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Happy Wednesday!!!!!
Thank you for all the help with the math calculations. I may need to pick your brain some more:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I got sidetracked with my brother last night and did not have time to look at things in depth.
The way my mom's surgeon explained it is that one has to keep up a certain level of pain meds in their body to fight the pain so the meds are there 24 hours rather than wait until the pain gets really bad and then take a pain pill. A constant level iof medicine is needed to help cope with the pain and then reduced gradually. So I hope a healthy discussion about proper pain management with the doc gets the doc with the program:D:D:D:D:D
It will get better, Sus. I kbow it will.
marie adams
11-02-2011, 01:46 PM
Addy is right about taking pain meds. When my daughter had her tonsils out at age 21 she was in a lot of pain. The doctor said to take the Vicadine (sp) every 4 hrs and the ibupro on the inbetween hours so that way she always had something. Of course Mom was a little nervous about the Vicadine especially when the doctor asked her if she needed another prescription...:eek:
I hope you are feeling better today!!!! Are you getting cuddles from Bailey???:D
Bailey's Mom
11-02-2011, 02:34 PM just blew away what I had written. Man that's frustrating!
Thank you all for your support. It really helps. Bailey is being pretty good, but she obviously would like more excitement. The best I can do right now is throw a ball and make sure she has lamb's ears and chew bones. We did just sit out in the sun for about an hour....then I got too hot.
Tomorrow's visit with the doc will be interesting. I'll report back.
I added up all the pills I've been given and if I average those out over tomorrow (doc visit) I have used about 2.25 pills per day. COME ON!!!!
Mood is not good today. I think I just feel pretty defeated. This recovery was supposed to be DONE in time for Thanksgiving.....and it didn't help that the date on my cane reminded me this has been a 23-25 year adventure.
At least it's a pretty day.
Bailey's Mom
11-03-2011, 03:15 AM
I just wanted to be the first little birdie to chirp...................:)
Happy Thursday!!!!!! :cool::)
If I didn't have clocks that told me the day of the week, the hour and minutes and the date, I would never know what day of the week it was/is.
Now if I can just find one that will tell me where I am and why am I here??!! :confused::confused::eek::eek:
You've made it past hump's all downhill from here.:D
-crazy me
Bailey's Mom
11-03-2011, 02:11 PM
I am back from the doc and he was not rushed and we had lots of time to clear everything up. I have a pretty decent infection and that is the cause of the pain. He has Rxd some kind of antibiotic and some more pain meds and I am to return in one month. If it is not decidedly better next week, I am to return and to tell the telephone person that he said to schedule me right away. AND he took out the pins!! So-I need to keep wearing the boot/shoe and take it easy still. I just feel so much better. We are in synch and the problem has been identified and a remedy is being sought.:)
I had a very rough night last night with Bob. I think he's on overload from playing nurse, he's bored and he needs a hobby.....something. Things are smoother today.
Ryan is coming down tomorrow for the weekend. We will be going to pumpkin chunkin. It's a local specialty. People gather and try to see who can throw/launch a pumpkin any means. People come from around the country to see's been going on for more than 15 years-and we've never gone. Other places now copycat, but we are the original. I think it will be a fun thing to do, if the weather is okay. Apparently pumpkins have been launched so far that you could not see where they landed.:eek:
I just wanted to report from the doc. I hope everyone is having a great day. Thank you SO much for all your support and caring.:)
Sus, Susan, etc.
11-03-2011, 02:25 PM
Hi Susan -
glad the pins are out and the antibiotics are started - Hope it is all uphill from here!! Glad you are getting out for the weekend!!! Sound like something my husband and son would like for sure!!:) Bailey must be happy his mom is getting better:D:) xo
Bailey's Mom
11-03-2011, 04:21 PM
Hi Cindy-
I would prefer it was all down hill from here, but I get your drift. Bailey is very happy and we are now going for a very short walk to celebrate. Short due to my needing to avoid stress to my feet.:)
11-03-2011, 06:06 PM
hahaha ok all down hill:D
marie adams
11-04-2011, 11:18 AM
It's Here, It's Friday!!!!!! We need happy feet icon....:):p:D
I hope you are feeling even better today. It must feel better having the pins out--maybe????
Oh, how wonderful Ryan is coming. I love spending time with my daughter!!!!:D
It is raining here right now--not heavy, but enough to make it so Ella and I could not take a very long walk this morning--boy will she have a lot of energy and have to spend some time in the condo while I am gone...
Hopefully you will have good weather to walk Miss Bailey in, but didn't Addy say it was raining at her place yesterday??? It could be coming your way.:eek: I like the rain, just like to stay home and be comfy, but I also like driving in the rain--I am so weird.:eek:
Enjoy your weekend with Ryan!!!!
Bailey's Mom
11-04-2011, 01:17 PM
Hey! Marie-
It DOES feel better with the pins out. My foot is very itchy but that is because (and I don't know why) the whole top layer of skin peels off with this process. Kinda like a snake, ya know? Toes, tops, bottoms, foot itself - but most of that is over now. I can even wiggle my toes a little!! Very itchy.
I love when Ryan comes, too. Very itchy. We have a "contract" that he will come about once a month. That's the minimum. Very itchy. He's a great kid and my salvation for computer issues. Very itchy.
Bob and I are going north to Rehoboth this afternoon. Very itchy. They will be having an auction tomorrow and today is preview day. You get to go see what's available. I don't expect to go back and participate tomorrow, I just thought it would be interesting to see what's going on the block and how it is all handled. Very itchy.
Well You made it to Friday, again! Have a great weekend. There's not supposed to be a lot of rain here, but temps only in the very low 50's. YUK! very itchy.
Have a great weekend!!
very itchy. ;)
marie adams
11-04-2011, 05:56 PM
Very Itchy!!!!!:eek::eek:
I forgot to tell you I know exactly what punkin chunkin is--have watched it on TV--amazing what people will do to win this contest!!
Have a great time!!! Good luck with the auction too.:)
Bailey's Mom
11-04-2011, 08:41 PM
Auction was a bust (although I didn't plan to bid on anything). It seems I skipped over the part where it is for Rehoboth City.....we never found the preview. If we had, I could have gotten you a boardwalk bench, a parking meter, or a variety of other schtuff.:D
Mom???? Marie Irene????
I had a bad dream I was alone in the nonbasement in a hole with ants. Thank goodness I woke up but it seems I missed pumpkin chucking Halloween:confused::confused::confused: Dang, I had a really good costume too and I had been doing weight lifting to chuck that pumpkin clear into the ocean!!!!!!!
What the hey?????????
Now we have some kind of itch epidemic going on? Geez Louise, pass the GOLD BOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love ya,
Bailey's Mom
11-05-2011, 10:14 PM
Oh Addy-:)
How wonderful to see you displaying such humor!!:D
Well-punkin' chunkin' was a bust for me.:( I changed my mind about going because you have to walk across fields to get to this event. Once the pins were taken out of my foot, I found a different kind of discomfort and I didn't want to risk the recovery. I do think I will take my car keys back on Wednesday!!
You made my day, Addy!:):cool:
End of seriousness.
marie adams
11-06-2011, 12:53 PM
I am so confused about the car keys....:confused:
Punkin chunkin will be on TV so you didn't miss it. The nice thing about the show is you get a little more insight to the participants. Of course there is still nothing like up close and personal with an event.
Have a good rest of the weekend. Pouring here now so not getting the outside projects done--darn.:D
Addy so you itch now from the ants????!!!!:p
Bailey's Mom
11-06-2011, 03:58 PM
Marie Irene-
Do you know where on tv you have seen it? I've never seen it on tv.
The car keys-I haven't driven since 10/ before surgery. I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!
Squirt's Mom
11-07-2011, 08:53 AM
Hi Susan,
I read your posts today to Addy and Cindy about Bailey's eating and questions about pig ears, rawhides, etc.
I tend to agree with your vet about not feeding Bailey anything other than her meals, and those at a set time and place. As almost impossible as it is to do, giving treats, snacks of people food, etc. isn't a good idea for puppies. They are just so darn cute, tho! :D Puppies are learning everything - including how to eat. If they get treats and goodies other than their usual feed, they can become very finicky. They have learned from the treats, etc. that there are better things out there than what is in their bowl. ;) And they can and will hold out for those goodies...they know how darn cute they are! :rolleyes::p But that stuff in her bowl is balanced and geared to helping her grow and develop normally so that is what she needs to eat...and that alone. If you give treats for training, use pieces of her feed.
As for pig ears, rawhides and such, they bother me, especially with puppies. They can easily choke on the pieces that come off. This is purely personal preference understand, but Bully Sticks would be my choice if she needs something to chew on. They are very tough, last a long time, don't come apart in pieces as easily so risk of choking or blockage is reduced, and every dog I've given them to, loves them! Another extremely tough chew is deer antlers. You can usually find them in specialty pet food stores. The bully sticks and antler come in a variety of sizes. ;)
Just my 2 cents worth!
Hope you are feeling better and better!
11-07-2011, 10:54 AM
Susan - I saw your post about not sleeping - I am an official nite hawk!!!!! I am up till 2 am or later every nite - I wish I had a laptop so I could come on at that time but my computer in is the basement family room - ohhhhh I know what to ask for for Christmas!!!!:D A small lap top - an ipad - or a regular lap top mmmmmm have to look into that!!!! Then when I do fall asleep the queen wakes me up to go pee!!!!!! I need a good under eye concealer!!!!!!:D
Bailey's Mom
11-07-2011, 05:51 PM
Hi Leslie-
Thanks for the suggestion. Any suggestion for whose bully sticks or type of bully stick (I see free range there.)
We tried the antler ear. It holds no interest.
I appreciate your thoughts about snacks. She only gets little ones or so a day, but I get your point about holding out.
It's quarter to three, noone in the non basement, its just me
hanging out----with thirty-three ants on the wall
asked Marie Irene to join me , she said lol-----
Girl, I don't know what I'm doing!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D
Sleep deprived Addy
Bailey's Mom
11-08-2011, 01:51 AM
It was a dark and stormy night. The night watchman had called in sick and would not be there. That left anyone in the non basement to fend for themselves. Fend against sump pumps, ants, worms, moths (you have to have the light on, for gosh sakes!!!!
If you get a chance, grab your red sweaters, your navy sweaters and run far, far away. I will bring the money and the clothes. And Bailey!!
Where ARE those keys??!!
Very itchy. very, very itchy.
Run Forest Run!!! Run!!! Run Addy RUN!!!! Marie Irene and
Mrs. Calabash, take the coffee
table that is in the shape of a shrimping boat and RUN!!!!-Towards the ASSAWOMAN canal and GET THE BOAT INTO THE WATER FAST!
We can all meet at the new Dunkin Donuts. (Any donut orders?)
do they have apple turnovers????????
even more tired addy
Bailey's Mom
11-08-2011, 01:45 PM
Does whom have apple turnovers????:confused::confused:
Didn't sleep again so more tired,:(
Ohhhhh...... I see now...............Dunkin Donuts. This is not a very good one so probably not, even though it's a new one.
Shrimp Boat? We're going fishing??? Using donuts for bait?
And who invited Mrs. Calabash? She yakes too much:rolleyes::rolleyes: But I guess she does make good coffee, as long as it is more cafe creme.
But really, did you make sure the hurricanes are to the west of us???
I'm still running and can't find the dang boat!!!!!!!!
MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, don't leave without me!!!!!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
11-09-2011, 03:27 PM
I could NEVER leave without YOU Addy~!!!!
The boat is in the living room.....being used as a coffee table (although I hardly ever have coffee) and ready for us when the water starts to rise. Maybe I'll post a picture of it. Of course, it has two oars. Who will row????
Marie Irene?
Goodnight Sus,
sleep tight:)
marie adams
11-10-2011, 12:18 PM
I think I missed out on the fun of the nonbasement scary stories--was I sleeping or just tuned out?????:eek:
We are going shrimping and running with Forest????? Mrs. Calabash is making the coffee and I am taking the coffee table....:eek: I don't mind rowing--good for the muscles and getting rid of the rolls around the arms--hehe!!!!:D
So it is Thursday almost Friday and for some it is Veteran's Day holiday tomorrow. Me I have to work--what is new.....
Susan I hope your foot is feeling oh so much better today. Did you get some more sleep????
How is Bailey doing? Ella only weighs 36 lbs; we thought she hit the 40 lb mark--I guess our scales are different than the vet's....:p
Here's to a HAPPY DAY!!!!
Bailey's Mom
11-10-2011, 02:53 PM
Well! There's Marie Irene!!! :D I guess you just tuned out. There was a certain vacuum that I felt.;)
Well, yes, I got more sleep. It would seem I also rolled out of bed, hit my noggin' on my nightstand and Bob was not there to help....he was among the missing. In a minute or so, I guess he heard my yelling for him....he showed up and wanted to know "How did you get there?!":confused::confused::mad:
There are two different types of personalities when it comes to reacting to situations. There is his type "How did you get there?"....and there is my type...."Who gives a #$%^, could you just please help me up and see if I'm bleeding anywhere?" His type-needs to know background. My type-wants to start with resolving the situation. I guess it's good if opposites attract!
Bailey goes to vet tomorrow AM, still basically not eating. It's going to kill us both if I have to stop with the lambs ears. She so likes to chew and, so far, has only chewed on "her" stuff.
[Whew! I thought I just lost all of this post....sometimes if you click on the "forward" button, you can find what mysteriously disappeared.]
It's dreary and rainy here. :( Y'all take care. I'm going to go check and see if Addy committed homicide @her vets!;)
I'm going to go check and see if Addy committed homicide @her vets!
no, but I almost did at work:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
I won't even go there:rolleyes::p:mad::cool::eek:
I had a very bad day yesterday which I will blame on my sleep depervation.:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o
Thank goodness it is Friday and maybe I can be a wlid and crazy girl who can go out with some other giirls who want to have fun
Too bad we cant all go for lunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We could: cha, cha, eat a taco, cha cha, hot tamles!!!!!!!!:D:D
okay, this no sleep is getting to me. I am weird:p:p:p:p
Happy Days are here again, the sky is blue, lets sing a song of cheer again
OH, happy days
Bailey's Mom
11-11-2011, 10:11 AM
"We could: cha, cha, eat a taco, cha cha, hot tamles!!!!!!!!:D:D
okay, this no sleep is getting to me. I am weird:p:p:p:p
Happy Days are here again, the sky is blue, lets sing a song of cheer again
OH, happy days
You're too funny! :D
I like your choice of Mexican. I could go for a really good Mexican meal...
Addy-I SLEPT last night! We have an appt with the vet in an hour or so and I think when I return home, I'll try to see if I can nap. I fully understand how frustrating it can be not to be able to get the sleep we all so badly need. You'd think your body would know....."OK-this one is suffering through an especially large amount of stress. Let's all of us little sleep fairies make sure she gets a nice, solid sleep so she can march on tomorrow!!":)
Man, I'm hungry. GIVE ME CARBS!!!!!
I hope you have a more peaceful day today. It IS Friday.
Cha, Cha, Cha and lah dee dah. This week will soon be over and I can leave it behind!!
You take care.
Cha, Cha, Cha and lah dee dah
I love it:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I just got a letter from the rescue group we got Zoe and Koko through. Their lease is up at the mall and they are moving to a new facility. They are selling enscribed bricks for their garden. I am thinking if buying one with Koko and Zoe's name on it. Do you think that is okay to put on the brick? I am not sure what else I would put on it. Any thoughts?
Happy Saturday night. Hope the fairy's sprinkle sleep dust in your eyes.
Bailey's Mom
11-12-2011, 07:09 PM
My only thought would be if you wanted to add city and/or state. There might be a limit on characters. Milwaukee alone might exceed the limit!:D:D
I just Christmas shopped for Bailey on the web. I'm all done, I think. She is curled up right behind me, so I sure hope she didn't peek.:)
Draggy Saturday.:(
Bailey's Mom
11-14-2011, 01:40 PM
Is there a person like Dr. Oliver now? Did someone fill his position. Anybody know?
marie adams
11-14-2011, 01:47 PM
Soooo is it Happy Monday after a draggy Saturday??!!!:D
Does Bailey read or just look at pictures???? :D What did you get her? Make sure it is either pictures or words so she won't find out. I know she will open the presents then re-wrap them and put back under the tree!!!:eek:
I have a feeling Ella will be eating the presents so I am a little, no a lot nervous about what will be happening!!!!:eek::eek: I am thinking a scat mat (a little shock/current) might be the that curel or insane??? It could be the whole tree might be a BIG problem.
I hope you got more sleep and the pain is getting better!!!:D:p:)
Bailey's Mom
11-14-2011, 05:40 PM
Hi Marie!:)
I don't like the scat mat. I don't like anything that shocks.
Bailey neither reads nor looks. :eek: She will be getting a few toy balls that talk when pushed. We can't give her any stuffed animals because she is extracting the stuffing out of them. I just got her a new, pink sweater....but that's for now, not as a Christmas present.
Yeah-the tree will be interesting. We put ours' up Thanksgiving weekend while Ryan is here to help. So the tree will be up for 4+ weeks before anything is underneath it. Palmer was great. He would find the packages for him....and the ones he did not find, I pointed out to him. He had so much fun tearing off the paper. Why is it dogs like noise like that, and like plastic bottles?
It's a productive Monday after a draggy Saturday. I watched football games yesterday and not much else. This morning I got up early :eek: :confused: :cool: and after a bit took Palmer out for an early walk. That is the beginning of trying to walk regularly - to walk him, of course, but to get my feet back in shape. No pain anymore....mostly. I just feel like I'm walking on a large wad of something.:eek:
Monday is almost gone!! On to Tuesday!!
stopping in to say a quick "hi I miss you"
are we talking turkey??????
Bailey's Mom
11-15-2011, 03:42 PM
I MISS you!
Turkey next week. Bob's the chef. I will make a pecan pie. Yuuuuummmmmm.
11-15-2011, 03:51 PM
PINK sweater???????
Bailey's Mom
11-15-2011, 09:34 PM
You're BACK!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
Well let's see.................You are sooooooooooooooo out of the loop now...............but I know you'll catch up quickly!
Pink sweater is for keep her warm this winter.:) Red sweaters......I think you guys left them down in the nonbasement. :confused: You altogether missed that I went to Canada and brought back a Navy and a Brown sweater and a navy/brown sweater. I asked you all to pick, but no one picked so just last week I gave them to the surfer dudes.:D
Meanwhile I am on the non-boat coffee table..looking for Wally ....but I'm stuck on some sand.:mad: You better find your sweater. It was 39 here last week. I have heard the sump pump running in the nonbasement. It's damp down there!
How the heck are you?????? You've been sorely missed......just check the threads. Glad you're back. How is it going with the night mask?
Bailey's Mom
11-15-2011, 09:35 PM
Does anyone know a way to calculate or a place to find calories in dog food and dog treats???
11-16-2011, 06:51 PM
(I will read threads to catch up)
Bailey's Mom
11-16-2011, 10:16 PM
Caught again!!!!!!!!!
marie adams
11-17-2011, 02:08 AM
YAY!!! Is Carrol really back or just teasing us???
I know I am not a fan of the scat mat:confused:, but she just will not get it through her head not to jump up on the counter or table. She is so cute when she gets up on the couch, but she isn't suppose to be up there also.
Maddie was good with the tree, but she was a year old by the time we got it. And I don't really remember that far I could be wrong--she could have been a holy terror.:eek:
Glad you are back walking again and the pain is almost gone.:)
11-17-2011, 06:25 PM
I've been sitting here in the sand waiting for a ride. Ever since that stupid camel turfed me off, bit me in the rear end and ran away, I've been hoping someone would come to rescue me. H E L L O !!!!! I'm getting just a littled miffed here...:mad:
Bailey's Mom
11-17-2011, 09:31 PM
Wally is coming by FedEX!!!!!!!! Keep an eye out for him!!!!!!!!!!!!
11-17-2011, 09:54 PM
You're sending a WHALE to the desert:rolleyes: Uh, Mom, whales need WATER and, unless you send him with a backpack, he is going to be in for a very big surprise!!
Bailey's Mom
11-17-2011, 11:38 PM
DANG!!! Foiled again...........
OK.......well didn't we already send the surfer dudes? What did you do with them???
11-18-2011, 11:02 PM
Well............they decided to hang out with some belly dancers they met and took off. Anyway, I don't need the surfer dudes. I need some BIKER DUDES with WHEELS!! And how about a mess of Navy Seals with a big vat of water for the stupid whale who, by the way is really getting on my nerves.:mad: Now he wants to go "touring". Where the heck do you "tour" in the middle of the desert? And who told him he was on vacation????
11-19-2011, 06:46 AM
Marie, did you try aluminiumfoil? Some dogs really don't like it and will keep of off counters and tables if you cover them with aluminiumfoil :D
But of course, you really should teach Miss Ella not to "up" everything ;) You should train her "up" by using an atribute where she can put her frontpaws up. (up = put your frontpaws on the object) Then, the next step is to teach her to get off of the object. Once she knows this, you can tell her to "get off" of the counter or where ever she has her frontpaws ;)
Have fun :p
Sas and Yunah :)
marie adams
11-20-2011, 12:02 AM
Sas, I will try the aluminum foil to see if that works, but will also work on the up and off commands like the speak and quiet. :D
Carrol wants Navy Seals...she let the surfer dudes go off with the belly dancers. I am thinking she doesn't have control of the situation much...:eek: O course she has been on vacation in the desert and now Wally wants to go touring...
Susan what price did you pay to ship a whale--you must be rich!!!:D:p
Bailey's Mom
11-20-2011, 03:17 AM
Carrol wants Navy Seals??? What's wrong with using Hallmark seals?
You are RIGHT, Marie Irene. It is VERY expensive to ship Wally. I had to have a sweater sale to get the money together. FedEx tells me he is being shipped back to me and will arrive on Tuesday. C.O.D. I guess we will eat whale blubber for Thanksgiving dinner.:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Has Carrol taken ANY steps on her own to get herself back here????!!!!:confused::confused::(
I still think the best solution is to get one of those high wire performers back over to Carrol. Put Carrol on that wire, pull it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy back and let her rip. Since there are no space shuttles out there, she should be home in no time,under her own speed.
-The Night Shift
Wendy Tillotson
11-20-2011, 09:38 AM
It wouldn't hurt to have a crate in multiple places. I have one big stationery crate and then a smaller, plastic one that we can easily move around. You might want to get one of those. You can use it when you put her in the car. Ideally you would want something that will fit her when she is full grown - but if it is too big, she will feel free to use it as a bathroom while you are trying to train her.
Our dogs love the crate - we leave the door open and they hop right in and lie down.
Good luck with your new baby. :)
Okay Omar Sharif in Lawrence of Arabia is heading Carrol's way. He is galloping mightily on a beautiful little arabian horse. We might have to leave Wally for now but Lawrence should be able to grab Carol up behind him and head out of the desert unless a tribe of nomads appear.
Then we are in trouble. However, it could be they rescue Wally as they have never seen a whale and could very well assume he is some type of diety.
If so, we can always have Indiana Jones go in for the rescue. I am not sure how he will get a beached whale out of the desert . We might need a B52 bomber and the English Air force.
Oh dear, it is time for Sam to play it again, can't miss the song.;)
Carrol, oh Carrol, which way did she go?
She may be trotting in to London town, will we ever know?
Bailey's Mom
11-20-2011, 06:12 PM
It wouldn't hurt to have a crate in multiple places. I have one big stationery crate and then a smaller, plastic one that we can easily move around. You might want to get one of those. You can use it when you put her in the car. Ideally you would want something that will fit her when she is full grown - but if it is too big, she will feel free to use it as a bathroom while you are trying to train her.
Our dogs love the crate - we leave the door open and they hop right in and lie down.
Good luck with your new baby. :)
Are you lost?
Bailey's Mom
11-20-2011, 06:15 PM better look out! Wendy wants to put you in several crates!! And aren't you full grown yet??!! :eek:
No Sus, you have it all wrong,
the crates are for Wally, I think.
Gosh, you mean he isn't full grown? How big do whales get?
Maybe the crates go in the water. Maybe one crate is for Carrol and one is for Wally and the other one is for Omar.
marie adams
11-21-2011, 01:09 PM
I think my head is spinning with all the options for Carrol to get back--it is Monday you know...:eek:
Susan I like your idea---LOL What if you don't pay the COD for Wally, does he get sent back to the desert--hehe!!!:D
Addy how do you come up with your wittyness (is that a word??)
Sas had suggested aluminum foil might detour Ella--she just ripped it up!:eek::mad::rolleyes: What am I going to do with her.....
Sas had suggested aluminum foil might deter Ella--she just ripped it up! What am I going to do with her.....
that's our girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11-21-2011, 09:27 PM
Ooooooooo, I LOVE Lawrence of Arabia.....he is really HOT - Omar Sharif, I mean - NOT the real Lawrence of Arabia because he's dead and a dead guy is not that hot.:rolleyes:
Hey, Mom, no more whale blubber - Wally's has melted away and he is looking very sveldte. He was looking a little worse for wear but perked right up after I told him the story about Jonah:) Oh and BTW, Mom, tell me again why you sent the whale..ARE YOU NUTS?? Just what do you expect me to do with a big ol' whale -
I am on the lookout for the Fedex guy but hold out more hope for the coast guard - oops, I forgot - no coast!!
This is NOT the vacation capital of the world, no matter what the whale says and there will be NO touring. So help me, if I hear one more word about getting a souvenir for Mom, there will be a major sale on fish filets in the desert!:cool:
Bailey's Mom
11-22-2011, 01:26 PM
Wally is a very special whale with very special powers. He can cross the desert by using his blow hole for propulsion. I am glad he is svelte..........must have been a strenuous trip over there. He is there to bring you know-where your red sweater is......down in the nonbasement.?????
FedEx guy there yet?? Just keep watching.
Fadwa will help you cook those fish filets. WHY IS IT YOU ALWAYS STAY IN THE DESERT?? Have you ever had dessert in the desert???
11-23-2011, 10:40 AM
I think I must have hurt my sense of direction when they threw me out of the truck or maybe it was when I fell off the trapeze in the circus:(
BTW, the Fedex guys here ride camels. Now just where do you suggest we put the whale?
marie adams
11-23-2011, 06:04 PM
I am so glad Carrol is back because I am LOL at what she comes up with!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
11-23-2011, 10:45 PM
Well, Marie, I'm only sorta back - I'm still in this friggin' desert!
The Fedex guy did gallop by today but he took one look at Wally (now wearing MY sunglasses) and said "What the f****....are you kidding??" and rode off. Even the camel looked stunned as if to say "not on MY back, sister!". So that is that.
Doesn't anyone have a very large dune buggy or could you borrow a float from the Rose Bowl dudes. And while you're at it, how about a couple of football hunks to hoist this tub of lard onto whatever you send. OHHHHH NO, I'm not going to do it!!!!:mad:
And BTW what's happening with my room in the non-basement. And who the heck has my sweater???????
Bailey's Mom
11-23-2011, 10:46 PM
Wellllllllllllllllllll........Wally is svelte, so just let him ride between the camel's humps........if he does not want to self-propel back home.:D
HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now Carrol-I've had about enough of this. You have been disobeying your mother since last March. If you don't get back here, RIGHT NOW, I will sell your water bed AND your red sweater.:D
Save a piece of pecan pie for me
Have the most happiest of Thanksgiving, enjoy Ryan and I hope your family is happy and well. Give Little Girl Bailey a big hug and kiss from me and the pups.
I am putting zoe's top hair in pigtails and she is getting a good brushing- her hair is so thin she gets "hat hair" from her sweater:rolleyes:
Koko will wear his turkey bandana!!!!!!
Love and hugs and you are on my list for things I am thankful for. I am thankful for YOU:D:D:D:D:D:D
addy and the kids
Ummmm, Mom????????
Could you please tell me who ate the last peice of pecan pie?????
Because, I thought it had MY name on it!!!!!!!!
I am envious Sus, you have your tree up already. Don't you love getting up in the middle of the night and sitting, staring at the tree lights in the dark????
My favorite thing this time of year.;);)
Love and miss you,
Bailey's Mom
11-30-2011, 11:03 PM
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm.....well Addy...........truth be known......Bob had the last of the last piece. I had half of the last piece, first. BUT WAIT!!! There is a second one and it has just found its way out of the freezer and will be sliced up tomorrow....with 3 friends........So......there go 4 pieces....and then there's Bob.....that's a fifth slice.....that probably leaves 6, 7, & 8. But then there's breakfast on Friday.....that's piece #6 for me. There's always the chance Bob will eat a second piece.....that's #7. When can you get here??!! #8 might still be around!!
I don't know that I've ever looked at the lights in the dark. Surely I must have....but I will make a point of it soon. (Tonight if I remember.) As of tonight....I believe all of the decorations are out. It's nice when it gets done this early because you really get a chance to take it all in and enjoy it.
Busy day tomorrow--must get to bed. You've completed hump day!!
Hi Sus,
Sorry I have been awol but we moved my mom this week and have had very few minutes to spare. Wish I could say things went smoothly but they did not:rolleyes::(:(
The pups are bit stressed because their routine has been just thrown out the window. I start getting more stressed because I feel like I am neglecting them and it causes me much anguish, especially Zoe. I plan on trying to spend all morning with them today.
Still have a lot of loose ends to fix from all the mix ups, wrong size wheel chair, wrong size lift chair, etc.
Does anyone know what kind of pen I can use to mark my mom's apt # on her clothes for the laundry? I am afraid of it bleeding.
love ya,
Bailey's Mom
12-04-2011, 10:14 AM
Hi Addy-
I'm sorry it's still a struggle.:(
Marks-A-Lot is a permanent marker. I have marked labels with it and it has not bled. I believe the same is true for Sharpies. Both should be available at a large drug store or something like Staples......or Staples!:) Just make sure it says "Permanent Marker" on it.
Bailey is at the point where she really wants my attention. I have a lot to do for Christmas and I just can't sit and hold her. I got up at 3AM just so I would have some alone time. It used to be when I got up, she got up, bur she's learned nothing exciting goes on when it's dark out! :rolleyes:
Try to relax and just imagine you are having a piece of pecan pie. I bought whole pecans yesterday and it was almost $12 for a bag. YIKES!!:eek::eek: I felt like I was carrying gold home. Bob does most of the shopping, so I don't really have current information in my head about prices.....but I surely never expected to pay almost $12 for a bag of nuts.
It's another pretty day here.....52 now. But blue skies and puffy clouds.
Have a relaxing day.:):)
marie adams
12-05-2011, 01:39 AM
I have really been sorry!! I wanted the last piece of pecan is probably gone by now.:(
I hope you Thanksgiving was wonderful. I made 4 pies and 1 of them was a PECAN pie--my dauhter's favorite.
We are getting the house painted and then decided to have the painter paint the stair walls and living room walls--first time hiring a painter to paint inside the house--we usually to it ourselves. It was so nice having it done so quickly. :D We also got new furniture delivered and sold my antique dining table and chairs. This have made Ella pretty nervous...
Ella continues to be a handful--eats everything she can get her mouth on, so nervous around the vacuum cleaners, and everything is a catch me if you can game. She is so silly and so much energy.:eek:
I know what you mean about about Bailey wanting all your attention--that is why Ella is a handful also. :eek:
Happy Monday!!!
Bailey's Mom
12-05-2011, 02:23 PM
Hi Marie!
Now haven't I told you you need to get your beauty sleep?? What's with this 1:39 AM stuff? Or maybe that's EST? That wouldn't be so bad.
I am glad you are no longer awol. I've missed you. Now we have to get Carrol back....she's on awol again. :mad::(
Bailey doesn't like any "stick" that is taller than she is (that's just about everything) and she doesn't like any motors. And today-she doesn't like Bob's slippers....he put them on the edge of the tub to dry out. Seems he pushed that handle one too many times!! Haha. :rolleyes: It took 5 old bath towels to mop it all him.
Yes-you did miss the last piece of pie. I ate 1/2 of it, then Bob finished it off. HOWEVER, there has been a suggestion for another one for Christmas. Do you know a pound of pecans cost TWELVE DOLLARS??? :eek::eek::eek::eek: I guess you do if you made a pie. Get in line and maybe you'll get a piece. You have to be wearing your RED sweater, or I won't recognize you. :D
I'm doing desk work....making dr appts and asking places why they are billing me. Yesterday I made a huge dent in straightening up this studio of mine. I hope to continue on a roll today and take care of those sorted papers. It got to be too much, even for me. There were bills I could not find on my desk that I knew were there somewhere.
Bob and I are headed out to put decorations out at the entrance gardens to our little development of 17 houses. A Mrs. Christmas, a Mr. Christmas, bows and garland. I usually have that done by this time. Here the decorations go up the day after Thanksgiving. In VA we did it around the 15th.
12-05-2011, 08:41 PM
I am not awol - I'm sulking!!. You guys keep talking about the last piece of pecan pie...well, who got all the rest, huh???
Ok, the wolloping whale and I are still here. We have exhausted all means to get out of here. The FEDEX guy said he would take me but the whale didn't stand a chance in h..l! That REALLY upset Wally who thinks he looks outstanding in my sunglasses. IMO, he just looks ridiculous.:rolleyes: So I decided we are off to Iraq. I got the directions from some Arab guy on a camel who spoke no English but he did do a lot of grunting and pointing and Wally thinks he has it figured out. I'm glad he took off because he had a strange look in his eye as did his camel. I'm really not up to being anyone's girl-toy - man or beast:cool: He (Wally) said he (Wally) will get us there only if I will take him wardrobe shopping as soon as we reach a mall. He heard that Macy's is having a friends and family sale. Really, this mammal is getting to be too much.
We're going to Iraq because the troops are supposed to be leaving by the end of this month and I would LOVE to ride in one of those jets (the whale can hang on to the wing for all I care!!)
Soooo, we are about to leave just as soon as blubber-puss here finishes putting chapstick on his lips. Hey, it's not likely he will meet any potential Mrs. wally out here but he says "You have to always look your best because you never know. I haven't mentioned it but a little deodorant under those fins would go a long way.
So, now we're off again..............
Did I hear Macy's is having a sale?????
Hey, who is coming over to my house to help me decorate for Christmas? Zoe and Koko are not tall enough to do the tree:D:D:
How come I'm not hearing any volunteers!!!!!!!!!
i'm too tired addy
Bailey's Mom
12-06-2011, 03:19 PM
Carrol-you put such a big smile on my face that my cheeks hurt!
I'll come back and post when I can think of something spectacular as a response!
Bailey's Mom
12-06-2011, 11:40 PM
Addy-how tall is your tree? What refreshments are you serving? Will you pay my airfare??
I have received a cablegram (yes, a cablegram) from Wally.He is really frustrated with not being able to get you to move. Faster. He does not like the scent of the deodorant you supplied. He is VERY thirsty. He misses his Mom and his home. Wally gets airsick and does NOT like lip gloss. Wally tells me he is leaving.....the h*$# with the Macy's sale. He has his one bathing suit and that is all he needs-besides his sunglasses. He wanted to get a hat, but anytime he has, his blow hole blows it off!! Wally also met a cute whalette on the way over. He wants to pursue that possibility. Don't you think a gaggle, or a litter, or little whalinies would be cute?? We could get them all red sweaters.
About the pie.....if you knew we'd been talking about it so long, why didn't you speak up? Whale got your tongue? Arab got your tongue? Camel got your tongue? FTD could have brought you a piece. ( :confused:
Among non-mahram men, women must cover the parts of the body that are awrah ( (not meant to be exposed). Women must wear the hijab ( (head covering), and full black cloak called an abaya. Do you have those? Does Macy's carry your size? Does that Macy's have that little old man who plays the piano all day long? He sure must be tired by now. :eek:
Well-it's my bedtime. Don't get too hot in all those black clothes!!;)
12-07-2011, 09:19 PM
Well, too bad for old tubby if he doesn't like the deodorant! It's not like we have a lot of choices out here in nomad land. He's starting to get on my nerves. Whose idea whas it to send him? And why? It certainly was not to help me. Old blubber puss thinks he is on vacation and is demanding room service and pooolside drinks. You think he would have noticed THERE IS NO ROOM AND THERE IS NO POOL!!!!:mad:
I told him we are going to Iraq and he put up quite a fight. Apparently, he thought I had said "Iran" (which of course was Persia) and he thought he would get a ride on a magic carpet. Forget the "stubborn as a mule". Try "stubborn as a whale"! However, I am forging on and the whale can stay behind if he wants to. "IRAN", duh!
Addy, you MISSED Macy's sale!!!! I heard they had a great deal on red sweaters!
Wind is coming up, we gotta move...........
I'm never going to get my tree up.:o:o:o:o:o:o:o
I have 2 presents purchased:(:(:(:(:(:(
I'm gonna run away from hone and go find Caroll. She can't be as stressed out as me.
The desert looks really good. My tree could be a mirage
freakin' addy
Bailey's Mom
12-10-2011, 12:45 AM
Me thinks you lost the spirit.:( I have plenty to pass around. :D I'll send you a picture of my tree and you can blow it up and use it as your tree. :) You can make it whatever height you like. Presents are another matter. How about ordering fruit from Florida for everyone? Or Elaine's Toffee (see her ads on tv?) Or-if not food....let's about gift coupons for places? There's McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Papa John' could give each one their they'd feel special. No?:confused: Need something unique......quick....log on to Personal Creations.:eek: They have tons of stuff you can get personalized. They'll probably even wrap it for you for a small fee. Or you can just use those gift at the Hallmark store? That's what my neighbor does. She never wraps anything any more. It just goes into a gift bag. (I know you weren't looking for suggestions.)
Wally called. He's on his way back from the desert. He met some cute chick....I mean whalini....and is happy as can be.:) He left without Carrol. He said she was too whiny.:( He should be home by Christmas. :D I plan to cook a special meal for him, followed by Jerky Treats for dessert. I hope his girlfriend likes me. The waters are turning cold and he asked to get him some ear muffs.....and a scarf. He also wants me to save him a piece of pecan pie. I saw a recipe today for white chocolate pecan pie. That does NOT sound good to me.
Well-I have to go write on some Christmas cards. Take a deep breath and count to 25 (you know......December 25th?). Go to the spa. Have a glass of wine. Get a massage and your nails done. You'll come back recharged!:D:)
She huffed and she puffed and she pulled with all her might, slowly the large box came up the stairs. Gasping for air, she opened the box and started to assemble the artificial tree. The pieces were heavy, but she was determined. It may not be a real tree but hey, the lights were already on it. She could always go cut some boughs from the evergreens in the yard. They could provide that wonderful smell.
Balancing precariously one one foot, the small chair tipping back, she was too tired to go drag out the ladder from the garage, she managed to connect the top of the tree. After three tries, the lights worked.
She sat down on the sofa, turned off the lamps and stared at the twinkling lights. No ornaments but it was a start. She found the spirit that very night.
May your days be Merry and Bright!
marie adams
12-11-2011, 12:55 AM
I love all the silly posts !!!:)
My posts are on EST so I am not really up that late.
It is nice Carrol and Wally are on their adventure and keep us up to date.
Enjoy the weekend!!!
Bailey's Mom
12-11-2011, 08:57 PM
HOORAY!!!!! Addy found the spirit!!! What persistence!! You make me proud!! :D:D:):):)
Bailey's Mom
12-12-2011, 12:45 AM
Paging Carrol......paging Carrol.......please pick up the nearest courtesy phone.......paging Carrol.....
I got a post card from Wally. He has made it to warmer waters.....took a slight detour and is currently circling Hawaii. His girlfriend, Linda Sue, is right by his big side. He plans on taking hula lessons.....and learning how to surf......on a board.
Paging Carrol......paging Carrol........your party is trying to reach you.....please pick up the nearest courtesy phone.........
12-14-2011, 12:23 PM
I'm coming, I'm coming...........(puff, puff, wheez)..I'm running.....Almost there..........
Wally said WHAT????? And you, Mom, BELIEVED that? Hawwaii? Are you KIDDING? Since when is Hawaii a "slight detour" from Iraq??? Remember that I said Wally wanted to go mall shopping? Well, we reached "Tents O' Stores" mall outlet and Wally stopped dead in his tracks or whatever it is that whales make:cool:He told me that he was going to go shopping and have a Jamba Juice with sea kelp (of, course). I said "no", he said "yes" and then he pulls out (no - I DON'T KNOW FROM WHERE AND I DIDN"T ASK!!) an American Express card - YOUR American Express card!!!!! BTW, where the heck was that card when I asked you for it?? You don't want to know the looks on people's faces when we slithered into that mall. I mean, just how nonchalant and inconspicuous can you be with a whale by your side (and in sunglasses, no less)?
And that nonsense about his girlfriend.....I'll tell you about the "girlfriend". Mom, I think you have a real problem. The girlfriend is the 55 year old toothless, 400lb waitress from Jamba Juice:eek:!! That's right - no whalini. We're talkin' a 2 footed girlfriend from the southern part of Iraq. Hey, doesn't "Linda Sue" sound southern?? Wally promised her the good life by the sea so now they're in love. Love must be really blind. CAN'T SHE SEE HE'S A WHALE!!!! Maybe it's the sunglasses. So now I've got 2 dummies with me. We are off, again, me, the whale and the girlfriend from h--l!
Bailey's Mom
12-14-2011, 04:55 PM
lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Sus,
stopping by to say hello, hope you are having this same warm spell, it is delightful, 50 degrees this morning when I took out the pups at 5:30, amazing!!!!!!!!!!!
time is flying by:):):):):):) I did some shopping on line and it has been fun to get all these packages delivered, a new experience though going out shopping and seeing all the decorations and carrying home shopping bags was always fun as well. Hubby says on line shopping is the end of civilization as we know it:rolleyes::rolleyes: I told him he was being a grumpy old man. He said no, it just ruins the whole experience for him!!!!!!!!
ho, ho, ho
Did you see the cute Amerian Greeting card on line? It has dogs for the twelve days of Christmas, you get a new card for 12 days!!!!!
marie adams
12-15-2011, 01:17 PM
I cannot stop laughing from your post and then Carrol's--too funny, I needed that.
Addy is all ready for Christmas and I am not--still need more presents...:eek: and nothing under the tree yet; not sure Ella will be able to resist. :D
How is Bailey doing with the tree since it is her first Christmas??? Ella is just a tease trying to grab what she can like the ribbon in the garland on the railing of the staircase.
Happy Thursday!!!:):D:p
Bailey's Mom
12-15-2011, 05:14 PM
Hi Addy-
No-I did not see the American Greetings card online. Do you have a link?
I know what you mean-I miss the shopping experience too,..:(...but here there just isn't any. I have to go back to Annapolis or VA to experience that. :( I did that for a couple of years, but don't have interest in that anymore. I have always done a great deal of shopping online...ever since we moved down here. It is so much easier and I just don't have the resources available to me that I have online. I am on a first name basis with the UPS man!!;):D Tell your husband if he doesn't watch it he'll get lumps of coal in his stocking.:eek:
I got my hair cut today. We're working towards a different cut. I've had the same one for 38 years now. It is so easy to take care of and I don't have to worry about the wind. Actually that is not true, I did let it grow out some and tried a permanent somewhere back 36-37 years ago. It's nice to see something a little different start to take shape.
Bailey ate one of the peaks in the border of our quilt this AM. First time she's ever chewed on something that wasn't hers, besides Bob and me. I hope this is not going to become a problem. We've started leaving her with the run of the house when we go out and it's worked out well so far.
I'm down to one project for Christmas, plus wrapping. I think I'm okay. I have a full week yet.
We do have the warmer weather. Bob and I were sitting on the front porch yesterday afternoon, with Bailey, and I told him....."We're going to pay for this weather, you know." It has been so unusual. We've only had one night where it got down to 32 degrees. Most of the days have been in the 50s and 60s.
Well, HO-HO-HO.....I must go. Keep the spirit going. We all need you!!
Bailey's Mom
12-15-2011, 05:24 PM
Hi Marie Irene-
Bailey has been mostly uninterested in the Christmas decorations. She has sniffed out the tree and one or two of the ornaments, but has not done anything untoward. The problem we have at the moment is that she's become quite a barker. :mad: We live on a cul-de-sac and whenever someone comes down this far to turn around, she barks.:mad::mad: And not just once!! :mad::mad::mad: I'm going to have to reign in the barking.
I'm interested to see how she does with presents for her. It should be a fun morning and I'll be taking lost of pictures, as will Ryan.
My shopping is done...but I need to wrap and there's one project I want to get done. I'm kind of enjoying this relaxed pace. Hugs to Ella.
Oh, addy is so not done with much of anything and addy is also sick:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: I just called in all my asthma meds for refills:(:(:(
Susan, a new do???? I am so wanting a new do again. I plan to go after the holidays. In the mean time headbands are coming in handy:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Did you know they are back in style? (NOT:p)
Anyway, not too many decorations going on down here in the non basement. The spiders tried to make a pretty snowflake design on the one small window. A few mice stopped by and brought some long pieces of vegatation I was going to try to use for a garland. I found an old small tree made of some silver looking tinsel stuff and a few stary birds flew in the hole, dropping of some acorns. I thought they would make nice ornaments. So little orphan addy is hangin' out, waiting for the BIG DAY with visions of pieces of pecan pie dancing in her head. Or was that only for Turkey Day?
Bailey's Mom
12-16-2011, 10:49 PM
New picture of Bailey, 1 week shy of 11 months.
marie adams
12-17-2011, 08:14 PM
Wow!!! Almost 11 months--where did the time go--she is almost a year old.:p:D:)
Her picture is so cute!! She is beautiful.:)
Miss Ella would love to play with her, but I am afraid she might hurt Bailey with how she herds the other dogs and some she rolls around with on the grass after a full run to get to them.
Here's to a happy Sunday!!:D
Bailey's Mom
12-18-2011, 12:19 AM
Thanks Marie-I think she is cute and beautiful as well. (Of course I can't say that out loud...)
We'd have a real problem with playtime. Bailey will, more often than not, go down on the ground and turn her belly up. She's turning out to be rather timid. I don't understand why that happened.
Here's to a happy Sunday!!:D :)
Hey Susan, that is a mighty pretty picture of little Miss Bailey.
Merry Christmas!!!!!
Dearest Sus,
May your Christmas be merry and bright. Enjoy Ryan and Bailey and hubby too!!!!!!!
addy, zoe and koko
Bailey's Mom
12-25-2011, 11:24 PM
It's Christmas night....for 50 more minutes. I just went back to reading the many posts at the period of time when Palmer so suddenly declined, then died, and then all the support that came forth from all of you. I'm not sure what spurned this on, but that doesn't matter.
Bailey has had her first Christmas. We had a fire in the fireplace. She had never seen a fire. She growled at first, but quickly became blase about it. She never really got into how "it's supposed to go" for opening her presents. She'd start and then right away she was eating the paper. She received several rawhide items and has been working on them all day. I'm not sure I want to be around the next time she poops!:eek::eek:
Anyway-I guess all this made me reflect to the past. Palmer was such fun at Christmas time.....but then I'm remembering his adult years. I don't remember how he was on his first couple of Christmases. I still have his duck. Bailey has destroyed the two I had set aside for later. If it's edible at all, she gets right at it. She's not going to get a chance to get Palmer's duck!
Anyway (again) I find myself really missing Palmer. It's been almost a year and a half. It surprises me how I can still tear up over his loss. I wonder if I went too fast to get a new puppy.
Just wanted to "dump" that. Pain shared is cut in half.:(
12-26-2011, 01:07 AM
Susan my cosmo and amber have been gone for 16 yrs now and i still miss them so much - they were mother and son goldens - i know how you feel---we have our new furbabies but we will never forget our old ones --- glad the little one enjoyed the treats - hugssss
Bailey's Mom
12-26-2011, 01:16 AM
Thanks Cindy....I guess. That's so long......but I really miss my Mom still and she's been gone for 25 years. I guess the feeling is proportionate to the love we share with them. Palmer was very, very special.
I hope you had a nice Christmas.
Hey Susan,
My little kitten has been gone seven years. I lived with her 21 years. She was so fun at Christmas, helping wrap presents, hiding bows. I still miss her and at Christmas time, even more so. Over time, the memories of her at Christmas are now bittersweet. Sometimes though, I still shed a tear.
The capacity to share our lives with God's creatures and love them so and have such a bond is an amazing thing that not everyone can experience. I think it speaks alot about a person, this capacity to love. IF you were not this warm, big hearted, loving person, the memories would be not bothersome.
Bailey is still a pup. She will grow in to her own Christmas traditions. They may be different than Palmer's but you will come to enjoy and except them, of that I am sure. Right now, I think the memories still hurt a bit.
Sharing is always a good thing!!!!:):)
All my love,
Bailey's Mom
12-27-2011, 02:09 AM
Hi Addy-
You're my BEST bud!!!!
marie adams
12-27-2011, 01:48 PM
Here's to a belated Christmas blessing!!!
It is such a hard time. This time last year we knew it was Maddie's last one. :(
Yes we do miss our mothers. I was walking through the Ralph's grocery store and there on the shelf were Blue Willow plates which made me remember my mom who gave me her plates from my grandparents--teared up right then an there. These plates are still at my parent's house. I went to see my dad and he misses her; this being his first Christmas without her. He knows she is better off not having the constant pain any longer, but wishes she was still here since she loved Christmas time so much. :(
Okay off that woe is me...with tears in my eyes. Where the heck is Carrol to make us laugh....:eek:
You will have great times with Bailey. We just have to remember they are their own little person with their own personalities. You will never ever forget Palmer, but Bailey will have her own place in your heart. Cindy said we grow another heart for the next fur baby that comes along....:o
It was so hectic around here with a pre-party, then a warm-up party on Christmas Eve, then on to another party to sing Happy Birthday Jesus, and then Christmas morning. Christmas dinner was at our house this year--homemade ox tail soup, prime rib, and the trimmings. All a great time!!! Ella wasn't really happy with all the people at her house, but I know next year she will be calmer.
Thanks for always being there and I know the new year will bring many happy memories for all of us!!!
Happy New Year ahead of time!!!
Bailey's Mom
12-27-2011, 05:43 PM
Well! Marie Irene finally got out of the nonbasement long enough to talk to us.:D
Thanks for your kind words. I remember your speaking about Maddie having her last Christmas. Sometimes maybe it's better if we don't know ahead of time. I don't know. I guess it's never good.....they always wind up "gone."
I didn't realize this was your first Christmas without your Mom. (Did I understand that right?) If you only teared up......kudos to you. I think maybe I'd have had to leave the store. Oh those first times through without a loved one are so hard.
Your dinner (except for the soup.......for me) sounds wonderful. How many people were there? We just had the three (four) of us, but Bob cooked a wonderful prime rib with scalloped potatoes and peas. There was pecan pie for dessert. He had tried making a crust and it wasn't as good as the regular was too thick...but did I let that keep me away from eating it???!!! NO!!!!! :D:D There is still some pie left, if anyone wants to stop by and have a piece. All the calories are baked out.;);):)
Bailey and I have had some cuddle time and I'm feeling better about all of it. How could you not fall in love with this little furball? Just like I'll never get over missing my Mom, I'll never get over missing Palmer. HOWEVER........ , Bailey has a new, hot pink, collar and a new, not quite so hot pink, sweater. Pictures will hopefully be posted soon.
I hope everyone survived the big day. I am exhausted. I've burned my candle at both ends and they are just about to meet in the middle! Massage tomorrow......I wonder if I could make it later than 10 AM?
You are really helpful too Marie. (Irene) And YES....where IS Carrol to make us laugh?? At least she let us know her son arrived safely. I guess we'll have to cut her some slack.
Have a great Wednesday. We go through a lot of this next weekend, as well.
Gone in a blink of an eye, Christmas, I mean. Happens every year.:(:(
We packed up the party Christmas Eve after dinner and took it to Mom's new digs. The girls actually had a good time there. The little one loved walking up and down the halls to the trash room to throw things down the trash chute.:D:D:D:D They thought it felt good to go to Grammy's, part of the Christmas spirit. I was proud of them.;)
So, now the question is---------
what are you doing New Year's EVE?
party in the non basement
love ya
Bailey's Mom
12-28-2011, 02:41 PM
YES!!!! Party in the nonbasement!! Everyone is welcome....especially you special people....and you all know who you are!!!! If we choose to come upstairs, from the nonbasement, there will be a fire in the fireplace, a very friendly little ball of fur, and plenty of junk food to eat. (Can someone please take all this junk food out of here???!!) :confused::confused::eek::eek::(;)
Addy, I got up in the middle of the night, just to watch the tree with all the other lights out. :D When we turn the tree lights on, a table lamp also comes I had to turn that off, which is no big deal, to get it to happen. It is a very pretty tree. It's 8' or 9' tall, with a little snowman as the topper. His top hat just reaches the ceiling. We have twinkle lights, motion ornaments and old time ornaments.....passed down.:)
It is 49 with gorgeous blue skies here today. The wind, however, is around 40mph. It's been blowing like that for almost 24 hours. :eek:
I'm ready for 2012. I've been told I won't need to see the inside of a hospital ALL YEAR!!! :D:D:D
marie adams
12-28-2011, 05:15 PM
I like partying in the non basement. Will there be any pecan pie upstairs to munch on????
Of course I will be partying up at my niece's wedding that night. I have been trying to find a place for Ella--figured out staying the the hotel room for many hours will not be a good idea for her especially in an unfamiliar place.
I love the tree lite up without the other lights on---so pretty---do we have to take them down and thrown them aways????:( Our angel is a little drunk at the top of the tree---had to make adjustments for her at the top and darn if she doesn't get a little crooked up there when a furball messes with the tree ornaments.
Have a wonderful time at the party everyone!!! :D:D
Addy--I called one of my grandmothers Grammy....
Happy New Year!!!! Happy New Year!!!!!! I am so excited, where is my hat, where are the horns? Did I hear we are having a band in the non basement?
OMG, a SALAD BAND!!!!! I never heard a salad band. I can't wait!!!!!
Oh, wait a minute, it is a Salsa Band and I have 2 more nights to wait.
Bailey's Mom
12-29-2011, 10:01 PM
Not a bad imitation of Carrol, there......
This night is almost over....then it's one more night, or sleep as we like to call it. :)
The hat and the horns went out with the move 10 years ago. :eek::( HOWEVER, we do have talking balls. (WATCH IT!) :D They are Bailey's but I will try to get her to share. She is not very good at that yet. When you play fetch, she brings the item back to you, but then won't let you have it or get it. :mad: I think she fell on her head down in Alabama. :confused::eek: Anyway...she has three talking balls and one flashing ball. (Watch out for seizures.....the flashing ball is bright red.....and kind of distracting.):cool:
Well....I need to go to bed if I'm expected to stay up and watch that silly ol ball drop down. I'll bring the pecan pie. Who's got the chips and dip??
Bailey's Mom
12-29-2011, 10:28 PM
Oh! By the way....just a small item.......last night I pulled out 17 feet of yarn from Bailey's mouth and stomach. YIKES!!!!!!! From time to time, I receive these small blankets in the mail from places looking for donations. They make nice little lap blankets or as a furniture blanket (to keep dog prints off.) Well-one I received a month or so ago....I had put down for Bailey to sit on, cuddle up on. They are kind of felt like and these places make a slip stitch to keep the edges intact. I sat at the computer last night working away, I became aware of an unusual sound. I've learned to keep my third ear trained for these sounds. I turned around and Little Miss, who will eat anything and everything that is on the ground and is not food, had a piece of string hanging out of her mouth. I thought at first that she had just gotten ahold of a piece of thread and I turned to get it from her. As I turned, I saw that it was not 5 or 6 inches was at least a foot long. I quickly scooped her up and started to pull. She started to pull back. In a few seconds we looked like that magician who keeps pulling handkerchief out of his pocket. When I finally reached the end of my rope (her yarn), it was so long I decided to measure it. 208 inches!!! I then took the blanket and removed all of the side stitching.
Very cute puppy for sale (cheap!!)
OMG Susan,
I would have been in panic city:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I watched an episode of the Dog Whisper once and a little one ( shih tzu mix about 15 pounds max) ate an entire plastic tablecloth while her mom was away.:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Reminds me of the first New Years Koko spent with us. We decided to go out for a few hours, we had been home with the little devil for six months every night. Well, back then I used a belly band and free range of the house (suggested by a rescue group for his anxiety). We came home around 11:00pm and he had managed to chew the belly band off and Zoe and Koko ate the Kotex pad inside it:eek::eek: Zoe had NEVER done anything remotely like that before:eek::eek:
I spent 3 days pulling Kotex pad out of her butt:eek::eek:
Dogs, always something!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
Where oh where has my susan gone, oh where oh where could she be???
with her little red sweater and cute little dog, oh where oh were could she be?
marie adams
01-03-2012, 03:12 PM
OMG!!! Susan that is something Ella would do--into everything and eats it as well!!!! You sound like you did panic too much!!!:eek:
Is Bailey still for sale???? hehe!!!!
I didn't take any chances with Ella while we were doing wedding festivities for my neice. Ella went to a sleepover at someone's house who I only met on Saturday. I used Sleepover Rover, Inc. I am not sure how far they reach, but they are here in So Cal and Arizona. Ella had a great time, not sure if they told me how much trouble she was. They have 2 beagles and one of them loves to play.
I hope you had a wonderful New Year's party in the non-basement!!!!
Happy Monday!!!
Bailey's Mom
01-03-2012, 03:42 PM
Hi Gang-
Just not myself right now. I'm reading but I don't have much to say. Happy New Year, everyone.
Just not myself right now.
But Mom, if you are not yourself, then who are you? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: :confused: And what will Marie Irene and I do all by our lonesomes in the non basement?:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
We could get in trouble and start hanging around with the wrong forum. The neighbors would start talking. All kinds of things could happen:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek ::eek:
OMG, would Bailey be an orphan if you are not yourself?
feel better Sus,
Bailey's Mom
01-03-2012, 10:51 PM
Well! There's my First broad smile this year!!:D:):)
"Who am I?" :confused::confused::confused: I think that's the REAL question.:rolleyes: You and Marie Irene can play dominoes or Gimme Five in the non basement. The cards are in the hall closet and the dominoes are in the side bench table. Just be careful.....whenever Bailey hears even one piece of dust drop, she's off and barking and barking and barking and barking. And if she is not sure of you, you will get a VERY nasty growl.:mad::o
Meanwhile, I think I will go beddy bye and ponder just who I am. I have said to Ryan...."WHO ARE YOU?? And what have you done with that son of mine??!!" (That's at a time when he's behaving so very grown up....which he did tonight.)
If I find I am NOT myself, then we will just have to get the FBI and CSI on the case. And has ANYONE seen Jerry Orbach lately?? (I know...he's dead.....) Gee I miss him. And the old guy...the one who was the DA before Sam Waterson became DA.
I will leave a trail of crumbs, if I go out looking for myself.
Love and thanks,
((((((( )))))))
Wanted: One good private eye to help mom find herself. Must have good scent dog. Columbos need not apply.
marie adams
01-04-2012, 01:52 PM
I WANT MY MOM!!!!!! :eek: She doesn't love us anymore and that is why she ran away?????
Addy and I promise to behave--we didn't lose any of the dominoes or cards....:(:o
Oli Oli Oxen Free (is that how it goes--never wrote it down before) come out whereever you are....!!!!
I hope today is a better day!!!! :):D
Bailey's Mom
01-04-2012, 05:22 PM
[I just lost a very funny, very funny, very funny reply to youse guys....arghhhhh!]:mad::mad:
Funny thing-I was in 7-11, or was it the 8-12?, and this dude in a crumpled up, dingy raincoat , with one eye heading east and one eye heading north, came up to me and said there were rumors going around that I had abandoned my little chickies. :eek::confused:
No WAY!!:cool::)
It's a new day, it's brighter out, the grass is greener, I think I can hear Wally off in the distance and I am embracing 2012. (I know, I know....I'm about 4 days late!!) The grass is a temporary condition.. .....we are now down into the 20's daytime. YIKES!!!! :eek:
The house decorations are mostly down and stored for another year. The tree is still gorgeous and I hope to hang onto it for one more night. Bob found the ornament we had been looking for, which was new for this year. I had set it off to the side in the pantry so that Ryan would be sure to see it. It's one of those motion, lights,, sound ornaments. Have you seen those? We have a Santa in a golf cart and he keeps going around in circles anytime the lights are on. We have one that looks like an answering machine, has a cute little mouse on top of it and when you push the button, you hear a message Santa left. We have another one that is a Star Trek ornament and you hear Spock wish you a merry Christmas. (I am NOT the "trekkie!!") The new one, has Santa and a house, a train goes around the house and lights flash. They're so cool and great fun to just sit and watch. The Santa/golf cart one goes on its own, the others need something pushed. If the golf cart comes into contact with a needle or other ornament or cord, he changes direction. Really cool.
Ya know, I don't often hit bumps in the road, but when I do, you can hear the "splat" all the way in Wisconsin! I so prefer to be toddling merrily along.
Anyone interested in some chocolate chip cookies? Ghiradelli chocolate? Would that help soothe the "Mom left us" abandonment feelings? With pecan bits or with walnut bits? You want some French Vanilla ice cream to go with?
I think I'm going back to the scissor groomer for Bailey. I think it's a better, more cute cut. The blade guy doesn't want to leave the body its natural length and trim the head shorter....and now that I see how that looks, I disagree with his opinion.
Well-I've written another book here. Other threads don't have these little side stories going on. Hmmmmmmmm.
Thanks for the hugs!!:D:D
Where the heck did you find a scissor groomer? i did not even know they existed. That is a wonderful option. I wonder if we have any? The only problem is Koko LOVES his groomer and she adores him. I can't imagine taking him anywhere else. He loves going there.
And Baby Kujo AKA Zoe well, her groomer knows how to handle her without bites:rolleyes::rolleyes: And I love how she cuts Zoe's face. I dont want to be calling Zoe the groomer killer too:eek::eek:
I still have my tree up too. I'm glad you got to see yours at night with all the lights off. I will miss that.
I did hear that splat, I really did. I was sitting in the living room and said to Zoe, "what was that? It sounded like a splat. I hope it wasn't Susan!!!!!":eek:
love ya,
addy, Baby Kujo and Koko
Bailey's Mom
01-04-2012, 11:10 PM
Hey Addy!!??
How long 'til the pool opens??
There is an awful lot to be said with the doggies being comfortable somewhere. Bailey (according to reports) doesn't seem to care one way or the other, however if we kept the non-scissor dudes....that's where Bailey will stay when we travel. The more contact with familiar people is always a plus. I just really think I like the outcome better with Edwina Scissorhands. We'll just have to see how it goes. :confused:
How cold is it there?
Bailey's Mom
Bailey's Mom
01-04-2012, 11:11 PM
PS-All or almost all show dogs are hand groomed with scissors, I think. This lady is a former show dog groomer.
Wow, I did not know that about scissor grooming. I wish I could learn how to do it.
Two more week until it is light at 5:00pm. Pool opens in 4.5 months. That is not bad. I hope this mild winter does not translate in to a cold, wet summer.
I made a deal with Zoe. I won't call her Kujo anymore if she stops trying to bite me. So far she is holding up her end of the bargain.:D;)
Oh for the love of a dog.:rolleyes:;):D
Have a great day dear friend!!!!!
marie adams
01-05-2012, 11:53 AM
Mom is BACK!!!!!:D:D
I didn't take Maddie to the groomers after 2 tries and she was so depressed I couldn't do it anymore. I really didn't like how they trimmed up her fuzzy butt--I like it natural. So this means no groomer for Ella--I just give her a bath myself. It looks like Ella will be Kujo at the Doggie Spa after our last battle and I got the scar to prove it. :eek: We will just try that one without the blowing dry, but since she doesn't care if we use cold water in the backyard it saves me mula.
I think I had heard that about show dogs being scissor trimmed too.
I think it is really cold when it hits 37 degrees in the morning, but the last 2 mornings it has been 46 and warmed up to about 79. Sorry we just have weird weather out here even in the winter.
I like my chocolate chip cookies with the dark or milk choc. chips and made with butter--no nuts for me--thank you!!! If I had to choose nuts pecans would be my choice. There is a restaurant out here called BJ's Pizza that serves a huge choc chip cookie in a special pan and vanilla ice cream on top--they are called P'zukies (sp.) very delicious.
Here's to a wonderful Thursday!!!
Bailey's Mom
01-05-2012, 06:30 PM
I use a combination of dark and milk chocolate. Pecans is what it usually is. You can eat around the nuts. Ryan doesn't like nuts in them either.
You could try cutting Ella yourself. I did Bailey's first cut......and it was very obvious it was not done by a skilled professional! I had all the equipment when we had Peaches, but it never looked good and the blade heats up. I was worried about giving her a burn.
Still 37 degrees.
Addy-you can't tell me that that sweet little angel faced sweetie bites you! I think that when you sleep you go into the kitchen, get a toothpick, nick yourself, then go back to bed. Then in the AM you accuse Zoe. How RUDE!!!!! ;):D
Yay!!!! Tree is STILL up. It won't survive after tonight, though.
She does, she does for real bite me or tried to and she is fast let me tell you. She was like that from the very beginning when we sprung her from jail. That girl does not like being picked up or having her paws fussed with. But like I said, it is weird, when she is good, she is very, very good and when she is bad she is KUJO:eek::eek::eek:
It is like she gets PMS or something and can't handle things and then she chills and is so sweet. I bet it is her sex hormones.
I LOVE chocolate chip cookies, chewy and gooey not crisp and you can put white chocolate and peanut butter AND pecans AND the kitchen SINK:D:D:D:D:D
I will start taking the tree down slowly, this weekend. Big Sign, I will miss it. Does your living room look bare after all the decorations are gone?
Bailey's Mom
01-06-2012, 12:19 AM
Heaven yes! Very bare!!
Sorry-no pb, no white chocolate, definitely gooey and I will think about the kitchen sink.
Happy weekend!!!!!!!
Started taking the tree down last night. I was sad:(:( Looking at it and thinking about all our Cush angels was comforting.
It is another beautiful sunny day. I hope you are enjoying the same. Have you any good movies to suggest? I am in the mood for a movie tonight.
Hey Sus, did you ever get your new "do"? My hair has gotten so long it is driving me nuts. I am considering chopping it ALL off, much shorter.
If you come across any cute new hairdos, let me know. I am always on the look out:D:D:D:D
love ya,
Bailey's Mom
01-07-2012, 04:43 PM
Well.....tree is down and away for another year. :(:):D I wish there was an angel somewhere who would come in 2-3 weeks before Christmas and then 10 days after Christmas and take care of all the decorating, storage chores!
Beautiful day here. 66 degrees and nice blue sky. It's about to change, I'm told.
My new "do" is in progress. The sides and the length have to grow some. Not a lot.
So far- I am "standing" it, so hopefully it will work out.
Movies-the last movie we saw was "The Help." I thought it was GREAT. I want to see the one Julia Roberts is in, the one Glenn Close is in and the one Meryl Streep is in. They're not out on DVD yet and I missed them in the theaters.....well not Julia Roberts-that one is just starting.
Do you like Peeps? CVS has BIG heart shaped peeps....for valentine's day. A pack of 6 is how they come. I just got them about an hour ago and 4 are already gone!:eek::rolleyes:
Make some popcorn to enjoy with that movie! Or buy some cheddar cheese popcorn. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.:D:D
(I gotta stop this sugar!!)
We already tried to give up sugar remember? I said I would give up Bunny Tracks ice cream. Well, actually, now that it is winter, I don't eat it. But I keep drinking orange soda:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I want to see Meryl Streep also and maybe that Tom Hanks movie but I don't want to cry alot.
How come Animal Planet stopped all the cute dog shows on Saturday night? We had Underdog to Wonder dog and that other rescue show with the dogs going to the east coast from the south. I miss my dog shows.:o:o:o:o:o
marie adams
01-07-2012, 11:49 PM
Definitely no Peanut Butter in cookies---yuk, imo of course!!!:eek:
I hate the look of the house without the decorations--we took it all down last Monday. The tree went out for the trash pickup to recycle them. That tree was so dry it wasn't safe...:eek: It is all in boxes ready to put up in the attic. We wrapped most of the boxes so it looks like we have really big presents behind the tree. Then we stage the really presents on some of these boxes. It saves from having to put them away and then get them back out to pack. We store some of the items we take down for the Christmas decorations.
I couldn't resist getting more wrapping paper (I didn't need any), but Target had 90% off so I choose a few new ones--$.50 for a roll was a great price--the downer was it is only 8ft of paper. And you can not have enough tissue paper.
I am lucky I do not have to doing any trimming on Ella other than her nails. Just a wash and brushing every so often. You would think with all that fur she would need constant might help with the shedding if I did brush more often.:p
I haven't watched the Animal Planet for a while so I cannot tell you why Saturday nights are boring!!
Happy rest of the weekend!!!!
Bailey's Mom
01-08-2012, 08:47 PM
Wow! Marie Irene is FULL of news.:)
I don't understand...."We wrapped most of the boxes so it looks like we have really big presents behind the tree. Then we stage the really presents on some of these boxes. It saves from having to put them away and then get them back out to pack.":confused::confused:
Do you wrap empty boxes? Then you put the real gifts on top of those boxes? OH! You do that with the storage boxes....right?:confused: That's kind of a cool idea.:cool:
When I lived in VA, I went out every year on the 26th for wrapping paper, gift cards, tissue and anything cool looking. I guess I haven't done that in 10 years now.....that's how long we've lived here. I guess Palmer was only 3 or 4 when we moved in here. Anyway-my wrapping paper supply is still holding up. Sometimes Hallmark puts their paper on sale before Christmas. Their paper is the only sturdy paper left out there (imo.) I'd rather pay a little more and buy their stuff than constantly using tape to mend tears. :mad::mad: Some of the paper is not much thicker than tissue paper.:mad::mad::(
I won't do Bailey's nails...and I didn't do Palmer's or Peaches. They all have had black toe nails and it's just not worth it. Too stressful.:eek:
Addy-that new Tom Hanks movie does look good....but it's probably a tear jerk-er.
I ate some ice cream last night and man did it hurt my teeth. :eek:Toothpaste hurts my teeth and gums.:eek: I may be eating baby food soon.:( I don't know what's changed. I also can no longer put hot red pepper flakes on my pizza. :(:(:confused: Just show me the nearest nursing home.:(:(:eek::(
Love and hugs-s
Okay, you are not allowed to get sick yet. You have to wait at least until February to have any kind of pain.:):)
My weakness is ribbon, I can't resist going out to buy ribbon on clearance. I sure don't need any more ribbon but I just have to buy some or I have withdrawals:D:D:D Gee- I wonder why Zoe is so much like me????:eek::eek::eek: But, hey, I don't turn into Addy Kujo. ( Well there have been a few times I felt like biting:D:p;))
I think the Tom Hanks movie will need a box of Kleenex but I might see it anyway. A good cry could be good for me.:)
Sus, maybe you just need toothpaste for sensitive gums and teeth and a softer toothbrush.
When I was crawling around underneath the tree, trying to unscrew the thinga magigs that you tighten into the tree from the stand, I got up and asked hubby "how the heck am I going to crawl around under the tree like this when I am 80?" He didn't answer:eek:
HAPPY MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
01-09-2012, 06:54 PM
LOL!!!! I remember all that crawling under the tree and tightening the thingamajigs.....sometimes called bolts. I got out of that somehow a few years ago. I think maybe it was when I had the knee surgery. Wow! That's the first really positive benefit I've had from those surgeries. [Well-not really......the right leg is WONDERFUL and the left leg has to be better than it was.]
A couple of years ago, I bought a ton of ribbon online. I like the acetate with the fused it won't rip. I won't run out in my lifetime.:D
I got up this morning and the entire world started going around clockwise. I had to fall back on the bed not to fall over. :eek: I'm still periodically light headed, but nothing like this morning.:confused: Even once I was on the bed, everything still kept spinning for awhile.:confused:
I am using Sensodyne. And I always have soft bristles. The paste in my mouth stings without me doing anything. I think Tom's of Maine has one made of baking powder. I'll have to look into this further because it is now shortening the length of time I brush, due to the discomfort.
Bailey is tolerating baths better. I may try on my own next time. Bob doesn't seem to appreciate being sprayed, accidentally or not.:p
I figure when I am 80 I will get a very short little tree and I will hang one type of ornament on it, that I've been collecting. Bob's mom had a ceramic tree with lights on the branches. It was ridiculous, but now I wish we'd kept it. Although I'll be 90 before I do anything like THAT!
Happy Tuesday!!
marie adams
01-10-2012, 01:14 PM
You are so funny!!!:D
I like ribbon too!!! I like the kind with the wire in it. I keep the ribbon year to year if it still looks good. If it is too long I keep making another bow on top of the last one. It really looks like I do fancy bows on the presents. I do not tie any knots so the ribbon just comes undone with a pull. That is one of the bows I tied that Ella untied so it really wasn't so hard to retie.
I know what you mean about the Hallmark paper--it is so nice. I found after only doing it once--the wrapping paper fundraiser at schools--that is wonderful paper also--really worth the price and you get a lot. Of course unless I know someone with kids I haven't ordered for a long time. Sometimes stores like Marshall's have a brand that is nice--don't have a clue what it is....
So much for Christmas past....on to a great year for all!!!
Have you heard from Carrol and Wally?????? She must be enjoying her holiday!!!!
Enjoy your Tuesday!!!
Bailey's Mom
01-10-2012, 07:53 PM
I have not heard from Carrol. Wally stopped by last weekend for a change of clothes. He looks good and his girlfriend is very cute. He bubbled something, but he was on his way out and I didn't catch what he said.:D
Bolts????? Those thingamajigs are called bolts?????????????
Marie Irene, please will you do a video so I can learn how to tie bows without knots? HOW do you do that?????
Zoe and Koko just finished a wrestling match on my bed. I finally had to break it up, they were getting too carried away. For a sick dog, she sure can wrestle. I still don't get it:(:confused::confused:
P.S. Sus are you sure you don't have an ear infection? My mom had a problem with her ear crystals afew years ago. She had to do exercises to make sure they stayed in the right place. She would get dizzy like that.
Bailey's Mom
01-11-2012, 12:46 AM
Well-I am trying to get a dr appt for tomorrow. This isn't like losing my balance. It is that the world goes spinning very fast around me. It's gone on for two days now. Very disconcerting.:confused:
Someone else tried to let me know that the symptoms are the same for blood clots in the head.:eek::eek::eek:
I thought this was to be my easy year. My year away from all doctors. We aren't even to February yet!!:mad::eek::(
marie adams
01-11-2012, 01:04 AM
Let's not go there with blood clots in the head...:eek::eek: Hopefully you will get in tomorrow and it won't be that bad!!
Let us know!! I will say a lot of prayers for you!!
Someone else tried to let me know that the symptoms are the same for blood clots in the head.
Did you thank them for sharing:rolleyes::rolleyes::mad::eek:
I am going to see if I can find a voodoo doll. Plan on labeling it "illness that may be attracted to Sus" then I am going to stick pins in it so all this stuff leaves you alone!!!!!:D
Should I pick up a garlic necklace too?
Bailey's Mom
01-11-2012, 05:51 PM
Oh me. Well "it's vertigo."Ther ear has these calcium crystals (if I got that right) and some of the little devils escaped. When they get where they're not supposed to be, the world goes around and around. I got a Rx which is basically an antihistamine/motion med. So's not doing its job. I am to go back next Wed if it is not all gone. If I go back, there is a possibility of pt and/or head scans. "Just to rule out a little stroke." Then she says, "...but those are zebras; we're going to focus on the horses for now." This is a tiny little woman from way west another continent...and she is always so cheery and kind of funny. So- she just wanted to let me know what the possibilities are...not to alarm me. The pt would be my lying on the floor and some pt person moving my head back and forth and back and forth, from side to side. Gives me motion sickness just thinking about it! It makes this feeling happen and your muscles respond and finally they get tired of responding so they stop reacting. So-meanwhile, I'm just kind of doing nothing and not moving.
Dolls, garlic......ghosts in the night....whatever might work. I keep saying I've paid my dues and no one is listening!!:(:(:(
Bailey's Mom
01-11-2012, 06:07 PM
Okay.......guess who I got an email from???? :confused:Can't guess? :confused: Palmer's vet.....the one who disappeared in the night without even telling her staff she would not be in the next day. :eek: She wants to let me know where she is, that she treasures our relationship and that she has a letter I wrote, probably after Palmer died, on the counter at her front desk....for the world to see.....and hope that's okay with me. :confused: She's opened up a new office in New Hampshire. Talk about out of the blue!! I've not replied yet. I can still get angry about her leaving the way she did. Can't change that now. Once I have let those feelings settle back down....a day or two....I'll respond.
Now if someone would just show up at my front door with the rest of Bailey's tail...........I'd be REALLY happy.:D
Sus, there are exercises you can do with your head to get the crystals back in place. My mom had this and it was no joke.
I'll see if I can find them, the exercises, not your crystals, lol my brain goes faster than my fingers.
Feel better SOON
marie adams
01-12-2012, 12:58 PM
Well, I am going to say it is better than blood clots in the head!!!!:D
A few months ago I got a call from the vet who first diagnosed Maddie and wanted to tell me it has been some time since they saw her. Hello, that was over 2 years ago....:mad: I am glad you are giving it a few days to respond to the vet--maybe you should tell her you do mind her using the letter and why...or maybe don't waste any of your precious time on her--use that time to find Bailey's tail....:D
I know it bothers you she doesn't have her tail, but you still have to love her. Ella doesn't have hers and I still love her (of course there are times I don't love her :mad:).
I am finding my patience is harder to find lately with her again. I thought you said 9 months was a turning point :eek:. I do see improvements, but sometimes she cannot help herself and she has to jump and nip at me right in front of people--take about embarassed! :o
Please take care of yourself. Addy will be getting you those exercise and we will have you ship-shape in no time. Then we can party in the non basement or go shopping for a different color of sweater so we will have one for each day of the week. :D
Bailey's Mom
01-12-2012, 04:08 PM
Marie Irene- You're funny!
I don't mind the letter being displayed. She really is a special person. She just has no "social graces." I'll respond in a couple of days.
Of course I still love Bailey with her little tail. I just wish I could see what it would look like if she had all of it to wag, and I wish for her she had not gone through that experience. It's so unnecessary. We have gotten into a pattern of my lifting her up onto the bed at night and every night I am reminded that it's not all there. It's a lot harder to scoop a doggie up when you can't put their tail between you and them!
With the nipping....what we do when it happens, and it still happens once in a while, we firmly say "NO BITING!" Then I remove my hands/arms from her reach and, if necessary, turn away from her.....putting my back to her. The idea is if you deprive her of what she thinks is play eventually she'll learn that it works to her detriment. It's not 100% gone, but she's not even a year yet. Just yesterday Bailey scooted out the door when I was going out. A neighbor was crossing the cul de sac and Bailey went to very eagerly greet her. She nipped at her some. We'll get there, Marie. We'll get there. I've often been glad that you and I got our pups so close in age. It has helped me to read of your travails and it makes me feel like things indeed are a challenge but not all that unusual. It's like they say about potty training one has ever graduated from high school with diapers on. It is in their own time. Not ours, unfortunately.
We've been through this with 3 doggies now and if there is a next time, I think I'd prefer to find a rescue dog that's 2 years old-ish.
Still whirling around in my world. Less often but it is still happening. To look at me walking, you'd swear I was drunk! :o:eek:
Happy Sunday Sus.
I hope the world stopped twirling and your ears are better.
I can't believe the Packers lost!!!!!! No Super Bowl party for us:(:(:(:(
How many times did they drop the ball?
And since hubby grew up in NY he was cheering on the Giants.:mad:
He may have to sleep in the den tonight:p:p:p:p:p:p
marie adams
01-16-2012, 04:49 PM
I hope everyone is feeling better today!!!
I am playing MOM to Addy and think she should go to the doctor's this week and not next....
Happy Monday!!!!
Bailey's Mom
01-18-2012, 03:44 AM
Places I've Been and Haven't Been
I have been in many places, but I've never been in Cahoots.
Apparently, you can't go alone. You have to be in Cahoots with someone.
I've also never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognizes you there.
I have, however, been in Sane. They don't have an airport; you have to be driven there. I have made several trips there, thanks to my friends, family, and work.
I would like to go to Conclusions, but you have to jump, and I'm not too much on physical activity anymore.
I have also been in Doubt. That is a sad place to go, and I try not to visit there too often.
I've been in Flexible, but only when it was very important to stand firm.
Sometimes I'm in Capable, and I go there more often as I'm getting older.
One of my favorite places to be is in Suspense! It really gets the adrenalin flowing and pumps up the old heart! At my age I need all the stimuli I can get!
I may have been in Continent, but I don't remember what country I was in. It's an age thing.
Happy Wednesday everyone!:D:D:D:D
lol sus, you made my day!!!!!
marie adams
01-18-2012, 03:31 PM
LOL - that was good!!! Did you think that up all by yourself??? I think your crystals might be back in place....:D
I do hope you are feeling better!!!
Bailey's Mom
01-18-2012, 04:37 PM
Nope-there are still some crystals that are awol. I was to see the doc today, but I got a call early saying she's sick. Now it's Friday. It is much, much less frequent but still unnerving when it happens.:(
I did not think that up on my own.....thanks for the compliment!:) I just saw it, loved it, copied and pasted it.:D
Well- Bailey is currently going to sleep with herself draped over my back and her neck on my neck. And she just stays there. :eek: That gets hot!!:rolleyes:
Cold here-but nothing like Abby. 41 right get very cold tonight. Now I remember why I don't like winter very much.:p
I hope our weather does not head your way. It is soo cold this morning and now we are to have more snow. Both pups wanted to walk but I didn't dare take them, I couldn't carry them all the way back home when their paws freeze. I think we all need to move forward, maybe we would all feel better.
Good news is when I walked out of work yesterday it was NOT DARK!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Two more months 'till day light saving time:D:D:D:D:D:D
I took a nice long hot shower, put my red pjs on and went to bed last night and your advice helped!!!!!!!! I think the red pjs had a lot to do with it. How can one feel sick while wearing red??????????
Have a wonderful weekend!!!!
Happy Friday!!!!!!
love to you and Bailey
Koko and Zoe woof to Bailey too
BTW....Bailey turned one yesterday. WooHoo!!!
Happy Birthday Dear Little Miss Bailey
Love Zoe and Koko
aunt addy too;);););)
marie adams
01-25-2012, 12:55 PM
How did I miss Bailey's Birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Miss Bailey!!! :):p:D
It does not seem like it has been a year since you picked out that cute furball, Bailey. I bet you are glad it is a year and now the calm Bailey will start to show up in the months ahead...:D:eek: You see improvement each day or week I am sure. I am seeing good changes in Ella, but the little devil is still there.
How are you doing?? Is each day getting better for you? Don't you go to the doctor this week for a follow up visit? So many questions!!!! :D
(((((HUGS to BAILEY from Miss Ella)))))
Bailey's Mom
01-25-2012, 08:27 PM
I went to the doc today. I'm to have pt and a cat scan. I will set up appts tomorrow for those. It's still happening and I've had enough of this now. It can stop at any time. It may be a pinched nerve in my arthritic neck. I don't think there is one place in my body where there is not arthritis. Nobody else in my family ever had this. I am SO lucky.
Other than some chewing on blankets and my pjs Bailey has really settled down.
Thank Miss Ella for us. When does she turn one?
01-25-2012, 10:02 PM
Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!!!
Wow that year went by so quick!!!!!
Love and hugss xoxo and a Huge Kiss from Penny X
marie adams
01-27-2012, 01:40 AM
Boy, you are lucky to have so many wonderful things happen to you...just kidding of course!!! I hope the pt helps. I think I have a pinched nerve because my left arm has some problems--I think it is from Ella pulling on the leash, sometimes the darting off in an opposite direction doesn't seem to help.
Have a great weekend!!! :D
Happy Sunday Sus!!!!!!
I hope your tests will find the cause of your problems.
I'll be thinking of you.
We are to have temps in the fortys all week. I hope you enjoy a warm spell too.
We are off to visit mom. Seems like the vicoden is kicking in, her back is not as painful.:):):):)
I hope you feel better soon. Otherwise we are going to have to find a nice hot island to soak up sun and surf!!!!!!
marie adams
01-30-2012, 12:55 PM
Hi Susan,
You guys just head to Southern California this Thursday and you can soak up the rays all weekend and watch the waves--suppose to be in the high 70's almost 80 again. I will make wonderful drinks and we can enjoy the sunset on my 2nd story deck that looks out to the beach. It is truly beautiful especially when the solar flares caused a most beautiful sunset last week. We are spoiled out here...:D
Yay for the sun staying out longer!!! :)
I hope you are feeling a little better!!! ;)
Miss Ella still likes to chew on blankets sometimes, but especially likes sheets--I kept the old duvet cover I think it smells like us or something. She doesnt' seem to like the new sheets on our bed--they are the microfiber ones (I don't really like them too slippery in a way). Ella also likes my slippers.
Happy Monday!!!!
Bailey's Mom
01-30-2012, 04:24 PM
Hello Marie Irene & Addy!
Well I flunked pt....he could not replicate my vertigo. He had me do a bunch of tests and I passed them all. Have you ever tried standing heel to toe, closing your eyes for 30 seconds and keep your balance? It's tricky!
The vertigo seems to be taking care of itself. It is gradually petering out. It is not unusual for adults older than 65 to have it. (THAT does NOT include ME!!!!)
It's supposed to hit 62 here Wednesday. YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Happy Monday!
Bailey's Mom
01-30-2012, 07:12 PM
Bailey has a new picture!:D:D:):D:D
Her new coat is very pretty, did she get that for her birthday?
She looks so cute and I think she grew. Seems like only yesterday we were counting down to the road trip.:D:D How can she already be one?
No fair you get 62. We had 42 and it feels like a heat wave!!!!! Wow, what would 62 feel like? I can't remember.
Thank goodness those ear crystals decided to behave and go back where they belong!!!!
Baby Kujo goes to the vet tomorrow. Wish me luck.
love ya,
marie adams
01-31-2012, 09:25 AM
It's 6:30am here and 48 degrees--sorry!!!
Bailey's new coat is pink :D My daughter's favorite color--looks good on Bailey too!!! Bailey is out on the sand and not snow right???:o
Have a wonderful day!!!:)
Bailey's Mom
01-31-2012, 09:57 PM
Bailey is indeed on the sand. We have only had a glimpse of a snowflake or two. I'll tell her you like her sweater. Maybe she will tell me where she got it and we can add pink to our sweater collections.
marie adams
02-01-2012, 12:05 AM
Yay!!! Another sweater and pink!!!!
I guess we are passing on the warm weather--isn't that nice of me to send it????? :D
Bailey's Mom
02-01-2012, 02:35 PM
I've been meaning to thank you!!!
It's 67.9 here now. YAAAAAHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Bailey's Mom
02-01-2012, 02:42 PM's SUNNY!!!!
42,no sun, snow melted;););)
today I went to work with 2 different earings on and forgot to change my dog walking shoes to appropriated office shoes.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
thankfully, nothing was on inside out or backwards:):):):):)
How lucky, Sus, you are to be able to walk along the beach!!!!
addy with no brain
Wake up Susan, time to get up and take Bailey for a walk along the beach.:D:D:D:D:D:D
I'm still waiting for dawn to arrive. Koko want's his walk and it is still so dark outside:(:(:(:(
I hope you have good plans for the weekend. I would love to see a movie if I can. Which movies have you seen? Any ideas?
Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!
love ya,
marie adams
02-03-2012, 01:04 PM
WOW!!! Waking us up when we don't want to be up---hehehe!!!:D
I don't have plans for the weekend. My husband is running a half marathon on Sunday so he will be pooped out the rest of the day. We might watch the Super Bowl because the commercials make it entertaining. We are not big sports fans.
I am trying to send more warm weather your way!!! It is suppose to be 77 degrees this weekend. I thought everyone was coming to my house for drinks and sunshine.....:p
Happy Friday!!!
No news here, just glad that snow storm skipped Milwaukee.:D:D
Not sure which of the Super Bowl commercials I liked the best. I think I missed some of them. Hubby was rooting for the Giants, NYC is his home town so he was happy they won.
Hope you have a great Tuesaday!!! I think Bailey as a neck collar is so cute!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Guess what, I actually was able to make it home before dark.:):) I am counting the days until I can enjoy sunshine when I get out of work.
Well, have to go start my dog routine.
love ya,
marie adams
02-07-2012, 01:18 PM
Ella tries to be a dog collar, but a bit too heavy!:eek:
She jumped in between my daughter and I on the couch last night and curled up in a very small spot with her head leaning against my upper arm and back--quite silly of her.
I didn't care who won the game it was exciting till the end. I think I missed most of the commercials or didn't think they were as funny as some of the past years.
Today is is raining so I cannot say I am sending warm weather, but then it shows Thursday to warm up to be 77 in my beach town--so you never know...;)
Happy Tuesday Oh Great One!!! :)
Bailey's Mom
02-07-2012, 03:43 PM
Well Marie-this should make you feel better about Ella........maybe.......
I've talked before about how Bailey is "protective" about me. It started out with some minor growling when Bob would kiss me goodnight in bed, or in the AM. It has evolved to now a nasty growling, baring of teeth and some "snapping" of sorts.
She has also become VERY vocal :mad: whenever anyone approaches the cul-de-sac or house....and races to the door barking loudly. She has a rather high pitch to her bark, so it usually startles me.:eek::eek:
Obviously both behaviors need to be corrected. Since you've worked extensively with Ella, how about if I ship Bailey to you via FedEx ro WallyEx???:D
Bailey is too heavy as a collar as well. Palmer "got it" I don't know why she can't. You put your weight on the CHAIR......not MY NECK!!
The birds are chirping here. Boy are they going to be surprised when Friday comes and we get a real taste of winter. :eek: Jonquils are coming up. Those little tiny whatchamacallits (do you believe that is in spell check???) are coming up. Crocus. That's what they are.
Take care, dear friend.:)
marie adams
02-07-2012, 07:08 PM
Sounds like you need the Dog Whisper for Bailey and her protectiveness. :eek: I guess you will have to have Bob own the bed and you against Bailey so she knows who comes before her on the ladder.
So far Ella doesn't show ownership of the couch or bed or much of anything, she is just a booger. She does try to lay down on my pillow at night before I can get in bed, but you can move her real easy.
I think WalleyEx might be a little more expensive than the FedEx. Ella would love to have Bailey come stay for a while. I just hope I am up to the challenge of two little boogers. :D
Be care with those Jonquils - very interesting. Are these the ones that make a lot of noise also?? That might be further South right?
02-07-2012, 07:17 PM
Hope you can get Baileys problems corrected but for now you have a built in alarm!!!!!:D:p No one is getting near you or the house!!!!!!:D
hugs xo
Bailey's Mom
02-08-2012, 12:11 AM
Be care with those Jonquils - very interesting. Are these the ones that make a lot of noise also?? That might be further South right?
Me thinks you've flipped out. ;):)
The flowers here do not have voices............:confused:
Have a GREAT Wednesday.
I'm bushed.
marie adams
02-08-2012, 12:22 PM
I think I now realize you were talking about flowers, maybe, and I was on locus/grasshopper type bugs--where was my mind, probably underwater in the non-basement.Didn't you know flowers make noise-hehehe!!!
Just realize it doesn't take much for me to flip out!!!!:eek:
The rain was a joke yesterday and last night--I don't think altogether it ever covered up the sidewalk or driveway. Now on to the sunshine for the rest of the week--now they are saying tomorrow will be 79, but the weekend looks like it the upper to mid 60's--darn cannot really be sending the warmth your way this time. :p
I am not sure if I said on your thread or Ella's, but I am looking into some more training classes. I am going to try and observe one on Sunday to see if it will help or the trainer can teach us. I am looking into beginning agility also--like I have time for this, but I don't have a life on the weekends so why not wear Ella out. :D
Enjoy the day and I hope you got some rest/sleep last night!!!
Happy Thursday Susan,
Enjoy those talking flowers
LOL, Marie, but I had to think for a minute what they were too;););)
Flowers, bugs, all the same, no?????
Bailey's Mom
02-09-2012, 01:21 PM
Oh no, no, no, no. Do your really want your husband to give you a dozen red bugs on Valentine's Day????
marie adams
02-09-2012, 03:03 PM
HaHaHa!!! Maybe I will get a multi color bunch of bugs...:D!!!
Happy Thursday!!!
marie adams
02-12-2012, 01:29 PM
Happy Sunday!!! :):p:D;)
Bailey's Mom
02-12-2012, 03:17 PM
No-not happy Sunday. A muscle has locked up on my left knee. It started around 9 last night. I had to spend the night and all day in the recliner up here. So long as I don't move the's tolerable. If I want to get out of the recliner, off the toilet, back down on the recliner....I think you can probably hear the scream at your house.
You MUST be having a better day than this, I hope.
Yikes, Sus, that is not good.
You are having my weekend, please note my migraine started Friday this week. At least it wasn't Monday:eek::eek: I'm beginning to wonder if it is something with my eyes.
I hope your knee gets better. Does ice help? I know, you need your own personal massage therapist. Bailey needs to get a job. She can sell dog treats door to door.:D:D
Bailey's Mom
02-13-2012, 12:27 AM
Hi Addy-
No ice does not help. Nor heat.
It is finally easing up just a little.
Night #2 in the recliner. At least Bailey is keeping me company.
I note your migraine once again was active on the weekend.
Love, me
02-13-2012, 01:45 AM
Oh Susan that's awful.......that happened to my aunt but the heat helped her...moist heat and meds for inflamation. Hope you feel better soon.
Hugs xo
marie adams
02-13-2012, 03:39 PM
Oh Susan was that what that noise was???:eek:
So sorry for the knee locking up. Have you tried using a baseball to roll on--I know this sounds funny but my husband and daughter use it to help uncramp muscles or knot. With a locked up knee well it might not help.
Have you tried wacking it one? :eek: What is another loud screaming noise coming my way if it helps!!
Here is hoping Tuesday will be a better day because I don't think today is much better than yesterday!!
Bailey's Mom
02-15-2012, 01:06 PM
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D New Pictures!! :):):):):):):):)
Wow Sus, I just went through Bailey's album. She sure has grown. What a pretty little girl our Miss Bailey. I love the new pictures.
I was going to post a picture of Zoe in her Comy Cone but decided it wasn't fair to her.:):o:o:o
What happened with your knee? Everything ok?
marie adams
02-23-2012, 01:21 PM
Yes I have been MIA....:eek:
Just a lot going, home, Ella, life....:) I have checked in a few times, but didn't have a lot of time to post.,
I want to PM you about a feeling I had last night....:o
How have you been? Is the knee better and are your crystals all back in order?
Happy Thursday!!!!
Okay, what I really want to buy is one of those little machines that make cake pops. Then I could make red velvet cake pops, how fun would that be???????
dancing into the weekend, dearest Sus, will you join me? A few rounds of cha, cha, cha??????
love ya,
marie adams
02-24-2012, 12:58 PM
I am up for the Cha Cha Cha!!!! I missed National Margarita Day so Cake Pops all a round!!! :D
Happy Friday!!! I think margaritas would be better on a Friday--save the cake pops for Sunday!!! :D
Bailey's Mom
02-24-2012, 06:22 PM
cha, cha, cha.......................
marie adams
02-27-2012, 02:05 PM
Hi Susan,
I hope your weekend was GREAT!!! I also hope you are feeling better!!!:)
Happy Monday!!!:D
Hey Mom, I have my suitcase packed, I have sun tan lotion, my swim suit, a book, what else do I need? Do you think a #40 sun block is good? Hey, I think my red swim suit has a hole in the butt, do you think anyone will notice? Do I need a nose plug? How many more days till we leave? Can I stay up and not sleep until then?
Just one thing though, I am pretty sure last time we went on vacation, Marie Irene got the window seat in the airplane so I am getting first dibs on that this time!!!!:D:D
Hey should I pack us a snack for the plane? How about some granola bars? I thought I saw some in the basement with raisens. At least I think they were raisens:o:o Hmmmmmm:o:o
Oh BOY OH BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
marie adams
02-28-2012, 02:39 PM
Oh Addy Scarlett--I will let you have the window seat if you bring cake pops!!!
I will notice the hole in the butt--maybe Mom can fix it before we leave. Notice I said WE....
I think we might have to stay home in the non-basement because Mom and Dad want to be alone....:eek: Sounds like a second or third honeymoon to me with warm weather and glistening blue water!!! :D:D
Have a GREAT TIME!!!! We will miss you!!! :(
Bailey's Mom
02-28-2012, 04:12 PM
Oh my silly, silly girls.:)
Addy-shorts, tshirts, sandals. Beach towel, -#40 is way higher than you need, but higher is better than short.:cool: And bring your sunglasses!!:D
We leave Saturday AM. We all have to be @Dulles Airport by noon-ish. Since we have to drop Bailey off and since they don't open until 8 and since it's a good 3 hour drive to that airport, and since we don't really go to the airport, we go to Ryan's and he drives us to the airport then keeps our car for us...........we can't be late!!! :eek::D
Holes in swimsuit? :eek: I tried mine on yesterday....and one of them will now be relegated to hot tub use! I looked like a wet, soggy blanket. It was NOT a pretty picture. I have ordered a new one and hope it will get here by Friday. Maybe Addy you could stuff your swimsuit hole with toilet paper or a rag? How about an egg carton? Maybe you could just stick a rectangular piece of fabric in there and pretend it's your tail??!! No nose plugs needed...the water is very friendly and won't attack your nostrils. If you want to stay up until then, that's up to you....but don't start being CRANKY!!! And....sadly-no, those weren't raisins. :p:rolleyes::confused: I thought I told you not to eat anything you pick up off the floor!! I will bring the snacks. Peanut butter filled pretzel nuggets, a variety of chocolate candies, crackers. If the non-stop flight gets stuck somewhere, we will not starve to death.
Make sure you wear your slip on shoes. I don't want them calling ATS about either of you being terrorists. And...LOOK OUT----I think all of Dulles now uses those image machines. Wear your clean, new underwear. OH!-and don't forget your passports. You won't be able to come home without one. (Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing.););)
We will all visit Mitt Romney's money in the GC Bank. I hope to get samples to bring back.:D
Marie-yes, water will be warm, as will the air. We will all be going to Grand the time share. We can all collect shells and bring them home to put in the non-basement. It will act like one of those mattresses that has the egg carton design to it. It will keep you off of that wet dirt/ sand in the non-basement.
Does anyone get motion sickness?????
Bailey's Mom
02-28-2012, 04:12 PM
Has anyone heard from Wally??????
Last time I saw Wally he was headed out to sea and then he made a sharp turn south. He had sun glasses on and a beach chair tied to his back. A pack of dolphins were following him and I swear they were dancing the cha cha. I was waiting for Charlie the tuna to show up to the party but I think Wally forgot to invite him.
hey, it is already Wednesday!!!!!!!
love ya,
Bailey's Mom
03-02-2012, 10:37 PM
So long, farewell, I say "Goodbye" to the song goes.:D
I'm off (well we already knew that) for vacation. I HATE leaving Bailey-I know she'll be fine, but she is going to be so confused.:(
My feet will hit USA turf in a week. Y'all behave while I'm gone!
Bailey's Mom
marie adams
03-03-2012, 03:46 PM
Good bye!! :(
We sure missed the boat going on vacation---PARTY TIME IN THE NON-BASEMENT:D:D:D!!! Are we inviting the Surfer Dudes to this party or find new cuties????
03-03-2012, 06:42 PM
Sorry Susan.......
I'm late saying have a nice vacation!!:D
Hugs xoxo
Hey Marie- I found mom's credit card in an old purse.
Call the surfer dudes, see you at eight!!!!!!!!!
Make sure the drapes are closed so nosey old Mr. Clooney can't get an eye full when we have our Conga line:D:D:D
Conga,cha cha cha, Conga, cha cha cha
and why did mom want a second honeymoon anyway when we are so much fun?????;););););););)
she better bring us back some cool sea shells
marie adams
03-04-2012, 01:37 PM
Eight it is....!!! Already alerted the Surfer Dudes :cool: They are bringing the keg and margarita mix.
I have closed the curtains and moved the furniture.....Conga line, cha cha here we come!!! :p:p:p
Mom, Mom????? Are you baaaack?
You didn't swim out to sea with Wally?
A band of desperados did not kidnap you?
A giant shark did not eat you?
You did not fall off a boat?
Sister Marie Irene, I think Mom is home, cancel the Surfer Dude Party!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Bailey's Mom
03-07-2012, 01:12 PM
No....Mom is not home. Mom is just missing all her very special friends.:mad:
Wind @40-50 mph.
Bob was last seen blowing toward Jamaica.
At least it is sunny.
HEY!!!!! Wait for me to Par-Teh!!:D
Oooooo-just saw Wally.
Love you guys.....
Susan, Sus
Bailey's Mom
03-07-2012, 01:22 PM
40mph winds here.
Bob was last seen blowing toward Jamaica.
At least it's sunny.
I got knocked out...sent a revised message and now here is the original one. Sheesh!
I thought I was getting a message from heaven or something on my thread, I sat there thinking...Sus, where are you?
You know, we are having really gusty winds, I think Bob might have flown past my house earlier;););););)
Jamaica man, have you seen Bob Marly too?
I just feed Zoe Koko's food and Koko got Zoe's raw food:eek::eek::eek:
Mom, I need a brain transplant when you get home.
Bailey's Mom
03-08-2012, 06:55 PM
Addy? Addy?? Addy???:confused:
I can't find you.:(
Is Zoe ok?:)
Still windy here, but not so bad.:cool:
Sunny. That's what counts.:D
I bought myself a pretty ring today. I'm so lucky to get to come here to buy jewelry.;)
Man-it's weird. I have really been missing Palmer....and that is not a typo.
I try not to think about Bailey too much. Last I saw her she was being led around a corner, sliding along, with her nails firmly grasping the concrete floor and glancing back at me. Boo hooo hoooo.:( I hope she'll forgive me.
I'll bring the rum cake for the party. I'll also bring margaritas....they're everywhere down here. Myself....I prefer Coke.
Feet hit US turf Saturday afternoon....have to pick up Bailey by 6....and it's a 4 hour drive.
I'll be sleeping in on Sunday!
Love you.
Yup, I think Bob just blew by again headed in the other direction:D:D
Bye BOB!!!!!! OMG I have red shoes on, Mom are we in OZ? Should I click my heels three times?
I hate to say this, but there is a strange looking lion kind of man over at Mr. Clooneys:confused::confused::confused:
If a scare crow comes down to the non basement- man I am out of here!!!!!!! Surfer dudes or not!!!!!!! I am really scared of witches, good or bad so don't even bring that one up. And the odd thing is, I thought you left the radio on because I heard some kind of music, I almost want to say munchkin singing, going on upstairs:eek::eek:
Still waiting for the after affects of switching the food, popped some extra metronidazole down Zoe's throat, so far so good.:D:D:D
Hey Sus, I hope you are taking pictures.
Sorry to hear that you are thinking about Palmer if it is making you sad. When were you in Jamaica last?
Buy ALOT of jewelry. It will make you feel better;););)
love ya
Bailey's Mom
03-11-2012, 01:00 AM
Hey Addy!
Back in my own home and about to hit my own bed.
You are RIGHT! Buying jewelry is a very happy thing to do.
I've never been to Jamaica.....Bob was blowing in that direction earlier in the week. We were in Grand Cayman......that's just a little bit south of Cuba.
Pictures-We got pictures of iguanas and maybe the rooster and little chickies.....and maybe the hen. Did I tell you the Rooster was making whoopee with the hen on our tiny little porch, there? Bob broke it up real quick. We spoke to a guy who told us they had called the gaming commission and there were supposed to be out to catch all the birds......and take them to Kentucky Fried chicken! We saw LOTS of chickens this trip. That's something new. We also saw a pretty good sized gecko. I like the geckos. They are so cute and they scurry along. The iguana are a protected species and it looks like they are regenerating pretty well.
Well-we're unpacked. I have gone through the mail. I hear the temps are going to be pretty nice here the first of the week.
Bailey survived very well. They love her just as they loved Palmer. They were glad to have her.....and she ate dried food for them. We're going to try again to get that going. She looks like she might have put on a little weight. I've not had a chance to weigh her yet. They washed her and her coat is so fluffy and puffed's hard to tell where Bailey ends and the coat begins.
I'll catch up on my readings of the other threads tomorrow.
I didn't find Dorothy or munchkins in the non-basement. :confused: Of course you have your red shoes on...........WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU WEAR WITH YOUR RED SWEATER????:eek::eek::cool::cool::rolleyes::rolley es:;);)
Maybe I'll post a picture of my ring. I just love it.:D
I hope Zoe is still doing well. This Thursday is the derm visit, right?
marie adams
03-11-2012, 12:38 PM
You so deserve some jewelry! :)
It's okay to think about Palmer--why not he was your buddy and partner in crime.
Bailey will be excited to see you. Sometimes I think it is a good thing when they are away from you they appreciate you better. I remember the time we left my daughter's cat for over a week at a boarding facility--this was the cat I called the 50 first dates cat who freaked out and hide under the bed each time she saw you. We thought she would be more nerroidic (sp.) when we picked her up, but just the opposite she became more social at least for her.
Welcome Back!! We waited on the party just for you--I guess it will have to be a Wizard of OZ party since Addy has her sparkling red shoes....
03-11-2012, 01:00 PM
Susan.....Bailey must be so happy you are home:D. Hope you had a nice vacation:)
Hugs xoxo
marie adams
03-16-2012, 01:29 PM
I am glad you are home and with a new ring!!!
I have been a little MIA because of work and just tired in the evening. Work is a little stressful, but then again I do it to myself in a way--just cannot get people to buy even with so many products--in ways I think we are just a little late getting on the bandwagon.
That is wonderful Bailey had a great time and they with her!!!
She is a keeper for sure now--I see the BIG SMILE :D on our face!!!
Happy Friday!!!
Bailey's Mom
03-16-2012, 05:22 PM
Okay guys and gals.......bulletin..............NEW PICTURE!!:D
Ummm Mom, the new picture, ummm well, how come it is of Bailey
AND NOT MEEEEEEEEEEEE???????????????????????????/
Little miss is looking really good, Sus. Pretty as a picture.
love ya,
Bailey's Mom
03-17-2012, 05:29 PM
The new picture, silly Addy, is of WALLY!!!
Believe it or not, I actually got my hair cut. It was so long, I had to keep putting it in a pony tail:eek::eek::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Is your weather as amazing as ours?
Summer for 3 days and counting. The pups are happy, we are happy.
Isn't sunshine a wonderful thing?
Hi, My name is is Little Orphan Addy,
I used to have a great mom and sister but I think they may have moved while I was out playing in the nice weather.
The non basement is empty:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I wonder why they did not leave a forwarding address?
Oh, well, at least I have my dog and maybe the sun will come out tomorrow.
everything okay Sus? I'm a worrier, ya know, when I dont see ya around.
hope you are just enjoying life and busy.
love ya,
marie adams
03-26-2012, 01:07 PM
Oh Addy,
I wish I was in the non-basement playing with you and the pups. Mom could bring us cookies and milk and just everything would be FUN--No stress about work!!!!!:)
I think you got all the wonderful weather--we had rain yesterday along with some thunder & lightening, and even hail last night. We needed the rain...
Where has Mom been???? I thought I was the only one lost....:p
Bailey's Mom
03-26-2012, 04:23 PM
Ahhhhh...........Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Marie & Addy. I am ill. Before I was ill, I just did not feel well.
Meanwhile-Bailey went to the vet for some regular shots and it was confirmed (my belief) that she has one knee that pops out and does not go back in and the other knee pops out but will go back in. So far Bailey is not we aren't doing anything. The vet said to start saving. We went through this with Palmer who had both knees operated on at once. Smart move I made to get doggie health insurance!
I wish I was in the non basement.....and you could BOTH bring me chicken broth. :-(
Sick?????? Poor Sus!!!!!!
What kind of sick? Fever, headache, cold and flu? I'm having chicken soup for dinner for my allergies. I wish I could bring you some. Is it the change in weather?
You didn't get bit my a tick again did you?
Poor Bailey, I think the pug at work had that knee popping in and out. She has been fine after surgery. What kind of pet insurance, if I could ask? I wonder if I should get some for Koko.
love ya feel better,
marie adams
03-27-2012, 01:26 PM
I would so prefer to be bringing you chicken soup in the non-basement than having to work.:D
Poor Bailey and her knees. Is this a normal condition for the breed? You said Palmer had it too. :(
I was going to kill Ella this morning--back to chewing on the leash and jumping on me and biting--so much for maturity. I think it is pay back for not getting as much exercise because of the rain????
Please get better!!!:)
Bailey's Mom
03-27-2012, 05:34 PM
Hi Marie-
Bailey has a grade 4 on one knee and a grade 1 on the other knee. Here is a link to an article that I found very helpful to read. Having been through this before with Palmer and having had the knee problems I have had, I'm more familiar with this area of the body.
For the moment we are on a wait and see basis. I expect the #4 knee will get done sooner. You'll see it is fairly common with Pomeranians and mini-poodles.
Hi Addy-the insurance I went with is called PetPlan.
I compared quite a few and felt this one best fit our needs. The vets seem to like it. I know from already processing some claims, that they are very efficient. The deal, however, is that it is a deductible PER INCIDENCE. We have had a couple where I thought we'd get money back only to find they classified different parts separately. Here's a partial list of what they cover.....and you choose how high/low you want your deductible to be;
Petplan policies provide coverage ( for all treatments recommended by veterinarians, including:
Hereditary, congenital and chronic conditions
Prescription medications
Diagnostic testing
Veterinary exams, including specialized exams
MRI, CAT scan and ultrasound imaging
Non-routine dental treatment
Alternative and holistic therapies
Specialist treatment, including cancer treatments and more
It's a gamble as to whether or not it really saves you money, but with my doggie experience it seemed pretty necessary. Especially after Palmer.
Multiple issues with my health.....and issues with one of my health care people.
At least it is spring and the grass looks WONDERful.
Hot tub is up and running. That was the first time we winterized it and I was beginning to wonder if it was worth it.....we had several problems upon opening it up, but it's out there, cranking away and working it's way to 100 degrees.
I've missed you both very much.
Sus, Susan
OMG Sus, you just reminded me the pool will be open in 2 months!!!!
Where did the winter go? Did we even have winter? I don't think we did. This morning the wind was blowing and it was freezing. I walked out of work tonight and I did not need a jacket. Why is Mother Nature like the Three Faces of Eve?
Feel better Sus,
love ya,
Bailey's Mom
03-28-2012, 10:00 PM
Went to doc today for me. She gave me Rx. This is just a very bad cold, I think. My rib cage is SO SORE from coughing!
Now I need to order a new hot tub cover. Things never last like you hope they will....although this one is pretty much on target.
How's Mom? The house?
Thank goodness you have meds, coughing is no fun!!!!!!
We need a new solar cover for the pool. You are right, nothing lasts. I can't believe it is time to go look at solar covers;););) Do you use your hot tub alot? I keep thinking after this warm winter, summer is going to cold and rainy because that is how our weather usually goes.
I am bringing my mom home for the day Sunday for a birthday party. It is supposed to be 70 degrees!!!!!! Maybe we will eat cake outside.
You can take hot showers and breath all the steam in for your cough. Maybe that will help. You probably got sick from all this crazy weather. One day it is warm, the next minute it is freezing.
Dr. Addy says plenty of rest, drink fluids, hot steamy showers and TONS of chicken soup!!!!!!:):):):):) I hope you dont have bronchitis.:eek:
Crawl back in bed and I'll check on you later.
nurse addy
Bailey's Mom
03-29-2012, 10:18 PM
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D
Happy You Are Going to Feel Better Day
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D
addy and the kids
marie adams
04-02-2012, 04:12 PM
I hope you are feeling better today!! I still have remnants of a cough. My hubby says drink Bud it cures everything. He doesn't even drink it, but it sounds good and gets laughs. :p
Miss Ella is now officially 1 year old as of yesterday!! So hard to believe it's been a year since she was born. :) I posted some pics.
How is Miss Bailey? Is she all back to normal from going on her vacation? :D
Enjoy the rest of Monday!! I hope the weather is treating you nicely!!
Bailey's Mom
04-03-2012, 12:21 AM
Hi Marie!
I was going to send you a "happy birthday" yesterday-but I signed off before I re-remembered. Soooooooooooo.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLA!!!!!! :D:D:)
I shall go look at the new pictures right after I finish this.
My cold keeps coming and going. I think I'm still officially in week two-so until 14 days pass, I can only hope.
Bailey has returned to her normal self after her week at camp. Poor little thing got a hair cut last Friday and she looks so sorry. They cut it way too close.
Weather here keeps popping up and down.....but we have had some nice days. Earlier in March it was like late April here. We set an all time record for average highs.
I hope we both get rid of our colds for good and that you have a GREAT work week.
HUGS back to ya!!
Happy Tuesday Susan!!!!!
Do you have Easter plans? Seems like we were just talking about Christmas!!!:):):)
I must have missed Bailey at camp. I have to read back to see what kind of camp she went to.
Spring colds can be hard to shake. Feel better.
Bailey's Mom
04-03-2012, 03:15 PM
Hi Addy-
"Camp" is how I refer to the place where we board Bailey when we are away. It makes me feel better about having to leave her there. If I think of it as camp, then I can tell myself she is having fun playing with new friends.:rolleyes:;):cool:
My cold seems to be on its last legs now. Thank goodness!:D
Ryan will come down Friday evening for the weekend. He has Hawaii pictures to show us plus he's "due" for his once/month visit, per his "contract." Once we moved down here I told him that while me might not remember signing the contract, there indeed was one that said he was to come down once each month.;);) I'm also having a lot of computer issues popping up, so he will play technician while he is here. He's THE MAN when it comes to computer issues and program issues. That's what he does for a living.....thank God! I could never pay for all the support he has provided me with.
How about you-any Easter plans? Any action on the sale of Mom's place?
It is 68 here today....:):):):):D:D:D:D Nice and sunny. I planted 4 hostas out by the entrance to our community. I can just hear them stretching their feet.
Would you come visit for Easter? That would be sooooo nice. You could bring both Koko and Zoe. Maybe we could get Marie Irene to come on down, too?!!
I'm waiting on a call from the vet giving me more information on possible surgeons for Bailey's knees. I'd like her seen now....I've read where delaying this can cause further damage. On the other hand, if she isn't yelping, maybe we can wait awhile. I've only heard her yelp once, so I don't think that is a true indication of when she is experiencing pain.
I'll tell you a hosta story
last year I divided up some hostas and I put one in a pot thinking I would give it to my daughter. I planted some trailing annuals around it and the hosta made a pretty pot. Well, then mom fell and I never found time for the hosta. It died back in the pot and then I stowed the pot in the garage last November. It has had no water since. Last friday I pulled into the garage and was greated by an eight in high hosta growing from that pot!!!! What the hey? No water, no sun and it is growing? OMG:D:D:D
Wish I could come to visit:):):):)
Bailey's Mom
04-04-2012, 06:06 PM
Hostas are GREAT! You can divide them endlessly. I ordered 2 each of 6 different ones for the entrance. (Tjere are two side gardens to the entrance.) I plan to divide parts of the ones I like best off for myself. They are SO care free.
Hit into the 70s today and VERY sunny. I love hearing the birds sing.
and they come in all sizes from itsy bitsy to HUGE:D:D:D
We have that colder near the lake stuff going on:(:(
hope your cold is gone Sus:D:D
Bailey's Mom
04-05-2012, 04:27 PM
Only a little bit of a cough left. Rest of the symptoms are gone!:D
marie adams
04-05-2012, 04:48 PM
Yay!!! Mom is almost all well!!!!:D
Bailey's Mom
04-05-2012, 06:08 PM
Hi Marie Irene......................are you studying down there in the non-basement? Spring break will come fast--I know there are a ton of tests.;)
Bailey has an appointment on April 16th with her prospective surgeon, for her knees. It is the same facility that treated Palmer near the end. I am hoping this will connect some pleasant thoughts in my mind. At the moment, whenever I drive by, I remember Palmer's last week.
I guess we're going to find out if Bailey is truly over getting car sick. She has done okay on short trips for awhile.
I was sitting out front on the porch yesterday in the warm weather and the sun. I was really overcome with memories of Peaches and Palmer. It's weird how this stuff can pop up.......especially after such a long time.
marie adams
04-05-2012, 10:25 PM
I am done with all my tests--I think I flunked them all!!:D What's for dinner????
It is not weird to have those moments of sadness. We all have them about the pups, our family, and times gone by. I know the memories of the fur babies are the hardest!!:(
Ella made it on a ride on the freeway--a whole half hour to 45 min ride. I was ready for her to throw up, but she didn't. Not too much drooling either. She made it home without problems--so keeping my fingers crossed it continues to be good. We are going to be in the car a lot the next 5 weeks so we will see.:p
I think Bailey will do just fine!!! After all she is more mature now!!:D
Bailey's Mom
04-06-2012, 11:50 PM
Happy Saturday!! Happy Easter!!
I'll tell you an Easter egg story. One year, while Ryan was still Easter egg hunting believing....Bob and I got up before Ryan. Bob saw that Ryan got "ready" for his Easter egg hunt, while I hid the eggs in the back yard. I never put them out the night before......I wanted them not to be nipped by the cold or any animals! When we got out back, Ryan started gathering eggs. When he was finished I knew he was one egg "short." I realized it was the one that I put on top of the short wall that ran up along the steps to the back door. I looked on the ground. I looked around. No egg. I finally realized one of those big black birds had made off with it!!:eek: I bet that bird was surprised to find out it was a hard boiled egg!~:D:p:p:p
Ryan is down for the weekend. He has come with his Hawaii trip pictures. The weather is supposed to be pretty nice....upper 60's, which is tolerable, and lots of sunshine.
Cute story:):)
We are missing two eggs, either a critter took them or????:o:o
Yesterday we had turkeys in the yard. We never have turkeys and the gobbler looked like a 75 pounder. I told them they had the wrong holiday!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
Have a wonderful time with Ryan!!!!
Happy Easter!!!!
marie adams
04-08-2012, 08:48 PM
Good story!!! I too would have love to see the look on his or her face when they discovered it was hard boiled.
I hope your weekend with Ryan was wonderful and you enjoyed the Easter festivities.
Yes Addy, I think those turkeys are a little mixed up!!:D:):p:eek:
Bailey's Mom
04-08-2012, 09:55 PM
LOL!!!!!! :D:D
Bailey's Mom
04-08-2012, 09:57 PM
Hi gang-
Yes, good weekend. The weather was absolutely gorgeous.
I've been knitting a scarf for a friend. I hoped to finish today, but the arthritis prevented that. Almost done......but I don't know how to finish the end of the yarn. I'm hoping I'll figure that one out!
marie adams
04-09-2012, 01:15 PM
Dear Susan,
You do a little of everything:)--knit, make stepping stones, bake, etc., but of course--you are the MOM!!! We depend on you for everything since there isn't much in the non-basement....:D
I know you will figure it out how to finish the scarf.
Have a great MONDAY:eek:!!!!
M.O.M.= many opportune moments:D:D:D
Moms can do everything and then some.:):)
Moms can even make non basements FUN;););)
Where would we be without Moms?:confused::confused:
Up a creek!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:
have a great day!!!
Bailey's Mom
04-09-2012, 06:09 PM
I'm sending you a paddle. We haven't had rain for awhile, so I thought it was dry down there. The hot tub however has a leak.....maybe it's worse than I thought!
We decided to shut it down for the winter this year. Shut down went okay, but start up had been headache after headache.
It is REALLY windy here today. I think I saw Wally flying by!!!
Have a great evening!!!
Bailey's Mom
04-10-2012, 01:59 AM
Ah yes.......I am just so great..........:(
I finished the scarf. I figured out how to end it. I guessed on what to do with the little tail of the beginning and the end. :D:)
It's 2:00AM . I was so pleased and proud. :D It's long, very long, but not too long. And I am seeing my friend tomorrow. It's PERFECT timing!!
So I held the scarf out to admire it......and I pulled gently here and there to even out stitches/gaps..........the next thing I knew, I was looking at a section, IN THE MIDDLE, where there seemed to be gaps.:eek::mad: Large gaps. I couldn't see anything wrong. I was trying to think how I could have missed that and how I could "fix it."
Then there it was. :( A little loop.:eek: A little loop that was a dropped stitch.:eek: :mad: If you pull it, it will go all the way down. :mad: I stopped after a few inches.
I have my knitting "class" tonight (later today.) I will show the expert and see if she can salvage this.
Bummer Sus, hope the teacher can fix it for you. I dont know anything about knitting but I am sure it will be okay. My mom used to knit and she watched some PBS show, I think, Knitting with Nancy :confused::confused:Anyway, the show always had solutions for Mom's knitting questions.
It looks cold and stormy this morning. I saw a headline yesterday claiming the U.S. saw the warmest March on record. Hope that doesnt mean the nice weather flew the coop:(:(:(
So, sounds like you are a night owl knitter!!!!!!:D:D
I hope you are getting some zzzzzz's now.
I should have called you. I have been up since 3:00:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Oh and I had it wrong, it was sewing with nancy not knitting with nancy:rolleyes::rolleyes: Another senior moment for Addy.
Where is my younger sister when I need her? I wil plead sleep deprevation:D:D:D:D:D:D
Hope the master knitter had some answers for you. I can imagine how upset you are. Sus, it will be okay. Your teacher will think of something.
hang in there,
love you,
Bailey's Mom
04-10-2012, 11:26 PM
Hi Addy Scarlett.......................or is it Addy Mae?
I made all my appointments today and finished with the knitting session. I told Kim my tale of woe and that I had only gotten 2 hours of sleep because I was that upset over it. I kind of built this thing up before I showed her the scarf. I wanted her full attention.Well, after I finished talking, she said "Let's see it." One hour later, she had performed her magic and salvaged my disaster. She took a crochet needle and wrapped the loose yarn back into the sweater trying to preserve the original pattern. It's not perfect, but I would be surprised if many noticed it. It's certainly good enough to give as a gift and it would have been a crime just to toss it. I had simmered down to a very low simmer by the time I got there. I even offered one scenario where we could cut on piece of yarn on the top and the bottom of this area that got screwed up. I figured I could re knit the two middles and join them at the center.
So.....project done and I am not embarrassed to give it to my friend.:)
I need to run to bed now. It's after 11 and I am going to have a hot tub repairman knocking on my door @8AM.:(
Nighty-nite! Sleep tight!! Don't let the little sand crabs bite and be VERY QUIET if you hear deer or possums. Last one in bed is a rotten egg!!! :D
You too Marie!!!!
Perfect!!!!! Job well done:D:D:D:D:D
Now, no handyman hanky panky in the hot tub;);););)
We have had a heavy frost every night. Today it is to get warmer but then rain for five days!!!!!
If you see me floating past your house, make sure to wave!!!!!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
love ya,
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