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01-21-2011, 12:05 PM
Bunny adopters needed.

You may or may not have heard about the extreme case at Howard County Animal Control right now. Eighty rabbits were relinquished by a citizen who, over two years, went from two rabbits she was told were both females to nearly 80. Breeding unchecked in her house, they apparently were all running loose all over and her house was like, well, a great big litter box. But all the rabbits, ranging in age from 6 weeks to 2 years, are in good health (amazingly) and are outgoing and friendly.

Howard County Animal Control is one of the most progressive shelters for rabbits because they spay and neuter all rabbits before adoption, although they normally don't get anywhere near this many, and right now these wonderful, sweet bunnies are available for adoption, already altered, for only $30.

If you have been thinking about adopting a companion for one of your rabbits, or know a friend who has been thinking about adopting a rabbit, please help us spread the word about this situation and get as many adopted as possible. Area rescues have been overwhelmed trying to deal with this case. It has been on the news (WBAL-tv) and among Bright Eyes is taking some in lieu of adopting out our current rabbits and placing these with our current potential adopters, and also House Rabbit Society, Bunny Magic and Cherished Companions, have all helped out.

I will be glad to help anyone with advice for bonding rabbits (ideally matching should wait until 30 days after altering) but did you know bonding is almost not necessary when placing a baby bunny with an adult? Many of these rabbits are very young. If you or someone you know might be able to help, please see the photos and description below for information on who to contact at the shelter and don't hesitate, do it today!

Many kind thanks for your consideration and thank you all for the support during 2010. I haven't been able to get to donation receipts from December 2010 yet, but I will have them sent out in the next few days. Thanks for your patience. It has been a wild four weeks these last four weeks!

Hoping everyone has a very happy 2011. Let's all pitch in to help these wonderful bunnies get to see 2012 and beyond! Thank you!

Patti Henningsen
Bright Eyes Sanctuary