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Bailey's Mom
04-17-2011, 06:10 PM
Ryan has left.....and we ALL need a nap!
Bailey is starting to put up with being combed.
She has started this thing where she comes, stares at you, and barks and barks and barks. Very impatient. You're never sure what it is about.
We put the snuggle bed in the corner by the table where we eat most of our meals. She seems to be getting the idea that dinner time is her time to go and chill out on the S. bed.
Last night she did not want to be in her crate. It didn't help that she had been napping for about 8 hours prior to her going in there. :confused:

She's still picking everything and anything up outside. Maybe this week we can work more on the harness and leash. At least then I have a tiny bit of control over what goes into her mouth.:eek:

Okay-this was to be a yucky day and here it is a nice (relatively) 63 degrees, blue skies and lots of bright sunshine. I do get a whiff of camels in the air....or maybe it's just Carrol. :confused: At least Marie has shown back up. WHERE did YOU go, Marie?? How come everybody else gets to go somewhere but I don't??? I'm going to get on my bike and see how far away I can get! Maybe even Maryland!!

04-17-2011, 09:55 PM
OMG, MOM'S TAKING OFF!! Addy, how could you let this HAPPEN:confused:. Who's going to look after Bailey? Is she taking all the red sweaters (not that I need one at the moment).I started out on this camel and was galloping along until he just sat down. Have you ever tried to push a camel up from the ground? They bite, spit and pass gas right in your face:eek: Well, we were on our way again when we met up with some more folks on camels. These guys have blue faces - really cool:cool: so i got them to dye my face too. with red hair, blue face and white skin, I look like the American flag!!!
I think it is Addy & Marie that are smoking something in the non-basement. they have a surprise party for me and they don't even know where I am.
MARIE, GET OUT OF MY DANG BED!!:mad: And you're not getting my red sweater. You have to earn one. I got thrown out of the window. How's that for earning a sweater????
Smelling camels?? If I'm that close, what's the hold up?? Get your butts in gear and get over here!
But first....PUT MOM IN LOCK DOWN!!!!!!!!!

Bailey's Mom
04-17-2011, 10:53 PM
Catch me if you can......
Catch me if you can!!!:p
(Dave Clark 5)
I'm on my bike......and pedaling real fast............woosh!!!
I see trees......and grass.......and sand......and the OCEAN!!!
I think I'll go for a swim. Do you think there are sharks in that water? There was a whale last year. Maybe I can hitch a ride on a whale and go to the Royal Wedding!!
Adios muchachos!!

04-18-2011, 12:10 AM

04-18-2011, 12:26 AM
MARIE, GET OUT OF MY BED!!!!! Go find Mom...

04-18-2011, 08:16 AM
Mom is having a mid life crisis. The therapist said we should just let her go for it and be a kid again. We can always let the air out of her tires:p

Carrol, we had to have the party without you, the dang camel is just too slow. Maybe I need to buy you a watch. You are really starting to be late for everything and I just can't cope what with Mom running around on a bike screaming WHHEEEEEE to everyone and you off to some fancy camp in the Middle East, I mean, really Dubai of all places?We're gonna have to take out a second mortgage.

Marie is nice enough to come help me with Mom and Bailey, she can't sleep in a duffle bag you know, and your bed is just sitting there.

I can see someone has to be the adult around here so I guess I better take over. The only problem is, I know how to train dogs, not kids.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Maybe I can lure Mom home with some chicken


Bailey's Mom
04-18-2011, 04:10 PM
mmmmmmmmmmm.....chicken ok.
Steak much better.............is there a double baked potato?
I don't think you can let air out of this whale. He's snortin' pretty well on his own!!

04-18-2011, 05:13 PM
Here mommy, mommy, nice girl, that a girl, over here mommy, mommy!!!! Want some chicken?????

Now wait a minute, don't get back on that bike, STAY!!!! STAY!!!!

Mommy, you stay right now!!!!!

Okay, STEAK!!!!!!! STEAK!!!!!!!

Bailey's Mom
04-18-2011, 11:03 PM
I'm out here on this whale and it is sure a bumpy ride.......and the mist from the snout..........YUK
It's a Monday out here in the ocean so blue. Here I sit with Wally.
I wish I was sitting with Palmer.:( It's a Monday.

Bailey's Mom
04-18-2011, 11:08 PM
Palmer's birthday is Wednesday. Happy birthday, Palmer. I'm sending you a whole bag of Jerky Treats and a jar of Snausages. Take care, little buddy.


04-19-2011, 08:26 AM
Oh Susan,

We will all celebrate Palmer's birthday with you. I think we can send treats to Heaven via Angel's Upward Bound Delivery. They just don't deliver on Sundays.

Trying to make you smile.


marie adams
04-19-2011, 10:20 AM
Hi Susan,

Happy Birthday to Palmer tomorrow!! He will love the treats, Maddie will help him eat them!!:D:D I can see them sitting side by side with their backs to us watching the sunset:)--does the sun set at the Rainbow Bridge??

Carrol, if you not here to sleep in your bed, guess what I am taking it!!!

Whale riding has got to be better than those stinkin camels anyday!!:D

I think we maxed out the credit card so I don't know how you are getting home. Mom bought the new bike with it and Addy and I bought some high quality steaks to lure her back...

Bailey's Mom
04-19-2011, 05:52 PM
Addy, you made me smile; Marie, you made me chuckle.
I'm just feeling trapped, right now....and missing Palmer. This is way harder than I ever imagined.
Bailey was given two of those pigs feet things. Talk about STINK!! (2 different people) Well-she loves them. If I want more sleep in the AM, I try to find something to keep her occupied with. Today it was one of those stinky feet. It worked well for awhile.....but she kept moving closer and closer. I drew the line when she wanted to put the foot on my ear and then chew on it there.
I stopped down at the beach today and sat and listen to the waves crashing. Oh how I love that sound.
I have taken the time to copy and save to a file of all my 3 thread pages. (Palmer, Bailey and the Memorial.) It takes awhile but I'll sure be glad to have it for just in case.
Take care, friends. I must go eat my steak now.:)

04-19-2011, 08:09 PM
stopped down at the beach today and sat and listen to the waves crashing. Oh how I love that sound

Me too, I love the sound. Once when we were in Cornwall, England we stayed in an old hotel on the sea. I would awake in the middle of the night and open the little crank out window in the bathroom. It had a large ledge and I would lean there and listen to the sea crashing to the shore. After an hour, I would go back to bed. I loved that special time.

Kiss Bailey for me.

Hey, has anyone heard from Carrol? I hope Sparkey is okay. Something about waiting for a liver test. I don't think she wanted to talk about it.:confused:


Bailey's Mom
04-19-2011, 08:22 PM
Nothing form Carrol since Sunday. I Don't have any info.

04-20-2011, 08:50 AM
Room for Rent

Cozy room in non basement, comes with red sweater set, must like dogs and crazy people


Would prefer a crazy canadian redhead with green card with a soft spot for camels

04-20-2011, 02:49 PM
Mom - Get off that freakin' whale before he eats you and just pedal yourself back on home.
Addy - How could you let this happen? And never mind "therapists". Therapists are for sane people. Mom is WACKO! She's riding a whale in the middle of the ocean with a steak hangin' outta her mouth. Get yourself to that ocean with a fishing pole and reel her in.
Mom - you know you are not allowed to swim alone. Are you NUTS???
And what happens when you have to go potty? (With all that water around it must be all the time?)

Marie - GET OFFFF MY BED!! And get Bailey with that stinkin' pig's ear off my bed!!
Oh, dang, I'm headin' home. Giddyap, camel........

04-20-2011, 02:53 PM
Happy birthday, Palmer! We love you and miss you. I hope you get to eat some of YOUR birthday cake:rolleyes:
Big hugs and tummy rubs to you and all your friends.
Til we all meet again..........

Bailey's Mom
04-20-2011, 03:16 PM
Hi Carrol-
You're like a flash of bright light. You come and lighten everything up and then, like the Lone Ranger, you're gone!
Me... Tonto...........looking for steak. Mmmmmmm....strange smell of camel in the air..................

Bailey's Mom
04-20-2011, 03:19 PM
Rancho Mirage............when did that become part of Canada???!!

04-20-2011, 04:27 PM
No, no....Rancho Mirage is beside palm Springs, CA. we are originally from Canada but now are American citizens (my youngest son is now a Navy helicopter pilot).
NOW, LET ME GET GOING ON THIS CAMEL! I,M TRYING TO FIND MY FRIGGIN' WAY HOME!!!!!!!!! Hey, I see trees.............................................

04-20-2011, 04:41 PM
No, no. Rancho Mirage is beside Palm Springs. We are originally from Canada but now are US citizens. My youngest son is a Navy helicopter pilot.

Now, let me get back to this camel thing. Tally Hooooo!!! Oh, does anyone know how to get off a camel?

Bailey's Mom
04-20-2011, 04:58 PM
Hey Carrol! I found your American Express card.........but it is invalid for Camels and any other two humped animals. (WATCH what you say, now!!!) It has a lot of charges on it for red sweaters, red shoes, red dresses and red hats. I do have a ticket here.......it is for a cruise. I think you'd better hang a left, or is it a right........do you know how close you are to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq?? You need to head north.......look for moss on those trees and head in that direction. Or just go up. You and your camel....what's its name? can make it on over to Mauritania. Perhaps the cruise company would make a stop there. You do know how to sing and dance, right??!!

04-20-2011, 06:59 PM
I hate to tell you but Marie has been hanging out down at the beach with a bucket of worms and a bamboo pole but has only managed to catch a couple of ole shoes:mad::mad:

She figured tomorrow she would build a bonfire and throw some more steaks and a couple of minnows on it-- maybe she'll have better luck:rolleyes:

Mom thinks she is re-living FREE WILLY or something :eek::eek:

I really have my hands full, watching Bailey and trying to rent out your room cause Marie spent all of our allowance on STEAK:mad:

Mom is bonkers about her Wally and thinks he'll fit in a pool in the back yard.:p:p:p I don't think we can buy one big enough.

Are you done with camp yet?

Bailey's Mom
04-20-2011, 09:45 PM
I thought Marie was staying in what used to be Carol's bedroom down in the nonbasement.:confused::confused: Addy seems to be confused again. :p Must be off her meds. :eek: Are you trying to rent this out to one person in the daytime and Marie in the dark time? :confused:
You know, it is really spooky in the nonbasement. :eek::eek: There is a secret light switch....but it's a secret. :pThere are sump pumps which go on and off........they'd scare the bejeepers out of anyone. :eek::eek: They keep the nonbasement dry......which is good for worms. Did you ever have a really heavy rain then go outside and find the carcass of a dead worm on your walkway or driveway? :cool: They don't swim. :(
The ocean was too rough today to fish. Maybe Wally and I will head back just to be sure she wasn't dragged out in the ocean. But then the wedding is in 9 days. I don't know that I could do that and still make it to the wedding. :(:p:o:cool::confused:;):):D:mad::eek: Hey Addy?! Can you go down to the ocean and see if you see a red head bobbing on the waves? She'll have a Canadian accent......but I'm not sure from which area......unless she is not alive......in which case she'll have no accent.:rolleyes: But her hair would still be red!
I have to go now. Wally the Whale has just spotted Daisy the dolphin.....I have to hold on. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.............:D:D:D:D:D:D:D :D:D:D:D

04-21-2011, 01:26 PM
I may be off my meds but you definitely need to be on some:D:D:D

I am beginning to think Carrol is running around with another forum, you can see the signs, can't you, Susan? Here again, there again, oh, I'm busy again, I'm too tired, I am going to camp to ride camels for weeks on end:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Very suspicious if you ask me.:p:p:p

I think she is seeing another forum!!!!! Should we hire the private detective down the block?:cool::cool::cool:

Now will you get off that dang whale and NO YOU CANNOT BRING HIM HOME:eek::eek::eek: Poor Marie is down at the beach with the bonfire cooking steaks and minnows trying to lure you back and a bunch of surfers brought a keg of beer and are turning it into some kind of beach ho down. I just know Marie is feeding them all the steaks, you know she can't drink. Last time I checked they were all in a line doing the hokey pokey in a Conga Line:rolleyes::rolleyes:


Bailey's Mom
04-21-2011, 08:00 PM
What is it that I push which makes these almost finished replies vanish, never to be recovered??!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:

marie adams
04-22-2011, 02:31 AM
Ok, who said I can't drink--I am leading the conga line. The steaks were going to go to waste and those cute surfers just look at you with those eyes (kinda like the dogs, you can't resist them); so they ate them. They did bring smores maybe Mom will come back for those.
Maybe Carrol will come home for those. You cannot have a beach party without them. Oh, did I mention how cute the surfers were....;)

I gave up on the worms, wiggled too much and were a bit too slimey. What will we do with this crazy family...keep being crazy and having fun!!:D:D

Do you think the Easter Bunny will leave treats for Carrol and Mom since they don't want to come home? We will give their stuff to Bailey--maybe it might be a pink stuff toy for Spring.

Susan, if you figure out what happens let me know because I lose wonderful thoughts typed up and then puff they are gone. I know sometimes when I hit the back arrow too many times it won't let me get back to the reply box I started...hope this helps!! I hope you are doing better--how could you not with the sillies who post here...:)

Bailey's Mom
04-22-2011, 11:29 PM
Hi Marie-
I am feeling MUCH better today. I may even come back home! I kept going back to sleep this morning and when it finally got to be 3:30, I got up to "start my day." Bailey cuddled with me most of the time and that was really nice as well. She loves to get her neck on my neck-which puts her head very close to my face. I think we both needed the rest. I think I caught up on all the sleep I've missed since Alabama.
I thoroughly enjoy the sillies who post here. We are funny yet supportive and loving. What greater mix?
If I figure out the mysterious phantom who steals my replies, I'll let you know. I have been able to push the back button and get them back, but yesterday, somehow, I completely closed out my browser.
I hope we hear soon from Addy and from Carrol. At this point I don't know where anyone is and the rooms in the nonbasement will soon go up for renting out. I've taken the worms and have put them into the gardens.....they are great for nurturing the soil. That is where they are happiest, as well.
In case I don't get back here until next week, I hope everyone....Carrol, Addy, Marie, Tonto, Lone Ranger, surfer dudes all have a nice weekend. Here's hoping the Easter Bunny visits you all!

04-23-2011, 08:24 AM
Hey Susan,

I was hip-pity hopping down that ole bunny trail along the beach to see if I could spot a large whale with a jockey on his back but the waters were calm:confused:

I just have one question: wedding, what wedding and where is my invitation?;);) Did you marry Carrol off to someone? Trying to hook her up with the nerd down the street are you? Is that why she took off and won't come home? And here I thought she was running around with another forum:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

You can't rent out Carrol's room, Marie is bunking with me and we need the money if WE can rent it out. We have had alot of expenses lately, like steak and potatoes, red shoes, Carrol's AX card is maxed out:p:p:p

I'm off to find a new lead for Koko, his broke:eek::eek:

Happy Saturday and kiss little Miss Bailey for me.

Love you both,

marie adams
04-23-2011, 12:14 PM
Hi All,

I know I was wondering about the wedding...I couldn't figure out how that one started. Maybe that is why Carrol isn't around so much--she is on a honeymoon.:D

Susan, I like putting the worms in the garden--they do like it there and I always let them stay there. I don't really think they are slimey, but tend the soil.:)

Give Bailey lots of hugs--I loved the neck cuddling my old cat use to do that--Maddie not really into that and too big to cuddle except when you would sit on the planter wall and she would come sit between your legs for a little scratching under her chin or all over.:)

Happy Easter to All!!!

Bailey's Mom
04-23-2011, 09:23 PM
Come on gals!!! THE wedding. The one that "everybody" is watching starting at 3 or 4 AM next Friday. Ryan is working on genealogy and has learned that we are related to Prince Will. I want to know what happened to MY invitation..!!
Bailey went over to some neighbors yesterday evening and was a HUGE hit. There was a 6 year old and an 8 year old and Bailey ran over, around, up and down them for about 1.5 hours.. Today has been kind of a laid back day.
Hoppy Bunny!

04-23-2011, 09:44 PM
Oh you meant THE WEDDING!!! THE BIG TO DO!!!!

Well, I hope I don't have to practice my curtsy now:p:p Can you write with an English accent:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Happy Bunny to you and Bailey, Susan!!!!


Bailey's Mom
04-24-2011, 12:40 AM
A question for Sas....and others...........
When Bailey eagerly goes up to "new" people......either new, period, or either new to the room.....she immediately rolls over on her back. I've always thought this was a submissive behavior, but with Bailey it stems from excitement..,....and she seems to want her belly scratched. Any thoughts on this? I'd rather she not do that. Can I correct it?
Plus-in so far as scratching her belly in general......or scratching in general......there isn't any spot that I can find that she likes. No reaction from behind the ears, the belly, a shoulder rub......Palmer like all those things.:confused:



04-24-2011, 08:26 AM
Koko loves people and he does that as well. I have never met a dog so crazy about humans as Koko. I didn't have the heart to correct it.:rolleyes:


04-25-2011, 01:34 PM
Want Ad: wanted a best friend residing in Delaware for a crazy redhead living in Wisconsin. Must like dogs:D:D:D

Hey Susan,

It is just you and me kid!!!!


Bailey's Mom
04-25-2011, 06:32 PM
Ad respondent:
I think I qualify for the job you have listed. I would like for you to make plans to come to DE to interview me. (Wisc is tooooo cold!)
Okay-I have to fess up.....you won't be seeing any more pictures of Bailey any time soon. I have given her her first clipping. I don't know why I did that. :(:o And it would have been okay if I had left it how it was yesterday......but today the scissors jumped into my hands! :eek: She's going to be a LOT easier to comb for awhile. Unfortunately, today, she twisted and turned and has a little bald :eek::eek::eek: spot about the size of a nickel on her back.:mad::eek:
Ahhhh-that's the second time, in three dogs, that I have tried grooming. No more, NO MORE!!
Susan :o:o:(:(

Bailey's Mom
04-25-2011, 06:33 PM
What happened to Marie and Carrol????
Have they started their own private thread??

04-25-2011, 07:15 PM
I'm on a freakin' camel in no man's land!! With a mouth full of sand I'm a little out of sorts:mad:
I have been humping along ( humping ALONG NOTHUMPING) with this stupid camel and no one will come near me with this blue face.......OOPS, we're off on a trot. CATCH UP TO you LATERRRRRRRRRRR................WAHOOOOOOOO

04-25-2011, 07:29 PM
Just when you thought she was MIA:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

We were about to book a flight to Rancho Mirage Girl!!!!!

Hey, Susan, look who's here:D:D:D:D:D


Bailey's Mom
04-25-2011, 08:31 PM
Hey Addy- She's baaaaackkkkkk!!
Carol-I find your footprints elsewhere as well.......helping out others.
To a whale, a camel is about the size of a Chiwawa.
If I could get rid of a whale, you can get off that dang camel. Now get down from there, put on your red shoes and say "I wish I'd never done this; I wish I'd never done this!!!" Get yurself back to Rancho Mirage..... or is THAT just a mirage???? Times a wastin' and we need to get ourselves ready for the wedding!!

04-26-2011, 02:37 AM
Hi Susan :)

As usual, I'll ask if you can give me more info on what exactly happens :)
"When Bailey eagerly goes up to "new" people...she immediately rolls over on her back"

What do you do? Do you let her run to people? What do the people do? Do they talk, pet, etc?

One "mistake" people often make is letting the dog do their thing... Which is okay if the dogs behaviour poses no problem (And again, a problem isn't a problem unless the owner perceives it as a problem) One has to teach a dog how it is supposed to behave in a certain situation :) Same goes for children. If parents wouldn't teach them how to behave during certain situations, I would go screaming mad :D It's no different with dogs. So if it is indeed a "excitement" thing with Bailey, the key would be to teach her how to behave instead. (basically, letting her sit or stay in her "place" and people coming in the room should ignore her excited behaviour and not say "hello" to her untill she has calmed down)

I just spend the eastern weekend with a 7 week old puppy, a Welsh Springer Spaniel :D He belongs to a friend of mine and she is going to train him to become her service dog. But she will drop him of with me from time to time to both give her some rest during that tireing puppy stage and to train him when he is here :)

Here's a cute video of Maddock (the pups name) playing with Yunah's toy frog :)

Sas and Yunah :)

marie adams
04-26-2011, 12:49 PM
Why go to all the trouble of starting a new thread when this one works just fine.

Glad everyone is getting along, but then Carrol is still out and about on that darn camel doing who knows what....with a blue face and that red hair--what a combination--sure can spot her a mile away:D:D

I think it was cute you were giving her her first furcut--haha--they sure can squirm and mess up good intentions.:p

Happy Tuesday!!!:):)

04-26-2011, 01:14 PM

Just get off the dang camel, then close your eyes, click your heels together three times and say "There's no place like home";)

We miss you


Bailey's Mom
04-26-2011, 02:04 PM
Hey Addy-so both you AND Carrol are redheads?
Boy-no wonder I have trouble with you two.:):D:rolleyes:;);)

Bailey's Mom
04-26-2011, 04:30 PM
Hi Susan :)

As usual, I'll ask if you can give me more info on what exactly happens :)
"When Bailey eagerly goes up to "new" people...she immediately rolls over on her back"

What do you do? Do you let her run to people? What do the people do? Do they talk, pet, etc?

One "mistake" people often make is letting the dog do their thing... Which is okay if the dogs behaviour poses no problem (And again, a problem isn't a problem unless the owner perceives it as a problem) One has to teach a dog how it is supposed to behave in a certain situation :) Same goes for children. If parents wouldn't teach them how to behave during certain situations, I would go screaming mad :D It's no different with dogs. So if it is indeed a "excitement" thing with Bailey, the key would be to teach her how to behave instead. (basically, letting her sit or stay in her "place" and people coming in the room should ignore her excited behaviour and not say "hello" to her untill she has calmed down)

I just spend the eastern weekend with a 7 week old puppy, a Welsh Springer Spaniel :D He belongs to a friend of mine and she is going to train him to become her service dog. But she will drop him of with me from time to time to both give her some rest during that tireing puppy stage and to train him when he is here :)

Here's a cute video of Maddock (the pups name) playing with Yunah's toy frog :)

Sas and Yunah :)

Hi Sas..........thanks for getting back so fast. :D
"New" people.....means either people she has already met but are just now coming back for a visit, or people she has never met.
Neighbors have called Bailey, talk to her and she eagerly runs to them. This is when we're in our own front yard.....but even if we've walked away from the yard and she is on a leash, she will still do the roll over, tail wildly wagging, scratch my belly kind of thing. The "People" all think it's very cute and that she is asking them to scratch her belly. I have not found that she especially likes having her belly scratched. She is warming up to scratching behind the ears.

Palmer ran to "new" people (visitors in the house) and would get up on his hind legs and jump around. I know a lot of people don't like that, so I'd like to get started on the right foot here. I have my own "issues" with submissive behavior so that probably enters into my not liking it.

I just watched your video.....and others. Maddock is so energetic and cute! Yunah is remarkable in what she can do. You're inspiring!:)

Thanks for all your help.


04-26-2011, 06:03 PM
Hi Susan, thanks for taking the time to explain it some more :)

Wether Bailey's behaviour is coming from excitement or from submissive behaviour, both times you act the same to change the behaviour.

If you're walking Bailey on the leash and she rolls over on her back when you meet people, tell the people to ignore the behaviour, to ignore Bailey completely (so no looking, bending over or talking at her either) If she gets up, stands on her paws again, the people can say hello. This way she will learn that with her "rolling on my back" behaviour, she is not getting what she wants, attention :) Instead, standing up will get her her "reward", the cuddles and attention.

And if the neigbours are calling her over and she comes running and then rolls over on her back, instruct the neighbours not to do so anymore (for now) Explain to them that you want to change Bailey's habbit of rolling on her back and that for that purpose, they should ignore Bailey whenever she comes running to greet them. Once she is standing again, they can start talking to her etc.

And if this happens inside your house...when you are getting visitors, I would tell Bailey to sit beside your leg. You greet the people and they should all ignore Bailey. Wether she rolls on her back or not...just to take the "tension" out of the moment. Once everyone is seated and Bailey is calm, she can go greet the people (you could even have her say hello on a leash at first so you can "guide" her through the process of saying hello). But again, the moment she rolls on her back, she should not get any attention what so ever :) And when people say hello to her (indoors, outside, no matter where) tell them to do so without a lot of fuzz...no high voices, no "baby talk" cause all that will contribute to have Bailey roll over on her back. Just something like "Hi Bailey, you look lovely today"...normal voice.

So your major task will be to instruct others on how to behave :)

Sas and Yunah :)

Bailey's Mom
04-26-2011, 10:26 PM
Thanks Sas.:)

This is kind of how life is anyway, isn't it? We teach others to learn the way we want to be treated............it's just that sometimes they don't realize that is what you are doing!;):D
I'll let you know how it goes. Sounds very reasonable to me.:cool:

We have a few commands to get under our belts soon and the bell ringing to go outside. If we can stop the nipping, the rolling on her back, and make the house training something we can rely on, I think I can stand it.

Bailey had diarrhea today and threw up right after she ate this evening. :eek: This of course makes the bell ringing/house training all the much harder. She seems to be feeling better now.



04-27-2011, 07:25 PM
Hey Susan,

I sure hope Bailey stopped throwing up. How is Little Miss today?

It is Wednesday, hurrah!!!!!!! Wednesdays are great because then Fridays are not far away:p:p

Well, I guess the tornado didn't blow Carrol home.:p:p:p Yes, we both really do have red hair, weird huh?????

We have had so much rain I am way behind in my yard work. Wish I could teach Zoe and Koko how to use a rake:D:D:D Our front yard now sports a river:eek::mad: Pretty soon we will have to build an ark.

Love ya,

Bailey's Mom
04-27-2011, 09:17 PM
Hey Addy-
Bailey went to the vet today to get more shots. She got 3 shots and a mouthful of worm preventative and her anal glands expressed and nails clipped. We both napped for about 5 hours......she crashed and I had not gotten much sleep in the past two nights. Too hot. :eek: We needed to change over to our summer "bed clothes." We did that this evening...now it is a much lighter blanket, not wool, and a light quilt. :) She has not vomited again, but she pooped inside again.....after I had her outside for about 1/2 hour. CHEE!!!

I expect you've heard....but in case you have not....we always called Wednesdays "hump day." That was because when Wed. got here you were 1/2 way through the week and it was all downhill after that (or so we liked to think!)

I am way behind in my yard work....but I am not expecting Bailey to pick up a rake!! :eek: But it would be nice if Bob would do more watching Bailey...... so I could get out and do the work. Bailey does pick up the pine cones, but she just won't put them into a container for me. WHAT GOOD IS THAT!!??

I must get back to desk work. Take care.


04-28-2011, 08:30 PM
Hey Susan, did the Bachelorette Party for Kate start yet? It was tonight right? I have been practicing my English accent and curtsey all day

Aren't your relatives coming in to town?

Cherrio, tata, hey bloke, could I 'av a spot of tea?

I love England. Nothing like cream tea around 4:00. And I LOVE digestive biscuits and Devonshire cream:D:D:D AND THE DOUBLE DECKER BUSES ARE WAY COOL. You have to sit at the front on top. When you go around curves in the countryside---



Bailey's Mom
04-29-2011, 12:54 AM
Hi Addy!
The bachelorette party is just about to start. Come and get your hat on and grab a noise maker. The "entertainment" is set to arrive in about 1/2 hour.
No My relatives aren't coming into town ........my relatives are Bob & Ryan. We are a very small unit. Ryan is coming down for Mommy's day. I don't think Ryan will watch any of Kate's wedding.
Hey bloke-serve up another ale, would ye?
No tea for me.....but I'll take several biscotti!!:D
Yes those double deckers are cool!! WHO would want to ride on the first level? :confused::eek:
Did you see there are two pictures of Bailey in her red sweater?
I went to the bathroom today, Bailey followed, we went in and I closed the door. I knew she needed to go out but I knew I would be over quicker so we went to take care of me first. Well...there I sat.....and dang if she didn't start peeing on the bath rug. :eek::eek: I grabbed her mid-pee and she stopped. I started cleaning it up and once done realized Bailey had gone elsewhere. (The bathroom is "L" shaped......she had gone round the corner. (Which is different from my going round the bend.....which will happen any day now!!) After I was done and her pee was gone she showed back up. I hesitatingly looked around the corner and indeed she had left me another present. This one was not liquid!! I looked at her later and I said...."you just don't get it yet, do you?" We're having a rough time with the training....and I think we need to spend more time on it.
Hey Sas----Is there a general rule about disciplining a dog? I haven't been doing anything when the accidents happen in the house. Maybe that's why she isn't catching on. If I just clean up after her and don't give her some sort of signal....how is she to know that she shouldn't go there?
Yesterday's vet visit...the vet said to take her to the same spot in the yard. I think you may have said that as well. How does that work? She stays away pretty much from earlier "business" - which is great..... (Palmer early on thought he'd eat his poop...:eek: ..... YUK!!!) Do you just clean up the area often?
I think I'm going to have to take on all of the responsibility for training. Bob isn't doing much.
Well Gang.......... it's time to get ready. Get your popcorn lined up. Have your beverage handy. Get in your comfy pjs and grab some pillows and a throw.
Here's hoping all goes well for them today. Let's hope there is not any stupidity shown. (you know-disturbances.)
I am still looking for my invitation.


04-29-2011, 01:51 AM

housetraining is mainly about how diligent the owner is :) If you know she needs to go, she needs to go. You have to wait :D It's not the pup being stubborn or naughty...she just hasn't control over her bladdermuscles yet. She can feel it coming...but she can't hold it, yet.

So the best thing you can do is to take her out very regularly. Every time she wakes up from a nap, take her outside right away (don't even let her walk there, that already might be too long for her to hold it), every time after a meal, take her outside..after she played, etc. And if she didn't play, sleep or ate but she has been inside for an hour, take her outside. Usually, if you take them outside at those times, they will pee or poo or both :D What you do is, you praise her immensely when she pee's (or poo's) outside. Give it a name as well so she will come to connect the action (peeing) with the word (peepee). (For example: Good peepee, yeahhhhh... Or: Good poopoo, yeahhhhh!) Once she connects those words to the actions, you can take her outside and say "go peepee". When you don't name the actionn, you risk that she is outside, plays, see's many interesting things and completely forgets to pee....too busy with everything else :D Then when she comes back in, she pees (because she still has to pee) So take her out very regularly, stay with her (don't initiate play) till she goes "peepee" and/or "poopoo" and praise her immensely. Don't come back in untill she has done her peepee/poopoo.

If you catch her in the act, you don't discipline her but you can say "uh uh!" something like that. That will usually make them stop and then you run and take her outside where, no doubt, she will continue her peepee....and then you praise her immensely :)

So in your "bathroom story" 2 things went wrong. First, you knew she had to go but you went first. Seems very logical since you're finished quicker but she has no control over her muscles yet and she simply can't hold her pee...therefore she should not be disciplined or punished for something she cannot help or control. In fact, for something that was your mistake, not hers ;) Second mistake, you grabbed her mid-pee and started cleaning up. You should have grabbed her and run outside with her where she could have continued and you could have praised her for peeing/pooing outside :)

So the key is, to take her outside as often as you can and to praise her for every pee or poo she does outside. Teach her the words so she can connect them to the actions and don't discipline her when caught in the act (instead you can usually make them stop by using something like "uh uh!") but pick her up and run outside. The less chance she has to pee/poo in the house, the sooner she will get the message :)

Whenever you have to clean up, try and do it very low key...preferably when she doesn't even notice it. Most people won't be too happy cleaning up and she will sense that "tension" and she won't have a clue what it is all about.

And remember, when you take her outside, don't play and act funny and such until she has poo'd and/or pee'd, at this age they are so easily distracted that they will forget to pee or poo :)

Sas and Yunah :)

Bailey's Mom
04-29-2011, 02:29 AM
Thank you Sas for a very detailed response. That makes it very clear. That is basically what we have been doing.....perhaps I'm expecting results too soon.
Bailey does "rattle her crate" at night when she needs to get out. She even succeeded in doing that when she had diarrhea.
Earlier-when I did finally get her outside.....she still had more pee....so I think my whisking her up in the air-and saying "oh-oh" worked to some extent.
Thanks again, Sas.


marie adams
04-29-2011, 10:05 AM
Good Morning Susan,

Sas has it nailed down on the potty training. The one thing I will change this go around is to pick a spot in the yard. Maddie's words were "potty" and "poop". We could just go outside at night before going to bed and she would take care of business--I was very amazed at first, but it is part of knowing ahead of time when they have to go. Believe me she didn't know the words right away, but we had it down pretty quick and it was even a heavy rainy season, El Nino, when we got her as a pup. It is do-able--Yooou can do it! Yooou can do it! (Adam Sandler movie--haha!!!) :D:D

I hope you enjoyed the WEDDING. I haven't even looked to see what her dress looked like....

Have a great weekend!!! ((Big HUG))

Have we seen the GIRLS??? Has Carrol arrived yet from her adventure???

Bailey's Mom
04-29-2011, 11:28 AM
Good Morning Susan,

Sas has it nailed down on the potty training. The one thing I will change this go around is to pick a spot in the yard. Maddie's words were "potty" and "poop". We could just go outside at night before going to bed and she would take care of business--I was very amazed at first, but it is part of knowing ahead of time when they have to go. Believe me she didn't know the words right away, but we had it down pretty quick and it was even a heavy rainy season, El Nino, when we got her as a pup. It is do-able--Yooou can do it! Yooou can do it! (Adam Sandler movie--haha!!!) :D:D

I hope you enjoyed the WEDDING. I haven't even looked to see what her dress looked like....

Have a great weekend!!! ((Big HUG))

Have we seen the GIRLS??? Has Carrol arrived yet from her adventure???

(There went my reply again..........arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!:ma d::mad:)
Carrol? Who's Carrol???
I watched the whole thing until after they left the church.
Absolutely GORGEOUS gown. She looked so pretty and she has such a nice smile and she shows it often. They just look like a really happy couple. It was a tremendous service, if a bit long. (for me)
Yeah-our words for both Peaches and Palmer have been "tinkle, poop!" Bailey knows tinkle. I'm not sure he knows poop. And yeah-we're going to try to find one spot. That sure would make cleaning up the yard easier as well.
You have a great weekend as well. I need to go now....I have a neighbor who is going to help me plant ground cover up at our entrance. Gotta take advantage of THAT!!!
Hugs and Hugs-and love,

04-29-2011, 01:31 PM
Okay they are probably cuter than surfer dudes on the beach!!!!!!!!!

Conga, Conga, CONGA:D


Happy Weekend!!!!!!!


05-02-2011, 08:46 PM
Hi Susan and Bailey,

I hope you had a good weekend:D:D:D

How is our Little Miss doing? She isn't the only one eating things, I took Koko out to do his business and I must of said "Drop IT" ten times:eek::eek:

He likes sticks and pine cones too:rolleyes::rolleyes:

And he is three:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Though I think he is my forever puppy. He will act like a puppy when he is 15:p:p

Thinking of you both,


marie adams
05-03-2011, 12:26 PM
Hi Susan,

I hope the planting went well. How is Miss Bailey and her adventures? Or should I say your adventures with Miss Bailey?

We went and looked at puppies on Saturday. It might be the one...we drove 2 hours to look. They were all sooo cute.:p We got to meet a nine month old brother of the puppies - he is such a happy pup with a big smile on his face just enjoying life!!:D They will not be ready to go until the end of the month.:) I am doing this WHY!!!!:p

Have a Happy Tuesday!!!

When will it be time to stop working/retire???? Oh, I guess you never really retire just move on to something else--keeps you young!!!

marie adams
05-06-2011, 11:50 AM
Good Morning Susan,

Is everything okay?? We have been missing you!!!:o

I think we have completely lost Carrol - she is out there somewhere... :confused:

Happy Weekend!!:):)

Bailey's Mom
05-06-2011, 11:03 PM
Yes, everything is okay. I've just been not very good company. This house training is getting me down. In the past two days we've had more "accidents" than ever. Thank you for asking.

I've been peeking in, but just didn't have much to say.
It seems to me Carrol had some medical tests to deal with. Don't quote me on that.....I am not sure that's correct.

My son is down for Mother's Day weekend. :)

Bailey just got her 3rd bath. I moved her to the laundry room sink this time. I'm trying to make bath time something she won't dread or be afraid of. My other two dogs put up with it, but weren't happy about it.

Bailey weighed in at 5 lbs. this week. :D:D:D I've not checked in a few days, so that may have gone up or down.....but 5 lbs is wonderful. She is starting to look like a doggie.....not some teeny tiny little thing that you're afraid you could squish if you stepped on her. :eek: It looks like she may be tall. :cool: She looks tall now. Very long legs. We should get some pictures this weekend, so I"ll post something early next week.

The nipping is posing another big problem. We don't seem to be getting anywhere with any of the training. The only success we have had is with the crate at night. She has ten tons of energy and it's hard to see that she gets the exercise she needs. Our yard is not fenced in, nor is there a logical place to do that. She loves to run but she will not come when called.....so there is always the risk of something bad happening. :eek: I have found that if I have her out without her leash that we can run and then if she starts to go too far away, I just call to her, tell her bye, bye, and that I am going in now. So far-that has worked. But this has also been in the back yard.

This is now tourist season here :(:(:( which means a doubling or tripling of the traffic. While we are on a cul-de-sac, at the end of our street is one of the main roads. If she ever headed off for down there, she might become road kill.:eek::(

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful ladies. I hope each of you is treated royally this weekend. You do great jobs, so put up your feet for a few minutes and let someone bring you something cool, or warm, to drink.
I got myself a massage today. I'd like to go back tomorrow!!:rolleyes:

(still feeling kind of lousy.)

05-07-2011, 08:25 AM
Oh Susan,
I'm sorry you have the puppy blues. I can totally relate to the house training. I remember only to well with Koko. Sometimes when their bladder is really small they have a hard time holding it and learning control. You'll get there and soon all of this will just be a memory.

Training should be fun for you and Bailey. Something you look forward to. Tap Sas for help and feed back. She is so great with training.

You will get there. Time to rally!!!!!!!! We are here to rally.

Hey, I have been trying to teach Koko not to pick up things and eat them when we walk forever.:rolleyes::rolleyes: I was just reading that one of the mistakes I made was stopping the rewards too soon.

So off we go again:p:p:p:p He's getting alot of chicken now but he is focusing on me more so I keep hoping we will get there.
I always look at it that if a certain training is not working for me, I must be doing something wrong:p:p:p And I don't take that personally:D:D:D

Happy Mom's Day!!!!!


marie adams
05-07-2011, 01:08 PM
Oh Susan,

I too remember having the blues about training. Maddie was a holy terror--always jumping up on me scratching and biting. My arms were all scratched up with the puppy nails and teeth. Then the bigger teeth and nails came in and I looked like my husband beat me on the arms--had to wear long sleeves even when it was warm. I remember having my daughter's confirmation party and I had to find something with long sleeves and I think it was close to Memorial Day.

I remember calling the trainer and asking "now how long will this last"
2 years was the answer and I did not think I was going to make it. Finally my husband took her out in our wetlands area and ran her (him on the bike) for miles--what a different dog she became--it became her job. If you have ever watched The Dog Whisper he says the way to make a dog part of the pack is Exercise, Disapline, Affection.

Try using the cookies as a reward during bath time. I would always take cookies with me when we went to the doggie spa where I could bath her. She knew if she was good then the treats were there.

We always used the treats as rewards. Also, try the long, long lead or rope and use the calling her name once with "come"--pull her back to you--treat as rewards--good girl. This way they understand the come command. I use to test Maddie when she would walk ahead of me. I could tell her to sit and wait--basically I wanted to make sure I had control when she was off leash.

Believe me all will come together at the right time--just be consistent and enjoy--this too will pass--haha--then you will wish you had the puppy look back, but not the behavior.:D:D I am looking forward to this and NOT....:eek::D

Have a wonderful Mother's Day!!! Enjoy having your son home and make sure he pampers you--SURE!!!!:):)

Bailey's Mom
05-08-2011, 12:06 AM
Thank you Addy and Marie.
I felt as if I got a hug.
TWO YEARS??!!Are you kidding me????!!!!
We went out to dinner tonight to a very nice Italian restaurant.....and Ryan treated. Quite often Ryan and Bob split the bill.....but Ryan wanted this one. It was a great dinner.
The plantings with the neighbor went very well and very fast. :) Now I have to keep going back up to water the gardens until the stuff becomes established.:(
Bob and I planted some Lantana along the walkway. It's a place that retains a lot of moisture and we have finally found that Lantanas do well there.
I am SO SORE today from yesterday's massage. :eek: At first I thought I was coming down with the flu. Then I remembered yesterday. It felt really good and I had her back off her pressure level a bit....but my body is super sensitive and it's not happy today!
I need to get to bed. Thanks gals for your kind words. IT really helps.

05-08-2011, 08:07 AM
Hi Susan :)

Eventhough I have no time right now, I wanted to let you know I saw your post and I will come back to you, hopefully later this evening if I am not too tired.

Some minor consolation...the smaller the breed, the sooner they "mature" (usually) ;) Very large breeds can take up to 3 years to mature, the medium sized breeds take an average of 2 years and the small ones will mature around 18 months...so forget those 2 years :D That's already a 6 month advantage, right there :p

We all know those frustrating and disheartening times where it seems our pup is not going anywhere and all our efforts are in vain. Don't be discouraged, it will happen sooner then you may think :)

I'll write to you soon...

Sas and Yunah :)

05-08-2011, 12:30 PM
Okay Susan,

Here we go :D

Probably the best thing you could do right now, is to start the housetraining all over again. For whatever reason, it’s not working right now so we start all over again. There’s a few facts you need to know about housetraining. First of all, mini breeds have mini bladders and therefore need to pee more often then larger breeds. (even when fully grown) Since the muscles needed to fully control the bladder won’t be fully developed until Bailey is about 6 months old, she will have accidents (unless you are very diligent) Since I am not familiar with how things are going right now, I will simply tell you what you should/could do to improve the situation.

Okay, like I said, we will start all over again. This means that you will have to take Bailey outside every 30 minutes (we want to prevent more peeing and pooping in the house if possible) Take her to the designated “p&p” area, put her down and say “go peepee”. You do not say anything more, do not say anything else, you ignore her if she wants to play, turn your back if you have to and you wait about 5 minutes. If she did her peepee or poopoo, you know the drill, praise her straight into heaven and make sure something wonderful follows, playtime, a walk…whatever she enjoys doing. But if she didn’t do anything, pick her up and carry her back into the house. Wait 15 minutes, pick her up again, carry her outside again and do the same routine. Tell her to peepee and wait about 5 minutes. If she pees, you do this again in 30 minutes, every 30 minutes for a couple of days. If there have been no accidents in the house for 3 days, you increase the time between taking her outside to pee to, let’s say, 50 minutes to an hour. (watch her closely for signs that first day you increase the time between peepee breaks outside) And this way you slowly work your way up till she has no more accidents in the house. Every 30 minutes may sound an awful lot but the goal is to set her up to succeed, not to fail. So by taking her outside this often, you greatly decrease the chance that she will pee indoors (fail) and you will greatly increase the chance that she does do her peepee and/or poopoo business outside (success) :)

A mistake many people will make is to take the pup on a walk (with the purpose to poo/pee) and when it has pee’d/poo’d they go straight back home. This only will encourage the pup to not pee/poo during a walk (“if I do, this wonderful thing called a walk, will end”) and then the moment it returns home, it will poo/pee inside the hose, leaving the owners very frustrated since they feel the pup had all the time to do it’s business during the walk but didn’t.

A much better way would be to let the pup poo/pee in the backyard and as a reward then take the pup out for a walk. That way a walk is a walk and a fun time with no pressure to poo/pee but simply fun time with its owner :)

Create a toilet space, the same space where she has to do her business every time. It may help, at first, to leave her poo’s and not clean the pee’s right away till the next morning. The smell will help and stimulate her to do her business at that same place again. And if there’s nothing there yet, you could use the accidents she had indoors. Pick up the poo and place it in her toilet area. Use a paper towel to absorb the urine and place the paper towel in her toilet area :D

Think of a fun activity the both of you can do every time she is successful outdoors. A special “after pee” game with a special (for that purpose only) toy. This will help her to understand faster that whenever she delivers, she gets her special treat. It can also help to keep her on her leash till she poo’d/pee’d. This way she cannot run off and you can keep her in her toilet area that way. When successful, take the leash off :)

If you can manage to keep this schedule, she might amaze you at how fast she can learn what’s expected of her. And if it sounds like a lot of (time consuming) work think of all the time it will spare you cleaning carpets and floors :p

So forget feeling down, take a deep breath and make a new start. Give her a new chance at doing it right this time, don’t hold a grudge, invest time and energy and the reward will be a proper housetrained puppy ;)

Sas and Yunah :)

05-08-2011, 04:05 PM
Okay Susan,

Now it’s time for some tips about how to train a reliable recall :D

I’m not sure what command you use but I will use “here” in this example. Of course you can use any command you prefer :)

First of all, what NEVER to do if you want a reliable recall. Never call the dog over to you for something the dog doesn’t enjoy. For example, if you want to give Bailey a bath, and she is not too crazy about them, don’t call her over, just walk over to her and pick her up. Recalls should always be positive and associated with something good :)

Secondly, I often see people calling the dog over and before rewarding the dog, they make the dog sit and then reward. The person (in his mind) is rewarding the fact the dog came over to them, the dog on the other hand is thinking it gets rewarded for sitting. So, if the dog comes to you, reward, immediately, do not let the dog sit first before giving him the treat :)

To train a reliable recall, always start indoors. And start with a small distance between you and the dog. Go sit on the floor and play with the dog. Then when the dog is just a few inches away, call it….tap on the floor with your hand, be happy and exited and reward the dog immediately. I personally always reward the command in words as well…and will say “good here, that was really a very good here” or something to that extent. Do this several times a day…sit on the floor, play and every now and then call the dog over to you when she is close by.Slowly increase the distance and when the dog will come even at a greater distance then you can start practicing without the sitting on the floor. At first I would still squat when calling Bailey, she’s so little and it makes you less intimidating to her. You then can move to calling her when you’re in another room… Once you have a good recall indoors, you can start practicing in the yard. Start the same way…sit on the grass, play a bit and call Bailey when she’s close to you, tapping your hand on the grass. Make sure you praise her incredibly every time she comes, have the treats ready in your pocket when you are about to train this. Step by step, each step should be stuck in her mind before you move on to the next step. And if you move to the next step, and she’s not doing well, go a step back again, it was obviously too fast to move to the next step :)

Apart from all this, how is your relationship with Bailey? And with that I mean, how is your interaction with each other? Does she “respect” you in the sense that she will let you go through doors first for example? Will she sit calmly before she gets her food? I ask this because without some basic respect, it will be very hard, if not impossible to train :)

Not meaning by any means this is what is happening with you and Bailey but I will give you an example. There was this elderly couple who got a mixed breed small dog. Indoors, the dog ruled the house. If it wanted to be petted, it got picked up and was petted, if it wanted to sleep on the couch, it slept on the couch and when one of the couple wanted to sit on the couch, it would growl, the dog ate at the dinner table, sitting on a chair with a plate of food served before the couple had their food, etc. They called me because the dog was impossible to walk on a leash. He would go in any direction it wanted, would sniff for as long as it wanted, would lunge and bark at everything and everyone in sight, in short, a disaster. He was the neighborhood terror. I have been there about 8 times and tried to explain to the people that they had to change the way they treated the dog indoors in order to be able to change the way it behaved during walks. The dog had no respect for the couple what so ever…so why would it have respect during their walks? You cannot expect a dog to respect you in one area if there’s no respect in other area’s. They weren’t able to see that and kept insisting the dog was their “baby” and deserved only “the best” (meaning, sleeping where it wanted, eating at the dining table, etc)

And of course, this is an extreme example, but I just wanted to make sure that you and Bailey have mutual respect because that will make training and teaching a lot more easier. If the respect is not there, that needs to be dealt with first…

Saskia and Yunah :)

Bailey's Mom
05-08-2011, 07:02 PM
Hi Sas and THANK YOU for the detailed instructions.:D:D
Bailey does follow me in to a room. Also-while we don't have the nipping stopped, once we yell "NO!" she backs off. I try to give her something to chew that is not me.
I will share with you that last night, first time EVER, she took herself to her crate and "crashed." (Twice!) I was so pleased to see that. I've tried keeping her in the crate upstairs when I need to get work done. but so far no luck----just crying.
I can't say she's really calm before her food. Once she knows it is being prepared she seems to say..."Hurry it up, NOW!" That's not every time but more times that not.
I'm going to print out your suggestions and we'll give it a try. As I have said before, I am not getting tons of cooperation from the male side of this household.
We are doing more walks and she is walking pretty well. She is still way too excited when she meets people but it might be getting just a tad under control.
For now-I must go....I feel klike I have the flu and it's NO FUN. :( Best I get to bed (7pm!!)
Thanks again....I'll keep you posted.:)


05-08-2011, 07:15 PM
Feel better real soon. The flu is not fun!!!!


Bailey's Mom
05-09-2011, 12:53 AM
:(:(:(You are right..........and this is the flu. 103.2 Down to 102 now.:(:(:(

05-09-2011, 01:57 AM
Oh Susan,

so sorry to hear you came down with the flu :( First get yourself better before focussing on Bailey...:)

Sas and Yunah :)

marie adams
05-09-2011, 12:16 PM
Good Morning Susan,

I hope you are feeling better today. What a way to end Mother's Day!! At least you got to go out with the family and enjoy each other. :)

Take Care!!!:)

05-09-2011, 01:22 PM
I wish I could make you chicken soup!!!!!! Well, think of this post as your chicken soup tonic and picture sipping on the nice hot broth and slurping the noodles and savoring the chicken. Can you feel your nose starting to run? Are you getting all warm and cozy?

Now lets drink some tea!!!!!! OOOOOOHHHHH SOOOO GOOD!!!!

Now its time for your nap!!!!!!!

Feel better when you wake up.:D

How's that for cyber nursing?:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Bailey's Mom
05-09-2011, 11:44 PM
Could someone please send a hug? A big one? Man-this is lousy.

Bailey's Mom
05-10-2011, 02:09 AM
I wish I could make you chicken soup!!!!!! Well, think of this post as your chicken soup tonic and picture sipping on the nice hot broth and slurping the noodles and savoring the chicken. Can you feel your nose starting to run? Are you getting all warm and cozy?

Now lets drink some tea!!!!!! OOOOOOHHHHH SOOOO GOOD!!!!

Now its time for your nap!!!!!!!

Feel better when you wake up.:D

How's that for cyber nursing?:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Well-you hit the mark....except for the tea. I don't drink tea.....tastes awful. And I did eat some chicken noodle soup. It's the only thing I've had since lunch on Sunday.
I keep going from sweating hot to freezing cold. Bailey stayed with me most of the day.
Anyone looking for a husband? Qualifications: = short tempered with puppies. Mad that his wife is sick. Angry to take the doggie out or walk it.
I think it's time to review my contract.....before I decide to renew it this year. (married almost 37 years......so he's probably no longer trainable.)
The temp is coming down. I spent the entire day in bed...sleeping or groaning.

You're my favorite cyber nurse, Addy.:):)


marie adams
05-10-2011, 11:53 AM

I think we need to download emoji icons like on the phones--they are so cute and fit right in with how we talk.....

It sounds like Addy helped you get through the worst part of the flu.

Husbands---:rolleyes: Let me think-definitely not trainable after the 30+ mark. Why is it they think you can nurse them but when roles are reverse you shouldn't even think of being sick--helloooo....:eek: I think we just do everything because it gets done without the complaints. We spoiled them rotten:D:D That is where we went wrong. It has been almost 31 years for us.

I hope today is a much better day for you!!!:):)

Bailey's Mom
05-11-2011, 02:11 AM
Dang it!!! What key did I mistakenly hit that removed all my pearls of wisdom?????
Any way-I thought I was doing much better. I ate 1/2 sandwich for lunch on Sunday. I skipped dinner all together....just felt too yucky. Monday I had a bowl of Chicken Noodle soup;-one of Lipton's....they are far superior to the others out there, at least according to my tastTester I ate nothing before 6pm.
Bob asked what I wanted and I said cream chipped beef. It's one of my comfort foods for me. We each had 1 piece of bread lightly toasted and a bowl of applesauce. Oh-and our 12oz of buttermilk.
To speed this tale of woe, let's just say I sat and waited for my sotmach to decide what it was going to do. It seemed okay, then it did not. Maybe this was heartburn....who knows....not me, that's for sure.
I watched the Nats win their baseball game and had planned to shower/shampoo after that. I mean come on now-It's been since Sunday when that last happened.:eek::eek:
Well the teeth got brushed (thankfully!!) but the rest got postponed. Temp started back on the rise again (102) and the shivvers started again. I just hopped in bed, tried to warm up and listened to the action on the tv,
Anyway-Bailey has stayed pretty much by my side. Bob took her for a few hours this morning so she would not keep running into our bedroom and disturbing me. And of course he has had to do the walking and poo patrol/pickup.
Then I got one (only one) of those leg twitches. Then I had warmed up and now I found I was too HOT. So I got up, changed pjs to lighter ones and came up to the ofice to do a thing or two. I've now taken Pepto Bismol....it seems to be settlig the tummy. My experience with Pepto is that if you use it , it will do 1 of two things.You have to be prepared to do with possibility #1-that is where you take your medicine and within 40 seconds it comes back and says "Hello" to you. Every time that has happened to me, I felt soooooo much better. It was such a relief not to be on guard for a medical mishap.....and the stomach settled down right away.
The second thing it may do is just settle your stomach down. It looks like I won the basket and that may be the end if it,
Meanwhile I feel like I've been in La-La land and have blown by 3 ir 4 days. 3-4 very pretty days!

I just would really like to get one good night's sleep

Hey-How was everyone else's Mother day? .
Take care-I seem to be fading fast. I have to grab it when I can get it!!



Squirt's Mom
05-11-2011, 10:02 AM
Hey Susan,

Glad to read you are feeling some better. :) The flu just sucks - no polite way to say it! If you aren't taking zinc, it is something to consider - as long as you don't have diabetes or Alzheimer's. Get plenty of rest and fluids! ;)

Sending healing thoughts your way!
Hugs...from a distance :D,

05-11-2011, 01:26 PM
How is my patient today? Any fever? How's the tummy?

Oh Susan,

I sure hope you are on the mend. Glad to hear Nursing Assistant Bailey is keeping you company. What a good little girl she is:)

Before you know it, Bob will be taking you out dancing to celebrate your recovery.:D:D:D

Feel better.



Bailey's Mom
05-11-2011, 11:46 PM
Hi Leslie & Addy-
Thanks for stopping by.:D
Well last night didn't start out well when I fell out of bed and hit the crate on the way to the floor. I don't think I was even trying to get out of bed. I just must have been too close to the edge. I have a horrendous softball size bruise that's real ugly and painful.
There there were the two, three, four or five times I spilled over a cup....while reaching for the thermometer or something.
Then-today was just a blast. I started out @102. went to 103, went back to 101 and am now back up to 103.I''ll be seeing my doc in the am.

Then, just to be sure I had covered all bases, I tripped coming up the stairs.....and Bailey peed up here. SHE HAD JUST BEEN OUT!!!!
I'm getting the chills again. I go from chills to sweats and back and forth.:(:(
And the 3 days I've been sick, and had to stay in, the weather has been scrumptious.:mad::mad:

Squirt's Mom
05-12-2011, 11:50 AM
Girl, you need to lay down, stay down and tell your sweet hubby to wait on you hand and foot until are well again! He can just pull up a chair and wait to hand you drinks, take your temp, help you to the bathroom, run a bubbly bath for you, brush your hair, paint your nails, feed you grapes, keep you cool with a feather fan.....oh wait, I was getting carried away, wasn't I?! :p

Please let us know what the doc has to say and do take care of yourself!


Bailey's Mom
05-12-2011, 11:00 PM
Howdy-I went to the doc who sent me to the hospital.
The hospital kept me for the day while they ran blood tests and urine tests.
They think that a tick hitched on for a ride, poisoned me with it's spit. This isn't Lyme disease.....it's worse than that.
I was dehydrated, so they gave me fluids. They took an awful lot of my blood for testing. My red cells are way down and the blood does show the bacteria.
By today, I was having trouble keeping my balance and was talking somewhat incoherently. Scared my son to death.
We got back home and crashed. I gave Bailey another bath because she apparently got "residual spray" on her when I was throwing up the other evening.
They told me not to expect to feel much better for 2 or more days.
Good Night!

05-13-2011, 08:58 AM
OMG Susan,:eek::eek::eek:

Drat those ticks anyway!!!:mad::mad: Always causing problems one way or another, as bad as the dang mosquitoes:mad::mad:

Do you feel better now with fluids in you? Your fever must have been high all week:eek::eek::eek:

Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better real soon. I hope hubby waits on you all weekend:D:D:D You can play the hospital card for some major pampering:p:p


marie adams
05-13-2011, 11:22 AM
Good Morning Susan,

I am so glad you went to the doctor and they put you in the hospital. We always try to fix an illness ourselves--"I will give it one more day..."

I think following Leslie's instructions would be a good idea--:D:D

Take care of yourself, get better fast--remember you are the Mom and we need you!!!!!

Bailey's Mom
05-14-2011, 03:18 AM
[QUOTE=addy;54674]OMG Susan,:eek::eek::eek:

Do you feel better now with fluids in you? NO!!!
Your fever must have been high all week:eek::eek::eek: Yes-101-103.5

The hosp called late today and first asked how I was doing, My response was "not much better. He asked .... you can't notice any difference today.? I thought for a few mins, then I said YES....I had not vomited today.....so that was an improvement.
Then he told me that they had found bacteria in my blood, which they told us about before we left and the results from those tests won't come
back until Monday or Tuesday. In addition they have discovered a separate bacteria in my blood.Anyway-new little red dots have shown up on my legs. They told me if anything new came up or if I was worried about anything to come back in.

Thanks friends for following along with me on this.

When I think of you red heads, it makes me smile.

I'll keep you posted.

Squirt's Mom
05-14-2011, 09:31 AM
Hey Susan,

My hair never was red unfortunately and it is a bit lighter in color these days....more like Gandalf, if you are familiar with hobbits and The Lord of the Rings. :p But I am thinking of you anyway and sending healing white light your way. Please take care and let us know how you are doing.


05-14-2011, 11:16 AM
Hi Susan,

I hope this post finds you a bit better.

What the heck kind of ticks do you have in Delaware anyway:eek::eek: They sure must be some mean,nasty things, causing all of this to do:eek::eek: We are going to have to come up with a plan to eradicate them all;);) Maybe the word got out about those dang ticks and that's why Carrol ran away from home.
Could be she thought they were in the non basement.:rolleyes:
I was wondering if you could have picked them up from Wally? You never know about whales:confused::mad: They could carry some serious parasites:eek::eek::mad: Marie took all your red sweaters to the cleaners.

Seriously, I sure hope you have a bit of improvement today and the red spots do not continue to appear.

Love ya,

Bailey's Mom
05-14-2011, 10:00 PM
Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....I had posted an update earlier and even saw that "it took." I had pasted in a picture and that was taken out before it even posted. (I guess that's a "no-no.") Well, back in I come and the whole message is gone.:mad:

I'll give you the Cliff's Notes version.

I have a confirmed diagnosis of Ehrlichiosis. :eek::eek:
I will go back and see my doc on Monday.

Current status is still sore throat, still tight chest and sometimes labored breathing, still red dots, on antibiotic, have meds for nausea. Still feel very tired and the mind is not always as clear as it usually is. (Sounds scarey, huh?)
Leslie-I thanked you for your keeping me in your thoughts.
Addy-I told you the line about sending all the red sweaters was very funny.....first time I've laughed like that all week.

Did I tell you Bob and I think this goes back to those first mysterious red circles that showed up on my legs on March 2nd?
So far as I know now, I will just stay on the antibiotics for the rest of two weeks.
So-there you have it.:(

Bailey's Mom
05-14-2011, 10:04 PM
Oh-I also had said how Bailey has taken to taking a treat given to her and playing hide and seek with it. She walks away with the treat and puts it somewhere.....like behind the curtains or on a low shelf. Later she will go back and take it from that spot and place it in it's second spot. I think the most I've seen is three spots and then it's consumed. Very, very funny to watch.

Bailey's Mom
05-14-2011, 11:03 PM
Hi Leslie-
In my lost-in-space-post, I had inserted a picture of Gandalf.....asking if that's who you meant. I am not a Lord of the Rings follower but somehow I guessed that was who you meant.

I want to thank you for your interest and for your advice to take it easy. Unfortunately I have little choice but to take it easy.

You've been a regular supporter from the beginning, with Palmer. Oh how I've missed him and his nursing care with this tick infection. I really appreciate all your help.



05-15-2011, 02:51 AM
Yikes, Susan :(

Coming from a tick invested country I know what a nuissance they can be and all the preventative work you have to put in it to try and avoid those nasty tick born diseases.

A red circle that will rapidly grow in a few days is a sure sign you are bitten by a tick! We learn all that already at school since we have so many ticks here. Also, when out in nature (doesn't mean just woods and so but also gardens, a lawn that wasn't mown for a while, bushes, etc we will always wear socks and long trousers and put some DEET on them, at least 30%. I will always treat Yunah's harness with garlic oil and DEET as well apart from the fact she also gets the spot on tick and flea treatment as well.

And be aware, if you don't recover as fast as you should, many ticks carry more then one disease so you might be infected with more then one disease.

Oh, and whenever you noticed you are bitten by a tick? Write it down. Symptoms may occur many weeks later and you could easily forget about that tick bite :)

Hope you feel better soon!

Sas and Yunah :)

Bailey's Mom
05-15-2011, 04:30 AM
Hi Sas-
Thanks for your empathy.
I first noticed circles on 3/2. It was not one getting bigger. They were all mostly the size of a quarter and there had to be several dozen....I didn't have anything in the morning. When I went to change clothes there they all were.
It's 4:30AM here and I just got up to take a Nausea pill, a sleeping pill and my temperature.......seeming to hang pretty consistently at 101.7. I've not been able to fall asleep. I should be able to get asleep in another hour or so.
I visit my IM doc on Monday and should have a better picture of what's going on after that. I'm quite concerned that I am having such labored breathing if I move around.
I never did see a tick-or I would have reacted back in early March.
Thanks for writing.


05-15-2011, 07:52 AM
I sure hope your fever goes down soon and you start feeling better, Susan. I'm going to go read your link so I understand the disease.

When I took Zoe to the groomers yesterday they had a big sign up about finding ticks on dogs coming in for a groom and to make sure to treat for ticks. It has been so cold and wet here, I haven't even been thinking about ticks. It feels like winter and the leaves are first starting to come out on the trees. We have frost warnings again tonight.:mad::mad::mad: I'm still wearing a winter coat:eek:

Brain fog might be good to have for awhile, no worries then;)

Oh honey, feel better soon. I'll check in on you again later today.


Bailey's Mom
05-16-2011, 12:52 AM
Hi Addy-
"Brain fog" - I like that!
Thanks for your last line especially.
Tonight Bob said "This (Bailey) is the biggest mistake we've ever made. I have had it."
Now-we have had a rough, rough day.After 4:30 and going back to bed and still not sleeping, I got back up and was coming back upstairs. Wooden staircase in an upside down l shape. Straight up, landing to your left, 6 or so stairs straight up after that. Well on the top section, with a large cup of water in my hand, I started to feel myself loosing balance. I've had periodic trouble with my equilibrium-since this started. Well-not one had was free, I have all this water in the cup and if I ever sense I am going down I try my best to protect my titanium knees. I have a 4" square gauze pad covering the middle of my back....I think I did get myself turned around. (I did share that I fell out of bed one night last week,l maybe 5 days ago and have a huge bruise on my left knee. I fell into the crate on the way down.
On top of that, all Bailey has wanted to do today is bite. Saying "No!" is not working at the moment. We have passed her back and forth about two dozen times just to get through the day.
Bob wanted me to go back to the hospital today, but I'd rather wait until tomorrow.....if my doc says it's necessary. All of tis has frightened him pretty much. He got enough upset talking abut it today that he was crying. This is a pretty serious disease......and I realized I get tremors in my hands not infrequently. I plan to get one of those loose muzzles in the AM if only for us for a short while.
We go back to see the my doc in the AM as soon as we can get as appointment,
I'm sorry your weather still calls-for winter coats.

Night sweetie. I love you.

05-16-2011, 08:21 AM
Oh Sus, Bob is worried and overwhelmed, he doesn't really mean it about Bailey. What would happen if when she starts biting you just walk away or put her down on the floor and ignore her her five minutes? Just a thought. Don't say no, don't say anything, just ignore her bad behavior.

Perhaps Bob is right and you need to go back to the hospital, if anything just to touch base with your doctor. From what I read on your link, it does sound that it can be serious so why take any chances?

Sending lots of love and prayers for all of you. I'll check back on my lunch hour.

Hope you got a bit of sleep. Not sleeping is hard.


Bailey's Mom
05-16-2011, 09:35 AM
Hi Addy-
I actually slept the best and the longest last night....longer than anything recent.
If you ignore Bailey she keeps bouncing away from you and toward you. On the toward part she nips. If I walk away, she's nipping at my pant leg.
The nips are getting more sharp.
If we need to take her outside to go, she won't let you catch her. It's the bouncy thing again. The only way I get it to work is to ignore it and eventually she will stop bouncing back either so far or so fast and I can grab her collar and attach the leash.
We are off now to go see doc. Temp still the same. Monster headache.
After doc-if I'm not sent to the hospital, we're going to pick up a nuzzle. After fighting to attach that, I will call obedience training.
She's lucky she is so cute.

marie adams
05-16-2011, 12:30 PM
Oh Susan,

You sure have a lot going on--stress level high. I hope you on the road to recovery, but if it takes being in the hospital then do it--better safe than sorry as we all say. :o

I want to let you know that Maddie was a holy terror as a puppy and she turned out to be the best amazing dog in less than 2 years--haha. Remember Bailey is a smaller dog so the time to settle down is less than it was for Maddie (Sas said this). Maddie was a bitter and jumper. What really helped was training and giving her a job (running with my husband on the bike). She mainly only jumped on & bit me -- I am the one who fed and took care of her; so go figure... It will get better--just exhaust her then train--haha!!

Get Better!!! ((HUGS))

05-16-2011, 12:53 PM
Oh Susan,

I am so sorry to hear you are still not doing well at all. Fortunately you finally had a better night, that's a start :)

Bailey is probably too cute for her own good ;) But cute dogs should not get away with things like all others dog shouldn't either. Good for you that you are going to start obedience training with her <thumbs up>

My friend, who also has a puppy, the Welsh Springer, was complaining he was biting her all the time as well. None of the usual tips and tricks worked (ignoring, walking away, etc...) But also, that pup would not mess with her adult female dog. When she brought the pup home and he was trying to mess with the adult dog, that dog gave him a good piece of her mind :D And of course, the pup now knows better as to missbehave around her. She has another adult dog and that dog is less "firm" and the result is that the pup still tries to bite and roughplay with that dog. And ofcourse, with my friend, the pup is being even worse. And eventhough some may not agree with me, it is so obvious. The oldest dog, showed the pup what she tolereated and what not, in dogstyle. That is the message the pup understood and so that's the dog he leaves alone. Yet, it's also the dog he sleeps with and curls up with. The dog that behaved the "toughest" toward him him, is the one he respects and wants to befriend. As young as he is, he knows that's the dog to be friends with, the "topdog" :D So I told my friend, next time he was biting her to grab him in his neck and hold his scruff untill he relaxed and stopped fighting her. She had to do this 3 times and it was over and done with. He now no longer bites her, no longer "bumps" into her, no longer avoids her...instead, he's more loving and affectionate then ever before, he WANTS to be in her good grace. His behaviour changed from "I do what I want and I don't care what you do or say" to "I admire and respect you and I want to do whatever I can to please you so we become best friends" In fact, the same behaviour he showed toward the oldest dog which he respected from the start. And eversince she was "firm" with him, he learns two new commands every day...:) I really do not believe you harm a dog by grabbing him in the scruff...if needed. I actually think you harm a dog more when you let the behaviour get out of control. And from the interactions between the puppy and the older dogs, one can see that thats how dogs do it amongst themselves. There are dogs that will never need to be grabbed in the scruff...but then again, some will need it. It's not something one should do with every dog and under all circumstances, but there are situations where it's needed, in my opinion. (unfortunately, it's usually needed because the owners weren't "firm" from the start and the dog could get out of control...so basically, the owners should be the ones held by the scruff :p) Especially the smaller (and cuter) breeds can grow up to become real terrors. They will often be carried around constantly, held and cuddled and for some reason, basic rules of proper, polite dog behaviour often don't seem to apply to small dogs :) If you have a Great Pyrenese puppy that's nipping you when you walk away, I bet most owners won't tolerate it, not even when the pup is just 2 or 3 months old...because they are big puppies and the owners are (usually) very aware that this puppy will be a huge nipping machine in just a few months. So, very generally speaking, larger breed puppies are often better trained and raised then the small toy breeds :) I can't stress enough that people should not "baby" a new dog. (talking strictly about "normal" dogs, not traumatised rescues and such) Start strict and depending on the dogs character you can loosen the rules down the road. I know and understand it's all done out of love but if you have small children and I expect you love those too, you have to be strict with them as well at times otherwise they do not devellop in healthy independant adults. There comes a day where you have to bring them to school for example and they may cry their eyes out, pleading with you not to leave them there. But you do...because you know it's for the best. It would be silly to keep them home for the rest of their lives....even when your motivation would be that you love your child so much and don't want it to feel sad or upset. You teach your child to dress himself, you wouldn't want to be still dressing your child when it was 30, right?

So love...is more then holding, cuddling, sleeping with you in the bed, etc...love is also teaching them, learning them to become independant and self assured dogs that know what's expected of them, that know how to behave in a world they are part of. That makes for happy owners but above all, it makes for happy dogs :) And that's the goal, raising happy dogs that are not frustrated or fearfull, dogs that know how to act socially so they can interact with other dogs (something I feel every dog deserves)

And eventhough dogs are not little people, that's what they share. We, as parents, both of children and dogs, are the ones responsable that both can grow up in the best possible way for their respective species, of course :D
The fun thing is, that it's basically the same, we want both to have respect, to be independant and selfassured and for for kids to enjoy "kids" things like playing baseball and for dogs to enjoy dog things like playing fetch.

But first, get better and I really hope you will feel better soon, Susan :)

Sas and Yunah :)

marie adams
05-16-2011, 01:19 PM
Hi Again Susan,

I totally agree with Sas, we had to grab Maddie's gruff and hold her until she calmed down. The teaching like you would your child played a big part also. I think some of it is common sense in the end. We treated Maddie like a dog and she earned her independence like a child (of course we didn't treat the daughter like a dog :D). It was the exercise, disipline, affection program that worked. This is what we will be doing when our new furball comes home soon, but I am a little scared myself to go through this stage again, but they are soooo cute...:D:D

Get better!!! I hope you have good news when you get home from the doctor's or you are in the hospital to be closely watched. :o

05-16-2011, 03:07 PM
Hoping you have turned a corner and have good news from the doctor.


Bailey's Mom
05-16-2011, 06:21 PM
Hello girlfren's!

Let me go from shortest to longest. Then I'll fill you in on the day's news.
Addy-from my heart, thank you.
Marie-Thank you for sharing your experiences....again. What puppy? When? What kind? Already born?
Thank you for taking the time to share so much. You are all like the voice of calm in what had become a tornado.
We were in a pet store today and I asked them for recommendations for trainers. I have spoken with a woman who is a Board Certified Dog Trainer. (I have no idea what board.........hopefully not an ironing board!!););) She has a class starting this Thursday and (oh-I see here...."Animal Behavior College")-I plan to start then. I've not had a chance to go look at it yet, but she has a web site...www.K10training.com (http://www.K10training.com). They call themselves K-10 because they are one better (than K-9.) We got a muzzle. We got one of those new "jackets" that have been advertised on tv here as something which calms dogs down...no matter what age. We went back later, on our way back home to pick up a pigs ear. We had not tried those with Bailey yet. We threw out the pigs hoof because it had such a disgusting smell and look and because Bailey kept trying to place it on my face in the mornings so she could chew on it there.:eek: The pigs ear is super!. It's the only thing she has been willing to have/use without me and my comfy chest there. It's the only thing she has been willing to enjoy so that I can get some things done on my own. I am in great need of "my time" on a regular basis and I think I've only had two hours since we brought her home:(:(:(:(.....and that was the massage the other day. So she may gain a reprieve with the pigs ear.....I'm going to put her on week to week extensions. (JUST KIDDING!!)
Sas, Your example about not taking kids to school because they would be unhappy reminded me of an experience with Ryan.
I have my BEFF and even though she has never had any kids, she's very smart about them. I was able only to stay at home with my new baby for 6 weeks. Financially it was necessary that I return to work. I lived in Arlington, VA and my friend lived then about 15 miles away. We both worked in suburban Maryland about 25 miles away, for different companies. To avoid some of the traffic I would not start work until 10, she did the same. So I was taking Ryan to the day care lady on my way to work. (Geez she was wonderful. We were soooo lucky.)
One day my friend said to me....I know it's going well for you and you are very happy. I just want to point out that there will come a day when you go to drop off Ryan and he's going to look at you and scream and cry....because he doesn't want you to go and you're gonna hate yourself and think you''re doing permanent damage to Ry-ry. Well DANG SHE'S SMART and 4 - 6 weeks later it happened. And I cried all the way to her office and we went and had lunch early....and hugged.
Some great news........the neighbors on the other cul-de-sac, the ones with the springer spaniel.......well they've been watching, taking out Bailey while I visit doctors. Zoe is a puppy as well....but about 3 or 4 months older than Bailey. Today took longer than we expected (of course), so we called Bill and let him know. He then came over, retrieved Bailey, and took her, after a walk, to his house. Now springer spaniel......one of his legs equals the size of all of Bailey. He let them play together and play they did! He said Zoe was actually scared of Bailey. (YAY Bailey!!):rolleyes::rolleyes: They have a stepup to a family room and Bailey didn't think she could----well she tried but couldn't get up the step. So Zoe positioned the tip of her nose about 9" from the edge of the step. The two just spied each other for a long time. Then after about 45 minutes, they both settled down and curled up next to one another.
When we went to get Bailey back, I watched her little tail and never did it go down. Zoe was unmanageable. Bailey was pretty darn calm. (I was so proud!!) So hopefully maybe we can find a place where the 2 of them can romp and stomp once a week or so. Their yard does not have a fence either.
Now-re:me. I have what I said and was told it is very rare (natch.) It may take 4 or more weeks on antibiotics to get it all. Symptoms may come and go at various times until all of it is smooshed out. I go back in a week for a follow up and some end-of-this-week blood test results. More antibiotics for at least another two weeks, then another checkup. The doc and the nurse remarked on how bad I looked last Thursday and that even though I am suffering symptoms, I looked better today.
So-now that I know I am going to live, I feel like I was run over by a Mac Truck and/or had a stress meltdown. Bob's much better. I'm better. Bob and I are better. Bailey is better. I think we'll keep her. :rolleyes:
So-that's most if not all of it and I'm tired, so I'm gonna sign off now.
Thanks to everyone for sticking by me and propping me up. I'm going to dream tonight how, someday, somehow, we will all, with our furrballs, get to meet in person. What fun that would be!


05-16-2011, 06:37 PM
Sweet dreams dear Susan, we are keeping you too;)


Bailey's Mom
05-16-2011, 06:44 PM


Bailey's Mom
05-16-2011, 06:48 PM
PS-I went to the Chiropractor today. You'd think I went because I fell, but I wasn't that smart. I went, however, because I have severe arthritis, especially in thumbs, neck, shoulders.
He told me I had a really bad fall. (Why do I always need someone else tell me...why can't I figure out it's okay to admit pain, injury?)
He commented on how tight my neck is.
He told me I sprained my back.
I am planning on going back again this week.
I feel much better with his help.


marie adams
05-16-2011, 07:18 PM
Yeah!!! You are on that road to feeling better!!!:p:D In many ways...haha!!!

Yes, a new australian shepherd puppy for us. :) She was born April 1st and should be ready to come home by the 27th. Not sure of which one we get since the sire's owner still needs to pick which one of the blue merle girls she will take, but we are pretty sure she will take the one with the darker front leg--see pictures on Maddie and my site. The one with her tongue sticking out will probably be our little one--she is the bigger of the two pups. We got to visit them a couple of weeks ago--they are a couple hours away from us. We saw their older brother who is 8 months old (the same mom & dad). He was such a happy camper and pretty darn behaved for that age!! Could have gone and checked on Carrol on our way--haha!!! ;)

So I will be in Puppy Hell with you in a couple of weeks. :o You know, in a couple of months you will forget how you were going to give Bailey back--haha!!!:eek::)

Here's to Susan feeling better and the whole family feeling better about everything!!!!:)

05-16-2011, 08:26 PM
Cheer, Cheer, I second that, Marie

Give Bailey another PIG EAR!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D



Bailey's Mom
05-16-2011, 10:43 PM

"Give Bailey another PIG EAR!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Definitely!! I only bought one since she's not had them before. I had some left over after Palmer left for greener pastures (heh, heh)-but I think I threw them out.

Marie-I am ready, willing and able for you whenever Snookums arrives!


05-17-2011, 08:55 AM
Nurse Addy checking in on her patient.

What are your vital signs today:D

Be back soon!!!!


Bailey's Mom
05-17-2011, 07:40 PM
Why hello, Nurse Addy! My your uniform is nice and crisp today....and I do like that little beannie on your head!!

Today-today I am exhausted. Today I have the cough back. Today no nausea, so far. Today chest seems a bit tighter. Today...temp dropped about 1 degree....still not normal.
Later revision-tad of nausea. I have medicine for that.

I'm VERY hot....but my temp is even closer to "normal."
Bailey & I start behavior training on Thursday.
I think I'm going back to chiropractor tomorrow.
I have had a monster headache all day that nothing will touch.
So-I'm off to bed early.
No oomph left in me to try to say something witty.
Chat with you tomorrow..
What kind of work do you do?

Bailey's Mom
05-17-2011, 08:39 PM
Hi to whomever is reading this-
I'm sick. In case I didn't mention it they have told me it will be at least four to eight weeks from when I started the antibiotics before the symptoms will stop. :( I know I didn't tell you how rare this is.......I don't have the exact number yet but two sources tell me it's something like 1 or 2 in every million people. Isn't that special? :( It's not the kind of special I want to be.:eek:
Anyway-I came back "in".....I know it's partly because I am sick and I am beaten down, but it's another "gee I wish Palmer were here" day. Tears. The whole nine yards. Some of his pictures rotate as my desktop and in the ones from his last year his eyes look sad. :( That's something I had not noticed. Some of his worst near the end pictures I have deleted. I don't want to remember him that way. I loved him just as much but it is oh so hard. It's been 9+ months now. :(:(
Bailey is behaving much better today. :) Only a few "NO!!" incidences. She EVEN made a noise up her in the studio telling me she needed to go out. :D:D Hallelujah!!! :eek::D:eek: Boy did she get treats for that performance. :D:D
That's all-I just wanted to say how I am feeling now about Palmer, my little buddy.


05-18-2011, 08:12 AM
Hey Susan,

I get frequent really bad headaches, they are not the same headache, multiple kinds and I know when I have them it is hard not to get down. I can't imagaine how awful you must feel. It is so hard to stay positive when we feel so bad.:(:(:( and I think we miss our loved ones the most when we feel really sick.

Though I have to tell you, I had such a bad headache yesterday in my left eye and ear, I left work an hour early and went home to bed and I had a dream about my first husband:eek::eek::eek:
Now, he is not one of the departed I particularly miss or think about if you get my drift:rolleyes::rolleyes: so why he chose to visit when I was sick I am not sure of except it sure made me want to get better REALLY FAST:D:D

Of course you would get a rare disease. You are very special and one of a kind so a common every day illness would just not work for you.;) It would have to be deserving of you i.e. RARE:):):)

You will be fine, you will beat this, it is just going to be a few more weeks of feeling yucky.

Sending love and REALLY BIG HUGS.


P.S. I manage a custom wholesale furniture factory.

marie adams
05-18-2011, 11:21 AM
Good Morning Susan,

I hope you had a good sleep last night and are feeling somewhat better today. Addy is right you are "rare" so getting something rare would only be in your path of getting sick. You will beat this because Bailey and your family depend on you--so do we-MOM!! :D:D

I know the feeling of being sad about Palmer and missing him so much. :( I have been feeling that way this week about Maddie. I was doing so good and then just little things have me in the dumps thinking about her. I need to know which puppy we are getting and have no idea--we want the one with her tongue sticking out because that has been the one he said we would more than likely get; so that is the one we have focused on. I sent an email yesterday about what he feeds all his dogs to see if that would put a fire under him to make his friend the sire's owner make a decision--nothing back yet--I hate waiting. So it looks like I will be calling him later today. I need to know if we need to take days off to go get her next Thursday. :confused::confused:

Please take care to not over do so you keep getting better. I am glad you have Bailey scheduled for training--oh I mean you are scheduled for training...:D:D


Bailey's Mom
05-18-2011, 08:06 PM
Different day, same headache.
Hey gals-I just looked up Carrol's postings and found she hasn't even logged on since 5/11. If I have this right, that means she isn't even reading anything. I don't have any suggestions, but now it bothers me even more.:confused::confused:
I get a haircut tomorrow. I missed my regular appt because of this illness. Maybe if I get all this extra hair cut off the headache will go away. If I pulled it tight, I could have a 2" pony tail!:eek:
Addy---"My first husband..." of how many??!! Is there a current one? There is isn't there?
Boy it looks so gorgeous here. We've had some nice rains and everything is wonderfully green.:)
I stayed in bed most of the day. :( I sure hope this isn't what the next 4 - 8 weeks are going to look like. You know, I planned the foot surgery so that by the time this really nice weather was here, I'd be able to get out and enjoy it. Now-if there is to be a 4 - 8 week period of this, we're up to where I go in to talk to the doc about foot #2. S*#@!!!
Back to bed.

05-18-2011, 08:56 PM
Addy---"My first husband..." of how many??!! Is there a current one? There is isn't there?

There have ten, actually.

JUST KIDDING!!!!!:p:p:p:p:p:p

I'm only on my second and I don't know how he puts up with me:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

You will be better in the blink of an eye. But I will lecture you as well and ask you not to over do it. You need to go slow and rest as much as you can so your body can heal.

Okay, no more nagging!!!!!! I'll be good.:D


P.S. I think I will go look on canine diabetes and see if I can find Carrol.

Bailey's Mom
05-18-2011, 10:25 PM
Let me know if you find out anything.
Tell her it's not nice to wrap herself so tightly into our hearts and then disappear! No camel, no whale, no nuthin'!

I'm on my first.....I've decided to keep him at least through the end of the month. It'll be 37 years in Sept........wow!


"(resting" - what does that mean?)

marie adams
05-19-2011, 12:57 PM
Hi Susan,

Keep up the good work of getting better. Addy has been such a good nurse--I guess it pays to have let her back into the non-basement. :p

I hope she finds something out about Carrol. It has been making me a little nervous also that something big and bad happened. :confused:

I know it is beautiful out here since 2 days of light rain. Everything is green and growing--darn those pesty weeds. I worked a little in the garden and move around some of Maddie's zinnia seedlings so it didn't look patched worked since the snails and rolley polley bugs have eaten some. That felt good. Now just have to keep the one neighborhood cat out even though I like him--reminds me of my cat from the past. :)

Still no puppy updates, but I will be calling him today--maybe in a few minutes. :D:D

I got your message and will write back...THANKS!!!

Here is to trying to give a bigger hug than Addy (((((HUG))))

P.S. I am on my first on and figure if I have kept him this long then I might as well keep him for the long run--even though there are days, hours when...... it will be 31 in September for us - the 21st -- when is yours?

05-19-2011, 01:33 PM
it will be 31 in September for us - the 21st -- when is yours?

Marie, really?? That is our anniversary too, 21 years. It was 64 degrees and the sun was shining. It was a small wedding as it was our second. The video shows my hands trembling so hard the Calla Lillies I carried were shaking:p:p:p

Hey Susan, I sure hope you are feeling better. Isn't today your class with Little Miss Bailey? I need a full report!!!


Bailey's Mom
05-19-2011, 04:26 PM
Hello gals!!
September 7th, 1974. It rained before and after but not during.

I have an arm full of Bailey here-oops-not anymore.....I couldn't take the weight on top of my already tight, heavy chest. But she's right here stretched out on this fluffy vanilla colored rug. I'll get a picture, I know, I know.

Today my issue is exhaustion. I got tired out just taking a shower. I think this is going to mean a lot of bed rest. Were I not taking antibiotics I could lie down by the ocean. No can do with the antibiotic. Oooooo...I just looked it up on web....if I use sunscreen and don't stay out very long, I can be in the sun. :)

Yes-parent class begins @6pm. We bought Bailey a new PURPLE leash just to look extra spiffy. Her coloring is changing. She is showing much more brown and tan and I think it's gorgeous. I'll get a picture, I know, I know. I still owe you a turtle picture. ;)

I must go for now. I have to assemble a package provingmy dog is healthy and up to date on shots.

Later, dudes!! :D


marie adams
05-20-2011, 10:57 AM
Good Morning!!!!

How fun is puppy class....:D:D Watching them play and get to know each other. I hope you didn't tire yourself out. Please do not over do it.

I was told I could start puppy class at 8 weeks, but I think it might just be a little early just because I think they would want to play more than work. I think we didn't take Maddie until she was almost 4 mos because of having all her shots, but I guess that has changed. Oh well, we will decide that when we finally get her.

Still haven't heard back from the breeder he is desensitized to puppy fever from my end of it---it is called EXCITEMENT, NEED TO KNOW... I don't think I was as impatient with my daughter's birth--haha!!!:p

Well, I hope you have a wonderful Friday and that the sun is shining down upon you and Bailey, oh and Bob too....:D Have a wonderful weekend also---Get rest!!!!

marie adams
05-20-2011, 01:53 PM
She is coming home on Wednesday our Little Cute One!!!!:):)

She is the one with her tongue sticking out in the only picture I have, but that is okay; there will be lots of pictures next Wednesday!!!!

Bailey's Mom
05-20-2011, 05:52 PM
Yee Haa!!!
Have a going home outfit picked out yet?
Having just started down this road, I agree with "4" months. Earlier than that is just expecting too much.

Love, Susan

Bailey's Mom
05-20-2011, 05:54 PM
[QUOTE=marie adams;55014]
Hi Susan...
"rolley polley bugs "
We call them thar bugs grub worms around here. NOT to be mistaken with grub for eating.!!

Bailey's Mom
05-20-2011, 06:11 PM
Hello fur lovers!!
Puppy class-well, there were just two of us there (3 counting Bob. 5 counting the dogs. 6 counting the instructor.)
I am very hopeful about it. This is waaaaaaayyyy better than what I tried with Palmer. I like the woman (Nancy). She had a little packet to hand out. She has another more complete packet you can buy for $5. Not sure we need that.
Bailey did VERY well.....until about the last 10 minutes. The other dog is a shih-tzu. They are the same size. It's Cheri and ??? Bella? This woman should be ashamed of herself. She made her own harness and it has a fluffy, ruffled skirt sewn on it. :eek::confused: HOW DISGRACEFUL!! Dog is 6 months.
We left an hour ahead-took about 45 minutes. At about 35 minutes, Bailey "blew lunch" all over me. Oh dear. Oh - more importantly (for Bob) - all down my arm, down into the seat, between seat and console, coming to rest on the carpet. She definitely gets car sick. I think I'm going to give her some baby Benadryl next week before we go.

No practice today. I had lunch with a friend, got my nails done and when I got back, Bailey was not very peppy. I think there has been an awful lot of activity, relatively speaking, for her in the past few days.
I am pooped. Just very little energy available to me. Had the headache yesterday, not there today. Yesterday, labored breathing, today as well. I gave some blood yesterday and will see the doc on Monday. I''m going to ask her if I can get some oxygen for at home for a little while.

Marie-where's ,my response?
Abby-You've got mail!!


Bailey's Mom
05-21-2011, 07:30 AM
How could I forget??!! It's Cheri (owner) and GiGi (with the hula skirt.)
Have a great weekend!

05-21-2011, 08:16 AM
A hula skirt during training class, LOL, I sure wish I could see that!!!

Koko gets car sick if he has any food prior to the ride so we always have to wait an hour or more to go for a ride if he even has a small snack.

Have a great weekend!!!


marie adams
05-21-2011, 12:59 PM

I saw Carrol was on, but I didn't get a message to her in time.

Has anyone heard from her?

No going home outfits--the hubby would freak a little on that one. His girl has to be rough and tough!!! It is his guy thing about the dog. Maddie was onree (sp.) like him; good qualities in his eyes--haha!!!

I still owe you a message and I have not forgotten. :) Thanks!!!

05-21-2011, 01:14 PM
Can't you people behave without me to watch you??? And, Mom, you know the rule - "Mothers aren't allowed to get sick"! And "CARROL WHO", Royal Wedding, training classes - what's that all about?? Oh, Lord, and TICKS - YUCK!
Leslie, Marie, Addy - you know Mom - she tries the whale and that didn't work so now she goes the tick route? What is going on with you guys? Ya'll need to get a grip :):):)
I know - ya'll are doing this just to get me to reply - right?:)
Well, I've been a little tied up. Camel took off. Blue face people came back and thought I was one of them.They were off to shop at a big new mall, The Sprawling Oasis", at the edge of the sea. Huge place with indoor parking for camels and everything! Well, I went for a walk near the water and got arrested for loitering on the beach. What "beach" - the whole country is freakin' sand! So there I am sitting in the jail tent, looking out the door flap when, lo and behold, who walks by but President Obama! He's over here dividing up countries or something. Well, I explained to him that i had had some rather bad luck since being thrown out of a truck by a smelly, toothless guy back in the US and that my family had maxed out my American Express card buying red sweaters and shoes. I kinda had to shout at him 'cause he wouldn't come close - must have been that the blue face scared him:rolleyes: He said "no problem. You can hitch a ride on Airforce One - you don't need your AMEX card, the taxpayers will be happy to pay". Nice guy! So I get into Airforce One. Really nice little plane. The pilot was REALLY concerned about my comfort and found a way to open the window next to my seat. He said it had never been done before but for ME he was definitely going to do it. Nice guy, too. Well it got a little chilly by the window so I went to find a blanket. Found one and went into the kitchen to find something to eat. Turned on the stove, got blanket too close and blanket caught on fire. People came running Fire extinguishers spraying everywhere and then fire was out. Lots of angy faces - poor sports:(. The pilot landed the plane and told me to get out. I asked where I was but he was just screaming something about tax dollars, angry President, lost job and other words I don't want to say. I walked away and am just trying to figure out where I am now............

05-21-2011, 01:39 PM
Hi guys!
I'm sorry that you were worried but the past while has not been the best.
Miss Chloe does not seem as well as she has been - increased panting, constantly going up and down off the bed, sofa etc. She seems to be more awkward in her walking, she seems to have a bit more weakness in her hind legs and her tummy seems larger. Anyway, i took her for another ACTH stim test last Wednesday.
Sparky's sugars are still not under control. One fasting blood sugar was 622 and another 322 so go figure. I think i may do a glucose curve tomorrow. He needs to go back to have his liver enzymes rechecked and I am afraid to see what they are. Doc has never seen a case like this so he signed up for a specialists' conference in Denver in June to see if he can get some answers there. Poor guy had to pay extra to go as he is not an IMS. Shows what kind of Doc he is.
As for me, I have been very tired lately, barely able to stay awake for more than a few hours. I was waking up gasping during during the night and snoring when i did doze off:o I went for a sleep study and they found i had severe sleep apnea - frequent episodes where my throat closed and I stopped breathing for long periods of time, my blood oxygen dropped very low and then I would wake up gasping for air. So now I am waiting for my CPAP machine. Maybe then I can get some sleep and get functioning again.
I am so sorry, Susan, to hear you are not feeling well. It will take time to recover but it is VERY important to rest as much as you can. You have to get your immune system in as good a shape as you can. Even when you are feeling good, you must rest. These symptoms can come and go and your body has to be able to fight the bacteria. Thinking back over the past year and your loss of sweet Palmer, you were not in a good place emotionally or physically. that kind of stress can play havoc with your body and leave it open for all kinds of infection to set in even in the best scenarios - and you had to pick a bad one! You should move to the desert - we fry ticks, fleas and mosquitos here! Please take care of yourself.
Addy & Leslie - what is happening with you - I must go to your threads.
Marie - I am thrilled about your new addition and will be looking for pics. Name??
Well, I must make myself get up for a while.
Take care. I love you all!

marie adams
05-21-2011, 02:30 PM
Carrol is BACK!!:D:):p Mom she's back!!!!!

So glad you are back and on the "road" to recovery. We missed you terribly!!!!:D

I am hoping the best for your little ones!!!

05-21-2011, 03:01 PM
Thanks, Marie!! Glad to be back. it has been awful. With sleep deprivation - no memory, no patience, no concentration, no balance (like Mom). It has been all I could do to medicate Chloe & Sparky.
I am looking forward to some real sleep. If I haven't heard from CPAP people on Monday, I will call them and find out what the heck is going on.
I am really excited about your new baby. That's really great but....

Bailey's Mom
05-21-2011, 05:51 PM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......:):)...I feel like I just waddled in mush and it really felt great! Carrol, I laughed and laughed. Your sense of humor is so outstanding. I am so glad to finally hear from you. I was, we all were, truly worried. We even started to make sense with our writings. Accccckkkk! :eek::eek:
I am so sorry about Miss Chloe. It sounds all too familiar. You never need this but especially not now with your health an issue. Let me know if there's anything I can do or share.
That balance thing-it's hereditary. I'm just waiting for Addy, Leslie and Marie to report in. It goes along with being crazy in the head, which comes from sleeping in the nonbasement. Worry not Carrol, your bed with a new red bedspread is waiting for you. That way, if you bleed to death, we won't be so grossed out. But why would YOU bleed to death??? I"m the one taking all the tick hits here.!!!!!
Carrol is BACK!!:D:):p :cool::cool::cool:Addy---she's back!!!!!
Carrol- really nice doc you have there. It's always refreshing to find the special ones. Much better than mine who just walked out without telling ANYone....not even her staff. (Not to mention ME!!)

Okay-now that Carrol has communicated we need to help her figure out where she is. What color is under your feet? Green, orange, yellow, beige, blue/green? What do the people look like around you? Do they have blue heads??

You know....I must just live right. There are 4 town homes behind our house. They are all privately owned. (as opposed to rentals.) They have BIG nonbasements. They must be expecting a 300 year flood.
Well-the one that is most in my eyeshot has some young men that come periodically. I always seem to be at my desk when this one, truly gorgeous dude, comes out to the screened in back porch to use the outside shower.......with nada for clothes!!!He's slim, trim. I think he has a six-pack. Or is that a seven pack??!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Well-must get back to work. I have a little, little deck off my studio....just big enough for one or two chairs. Just enough so I can get some sun without going ALL THE WAY DOWNSTAIRS and outside.
Well, last year it was the adopted child. It never got cleaned. Now the green goo is unbelievable. So I am almost done un-gooing it.

Say-anyone who would like to private message to me your mailing address.....I might have a little surprise for you in the mail. Just maybe!!

Love, Susan

Welcome back, Carrol!!!!!!! KEEP IN TOUCH!!!!
Aw shoot....I missed the guy going back inside :(:(:(:(

marie adams
05-21-2011, 11:15 PM
Hi Susan,

I was just looking at this video from PetMate--had to order a new wire door for the kennel and was looking around the site. This video had a product for dogs who get car sick and it only makes them not get sick, no drowsiness (can't sleep anymore ??), etc. I hope this helps Miss Bailey.


So good to have Carrol back and the craziness--love it makes me laugh and smile. :D:):p;)

Of course the puppy is going to sleep on the bed in the non-basement!!! What are you thinking--it is cuddle time!!

I will comment on the dude later!! hahahahaha!! Does Bob know you are looking????

Bailey's Mom
05-22-2011, 12:46 AM
Hi Marie-
I am going to look at your link now.
Yes, I told Bob that it happens. I don't tell him anymore. No sense in rustling the bushes!!:):)

Love, Susan

05-22-2011, 08:35 AM
Studio? Notice it is the one word I pick up on, not a six pack ab dude, but STUDIO Susan, my dear, are you an artist?

CARROL, I am so sorry you have been so ill. I have read sleep apnea can cause all kinds of problems. I sure hope your machine helps.

But thank goodness you are back for a minute cause MOM has had this fever and she thinks ole man Krenshaw, you remember ole man Krenshaw from the non basement next store don't you? About eighty-five, no teeth, pot belly? Well, when she sees him outside now she has delusions that he is some gorgeous dude with a seven pack ab!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: She kind of stands there with this look in her eyes and I think she is going to hyperventilate:eek::eek::eek:

Marie got mighty lonely and adopted a little Ella and Mom signed Bailey up for HULA lessons. It was supposed to be beginning puppy training but she went in the wrong door.;);) Now she is talking about some kind of dance routine and matching hula skirts for her and Baily. Now, I don't have a problem with that and I even know how to do the hula but I will have to draw the line at running around the non basement in a hula skirt.



Bailey's Mom
05-22-2011, 04:49 PM
When will I EVER learn to finish a note.....it's never there when I go back to it.:mad:
Dear Addy- Yes, studio. Did I never use that word before? It sounds so hoity toity. :o
In my next life I would like to be a guitarist, painter, stained glass artist, stepping stone creator, flower arranger....anything with my hands.

I'm anxious to hear how the CPAP works. Most people that I know of who have tried it just won't use it even though they feel so much better using it. And just think-it will probably scare the bejeepers out of any nighttime criminals.:)

Is Mr. Krenshaw from the non basement next door or the non basement next store??? I just want to be sure which toothless, potbellied old man we're talking about.;)
And You're very slow on the pickup.....it isn't 7 pack abs....it's the usual 6 pack ab, plus. GET IT??!!:rolleyes::eek:
Actually I met the dude yesterday. Bailey and I were walking in his neighborhood and I decided it was quiet enough to take her leash off of her. She was wanting to run sooooooooooo badly. Well, Mr. 7 pack drove around the corner and I halted him while I tried to corral Bailey. He got her for me and we visited a bit. I did NOT tell him how much I admire his assets!!:D

I can't hyperventilate. I can't get enough oxygen as it is!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I would NEVER put Bailey in a hula skirt. The shame of it all!!!:o:o:eek::eek:

NOW I can't put my hands on the name tag I got for Bailey and I need to find it to add to the rabies tag and get them on her. She sneaks around all over the place. I need to know WHERE she is!!

Later, gators-


Bailey's Mom
05-23-2011, 09:55 PM
I did this once earlier, but I had to go away and so did the writing....of course~

My Monday by Wusan

Go to dentist.
Dentist won't work on me.
Why you ask?
Well, patients with joint replacements are now (as it was years ago) required to take 400 mg antibiotic one hour before appt time. They did not tell me the rules had changed.
Off to drug store for new Rx and grocery store for puppy food.
Almost made it back home but one block away had to pull over so I could "ralph."
Then finished my trip home.
Transferred myself to Bob's car so we could get me to the IM's office for a scheduled appt. I didn't want to drive myself.
Dr had good news in that all of my blood test numbers have improved greatly. I asked if I could get a little oxygen to have on hand. She tested my Oxy and I was @97. No can do with the supplemental. Just have to get well.
She did give me Lido cane and steroid shots to calm down my trapezoid. It's STILL working! She said it may only work for a day or it could for several months. Painful but not as painful as my neck has been.
Grabbed a quick lunch so I could take my new 4 antibiotic pills.
Rushed back to dentist. They cleaned down to my toenails! Good checkup but gee I hate doing that. On a normal day, it wipes me out. Starting out wiped out made me limp and lifeless.
Went back home-Bob still driving.
Put Bailey's new tags on her collar; took the collar off. It was too much of a radical change for her. I think I'll have to try one tag at a time.
She is soooooooooo cute and is getting her first professional grooming tomorrow, if I can keep from getting sick. Bailey gets car sick so surely one of us will Barf!! We can't just one of us transport her yet. Takes two with the barfing.
Felt nauseous myself again so ate saltines and stretched out.
And here I am!
And here I go.
Hope all of you are faring much better than I.
Night - nite!


05-24-2011, 08:37 AM
Wussy, that was some Monday!!!!!! I hope Tuesday is more relaxing and restful for you.

I can't wait to see a pix of Bailey in her new do:D:D:D

Whenever I get a shot of lidocaine at the dentist, the pain in my sinus goes away and I can breathe out of my nose. My dentist said "Too bad I can't offer you weekly shots":rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

New thing that bugs me, did you ever have this problem? People who don't know what Cushings is or don't know Zoe is sick making comments that BUG ME. I don't have the time or inclination to enlighten them so don't say anything and go home sad and hurt and upset.:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Hey, I'm practicing my hula, I'm thinking, I'll do the hula while Koko jumps through the hula hoop:D:D:D:D:D:D

We can take that act on the road:rolleyes::rolleyes:;)


Bailey's Mom
05-24-2011, 02:28 PM
Hi Addy-nice to hear from you.:D:D
YES!! One neighbor told me I should make my dog (Palmer) lose weight. Said something like, he enjoys eating!!
I just reached a point where I would say-this is not a weight issue. He has a disease. Period. End of discussion.:mad:

How is Zoe doing today? Does it get very hot up yonder whenever spring and summer get there? Is Zoe bothered by the heat? It's 93 here now. YIKES!!!:eek:

WOW!!! Bailey looks just like when we first got her. We found a groomer who handles show dogs. It was like seeing a long, lost friend when we went back after only 1 hour to pick up Bailey. She is SOOOOOOOOOOOO Cute!! Pictures have been taken...now I need to find the camera (seriously.) THERE it is! I WILL post pictures today. I promise.:)

Don't go buy a hula hoop. I have one. Only problem is you have to have a waist that goes in to make them work. When I was 16 I had a 24" waist. NOT NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Let's see.....I don't know if I told you I've lost 8 lbs. from this very, very rare disease.:D

Did I tell you Bailey is very, very cute?!! I've fallen in love with her all over again. Sad thing is she got car sick on the way home.....and we came straight home. We see the vet tomorrow, so I'll ask. Now people are telling me most dogs get car sick. Not any of the dogs I've ever known or owned.:confused:
Take care, Addy.

.....and HUGSSSSSS!!!

Bailey's Mom
05-24-2011, 02:55 PM
new pictures!!!

05-24-2011, 07:38 PM
I don't know if I told you I've lost 8 lbs.

I think I found your eight pounds, someone put them on MY HIPS!!!!!

Off to see new pixes:D:D:D:D


marie adams
05-25-2011, 02:28 AM
I think those 8 lbs found their way to my middle section - it is called muffin top. :eek:

I am so glad your test results are much better--on the road to recovery and another week down. You will be well before you know it. It isn't summer yet so you still have time to enjoy mobility...:D

Of course the pictures are beautiful. Bailey sure has gotten bigger; she almost looks full grown in the new pictures because they were a close up.

I also know what you are saying about people. In Maddie's case it was she is getting older because of how slow she was. I liked to explain Cushings just so no else has to go through the time wasting we had to and the vets not knowing what this disease is.

Let's see it is 9.5 hours before Little Miss Ella will be in my lap coming home forever!!!!:)

Bailey's Mom
05-25-2011, 05:12 PM
Doesn't anyone love me anymore???????
We went to vet. I went to get neck x-rayed. I went to the grocery store to look for motion pills. I went to the dry cleaners to pick up two shirts and ask why one cost $2 and the other cost $5. (Hand pressing vs machine pressing.) After paying the cleaners I realized I could not find my driver's license....which I had given to and gotten back from xray place. In looking for license and walking to car......I did not see that the curb was unusually high and I fell forward, flat on my face, down into mulch. Embarrassing, painful, cut nose, abraised face.
So now-5 pm I come in here to find some loving and hugging and no one's been by.
I'm going to go suck my thumb and go to bed now.

Bailey's Mom
05-25-2011, 05:14 PM
MARIE!!!!! How is it going with Miss Ella?????!!!!!

marie adams
05-25-2011, 06:02 PM
I think we are going to have to wrap you in bubble wrap!!!!! :eek: Also get you a therapy dog for walking better....:D:D

Miss Ella is Home!!!!! Cute as a bug. I made a new thread just for her, but don't really want to give up Maddie's :(

I hope you gets some rest - how could I not love MOM!!! :D:D

Bailey's Mom
05-25-2011, 11:51 PM
Hi new Mom!!
"I made a new thread just for her, but don't really want to give up Maddie's :("
When I was where you are now, I was never pressured to give up Palmer before I was ready.......I had kind of wrapped it up....so now there can be no more posts there. It's linked with Bailey so all the posts are still there.
Isn't this forum just the neatest thing you've ever seen since you first saw sliced bread??!! Enjoy ALL the moments.

Bailey's Mom
05-25-2011, 11:57 PM
I think I need to be put inside one of the bubbles in the bubble wrap!
A THERAPY DOG????? I can't handle the adorable little gal I already have!~
Just a bad day at Black Rock. I really need to just take it easy....until this bacteria is all gone.
Tomorrow Bailey and I plan to sleep in.
Thanks, Marie.
Enjoy your new ball of fur.

Bailey's Mom
05-26-2011, 08:20 AM
Slept VERY well last night!!
So well that I'm going back there now!


Bailey's Mom
05-26-2011, 08:26 AM
Bailey says :"Arf, arf, diddy arf:.

05-26-2011, 08:33 AM
Hey Bubble Mom,


Now get that thumb out of your mouth or I'm sending you a giant pacifier:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Don't you know it will ruin your teeth?

Aww Sus, you are just sick of being sick and I can't blame you. Hey, come to Wisconsin and you won't have to worry about being sick for summer. I had to get my winter coat back out today and it is almost Memorial Day:eek::eek::eek::eek:

How is little Miss Bailey? has she messed up her new do yet? Whenever I take my pups to the groomer, it rains for four days:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Have a great day,

marie adams
05-26-2011, 06:19 PM
Hey Susan,

So glad you got some good sleeping in, of course as you know I didn't get so much. I couldn't stand the whining in the box we setup for her so guess where she sleep?????:eek::D She did really good, but I was so afraid she would have an accident on the bed and down comforter that I kept waking up. I also didn't want her to venture off the bed and get hurt. I don't think hubby got a lot also. She likes to bite hair so that started early this morning also. I've already lost one chew nyla bone in the house.

I took her out for my walk to meet one of my good neighbors; she (the neighbor) was so excited. This was at 6am.:p

I am really glad you are taking care of yourself. Do they make bubbles in bubble wrap adult size????:D:D Keep getting good rest and give Miss Bailey a big hug. Ella heard Bailey's arfs--hehe!!!:D:D

05-26-2011, 07:16 PM
ring, ring, ring, alarm going off

WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!!!!:D:p:):D:p:):D:p:)


Bailey's Mom
05-27-2011, 02:55 AM
Is that You, Addy" Mommy is still VERY sleepy! I can;t even stay awake long enough to grab the moola and run!
Geetting Better Susan

05-27-2011, 08:22 AM
Happy Friday Dear Susan,

Hopefully your town will not be overrun by tourists for this holiday weekend.

Maybe you need to really rest this weekend and put errands on hold for a few days. Perhaps your body is telling you to rest. I am so sorry you are still not feeling well. I wish I could help in some way.

How is sweet Bailey been doing? Did she have training class last night?

We are staying home this weekend so Nurse Addy will be around to check up on her patient!!!!:D:D:D:D:D

Love you bunches and sending lots of hugs. I am sending so many hugs I can't count that high;);):cool::cool::D:D


Bailey's Mom
05-27-2011, 02:22 PM
Hi Addy----and thanks for all those hugs!
It's 2pm and I'm just officially getting up for the day. Man, these little bacterium(?) need my rest!
Bad, bad headache yesterday.
Yes, puppy class last night.
Motion pills worked.
And I'll come back this evening and fill in my holes. Must go now.

I love you guys!

Bailey's Mom
05-27-2011, 05:31 PM
"Hopefully your town will not be overrun by tourists for this holiday weekend.
THIS is the beginning of tourist season. This is when we do not take the car out of the garage from noon Fri to Mon AM.
Maybe you need to really rest this weekend and put errands on hold for a few days. Perhaps your body is telling you to rest. I am so sorry you are still not feeling well. I wish I could help in some way.
You ARE helping in a very big way. I know you guys know this is rough and you are always so encouraging. And the hugs............I ABSOLUTELY love hugs!!!
How is sweet Bailey been doing? Did she have training class last night?
Bailey and Bob & I went to training class. Remember Gigi with the hula skirt/harness? Last week she and Bailey were the same size. Well....Gigi shrank!!! Bailey is way taller than she now. We did okay. I need to work with Bailey. This is just not Bob's forte. She learns quickly, if shown. I just haven't been up to it.
We are staying home this weekend so Nurse Addy will be around to check up on her patient!!!!:D:D:D:D:D"
I'm glad to know my nurse will be around for the weekend.
This A.M. I finally got up for real @1PM. Boy this thing zaps you! It's great that I'm sleeping at least.
I will try to get a "perspective" picture of Bailey so you can see how much she's grown.
Like I said...Ryan comes down in the morning. My birthday is Tuesday and he always comes down for that. We will get LOTS of cool pictures. I hope to take Bailey to a picnic area when she can run all she wants.
I need to go check o n Ella.
How is Koko?


05-27-2011, 08:56 PM
Sleep tight dear friend. You need to rest up for Tuesday, Birthday Girl:D

Oh Boy, we get to have a party for MOM! Marie will go find the surfer dudes, we'll have a bonfire on the beach and the dogs can run around and whale watch for Wally:D:D:D:D:D

I get to decorate the non basement and if Carrol shows up, she can do cake;);););)


Bailey's Mom
05-27-2011, 09:43 PM
Abby.......you are TOO FUNNY!!!!:D:D:):)
I can't believe it's 9:40 and I'll soon be in bed.
WHERE IS Carrol?:p
Did her CPAP machine devour her?:confused::confused:
Is she out in the Pacific surfing with my dudes?:rolleyes:
And Marie-is she still getting up @3AM?:eek:
Take care and I'll see you, so to speak, tomorrow!


Bailey's Mom
05-28-2011, 05:31 PM
Nurse Addy????? Are you there as you said you would be???
I'm here in .............gee I don't follow my own advice-land. I took the car out. I went to McDonald's. The universe is HERE. Traffic backed up, people acting crazy, lines, lines, lines.
I sprayed weeds at the entrance after watering everything thoroughly. I had mulch delivered so tomorrow it will look all pretty 'n everything.

I sprayed my own weeds......but I still have to do the backyard.
Ryan is napping. Bob is being grumpy. Bailey is napping. I'm trying to get a couple of things done while it's quiet.
I've looked n the non basement and I don't see any red sweaters there.:eek::eek::eek:
I don't know that we'll need them....it's a very pleasant 79 degrees now and the humidity isn't too bad.

I sharpened knives and still have all my fingers and toesies.

05-28-2011, 06:03 PM
LOL Sus, I'm here. I was waiting for you to wake up.

Girl, you should not be sharpening knives right now:eek::eek::eek:

Don't you remember Marie wrapped you in bubble wrap the other night? You are bubble Mom until you are well.:D:D

I went to look for a hanging basket but it has been so darn cold here, they are not very nice this year. I finally found one I kind of liked but it is not as spectacular as in past years.:(:(:(

We cut five trees down in the front of our drive way and we have so much watering to do until the grass gets going. So I've been in and out gardening and sprinkling.

How is our almost birthday girl? 79 is a nice temperature. you are lucky indeed.

I think Marie took the day to cuddle Ella.:):):)

I hope you and Miss Bailey get some major cuddles in too!!!!

I had Mr. Koko outside with me while I was watering the grass. He had a fine time while Miss Zoe snoozed in the house. SHHHHHH, don't tell Miss Zoe she missed out:D:D:D

Happy Saturday!!!!


05-29-2011, 08:30 AM
Happy Sunday!!!!

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, it is a beautiful day.

A great day to be lazy,no work, spread a blanket outside with Bailey and read a book!!!!

I sure hope you don't have a headache!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:

Stay away from the dang knife sharpener!!!!!;);):p:p


P.S. Beat you to the thread:D:D:D:D;););)

Bailey's Mom
05-29-2011, 09:19 AM
LOL-yes you beat me to the thread.......but have you already placed 15, 3CU Ft, bags of mulch, huh, huh, huh??!!

I'm not very friendly when I have to get up so early. I like sleeping in.

I could go outside, but no can stay in the sun due to antibiotics. Bailey is here now, chewing on a pigs ear.

I had a bunch of stuff for Ryan to lock at/fix on my computer and now I can't find the list. I said-Okay-you can show me how to get my camera's remote to work. Can't find the remote. This is what happens when Bubble Mom doesn't get the time she needs to get her "deskwork" done.

I think I'll go back and finish sleep. Nice seeing you stop by. I'll check in later.

Oh-do you live right on Lake Michigan?

Just curious.


05-29-2011, 01:10 PM
Shoot, it is going to rain, no more sun:(:(

I had hoped to clean up the back patio area. Now a movie is looking good!!!

We live about a mile from Lake Michigan in a suburb of Milwaukee. The lake forms a bay here and we get the cold wind from the lake so it is always colder. We just came back from my Mom's. She lives inland about 20 miles and it was much warmer.:mad::mad:

Wow, it is getting really dark and still. I guess I go check the weather again. I wish I were A DUCK:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Bailey's Mom
05-29-2011, 03:39 PM
Quack, quack!! :):)

It's now 88 here. I walked with a friend to go get some Rita's Ice. I think I'm in sugar shock now.:eek:
Guys are outside sunning. Bailey and I are in the studio. Looking for two things for Ryan.
Why is it that I can never catch up??!!:(:mad:

marie adams
05-29-2011, 11:55 PM
Hi Susan and Addy,

So sorry for being absent...We keep wondering how something that weighs in at 8 lbs can be the DEVIL. She is so sweet one moment and then she attacks. I am fairing far better than the hubby--haha!! Thoroughly enjoying her. :)

Susan - I thought you were suppose to be resting so you get better....If you are not better I don't think I can bring the cute surfer dudes:cool: to the beach for a party.:D:D

So glad the pills are helping Bailey. I hate to tell you, but Miss Ella doesn't get car sick. She gets a little nervous, but then settles down and sleeps.

I know what you mean about tourist season starts. They flock to the beach here and cannot help themselves, but be stupid. Do you think it is the salt air that makes them crazy????:confused::rolleyes::eek:

Keep getting better, it was in the sixties here today and windy. Tomorrow it should be in the 70's which will bring out more of the crazies....

Happy B-day on Tuesday. Wednesday is my daughter's b-day. I think I will wear my red sweater for a while in the morning on Tuesday. :)

Bailey's Mom
05-30-2011, 03:38 AM
Hi Marie-
How thoughtful of you to think about wearing your red sweater for a while in the morning on Tuesday. I'll have to check today to see what I have in red.

Bailey's Mom
05-30-2011, 03:59 AM
Hey gals!! Bailey has hit 6.0 lbs at the end of her 4th month. I've read several places that if you double the weight at that moment you'll have a pretty good idea of adult weight......just as a guideline. That would bring her in at 12 plounds.....and I'm thinking a tad or two more. She gotten very tall and I hope to take some pictures to post of "before" and "after". Her feet indicate a ways to go yet.
I AM taking care of myself. Early to bed, a short arise in the middle of my sleep and then late riser. I haven't taken my temp but I'm pretty sure it's back to normal.:)
Yesterday was the first day I did not take a nap............a good sign I think. I'm still bushed but starting to feel like I'll get "there" - wherever that is.:confused::confused:
I'm getting sleepy, so very sleepy.:eek::eek:

Happy Memorial Day everyone!

too sleepy to finish, Susa

05-30-2011, 08:25 AM
Susa, I like that for a nickname, as long as you don't start writing marching band songs!!!!;);););)

When I brought Koko home he was 13 pounds. For him that was a bit too thin but he is 11" at the shoulder. So 12 pounds for Miss Bailey will be perfect for you.:):)

Tuesday is red sweater day in honor of your birthday!!!!!!

And cause we like red:p:p:p:p:p

Happy Memorial Day!!!


05-30-2011, 01:51 PM
Just checking in. I have been so tired that I could hardly stand up. went 3 nights waking up every couple of hours with either Chloe or Sparky. I am so ashamed to admit it but on Friday I was so tired (and my husband was asking me a question) that I couldn't think and I gave Sparky's insulin to Chloe! :( :( :(
The poor little thing had to stay in the hospital all day. I felt so bad and cried all day.
Posted Chloe's latest results from UT on her thread.
Sparky's liver enzymes came back perfectly normal. Now to regulate his sugar. Vet asked me to do a curve. I was to do it every hour for 4 hours. I missed the 9 and 10:00 and didn't remember until 10:30!!
I am suppose to get my CPAP machine tomorrow. I can hardly wait. My whole throat is so sore and I could just fall asleep.
I know what you mean, Susan..............
I'll be back on the trail with new happenings after I get a night's sleep.
Take care everyone. i love you all.

Bailey's Mom
05-30-2011, 03:37 PM
Oh Carrol-I thought you'd had the CPAP about a week now. You really need to watch yourself. I can tell you from experience that your mind really plays games on you, when you're that tired. You also might do things you don't remember doing. Maybe it's a good idea to take some real short notes when something is done? But then you're so tired, you won't remember to do that!!
It hit 95 degrees here today. And it is one hot 95 degrees!!
Take care of yourself Carrol!

Bailey's Mom
05-30-2011, 03:44 PM
Susa, I like that for a nickname, as long as you don't start writing marching band songs!!!!;);););)

When I brought Koko home he was 13 pounds. For him that was a bit too thin but he is 11" at the shoulder. So 12 pounds for Miss Bailey will be perfect for you.:):)

Tuesday is red sweater day in honor of your birthday!!!!!!

And cause we like red:p:p:p:p:p

Happy Memorial Day!!!

Addy-----did you get it? I was too tired to finish typing my name.
Pretty witty, eh?
I have a question for my troops.....
The grooming lady said I should never have a tag on my dog which gives my name, address and phone number. She said it should only state "Reward" and give a phone number. (Bailey will be microchipped in two months.)
I had two tags on /Bailey's little cloth collar-her id tag and her rabies tag. The lady said that was too much weight for Bailey's neck.
Ever heard anything like that before?

Oh-not good.....I tossed one of Bailey's toys down the steps as we were going downstairs. She decided to jump for it......and landed only on 2 of the 7 or so steps. :eek::eek: She looked so scared! She has come back up them, so she's not scarred for life....and I'll never do that again!:mad::(:o
Please don't report me to the HSPCA!

05-31-2011, 01:47 PM
Addy-----did you get it? I was too tired to finish typing my name.
Pretty witty, eh?

Gee and I thought I was being witty right back at you:p:p:p You must have morning brain fog.;););)

That is not a good condition for a


Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Susan
Happy Birthday to you


Bailey's Mom
05-31-2011, 03:19 PM
I just knew I could come in here and find something from Addy! :D:D:D:):):):)
I did get your wit.....I just wondered if you got mine.:confused::rolleyes:
Bummed out today.
The big toe on the already worked on foot feels like something isn't quite right.
Bob is grumpy.
Ryan was grumpy.
Missed Palmer yesterday.
Just downright cranky, I am.

marie adams
05-31-2011, 03:40 PM
It is Red Sweater Day!!!! Happy Birthday Susan!!!:):):D:D:p:p

Yeah, you had a regular temperature!!!:) Keep up the good work and get better.

95 degrees would be lovely sort of, but I would like it a bit warmer here than in the high 60's.

Have the best Birthday possible!!!

Bailey's Mom
05-31-2011, 06:28 PM
Red Sweater Day!!!! I like that!
Dull headache today :mad::mad:
Now, this sweater..........is it cardigan, turtle neck, crew neck or boat neck?? Is it wool or cashmere, or cotton? Will it shrink when washed?
(Don't you wish we would do that!)
I passed on dinner out for tonight. Just not up to it. My next door neighbor brought over this HUGE piece of chocolate cake............layered...looks kind of like those French pastries..........what are they called........with the custard in the middle? Eclair!!! That's right!!! My you guys are quick!!!
Dinner time on the OK Corral. Don't forget to neatly fold your sweaters before you put them away tonight!


marie adams
05-31-2011, 06:36 PM
Yes we will put a piece of tissue paper in the folding so they do not wrinkle.

That was so nice of your neighbor to bring over cake.:):)

I will update Miss Ella's thread, but just trying to fit work and taking care of her. Good thing my daughter can work at home a lot.:p

Miss Ella's not liking the crate/kennel so much. She will go in it, sleep in it when the door is open, but goes bananas sort of when the door in closed like a cage. Of course she just sleeps on the bed with us at night--we are wimps.:D:D

Happy Birthday again!!!:):D:p

05-31-2011, 07:28 PM
Look, chocolate anything, I mean especially an eclair, well it is down right illegal, I mean it, against THE LAW, not to eat it.

Sus, i am sorry you are felling crappy on your birthday. But


Tomorrow can be your UNBIRTHDAY. So----- you can celebrate your unbirthday tommorrow because I just KNOW you will feel better and have a good day:D:D:D


Bailey's Mom
05-31-2011, 09:44 PM
Hey Marie-dare I suggest?:confused::confused:
Bailey will go into her cage when she's bored. Daytime and evening.:)
The night thing is only bad for about 3 nights. (at least for Bailey.) And once they figure out the "bed thing," you're done for!:eek:
I put Bailey in the cage and tell her goodnight and shut the door. Then I get into bed, reach over and pull the crate all the way, as close as I can get it, to the side of the bed by me. That way, I can get my fingers through the squares if she gets upset. I try not to say anything once she's in there. If it continues, I stick in the fingers and try to reach for her schnoz. I pet her if I can find her and tell her "nite-nite."
The first few times I timed it by the clock. It was less than ten minutes I think. If I am anticipating issues, I note the time. The only problem I am having (and it's all ME!) is if I get up in the night. If I take her out, once we come back in she's not keen on going back in. I'm trying not to get suckered into that one either. I'd love to have her on the bed and I expect soon she shall be. When we go back to bed in the AM, she is in our bed by me.
I also give her a tiny little treat right before putting her in the crate. That gives her a signal.....hey, the day is over....let's catch some zzzzzzzzzzzzs.
-Bailey's Mom

Bailey's Mom
05-31-2011, 09:50 PM
Addy-could tomorrow be the non birthday? Like the non basement?:cool:

I just need some zzzzs.

Ryan gave me this piece of hardware that lets you stream stuff to your tv. Bob has acted like it was given to him. But I'll get him....either Ryan or I will give one to Bob for Father's Day...heh, heh, heh. ;););) Then I can have mine up here where the chairs are comfier and I don't have to suffer through channel surfing.:mad:...and I can pick MY shows!:D

I expect we don't sound like a very happy couple from what I have written recently. Chalk it up to the blood bacteria.
I am sooooooooo tired of feeling so tirrrrrrrrrrrrrred and sick.

Better day tomorrow, for sure!



06-01-2011, 10:32 AM
Hi Susan,

Hope you are feeling better.

Have IMS appointment today and then have to go in to the office.

Will try to check in on you tonight. Did not want you to think I abandoned you:D;)


06-01-2011, 12:09 PM
Sorry I am late but our Time Warner modem was on the fritz and we had no TV, internet or phone! All of a sudden, today, it is working - go figure :rolleyes: Hope you had a great day!
Love and hugs,

Bailey's Mom
06-01-2011, 08:28 PM
Hey Carrol-Glad you're back up and running. Go figgah on these electronics~!
Thanks for the non-birthday wishes.
I need to check up on your thread.
Cpap there yet?


Bailey's Mom
06-01-2011, 08:29 PM
Hi Addy-:)
Somehow I got way behind in your thread.
I feel so self centered now!
How did the appt go today?
I'll check your thread.
Thanks for taking the time, even though you did not have it.


06-01-2011, 08:57 PM
Hey Sus,

Appointment went fine. Thank you for asking. We start very low dose Vetoryl Saturday.

I have your headache today!!! Probably stress migraine for me:o

Love ya,

Bailey's Mom
06-01-2011, 10:40 PM
I have a question for my troops.....
The grooming lady said I should never have a tag on my dog which gives my name, address and phone number. She said it should only state "Reward" and give a phone number. (Bailey will be microchipped in two months.)
I had two tags on /Bailey's little cloth collar-her id tag and her rabies tag. The lady said that was too much weight for Bailey's neck.
Ever heard anything like that before?

Hmmmmmmmm......no one responded. Does that mean all you guys have anvils around your puppie's necks?

06-01-2011, 11:34 PM
If Bailey walks around like this, I think her tags are too heavy.

Bailey's Mom
06-02-2011, 02:12 AM
If Bailey walks around like this, I think her tags are too heavy.
OOOouch. You made me laugh so hard my chest hurt!:D

It's not just the weight issue-it was the no name, not even Bailey's, no address, only a phone no.

06-02-2011, 08:47 AM
Hey Susan,

I can't answer the tag question. What about plastic tags? They can't weigh that much can they? Zoe is micro chipped and registered with a pet notification company so that is just a plastic tag with the 800 number and her ID number. It weighs nothing. If she is lost they call that number and then the company calls me.


marie adams
06-02-2011, 12:45 PM
Hello, Miss Me???? :D:D

Tag issue. I couldn't stand the noise, but even the license made noise against her collar loop. Out here they are suppose to wear their license (big rip off if you ask me--I had to pay $100+ a year because Maddie was never spay and she never had a puppy so go figure if I was responsible. Finally got a vet to write a letter stating she was no longer fertile, but only like the last year of her life).

As to info - I would put a cell phone number and maybe your last name, but not address.

We talked to the breeder and asked if he micro chipped - he kind of chuckled and said no an aussie won't leave you or run off so there is no point in doing that. We never micro chipped Maddie and she never ran off--it isn't in their nature if trained correctly--they always want to be with you to lay where they can see you, etc.

I hope you have come up with an answer. I like the idea of plastic...

I hope you are still on that road to recovery and Bailey is being an angel. :)

Bailey's Mom
06-02-2011, 01:10 PM
We have a rabies tag and this id one....then there will be a microchip id. Maybe I'll take off the id one. I need SOMEthing to let me know when she's on the move.
Thanks ladies!

06-02-2011, 08:44 PM
Night, Night Susan, sleep tight dear friend.


Bailey's Mom
06-02-2011, 09:56 PM
Night, Night Addy. Sweet dreams.

06-03-2011, 11:03 AM
Happy Friday!!!!!

I hope you and Miss Bailey have a wonderful day.

Are you feeling any better? How much longer on the antibiotics?

Thinking of you, only have a moment,


Bailey's Mom
06-03-2011, 12:32 PM
Happy Friday to you!!
Took my last antibiotic yesterday.
Bailey was a terror yesterday. Just a MAD dog! Nothing would settle her down, not even a walk. We both are aabout at our wits' end.
It's GORGEOUS here today! Now up to 77-not expected to get too hot. Beautiful blue skies and no clouds.
I'm going to walk up and water the entrance gardens....then do a couple more things OUTSIDE!!!
Still need a lot of rest. What is bothering me most now is my arthritis in my neck. A dr. friend suggested that the Erlichiosis could be aggravating that. Most of the other symptoms have ceased to be. THANK YOU WOMAN ABOVE!!!!
I canceled the puppy training for now. We will start again on the 21st. I just was unable to take the time needed for the training. Just too sick. So-postponed, not given up on.
Here's to a quick end to your workweek! Kisses to Koko.

06-04-2011, 07:54 AM
Hi Sus,

The puppy training will be there when you are feeling stronger. Thank goodness the antibiotics are now done. Hopefully that alone will make you feel better:) I always feel yucky on them.

And now you can go out in the sun:D:D:D:D

They are coming to open the pool today. I like looking at the water but it is one more chore to keep it clean:(:(:(:(

How are your gardens coming along? My peonies are about to open and my lilacs just started blooming. I bet I am a month behind your garden.

I miss my Friday furlough days:p:p:p:p It made things a bit easier.

Gave Zoe her first dose of Vetoryl. Wouldn't you know it is to be hot and humid today? It has been so cold. I am off to go check on her.

Have a wonderful weekend.


marie adams
06-04-2011, 10:03 PM
So glad you are off the antibiotics--I hope you are eating yogurt so you have good bacteria in your body...:):)

Addy is right the classes will be there when you feel better. You know what you need to do with Bailey since you had Palmer as a puppy. I have been going through the puppy books I had when Maddie was a puppy so it has helped.

Keep up the good work getting better!!!:)

The zinnias are almost ready to bloom and litte Miss Ella wants to eat them--of course she wants to eat everything...:D

Bailey's Mom
06-04-2011, 10:12 PM
Hi Addy-
My peonies are on the side of the house......and I don't get around there very often. I saw them the other day and realized I'd missed them. My Mom always used to say...."Peonies bloom for your birthday!"
I am probably one month ahead of you. It is horribly dry here. My new roses are doing very well. I had 31 of them in VA. I found it was a lot of work and while I love them, I'd kind of burned out on them. I've tried one or two or three here and have not had luck. The places I've put them stay wet.....irrigation or rain. I have them now on a little hill that I built. 3 or 4 of them. I think one survived the winter. I need to feed and spray them. Even Bob told me to be sure and see the yellow ones.

I've not been able to get out and do the usual.....no energy. I did get Bob to fertilize for spring finally.
We went to a craft show today. It was down on the boardwalk. They do it every first week in June and the week after Labor Day. It's a judge thing, so you get some nice crafts. Bob and I always enjoy walking those shows. Today, however, I had to stop and sit 4 times in but a 2 hour period.
There is this weird thing that happens. Every once in a long while I all of a sudden gasp for air.
I'm stilll losing weight and I'm still exhausted.
We have a busy day Monday. We're "goin' to the CITY!! I hope I can endure it. I'll probably sleep in the car on the way back.:(
Question: Bailey met a doggie neighbor today. When that happens.....new people or new doggies, she rolls over on her back, submissively. I think I may have asked about this before. Anybody know any tricks to correct this behavior?

How is the Trilostane going? Any signs of anything yet---good reaction or bad reaction. It's really way too early for a good reaction......unless you call reacting to no poop issues a "good reaction." :D:D
Well....it IS ten. Time for beddy bye. I hope you had a great day, Addy.

Sus (also once known as Sooze....pronounced as in "snooze."

06-05-2011, 08:23 AM
Going to the City???? Oh boy, what fun, going to the City!!!!! I wish I could go to the City!!!!!

Wait a minute, what city???:D:D:D:D

Sus, I was wondering, did you doctor saying anything about giving you an inhaler? Like a bronchodilator to take when you get short of breath? Just wondering what may be causing the sudden shortness of breath and if that would help.

Have fun in the city and kisses to Miss Bailey. Zoe and Koko send kisses too.


Bailey's Mom
06-05-2011, 02:23 PM
Ahhhhhhhhh... you found me out. ;) The city is Salisbury, Md....closest point of civilization (malls, PetSmart, etc.)
I asked the doc about getting oxygen and she tested me at 97.....so no on the oxygen. I will ask next time I go in (in a week or so) about the bronchodilator. Thank you for the suggestion. :)

A number of years ago, I made the mistake of suggesting our little development have some flowers at the entrance signs. (We're only 17 lots....so we don't want folks to miss us~!) Well-here I am, all these years later, still being drafted to take care of them.

I took up a chair (resin), hooked up my hose, turned on my iPod and sipped my Coke as I watered for an hour. It was very relaxing. Bailey has chewed apart my iPod headphones, so I've not been able to use it for awhile. My there are some good songs on there!!!

That's all the news that's fit to print over here. 12 hours sleep last night. Seems to be what I need right now. (That's with a few trips to the bathroom in there.)

You take care. It's very very humid here today.

Bailey's Mom
06-06-2011, 07:56 PM
Where are Addy & Marie today?????

:( :( :( :( :(

06-07-2011, 02:21 PM
Hi Susan,

I posted to your thread this morning and I have no idea what happened. I don't see it here:o

I wanted to know how your visit to the city went. Stopped by to hear all about it.

I also found some free ferns for the garden yesterday while walking Koko and was so excited but then after the storm the heat moved in. It has been in the 90's so I have not planted them and they are wilting like crazy:(:(

I have been home the last two afternoons with Zoe. I feel better about being with her and not at work. Work is a zoo right now:eek:

Miss ya,

marie adams
06-08-2011, 04:25 PM
I am not missing any longer...

I want to hear about the City visit also.

I hope you are still feeling better--day by day!!!:):)

06-08-2011, 04:40 PM
Happy Wednesday Susan!!!!!!!

Get ready for the heat wave, I read it is headed your way:eek::eek:

The air was so bad yesterday, I actually thought I was going to have to take my inhaler:eek::eek::eek:

It is not as bad today, thank goodness!!!!!

Ahhhh, the pups are snoozing and I might just go take a nap.


Bailey's Mom
06-08-2011, 07:46 PM
Hi gals!
Addy the heat wave is not coming. It is HERE!!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Thank you both for your messages. I have been going nonstop since early Monday and you can just about pour me into a container and throw me into the sea! (I feel like I was hit by a Mack truck!!)

I will fill you in on the city visit....probably tomorrow. I have to bathe Bailey and then I need to go to bed!!!

The poor pup is almost toothless! Absolutely nothing in the front on the bottom. Sad thing is I haven't been able to "get a souvenir." I'm not going to search through poop for that!! She still has her very sharp, first incisors, and can use them very well............OUCH!!!

Glad everyone is reporting in. Mom was getting concerned. All the little duckies were not in a row!!

More soon.


Bailey's Mom
06-08-2011, 10:07 PM
New picture!!!!!!!!!!!!

marie adams
06-09-2011, 03:28 PM
Love the picture!!!

Is is bad to say I cannot wait till Miss Ella is toothless!!!! :eek::D

I know, we are to enjoy enjoy enjoy because it won't last long....:p

Too bad the heat wave cannot head this way--darn it would have to travel all the way around the world....:D It is 68 today and not much higher for the weekend!!! Maybe this will keep the crazies away from the beach--not, they come no matter what...:D:D

Bailey's Mom
06-09-2011, 03:45 PM
Hi Marie-
101 here right now.

marie adams
06-09-2011, 03:59 PM
I averaged out the temps and a nice 84 degrees would be nice. Maybe a little hot for here but I think I would like it right now. I have a sweater on (not the red one) and it is still a little chilly.

Keep cool!!! :D:D Go run throw the sprinkler with Bailey....:p

Bailey's Mom
06-09-2011, 08:59 PM
I gave her a bath instead. It was quite a challenge this time. She has been developing her leg muscles.....the one you use to jump. It's not going to be long before she can hop up on the sofa and then the bed. The bed is a good bit higher than the sofa. Anyway-she kept trying to hop out of the sink.
How do "those people" get their dogs to stand there still as can be so they can wash them??!! Why don't I ever get a dog like that??!!
She is now very fluffy, sweet smelling and tagless while her collar dries. And her head hair still stands up straight! That's so cool. Her eyebrows are totally cool!


06-10-2011, 08:04 AM
Zoe will hold still but Koko tries to climb up me if I give him a bath.;)

Happy Friday!!!!!!

The heat won't last, we had to put the furnace back on this morning for a few minutes. It is 42 degrees outside:eek::eek::eek: Cold front is probably headed your way;);)

Home this morning, work this afternoon:mad::mad:

Have a great weekend, Sus:D:D:D:D:D:D


Bailey's Mom
06-10-2011, 01:57 PM
Hi ladies!
I'm getting sick. Doc said the symptoms could return. That or I just am getting another illness. Bob is talking about getting a hospital bed and it and me in the spare bedroom. ;)
I'm off to bed.

the always sick one anymore

06-12-2011, 08:19 AM
Hi Sick-A-Boo-,

Not happy to hear you are not feeling well, maybe the heat set you back a bit. I did not feel well when we had it. I hope it cooled off and you start feeling better.

I spent the last couple days giving Zoe some extra time with me and working with Koko's clicker training. I was glad to have time off from work.

How is Little Miss Bailey? I just loved her new picture. She is so pretty.

My new found ferns shriveled up in the heat:rolleyes::rolleyes: Oh well, at least they were free:p:p:p:p

I was hoping once you were off the antibiotics, you would start feeling better. We'll just think positive and say it is a bump in the road for you. Like Zoe's bumps in the road, you both will soon be better.



Bailey's Mom
06-12-2011, 02:53 PM
Hi Miss Addy-
Strangest "sick" I've ever had. I went right to bed and basically stayed there for 24 hours and now I"m fine. Bob and I both think my immunity system may be compromised from "E." Anyway....back in the saddle again.

All the busy-ness last week was due to purchasing a new car. It came on all of a sudden....not due to repairs needing to be done, but due to possible repairs being needed and a number of other things coming due that were expenses we do not have now. (At least for now.) It's a dark blue SUV and I just got all my stuff in there and organized.
The car I had, which I dearly loved, was one where you "sat down in it." With my knees, getting up and out of that had become more of an issue. With a SUV I don't encounter any of that.
We did do some important things in "the city" like go to PetSmart and Bed, Bath & Beyond.
There is this really neat stretch of road about half way between here and there where you go from being in farm land into a state park. Trees line the left and the right and they are all very tall. I've named it my Enchanted Forrest and I just love going through there. There is an alternate route over to "the city" but it does not go by the forest....so If I'm driving, I always go by/through the forest. It's maybe only a couple of miles long but it is gorgeous.

Bailey is getting her new teeth in very quickly. I'm anxious for the process to finish. Fortunatley she has not chosen to chew on anything other than us. She has not gotten enough exercise the past two days so, come bedtime, she starts rippin' 'n' tearin'! Things should settle down a bit now and we will also get a start on the training. We have had a couple of accidents inside and I want to get this finished. She has started ringing the bells when she needs to go out. There are signs of progress.

I hope things are going okay with Zoe and KoKo. It's starting to cool back some here. It's only 85 today. They are saying the week will be a nice one. I could use some nice days for some yard work.

Happy Sunday!:D


06-13-2011, 08:35 AM
Hi Susan,

I hope this Monday morning has you feeling better.

I, too, love to take the back roads. So much more scenic even if it take a bit longer to reach the destination.

Don't you love new car smell? I love that smell. I can see why it would be easier for you to get in and out of an SUV. Yesterday, I was playing "dog" with Koko and my knees hurt from being on hands and knees playing. Wow, for that moment, I thought, what? Why do they hurt? I used to be able to do this, so we we continued our game on the carpet.:):):)

Zoe goes for her stim today. It is 45 minutes to get to IMS in traffic. Wish I could have the test done closer.:(:(

Have a great day,

Bailey's Mom
06-13-2011, 11:57 AM
Good Monday morning Addy!
I just want you to know I'll be thinking of you and Zoe.....and hoping the traffic all pulls over for you two!
Results tomorrow?

06-14-2011, 08:19 AM
Happy Tuesday!!!!!

Hope the bump in the road is gone and you have smoother pavement:):) We don't want to ruin your tires:D:D:D
Seriously, I hope you are feeling better. Thank you for the post on my thread. I sincerely appreciate your kind, loving and supportive words.

Do you have to go back to the doctor for any follow ups? When my asthma used to go into a huge problem and I could not do much, it took me a long time to regain my strength. Hoping baby steps will come for you and little by little you will get stronger.

I have to work ALL DAY today:eek::eek::eek: I don't think I can take it:p:p:p:p:p:p

So enjoy your day with Little Miss Bailey!!!!!!

Love ya,

Bailey's Mom
06-14-2011, 03:09 PM
Happy Tuesday back atcha! :D
I am feeling much better. :) We think maybe this was an allergic reaction to something in the auto showroom. 24 hours out of there and I was my ol' self.
I go see the doctor Monday. She said I could cancel the appt if I felt fine, but I think I'm going to keep it.
I don't know if I've mentioned, but on the foot that was operated on last winter, the big toe is in pain. :mad::(:eek: It's right where they put in this huge staple. I am hoping this won't mean having to open it up and go back in, but I'm thinking it will. I see that doc this Thursday.
Little Miss Bailey is now at 6.75 lbs. WOW!:) She even looks like a real doggie. ;) She is doing well mostly. Last week, with all the running, her normal schedule was non-existent. She's a little unsure now, but I think I can fix that.

I hope things are good with Zoe. Thanks for your comments. I wasn't sure if it would sound really depressing and discouraging. I certainly did not mean it to be and it sounds like you took it exactly as I intended it.
It's a WONderful 77 degrees here today. THIS is my kinda weather. :D:D:D:cool::cool::cool:

marie adams
06-14-2011, 04:13 PM

So glad you are feeling better, but not about the toe!!!:mad::p

Wow!!! Miss Ella weighs twice as much as Bailey. A big 13 lbs when she went to the vet on Friday. Now she has to be on de-worming medicine for a week. I think the medicine made her a crazed being last night....:eek:

Keep up the good work of getting better!!!

06-14-2011, 07:55 PM
Okay so I have a funny story. We have a hamburger place called Five Guys that opened up a few years back.

Well, my daughter was speaking with her new supervisor at work. The supervisor is about my age and my daughter mentioned to her that she reminded my daughter of me.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

So, my daughter proceeds to tell her, "Yeah, and you know that hamburger place, Five Guys? Do you know what my mom always calls it?"

And her supervisor answered right away without missing a beat. "Does she call it Three Brothers?"

And my daughter just stared at her. "How do you know that?"

and her supevisor said "Cause that is what I call it too!!!":p:p

Now how weird is that?:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I thought it was funny.

Stuck in a time warp Addy;););););););)


Bailey's Mom
06-14-2011, 09:06 PM
Quick! Call EMS!! Addy has flipped!
HOW is that funny? I just don't get it. What happened to the other two guys??
For real-the original very first Five Guys was less than a mile from me when I lived in VA. They were around for quite a while and then they started the franchise and poof! Now they're EVERYwhere. We have three of them down here in this sleepy little resort area.
That's okay Addy. Keep that smile on your face!!:D

06-14-2011, 09:12 PM
It is funny because why would someone else make the same mistake and call it Three Brothers? I thought I was the only dimwit:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I guess it is lost in translation:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes ::rolleyes:

Maybe you have to live in Wisconsin:eek::eek::eek::eek:

06-15-2011, 07:35 PM
Can't let the day go by without saying hello to my Susan and Miss Bailey.



Bailey's Mom
06-17-2011, 05:08 PM
Now......I wrote a response to this yesterday. WHERE IS IT???????

I said something like-I can always count on Addy to say "hello". It's very thoughtful and I like it!

So-on to Friday. Last night the big toe was NOT happy, having gotten that shot. Today it has calmed down and feel darn good. I went ahead and got the Rx-doc said I could start now if I wanted-so I'm taking that. Real test will be tomorrow when I wear something other than sneakers.
How is Zoe? Still progressing well?
89 degrees here today and the sun is VERY hot. Another 3 or so days and will be the highest it gets in the sky so after that it should not feel quite so hot....on the skin. 100 degrees will still feel like 100 degrees!
I remember one summer where it was so hot and we were having 100 degree or more days for several days, we went down and got in the ocean and stayed....all day. We just bounced around out there. It was the only way to stay cool.
Painter comes by in the morning to talk about our house painting. He's already been contracted to do it, it's just that someone (not me!) could not make up their mind about the colors we will use. Now we're all ready. He was ready to paint the first week in June. I hope we don't have to wait a long time now. We're not making any major changes.
Ryan comes down tonight for the weekend. Look for new pictures!

Bailey's Mom
06-17-2011, 05:13 PM
I just realized that since last night's post was lost, you don't know about the doc visit. He said he thinks the first joint, the one not fused, got upset. Either I walked too far or too long, or the toe just decided to get upset. He gave me a cortisone shot in the toe (OUCH) and an Rx for Napercin. The toe felt really big with all that medicine in there and it affected/really slowed down my walking pace. See today's note for today's news.

06-17-2011, 06:59 PM
89? Wow, I would love a day of sun and 89. It is 68 here.:mad::mad:

I hope your toe fits in the sneaker!!!!!! Poor Sus, you are like my Zoe, always something. I will try to give Zoe a Pepcid tomorrow before her Trilo and Flagyl. Wish her luck:):)

Tell me about the colors for your house. What fun to pick a new color.

Oops, Koko is begging to go out.

Have a good night Susan,

Sending hugs and kisses to you and Bailey.

marie adams
06-17-2011, 08:38 PM
Maybe you do have to live in Wisconsin. I have a friend who lives in Pardeeville her name is Betsi and she always would say "Bless your heart". I haven't talked to her in a while--I must do that....

We just got a Five/Three Guys Burger. Addy, I would probably say that too. I am always off my rocker and my daughter usually has to correct me. Of course, she gets what I say when my husband has no clue or doesn't read between the lines.

How is everyone feeling???? HAPPY FRIDAY & WEEKEND!!!! :):D:p

I am trying to stay out of reach of Miss Ella's teeth. Now when do they get the "OFF" command and "NO BITING"--she understands just doesn't want to play along. She's the Devil.....:eek:

How is Miss Bailey?? Cute as ever!!!

Happy Father's Day to the Dads!!!

Bailey's Mom
06-18-2011, 11:32 AM
Tell me about the colors for your house. What fun to pick a new color.
The colors turn out to be not that different. We found a beige/clay color that is closer to the window frames in color-so there is a tiny change there. The doors will be a navy/turquoise kind of blue. I redid the front door a couple of years ago. It had been kind of brick red and I was tired of it, plus-it faces west so when the afternoon sun would hit it, it generated all kinds of heat. With a storm door on there all that heat got trapped and when you opened the door it was like opening the door to a brick oven. So the blue-Bob finally said he did not like it. The blue he has selected is (I swear)one tone darker that what I did.
I tried to "sell" a lighter color for the siding, but we are kind of stuck due to railings and window frames that are permanent and beige-y. We also have a screened porch and we are going to redo it the same as it is now.
SO-after months of discussion and a gazillion paint chips, the average person will think we just got a fresh coat of paint. It's okay-we like that look and to change it without being able to see how it will look in total is kind of risky. We'd be stuck with that for the next 8 - 10 years.
We just had another go-round being sure everything is exactly as both of us expect it to be. The guy is due here any minute. The porch was not included in the estimate.
We had another guy give us an estimate and it was almost 3 times what this guy offered.....and this guy is a well known, well established businessman down here.
So-the new "feature" to Bailey is that she has started to pee, or leak, when she gets excited to see people. She never did that before. I don't know if there is a way to correct that. I am guessing it just comes with age. Although, with age, aren't we supposed to start peeing/leaking more???!!!:rolleyes:
Good morning to Abby and Marie! I hope your Saturdays are wonderful and peaceful.

Tonight we go on a dinner cruise which is a murder/mystery cruise.....for Father's day. I hope it's fun. Takes 1.5 hours just to drive there.:eek:
and BIG BEAR HUGS!!!!!

06-19-2011, 01:38 PM
Hey Susan,

How was the murder mystery cruise? I bet a ton of fun!!!!! I was reading about how dog friendly Chicago is. They have a river cruise and you are allowed to bring your dog. Another case for needing doggles, Bailey would look good in red goggles, I think.:):):)
I don't think Zoe will ever be up for that though, a trip to Chicago and a river cruise, but it is fun to imagine it.

We are having a rainy Father's Day. We celebrated with the kids last night. The pups are tired from all the todo:D:D:D:D:D

The colors for your house sound really nice. It is always nice to get to do an improvement. We cut down some old, sparse, evergreens at the end of our driveway and we are amazed at how different the house looks. I get sun on my window boxes now:D:D:D:D

I hope you are having a lazy, restful Father's Day and hope your sneakers fit!!!!

Love ya,

Bailey's Mom
06-20-2011, 12:31 AM
Good Monday morning to you Abby!
The murder/mystery cruise was pretty sorry. I thought the food was really below par and the actors were so loud (the pa system) that I covered my ears at one point. It was a fun night, though, and something different. Bob loved not knowing until we got there what was happening. Ryan won one of the top prizes for guessing the murderer, the weapon and the motive. He got a very nice embroidered sweatshirt and turned around and gave it to Bob.
I spent a very lazy day watching the baseball game and then catching up on episodes of Parenthood.
I have "lost" two camera related items. I just found one and now I am only missing the remote control for taking pictures. It's a little thing, but it's in a black case, so I still have hope. I almost always wind up finding things I think I've "lost." I know it's here in the studio, if it didn't acidentally get put in the trash, so it's a matter of cleaning up and finding it.
Foot still feels fine and I think I'm not going to go to see the Ehrlichiosis doc tomorrow. I'm feeling pretty good.
Have a great day!

06-21-2011, 08:43 AM
Hurrah, feeling pretty good?

Now that makes me truly happy:D:D:D:D:D:D

I am going to battle the fog and rain and head in to work. I don't know why we bothered to open the pool, it is too cold to use it and it rains every day:eek::eek::eek::eek:

I nee some sun and a pina colada:D:D:D:D:D

Have a wonderful Tuesday. Give Little Miss Bailey hugs and kisses.


Bailey's Mom
06-21-2011, 02:58 PM
I'll send you the sun. You'll have to get your own pina colada. I'll send you some heat as well. All I ask of you is to please send some rain!
How is Zoe?

06-22-2011, 08:31 AM
I'm sending you the rain because we are just flooded, the storms yesterday were unreal and my daughter's basement has water in it:eek: There is water everywhere:(:(

I hope this storm system does not come your way as it had really high winds. Thankfully the wind was not as bad here in Milwaukee.

Zoe did really well with the horrible thunderstorms yesterday and last night. She did not shake at all and I did not even give her a melatonin. I thought that strange as a few weeks a go when she first was coming off the melatonin and just started her Trilostane, we had really bad thunder storms and she was shaking like a leaf:confused::confused:

I don't get it:confused::confused:

Enjoy your Summer day!!!! I have to go take water out of the pool:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Love ya,

marie adams
06-22-2011, 01:55 PM
Tried posting last night laptop went dead and then what I wrote was gone when I turned it on this morning. It has been a little more difficult to use desktop since Miss Ella is such a princess and needs all of our attention or we won't have a house left.

She still just hates to have the door closed on the kennel--I don't get it. She just whines and howls--very annoying.

You all should have come over on Father's Day for pina coladas--my daughter made the best ones--a little pre party for me because been so stressed out with no sleep, Ella, work, etc....

So sorry to hear about the rain and flooding Addy....

I sure hope it doesn't make it your way Susan or just not so bad. We still have the June gloom as usual. I hope it doesn't last all summer like last year--very depressing last year.

Enjoy your Wednesday!!!!

Hugs to all!!!

06-23-2011, 08:49 AM
Wake up sleepy head, time to get moving!!!!!!!

Hi Susan,

Hope you and Miss Bailey enjoy your Thursday. I also hope there are no illnesses or accidents to report;););)

Do you start puppy training soon?

The rain is still here so I don't think it headed your way:(:(:(

Oh well, at least I have hostas on steroids from all the rainfall:D:D

Love ya,

Bailey's Mom
06-23-2011, 10:30 PM
Hi friends of mine-:)
I am in VA-just for overnight. Bob and I will meet tomorrow evening to go to a concert in Baltimore and then back home. Poor little Miss Bailey has been in and out of her crate so much, with a number of different people checking in on her.......she's going to be really mad when I see her next.:mad::mad::mad:
No-Addy-no rain here other than 5 drops.:(
Marie-I had a neighbor like that back in VA. We just tried as best we could to tolerate him and not upset him.....and have as little contact as possible. In the end, he "swallowed his gun" as they say. Sad.
No illness and no accidents to report but driving this new car sure makes me nervous. You know how it is until you get that first little ding (oh that that will be all it is!)
I had a massage this afternoon. Feeling pretty loosey.:D:D
Time for bed. I never could fall asleep last night.:(
Bailey's Mom (without Bailey):(:(:(:(

06-24-2011, 08:33 AM
Hey Marie, Mom got a new car so we will all fit when Carrol comes home from her much needed vacation. Only problem is she took off on her first road trip without us

Have a great trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D :D

The Abandoned Children left at home in the non basement, not having any fun, eating spam again cause no one is home to cook us dinner. And my red sweater has a hole in it:eek::eek:

Bailey's Mom
06-25-2011, 03:21 AM
Hey girls! So you found the spam?? That was to be dinner for Thanksgiving. And how did a hole get in that sweater? I told you not to walk on your elbows anymore!!
The road-trip was nerve-wracking. Lots of traffic congestion, lots of reckless drivers, lots of rude behavior. NO ONE smiled. And now I have no Bailey. She is over inside a house on the other cul de sac and we can't get her before 7:30 AM.
We got 26 drops of rain this evening. WOW!!
Maybe now I can sleep....I'll think sweet dreams of Bailey and hope she remembers me!:eek:
Happy Saturday!!!
Oh! Puppy school starts back up next Thursday, Addy.
And there was a second thing and now it's gone. Oh Well.

06-26-2011, 09:25 AM
Hey Marie, do you see Mom's car yet? We should probably clean up the non basement before she gets home. We made a big mess with all of that Happy Dancing:D:D:D:D

I wore her red sweater while she was gone, hope she doesn't notice the stain on it:p:p:p:p:p:p:p



marie adams
06-26-2011, 08:26 PM
Addy I thought we weren't having any fun and you got a hole in your sweater???? Did we end up having fun and you decided to wear Mom's sweater during the party???? I am so confused, but then it doesn't take much to confuse me; could it have been the surfer dudes? :cool::p

I hope everyone had a great weekend!!! :D

Did I miss out on seeing the new car??? What is it and does Bailey like it???:o

Bailey's Mom
06-26-2011, 11:20 PM
I'm gone from Bailey for just a day and a half and now the biting is back. :mad::mad::mad: She got her long overdue bath this evening and she is sooooooo soft and soooooooooo fluffy. :D:)I had Bob help me this time. She does NOT like to be bathed. SOMEone needs to train this dog!!!:eek::rolleyes::p
Bailey has not been in the new car yet....nor will she be until we are sure she is past getting car sick! :eek: It takes two of us to go for a ride with Bailey, so I can't yet take her along on short jaunts-by myself.
I seem to be in a bummed out period. I sure wish it would go away!
Was the spam good? Did you use ketchup? Did you eat it alone or between bread slices? WHAT IS spam anyway??
My mom used to fix me potted meat sandwiches. I loved them.....until I grew up and read the contents. YUK!!!:eek:
We did get some rain when I was gone....or asleep, not sure which. That was greatly needed and now we need some more.
Hey Addy-is your pool heated? Can Bailey and I come for a swim? Is it bigger than a bread box?
I can't find my red sweater................

06-27-2011, 08:31 AM
Hey Sus, it is good you got away, don't be bummed, it is almost Fourth of July:p:p:p

I love the Fourth of July!! I found some Flag Bunting really cheap and hung them under my window boxes.. I LOVE THEM.

So, think about something that would really make you smile, just even some little thing, like always wanting to have bunting for the 4th, and DO IT:D:D:D It will them make you smile and you can't stayed bummed for too long.;););););)

Our pool is heated but they have to come fix it today. They have to fix it every year:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Our pool is 18 x 40 and I wish Zoe could swim in it for exercise like Squirt did but her hair is so thin I am worried it will dry out her skin. We haven't even been in it yet because it has been cold and raining. But it is supposed to get nice starting tomorrow. Wisconsin isn't the best state for pools but it was here with the house when we bought it so we rebuilt it and fixed it instead of burying it. Was going to cost the same.:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Do you have plans for the 4th? i can't wait for the fireworks!!!!!


Bailey's Mom
06-27-2011, 05:35 PM
Hey! It's raining here!!!! A nice, soft gentle rain. I hope it keeps up until the morning.:):)
I just had some electricians in to put in a wall outlet for a clock. It was a bigger hassle than I expected, although all is well now, but now the clock won't work. It's an antique cat clock (anybody remember the Kit Kat Clocks?) and I guess I'll have to send it back to "The Guy" again. I already sent it once to get the cord made shorter. I think I'm sorry I got into this. It has gotten out of hand.:(
Nothing exciting going on here. I think Bailey's incisors are coming in, but they are coming in inside of the baby ones....so the baby ones aren't being pushed out. I hope this doesn't mean we'll have to get braces for her!:rolleyes:
Just wanted to say "Hi!"....hope your Monday went well.


06-28-2011, 08:12 AM
It's raining, it's pouring:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

The rain finally is out of here and went to your house:p:p:p:p:p
You can keep it for awhile, I don''t need it back any time soon.:):):)

I certainly do remember the Kit Kat clocks. Cool, where did you find one?

It is a beautiful morning, the sun is out, a lovely breeze, no jacket required.

I DON'T WANT TO GO TO WORK, do I have to? Really??????

We're doing the CHA, CHA today if you care to join us:D:D:D:D:D



Bailey's Mom
06-28-2011, 01:57 PM
Hi Addy-
Rain did not continue real long...but we're grateful for ANYthing. There's a 70% chance we'll see some in the next 24 hours.
Found the clock online. There is a guy ("The guy") who finds them and refurbishes them. I have a battery operated one but it doesn't work very well. As soon as a little juice from the batteries are gone, it stops wiggling his tail and his eyes. But-for now....it's back up on the wall. I had one when I was young(er) and I just loved them.
91 degrees here. Very hot and humid. I just sat out back for about 20 minutes to try to get some vitamin D. I'm thinking that may have something to do with my blahs.
Cha, cha, cha......dance, dance, dance.....I''m right there with you!:D
No word from the painter. The house needs to be power-washed before it can be painted. I hope this doesn't drag out.:(
(Your workday should be over soon...........:) )

Bailey's Mom
06-28-2011, 08:12 PM
Yoo Hoo!!!!!!!! Carrol????? Where have you gone???? Are you back on that animal with the bump on its back? Did you never get your American Express card? I miss you!! Please let us know how you're doing.

06-29-2011, 08:24 AM
HEY SUS:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Happy Wednesday:D Happy Middle of the Week Day:D

Are you going to see fireworks for the Fourth? I sure hope I get to see some. I love fireworks.

Did the painters show up? They will probably be like our tree people. You never know when they are going to show up:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I'm still doing the Happy Dance, looking forward to having off next week.:D:D:D:D

Cha, Cha, Cha, go Susan, Go Addy, Go Marie, GO PUPPIES, Dance, Dance, Dance

Love ya,

Bailey's Mom
06-29-2011, 08:45 AM
Happy hump day. :D:D
I'd like to see the fireworks.....the crowds make it pretty much of a hassle but we've found if we ride our bikes down, it makes getting out of town much better......except for those darn pedestrians.:rolleyes:
Painter won't show up until power washing is done....and we've not gotten a call that they're coming on such and such a day.:(:mad:
We did lose a good size limb out of one of our trees last night with the winds. I haven't looked yet....but Bob reported it. It's a Japanese lilac and I really love it....I sure hope his idea of "pretty big" is different from my idea.:eek:
So you have all next week off? Good for you! I do too (heh, heh.););)
I hope you have a good day. Thanks for your greeting every morning. I really look forward to it.:):):)

Bailey's Mom
06-30-2011, 04:39 PM
Hey Addy!
HAPPY THURSDAY!!!....almost FRIDAY!!!!
Then you're FREE, free, free.
Did it finally get nice in Wisconsin?
Is it still nice?
It's 82 here with a breeze........can't complain much about that.
Well.......off we go to puppy class. Oh dear.

06-30-2011, 07:05 PM
Hey Sus,

I think I'm sick:(:(:(

Hoping it gets better 'cause I can't even dance:( no chas left.

Love ya,

Bailey's Mom
06-30-2011, 10:23 PM
:(Awwww Addy-:(
I'll dance for you until you feel up to it.
cha, cha, cha, cha, cha, cha!:)
Puppy class went very well tonight. There was a brown lab there who looks like he may be headed for the shelter. Very wild and very unwieldy....and biting his owner......not cool.
There was another mix there who was mostly calm. We just had to keep all the dogs separated. Bailey "knows" sit, sit down(lay down), let's go, and is getting better with loose leash walking. We are to work on those plus "touch" where the dog keeps watching the owner, sniffs the out reached palm, then gets a treat. I think this delay has been good for Bailey. I think it was just a little too early before.
Sleep well. I think "well" thoughts about you.

07-01-2011, 08:08 AM
Happy Friday!!!!!!

I think it is allergies and start of sinus infection AGAIN:mad::mad::mad:

Sounds like training went well. I love training classes. Do they allow any play time? Bailey knows quite a bit, she will be the star pupil;););)

Last day of work for a week, I will hobble in and hope for the best. Should be a quiet day. Zoe has an ACTH test next week. I can't find a mesh muzzle locally and did not want to order one on line, I don't know if it will fit. We are sending Koko to the groomers that day so maybe being an only child will make her calmer at the IMS.:confused:

How is the house painting? Did they ever show up?

Happy Friday, Happy Weekend!!!!
