View Full Version : clyde
02-08-2011, 08:47 AM
hello. My baby bestest boy...went to the Bridge during the night. It was a freak thing...he ingested a piece of his bandage on saturday and threw it up...but managed to get aspiration pneumonia and is gone from me.
I want to write a tribute to him but I may need to wait. The tears are so heavy.
With a heavy heart....Lynne, Angel Clyde and Bailey
02-08-2011, 09:35 AM
Oh no Lynne... I am so sorry to read of Clyde's passing. I offer my sincere condolences, but I know your heart is broken.
I am sure, when you are ready, you will find the words to write a tribute to your special boy.
big hugs....
02-08-2011, 09:36 AM
Dear Lynne,
I am speechless. There are no words to tell you how sorry I am. I will return later when I am able to talk. But please know that I am beaming you my hugs and prayers from across these miles. My heart is with you and will remain with you.
Dearest Clyde,
You will always remain your mom's sweetest and bestest boy ~
02-08-2011, 09:46 AM
I went and lit a candle in the Candle section for you both. I will talk to you very soon...but know that I am still holding you so close...
All my love and many, many hugs my sweet friend...Beth
02-08-2011, 10:02 AM
Will say a prayer for you both. (((hugs)))
Catherine & Natcho .
Squirt's Mom
02-08-2011, 10:26 AM
Oh, god no..................:(:(:(
Lynne, I cannot find to words to say how sorry I am. You are in my heart and thoughts as tears and sobs join yours.
With love and our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket and our Angels, Ruby and Crystal
Carol G
02-08-2011, 10:47 AM
I am so sorry. My thoughts are with you,
02-08-2011, 11:09 AM
Again, tons of hugs coming to you.
Always In Loving Memory of your boy
02-08-2011, 11:51 AM
Dearest Lynne,
I am so very sorry to hear this. I know this is a very difficult time for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
02-08-2011, 02:10 PM
Oh my gosh, Lynne, I am so terriby sorry to hear this sad news. I hope you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Godspeed sweet Clyde.
(((Big Consoling Hugs)))
02-08-2011, 02:42 PM
Oh my God Lynne... I am so upset at this news.. such an injustice to both you and dear Clyde. No words from me... simply huge hugs, and strength sent your way. May our young angel Clyde meet up with our 'senior angels'. Run wild, run free, know you were loved Clyde. Kim
02-08-2011, 07:14 PM
Dear Lynne,
I am so sorry to hear about Clyde. Words just don't seem enough but they are all I have to give so please know I am thinking of you.
02-08-2011, 08:09 PM
Dear Lynne,
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your 'bestest boy' Clyde. I remember him well, so I can't fight the tears. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. BIG HUGS.
God bless,
Heidi and the bichons
02-08-2011, 08:53 PM
OMG, Lynne, I couldn't believe it. I am so terribly sorry that you are going through this. No words can help but please feel our love and warm arms around you. Healing thoughts and prayers are going your way.
To Clyde: Run free,sweet angel. Spread your wings and fly. You have so many new friends to meet and so many new places to explore. Our hearts are broken and our tears are falling but we know you are in good hands. Watch over your Mom, she misses you so. I will look for our newest twinkling star in the desert sky tonight. God bless and godspeed, precious prince.
Love, Carrol & Chloe
02-08-2011, 09:38 PM
My heart absolutely aches for you. Life can be so unfair at times. I am so very, very sorry that your sweet boy Clyde is gone.
Sending many hugs and much love your way.
With Deepest Sympathy,
Casey's Mom
02-08-2011, 10:10 PM
Lynne, I am so very sorry to hear about Clyde's sudden passing. My heart goes out to you my dear. Sending warm hugs and prayers your way.
Love and many hugs,
02-08-2011, 10:16 PM
I am so sorry for your loss.
02-09-2011, 03:47 AM
I am so sorry to hear that Clyde has passed away. Thinking of you.
Linda x
02-09-2011, 06:31 AM
Dearest Lynne,
So very sorry for Clyde's passing. May he rest in peace, and may those wonderful memories you made with your precious baby help sustain you during this painful path. God loves you and your sweet Clyde, and so do I. Tight hugs. Jeanette and Princess
John II
02-09-2011, 07:04 AM
Dear Lynne,
I'm so sorry to hear this news.
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.
(HUGS) :(
02-10-2011, 09:54 AM
Lynne, I'm so sorry this happened this must have been awful for you....and I hope Clyde didn't suffer....please take good care of yourself and let us know how you two are making out.
02-10-2011, 12:25 PM
I am so sorry to hear what happened to Clyde. I know it is devastating for you. I don't think he suffered very much and that is worth alot. I'm at a loss for words. Godspeed, Clyde.
02-11-2011, 10:14 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Clyde my heart goes out to you, I lost Kenai to aspiration as well. There are no words that will help your right now, but know I am thinking about you.
02-14-2011, 09:37 AM
Thank you all so much. I have been without a home computer, so I am just checking this now. I want to tell you about Clyde, but I need to be at a time in work when no one will walk in when I am crying :(
I have needed you all so much. Thank you for holding me through this.
Lynne, Bailey and Angel Clyde
02-14-2011, 03:21 PM
Clyde came to me at 12-14 weeks old from a puppy mill store. It was located in Boston, where I lived at the time (I live outside of Boston now), and I already had Bailey. Bailey was a rescue from Florida. A friend of mine who is a dog trainer had started working at this store, and was horrified at the conditions. So...she got me to come in and see the puppies, and THEN tells me they were probably going to be destroyed! My sister and her family went with me and they picked out a golden retriever that they named Shadow; me - well, I saw this little lump of a yellow lab that was very golden in color and couldn't run very straight come out and I was lost....that was my boy. Apparently, he was "unsellable" because he had a "growth deficiency" and "spread paw syndrome". I had never owned a dog before Bailey, and she was just a little over a year old and I was still reeling from that new experience, so these "diagnoses" were a little over my head! Turns out there was no growth deficiency (Clyde ended up being a very tall lab), and the "spread paw syndrome" was simply that he had been balancing his paws on a wire cage with no solid bottom, so his paws spread out. He did have ricketts, though, so a TUMS for 30 days and a lot of running on pavement and sand helped his legs and feet out :)
During this adjustment time, he was very clumsy. He would fall over while running, wipe out when trying to stop, etc - so he always had a "boo-boo" - and a new nickname was born!
Boo was a very singularly devoted dog. For those of you who don't know - and I expect you wouldn't - (except for a couple of you!) - my first husband was an abuser, and I am a DV survivor. Bailey was always "his" dog, and he was merciless to Clyde sometimes - although he was borderline physical to him (he never came right out and hit him) he scared poor Boo. I honestly believe that Boo and Bailey are responsible for my getting out of that marriage - something I will be eternally grateful for to them. I had to get out before he hurt them. Oh, and the fight over Bailey! He never wanted Boo in the divorce, but I wouldn't let him separate them! No way! And I won...they both stayed with me.
Clyde, at the tender age of 2, developed a mast cell tumor...and I was scared! He had it removed, and it was graded a 2. So...he had biopsy after biopsy on all his lumps - 13 in total over the years! - and they kept coming up negative. He survived allergies, biopsies, mast cell, arthritis, Atypical Cushings....and kept on being the Boo!
Boo had a "Daddy" - my friend and previous fiance, A., who took great care of him and loved him. When Norman came along, he had two "Daddies" because Norman and the dogs were great friends and companions. Norman used to say that when he didn't feel like getting up out of bed, Clyde would need to go out, and he would have to get up. It kept him going.
And, after Norman died, it was me that had to keep going. Bailey and Clyde made me have to function, and Clyde's soft fur and singular devotion was a Godsend to me. Don't get me wrong - I love Bailey with all my heart - but Clyde was always "all about his Momma".
Oh Clyde! My Boo! I miss you barking when I am on the phone for attention, your expressive face, having to take care of you, brushing your amazing coat, letting my tears fall into your neck, and hearing your dinky-toed walk on the floor when I started to open the door. I miss your edging Bailey out of her food dish, and licking Tigger. I will miss you running for your frisbee, swimming faster than Bailey (who could outrun you in a flash), and eventually, when you got older, sitting contentedly by me.
Thank you for saving my life - twice. I hope you know how much I love you, and how much I miss you. Bailey misses you, too. We are all mourning you, but I hope you are flying free and that you look down at me every once in a while and bark that sweet bark and that I hear you over the stars.
I am heartbroken...and just broken.
Love you, my Boozzy -
02-14-2011, 04:07 PM
Oh Lynne, I was without words upon first hearing your news last week, and I can do no better right at this moment. But that is OK, because your words say it all. Nothing more is needed. Your words say it all, and your love for Clyde shines more brightly than any sun, moon, or star.
We will always remember and honor your boy, and we will always be here in our love and support for you.
I so hope you can feel these hugs,
02-14-2011, 06:46 PM
I've been thinking about you so much...Clyde was such a special boy, Lynne...and you are such a special mom...
I have a cup for you...
02-14-2011, 08:40 PM
Hello Lynne,
I just read your message about Clyde's passing. I am so sorry for your loss. Our deepest sympathy...
Destiny and Jersey
Squirt's Mom
02-15-2011, 09:36 AM
Dear Lynne,
What a beautiful tribute to your Booboo. That you could write so touchingly of him now, well, I am once again inspired by your grace and strength.
Thank you for sharing some of your life with and memories of Clyde - he is so very special to this family, as are you. One thing that stands out to me is that you and Clyde are two of a kind - gentle souls with a deep sense of justice and honor who face every adversity placed in their path with equal faith and strength, engulfing all they care about with a fierce and protective love. Such indomitable spirits never fade but shine on forever.
I pray that one day soon your heart will resound with the echo of that gentle bark from over the stars.
Hugs and much love,
Leslie and the girls - always
02-15-2011, 09:47 AM
Thank you for sharing your journey with Clyde. You painted a beautiful picture of your relationship. Only so much love, could leave you so heartbroken. I believe Clyde and his legacy will heal your heart and ultimately warm it forever. :)
Keeping you in my thoughts during this very difficult time.
Casey's Mom
03-02-2011, 11:37 PM
What a wonderful tribute to your Boo. You saved each other in more ways than one Lynne. Rip dear Boo you are very much loved and I know you are now looking down on your momma.
Love and many hugs,
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