View Full Version : Supplements for Chloe
02-02-2011, 09:11 PM
Hi Everyone!
I need some suggestions from you guys:)
I have noticed that many are on various supplements (particularly for liver) and was thinking maybe I should be giving some to Chloe and also Sparky, her diabetic brother. What about immunological system and pancreas support?
Please also let me know how dosage is determined.
Thanks a bunch,
02-02-2011, 09:52 PM
Hi Carrol,
I give Corky Milk Thistle for his liver. He weighs about 19 pounds, and his IMS recommended 32-64mg a day. Since the capsules come in much higher doses, I buy the liquid at a health food store, and I give him 2 drops a day. I do this for 3 months, with a 3 month break, as he can become immune to it.
02-02-2011, 10:48 PM
Hi Terri!
Chloe weighs around 14 pounds so she maybe would need only 1 drop (?). Wow, I didn't know about the immune thing. Do you give the 2 drops at the same time or in 2 doses? Does it matter with food or without? I trust our Corkster is feeling okay.
02-02-2011, 10:54 PM
Oooops.. forgot to ask. what brand and strength do you get? We have an incredible heath food store here. The supplement etc section is MEGA big - 14 big aisles.:eek: They had so many different milk thistle brands and strengths I didn't know where to start.:confused:
02-02-2011, 10:56 PM
Dear Carol
I use milkthistle for dogs for the liver. can get on internet,
I use Standard Process products
Adrenal, Enetric, Thyroid
I have attached links so you can read about.
My holistic vet recommended them and Addy has used some also.
Hope this helps.
Sonja and Apollo
02-03-2011, 01:13 AM
Thanks, Sonja, for the info. Was your dosage determined by weight? I see you are in San Diego. We are in Rancho Mirage. Who do you use as holistic vet? Addy said she thinks you are from Toronto. We lived at Bathurst & Eglinton.
02-03-2011, 07:58 AM
Hi Carrol,
I give Corky the two drops with his dinner. I put it on top of his food, and add a little food on top of it. I get his Milk Thistle at Hi-Health. It's from Eclectic Institute. It's a 1 fluid ounce bottle (30mls) It really lasts a long time.
So far our Corkster is still doing good with the 3x daily dosing.
Squirt's Mom
02-03-2011, 11:06 AM
Hi Carrol,
I want to caution you about using supplements and/or herbs - they are drugs in their own right and should be respected as such. ;) Before starting Chloe or Sparky on anything be sure to talk with your vet and research the company, interactions, contradictions, etc. first.
Milk Thistle is an herb that needs to given in cycles - in the spring and fall, or summer and winter, months...approx. 3 months on and 3 months off.
For immune support, I give Squirt Astragalus Root in a tincture from Eclectic Institute - a company I trust. She was on Milk Thistle but I didn't know it should be cycled and she developed the inability to digest the herb...she would throw it up completely formed minus the veggie capsule. Now I give her Burdock in a glycerite form also from Eclectic Institute.
Don't rush into supplementing or giving herbs any more than you would with any other medication. Take your time to learn why you are giving it, what it can do - positive and negative, and to check out the manufacturers for the purest products.
Leslie and the girls - always
02-03-2011, 12:58 PM
Hi Leslie!
Wow, thanks! Are you sure you are not a vet:D? You amaze me with your postings!! Will definitely talk to vet before starting anything as he and I have a great relationship: he takes me seriously, listens and considers all my suggestions and I, on the other hand, have promised to follow his suggested treatments unless we decide, together to change them. He also considers all the suggestions made by the folks here and i know he sends other "parents" to this site.
Thanks, again. You're the best.
Carrol & Chloe (& Sparky)
Squirt's Mom
02-03-2011, 03:41 PM
Are you sure you are not a vet?
LMAO!!!! Thank you Carrol, but this is so funny! :p:p:p
I know so little it is scary! What I don't know would fill the oceans 100Xs over. But, thank you for your kind words.
Leslie and the girls - always
Hi Carol,
Leslie is right of course about checking with your vet and Sonja is right about Standard Process supplements being recommended to both of us by our holistic vets. And-- it is made here in Wisconsin:).
Have a good night:):):)
02-03-2011, 07:41 PM
It would help to speak to a homeopathic vet, if you have one near you. Astragalus, burdock, milk thistle, sam-e, etc. are on many "lists" for treating cushings. And they can definitely help w/the condition. I was a fan of cranberry extract as seemed to eliminate the UTIs...they completely went away once we started on it.
Where it gets tricky is in determining the right amount/dosage. Concentrations vary based on form, so please do take the time to figure it out w/your vet.
Jeff & Angel Mandy
marie adams
02-05-2011, 12:06 AM
"Why is it that grown children still leave messes? When I asked Joshua this and reminded him that in officer training they had inspection for neatness, he told me he is messy at home so he doesn't burn himself out!!"
This sounds so much like what my 25 yr old daughter would say. When I would tell her how much I missed her when she was at college--her response was "Who wouldn't"...they are so silly, but we love them to death!!!:D:D
I gave Maddie Milk Thistle for the liver and I got it at Trader Joe's. I also gave her fish oil, Vit C, and yogurt--which helped her fur look better. I thought she was getting brown stuff growing in her ear (she never had it before) read it was possible yeast infection--so that is why I started the yogurt. She loved it; it was like dessert and she begged for it every night--she was sooo silly. :)
02-05-2011, 11:57 AM
Hi Marie!
You know, Chloe has brown "crud" (technical term:D) in her ears too. We end up giving her ear drops ($$). Will talk to vet about youghurt and all of everyone's suggestions. Want my girl to stay "healthy" for as long as possible. She never leaves my side and stays by the window, waiting, if I go out. Now the boys.....well, that's another story:rolleyes:
Thanks to everyone for their help.
Love & hugs,
02-05-2011, 11:59 AM
"Why is it that grown children still leave messes? When I asked Joshua this and reminded him that in officer training they had inspection for neatness, he told me he is messy at home so he doesn't burn himself out!!"
This sounds so much like what my 25 yr old daughter would say. When I would tell her how much I missed her when she was at college--her response was "Who wouldn't"...they are so silly, but we love them to death!!!:D:D
I gave Maddie Milk Thistle for the liver and I got it at Trader Joe's. I also gave her fish oil, Vit C, and yogurt--which helped her fur look better. I thought she was getting brown stuff growing in her ear (she never had it before) read it was possible yeast infection--so that is why I started the yogurt. She loved it; it was like dessert and she begged for it every night--she was sooo silly. :)
These kids!!! How would your daughter like to meet my son and they could be "missing" and "messing" together:D
marie adams
02-05-2011, 01:29 PM
Well your last statement about the kids really put a big smile :):):) on my face. I will have to ask her what she thinks. I will probably get the rolling of the eyes like mom what are you doing....:D:D
Have a great weekend!!!
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