View Full Version : Storm!

02-01-2011, 09:27 PM
:eek: HOLY MOLY it is cold.

We lucked out and are on the edge of this awful storm in the midwest. Not much snow at all but close to here they have 20 inches. The wind is howling at 50 mph and we are supposed to reach a RECORD 50 BELOW ZERO tonight.

Annie is refusing to go potty outside. She got me up at midnight last night... jammies, no socks, froze my butt off. It is the saddest thing I ever saw. The wind is blowing so hard it knocks her flat on her belly (plus it is icy) and she cannot get up. Her hind legs are really bad this week.

Praying for everyone in this storm's path. Stay safe and keep the pups warm! Kim

02-01-2011, 10:13 PM
Hell, I wouldn't go potty outside either at 50 below! Poor baby girl.

The weather is really scarey these days. You never know what you're going to get hit with from one day to the next. Everybody stay safe and stay warm.

02-01-2011, 10:43 PM
She finally went! I can't describe the winds and how cold it is. I had her fleece shirt AND a coat on her. Last time we were out she was limping as soon as she started walking... I think it is just the cold but so sad to watch. Especially when she crashes into the snow landing on her tummy.

Lots of people dealing with way worse than this right now - every direction so stay safe all. Put a blanket in the car. Run the engine a while to warm it up before driving. This is your mother speaking. :D

Casey's Mom
02-01-2011, 11:10 PM
Stay safe everyone - we will miss the storm here but they are predicting the worst for everyone south of us.

02-02-2011, 05:30 AM
Yikes Kim. There seems to be a lot of weather about. I'm watching something about the Nth American situation on the news now. And they just said something about "tornadoes in the deep South".:eek::eek::eek:

Yep, we are looking forward to winter - and I bet you are looking forward to summer, even if it isn't necessarily a lot of fun either.

Keep warm and I hope your power stays on.


02-02-2011, 07:02 AM
Stay safe Kim!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We lucked out here - only a bit of freezing rain, but the wind is heading in our direction.

02-02-2011, 08:37 AM
It's not really cold here but at some point the wind kicked up last night. I let the dogs out and a big gust blew Lambert over when he was pooping. :eek:

02-02-2011, 09:06 AM
For the first time in 20 years we have a Civil Warning Danger and we have a state of emergency across the state. The winds were unreal and the drifts are awful, we managed to shovel a small spot for the pups. We will now get the record cold tonight. I expect Zoe's colitis to flare a bit from the stress of the storm.

Some of our interstate highways are closed.

Kim, poor Annie, maybe once the winds calm down it will be easier for her. Our news reported 18 people here in Milwaukee were knocked over by the wind and injured:eek: How can the poor puppies be out in it?

Take care,


maish costello
02-02-2011, 09:20 AM
Awh...a great day here....an old fashioned winter for sure !!!...
Mikey and me just came inside after playing/shovelling the white stuff...he totally enjoys playing in the snow.....kinda difficult for me shovelling 'cause Mikey loves when I toss the snow up in the air for him to catch...if I stop he bites the shovel...what a goof ball....Have a wonderful day ....

02-02-2011, 09:30 AM
He sounds like such a character! :D

Squirt's Mom
02-02-2011, 10:04 AM
Mother Nature is showing out lately for sure! Floods, fires, cyclones, tornadoes, blizzards, mud slides....geez!

Here in ARK we have below freezing temps for most of this week predicted; the norther part of the state and lower MO had a blizzard warning for yesterday! BLIZZARD!! And they got slammed - well slammed for this area. Our Gov. has declared a state of emergency but here we just got lots of rain and cold temps.

My shoes stick to the steps on the camper after being on the ground! LOL Yesterday, I fell holding Trinket...thank goodness there were plenty of sweet gum balls to break the fall. :eek::p Trink landed with me snuggled into the pillow of my belly. :D Squirt thought it was a new game! :p

The cold doesn't bother Squirt at all and she would love some more snow. Trink is just fine with the cold but that cold wet alien is another story! :D

Poor Annie. Maybe you could get her some of that artificial lawn to use when it is so bitter cold and there is so much snow. I hope she isn't upset about all this.

02-02-2011, 06:25 PM
I'll be praying for all my friends in the midwest that are getting hammered by this beastly weather. Us folks on the west coast are watching the news and it ain't pretty so I can't imagine what it must be like for Addy and Kim. I won't complain about a little bit of wind. There were a lot of unhappy commuters this morning with all the trucks that had flipped over and littered the roadways. Then there were the commuters farther west, like me, who sailed in because very few people were getting through from the east or the north. I'm looking out the window of my 34 floor office and it's picture perfect. The Hollywood sign is glimmering in the sun.

02-04-2011, 10:24 AM
I hope everyone can stay warm.. We are 75 here today!

02-04-2011, 10:47 AM
Kim, can you still see out your windows?

02-04-2011, 11:18 PM
:D Windows.. what windows?

Actually we were excited today because it went above freezing, the sun was out and we had some snow melt. True.

My brother has been visiting from Florida so I know he has enjoyed the weather. Poor guys leaves Sunday... hopefully our next snow will be after he leaves.

Last year was way worse though.

marie adams
02-05-2011, 12:35 AM
Well I really don't have anything to complain about here in sunny California, but Glynda I was chuckling about Lambert and the wind knocking him over.:D:D I like the Hollywood sign glimmering in the sun. I didn't realize you drove that far to work.

I will say it was 37 here yesterday morning around 6:30am--went out for a walk like Maddie and I use to and darn it was cold--it was her favorite kind of weather--haha!!

Keep warm everyone!!!:)

02-05-2011, 02:14 AM
Kim, glad to hear you got a bit of a thaw today. Hopefully you'll have a few more of those days so your brother can get back home safely and without having to camp out at the airport.

Marie, it doesn't take much to blow Lambert over because he only weighs 3 1/2 lbs. I know it was mean to laugh but I couldn't help it.

I work in downtown L.A. but luckily California has had some form of mass transit in the last 10 or 11 years so I take a commuter train into L.A. and then hop on the subway for a short ride. My office is directly across the street from the subway station and there's a Starbucks on both corners. It's crazy but both places always have a line out the door in the mornings.

02-05-2011, 07:54 PM
I've got a spare 20 degrees (Fahrenheit or Celcius, I don't mind - just take 'em!) that anyone who wants it can have. Boy is it hot and humid here! Yuck!

The dogs are just flaked out in their crates inside. I got Tink one of those cooler mats and the clever little thing has worked out how to work it and the fluffy woolen blanket so that she keeps herself comfortable at all times. Sometimes she's pushed the blanket up and is on the cooler, other times she's pulled the blanket down and is lying on it and other times she's got it arranged so she's on a bit of both!


Bailey's Mom
03-14-2011, 01:47 PM
Kim-How is the weather dong for you now? Warmed up any?

03-14-2011, 02:05 PM
For all of you in the storm's path please be safe - every single one of you. Luckily, we are in the California desert so we are not affected, thank God. If anyone needs to escape we have room:D Keep all those precious babies warm and safe.

We are taking Sparky to the vet (we insisted he be seen and our regular vet, who is there today, said he will see him at 2:30). They better not try to charge us for an emergency visit since I have been trying to get him in. His eyes are red and he is bumping into things. As far as I am concerned HE NEEDS TO BE SEEN NOW!

Addy, I am very worried about you, my dear friend. Please keep me posted.

03-14-2011, 03:04 PM
Susan - It is beautiful. Spring wants to arrive... high 50s today, 60s tomorrow and up to 70 by Thursday. Our problem is we have very short springs... heat starts early. But I don't complain about the heat. :D Thanks for asking.


03-14-2011, 07:13 PM
Yup, nice here too. They are predicting 50 tomorrow. I sure hope that storm does not head up here.:eek: It seemed a wicked time in St. Louis today I was worried about Brick.

It is light now until 7pm so last night the dogs were so excited it was sunny after dinner, they did not want to come in the house.:rolleyes:

Carrol, let us know what happens at the vet with Sparky.

I'll go look for your thread.


03-14-2011, 07:50 PM
Hi Addy!
Thanks for asking. will post tonight when I get home from work.

03-14-2011, 08:11 PM
Ladies, I hate to rub it in but it's suppose to hit the low 90's here, starting on Weds.


Squirt's Mom
04-27-2011, 11:08 AM
Hope everyone is safe after the storms cutting across the southern US Mon thru today! ARK reports 8 deaths last I heard this morning. :(

We managed just fine with nothing more than high winds and barrels of rain and some hail up to quarter size this morning around our place but areas nearby weren't so lucky. Trees uprooted, buildings destroyed, power outages but no major injuries or life lost in our county that I have heard of.

Prayers that all our members and babies are safe!

04-27-2011, 04:35 PM
We were under tornado warning last night and are under a watch right now. The worst will hit us from 1:00 am til 4:00 am (I will not sleep at all tonight). What happened to the old adage - no tornadoes in the mountains, yeh, right. I feel for those who have been hit - like poor Leslie.....

04-27-2011, 05:35 PM
My front yard has a river in it. I was thinking of offering canoe rides:D:D


Squirt's Mom
04-27-2011, 06:10 PM

Hope you and yours have an uneventful nite tonite! I am going to sleep tonite as there as been very little of it for the last two nites. Brick is worn out as storms seem to have an adverse effect on him....he paces constantly all the time with his little head held at a tilt. :( But tonite is supposed to be clear and cool so we will all sleep soundly I am sure.

Everyone stay safe! These fronts are moving up the eastern US now.


04-27-2011, 09:18 PM
I hope that everyone will be okay.

04-28-2011, 10:10 AM
Hoping everyone is ok....(((hugs)))

04-28-2011, 10:37 AM
We are doing good - no sleep, had to stay in the basement for an hour or so, am really dragging. I hope everyone else faired okay too.

04-28-2011, 12:19 PM
I'm really glad to hear that my cushing's family are all okay. This has been a really tough year in more ways than one. Ya'll remain in my prayers.

04-28-2011, 12:49 PM
Wish we could take a head count- the news is very scary:(


Squirt's Mom
04-28-2011, 02:13 PM
I talked to Heidi in AL and she, Robin and the fluffs are all ok! :D

04-28-2011, 02:57 PM
Oh wow, I just saw the horrible tornado's hitting the south of the USA on the Dutch news :eek: Hoping that everyone will get through them safely...

Sas and Yunah.

Bailey's Mom
04-29-2011, 02:32 AM
We had tornadoes and deaths in N. Va....which is where Ryan lives. None of us had any damage and here we didn't even get any rain until early this evening.......about 24 hours after the horror that hit Arkansas.
All present and accounted for here!:):)


Squirt's Mom
04-29-2011, 10:12 AM
Arkansas was sooo lucky! One town hit pretty hard, basically torn up and last count was 13 deaths, I think. The latest was a man who came back home to this small torn up town and had a heart attack when he saw the damage. :(

Alabama was hit hard, so hard. If you have never seen what a tornado can do, here are some sites that will give you an idea:


The winds are incredible. Several years ago three ripped through the area where I now live. My brother's and neighbor's homes were not touched but everything around them was destroyed. There was a car in the top of an oak tree, not a scratch on it, just sitting up there as if a giant child had tired of playing with it and left it there. Pine needles driven into plywood, tree trunks and walls like nails - perfectly intact but stuck, bristling like porcupine quills. A storm cellar with occupants inside was found 3 miles from the home where it was placed. My mother told of a tornado on their farm in Mississippi when she was young that took the feathers off of the chickens but didn't harm the birds. It also stripped one of the hands who was in the horse pen and left him as naked as the day he was born - but not a hair harmed. Yet the place next door was obliterated.

The tornado in AL was 1 1/2 - 2 miles wide as it rode the ground - a massive storm. There is no real way to prepare for these tornadoes...you know they are coming, you get in your safe spots, and pray. They usually follow a fairly straight path but some, like these this week, have minds of their own and will turn 90' in a heart-beat. When you live in Tornado Alley you learn to live with them....but this has been a terrible week for the South. :(

My thoughts and prayers are will all who live in these areas. I look here every day hoping to see that more folks affected have checked in and are alright. The sun is out, the birds and squirrels are playing, the breeze is gentle - this is my prayer for all those in these devastated areas.


05-23-2011, 08:50 AM
Another weekend of terrible storms. I hope all of you are okay.

The news is reporting we had had something like 875 tornadoes so far this season:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Stay safe.


marie adams
05-23-2011, 11:20 AM
Hi Addy,

So glad you are okay. Such weird weather all around for everyone. No storms out here but on the chilly side most of the weekend. Still cooler than usual here, but you would take in the low 60's right now. :D

Keep safe and I hope everyone else is doing okay!!:o

Bailey's Mom
05-24-2011, 02:36 AM
Hey Addy-
Remind me......why is it you stay there??:confused:
We ain't got no tornadoes hardly ever, our winter day temperatures run on average 40 degrees. Our big bugaboo is the summer humidity. A neighbor gave me this teeny tiny little kids pool and so long as Bailey doesn't puncture it too many times, we'll both be in it coolin' off!
Time for sleep. Daytime will be here far too soon.


Squirt's Mom
05-25-2011, 09:22 AM
A small ARK town was leveled last nite - Denning, AR - population just a bit over 200. :( Joplin, MO was heavily damaged the nite before....and it's not over yet. Today is another unstable weather pattern for the same area - OK, MO, KS, TX, and AR.

I pray our members who live in these areas will be safe, take extra care today, and check in when they can.


05-25-2011, 09:33 AM
Me too, I hope everyone stays safe. It seems there is no let up in sight.


05-25-2011, 02:41 PM
OK had several deaths from multiple F4 and F5 tornados yesterday. Just heard there are more in Kansas City right now. Crazy times.