View Full Version : Our "dry flood" (and a Valium drama!)

01-23-2011, 07:43 PM
Well I'm back - I think. We are back home and have everything sort of in order again.

We had what I call a "dry flood" - that is our family went through everything (domestically speaking) except we didn't actually get flooded - two doors down did though so it was a very close thing. We packed up stuff and moved to higher ground, and very hurriedly turned a lot of stuff out of low cupboards and shelfs and up onto higher surfaces, thus making one heck of a mess. We also had no power for 5 days.

We lived at my mother's place for a week. The dogs were crated full time and needed two to three good walks per day. With the stress of everything and the relocation, Zac's latent separation anxiety (always knew there was an issue lurking) came out in full force (:eek::eek::eek:). Every time I left the house he howled and yowled and was terribly upset. I eventually worked out that I to plan my day so I left the house without him no more than four times as the stress of my disappearances seemed to accumulate during the day. At home he is outwardly fine about my going out but in a strange environment it seems to be more than he can handle.

And now comes a cautionary tale: By about the fifth day he was getting himself in a fine old state (I'd been coming and going a lot that day) so ol' Clever Clogs here decides to give him some Valium. Should have been a good idea - would have calmed down most dogs... But not Zac. He was one of the rare few who get what is called a "paradoxical reaction".

He went completely hyper, appeared to lose all inhibition and his attentional system just stopped working - basically severe ADHD! He was just a mass of instincts and conditioned reflexes (thank goodness he had a lot of those - at least his training made him controllable and allowed us to give him some focus.)

We ended up spending four or five hours with him in his crate getting him to do "tricks" like "sit", "drop" and "touch" to get tiny bits of dry dogfood (Evo Small Bites which are about the size of catfood). Everyone took turns amusing Zac this way and we ate dinner in shifts. Without that to focus his attention and give him an aim in life (he needed a new aim in life every ten seconds it seemed) he would just lose it completely and howl and bark and throw himself all over the place frantically. I think we ended up feeding him what amounted to a huge meal (not sure how much) - he put on about a pound overnight and had small pads of fat on his ribs in the morning!

Although Valium is a great drug for dogs (worked a treat the one and only time Mia took it) I would like to say that anyone using it for, say, a long car trip should give it at home first just to check that their dog isn't one of the ones that reacts badly to it. This reaction is seen in humans too and from what I've read is more common in people with neurodevelopmental and psychiatric conditions - Zac is a constitutionally very anxious individual who didn't have the best early socialization so that would kind of fit in his case. However it can and does happen to perfectly normal people and, presumably, dogs, too.

Another bit of fun has been that it appears that I somehow underdosed Tink with Advantix (some must have got spilled on her long fur or something) and she got fleas! (Zac didn't.) And I didn't realize and she ran around the house so now I'm worried that our house will have fleas. I sure hope that all the vacuuming we've done and the fact that the now-treated Tink is working as flea killing machine means that any flea eggs she shed won't amount to anything.

Tink cruised through the whole experience, of course, and was completely unphased by everything. I'm glad we have one normal dog!


01-23-2011, 08:34 PM
:eek: WOW... that doesn't sound like any fun at all Alison. I am so glad you are able to get back to your home and your life even though it is a bit off kilter.. That valium story is scary. Poor dear. We have missed you.

If it makes you feel better we have had a ton of snow - I have drifts up to 5 ft high. My back yard is at 3 feet and I dug dearest Annie as much of a path/walkway as I could today. Just awful.

But I'll take that over your saga any day... Just know you were missed and we were worried sick. Big hugs - Kim and Annie

01-23-2011, 08:50 PM
Glad to have you with us again, Alison. Zac needed you to get his mind off of his worries but in the process, did he manage to get your mind off of your worries? Sounds like everybody was pretty preoccupied at mom's house.

Thank goodness your home was spared. I can't even imagine what it must feel like to see your house untouched and see your neighbors house two doors down flooded out. I think relief would be an understatement.

No doubt, Zac is the happiest one of all to be back home.

01-24-2011, 11:44 AM
I have given vet prescribed valium to my baby Wally on two different occasions and he wasn't the least bit fazed by it. I don't know if he is immune to it or what but it didn't help at all. After the first time I went back and told the vet and the he advised me to up the dose. I did this and still nothing. I refuse to up the dose again so I guess I will just have to deal will nervous nelly in the car.

John II
01-24-2011, 09:08 PM

So when you say you're 99.9% sure of something (like say, a flood) I should believe you and not obsess about that 0.1%! :D Good to know! ;)

01-24-2011, 09:10 PM

So when you say you're 99.9% sure of something (like say, a flood) I should believe you and not obsess about that 0.1%! :D Good to know! ;)

Yeah, but I was 99.9% sure that giving that Valium was a good idea, too!:o:p


Squirt's Mom
01-25-2011, 10:01 AM
Hi Alison!

Don't know how I missed this but am sooooo glad to know ya'll are back home and your family survived with minimal upset....well, except for Zac! Bless!his heart! and ya'lls!

My daughter was one of those that reacts backwards to things like pain meds, sedatives, ect. If it was supposed to calm or make you sleepy, she would climb the walls! We discovered this after she had a bad bike wreck and was given some pain meds. OMG! it was like she had been given speed instead but she felt no pain! Freaked me out no end! There were a few hours there when I was wishing for bed restraints! :p A few years later, she was diagnosed with ADHD, which explained her reaction to those type meds. :rolleyes:

I am so glad you are back but continue to pray for your country as it recovers.


Casey's Mom
01-31-2011, 08:12 AM
Glad to see you back Alison, my sisters dog reacted the same way to Valium - what a nightmare! He was a 90 lb dog so we had a heck of a time with him. The vet asked us to try it for thunderstorms because he would become a nervous wreck but this had the opposite effect:(

I just saw on our news that your area may get a cyclone later this week - does that affect you?

Love and hugs,

02-01-2011, 01:02 AM
We tried the valium recently, too (by we, I mean Franklin :p). The vet said considering his size, I could give 2 tablets. I gave 1 before a thunderstorm hit.
The poor little fella was staggering and stumbling around. Took about 3 hours to wear off :eek:

02-01-2011, 06:28 PM
I just saw on our news that your area may get a cyclone later this week - does that affect you?

We down here in Brisbane shouldn't be effected beyond a bit of rain and some thunderstorms in the coming week - that is what they are saying, anyway. So beyond frizzy hair, and very expensive bananas in the coming months I personally should be ok. (I woke up with a severe case of the frizzies this morning - even a 1000 miles away my hair always "knows"!)

The effects on all living things in the way where it makes landfall is going to be profound and devastating though. It (Cyclone Yasi) was upgraded to a category 5 yesterday PM!:eek::eek: They are saying it is the biggest, baddest storm on record in this part of the world. Cyclone Larry (which hit much the same area a few years back) was totally devastating and Yasi is twice the size and many times more ferocious.

Apparently there is a possibility that as it moves over into the interior of the continent it may join up with another system that it currently over northern Western Australia to form a sort of super rain depression. If this happens there will likely be really terrible flooding in South Australia and Victoria.

I, like most most Australians, have always seen rain as a "good thing" - maybe not always convenient or pleasant for me personally - but a good thing nonetheless. This year my thinking is starting to change....

Here's a link: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/02/02/3127394.htm and this one has a clear (and scary) picture that shows the scale of this storm: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/02/02/3127379.htm

02-01-2011, 07:18 PM
The effects on all living things in the way where it makes landfall is going to be profound and devastating though. It (Cyclone Yasi) was upgraded to a category 5 yesterday PM!:eek::eek: Alison

Oh Alison, I'm so sorry for Australia!!!!!

I remember the night before Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast here in the U.S., I was transfixed watching the radar. It just made me sick to my stomach, knowing what was inevitably going to happen to the humans and the animals in her path. I wondered whether the wild animals could sense she was coming, and would try to flee. But where could they go that would be safe...?

My heart goes out to all in the path of the storm.


02-01-2011, 10:19 PM
I had no idea about this cyclone bearing down on Australia. This breaks my heart and terrifies me so I can only imagine what it must be like for those who are in it's path. I'll be keeping our Aussie friends in my prayers.

02-01-2011, 10:47 PM
First I read about it too. You guys have had some bad luck this year. Geez....You'll be grateful for winter. UGH. Hang in there dear Aussie friends.

Casey's Mom
02-01-2011, 11:15 PM
Alison do we have any members in the Cairns area or are you the closest to this event? I cannot believe all that your country has been through in the last little while. Stay safe and keep us posted.

I have been checking our national news online every morning (CBC) which always carries world events and that is where I first read of the cyclone a few days ago. I will keep checking and praying for everyone.

Love and hugs,

02-02-2011, 12:48 AM
I pretty sure I am the closest - although I am by no means close thank goodness.

Actually Brisbane is closer to Melbourne than it is to Cairns despite being in the same state (Queensland).


Squirt's Mom
02-02-2011, 10:12 AM
Yesterday I read about this cyclone and was just dumbfounded that Australia is now facing this devastation. :( Glynda, Katrina is what came to my mind, too, and the horror of the aftermath in New Orleans.

I met a pup in Memphis at the Humane Society there who had lost a leg due to an injury sustained in Katrina. He brought home with force what the animals and humans endured and are still enduring years later. :(

Prayers continue for your beautiful, unique home land.

(Tho, I gotta say - based on some of the pics that John has posted of the bugs ya'll got....well, Australia isn't ALL beautiful! :eek::o:D )