View Full Version : Ghost Stories?

John II
03-01-2011, 09:25 PM
For those of you following Angelina's thread, you know we are coming to the end of her path. With this weighing on my mind I wonder if God, the universe, or whatever tossed me a bone last night.

Yesterday, I was watching a quiz show I don't usually watch, and as you probably know, they want their contestants to supply funny/interesting/unusual stories from their lives for the introductions.

Well, it came time for the introduction of the next contestant, who is a Critical Care Nurse at a major hospital, and her unusual story had me sitting bolt upright. It seems that 6 months after the vet put her dog to sleep, the dog’s spirit returned to visit her, and the nurse was able to hold her dog and cuddle her, one more time.

Now if it was up to me, I would have abandoned the rest of the scheduled show and extracted every detail from this nurse. But to the quiz show producers, this was just a story.

But it gives me hope. And it makes me wonder, with all these forum members and all these dogs, are there any other stories out there that can be shared? :o

03-01-2011, 10:33 PM
Well I've got one.

As you know we live in Brisbane and throughout the summer, afternoon thunderstorms are very frequent, sometimes a daily thing. ("If its raining it must be 3 o'clock.")

My parents' neighbors had an elderly female GSD called George. She was frightened of thunderstorms like most dogs. The neighbors, my parents and George had an arrangement whereby George would bring herself over to my parents' place when a storm threatened and she would be with them. This arrangement went on for several years until George passed away - and was buried in what my mother thought was an appallingly shallow grave in the backyard.

One afternoon the next summer a storm blew in and, as the rain began to fall, my mother went into the kitchen (which is where the back door was) to close the louvers. As she was doing it she looked down and saw George looking up at her - she could even smell the wet-dog smell... Without thinking she said "Hi, George". Then she blinked and looked again and George was no longer there.

My mother is the last person in the world to see a ghost - I cannot emphasize that enough! And there was no great emotional bond between them beyond friendly help in times of crisis. My mother wasn't the least bit spooked by what happened either.

Maybe all the electricity and storm-related turmoil in the air at the time had something to do with it.....


03-01-2011, 11:13 PM
Many years ago we had a lovely dog named Barney. He died at only 2yo after being hit by a truck. Still makes me sad and angry.

Anyway he was a cattle dog mix and was very energetic, loved Frisbee and balls especially a particular soccer ball that he was so good at amusing himself with.

We buried him not far from the house and although I could not stay and watch the grave being filled in my hubby assured me he buried the ball with him. Well a few days later I looked out across the paddock and there was the soccer ball. I grabbed a shovel expecting the the grave had been dug up by animals but when I got there the ground was untouched.

It still gives me shivers when I think of it. I kept the ball for a long time because it was like Barney wanted me to have it as he didn't need it anymore.


John II
03-02-2011, 01:23 AM
Wow. Thanks you two! :)

Alison - I would have jumped out of my skin! ;)
Jenny - So sad to hear of a 2-year-old dying :( But I can feel my hope growing :)