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marie adams
04-12-2012, 12:20 PM
So glad you got the scarf situation taken care of. Why do we stress over such small stuff??:eek: Other than the time you put into it to think it was ruined; I probably would have been letting out a few &$@#%. I do not have patience a lot of times lately--let's just says for years now.:D
I just got made at a department that only has 3 people working it for all of the US to schedule appointments. It is just I wanted a certain person to work with on this with me. I was just so maddddddddd!!!!! It causes me more time and gried and the customer will think we are idiots about scheduling a simple appt. One of the problems is I have Ella's class on Tuesdays at 12:30pm (yes it is during working hours).:eek:
Hanky Panky with the pool repair guy in the hot tub.....good thing the non-basement has no windows!!!!:eek::confused::eek:
I think we are sending the rain--it rained Tuesday night here and I think we are to get some more in the next day or two.
Ella goes for another class late this afternoon. This one is going to help with reactive situations, fear, and just control of the dog--know the triggers. I think this will be great class for her. It is called Control Unleashed--there is a book on this also. I will be getting it--you should have seen me on Amazon yesterday trying to buy it and some other dog stuff--hilarious. I am getting the hang of it, but.....
Time for morning group hug. Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marie adams
04-13-2012, 12:05 PM
I hope I didn't miss the GROUP ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))!!!!!:D:p:)
Happy Friday to you all!!!!
marie adams
04-14-2012, 12:16 AM
MOM why aren't you in bed it is past midnight and you need your beauty sleep??? Or it could be you forgot to log off and there you sit on K9 Cushings....:D
I did that once. It showed I was on all night!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
Saturday is here, I feel better no more waiting and having time to worry!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you getting all the rain we are going to have? Well, at least they keep saying that but so far, no rain.
Happy Saturday, Happy Weekend!!!!!!!!
This afternoon I am making time to pot up some hostas around the pool, IF IT DOESNT RAIN:D:D:D:D:D:D
Happy Gardening!!!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
04-14-2012, 08:58 PM
MOM why aren't you in bed it is past midnight and you need your beauty sleep??? Or it could be you forgot to log off and there you sit on K9 Cushings....:D
Noooooooo......Marie Irene. I was up once again until 3. I keep trying to move bedtime back, but have not been successful. I get a boost of energy about 9:15pm. I have all of my life. That's when I can be super productive.
Thank you for caring about your dear ol' Mom. Come up out of the nonbasement anytime from midnight on........we can play dominoes or cards....or watch scary movies!
Susan aka mom
Bailey's Mom
04-14-2012, 09:04 PM
Happy Gardening!!!!!!!
Me too Addy- I planted the last two hostas today....and, no we have had zero rain since February. I spent about an hour watering the entrance gardens. Now I have hoses (2) on plants for 15 - 20 minutes each. I went around with weed killer and I saw how parched my plants look. The irrigation guy is going to come next week, but I don't think they'll make it until then. :(:eek: Boy am I getting my exercise going up and down those stairs....I think it's 12 and then another 6 (there's a landing.) And that doesn't count the steps (5 or 6) off the deck into the back yard. :eek::eek::eek:
I didnt plant any hostas:o:o:o:(:(:(:(:(
But Koko and I pulled out weeds:):):):)
Oh well, tomorrow is another day:D:D:D:D:D
Happy Sunday!!!!
Bailey's Mom
04-15-2012, 11:01 PM
Well..........I trimmed up bushes and trees. I was darn productive!:eek::D
I have been watering all day. :(
Let's do a rain dance.;):D:D:D
Thank you for the beautiful good morning:D:D:D:D
I hope you enjoy another productive day!!!!!
You can stop over at my house and be productive;);) I sure the heck have not been!!!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I wish you lived near by Sus!!!!!
Give Bailey a hug and a kiss and I am sending hugs and kisses to you too.
Bailey's Mom
04-16-2012, 08:50 PM
Sniff, sniff.......Bailey is not here. :( We went for the pre-surgery consult and the doc said he had an opening tomorrow, if we wanted to leave her. I just called to check on her and they told me she ate a bite (she was fasting since midnight) and that she sure is cute.:)
She is going to have both knees done tomorrow. :eek: They are both a #3 out of a possible 4. We hope she will come home on Wednesday, if not, on Thursday. Palmer had both his knees operated on by the same doc....that was about 10 years ago, I guess. The problem is we have to keep her confined or restrained for 6 weeks. :eek::eek::eek: In the cage or beside me on the bed.
Long, long day. We left @ 10 and it is now almost 9 and we just got home.
All very good thoughts are welcome.
I am sure she is in good hands. Six weeks will go fast. Did I tell you our 140 pound South African Mastif had to have surgery on his leg? We had to keep him quite for 3 months.:eek::eek::eek: He spent most of his day in my office. He made it through okay. Though there were days I was challenged;);););)
I will be thinking of Little Miss Bailey and you, dear Susan. I know how hard it is to have them away and in surgery. Try to keep busy, it may help with worrying.
Lots of love and hugs,
addy, zoe and koko
we'll check in on you at lunch time.
Bailey's Mom
04-17-2012, 12:14 PM
Hi Addy....and thanks. I had severe pain in my neck last night (arthritis) and could not lie down. I had to spend the night in the recliner with a heating pad on my neck. Fortunately it allowed me to sleep. The pain is much less today.
We won't have any news on Bailey until mid-afternoon. I'll post once I get news.
Since we took Palmer there for 6 days of his last 10, I really did not like being in there but this is the same doc that performed surgery on Palmer's two knees. I am hoping to come away with positive feelings about the place....not that they did anything wrong. It was just bad memories of his last week.
When they took Bailey, I was crying. When we got outside I said to Bob....this is weird, I don't cry when Ryan goes in for surgery.??? I think much of it has to do with not being able to tell them what is going to be happening. They get put in an unfamiliar cage, with unfamiliar people all around, don't know why they are there or what they did wrong......and then they get some good drugs and when they wake up they are all disabled. I am concerned that the late operation today means we won't be able to get her until Thursday. It's just hard.
I understand Sus. I said Saturday it is like taking your two year old to the doctor and worrying.
I had the same neck pain last night:confused: I'm not kidding, I had a heating pad on my neck also.
I can be positive about everyone else in our family when something happens or they have a surgery or medical problem. I dont cry, I face it head on, but with Zoe, I don't know, I'm like you, I get so upset and scared. I think it is because they are these tiny little helpless beings, you are exactly right and we can't tell them. So I totally relate and get it.
I am here for you.
love and hugs (((((((hugs)))))
Bailey's Mom
04-17-2012, 03:07 PM
Hi-It's 3 o'clock and they took Bailey in about fifteen minutes ago. I keep asking them for the status on Palmer. When I filled out the info sheet, I said Bailey was a male and neutered. Today I knocked over one of those super size Cokes.
Anyway-he estimated 1.5 hours of surgery, if everything went well. There was one variable which he could not tell if he'd need to do until he got in there.
At least she's sleeping. Poor sweety.
Oh the love we feel for them is so deep, so quickly......even if they still need training!:p:rolleyes:
Bailey's Mom
04-17-2012, 04:42 PM
Bailey is out of surgery! She did very well. There were three procedures that had to be performed on each knee. He could not know until he got in there whether the 3rd procedure was called for. From how he explained all of this to us, it's great that we caught this while she was so young. I am not bragging when I say it is because I kept after "them." The original vet (the one who moved out of town in the middle of the night!) told us when she did her new puppy exam that it might be a problem. Since then I have brought it up every time. I don't want to know how old she might have become if I had waited for them to tell us. We are certainly our best and sometimes only advocates. You really have to be proactive, as I think most of us on this forum are.
We won't know until tomorrow when she will be able to come home. At least she is in la-la land now. :)
I think I'll go get in the hot tub now. Addy-when you get off work, come and join me!:D
04-17-2012, 06:05 PM
Hey Susan!
Even though I don't have a chance to write very often, I always keep up on the adventures of our Little Miss. I'm SOOOOO relieved to hear that the surgery is over with, and that Bailey is doing good. :)
I know she's got a whole passle of sisters/aunties here to watch over her (Marie Irene and Addy Scarlet, to name a couple! ;)). But please give her a big hug for me, too, OK??
Always with my very best wishes to you both,
Bailey is out of surgery! She did very well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YIPPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! !!!
Big sigh of relief, Susan.
Last one in the hot tub is a rotten egg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dont go to bed without checking in here for the last report.
love you very much,
Bailey's Mom
04-17-2012, 07:28 PM
Hey Susan!
Even though I don't have a chance to write very often, I always keep up on the adventures of our Little Miss. I'm SOOOOO relieved to hear that the surgery is over with, and that Bailey is doing good. :)
I know she's got a whole passle of sisters/aunties here to watch over her (Marie Irene and Addy Scarlet, to name a couple! ;)). But please give her a big hug for me, too, OK??
Always with my very best wishes to you both,
Thank you Marianne. Thanks for your thoughtfulness and you can be sure, whenever I can get my open arms on her, she shall receive your hug.......and mine!:D:)
04-17-2012, 07:42 PM
Hi Susan
I've been following along too and was relieved to hear that the surgery went well for your girl. It is truly amazing how quickly we fall head over heals for our babies so I get it. Be sure to give Bailey a hug from Auntie Glynda too.
Hey, you were not in the hot tub!!!!!!!
I looked all over and all I saw was a wet towel:confused::confused:
Just checking back to see if you had any updates since dinner time.
Love ya,
Bailey's Mom
04-17-2012, 11:31 PM
Be sure to give Bailey a hug from Auntie Glynda too.
Thanks Glynda-will do! One more hug on the way!
Bailey's Mom
04-17-2012, 11:39 PM
Hey, you were not in the hot tub!!!!!!!
I WAS in the hot tub. Problem was I had set it to "economy" because on economy the heat pump does not run when it is going through its twice daily itself, or something. (Trying to save a few pennies....) I FORGOT that "economy" ALSO lowers the temperature 10 degrees. My expected 98, to be turned up to 100, was 88! :eek::eek:
Okay - calling right now........
They took her outside about 10. "She can't walk." But she did urinate a good amount. She's not interested in eating and she is now sleeping. I consider that a GREAT report.:D:D
I will call after 9 in the AM.
Happy Morning Sus,
Stopping by to give you a hug and hold your hand while you call to check on our Little Miss Bailey Girl.
I hope you got some sleep.
Love and hugs,
Bailey's Mom
04-18-2012, 09:40 AM
Called. "The doctor wants to talk to you-but he just walked into surgery."
Maybe an hour.
Bailey's Mom
04-18-2012, 10:32 AM
Bailey still needs inject-able pain medication. She will not be coming home today. There won't be any more news today.
04-18-2012, 10:41 AM
Oh Susan, I'm sorry Bailey can't come home. :(
I know this will be a long day and night for you. :( :(
But I know it's important for the pain to be controlled, and if they can handle it better there, then that's where little sweetie needs to be.
Sending big hugs to you in what I know feels like an empty house...
Squirt's Mom
04-18-2012, 11:07 AM
Hi Susan,
Adding my prayers and hugs for you and Bailey to the rest that are flying your way. Let us know what the doc had to say.
Squirt had both her knees done together the first time, too. She came home in plaster casts that were wrapped in bright red sticky gauze. When she sat down, both those red legs would splay out in front of her and I swear she looked like a lady of the night waiting for her first customer! All she needed was a balcony. :p That was when I started calling her my little huzzy. :D
I'm sorry Sus, I know it is so dang hard, but I know Bailey will soon be home and be just fine.
Do you know if she will be in casts and if so for how long? Did they tell you what to expect?
Are you pacing around the house and not knowing what to do with yourself? Thats what I do:o:o:o
Love you,
marie adams
04-18-2012, 03:01 PM
Dear Susan,
I have to apologize for not being there for you in your time of need!!!:o
I was having a meltdown with work, taxes, printers, ELLA, and just life...:eek:!!
I am so glad Miss Bailey came through the operation with flying colors. So you change sexes on her???? Haha!! Just kidding. My brain would not be functioning on all cylinders if I had to put Miss Ella in for an operation. I hate to think of what she would be like without being in motion for 3 months---:eek: My level of patience would be out the door!!!!
You will have to get some good sleep in before she comes home!!! Pleaseeee says Nurse Marie Irene, but Addy Scarlett is a better nurse though. :):p
I guess we will not be partying in the non-basement for a while so we keep the house a little quieter for Bailey.
I remember the feeling of going back to the vet where Maddie left us. I had such mixed feelings to take Ella there, but in the end it wasn't so bad. You will have good feelings because Bailey will have two good knees now--so that is something to be happy about.
Bailey's Mom
04-18-2012, 05:33 PM
Afternoon update (I lied)
Bailey is still enjoying her “vacation.” I just called and she was recently taken outside & peed. She is beginning to put some weight on her legs…one more so than the other. She is being kept well medicated-by injection. She ate a little when hand fed. (That's my Bailey!!! ;)) She is all curled up in several blankets and towels, looks very comfortable and all you can see is her cute little head. We are hoping we can pick her up tomorrow.
Addy and Leslie and Marianne....thank you for your kindness.
Marie-no apologies necessary. I just want to be sure you understand it is 6 weeks NOT 3 months.:eek::D
Shampoo Alert!!!-
As I was conditioning my hair in the shower this morning, I took time to read my shampoo bottle. SHOCK---The shampoo that runs down my entire body says "for extra volume & body." Seriously, why have I not noticed this before?
Now I understand why I am so "full-figured."
Tomorrow I am going to start using "Dawn" dish soap. It says "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove."
LOL Sus, that's my girl!!!!!!!!:D:D:D
Good news on the Bailey front. Keep it coming!!!!!
Morning Sus,
What is happening with Little Miss? I am going to assume the no post is because you went to pick her up and everything is okay!!!
You most likely have your hands full.
love you,
marie adams
04-20-2012, 11:17 AM
Okay Susan/MOM,
You have me LOL with the 6 weeks vs. 3 months--I told you I am not thinking straight!!!:eek:
The shampoo info--how do you think these things up--LOL!!!!:D:p:);)
I should check my bottle it probably says the same thing. Maybe the Clarifying shampoo is the route I need to go to clean out everything from what I have been eating with the stress levels--my own fault--I know how to eat right, but.....cinnamon treats--ummmm!!:eek::D
I hope Miss Bailey is back home as I type this post and in your loving arms again!!!:)
((((HUGS)))) Miss Ella sends ((((paw hugs)))) to Miss Bailey!!!:D:):p;)
Bailey's Mom
04-20-2012, 06:05 PM
Just time to do a quickie-
We are home. Bailey is doing well, all things considered. The biggest issue is that if anyone other than me goes toward her, she is growling and if you don't stop, she is snapping. I have to start picking her up so Bob can take her out of my arms while I am holding her up. She will not let him pick her up.
It's going to be a LONG 6 weeks.
Glad she is home!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
She will adjust. Shes been through alot. We would be snappy too!!!
I am so happy she came through it well.
Bailey's Mom
04-21-2012, 02:43 AM
Okay-well once again it is 2:30 AM. This is the only time I can grab for the computer.
Bailey's incisions look good. :) She has something like 14 staples on each side. Well....actually...I only counted one side. There is just some slight redness and not much swelling that I can tell. Great news is that she pooped this afternoon. That seems to be the hardest thing to do because they then have to put all her weight on the rear legs.
She has eaten some. She does not want to chew rawhide. Tonight she just started kind of playfully biting my fingers.:) As the hours pass, she gets more and more like her pre-surgery self. There are 3 medications to give her and she has reached a point that even using the "pea shooter" she is getting very we switched to peanut butter to hide the little pills and that is going well.
I, on the other hand, had a very discouraging visit with the foot doc on Thursday. He cannot explain the pain in my left big toe and his solution is to fuse the joint that is not fused yet. The right toe just this week started acting the same, in pain in the same place, but it's not long enough to make a decision on what to do with that. The #2 toe on the right foot......he wants to "redo" that. That would mean another 6 weeks with the boot. I am seeing his associate next week to get her opinion. I am scheduled to see him the following week. I am waiting to hear the second opinion before I make any decisions about this. Both feet have been operated on twice. Why is this so hard???:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Must go get sleep.
Squirt's Mom
04-21-2012, 07:49 AM
Hi Susan,
Glad to hear that Bailey is finally back home. :) She may not be quite herself for a few days but she will come around with a little TLC, which I know you have plenty of to give.
The attitude reminds me a bit of Squirt - Terrier's can hold grudges and Squirt has enough Terrier in her to allow her to do just that at the drop of a hat! :rolleyes::D She gets this look in her eye that says, "Just WHO do you think you are to do this to ME? I am the QUEEN!" :p:D:p And she can be snooty for days! The good thing is that her loving side is just as strong. ;)
I hope your feet don't require more surgery. That just makes me cringe to think about it.
Bailey's Mom
04-21-2012, 11:23 AM
Thanks, Leslie.
Oh Susan, I sure hope you dont need more surgery on your foot. Maybe it wont come to that.
I am glad to hear Bailey is perking up. I am sure she will heal up nicely and be back to her own sweet self soon.
Six weeks is not so bad. It will go fast. She will be raring to go just in time for summer!!!!!:):):):):):)
We took Koko to the groomer and he came back with a summer cut:rolleyes: I dont like his coat and face this short. I like his puppy cut. Hopefully he will grow out quickly.
Im getting ready for a rummage sale at the condo next week. The kids said they would help. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Whenever I go outside and look at my potted hosta, I think of you!!!
marie adams
04-22-2012, 12:44 PM
Dear Susan,
So glad our Miss Bailey is home and healing. You have been through this before so like Sister Addy said 6 weeks is not that long and I think 1 week is gone so that makes 5 more weeks. :D:D
I am hoping and praying you don't need more surgery, but if it will take away the pain forever it might not be so bad. Of course, I can say that because I am not the one who has to go through it. You and Bailey can be layed up together. Does Bob make a good nurse???:eek::D;)
I hope Sunday is a peaceful and happy day for you all!!!
Bailey's Mom
04-22-2012, 10:45 PM
Hi Marie Irene!
Yes-we are now at 5 weeks.:D:D....and I've got to say Bailey has done remarkably well and it gets a little easier each day.:):cool:
Bob makes a wonderful nurse. He's very good about doing whatever has to be done....but with Bailey, he is a little short on patience.
Bailey ate some today and has been drinking water...lots. I expect the meds dry her up some. She and I have spent a lot of time stretched out on the bed watching tv. It's really the easiest way to keep her contained. I put the cone on her head today-as she was really after the incisions....but it totally changes her personality just like the no-bark collar does. She becomes very subdued and just looks so confused. So after maybe 1/2 hour, I took it off and she was so glad to be out of it that she curled up close to me and we napped. I'm keeping a leash on her so that if I fall asleep, if she tries to move, it works like an alarm
She so wants to go for a walk and to run in the house. I will be so glad when we can let that happen again. She really has been a trooper.
Bailey's Mom
04-22-2012, 10:55 PM
Girls!!!!!!!?? Girls!!???? Quick come up out of the non-basement!! :eek::eek: We have had over two inches of rain and are under a flood warning. I would hate to see you both floating up the street.....and yes, I do mean up, when it comes to flooding here. We soooooo needed the rain and for the most part, it has been at a very nice pace so the plants are getting a very good drink....and the grasses are already looking greener.:)
If you can get into the garage, I have a raft near the door. You'll have to huff and puff to inflate it, but it's a really nice heavy if you get drawn toward the ocean, you can have fun rafting!!!:D
I saw the storm heading your way!!!! Everything okay? Can you believe the snow that fell further inland?
They said the winds were to be felt all the way to Chicago!!!!!!!
Hope all of you are warm and dry and not evacuated.
Kisses to Bailey.
Hey Mom,
are you and Bailey okay? It has been awfully quiet around the house. I hope that does not mean you are sick. Marie and I are stuck in the non basement wondering what is going on upstairs. I think Bob locked the door. I tried climbing throught the window and my butt didn't fit:eek::eek::eek:
I really think it was the full body shampoo you got on clearance at Costco just as you suspected. Seems like I fit through the dang window last month when Sister Marie Irene and I snuck out to party with the surfer dudes.
Oops, I wasn't supposed to let that slip:rolleyes::rolleyes::o
No, see actually, we locked ourselves out one night and had to climb IN throught the window, not OUT:D:D:D:D
love ya,
love you,
Bailey's Mom
04-27-2012, 10:52 PM
Hey Addy-we're still here and pluggin' along.
I bet Bob DID lock the door....that's just like him.:rolleyes:
He doesn't have much patience "sitting" Bailey so I get most of the hours. Today I took advantage of "being on duty" by sleeping in over and over and over again. I didn't officially get up until 3pm. Man, that was nice.:D:) All the while, Bailey is attached to me by a leash just to be sure she doesn't get any ideas about going down into the nonbasement.:)
Once I got up I went outside and finished feeding my plants and doing some anti-insect spraying. The 2-3" of rain we got just did wonders. Last week I went out and things were teeny tiny and limp.:( Today I went out and had fully grown, gorgeous hostas. :) My roses all came back.:):) Every bush and tree was smiling at me!:D:D
I went for a 2nd opinion of the feet yesterday. It's my doc's associate. I met her before while I was recovering. I like her a lot. Basically, she concurs with the "main" doc but adds that a third operation on such a tiny toe has unpredictable results. Oh goody. She did ask if they had tried orthotics and I told her no....but I still was using some I got from my doc in VA. I took them out of my shoes and gave them to her and one was split in half.:o She has made new castings which I should get in about 3 weeks. I was wearing "halfs" and she says with my problems I need to be wearing full foot orthotics. Well-I just happen to have one pair. I put them in my shoes when I went outside and none of my toes were talking to me. So-there is a glimmer of hope. The 2nd toe, right will still need surgery, but it could be on my time table.
Bailey gets her staples out on Wednesday. We took her to the vet yesterday because she's been licking her paw. I figured that would be a good opportunity to have him check her out from the surgery. He says he thinks she is doing great. He thinks maybe the chewing is from boredom....especially since she is such high energy and is having to be restrained. He suggested putting pnut butter in her Kong and freezing it. He says it will keep her busy for 3 one is in the freezer and we'll see how long it lasts.
How is Zoe? Mom? House sale? You? Koko? Your hostas? Your weather?
Have a great weekend. I'll pass a key down through the heat vent. I'll ask Bob to check on you, he'll come down, you'll run out, and lock him in!!!:D:D Then Marie Irene, you and I will all go surfing!!!
Sus & Bailey
The weather is fine if I were an Arctic duck , quack:D:D:D:(
Rummage sale was rain, rain and some more rain. I was wet the whole day and still have a garage full of stuff, but the condo is just about empty.:):):):)
The hostas are growing big and beautiful. It is to rain all week and then get warm for the weekend so after Zoe's eye vet appointment, I sure hope I can dig up some hostas for around the pool.
Sorry to hear about your foot. I hope the boots work, at least there is a glimmer of hope with it. Maybe it is like my neck, if I wear my neck brace for a week it feel so much better when I take it off.
Happy Sunday. I hope our little Miss is doing well and not too hard to keep quiet.
marie adams
04-29-2012, 02:16 PM
I really have been stuck in the non basement just keeping quiet!!;) To much stress with work and getting ready for our annual trip to Mammoth--a little late, but we can still say we haven't missed a year in the past 30 or so years. The daughter has never missed and didn't want to break the tradition.
Addy why did you have to let it slip we sneak out to meet the surfer dudes??? :eek: Now Mom will board up the windows in the non basement--I really didn't realize we had any...:D
I like you way of keeping Bailey quiet--I sure could use some nap time. Before you know it Bailey will be all well. You are doing a great job with her.
Ella is on her way home from her first long road trip--doing pretty darn good for such an active dog. She was a lot more active on the way, but today she is sleeping more. YAY!!! Since I am sitting in the back sit with her--this is a 5.5-7 hours drive depending on traffic.
It is a good thing to have the second opinion on your foot. Good to know it can be on your time schedule. It sure will be nice not to have any foot problems--someday will be here soon!!!:)
We really didn't get much from any of the storms--darn you got it all!!:eek: I do love it after it rains and the garden looks so green and lush--now if the darn weeds didn't like it too!!
Happy Sunday!!!
Hi Sus,
Sorry I have been kind of "mum":o:o Now that it is nice out, I walk Koko and then come back and walk Zoe. By the time I sit down to read through the new posts it is almost time for work.
Lunch time I have been helping look for colleges and researching mom's IBD type symptoms. Always something at my house:rolleyes:
TODAY, out of nowhere it is 79 degrees. My allergies are in overdrive so when I got home tonight I actually put the air conditioning on:eek::eek::rolleyes::rolleyes:
My head is finally starting to clear up. I am hoping it also helps my Zoe.
I have been on pins and needles with these dose changes. Last week I would swear she was finally where she needed to be and this week, it just disappeared and she is exactly how she was before we upped her to 40mgs.:eek::eek::eek:
I am glad Bailey got her staples out. Did you have fun shopping in the big city?
Sorry I have been awol. did you read Carrol's post about her son? So tragic and so sad.
love ya girlfriend,
Bailey's Mom
05-02-2012, 11:30 PM
Hi Addy-
I don't see my earlier post here, but it must be somewhere because you seem to be answering it.
Thank you for letting me know of Carrol's post. It knocks the wind out of me.
I have never been able to log onto facebook. If the reference is not too long could you PM it to me?
I cant log on to facebook either. I'll see if my friend at work can send it to me and then send it to you.
love ya,
Bailey's Mom
05-04-2012, 12:25 AM
Okay-I'll ask Bob to do the same. He cannot log on via the iPad, but he can via his home computer.
Wake up, wake up you sleepy head, its time, its time, get out of bed!!!
Morning Sus!!!!!!!!!!
Wake up, time to go SHOPPING:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Happy weekend!!!!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
05-04-2012, 04:07 PM
I love you, you sweet thing!:D:):cool:
No shopping today.....potting plants in planters................have a great weekend yourself and I'll post a Bailey update a little later.:)
marie adams
05-05-2012, 11:54 AM
So Sorry for being AWOL again, but it was a hectic week for work and classes with Miss Ella.
I hear Miss Bailey got her stitches out---YAY!!!
I wish I was planting--we have been meaning to plant flowers since before Christmas---soooooo busy with life.
How are you feeling?? I hope soooo much better especially your foot.
I have to read about Carrol--did she post here or only on Facebook--which I don't do. :(
Bailey's Mom
05-05-2012, 05:49 PM
Hi Marie!
I don't know who DOES post on Facebook.....other than Bob & Ryan.:confused:
With regard to my health, I am going on Wednesday to the Rothman Institute in NJ. They are nationally known and reported to be very good.:) They have a huge staff. They will either verify my doc's actions, or will have something they can do for me. It's becoming a real problem because we have planned (and paid for)_ a trip to Las Vegas in August. If any surgery is going to be done and for me to have time to has to happen pretty fast. I am so sick and tired of going on vacation and our having to be limited by either my knees or my feet. This has been the case for over 20 years now. :mad::mad::mad::mad::(:(:(
Bailey is doing extremely well. :D One part of one incision has "spread" apart a little bit, but we went to the vet yesterday and he said it's just that they did a better job suturing on the right knee than the left , it is not open. I took her to visit a neighbor/friend that she loves yesterday, so at least she got to see some faces other than Bob and mine! I still have to keep her on a leash and limit her activity. We watch a lot of tv. :(
Have a GREAT weekend!
Bailey's Mom
05-07-2012, 06:58 AM
:D:D:DGood Monday Morning to you Addy!!!!:):):)
I hope you took some time for yourself over the weekend.
How are Koko and Zoe doing today?
I have been up since 2AM when I tried to negotiate the bedroom in the dark, kicked a foot chest at the edge of a corner and then found myself flying across the room. I came down hard on one knee and on my chest. I am kinda wondering if maybe I have a cracked rib. I had gotten up to put my pad into the microwave to warm the beads inside. My neck was really bothering me,,,,,,,,,,,or so I thought. I went back to bed after the fall, but after 1/2 hour it was obvious that was pretty painful and that I would not be falling to sleep there.
Now I am trying to get some desk work done.
Have a Grrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeatttttttttttt Monday!
Morning Sus,
I cracked my rib falling one winter outside at work. It hurt ALOT for six weeks, even when I would breathe. I sure hope you did not do that. Sometimes ice works for me.
I am glad you are seeing a specialist and am hoping you dont have to have another surgery.
Las Vegas sounds like fun, I have never been there. It is good for you to get away.
Glad to hear Miss Bailey is not a handful with the limited activity. They can get bored so quickly.
Zoe goes for her stim this morning. After the bad news Saturday about her cornea still being inflammed, I am kind of down today, expecting more bad news.
Wish I could take hubby and the pups and fly to the south of France for a week. The french do not have quarantine laws. My favorite dream to dream.:D:D:D Maybe one day---------
I have to go into work after the vet today. It has rained for days here, our front yard is flooded.
I picked out a "golf sweater for Koko" and we cant get the pretty blue dress, it has snaps so I picked out a teeshirt material dress to cover her bare skin and then two pretty dresses with knit tops and cotton skirts. They have buttons, not snaps. I'll post the links.
have a great day!!!!!!!!!!! wish us luck today, we need it.
love ya,
Bailey's Mom
05-07-2012, 09:04 PM
Hi Addy!
How did it go today? How did Koko do at the vets?
I just ordered a sweater. In their collection it is navy stripes, white stripes with a white anchor. I asked for the anchor not to be put on and I asked for the white stripes to be yellow. They charged me $23 for a listed price of $28. UNBELIEVABLE!!:D:D:D They'll be getting all my clothing orders. She even asked how long I wanted the sleeves. WOW!!!:D:D:D
Ribs still hurt. Docs office was not open when I called. I left a message. Bob wants to know if I can drive myself to NJ. I said let's wait and see what's going on in the AM.
I need to go fill out pre-visit med forms. Man....they want to know EVERYTHING!!! I should have kept notes, all these years. :(
Hey Sus,
Bailey will look beautiful. I saw that sweater too!!!!! It is so neat they can customize anything just about.
I put my order in this am before work. I sure hope I did it right. Koko got the golf sweater and I got Zoe a tee shirt dress in mint green and another dress with a knit top and cotton skirt attached. I get a bandana with that one for Koko:):). I have to go find the links.
What fun, shopping on line and it is even moe fun waiting for that special package to arrive all the way from Turkey!!!!!:D
I sure hope your ribs get better. Did you try ice? I remember every time I bent down to put harnesses on the pups I gasped.
Have a great day,
love ya,
Bailey's Mom
05-08-2012, 07:55 PM
Hi Addy-
I thought the ribs were better.....but this is too much pain. I'm on the road tomorrow, but I think I'll call my doc to get Rx for x Ray.
I hope your week is going well.
Good idea for the x ray. It may be they are not cracked but badly bruised. Can you take Advil types of meds for pain?
They told me advil every 6-8 hours for pain and apply ice; boy when the ice and advil wore off, it hurt a lot.
Takes about six weeks to heal. My mom cracked hers last summer, she took tylenol.
Feel better Sus
sending BEAR HUGS:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
05-09-2012, 10:52 PM
SIX WEEKS????!!!!!!
Well-I felt much better today, so I nixed the xray request. Yes-Aleve works well for me. I just don't think about taking it. Silly me. :o:o
Went to NJ today to meet a 3rd opinion orthopedic surgeon. It's a 2 1/2 hour drive, but I like him. He has RXd a pain medication patch for the left big toe....and said do not let anyone open that up. It doesn't need it.
For the right toe (#2) we're going with orthotics, so I have to return next Tuesday so their orthotic specialist can do his thing. Then, of course, there will need to be another trip to pick them up.
Meanwhile doc #2s office has already ordered orthotics. There is no way to cancel those, so I'll just go and get them whenever they are ready. I'm going to make like I did not get a 3rd opinion.:p It's a long way to go to NJ, but I get to take a ferry ride!:D
Long, long day. I'm doing way too much driving!! I miss sleeping in.:D
Ferry rides are fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
I sure hope the boots do the trick. Do they come in pretty colors for Summer? I miss wearing pretty shoes. My feet are the typical mess from wearing shoes that do not fit and too many high heels. Now I wear flat Clark shoes. I miss pretty little high heeled shoes RED ONES:D:D:D:D:D
How is Bailey? I hope she is doing well.
Have a wonderful day
Bailey's Mom
05-10-2012, 05:59 PM
Orthotics are inserts for inside the shoes. I think they come in white, sometimes gray, but you don't get to depends on the manufacturer.
Any chance your favorite color is RED??
Ribs are back to hurting today.:( I guess I'll call the doc in the AM and see about an xray. I don't know that they can do anything for split ribs anyway.:confused:
Bailey is wonderful. :):) She is soooooooooooooooooooooo wanting to run. She's going to need to start off with walking. She has lost a lot of the strength in her back legs. We were just sitting out front on the porch, enjoying the breezes. I got a close look at her right leg and now that the hair has grown some, you can't tell where the incision is. I am SOOOOO glad her hair is filling in. :) She looked like she had a bad poodle cut! :eek::eek::eek:
One more day gal.....and then the weekend!~
Any chance your favorite color is RED??
yes, red and yellow with touches of blue:D:D:D:D:D:D
okay, I understand, inserts not boots:o:o:o which is really good because how are you wearing boots in the summer or to VEGAS?;)
nothing they can do for ribs, just time it takes to heal and ice and nsaids or tylenol.
a pain in the rib is a pain in @#$!:D:D:eek::eek:
love ya,
Bailey's Mom
05-11-2012, 10:49 PM
Had an xray today-won't know anything before Monday. How helpful is THAT?????!!!!:mad::mad:
If this (or these) rib(s) aren't broken I will be amazed. Today has been the worst day yet. I am now keeping a heating pad on them, on low heat. That seems to help.
I made a HUGE mistake and spread mulch at the entrance gardens. That's what has gone wrong. I won't make that mistake again.............ever!:eek::o:p:(
Have a WONderful Satidday!
Sus (OUCH)
Dear Susan Ouch:D:D:D;););)
It will get better, just takes time.
Happy Saturday!!!! Do you have plans for Mom Day? I am having everyone here tomorrow so hubby and I are celebrating today as my mom day. Its raining and I had hoped to plant my window boxes. It is our Mom Day tradition.
No more spreading mulch with cracked ribs:eek::eek::eek::eek:
you remind me of me;););););)
anyway, I hope you have a wonderful weekend, enjoy it and I hope the sun is shining down on you.
marie adams
05-12-2012, 11:01 AM
Happy Saturday!!!!
I should be finishing up getting my reports in to my manager, but....I wanted to stop in!!!:p
Please take care of yourself and let yourself healing!!!! THAT IS AN ORDER FROM HEADQUARTERS!!!!!:D
I am so glad Miss Bailey is getting her fur/hair back so her battle scars will not show. How many more weeks till run time??? :D
Have a Happy Mother's Day!!! Do we get to get out of the non-basement to celebrate????:D;)
Bailey's Mom
05-12-2012, 11:51 PM
Hello Addy and Marie Irene!!
Happy, happy Mother's day to you both!!!
PLEASE come out of the nonbasement!!!!! I'll call the surfer dudes, Wally and his girlfriend (didn't he have a girlfriend?) and we'll eat cake and ice cream and pecan pie ALL DAY LONG!!!:D:D:p:)
Addy-Indeed the sun shined today. You could not have asked for a better day. :):) Tomorrow is supposed to be 1/2 and 1/2.
Ryan is here and the three of us went out to dinner. Absolutely horrible was an hour before we got out meal......and then she did not have them right. But I had prime rib and it was very good. It was 8oz according to the menu and it was at least that. That gave me about 4 oz to bring home to my patient. (NOT to be given all at once!)
I hope you are both waited on hand and foot (what the heck does that saying mean?):confused: I hope any children you have, even the ones you might have but not know about (Oh! Wait!!! That only happens to the male of the species.) ;) How could we EVER forget giving birth!!
HUGS and HUGS....and love,
Dear Mom aka Sus,
I just want to tell you that whenever I log on and come here or to Marie Irene's thread, both of you always bring out a huge smile for me. You both mean a lot to me.
Happy Moms Day Sus and Marie and thank you for being my friends.:D:):):):)
love always,
marie adams
05-14-2012, 10:13 PM
Yes, being on both your threads brightens up the day for me!!!
How would I make it through all this stress without you too!!! Especially since we got to get out of the non basement to have cake, ice cream and pecan pie!!!!:D:p:) And you let the surfer dudes come over and everything....I thought Wally had a girlfriend, but with all the traveling he does how can he keep one????? :D
I hope Carrol is doing okay. I figured out it was her older son who died, but since I cannot get on Facebook I do not know any details. I also figured out this son was one of the kids on Shining Station with Thomas the train or something like that. I never watched the show and neither did my daughter. I wish I could help her in any way I can. I miss her so much!!! :(
Your Mother's Day sounds like fun except for the service at the restaurant. We went to an Italian Restaurant in Newport Beach--it was quaint, but noisey--there were 10 of us and you could only barely hear the person next to you, but not across from you. The food was okay, but nothing to write home about.
Happy Monday!!!!:D:p:)
Well, a co worker went on facebook for me but we saw no update or news. She thought if you were not a "friend" you only see a bit of public info so I could not find out anything.
Love you both, late for work,
Bailey's Mom
05-16-2012, 09:40 PM
Wow. I can't believe I could have been enjoying this feeling for three days already. I have to come here more often! :D Thanks Addy. I'm your friend forever......(is that scarey?):eek:
Mom aka Sus
Dear Mom aka Sus,
I just want to tell you that whenever I log on and come here or to Marie Irene's thread, both of you always bring out a huge smile for me. You both mean a lot to me.
Happy Moms Day Sus and Marie and thank you for being my friends.:D:):):):)
love always,
Bailey's Mom
05-16-2012, 10:01 PM
Hi - I figure it's time for a Bailey/recovery update. She continues to do very well. The only concern I have is that it seems to me her legs, from above the knee to well below the knee, were smooth before. Now it's kind of bumpy. I'll ask the doc on the 30th when we go to get discharged (and to RUN again!) :D
She is now bringing me toys wanting to play. The ball. Drops it by my feet and looks at me mournfully. :(
I don't know if I mentioned it, but I was supposed to go with Bob to PA for a family wedding this weekend. I never did really want to go-it meant having to board Bailey for two nights with her still being in recovery from her knee surgery. Well, my fall/badly bruised ribs have gotten me out of going. That means Bailey and I will have 2 days to be together. By ourselves. Without Bob. We might even sneak in a little walk. Shhhhhhhhhhh. Don't say anything. :)
I slept and slept today. I had to go to NJ again yesterday and really scared myself by almost falling asleep at the wheel. A lot.
Next weekend I get to see a friend I've not seen for 25 years. We were very close at the time and have kept in touch since, but don't live near one another any more, so getting together just hasn't happened. She's going to stop by with her husband on a return trip home from visiting her Dad. I'm delighted as all get out, but I can only seem to dread what she may I am heavier.
It was weird because as we got to know one another, we had quite a number of relationships with people and similarity in our lives - it was amazing. She has had a long battle with cancer, but seems to be doing well.
Ryan is moving out of his condo, will try to rent it on his own, and into an apartment near where he grew up. The area has changed a lot and now it is a hot spot for the younger crowd. He feels really out of it out where he lives.....and he always has to drive so far just to see his friends. He can't try to sell the condo because he is WAY under water with his mortgage. He bought it at the peak of the crazy real estate boom.
Ribs are much better. Still using the heating pad some.
It's Thursday almost. You're almost there you little worker bees! Weekend is not far, now!
S & S
Bailey's Mom
05-16-2012, 10:45 PM don't know if the picture is too small to really tell, but this is the sweater I ordered for Bailey and it is finished already! At the neck, there are three buttons. Thank you so much-Addy I think it was-for the Etsy link and the Chantal link. Once here, I'll take a picture of Bailey in it. How exciting! :D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
Bailey's Mom
05-17-2012, 06:29 PM
I just realized this AM that the sweater will make Bailey look like a bumble bee! I had hoped for a soft yellow.
Hey Sus,
I could not open the link, it took me to the Etsy sign in page. I got an email today saying my stuff was enroute:D:D:D:D
I thought Bailey's sweater was blue and yellow. She wont look like a bumble bee.
Can you send me a different link?
love you,
my two:D
Bailey's Mom
05-18-2012, 12:35 AM
Bailey's Mom
05-18-2012, 12:39 AM is direct to Chantal.
I can't look at yours....the link will not work for me. I think that's because it starts with the https..........when there is an "s" on the end like that, it means your connection is secured......
You are is blue. I feel better now.
Not sure how to send it then cause she changed it all.:):) the sweater for Zoe I mean.
Happy Friday!!!!!!! How are your ribs today? I hope a bit less sore.
Alone Weekends are nice, sometimes. Hubby is supposed to go to NYC in July for a family visit. I loook forward to a few me days then.
So have a fun, me weekend!!!!!
Ryan will love exploring a new neighborhood, how exciting for him. I sure hope the housing market improves at some point. So many people are underwater. My daughter's home is borderline. Such a shame. I have noticed a few more sold signs in our neighborhood.
It is so great for you to see an old school chum. My mom still corresponds with her best friend from school. They are both 88:D:D
They graduated in 1942!!!!! It will be fine, who hasnt gained a few pounds? She wont even notice.:):):):):)
Hey if Bob is gone I say PARTEEEEE in the non basement!!!!!!
Cha, cha, cha!!!!
marie adams
05-18-2012, 12:49 PM
I sure hope you are feeling bette!!! Ribs, feet....that is!!
How is Miss Bailey doing?? How many more weeks?? I am gone so much time passes quickly.
I just am all over the place in my head so I don't get to post as I would like.
I love alone weekends!!!:D;) I do not get many of them.
I looked on the Esty site that opened for me--is the one marked Saved for Susan yours? It isn't yellow and blue????
That sure looks like cute stuff, but Miss Ella would destroy it in a second and I mean a second. She ruin a t-shirt on Sunday I cannot replace--ripped a hole right in the middle of the chest--talk about MAD!!!! All over the tortoises. :eek:
Happy Friday!!! Party Time!!!!
Bailey's Mom
05-19-2012, 08:56 PM
Here is a direct link to the sweater website.....
Hi Susan,
Did I tell you I almost ordered that same sweater? I really liked the sweater you got Bailey.
Well, weekend is over, I tried to get a ton of yard work done, did not seem to make a dent:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Hostas are too big now to divide so I was trying to dig up baby hostas and managed to ruin more than a few:eek::eek::eek:
How are your ribs? I hope they are better. Did you have your get together with your old school friend? For some reason I thought that was this weekend or was this your alone weekend? I hope you had the same nice weather we did. In the 80's both days:D:D:D:D
SHHHHHHH- Zoe has not had an accident in the house since last week Sunday. Yup, she peed on my good rug for my Mom's Day present:D:D:rolleyes:;)
How is our Miss Bailey? Ready to rock and roll I imagine. Time seems to go so quickly.
Hubby made the best burgers on the Weber grill. They are stuffed with cheddar cheese and the edges are rolled in cracked pepper. Yummy good!!!!!!!
Wish you could come over to play,
Bailey's Mom
05-20-2012, 09:21 PM
Hi Susan,
Wish you could come over to play,
Me too, Addy! :D This was my alone weekend and it went much too quickly. :( Next Monday (a week from now) is when I get to see my friend. :)
Hostas can be divided anytime. You just wouldn't want to do it when the temps will be in the 80s or 90s. I usually dig the whole thing up and quarter them. If you do it now, they will be better prepared to go through winter.
The sweater I ordered originally came in navy and white with a white anchor on it. I had her "drop the anchor."
Our Friday and Saturday were wonderful days. :) Today was much cooler (60s) and cloudy. :( I went out to get in the hot tub (finally) and in about 15 minutes, it started to rain. :eek: Oh well. I was wet already.
Ribs are better, but still really hurt if I bend over. You'd be amazed at how many things make you bend over.
Little Bailey IS ready to rock and roll. Ten more days. I actually took her for a short walk on Saturday. We're not supposed to do that yet. She gets down steps on her own, which she isn't supposed to do, but going up still bothers she waits for her "ride.";)
I got some chores done.....washed down the garage floor, replaced the carpeting on the garage steps into the house, re-dug a trench for draining, moved an ajuga plant. None of those were in my plans! :confused: The trench digging, which I did sitting on the ground, totally ruined my neck.:mad:..and I did not know it until I was ready to go to bed. :eek: I slept all night with a hot pad on it and today it is back to "normal" which means tolerable pain. I should be the poster child for arthritis!!:eek::mad::(
Addy- how do you prepare the Honest Kitchen stuff and do you combine it with something? I thought I might give it one last try.
Give Zoe a big pat on the head from us! :) Atta girl, Zoe!!:D
I hope your Monday goes well.
Addy- how do you prepare the Honest Kitchen stuff and do you combine it with something? I thought I might give it one last try.
Most of them are complete diets except for one, I dont remember which one but you can still add things if you wish. I add warm water, equal amount to the ry ood and let it sit up for 10 minutes then feed it or smear it in their kongs and refrigerate the rest. It will keep for 48 hours.
I use Embark and Zeal.
not feel too well today, think I have another sinus infection.
Bailey's Mom
05-21-2012, 09:35 PM
I add warm water, equal amount to the ry ood and let it sit up for 10 minute
I'm not familiar with "ry ood".....can you 'splain please?:p;):D
lol, have you never heard of ry food? It is the same as dry:D:D:D
only better:p:p:p;););)
we're off for zoe's stim and I still feel sick, yuk. think I will put a call in to the croaker, I mean doctor:p:p:p
maybe I will just stay home again:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
05-22-2012, 03:36 PM's the day going?
can you believe it, I went to WORK:mad::mad::mad::mad:
for 4 hours, wasnt too bad, I see the doctor tomorrow afternoon.
as usually, I am antsy, nervous wreck about Zoe's stim.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Ginger the Gardener
LOL, I laughed so hard when I read that:):D
I would have thought Mariane and the Professor might have liked gardening. How does Ginger garden in evening gowns and heels?
And why did I immediately think of Gilligan's Island just by reading the name Ginger?
LOL, Sus,
marie adams
05-23-2012, 02:25 PM
We are so programmed to think that--didn't they do a good job of branding????!!!! :D:):p
I hope all is well!!! Are you all healed up?
Miss Bailey well???? :):p
We are good out here. Weather is being nice; so I hope it is a good weekend for all of us!!!
Bailey's Mom
05-23-2012, 02:48 PM
Hi Marie -
Bailey is great.:)...thanks for asking. She hopefully will be "discharged" next Thursday. I've already sneaked in a ball throw or two. (Hmmmmmmmmm...I thought the proper wording was "snuck in". ) It's so nice to keep learning new things. She had been moving a bit strange, but as she gets more healed and more comfortable with herself, she is returning to the romper I know.:)...we just can't let her romp much until next week.:(
I am not all healed up. The rib pain is much decreased, but I still have to be very careful bending over....and it does still twinge when I sit down. :( I expect by next week I'll be back to normal.......whatever that means!:D
It is very warm and very humid here now. It's the humidity that bothers me. It makes my otherwise straight hair, curly.:(
I'm making a quick trip to VA this afternoon. I"m going to try to beat the holiday travelers back.
Squirt's Mom
05-23-2012, 03:12 PM
I've already sneaked in a ball throw or two. (Hmmmmmmmmm...I thought the proper wording was "snuck in". )
This change in our language irks me no end. It sounds like a first-grader when we have to say "sneaked", "lighted" and so on. :p
Bailey's Mom
05-24-2012, 01:18 PM
Thank you!!! It is really annoying when due to poor usage of our language things then become spelled differently. I guess like handwriting, proper language is becoming like the dinosaur.
I guess that means I am old now. I also wish things we as they were in my much simpler.....and friendlier.
Ahhhhh.....for the old days.
marie adams
05-24-2012, 04:07 PM
I agree with the language change. I hate the "me and Mom" instead of "Mom and I".....:rolleyes:
Blame the language problems on texting:D:D
Happy Memorial Day!!!!!! We have rain and then things are supposed to heat up, 90's possibly tomorrow and then more rain Monday.
Hope you had a good day in VA. We are staying home and will be in and out. I asked hubby, can we at least do one "summer" activity each day? So tonight we will patio dine, tomorrow go to Port Washington to see the boats on Lake Michigan and Monday GRILL TIME.
What do you have planned? Something fun I hope:D:D
Bailey's Mom
05-26-2012, 10:12 PM
Happy holiday Saturday!!
I watered the entrance gardens for two hours today. I'm resigning this job this August. I've done this too long now.
Beautiful day here.....sunny, low humidity, 80's. (Low I'd guess)
This evening we went down to the boardwalk bandstand. Every Friday, Saturday and SUnday in the summer they have someone come to make music. Tonight it was the Navy Commodores. A Jazz band. It got too jazz-y for us so we left a bit early. Oh-and I also spent an hour or more in the hot tub......then I decided it needed to be drained, so started that process. Will fill it up tomorrow AM so it's ready for me when I finish planting my ground cover.
Once again (still) I'm trying to straighten up this room. I"m beginning to think I'll take everything that "needs to go somewhere", put it all in a big garbage bag and toss it. If it has "needed to go somewhere (ie: filed or scanned) this long and is still not done, how important can it be? No-can't do that. Wish I could , though.
Have a great Sunday.
Bailey's Mom
05-27-2012, 03:16 PM
Today, while helping me garden, Bailey spotted, about 3 feet away from where she was, a teeny, tiny little baby rabbit. :eek: I had not seen it. She watched it. I think the poor little thing was scared silly, out in the middle of the grass, with no cover to take.:confused::confused::eek: She/he headed back toward the bushes in front of the house and then there went Bailey. Bailey was on a tie-out kind of thing and I had not given her very much room to roam. I picked up the "cord", cautioned her "no" and went to pick her up. Meanwhile she is looking at the bushes, wondering what this little fuzzy thing is and why is it going under her bushes??! :confused::eek: I think their temporary home is there.....not far from the non-basement. Baby bunny got away.:D:cool: Bailey got a ride up the front steps and all was well, once again. :) Of course now anytime Bailey gets a chance to go out front, she heads right for those bushes. :rolleyes:
Such a sweetheart. Love her to death.
Morning Girlfriend, rise and shine!!!!!! It is 6:20 and I am heading out to dig up coral bellls for my daughter:):):):) Last day off so have to make the most of it:D:D:D:D:D:D
I love the story about Bailey and the baby bunny. She will be looking for it every day.
I hope that tropical storm does not come up to your neck of the woods. Sure played havoc for evryone in FL and GA. We are tyo get bad storms tonight.
marie adams
05-29-2012, 11:59 AM
Such a sweetheart. Love her to death.
That is so nice to hear!!!!!:D:):p;) I cannot wait till I can honestly say that.
I am so glad Bailey is feeling so good. Is it time to set her loose? Has her recup time gone by pretty fast?
Ella loves the chase with the bunnies. She is almost as fast as they are.:D:eek:
I hope your weather is still wonderful. Ours is especially when you clean the windows--it just makes the backyard look so green!!!:)
Bailey's Mom
05-29-2012, 10:40 PM
Hallo Marie Irene!
Set Bailey loose day is after tomorrow!!!!!! In some ways, now that rehab is winding down, it has gone quickly. Not so much at the beginning.
Our weather is hot and humid now. Bob says there's a thunderstorm heading our way. Bob's batting average when it comes to weather is not too great, so I'll wait until I see or hear it.
Bailey has not been groomed since before her surgery. I was trying to wait for more the the bare spots from the surgery to fill in, but her nails-time since last groom plus no walking on anything that would wear them down......are getting dangerously long.:eek:
You cleaned windows? It's great when they are freshly cleaned...but how long does that last? Not long around here.
Happy Tuesday! :)
marie adams
05-31-2012, 01:11 PM
Today is Set Bailey Free Day!!!!:D:):p
Ella is really good about having her nails trimmed--the hubby does it because I do not want to cut to close. I remember the time I did Maddie and it bleed a little, but he did it one time it bleed a lot!!:eek: I am in charge of the other grooming part--a running target. Cookies help with the brushing out--which I don't have to do that often unless I want more fur in the house. I can never seem to keep ahead of it--cannot figure where it all comes from since she still has fur on her body. :eek::D It takes all 3 of us to bath her in the back yard in her little pool and warm water from the garage sink.
The windows stay clean for a little while, but the salt air, dirt from the wetlands (people walking their dogs and themselves), and of course Ella does a number on them. I have permanent water marks on the windows I think it is etched in. The windows have been in since 1975 when the house was built. I really want new windows, step at a time.
I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!
MOM, everyone in the pool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D: D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Are you sitting in the hot tub, just enjoying the water? Maybe you took a trip with out me and Marie:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Its a beautiful day, rise and shine
Bailey's Mom
06-03-2012, 12:59 AM
You caught me! I spent an entire hour dozing in the hot reduced temperature. I got sun on my face and body and it really helped my neck which has really been giving me a hard time.:):)
I wouldn't take a trip without you two. Gosh no.:D
All my dogs nails have always been black. I tried cutting nails on Peaches and since they're black, you can't see where the quick is. I wasn't willing to risk cutting her and then her yelping and me being so nervous. I usually just have them clipped at grooming time.
HEY!!! Nobody wished me a happy birthday!!! :(:( It was Thursday. The day we went to Annapolis to get Bailey discharged. She had a glowing report from the surgeon. He is very pleased with her recovery. We're working now on getting back up to speed on chasing balls and climbing up some stairs. She has going down worked out. She just can't jump on the sofa or go up her stairs at our bed. If she hesitates, I pick her up. She has made it up the stairs to this room twice. That alone will build her muscles back up.
I spent a wonderful hour in the hot tub, at reduced temperature, on Friday. It was absolutely wonderful. That is my pool. :D I even have an inflatable raft so I can just float in there. It just fits into the hot tub, so I won't be going very far.:rolleyes:
Hope the weekend is going well for everyone. You still have another whole day!!
marie adams
06-03-2012, 08:23 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY a few days late---so sorry!!!! :):D:p;) I hope the weekend has been a continuous birthday celebration!! My daughter's birthday was Friday. I should remember this next year.
Where is the calendar that tells us all our birthdays??? Hello!!!:D
Good report for Miss Bailey!!!
Happy Sunday!!!
Bailey's Mom
06-03-2012, 08:37 PM
Yes.....WHERE is THAT calendar??????????
awwww dang it:mad::mad::mad::mad:
i hate it when that happens:(:(:(:(
i dont like missing birthdays for VIPS:o:o:o:o:o
so- lets pretend it is still your birthday, we are all on that wonderful cruise, sailing toward St Thomas, all Hands on deck:
Happy Birthday to YOU
We love you we DO
Harley PoMMom
06-05-2012, 07:34 PM
Happy belated Birthday, Susan!!!
Sorry I am sooo late with this message...sending huge and loving hugs, Lori
Bailey's Mom
06-07-2012, 01:09 AM
Thank you guys. It's kind of fun having a birthday spread out over a week. Brings a smile to my face. :D:)
Bob leaves in the AM for VA for 2-4 days to help Ryan with his move. (No heavy stuff....movers will do that.) That gives Bailey and I 2-4 days to pahteeeeeeeeeee! :cool::D;):)
All hands on deck..........get outta the nonbasement.....I'll contact the surfer dudes.......ahoy maties!!! Bring your own beverages!!
The ladies.
marie adams
06-07-2012, 01:28 PM
I am on deck, but I will need help getting all the beverages out of the non-basement--this will be a great pahteeeeeee!!! :D:):p;)
I have one word
okay, that was two words
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to
Bailey's Mom
06-07-2012, 10:40 PM learn something new every day! :) I had to look up Pimms Cup.:rolleyes:
Marie Irene, I'll help you carry stuff up out of the nonbasement.:D
Bailey's Mom
06-09-2012, 07:52 PM
I have seen references to white spots on some of the doggies. Bailey has recently developed some white spots. Does anyone know the cause for this? Should I go see the vet about it?
Hey Sus,
Sorry to hear about your concerns. What kind of white spots? Do they look like pimples? Do they look hard? What size? Where are they? How many?
Sorry I have been awol, had my hands full and ran out of steam:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Morning sleepy head!!!! Did you ever figure out Bailey's white spots?
It has been in the 90's here so I imagine that heat made it to your neck of the woods.
Been crazy here, running to try to finish up mom's condo, brother is being weird:eek::eek::eek: back and forth to vet with my Koko and work tried to kill me again with glue fumes:mad::mad::mad: Youngest granddaughter has decied she is moving in for the summer so she can practice her swimming lessons:rolleyes::rolleyes: Trying to help oldest one find a college.
Feeling very sad with so many pups going to the bridge, takes the wind out of my sails because I dont think Zoe is doing well. It all hits home rather hard so have been needing a break from it all.
Went for my physical- doctor was not thorough and nothing was resolved.
Sure wish I could stop by and have a lattee with you:D:D:D:D
That is all the news here so make sure you fill me in on you and Bailey.
Are you planning any summer trips? A wak along the beach would probably be delightful in the heat.
CHA, cha
Bailey's Mom
06-23-2012, 10:33 PM
Hi Addy-
Sorry for the delay.....I just got up,......(NOT!!!):rolleyes::);):D
We were indeed in the upper 90' we're in the 80's.:cool:
Bailey's spots look kind of like little spots where it does not have pigmentation. I hadn't noticed it before and I've not looked since I posted this.....they are not pink nor or they raised. Next time we go into the vet for something I'll ask and let you know. Hopefully that will be awhile, though.
We have a trip planned in mid August to go to Las Vegas. We had a week from our time share that we needed to use or lose. We went to Vegas five years ago but mostly did the "Vegas thing." This time, feet permitting, we hope to do some the grand canyon, red river rock (?) and Hoover Dam. We do have tickets to see Celine Dion. She is closing out this cycle of shows there and I wanted to be sure to see her. We saw her 5 years ago and she puts on quite a show.
Until the feet get better, walking on the beach doesn't work too well. I can cross the beach to get to where I want to be, but the sifting of the sand causes me problems. Did I tell you I was seeing a foot doc in NJ? Well, they have made me some orthotics that seem to be helping. It's a 2 hr 45 minute drive for me, but if it fixes my feet, it is well worth it. The local doc also made me orthotics (they were both done around the same time) and those one's don't work well. It puts me in kind of a pickle as to which one to "pick." A friend suggested I use the local doc for small stuff and leave the big stuff to the NJ place. I kind of have to tell the local doc I've gotten better orthotics elsewhere because if I tell her they aren't working she may try to make another pair. I actually found a pair of regular ol store bought shoes that work pretty well without the inserts. They're made by SAS. They seem to have the support I need. They are rubbing in a couple of places, so I need to stretch those spots out.
So do you want to compare WEIRD brothers? I bet I win!!:D
Enjoy your weekend. Give Zoe a big ol hug from me and a sloppy kiss from Bailey.
Bailey's Mom
06-24-2012, 10:07 PM
Upon inspection, there are no white spots. 'tis a mystery!! :confused:
marie adams
06-27-2012, 09:28 PM
I have been a little MIA because I no longer have a laptop because it was work's and they wanted it back.:mad: Since I am on a leave they don't let you keep it--I think they have learned that once you go on a leave like mine we tend to not come back.:p My only computer is upstairs and I don't make a lot of time to work on it. I am trying to get organized but since there is no time table I am being a little lazy.:D I am hoping to get an iPad for the birthday, but I doubt it.
I sure hope those orthotics work for a long time. The vacation sounds like fun!!!
I think my ex-brothers in law might take the cake...they are even ex-brothers to my husband.....:eek:
The weather has been just beautiful--sunny in the mornings--no June gloom.
It wasn't me that made that loud noise--probably the surfer dudes trying to see if we were partying...:p;)
How is the leave of absense going? Does every day feel like Friday?
Sorry to hear about your laptop. That is no fun. It is hard to have to go to a designated room;):D:D:D I was so glad I bought laptop for that very reason. I knew I would not sit in the den at a computer, epsecially when I am on a computer all day at work.
How is Ella? I watched agility competion over the weekend on TV. They had a standard poodle run the course, a lab and then mostly herding breeds. A few Aussies and some border collies did really well.
Enjoy your weekend!!!!!
IS IT HOT???????????????????????????????????????
It will be a hot time in the old town tonight!!!
Keep cool
Bailey's Mom
07-01-2012, 10:18 PM
Looking for similar experiences:
Not infrequently, Bailey vomits. By not infrequently I mean 2 -3 times a month.
Tonight she came back from a walk, in 86 degree heat, and came running upstairs to see me. Within a few minutes, here come the stomach rolls. All of her dinner and anything else since afternoon came back up. She moved 2 feet and repeated this action. She moved 6 feet and spit up just a little and, finally she moved another 6 feet and spit up the size of a 4" circle. As Bob and I frantically tried to get all the stuff up before it ruined the carpet, she starts running around. The "You can't catch me..........lahdedahdedah....!" How in the world she wanted to run after all that is beyond me. We mentioned this to the vet once and it was dismissed.
Now there are two likely culprits.....well, three,
1. she had a bite of smoked sausage, which is very greasy.
2. she ate something like a twig outside.
3. I had just given her, right before she went for a walk, a Kong filled with the dried food which you reconstitute from The Honest Kitchen, it was frozen. and she has never had that, and eaten it, before. She has always turned up her nose.
I've not had a doggie who got sick as often as this one does. After it's over, she bounces back very fast.
By the way-for those keeping an eye on Bailey, she has taken a huge leap from puppy-dom to being all grown up. She has settled down a lot. She is beginning to listen ,AND FOLLOW, training. I think the knee surgery and its recovery took a toll on her. She is only now getting back the strength in those back legs. There are still leaps she won't make just up the doggie stairs to the bed. But-with such a long recovery, and being carried EVERYwhere, she has acquired some much needed settling down.
Ideas for the sickness?
marie adams
07-06-2012, 01:48 PM
Hello There from your MIA buddy.:D
I hav no answers on the throwing up, but it could be something she ate that doesn't agree with her. Sometimes Ella does this, but not as much as Bailey. We just say "it's Ella!":rolleyes:
I was thinking how long it will be when Ella is two--9 months. I do see calming down, but she is still a booger. Very independent and loves the chase me if you can game.:eek:
I am sorry for being gone--just so hard to get time to play on the computer. And when I am on it to do some serious things like sue my contractor for not getting my deck coating repaired after 2 years of waiting.:mad::mad: I don't want to go this direction, but when he is now stating we need to share in the blame--hello I wasn't the one who chose the subcontractor who was a flake and didn't install the system according to the specs of the manufacturer. I have a report from the rep who took a sample of the deck coating system and said it was basically installed incorrectly and that is why we have cracking with has lead to water leaking/damage. We have never been really able to use the deck and no furniture as of yet.:mad::(:eek: All this since late fall of 2010--about the same time I found out Maddie had Cushing's--add both of these stress' together and what do you get????
I hope you had a great 4h of July. Fireworks do not bother Ella--YAY!!!! How does Bailey do with them???
Miss you a lot!!! ((((HUGS))))
Hi Susan!!!
We could not believe it yesterday when we checked the temperature. I called the kids and they showed up in five minutes!!!!!
What a summer!!!!
Missed you
Bailey's Mom
07-09-2012, 09:50 AM
Whew! I thought you gals had run away from the nonbasement. I'm very glad to hear from both of you. :)
We are thinking Bailey's getting sick is from the heat. We are taking her on shorter walks and working on giving her more exercise indoors.
I've been trying to get the hot tub down to 92 and I can't get it below 98. :eek: That's not very refreshing. I have to change the water, so maybe today I'll get to enjoy the cool tub."
I'm off to go to Wilmington. There is a place there that makes the BEST black bean soup.....and I'll be there right about lunch time!:D:D
Sus, that is so funny that my pool is the temperature you want your hot tub!!!!:D:D:D
The last time our pool was 92 was the day our Kayla was born, we forgot to turn off the heater:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I hope you had a fun day!!!!!
molly muffin
07-10-2012, 05:48 PM
92! gads, and I thought ours at 89 was hot! LOL It's perfect for me!
marie adams
07-17-2012, 02:27 PM
I remember the beginning of summer when my daughter was born. Our pool at the time was up to 82 and I thought that was too hot.
I hope you gets some reprieve from the hot weather.
We are doing okay with the weather, but I wonder sometimes if it is the humid weather that make me sweat or it just ME!!!:eek::D
I hope everything is good other than being so darn hot. So glad Bailey is getting freedom with a new fence!!!:)
Bailey's Mom
07-17-2012, 08:42 PM
Miss Bailey got her back yard enclosed with a fence today. She is running free with the wind! She wants to know why it took us 18 months to get this in place. She is sooooooooooooooo happy!
Bailey's Mom
Hi Sus,
I hope you and Bailey are enjoying the fenced in yard and the rain we just had is off to visit your house.
I was thinking maybe the eating and then walking in the heat may have bothered Bailey. Koko is my throwing up dog. He is forever trying to eat sticks.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Enjoy the rain!!!!
We love you Susan, oh yes we do
We love the things you say, the things you do
We love you Susan, we DOOOOOO
Oh Susan we love you
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D
marie adams
07-26-2012, 01:45 PM
Ditto from me - not as good of a singer as sister Addy!!:D
Bailey's Mom
07-26-2012, 11:44 PM
:o:o:o:o:o:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::):):):):) ;););););):D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Hey Mom, happy Monday!!!!!!
how is the knee? is it still kicking;)
love ya
Bailey's Mom
07-30-2012, 10:55 PM
Happy Monday Addy. I had my bone scan today. My appt with my surgeon in next Tuesday. That is when I will find out exactly what we are talking about, officially. It is not a pretty picture. Bob is being my knight in shining armor and is helping out wherever he can. I have calmed down considerably. What is, is.
How is it going on your end? How is Zoe, Koko and your Mom (not in that order necessarily.)
Missing you, of course. :)
I hope the picture turns a bit prettier. I guess we have to wait for the bone scan. I'm praying for good news.
Kudos to Bob. Husbands can be a good thing:D:D:D;);) They do come in handy.
Cuddle with sweet Bailey in the mean time. She will be happy to do that with you, I;m sure.
Love ya girlfriend
marie adams
08-02-2012, 02:00 PM
Yes husbands do come in handy.
I hope the surgeon has good news that it won't be very involved so you have a quick recovery and hardly any pain!!!:o
You have such adventures---NOT!!!!:D
We are hanging in here in CA--weather has been staying nice with a little humidity.
Hang in there....:)
Tuesday is almost here. I am counting down the days with you, only a few more to go.
Maybe we should have a party on the beach before you go. The surfer dudes will cheer you up and I am sure Wally will take you for a ride.
Love ya Sus
Bailey's Mom
08-05-2012, 09:24 PM
I've lost 11 pounds since this started happening. Bob and I were going to go to a Guild Art show in Wilmington today and I just couldn't make it. My stomach has gone awry!
Today is year #2 for missing Palmer. This summer stinks, if you ask me.
Thanks for lookin' in on me, Addy.
Love ya too
marie adams
08-06-2012, 02:27 PM
So sorry on the year two of missing Palmer. I was thinking how it will be 2 years in January for us too. :(
I wish you were feeling better. I wish I could lose 11 pounds but not have the stomach problems. Please take care of yourself!!! That is orders from headquarters which is down in the non-basement.:D
Bailey's Mom
08-06-2012, 03:35 PM
Thanks Marie Irene. Stomach is finally settling down some.
The sump pump has been working like crazy. I hope you and your sister Addy are keeping you feet dry down there. I never saw any "Light bugs" this year....did you? I wonder if they've switched to hcl?
Need them ((((HUGS)))) so right back atcha!!! :)
tried to make this pretty but my fingers are not working
Bailey's Mom
08-07-2012, 04:53 PM
My stomach has settled down. I actually wanted lunch today. And eating it has not upset my applecart.
October 1st is the new day to dread. It will be "just like the other knee surgeries." 3 days in the hospital; 2 weeks with at home PT; then PT out of the home.
I did find out my prothesis is a Level 5. The 1-4 Levels only last 10 - 15 years. Mine, I should be so lucky, will last 20 - 25 years. He could Level 5 because I have great bones. I already knew that. My bone scans are always impressive to those who know how to read them. It's all that buttermilk I drink!! So that's a load off my mid...I thought that was coming up in 3-5 years.
He is NOT making me wait. He is already booked through to April 1 but he told me tell him when I wanted it done and he would do it. If I wanted it done tomorrow, he would do it. I told him we had a vacation planned in two weeks for a week, so how about September 15th. The best offer I got was October 1st and I didn't push it.
As an added bonus ("Come on down Sally Mae!!").....he can convert the left one to a rotating platform which is what the right one is. The right one has been a success from the start. The left one has been a problem from the start.
So that is less than 8 weeks away and that gives me a comfortable amount of time to get "my affairs in order." Paperwork all done, gardening up to snuff, etc.
It's funny-I was going to send you a message this AM asking you to please come along, sitting on my shoulder.....and here you were! You're such a sweetie.
Man am I worn out! Early to bed tonight!
Love you,
I am always sitting on your shoulder, sweet friend:D:D:D:D
Well, it does not sound toooo bad. We will think positive. You will be fine.
Now, you better keep eating or Mr. Crayfish next door wont be able to try to oogle you when you are in the hot tub, you'll be so darn skinny, he wont find you with his binoculars:D:D:D
And the surf dudes told Sister Marie Irene they like a gal with some meat on her bones:D:D:D
Did Mr Crayfish decide he likes skinny girls and you guys took off?
Did the surfer dudes show up and you partied too hearty?
Did Bob decide he was going to sweep you away?
I sure the heck hope you are not sick in bed.
Did you and Marie Irene go to the mall without telling me?
MOM, OH MOM, are you OK
Bailey's Mom
08-11-2012, 04:10 PM
Oh my dear sweet little Addy. :o I guess forgot to tell you ahead of time and I could not get onto the internet on my ipad while I was away.....for why, I have no idea---it wasn't for lack of trying!:mad:
I went to VA to visit 3 close friends. It was too much to do in the amount of time I had. I also had errands to run over yonder in the big city. My bottom is permanently imprinted with the car seat pattern on it. I am just wiped out. Oh how I wish I had done any one of those things you mentioned! One of those friends is 92 and sometimes I just get feelings that I should go see people, while I can. I've had that feeling with her. She is very healthy. Nothing is expected, but I hadn't seen her in probably two years and while we keep in touch on the phone, it was time to see her smiling face! :D She has moved a little further south so it's about a 4 hour drive, just makes it a real trip. :(
I got a lot done....a bunch of little odds 'n ends. Stopping in here for this and in there for that. Asking a guy in this store how to do this and ordering sun clips for my glasses.....which I had to leave there and Ryan will have to pickup. We leave for Las V. one week from today. Actually-we'll probably be there by now. Ah yes-We get in at 10:16 Las V time-we'll be all slathered up with suntan lotion and splashing around in the pool!:):D:D
Bailey got groomed earlier this week. She is lucky she has the markings she has. They save her often. Those cute little ash blonde eyebrows. You can't get mad at her when she flashes those at you!!
I just ordered from Wal-Mart a rollator. It is kind of like a walker but it has wheels and a seat. I think if things get markedly worse in LV it might enable me to get around and see more than I would be able to do if I didn't have it. I'm having it shipped to the LV Wal-Mart store. It should be there by the time we get there. We won't have to hassle with it through security on the way out and if we don't like it, we can just return it there. Pretty smart, eh?? :D:D:cool::cool:
I think I need to make another trip to the NJ foot guy before I let them mess up my knee. Left big toe is not happy again. And I don't care what the guy who did this says.....about it being fused and it can't is indeed making a marked move to the left and encroaching on my #2 toe. Mr. #2 is hot happy about that at all!!:mad::(:mad:
How is Zoe? How is Kudjo? How is your Mom? Most important, how is Addy?
You sound great!!!!:D:D:D
LV, huh? Send me a picture of an Elvis impersonator:p:p Always wanted to see one not via TV.:D:D:D
I am still laughing at your generous donation to our vet fund. I cracked up because I did not expect to see that post:D: An unexpected supriseD:D Thank you for making me laugh hysterically;):D:D It felt realy good.
Yes, I think your plan for the rollator is awesome and should work. Good thinking girlfriend:D:D:D:D I hope your trip is wonderful and not too too hot in the weather department.
love and hugs
I love you Gimpy:):):):)
Dont feel bad, you have nothing to feel bad about.:):):):)
marie adams
08-13-2012, 06:15 PM
Dearest MOM/Susan!!!
Yay!!! You might be all new soon!!!:D It is good you will get the new knee before April--wow, I just couldn't see you waiting and in pain that long. It will be here before you know it!!!
Happy vacation!!! Good thinking on the rollator--it will make the vacation more enjoyable for you....
I think about you guys all the time, but just don't get to the computer--I need an ipad too.
Addy, Mom didn't have time for the mall with me and she didn't want a permanent car seat pattern with more travel time!! :D
Surfer dudes and a party--did I miss something????:eek:
Lots of HUGS!!! ((((()))))
Bailey's Mom
08-14-2012, 03:15 PM
Oh Marie Irene, how we miss thee. ;) How is Miss Ella doing? :confused: :rolleyes:
I'm leaving on Friday to meet up with Elvis and the Jersey Boys and Celine Dion in Las Vegas. I'm trying to get the surfer dudes to tag along. Marie-surely you can meet us's less than 1/2 way for you. Maybe Addy can swing down and we can all gamble together. We could break the bank and win a car as well. (I don't gamble. I HATE losing.:mad::mad:)
If they told me I had to wait until April, I think I'd be doing my own knee surgery!!!:eek::eek::eek:
Lots of HUGS!!! ((((()))))
Bon voyage
what happens in Vegas stays on the forum:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
oops, I mean stays in Vegas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
08-19-2012, 01:35 AM
Not a great start. Got up @4:30AM to get ready for. 6:15 shuttle to airport. Got out of the shower and had a review of last night's dinner from both ends. Missed the first shuttle, but made the next one. Made it to boarding where they had already started to board. Luckily my cane let's us go to the front of the lines. Sat at gate for almost an hour without explanation. Haven't felt well all day. Finally got some breakfast to stay down around 4 PM est time. Ate some soup around 9. I'm wondering if this prosthesis is developing an infection. I think I'll make an appt for ASAP when we get back. I've been sick of one form or another for 10 days now. I tried to see my doc on Fri. But found she's on vacation.
Off to bed now. Oh! Got to this place @3PM pst & were told the room MIGHT be ready by 5. I sure Hope tomorrow goes better!!:confused::mad:
Tomorrow will be better, dear Sus, sorry it started out with a rough patch:(:(
Warm, stale ginger ale and crackers:):):) I remember my sister in law on an international flight, similar situation, and warm stale ginger ale and crackers saved her;)
get well real quick!!!!
Bailey's Mom
08-19-2012, 05:04 PM
Well-ice water, a banana and now some pnut butter crackers. Still queasy. At least I slept well and long. I hope Bailey is having a better time @ camp! Celine Dion tonight! I'm going to that no matter what!!:D
It's very hot here. What a surprise. :rolleyes: Sure is brown. I don't think I'll move here. :rolleyes:
Can you come here and give me a hug?? ;);)
(((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs, big hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I never thought of Las Vegas as brown, is it usually brown or did they have a drought too?
You will LOVE Celine!!!!!!
Ice water for upset tummy is a no no, find some ginger ale. Vegas should have ginger ale;););););););)
((((((((((((((((((((((((more hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Bailey's Mom
08-20-2012, 02:40 AM
Okay, okay.....I'll pick up Gale tomorrow. I finally was able to eat a thinly sliced turkey sammich on rye wit a touch of mayo & lettuce. It's staying down but my tummy isn't happy.
Celine's show was a full 2 hours with no intermission. Great show, of course. Best part was when she started this song with "her" on stage as a hologram. Then Bob told me to look over my right shoulder.....and there she was.......3 feet from me!!!! She sang a duet with herself....right in front of me. Made my day, week, month, year AND decade!!! (I must sound pitiful.) She didn't seem as peppy as I am used to seeing her, but maybe I was projecting how I feel onto her.
Addy, hanks for the great hug. I think L. V. Is usually brown. It is the desert.
I don't know what we'll do tomorrow, but I'm going to take you along on my shoulder. It's going to be 100 all week. Meanwhile it's 80 back home. Sighhhhhh.
Off to eat some saltines.
The sickly one
I cant call you Gimpy and Sickly One !!!:D:D:DI hope today you are a bit better:):):):) I am so sorry you have felt icky Sus.:(:(
That had to be sooo cool to have Celine and a hologram right in front of you:D:D:D:D Would have made my year too!!!! Two hours is a great show
Did you get to see any of the shows outside? Last night I watched HGTV and they had vacation homes in Las Vegas. I have never been to Vegas, but the views of the Strip were amazing. Some of the hotels look unreal.
Enjoy Monday!!!
Bailey's Mom
08-21-2012, 03:25 PM
Saw more of Red Rock today. Beautiful colors. Very striking. A friend is a geologist and i'm going to ask him how the colors get layered like that. Also, how are there these huge mountains and then these vast valleys of flat desert land? And I do mean FLAT! We saw 4 mules, that's what we think they were, near the end of the park scenic drive. One, a female, looks to be about to have a baby. Took lots of pictures and some videos.
Do you think Bailey is okay?
Haven't needed the scooter, or whatever it is called. We're going to return it and get one when we're home. I really like the idea for post surgery.
We see Jersey Boys tonight. Heading' for the pools for the afternoon.
Do you think Bailey is okay?
No reason to think otherwise:):):):):)
Probably just missing you. Enjoy the show tonight:D:D:D:D
watch out, incoming hugs
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))) )))))))))))))))))))))))0
Bailey's Mom
08-22-2012, 03:05 PM
Hey!! It's raining!! AND ONLY in the 70's!!!
No pool, yet. No Grand Canyon yet. No Hoover Dam yet.
Jersey Boys were GREAT. Fantastic show. I had not expected to enjoy it that much.
4 more sleeps 'till I see Bailey!!!:o:D:D:D
molly muffin
08-22-2012, 03:31 PM
Yay! glad you are having a good time!
Isn't Jersey Boys the best!!! Loved it
We want all the details. Betcha if Bailey could count would be saying the same thing! 4 sleeps till mom!
Hope you are feeling better too!
Girlfriend, you cant miss Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon !!!!!!!:eek::eek:
Little Miss Bailey will be all over you when you get home:):):):)
It sounds like you are feeling better. My daughter has had a similar bug since the weekend.
I hope you took lots ofpictures. Did you get my pix of the Elvis impersonator? Huh Mom, did ya, did ya;);););););)
Hey, did you check around for Carrol? She could still be doing her gig there:D
have fun!!!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
08-23-2012, 02:58 AM
Hi Sharlene & Addy!!
Elvis was behind us in the car rental line...but I did not get a picture, nor did I get a picture of Woody (Toy Story) or Mario (Mario Bros.). Plus there are show girls with all these feathers walking around all over the place.
Hoover Dam is on for tomorrow. Hopefully the pools will fit in as well, otherwise why did I pay for a pedicure? Today LV got 6 months of rain in 1 day. All kinds of records were broken. Massive flooding. We kind of mostly chilled. It was the first day I felt mostly THREE WEEKS!!!
No sign of that silly Carrol. Or of Wally. Or of Marie Irene. :eek:
Tomorrow we see Cirque de Soleil. There is another show here...something like The Wedding. You go just like you're a guest. You are served dinner & cake. There's a huge family fight, etc. it's supposed to be a riot. Bob only told me about it last night, or I would have gotten tickets. It's a huge hit.
I called and checked on Bailey today. She's doing just fine. Eating well. They are playing with her. Told me she wants to be held, DUH!!!:p::):D
Time to go nite, nite.
3 more sleeps!
The wedding show sounds like so much fun!!!!!!!! Who puts it on?
Cirque will be amazing, I love watching on TV so can only imagine seeing the show live:):):):):)
Rain in the desert???? Record rain, flooding not a good vacation thing;)
I am so glad you are feeling better, it is about time. I am ordering bubble wrap so I can wrap you up and keep you healthy;):)
I think Marie Irene is having fun on her leave of absence which is a great thing. She'll be around soon. I hope she is not having trouble with Ella's allergies.
Just a few more days till cuddle time. I love your new moniker "Bailey & Co":D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Much better than Gimpy or Sick One
marie adams
08-25-2012, 10:04 PM
I have arrived!!!! Would I miss out on fun??????:D:D:D I want to go to the shows--I never get to do fun stuff like Mom.....:D
Yes we had rain too, but nothing like LV and our deserts. Ours was a light mist type, but got everything wet.
I know about cuddle time--Ella is always wanting attention--so much so that every time I am in the backyard with the tortoises she wants to bite at them--even draws blood sometimes on their heads--today it was close to an eye!!!!:eek::mad: It seems like she reacts this way mostly with me and the tortoises. My husband usually doesn't have a problem. He says she owns me!!!!:eek::confused:
Allergies--went to the vet last Saturday because of hot spots she pulled the fur out of....he strongly suggested I get the blood test done for the allergies--we did that Tuesday and it will take 7 -10 days for results. He said it might be possible it is the down feathers from our comforter and pillows. :eek:
I am sooooo glad you are feeling so much better!!!!:):)
Hope you did not get lost in the Grand Canyon!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:
Enjoy the rest of your trip.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
08-27-2012, 12:08 AM
Hello and here's lots of huggggssss ((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))
I sent one last post, but I was falling asleep as I tried to finish it up and I guess it disappeared into sleepy land. The iPad has its advantages, but it has a lot of down sides to it, too.
We did get to the HDam. It is very impressive what those folks did way back when. All at $4/day. And they were happy to have the job. It was a rough outing for me. Hard on my knee. Got to the pool but not in it, except for one foot. It was too late.
Next day we "did" Grand Canyon and the skywalk. I'm glad we went, but I think the skywalk is way overrated. I'd rather have gone through the National Park portion. Next time Celine comes back, we'll go there.
We got home and just got into the house, carried everything inside and up came a thunderstorm which knocked out the power.......for 12 hours. We have an alarm system and when the power goes out, the alarm system beeps forever and forever until the power returns. There is no way you can stop it. So no a/c, lots of beeping going on, and the ABSOLUTE WORST lightening and THUNDER I have ever experienced in my life. :eek::eek: If you have never experienced a thunderstorm at the ocean, you have never experienced a thunderstorm. And it went on and on and on. And poor little Bailey was down there at the kennels in her lonely little cage. I felt so badly for her. Then, the street flooded.....the 2nd worst flooding we've ever experienced while here. Fortunately it subsided fairly quickly so we could get out @8AM and go get Bailey, still with no power. The only downside to her stay was a bit of a fall-back to the biting when playing. That has mostly been corrected now. She has hung with me all day. We have been either playing ball or napping.:)
I guess I have stomach issues. Acid reflux returned. I see the doc on the 6th for my pre-surgery checkup. I can't really move it up-it has to be done within 30 days of surgery. :(
Addy-I don't know who puts on "The Wedding." Bob says it was on Broadway for awhile. Did the bubble wrap come yet? I really think I need it! I ate chicken noodle soup for dinner tonight. That was all for today. I have lost 15 lbs. At least I'm getting SOMEthing out of this.
Well, power is back on, house is cooled down, beeping has stopped and suitcases are unpacked. Stuff still needs to be put in its proper place, but for now I think it's time for some real sleep in my own bed, with Bailey by my side.
I hope everyone has a great start to a brand new week!!:D:D
Love and hugs and woofs,
-Bailey & Co
I sure hope you and Bailey snuggled and slept all night. What a homecoming, a storm and no power:(:(:( Though your description of the storm sounds dreamy to me. I love storms and fog horns, dunes and the sea, all that Cape Cod kind of stuff:D:D:D:D
Maybe they will find something with your pre surgery check up. It is worrisome to me you have lost so much weight. The bubble wrap cannot come soon enough!!!!!!!
Dear Sus, please take care of yourself and rest and relax for the week. Maybe you need that now. As hubby would say "you need to build up your strength!!!!!"
marie adams
08-27-2012, 07:49 PM
MOM'S BACK!!!!!!:D:D:D
I know what you mean about the Hoover Dam--amazing what they did back then with building. It also amazes me the few times I have been to Manhattan and all the skyscrapers and how they were built and still look beautiful.
Please, Please take care of yourself!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
08-28-2012, 02:39 AM
Wake up sleepy head!!!! It is a beautiful morning:D:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
08-29-2012, 09:07 AM
Yes!!!!! Here as well!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
Heart doc (pre-surgery routine) and tummy doc today. HOORAY!
Take care, Miss Addy. Bailey sends Zoe and Koko a resounding Woof!
molly muffin
08-29-2012, 09:30 AM
Good results at the doc's today! Enjoy the sunshine! It's beautiful here too.
"it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood, would you be mine, could you be mine It's a neighborly day in this beauty wood, a neighborly day for a beauty, would you be mind, could you be mine"
yes I know..Mr. Rogers! LOL
good day to all
Sharlene and Molly
Bailey's Mom
08-29-2012, 02:46 PM
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, I wish you lived in the neighborhood, would you like to be my neighbor?
I guess this is like the game of telephone.;)
Oh the fun is just beginning.:rolleyes:
Now I may have either a gastric virus or possibly a peptic ulcer.:eek: I am anemic. :( Guess that explains the no energy, always tired. :( Next Tuesday I get to have an endoscopy, my first ever of those.:( No wait.....I get to talk to the nurse practitioner. Then if I pass her "test" I get to make an appt for the endoscopy. :(:( Still to eat soup and no dairy. We are planning on going to Florida next May and I figure I'll be able to fit into a size 2 bikini! I'm 5'9", having lost 1" somewhere along the way and the smallest adult size I've ever worn is a size 12. HA!!!! :cool::cool:
I think I'll donate my body to science..........or maybe the bubble wrap industry.
Okay, we cannot have an invisible mom:eek::eek::eek:
what about non dairy ensure? could you drink that?
I had an endoscopy. They give you this twilight drug and you dont remember anything:D:D;):p My last recall was of them telling me to lay on my side and swallow some tube. Of course I told them I could not, they were nuts and after that I woke up in recovery with no memory of anything, slept the rest of the day when I went home.:D:o
How about boiled, plain white potatoes, no skin, no butter and canned peas? When my Gerd gets really bad, I go on a carb diet, no meat, just potatoes, rice and bread, no fruit, no veggies except canned peas. Would that work?
Did they give you prescription zantac or pepcid or something for your tummy?
I'll just have to come and be your nurse.:D:D The way things are going at work, I may find myself with a lot of time on my hands:rolleyes:
marie adams
08-31-2012, 12:18 PM
You should write a book on the many adventures of ailments because I know you will put a hilarious spin on it--bubble wrap industry??? LOL:D:D:D
Really a size 2???? I don't think that sounds good to have lost that much weight. Should I be worried????
You could have both Sister Addy and myself taking care of you fighting over who gets to do what--brings back old times of when we were in the non-basement with bunk beds arguing over who got the top bunk!!!:D:D
Happy Friday!!! Enjoy the weekend with hubby and Miss Bailey!!!:):)
when we were younger Sister Marie Irene?
I thought we were just doing that the other night and I got stuck with the bottom bunk AGAIN:D:D:D:D:D;):p:p:p
But shhhhhhh dont tell mom:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I guess I wont be borrowing Mom's new green sweater cause I sure aint a size two unless you put a one in front of it:p:p:p
Bailey's Mom
08-31-2012, 08:37 PM
Now girls.....come on....I was kidding about becoming a size two. Like I said, the smallest size I've been able to reach as an adult is a 12.......and that wasn't for very long.
Have you seen my new purple sweater? It matches the mark on my arm from the blood test the other day.
I told the endoscopy office to forget about me coming in. There's another outfit I will contact on Tuesday. I don't need their nurse's permission to get a test ordered by my doc. REALLY!!
Enjoy your long weekend gals!!!!!!!!!!
woof, woof and woof to Koko, Zoe and Miss Ella
Bailey's Mom
08-31-2012, 08:42 PM
ooopss....posted a duplicate.....
Happy Labor Day
No laboring allowed:D:D:D:p:p:p:p:p
I hope you are feeling better dear Sus:):):):) What happened with the endscopy appointment? Did you find another doctor?
I'm bringing my mom over for the day. Zoe is doing well too so should be a good day!!!!! The kids may stop by as well so, full house expected. Not sure if we will get any pool time in though.
I hope you have a wonderful day and snuggle and play with Miss Bailey. KoKo and Zoe say woof to her:):):):):):) How's our little girl doing?
Bailey's Mom
09-03-2012, 09:36 AM
Hi Addy-
Bailey is fine except for the residual "biting" which is her side effect from "camp." It seems to be lasting a little longer, this time. I expect when we're gone for 2 weeks next spring, she'll be chomping on us!:D
The endoscopy appt with the nurse was scheduled for tomorrow. They called Friday to remind me of it and I cancelled it. I'm just not going through the hassle of that office again. Tomorrow AM I will call this group of 5 or 6 who are connected to the hospital and whom I've heard recommended before. Hopefully they will get me in quickly.
Odd thing is, I stopped taking one of my medications and things are just a tad better. I was able to eat TWO meals yesterday! 17 lbs and still counting. Someone else was telling me about an older person here who has had a similar case. He's had it for 3 months and they can't figure out what's wrong with him. But that's at least 3rd hand information.
Today will be mostly a desk day. I have 4 weeks to go and I am in countdown mode to prepare for being bedridden for way too long. I've made a whole lot of progress....things that have been on my to do list for years and years! Once I get everything where I am happy with it, I can do stained glass again....or maybe paint......or maybe find out how to use my fancy camera other than on automatic! :o
Better get in that'll be time to close it up before you know it.
Hey Susan,
I got a camera for Christmas and I cant figure out how to change the batteries:D:D:p:p:p After you figure out how to use yours could you figure out mine?
My daughter has been sick for 3 weeks and they cant figure out why either. Oh the miracles of modern medicine:rolleyes::rolleyes:
How long will you be out of commission? Gosh, cant you wait until the middle of winter? Then you would not care so much. Who wants to do ice and snow anyway?;)
I think we close the pool in two weeks before the leaves start falling. We have been having problems with a giant evergreen behind the pool dropping tons of needles into it. They want mucho bucks to cut the dang thing down.:eek::eek: Must be the drought causing stress on the tree. Wish I had a forester for a relative:):):)
have a great night
Bailey's Mom
09-06-2012, 11:40 PM
Hi Addy-
Trees cost way to much to maintain AND way to much to get rid of. I guess artificial is the way to go. :eek::rolleyes:
Knee recovery is the same as before. 3 days in hospital. 2 weeks with PT at home. 6 weeks or so before I can drive........but that will be more like 4 weeks because it's my left leg.....I don't use that one for braking,etc. And then my experience is that it's a good 12 months to get past most of it, but a full 24 mos. to get fully recovered. You're basically walking by cane after two weeks. Under your own power by 6 - 8 weeks. The rest of the healing is for nerves to reconnect and muscles/tendons that are cut through to mend. At least the right knee has been good to me. :cool:
I'm sure glad I have Bob around to keep me straight. I have an appt @12:45 Monday at a Dr. in Wilmington. Earlier this week I asked Bob if he'd like to go along. There is a restaurant in Wilmington that we both really like so we can lunch there. Then today, the cardiologist's office called to confirm my 3:30 appt Monday afternoon. I said....that's right. He said......"Well then, aren't you going to need to be in two places at the same time???" I have to call Wilmington and reschedule that one. The cardiologist is standard pre-op stuff and I'm doing all I can to make sure this goes through as planned.
Meanwhile, the endoscopy office visit is scheduled for 9/26....if there is anything left of me by then. Down 20 lbs. and merrily counting. :):D
Our 38th anniversary is tomorrow. WOW!
Happy Anniversary TO YOU and Bob:D:D:D:D
I cant believe I missed it:o:o:o:o:o Granddaughter and daughter have me writing the parents brag sheet for her guidance counselor. I sure know why my daughter did not feel up to it. Took me a dang week:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolle yes::rolleyes:
Oh Sus, I am sorry I missed your special day.:(:(:(:(
Bailey's Mom
09-09-2012, 09:19 PM
Thanks, Addy! We had a very nice day. Kind of slow and easy and then out to dinner at the Italian place nearby. A neighbor came over after that to take pictures, to preserve us for posterity.
The weather here has turned absolutely gorgeous. The house is open for the first time since forever!! It's alreay down to 67 and will drop maybe near 60 tonight.
I'm still on my mission of conquer before surgery. I cleaned up some of the gardening them ready to ride out the winter. I still have some gardening chores to do, but the mosquitoes chased me inside.
I have cardiologist tomorrow and my rescheduled trip to Wilmington on Friday. Other than that, so far my week is my own....and the weather is supposed to be really nice for another 4 - 5 days. Next on the list is getting back to going to bed at a reasonable hour. I've been staying up later and it really drains me.
What is the brag sheet used for?
Hi to Zoe and Koko and hugs to you, miss. Have a great Monday.
Good luck with the cardiologist today:D:D:D:D:D
There cant be anything wrong with your heart, why, it is just filled with such good things that there could not possibly be anything bad in it:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
The brag sheet is used for the counselor to write letters of recommendation to colleges. I cant belive my baby is going off to college next year. She has been a second daughter to me since she was born. We took her every other weekend for years, we took her on vacations with us, our bond is so strong. I am so proud of her.
Okay sleepy head, out of bed and off you go. Knock 'em dead today!!!!!
marie adams
09-11-2012, 01:00 PM
Oh Mom....Sister Addy is right, for a change :D, there cannot be anything wrong with your so loving heart!!!!:)
Happy Anniversary a few days late!!! I believe Sister Addy's and mine is coming too---remember the double wedding on September 21st with a few years in between each of us? :D:D:D
Sister Addy and I are with you on your appts. We are riding on your shoulders hidden in the sweater.:p
Take care!!! Hugs to Miss Bailey from Miss Ella!!
((((HUGS)))) from me to you!!!!
Come on lazy, bones, Miss Sleepy Head, we have weeds to pull, dogs to walk, gabbing to do:D:D:D:D:D;);););)
It is a beautiful day in Wisconsin!!!!!! I hope you have a beautiful day as well.
I think I may have to go to college with my oldest granddaughter. I spent Friday night, Saturday afternoon and Sunday night helping with homework and college applications.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: And the school year just started:eek::eek::eek:
Of course, this time next year, I will be missing her like crazy. I am having a bit of a hard time thinking about it. She has been more like a daughter to me.
Anyway, have a wonderful day, think of me while you are pulling weeds and give Miss Bailey an extra ball toss for me as well.
can I have popcorn? What about a snow cone? Huh, can I, can I????:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
hey Sister Marie Irene, better get up here, I'm already in the car!!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
09-22-2012, 05:17 PM
Oh you make me laugh.....and I LOVE it!:):):)
Not only are we going to the ballgame, but we are overnighting it!;) And you didn't even mention the cotton candy!!! :eek::cool:
I already have my cap.:)....did you get yours? :confused: What about the replica jersey?;) And don't forget to bring your baseball glove..............we will be right in line to catch some foul offs. :rolleyes::)
We will only have 1 window seat until we drop off Bailey.....then BOTH of you can have window seats! I'm riding shotgun. (That way I can nap!!) Our seats are only about 7 rows we should have a good view and maybe we can even hear the players talk!:D They won again today.....and I think the "magic number" for winning the division is something like 5 more wins......or combos of wins and losses by other wannabees.
Get your rest an rest your voices. We must loudly support our fellas.
Bailey's Mom
09-22-2012, 05:20 PM
PS-don't forget about Ben's chili dogs!!! With EVERYTHING on it!!
Take me out to the ball game, take me out to something or other:p
I dont care if I EVER COME BACK:p:p:p
So its root, root , root for the HOME TEAM:cool::cool::cool::cool:
really, mom an overnighter??????
chili dogs are good food:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I'll have two, please
Ummmmm, Mom,
have you noticed something missing?
did you check the car, the house, the NON-BASEMENT?
I cant believe you left me at the ball park
marie adams
09-28-2012, 02:06 PM
That is why I stayed home under the bed so I wouldn't be left behind!!:D Sister Addy if you would stop running all over the place maybe Mom wouldn't have left you!!:eek:
Happy Friday to All!!!! I hope everyone is doing good!!!
Cheers to the weekend!!!
Bailey's Mom
09-28-2012, 02:29 PM
Miss you?? Never Addy!! You're just asleep in the hatch section of the car. You had soooooooooooooo much fun. You ate your chili dog without getting any on you! You watched the Nats win 12-2. You even got some sunshine-as our very close seats to the field were in the sun the whole game. Boy was I glad we had all worn our Nats ballcaps or our little noggins would really be burned. We didn't have the heart to wake you up when we returned home, Wednesday evening. Boy! You must have been way behind in needing sleep!!!
Let's do this again during the playoffs!!!
Thank goodness it was all a bad dream:D:D:D:D:D;);)
It is a warm sunny day here in WI and I hope you are having the same beautiful fall day. I keep thinking about caramel apples today!!!
We will be able to bring out the sweaters for our pups!!!!! It is to get cold next week.
It sounds like you had a really good time at the ball game. WHAT FUN!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D i;m glad you were able to go. What is the eta for the surgery? Fill me in on your time frame, I admit I am not good remembering, not because I dont care, I just have misplaced my memory lately. If you come across it, let me know;);):rolleyes:
Love ya Sus
Bailey's Mom
09-29-2012, 04:29 PM
I think my memory went AWOL along with your memory!:D
Surgery-I am to be there @11:15AM Monday.
3 days in hospital.
2 weeks @home with PT.
Another 4 or so weeks of PT not at home.
No driving for 6 weeks-maybe I can get that down to 4.
I am eerily positive about this and am hoping this will solve a number of issues with my left knee. (All of them, actually!:))
Go NATS!!!:):):D:D:):D
ps - weather here is cloudy and 69. We had a good soaking rain last night. My badly slashed/trimmed leylands are showing a LOT of new growth. A master gardener, when hearing of my plans, told me I might as well just go ahead and cut them down now. HA!! I'll show you master gardener lady. ;);)
It's tommorrow????????????????:eek::eek::eek:
I kept thinking Oct 6th, I dont know why:o:o:o:o:o
I'm glad you are optimisitic. I am too. What movies should I bring to the hospital?? Did I tell you I am bringing NATS hospital gowns for us to wear?
As long as we can order chili dogs for lunch, we will be a okay:D:D
wait- three days away- how will we know you are okay????
It is tomorrow and I am here.
Waiting in the car for you.
Love you
Bailey's Mom
10-01-2012, 07:51 AM
I didn't know the Nats had hospital gowns!:)
Today is the day. How will you know I'm ok?....You won't hear about me on the evening news!!;)
Movies? I want to see that Sarah Palin one....the one that won best actress. After that, how about Laurel & Hardy? I have a bunch of The Cosby Show dvds. Then maybe an Alfred Hitchcock......but not the one with the shower scream.......can't wake the patients.:mad:
Take care, Addy. Talk to you soon.
It is Wednesday:):):):):)
Hopefully, everything went well and you will be back home with Bailey tomorrow!!!!!:):):):)
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))
molly muffin
10-03-2012, 09:22 PM
tap tap tap tap, how long till she gets home? :) :)
Hope everything went really well!
Bailey's Mom
10-04-2012, 11:22 PM
I got home Wednesday......I am doing wonderfully & am amazing everyone. I have not spoken w/my surgeon yet....just his assistant. I won't get to talk to him until after my staples are removed in 2 weeks. I do know the whole thing was replaced. The top part was loose as well. I did quite a job when I fell!!
The hosp staff was wonderful. My only problem was I didn't sleep for 3 days. That's part of how I got to come home one day early. I am already putting full weight on it. The pain has been well managed. I was given a femoral blocker which blocks pain for about 36 hours. That seems to have made a huge I was given general anesthesia....not just the light stuff. Then they load you up with pain killer before you leave the OR. I've even already had my first home pt visit.
It has been a total surprise and I see no reason why this won't continue.:D It is such a huge difference to the original 2 surgeries. It is time for sleep. I'll update more later.
Love, me
welcome home sus.
keep getting better:):):)
so glad things are going well:):):)
molly muffin
10-05-2012, 04:51 PM
Yay! Glad you are home and everything is going so well!
Where's my patient?;);):):)
Bailey's Mom
10-06-2012, 09:05 PM
I'm right here! :D
It is still going very well, I am happy to report. I have a good amount of swelling in the left leg/ankle, but not unexpected. The meds and I are still on speaking terms. I'm sticking to a very rigid schedule and hope to be able to cut back just a little bit maybe starting tomorrow.
21 staples. He replaced the entire AND bottom for which I am very glad. One of my concerns was having to go back in in another 2-3 years to replace the 1/2 he did not plan to replace. I am needing a lot of rest and am working hard on cooperating with that. One week from Monday the staples should come out and then I'll be able to shower. Meanwhile, Bob and I have body washing, hair shampooing down to a real science.
I am eager to talk with the surgeon....he said something to Bob about cutting out part of a tendon. I am anxious to get the details from the guy who actually did this, not his associate. Whatever he did, from all I can tell, this is the most successful procedure I've had. I feel better today than I did last Sunday and that's saying a LOT considering an entire prothesis was removed and an entire new one was implanted.
Bailey wasn't quite sure what to make of the walker, but I'm not needing to use that already, so that takes care of that. I can't wait to tell the doc how happy I am. He's THE MAN!!!:D:D:cool::cool:
I need to catch up on the happenings on here. Thanks to all who offered up prayers and good wishes. Job well done!
I am glad I have your hand and I am holding on very tightly:):)
thank you Sus
Bailey's Mom
10-07-2012, 11:10 PM
A new picture!:D:)
marie adams
10-08-2012, 07:55 PM
YAY!!! Mom is home and feeling good!!!! I am so glad this operation went so well and you are not having much pain. Keep up the good work.:D:):p
Bailey is soooooo cute!!!!:) Is she really a better nurse than Sister Addy?
Sorry I wasn't here to give you well wishes on the surgery, I was "sick in bed with the (male) nurse" as my father in law use to say. This cough sickness is the pits. :mad::eek: I never get sick, but when I do it is a bad one. On the road to recovery though.
marie adams
10-15-2012, 12:33 PM
How are you doing???? Up and running around--haha!!!:D
It is going to hot again this week--I guess we are having an Indian Summer. :):p:eek: Has it cooled off back in your neck of the woods or should I say "beach"?
Training classes--they are a good thing. With Ella I feel like I don't have a clue about her with training--she knows what to do but still chooses when to do it--Little Miss Spoiled Princess. We went to an agility trial Saturday morning to watch my sister's dog and some of the trainers we go to compete. I realized Ella acts just like highly trained dogs, but then they do like high energy dogs for competition.
How is Miss Bailey doing--still Little Miss Protector???:):D;) I know the cute card just melts your anxiety when they are being mischievous. :rolleyes::p:D
Bailey's Mom
10-15-2012, 12:53 PM
Hi Marie!
Great to hear from you. Bob is driving me to see my surgeon and to get the staples (all 21 of them) out. Two weeks today. My only issue is tremendous leg swelling which is normal. It doesn't help that I've been snacking on salty foods.
I have been discharged from home pt & will begin "out PT.". Everyone is amazed at my progress. Bob & I are going to start taking walks. Movement should help cut down on the swelling some. Movement of this car is putting me to sleep!! :confused:
Bailey says "Arf" to Miss Ella. Have a great day!:):)
Bailey's Mom
10-19-2012, 07:56 AM
Well, lookey there..........I have an ankle on that leg too! ;):D:):cool:
molly muffin
10-19-2012, 06:39 PM
Discovery games? hehehehe
Good Morning Susan,
The sun is finally out after 3 days of drizzle and rain and I did not have to go in to the office this morning:):):):):):)
Nice way to start my day and I hope your day is starting off just as nicely.
Hey Susan,
Please stay safe from Frankenstorm. I am wondering if they evacuated your town.
Sending safe love and hugs
Bailey's Mom
10-28-2012, 04:06 PM
Hi Addy!
Yes, we have evacuated....mandatory as of 8pm tonight. Late last night, we left for Ryan's and spent the night at his place. This evening we are moving on to neighbors who have a house behind us at the beach and invited us to stay with their guest room at their full time home in Maryland. Ryan just does not have space for the 3 of us, all our essentials and my knee rehabbing ice machine. I am hoping we can go back Tuesday but we'll just have to see, once Sandy is past.
I HATE having to leave my home under threatening conditions.
Bailey travelled REALLY WELL for the 3 hour trip here. We came in 2 cars and she rode with me, strapped into the front seat, mostly watching me the whole trip. There was only a whimper or two when we first started out.
More later as time permits.
10-28-2012, 04:15 PM
Hi Susan,
I'll be keeping you all in my prayers and hope that you will be back home real soon.
molly muffin
10-28-2012, 07:33 PM
Main thing, Stay Safe! :) Hugs, it'll be okay. Sharlene
marie adams
10-28-2012, 08:38 PM
Dear Mom,
I have been thinking about you all day with the storm approaching. I am glad to read you are taking shelter with friends!!!
How cute--Bailey strapped into the front seat watching you the whole time!!!!:):)
I hope you can get home by Tuesday. The weather channel said NY would have storms thru Thursday I believe. You know how to get rain--send it my way if you can!!!
Sending lots of (((((HUGS))))!!!!
Maryland sounds nice if you have to evacuate. My granddaughter is applying to Goucher College in Towson, outside of Baltimore. We have seven colleges on our list:eek::eek::rolleyes:
You are going to have to tell me about this ice making knee machine.
Stay safe and hold on tight to Little Miss. I am sure everything will be just fine and you will be home soon and Sister Marie Irene and I will be back in the non basement snuggled in our beds and Frankenstorm will be but a memory.
love ya girlfriend
Bailey's Mom
10-29-2012, 12:10 AM
You are going to have to tell me about this ice making
love ya girlfriend
It doesn't make ice, silly looks like a beverage cooler. You fill it up so far with water and then you add ice to fill it up. I have an electric pump for it and it constantly circulates the ice water around the knee. Greatly helps reduce swelling and helps relieve pain.
Looks like no going back before Wednesday, if then.:(:(:confused::confused::eek::eek:
Thanks for the well wishes guys. That is very nice. I appreciate it.
molly muffin
10-29-2012, 09:15 PM
Stay safe. The pictures do not look like fun. Wet and brrrrerr
Hi Susan,
Thinking of you as I watch the storm coverage. I hope you and Bailey and Bob are warm and dry.
Hoping everything is okay
Bailey's Mom
10-30-2012, 12:26 PM
:(Picture of our house is posted. We are still in MD.:(:eek:
Good to hear from you. Where is a picture of your house posted? Is the house ok?
You OK?
10-30-2012, 02:00 PM
OMG, Susan. I cannot believe how high the water is in the picture you posted. :eek::eek::eek:I am hoping that any water damage is limited to your basement, if you have a basement. I'm glad you are safe in MD.
Here is a link to Susan's picture:
molly muffin
10-30-2012, 03:54 PM
Goodness Susan! Hope that water has gone down by now and that none got inside.
Any word on when you can go home?
Bailey's Mom
10-30-2012, 05:59 PM
We're still trying to get information. The Bay Bridge has reopened so we now can get back there.....or close. We were told the police are stopping cars to verify the passengers belong help keep out looters, etc. We are still waiting to hear that our street is accessible.
Bailey is a hit wherever we go. She has been sleeping cuddled up with me. She has traveled extremely well. She is not "put off" by the unfamiliar surroundings.
The "plan" is to try to go back early tomorrow. If the water never got higher than in that picture, we will have mostly yard cleanup. We have been at that height twice before since moving in 10 years ago.
Fortunately the plants were all thoroughly that flood water, which is brackish and salty, would not have been taken up very much by the plants (which would kill them.) If the water continued to rise, it would have entered the garage. We raised as much off the floor as we could before we evacuated and took both cars when we left.
I'm very anxious to get back.
10-31-2012, 04:51 PM
Oh my goodness. I can't believe that picture. I hope you get to go back soon and that it isn't too bad.
molly muffin
10-31-2012, 09:33 PM
Okay, I'm very anxious for you to back home too. Just be careful even when you get back if water got into the house. You know the drill. :) Call and electrician and get verification from the gas company that there are no leaks in your area.
Just call me a worry wart. :)
hugs and love to you all,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I sure hope everything is okay and the water did not go higher. I dont want to be a little mermaid in the non basement;)
Let us know you are ok when you can.
marie adams
11-01-2012, 03:15 PM
Addy isn't that what we were suppose to be for Halloween--Little Mermaids????
Wow!!!! That water is high. Good thing the house is up on higher ground or we would have been goners in the non-basement, but then you would have taken us with you, RIGHT???? :D
I hope you find everything in good shape but the yard. Your house is beautiful!!!!
Bailey's Mom
11-01-2012, 10:35 PM
OK you little guppies. :) We are in our home. Water is not in our home. :D
We both worked outside as long as daylight would allow yesterday afternoon. We got back around 5 and had no electric. The water did get into the garage, but it was mostly "clean". It looks like maybe 4" in the garage. Last thing I did before leaving was raise stuff up 4 or so inches off the floor, where I could. I think if we had sand bagged the garage doors, no water would have gotten in.
The water comes from a salt pond and from the ocean. It is called back bay flooding. We have a five sided lot and two sides are "water front." This was the worst storm by 5 or 8" more than the other two we've experienced. The water backs up from behind us, gets into the street and on up the street. When the water subsides, the reverse we wind up with everyone else's mulch, debris, paint buckets in our yard. There was a good 3" covering of pine needles all over the yard. So cleanup is rough.....and I can't help a lot due to my surgery. So I did what I could and Bob worked on the rest.
The biggest problem (as far as I am concerned) is lack of sleep. My knee bothered me greatly one night. The next night I watched news all night to find out exactly where Sandy would come ashore. There was a 3 hour drive over and another back....and I hadn't driven since Oct 1's surgery.
There was a problem last night which made it necessary for me to get up get showered and dressed today @7:30. That was NOT my plan.....and I never had a moment to catch a nap today.
Marie Irene I called and called to get you to come with us when we left, but all I heard was giggling from the nonbasement. (Now maybe you understand why no one has basements here.) But I'm pleased to say the two sump pumps we had installed really handled what water there was very well....and they are still running.....:)
And that is all I can muster for now. I must get some sleep.
Thank you for your concerns.
molly muffin
11-01-2012, 10:48 PM
yay! Great to hear from you and glad you are home and that home is dry. whoo hooo!
Take care of yourself and don't over do it. I know it's tempting, but woman, you just had surgery!
The stuff will be there tomorrow, or the next day or the day after. Baby steps.
(these super women, sheezzzzz) HUGS!
Just glad you are home and all is well.
Bailey's Mom
11-02-2012, 04:59 AM
Thanks Sharlene. You seem to have my number!
I go to PT today-first time in a week. I didn't get a chance to report about my last visit. I go through about an hour of exercises and stretches. When they are finished, I get on a table and the owner/operator comes over and stretches, pulls, manipulates my knee, especially the knee cap. Now bear in mind this is at a minimum my fifth time through this......recoveries from knee surgeries, so I "know the drill." I long ago gave up my thinking that PT would feel good. The knee moving he does is the least pleasant. Last Friday it was the most uncomfortable it has ever been. I can bruise easily and I had already been thinking how bruised I was going to be. Then he starts pressing very HARD on my incision. I must have jumped up off the table a foot or two.....while repeating over and over......"OUCH!!" He eventually (!) backed off and kept saying "I am just pressing your incision." Finally he said..."OK, Susan." and he backed off.
I was telling Ryan about it that evening and after listening to the story he asked, "Did he apologize?" I thought for a minute and know, he did not. I hobbled on out of there after 5 minutes of a 10 minute dry ice pack treatment......announcing I was done for the day!
This guy is really good at his profession. I once went to a different place and it was less stressful, but so were the results. I thought long and hard before deciding to go back to Bob, but with the knowledge of how well I am doing so quickly, I decided I could endure it. It'll be interesting to see how today's conversation goes.
Well, as you can see, I'm not succeeding very well at regulating my sleep. That will be my main project for the weekend. Bob plans to cut the grass today, to vacuum up the debris still on the grass. Then I think we're back to square one.
Sounds like highs of 55-ish for the next week....and I think popcorn and a movie or two, with a fire in the fireplace are what the doctor ordered. That means cuddle time with my pooch as well.
Have a safe, warm, enjoyable weekend.....and don't forget to VOTE on Tuesday!!!:D
Bailey's Mom
11-02-2012, 05:29 AM
PS....I noticed while taking Bailey to the vet to get her ears checked out for what turned out to be an ear infection, that her knees were doing some popping. All that surgery was to correct that!! :mad: :confused:
We now have an appt with the surgical vet to get it checked out. That's ANOTHER trip to Annapolis. Bailey is no exhibiting any symptoms, thankfully. It's just one more thing.
Squirt's Mom
11-02-2012, 09:07 AM
Hi Susan,
Glad ya'll didn't sustain any more damage and especially that ya'll are unharmed. I hope the clean-up goes good.
Squirt had both knees done young, too, and if I had it to do over, I would haven't done them. I was told it would correct the patella slipping and prevent early arthritis. Didn't do either one. Within two years, her knees were slipping again and arthritis had set in. And we had to redo one knee summer before last when a pin came out of the bone. I can't say how they would be today had she not had the original surgery but I do know it didn't do as it was touted. I hope Bailey has better luck and this is nothing major.
Bailey's Mom
11-02-2012, 01:08 PM
Oh, Leslie, that is not good news. We had 3 workers telling us to go ahead with this......Bailey's original vet, Bailey's current vet (took over office from first vet.) and an orthopedic specialist. For sure we will do nothing until (if) Bailey starts sowing signs of discomfort.
PT went okay. Since it had been a week in between visits, we just repeated the most recent exercises. Monday we will begin to increase weights.
Unfortunately, I had a very bad fall last night. I went to go back to bed and did not turn on the stair lights. I was being so very careful on my way down, got to what I thought was the bottom step and quickly learned it was not. I went crashing into a sofa table, a small trunk and whatever else was right there. I felt the table move forward, so it was off balance. I heard lots of crashing noises. Oddly nothing broke. (glass pieces, etc.) and today I look to be fine. Since I have this tendency to fall, I mastered protecting the knees whenever possible. I'm not sure how I went down, but I landed on my (now very sore) left cheekbone and would up sprawled across the floor on my front. Bob came running and Bailey came barking. Bailey thought I was a burglar.
The order for the weekend is LOTS of rest and sleep and NO MORE FALLING. :mad::mad::o:o:o
Squirt's Mom
11-02-2012, 02:00 PM
There have been a lot of advances since Squirt's first surgery. ;) I wasn't meaning to discourage you...just sharing my feelings about Squirt's situation. I can't remember what that first surgery was called, but it was a new method when she had hers done. She was born with her lower right leg off-set 25 degrees and had to be basically cut off and rebuilt. I remember the surgeon telling me there was a strip of hide left intact on the inside of her leg - everything else was cut away from the original structure.
Dang Susan,
What happened to the pink bubble wrap Marie and I sent you? I hope it did not get washed out to sea, we ordered it special just for you;):)
I hope you are okay. Not sure what to think about Little Miss, I am sorry she is having issues. The work pug had that surgery on one knee and her knee has been fine ever since so keep positive thoughts.
Popcorn and a movie, lots of rest, positive vibes, NO MORE CLEANING:D:D:D:D is your prescription for the weekend from nurse Addy.;););););););););)
Girlfriend, please take care of yourself and your house is really beautiful. Can we see a photo when the yard is back to normal? I want to see your plants:):):):)
Little mermaid two signing off
molly muffin
11-02-2012, 09:35 PM
Okay when I said Baby steps. I meant in the light, not the dark. My bad, I should have gone for clarification.
Oh my gosh. PT sounds horridly painful, but if it's working. Then you got to do what you got to do.
Wonder if Bailey is having sympathy pops in her knees. <j/k> :) Hope she's going to be okay. Takes a lot to keep up with you.
yay on the house being A-Okay. I'm settled in, just finished watching the Hurricane Sandy concert on NBC. Looks like the Red Cross is going to get lots of donations tonight! whoo hooo
Bailey's Mom
11-02-2012, 10:22 PM
Addy-You won't have to wait to see. I will round up some pictures of the entire yard taken at other times....and I'll take one now so you can see how it looked post flood. They are already talking of another nor'easter coming through here next Wednesday. :eek: Maybe it's time to take a vacation to the Caribbean for one or two months??!!:rolleyes:;):confused:
Pink bubble where did I put that?????
It's a good thing I don't drink and I don't think the falling is related to pain meds. I think I just have been so tired that the ol noggin' isn't performing at top speed. Just because I slept for 2 hours....woke up and did my business......did not mean it was a good idea to come upstairs. Maybe Bob should get a straight jacket for me (?):p
I'll try to get pictures posted this weekend.
Bailey's Mom
11-05-2012, 10:56 PM
OK-as promised, I have posted 3 pictures of the house not under flood conditions. The pictures are from 2004 but things basically look the same except for the plantings being much larger now. :eek: I have lots of pictures of parts of the yard but these were the best to represent the house and yard. I'll take some pictures in spring so you can see the difference in growth. It's phenomenal! :):)
molly muffin
11-06-2012, 07:09 AM
It's a beautiful home! Hopefully come spring this year it will look just as gorgeous and all the water damage will have disappeared.
Bailey's Mom
11-07-2012, 12:28 AM
Dear Addy and Sharlene-
Thank you for your kind comments on the house with the nonbasement. :)I've grown pretty fond of it and, yes Addy, sitting on the porch with lemonade is a fine way to spend some time. :DThe house faces SW so the afternoon sun shines on the porch and it's a wonderful place to sit and feel the warmth of the sun. Being on a cul-de-sac, there is not much traffic going by which makes for optimal enjoyment of birds and, at night, the sound of the waves hitting the shore. It kind of makes up for having the worries of flooding pop up from time to time.
Hey Sus!!!!
So from now on I can close my eyes and picture us sitting on your porch, listening to the ocean and gabbing away while Bailey, Zoe and KoKo run aroud your yard.:D:D:D
What a wonderful day dream:)
I hope you are feeling better and have regrouped since your fall.
Love ya
Bailey's Mom
11-08-2012, 06:14 PM
Hi Addy! Yes, indeed-I am feeling much better and much more regrouped. :) I think the shock of the fall has subsided and the resulting jar to my pain/recovery program is now back on track. It was a spooky couple of days there. Most of my 3 large, colorful bruises are almost gone.
We had more flooding today, from that nor'easter. Nothing compared to last week's, but I have had ENOUGH!!! now.:mad: It is beginning to retreat and the weather for the next 4 days is supposed to be sunny and warmer than average and I can sure use that!
Ever heard of a Smith Island cake? Well we have one and it shall be sampled tonight. Come on by, there's plenty!! Bring the four legged ones as well!! :D
I will have to google Smith Island Cake. It sounds yummy!!!!:D:D
I hope Mother Nature gives you a break in the weather department. You sure could use it. We had a glorious weekend but the cold front is moving in. we were able to finish stowing away the patio furniture and clean out the gutters so I guess let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.:):(
What Turkey Day plans do you have?
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