View Full Version : Princess Leia -14 y/o Rottie, Blue Heeler mix (Leia has passed)

Princess Leia
02-21-2011, 08:42 PM
I have a 14 year (young) Rottie, Blue Heeler mix. She was recently diagnosed with Cushing's Disease. My question is: just before diagnosing, she started losing some fur on her back. As time has gone on, she has continued to lose fur from what is clearly some sort of infection. She is taking 30mg of Vetoryl, which my vet has determined not to be causing this progression. We have tried using Cipro, Clavamox, and now Tetracycline. She has a faint yeasty smell, and a skin scraping only showed a Staph, not MRSA. I bathe her about every two days with an antimicrobial shampoo, but she is still experiencing loss of fur that has now progressed up to the top of her head. Her Cushingoid symptoms has almost resolved, and she seems to be feeling well overall. This condition is not causing her any significant discomfort that I can tell, but she is starting to get a little itchy from the areas that are healing over with dry patches.

Princess Leia
02-21-2011, 08:43 PM
I do have pictures of her that will hopefully help. My vet and I are at a loss, as this seems to keep going. Thank you in advance for your thoughts. Linda

UPDATE: Leia was scheduled for a medicated bath today for the skin condition and a skin biopsy. When they went to retrieve her for her bath, they watched as she threw a blood clot to her right hind leg. After being called at work, I went to see her on my lunch hour. The vet had immediately started a heparin drip in hopes of dissolving the clot. She was about the same this afternoon, so she is spending the night there. They are keeping her midly sedated for her comfort (and my sanity). My poor baby seems to take one step forward, and two back. Her vigor and vitality keep her fighting as she is such a lover of life. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I think if we get the clot resolved, and the skin issue solved, she may have time to enjoy catching frogs once again in the pond.

02-21-2011, 09:50 PM
Dear Linda
First welcome.
Will pray the blood clot in Leia's leg is resolved. Poor sweet angel to have to go through all this. Hair loss is cushing sympton. How long as Leia been on Trilostane. It take a while for the symptons to go away. Also which type of Cushing does she have? There are three types. This is very important as to which treatment is best.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo

Princess Leia
02-22-2011, 06:44 PM
Thank you for your thoughts. I just brought her home from the vet. The blood clot has not resolved yet. I will be staying home with her tomorrow to see what we can do. My hope is slowly slipping away with this newest hurdle. I just don't want her to suffer, so we sahll see what a new day brings.

02-22-2011, 08:29 PM
Just wanted to send some love and warm thoughts your way as you deal with the clot. Hang in there dear Princess Leia. Kim

02-23-2011, 05:31 AM
My thoughts to you both also for relief from the blood clot.


02-23-2011, 11:05 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Leia. I have a blue heeler mix also and I know how wonderful and sweet they are. Sending you hugs and belly rubs for Leia.

Princess Leia
02-23-2011, 01:03 PM
Thanks so much for all the wonderful wishes. Unfortunatly, my evening turned for the worse, and I had to take Leia in to be put down. Her extreme discomfort told me the blood clot was doing something else. I am thankful for the short few months we have had while sorting all this out, and that for the most part, it was good quality time. I have a huge mountain of grief to climb, but I hope that her story may in some way help someone else who may experience the freaky turns that her illness took. I will continue to follow out here to see if I can be of any help at all to someone who may be just starting to embark down this road. 'Learning from Leia' will make my journey easier knowing that just one furry pal may benefit.

02-23-2011, 01:23 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss. I know that there is nothing any of us can say that will ease the pain right now but please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Godspeed sweet Leia.


02-23-2011, 02:42 PM
Dear Linda,

I cannot tell you how sorry I am that my first reply to you should be at your time of loss. How grateful I am, though, that we are able to join you in honoring the life and bravery of your precious girl. And in the midst of your grief, what a special offer on your part to remain with us so as to offer support to others who are confronting the Cushing's challenge. My heart resonates with you, because it has now been a number of years since I lost my own Cushpup -- but every minute that I spend on this forum feels like my tribute to him and all that he continues to mean to me. I feel certain that your sweet Princess is already so proud of you.

But in addition to supporting others, I hope you'll remain with us so that we can continue to support you in these coming days. Please remain with us to share your thoughts, feelings, and memories. It will be our privilege to listen to all that you have to tell us.

With many hugs on this sad day,

02-23-2011, 03:47 PM
Oh Linda,

I am so very very sorry to read this. I know your Princess will be watching over you and will be in your heart always.

My deepest condolences and please do stay with us. Many here know what you are feeling and it is always nice to talk to ones who know.


02-23-2011, 03:55 PM

I am so sorry to hear about your Princess Leia. Another Angel has their wings.


02-23-2011, 04:46 PM
Oh, I'm so sorry... Leia was obviously deeply loved and will be greatly missed.


Princess Leia
02-24-2011, 07:46 PM
Thank you so much Marianne. I will certainly follow to help support others out here. I must say that my vet and his staff were so precious. We hugged and cried together, they called on me to offer condolences, and even sent flowers. I felt such genuine love from these people who worked with heart and soul to help my girl. My heart goes out to each and every one who is battling this disease. I can only hope that in the future, better medicine will come along and earlier diagnosis will become a reality. It is so hard to believe that Cushings in almost unheard of until it becomes a reality. How wonderful to have material to give pet owners with "things to watch for" as their pets age. As a hospice worker, I am going to put effort into researching pet hospice and helping locally to support pet owners with whatever ailment their furry friends may develop. Thank you all for this wonderful site. I am fortunate to have discovered all of you.

Casey's Mom
02-24-2011, 07:52 PM
I am so very sorry for your loss of Leia so suddenly. You are doing a wonderful job in preserving her legacy by helping others. She is smiling down on you :))

Love and hugs,

Squirt's Mom
03-13-2011, 01:17 PM
It is with both sadness and admiration that read Princess Leia's story here. My heart is broken for your loss and the pain I know you carry with you. But I also admire that you are letting your loss take a positive direction. I know your precious baby girl is so very proud of her mom and is beaming her love and approval.

May you find peace in your memories and your endeavors to help others.

Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, and our Angels, Ruby and Crystal

03-16-2011, 10:42 PM
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Princess Leia, may she know rest pain free.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo