View Full Version : fear of the "unknown" (Chanka) 9 1/2 y/o female Alaskan Malamute
chanka's mom
01-24-2011, 01:00 PM
Hi everyone, we're new to this site. Untill last week, I never even heard of Cushings disease! Now we're waiting for our Vet to call when he gets the medications to adminster the tests. He only keeps one on hand and she needs two. Chanka is a 9 1/2 yr old female Alaskan Malamute. She is our world and we love all 128 pounds of her! About 13 months ago we thought we we're gonna lose her. She started getting really nasty open sores on her back (not hotspots), vet did ALOT of blood work, sent blood to University, came back as her liver was failing. Vet called, said she needed a blood transfusion or she wouldnt make it thru the weekend. The donor of the blood was our other Malamute Meesha. The ultrasound of liver was normal, more blood drawn and came back that she was hypothyroid. Started her on meds for that and everything was pretty good for the last year, sores cleared up within a couple weeks. Now, she has a couple bald spots on her leg and neck, not really sores, she is panting alot, wont sleep thru the night, wants to go out just to lay in the snow, and she just dont act like she feels "right". After reading some of the posts on here, I know we are in for a long journey. She's had other issues in the past... both knees replaced, therapy, racoon bite on face=stiches, antibiotics, eye graft surgery, thyroid ordeal. Pray for her and the other pets going tru this. Mimi
Squirt's Mom
01-24-2011, 01:24 PM
Hi Mimi and welcome to you and Chanka, :)
Boy, do I understand that fear! :eek: When my Squirt was first diagnosed, I just lost it completely. I just knew she had been handed a death sentence. :( After much searching, many tears and panic attacks, I found these wonderful folks. The led me gently along until I could breath again and start to learn about this condition called Cushing's. Today, I wish I could tell you I am sane, but that would not be truthful....I am much calmer about things tho! :p A friend of mine described me as looking like a woman who had just stuck her finger in a light socket...she was kind enough to leave out the bulging eyes and flying slobber! :eek::p
If you could get copies of all the testing as they are done for Chanka and post them here along with all the numbers and letters that follow, that would help us a great deal in offering more meaningful feedback.
Has diabetes been ruled out? Is her hypothyroidism controlled on her current dose? Hypothyroidism and diabetes are two conditions that mimic Cushing's so we like to make sure those have been ruled out or are under good control.
Will she have an abdominal ultrasound? This is a very good diagnostic test and, as one of our members says, the biggest bang for your buck because you get to see many organs other than the adrenals.
The more we know about Chanka the better so don't worry about a long post. We just love details! ;)
Please read all you can and ask all the questions you may have. We will do all we can to help you understand. You can find some really good info in our Helpful Resource section -
There is also some good info in the treads of the other members, too, so explore to your hearts content.
You and Chanka are not alone on this journey. We will be with you every step of the way.
Leslie and the girls - always
Hi Mimi,
I just wanted to welcome you too. You have found such a wonderful place with caring, knowledgeable people. If I may borrow a sentence, "it takes a village to help a Cushing pup" and our little community is the best "village" you will find.:)
It make be a long journey, but you will have company every step of the way.
chanka's mom
01-25-2011, 12:13 AM
Thank you so much for your concern, I truly appreciate it! Chanka has never been tested for diabetes, but I will question it when we go in. The hypothyroidism seems to be under control, but I read that it mimics Cushing's and now I wonder if she had Cushings or the start of it, 13 months ago? It's so hard not knowing, but I'm sure glad I found this website and you nice people. I will let ya know, Mimi
chanka's mom
01-26-2011, 12:52 AM
Hello everyone, I need some advise please, something's wrong with my big gurl. Update on Chanka. Her vet still hasn't called to get the test for cushings yet but I know as her mom that she doesnt feel good. All this happened today, She didn't eat breakfast this a.m. (usually she steals Meesha's bowl if she gets the chance), her "dad" took them for a walk tonignt and her tail is always up and curled and she held it down the entire time. I work 2nd shift and when I got home tonight she has a new open sore on her tail about 2" in diameter and it smells bad. She hasnt had any of these sores for the last year since she has been getting treated for hypothyroidism. I am calling the vet 1st thing in the a.m. but I really dont know what to think of these new developments??? Do I go ahead with the test for cushings or do we recheck the thyroid?? Do any other dogs have these same symtoms??? Thanks much in advance!!! Mimi
Squirt's Mom
01-26-2011, 10:07 AM
Hi Mimi,
I'm not sure what to think of the sores on Chanka. There are skin conditions that cause terrible odors from the organ (skin) which are unrelated to Cushing's. It is difficult once that word Cushing's has been said not to blame everything on it when the problem may not be related at all.
Loss of appetite and weight loss is not typically seen in Cushing's but it is in diabetes, so I would most definitely have that checked asap. I would also make sure her thyroid meds are still at the correct . Now to confuse the issue, there is a condition called sick euthroid in which it LOOKS like hypothyroidism yet is not - it is caused by Cushing's and is "cured" by treating the Cushing's. Here are some links on hypothyroidism (Dr. Jean Dodds is one of the foremost docs in this area).
free T4 by equilibrium dialysis*
info about the thyroid tests (including free T4 by equilibrium dialysis) on the lbah site.
Dr. Jean Dodds
If I were you, I think I would consider a second opinion if your current vet doesn't have the answer about her skin. Has she seen an IMS (Internal Medicine Specialist)? If not, that would be a great next step. They can look at all her issues and perhaps have a better idea of how to proceed.
I hate to ask, but is the vet absolutely sure Chanka's liver is functioning as it should? Liver disease can also mimic Cushing's.
Please let us know what you learn this morning and how sweet Chanka is doing. I hope they don't find anything major wrong.
Leslie and the girls - always
01-26-2011, 10:57 AM
Hi Mimi,
I don't know whether this could be the problem for Chanka, but there is a specific skin condition that can be associated with Cushing's known as "calcinosis cutis." If this condition is diagnosed, it is almost a certainty that the dog does indeed suffer from Cushing's. I will try to come back later with some more informaton and maybe some photos in order for you to compare with Chanka's sores. But in the meantime, here's a thread for another dog who does suffer from this condition. We also talk about a lot of other things on the thread, but you may want to skim through it in order to read the posts that specifically relate to the calcinosis cutis:
I'll try to come back a little later on with some additional information.
chanka's mom
01-26-2011, 11:06 AM
Mornin all! Trying not to pull my hair out and remain calm and taking lots of deeeep breaths. Been on the computer for about the last 2 hrs, searching and getting educated, looking at syptoms. I called the vets office twice (he's not there today) and spent about the last 30 minutes cleaning the sore on her tail and looking through all that furr for any new ones. They actually appear overnight as a soft bump under the skin and within 24hrs open up and the hair falls out with drainage. Her appt is tomorrow a.m. I'm starting to question the diabetes and liver failure too, or it could be the hypothyroidism out of wack also. She wont eat breakfast again this a.m., I think she's holding out for more hamburger and rice??? Meesha is staying very close to chanka, she wont let the cat come in the room where chanka is laying(lol). She will be fasting after midnight, and I'm taking in her first morning urine spec. Thank you Leslie for the links and the info on IMS, and your concern. I will let you know how tomorrow goes, thank you sooo much, Mimi
chanka's mom
01-26-2011, 11:15 AM
Thank you Marianne, this is very helpful!!! Something new that I havent heard of yet, I will add it to my list of questions for the vet tomorrow. Thanks again, Mimi
Sabre's Mum
01-26-2011, 01:13 PM
Hi Mimi
A belated welcome to you and Chanka. Our Sabre had calcinosis cutis and from what you describe, I am not so sure that this is what you are dealing with. With his calcinosis it was generally slow in forming. The one exception was the first spot he got and this was from an injection site. Is it possible to post a picture so that we may have a look at the area?
With Chanka's current state of health ie loss of apetite and weight loss I personally would be wanting to rule out diabetes.
All the best at the vet tomorrow.
Angela and Flynn
chanka's mom
01-26-2011, 01:32 PM
Thank you Angela, I've been looking at pictures of the calcinosis cutis on the net and I dont think thats what it is either, her sores start as a soft bump, kinda blister like under the skin and comes on overnight, but still worth looking into. And we're definately suspiscious of diabetes too. Thanks, Mimi
Squirt's Mom
01-26-2011, 01:54 PM
My Squirt has sebaceous adenomas all over her. They come up small, then crust over, flake off and start all over again. None of them are open, tho. Here is a link that shows a pup with adenoma and offers some info:
Leslie and the girls - always
chanka's mom
01-27-2011, 11:47 AM
Quick update on Chanka, I really dont know anything yet. I just got home from her appt w/vet. I had to leave her there (sniff, sniff) but I know she is in good, caring hands. She seems real weak in her hind legs and I had a heck of a time getting her into my F-150. Not much change in her behavior, no new sores but 2 suspect spots, poor appetite, lethargy, panting. We are gonna hold off on the cushings tests for today. Vet is gonna do a chest/lung x-ray, thyroid recheck, cbc, urinealysis(Uc:Cr), blood glucose. No fever, chest and lungs sound good, she has 2 new soft bumps about the size of silver dollar and they feel warm to the touch. I wont know a whole lot till tomorrow except for x-ray and her dad will be bringing her home tonight. Meanwhile Meesha is keeping vigil by looking out every window and door. Hugs for Miss Chanka! Thanks, Mimi
01-28-2011, 01:53 AM
Hi I found you!!
I didn't get to read all the above posts but I'm not good with the technical stuff like the others. But I did feel your panic. I was in the same way with my Mira. If you haven't already done so find a critical care vet that has all the high tech contraptions and find out whats wrong. It will cost you but it could mean you doggies life. Get the best fastest care you can. It's really the best thing you can do. If she's not eating don't wait. I'd get a complete ultrasound and a chest X-ray. I had my answers to both my dogs within 30 minutes. One had cushings the other advanced liver and lung cancer. It may cost you about $1600 but if you can swing it do it! Tomorrow morning. At least you'll know what your dealing with.
chanka's mom
01-31-2011, 09:13 AM
Hi everyone, just stopping in to udate you all on Ckanka. What we know of Thurdays's results so far is; xrays show no tumors, white blood count is 17.4 (15 is high); no anemia; uc:cr did NOT rule out cushings; and we dont have the results back on thyroid and glucose yet; 4 out of 5 of the liver tests came back good, one of them (ekk) was high. They gave her a shot of polyflex and put her on cefpodoxime for 5 days. I am happy to say she is feeling alot better and has really perked up. She is begging for treats and attention, getting back on furniture, enjoyed a walk, not panting alot, wagging her tail. She is pretty much back to her old self except for that pathetic looking tail. I will put new pics in the album. Now we just gotta figure out what causes these skin infections, she cant stay on antibiotics forever. Keep your fingers crossed, thanks, Mimi
01-31-2011, 10:47 AM
Cool! So glad she is feeling better. The only thing that concerns me is the WBC count but what do I know? X-rays... I'm not so confident in them, but here again... It does sound like they are on the right track and maybe that's all that matters. Give her a hug for me, such a good girl.
Sabre's Mum
01-31-2011, 12:52 PM
Thanks for the update. It is my understanding that most skin conditions can take some time to heal. Sabre had pyoderma pre his cushings diagnosis and at the time the vet said it could take at least 8 weeks of antibiotics to clear it. If I recall ... it actually took longer. Sometimes a "sensitivity" test (I think this is what it's called) is good to get then you can "target" the antibiotics. In Sabre's case he required two very powerful antibiotics.
All the best
Angela and Flynn
01-31-2011, 02:26 PM
Chloe has had "bursting" sebaceous glands on and off. They look like little cauliflowers, burst open leaving black debris in a circle around the open area. They, then heal leaving a little skin "crater". At one time her back became filled with sores and Dr Oliver recommended upping her melatonin from 3 mg twice a day to 6mg twice a day. It did the trick. Sores healed up and now she gets one of those nasty things only once in a while and they heal up themselves. These "kids" are just full of surprises:D
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