View Full Version : My 9 year old Jack Russell named Luke won't eat & lethargic ... any help appreciated
Any prudent advice appreciated concerning my Luke ... he is normally a "climb the walls" kind of JRT ... last month become lethargic and won't eat normally ... sleeps a lot. He has been a member of our family since 8 weeks old and has always slept with either mom and I or one of our "other" children. His mom and I are divorcing unfortunately and I moved out of the house Dec 1st. Do not know if that separation might be causing some "grieving", however he seems to know what is going on all the time. I did take him to the vet and here are the test results:
(Not certain if I am missing a decimal in the top two values, Alk. Phosphate and ALT (SGPT) ... maybe missing a decimal ... bad fax but not certain ... seems off the charts on the high side)
Test / Result / Reference Range / Flag
Alk. Phosphate / 2927 / 10-150 U/L High
ALT (SGPT) / 3025 / 5-107 U/L / High
AST (SGOT) / 241 / 5-55 U/L / High
CK / 638 / 10-200 U/L / High
GGT / 355 / 0-14 U/L / High
Albumin / 3.6 / 2.5-4.0 U/L
Total Protein / 8.1 / 5.1-7.8 g/dL / High
Globulin / 4.5 / 2.1- 4.5 g/dL
Total Bilirubin / 1.5 / 0.0-0.4 mg/dL / High
Direct Bilirubin / 1.2 / 0.0-0.2 mg/dL / High
BUN / 9 / 7.7-27 mg/dL
Creatinine / 1.3 / 0.4-1.8 mg/dL
Cholesterol / 608 / 112-328 mg/dL / High
Glucose / 57 / 50-125 mg/dL / Low
Calcium / 10.2 8.2-12.4 mg/dL
Phosphorus / 6.2 / 2.1-6.3 mg/dL
TCO2 (Bicarbonate) / 19 / 17-24 mEq/L
Chloride / 94 / 105-115 mEq/L / Low
Potassium / 4.7 / 4.0-5.6 mEq/L
Sodium / 140 / 141-155 mEq/L / Low
A/G Ratio / 0.8 / 0.6-1.6
B/C Ratio / 6.9 /
Indirect Bilirubin / 0.3 / 0.0-0.3 mg/dL
NA/K Ratio / 30 / 27-40
Hemolysis Index: Index of N,+,++ exhibits no significant effect on chemistry values
Health-check CBC Comprehensive with high or low values:
WBC 27.6 /5.7-15.3 Thous./uL / High
Neutrophil SEG 85 / 60-77% / High
Lymphocytes 7 / 12-30 / Low
All other tests within normal range: RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, Neutrophil Bands, Monocytes, Eosinophil, Basophil, Auto Platelet
Remarks: Slide viewed microscopically, Normochromic, no parasites seen, Neutrophils appear slightly toxic, hemolysis present
Absolute Neutrophil SEG 23450 / 3000-11500 /uL / High
Absolute Monocyte 1380 / 150-1350 /uL / High
Normal range for: Absolute Neutrophil Band, Absolute Lymphocyte, Absolute Eosinophil, Absolute Basophil
Urinalysis: Collection method Other; Color Dark Yellow; Clarity/Clear; Specific Gravity/1.007; Glucose Negative
Bilirubin 2+ Negative High
Confirmed by Ictotest:
Ketones Negative; Blood Negative; PH/ 7.0; Protein Negative/Neg Trace; WBC 0-2 0-5 HPF; RBC 0-2 0-5 HPF; Bacteria/ None seen HPF; EPI Cell / Rare (0-1) HPF; Mucus, Casts, Crystals / None Seen; Other/ Non-crystalline Debris present; Urobilinogen/ Normal
The above is from the Lab ... I have another report that I believe comes from the veterinarian's animal hospital with many of these same values listed with a few that do not appear on the lab report. Vet wants to do an ultrasound ...
Vet says liver enzymes are high and Luke's liver is enlarged and also bladder enlarged.
I suspect someone (not the kids) is giving Luke table scraps and also treats that are called Marrow Bone on a too frequent basis ... almost every time Luke comes back into the house after being outside. Again, any thoughts that would be coming from experience are appreciated. The vet was talking about putting Luke down if he does not start to eat. I cannot believe there is not something more remedial than that. Sorry for the long post, however when reading others it seems the reports were always requested for values from vet. Thanks very much and look forward to responses. Regards, Colt
01-26-2011, 08:31 PM
Hi and welcome.
I've got to dash out soon so don't have much time.
I presume the vet has mentioned Cushing's because of the high liver enzymes. While Cushing's can and does cause high liver enzyme numbers it is usually only in one or two specific enzymes (usually Alk Phos. and maybe a little elevation in ALT).
However, Luke is showing really marked elevations in all his liver enzymes which makes me think that there is something really, really going wrong with the liver itself. (Maybe something like autoimmune liver disease or some sort of toxic ingestion are possibilities as is some sort of infection - or even a tumor.) I think you need a referral to a vet specializing in Internal Medicine ASAP. It could well be something treatable but from what I know of these things time could be of the essence in finding out what is wrong.
Good luck and keep us posted.
01-26-2011, 08:32 PM
Colt, I can only post briefly as I will be out the door to pick up a pup that i'm adopting. I'm a lab tech with 30+ years experience, & doing a fast scan of all those labs, Luke white blood cell count is twice the upper limit of normal, along with a major elevation in his neutrophil count. Neutrophils are the specific kind of WBCs that help the body to fight off infection. These results raise a serious red flag for me that your little boy has some type of acute infection that needs to be treated ASAP. It may be something as simple as a UTI, but I would be asking serious questions of his vet about these 2 results.
Thank you Alison and Debbie for the prompt and insightful replies ... I will be certain to get these points to the vet's office via e-mail tonight ... one item mentioned by Alison is on my mind ... we have a neighbor who has always threatened our Luke, saying things to our children like, "He may not be here when you get back" ... a real misanthropic type of person ... we have always wondered if he was evil enough to throw something over our fence and poison Luke ... the neighbor is a dentist. Again, any further thoughts would be most appreciated. Love you both Alison and Debbie ... thank you so much. Regards, Colt
01-27-2011, 12:19 AM
Hi and welcome from me too.
Wow, those liver enzyme elevations are up there and I do agree with Alison and Debbie. I think there is a lot more going on than cushing's here. As Alison mentioned, the ALKP is the liver enzyme that is usually elevated a lot more than ALT. ALT is a liver specific enzyme so with the severe elevation Jack has, I would suspect that something besides steroids is assaulting the liver. An abdominal ultrasound is an excellent idea and so is a liver biopsy. Has your vet mentioned a biopsy?
Dogs with liver disease can remain totally asymptomatic until 70% of liver function is gone. As the disease progresses, the bilirubin will continue to build up in the blood and when it gets too high, it will cause a dog to be jaundiced. Please watch Jack for signs of yellow in the whites of his eyes, skin inside the ear and his gums. Also check his gums for paleness, which is a sign of anemia.
Jack's condition sounds serious so I do hope the vet is moving rapidly to determine the cause of his problems. I too think it might be a good idea to consult with an internal medicine specialist asap. Please keep us posted.
Positive thoughts and prayers being said for you and Jack.
P.S. Your neighbor sounds like a dangerous lunatic. I'd not let my dog out without being supervised. When I was a little girl, which was a very long time ago, our dog became very sick and died rather quickly. We never knew what it was but our evil neighbor threatened to poison him on more than one occasion. To this day, my mom is still convinced the neighbor was true to her word.
Thanks so much Glynda ... I will also send a copy of your message to our Vet ... we are moving swiftly for Luke's sake ... he is part of our family and needs us now. He is speaking to us the only way he knows how. Thanks again, Regards, Colt ...
Squirt's Mom
01-27-2011, 10:55 AM
Hi Colt and welcome to you and Luke, :)
I wish I could add to the wonderful info already given but, alas, I cannot.
What I can tell you is this - you and Luke are now part of our family, Cushing's or not. This means that you will never be alone on this journey with Luke. Whether we have an answer for you or not, we always have listening ears, soft, broad shoulders, loving arms, and a safe place to fall to give you. Please know we are here anytime.
Hang in there! And do let us know how things are going.
Leslie and the girls - always
PS. You don't live in ARK do you? I know a dentist here who would act exactly in that manner! :mad:
Pumpkin's Mama
01-27-2011, 12:54 PM
Ask your vet about Milk Thistle after you have figured out what is going on with your sweet boy. It is a great supplement to help the liver heal after an ordeal like his.
Creepy sure to mention that to your vet. When I was little we had an entire neighborhood of dogs get sick in one week. Turns out, some crazy person was throwing dog biscuits soaked in anti-freeze over the fences.
I googled "neighborhood of pets poisoned" to see if I could find the old article. Unfortunately, sounds like this happens quite a lot, and recently too. SCARY!
Feel better little Luke.
Thank you very much for the supportive comments Leslie ... I will definitely keep you posted ... I am located near Selfridge Air National Guard Base on Lake St. Clair in southeastern Michigan. I just made an appointment with Michigan Veterinary Specialists for Monday afternoon ultrasound with Dr. Lauren Boyd (Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine) in Auburn Hills, MI. I felt more comfortable with her when her bio showed a photo with her Jack Russell. Luke has taken the antibiotics prescribed by our regular vet, who does not have ultrasound capabilities at his location. Luke is sleeping a lot and my son tells me that Luke seemed a little better today. This is the third day of his medication regimen. Again, I will keep posting and welcome all comments. Thanks very much to all, Regards, Colt
Changed my mind and will take Luke into Michigan Veterinary Specialists tomorrow morning through their emergency section ... no doctors available until my Monday appointment and do not want to wait over the week-end ... want to be certain Luke is at minimum, stable until his appointment. My son has checked Luke's eyes, ears, and gums for any signs of jaundice ... son Jacob says, "No signs of yellowing ... eyes are white, ears and gums pink. Again, thank you all for the concern and helpful responses! Regards, Colt
01-27-2011, 02:29 PM
Hi Colt,
I am so happy to hear that you are taking Luke to MVS tomorrow instead of Monday. I do hope the antibiotics are making a difference but I still worry about those high liver values. We are all a bunch of worry warts around here...mother hens so to speak so don't mind all the clucking going on from time to time. We've got a few roosters around here that make noise too. :D
I think we'll all be waiting on pins and needles to hear about Luke's appointment tomorrow.
P.S. I love Luke's picture. He is so freaking cute.
01-27-2011, 02:46 PM
Hi Colt!
Welcome to our site. Some of the REALLY knowledgeable folks here already have spoken and have you in their care. Just wanted to let you know that we, in the California desert, (although my husband & I went to University of Windsor Law School and spent many an evening at Greek town in Detroit:)) are pulling for you as well. BTW, Luke has such a sweet face! You are wise to get him to veterinary emergency clinic - don't forget to send along a piece of your clothing for him to cuddle. You are doing all the right things. We are standing beside you and send all our love and healing thoughts, prayers and energy to you and Luke. Keep us posted.
Carrol & Chloe
01-27-2011, 03:02 PM
Colt, I'm glad to hear you are taking Luke in tomorrow. In case you didn't think of it, it would be a good idea to take a copy of all the labwork you already have. They will probably want to recheck some of it, but at least it gives them a starting point. Let us know what goes on. One last thing that would probably be good for Luke's human siblings to check, if it doesn't gross them out, is what we like to call "poop patrol". They want to see if he has any loose stools or diarrhea. They also want to look for signs of visible blood, along with anything that looks like "coffee grounds" in the stool. Blood as it passes through the digestive track, unless there is acute bleeding, will end up looking like coffee grounds when the stool is passed. This is evidence of bleeding somewhere in the GI tract.
Thanks Debbie ... I will copy your advisory to the family so they can watch for telltales ... Luke, like many JRT's, is particular about the locations he chooses to "do his duty" and it is cold enough here, with snow, that one of the kids should be able to monitor and check for normal stool or any problem appearance. Thanks again ... you are the best. By the way, I already copied the Michigan Veterinary Specialists all the lab work and our regular vet sent notes regarding the last two visits this week.
I very much appreciate the kind wishes and prayers from everyone ... ♥ Colt
01-28-2011, 12:26 PM
Dear Colt,
It's 8:21am here and after the Cushing's meds for Chloe & Insulin for Sparky, I came right here to check your thread. Will check in throughout the day to keep update with what is happening. Please let us know.
The warmest of hugs from us in the California desert to you guys in the frozen north:)
An extra hug and tummy rub for our sweet Luke.
Carrol & Chloe
Sorry it took me so long to update on Luke's condition ... my son Jacob and I had a long day at the Michigan Veterinary Specialists offices in Auburn Hills, MI. The diagnosis after ultrasound was guarded and serious. The doctor has reason to believe that Luke's Gall Bladder has either a mucous seal, blockage, or tumor ... that is the immediate threat ... she also thinks there is a tumor on Luke's spleen. Her suggestion yesterday was exploratory surgery that carries a 50/50 chance of losing Luke on the operating table. Before the surgery they would run x-rays to determine if there is any cancer present ... if they found evidence of cancer they would humanely euthanize. All grim news for our boy. The doctor did leave a very slim chance that Luke could pull through. I asked if there was any medication to loosen the mucous seal ... if that was the problem blocking the bile duct ... she said there is a medication, however that medication also can cause the Gall Bladder to rupture, so ... Luke needs to make it through another 10 days ... if he can fight that long, the doctor would perform another ultrasound and treat medicinally with that drug. Luke is taking 200mg Amoxicillin twice daily, Denosyl once daily, Mirtazatine once daily ... today is his last Prednisone. Just so I can leave you with a little good news ... Luke seemed better after we left the vet's office ... he ate a good dinner (first time eating in five days) and we took him for about a four block walk at 9:00 P.M. last night and he had a little prance in his step and hoisted a leg on everything that was vertical. No poop due to the fact he had not eaten in days ... so we can check that department out today hopefully ... Luke ate a good breakfast of boiled chicken and rice this morning and Jacob found him upstairs tearing up some Kleenex. I am going down to the house right after this post and will spend the afternoon with him. Jacob thinks that my being with Luke is helpful to his spirit and it certainly is for mine to be with the little guy. I am praying that the Spirit of Our Lord can touch Luke and work a miracle for recovery. Please keep Luke in your thoughts and prayers, should you be so inclined, and I will keep you posted on status. My best to you all ... Colt
01-29-2011, 02:28 PM
Dear Colt & Luke,
God bless you and be with you over the next few days. Yes, miracles do happen and we are praying that one is in the works for you. It was good news that Luke seems a little perkier and your time with him is very important. We will keep checking in. Stay strong. We are all standing beside you. Luke: keep up the good work, little buddy. We love you and will have you in our thoughts and prayers.
Hugs and tails wags,
Carrol & Chloe
Harley PoMMom
01-29-2011, 07:35 PM
Most definitely keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs,
01-30-2011, 12:10 AM
I am so glad you did not wait until Monday to take Luke to MVS and it's heartening to hear that he is feeling better and finally eating. I believe in miracles and the power of prayer. Sooooo, plenty of prayers are being said in California. Will be watching for your updates.
Squirt's Mom
01-30-2011, 10:38 AM
Hi Colt,
Also sending prayers and healing white light from ARK for all. It is a good sign that Luke has eaten and hope he continues to.
My Squirt had a spenic tumor and part of her spleen removed in Sept. '08 (at the age of 10) and she did beautifully - other than an acute pancreatic attack after surgery. However, she was in good health otherwise. She did and does have sludge in the gall bladder but no blockage. I hope this will give you some hope on this front.
Hugs and belly rubs,
Leslie and the girls - always
01-30-2011, 01:53 PM
Now that I see Glynda is in California and we are in California, you are getting really strong prayers from here. And we Californians REALLY believe in miracles.
Sending more love and strength your way. Will continue to check in.
Carrol & Chloe
Update on Luke a/o Sunday January 30th ... spent the day with Luke yesterday ... he ate a good dinner and Jacob & I took him for about a 4 block walk after ... again, his step was close to normal in pep and prance ... still no bowel movement, however have to remember he just started eating Friday night ... with him right now and he is sleeping on the bed with Jacob and I. He took his medicine a little while ago and will have dinner shortly (it is 6:08 P.M. here now) ... after dinner we will let him have a little time for digestion then take him for another walk tonight ... he seems to enjoy the walk ... quite a bit of snow here and not a lot of places for him to get comfortable in the back yard ... so walking allows him to sniff the other dogs and it is a route he is used to traveling with us, with a few more places he can find comfortable to do his business. Not sure if you know this little tidbit about Luke and some other Jack Russells ... they do not go to the bathroom in areas where they play ... so in our back yard he would never use the lawn or bed areas where he might chase a ball while playing. He chooses to go behind the shed or in the fenced garden, under a large pine tree ... most definitely a spot he does not travel for any other purpose. Luke seems comfortable and his doctor from Michigan Veterinary Specialists called me this morning to check up on Luke's status ... I thought that was very nice. Thanks for the uplifting messages and if anyone knows any magical way to lower the thickness of the bile in the gall bladder or break up a mucocele ... weigh in please. Love you all and thanks for the prayers ... Luke loves you all too! Regards, Colt
Just a new update ... daughter Grace just told me that Luke did have a bowel movement this morning ... I have not received any report as to the appearance of same, but will check back when the info reaches me. Thanks again, Colt
01-30-2011, 07:50 PM
Way to go Luke! Keep it up little buddy!
Carrol & Chloe
PS Will be thinking about you tomorrow and waiting for news.
Hello everyone ... Luke took a little shorter walk last night after his dinner, had a good sleep and ate breakfast this morning ... I am going to see him later this afternoon and get him out for a walk, if he is up to it. Son Jacob tells me that he was laying with his nose up against the heater vent (which is one of his favorite places to snooze) this morning after breakfast. The word is Luke's poop was normal consistency, light in color, and no sign of any "coffee grounds" looking material. I will update later tonight when I get back to the computer. Thanks, Regards, Colt
02-01-2011, 11:55 AM
Waiting with baited breath..............
Carrol & Chloe
02-02-2011, 12:16 AM
Any news, Colt? We're a little worried.
Sorry for the delay in posting folks ... Luke is a fighter and holding up really well, if in fact he has the gall bladder blockage, mucoucele, or tumor as diagnosed regarding his gall bladder ... he is eating twice daily and going for a walk. We had a fairly big snowstorm here Tuesday night/Wednesday and the last time with Luke was Tuesday night at about 8:00 P.M. ... we walked and Luke was excellent with peppiness and did a couple of "deuces" as my son calls them (#2 for the unitiated) ... Son Jacob handled the medicine and walk yesterday and today. Jacob took Luke for a 4 block walk this afternoon and Luke was close to normal. It is very cold up here with windchill at 0° F or colder. Again, Luke is fighting and not showing any discomfort that is visible ... sleeping alot, however not that unusual for the cold weather and deep snow outside. He did bark when I came through the door until he knew it was me and then greeted me properly. Luke's stool seems proper with no discoloration, coffee ground appearance, nor other unusual manifestations. I plan on seeing Luke tonight, as long as roads in neighborhoods are plowed, and will post tomorrow for progress. Thanks to you all and keep the prayers and thoughts coming Luke's way ... we need to keep him on track till next Monday for the second Ultrasound and treatment regimen with the Internal Medicine specialist named Dr. Lauren Boyd from Michigan Veterinary Specialists in Auburn Hills, MI. Again, they said if he could make it through till then, they would re-evaluate. Love you all, Regards, Colt & Luke
02-03-2011, 11:29 PM
We love you guys too. Was so worried when we didn't hear from you. Much relieved to see luke is holding his own - such a little fighter!! Is it this Monday or a week from this Monday? We will be watching for updates and sending powerful prayers and energy your way.
Carrol & Chloe
Squirt's Mom
02-04-2011, 11:20 AM
Hi Colt,
Good to hear such a great report on Luke! :):cool: It sounds like he has the spirit needed to fight whatever comes his way and that is as important as any medical treatment.
I hope you get good news Mon.!
Leslie and the girls - always
02-04-2011, 03:43 PM
Colt, I haven't posted in a couple of days, but have been reading. I'm delighted to hear that Luke is holding his own. I will continue to keep thinking about Luke, you, & all of your family. Here's hoping that the IMS can give you a positive plan as to how proceed to get Luke on the road to a complete recovery.
By the way, huge kudos to your son for being the sheriff for "poop patrol". I know it's gross duty, but it's important, so "Good Job!"
02-04-2011, 07:16 PM
Welcome Colt
glad to hear your Luke is doing better. We will be waiting with you for his results. Remember you don't have to make any decisions right away when you get the results. You can look over, ask questions.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
02-04-2011, 08:31 PM
Hi Colt. Just found your thread and am keeping you and Luke in our thoughts. Just wanted to mention the drug called ursodiol - our dog's internist prescribed it to help improve the flow of bile. You might want to mention it to your vet if he/she doesn't bring it up. Keeping our fingers crossed for you both!
Thanks for the uplifting messages and the heads up on the Ursodiol drug ... I will definitely mention that to the doctors when we have our next appointment which right now is for next Monday ... some question if I might take Luke in to his home vet for another blood work-up tomorrow ... but we will see about that after I talk to the vet. I want to be careful with the follow-up. Both our regular veterinary office, the Platz Animal Hospital, and the Michigan Veterinary Specialists (the internal medicine doctors) have been following Luke's progress ... so good service on both fronts. Luke is doing well today and again is exhibiting the same behavior. Will keep everyone posted on progress ... love to all and thanks again ... Luke & Colt
Update a/o 6:25 P.M. on Monday February 7th ... Luke is still holding his own and we have not returned to the MVS yet for the follow-up CBC and possible ultrasound, due to a scheduling conflict ... all signs are still good though. Luke is eating properly and getting walks each day ... he is barking at folks walking by the front of the house and all of us continue to pray for him. Jacob is taking a very strong part in keeping Luke close by and loved. I am hopeful we can get into see the Doctor tomorrow for the follow-up work and hopefully the medication Urosodial (sp) ... for the possible bile duct/gall bladder problem. I will check in again tomorrow with update ... thanks everyone for your prayers ... miracles can happen. I am on pins and needles though, because the ultrasound results from a week ago last Friday seemed so grim and Luke seems so shall I say "normal" for now. He completed his Amoxicillin regimen yesterday and still is taking Denosyl once daily. Talk tomorrow ... Love you all, Colt
02-07-2011, 07:52 PM
Love you & Luke, too, Colt! Our Luke is proving to be a real little trooper. WAY TO GO, LUKE!! Give Jacob a big thumbs up for being such a conscientious "Big Brother" to Luke. You should be very proud to have raised such a caring son. We are with you all the way and wait for the next update.
Love & Hugs,
Carrol & Chloe
02-12-2011, 01:14 PM
Hi Colt,
How are you guys doing????
Squirt's Mom
03-13-2011, 02:23 PM
Hi Colt,
How is Luke doing? We would love to hear from ya'll!
Leslie and the gang
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