View Full Version : New member - 5 year old dachshund
02-18-2011, 04:47 PM
Hi - we finally received the test results - and sadly, we are positive for Cushings. We have an ultrasound Monday - due to something showing on the x-rays in the bladder that looks suspicious - we are hoping that it is just a stone. My Baxter is a piebald dachshund who is only 5 1/2 years old - everything that I read seems to indicate that this is a disease for older dogs - please let me know if you have a younger dog with cushings. I am worried about life expectancy of course - just don't know what to expect. Thanks in advance
Harley PoMMom
02-18-2011, 05:15 PM
Hi and welcome from me and my boy, Harley! So glad you found us and we will help you in any way we can.
Could you post the results of the test/s that were done to confirm Baxter's Cushing's? What symptoms did Baxter display that led you or your vet to test Baxter for Cushing's in the first place? Is Baxter on any herbs/supplements/medications?
So sorry for all these questions but the more we know about your sweet furbaby the better our feedback will be, ok?
Love and hugs,
02-18-2011, 05:15 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Baxter.
Can you please tell us what was going on with Baxter that took you to the vet and what made your vet suspect cushing's? What tests were done and can you please get copies and post the results here? Sorry for all the questions but it will help us provide you with more meaningful feedback if we know more about Baxter's profile. Most of us keep a folder with all medical records for our dogs. They really come in handy if you ever have to go to the after hours clinic. It also comes in handy when we nag you for information. :p
I know what it's like to be sucker punched with a cushing's diagnosis. It happened to me twice. My first one was diagnosed at three years old. She is now nine, spoiled rotten and will probably outlive me. :D Cushing's is not a death sentence and with proper treatment, a dog can have a great quality of life and live out their normal life expectancy.
I'm sorry for the circumstances that brought you here but I'm really glad you made it. We're here to help you both in any way we can so don't hesitate to ask questions....and by all means, please do start educating yourself. There's a wealth of information in our Helpful Resources section so try to go there as often as possible. The more you learn, the calmer you will be, and more importantly, you will become the best advocate possible for Baxter.
P.S. Whoa, I'd say my and Lori's posts were seconds apart. As you can see, great minds think alike so please excuse any duplication. :p:D:p
02-19-2011, 08:43 AM
Hi - I first noticed Baxter a few months ago, when he went outside, he would pee 15 times, and then he couldn't hold it all night, and of course the drinking. About 4 months ago, he had an isolated seizure - 1st and only. The vet said not to worry, just to keep an eye on him. I had also noticed him having a hard time climbing the stairs, they are not steep and there are only 3. Then about 3 weeks ago, he had went outside, and when he came back in, he was a changed dog, he literally fell over and didn't move for hours. I immediately made an appt, he hasn't been the same since. Our initial bloodwork showed some really bad #'s, such as our cortisol was 15.2, protein 8.1, albumin 4.4, glucose 136, calcium 13.2. I had already read up on Cushings and on our initial visit, the Dr agreed that was probably right, one of the vets thought that we should also check for Addisons (I don't understand that one), so they did the ACTH and it came back negative for Addisons, then we did the Low Dex test, I don't have a copy of those results other than the #'s the Dr gave me over the phone - Pre-Dex 21.8, 4 hours 7.5, 8 hours 14.1. Baxter has always had a weight issue, but his weight has not changed in 3 yrs, although his appearance has dramatically changed, the potbelly. He has been on low-fat food for 10 months with no change. He has a great appetite. The muscle weakness is the worst, I carry him in and out now, and he is totally stressed out all of the time. We have 35 acres, and love to get out for hikes and picnics - I just can't wait to get my Bax back. Also our x-rays show a spot in his bladder, that has not moved, so we have an ultrasound Monday to check that and the adrenals. Hope this helps, I'm trying to decide on meds now thinking about Trilostane. Thank You for listening, no one else seems to get it - Pam
02-19-2011, 07:35 PM
Hi Pam,
Sounds like Pituitary based Cushing's. His cortisol level is very high, I believe, no wonder the symptoms you're seeing!
Since he supressed at least 50% on the LDDS you can be sure its pituitary, based on what I've read to date.
Trilostane is definitely appropriate. Just read up on the treatment protocol and the information available here on that treatment. Some dogs are younger when diagnosed. Its more common in older dogs, but not rare in 5yr olds.
Best luck with treatment! Such a wealth of knowlege and experience here. Be sure to let everyone know how its going!
02-20-2011, 11:54 PM
Hi Pam, just wanted to mention a blog, "The Long and Short of it," about a doxie with Cushing's. I've got 2 doxies and 2 grandpuppies that are doxies... my daughter mentioned it as she follows it closely. Very good from what I've seen!
We also have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow, Penny our eldest Golden Retriever has some form of Cushing's based on lab tests.
Lets hope for good outcomes! :o
02-21-2011, 08:18 AM
Good luck on your ultrasound and thanks for the blog info - I also have 4 doxies - Baxter is my eldest at 5 1/2. We have 35 acres and I'm a housewife - all the kids are grown and that's kinda what I do. I also have a 120 lb straight back german shepherd, who thinks that he is a dachshund and a 8 yr old Jack Russell. It's never boring here. My first experience with Cushings though - hopefully my last, it breaks my heart, I've been really depressed for a few weeks, just not knowing. At least now with a diagnosis, we can fight back. I'm really glad I found this forum - it really helps. Thanks again...Pam
02-21-2011, 04:17 PM
Hi - I would love to have everyone's input. I have pages of #'s so if there is something else you need, let me know and I will try to find it. Theses results are from Idexx - for the 1st blood and urine screen.
alk phosp 98, alt 23, ast 26, ck 164, ggt 7 albumin 4.4, total protein 8.1, globulin 3.7, total bilirubin .1, direct bilirubin .1, bun 13, creatinine .7, cholesterol 280, glucose 136, calcium 13.2, phosphours 3.5, TCO2 26, chloride 105, potassium 4.9, sodium 147 a/r ratio 1.2, b/c ratio 18.6indirect bilirubin 0.0, na/k ratio 30. The CBC results are: wbc 13.1, rbc 8.1, hgb 18.3, hct 58.1, mcv 72, mch 22.6 mchc 31.5, neutrophil seg 73, lymphocytes 12, monocytes 4, eosinophil 11, basophil 0, auto platelet 340, absolute eosinophil 1441. Cortisol was 15.2.
The low dex results: Pre dex 21.8, post 4 hr 7.5, post 8hr 14.1. show consistant with pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism PDH. I also have ACTH Stim results if you want any #'s from that, please ask.
He had an ultrasound today - will get report in a couple of days with those #'s on the adrenals. He does have bladder stones, and a spot on his liver - he is consulting with another Dr. about. Still undecided on meds - and if that isn't bad enough - today's Dr. that did the ultrasound - wasn't 100 percent sure if Baxter has Cushings. His symptoms are excessive drinking, excessive urinating, ravenous appetite, potbelly, hind leg weakness. I meet back with my regular vet to go over all of the results on Thursday. Thanks in advance...Pam
02-21-2011, 04:46 PM
Hi Pam,
I hate to do this to you but can you please post the normal reference ranges for the results of the bloodwork you posted. You only need to repost the high and low values. Please do post the results of the acth stimulation test as well.
02-21-2011, 05:23 PM
okay here goes ref ranges: alk phospatase 10-150, alt 5-107. ast 5-55, ck 10-200, ggt 0-14, albumin 2.5-4.0, total protein 5.1-7.8, globulin 2.1-4.5, total bilirubin 0.0-0.4, direct bilirubin 0.0-0.2, bun 7-27, creatinine 0.4-1.8, cholesterol 112-328, glucose 60-125, calcium 8.2-12.4, phosphorus 2.1-6.3, TCO2 17-24, chloride 105-115, potassium 4.0-5.6,sodium 141-156, a/g ratio 0.6-1.6, b/c ratio not shown, indirect bilirubin 0-0.3, na/k ratio 27-40. wbc 5.7-16.3, rbc 5.5-8.5, hgb 12-18, hct 37-55 mcv 60-77, mch 19.5-26, mchc 32-36. neutrophil seg 60-77, lymphocytes 12-30, monocytes 3-10, eosinophil 2-10, basophil 0-1, auto platelet 164-510, absolute eosinophil 100-1250. cortisol 2.0-6.0. If I missed something let me know. The acth stim results are: pre acth cortisol 11.7 - ref range 2-6, post acth cortisol is 11.2, ref range 6-18. Hope this helps - thanks again...Pam
02-21-2011, 07:05 PM
To make things easier to read, I've reposted the abnormal values and reference ranges together and have highlighted the abnormal values. I have also commented on the abnormalities in blue text. All in all, these results, including the acth stimulation test does not fit the profile for a dog with cushing's.
LDDS was positive for cushing's and the ACTH stim test was negative. This is a quandry because the LDDS is more likely to yield a false positive result in the face of nonadrenal illness or stress and the ACTH stim test is more likely to yield a false negative. Apparently the ultrasound did not show abnormal adrenals since the person doing the ultrasound didn't think Baxter has cushing's. If that's the case, I can certainly understand why. I'll be looking forward to hearing what your vet has to say on Thursday.
alk phosphatase 98 (10-150)
alt 23 (5-107)
ast 26 (5-55)
ck 164 (10-200)
ggt 7 (0-14)
albumin 4.4 (2.5-4.0) HIGH High albumin levels are usually not a concern and are normally caused by mild dehydration.
total protein 8.1 (5.1-7.8) HIGH This value is a combination of albumin and globulin levels. If either of these is high or high normal, total protein will be elevated. Albumin is slighly elevated so there ya go.
globulin 3.7 (2.1-4.5)
total bilirubin .1 (0.0-0.4)
direct bilirubin .1 (0.0-0.2)
bun 13 (7-27)
creatinine .7 (0.4-1.8)
cholesterol 280 (112-328)
glucose 136 (60-125) HIGH This is considered a very slight elevation and can be attributed to the stress or fear of being at the vet's office and having blood drawn. Also if the dog is not fasted, it can cause this type of mild increase.
calcium 13.2 (8.2-12.4) HIGH High calcium levels can be seen with kidney disease, certain cancers and a few other causes or it could be for unexplained reasons.
phosphorus 3.5 (2.1-6.3)
TCO2 26 (17-24) HIGH This is blood gases and your guess is as good as mine
chloride 105 (105-115)
potassium 4.9 (4.0-5.6)
sodium 147 (141-156)
a/g ratio 1.2 (0.6-1.6)
b/c 18.6 (no reference range)
indirect bilirubin 0.0 (0-0.3)
na/k ratio 30 (27-40)
wbc 13.1 (5.7-16.3)
rbc 8.1 (5.5-8.5)
hgb 18.3 (12-18) HIGH I'm thinking that if you round down, the result would be high normal. This not usually a concern.
hct 58.1 (37-55) HIGH Again this is usually due to mild dehydration.
mcv 72 (60-77)
mch 22.6 (19.5-26)
mchc 31.5 (32-36) LOW
neutrophil seg 73 (60-77)
lymphocytes 12 (12-30)
monocytes 4 (3-10)
eosinophil 11 (2-10) HIGH I had to look this up and you'd see this in dogs with an allergic reaction of parasite infection.
basophil 0 (0-1)
auto platelet 340 (164-510)
absolute eosinophil 1441 (00-1250) HIGH
ACTH Stimulation Test
Pre acth cortisol: 11.7 (ref range 2-6)
Post acth cortisol 11.2 (ref range 6-18)
02-21-2011, 09:57 PM
Dear Pam
Like I said the experts have read Baxter's labs.
The cortisol is somewhat elevated. Will be waiting for report on ultrasound.
Please post all comments from the ultrasound report.
HUgs Sonja and Apollo
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