for him to get there. I have to say it when I know he's at least on our street. She starts to give me dirty looks other wise, like, you lied! Then if he does pull in and I haven't said anything, she knows right away and starts squeaking. Or crying, not sure how to describe it, but it's a good thing I'm sure.
Okay, off to the grocery store in search of salmon for us and molly tonight.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I'm home,, hiding in the non basement.
We finally found someone to now rebuild the entire dang eighteen foot bridge because it has carpenter ants:mad: They come Monday unless the rain continues as predicted for the next five days. It has been a process but when I looked up on line how much they cost to purchase a premade one-YIKES:eek::eek::eek:
I am so glad Ryan and Ellen are coming to visit.:):):):) HUGS, I'm sure it will all go well.
The good thing about hostas is they survive anything. The live in a pot in my garage all winter with no water or sunlight and start growing again as soon as the garage warms up in Spring;) I'm always amazed.
What happened with Little Miss and her paw chewing, did it stop? Did you tell her all about the condo? I hope it gets good internet connections:D:D:D:D
I totally understand about name changes. Bailey's Mom it is though I will probably comtinue to call you Sus, if that is ok?:):):):)
Pool is open and the water is warming up, if it would only stop raining we could maybe use it:rolleyes::(
Bailey's Mom
06-24-2013, 09:33 PM
Hi Sharlene and Addy!
Will I ever feel not exhausted? Or is this just part of life now? The visit with Ellen was wonderful.:D We all had a good time. We spent most of Saturday on the beach and it was a gorgeous day.:) Mid to upper 70s, low humidity, the water was even pushing 70.:) Hard to believe. That doesn't usually happen until August. We got lots of sun then Bob cooked steaks on the grill for dinner and we looked at ALL:eek: their pictures from Europe, on the tv, after dinner. Sunday we just poked around "downtown" in the little shops.
Today I had pt again. I'm finally starting to see progress once more. I'm hoping to get just one more month out of it. I know the doc will okay it.
Still no new propane tank. They gave us a baby one, so it doesn't matter until it gets cold.
Bailey is wiped out from all the company.;) We had ladies here for cards on Thursday. Then Ellen and Ryan for 3 days.:) Now our neighbors have their very little grandchildren here for the week.:eek: I don't have a lot of patience for squealing little kids running around and pulling on my doggie.:eek::eek:
Just wanted to report in on how the weekend went. Oh-Addy-if you stop calling me "Sus", I'll stop coming around.:p I didn't drop the "Sus" I just changed from Palmer's Mom to Bailey's Mom to be more accurate of current times. I'm still Palmer's Mom for that matter. Always will be.
Love and hugs,
Sounds like all good news and I am happy the visit went well. A perfect day at the beach with a barbeque, life is great:):):) I was teasing Kate that I wanted to move to Bethany Beach and she stopped and just stared at me and cried "YOU CANT MOVE" Do you think my job would allow me to telecommute?:p:p:p
I always dream of the perfect summer with boats and water and quaint towns and girly drinks and barbeque. I asked hubby if we could rent a cottage in northern Wisconsin for a few days. City boy just looked at me blankly, asking "Why would I want to live in the woods?"
I think you should be tired, I'm tired just reading about all the company and acitivities.;) I dont know how you do it all.:)
Give Bailey a big hug from me and tell her to stay away from the gremlins next store.:D:D:D:D:D
molly muffin
06-25-2013, 05:57 PM
Yep, I agree with Addy, exhausting. I'd have to rest for a week. LOL But what fun!!! Fun like that is well worth a bit of tiredness. :)
ohhh, Addy is painting some really pretty pictures. The perfect life, by the ocean, quaint towns, neat little shops and a book store with a nook and a coffee spot in it. *sigh*
hehehehe I bet they brought back LOTS of photos from their trip. At least you could watch the slide show on the tv, curled up and comfy. Remember when it was the slide machines on a set up screen or you had to thumb through endless photo albums. I like this much better!!
Well, my tummy is growling and I didn't have time to eat breakfast or lunch today. Feeling a bit peckish now. Molly thinks it's time for her to have a snack too. After all she braved the heat to go out for her walk. LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
06-26-2013, 02:09 AM
:DThere IS a cute little bookstore, then next to that is a really nice little ice cream shop which also has a few bakery items. If you want to be healthy, there is a TCBY next to that. I go for the ice cream, myself. If you're going to eat something, it might as well be ice cream!!!:D
Oh my. Bob has accepted a dominoes date tomorrow night next door where the little brats/kids are. Screaming inside. That's bound to be worse than screaming outside. I'd better plan a nap.:eek:
Nite, nite!
Good luck with that:D:D:D:D:D:D
Maybe they do better inside or you will need ear plugs.
I'm thinking the rug rats next store tied you and Bob up and are wreaking havoc on the neighborhood while Bailey is chewing at the ropes to free you both:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
molly muffin
07-01-2013, 11:09 AM
ROFL! Addy, what a visual!
yooooo hooooo Susan!
We might need to gear up a rescue squad to go in and free them!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
07-01-2013, 10:02 PM
Well's what happened. After discussing our options, we chose to leave Bailey at home to take a nap. We were the least favorite people there. The two little girls had been picking who was going to hold Bailey when and for how long. Yeah, right, like that's gonna happen. The other couple there haven't seen Bailey since fall sometime and they were needing their Bailey fix so they were unhappy. The host and hostess could not understand why in the world we did not bring Bailey. We never saw them the rest of the week even though they "threatened" to bring the kids over. The kids are still here, I think, but their parents are here now and grandma and grandpa seem to have gone back home. The older of the two kids who may be 5 or 6 was very composed the second night. It's the 4 year old who is the holy terror.:eek:
This coming weekend is the weekend we travel to VA to surprise Ryan for his birthday. We are taking him and Ellen to dinner on Friday, his birthday, then the four of us are going to tour Washington Nationals Stadium on Saturday. (That's the baseball team.) Then it's right back home to rescue Bailey. I'll also squeeze in an eyeglass adjustment while I'm over there on Friday. Then the following Wednesday we travel back to Annapolis to get Bailey's final (I hope) post surgery checkup and then discharge for her knee surgery. OH! and I finally got kicked out of PT. 9 months of PT and they told me it's up to me now.
I got myself one of those mini trampolines. It's just for bouncy-bouncy. Boy are my calves out of shape!! I can do maybe 30 - 45 seconds on it now. Chee!! I've got to get a serious exercise program going now. Otherwise I'll lose all the good I've worked so hard for.
The final count is in and we've lost one bush and 3 rose bushes from the floods. I'm going to try to get a cutting going off of one of the remaining bushes. I've never had much luck with that, but who knows? Maybe this will be the time it'll work. OR .......maybe when we go to VA, we can go to a nursery and get a replacement shrub. It's an unusual hydrangea. It's a white one and the flowers are cone shaped, not round like most of them are.
I didn't sleep last night.....stayed up doing paperwork. I've got to go make up for what I lost. Take care gals. Thanks for checking up on me. I'm beginning to catch up a little I hope to be around a little bit more, soon.:)
Hugs and more hugs.:D
molly muffin
07-01-2013, 11:21 PM
Is that an PeeGee hydrangea or maybe a paniculata? I love hydrangea's. I've managed to plant 9 of them at various parts of the yard. That really isn't a bad loss, over all, from the kind of flooding that was experienced. Do you try putting a stem in a root medium in a jar. I've heard that is a good way, but maybe give the nursery a call and ask what the best way to get a cutting to root would be. Just think of it as a chance to play around with something new. :)
Oh your trip for Ryan's birthday sounds exciting. :cool:
You be careful on that mini trampoline! :eek: Going to give me a heart attack bouncing around on that thing! :D:eek::D
Wow, Bailey is already up to her last checkup. She was great with that surgery.
Goodness! Sounds like you have the neighborhood lining up for Bailey visitations. You're going to have to start passing out numbers!! :D:D
Enjoy! sounds like some good times coming up
(looks like we don't need to mount a rescue after all Addy, kind of sad about that, as I'm sure we could have done an awesome job of it ;) )
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
molly muffin
07-01-2013, 11:23 PM
Oh I was going to mention this too... have you seen the Fairy Rose?
Little pink flowers all summer on a shrub type rose. I have two of them in my yard (front) and gave some as gifts to some friends who love them too.
I lost my Endless Summer hydrangea, Annabelle seems to have survived and my lace cap hydrangeas are ok, not great but alive. I think it was last years drought.
What a fun birthday party!!!! I hope you have beautiful weather. Virginia should be lovely. A perfect suprise for Ryan and Ellen.
hey, I just got a Viking Cruise brochure in the mail. Is that the cruise you are taking to the Netherlands? They have a 13 day cruise from St Petersburg to Moscow. It has always been my dream to do that cruise. Big Sigh. Anyway, the Viking Cruises look divine:)
Glad Sharlene and I did not have to rescue you.:D:D:D:D
They showed people canoing down the streets in Bethany Beach on the news this morning:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Bailey's Mom
07-13-2013, 07:46 PM
I'm still here!!!!!:D
We had 8"+ in 24 hours. The rain gauge was filled to the brim, so I'm not sure how much over 8" we got. The weird thing is it rushed by down the street almost as fast as it came down. It apparently coincided with low tide, thank goodness. We did have flooding, but within 6 hours, it was all back to "normal" for us. We were out earlier today and there is still standing water in areas but nothing like we expected to see considering the volume of rain that we got. I don't need to water for a LOOONNNGGG time!:cool:
Okay-time for me to update. Bailey went to Annapolis on Wednesday and FINALLY got her discharge for her knee surgeries. Doc is real pleased with her knee caps and says the other parts seem stable. As we sat and waited (this is the same place we had Palmer in his last week or so) I told Bob I hope this is the last time we're here for at least ten years. He said-or ever!
I got fired from PT after 9 months, FINALLY!! I have to keep doing my exercise routine on my own, but that was a given. My poor sad muscles had atrophied so after all these years of being in either foot surgery recovery or knee surgery recovery and I had lots of loose skin where there once was firm muscle. I am slowly seeing the skin tighten back up as I also see myself able to do more and more.
The birthday weekend for Ryan was a great success. He was very surprised. We had a very nice dinner, went back to his place for cupcakes and presents and then the next day toured Nationals Ball Park. In September we will all get together to go to a baseball game. Hopefully they'll be in contention for the playoffs then.
Bob leaves on Monday for at least a week at the new (to us) condo. He's going to see that certain things get done-new toilets, locks changed, etc. and do cleaning. He's going down by train with a car load full and will drive back once he's finished. While he's there Bailey and I will be here doing our large to-do list and playing together. I want to get my sleep routine regulated and my exercise routine established. I have to start knocking out chores so that when we're gone for 4 months, I can do what I need to do down in Florida.
I don't know if I've ever said, but our coffee table is shaped like a French lobster boat. It even has two oars. I think it's so cool and I tell people we're ready for the next flood. We haven't had to use it yet. It will hold the three of us.....I'm not sure how well it will float....but wood floats!:):D
Bailey's Mom
07-13-2013, 07:50 PM
PS. Addy-the cruise line we are taking is AMA Waterways. They are similar to Viking, from what I understand. It is a river cruise line and thus a much smaller cruise boat with much fewer passengers. They were the ones that offered the Tulip Cruise and it was reviewed very favorably. It's only one week and it's very expensive, but it will be for our 40th anniversary. I just think it's going to be amazing.:D
molly muffin
07-14-2013, 12:55 AM
Oh the cruise does sound amazing!! I will want to hear all about it! Details! :) Gosh, 4 months away. No more harsh winters. That sounds awesome. I am sure Bob will knock things off his to do list and you will have yours done and all will be super. Because you know, I'm all optimistic. LOL Reality sometimes is a kick, but you can over come anything. You have already over come much and none of it was small feat stuff, you went for the big thing.
Play offs huh. Well that would be just fine wouldn't it. :)
got to run, another late night here and it's not as easy to recover from nights out as it use to be.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
07-19-2013, 02:32 PM
Hi gang-:)
Just a quick check 101 degrees......Bob is having a very productive trip. We have two new toilets. He has thrown out a lot of what turned out to be junk. He has cleaned his little fingers off and scrubbed everything that can be scrubbed. He has gotten two estimates for enclosing the lanai so that we can sit out there all winter. A new humidistat has been installed which will prevent mold and will pay for itself within a year by requiring less running of the a/c. Meanwhile, I have power washed the deck, washed the siding part of the back porch and the screens and am in the process now of cleaning the vinyl windows. It's a job both of us hate and I seem to be doing a pretty good job of it by myself.:cool: I looked up online and they have a way they recommend you do it and it's much simpler than how we've been doing it before.;) Bailey is rather bored, but tonight she gets to go visit some favorite neighbors so she'll be happy.:D
Send down some cool Canadian air, will ya??!!:eek::eek:
molly muffin
07-19-2013, 06:28 PM
Hey Susan, sounds like you and Bob are being super productive! I'm impressed.
Watch out for the woman with the power washer. LOL
We'll want pictures of that Lanai once it's closed in. That will really be wonderful to sit out on.
I'm am slowly working on clearing out our basement. That will be good to get done. Not sure what I'll be doing with my mother in laws stuff as she appears to be "storing some of her mothers things" here with us until, I don't know when. Not only that but she actually FedEx'd us a chair from Victoria, on the other side of the country, because she thought we'd like it. Now I don't think we can just send it to goodwill after she paid all that money to get it here!!
Yay, Bailey gets to go play tonight. Nothing like a girls night out. :)
have fun,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I just want to know where you get all your energy, I'm tired just watching the picture in my head of you power washing all that stuff:D
The cruise sounds like heaven, what a wonderful anniversary present.
Yes, you will have to take lots of pixes for us and details, we will need details so we can pretend we are there with you. I so drooled over that Viking brochure which arrived in my mail. I am going to St Petersburg some day for that cruise. It has been a dream for so long.
Four months in Florida, wow, girl, sitting on the enclosed lanai drinking girlie drinks and Bob will have a beer or maybe a whiskey soda, Bailey hanging out, stalking possible gators, wait, no that would not be good, okay Bailey hanging out enjoying the warm breezes, waiting for Bob to fire up the barbecue. Sunsets and sunrises over the water.
Ok Party in Florida at the new condo, everyone invited:p:p:p:p:p
Bailey's Mom
07-28-2013, 09:23 PM
Hi gang-
We just had a five day visit from Ryan and Ellen. We had one full day on the beach, the three of them spent part of one day visiting Asateague and the ponies, we splashed in the hot tub and played some card games and dominoes. We had some neighbors over Friday evening for a game of dominoes and some S'mores. Bob had never had a S'more. :eek: Bailey has now crashed for the next few days. She is one happy pup....all this attention.
Ryan helped to start getting my laptop set up for Florida. I do all the paperwork and the taxes and it will be interesting to see if I can pull together everything I need to take with me to avoid having to make a trip home at some point. I'll be surprised if I can pull that off, but we'll see.
It's a pretty decent day here. Mid to upper 80s. Slight breeze. I need to do a bunch of yard chores but not until I've had a chance to recharge my battery.
I'm behind on the threads again. My desk is a mess again. I need to do a ton of scanning so I can get rid of a ton of paperwork. I am hoping to have a good chunk of time this coming week to put things back in order. I hope all is well with all my buds.:)
Hugs and love,
Oh that 20/20 hindsight. After we purchased this house- which was a fixer upper- we saw a house for not much more money five minutes away which meant a different county and cheaper taxes and was not a fixer upper. We were -oh gee- wish we would have seen that first-;););)
I think things happen for a reason so I am glad you have the unit you do even if it means no glass on the lanai. Maybe glass on a lanai is not really a good thing after all:):):):):)
I need to live vicariously through someone, so you are it, girlriend:D
thus the "our" in retreat:D:D:D
Seriously, my brain is so fried from the last few weeks, I cant even mange to write too much more than this, I know you understand.:o
Woofs and hugs to Bailey, give Bob a scratch behind the ear too:p:p
It is only 8:30 and it is already dark. Not liking that too much, Sus. We hardly even used the pool except the weekend it was a giant hot tub.
happy friday night
Bailey's Mom
08-11-2013, 03:42 PM
Oh Addy-I so need a hug and I so want to give you a hug.;) Will you oblige me, please? Are you any good at twinkling your nose and getting yourself somewhere in an instant? If so, please bring your furry ones.....I think Bailey needs a hug as well.:(
Okay Sus, hugs are coming left and right, from all sides
sweetie- what on earth is wrong?
molly muffin
08-11-2013, 09:35 PM
Hugs from me too Susan and one for Bailey too.
Are you okay?!!! Hope Bob and Ryan and Bailey and everyone is fine too.
A bit worried.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
08-11-2013, 10:24 PM
My apologies-I didn't mean to alarm. It's just life. Not to worry. Thanks for the hugs, though. I'm just overwhelmed by the condo. Turns out enclosing the lanai isn't such an easy (read inexpensive) thing to do. And my brother moved from the east coast of Florida to within 1.5 hours of Sarasota. He does not know we bought the condo, I don't plan to tell him. We get along like oil and water. We took him out for a nice dinner when we were down there in May and things have been going along smoothly, so we're about due for a blowup.
I don't feel like i have much to offer the forum since I'm 3 years removed from dealing with Cushing's. Just having trouble finding a place to fit in right now. Just a little out of sorts. Sorry to alarm.
Oh my, why you fit in right here, right here as always. You don’t have to give advice on Cushings, sweetie. You belong and fit in right here on Bailey’s thread. You have buyer’s remorse. It happens to all of us with a major purchase. The lanai does not need glass, it will be fine just as is, you will see and when you head down there for your first extended visit, why you will feel much better. 1.5 hours away is still pretty far away. I don’t think you will run into him at the grocery store and if you do, why you are just down visiting is all because that is exactly what you are doing- visiting your condo ;);)
hugs Sus
molly muffin
08-14-2013, 05:08 PM
Oh gosh, Addy said it just right. Here is where you belong, just doing as you do. Popping in to say hi and check in with your friends sometimes.
We'll talk about that buyers remorse a bit more after this coming winter passes where you will be enjoying a nice sunny day, while it is snowing and blowing back at the homestead. :p
The rest of us will be green with envy. LOL We'll say some words while shoveling the snow on your behalf.
Maybe you can get the Lani closed in later if you want. It's not a necessity for the moment right?
Absolutely do not Have to go traipsing around with the bro, just because he is on the same side of the state. You are foot loose and fancy free, a free soul, ready to go and do anything your heart desires. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
08-14-2013, 06:22 PM
You guys are great! I packed up some of my paint supplies last night. My printer/scanner/fax died so I've been stuck on my projects and I decided to see how much space my paint stuff would take up. I'm trying to decide if I should fly down or drive (ugh) down. Actually I'm trying to weasel Bob into making another drive down. I'd like to get my bike down there too. Shipping the stuff would be too expensive. I figure my bike and my paints and some other stuff we have gathered would make a car load.
We've contacted the painter so depending on when he starts, I might be able to see the new colors and I could also get some additional people to come by for sunroom estimates. Then maybe it would seem more real and I could get excited some about all this. I sent along with Bob bunches of rolls of Contact paper that I had lying around and I could line all the cabinets while I'm there. Besides we have meal money to use up at the clubhouse and Bob says the food there is very good, so how can I let that go unused?!;):D:cool:
Thanks for the encouraging words. I appreciate it a lot.
I have two words
You will get excited once you are down there. It will be such a wonderful break for you. Maybe you could take just some of your art supplies if there is not room for all of them. You will be inspired by the beautiful sunsets:):):):)
Think of how much fun Little Miss will have exploing her new digs.
We want pictures:D:D:D:D:):):):):):):)
Are we on the plane or am I locked in the trunk of the car?
Bailey's Mom
08-21-2013, 06:24 PM
We're standing in line waiting to check our luggage!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh always make me laugh!!:D:D:)
I lose more of my life to computer related problems. I got my new printer/scanner but then they wouldn't talk to one another. Finally last night Ryan straightened that out. Yesterday was a day from Hell. No need to go into details. Today I hid under the covers.
I've decided to fly and to check a second bag with paint stuff and to UPS whatever I can't check. I'll also ship my bike. I do NOT want to drive.
Bob and I went to the electric store and realized it's too ambitious to try to figure out the kitchen light issue from Delaware, so we need just to go ahead with only the painting for now and take care of the lighting when we are there in January. I will go down to check out the painting and to try to get more estimates on the porch.,.....or should I say "some." We still don't have any. I really hoped to have the porch all finished before January.
Oh! New picture, hot off the presses, of Bailey. She was groomed yesterday and she looks oh so cute. Such a sweetie. She has what is called a Poodle Cut. Fuller on the legs, a little longer on the head, a ball on the tail and short on the body. It seemed to stress her out, this time. Maybe it was the heat.
Our doorbell took a's tied into our intercom/alarm system. So Bob kind of fixed it last night, but we kept the appt today and now we have a nice bright white cover and white bell instead of an 11 year old yellowed nasty looking one. Tomorrow they're going to check out the a/c. It works fine but sounds AWFUL. Monday we get new carpet for the living room and den. Then soon we get to replace the peeling wallpaper in the master bath with something crazy and new. After that we'll file for bankruptcy. Haha. We'll be back to eating eggs and toast for dinner for awhile.
So-pack your bags. I'll let you know soon as I decide on dates to go. You know, if you can get yourself down there, I can put you up and feed it will only cost you the cost of a ticket. Gult waters.. ....sunshine....oranges.....silly course....
exercise room........sunshine.......laughs........sunshine. .....laughs.....:);):cool::D
Hugs and love,
molly muffin
08-21-2013, 07:15 PM
ohhhh fun, two places to decorate. joy joy!!! :)
um, I Like eggs and toast for dinner. :) pancakes too come to think of it.
Molly prefers bacon (she doesn't get it, she just prefers it)
Bailey is so cute! I didn't even know you could do a poodle cut on dogs that don't have that tight curly hair!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
08-21-2013, 09:46 PM
OK gals.....all I needed was some prodding........I've got my plane ticket for 9/11. Someone has already commented on how they would not get on a plane on that date. I talked to the painter's wife and he will finish painting before the 11th. I am flying Southwest, so there is no charge for two bags and one bag will contain paint stuff. I'll try to take the bike too. It would be cheaper to take the bike on the plane than to ship it. I've got a rental car lined up. We will take lots of pictures and you'll get to see all the new colors even before Bob does!
Now I must go get very busy. Time is suddenly very short.....I had been thinking the last week of October. Now I'm getting excited. I'll be there one whole COME ON DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D
molly muffin
08-21-2013, 10:10 PM
Ohhh what fun!!! Can't wait to see the paint colors. You are going to put your stamp on this place and make it your own. It'll be the best place in the whole complex! I just know it. :)
ehhh, you fly when you need to fly and wow so soon. You are going to be so excited. Love how you can take the 2 bags on southwest And the bike. yippeee!!! Adventures just around the corner
I'm stoked too. LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
08-21-2013, 11:43 PM
It's wonderful when your friends get excited along with you. Thanks Sharlene!
Big Hug!!
wait a minute- how is Bailey getting there - on the plane with us?
I am so glad I am not in trunk of the car:):). I hope I get the window seat and it is not in the back of the plane.
Colors- oh my, they have so many pretty colors out now. How will we ever chose?
Bailey's Mom
08-22-2013, 10:19 PM
Welllllllll......Bailey does not get to go this trip..:(......but she will for sure next trip!!:D:)
This is just a quick trip down to get to see the painting, to take down the artistic paint supplies, to be there to get delivery of the bike and, if I can work it out, to get some shower doors and grab bars installed. There would be no room when all of us go to take along either the bike or the art supplies. I've never been away from home for 3-4 months at a time and I want to be sure I have stuff to keep me from going stir crazy! I figure photography and my painting should do it. That plus the beach, plus biking, plus exercising.....I think I can stay out of trouble.
We saw The Butler this evening. It's a good movie. They took some liberties with the story that I feel were unnecessary to the story. Te historical aspect of it is mostly accurate. Not a proud moment in American history.
Happy Friday!!!!!;):D:D
Love and hugs,
Susan & Bailey
molly muffin
08-23-2013, 11:32 AM
Yea, I can imagine that it is hard to pack for 3 - 4 months. I have a hard time with just a weekend. hahahaha
Oh I definitely want to see that movie. The Butler. Maybe next weekend, as we are out of town this weekend. The casting in it looks very good.
Catchya laters!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
08-23-2013, 12:34 PM
Southwest Airlines has NO assigned seating. You either pay an additional $12.50 fee to get put at the head of the line or it's based on first to check in. So find your sneaks gals. Last to check in gets the seat by the potty! :D
Hope we are not in the back of the plane:eek:
Makes sense Bailey stays home for a short trip.:):)
I cant imagine packing for 3-4 months. I would not know what to take but at least it is not a foreign country, that would be harder.;)
Isn't your cruise coming up as well? How exciting for you:):):)
Bailey's Mom
08-23-2013, 09:18 PM
Yes-cruise is in 34 days. Starting to look forward to that.
I spent today in the it out. Mom told me if you take care of your tools, you'll only need to buy them once. Problem is she never told me what to do to take care of them. :confused: But I've learned over the years that if you have a large bucket filled with sand, add a quart of engine oil, then swish your tools in it once you're finished and wipe them off with a terry towel, it keeps them rust free and with a thin coat of oil and makes sure all the dirt is off. Keeps them looking nice too. So the shed had kind of gotten out of control and the tools had not really had the attention they needed and today was the day to get the ball rolling on that project. I'm about 1/2 done. Should finish up tomorrow.
So where did Sharlene go and how come we didn't get to go along??????
Have a great weekend Addy. Enjoy that pool while it's still open.
molly muffin
08-25-2013, 07:57 PM
Hey Susan! Wedding! We went to Ottawa for the weekend for a friends wedding. Boy do I need recovery time after those kind of weekends. The mind says go for it, the body says, are you nuts woman!! The mind won out, we went for it and now I'm in recovery mode. LOLOLOL
I thought you guys were coming! Hope I didn't leave you in the parking lot or something. :eek: I admit to being scatter brained sometimes when in a hurry. :confused:
I'm going to need a nap now I think. :D
No assigned seating!!! Yikes
Hope you had a good weekend!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Bailey's Mom
09-01-2013, 05:25 PM
Hi gang....I seem to have an issue that I need some advice on. Bailey has been reacting more than usual to being scratched on her back...her rear leg goes just mad, either right or left depending on which quadrant of her back you scratch. I haven't been able to tell if scratching her back feels good to her or not. She was groomed ten days ago and it seems worse since then, so I just gave her a bath. For the first time ever, I got all kinds of dead skin in a flea comb. That's never happened before and I've tried it before. I just did a quick internet search and the first thing I came up with was an Omega 3 supplement.....and I'm already giving her Welactin 3.
I wasn't happy with the last grooming. She got nicked in a number of places and her tummy was red for 24 hours. That's never happened before. So we'll cross them off as groomers. She also seemed adverse to being left there, which was not the case before. They are instructed to use an oatmeal bath and I don't know that they did that this time.
Anyway-suggestions for dry skin would be appreciated. Is this something that requires a vet visit?
-Susan & Bailey
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