View Full Version : Cushings and aggression

03-10-2011, 11:58 AM
My 7 year old Westie was diagnosed with Cushings of the pituitary type several days ago and will be on medication the rest of his life. He has been exhibiting symptoms such as excessive thirst and frequent potty accidents in the house. More recently he has been very aggressive towards the other dogs and yesterday he attacked our pug who received damage to his eye ball.
Has anyone had a dog with aggressive symptoms and Cushings? Does the aggression go away once treatment is started? We are devastated this happened and want the best for all our doggies. Right now we are keeping them separated if no one is supervising them and hope that once he starts his medication things will go back to normal.

03-10-2011, 12:15 PM
I am so sorry for the difficulties you're having right now, but I'm so glad you've found us! I only have a moment to post, but I do want to ask whether your boy's thyroid function has been tested recently? Sudden aggressive behavior can be associated with hypothyroidism, and thyroid deficiencies are not uncommon in Cushing's dogs. Here's a link to another member's recent thread in which this issue was discussed:


Also, it will be really helpful to us if you'll give us more specifics about your boy's diagnostic testing and also which medication you are planning to use for treatment. The more that we know about him, the easier it will be for us to give you accurate feedback and suggestions.

Thank you so much in advance!

03-10-2011, 12:30 PM
Thanks so much. I will be reviewing his lab work and talking with the vet tomorrow. There is so much information out there it is a little overwhelming to get it all straight!

Roxee's Dad
03-10-2011, 12:48 PM
Hi Vadersmom and welcome to K9cushings. Just a quick question. Did the aggression occur anywhere around food? Typically dog's with cushing's have a ravenous, insatiable appetite. My Roxee would eat until her tummy burst if we would let her and she would be aggressive toward any of her doggy brothers and sisters if they got too close to her food.

If this is the case, then once in treatment, this insatiable appetite will diminish and hopefully the aggression right along with it.